^tsl: tni^'^'^i^'jss^v^v.lss. b. mcdonah, •^l^fsl^is:...

VOL. XX. No. •>'^ MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. ,y- ONE DOLLAR A YEAR THE WEBSTER MEWHUAL intere»ting Story ol tlte Master oiOnioty Md Hk •SOB. BY GEO. C. ROUND, The editor of the New York Evening Post, referring last week to the Webster Memorial dedication, says that Bull Ran was iht most beautiful of all the Southern battlefielde. The Hart- ford Courant pronounced it the "naost {Hcturesque" twenty-five years ago. In the centre of this high-roll ing amphitheatre of war, which the time he fell. No doubt about this uir.e Colonel Webster was mortaliy wounded. The UDXMI troops were rallying for their fitiai effort on Henry Hill, from which .Svkes and Reno and the Pennsylvania rewrves succeeded at last in driving back the tri- umphant itsgiims of Longstreet and Lee. Hje position which was the sdvatim of Beauregard in the first battle became the refuge of Pope in the second. During such a conflict lastmg into the nigfat little atentirai Webster's adju'ant removed him a short distance sojl remained with him until forced to retreaL stretchy from H«U7 Hill on tbej^^^^ ^„^ W. R L. Wheeksr. a citizen reading on an adjoining farm, saw him, i»«bably b^ore dark, and Sergeant W. H. Lii»- eoiab of the.-lat A^rginia fbcmd mander-in-ehief G. A. R., 1910- 11, Boston, Mass.; lieut-CoL Benj. F. Cook. Gloucester, Mass.; Steepen' Ciub Saturday at the Lieut. Samoet Apptotoa, St PaaL i te^ottbaMa^ at HidRMyCfWe. could be givai to the wounded^ 1™^'*^^^*^^^*°*^^'^*™*^ jTlia tun Brockton, Mass.; George N. HiU,!•nUd. the d u b cokHV, Roxbury, Mass.; George Kimball, < *'«i bsowm, being much east to the Grovetoo Heights ou ' the west, looking out toward the blue outline a[ Tlioroughfue Gap and Hupewdl and the Biaeoit' Mountains stands Bald Hill, and on it spur at the northern end of the ridge rtuids the Fletcher Webster tablet To the north lies tbe slope where Howard and Earijreame into eonfikt at tbe end of the first battle and over which tfaa 12tfa M«Machnaatta } way after an l^ur's figltd^lOMB^ fore Longstreet's isapetaoas cha/gei FurtiMron stands the Matthew EBll, where Bamskje and Evans (^leoed the first battie. and Bock Hifl. where MeDtnreB. sent his foteea against Jackaoo. Still fortfiffl^^Flie righC &lhe HeiuyHMae iuid the field where two fa^aneDded; in whicfa field^ the lines of battte in the two .eetibetB were exactly reversed, and wJMre Jsly 2}. liOl. ^ oonbaUata in a gttat batUe ibr tbe first tiaae in hastory nhoek hands m frieadrii^ aad partoric >:^«tiMlS.«ve feast «f the " • '4;haGi«y, served hy die tears ^ the Confederacgr- Look ing to <iw west yaa see tihe awit uflaeats mariuiW the flpot wbere^^ the 5th and lOth New York under Wair* were b>UiWMPnttd igf Sood, aad stiU further the slopes of the Cbwveton Farm, aad aitt beyond, the Sodk^ itic^ and Doi«iaH HiU. nhat akmg ^be QnAniihed natovad. which proved the best of fortLSeMMOB. Stooe- ' Continued on Ejgfalii Pmge sANi ELECTS fmsm M r . C A . H c a e k n i IfaMia Offii- klHaado^NatiBMl Mr. C. A. Hdneken, ot fi«y- maricet, has been tweeted ptem- doitof the Nati(Hial Bnkxd Ma- nttsas. Mr TTrinrkrn haii hfrn vice iHesident of the imaklar walTJa^neB for ti|io~daya net the ehargM of GiUaia wtiGt^ ver, of Biaao, Hooker aial iLear- ney. No more desperate attacks Mazye'a Hrigfatsor Cemetery Etidee: Ewey and mtm AT MMCATIW Oat-of-Towa Folk to MaaasMW foi Who CMM Webrtar BUOS SUCCESSHfi. FAIR Hid»ry HI Awarda. Embroidery—Miss Jennie Ew- ell, 1st; Mrs. Westwood Hnibeh- ison, 2ndi Mrs. Wm. Latham, 3rd; Miss Nellie Ewea 4th. Crocheting — Miss Bessie Ja- cobs, 1st; Miss Jennie Ewell^ 2nd; Mrs. Neal Gibw», 3rd; Mrs. Susan Hutchison, 4th. Garment—Miss Jennie Ewell, lat; Mrs. Westwood Hutchison. UNION V8T«BAN& j ^Sxckmations of surprise and 12TH MAJSSACHUSETTS. appreciation were general upon Gen. John E. GiUnan, com- the part of visitors to the boose- „ , j , . „,. .^ ^, _ , keepera- fair held by tbe ladies ^ " " " ^ ' ' " ' ^ ' i J S * " * ^ ^^^ oftheHickoryGioveGoodHou^j. ,J^T"*^f."L.K'u% u''"' 1st; Mias Ehtabeth Hutchism, _2Qd; M i ^ J- •ij» i*^ I!full II ilmi "^ Fred Huto^Haon 4th "*- '*^^"*\jr^ Farm or G«den Prodocts- .y®^ Mias EJitabetE-ffutchisom Ist; secretary of Regimental Assoda- ^ence. ahJ the exhibits were all u^H ^ ^ t ^^"^ ^ ' tinn T^.i^<rtn^ U,« Ti^..t |disptaved. Visitors t« th^^^t^t^ ^^ L^Uf^^' Flowering Plant - Miss Blix- abeth Thomas. Ist; Mrs. G. A Hutehisim, ^HI; Mjas Kdlie Ew- James A. Allen, Chevy Cfasae, D. C.; JosQ>h Ona^t, WaAiag- bm, D. a . ~ OTHER UNION VETEBANS. Senreant Henry Exley, 13th Mass.; Dr. Lawrmoe Wilson, 7th Ohia; Gaorge Newton. 75tfa Illi- Bois; Dr. Jamea McKee. 118th Indiana; Col. William Emerson, 1st Mass.; Dr. Harrison M. B&i- nett. 39th Mass.; H. Reya^ 2ndN. Y. Cavalry; CapL W. W, Jimes, P«linH:;^^*j^:e^rbgte{^Joha|[giH»: McJSlroy, editar- NjOioaal Tri- bune; Cd. John L. Clem. Qoar- termastar'B Corps, and COBIBM- gwawof PcmwmrSltrfgihftr, rit\tuktkm. oi Warfringtnn. D. G. G e o i ^ L Baxlxm. ^Srd N. Y., iierwalk. Conn.: MiUer JL-BaadiBC N^J. Cavaliy. NAasviUe, ¥*.; Ben- ^r. TatBO. ben RohiMnH 1«fcid l^i, Vftb» , j,n,j Mr f Indeperaieat S^ Va.;\ George W. Bcteer. Ml Indiaa* Tob., Independent HA, Va.; Htory Lawtoa. 4th N. J., tkeoton, N. J.; Sv C. K«9«. FiL VOIL, Ma- nassas. Va.; S, L. Gkivai. S^ MJCnrWift ^Hs. Va. OmiFEDaUTE TEIXKaiB. Ltent^Cohmet Edomnd Ketkg- \ey. 8th Va., fiaymaket, Va.; Dr. Henry M.Ciaricaon, Surgeon, S. C. Voia:, Hcyvtaritet: Sergeast A H. CoBipton, 8th Va. Weffi^^ ton; WSiimn T. Hughes; J. L. many years and becomes its sec-] l^***^, S. C Voia., Manassas; ond 'pcendent, Iteii^ iinrtifliiil "**"*" *''~*'^Tr"***'^'~ ^mirr onto fay the |«t? ft*«>r i^»i*^^ i Wdlingtma: John B. TifletL 4Sai La^m, who was made peesident' Va. Batt, Manassas; James ite stvanixation. ' i Go&k. 4641 Va. BatL, Vt Tiatt, SEm VICE MtEsii^airT. Mr,>(^.He. B. McDonaH, • ^ l ^ f S l ^ i S : ! S L £ ^TSL: Tni^'^'^i^'JSs^v^v.lSS: Taiiafem».two<tfSt8Bew*i*^^|2^;^J^^*^^ ^f^L-f Tl " ^ Geof^Jf, &akh, Aiig- visKm oeaunaaders, anth 1,200 of fan best men feU before the "Iron Bricade":dnrii%thejighL b^tle of August 2»h. On the sKa WOO ^KUr trOftrv. succeeded in aamamg the rail- road emhankmeats and three diffe««&t poiats and w«« only d m c a hack, hy the. determined which even Jarlrann maid an4 execute. ' OB tbe gOth. Towns' Brigade. eooDti^ is to aueeeed Mr. Hesae- kea ta vice presMait The eledacMi oeenrred IWsday ataaieetiag of the direetarst. tn which Webster's coaamand was inckided, tasi been fighdng tai^ £wc9 Cann, Manassas; John R. Kort, latfa Va. Cavdty. Eaymarket; B. T. U. Bodre, Marqais' Battery, if swii. B. ¥. Weens, Sth Texaa. Tens; Secgeai^ WiUiam fl. ist Va., WasUactSB. D. C £air^ considered daases A prize .bliwzibboa^ with eadh many of the on exfaitMtion eqi^ to what they had seen at Richmooid. The difficult duty af judging this .,„ « . „. , . relative m e r i t s 3 d i e \ « i a S ex- * ^ ^"^^ > « » * - » « £ » « » . *th. fafints was performed 1^ the ftHowing jod^ses: Mrs. W. M Jordan, Mrs. J. E. Douglass and Mrs. W. G. Govii^rton oo bread, cakes, pies and butter. g |Mrp. J. F. Dogan. Miss Emily i JahnaoH aad Mis. Elgin on can-' ped fmita awH g*gr*aM** " H i SCBOOL CfflLDRQifARADE y' Taday Attract Oowdb Mrs. H: M. Oarkson, Mrs. Visitors to the big county Stewart Gihaon and Mia. L. R. eveats have taken poteesakm of Ita«er SB pns»na,idfieBand Maaaoastoday. Oow^afmea, women and duktrea, repremiiut- ''Mrs. McDoBsld, Mrs. Gsaqnet iagieverrseetkm irf^PrinceWS- tti Z o e g a aad Miss Adrau on liara, partieioi^ in the meoeni Mr. McDoaahll Early this BsarniBg the eountry to wrrlve. Sbnill ; eedscB;floaren(,eal(»Bd«ti«amers. pgwdncts, At «ae.j>^doek hmcheoa served to thaloi^s a«d vi^^oBS hog« facms, aideh iJM4 to their utmost [The iodges have not yet aecmeed tte priae a w i t ^ bmn the odier cbibs of the eoimty at the afMxs. T. R. Gafidwr. ooeo- XiiBU Ihe An-i Qiu»dg Mftft the ateMt»,M>d: DepsrtaMftt. who was;thnM« the exhibit urtjuaKaied by CsL R. A. Hatch- houekesf isai. aflisnsssss. gave the meet; HsM has lutaeslaqt talk in Uw aflHiwuB ftlfylaMtr and told of many ways uid the M. X C baikb« «f making the woric oi ed wide attentaoa, Ike varied Hgitter. This was exh^ite OQBM finei haUs. Tbe MlesTs heen ptooouueed a nsesesasreSESsrs foUowed4yatalkby Mrs. F^arit every raicaterial diprtrieL Dogvi. who pxphuned poods m \ The farmers h u e talna pos- coartfcrion wi^ the fta to be'session o^ the heldr at Maninman thin wonk, ailjsininr thr iwal iiisihrt and JiUdred EwisB —ked the iaaay wsitotaawexhthtUggtheir thifeether dahsin.^ierest m. Hjng Urtu the Priaee Waiiam ex-' Noithsm Virginia Ftenexs'Ins- hibit at the stata better than it The rmmmittee wishes to «K-I stack exhihit tHuto aad i^pra^tiaa a tag (isawiv to tibe |ai|ges andjie_an jyhpj The priflB^tf- iM^ai tomdteOK JSarneeeas. ] aMraing was tiw gigantiepande The awarding «tf i^ibM* was of Priaee Wiffiua eoaatr whool tatoMowK ehildKn. it is. catiQMtad that ftirt-lfes NeUie Ewefl. Ut; i^soo^ehsQl eUdten took part. '"*•**• * ^ ^'i" As they niarehed irith banners flying J«haA£iwd. -fJtf. tod Mra. Charias-A. Duw, iaoa, tgr:Tpntf Cordelia Jaekaon. and Mrs. laa- Mrs. tJoha D, Thomas, ~3l<d; Ufa. George M L WaiterGesiVe^ l*bJIZ MiMiMheaeSfciaaer, ted. I MnL Bobeirt Hstchi-! Istr Misg Madwd Ewefl. i jsdb mingiing idtfc d tbeenmd, a ~T%e toarn council ia Monday in' the diwaeturs^ Jackson on the right, bot at 4lof the Peoples NiUional Bank p. m.. itfwas saddorfy called on to doaUe-quack to the M t to meet the right wing of Lee's artsy. Lw^gBUuet'a eorpa of 25,- 000 AMk Profaahlyaomsrewi- f arm aad sodden movfiaent of so large a body of awn ww ande during the ei£l% wsarT The^ ^fcnS" was adopted Confederate foroes were led by: The oomeSmen present were Andeiaoe aad Wiloox aad Kent-.Messrs. Albert Speideo, C. E. per and Hood. For one fx^i^'f'^ ^^^V^ %^^» hour out ,n the open & « • •f the f ^ ^ ^ T. R Co2«il: Head Pla» fam MUray aad absBRt Dr. C. R. C. Johnson Reynolds and Sigel and McDow- and Mr E .A.. Brand. Mayor ell's forces fought ^]yT^ fur- Brown presKjed. "^ • In addrtiOB to this important bd W. Bd. af the Wamaa's Be- lief Corps. «ir of Waahingtan. d; Mr. and Mrs. fficaa W. Kistler, Streodd«i>g. Pa.; M. ]D Moore. 4th. Battar—Miss Ehsabeth Hotdi- iaoe, lat; Miss JennwEweB. Mas Neifie Ewdl. Sri: 4th. -Mrs. Chas. paased a resoiutiiHi in unanimous | acceptance of the water, sewage] N. Arnold, Jr., N<Kth Ahiagtoa. j and electric lighting syateras. | Mass.;Mrs. Fiai^Rogers,Brool^lIst; Ifiss Isabella Skimier, 2ad; Tbe report of tbe special oom- ijae, Hasa.; Miss Lucy E. C h o i ^ Mra- T- ^ GaDeher, Sr^; '" mittee by Dr. C. R. C Johnsoril' n—.*/>-. i t . ^ . ta^ njiZriT-iMt. and Ae ^ne^r'sreport to:Mr. I ^^^^JlT^' ^ ^ * * 1 ^ ^ N. Wason Davra were read be-i WarwntoB. Va.; Mr. aad Mas. fore the body, and upon aotjon i Samud E. Appleton. WarreBtoa. of CoaaeeaMa Wbeelsr 4ha-ns-Vfc. aad^ir. Appletaa's Praaervas—Mta. HotdBBoa, Ist; Mia. G. A. Batch- Misi Mildrad from Washingtoa; Mr. aad MTK 3ni; Mrs. T-.R. Galleher, 4th. Thomas R. K e i ^ FkafaxC.H.; Mrs. Craadal Mackejr aad dal Maekcy. Jr.. Alexandria. Va.; W. H. MaAlister. Washingtoa; G. B. Meyer. Hsrrisborg, fit.; Col. Skenker. of St Louis. Ma; Eageae Keyser. of Haysukrket; Csiiiiwli Fi lilt—Mrs. E. P. Wat- Qtzabeth Hntehiaon Wm Tathsw. 4th .ously. The iefi flaqkjrf tto, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ , ^^ ^^^^^ ^ Tr^num, N. J. t-«4derals was eavetoped md ^j^^ ^^yj^. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ In addition there were crtraens doubled back and Towers' Brig-; fpi to ring hniUling permits IHIL nf Miiiaawn inrt PQllitlL too nu- ade on tbe extreme ngrht was granted: To Mr. Nelson Bennett roerous to mentjoa. including to an enfilading fire for the erection of Louw Wagner. v,-tio v ^ ^' i^i^^ * C^ ^^'^ ad^^'^P 2nd 3r4; Canned Vegetablea-Mias Jea- nie EwdL 1st; Mrs. a A Hnteh- iaon. 2ad; Mn. Qua. Skinner, 4rd; Miss Ehaa Latham, 4tb. Piddes—Mrs. Chas. Skinner. Ist-^ Mrs. J. - Mrs. E. P. Watsoa, 3rd; Mi verdict far. fais>death beyond he died from by taking an barium sulphide BaltisHire The dose waa bought fmm a KA1B OF PETER POLEN W«l Kao Pkiaoe Citizen of Upper Dies at Age Peter Polen, a prominent and wdl-known dtiaea 6f upper Prince William county, passed away Saturday morning in his sixty-sixth year. Mr.^oten had been sick but little over ajwoek., H« hftd beea snSer tnvtar with bis bead fw several di^s. but oo tbe evdiiBg before be was taken nek he remarked that he and loving hands could do for him aras of no avail. Mr. Polen was a man who was liked by all a ^ s j o e w him. He extended an avsr^ asaay hand te all who were oi aead. None ever came to him for aid bat they recdved it He numbered his friends by the score. Bdng upright and honest ia ail his dealings, a man wbose W9rd was his bond, a man of ex- rrilfnt judgment akaig the lines' of fsjuiiug and aiuefc Hiinhmr be amassed quite a fortune ani^ owned a largeestate in the«oi»- ties of Loudoun and Prince WB- Sam, whkh todt moat of lus ti'ne. He aras sddpm sieea. ex- cept wiMB driving his Etd^1bi»~ ffis funeral Bev. M. & Eagle, (rf HaymarinL Tl>a paBbearBrh were MesMi BdMrtCsetdter A. Zer«a, Jv & FMtoa aal C a Ssffcr. aae^ was m tfaefsaiay ,He is Sjgvived bv mmmmmiam The Central Motol TdephoM ^Tkr' -Cwwtwwy ba» jw')*d t^^ 1 meat van aad the local tbem>dgh!^«rayaf the street wiiilien heimtpbeei A week's time wi9 be reqiared to flsake csaaectiona and qaeat ti^sts. Upon the oa of these the cou^aay ex- pects to giveitsi wS he the syatecB wiU be safer n evety Pew tdeahonea are —t Ralph Dorsey em>lor«d by tiw and Potoanc Company, is ia dMose af by Messrs. G.W.BeB aad W. MjMTheeler, oflkays ef the local company. To finan<ie the cable imi^xtve- ment each town subscriber is ta pay $S and each country phone holc^r directly connected with ithe Manajwae BwittLbuaul ?!iri; preaenptMB reading "barium I ^ y $i. Tbe total cost w^SdT solph.." tbe physician having in-1 mated by tbe company and di- tended tbe abbreviation to mean | '^^^ amon? the subscribers ac- * 'TOtphate." i cording to this rate. Tk« ' ».,wvi. .A^.^ a;_j i>witchhoarcl connection »itft The fpteiai took ph^e *^rheC.&P. Telephone G>mpa-iv wtH add a new convenieriet^ itesday and interment ia Lorraine cemetery, Baltissore. eri •j> oundeu and lay at the Mansion a window to ti>eir CHiftdinp ana to Mr. W. W. Davies. for tne erec- a '.' • ' ' ' '.• '•"^'it'nce on merous __ _ ^ a vnvHlKtiwl. most uf the faculty aiid students J^lg-EWeit. ^Kfc. of F.a.«teTn CoUejre and Hebron r.„j,. u..». i-„,»;^r-,.^ii i^. _ Ti^^ i ,.if. r,f t h . Canoj —Miss J enoie Lwell, 1st; ^>eminary. The *ajtleata of tne "" „_,.,: «_, „. Ajmcultural High School made Mrs G. A- Hutchison. 2nd: Mus the round trip to the Henry Mildred Ewdl. Srd; Mrs. Walter detenmnatien to keep ahead of -- -••'* ••— e a u y t , « a c TsewTork.-Tioies-Dispatch. -Snow has fallen at Chicago, thusendeodng tbe Windy City's There w for this d;stJinre r»reM»< ;. ]" '.-e^.np - anv stiteri 11 be no extra ch ennnecUon. Tbf Ir^ -•'••• ..---.. rciffi.

