no food emeitfi^ journal...

" low '"@E-'^*^"^^'"^^"'^ •^'^t'^"' •'•"•^'"'^^'•p'' j^r^^iis^^spsv^g^f^ X-ic' IT" *- '''~\ ."fluw.-j^-; -y-',,• «••;f;--ir»' ••^>- ->•:*.- A vm* MANASSAS, VmoiNIA. FRIDAY, IKTOBEE 8, 192^ ^ G^^**c^•m•F^ iKA.PI NAB18C0 Uneeda Biscuit UiMMkia Biscuit fEAglSOJUl C RACKERSA '^.: J^ No Food Emeitfi^ry JHBLF of this pantry la stocked with liMloaal^Biscuit Compfliiy p ^ ^ aiMi;3f6u wfU find such pdntries wherever you '«>. 1 ^ fottd cx:<^i(» can take, it by Eprpiise. ||if4it^iii^:#va^ W3a]^etil9i^'epc4^ OQc^^^lor^v ilay^tlU^ «r « }^ .tcuc^eny tine^^ptedly call^^ ThoMjaaads df homckce^fejrti everywhere h ^ learned t)ie everyday comfort d^jxiaking Bi4QU|^ a jsal ^art otdaflylare. ^^sup^y "bif N. ,B. Cproducts always in jthe houep--a fc<^ varieties—mcaiM a MANT WOMEN UGISTERXD Princ* WUIi«K C o u t r HM ttrWUto aad 4T O l a w d WMW V«Ura. Much inUr««t is takm in th* r«(i>> tration «f womu ia erary (Uto b«- cauM of the (takMWB «ir«et on UM preiidentkl •Ustioa. How tha white women will vote is pratty w«U indieat- •d by this former vot* of ths district ^ except wher* t*itieal«r activity of Buffrsfists may sUft th« vote of ex- tremists. ThejreaistaittieBiof csknd women is pret^ f a i ^ aa.incrsaao fit i:epublican votta- by the fnU-naBber of ', ffsmes reflristend.-' In Rising Snn, '-Ud., no colored person registered. In Wilmington, Del., a large reglstntioB Sif white women had no balance in the Mtoted'^registratioB. ,^:^^tittqtt eouBty, Va., shows inore than "XOM IriBien: registered and the city of Alexandria about 1400 paid the capitation tax in order to register. Of these 1227 are white and 172' are colored. Alexandria 9ill have a total of 4250 qualified voters. Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON. it. WALTON MOOBB SPKAU ¥«do JNM Addnos at tho CoorthoMe to Largo C^owd. 11,50 A^YEAR 19 ADVANCB Hon. R. Walton Moon, reprcowto- tivo from tile eighth uiiitieaeliwsi diatriet of Virgiala, mado a UM ad. dress at the court honoe at thtl noon intonnissieii. Moii4*y. Ho ^>^M fer an boor and a balf to a largo and K»- prodative audieneo. Mr. 3. Qi Aden, of Ca}pepor.,.Jpiaocratic doctor fof S9 colored women to its list of voters.! avoft-war. These expressions had ^rippM IBHOMK* Axaat Wai Chargai Wttk Mnrdv af J. R. BiifliT D>«^ 1 '^ieilttittod.'' was the vefdiet rsadb. ed ior the Jury in tb* ease of OommoB- waaltli vs. AustlD OB Wednesd«y afto». noea, aftor a trial that rontwied th» bettor part of j ^ days otilH Oetobar twin 9t «tmi for PiifiBe WHUiuaL. this district was present bat ^ IM» ,9»o Jury, after hearii«^ the ovidcMo speak. ML Moore diseussod tiw league of nationa aad q|>lMld.^ atti. tnde of the administration on this vi- tal- (piestion. He reviewed the aettoa and insrtien of ^Bagress, under xopub- lieaa control, «Bd discussed in dMail the various tC)|)ios in wVeh the district is interestod. Mr. MOON holds that the pUui of a league of nations to minimise the dan- ger of future wars had received the sanction of congrofs by unanimous resAlntion.. Hctiracee the expressions of £ho P r e ^ ^ t on tho.part^t%IJi>iat4. States had to play hi tHs w i^ sttafai a concert of free peoples wlio would Richmond has jnore thka 12000 wo-1 men votei;;^ to tbof^ 16,009 man. The Virgvu* leagne of'Women-Voters is respobsiblo for tiie l a ^ registration. Two volunteer registrars are credited With A large part of the sncceee. They provolcod no dissmt from the B^pidiil: can party. The President had incor- porated suggestions of prominent Re. publicans into the draft of tte treaty and t}io leagOe now luid the siqpiport of many ondneat repUbliemtioDs sopo of be wheeled Jumsejf. TMi—VSM—>—,^-^- sentod to, aad^Aosfis, flilowed by tlNT Jury, attorneys 4er both tiie defen— ^\ fcT^ L-~-\ ^ great saving of time and labor and the ready ^ Saving of joa^my a problecfl pf wtiat^tb-ecrve. y Have an N. R C. shelf in yoar pantry. Thfc^ day-by-day convenience arid appetite-sati^ac- tia^ "vpJl wdl reps^^ you, ^y<c^ vari^ cotXfCSt - tb your table ^veo-^sweet £ ^ fiesb^ no n ^ ' wfaeie bought or when you open the ^tytecting In-«r-seal Trade Mark pacl^ige; Tour grocer carries a complete BfiCr A few packages on your paijilry shelf saves constant ' re-orderixigjDid enable^ y4ja to 9l&et a i ^ food - enaergoQcy kkBtanlly'andwefi;* • .- • '•• • -•• • -V:-^ ,'.: J ... NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY m ^TSI V. /•' \7 \ iMnes fftNB too oofltafl.. Ina the floor jlinilil bo loaded tke PDn> MitNT POTATOM DOS TD DfPBOPOt SUPPING Of M*f «Ms of potatoes inspected by agwta of (ho Boreso of HariMta^ United Staitos D i » M > w t of A « r t i ^ '<hn», d o r i ^ UM rmt SMiei Jfir h iSm, aon than 2,0« can showod ' daaMffs fnmi f^oosing. fn/tteUtm tnm eoki depends large- ly upon a eonotaot drealatiaB ef watm air axooad tke lead. Heated air from a stovofa the eenter e( ear rises totiM top, spreads mltmg the ceiling betwei^ the potatoes and the roof, tbeaee down i tiiron^ open spacei at the ends, then! Peace with Mexieo is back underneath a false floor coming' moted by a infrg«stion in out at the stove. WaghinRton Time*: Senator Cam shMld be carefully lined in(r might locate the southern at of car. Write to tiio Boraaa a# Martots, Unitad States Pepartawt of Agrknl- BMIotia IMl. pap*"r thp r«-ri ?tat^(i •««*7 OM aC.tiH li who iKvo Mdtod ts aa mi^mi tor the elBctte of Oox aad «sia<ii> WM lurtaa as'aa aeifvo Mppartar ef Ttoo- dere RoeovoK in the sitissim Crsas tiM RopaMicaa party hi UIS. Mosoly to dto Oo naaea of Ma^ow Hale, of Joha iT-Parkar, of Judge Ban fi. Uaosy, of Colorado; HarM J. lekes, of JlUaois; Praaeis J. Henoy, of California; Goo. C. Rabloe, of New Hampshire, and the I others, ia to recall the stand thoy t o ^ hardly pro- > in that historic contest. They are the Hearst's kind of Proirreasivea who from prin- Hard, oiple refuae to follow Hiram Johnson bound- ^ack to "normalcy" or suhsc;-,rie to the irrp it -f:: tiona-v l*"^*'t.r:rf^ ^-^-" .A:-**.' fr .^. are Mrs.S Cartw W. W9*^iMl*7.*iidfwhom are also supporting tho-^^^resi- Hrs. Fradk L. Jobsoia. They sowtod dent in tUs campaign. Bat tii^i re- the applicante at teUes by tiie dosan puUican party had repudiated the , ^ ,_^ , and directed the ftuing ovt of their leAjgctte and now utterly rsjact^^ it be- ^ t o in question, following A u i ^ aa applications. causa of iM >adtantage tiUit would . ^ . Newport Nfnni hW-JlOOj- aaffblk-acwV Vt the PtaaMaut if it WM| eas: r 476; Halifax 600; 17811 in Lynehlnrg. cuzted in. > -"• ~ IMncft Wiiliam county has 2M wUto He discussed the inacti«» of con- ahd \ ^ coti^red women who gross <m the sugar queMlon, thdr Cni- and Vroaecntioa, and the jndsa» •r tiie route unassisted. Up«a anival at tiie Austin homo the- jury was given an opportunity to vieW tka dapiago done by the explorton of ti». ea^ morning of Seftoniber Mi, ^ ABstiajols i medy aa sttompt was ufoahfaUfe. Atttney W«a*pier oyoaid the i kent for the iMMoattion, ttDowod hgr lb. T. £ . Didteka, of Ite fan mOalBa * Meetxa, for the doCeasai Mr. Leo^ piave paid the tax. ' The registrars tin^ down the agri«n4tan^ appropriar have not yet 'rotomed tliair l&ts to tiods aad tiMb ineraaso of civfl war the court. The number of votanrwill pensions. Ho iiOlds thai tlu adiievwnente of tlw domoaatis congress and fj<|['<r'«- tration in tha .estobBshmont .it a jlltiji. ia tike tana W;tlM «sdet»l aid to U ^ - wyya^tiad been veiy great and in trast to tho week of ti^ (.. iir»"^«ltt ^ ^nfi Saatty^eT DO soBi^itet less tlian tlw. number at taxpayers. ^ districts t&eso white a&d colored taxpayeai are as f^ows: Brents^e 28 white, 1 eeloto^CoWg i whiterDomMes 8 wliito; GaiaiaviBa- •B wfai^^ 28 colored; Mbnassas itnm JM wWto, 15 «<rfor«d. <ttrtxi«(^«Ut^ ^^ammi^^Otio(pltbl2i^»*^..' ;.. \ '.'< T^tMPOVNTT MraiORIAL ^ ••- ^^•-BHitorrAL--. . . (Coatribntad) | 1^ «.« TitlviHw •«* !>-;-»» wrnH««. JPa^jqi^ and Fairfax: The ^abovo caption is proposed ss the load name as title of an^instito- tion g k ^ o d as nevet before by iti record on the far ^nag battle lines of Europe: - 1 ^ outstanding feature, of the moat faunentalde and inexcusable of aD wars< appears in the well nigh mizaealous success of ibd mea/nurel (uaiflu^i^-by the army medleat'OHiir with ito Bod Cross anxilivies, in sav- ing life and restoraig to liealth tiie desperately maimed and Wounded. Wd hav« tnstitatioBs ia abaadanre foir.iiM savihfr aad caio of the sool and fat the tilfining of the mind, bat wcare w«»- fnlly doikjent ia iiwtitatiMial provi. «ion fw tiie care and cure of tiie body. „,<^ ^„ their? heads perhaps five ttojiply was created tot and the re- »iiiiMi «f tiiem ai» wago-aamora: 1*e dampHoa of the body snan tho power ftdkamtei ht tbM fatt is of wnxuvU^ is the crown ^ Xian ~^ added, aad UI tWwHwg moi know fUtk. It was in 'a hninaa body that tkafe what Mr. ^*v^ said is true. .Obtist served and nfforod. aad Us i^ . , «wntry oa sartii Is labor bet- woadeifid worim were for the most ^^ conditioasd ttian in the United part occupied with tiie heaUag and q^^,^ ^ ^gg, raUaf of the bo<|y. 'odacatioa auira FaUov citisena tho heapftal n a ^ tunitiea m«i« ka^ # a p with the ehorrii and. tha tfaaas-Oispatoh. sdHal t( CMC tsith ia to be JaatiOed ia '^ Wheki^liie American Fedoation of i^tpifotf^^^fntuitiiB^~~t^ mombertidp 6f mt^ tliataS$j00O,MO woririagmen, and with which Vore tiian 8,000/100 rail- way employe^ are affiUatod in addi- tioBv ooodenUiedttcTBritish aad Inter- national Labw pa^es, the soundest patriotism on .the pdrt of the Ameri' can w<«k« found eSpressiwi. The fedezatidn gave a definite and ceacln. sive answer to the anarchistic appeals of radical labor movemente abroad and took ite P^KO once niMe squarely on tlie side o^^orderiy govemmsat. FiankUn K.'Lane once declared ^ a t revblol^ea would neoar eoaie ia cooatry tea miHioB of whose cttiseas Owned tlMtr own homes. And of the ten' milliim Americans who own th( AU8HM ACQCTTTKI>PN ViONBSIUY LAS» Md vgumea^, w«s oat but minutes. XtoA J. Austfai, crippled ia- suranee agent of lifsnsssas, wa§ ekargod with the murder of J. £ Bailey Davis on the streete of Maaaa. sas on the night of Hay third laa^ after, as was diown by evtdoioa givea in cotart, Dsvis had sdmi,tiMd iaiproper ;r^ relations with Austin's wtfe. After receiving tiie testimony of tlw witness^ for the commoowasltk, Aua- ^ was called to the stand. He'^toU . of Davis having confessed Us improi^ ar eoadnct -and his papmiso to leav», Msaassas. At tiiis point the qnestia* of Austin's usual routes in his wheal chair to and ftrom his home waa broui^ upi Some of tlie witnesses-far the oraimoawaalth having previously ttiproMed their doulit as to Aastia'k. abOity to ^Aed hiaiself over the root* be stated as havtaig talMniUfp imaiiliia of the murdear. Jcim L.'Lee, eiiiaf couns^ for tha ' defense, here asked Judge Brent to pttmtt^the juxy to be-triBsa over tiha i ^. •i f. -i iaad the argaqHot |br after addeh CnanMHtwUtt At) Lion made the liirgBltatth»jiliia*. cntion. "rho following aerved as i«rymen far this tr^: ii T. Beys,^; iPraafc MB> , steady W. F. ^oodyard,' £^ C. Caitor* W. B. Abel, Fred Mason, J t A BoBiaaw Ear^ BoUins, G H. Washington. Don Bectw, ABMI^ Allen aad B. A. Wood- yard. U. D. C HOLDS MEETING Largo Portrait af Creaeral Lee Loaaed to Hi|^ School. U. D. C- hitler, b availab^ aad ia tiM ai^it of 'What aay yoat OTfML- MBBCITAIfT^ <Wb Vsar aris Wea tho stimuJatad iatsrast ilrgt began to bo aottoed in tito BepabUeaa State of Nebcaska, aad laaehod a tf****^ lOas BlixriMtii M. OTfoO, daa^rtar Thursday nigirt at Tulsa, C^tia^ wlMra od Mxa. DoBi^ OVeil,af Mawawss, '• ha waa treated to a aad 1^. WdBor T. Harehaat, sea ef sach aa ia seldsai the lot of any eaadi- i k . said Ifaa. W. TTTMoithsnt, wan 4ato to rocaivo in a towa of equal siaa. •arrivd at St Alfaaa's l^toeopal Omtk ia WaaUagtoa. MoMtay mttm- of Ike CaOega of ^ sadHUy. WltiittaanT 8«. Oaada A. Swaasoa, K. WOHM Maasa, Bsdodoiph Hantssa. sf L y n ^ of Kidard h n U M aflsr a <«w a ^ aalaa of Bqaor «a a biat dh ^ Bsto^^ mac Kivor, had ao nwmaal vriMa hi waa anaiagod ia eoart aad T. S. DU^ bwg; W. C. L. Taliaianro, of Haai^yaho waa appoiatod by Jadfa Biant t< tea; ^fcoaias IMsoa Pkg^ Dr. W. E. DoM. ef Astoria, N. T.; TeMwril Tky- lor, Norfolk; Bobeit M. H^thee, Noiw folk, aad Charles L. Lonsted, Bosa- oke. ^WSBWMWS!' Pennsylvania Dpmocrata ?ood blood m deisult of They have nomiaatad for «M<-'i',T a rii A«tU: recojrniie numberg. defend him. On Toesday he appearsc with his counsel and ^f** permittof to.plead guiky to mvder in tho sseom decree. He was sentanced to ftw years imprisonment in the peninentia ry, bat waa given crtdit for the day: he had spent in the county jail. id'. Lost—One Herafardjtw. iiio<mide»i( o4 f ipar Ben Tximond farm. Apply Va F E Manassas chapter of the held ita regalar moatiily Wedneaday aftomooe; a«:Krs. Birkett's boms. Tkoi usually large iqid,. Mxs- Westwood Hutchison presided. Hcport waa siada of tho property loiattrly used in tiM<r chapter room and It waa decided to loan to tiie Manas>as Higfa School libsMry tbs fins ! « • • portrait of GAk Biiliert El lise. In the abeenee of.Mrs. Sice, the his- tMi^, MiSr M. Ji::^Waahia|toa waa appointed to propare a pi^er abeofc Virgmia's fMwoe geogn^bar. Matt- how Foatahie Maary, who origiaato* the systenakof great drde saOtog a a i mads charto of the oceaa tunaata. - The daui^rtors have decided to piaa* Norway ma^ss asxi sprtag as BM. msrial tro^p ca Lee aveaaa. Msaio rials will a l v be pievared far the wa- maa of ths eaafiadorarf who xasdsrsd a*vico^dBrii« As CIvB war. Ths ckaptv w81 asoot again at Mia. J. E. HaiTsa'k taaaM Kiivawbirl. A to ka to SwaD caa^ at tts iMns of tiM Haary Jnakis wOI i Delegataa to«e U. D. C ( at Nashvils wata asioctod sad Mm. tiM dMVtar. IIM lBrs.Js katt aad jfaa-^kato BasitMgsr. AI- Mrs. J. B..HarralL Mia. • . M. WaaUagtaa aad Waa M t a a HCi Mr. Paal A. Baxrode. ao^of Mr. J. B. BiMiii II' I, iif »«*••••••• 1^- —*~—• sd to Msnsssas with a bride fro«i >lorth Carolina. He «as warrisd at Wisbory on Septsmber Mtii to Miaa Vngie Peapennan, at the LotlMna barch, the pastor. Rev. O. W. Alder- lojd performed the ceremony. H*.' ind- Mrs. Rexrode are viaitine • » Toom 's father a • ' ^l ay re"- aanently tr. .':. > Trv

