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Nobody seems to speak English here today Authenticity in the Context of Aviation English Dan Douglas Iowa State University CULI Seminar 8 November 2013 1

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Nobody seems to speak

English here today

Authenticity in the Context of

Aviation English

Dan Douglas

Iowa State University

CULI Seminar 8 November 2013 1

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What is Authenticity?

• A property of the response language users

make to spoken and written texts

• They accept the text as a situationally

appropriate communication

• They respond to it in what they deem to be an

appropriate manner


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Genuine / Authentic

• Pilot/Air Traffic Controller Communication: Both genuine

and authentic

• Actual airplane, control tower, radio transmission

• ATC: JWA 4124 radar service terminated, maintain

flight level 390, contact Peachtree Controller 125.5.

• Pilot: 125.5, JWA 4124

• But…take the genuine communication out of the context

and put it into a language test…

• No airplane, no tower, no radio

• Still genuine, but authenticity is lost


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Contextual Features that

Promote Authenticity

• Setting: Physical and Temporal

• Participants: Personal and Social

• Purpose: Apart from psychometric

• Form/Content: Rhetorical and Topical

• Tone: Speaker/Writer Attitude

• Language: Channel, Modality, Dialect, Register

• Norms of Interaction: Behavioral Expectations

• Genre: Type of Text


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Authenticity Exemplified in

Aviation English Assessment

In 2003 the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO)

a) stipulated the use of ICAO phraseology


b) strengthened the provisions that English be

made available for international radiotelephony

communications; and

c) clarified that both phraseology and plain

language proficiency are required. 5

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Phraseology and

Plain Language

• Phraseology: Standardized language forms

used in routine pilot/controller

communication • ATC: …Seven Tango Romeo traffic short final, cleared

to land, wind three three zero at one one.

• Pilot: Clear to land, Seven Tango Romeo.


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Phraseology and

Plain Language • Plain Language: Departure from Phraseology,

usually in non-routine situations

• ATC: What is your present level?

• Pilot: 327

• ATC: [stuttering]…eh…maintain now that level

and report passing Zagreb

• Pilot: What level?

• ATC: At which you are now climbing,

because…eh…you have an aircraft in front of you

at…335 from left to right.


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International Civil Aviation Organization

Language Proficiency Requirements: ICAO

Document 9835 (2004)

• …radiotelephony communications shall be

conducted either in the language of the

station on the ground or in English, and…

English shall be made available when pilots

are unable to use the language of the station

on the ground.

• ICAO also set standards for the required

level of proficiency in English.


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ICAO Document 9835

• The ICAO language proficiency requirements apply to

native and non-native speakers alike.

• The burden of improving radiotelephony communications

should be shared by native and non-native speakers.

• Pilots and controllers should be aware of the natural

hazards of cross-cultural communication.

• Native and other expert users of English should refrain

from the use of idioms, colloquialisms, and other jargon in

radiotelephony communications and should modulate their

rate of delivery.

• Native speakers must ensure that their variety of English is

comprehensible to the international aeronautical

community. 9

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ICAO Doc 9835 again… • “English for specific purposes (ESP) is an approach to

language teaching that focusses programme content on

subjects, topics, and issues of direct interest to learners.

ESP training is driven by what learners need to do in

English and focusses principally on those features of the

language which are required to undertake a particular

task.” Sec. 4.4.2

• This focus on ESP immediately puts the ball in the non-

native English speakers’ court…and the subsequent

guidelines for training and assessment certainly assume a

focus on non-native learners of English


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ICAO Rating Scale

Again, the focus is on non-native speakers of

English… 11

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Why (particularly) American Pilots

tend not to use Prescribed

Phraseology The Chuck Yeager Syndrome…

• Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager

(born 1923, West Virginia)

• He was the first pilot to travel faster

than sound (1947).

• Thought to be the embodiment of

“The Right Stuff” among other


• He has a unique speaking style…


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Aviation English

• Yeager in The Right Stuff

• Beeman’s: a brand of chewing gum…

• Partial Transcript

• ATC: Aircraft on ramp – did you file a flight


• ATC: Aircraft on ramp – did you file a flight


• Yeager: Yeah, I’m just takin’ her up to wring

her out here a little bit…any objections?

• ATC: That’s Yeager! 13

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The Problem with the Chuck

Yeager Syndrome…

• Who doesn’t want to be like Chuck Yeager?

• English native-speaker pilots and ATCOs, and

particularly American pilots and ATCOs, often

prefer to use plain English over Prescribed

Phraseology…and colloquial plain English at that

• This is compounded by a lack of intercultural

sensitivity and an unwillingness to accommodate

English L2 speakers

• The frequent result is miscommunication…


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Nobody seems to speak English here

today… ATC: 981 – have they cleared you into the ramp?

Pilot: Roger – ramp…to the ramp, 981

ATC: OK, they have cleared you into the ramp?

ATC: 981 – Ground

ATC: 981 – Kennedy Ground

Pilot: 981 – go ahead

ATC: Have you been cleared into the ramp?

Pilot: OK, cleared to the ramp

ATC: No! That was a question – have the ramp people cleared you into the gate?