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intere»ting Story o l tlte Master

oiOnioty M d Hk

• S O B .


The editor of the New York Evening Post, referring last week to the Webster Memorial dedication, says that Bull Ran was iht most beautiful of all the Southern battlefielde. The Hart-ford Courant pronounced it the "naost {Hcturesque" twenty-five years ago.

In the centre of this high-roll ing amphitheatre of war, which

the time he fell. No doubt about this uir.e Colonel Webster was mortaliy wounded. The UDXMI troops were rallying for their fitiai effort on Henry Hill, from which .Svkes and Reno and the Pennsylvania rewrves succeeded at last in driving back the tri­umphant itsgiims of Longstreet and Lee. Hje position which was the s d v a t i m of Beauregard in the first battle became the refuge of Pope in the second.

During such a conflict lastmg into the nigfat little atentirai

Webster's adju'ant removed him a short distance sojl remained with him until forced to retreaL

s t r e t c h y from H « U 7 Hill on t b e j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ ^ W. R L. Wheeksr. a

citizen read ing on an adjoining farm, saw him, i»«bably b ^ o r e dark, and Sergeant W. H. Li i»-eoiab of the. - lat A^rginia fbcmd

mander-in-ehief G. A. R., 1910-11, Boston, Mass.; l i e u t - C o L Benj. F. Cook. Gloucester, Mass.; Steepen' Ciub Saturday at the Lieut. Samoet Apptotoa, S t PaaL i t e ^ o t t b a M a ^ a t HidRMyCfWe.

could be g i v a i to the wounded^ 1 ™ ^ ' * ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ * ° * ^ ^ ' ^ * ™ * ^ jTlia t u n Brockton, Mass.; George N. H i U , ! • n U d . the dub cokHV, Roxbury, Mass.; George Kimball, < *'«i bsowm, being much

east to the Grovetoo Heights ou ' the west, looking out toward the blue outline a[ T l ioroughfue Gap and Hupewdl a n d the Biaeoit' Mountains stands Bald Hill, and on it spur at the northern end of the ridge rtuids the Fletcher Webster tablet To the north lies tbe slope where Howard and Earijreame into eonfikt at tbe end of the first battle and over which tfaa 12tfa M«Machnaatta

} way after an l^ur's figltd^lOMB^ fore Longstreet's i s a p e t a o a s cha/gei FurtiMron stands the Matthew EBll, where Bamskje and Evans (^leoed the first battie. and Bock Hifl. where MeDtnreB. sent his foteea against Jackaoo. Still fortf i f f l^^Fl ie righC & l h e H e i u y H M a e iuid the field where two fa^aneDded; in whicfa field^ the lines of battte in the two .eetibetB were exact ly reversed, and wJMre J s l y 2 } . l iOl . ^ o o n b a U a t a in a gttat batUe ibr tbe first tiaae in hastory nhoek hands m f r i eadr i i^ aad partoric

>:^«tiMlS.«ve feast «f the " •

'4;haGi«y, served hy d i e tears ^ the Confederacgr- Look i n g to <iw wes t yaa s ee tihe awit uflaeats mariuiW the flpot wbere^^ t h e 5th and lOth N e w York under W a i r * were b>UiWMPnttd igf S o o d , aad stiU further the slopes of the Cbwveton Farm, aad a i t t beyond, the S o d k ^ i t i c ^ and D o i « i a H HiU. nhat akmg ^be QnAniihed natovad. which proved t h e best of fortLSeMMOB. Stooe-

' Continued on Ejgfalii Pmge

sANi ELECTS fmsm

Mr. C A . H c a e k n i IfaMia Offii-

k l H a a d o ^ N a t i B M l

Mr. C. A. Hdneken, ot fi«y-maricet, has been tweeted ptem-d o i t o f the Nati(Hial Bnkxd Ma-nt t sas . Mr TTrinrkrn haii hfrn vice iHesident of the imaklar

walTJa^neB for ti|io~daya n e t t h e ehargM of GiUaia wtiGt^ ver, of Biaao, Hooker aial iLear-ney. No more desperate attacks

Mazye'a Hrigfatsor C e m e t e r y Etidee: E w e y and


Oat-of-Towa Folk

to MaaasMW foi

W h o C M M



H i d » r y H I


Embroidery—Miss Jennie Ew-ell, 1st; Mrs. Westwood Hnibeh-ison, 2ndi Mrs. Wm. Latham, 3rd; Miss Nell ie E w e a 4th.

Crocheting — Miss Bessie Ja­cobs, 1st; Miss Jennie Ewell^ 2nd; Mrs. Neal Gibw», 3rd; Mrs. Susan Hutchison, 4th.

Garment—Miss Jennie Ewell, lat; Mrs. Westwood Hutchison.

UNION V8T«BAN& j ^Sxckmations of surprise and 1 2 T H MAJSSACHUSETTS. appreciation were general upon

Gen. John E . GiUnan, com- the part of visitors to the boose- „ , j , . „ , . .^ ^, _ , keepera- fair held by tbe ladies ^ " " " ^ ' ' " ' ^ ' i J S * " * ^ ^^^

o f theHickoryGioveGoodHou^j . , J ^ T " * ^ f . " L . K ' u % u ' ' " ' 1st; Mias Ehtabeth Hutchism,

_2Qd; M i ^ J-•ij» i*^ I!full II ilmi "^ Fred Huto^Haon 4th

"*- ' * ^ ^ " * \ j r ^ Farm or G « d e n P r o d o c t s -. y ® ^ Mias EJitabetE-ffutchisom Ist ;

secretary of Regimental Assoda- ^ence. a h J the exhibits were all u^H ^ ^ t ^^"^ ^ ' tinn T^.i^<rtn^ U , « • Ti^..t |disptaved. Visitors t« th^^^t^t^ ^ ^ L ^ U f ^ ^ '

Flowering Plant - Miss Blix-abeth Thomas. Ist; Mrs. G. A Hutehisim, ^ H I ; Mjas Kdl i e Ew-

James A. Allen, Chevy Cfasae, D. C.; JosQ>h Ona^t, W a A i a g -bm, D. a . ~


Senreant Henry Exley, 13th Mass.; Dr. Lawrmoe Wilson, 7th O h i a ; Gaorge Newton . 75tfa Illi-Bois; Dr. Jamea McKee. 118th Indiana; Col. William Emerson, 1st Mass.; Dr. Harrison M. B&i-nett. 39th Mass.; H. R e y a ^ 2 n d N . Y. Cavalry; CapL W. W, Jimes,

P « l i n H : ; ^ ^ * j ^ : e ^ r b g t e { ^ J o h a | [ g i H » : McJSlroy, editar- NjOioaal Tri­bune; C d . John L. Clem. Qoar-termastar'B Corps, a n d C O B I B M -g w a w o f PcmwmrSltrfgihftr, rit\tuktkm. oi Warfringtnn. D . G. G e o i ^ L Baxlxm. ^Srd N . Y., i i erwalk . Conn.: MiUer JL-BaadiBC N^J . Cavaliy. NAasv iUe , ¥ * . ; Ben- ^r. T a t B O . ben RohiMnH 1«fcid l^i, Vftb» , j ,n , j Mr f

Indeperaieat S ^ V a . ; \ George W. Bcteer. M l Indiaa* T o b . , Independent H A , Va. ; Htory Lawtoa. 4th N . J . , t k e o t o n , N. J.; Sv C. K«9«. FiL V O I L , Ma­nassas. Va . ; S , L. Gk iva i . S ^ M J C n r W i f t

^Hs. Va.


Ltent^Cohmet Edomnd Ketkg-\ey. 8th Va., fiaymaket, Va . ; Dr. Henry M.Ciaricaon, Surgeon, S. C. Voia:, Hcyvtaritet: Sergeas t A H. CoBipton, 8th Va. Weff i^^ ton; WSiimn T. Hughes; J. L.

many years and becomes its sec - ] l^***^, S. C Voia., Manassas; ond 'pcendent, I t e i i ^ iinrtifliiil "**"*" *''~*'^Tr"***'^'~ ^ m i r r onto fay the |«t? ft*«>r i^»i*^^ i Wdlingtma: John B. TifletL 4Sai La^m, who w a s made peesident' Va. B a t t , Manassas; James

ite stvanixation. ' i G o & k . 4641 Va. BatL, V t Tiatt, SEm VICE MtEsii^airT. „

M r , > ( ^ . H e . B. McDonaH, • ^ l ^ f S l ^ i S : ! S L £

^TSL: Tni ' ' i 'JSs^v^v.lSS: T a i i a f e m » . t w o < t f S t 8 B e w * i * ^ ^ | 2 ^ ; ^ J ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ f ^ L - f Tl " ^ G e o f ^ J f , & a k h , A i i g -visKm oeaunaaders, anth 1,200 of fan best men feU before the "Iron Bricade":dnri i%thej ighL b ^ t l e of August 2 » h . On the sKa WOO KUr trOftrv. succeeded in aamamg the rail­road emhankmeats and three diffe««&t poiats and w « « only d m c a hack, hy the. d e t e r m i n e d which even Jarlrann maid a n 4 execute. '

O B tbe gOth. T o w n s ' Brigade.

eooDti^ i s to aueeeed Mr. Hesae-k e a ta vice presMai t

T h e eledacMi oeenrred I W s d a y a t a a i e e t i a g of the direetarst.

tn which Webster's coaamand w a s inckided, tasi been fighdng

t a i ^ £ w c 9 C a n n , M a n a s s a s ; John R. Kort, latfa Va. C a v d t y . Eaymarket; B. T. U . B odre , Marqais' Battery, if swii. B . ¥. W e e n s , Sth Texaa. T e n s ; Secgeai^ WiUiam fl.

i s t Va., WasUactSB. D . C

£air^ considered daases

A prize .bliwzibboa^

with eadh

m a n y of the on exfaitMtion e q i ^ to

what they had seen at Richmooid. The difficult duty af judging this .,„ « . „ . , . „ „ relative m e r i t s 3 d i e \ « i a S ex- * ^ ^"^^ > « » * - » « £ » « » . *th. fafints was performed 1 ^ the ftHowing jod^ses:

Mrs. W. M Jordan, Mrs. J. E. Douglass and Mrs. W. G. Govii^rton o o bread, cakes, pies and butter. g

|Mrp. J. F. Dogan. Miss Emily i JahnaoH aad Mis. Elgin on can-' ped fmita awH g*gr*aM** " H i


Taday Attract Oowdb

Mrs. H: M. Oarkson, Mrs. Visitors to the big county Stewart Gihaon and Mia. L. R. evea t s have taken poteesakm of I t a « e r SB p n s » n a , i d f i e B a n d Maaaoastoday . O o w ^ a f m e a ,

women and duktrea, repremiiut-' ' M r s . McDoBsld, Mrs. Gsaqnet iag ieverrsee tkm irf^PrinceWS-tti Z o e g a aad Miss A d r a u on liara, p a r t i e i o i ^ in the meoeni

Mr. McDoaahll Early this BsarniBg the eountry to wrrlve. Sbnill

; eedscB;floaren(,eal(»Bd«ti«amers. pgwdncts, A t «ae.j>^doek hmcheoa

served to t h a l o i ^ s a«d vi^^oBS hog« f a c m s , a i d e h

iJM4 to their utmost [The i o d g e s have not y e t aecmeed tte priae a w i t ^

bmn the odier cbibs of t h e eoimty a t t h e a f M x s . T. R. Gafidwr.


