noble international language center

Noble International Language Center 1. A bit about Noble Noble is an international language center located in the heart of Beijing, just at the central business district (CBD), one of the city's busiest areas. It was first founded in 2005, but its history goes a long way back. Noble was first founded by Hayashi Mie, a Japanese headmaster and businesswoman who started cooperating with another international language center, HAO 中国語アカデミー, which had been operating since 1970 in Tokyo. Among some other languages that were taught by HAO 中国語アカデミー, were also included Spanish, Korean, French, Portuguese, Japanese, English and Chinese. Operating in Japan, HAO 中国語アカデミー had become very famous and respected among the public, owning and running some 38 branches in total, not including Noble, which at that time was still a silent partner, learning and studying the teaching methods developed by HAO 中国語アカデミー for over 35 years. In 2005, Hayashi Mie finally felt she had accumulated the best teaching methods and had acquired the necessary knowledge for delivering a new language skills and techniques to students, whether grown-ups or kids, businessmen or high school students, ones who wished to master a professional niche of a language, pass a test, apply for a job, do business or just to chat fluently with locals all over the world and overcome annoying language barriers. Hayashi Mie chose Beijing's world trade center as the most suitable area for the international language center she was about to found. She chose Lin Wen Bo, a Chinese born Japanese, as the Headmaster, and the best of staff as the school's teachers. We now have the unique opportunity to use all the experience and knowledge we have accumulated during the last 44 years in order to develop and present the beauty of the Chinese language to our English speaking students all over the world!

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Noble international language center's brochure


Page 1: Noble international language center

Noble International Language Center

1. A bit about Noble Noble is an international language center located in the heart of Beijing, just at the central business district (CBD), one of the city's busiest areas. It was first founded in 2005, but its history goes a long way back. Noble was first founded by Hayashi Mie, a Japanese headmaster and businesswoman who started cooperating with another international language center, HAO 中国語アカデミー , which had been operating since 1970 in Tokyo. Among some other languages that were taught by HAO 中国語アカデミー, were also included Spanish, Korean, French, Portuguese, Japanese, English and Chinese.

Operating in Japan, HAO 中国語アカデミー had become very famous and respected among the public, owning and running some 38 branches in total, not including Noble, which at that time was still a silent partner, learning and studying the teaching methods developed by HAO 中国語アカデミー for over 35 years.

In 2005, Hayashi Mie finally felt she had accumulated the best teaching methods and had acquired the necessary knowledge for delivering a new language skills and techniques to students, whether grown-ups or kids, businessmen or high school students, ones who wished to master a professional niche of a language, pass a test, apply for a job, do business or just to chat fluently with locals all over the world and overcome annoying language barriers.

Hayashi Mie chose Beijing's world trade center as the most suitable area for the international language center she was about to found. She chose Lin Wen Bo, a Chinese born Japanese, as the Headmaster, and the best of staff as the school's teachers. We now have the unique opportunity to use all the experience and knowledge we have accumulated during the last 44 years in order to develop and present the beauty of the Chinese language to our English speaking students all over the world!

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2. Our vision We intend to provide our students the best online learning experience from beginning to end, with a friendly, understanding and the most qualified and experienced staff of teachers. Our intention is to equip every student with a full understanding of the Chinese language down to its most hidden subtleties. We understand that different people have different ways to understand a learned material, different needs, different preferences, different time tables and different levels, and so we aspire to have a full understanding and consideration of every one of our students, and to adjust ourselves according to their needs. In the end, Our vision is to share the magic of the Chinese language with as many non-Chinese people as possible, and to do that in the most enjoyable, clear and comprehensive, satisfying way!

3. Our goal Our goal is to make every student's learning experience as enjoyable and satisfying as possible. We understand that the demand for studying Chinese is increasing rapidly on the one hand, but that many people who would like to study it just don't have the proper conditions, and cannot afford leaving their life behind and relocate to China just for that propose, on the other. Therefore, our main goal is to use Skype and online lessons in order to reach as many people who are eager to master Chinese as possible.