Pilot: Roger, to the gate, 981

ATC: I’ll try it again – it’s a question – hold your position - this is a question -

interrogative - have you been cleared into your gate?

Pilot: OK, we’ll hold here

ATC: OK, how about the question? - have they cleared you into the gate?

Pilot: Roger

Pilot 2: Ground, good afternoon […]

ATC: […] 406 – what’s your gate assignment?

Pilot 2: Gate number 2

ATC: OK, hold short 2 to right, call the ramp, ask them in very simple English if you can

get to your gate now or not – that’s all I want to know

Pilot 2: Roger, wilco

ATC: Ask them if anybody at that terminal can get to their ramp besides Air France,

please, because they don’t seem to be – nobody seems to speak English here

today… 15

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ATC Communication Problems

• When faced with non-comprehension, ATC

• Talks louder

• Diction is more deliberate

• Standardized Phraseology not used

• Uses inappropriate vocabulary

• Uses intonation rather than syntax for question


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International Civil Aviation English

Association (ICAEA) Forum 2013 Cross-Cultural Awareness and Aviation

English Training, Paris, 18-19 April

• Gareth Lloyd Evans, Emirates Airlines • Research shows how the pilot professional culture tends to dominate.

The unknown to some extent is the impact of ATC professional

culture over national culture.

• The industry wants reliable communications but also wants the

operators (Pilots/ATC) to be resilient and recover from a

communication error when it occurs. Culture impacts on both

reliability and resilience.

• Historically training has focussed on improving reliability but has

been fairly ‘mechanical’ and so quite blind to cultural issues. Many

airlines have the benefit of a multicultural workforce where day to

day communication can unreliable and so encourages culturally aware

resilient behaviours.


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Aviation English Testing


• ICAO tests only NNSs of English

• Ignores several factors identified by Kim 2012

Kim, H. 2012. Exploring the construct of aviation communication: a critique of the

ICAO language proficiency policy. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of



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Kim 2012

• A native English speaker bias in the current ICAO


• Policy ignores issues of aviation experience and


• A lack of professional knowledge by either pilot

or air traffic controller was responsible for

unnecessarily extended and potentially ambiguous


• A lack of adherence to standard conventions also

impeded communication


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Kim 2012

• Responsibility for misunderstanding is shared: the

appropriate use of accommodation strategies by

both native and non-native English speaking

interlocutors is critical to achieve…precise and

efficient communication

• Conclusion: • The view of language proficiency underlying the ICAO policy is

biased and hence the basis for decisions regarding the

communicative readiness of aviation personnel is inappropriate.

• Kim calls for a reconceptualisation of the construct of

radiotelephony communication in the interests of improved policy

formation, test development and training


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Kim & Elder 2009

The ICAO language testing policy…focuses

only on language proficiency, with the

implication that the onus rests only on the

non-native English speaking pilots and

controllers to “lift their game’’. p. 15

Kim, H. and Elder, C. 2009. Understanding aviation English as a lingua

franca: Perceptions of korean aviation personnel. Australian Review of

Applied Linguistics, 32.3: 23.1-23.17.


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What does all this have to do

with Authenticity?

• Interactional Competence

• Within context of English as a Lingua


• Features of Authenticity

• Participants: including English L1


• Tone: Speakers’ attitudes

• Norms of Interaction: Behavioral



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What to do about it?

• Since English…is generally the language

used and

• …since the participants in the exchange are

by no means all native speakers

• …it is more helpful to think of aviation

English as a lingua franca than as a

restricted specific purpose code. p. 14

McNamara, T. 2012. At last: Assessment and English as a lingua franca.

Plenary talk at 5th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 24

May, Istanbul.


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Kim & Elder 2009

• Recommend a test of English as a Lingua

Franca (ELF)

• For both NNSs and NSs


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Aviation English as ELF

• The term lingua franca is usually taken to mean

“any lingual medium of communication between

people of different mother tongues, for whom it is

a second language” Seidlhofer, B. 2004. Research perspectives on teaching English as a lingua franca.

Annual Review of Applied Linguistics24: 209-239.


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Jenkins 2000 • …no justification for doggedly persisting in referring to an

item as ‘an error’ if the vast majority of the world’s L2

English speakers produce and understand it.

• …it is for L1 speakers to move their own receptive goal

posts and adjust their own expectations as far as

international…uses of English are concerned. . . .

• The perhaps unpalatable truth for NSs is that if they wish

to participate in international communication in the 21st

Century, they too will have to learn [ELF]. pp. 160, 227 [emphasis added]

Jenkins, J. (2000). The phonology of English as an international language:

New models, new norms, new goals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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Kim & Elder 2009

Characterizing English as a lingua franca in

radiotelephony implies that what is

critical is not so much mastery of the

English language...but also interactional

competence whereby users’ responsibilities

for communication are shared across

participants. p. 14 (emphasis added)


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Estival & Molesworth 2009 • …communication problems within General

Aviation cannot be solely attributed to

language proficiency levels of EL2 pilots

• ...the results suggest that all pilots

experience, and contribute to,

communication problems… pp. 13-14

Estival, D. & Molesworth, B. 2009. A study of EL2 pilots’ radio

communication in the general aviation environment. Australian Review of

Applied Linguistics 24.3: 241-24.16.