XiiBU Ihe An-i Qiu»dg Mftft the ateMt»,M>d: DepsrtaMftt. w h o w a s ; t h n M « the exhibit

urtjuaKaied by CsL R. A. Hatch- h o u e k e s f i s a i . a f l i s n s s s s s . g a v e the meet; HsM has l u t a e s l a q t talk in Uw aflHiwuB ftlfylaMtr and told o f many w a y s u i d the M. X C b a i k b «

« f making the woric oi ed wide attentaoa, I k e varied Hgitter. This was e x h ^ i t e OQBM finei

haUs. Tbe MlesTs

heen ptooouueed a


f o U o w e d 4 y a t a l k b y Mrs. F^arit every raicaterial diprtrieL D o g v i . w h o pxphuned p o o d s m \ The farmers h u e t a l n a pos-coartfcrion w i ^ the fta to be'sess ion o^ the heldr a t Maninman thin wonk, ailjsininr thr i w a l iiisihrt and

JiUdred EwisB —ked the i a a a y ws i to taawexhthtUggthe ir thifeether d a h s i n . ^ i e r e s t m . Hjng U r t u

t h e Priaee Waiiam e x - ' N o i t h s m Virginia F t e n e x s ' I n s -hibit at the stata bet ter than it

T h e rmmmittee wishes to «K-I stack exhihit

t H u t o aad i ^ p r a ^ t i a a a tag ( i s a w i v to tibe | a i | g e s a n d j i e _ a n jyhpj The priflB^tf-i M ^ a i tomdteOK J S a r n e e e a s . ] a M r a i n g was t iw g i g a n t i e p a n d e

The awarding «tf i ^ i b M * w a s of Priaee Wiffiua eoaatr whool tatoMowK ehildKn. i t is. catiQMtad that

ftirt-lfes NeUie Ewefl. U t ; i^soo^ehsQl e U d t e n took part. ' " * • * * • * ^ ^ ' i " A s they niarehed irith banners


J « h a A £ i w d . - fJtf . tod Mra. Charias-A. Duw, iaoa,

tgr:Tpntf Cordelia Jaekaon. and Mrs. laa- Mrs. tJoha D,

Thomas, ~3l<d; Ufa . George M L

WaiterGesiVe^ l * b J I Z MiMiMheaeSfc iaaer , ted. I

MnL Bobeirt Hstch i - ! Istr Misg Madwd Ewefl. i

j s d b mingi ing idtfc d tbeenmd,


~T%e toarn council ia Monday in' t h e diwaeturs^

Jackson on the right, bot a t 4 l o f the Peoples NiUional Bank p. m.. i t fwas saddorfy called on t o doaUe-quack to the M t to meet the right w ing of Lee's artsy. Lw^gBUuet'a eorpa of 25,-000 AMk P r o f a a h l y a o m s r e w i -f arm aad sodden movfiaent of so large a body of a w n w w a n d e

during t h e e i £ l % wsarT The^ ^fcnS" was adopted Confederate foroes were led by: The oomeSmen present were Andeiaoe aad Wiloox a a d Kent- .Messrs . Albert Speideo, C. E.

per and Hood. For one fx^i^'f'^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ %^^» hour out ,n the open & « • • f the f ^ ^ ^ T. R C o 2 « i l : Head P l a » f a m MUray aad absBRt Dr. C. R. C. Johnson Reynolds and Sigel and McDow- and Mr E .A.. Brand. Mayor el l 's forces fought ^]yT^ fur- Brown presKjed.

"^ • In addrtiOB to this important

b d W. B d . a f the Wamaa's Be­lief Corps. «ir of Waahingtan.

d ; Mr. and Mrs. fficaa W. Kistler, Streodd«i>g. Pa. ; M.


Moore. 4th. Battar—Miss Ehsabeth H o t d i -

iaoe, l a t ; Miss J e n n w E w e B . M a s Neifie E w d l . S r i :

4th. -Mrs . Chas.

paased a resoiutiiHi in unanimous | acceptance of the water, sewage] N . Arnold, Jr. , N<Kth Ahiagtoa. j and electric lighting syateras. | Mass.;Mrs. F i a i ^ R o g e r s , B r o o l ^ l I s t ; I f i ss Isabella Skimier, 2ad; Tbe report of tbe special oom- ijae, Hasa.; Miss Lucy E . C h o i ^ Mra- T- ^ GaDeher, Sr^; '" mittee by Dr. C. R. C Johnsoril' n—.*/>-. i t . ^ . ta^ njiZriT-iMt. and A e ^ n e ^ r ' s r e p o r t to:Mr. I ^ ^ ^ J l T ^ ' ^ ^ * * 1 ^ ^ N. Wason Davra were read be-i WarwntoB. Va . ; Mr. aad Mas. fore the body, and upon a o t j o n i Samud E. Appleton. WarreBtoa. of CoaaeeaMa Wbeelsr 4 h a - n s - V f c . a a d ^ i r . Appletaa's

P r a a e r v a s — M t a . HotdBBoa, Is t ; Mia. G. A. B a t c h -

Misi Mildrad from Washingtoa; Mr. aad MTK 3ni; Mrs. T-.R. Galleher, 4th.

Thomas R. K e i ^ F k a f a x C . H . ; Mrs. Craadal Mackejr a a d dal Maekcy. Jr. . Alexandria. Va.; W. H. MaAlister. Washingtoa; G. B. Meyer. Hsrrisborg, f i t . ; Col. Skenker. of S t Louis. M a ; Eageae Keyser. of Haysukrket;

Csiiiiwli Fi lilt—Mrs. E. P. Wat-

Qtzabeth Hntehiaon Wm Tathsw. 4th

.ously. The ief i flaqkjrf t t o , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^^^^^ ^ Tr^num, N. J. t-«4derals was eavetoped m d ^ j ^ ^ ^ yj . ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ In addition there were crtraens doubled back and Towers' Brig-; fpi to r i n g hniUling permits I H I L nf Miiiaawn inrt PQllitlL too nu-ade on tbe extreme ngrht was granted: To Mr. Nelson Bennett roerous to mentjoa. including

to an enfilading fire for the erection of Louw Wagner. v,-tio v ^ ^' i^i^^ * C^ ^^'^ ad^ ' P

2nd 3r4;

Canned Vegetab lea-Mias Jea-nie E w d L 1st; Mrs. a A Hnteh­iaon. 2ad; M n . Q u a . Skinner, 4rd; Miss Ehaa Latham, 4tb.

Piddes—Mrs. Chas. Skinner. Ist-^ Mrs. J. -Mrs. E. P. Watsoa, 3rd; Mi

verdict far. fais>death beyond he died from by tak ing an barium sulphide BaltisHire

The dose waa bought fmm a


W « l K a o


Citizen of Upper

Dies a t A g e

Peter Polen, a prominent and wdl-known dtiaea 6f upper Prince William county, passed away Saturday morning in his sixty-sixth year. M r . ^ o t e n had been sick but little over ajwoek.,

H« hftd beea snSer t n v t a r with bis bead f w several d i ^ s . but oo tbe evdiiBg before be was taken nek he remarked that he

and loving hands could do for him aras of no avail.

Mr. Polen was a man who was liked by all a ^ s j o e w him. He ex tended an avsr^ a s a a y hand te all who were o i aead. None ever came to him for aid bat they recdved i t He numbered his friends by the score.

B d n g upright and honest ia ail his dealings, a m a n wbose W9rd w a s his bond, a man of ex-rrilfnt judgment akaig the l ines '

of fsjuiiug and aiuefc Hiinhmr be amassed quite a fortune ani^ owned a largeestate in t h e « o i » -ties o f Loudoun and Prince WB-Sam, w h k h todt moat of lus ti'ne. H e aras s d d p m sieea. e x ­cept wiMB driving h i s Etd^1bi»~

ffis funeral Bev. M. & Eagle, (rf HaymarinL Tl>a paBbearBrh were M e s M i

BdMrtCsetdter A. Z e r « a , Jv & FMtoa a a l C a Ssffcr. a a e ^ w a s m t faefsa iay

, H e is Sjgvived bv


The Central M o t o l T d e p h o M ^Tkr' -Cwwtwwy ba» jw')*d t^^ 1

m e a t van a a d the local

t b e m > d g h ! ^ « r a y a f the s treet w i i i l i e n

h e i m t p b e e i

A week ' s time wi9 be reqiared to flsake csaaectiona and qaeat ti^sts. Upon t h e

oa of these the c o u ^ a a y ex ­pects to g i v e i t s i

w S he the syatecB wiU be safer n e v e t y

Pew tdeahonea are — t

Ralph Dorsey em>lor«d by t i w

and Potoanc Company, is ia d M o s e a f

by Messrs. G . W . B e B aad W. MjMTheeler, of lkays e f the local company.

To finan<ie the cable imi^xtve-ment each town subscriber is ta pay $S and each country phone holc^r directly connected with

i the Manajwae BwittLbuaul


preaenptMB reading "barium I ^ y $i . Tbe total cost w ^ S d T so lph. ." tbe physician having in-1 mated by tbe company and di-tended tbe abbreviation to mean | '^^^ amon? the subscribers ac-* 'TOtphate." i cording to this rate.

Tk« ' ».,wvi. .A^.^ a;_j i>witchhoarcl connection »itft The fpte ia i took ph^e *^rheC.&P. Telephone G>mpa-iv

wtH add a new convenieriet^ itesday and interment ia Lorraine cemetery, Baltissore.

• e r i •j> oundeu and lay at the Mansion

a window to ti>eir CHiftdinp ana to Mr. W. W. Davies. for tne erec-

a '.' • ' ' ' '.• '•"^'it'nce on

merous _ _ _ ^ a vnvHlKtiwl. most uf the faculty aiid students J ^ l g - E W e i t . ^Kfc.

of F.a.«teTn CoUejre and Hebron r . „ j , . u..». i-„,»;^r-,.^ii i ^ . _ T i ^ ^ i ,.if. r,f t h . Canoj —Miss J enoie Lwell, 1st; ^>eminary. The *ajtleata of t n e "" „ _ , . , : « _ , „ . Ajmcultural High School made Mrs G. A- Hutchison. 2nd: M u s the round trip to the Henry Mildred E w d l . Srd; Mrs. Walter detenmnatien to keep ahead of - - - • • ' * — ••— e a u y t , « a c TsewTork . -T io ie s -Dispatch .

- S n o w has fallen at Chicago, t h u s e n d e o d n g tbe Windy City's

There w for this d;stJinre r»reM»< ;. ]" '.-e^.np -

anv stiteri

11 be no extra ch ennnecUon. Tbf

Ir^ -•'••• ..---..


I iirj ain.i.^n.ijui\u ayjKjmtr^ii.—r n< uni , y r v i m j u i * ^JV-


County Board Hold! Recuiar Montlily Meeting—Many


At a meeting of the Board ol Supervisors of Prince William county, held at tiie court-house of the said county on Thursday, the 22nd day of Oct., 1914, there were present J. T. Syncox, Chair­man; J. P. Manuel. J. F. Gulick, J. L. Dawson and T. M. Russet).

ORDERS. Clerk ordered to draw warrant for

$oOO in favor of Hazen & Latim«r Co., Inc., for constructing culvert, in con­nection with bridge ovar Slaty Run, near Nokesville.

Upon motion oTJ. F. Gulick, it waa ceeided to adopt the report of viewers vn application of D. C. Cline et al to

' ; . , A 4 ; L , > > . . . : '

M'^ J. W. Jynw, frt.dTut>b«. ^ =^-- '^"V Mrs. \ . ije^mmri, " W: W. FWtWr. - — -Dulrl Ketd, G. W Smith. . •• W M. Wheeler, 9tonew«tt Coasell, " R. S Smith. W <; CkninKton, !'f**rl MilBt««d. pocr claim, county fund ». E.-*iiicheloe. •' C.K.Fl«her*S<»." Jai. M. Aniidon. fumber. " " B. H, AmoU. r«cistrftr, " J»s. E. NelK», •• W. B, K«rlin. E.T.Wri«ht.uM. J P.Lcuhinui," J. P. L«mchai*n, Tr«ftaur«r,

iwakiny poU l»pt» "

^IHE BEST m m ^ I sol


- l-»f I'SOj 1 M 1 so! TmH 1 6 0 ! 1 50 4 00 6 00 6 (JO

18 00 : 3 00 ' 6 » ! 3 0 0 |

21 00 I

Given by a Man&aaas Citizen.


chang« road over land of J.- R. Ktn)r, the land owner resisting said applRa-t iun, the Mim of |10 to be paid said J. R. King for change.'

Upon advice of the Sttite Highway vtnntsi^iBiuuci y ix • BB vrasTWxnai . vxnev district permanent road fund, amount­ing to about 16,000, sufficient for the i:onstruction of bat one mile of maca­dam road, be applied to the erection of a good dirt and soil road^

The circuit eaurt having pronounced judgment partly for the defendants and liartly for the complainants in the suit iif Manuel et al vs. Board of Supervis-I'ls et al, the Conitiionwealth Attorney i< directed to arrange a petition to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia for final adjustnant of the points in' Yolved in the suit, in conjuBCtion with Palmer Smith, superintendent of roads f .r GaiHMTllkt (liairftL -

In re Baley's application forabridgs, vi>'wers report adopted. |90 land dam-a 'es awarded Ellis Bros., bridge erec­tion and change of rioad to be made as p r recommendation at viewers. - John M. House and Joseph Coekerilte ap-!>ointed commissioners to ask forlnds.

Th^_followin8r _accoant8 were pre.' ented, examined^ allowed and ordered to be certified to the County Treagurer foryayment: Vallacc Wood. jadaco< <l«i.llu» ;-o. A. Wood.' " " . ! A. Botey, " " ~ - Donovan, *' "-

M. Keys. K Mitchell. " ; •".

V .J. Adamson. '^- • i S. Bell.

1 2 0 0 4«>

"~iv Smith, J Rowe, K Harpine, I.', Colvin, C Mil'.cr.

• -..-ic T irttinp-,

"OS l o o i o t


-2J2. las

1 «o 2 0 )

J, Keys, F, Bailey.

, K. Merchant, " '-; Seie<man.

S. B-Ockett, , T- Carter,

= DuITpy. F, fjeoi'ge,

I.'- Sathard. " W. .Storke, B, ixrwe, ^—

rjb.^n Robinfton," nei.i, it. f a t r f c i ; ^ K. Keyser, B. Fl.'tcher. "

2ae ii» I 00 lOO

«w 200


2 0 t -rsr . t«a too

R Ficir . A. Saunders,

U', Cornwell,

R Smith,



0. Mayhufh, H Compton, H. Do(tan,

M Ktys, M, I'alvert, rKT.cvan, B Pitt ie , H HofTman.