We intend to use all the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over more then forty years of teaching the Chinese language, with clear examples and the best teaching methods possible. Finally, we understand that different people around the globe have different fields of interest, different levels of Chinese, different ways of understanding explanations, different preferences of studying, and what's more, they have different time zones, different time tables, and different obligations. In reference to all that, we intend to do our best and answer each and every one of our student's needs, by being the most flexible that we could be, let the students choose the times and lengths of the lessons themselves, or deciding for them with their teachers. We intend to let our students choose for themselves, weather to have a 1-on-1 course or a private one for the same studying fee, the number of lessons per week or month, subject of the lessons (if they have a preferable one), and the way of studying (either by having conversations or a methodical grammar teaching, reading materials etc.)

Hayashi Mie standing in front of Noble's front desk

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4. Why Noble? With a huge mass of people and cultures, China is the most populated country on the face of the earth. It is a home for some 1.4 billion people, and counting. The Chinese booming economy during the last decade has brought up many opportunities for businessmen around the world, and the huge demand for western products, innovations and co-operations has been a fertile ground for business making in China and the like. But not only businessmen are attracted to the "only-by-name-communist-giant". China's enormous ground, being the third biggest country in the world, with an amazing number of ethnic groups, 'Han' being the major one plus 55 more minorities, It's diverse and constant changing view, have been attracting travelers and adventure seekers to explore and discover the amazing new world that has been opened up to them.

But China is not that easy a place for foreigners. In fact, it's quite hard on them, and that's probably a part of its charm. Today, 6 years after the Olympic Games were held in Beijing, most of the Chinese people's English skills are still very poor to non-existent at all, a factor which drives more and more non-Chinese speakers to start twisting their tongues in an effort to master the language, which at first glance can be seen as unstudyable.

During the last decade, more and more people have started studying the Chinese language, and accordingly, more and more Chinese schools have been opened in and out of China, courses have been developed, private lessons have been given and self-tutoring products have been sold. With such a huge selection, how can one make the right choice and enroll the school that would enrich them the most?

There are so many factors that can make the difference between a good school and a bad one, and so many variables that would make the difference between a good learning experience to remember and one that is a waste of time and money. But all of those factors can be summed up into one sentence, which is our motto:

"To give the most for the very least". This sentence expresses our view of a real good, enjoyable and worthwhile studying experience. In noble, we gathered a big variety of teachers; all of them are certified and experienced, to teach Chinese to new and old students. All of our teachers have taught kids (and even babies of 2 years of age), grown-ups, high school students, businessmen, etc. all of them have taught business Chinese and Living in Chinese courses, have delivered chatting skills and every-day skills, have prepared dozens of students for exams, and so on…

Our teaching methods count for more then 40 years of experience, and as we believe that every person has their own ways of seeing and understanding a new learned material, we try to adjust our teaching techniques and even the teachers themselves to each one of our students. We aspire to be as flexible as possible, and so, we let the students themselves to choose the learned material according to their interests, set a time that is suitable for them for the lesson, decide by themselves how long every lesson would be and the frequency of the lessons themselves. Students can change materials, books, topics, time tables, and even the teachers! In a word, we give each and every one of them special attention and personal care. To make our students comfortable and enjoy studying is a guiding line for us!

On the other hand, as any other operating business, we need to have an income in order to keep things going. But, as our motto goes, we try to keep it as cheap as can be. We have set very low prices for our lesson packs by any standard, in the hope of being very cheap on the one hand, but very valuable and accessible to anyone, on the other!