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Cookson 2009

• …vital to ensure that non-native speakers

have a suitable level of English proficiency

• …undoubtedly also value in language

awareness training for native speakers

• strategies for dealing with non-native speakers

whose pronunciation is heavily influenced by

their L1. pp. 12-13

Cookson, S. 2009. Airline accidents involving linguistic factors. Australian

Review of Applied Linguistics 24.3: 22.1-22.14.


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Merritt & Maurino 2004

Cross-cultural issues in aviation can only be

resolved with joint effort. This is not

something that “they” (the other cultures)

have to fix – there is a role for people on

both sides of the interface, for members of

the dominant model as well as people

outside the dominant model. p. 172

Merritt, A. & Maurino, D. (2004). Cross-cultural Factors in Aviation Safety. In

Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research, Volume 4, pp.

147–181. Elsevier Ltd. 31

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ICAO Guidelines again… • Native and highly proficient speakers can, for example,

focus on

• keeping their intonation neutral and calm…

• take particular care to be explicit, rather than indirect, in their


• train themselves away from the use of jargon, slang, and idiomatic


• ask for readbacks and confirmation that their messages have been


• attend more carefully to readbacks in cross-cultural

communication situations, taking greater care to avoid the pitfalls

of “expectancy”.

• Additionally, a slower rate of delivery seems to make speech more

comprehensible. Sec. 3.8.2

• We need, it seems to me, to get back to this emphasis on

interactional competence in training and assessment… 32

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Interactional Competence

• Ability to tolerate and comprehend different

varieties of English (e.g., accents, syntax,

discourse styles, etc)

• Ability to negotiate meaning

• Ability to use (or adjust) phonological features

crucial for intelligibility

• Awareness of appropriate pragmatics

• Ability to accommodate

• Ability to notice and repair breakdowns in


• McNamara, T. 2012. At last: Assessment and English as a lingua franca. Plenary talk at 5th

International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 24 May, Istanbul.


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But also background


• Douglas 2000: Specific purpose language

ability results from an interaction between

specific purpose background knowledge

and language ability, by means of strategic

competence… (p. 40)

• This is backed up by research on pilots’

perceptions that experience can enhance

communication ability


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Knoch 2013

• A study of Korean pilots evaluating recorded

speech samples from a semi-direct test of aviation

English and recorded live interviews

• Finding: • “…a speaker’s level of technical knowledge,

experience, and training level was most often

mentioned…and it can therefore be assumed that this

played an important role in their evaluation of the

effectiveness of the speech sample” (p. 12)

Knoch, Ute. (2013). Using subject specialists to validate an ESP rating scale: The case of the

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rating scale. Submitted.


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Yeager Again

I have flown in just about everything, with

all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world –

British, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese,

Chinese – and there wasn’t a dime’s worth

of difference between any of them except

for one, unchanging certain fact: the best,

most skillful pilot has the most experience.


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Knoch 2013

[The findings] of this study also show how

much importance the pilots put on the

speakers’ technical knowledge and

experience and just how difficult it was for

them to separate language ability from

aviation knowledge (p.12)


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Knoch 2013

…in this specific context—namely aviation

English testing…it is possible that the

testing of language and technical knowledge

cannot and should not be separated (p. 12)


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What would an ELF-enhanced

test of aviation English look like?

• Ability to tolerate and comprehend different

varieties of English

• Task: Listen to and demonstrate comprehension

of a variety of English accents, discourse styles

• Ability to negotiate meaning

• Task: In face-to-face interview, interlocutor

produces an intentionally ambiguous utterance

which must be negotiated by candidate


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What would an ELF-enhanced

test of aviation English look like?

• Ability to use (or adjust) phonological

features crucial for intelligibility

• Task: Interlocutor indicates a failure to

comprehend candidate’s utterance, requesting a


• Awareness of appropriate pragmatics

• Task: Discourse completion in aviation context


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What would an ELF-enhanced

test of aviation English look like?

• Ability to accommodate

• Task: candidate uses simpler vocabulary or

syntax in response to interlocutor’s non-


• Ability to notice and repair breakdowns in


• Task: “say again” in response to imprecise



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What would an ELF-enhanced

test of aviation English look like?

• Background Knowledge

• A score could be given for technical knowledge

• Some tasks on the aviation English tests I’m

familiar with require technical knowledge…

• …which is ignored, I suspect

• Scoring rubric would require input from

experienced pilots and ATCOs


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What we can do

• We have a professional/ethical

responsibility to

• Continue to study the phenomenon of aviation

radiotelephony and the role of both native and

non-native speakers of English in maintaining

communication, and

• To work through our professional organizations

to encourage ICAO to revise the guidelines for

aviation English assessment to adequately

reflect the realities of using English as a lingua

franca… 43

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• Focus should not be so much on the

language forms, though these are, of course,

important, but rather on interactional


• This will enhance authenticity – the

appropriacy of response – in the assessment

of aviation communication


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Discussion Time

Dan Douglas

[email protected]