S Buckley, .: McMichad. \ Hooker. M Calvert,

Rorabaujrh. W Keys,

h Simpson, H Pickett,

2 0 *

2«S 200 SM 200


200 20S 2«» too

s«o too 400

P CoitelJo, • '~ T.ArVln. " VI Boley. clerk

! Smith , , '

"•'•• ro..k, . . . . • ip i t i«r .

' '^"aler?, A N'lcoi.

Kjwtrott, : Ahel, ~ P-rawner.

•'• I .arriaon. •, r Davis. . -' I.*c*y, "*

-•: Ralls. " H*TTidon. **

* nifht. I •avis. I rooch.

M •'sbome. Brady.

- V r l a t t w , " - N .Si]«on.

.-% Smith. VI Fjir. V FoJey. Aella, • KlJtjW tMVI.

ii ik.e»a . " — f' SpUi«r. *"

^»»rd Hai«H». "

Tw -t-o»

m 4 4 00 200 200 200 too too 200 aos 2 «0 too too too

--t too t o r too too too too too too 100 200 ZOO 200 too too

too -»-o»

W. T. Monroe, naa N«t. Bank of MaiuMsM, 1 20

John H. Hooe, " " M U a v u Bnia. le« Co.. SOU J. T. Synioox, auparviaor, " 6 )M J. L. Dawaoe, " 6 80 J. P. Manual, " 4 80: T. M. BuaMB. . . . . ^ ^ I

J . F. GuUck, . '• " 4 00 ViiTiBlal<«talCulv«rtCa. ,DumMMrd. fd. 40 80

Chaa-.-BHn. " 7 OO : Sama, " " , 26 74

Fl*d Hanhackjiise J.P.Laach-maB, JUinaagBs " 20 97 ;

H. J.ShaHsr^ " " 2S V

Doun's Kidney Pi l ls were used brought bejit^lit.

The story wa^ lold to M a n a s s a s resi­dents .

Time has strenj^thened the evider.ee. Has proven the resu l t las t ing . T h e tes t imony is h o m e t e s t i m o n y — T h e proof convincing. It can be inves t i ga ted by Manassas

res idents .

O. H. Evans , carpenter , P r e s c o t t A v e . , Manassas , Va . , s a y s : " I g o t s o bad with my back that ' I could hardly do anything . Every sudden m o v e caused s u c h intense pain I hardly k n e w w h a t to do. Someone s u g g e s t e d D o a n ' s Kid-nay Pills and I g a v e them a t h a i . I h a v e had no further trouble from m y k i d n e j s . _ Y p i i , m a y cont inoe to use my e n d o r s e m e n t "

UsBhaiiB tUa. a Baltina Co./' 1 M Las Colkert . ':—'' U I t DavlaBrat. IceCs., 1} •) | Robert Keys, " I SO i A. N. Payn*. " " SS 4» t Nash a Cannon. " " 12 61 [ Dahba A lCy«r«.""~~-^ " ^ '" 72 S4 Quilla RobertaoD. " tt 20 | W. H. HanalaT, Spada) 4 iO i U. T. SulHvBB, " '• I 00 Jordan a ioadan, 2 20j W. A. Speaka. " " I 001 L.C. BrawBtr. ' _,. "

'~Pirice50c,"al airaeSleTr DOH't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Evans had. Foster - Uilbum Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. 10-23-2t


C. F. Bailev. John R. TUlett. J. Lb Brown. *' RSehard Cooper, viawiBS rd.. " W. 8. Sntth. Tiewins road, T. M. Ruaaell, viawiBKnad. " Naafa a CajuwB W. E. MoOBtjoy. GainaaTiU* Maraball BlackwaU. aa«

T.Smith, ^ .» •• Palmar SmMi. . -LatiUrllelatoah. ^upsaxoto I '* >as W.BaMBa

. .1 . QD| 1 00

77 u l 1 u\ 1 00: 1 00 1 uo 6 24 2 0 0

002 1 2 M

•wMMajBa f aaaaa A. Kltar " A.N."Kta«, • •• •• C. C. RamBK " J. 1 Diahl. Joacph Hedaaa, Occaqiam Gwk M. DBfIa, J. L. DitWaon. " ."

Sama, ' a. r. t , Wm. Crow, jnstiec. conunlaaiaaar. etc.. C A. fiarba^ skcrUf, ooBTayiBs, e tc . Dr. D. a Cttna ao<mnl«idoMr. eie.. Dr. CLae Starkwaatker. I'liiiBahaliiiiiuli .

10 I t 18 00 40 00 t ( 0 0 UOO un UOO taoo

000 1 w ? t 8

. 2 S r 2 »

Wlbait Sptttht For Carfiar-"

The fdlowiag tel^ram was seat from the White House Tnes;


- ; Oct 27, 1914 J. Taylor Eilyson, Ch rm«Q> '. Suite Democratic Coounittee,

Richmond. Virginia, It is a real pleasure to spdak

for those who have stood by the cause of fte people and mani­fested in a very practical way their stQiportof just, progresdTe i^slatiom Certainly Mr.Carlin is one of these. His quality has been tested by hu valuable SCT vice, espeQ>ally_ in connection. with_ anti-trust would seem to

l^islatipn. It me little more

than justice to him that his con-stituents should return him to

tfi Hauae.aM-lfeaa-approval of his course on the tfaqr-of dection, assuring-fr«on=^ tinuation of his service by which he will be aUe to give theCountry

ben^t of his quaUyfiS-more and mow efFootivoly from month to mcmth.


Mr. Ellyaon sent the following telegram in respmiae:

"Richmond. Va., Oetubex 2T. 1914

"Hon. Woodrow Wilmn. Thft ;'W-

' "Yoor tel^rram received. I am glad to have your hearty coaunendati(» of Mr. Carlinl I am greatly interested in his soc-

and he will be returned to-tfae House by a handsome majority.

TATiOR ELLYSOM, 'H faainuan,

Demooiitie State Com."


Having determined to devote our whole tHueto the Real E state and Insurance business, we hereby solicit all property for sale and request those having property to list the same with us promi^y. ' W e premise t o da«l faarly with all a w l will g ive the baaJncas o a r best a t tea t iap

CO. C. J. MEETgg A C< ' &Mica: IM. it. k>iUUa KSa aiSs': 7V^


REAL ESTATE Und^ and by virtue'of a deed of

trust executed on the 11th day of June, Idi^ ^ Mary A. Smith, and husband, .to secure to the benefJciary in the said

ffiS" payment'TSf interest, and

deed-of trust naioea' the sum of $100.00 and default having been madeja .the^pcy-ment of the soigt stt-MAIred, the aiMer-signe^.tKStiee, shall, at thedbectkm of •the-JUud ben^ciary, offer for sale, at Wbtic auetipn, to the hidbeat bidder, for cash, in the town of Jftaiaans, «$ the front door of the Peofilsa Ma^Mal, Bank buiUing,. on — _ .

at Jll o'clock a. m., the foUowing de-scnbed real estate, to wit:

That certaia taract of laad lying and bejny situate at or near T^orongfafare, Prince William county, Va., and be-giniting at arpoint on ute north side of the Southern Railway where the line between the property of Edwards and C. H. Keyser crosses said railway and running thenoe with the said railway E. 140 yards; thence northerly. 350 yards; thence westerty and paralleHrith the sakl railway 140 yards; thence southerly and with Keyser's Kne 3S0 vQwta to tK^ plfifB nt hoyinnHig >raf containing

TEN ACRffS This propertyvjs- iaq>Tny<fri,. has good

dwelling and ottierhuilftiiiga tmd will inalwaiiice Iwine fur paity wanting-a-small place. i

TERMS OF SALB:-CASH. —fe-RavMOKD BATCLIFFK, Tniatcet F. C. RoRABAiTGH, Aoetioneer. 10-2S-^



Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed by the Hopkins Com­pany, lac.,'on the 14th day of Seeteaa-ber, ISIZ, to secure to J. H. Crilly the payment of the sum of $12,000.00 and mtereat, and default having been made in the payment of the soa of money so aecBTCd, and fae aaid J. B. Cn% faav-iny directed the trustees in the said deed ef Oiust traat by making sale of the laupeitj therein conTeyeS, the undenagnad troa-teea shall offer for sale, at paWc aoc-; tioQ, to the higbeat bidder, for cash, ia froitt of the faetonr boikyac; in tb* town bf Manasaaik. Va., on

at 11 o'ck>ck a. m., the followiag de­scribed property, to wit:

All that certain k>t, with the improve­ments thereon, lyii« and being situate in the town ti Maasasao, Va., and bounded on the north by Hermbaker, on the sooth by the Soathern railway rigfa^<kf-way, on the eaat by Newman and the Southern Railway Company and oa the west by Battle street. Tha property has been used fer sevend y««rs by the Hopkins Company as a aUBufactahng plant. The building is

S 3 ^ S ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S S 3 « ^ S S I ^ S 3 E ' o' bride, and, incliiding basement, is a 1 four storv structure, and is equipped

u n i a i • .1 . . » 1 .1 . * ., w i th all of the necessary machinery tar p r u n m g and si>raying of the oreharda. ^^ niachinery is run by s t e a m power

N O W is the t i m e t o p tMe otdaro for furnished by e n g i n e s and boi lers in-fall a n h a r d piaj t t i i«a . ' s U U e d in the basetaent . This property r

ss—. . . , J ' is ad i scent to the Southfrn Rai lway ^ ^ ^ p * ^ " ^ - ' p ^ y "Ki ^ . ^ _ » P P ^ , • ^ >->>-• -^ " " " ^ r T^^ttr^ . T t , . T A

W A S H I N G T . O N . D. C . U. S. A.


Coupon Sales for Readers of Manassas Journal Clip the Coupon—Send Your Order and Profit by

the Savings the Coupons Give to YoUa

Y S I V ' vUll|llln~ 9DU ^ l a 7 v

For ONE $6.50 COLUMBIA MILL BLANKET ; size 70x80; high grade wool with pink or blue borders; good mohair bindings.


TUs XoopoR aad $5.75 For One WOOLNAP BLANKET; $2.50 value; siie 64x76; closely refembles wool, both in texture and warmth; made of good quality cotton; white, gra_y or tan with pink or blue borders; mohair bniding.

TUs CoqK» and 15c For ONE DOMINION PILLOW CASE; 20c value; size 45x36 inches; made of Pepperell cotton; extra good value; nastarch.

This CoopoD and 19^ For ONE WAVERLY PILLOW CASE; size 45x36; made of Wam-setta cotton; extra heavy weightj no starch; regularly 35c.

This Co^on and 75e For ONE PRIDE SHEET; 90c value; Size 81X99: double fed sBSetgr^miae of fine quality sheeting; seamless; no dres^ng.

This Coupon and 69e Fny nMW. IT! H n v^Mk'h'i'; Vtlr.

Tahie; seamless; no dressing; size 81x90; good quality.

This^4^Bpon and ( 1 ^ For ONE FAMOUS CLARENDON SPREAD; $1.75 value; size 80x90; dottble bed size: good quality: no dress ingj inJ»i«e^ftri"Maraeille8 Patterns.

This Co^on and $2a00 For ONE SCALLOPED AND CUT CORNER SPREAD; or plain hem jrtykt; double, bed aize; $2.50-and $2.75 value.

I Domestic Store—Street Flow




^ - » • • • - " -.'-c

'T^IE lasdog qualities of KirBcUbaian Clo6iea l««d straight back t o pure woolens—pure -*•—woolens Aat-mre llmroughlv shmnkwi.~pure woolens that are liand^tatlered. The

- l - a a . t e «L Jl i- . - ^ - ^ ^ Kirscbbaum label w.hich you wiU find in oar clotbes is your proof that wlwtever 'nvisc^li^ .isary tolPa|ie Aat suit a GOOD swt is tbere^ The new fail modelrawidrywariiSpet^bn.

Iffschbaum Clodies, $15ti See the Guarantee and Price Tidiet on tiie Sieeve




H Poiaa.

S Ha -, H Key*. ^ - t - « .

T H "..'.oiam ~ "• AbeL jud«»

•a R Fr»-' • r IXH. O I • -

i m - 2 0 0

i m s » i iO i Ul 3 m 3 le

I P««* ^"^ for len cen» • P*«<*. "P-Tfrom the buiWing to a railway switch fWE take orders for. MKI plant the bestj A splendid location for a manofaetar-j apple and peach trees—prise winners. | ing plant or mili- Room vm let fsir

(several additional boikiings. TERMS OP SALE: CASH,and the

porehaeee-w»U W required -t» oeniply ' terms on <iaT of aaje.

L I O N ,

LET u s call and give you an e s t i m a t e on the work, it will cost vou o o t h i i ^ , it can mate yoor (tretOJ^ p».y. —

|B«reu of Far«atcra, Tree a mL,Qrr h a rrlisto

with terminn <iay of H>«^ . H. THO&.


tserefore tkercforc

DurmhU. thcrefotc ccoaomkal. Aitd hfiidci tiM it* it have aa iadrnduality,

an I nas s i i su of y—rowa taatcs: TlMMieeoht are e o B y ebtsined ikrouth e«r OBsfalloBowiBg o< year WMfcc* sad e v asn

of which there af

E. Ja Lamb 117 E. k k r k e t St. H e n i i a a L » U . ,Va .

I Anaestheties Administered for I lesa Extraction of Teeth.


SURGEON DENTIST * « . , Jiuada, a i K l Q j ^ ^ ^ ^ H O U G H

address: 716 Uik]

»»itii)nti.vn r; c 1 i ^ i i -

TTiursday Wasbingtoa

=tre»t. >-• rr D E N T I S T

FOR SALE Vary DoaJraUe ^«nB of 12»

Acres in Fairfax County.

Just aciW Ball's Fonl, on the west side of the road ieadin;r to Bull Run Postoffice. About three-fourths under cultivation, bal­ance in wood*. For particulars see tenant, Wm. Duncan, or ?.d-dreas-


8-14-8t-106 P Street. N. W.,

' Washington. D. C.


- i ^ - ^ V . ! ! : :




Kntere^ a t the Post Oifict- at ManasKas, Virgini«, as Second Class Mail Matter

S U B S C R I P T I O N , ( 1 . 0 0 A YEAfl I N ADVANCE


r'lrtv r.witi<an tnr<i foe t k a t i n t ioMitiauand Tw«aty-fiT» OanU far aasb coutinuanc*-- Liber»i Dtvoounts to Yearty Advertisen).

All cards of Ihanks. fomial rMohltioiu. obituarj notices other th»n th« uaual dccth noticas, and all amttar ot an adwrt in inf character, eithar ijiractly or indirectly, v lU ba publiafaed at the rate of TwcDtx-BTe CenU a s inch.


* •

VOTE EARLY- AND VOTE RIGHT Mr. Crupper, in a long advertisement, advoca­

ting his candidacy for Congress, anaong.other things says:

"^Thw -will be other candidates on the ticket. ^f. Mihon Fling, and Mr. Janaca E. Johnston.-Neitherof these gentlemen can by^nypossibilityl*^®'^^ cotton, yielding very large profits, one

-b«-elected. Either Mr. Carlin or Mr. Crupper will be elected."

This Is true. And Mr. ning,--whoever he is, —can say with equal truth of Messrs, Johnston and Crupper: "Neither of these gentlemen can by any possibility be elected. Either-Mr. Carh'n or Mr. Fling will be elected." And so Mr. Johns­ton could say with equal truth of Messrs. Fliiig and Crupper: "Neither of these gentlemen can by any possibility be elected. Either Mr. Johns­ton, or Mr. Carlin will be elected.