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5. How to register? It's easy to register to Noble. First, all you need to do is to contact us by one of the following ways: 1. By Facebook: Just leave us a massage on our Facebook page at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible 2. By E-mail: Contact us by mail at [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as we get your mail 3. Through our Marketing Director: You can also leave a massage on Facebook to Amir Klein at, or send him an E-mail at [email protected], our marketing manager, and he will take it from there. Once you've contacted us and told us you are interested in taking a FREE trial lesson, all we need to do is just to set a time that suits you. Your trial lesson will be held by one of our teachers, according to your level. It's very important for us to give each student the best learning experience and to set him with the most suitable teacher as possible. If you are contented with the teaching method of your teacher and are interested in registering on a lessons pack, all you need to do is to choose your favourite choice: a 10 hours pack, 30 hours pack, 50 hours pack or a 100 hours pack. It's easy to register on a lesson pack. You just neet to choose one of the following options: 1. Register through our website: Just click the following link to our webpage at, and choose your favorite option at the Paypal window. 2. Register through E-mail: Send us your E-mail address, and we will send you an E-mail containing a Paypal button on which you can choose your favorite option. 3. Register through a bank transfer: You can notify us by one of the ways mentioned above about your wish to Register to Noble through a bank transfer, and we will send you the necessary details.

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6. Packages and Prices One of the principles that guide us in Noble is 'to give the most for the very least'. According to this rule, we try to be as cheap as possible on the one hand, but to provide the best learning experience possible, on the other.

We set four different lesson packs for our students to choose from:

Type of Pack Total Price Price per Hour

10 Hours Pack 165$ 16.5$

30 Hours Pack 470$ 15.6$

50 Hours Pack 670$ 13.4$

100 Hours Pack 1140$ 11.4$

In many schools, colleges and universities, an academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.

We believe that an hour should be 60 minutes long, whether academic or not!

An hour long lesson at Noble is a 60 minutes lesson!

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7. Our staff Lin Wen Bo / 林文博

Lin Wen Bo is Noble's headmaster. Born and raised in Beijing, he graduated a Bachelor degree in education from Beijing University. Later on, he moved to Tokyo and studied Economics at Tokyo University. After Graduating with Honor and achieving a Japanese nationality, he had been working for HAO 中国語アカデミー until he met Hayashi Mie, who decided to appoint him as Noble's head.

Jasmine is the most veteran teacher at Noble, and has been teaching since 2005, when the school was first founded. She is Head of Chinese Staff, highly experienced and motivated. Graduating in 2004 at Language and Culture University in Beijing, Jasmine holds a TCFL certificate, and is always glad to direct and guide the other teachers

Jasmine /簿建敏

Lisa joined Noble in 2009, after coming to Beijing from Tokyo, where she had studied Didactics, with an emphasis on Modern and Ancient Chinese. When she has free time, she can often be found reading a history book or practicing her Japanese. Among other things, she holds a special place for Japan in her heart.

Lisa / 刘响

Carol joined the team in 2010, after getting to Beijing from her home town in Inner Mongolia. Full of Energy and charm, she swept Noble by storm. She holds a teaching certificate from the International College of Education of the Inner Mongolian University in Hohhot and her main hobbies are horse riding and mountain climbing.

Carol / 蒙古

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Gabriel Echeverría / 安东 Gabriel got to China straight from Santiago de Chile in 2011, and has been teaching English as well as Spanish at Noble since then. He is very lively and energetic, full of humor and youth spirit. His main hobbies are cycling and camping, but he likes to spend time indoors as well, reading books, watching films and playing video games!

Amir Klein / 孔安明 Amir came to Beijing in 2011, and has been working at Noble since then. Majoring in East Asian Studies, He graduated from Tel Aviv University, and made his way to China to enhance his Chinese skills. Amir was first a student at Noble, and only after graduating he became a teacher himself for the school, teaching English as well as Hebrew. He is also Noble's Marketing and Sales Director, and head of the foreigner staff. He loves writing short stories and reading books and is always eager to travel to new places.

Fico got to Beijing from the Canary Islands in 2011, and has been studying Chinese ever since. He has also been working for Noble as a Spanish and English teacher, and is very interested in learning new things himself. He loves drinking and going out, partying and having fun. He also has a serious side though, and loves to discuss and experience himself the differences between languages and cultures.

Federico Del Castillo

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8. Contact Us

Noble International Language Center


No. 39 Dong San Huan Zhong Road Jian Wai SOHO Building B Room 1207 Beijing 100022

Tel: +8658690073

Fax: +8658690079

E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: noblebeijing

北京市朝阳区东三环中路 39 号建外 SOHO B 楼 1207 室