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Page 1: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

" low

'"@E-' * " '" "' • ' t' "' •'•"•^'"'^^'•p'' j^r^^iis^^spsv^g^f^ X-ic'

IT" *- '''~\ • ."fluw.-j^-; -y-',,• «••;f;--ir»' •• >- ->•:*.-




G^^**c^•m•F^ i K A . P I NAB18C0

Uneeda Biscuit

UiMMkia Biscuit



' .: J ^

No Food Emeitfi ry JHBLF of this pantry la stocked with

liMloaal^Biscuit Compfliiy p ^ ^ aiMi;3f6u wfU find such pdntries wherever you '«>. 1^ fottd cx:<^i(» can take, it by Eprpiise. ||if4it^iii^:#va^ W3a] etil9i 'epc4 OQc ^ lor v ilay^tlU^ «r « } ^ .tcuc^eny tine^^ptedly call^^

ThoMjaaads df homckce fejrti everywhere h ^ learned t)ie everyday comfort d jxiaking Bi4QU|^ a jsal ^art otdaflylare. ^^sup^y "bif N. ,B. Cproducts always in jthe houep--a

fc< varieties—mcaiM a


Princ* WUIi«K Coutr H M ttrWUto aad 4T O l a w d W M W V«Ura.

Much inUr««t is takm in th* r«(i>> tration «f womu ia erary (Uto b«-cauM of the (takMWB «ir«et on UM preiidentkl •Ustioa. How tha white women will vote is pratty w«U indieat-•d by this former vot* of ths district

^ except wher* t*itieal«r activity of Buffrsfists may sUft th« vote of ex­tremists. ThejreaistaittieBiof csknd women is pret^ f a i ^ aa.incrsaao fit i:epublican votta- by the fnU-naBber of

', ffsmes reflristend.-' In Rising Snn, '-Ud., no colored person registered. In Wilmington, Del., a large reglstntioB Sif white women had no balance in the Mtoted'^registratioB.

,^:^^tittqtt eouBty, Va., shows inore than "XOM IriBien: registered and the city of Alexandria about 1400 paid the capitation tax in order to register. Of these 1227 are white and 172' are colored. Alexandria 9ill have a total of 4250 qualified voters.

Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and


¥«do JNM Addnos at tho CoorthoMe to Largo C owd.


Hon. R. Walton Moon, reprcowto-tivo from tile eighth uiiitieaeliwsi diatriet of Virgiala, mado a UM ad. dress at the court honoe at thtl noon intonnissieii. Moii4*y. Ho ^>^M fer an boor and a balf to a largo and K»-prodative audieneo. Mr. 3. Qi Aden, of Ca}pepor.,.Jpiaocratic doctor fof

S9 colored women to its list of voters.! avoft-war. These expressions had

^rippM IBHOMK* Axaat Wai Chargai Wttk Mnrdv af

J. R. BiifliT D>«^ 1 '^ieilttittod.'' was the vefdiet rsadb.

ed ior the Jury in tb* ease of OommoB-waaltli vs. AustlD OB Wednesd«y afto». noea, aftor a trial that rontwied th» bettor part of j ^ days otilH Oetobar twin 9t «tmi for PiifiBe WHUiuaL.

this district was present bat ^ IM» ,9»o Jury, after hearii«^ the ovidcMo speak. ML Moore diseussod tiw league of nationa aad q|>lMld.^ atti. tnde of the administration on this vi­tal- (piestion. He reviewed the aettoa and insrtien of ^Bagress, under xopub-lieaa control, «Bd discussed in dMail the various tC)|)ios in wVeh the district is interestod.

Mr. MOON holds that the pUui of a league of nations to minimise the dan­ger of future wars had received the sanction of congrofs by unanimous resAlntion.. Hctiracee the expressions of £ho P r e ^ ^ t on tho.part^t%IJi>iat4. States had to play hi tHs w i ^ sttafai a concert of free peoples wlio would

Richmond has jnore thka 12000 wo-1 men votei;; to tbof^ 16,009 man. The Virgvu* leagne of'Women-Voters is respobsiblo for tiie l a ^ registration. Two volunteer registrars are credited With A large part of the sncceee. They

provolcod no dissmt from the B^pidiil: can party. The President had incor­porated suggestions of prominent Re. publicans into the draft of t te treaty and t}io leagOe now luid the siqpiport of many ondneat repUbliemtioDs sopo of

be wheeled Jumsejf. TMi—VSM—>—,^-^-sentod to, aad^Aosfis, flilowed by tlNT Jury, attorneys 4er both tiie defen—




^ great saving of time and labor and the ready ^ Saving of joa my a problecfl pf wtiat^tb-ecrve.

y Have an N. R C. shelf in yoar pantry. Thfc^ day-by-day convenience arid appetite-sati^ac-tia^ "vpJl wdl reps ^ you, ^y<c^ var i^ cotXfCSt -tb your table ^veo- sweet £ ^ fiesb^ no n^ ' wfaeie bought or when you open the ^tytecting In-«r-seal Trade Mark pacl^ige;

Tour grocer carries a complete BfiCr A few packages on your paijilry shelf saves constant

' re-orderixigjDid enable^ y4ja to 9l&et ai^ food - enaergoQcy kkBtanlly'andwefi;*

• .- • '•• • -•• • -V:- ,'.: J ... N A T I O N A L BISCUIT COMPANY


TSI V. / • '

\7 \

iMnes fftNB too oofltafl.. Ina the floor jlinilil bo loaded



Of M*f «Ms of potatoes inspected by agwta of (ho Boreso of HariMta^ United Staitos D i»M>wt of A « r t i ^

'<hn», d o r i ^ UM rmt SMiei Jfir h iSm, a o n than 2,0« can showod

' daaMffs fnmi f^oosing. fn/tteUtm tnm eoki depends large­

ly upon a eonotaot drealatiaB ef watm air axooad tke lead. Heated air from a stovofa the eenter e( ear rises totiM top, spreads mltmg the ceiling betwei^ the potatoes and the roof, tbeaee down i tiiron^ open spacei at the ends, then! Peace with Mexieo is back underneath a false floor coming' moted by a infrg«stion in out at the stove. WaghinRton Time*: Senator

Cam shMld be carefully lined in(r might locate the southern


of car. Write to tiio Boraaa a# Martots,

Unitad States Pepartawt of Agrknl-

BMIotia IMl.

pap*"r t h p r«-ri ? ta t^ ( i

•««*7 OM aC.tiH l i who iKvo Mdtod ts aa mi^mi tor the elBctte of Oox aad «sia<ii> WM lurtaa as'aa aeifvo Mppartar ef Ttoo-dere RoeovoK in the sitissim Crsas tiM RopaMicaa party hi UIS. Mosoly to dto Oo naaea of Ma^ow Hale, of

Joha iT-Parkar, of Judge Ban fi. Uaosy, of

Colorado; HarM J. lekes, of JlUaois; Praaeis J. Henoy, of California; Goo. C. Rabloe, of New Hampshire, and the

— I others, ia to recall the stand thoy t o ^ hardly pro- > in that historic contest. They are the

Hearst's kind of Proirreasivea who from prin-Hard, oiple refuae to follow Hiram Johnson

bound- ^ack to "normalcy" or suhsc;-,rie to the irrp it -f:: tiona-v l*" *'t.r:rf ^-^-" .A:-**. ' fr .^.

are Mrs.S Cartw W. W9*^iMl*7.*iidfwhom are also supporting tho- ^ resi-Hrs. Fradk L. Jobsoia. They sowtod dent in tUs campaign. Bat tii^i re-the applicante at teUes by tiie dosan puUican party had repudiated the , ^ , _ ^ , and directed the ftuing ovt of their leAjgctte and now utterly rsjact ^ it be- ^ t o in question, following A u i ^ aa applications. causa of iM >adtantage tiUit would . ^ .

Newport Nfnni hW-JlOOj- aaffblk-acwV Vt the PtaaMaut if it WM| eas: r 476; Halifax 600; 17811 in Lynehlnrg. cuzted in. > -"• ~ IMncft Wiiliam county has 2M wUto He discussed the inacti«» of con-

ahd \ ^ coti red women who gross <m the sugar queMlon, thdr Cni-and Vroaecntioa, and the jndsa»

•r tiie route unassisted. Up«a anival at tiie Austin homo the- jury was given an opportunity to vieW tka dapiago done by the explorton of ti». e a ^ morning of Seftoniber Mi, ^ ABstiajols i medy aa sttompt was ufoahfaUfe.