And so Mr. Carlin—if he thought it worth while (*«s>uldoftvwith fch(i^«»iMft«**fiinnif i

-J Fling, Johnston and Crupper: "None of Ul«H»

gentlem'en can by any possibility be elected." N© oneexpeets^them to b^ elected; No one

expects their combined vote to «qual that of Mr. Carlin.

But the county of Prince William has always

SOUTH NOT A JPEGGAR The South is not a beggar. It does no t need

to beg and it can take care of itself, or if it can-ni)t do so, then the sooner its people learn that fact and bring in oth -rs whp can tnVt> otyrp of tiiemseives in such a heaven-favored land the better it will be.

No other country on the face of the earth has so. many advantages as the South. No other country upon which the sun shines is so rich in resources. No other country is so well equipped by nature to produce the foodstuffs of grain and provisions and vegetables and fruits for man's sustenance, and no other country is so rich in mineral and timber and water powfer resources so susceptable of development.

If in such a land as this, where the farmers for the five years preceding the present crop received an average of larg^ely over 12 cents a pound for

Depository for United States Posfal Sa?iiigs

year's complete failure of the cotton crop, or one year's inability, as at present, to sell the cotton crop, brings about such a condition as to flood the land with plasters begging for- charity to "help the South," then it is time for the people of this section who have backbone' and stunina to take the lead and try to stem the current. '

The South of olden days did not do so. The South blasted by a four years' war never s^ked for charity, and never in those days was the country plastered with appeals to "help the South." In the ten-year period between 1892

ftOI t nrhnn nottBii nold at froni 4 tu 0 AlBl 0 to 7 contfl a pound r the South


This badk ha« beea designated a depository for Postal Savmgs Jby the Treasurer of the United States. Monejrs dqKwited witli the Post­master are redeposited here by the Govemmgnt If this J for Uncle Sam it is good for you.

taken great pride in.^pi^-^mocratic majorities. And this yeai- If Mr. Fllu^ or iar. j ohnson or Mr. Crupper expects to flatter his vanity by a little vote caused by some disaffection! in the demo­cratic party, let the returns from this county next Tuesday i ^ h t demonajtrate conclusively-

^jjtheh-principles,^ > ^ 7 Mr. Milton Fling is a new~bne to us. But he

has a perfect right to run for Con^i^ss. Mr. Johnston, too, ia a stranger to tis; but he

complains of the Alexandria Gazette, ^n ere he lives and is, or ought to be best known, thst it will not publish, even as a paid advertisement, his communications.

Mr. Crupper boasts (?) that when he was the republican candidate for state treasurer, he couM not carry his own city pf Alexandria—where he serv«l eight years as po6tmast«'.

suffered much, but itindured the sittiation and fought its"fight without any such appeals as are now being made by politicians and others who are trying io make the South believe that it ought to be a beggar and the worid Wlieve that It IS a b^gar. -Manufacturers'Jtecprar

PROSPERITY LIES AHEAD However much we may deplore the conflict

abroad, we are compelled toconsider its cwnmer-cml importance to us. We need not get excited

that inthis county^^tJeast. vt tera « » triw. fnlTr ifij ^ ii nii i ) jnr'n Jnr m jn lat in I

Ajaerican countrks^ heM^ng that wer are going -«>*<^^ to suj^ly for them all tiiat Europe has }utherfe& furnished, because ia the first place. South Amer-ica will be less competent to assimilate so many goods, inasmuch as Europe will be a smaller piir-chasei; here, and second, it seems obvious that our trade in Latin America will increase in about the proportion of our ability to furnish adequate shipiHng and banking, facilities to meet k>^

Mr. Carlin has a splendid rec^od in Congress, on which he appeals to his constituents for re­election.

Tuesday is eiectiwir-diqp;—Vote early. And vote right .


credits, imd to seH the kind of goods that are wanted, deUvered in the manner wanted. - But when this aitualiuu Uxxwnes more siettled our resources will be taxed in selling Europe and supplyii^ our own markets at the same time Fifteen milKon men in the field will" use up ap-

THE TIME FOR ODD JOBS It's refreshing to txuTi for a moinent from war

and rumors of war, from cott^i embaisoes and financial depressiwi. from things purely commer­cial-and political, to consider what needs m be done Sxmt the house. HhtA man w h o o w i » ^ thfera It is the history of yar, *>io i^y^\ y^t^r

' ro6f bver his hefKJ, wnen ne sees f^l into the offing, b^;ins to think about a little painting here and there, a few shutters that need fiving^ » l«>nlf

parel necessities about three times as fast as when peace prevails. The equipment of 1,000,-DOO fi(»»^ Is no small item, and, moreover, it meMis steady equipment_jrf ^gjpplies ami food for t£i8 army. Surope cMinot fifrht an^ y^ert

Select your agent and oonkpanies as you would your .Baakw, Lawyer <»> Doctmr, since ywst financial exiati^ ence may depend on this sari the b—ti^wtinf TTRff%-t h m h f e poorest a

I '.i-M

.- ^"^ ErtaUished in 1878



Hdme people ailjust your fires—riip New/YcMic sfaaipers. ft wiB pay you to talk it o^r andTget pur rates

these requirements simultaneously. The more one of our industties in taxedTihe

greater the activity which will be reflected from

the Crimean, the Franco-ftTissi^ and othftm.

in ^ e basement wall to be cemented, a porch to be repaired ready for -^ring painting. Most men, of course, play Arkansas Traveler with their houses; but the wise one who takes stock of his place every year will {Hit money in iu» pocket:—

In communities like Richmend, where'^Qiere are many frame houses, a little domestic economy

. of this t3rpe pays big dividends.' One of "the re-Buu-kable things about a house is that when it starts going to pieces, it acts like the famous one-hoss shay and suddenly disintegrates. The only insurance against this is the stitch in time, the tittle hammer and saw and box of nails and

About ten minute»< a^.^y would do

that the first shock produced dullness, but upon recovery indastiy boomed and prices soared.

screws. wonders.—Richmond Tunes Di


There is ev«y reascm to beliere that ht^(»7 wHt w repeat itself, and as the waste and demolition ex­ceed miy i»eTk>as demenstaiationst the sources of supply must be kwked to to meet the inevftable t— IIM^-.Ma^a, • • T

We are At peace, the greatest industrial na­tion; we have the mills, the farms; m short, the equipment which is wanted. In ^ i t e of fear, we must be bu^. Busy for ourselves and bu^y for 'Others. Some important materials we may lack' but we will be ingenious enough to evolve ade­quate substitutes. Without exccaHvc enthusiasm or (^timism, we have reason to expect the great­est industrial era we have yet experienced. This is t h e opinion of our most enlightened thinkers

niij i ir

EVERYBODY here for the fair?

Conner's Market for Groceries and Feed, Fresh and S<Jt Meat%

Seed PoCiitees, Seed Qata, a lTlnds of Grass Seeds, abo a fnB

of Garden Seede/ JiwjMrgei^edjjrM;jgadjgfCg

and let « • grre yon

Casfc ftaJ f«r ai i&ds d C e t n Prtdte

DOTiwin Uvn Slack from o t f e A c n r load lolB. s s = s s

and economists.—FiEer and Fabric.

THE Swiss warn ai! belligerent* that cross their j CoN'Drno,\s are entirely normal in Haiti. She rMuntr>-"s border to "cheese it." -Richmond News, is in the throes of another liule revolution.--


' >^^^t>^»t^»»»»»n»i»»»-trttttttttitttitttttagiiAftn^^ flnirto0

THt .yA-NASSAS Ji:>U«NAL. FklDA\- OCTOBER 30. 1914

jaggFtflCALHEWSte, ,,„,^.. — Vote euif, « a i vgtt light.

-Tueadiiy/November 3—EJ*c-tion Day.

—Circuit court wilJ again be in iieHflfhB, aa Wfedtw^ay, Novem­ber 5. ... - 1 . - -^- . ,

—These d»ys are hummers. County fair, bunting seaaoe and «lectian day ail at once.

—TIW engine rcx>ra at Eastern CoUege was sligfatly damaged TMsday when the boiler burat

-Miss Ella Payne and Mr^ Aithur Beavers, of Buck,baU.-vere married Saturday by Her. K A. Boads.

Wilson ha? issued licm, de^g-

Novembo- 26 as Thaakflgiving Day.


Mr. V<'. K .1 .^ers was a Balli more visitor daring the week.

Mr. E. IL Mnrrifx. of GaiMW-l^



.! uld.

1 ^

California cars Lo exhibit here ville. was a lo»rn visitor yes-November 9 and 10 is said to be terday a wonderful gpedmeo from the Mrs. G. W. deep sea.. The farroers are urged recent visitor to taisfi A day off Jja, |eig fine fruits. C^4M4IJL and big fish, and to learn w b ^ can be done without irrigatio*).

CM br»»«. I; ii;iar«<l mock wer* they, and » « Wild -hi^y srwerft. •IKI n i««r i

Merchant was a to the Natinoal

—Master Ridiard Bruce Hyn-Ison, the younger aaa of Mr. and

Mrs. R. S. Hynson. was serioasJy Jill Tuesday. He was suddenly aflfarted that-evening with a con-Tolsioa brougitt on by an attack of isdigeatien. Medical attention effJBiGted an imtaedif^te recovery.

-T-Tha Minaitas High gobaoi -Mias Lillian Wheder was

tendered a sur^nse party Fridav ereninr at the Whectei' Hwideucc aaPesbody street

—Mr. 0 . MfPermitt and fam-, ily. who have oeouiMed the Weir pntpolar near the town ludl. are aMmogto West Virginia.

—Mra. D. R Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mn, 3. P. Leadiman. is iD of malarial fever at her home in Cape Gkardeao. Ma

—The Home Miwrionary Society of Grwe M. E. Ckanit wUi nraet at the home <rf Mrs. Simmons on

— Wadnaadaf»jWaaiaariwi»^i^»#y

—We are infonaed by a hunter that every faeoae in nassas is oeei^ied and t h ^ new-confers w S have to be boiiierB as welL

— Much te tlM improvement of the' lawn, tiie trees and have been mmoved imfae the Fairview aveuK featag -at Alt' Saints Catiliolie (^HCk.

- R e v . J. F, BmricB « a duct serviees at Ttititf Church next Sonday at 11 aud -at flL Auae'B Chapei, Nalc«Bville.a|afupB.^

—The ]a£eaef i j d i c e ^ ^ ^ u -copal Cbuwh sre gi»Bg tnfteve' a Halloween irabeFjaepptr at NokesvtHe Sitanhur. Qitiitrr 31, intheNewBjdL All aremvited.

football team last Satimiay de­feated the Cartisle Athletie Club, of Washington, 66 to 0. The high school was thrown into gioom by the accident of the

when Evm^l fast, Ms-^ quarterbadt. \x6ke hffi

—Mr. and Mra. John A. Niecl and iamfly. who hM,vt oeea^ed the Johnson property on Main s t r e ^ sinee their home was de­stroyed by fire last smnma-, left Monday mmning fm* Washington where they wi& spent the wiitfer in their apaitmeuts at t ^ Coj^

Miss Ada Kinchekte, of Upper-ville, is the guest of Mrs. L. Frank Pattie.

Mr. S. T. Hal! visited his daughter, Mr&. BM£ Hedrick, tliis week in Alexandria.

Miss Lucy Lamon. of Washing­ton, is a guest of CoL and Jfrs. Mohert A. Hutculson.

Mrs. Tburman A. Cooner. of Nokesville, was the guest of Mrs. G. G. Allen last w e ^

Mr. Charles BeU. of Washing­ton, recently visibed his jL'piwI mother, Mrs. F. S. Brand.

Miss Evelyn Milnes has re-i turned from a visit to friends in Aiexandria and Wa^ingtoiu

Mr. M. H. Ligfatner, of Ear-market, left today for iHicaT' buntas and H«Uaads, W. Va.

Miss Delia BarretV and ber guest, Mias Locdae Coonts, Washington visitors Satoriky.

Mra. George D. Hino-, who hiiliiMiiiwtiBg<wiiti<ujiaWijl

Copenhagen Uue and a black veivet hat in one of the new sailor uiapes.

After a riiort wedding trip to Pittsburgh and Northern pmnts, tbey wiH be nt~faome to thebr friends in Baltimore, Md.

—The twelve SOO-eaiMUepawer tiltoUKau .bcbta tt Hymon's da-partBMnt store fisared in the, ))eat of the electne lighting «y»-tem. The Kgfats with handsome fixtures have been operated in perfect eonditian dartng the

Tbe work was dime by

- Viigiuia. to iiKpeelarbome tta

^Theeonaeerationaf 8ev . Wa^ fiaiCabeBBkowB.D.D..a8Kriiop GeuS^xim at the Rparaiwl Otio-eeaeirfTirgHia tMk piaee Wed­nesday, at 11 a. OS., at St. James Fpiwrhpal rhnnrb ffirhmnnd

—Fire late Satorday afternoon totally destroyed the danfliinL of Rayrnoifd Barnes, colored, near Gainesville. The has was dbook 8800, partly eorared by

-Mr^ Wngirt, who -til* Prince William &itd , is moving into the Centre. nUvOk firoperty formerly ocetqned by Ifr. .0. Mc-Denritt.

Kahop Tuttlcef MiaMmlpresMl-ior tanhop ii^ the E^neopai

Mrs. J . f i . Dadgeeatettained the oMMrtbly indal meotii^ cfi

Presbyterian' Cbordi rtTflie Taeada^ aftenoMi ii

ject oi the mee&ag Phibppiaes.'' led bir Bafco. Mn. & T.

Mra. Verona BoOodc Eowsh. of New Y«1c k the goeat of ifrs. C. M. Lactin in her hoeie on Qbrncfastnet.

Mlaa L o i ^ Counts, of Bine-field. W.Va„ is the g u e s t o f ] ^

onthafiBrikynad. ' - ^

Mn. FWa Jones baa leUaned to Wanditngtaa after a week's stay in Manmias as the goeat rf M n Pine. «n G « « t avenue.

—Mim rtHanai Memu Lewis and-her brothea, Wtffiaa aad Jna-e ^ ment the week-end.^ widi

l b . a . Kmad Laws, of PtQtf Royal.. who was fanaeily eon-

of Manassas, n viiitiBg friends

4 iir<xtme a »hM*ki, mispalfied twees t ^ tw*.

Tn tmnk brvui^t aaiy act* wdc into view. Ajtfl a o e i a d m i d t w u kcu*-cta«.«tk«' , cakL

AiK) K.o'er ti>i» a>e> foujrfct -Joi i h M ' t i told-Till kMk w e n winded, wtieii. m chmsruic piace.

Eaek u w ebe ahteld. but n e w « d i u utkar face, t tae ia iL Tbi mhm l i • • • • < i>i»J

Ms BMee they atriee. T k a r raak diaaea Am6 each rrtmnit the i v e n pafau of

—H. M. Ci f m i o M A. IL. M. D.


Miss Emma Thei^esa Miines and Mr. Rob^t Hilton Evans were quietly married by the Rev. J. S. Montgomery Tuesday atter-noon at tha netor'a hooM m Washington. —Tht biid< wmii w SBMirt snit g*

The bride is tbe elder daogbter of Mra. W. M. Milnes. who, with Miss Brow«. abo of Manassat, was present at the covrntmy. Mr. Evans is the only BCHI of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ETans.of Manas-s ^ and is -employed by the American Express Cpoqiany over the Western Maryland Rdhray

Tite farniwign for congress m Virginia is not costing the eawS-dates big Kdls of biBs, according to their campaiga Btateniai &ed wi& Secrth Trimble, derk af the bouse of rcprcaentataves.



