nonwoven filters media

FOREWORD Nonwoven materials used in filtration applications are an important part ofthe worldwide nonwoven industry. It is the fourtl largest nOOWQV€flS maFl\let in N"e~tN iXl-TWriea. Global 3Fltltlal coasumprron o ~ n8FP.VQV(gD f:illlermedia is approaching $2 billion. The consumption ofnonwoven filter media now exceeds $400 million in North America. Nonwoven filter materials continue to grow and capture a growing share of the filter media market because of their excellent performance and economical cost. It is a large industry, but very diverse w ith many types offilter producers supplying a 'vide variety offiltering systems and filter media to meet a wide va iety of liquid, air and gaseous fluids filtration needs. The end markets a e numerous and it would require pages to list them all. The average consumer is aware of filters used in their daily life, such as coffeefilters, tea bags, furnace filters and disposable vacuum cleaner bags. They may be unaware f the filter systems and media used for their drinking water, air filtration a their work place or in their car, food and beverage filtration and a host ofindustrial processes which use filtration to separate materials, reduce pollution and improve the quality of their life. This-ldarrdbOOkis INDA's first primer on the filtration industry. The book is intended to provide an overview of the total filtration industry and the growing consumption ofnonwoven media ina variety offiltration applications. Thisprimer is intended to be used as an educational and information tool. INDA's mission is to promote the growth and profitability of the nonwovens industry worldwide. In serving its membership, INDAcontinually reviews and produces statistics on the nonwoven industry in North America and many world regions. In addition to a whole range ofpublications, INDAsponsors expositions and conferences, offers government relations, as well as technical, marketing and international trade services. This Handbook is an example of one of the many services that aid us in achieving our mission. Ted Wirtz President, INDA

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Nonwo ve n m ate ria ls u sed in filtratio n a pp lic atio ns are a n im po rta nt p art o f th ewo rl dw ide nonwoven in dus tr y. Itis th e fo urtl la rg es t nOOWQV€flS end . .. s e maFl \l etin N"e~tNiXl-TWriea. Global 3Fltltlal coasumprron o~ n8FP.VQV(gD f :i lll ermed ia i sa pp ro ac hin g $ 2 b illio n. T he c on sumptio n o f n o nwo ve n filte r m e dia n ow e xc ee ds$ 40 0 m illio n in N orth Am eric a. N onwo ve n filte r m ateria ls c on tin ue to g ro w a ndcapture a grow ing share of the filter m edia m arket because of their excellentperform ance and econom ical cost. It is a large industry, bu t very d iverse w ithm an y ty pes o f filte r p ro du ce rs su pp ly in g a 'v id e v arie ty o f filte rin g sy stems a ndfilter m edia to m eet a w ide variety of liquid, air and gaseous fluids filtrationneeds. The end m arkets are num erous and it w ould require pages to list themall. The average consum er is aw are of filters used in their daily life, such asc offe e filte rs , te a b ag s, fu rn ac e filte rs a nd d is po sa ble v ac uum c le an er b ag s. T he ym ay be unaw are of the filter system s and m edia used for their drinking w ater,air filtration at their w ork place or in their car, food and beverage filtration anda h ost o f in du stria l p ro ce ss es w hic h u se filtra tio n to se pa rate m ate rials, re du cep ollution and im prove the quality of their life .

T his-ldarrdbOOk i s INDA's first prim er on the filtration indu stry. T he book isintended to p rovide an overview of the total filtration indu stry and the grow ingcon sump ti on o f n onwov en medi a i n a v ar ie ty o f fi lt ra tio n app li ca ti on s. Th is p rimeris intended to be used as an educational and inform ation tool.

IN DA 's m ission is to prom ote the grow th and profitability of the nonw ovensin du stry w orld wid e. In se rv in g its m em bers hip , INDA c on tin ua lly rev ie ws a ndp ro du ces statistic s o n th e n onwo ve n in du stry in N orth Am erica an d m an y w orldre gio ns . In a dd itio n to a wh ole ra ng e o f p ub lic atio ns , INDAspo ns ors e xp os itio nsa nd c on fe ren ce s, o ffe rs g ov ernme nt rela tio ns , a s w ell as te ch nic al, m ark etin gand international trade services. This H andbook is an exam ple of one of them any services that aid u s in achieving our m issio n.

T ed W i rtz

P re sid en t, INDA

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T he w orldw ide m arket fo r filter equipm ent and system s, filter elem ents andfilter m edia is an industry w orth m ore than $100 billion per y ear. T he industryh as b ee n g row in g c on sis te ntly in th e 3 -5% ra ng e p er y ea r. F iltra tio n is th e p ro ce ssof separating one substance from another and there are m any types of filtersystem s depending upon the nature of the m aterials to be separated. Theseme th od s i nc lu de e le ctr os ta tic p re cip it ato rs , c en tr if ug es , c yc lo ne s, s cr ub be rs a ndmechani ca l s ep ar at io n. Mechani ca l f il tr at io n, s ome times c al le d b ar rie r f ilt ra ti on ,refers to a category of filter system s that use a filter m edia to separate fluids,either gaseous or liquid, from contam inants or other particle m aterials. T hishandbook w ill focus on m echanical filtering system s and their need for filterm edia. A s sh ow n in the F igure 1 opposite, there are m any types of f ilter m edia.Some are more or less reusable. Examples of reusab le m edia are sand andd ia toma ce ou s e arth u sed to filte r d rin kin g w ate r a nd sw imm in g p oo ls , o r w ov enm ed ia an d c lea na ble n ee dle pu nch ed n onwo ven s u se d in a ir filtra tio n. R e usa blem edia w ill be discussed in this handbook but w ill not be covered in detail. Thishandbook w ill focus o n w hat w e term disposable m edia. S everal technologiesd om in ate th e d is po sa ble filte r m e dia m a rk et, w h ic h in clu de p ap er, Wo ve n fa bric s,loose batting or hi-loft w adding and various nonwoven materials. M ores pe cific ally , th is h an db oo k w ill re view filte r m e dia th at is m a de o f fib ro us m e dia ,w hic h in clu de p ap er, fib er g la ss, n atu ra l a nd sy nth etic fib ers.