Atttney W«a*pier oyoaid the i kent for the iMMoattion, ttDowod hgr l b . T. £ . Didteka, of Ite fan mOalBa * Meetxa, for the doCeasai Mr. Leo^

piave paid the tax. ' The registrars tin^ down the agri«n4tan^ appropriar have not yet 'rotomed tliair l&ts to tiods aad tiMb ineraaso of civfl war the court. The number of votanrwill pensions.

Ho iiOlds thai tlu adiievwnente of tlw domoaatis congress and fj<|['<r'«-tration in tha .estobBshmont .it a

jlltiji. ia tike tana W;tlM «sdet»l aid to U ^ -

wyya^tiad been veiy great and in trast to tho week of ti^

(.. i i r » " ^ « l t t ^ ^nfi


DO soBi^itet less tlian tlw. number at taxpayers. ^ districts t&eso white a&d colored taxpayeai are as f^ows: Brents^e 28 white, 1 eeloto^CoWg i whiterDomMes 8 wliito; GaiaiaviBa-•B wfai ^ 28 colored; Mbnassas itnm JM wWto, 15 «<rfor«d. <ttrtxi«(^«Ut^ ^^ammi^^Otio(pltbl2i^»*^..' ;.. \

'.'< T tMPOVNTT MraiORIAL ^ ••- ^^•-BHitorrAL--. . .

(Coatribntad) | 1^ «.« TitlviHw •«* !>-;-»» wrnH««.

JPa^jqi^ and Fairfax: The ^abovo caption is proposed ss

the load name as title of an^instito-tion g k ^ o d as nevet before by iti record on the far ^nag battle lines of Europe: - 1 ^ outstanding feature, of the moat faunentalde and inexcusable of aD wars< appears in the well nigh mizaealous success of ibd mea/nurel (uaiflu^i^-by the army medleat'OHiir with ito Bod Cross anxilivies, in sav­ing life and restoraig to liealth tiie desperately maimed and Wounded. Wd hav« tnstitatioBs ia abaadanre foir.iiM savihfr aad caio of the sool and fat the tilfining of the mind, bat wcare w«»-fnlly doikjent ia iiwtitatiMial provi.

«ion fw tiie care and cure of tiie body. „,<^ ^ „ their? heads perhaps five t toj iply was created tot and the re- »iiiiMi «f tiiem ai» wago-aamora: 1*e dampHoa of the body snan tho power ftdkamtei ht tbM fatt is of wnxuvU^ is the crown ^ Xian ~^ added, aad UI tWwHwg moi know fUtk. It was in 'a hninaa body that tkafe what Mr. ^*v^ said is true. .Obtist served and nfforod. aad Us i^ . , «wntry oa sartii Is labor bet-woadeifid worim were for the most ^^ conditioasd ttian in the United part occupied with tiie heaUag and q^^,^ ^ ^gg, raUaf of the bo<|y. 'odacatioa auira

FaUov citisena tho heapftal n a ^ tunitiea m«i« k a ^ # a p with the ehorrii and. tha tfaaas-Oispatoh. sdHal t( CMC tsith ia to be JaatiOed ia ' ^

Wheki^liie American Fedoation of i^tpifotf^^^fntuitiiB^~~t^ mombertidp 6f mt^ tliataS$j00O,MO woririagmen, and with which Vore tiian 8,000/100 rail­way employe^ are • affiUatod in addi-tioBv ooodenUied ttcT British aad Inter­national Labw pa^es, the soundest patriotism on .the pdrt of the Ameri' can w<«k« found eSpressiwi. The fedezatidn gave a definite and ceacln. sive answer to the anarchistic appeals of radical labor movemente abroad and took ite P^KO once niMe squarely on tlie side o^^orderiy govemmsat.

FiankUn K.'Lane once declared ^ a t revblol^ea would neoar eoaie ia cooatry tea miHioB of whose cttiseas Owned tlMtr own homes. And of the ten' milliim Americans who own th(


Md vgumea^, w«s oat but minutes. XtoA J. Austfai, crippled ia-suranee agent of lifsnsssas, wa§ ekargod with the murder of J. £ Bailey Davis on the streete of Maaaa. sas on the night of Hay third laa^ after, as was diown by evtdoioa givea in cotart, Dsvis had sdmi,tiMd iaiproper ;r relations with Austin's wtfe.

After receiving tiie testimony of tlw witness^ for the commoowasltk, Aua-^ was called to the stand. He'^toU . of Davis having confessed Us improi^ ar eoadnct -and his papmiso to leav», Msaassas. At tiiis point the qnestia* of Austin's usual routes in his wheal chair to and ftrom his home waa broui^ upi Some of tlie witnesses-far the oraimoawaalth having previously ttiproMed their doulit as to Aastia'k. abOity to ^Aed hiaiself over the root* be stated as havtaig talMniUfp imaiiliia of the murdear.

Jcim L.'Lee, eiiiaf couns^ for tha ' defense, here asked Judge Brent to pttmtt^the juxy to be-triBsa over tiha




f. -i

i a a d the argaqHot |br after addeh CnanMHtwUtt At) Lion made the liirgBltatth»jiliia*. cntion.

"rho following aerved as i«rymen far this tr^: ii T. Beys,^; iPraafc MB> , steady W. F. oodyard,' £^ C. Caitor* W. B. Abel, Fred Mason, Jt A BoBiaaw Ear^ BoUins, G H. Washington. Don Bectw, ABMI^ Allen aad B. A. Wood-yard.


Largo Portrait af Creaeral Lee Loaaed to Hi|^ School.

U. D. C-

hitler, b availab^ aad

ia tiM ai^it of 'What aay yoat


<Wb Vsar a r i s Wea tho stimuJatad iatsrast ilrgt began

to bo aottoed in tito BepabUeaa State of Nebcaska, aad laaehod a tf****

lOas BlixriMtii M. OTfoO, daa^rtar Thursday nigirt at Tulsa, C tia wlMra od Mxa. DoBi^ OVeil ,af Mawawss, '• ha waa treated to a aad 1^. WdBor T. Harehaat, sea ef sach aa ia seldsai the lot of any eaadi-i k . said Ifaa. W. TTTMoithsnt, wan 4ato to rocaivo in a towa of equal siaa. •arrivd at S t Alfaaa's l^toeopal Omtk ia WaaUagtoa. MoMtay mttm-

of Ike CaOega of ^ sadHUy. Wlt i i t taanT 8 « . Oaada A. Swaasoa, K. W O H M

Maasa, Bsdodoiph Hantssa. sf L y n ^

of Kidard h n U M aflsr a <«w a ^

aalaa of Bqaor «a a biat dh ^ Bsto ^ mac Kivor, had ao nwmaal vriMa hi waa anaiagod ia eoart aad T. S. DU^

bwg; W. C. L. Taliaianro, of Haai^yaho waa appoiatod by Jadfa Biant t< tea; ^fcoaias IMsoa Pkg^ Dr. W. E. DoM. ef Astoria, N. T.; TeMwril Tky-lor, Norfolk; Bobeit M. H^thee, Noiw folk, aad Charles L. Lonsted, Bosa-oke.


Pennsylvania Dpmocrata ?ood blood m deisult of They have nomiaatad for

«M<-'i',T a

rii A«tU:

recojrniie numberg.

defend him. On Toesday he appearsc with his counsel and ^f** permittof to.plead guiky to mvder in tho sseom decree. He was sentanced to ftw years imprisonment in the peninentia ry, bat waa given crtdit for the day: he had spent in the county jail.


Lost—One Herafardjtw. iiio<mide»i( o4 f ipar Ben Tximond farm. Apply

Va F E

Manassas chapter of the held ita regalar moatiily Wedneaday aftomooe; a«:Krs. Birkett's boms. Tkoi usually large iqid,. Mxs- Westwood Hutchison presided. Hcport waa siada of tho property loiattrly used in tiM<r chapter room and It waa decided to loan to tiie Manas>as Higfa School libsMry tbs fins ! « • • portrait of GAk Biiliert El lise.

In the abeenee of.Mrs. Sice, the his-tMi^, MiSr M. Ji::^Waahia|toa waa appointed to propare a pi^er abeofc Virgmia's fMwoe geogn^bar. Matt-how Foatahie Maary, who origiaato* the systenakof great drde saOtog a a i mads charto of the oceaa tunaata. -

The daui^rtors have decided to piaa* Norway ma^ss asxi sprtag as BM. msrial tro^p ca Lee aveaaa. Msaio rials will a l v be pievared far the wa-maa of ths eaafiadorarf who xasdsrsd a*vico^dBrii« A s CIvB war.

Ths ckaptv w81 asoot again at Mia. J. E. HaiTsa'k taaaM Kiivawbirl. A

to ka to SwaD caa^ at tts iMns of

tiM Haary Jnakis wOI i

Delegataa to«e U. D. C ( at Nashvils wata asioctod sad Mm.

tiM dMVtar. I I M lBrs.Js

katt aad jfaa-^kato BasitMgsr. AI-Mrs. J. B..HarralL Mia. • .

M. WaaUagtaa aad Waa M t a a


Mr. Paal A. Baxrode. ao^of Mr. J. B . BiMiii II' I, iif » « * • • • • • • • 1 ^ - —*~—• sd to Msnsssas with a bride fro«i >lorth Carolina. He «as warrisd at Wisbory on Septsmber Mtii to Miaa Vngie Peapennan, at the LotlMna barch, the pastor. Rev. O. W. Alder-lojd performed the ceremony. H*.' ind- Mrs. Rexrode are viaitine • » Toom 's father a • ' l ay re"- • • aanently tr. .':. >


Page 2: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

• ^ . . J : . , ^ » - J


As sure at ggw


are afoot mpF^ ' ^' joa urifl Uke this CamdJIjarlaih

And DouMttic

ame YPU never got such cigarette-

contentment as Camels hand yoiL Camds quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and dxoioe Domestic Tobaccos make* this goodness possible—ancf moibejroti prefer thia C^unel blendtoeither kindoftoilMCcostXH^Dedatrai^Mt

Camels mellow-mildness is a' revelation t Smoke them with freed<Mn without tiring your tastal They leave no unpleasant ciga-retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odorl

af aO tt^imUmt; or *m J M ^ •<M laOOittBiwUmUm a j b « » k»-pafmt-aowmrm^ cartom. W» m1r»mt>r rmcomm»m4 tUm omrlom * r (*• haam me ^ h s



Give Cameld every test^^then comp^re^eiS-puft-tor-puff wfth any cigar^ld in the workll

BLEND : < I « A W i T T « «

Askyour • j -


^Find out lof yiMUittitwbimr BlueBuckka. Tertthelong-wearing denim ekyth, the wide doiiblfr«titciied seama. \ T i y o a a p a i r . BlueBodcIe OrarAUs and Coats never' bind or rip—are \aa, roomy andocHniortable. Soudwodc-

Sn ereiy detail it bound t o give j o a your money's worth. AD saes—

i ^ J ^ b u t h ^ Q u U n a ! ^ AA yom dealer today lor

Gdncretelmprovem^ts Win Make the OkMMaoe a Show Place

YOU can make your place more attractive, add a real d<^lar»-and-cents value to your property, make life more pleasant for the "foUcs," and make your Qwn work easier and more productive—^if

you ptit. in Concrete imjprovements. Sudi improvements pay for them­selves many times ovcr;.s»<|e time, make your place modenv-more eflScient

-and more profitable. Concrete Gonstradkin u tiie fanber's test, cli« >e>t and easiest 'way t& pat iq» aiqr

kind of ao iaqxovemeot on the iaim. Build i«ith Concrete and ymu boild tmt owe, b»-, cause Concrete is as stnx% as aoBd stone, and as everlasting. Never needs r^airs. Rot-proof, rat-pnxrf, 'wiod-pnm^ fire-pnxif. Yott don't have to spend much mimtj to build witb ^ Concrete becanse you have on your land, or neariiy, pcacticaUjL-evetTthing yoa seed. No •pedal tools or machinery are regttired for the av«rage'£ann job. .Yoo can-do-Ae woric. yoorsdf. with your own fann htbor, and wi&l&tletimeandiio troubfe. About iD yon need

'si eemeco;auSdfor tMtl ^ ^ ' ..-• ' ' • -• " "^^^ '' ' ~

s&MBrs,'ir j ^

Tfae nglit cement, i us pkviper care in its usc meaqs strQng Qaac^dib SECURITY CRMF.NT comes to jrbn.rea<^ to use.. Sopreme in flns sedion. Made her^-ande r gfat. 'guaranteed to teeet ^Goycnunent specifitttictig. UniimD m cjuniy and strengft. Used ext^osty^ ^or RHMI «O(1^ bridges, caOraads and large btdklings. IMfonn in qtaSij ipd rtrengtfa and specially adapted to yoitf needs. Bifld with Cdocrete and use SECUSJTY CEMENT! for STRENGTH. ••-""-.• •-

When yon want to' impoxnre your phce^ we are at yotir service and -wilf'give you practical, o^perienced bdp ia^^anmng and 4>>-

xt m rbib.'::- ••- • — :--—• •' '

Brown St Hooif CanrntM^m^ M—saat. Va. ^ * ~ ^

^ue Buckle OySrAUs B^gpat a d i i ^ o^rodl ID llie wodd ~ ~ : ~


The Journal, $1.50 the Year tiJjtl^f^JtifPijM

is Your SubscripftioiLtD Thg^fQtJRNALJ^agj in AdvaTrrp^-


Page 3: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

-mmmm iiim^lirT'-i


' *,

' i».. '>-T

The Manassas Journ^ ' % •

;•*• ^ -


at tiw pMtoOM St.:

» U « a 7 M r IB A4«

.Friday, OetobMr 8. 19M

A yiTAL QUBSnON N«m«nMU qoMtioiia u « M n c uked

S^^^SSS^'lSfS hithwy.w01U»»mihJa«lortlwe«a-'ln»pB«Wicnt<co««t»1>«*ido<tto

diiMBa of th«-«tato^fai.tia>»oCflBai:^ cial diatnaa by ealUac «B tiM hifhway dapartokant to anlargw ita iwul wnatraettbn pmKMtt and bgr c i w maititfttmAto tbouaaBda of

jAnietka and anlataQaaea of latwal roada.