- T t x hnnt i» f f —aanw tt» gjwii-.

—Miss in^ton, ahd'Mr. strong^ of ried Saturday afternoon by Bev. E. A. Roads, paafeer of GraeeM. E. Church.

-Mr. J. BobaK Hail paased through Maaai^g aevimd i^ys ago with bis w i 6 , a t e has been in a MaryJandlwapitaL Mr. J M , who hvesat ~ ^ of Mr. S. T.

—Mrs. Gi ss-rote the ^'OSIt Southern." week's issue, faasrecerred nition of a western oompet^iea.

qrlvania, Carofine, Orang<p.- Skaf-ford. Cah>eper, Eaaex. Faaviier, Loniaa and Prince Wabam csonn-i ies opens November L and for lUag Ueorge eoonty on Novem-

l l l - l j . _ f _ l l "^m.

pheasants in d e e p e r .

m town. Mr. Wilbam H. LongweH and

Mr. L. W. Kaaffimgh, a ^ have been the cpaests of Mr. and 1 ^ O. D. Waters, retuned Satord«y ^S^^^uanv, W Va. -—r—

—Mim Mary T<w> Chspiaan, who is enqdoyedattheSaaAtern Bv3-way offices, Ws^angton, has rfr-tumed fmm a vaeatian v i ^ to refativaa in The F U n s and

9SS Repieseiitatives Montague and

&Mm eneb dedared they had re-eetved no contrftotiens and made

aofarfiedarptafoBows: Wiffiam A. Janea, Peawerat, First tfis-laaet. aodnng; E. £L«.Haitand. Dcawerat, Second £atriet,^$aO; W. A. WrtBoa. Democrat^ "W^ district, netbtng; R W. S ders, Uemoent, ¥ifth ifistrijrt | i9 .64: a C Cariin, Deaaocrat, E^tSS' ^Mt^ $5; Basaosn flfp inp.ltgpabBrna. NintJr tfiatrid; laaH; John L. Bose, P ig^unive , Ninth <ialrieti $UA42; H. D. PleadL Pemeria>. TBMtb disUkitr

iEe^ ~

Miss Anna Lafai Doiaaa, head

- T h e f o B o n i « ekctedby the Dasv^dsera of the Amerkaa Bevobfetien in seaaiatt at Alexandria: B e g ^ M n J. F. Maapin, PaHanwuth; r * ^ M i t kUtiim SWprfi Htm.

M n . BabertGr^y, M n George

of-die-basineaB d e f i liM^t of tfie Wnnffoie-Sldem <X. O b i i ^ aefaooi, was a gaeat htat weekTif her aoat. Mrs. Ic B TnHiwaa Sbe went frnm Maaaawrs ito Warinngtan. Philaddphia a n i New Tofk to e h a w e the w « k af thedty sehaali an i wiB

M n \ lbert mtyes£ed hr at her borne, near Koon JLfiCT

-Several attended the

Mescal i..UMMM. mm^m' T i t '

day for eopal Eye, pita). She a few daya.

- A l l the pdtronaof NokeaviDe scbeol are tnvtted to meet at the school Friday aftacaeoa, Novem­ber 6. at 2:30. At this meeting a patroas' school and eivie-teagne wifi be armntxed.


—Mr. W. I. Steere has soW his property on Zebedee and Church streets to Mr. Karl J. Austin. The .Austin farr..iy i« to move in next week. Mr and Mrs. Steere ba f- rented the^^taunji. property OB MxfT, antl C-mireh siroets.

a kng iBneas. Mrs. Haves is survived by her baabaad and two dBldren. Roland T. gad Addie J. M s y e n She

'earnest worker for the cause of i O n i s t a n d a f u t h f d member of Belie Haven Baptist ebnnb. She was laid to rest in BeOe Havna

br the aide of her oa, who dMd Jane B ;

1SQ8. -The ^neral Berikes were eoo-

—Tbe Wefaater dedkatiec was daeted by Rev. A. J. Canuainga. not only af intereat to thooe who pastor of Bdle Havea church,

it bat it baa attracted stffl The pallbearers were Meaars. attention fmm thoae who Frank HO. J. A. ffill, U F. Mer-

coold not be here. Judge rffl, E. C. DeWitt V aher M. James Keith, president of the aadThoiMaJ. Woolfenden. The Suoreme Court of Appeals, now i. o. O. F. conducted services at in Warrentoa in feeble bealtJL_the grave. Beautiful tributes commisaianed his niece. Miss ^^re given by relatives and Katherine Keith, t j tdl lieut. fneods. The commanitv in which

The priaeipal C Gorgaa,

of theanay and of Dr. W. A. Newman,

the eoMtraetiaa af the caaid.

Rev. L ^ e R. Mariiwood is hoMing a protracted meetaag at Boekbafl. ' Rev. L A; MiBer and daughter.


aeqtjaiHieti w ith mir Bank Aocuunt R a n - learn the deialis a n d \ c t u a l

. working of Lhiii i;yi=teiriia,tic xr.einod . for protect ing your iricMnie. W hen

you know w h a t the plan is hue make a note of your objetiJojib lo it; ask yourself in what way it will retard your progress or harn^ yuar present chance of success. On the other side of the page make a note of the advantages , there are m a n y of them but note these fojir: the safety of your money; bet ter k i w w -ledge of correct business hab i t s ; closer association with t h n l ^ peo^ pie: increase of credit. N o w a s a conservative, practicaJ man w h o wants to g e t aiiead put the jnaattef squarely u p to your bet ter judg-ment. Ymu- account will be a p -preciaSecC

The Pe^es Nalioiial B a ^ OF MANASSAS, VA.

T V f h i W m i alwajng <mjny tairir^ p i e t o o s i t fhihti

s 4 i a d d s tt> t h e plea^uses of the d a j % o a t i z ^ ;

fas^dcB, taddntir t i » n s d e a n , e d a o i t k m a l fim.

we^-end at Fwderirkriwrg. Mr. C K. Bo£ne is boildiQg a

b e a ^ i ^ b u ^ a k m a s Seminary avenue. ...,/'...'..11:._ . ,

The store and town ball, being erected by Mr. W. B. Free, are

Mr. A.K.Giabi&s«« called to Daleviie fant week to attend the fanend~ef U s IHof. D. K. B P M

The of very


hasekMedalMdf woik.

of the faiends of thft-SstWMUT. a crowd of the student body en-

and of the

monument on the B B S Run bat-tlefidd Friday. •_

joyed a very pleasant attended the

r»Pharmacy 'THE REXALL STOKE" ]


PiBftaaer Beriim piayed his fint game of tennia last week, and is dcatiiitd to be the chun-pioa pUyer of the Seminary.

The nobr faimly and Messrs. O. L. Strayer and A. W. CoKier spent Sunday at thanshrhoaae in Vieana.

Miss Rena Bowman, acoea»-paniad^by Pnrf. H. S. Randolph, attended the love feast and visited the former's home in Fair­fax over Sunday:


GUNS AND SHELLS An kmdi at good yakts^^ivult

prices belbre yoa iHif s ::

H. D:i> :NRICH Virginia

Round he never wanted to be at any place so in hi? life as . n that occasion This i? but a specimen &{ ik« loelinga «i thousands

Mrs. Haye« . ed synrpMhize vrith tbe berft&\ ••>", o' es BY Twp nr HEE STKHAY SCHOOI.

The Nicol Literary Society has been renderiBg some very inter­esting progranis.

A spe nal prctgram will be gi vet trti« evcTunp onder the ausp)ce? of the Musk Department and the Nicol Literary Society. C-ome and briTtc •m-ny (> '••.:• * i * ' m>s-

Pure DistiUed Ice Our n e w ice plant is now in operation and w e furnish ice m anv auant i ty . All orders-will rece ive prompt and careful a t tent ion and delivery m a d e in a courte­ous manner. Our plant is equipped w i t h aU m o d e m machinery and has a f^pacitv of ten tons a dav V isitors are mvited to e x p e c t our s a n i t a r t method of m a l d n g i o e . T h a n k m g ^ paWie for t h « r patron­a g e and aaueitmg a oontiiuianoe, w e are,

Respect ful ly yours,

Davis Brothers Ice and Fud Co.

S.OIi 0 R. ana.s . taSj \'^


iBfflfflHiJJJS Hffif A t A . A j t e A A 3 K A A A A 3 f e » : i VETERANS APPLAUDED

Ihe^Manassas il chook V^Ukls UZfed l o Support Party.

Notnkkee-New Members Elected. ^


^ Pefisujinl to cull the I'ouaty

("umraiiu* met ID the M. L C. iJuiidm^, at 11 »- m,, Octfl4>er 2 lib, 21 14.

The meet 10^ was called to oi d«r by the Chairman and there-V ere found jMreawit Messrs. C. A iifcineken, George M. Davis, George F. Pettit, C. A Barbee, K. C. Copen, E. T. Wright, J. P. L^achm&n, M. C. Hermes. D. E.

A touching feature of the Web-1 ster tDemomtt dratcatton tKcnrroa

V* 't Battlr/itlil *^ ^ ^ exercises of welcome at | the courthouse when Col. Beoja-^

Last week came up t« a ^^ril-, JQ JJ J. Q^^ of the 12th Maafi»-Iiant dimax in the enjoyment of chugpttfi and Col. Edmund Berke­

ley, of the 8th Virginia, stood clasped in each other's arms.

another cordial reunion of Nortii-ero and Southern veterans in commemoration of a gaSaat sol­dier, Fletcher W^wter, soo of Daniel Webster, of world-wide

Kinhart, W, N. Lipscomb, A. A. court .^euse »hgr^' t h ^

Coi. Berk«l«y was unable to be I present as the exercises b^paa^

hand bis address of wdcome was fame, who feU in the second j^g^ ^y Ueut. Bound. Being re-battle of Bull Bun. The students^jj^ested UIIOQ his arrival to speak from younrest to oldest in b o t h ^ recited two stanzas of his grammar and hi«li 9 c h o o 1 s; poem, "Prince WiUiani." aliehUy marched with banner, flags and altered for the oecawion. l l i e peanaBte to the grounds of the nines follow:

Hooff. D. X ArringtoD and HMK.

Vpoa motion John M. Hooe was elected a member of the committee in the place of John Y. RosebeiTT, removed; upon like motion 0. C. Hutchison was elected a member of the cotn-inittee from Gftl&UVllle DiiAricl in the place of tibe late B. F. Lynn.

Upon motioa of J. P. Leaeb-ffian the following resohitioa was adopted:

"Whereas the Detnoa«tie County Exeegtire Committee in session asaenUed ap^«date die inapartaaee of a foM voteof the codOty be cast on November 3rd, UI4. *g Ml BuduHHBem jf im; Deaioeratie aifanau8tratx» now opon trial before ^le eoaotry, in its endeaTors to M t ^ abmit

^oostrcKtive aad remedul l e g ^ V u b t ^ la beii«If<rf the masses of ^the people. t^erefort;-te-irTo=^

aotred. thataB Demoents be aad tiieyare hereby earaesdy nrged

greeted heartily by the honored gassts af North and DuulU, wLu had come to unite in this inter-

1 esting oemnony. Laeut. Rouod, in his happy, earnest way, iatro-doeed tlw program whkh was one ol peculiar interest The new national song, "United," ~wair~laery^ r e n d e r e d by the .ichoote. Dr. Ro^aang 4iic solo. ^ving clear enunciation to the

\ patriirtie wards, and all the stu-< gnt joi"M '" the choni*. -sing- vDg it with great aithusiasm. l%e sdioois also sang "America," without which ahy sodi occasion incomplete.

It is not our j^rmnoe to dweii upon this interesting event.. »UBU R U U7 UUtfie achoois'

Soon a toaautifii] gmrk wtU kdom t ^ proud mpat Where tmr brmwe kar» kii tariamtek there cM.


of Rep^-genta annooaeed HBBUitatiyra, die Hon. C C Cw-Ms, viiot, in torn, has supported l3be freaeet. Wl^mm adi^oistra-tisB. thereby giviar ewfcneeof oar appree^ion «t las efforts

fan and happinesaof t3» mspHOS of the people idn haTeaotbeen

in iif aationallelpa-" itiaa of -^t

years. " Upon motion tke Secc^ary

«€ eadi member piiispil to tJie faregahig resolntioa-iil hMfc was aceonfiai^ done.

The Hon. C. C. Carlin ap­peared bdfore the eoBOuttee, t]iaakiq[^ the oommiltee for the fcBegoing resoioriott on b^ait of

adnintstration, and assored tlw comsoittBe that it woski be his tSart in the future; as ia the past, to serve his cacsotuoiey to

'&e b»t of hisabitity. aad koped SB behalf of the party a Mi vote fradd be c«it «l the Mo-vemfaer ffketim next.

UpoaaiotiBn the mecdairad-H. Liox.

returned as t h ^ esme, ra grsee-fui order, etidting modi praise from those who formed an aod-ienee. On the arrival of tbfe high school at the hall of Jeam-ing, Mias-Osboam found t h ^ Uiuey had been fired wilh such enthoaasm that to settle down to the raatine of school duties would i}e_Teiy (fiffieult. Aftn suitaMe eansnltatiBB liissHS*^

so it came fibrlHos that muiy, some -on foot w d some ia car­riages, arrived at the se^te of the unvoting of the. haadsome CaUet t» the memory o€ GoL Webster uid fiasBy at Grovetoa.

Mmy yvar Kma wad f« prmid f a n e .

A n * b t ergr «iithu»Bd H the »ound at yanr

Or nBM foiUtoairitihri. or e«v <h«a be.


ilr. and Mrs. Uoyd Daris and three children, of Franklin, W. Va.. visited lbs . Daris' fUher, Rev. J. W. BriO. last weA, ieav-ii% Friday for Washingtxm.

The meetings at the M. E. and u. H. cnnienes qoaea wita gSSS

school, raider the teadoahip i^ Metz, tiwir teaeber.

aevend selections vary sweetly both at the scene of the •aveUsii a a d ^ GvMtttaa. •' 'Hie day was'ooe of auieh pleas­ure t<»afl who partieipided. Many were the words of praise given

tlb the Groviltfii Ou^bAets fbr the delidoas famdi saved to ^1 thejtnesla.

We regret to reeord the aod-deat that befeUaor stedeafc. Ev­erett Rice, wiw waa so unfiav timate as to dUip on the wet grra»ls while playing fbothafl

' to braafc hie leg. W» soon to tell of a spee^ leeoroy,

The aUoemeots ol our high sdiod have hroi«ht back Was Jolia lUoB«y. amdi to ou- s i^ isfaetiiML

We are WQg m aaticqiiatMm of of the fazaMTS' tualilute and «g-iknltHHal exyfaft to take plaee today.

The county sehod fair is keep­ing every spare moment oeco-pim^epeeiaUy in the graaoHU* sAasir tmder the immediate di-• ^ ^ ^ «rf Mn. Lartoa aartSet

Mr. aad Mrs. WeUingfaMi Bailor vi«ted their daaghter, Mrs. James Arndd. .i**t Sn«iay.