The disposable filter m edia m arket around the w orld has been grow ing4-5%per y ea r. InNorth Am erica , filte r m ed ia is e xp ec ted to m ain ta in a n a nn ual g ro wthrate of about 6% per year. D riving the grow th of fibrous m edia is the need torep la ce filters o n a re gu la r b asis a s th ey b ec om e lo acle d w tt\b t he c on tamin an tsth ey are s cre en in g. T he in cre as in g in du stria l a ctiv ity in No rth Ame ric a a nd o th erw orld regions have a direct im pact on the rising consum ption of filter m edia.A lso, the rising aw areness of governm en ts, environm ental agencies, industrya nd th e g en era l p ub lic fo r a c le an er, h ea lth ie r e nv iro nme nt is fo rc in g t he m c re as edu se o f filtra tio n in m a ny in du stria l p ro ce ss es . A fu rth er d riv in g fo rc e is th e g row in g. necessity of a clean air environ ment in m any advanced technology industries,s uc h a s e le ctr on ic s, medi ca l, p ha rmaceut ic al s, b io lo gi ca l r e se ar ch , n uc le ar e ne rg yin sta lla tio ns a nd o th ers .

T he filtra tio n in du stry is ex tremely b ro ad w ith m an y fo rm s o f f ilterin g sy stemsand filtration m edia. F igure 1 on the opposite page is an illustrated overview of


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th e m ech an ic al filtration in du stry a nd th e v ario us m ed ia u sed w hile fo cu ssin gon nonw oven m edia. T he term inology in Figure 1 w ill be explained later in thehandbook. Nonwovens cu rren tly h av e cap tu red alm ost h alf o f th e d ispo sa blefiltration m ed ia m ark et. T he comb in atio n o f g oo d p erform an ce an d ec on om icc ost is in crea sin g n onw ove ns' sh are o f t he to tal fib er m edia m arke t.


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AutomotiveFuelEngi ne l ub ri ca ti ng o ilI nt er io r ( cab in )E ng in e a ir in ta keB ra ke s, p ow er stee rin gT ransm is si on f lu id s

Food & BeveragesBo ttl ed wa te r

C la rify in g W i ne , b ee r a nddist il led beveragesEd ib le o ils , c oo ki ng o il sMilkFood f lavor sS yrups: corn, m aple and otherfoodstuffs.H old in g tan k v en ts, a ir in tak esTea,coffeeSugar r ef in ingP ro ce ss in g g ra in p ro du ct s:s oy be an s, c orn

P owe r G e ne ra tio n In du stryWa te r in ta keEf fluen t wa terS te am gen er at or sDemineralizersCoo la nt wa te rSm ok e s ta ck emiss io ns

T ra nspo rt ati on I ndus tr yFue l, o il f il te rsIn te rio r a ir h an dlin g s ys tem sAir in takes

HomeSw imm in g p oo lFu rn ac e, a ir c ondi tio ni ngE xh au st fa nLaundryVacuum c le an er

Elect ron ic Indust ryW a te r p re -filtratio n an d p ostf il tr at ion and de ion iza tion

SolventsAc id , b as e solu ti on sSemi- conduc to r manu fac tu ringC l ea n ro om a ir filtra tio n

W a ter T re atm en t In du stryDesa l in iza t ionIn ta ke wa te r

Chemica l I ndust ryGene ra l p ro ce ss in du st ri esLiqu id detergen tsFab ri c coat ing s

Pape r c oa ti ng sPa in ts , tu rp en tin e, v ar so l

Dye s tu ff sP r in ti ng ink sMake -u p wa te rAdhesivesElect rop la t ing so lu t ionsCoatingsF lo ppy d is c c oa tin gsPhot og ra ph ic f ilm d ev el opmen t

Nucle ar Power Gene ra ti on

In te rio r a ir su pp ly an d e xh au stW a te r in ta ke a nd e fflu en tLub ri ca ti ng o il s

v .

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, , ' "

Toile tr ie s a nd Co sme tic In du stryC la rif yin g c on ce ntr ate s u se d in

p ro du cts, su ch a s fru it ju ic esFina l f il te r ingOi l s ext rac t ion

P ulp an d P ape r In du stryL a rg e q ua ntitie s o f f ilte re d

w ater a re usedinbleacbmg,p ulp in g a nd wa sh in g.

Pha rmaceu ti ca l/B io log ic a l Indus tr ie sOphthalmicsOra l med ic a ti onsP ar en ta l f lu id sM a ke -u p w ate rC ultu re s and gro wth m ed iaS erum , se rum fra ctio ns


M i nin g a nd M i ne ra l P ro ce ss in gIn ta ke wa te rEffluentCoo l ing wa t er

Ce rn e n t/ Aspha lt P roduc tio nE xha ust air d ust rem ov al