Tba dalaya of ambargoea on road BwMriala, tte aeardty of theae aaiM vmUaMk aa ««Q aa labor juid tfca )i)ch jrfcaa s i eoDatmetiga wMcb hai y a ^ h a r »ttiiiaa Tha matariaUy iatarfwad with Virginia'a |time, would alaa banaAt in aaenriac M pzograai, aa'wall aa that of avarjr otlv-uabaiidanea of lidtoc aad autariala at er atata ia tha Unioo, may diieoara(ij raaaooabla prieaa. •omo racardinc the posaibiUty of fo-iW klM^d with an ianlarfad program. Encinaan aad eoafractors ara eonfi-<daBtly axpaetfaic t o ^ aUa to go ahaad in 1921 with thair; aeemnidatad two-

lagardinc tha maaninf and pnmrMjj nf jjm jiinjuw TTnimW it TIH iaka IHIIIIinMMlMl

i for good nada. t l w ndoptioa tf tb* eonatieiiiMial

for good («ada doaa not; Mia panay'a worth of bonda. It

• w i l y givaa tha gmaral aaaamUy and tha governor tha authoritgr to iaana -tenb in aaeh amoonti and at roeh timaa aa in thair jodgmaat ia to tha kaat intareat of tha atoto. This ia only .gMqg tha state the aame aolfcority widdt a conaty, city or town, a eorpo>

' 'iJAi«nL.'~partnmUp'w~in£vid<uS no^ paaaaaa, of oainr ttair tmH/t for eoo-afamettwi purpoaw.

It ia adviaaUa to aUto at the ontaet .that apptoximately one-fourth mly of tha ravanaa from the aatomoMla U< tanai faaa ia availaUe fl^ n«w eoa-atrvetion. The remainder .of the food ia baing very prop^y aat apart for the abdntena^ba of the roada when t h ^ •M boilt. Tha vovemment wiB aeC pot Vf a dollar for every dollar oif the atate'a monay in fadanl aid, bat'udbw trik Virginia, along with tha otiiar itataa, how much federal aid the atoto •tay expect, and req9irea tha atate to awteh their fanda dollar fw dollar.

~ Tha jraawit net revannaa for new eon* ^'Mnetion, induding the fadacal aid, ia ' mpipnaixniitaf $6JS09fi6St. JXbim do4M

iiBt iadode tSe separate fund for atoto Idd to emmty roada.

Aa awry aartiiwi at_tha

Yirglf^ poma tlma to « ( raa^ to {s- l tonjari raa any boDda ahoald H M Jatfalatoza find ttat conditimia warrant gotag ahaad with the road eonatmetiati ^ o -graaw

.TIttoagh the passage of the propos'

Should the people fMl to ratify the of t h ^ lagialatora paaaad at

two saeiioni, it would raqnire at leaat aix yaaia before tha peapta of tha Itato could benefit fran the proriaiona of tUa awaadmit, ahevdd tha h«<ala

to again rabastt the ipiaation to a Tott'of thapaiyla. i n tba meantime, atotoa all around Vir-ftfriairnthsve outatrippad thia atate in highway improvatnanta.—^Tha Vir. ginia Good Roada AaabcUtiea.


«qaally anziooa and equally' entitled ||»v» eonatniction'lA^rted along 1 wmcat Beetiona of their mileage ^ afa U^iwaya, the State EU^wsy Co ataaioo mnat pidc oOC aeetiona on \ vattona mMn highwaya and pma f i lk their ceoataetiMs. With tha U Itad fttnda availaMa, tUa maaaa tl fl» mileage in each aeetiaii ta ami H t h e atoto had the fnada. the hii

'««|[; fimmiaainn could Jaat aa ana «wasd tha eoBtnet ftp thraa er ft tliMB the lnflna|iB OB. earb anrtifln flM atato highway. Much of the as aiialiuaiJ on a two.ndle Bak would ti can of a tea aula aeetion. Thafaui e^Btnct wmtfd attraet BWM feidd

witii lazgs raid taadfag eqa eoold afford to bid

raay bonda the atoto hic^wmy depalrtnicat

•iiilJ ha<e eompleted the plaaa 4aciBfationa of the entire atato 1 pty aystem ao that theae eobtraeto

-aa t«ra, men and_materiala could cared to do the jTMk. - Under the preaent plan «f


that it woidd require not aJTteen- yeara to complete h ^ w a y ayat^n; whereaa, h

fymda were provided t« ikto Ida departmcat to build tha b | | ^ vaya aa t^idly aa it ia poaaiUe ta oe ao the aame ayatem of roada eoold ba eaaatnetad in aix yeara:

n a iaanaiire ol bonda would, of , laqnira of the legialatTe that

twTiaioBa at tha toyy tha inteieat on aay and alao paoprida ler thair. reiirt meat, ' b the firat plaee, under the iriaa of • — ' ^ • ^ atoto bond iaeaaa Mlowed by tha atate of New York, PaonaylTawa.



DC ttMMB Hip «B8 COD-•f VfagiBte'a Midway ayatam

aC the atoto one pawy. b o r d v O a t ttfc amy be andn •>• u il, let aa tha tyaattaHlia af tha atatoi'a road lyatoai to a ana bnOdiac a tiger ifdmag.. We wSi aappaaa tha«

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

imw*w^£\MW A mfivg/11 n fk 7;ii)ii<ia;<Rir:UiiJS

F l ^ S E E I ^ I l M E

is the Fanners' UDMHI StsKt

,Cf*atotha af Vlfgiaia. It ia « «

ita njwliaitiiia of atate Ht end with a ayataai of VIM of atoto U^waya aad a Uha

__ I of atate aid county roada. Th* rapidly tiM preait state high-aystem can be eenatracted, the ' wiU the legislatiire be warrant­

ed in increasing the milage of both dasses at roads. The more miW af Tiijfhwav vhjeh the suit<> can t»k« over,

to do biinneM with aO wlw

A Reasonabk^^fit FARM MACHINERT,



Y W« do not he«tat« to change tlie meOiodB of hJmdHng oar acoDontuw and othw ckneal woKk. Hhfm Mat iaamati

1 A lane part of the waiffSiS odee waa ifaae akra^ iad paiastakingiy by hand ia now hsBdad lapi^r aad Witt f v cnatar aeeanej by machiiwiai • „_—-1A Buxh larter worloB* foRC than w vem haifrm^&lm-

' to handle O T LMIIIIM tf IW atffl wglcyad ttt-

f We do not aim. howev^. ddnee csoae na to gnm 1 toncn. tatMaiMveet < y t a « « i .

the mcreaaediiae of


Matioiiat Bank of Manassar THE BANK OF PBBOKAL flOTVlCl

ifiiin Store ID die Sprink^ Nortli Main Street H a n a s s a s T ^

Page 4: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON


•pent wvtnd diyi ttis>rMk 1ri«i tb. and MitdidL

—Mr. and BCr*. J. J. CoiuMlky, of Lynchbniv, u d U i u NalUe ComMiky, of Philade^hift, viaitod thair aoit, Mn. Wm. McCoMi, tUa *«dL

—There will be « dsaea M- Bnaty-ville hall Saturday nifhi^ Oet 9th.

—Mrs. E. B. Kiaehat—, «f Wash. ington, waa tjba w«a]t-«Qd f w s t of h v parents, Mr. and Mr*. S. 8. GaUahoa.

The AlMandria Hi«rh School akvwi eaaily defaatad the Manaaaaa High School taam in the fint gamo of tha WMoii, on Friday aftvnoon. Al-thougi) tha Hfnaiaaa taam o a t w « i ^ ad tha local high taiai about iiftaaa ponnda to^Ote man. Tha Vwwaiaaa

_M'w»!'J7'»yn' •wr''-T'*"y^--»T 'i I £fi BBSPpSi^Sr

liOlAlV QCSOBIB 8, 1920

:_ . • _ t L l . I - t - I - ' - : - I - • - - I

.;-K.- •' " •»* - , ' , - ' . t y . •

-n^. holaaa in « toaroanMnt in County, but i^ aU « t ^ C M J N I ^ ^ tonnuunant faatoitoa Loodenn'^mM. "

taa»«iify^hraatanad tha^A. H. S IIUIB far a'toochdoini onea, whan thaiy m ^ riad tha ball to the locala twenty yard Una. H M Anal aeoM waa A fl fl an-

v«„ty of Virttala, v u i ^ hla par«ite, pr,ift„ 1, iwU. ! « » t f l « i d U o w i » W Mr. and Mrm. L B. WilKam. M.r. M . ^ U - . »^ ' . V ^ .«yw » , - - « . ^ w ^ Mill. Mr. and Mra. L. B. iruUama thb « « d .

—Mr. and Mra. John Taylar, ^ Washington, are the rMata af U n . /, H. Hombaker and Mra. g . tu HaW-baker.

Mrs. J. C. Bowman and Miaa Blond Vlckler, Mr. and Briatow.

Wff 1, Diraifu J.^ Titoa d! 4^^ut«n VUX. a-10^A)axwwMa QUO^K

"I SfYWfar « a t f tnieka. aiid-juiteaa. bilea left Waahington^D. C, June 14, and crpaaad the eentiiMBt by tlia Baiik. band highway, wiivad i|t Sui Diego

Mra. W. L. Pimnda, near

-Mrs . George Edmonda, of Alexan­dria, spent the ^mMkHtfir-wlthSn- ion in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. W. A. Akers.

No leaa than %mm acr«i oC land that a b o ^ be in-dMvation ar» now lying idle in Virginia, aeeordink to a atatawaat. by H w y M. Taylor, af the Dcpvtment'off Agriadtsn.

of Lnray,~fiave~baMi~iii3t&g 1 « t - wiiak.' Tfct convoy eo»t%iM<l tw«nty-two .aflleeaa aad 182 ooUatad man of tha. army.

I W .tatfMf, «1.M a r a ^ K .

Mr. Hgoatoa, 'Secretary •< tta Trofaofy, and Mr. John Barton Pkyae, SwiMary of tha Jutarior, will ka th( OWfto: M lEr. and Mrs. W. CJ llbir> •hall fbr tha

ManassasFe N

O M ChUMt Member Prdtaa<; ' SMMtary Hooaton, aaya the Waah-

ington Timaa, gave to agrieultu* iiK telUgent and wmatwietiya atttnlluu never anipMAwl in the hietory qC tita department. .



Wiofesak^^a^^ * /


—Mr. and Mra. R. S. Smith i»-turtied Thuriaay~}Fom f weeETtrip to Baltimore and SykeavUla where thay

-visited relative*.

—Rev. Edgar 2. Pence will .preach at the Nokeavilla Lothian Ctocb next Sunday at 11 a. a»., fbHoimf l y the Holy Commoniion.

—Lieut. Lyipan Patterson, of Boil­ing field, was the'gneat of hia mother and aunt, Mn. Ballantyne Patteraon and Mrs. B. T. H.'Hodga Sunday.

—The pulpit of the Preabyteriaa church will be occupied by thelCev. W. M. Seel, who will preach at both morn­ing and evening service. A fiUl atten. dance is desired. -~

—The Ladies' Aid Society of Grace

M E ..^.^ t^Sl:^S)Ethel£3kyton^in^5he Ladder oUJ«!!

Tuesday, October 12 Elaine Hammerstein in "The Shadow


-White Rose Hom^

and cake salr'Satupday, beginning at 3 p. nr., in the Keid BniU-ing, next dcior-to the Biaat Boon..

X —Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Huddiman Mid three children, Elmer, Norman and Mildred, motored to Mftnsssaii and were the guests of Mn. Moddiman'a mother, Mrs. M. ^ . Aken Satmday and Sunday.

—M. L. Sanlsboiy, working on tha Southern railway, had his foot crushed as he was crossing thie track between two box can Wednesday* nuMning. He has been taken to the hospital in Alexandria for treatment.

—Mr. and Mn. Will Guliek and cWL dren, Virginia, Evelyn, BSUy and

Thinrsday, October 14

"The I^wer of Flours''

L CX B. Horse No Better Feed on the Market


FIRST Sa0Wrr:M/l^Jl7^ • itiM

Friday, C>^^ Maj. Robert Warwick iii ^f jflE'14TH

Georger of Amma-Bt^^itarnK^fMn: James RydeK and dangMw, Ma^, of Tennallytown, D. C, were tiie goaata of Mrs. M. E. Aken Sunday.

—Charles H. Holinea, oldest son «>f Mr. M. C. Holmea, died last night afb^ undergoing an operation at the hoa^ ta! in Frederiekabarg. He : farming neair Voy posfc-ofliee. He a brother of Mrs. Ira C. Kdd.

—Mr. and Mra. W H. Foote and three children, Robert, Ohartea and Caroline, of Camp Hmhphreya, motor­ed to Manassas Sunday and were the guests of Mr. Foote'a mother and aia-ter, Mrs. William Foote aad Mra. O. R. Lewis.

