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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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The Usage Lifecycle

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So What's the Big Deal

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Only 2 years ago, employers spent

• about $30 billion on

advertising, career fairs, and headhunters with about $8.5 billion of that spent on newspaper, job board, and other forms of recruitment advertising.

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• As the recession hit in 2008 and 2009, the total spending on recruitment advertising dropped by about two-thirds

to about $3.5 billion:

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What is Twitter?

“Twitter is instant messaging made available to the public”

Hugh Hewitt

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How to create a bio


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• mark each tweet with a hashtag (#) denoting that you are associating it with that chat or topic.

• Why Tweet? • Be seen as an expert • Connect with other experts and resources • Do real time research • Nurture relationships with other industry leaders • Own your niche

• -Maria Elena Duron

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• Twitter data: 105M reg user, 180M unique visitors/mo, but 75% traffic outside of > those are beautiful stats!

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• Twitter is fast becoming a ‘search engine for conversations’

» Penny Power

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Text Messaging and Chat Abbreviations

• A Guide to Understanding Text Messages, Chat Acronyms, and Twitter Messages


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Twitter trumps New York Times, Wall Street Journal

• In April, according to Compete, Twitter

drew 19.4 million unique visitors drew 15.6 million drew 12.2 million

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Twitter Short ListWho should we follow


Making long URLs usable!•

Set up Twitter on a schedule•

I’m searching for information•

Create a Custom Background


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• Giving away access to information rewards the giver by building followers.

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The more followers, the more information comes to the giver to distribute

which in turn builds more followers

– Rosabeth Moss Kanter

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Ways to Increase your Twitter Followers

• Target Power Tweeters Tweet o Clock lets you know the best time to contact a particular Tweeter and displays

their most active timeframes –• Utilise Good Karma

Tweet Deck allows you to create and manage Twitter lists. You can easily create a list of people who you want to monitor that week in order to reply to any cries for help –

• Tweet During Rush Hour However, the most active hour for people engaging in the twittersphere is between 1pm and 2pm every day

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• Follow Other People Who Should I Follow analyses your Twitter profile based on Bio, existing friends and Tweets and then generates a list of recommended people you should follow. You can alter the list based on location and popularity –

• Interact with your Followers Tweet Beep is a very effective tool that sends you alerts for a range of specified keywords. This will ensure you

never miss an opportunity to join or reply to a conversation -

• Be a Resource Twit Doc allows you to upload a document, image or video and share it across Twitter –

• Follow other People with the same Interest

Twitterrel allows you to find people who have a similar interest as you –

• Make people Aware • Put links to your Twitter profile everywhere. Link it on your blog, Facebook Fan Page, email

signature, and everywhere else you have a presence online.

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•   Utilise the Hash Tag Twit Scoop displays in real-time the words which are buzzing right now on twitter so take advantage and utilise

the hash key for relevant trending topics –

• Get Retweeted

ReTweet Radar puts together a cloud of terms that are currently being retweeted, ranks most retweeted users of Twitter and ranks the links that are being retweeted. If a topic close to your industry is a tending topic to retweet, get involved in the action –

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What is a Blog?

• is a type of website, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

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• Read 600 Popular Magazines Online for Free! – Maggwire


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Display all your social profiles and other online activities in one place.


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Are you looking to embed your social business card in your

website or your email signature


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Sales is about connecting with the customer

creating real value

and solving their problems

I don’t think sales is just about the pitch.

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