Ihe foUowiag perao^eaUed at the U.' B. parBOBage Satorday eveaii«: Mr. J. R. Wright, Miss Ida Wright and Mr. Lodan

Amrid and Mr. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Jdin Thaidta-. SOB aad daaghter, Mzs. T. J. Cooper. Mr. O. B. Cooper and Miss Esther Cooper, Carrie 3ear, Mr. aad Mta. Wei-liagtoB Bsatey. Mr. aad Mrs. T. EL RhndeitiMra. J.G. linaweever, WxB. Wifliam Bkawaer and Ifiss Muiui Mayluq^ (rf _ J f c » 6 a »


. We^-thaaadersigacd, ham laa4U4 up the twa caia shown ^ « v e with the Choicest S p e d . mens from our Orchards, Viacyarda aad Raacfaes, aad seat them EAST for your INSPEC-TIOMt wMh IHsPitaia i i i s i i n t i i sf s f ssnslsa thai W B ITMOW is ths BgST.^far riima c.

Jkeaery aad Pro4!Kt!y«ic» la t t y fl^Wtn ffr^'f; " ^ - « ** "»" F»m«i« Heurieh Collectioa af Car-osides, ever a Thoasaad m aomber, from aU aver the «^>d. with the MONSTER Sf |ARK CAUGHT IN MONTEREY BAY, tlALIFORNIA, 36 Feet Loog, Weighiag io j«S Potmda, and 460 Years Old, as aa ATTRACTION, cvigK y«u a REGULAR "WORLITS FA^R" ON WHEELS. W e tarhw it ta yonr city, grnog yon the Greatest FahiWrina for littto moaey yo« ever saw.

If I N T E R E S T E D aftw INSPECTING a a r B X H I B I T aad waat asore INFORMA* TION, W R I T E TO Ua. Respcctftdly,

ME. S. a. WTCKOW ifcer>t«iT Ww* Ch—bar ct Cuanaciafc U . a. H. BBOWM SacreUTT SMta Bfl«a ChiwWr << CoBi»ere». ML IIMI aULMlll L.......'Jt.....i... •»>••>•»J'Warti * • • * • • " ^^^ ••l• a

~tatrC^^aPUH ^ ^•cnXMij C«WNa* Ctmm»m ac BL C. a SBAW BMnMMT CmnrUti CfcB fcw •( Jb. W.«.POAaC .^.i . . . . , ,^. . 8«9«air Oktah OtaakM-of

a H- OUCSTSD .....:. . . I . . . . . . . . aaeraUir-tea B S M Ckwnbar «( J M. AliBXAIfDKa-. . . . . . . .^ . . aaeiaUQ.HMHitiA Cfcawfcw « Q. a. ANnH&aOM .•. .• . .• . . .*^..•. . .•-*.. . . . . . . . . . . . S criC ry St. iWcHi CbsHvar H •

^B. ^T. • ^ B ^ . ^ H ^ B ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O^^^B^^lw»T ^B^^^^^^^^^^^™ %^^^B^w^^^* ^ ^

MBWrOW I.VMCM...aMf<a«My MM«k «« a«r

111 AP lUSBAl^-^ Ilw™. I /r.iiKKv^iK ,,i;,!i;.

tieachers.<tf each grade. No mo­ment is wasted apd the Bennett bufldiag. Ske a hive, is faO of bees, diffeciag from the insect in lieiug wiUmut atingn but like them sweet aoid whoiesorae.

In the BMBBtime Dame Nature is bu^ too, exhMting nnrivaOed

givmg «W! rapkily chMiging amoag the itm'??^ Those who «hay gias arr Innking £dc.a roaad service m the impartial The gkiry «f the distant hills thing. - s. agairat the deep hiae «f the sky

In a week of ijl|fl||!iiiig. wfth[^th the rich caiaring^trf the all its stram, you wift aot find a j woods gives t^ the most futid


TanwfiTTt^ers ib iSvSe, M a ' 2 ^ - C. E. L . A

the preacher aad hw £aa^y^aad|«Ha ta ha held « • while smae <tf the famQy took te

stood thek' grooad. and a;tter a good soct^ time, a l e v songs were songi. Mr. John Thaeker addresaed die crowd in a few well dosea wards aad Rev. fikJU offered prayer, after which

sf the fefts 1 ^ for home.

other thi^9 that help to keep a laeacfaer friends 1 ^ eoold aot attend their donatioaa.

^ytOTR OF IHANKS. May the'good Lord bfess the

good people m saying to them, 'The same as ye £ d it oatothee. the least of mine, ye <fid it me." JJA W,

Soaday, October 18. the

thaa a ye.r*s « « » > - ! " ^ S S ^ ^ ^ - ^ f i S J to The YoBth's Com. a»»«»ettoBthrtooeisahveaad

at the fi. wben they WCTC very agreeaMy surpnsei'by a finm^even of their ehd&ca several graadCefaildreB. Mr. Mia. BoffaMBarethe e n t s ^ twelte li thkty grandchildren.

BSSHESS LOCAU Waat. Far Safe M d

I M * . • • ! • • €

Kor Sale.-Twenty head of cattle, auat of tiiem

John R. BrTsnt. Nokes-vaie. Va.. ranted box » . ld-16-tt

Attmtiow F^Hmera. — I h*ve. two mowing machines of" the Gfam^aa pattera ^H1 an old pair ^fhsbsleas. I waat to get rid «f tiMaB Hid wiH give whatever

isothe be

fG; Beoadr- U

ftr Rent, Sale or Karimage.— ra WnhBigton, northwest, for teat

or arie en nwatMy payin«Bta, or f or exchange Cor VngiBia ertf:—AiMif OeMgeOL

Va. ^ l&J&-2t Ihke Notices—My hydrai^

aresawfll tiam after Nav. 3 4 « 4 W. L. DiehL It.*

; La«.-Gold loefcat. iaitials N.

dean eatolainme^ ito fine gestivenesB week after weA; aad_

A e a gift m the tOic, dost-

eovered and forgotten, brings The Corapanioa again, with aD


Cotter, the little scm of M ^ . Mr- aad Mrs. J. D. Collier, of t& • « » Aden aeighbwbood, narrowly f « * « » respective escaped serious iajary eariy thts presnng themwlves afternoon when he Aas strack }uA the time of tlmr bvea. by a oar owned mid drivn ^ i ft was the i7th Mr. Heri A, Peteraea. of the ^ ^ aaniage of Mr.

I k lor JCMIV Shp tf HK

To oiv Irkfxb aad the geoeta]. pobik we beg to amioaiiee the cpeamg oi cat new lewelry establidi* aient.' • Jii. We desire all MB* Vsginia frioids and: asoes to coaiBider this a petaoDal invkataoBi to malBe oar stoBJ BHjrheii


WlJBQre. LTM & Aldoi C>. 12s F ft. K ff. i.C

Notke to the Pabbe.-After

Short wood £ar saie^ imaflorphoae. C H.

oa any pait-Qf the Carter.

ih. a c Niee

gon, S iCartoK..

dueet Mich}.

Saborbaa Eketrie

the charm of hM Christmastide. No AmeriesB racmthiy at aay

p n « « « « d « " " ^ T T i ^ ^ a B b ' n K t o n reading, and aooe can offer better CompaoT. qoality. Lea thaa fear cents a it is understood that the chikl weekpcavidesthtsbeatof Christ- started to cross the street as the mas gifta^-«2.«) a year. If you m«*iDe Passed near Aerarting. ^ _ _ 3 ^ J - ! -11 »i^ ,.—.-*„;-.-. fie was struck by the front of the snbeeribe now, all the remainisg < ^ ,rtDch passed over him though issoes <rf the year wiD be sent fOTtaiwtely his body was aot free, and The CompaaioD Home touched by the wbeeia. Mr. Calendar is also sa l t to those Petersen had p a t t e r e d htiie ^mit^make a. gi& aab«rript»on. speed 5ir»ce stopping at the Peo-«w» iimm^v i^^^ V T i l pl*' Bank comer and stopped Senn lor sample copies, and tbe ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^^-^ ^^^^^ ^f ^^ ,^^^

for 1915,

and ef

Mrs. Haffaan, and may

«f happtneaa O m Wao WAS

, ,, *r^'^ " * ^ PuHete- Qoote me your pncee. that DemeeratK Congressman , f ^ buy in 50 and 101 k>ts. E. shoold claim credit for havmg^M. Cave. Gaiaesvflle. Va.l0^3(>-2t aided a Domocratie Premdea!.] Winter robmaad hotae Wank-The G. O. P. appears to be get- ^ts at Atratin's. l(>-30-tf

around to the theory that

Order^^Portner estate will be prohibited. l*a-;Afi persons cao^t tilH'a"''"* ^ oa any part of said estite with-

Mr. Ira C Reid has bees em- optawritten penait from Mr. D. ployed as g n e waniea of the M. Pitta, maaagcr, dated after Portaer estate, and wiH see thaf October 22. 1»14^ wffl be proo-all treapeasera aad boaters wiD euted aeeonfiag to the law. All be proBBCTittwL The Portaer iCmi^om* >>••« been iastraeted RealtvCa 10-»-tf to report ail peiaoBB e«wht tres- /> ,_^ 0 " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •* -**- p , a ^ Thei'totBer Beaky •••ere*. 10 miles from Catlett Sta-

Waated. At eaee, 50ft S. C'Smmuiy Inc. l0^2S-4t ' *»° Sotahera Railway. Stx-rootn White Leghorn yearlings Mtti I^^-ITT- ..;-!.> .w» ^^ ,M r.J^^"^"""*^ tenant hooae. targe young

F\9r Sale.—Dandy httle farm jost oat of esfporatioa—exeep-tiwial valoe. Apply to Jooraal Office: 9-18-tf

For Sale.-Nice farm of 250

tinjr alk>wed „ , . , - Notice.—\'o hunt.ng occurred on the ^''«»" '^ ^^^ * ^"^ execuove ^^ , ; ^ , ^ j . ^^^^ g^^dky. Va. F.-rt^-ast for 1915, dent, wtuch ^...- _ — ,. ^ . , . . , _ _ _ _ ,, ^

. , .- Y rTT.'.- r..ji.i,^.":^:.- .%.-.rth .-:.-ip r' C'^'^~ «tT*» . near ''^'^ rio party has any specau, \ ar4 B^^^*^**- f«"r^CT papers guaranteed. T. M. KusselL Oa T\^ •' i -- j . * t . n: t- r..Tn

-TT ^ ' - ^ -

r.?5- p1 ,-->.? C - " r a g t a i P?P?^

JV^ .^ ^'^}. per cent off on orchard; ao acres land dear, ba,-all fomTtureaad ten per cent, off ^.^^ }„ ^^u white oak timt^r on ail Uble and kitchen ware for i^^j f ,, ^ .^^ well wsr* r .: tiie ^^^^_^^^ ^ " ^ .field*, by sti^aau aad rK-.e ... move to aasCiier « » « - ^ ^ well: near postoffice.su.r^ . j - h S*iL Vyi-.-2X ^^^ =^hoa\. Will m---: - ,-• ai-

For Sale. —Five h. p en^cine Oatiett ^nd ua.Ke r.,:. . . -and boiler. Good runr^ing order erty free WiL st-. r . n

good terTn.«i. .1 C. K- -^f,v%,-'v%. %T»M—r"rrrt.>rs :•• ;-

AN AMUSING'HA'NT STORY the tal". Abjut t h e ^ r s t jump O f T D I \(^ Q A I V* Y^

' v i n e a r i c ^ o t ' out hrs light, t fe '' '"' \ w.i .^i;!.!-;"^^ f

REAL ESTATE piTt out hrs light.

W h a t Happened in Carolina oii held onto the stump of his torch a Hallowe'ea Nickt Some | h3wever. which stiK contained a |

Ywaii A J O . I * * coal*- Ry th^tm rfffh ^^;


TTPTTitwJ TOT rtip l^r rtrp i- r t"pnrniti-»rTTir i could trace his course down i i>y'i«-'i«f •MHIVBII Hiiddiiii rt .,iit*i >« ibe

r e - IVrtl Hoo;, N J 60. al u;i«e ''•"•!. u. -^.ure I, .' minded •as somewhat of a shoot- ''if :io'dfr ni » rvrtnn nnw ctewnheA 111 the

inir star He was makintr for ""*'™'*' ''•'•-' '''*' I' ;'"''-"' "I ''"- *im ol mg siar. n e was maning lor ^^..^ou „d iuu-,»i, <ie/»uii u.,ng t«.n

8e.nited. M l>i« direction of idt {>ta»eot liulil<?r of tiif «ii<l-iroWr T+rr

t h r o a sr h the "woods: BY J. F. B R E J ^ Z E A L E

The approaching: Hallowe'en with its black cats, apooks and the oj^n'countri7nd~hiL'srogan '^XTtr, .7' pumpkins tjfinsps back to thind[,;,as "safety firat" He struck'"'•"' "* "" the HaUowe'en mghts of a good, jhe open pasture and sped over tru.u. ,L.II Jn^r for .*i*. .t puUic .ucfioa. many years ago when I waitifUp hill A« th«. font nf thi« hill '''*'* ''IK*"**'t>i<Wer. for c«»h. .t th« from growing up down in Ssouth Lar- jg g ravine ti.rough which flows |Oouniv, on ri?*K. "^ r ' * / T **! " ^ « c ^ k »ith banks about eiKht Monday, D«c«mber 7, 1914 httle boys and the devilment we f^^, A^„ Durinff the summer " " " * " ' • »"''*»»«^»^ ' . ' ' ' A t i e e i oeep. Louring ine summer . „„ ,,,y „ , . . ,^ ,^ ^ ^ , ^ folkwing

real enUUe. to i>ii: LrjQg aod iieiQ^ i>ituftt« oil tiie M•—••• •

aod Ikccoquau r Nid, io HUKI OOUQI^, and tr—dart i ^ Um imadt oi JaokaoB ? • • • • , Brsch. ttenTera and oUwra, aod roolaining

didn't do wasn't worth doing. Hallowe'en was more ^ realistic

we often made it laore realistic.

we boys bad dammed up that creek for a swimming pool and

tbgnIhan iLJa now or at ies^^had buik an old baiewi t^ere. The old boat had proved to be

I remember one Hallowe'en leaky so we had taken it out itilfhi IM tarUculf. Ww had «H old negro neighb(»- named Noah Robinaon. Noah was just a Mttle bit auperstitious. and he wa% also very fond of 'pcasum. On the day before this particular Hallowft'ftn night.wegnt a peigh.

upon the bank and set it upon its 175 ACRES





Telegraph and Tele^

for which wa pay cash.

^ (^ment, I |ne; Hair/

Bell's Brea Better Than Ever _ Get it at your gro> cer'a. Accept no

I Patent Plaster, Brick, f Sewer Pipe, Roofing | A HJLL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND t

otliei.—We guar antee it both in QUANTITY and Q U A U T Y ••• Let

r,FT aav p p i f c - g

bor_feoy of oars, Tom CrawfoHL to go aroand to old Noah and suggest a 'possum hunt over in the woods back of our bam. This i»ece of woods ah-eady had a bad reputaticm among the negroes. We were accustomed to drag the dead animals from our farm up there. This left bones scattered around in a good nfany plarfs SPVP'-' "^^'•'tgli

Fortune seemed against old Noah-that night. As he sped down the hill in the dark he struck that boat amidships. He

and, fell into the watw with the boat on top of him. Old Noah was firmly persuaded that the boat was the "ha'nt" and ttat at last he had been overtaken, "Oh, Lawd, if I ever get out ob dis." he intiyed. In his efforts to "die game," however, he kicked off

more or lesM. and bein/( tbe xaoMi land which was oouveyrd to (be said Ueorf{e Satlyak ijf I.Mfien H^Jieia tmd wit? If deea dated Fehruary 1, 1911. Tbe reoords of aaid n n n a l j alinw » prior ll>n nn l^ii^ Ifyfrf jij f f i n f

of L. B. Kf7s for I.OOU.OO. Tb« aoxMot due, if thtre reoiaiaa anjthin^ due on aticb prior lieu, will lie aDonuDc«d ou day of aale and the land utili be !>old aubjeii to such

the air 1 p**" "« O. RiYKOKD R»TciirrF, T n i » l «

JOBS Keai.is, Aiietioiieer. lO-l'O Situu^iR A S<iK, Atloroeya

the boat and got jsaia. He ran up

out of the the hill to.

had already beoi seen by. tbe colored 'possum hont^. These "ha'nts," of ceane, had a tea-dency to keep tite eokved popn ulation out of those woods, and consequently the 'pooums flctit' ished tiierdn. - " - •

At first dd Noah objected— "No sir, no sir. I dem wi : ton ed." But Tom finally coaxed away his fears aoS made a date him for that evening at eig^t o'clock. In. the njeantinae we little boys bad bem biny with our pumpkin.—We

r4=»9li ee whuL aii uld liuuee had been. This place, too. was "ha'nt«4," bat Noah did not realize where he was going until b^ ran up near tbe old childrea.