—The Catlett post dBce waa'entered by burglars, the aafa blown opta, and $225 in stamps ai^ money taken; with some money order bfauika. ~ was made by using t o ^ fsom a by garage. The poataiaiMr dlacatvar-' ed the loss when he eBtered tha oOea Tuesday morning., Tlw N^aa'fflla office was robbed two waaka ago.


FIRST SHOilt^:W^ia*r<^ ^T^: t

Ba Lyptt Rob^tson, Proprietor


Satiundaj October 16 "PIRATE GOLiy'


MATINEE. 3 P. M- 6e-lifc NtCHT,/7.«A |t,-i7f


—R. L. Byrd, ed with the Peoples bank aad later baa been bai^-keeper for the Farmera' change, has bought oat K. K. New­man's interest in the Newmati Cloth­ing company. The ncwiirm wiH be known as the Byrd fiUtli^iy Q^ yy, Hsrrd is favorably- known in tida taa» Diunity and we wish bias inuapafttylT his new venture. -^—-^—-——-^

7 ^^^^^IJhrougbojil the coimtfz._bem«y, harnii •nd cwt-Duiiomss are fast decaykiK thnMigh lack «f « im>teefive coat Failure to pa&t is merdy addii« to the ap-keep cost a few years hence—and ledodiBC tits yptee of yoor stmctareafrotn numth to molth.

Fall is the ideal time to paint. If 3roa can not get % iMinter to do the worVdo n(^ let it go jBndone-^ind souM "way of dquic it y o u r s ^ Tob B»a< iB at. stake to neglect this longer. Yon paint not hxt beantifyii« primarily, but for sorfaoe pPotectkHL ^

—A large Confederal* 11^, OM property of Rev. Weatwood Hotehiaoii, has been placed in tite Confoderate Museum at Richnoad:—It 'wa 4 n t arried by Missouri troopa and w«|t

•'••'•ou(fh 37 regalar batttoi aaide from nir.or engagemenCa. Tlw Sag ia' > hit^ with a blue eantoft wWi erMaatf' ir? conUining the stara. T. A.

. '•. iTTiasson, of M; IS very-flag.

Mr;. Lillian Uvexey was the hea. ' <'5 at a beautifully appointed hndi-

.". at the Hotel Wavwick this after.-:. :^n at 1 o'clock when she entertained. - honor of 'Mra. Henry M. White, of klahoma. The taUe waa artistieal]^

arranged with awtamn liaTiis, it ittifta r>nd goldenrod, the color note of gold

redoiainating in the dccoratkma. aa well as in tile salad and ices, the ebear-l e s s of the golden tonea adding to UM cayetr «f the company.—Newport News Times. " \

Mrs. White is a daaghtar of Mr. and Mra. TT . N. Merchant, of Manassas.

=f3i:jg:wm Buy die Pamf If House is ol Avei*age l^ze

psinc lA)agnian>4k Martima-Semi-Pnte Pii^t, whidi ia gaannt—d pars and tMe equal of tt<y pamt made, a boa» of average«se. say 25 fest wide, 90 t^A kmg and A feet high, win require bizt 6 gaUons of L. ft M. Semi-I>ste Paint @ |5.20 and J aIlDn&.if Bire-Xinseed Oil

1^ $ 1 . ^ making the total cost of matutri only $S1.40.

- . Is not the preaoit the time to save t)M» surface with JLAM^PaatJ . ^^ —

WAGENER Hardware^ F v a t t v c

^ - MANASSAS, VIRGINIA Opposite Depot EertabHshed 1899



Si Mcnp

Page 5: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

.••:?^ j'T^Hi'v*'-'>n'T|

-,'^' ™ 'W^ipp* *^ iwp^-".r!(?••' '^'^ y*^!-' «•JitS'^fiu't'

\ ^.!,Ji*.'4- ,>^.-^.-^ •.•ijr,,-;.-,;^;.:

y . « i ^ , f' / ..• ., / .. • ; ;v .

-.', i V ...J _ . ^ ;

MB.PARMER: •'; > :< f•-'•!!7;t||Sii^

Ton can't m««nir« the entire yalae of a tnetn* bjr tiM «nauteetiim'»

The bent inwif HOB in Ha >«rfonMAek ^^^onr neichbora wlD tdl yon what they think of tho Saaiaon MoM M

^ I P M Bin McDoir Green or Geoive Shaffer. -^ 8t(^ i t Mr. SUeS. Earhart'e fann or nt Ifi . K Soeae's.


See Mr. J. A. Boolm or Mr. W. R. Freo oplwato thkindor . ... I^vn what Mr^J^ a^ Eitsntor dU with hla TTawaan T BBaimnr. - ' : ,

Find ont what they have to say. Thm conie in and see OL We "**^' '* i? ''''^ ^ • " '**^K «»«*> splendid anceees with thoir

Why they are doins thdr woric not Miiy faatw, bat better, wny they are maldng nwre money. Why they are reqairinR Ices help this year than last.

^ y they are sdling some of their hMses. Why th«y Uke their Samani and Hk« to do hihrnw with an. See theat nad then yon wUTwant to •!.

Yonrs for hotter farndni^ *

sjc-'y-S^4^^ t,. *^_I5•-S^^••^< '- .-ifr'

• - 1 _ r . I _ ('_ I'_ I i r _ IBH8ISI t ! - i _ I _ I-

N<^syiUe9 yu-gillia

iMLnaimuasBfafifigi ^

ing FaD Goods

I With the tini^e ^autumn in the air, one's thoughts turn to items needed m the faD and winter wardrobe. Never before have we been better pre-pard to take care of ladlu'«nd misses'needs.

\ Good valuee in eoats and suits have, been hard to get hold of in this year's maricets, but we want ytra to be the judge as to how -well we have succeeded in this particular. Qurshowinriseompteteand the prices vary to suit the individual's!

H Sweaters—^we fiive a fine assortment of the latest styles and-in many dif-feroat cobrs. These, and the p^tty wool scarfs which we are now putting on disiday, rill attract-the attootion of |Aie If'oung miss and the mateon who wsmts^ maintain a youthful aiq>earan< " - - -—- -

Hit may^seem a little earlier to tidk about furs for winter, but now is the time to select yours. The assortment is most complete. By buying now you 1 ^ be'snre of havinft what you want when the first cold snap sets in. \ And talking about the cold weather, reminds tiS td^ention that we have a varied line of blankets—all sizes and weights. Our blankets wiU keep you warm, if yoi/bave them where you can use them when necKled. '

\ In shoes we offer all lltte styles. The famous IA France line is our spe­cialty-. If you have worn these shoes you know why we craitinue t& stock them yeir after year. \ .

f Dreues and dress goods and all kinds of dry goods are here to plense the most taatidlous. To iq>prec}ate tho ext^t and variety of our stock you must look it oveir. .

HYou are cordially invited to make our store your headquarter while, in

CAMPER^ENK^ The LadiesV Store Manassas,

The War k Oyer and War-Pric^ Must Go! - V


l%e Foflovving ^ricot on Fwd'Products Are J^ective September 22 1920


$365 • v 5 * 0 mf ajatnoi...'... ...........$4CS

^AAi\ with dualeiactncstertiBf and liffkt. ^ » " " iags]rst«B.....U..:t...........'..$510

^TJAt^ with dnad electric stertnif and liglit-V * * 9 . inf ayatena aad demomtable riia


C 7 0 C ^"'i <'*•*' efeetiic startiag vaA liffht-

TRUCK CH iSSIS $545 ^ U t A C T ^ ^ . - $790

_ • ' .

; -1 &


'.- -. . • • ; ^ ;

%- \ - V "

* 1


' • - m^ - • : • •>•

''\ Ku. ,''-.Xi

^ > * ' -«ra C • , k CMnNl

The Ford Motor Conspany oaakes thn redaction in the face of &e fact that diey hare on hand iaimediate. orders for 146,065 cars sAd tractors. The Company wil suffer a tempoary loss wUle «sin« ap the aMaerial bonghl at hifht prices. Utey are wilKng to nuke the sacrifice hi order to bring bniincss bacfc to a goinff cMwlilion — QJcHy «n feasible k i d miinfnln the Momentum •f the bny^pn^rer of liie cooatiry. ' HiMry Ford Saysi^llw #ar is ovar and it

ia tioae war^ricea wwe orer. There ia no aense or «nsdom m trying to i tahi an artificial stondard ef Tahies. For the bestint««st of aftit b t i m e a i«al practical cffMt was made to bring the business of the o>unti7 *nd the Itfe of the ueunUy down to t^§akKt Yt^mn standarda."

We «r^M your commalbdr with i ^ r ^ i v f «rd~^fiacBcy ia to rai yoor orders.


W. E McGOY . - ' - • •

Authorized Sales an4 Service Manas8a8,~Virgima

Page 6: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

: A • .fi\j^mJf^:*. . -'i J. ^..t Ji^9Atl^Jit».\ r^^ t*»^MM<, A ] .

DEUaOUSPIES y- Pie, America's moat populav dessert, requires great care in preparation aod baking. Through years of experience and constant effort to better our pastry we have perfected a iNT^cess that in­sures delicious pies.^resh every day. / 1[ Why bake your pies when we can supply you daily in good va­riety and at a reasonable price? 11 Remember, also, that we serve lunches and meals that cater to your appetite.

Bell's Bakery 4

Restanrant Battle street—Next to Poat


MiM Aliee M*tsi,ud MiM Mary TniQ ham viaitAd LMsbnrg iMt Sondsy.

Mr. E. N. Patti* ntorMd on Sotor-day fiwm a bnainaa* trip to Batttmora •Dd Ataxandria.

Ifr. J. Henry. Kidw«n, aon of Mr. «nd Mra. J. B. KWwall, of "BockhaU Farm," and Miaa Afiwa Aahby, of }%ilomont, won marriod in Looabmrf on Saturday, October Srd. Mr. Kid-i aU aervod in the SOtlt PiviaioB in Franco during the WofU War and on-littod from Londoon county, wbor* he waa titan employod.

Mr.^ X. Slopor ia buUdinc a houao for Mr. Wm. Maw>a, naar GainoariUa.

U « Pattia haa ^atwartbl laTiMr. k«t high Khool.

Mr. C. E. ElUaoB waa'a Manaaaai visitor Tnaoday.

Mrt.«. C. Swart and danghtar. Mrf. Max Walton Collina, and har infant •on, and Mr. and Mn. Geo. H. Ayna, of Stoaa Seuaa neighborhood, war* Catharpiin viaiibra on Ti eaday:

Mrs. C. F. Brower i> visitiag bar daufhtw, Mrs. R. H. Willia, in Roan­oke." ••

Mr. E. N. Pattie attended the con­vention of Virginia Maaona of Diatrict No. 1 in Alexandria laat weak and the Masonic banquet which «aa h ^ ia ^ Mont ic^ Hotel



W. B. VOGEL, D. a Chiropractor of Washington, D. C , will be in Manassas three times a week—Mondays, Wed­nesdays and Fridays—at the New Prince WiUiam Hotel.

Hours—6:30 to 9: Those desiring to give Chiro-

practic a trial wili see him at these hours.



UFE LIKB F B A l i m i B Bobea aad Caahata aC a l

A«y 1



Tire Repairing f We are prepareJHo do all kinds of Tire Repairing. Our vulcanizing is of the hicbetrt grade. II All work ^ guaranteed and pron pt service g lvoi all or­ders. H New Tires for Sale.

H I X S O N & M E R C H A N T Manassas, Yirginia


What is your weakness? Aiqr Icind of Chronic Disease or De-formit>. I Study these special cast- and can tell what the troii:)lc is\ It ia my aim to diag^ nose difficwlt caaes aad tdl yo« what to do, and how'to do it . Send me your name aad addfMi) and I shall do.

H A G E R a r O W N , tOK

After yoo esi—aKra7« tdsa



This neighborhood was greatly shocked and grieved to learn of the Buddein death of Mrs. Thoataa Shep-' paid.

Rev. Beall IHII preach at BeOiri Church Sunday at 11 o'dockr'—

Mr. John T. Dawtfon, of Loudoun county, was a viaitor in thia nMghber. hood Sunday. '

Mias Lnhi Reynolds,^ Waahington, was a visitor at her home here Sunday.

Mr. HargeaLDavis and Miaa Raid, <rf Baltimore, were gueata of Mr. Davis'

rW; A. Kidw^**eently. Miaa Sue Snapp was ibe guest of

tor |»T»tit«, Mr- mnA Mre. C, N. Shapp. Miss Vi^inia L. Boat, of Loudoun

oooaty, was a viaitor at Mra. E. S. Davis'over Sunday.

Mr. Robert Cahrert, ot Rkkmond, was-a guaat at Mr. W. A. KiAweD'i Sunday.

l b . W. B. pewey, who has bean very iU, ia very mOfdi IjnpaOTiad at thia writiog, t

Mr. <>ea Cahrari and Mr. Joaaph H, Kuumtf .wen viaiten at Mr. W. A, KidwaD'a.

Mr. and ifara. G. C. Bnaaell and daughter Jaii«t, motend to WaaUi«-t«a Friday.


School opened here Monday with Miss Owens as teacher* The principal is yet to be s iq^ed , but we hc^e to begin next w e ^ with both teaehcasi present and ready for work. .

Miaa Norene Shipp, of Wtehington, visitmr Mra. K. M. Bivdahaw last Sun­day.

