nonprofit barre rescue squad,media & commonwealth's lies


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Post on 20-Jul-2016




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In May 2013 the former Director of the Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS, Jamie Pianka, would forward me an email stating how the private, nonprofit Barre Emergency & Rescue Squad Inc. was no longer a licensed entity.No further explanation was ever provided. In fact, the MA Department of Public Health has even gone as far as claiming this ambulance service, which was formed in 1972, was never the provider for the Town of Barre rather it was/is a municipal service.The lies have never stopped...The following newspaper clipping from 2011 - 2013 from the Barre Gazette and Worcester Telegram & Gazette offer another "perspective" exposing the Commonwealth's lies and deception.Note the following:1. Charles Fullam, a member of the Squad since the 70's, has regulary been identifed as its Captain and the media identify the service as the Barre Emergency and Rescue Squad - not Barre Ambulance Service or Barre EMS;2. The Town of Barre is the one contracting with a third party collection agency - not the Squad even the revenue is LEGALLY theirs to claim;3. Why would a public hearing or town meeting be required for any policy changes or capital outlay expenses executed by the private, nonprofit?4. The idea of public safety complex and/or new ambulance building have quietly been abandoned by the town. Why?5. Why would the private "ambulance recommend" anything to the board of selectmen when it's their corporation?6. Fact. The T&G has identified the service as a private, nonprofit.7. Fact. Barre has been unable to provide any documentation allowing a municipality to not only collect the Squad's receipts but also invest the money.