Miss Essie Comwett rctarned laat Sunday to Mt. St. Abbana, D. C, to re-same h « portion thare after apending her vacation ,^i«ll bar aimt, Mra. T. B. Cookaey.

Mr. Clyde Wolf viaited faia family here recently. . .

Mr. Clyde HtMngar viaited Us sif­ter, lOaa Ome, ia Waahingtoa laat

IVtOUUtawindmintaakba-A eaae aeariy ei^tr wtmfttf tke alavee wfflaeoe fdl to piaaaa.

twtaarabie ud itopi U *M» tUr >A«a «Sa battaciManiML

, - T » f ' l V 1 ^ " ' - i i

AID MivnER I f A i m protect an overloaded battwy •vfaHt heatfag by entonettoel^ taSir ALL the loed oa the c«B«r.

Otoli laaaiieeNTMa

tt •!. IhalMttiriMMtHg^Ml • IB" MBia aadbodl bMr « • I I Asa a t tta» aaat IMS «•••

i MhMhiin *Btla« Is >ALJS8rS«tiMS»


BU $Y CORNER" PENNA-«EAT STHST-9:15 A. 1. W A S H IN G T O N . 1>. Ct a-» « • ' *


—A wide awake boy, whether he^Urca in d ty , town, or country wffl rejoice to have ooa of these osefid c a r r k n . '**' - ' . , . , * —The whMnMUTOw can, in fiwi, J M «aed by "dad" as weH as by the boy himMlf tor wn^ tlcal wwk. A coastar expreas W U O B arety boy will find very handy for doing Many « Uie hotMhidd ORanda, and aa eaKTaUa poasegeion for his pkytime. ^ W * are feaCariag two t tyka i4 whedbfROwa^ and two atyka of coastera as fwowa:

GARDEN WHBELBAIIROWS, roomy, Ugb.% strong, and g u t ^ ; made of the best selected hardwoo^, smooth finlahj has 64 in. shafts, 22 in. flat cixdce steel rim wheels. Wheel runs in iron bear­ings: s t r o m a braced; sidaa are adjosta* ^ j baxTow weighs 80 Iba.

$8.45 Spedal b tnrfwtory PHea —, : — . - .

\ ^ ^-^Same as above, except weight Is 64 Iba, and 64 indies kHur. At — C < I A S T E R . E X P R E S S WAGON No. S, with removabie express box, wiuc^ can -—-——

_ | 9 . 9 B


ha. M. & Haria» Vtea-Pna.

Geo. B. Wartdd. Caahkv.

Finl Natioiia] Bank ALBXAMDRIA, YA.

PMMGNATMP PM'OairoBt (UP not mnTB> n A n B

Oapllal ./ • • Banaaa 'sas naana .

P ta ip t attaatiaa glvM t * aB

Rector & Co. H A Y M A R K E T . VA.


A light fzoat waa noticad here laat Satorday ^wtniag aad caaaidHaHV' daaaage waa done in. aane ^lacaa.

It ia expected tiiat revival aarricea wiB begin at Hatdtar^ Mamodal next Sunday ni^it. ,

tlte membera of tiia Home Denum-etratkm Ciab are aakad to meet at the

WedsMday aflar-wlB i e aiaetad for

P r o B ^ a»d Satisfectoty^ Scrrka. Hmtwt Furnished t

• Raaaoii^>le Distaaea.

Geo. De Baker Undertaker

c ft.

iSmosemirme. TBiOmOVGEFABM

Bra. W. G. Ckwwa haa

i ^ tiM paat two laiatiM wBh Mrs. BaV^WUta.

M». NeRia Hynaea^ a( viaitad at "La Gnaga" tUa

Mra. Mabel TIIUMI—w, aC Hawafric,


—flhowinf tkc ezctaHH«Mi ^gUmeOn featarea w a n h^ the partleaiBr dnaaen . _ BuyiiV faatwaar by aaH Is

RICffS I M l F. ^raat . Corner Tenth,

Washington, D. C.


Offlce—mbbs k GMdbisa BoildlBff ~

Manassas Vtrgiaia

AKB U a Ave.. N o v C I .

^einpt attdntka f^vaa all ordan. Piieaa aa low-as good aarriee aad a»-tarial wffi WMy. " ' " - ^ ^ ^ Caniadfa^Mk

be takoL off or replaced in one minate; perfect'^steerinff mechanism,'white ash sprinir board; bottom S6 im long, and 141^ in. wide; 1^4x3^ ^ i ^ ^ maple axl6s, witb tapered inm thimUe ske iss ; ^1 jTi whylSi' with ^ jH. JsekJDAPle. spok^; H x % in. rock elm rimsL^bent in one laecie; iit)B fatbs with wdded and shrunk s t e d iire«; malleable linil hoimds: rock su^^le pole; strong iron fifth w h e d ; iron braces MI f^mt and rearanxlea. ^Q ACt

—Sate P r k e . „ . . . . . . • : • - ^ H ^ ^ ^ ' * '

—Sapie as above, bat larger, stronger, m d . more heavily-built wagon. At . . . . .— B r i t ag Be»i fci thJa adrartif—unt wfaea arderiiw aay af tha vtMira.



•" • .f -"V


tamm the waahar. Tuns the wztng-«r. A laia h ^ for the hoaaawlfa.

. * ,

EL Re C o n n e r & C o m p ^ i n y GASH STORE

F. •.BYK8<ar^ Ta.

1 _ 1 _ 1 _ ! _ I - ; L : L . • ; L I L 1 L ; L . : i

The store whtf e your ddlar goes the faiilieresL Before you buy come in and see us. j)ife daurry a ^ ^ line ofGro-c«ries,Green VegetaUes and Meats. We speciaBze in handling

ineats and are pre-


— - ? ?

E J. Hollle MANASSAS. V A.

Iiryep (kai«c ad aB

GidsofCaMtar; Work

payed to tafcecare.of it in the right manner so as to please you.

Brmgus ymnrfHroduce oiaU kindih-eggSy duckensy calves, hidM^etcl WeiMtytheouha


Tit* Journal. J1.58 a year—warth it. r^-: ,k • !fc- J. I V^^f^S'SBUX'MM^^ .-^^XH

Page 7: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON

ToFarmers OM of the mo«t important things •vor done by the

Agrieultwral Experiment Station of North Candinft wa» a test to detemodne if Nsti««i A w B — d y hail juiy value to the Farmer. A balletln isanad aboot rifttne first tells that in a series of tests some figures were brought out that are startling.

Fifteen pigs of sinailftrweight wore bought tot tt test ^lat was ocmtinued at the Raleigh test farm 88 days. Cheviot of these pigs were giV«a NatMal Hog Bevcdy and another lot i|Eas gives the same feed but Bomnedy. - . /

In tile lot wbwe 19ie Nattpnal H ^ BeiMdy was given the hogs pdned .70 of a pound meh. In the lot

. wber^ nothing was given but the feed the hog« gained only .47 of a pound.

Two hogs on National Hog ReMc^ increased in 'weight.on the same ration as much as three hogs did without it.

Furthermore this test showed and stated that by using National flog Remedy a saving was reaUzed of approximately ^.00 ou eadi hundred pounds increase inUveweigbt.

Natimal Hog Re«edy is sold by afl dealers at One Dolhr a package. In ease your dealer fannot mipply

Under and by vbi'^e o l a de k B**. Tbio*. M f Leod jinadwd Sm-^ U T M r n * Faith of MMM and Hia

TWJT S«nJ«J—Jhr-Ooer' muaioB aarYk* will b9 calebMtod after

eree of the Cfrcuft Court of Prince William County, entered .. , _ . j * - , ,„i. at the June term, 1920. iif the' *^ " * " ^ - ' ^ ' ^ •* » ''^^^ suit-^ Mary Pr^ones et als vs. Annie King et als. therein pend­ing, the undersigned commission­er of sale therein appointed, in accordance with said decree, will offer for sale to the highest bid­der, at public auction, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1920 iat 12:10 o-'dock p. m., in front of the courtiibuse in th^ town of Manassa ,' aforesaid county, the Jas. K. Rison land, lying and be­ing situate near Minnteville. on the Neabseo road, azul ^vided Into tracts as follows: ' First tract contains 17.6 acres.

This tract has A dwelling, etc., }-apM( it~-«id-wffl main ^ home.

Second tracts, adjoining the first lot. and contains 2.86 acres.

Third lot adjoins the first lot, and ftontains 6.06 acres.

A plat and~ survey of this land can bie Beeiii by examining the pa­pers in the above suit.

TERMS:—One-half cash and the residue in one year, the pur­chaser executing interMt-bearr ing note-therefor the day of the sale, and title to be retained until the same is paid in f iill, with the rii^t to anticipate the def elrred Pliyments.

H. THORNTON DAVIES, Commissioner of Sale.

I hereby certify that bond, with approved security, has been executed in the aforesaid suit as requiied by said decree of sale.

msrrt g Tvr.icit, (TATV. you kindly send us your nanie and we will see yon get it. We do not use a filler to enlai^ the iMekage and we use high grade chemicals wi^.

-asd-^^-NatiSMd^ Sidney Woraw.


By L. LEDMAN. Deputy Cleric


b> tfaa aftemmOi tii« Woman's Miaaioa-ary meetiiic wfll ba a eonffegational aittat.ynth U n . Irwin, praaidaat of the Woman'a Preabytarial Souaty, ait Washinrt«n,and MIM Clan >(cDrown, Mcratary of Youn^ Paople of tb« t^m* lociaty, prcaeat to maka addraaaaa. These ladiaa ara both wall worth Ukar-ing and w« hopa all tha eongragation win Ittw3.aik3 haar tba Aaasaga u i^~ bring. > i . Tha School and Commanity Liaagua, met at Mrs. Quigg'a Friday night wMi a large attaBdanea; tiie next meeting will ba held in tha school anditoriani the ftrst Friday in November.

Mr*. Dudley and ehildrm, of Wash-mgton^aM visiting hear mothar, Ifaa.

at^e Bemaborg. y Missas Campbell and Hitt spent the

weeluand in Washington. Mr. O. W. Mathers U d i^t iy im­

proved in health. Mra. Matbvs, irho is aUo sick, ia vary much better. ...Ml -.So)itj ^rd.jyLnot gfdto so wd^

he has betoi. Mr. Wilton Bockley is reported quite

fick. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodyard have

bought thc.Doraay House on Ctiurch W«et and will take immediate poaaea-sion. The personal property of Mr. and Mrs. Doraey was siAd at auction Friday at tj&a house.

Mr. Morris Davia was kept pretty buay Saturday registaring the ladies preparatory to voting.

Miss Katharine Doak left Monday morning fqr Washington to teeept a position with an army aaptain's wife as compaaiod. Mias Dbak will be very mneh missed, especially in the greaby-terian Church and Sunday School.

Prof. Major is busy «vary day drills ing the pupils in marching so they will ba able to do tiia-atunt all right at the FairfBt Ff r "" ^^riiiitf ni »!«• w v —

SIS figs Btit ail P<Mrk is not Alike by. Anjr



Under and by virtue of a de-uf the Circuit Court >>f


Prince William Cousity, entered at the June term. 1920, in the suit of Wm. C. Davis et als vs. Herbert Davis «t als, therein de< pcaiding, Xb» undei^igDed com­missioners ai sale wefeini ^ pointed, win selLatpuKie aitctkm to the highest bidden, its direef^d in said decree, on ./ MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 1920 At twelve o'dock m., in front '<rf the courthouse, in the. towQ - ipE


_ YOU WM^iBon mitfc mmA crpmml If tQ» n joashoulTleed EUREKA DAIRY RATION, ^ th» lUihist te qualfty «nd strfM* tv^^w^ for beat

r « M ^ Y op asay bc.frwDB Mtismnri Imt we cmn n akowvyou. Aak jpm feed dealer jiboat EUREKA Kaild find what y^u haT^ long been, .tooking for.



II As the season is here for Pork products we feel that we would like to make this clear in your mind.

H That you may have the best pork the market affords it is not only important that the hog be in marketable condition when killed but that it be butchered right and handled right.

If Our Sanitary method of butchering and selling Poric -enables you to have the BEST that money can buy.

H Include one of our luscious Hams in your next order and have that contented feelini:.

I Our Sfuisages' are jfttiafying and c ir Baron adds jnst. that relish that one enjoys so at breakfast



Saunders' Meat Market THE SANITARY WAT


MDfNIEVILLB The union meeting was l a r g ^ at­

tended oh Sunday. The |E>readitta present wore Eldera Daltoa, Olivtt,

Manassas, aforesaid county, aU> a y. that parcel pr tot of lan^ lying and bieing situate at Giunesvilk; Meatagna and |tr< Looni* Grena, of I aforesaid county, adjoining thS pike, tiie railx oadi .Pearson, etc« containing about' ONS-HALF ACRE:, and known as fhe Mat? thew Davis lot.

TEB(MS:—One-half cash and one-half in one year, the pui^ chaso:. executing a note for said deferred paymcatt, with interest frpm day of sale, and titie to be

' retained untfi the same is paid in full; with the right to the pur-chaser to anticipate iwnd'defaEP-«di>ayment.


Commissioners of Sale. I -herdt>y certify tiiat bond.

with w>proved security, has been ekecnted in the aforesaid suit aa required bx uiddecree of sale.

Weedon, Alderttm nA Garland. Messrs. D. C Alexutder, J. L. Hin-

toQjmd J. a BoasaH made several boa-ineas trips toi^nassaa.thja wade

Mr. and MHi--Artfaur Boatwright and son, SindiMr, are vi«itiiq( Mr. Boatwtight^a mele in Biebm<md. -mbo is very in. ^ - l -

Me•ara. J. T. and P. E. Ca«te made a huainnaatrip taWaahington on Mon-


Mra. William Neale. Mias Lbuiae

Stafford, viaiied Mra. J. G.'and F. E. Clarke ovwr the week-end. Mrs. P. E. C l a i ^ and daughter, .Catbryna. ac-oompainiad that hraie for a ^adc'a visit witii hor father and faratiwn.

Miss Ode Bailey waa home ior tba we^-end.

Miaa CUurm Cactar, d Waahingtov. y r t the wadt^^pd with Miaa Uicile Glarka.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pearson hava re­cently pnrchaaad a new Affd. —Mr WTTKn Alnwwiiw, "* T».<i.i. Head, Md. spent the wedt-end with hia mother, Mra. E..J. Alexander.

Miss Ftaaeea. Hinton baa ratnnMd home after viiltjing her gnmdpsvaBta for aome time.

]ti». Emiffcy. of Washington, ia iting her brother, Mr. W. Bl Smith.

Mr. and Mra. Lothar Alexander, GE50. GTTYIJBR, C f e t — I Q i EifitirWd^ and Mr.

•Bf L. JfDMAN, Devu^ Clerk.

BsfcsH p. D a i ^ a a M a a f

^ KmAth . Hawaii L. Cmai.3L Mcmditfc, aai MsisiiUi, lafsa*a, }*m H

a i M l g %

aC tka Gawt far

Take aatiee timt on Monday, Octo­ber 4, IMO, ttat katac the itrat day a< October. 192S, t e m «A the dreott court for said eovaty, the undan%Md. Aliea T. Maraditli. as goardSaa of tha above named iafhata. having qaaUAat aa sod^ m the prrtata oonrt of • r t Ceuaty.Otie,wUlfctfti far aa et4sr-dinet lv that than ba paid 'ovw to bar as aaek guaiili— tha I4MM bavmOad aidd tateato bf

WaaUagten; vidtad Mr, mother over Sunday.

Mr. L. E. Windaor ia at home thia w«dc IO^UBC after the intaraat of hia

gfleveffTBff Tlda community ritockad to h««r of the sadden death of Mza. Theaaa a M ^ a i d , of Agnew. vIBa, OB galunlaiy. aad w* w i A ^ « i -

daqMtaynpctbiy t a l t e grief £am{ty.

FORESTBUB6 Mr. and Mra. Arthur Tomerler and

aoB Httbcrt. of WaaUngtoo, vidt«l Ui. and Mrs. Wi^iaa E. Kiac, «f Plea as nt Seat, Saday. "

Mr. aad Mra. J. C. Dunn mtd son Alvin, viaitad Mr. and Mrs. Fred B*b«r, df Moont, Svaday;


W A T C H E S .• C L O C K S ' /

: : - -' JEWELRY . \ ' • •. COT . QLASS


- - - - - - - - - S P O R T I N G € i O O D ^ T " ' " ALL K i N D S A M M U N I T I O N



Fie Watcii vd Cbck Rcpiiriig a Spcaal^




I j a evwy f w — i t y who waat to


pnwipta tke M M af *'EDM0NDeriHM tksr* \t Msd W flpsctacki aad Ky«

IB Their Xxood Judgment

lfx% R.T.

«aU Bawwd P. t>adca. witt or ia Uau ttarwit tha lAarty now held by aaid raeaircr ta tha of aald iafcate. wift AuMitif^ all pnvar taxaa, dwrv

aad ta aM te. raeafar a anaMaay.orpi

wUch kaiaaga to aaid tacCaata; a »rti-tiaa for aaeh eidar befaW M « I M te «ba derTa oAea of awh eiicait cavC

Allea T. Meredith. gaarAaa af Wft-baas K. .Mara«^ Bowaid U dith. P.

Aahby aarioosly injured by im^BC troat. an

ifia. AAby ia




aaa a lMa*R»o«ATa» w*m •TIM a-c.

Mr. aad Mn. fraak WDBaaa aad Mra. GJbaen, afl rf WaahthftOB, JviMA at tha bsMa ef Mr. and V n . Joba A ^ danaaSaaday.

Meana. S: W. AbaD. W. C WiUaaw. B. A h d aad B.>baD d motOTad ta

Qaanfaia Soday. Via. ianis Finnis. of Ki^p, ia via-

Mar Mr. ahd l b s . K. tTAbell. a( Oak HiD.

Mm Gaurgia Cemwdl caDed at tta rf Mta. W. E. King Monday.

Saadan aad MiH Mi«-^ _ * *

*»y Miaa Cdith

a poaition at Qoaatieo. < Mr. Bay Grigaby, of <liiaatico, ,waa|

tha guest of Miaa Sachal Abdl Mes-t dav evening. |

Mr. John And««on aad son Laater, a ftying t r^ «a Fata-aa Satard^r,




Sm*Bni«ffn««in««Hiwiff '"8 Hopwooiys



gtk id I Streets, N. W,

Try aa

Everjrtiiiiig :Good - t o Eat

Mj line embraces Staple and Fancy Groeories

(^eensware, Tin and ' Ehamelware

CMKn w KtMnwcs


IIM Javnal, %\Mm yaar.

Page 8: No Food Emeitfi^ Journal 1919-1920/THE...Lowlonn c^nnty withont its last ^y'B registration added 460 white and HON


ibor for WANTED-4Sldltod abd- un-

skilled labor for the BethleEem Corporatidn ai ISjMtfTows W^ Md. Rate ot pajr from 64c to 11.75 per hovir; plenty of piece work; good[. living conditioa«;

TUESDAY. OCTOBER at, 1920 Bafiaiili« Pmrnw^ ^ It A. j £

If raliriar, Bwt fmir 4»7.

Havinc doeidad to diaeontiniu fUin-ing, r wfll Mil Kt pablie MKUOB, ftn Sprinsdal* Fsra, thra* milM MOth^f IiMl«p«nd«iit Hill, Va., on tho abov*.

tha aUa B^dbUeaB.pwtjr ir i i ieh. . . .^ tba Civil War, hU tmt wiaolj gnidad UM dMtiaioa of tba ct/aatrj ia day*, of •traa*, wkon lnnu|i pmUana praasod iMTMlatiOB.

permanent work the year roun^ ««»-d daU. th. followiai par.oa.1 o p 2 i £ S S T ^ i ^ t S * ^ ** also good opportunity for youiif vop^itf. 4-°'*!?:*?*^ *?• ?** "« Octohar. man to lewn a cood trader A]>^7Go«rinirr Bona, worit A •,, ,^ " T f y ; . mnl«. eoltj to Mr. Thurman, 1410 Pa. A v i , two yaan old; four milk cows, foor Wa«hingt<Hi, D. C.^Tnranaporta- Holatain haifan, two yaan old eom-tion will be paid from Washing- ia»» Hatetaiii bnll, fonr yaan old; ton. All men muat have at leaat •*—i, 18 luuuUn old; H*a »l>u«tar^«» enousrh money to pay three days Aa aadi; BarksUn sow, BarkriUra board, a b o must nave good eye boar, ngist«rod. sis^t^and hearing.. Come ready Famlac laphaiaaU.—MeCormi(A for work. , 21-r* bindar, Faman' ITaTorita drill, two-

=^—— ' I i «>w eonq^BtMf, two rkUn* ejdttnu For Sale — Six-piece parior ton, s^rimrtooth hanow, two s x

suit, parior table, side board, Southbaad turn plows, tfarea doubly book case, bedroom suit* refrig- shoTol plows, two sincla SIIOVBI plows, erator, kitchen table, roll-top ^ P mowing maehines, haynka, eyela desk and cha irr ind two stands. • grinder, wheat fan, wh4at cradle, seed Apply at Jourtial Office. 21 lower, briar scythe, mowing acytba,

:—•—'•—— — {anvil, visa, block and. tackle, cant-Wanted—Driving horse from hooks, mattocks,'forks, log chains,

5 to 8 yra. old, over 1000 l b s ; com sheller, three two-horse wagons, 8x81; one-horse wagon, 2Hi log track, two-horse spring wagon, bob sled, two wagon beds, mbber tire buggy, good as new; strong runabout buggy, dou­ble set of harness, sat of buggy har-flws, nun'i saddle, About 66 barrels of com in shock, about sdght tons of T*Bp*hy hayl l i iS tgqi cowpaa hay, ton ragweeds, rick of rya straw, lot of


Mr. J. K> Spring aad •OBrafJtatas^ Ml, wen eaUan in town Wadnasday.

Mr. Jamas Teal, of Tlw-«ains, WM tha goaat o« his SOM IMT* tba past waak.-

Tba infant dtild olf Mr. and Mrs. Wahar Sobiason, who &st WMk^mu badly bnraad, ic 'much batter nyt is thought to ba oat of danger.

Mfts Ruth Efalflsh. who has bean tiia guest of rolativas in UefamoBd, has retwa^-homa.

Uncle Daniel Bradford U moving to

Miss Sari H^w^ar-'^, -* ^flaMng

Onith. thin svMk. ' Mi|paa Pisafl Shutts, and'Anna Flck-

Vtt, if. Washiagtoa,' wan irsMkniMl goasto of Mias Plotaaes jQaaaoiu at -Mt. Atlas." , - v - « i , „

Miss Frances Eiblar, of Taplar Hill," is visiting relatives & Wash-ington.

Schod opened here on Monday with Mrs. W m . T b l ^ as i^indpal and Mias FlMWMo Goaaom as asristut.

Kr, Bevaid Ball and ta^r metar-•d to Alexandria o^'fiuiiday and war* gvasts ^ ralativae thara.

Mr. C. S. Shirley, «f Washington, visited at his home hara owr Sunday.

Miss Paulina Ooasom is attaadlag school ia Haymarkat

Mn. J. C. McDottidd, w6o has bean visjtfaig ralativaa k WaaUngtot, haS

d heme. • '—-— catun


f i l e snai^y weather of fall whets one's i^wtite ton th« toothaoma oyster. Wa «re prepared to serve fine oy«tq;a i»« every style on short notice. Our«ookinf gives added seat to every mouthful: ^ , .

f t t y o a like them raw, malce our place your oyster he*d-quai lurB. And we seU oygtera In butt, too. fMeals of aU kio^ i ^ lunches served, to aaft the taste of jne most particular.

f We « ^ carr^ Pmrk 4e TOfoM't and MartUt Washtatgttm -Candiea FBESg^WEKKLY. ^ ^ I

must be che > for cash. Apply after 4 p. to. E. Dickens, Bris-tow, Va. 21-2 •

Notic»—Oct. 8tlv will be the last day I will run my eider press this season. W. L. Dlehl. 21-S*

Lost—Z. A. Fraternity Pin — - —. — — , . ^ - . . , . . « . w , » „ « set with diamcNQds, on streets of Irish and awaet potatoes, 2S0 quarts Manassas; $6 reward if returned! can fruit. to Journal C^ce. 2 1 - ^ Household and Kitchen Puraitare. — — — — ^ - Onf &.pieee and one S-piece parior

F o r RCTt—Fiimishtwl m n m . / s a i t , thr«« Km.—n., •^«.^^-^,l^^,B(^,^

Bxtanaive rapaln are being made <^ the rectory, preparatory to the oc-.cnpancy of Bev. and Mr*. Afowae. .

Mr. O. D. MLong, of Jtiehmo^, was in town Monday. Mr. DeLong' says Prince William looks more pr^perous than eig^t yean ago; For himself ii« has never bean mon so and has hap-died and saved moM (taring that pe-riod than in many yean, <-

Mr. J. W. r^nn, who has bean spead'

reasonaWy piiced; Apply at this <^cc

rooms, , neAr towm &•• badsteads, four feather bads U d

20^2 bedding, dining and extension table, — V-' ' ' •• • •} two'drop-leaf UUaa, 19 d i n ^ room

Wanted—26 c o m cutters. Will chain, three rocken, couch, 38 yards pay 35 craits a< shock. K B.; of carpet, two docks. No. 9 range, with Wagoner, Mgr^—Bea—Lomond i wanning dosat; four-lHiraty olTstefeT Farm. - 20-2' gof>d as new; two sewing maciynes.

ing his vacation at his home hare, has ««twnad to Wariiington.

Mr. C. P. Rid<m, who has bean am-plbyad at €atharpia,< has ratumad home.

Silo filling is nearly completed.' The faimen say 4hay have never had a better year of this esaantial feed

The new grist mill for Meade's feed^ store has arrived and will soon be ia. staUednW the store.

Mr. andMrs.<3uurles Spiaks, of Ma.-oMsas, were gocits of relativas h«ra the past wedc

Mr. A. B. G. Bass and family, who

„ , „ , _ I ^wm separator. mphQsrtT tf,, three[I!!^PrS!!!f.,*^ Wee propftty, FAJIMERS—We^have just re-' «cra^ doow. 22 window wreeM, K<«I | ^^ "^"^ ****' ^^^'^ • J ———— IT s q u a r e JUDb ! « - • -~—»^ . ivy ia , u . wuiuvw BCTVeOS, XMO- ,

ceived a factory shipment of jgen- Mn graphophcoe, good as new; W««t» uine American field fence, gates «» Eleetrie tel hone, good as new; and barbed wire Anticipate, " i beater, double banvlhammerlaas your wants and purchase now, owing to difficulty of getting prompt deliveries. You know what American f«ice i»—how it stands up under the weather. Let qs exphdn tte superiority of this fence. W; C. "Wli(Ukef.""

shotgun, two singla barrel shotguns, 27 galkms Sorghum, 20 gkjlons good apple vinegar, picturas, diibeSi eroek-ery. and many other artJeles too nu-merous to BMnttoa.

For R^t—Apartmajt of or three furnished rooms light hougekeepiag, w. h. L, $26 or$35ambnth. A l ^ at this office. 20-tf

Choice Pears For Sale—A lim­ited number of windf&lls in th« orchard until Oct 1,25c a buAel. During October price on drtnmed pears 50c a bushel, a riight in­crease for gathered and {ricked P«ars. J. H, Dodge. 19-4

tssaut . """T "CMbi ~ Sums uvw that SBUIBM 1

.—-.jcredK of nine aaonths will bo given, two panima«to give intanstrbearing, aa-for > Soti<|bIe not* satisfs^tMily endorsed

and payable at the Peoplaa Natfcmal Bank of Manassas. Ho property to be removed until tenas of sale a n eem-^Uattwitlu.

Mrs. Buckley, who, witb her SOBS have occiqned the place, have takaa rooms in Miss Bath.Hulflsh's h«mie for the present, until the h6na« tlMOr wOI occupy is vacant

A sad aeddaiBt aeeurrad last Thui*-day what Mr. Gaorga HuM, living sev-«ral milaa frma lisni, iOi on a sUp.

Mrs. G. A. G^som, who has been, quiU ni, is slowly improving.

the W. M. U. of Antioch Baptist Churifch met on Wednesday at'tha^rasL deuce of Mrs# Robert Mayhu^.

WOODBINB Mn. Lola Pearson, wife of Somen

Pearson, was beptized Septei^bw'96, and '(lied October 2. Punerkl services were conducted by Rev. J. A. GoUhew.

Bev. J. A. Golihew, pastor'of Wood bine Baptist church, recently ntnraed from> aix weeks' nvival cantpaign. In the aasoeiatod churches wfiere he oAciat^ he bUL^e a s ^ tanee of Rev. George E. Spruilla, of Martinsville. Va. Than were mora than 86 conversions and iS wan ad-j, mitted to the church by baptism. AT tha close of tiie meeting witji tha Oak-dale chnreh tho pastor was presented with a bone and buggy and tiia visit-

Down by the' OU Dtpot Manasaaa, Virginia


with a ^ttzw of mora ing minister thaiiMO.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baaven aze the happy parents of a girt bom on *ha,^9tik T H baby was bom In tha old QstUir .house now ow^ed by Mr. Tted MiW. R: P . Ltidw W, yt««t-ff^^-p i r ^ « of the infant

Pimng-Room Ware " Kitchen Utensils

Laiiiidhry Equipmenl MSS. HOUSEWIFE:

^. ^ ? " "WPly yoor wsMta. If it Is aoaething ia ChiBa. Gtauw, Silver, AlnaifaiiBi, EiUBeM, Wdod or iraiow Ware^e have it. Perhi^ an anniversaiy wed­ding or marrfhge present i^wtted. If BO, our vast as-aortmnt firam which yda nuy auik* yonr saketini, is """ath^:—'• ; . . _^

•AH sums of i k and un- •"* "»*'^ * « • * « * . * » «> * •»» - H one «t tha can, was titrowu from imus uvw Hut anwBBtT f ^ g J g ^ < P " « * * mannar that M» ^ J a i i h i n a airi ^Hghtly i n f u t ^ Mrs.



-<-£val^ man and woiQ(ti> wiMvidines 1, ^ „ i. \ i -J. ^ . , •. i *** •*'**y *^ inttgrf^ at the home,

^^A ^ - u «ent—Furnished the rights <»f humanity and the greatec and unf i imiahfd^Bihth M TW i p>««p..i^ ..# •ur y,,,ntyj. ^igjiid jotg vis, Mankmas, Vtt.

Strayed to my premises, Tudor Hall, on or about Sept lS-2(^ OOB white hog C»ow). Owner e £ have same by paying for .liiia adv. and keep of hog. B. F. Iden, Manasaaa, Va. ld-4

Wanted to Beni-^oaa» Nov. Apply Box 207. V 19-2

For Sale—Driving mare and one work mare, chcu ).- Everett P. Robertson, BriatoW, Va. 18-4*

Wanted—«0,0M iddta otik cross ties. See us and sat i»k«s. M. Lynch ft Co. S 4 f


19-if for Harding and CoeiidiB^ the Repnb-' Ueaa candidates. ., \

The people a n tired of the inelBe-iency and mismle of the Oeme^atie adaadnistmtioti. '

The people demand a .change in the WhiteHonso. .

Harding and Coolidgc were seleeted by. tiia Bqpidiliean Cyevaatioa to head tba tkkat baeaase tbey rapieaaut tim very best atanMnt ia tba l^vobUean party.

Both are men of ti» people. Both sprang from the p e o ^ and have never lost touch witii the needs, «witHio«s sad tMBbhs of tba paopia.

Hardfar ia tba Uaitad Stataa Snata has fiMSbt tut aad vetad fsr Oe im­portant tews SMKtad Jar tba worUar

log was taraksn bad^. Madteal aid tat. daeed tb^ifraetuiiSr^and bo is doiag well a t t U s t iSk ^ ^

Mr. W. M. Jonbui is in Baltimora this w«ek buying iig £slhaad wtnter goods.

Workman.are hnny T«mimriit|g[ -ij ^y^ warebdosei whieh has «toi>d formany yoars eir Mr. Jordan^ propeHy. Th» frame^ is as sound as ever and much better than is used tiMe day* fa eoiir strueting bufldings of its kntd^

Serrieas in dilt Baptist Cfanich will be heU Sunday piiftemam at 3 Vdoc^ Sunday Schod at tbe usual heuri Bvery eae is cordially iavHad t» at> tend tibme serfices. / ,

FAIRFAX Considereble excitement was created

last Snaday by t^ automobiles eota-ing together on Maple avwiue, Vienna, near Waggoner's Garage., Both, can w«re bdng driven by ladies. Miss Ann PawBoa, of <aift«D,who was driv-in|^ one «t the can, was Oumm from

_^^ We oury the LASGEST line of QOUSEFURNISH-m q s soath of New York. Ooirsystematically uzang.: M dtqday tiuooghoot oar many d^artaMiits BUJESB sheivfttg with WeaiQr and ft pleases.

7^ ' If y ^ iSw uaalftlo v ^ t&M we wff Itre your iadve by mafl ^qtodaty attention.

We want to meet yon. -^.-. , — CiMBe to see OS. Let as Make ow store jjsnr store whcB in th«

B{,;.a Thwnaa,^ of WnAfagtoo, .who drnteg^tka o tb^ ear, aoeapad only mtnoi- inJsMesv Both

to be left at tW gi raga for i«r


' DUUN & MARTIN CX). 1216 F S^Mt luid 1214>18 6 Strert, WaaUagtoii, D. C.

^ MaIIia-?Faedoiu 9f New Balti-»«%.yf-. Is JliO bouse jtaest of Mrs. (^ M. ^oranea, at Hemdm. Miss N < ^ Weedpa has retdpod to b«-hoBi« in Fauqfder comity.' • ,

Mrs. S d t e 4 Holden, who has been th« guest tar about twp mcmths of her sonV'Mr Thomas Holden, at M Leon, .XexasvYetorned to her home in Hern^ don-week befoMi last; Her son-lD>iaw, Ip."*.' S. Hhrrismi, made a flying .trip tb Tteaa tb acewa^iany Mrs. Holden



H A n i A K n i r

Ha voted agafawt that part of tha Treaty wUtA wooM iavolva aar'aea tiy iaXarepa's l ian .

Bs voted to neaO ear BoUian f h w

Ha voted for tba safatjr af oar saw •ad tba peaba af oar bsMsa.

Ha voted to praveaa the eetMstiw «f **ods<att and aa ba vatad to tba east af Uvi^.

Ha Us iafasaaa aa4 Us


> " ^ NOKBSTILLE ^ Bish(9 Brown visited S t Anne's

Chun* bare on Friday, the fcst, and ^liverad a vary ilne s«rmon at t)ur«» o'clock hi the evoihig. A KUa class has been orgaidsed by the monben of S t Aane's and wHl meet evary Wed­nesday evening. This wsd( «t the home of Mrs. Mabel Harrd. ' "Ths. Blind Qoastatte" gave an en­

tertainment at the pnbUe achotd houaa Friday ni^rt, whidi was aradi en-

l^yed by those present Public school opens h*e to-menow

with tbrea taacbsrs in cbazga. Mr. i («a Snyder, its fonaMr ptfad-

pal. has saearsd a positiea aa raOroad »osta] daric. A kdywOI ba priadpal tbisyaor. '

Mr. P. TrMiis and famSy bava aov-ad to tbtfr new home has*.

Mr. I. Wast, wife and chad have left for tbair na# b«ae fa norida.

Mr. WUte has awvsd to tbs pre|»-aity re>satfnaeats*byJir. 8. A^la-

Urs. W. A Sadtb visitdl niattvas la WsdifagtMt tba past wask, fag boose bg'auto oa aatnrday

Xr. WaMsr Glsassa^ai^ wife sad Miss Margant Dapaa, af

at tba bSM af Mr. S. K. - .


APTOjfcOBIIJgS BBCAlfe EFFJacitViB ' 129,1S2«:>

r. N. ukSMm CrVTL BNGDfSBK AND S U « f « t O B

MANASgAaiTA. OAse: M. I. C.

goadfahfa ms

"*" " ' T| sail rinnalifag hi iJn tba Ivpo «f MB f t tndy to npasMK bis P M ^ o n t U m totiM IsgWatare•»<i

Thsy the^ ssat Urn tolthe IMtod SfateaSeaats.

Thus from obacarity Warreta G. Harding grew in sUtnre until his party honored him by UMninating Myi

I the party's staadaid bearer. He is still Harding the simple, kind­

ly, able citisen, living his baautifttl| • e * » e s s a e a a » > | family Jife in his modest Marion

Tha Jonmal $1.60 a year fa advaaaa

i lk ibaaef t ta

to against ajrtaraal ritorial iiastilij

af an , In eaaa of any saeb fa ease of any threat ar dan.

of such aggreasion, tba Cpoaea rimll advise ^MO the means by'wUeh tUs obtigatioB shall be ftattOad.'^^^

Mrs. Margaret K%stefa, widow of John Elipatefa, at Fauquier county, died at tba home of her daughter, Mrs. C. M; Fknaaea, at Qerndoo, Saturday before last agad afaaty-savan Voars. Fnnena sarviees wale IWd Ilf~BSn-don aad interment was fa fba came. t e ^ at WaMmton, i^erp h«r bnriwad is bnzlod. ' Mfas Catbaffae BariEer, daughter-ef HT. and Mrs. A.'P. Barker, of Wash­ington, aad Mr. Pater Magner, jr. of Swsfaam, wore married Scptoaber U , fajK. Mary's Chureb. Swataam. by tha R«v. Father V, O. Qasvaa. Mr aad Mrs; MiOMr wBi make tbafr bMaa at Bwsteaps.

Saaimy Eaton, of Fairifax, has re-taraad boas after two aMNrths' aarvica Ml SB Amarieaa atbsmship, wbfch earr ried a cargo to a Seettish pert. Wtila OB the other sida Mr. lataa vfaited UadoB, Qasgow aad otiMr pofato fa Engfaad sad Seadaad. He says tba work OB sbipbeard was bard aad SK-aetiag, bat ba was aMta ^mn paid by Usaqarfanee.

Miss TUBa Leoise' De B ^ 9«nt her vaeatfan with the CamatO^ nsiibbnrttDOff— "ntj frisads fa Hbradq^ lataraad to Waab-iagtoB alst week.

Oaorgta Wbortoa aad Mr. WO-lioai R. Lotob, w ^ kaowB aad popofar TCoidaBto af Fkfafax, wan Banfad fa Afasaadrie Moaday,^ngaBt » . Tho teet af the nwrffaga was oidy kaswa to a fbw cfaoa frtasdi of tbacaup to a «sw d^s ago. Tbagnaaita eipal af tks FWffaz aAsbl aad tte

fa J MB is ml fa P. D. a aad • n i t s fa FWrfax. gtbsi Pi^l-T, tbs f k n t o ^

^aar^M daogbtar «f Mr. «aasga Barw ksr; resWBg at Pshkk stetfaa, oa tba ». F. A P. RaOwny, fa thfa couaty. was

Type ' Touring Resdstcr Conjte

F . a B . 1895.00

89j^.00 1425.00 147&0e


bdivwed <$85J90 986.00

16S6.00 15964MI


^ " ^ TO Tft WMfyw?rrB\Tft TTiio NEW


New PI MAIt^^AS, ttSGINIA ^m

iban of tbs iatfaa-l

ef fast waaklby bar dz-yaar«ld braai.

Hit<theMark. Gov. Cox ought to use a rifle. The

•hot-gun gcatten too much.

playing with a riia. Though she was at miee taken to a WasUngtOB bosi»tal, the injury was ilstal Sad death called her that night

Baying the Praea. The paid editorial in a preeidentlal

year has the brand of Mark Hsnna in If ' • "-aj s sulphurous tme':'.

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