One "ha^nt" was badenoagh, bat two was more than Noab oookl stand. He jumped over aa okl rail fence and the top rail f^ <m Cte fi^oand behind him.


REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a deed of

trust executed September 6, 1909, by

^ t e ^ .rHflrf in f>.» . . U r l , ' . r.m^ ^t

. got a gieat big- one and~ immed oat its.eyes, nose, mouth and teeth and nnde it so scary that we werealmoet afraid of it oa#seI'«ea, yfiTaioat' eight oclock we carried it ap and carefully placed it amoofg tbe bones in a littfe swamnihadt np the woods pasture.

Tom and Noidi were on tiree. [n about fifteen rainntes we heard them coim'rig down tliiougfa the woods, shouting to their dog. Tom kept up quite a fuss in order that we mi^t know ecactly where- they—were:—In a few minutes th«^ rounded a pstcfa of briars and came full view of tbe Pumpkin. Old Noah was in front w ith a nine knot torch. He bdd the t orch a b o v e iris bead

What's dat down darr' My brother Claude was off bebmSli stump with a atrmg tied totfae pumpkin. Just at this time, in his excitement, be gave tbe t.'inj? a pull and opeetthe pamp-

Kin The liglit of tbe candle - ared up in tbe woods, add this vas all Noah ne»toL .Tom gave a veil and started to ran, feen

:d .Noah broke good and proper :-:<- was determine(^ that that

na'nt" sbotdd never catch him. Pom ran abotit thirty feet and rll in among tbe leaves, ycaUng

Aith all his might. To Noah this meant that the

h r n t" had overtaken Tom. He. wa< firmly convinced that at

>t one man aboald Iwre to tell

afto- that second 'hi'st* jooiped over tbe fence after me," be n id the next morsiog.

Mr. Kirby lived on the top of a hilt about a mile away. Old NwA put ail hia strength into an

coBveyad to the late bw K. E. Meradith, asncnee of C. E. 3Mer, Bankrupt, by deed^ated lUreh 1^ JSiSk, and recorded in Uber 32, pa^e

effort to reacb tlua tease. W^ heard him cross the &fdge and heard the stones rattling undo* Wa feet as be |«n up tije hilL , . ' Opc« d e 4«er. Mi'. t^Tby." b e •6<7. «f the land.reeowb.^ comtoeneed to dboat. Mr. Kir- "^ *"" " by, wto was onto the joke, ran out into the yard and stopped him, and there, standing in the

..'illiam county, to secure to the bene6eiary therein named tbe peyment of tbe sum of (400.00 and interest, and defaalt having been made io tbe pay­ment of the monty secured, tbe under-n ^ e d trustee, at tbe (Erection of the said beneficiary, shall sell by way id >ublie auctien. to tbe highest bidder,

^r cash, in Otm Tillage of GriaesTille. Prince William coun^, on -

Monday, November 30, 1914 at about 11 o'cloeh a. m., the fallowiag

us do your baking.



REASONABLE PRICES Properlj cased..and equipped

with a good pump.

Phone or write for partaeolarB

described real estate, to wit: - All »faa> cataiu XrwU o r - > ^ ^ . ^ land lying and being situate ia GaloeB-ville Magisterial District, said CDunty. and bounded oo the sooth by the War-rentoa tampike, on the west by a lane between the property bere dearaibed and tbe land formerly owned by Cor­nelias B|ackb&ntr«a ate north by Perry and on_ the east bv James RohiBaon, aad being tbe same property tiiat w«s

light of the doorwi^ with the po^ittration -streanaing from his fac^ be Udd llr. KiH^ bow one "ha'nt bad captured Torn and -bewJiejTad eaeaped fifom tw_ others. My little boy Johnny said to rae when I \ep home: 'Pa, j^ring me a pet ^posgam,' but fO, Lawd, dar ain't ae pet 'pos-'Huui darr* — ' "

Wood's Seeds

• ^ ^ ~

n&Dt Onion Sets Now kv Profitable Sestttts.

W i i l t £ P E A R L and-BccBnoft OiwMiSots

aredii^ beat and aaoat pcoitdUe variebes Cor fafl planting. Can b e o a e d f o v gveenoaiona daring tbeWHrtsraad wi iug , or make a •pieiKlia (imp t4 aiiiiiaMn ijiwlily onHoaiaa aaaaMlmg «a>ty »ex t

leak three acres conveyed !»; the aaad Cborehvilte to Hary K. i W ^ o . - . -

TBRMS OF SALE:-CASH. A- ^. SiNCUUfi, Trustee.

Lu R PATWB. Ancta—eer: 10-M

Stricdy Fresh


Temple School of Music MANASSAS. VA.


Liwttt Ptssibie Prices— awBi.aanKat wmM^^ 4iHa

C M U N I I T R d p a r ^

Ikdm l^od (if Vikctjirorrrz (FREEnrOICE TRIAL)

Special Piano Course for young banners from five to nine years of age. Classes in Piano, Harmony, Ear Trainirw, Histoiy of Music Teacher Traiim<g chaas^for piano stu-

_dent8 who wish to become teachers.

• *


fheae aredte cardinal prin­ciples of my bositiess refigkm. Give n^eia cdTattiiarttytikeBi out.

ffilM Pnce hid iw CM-try M K « ji Eicbiee ik

im mncf Tbe way to make twoblad^-of

grass grown where one does now: Boy the celebrated Magnesimn lime from Leesbarg Ume Co., the lime that has been sokl ,in Loudoun and Fairfax /or tbe pist twenty-five years, and out pro-dtaceel them all. and the reason ~forit is because it eontains Map-nesium and Oxide of Iron in right pn^KBtiao to Cakiam Carfaona|e, and tbe United States Agrieal-turai Department in Year Bocdc 1901, page 161. states that Mag-Ji^sium is absolutdy;nece^az7Jo pUat growth Sni nothing ^se will tako its plaec.—Send-o *

w . ^ #. ., -* . tto W. T. ThomassoB. , Wood^ Crop Spffial. ^»-,,Va.. ordirect tousand JsamewiB

igtnfaaaaataaaaboat. i{ have inrompt attention.-—•—-—

CMoa Seta and aU aeedalar fafl heeon


Ittshi^ B. V . W H I T E , M a n a g e r


Yoti Need Thb Rawajy At T I M I Of IW^Year.

When your liver is .oat of order y u are all out of sorts generally and practically worthless.

What you need is something that win start tbe seeretkm and

which is dangeroos to take and do not give tbe syttfm tbe ener-vataog feeUag wbidi follows the oseofaalts. Tbey tone op tbe dditate nerves wbidi are vital to health and refiere yoa of aiek

Tbey are nature's remedy for throw off the bile that has been|yuurTtwar ecmaeo ~ailni»l aafT sccomuiating and made ym slug-j are mild and harmless. Yoor jrish and heavy. ] druggist handles them and knows

Polk Miller's Liver Pills havej their worth. Pnee. We per box. bt-en the safe family remedy for] FVee sample sent upon request to t J><•nty-five years. Polk Miller Drug Co., Inc.. Ricb-

They are free from caijme', mond. Va. 2ic c >upon in each *mch grip«fe and 4i6tre8«»& «pd»4>&x.

S S e a s o n a b l e

IIIB UiplCllKOlS fllld-

F a n Mac&meiy. apMdal boUsUa. jMt <aaMa.t8lteaB alwet tlM advaatKea imi

€kkru»iSaritammi CnbtBiSaadlrBi, w U Drill for s seA« Uo^er bi Oora. Rik OKtivatan. WMriwhidSaaFlllers, Caaalaa aa4 Steaa E^bm. JMriiaa PM4 Fencta . iMTlcka Stsei Feace Pasts,

Tbe »odsca derHopaeat ie <MaiM 4kslast af FAIM WACMl Batfes aad Kaaakaats, takber aal eatvudwi iMfiat

We TiB t&k» pteaaiiTe In maliiog this SyecM BaHaMe npoe teq qooUnc prices oo any FM

required. Wnt^ as.

TIE IIPLEiENT CO., • 13irL Hats St., - RicbMoA. Va.


Manassas I take pleasure in announcing to the {Hibllc that I have given my plant a thorough overhauling and Am now inu a poBtsm t o smnrfy ™ r r tfegficial ice tn any q u a n t i t y ^ at all trai^. ^ W p f a n t is not new, but is equipped witiiBll MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. T h ? w a t ^ wnwih flows fmm oar<roll is as oloaf g&etystal and when further purified by distmati»n,_ftH^iefr-cube8 of ice fit to place before the most fastidious.

Ask B ti sad yN NewStyleBodk _

It shows many of Rich's fashions for men, women and children uid yoo can boy from it with every as-

_ surance of Atisfaetion.

B.R]ch'sSons 1«4teFSt ,<k. MM


JUdvf, Jknaha 11914 " "ComBHSiciag at 10 O'dodc A. M.



MARVEL Makes more goo3 bread to the sack than ordinary flours. Absolutely pure and im-doctored—never bleached. Famed for its goodness. Try a sack.



at pabtic aoctioo, on say farm known as tbe E. H. Morse farm, aboot oae-half mile West of Kopp, «B tbe new road lesKtiag to Stafford, on tbe aboye-naaied date, tbe foUewing per-sooal property: —Tww wwk nonHB, ealt. i Bad of cat-tle, 4 pies, k>t of foiris, farming impie-mentsoi ait kiada, severat^sets aff srJr-T gle auJ iluubte hafuuM. ueailv n«w; lot of hay and stiaw, com and fodder and small grain, hensiihald and kiteben for-nitore and"«ther articles toe aiutious to mentioB.

TERliS:-S<uns of (10.00 and undan cash; over that amooot a credit of six mooths will be ffiTen. the parcbaaer execQting interest-bearing negotiable aote, with approved security. payaMe at the Peoples National Bank of Haaas-

No property to be reirovpd until loif sale are complied with

10-lfr-3t JOHN M. PRIMliH.

GEO. D. BAKEBi IMat^mi [jcmti

LANSBUEGH & BRO. 420-26 Screath S t . W•akiBttoi^ D. C

r - ro i r SAWHLLK o r -



LMRSF PUCES n t Ksr oeiuiis The European war is sure to cause a auatitv of wool

dress goods, and cause prices to go up. Buy yoo- l all drew t^.- " T .TT*********" T^ ' •""^ ^ « *^"ct particular attention to these itfma (hnr evperM'nr d mail owier cki ka will give your cmiers prompt attention:

m. wide; firm, double warp,

in^ h l l l ^ ^ b r ' i ! L ' " t S S * S L ™ 20 new s^des,. includ­ing tMacK. i«>-m. wMte. worth oOe a yard. Our spe- e / \ eial price a yard : - • _ . i>vlC

^ w d b l 3 i o i ^ Sersea, Sft-in. wide; firm, > -ctesety woi en: all cokjts and croun and black- wear guaranteed; worth |1.0ft Our special price a yv4.

Chiffon Broadcloths, with a beautifnl nch satin permanent finish, gruaranteed spot-proof. sp.-in(rpd and ready for th^needle: all the new colors, including ^ 1 OC

75c 1 lift re , ihnjnk


SfflRTTSHJEST"'TREES ^ "'' ^'^''^ ^^ ^ '• •• >" its .jxabv>i„^^j|l^t severe extreokp^^

AmencaU Genetic A**ociation Announces Prizes fmr

of temperature, and German for esters have been working to dis cover a strain of Douglas fir.

+whicb will eombine. la-fHT as possible, the hardiness of the

JTFore.iers 01 ihe United States f^^^ Mountain for^ and the • ^ interested in the announce-i^"^^ """ ' ^ « ^^^ ^^«^

riient recently made by the Amer-1 ican Genetic Association that Iwoj TREES ARB PAOTlMOUft [.rizes uf $100 each have been Some authorities go so far as utf ered J'oi two photographs—one t° say that even the ingenuity of the largest tree of a nut^bear-j*"d perseverance of man are ing variety in the United States. \ unable to induce trees to change and one of the largest broad-1'^eir habita far enoagh to »d<H>t leaf tree that does not bear edible (*<^o"ntry not doaely like their t.eedtt. In the first elaas, for ex- j native habitat. annple, are included trees such' This faatidiougneas in thehab-as chestnut, oat.iralmrt, hatier''*^^^*^^<^'^»»^^^looiisadits nut. and pecan; and in the 8e£-o~(r,"tre€g-Buen aa ftiw. bMB. maple, Cottonwood, and , tulip poplar. No photographs of cone bearing trees are wanted, since it is definitely known that the (.'alifornia bigtrees have no riv-ala among conifera.—A,t a later

badudes, they say. It absolutely limite the fweatet's liiwiee uf

time the association may take up the same qu^a«>a-» between "^^f^^^^fa^* w>x»«wr elae-the lowing the-reorgronation-of tite the various kinds of ccmifers. as pines. st>nices, firs, cedars and cypresses.

The purpose of the competition. as stated by the association, is to find out in what r^nons the native trees attain their largest growth, and under what condi-ti\mn tliiiy=4iwwP»ii*Mti Whaa

trees to grow in a given region. But, on the other hand, there is a practical certainty of results. If beech or ^pnwe thrives w£ere the average warmth and moisture of t h e y r o w i n y wpnarvn fmtri yoftr

to year ranges between certain

these targe trees are located and the measurements authenticated, the association hopes that it may be possible to secure seeds, cut­tings, oz grafting wood from thrifty trees in tiie region where they grow, to see whether liner speeinaena may be i»opagated in parts of the country. It is hi^»d in tins manner to get some par-, ticokriy choice strains ofnatiye trees estaUished rn r^ions where good epedmaaa we not now foimd. ~

THB mFUTENCB OF HKREmTY. — I t la iiawiiBod by the-tion that seed fnm the regi<Hi •wheare the I^ttgest trees .grow

where <»iy amid) trees are found. By finding odt wbece the laxge tieea are jmd then pUrrting se^da-from them in otber the aasodatioa hopes to

,..._-strate the practieal valoe of horticoltare and forestry of the laws of-heredity. Now that re-forestatiiMa is becoming a press­ing iHobi^B. t ^ question of seed

same average is found, in the northern hemi^bere at least, the fonater may plant beech or spruce, whether or not they, are already there, with COTifidence that they will flourish.

The announced purpose of the Genetic Associatiin is to bring

or scock Of the' best speviueus, when found, to demonstrate, if possible, the value of b n e ^ t y 'in tree growing. The contest for the $100 photograi^ is ^ an­nounced to end on July 1, 1915, on which date, says the secre­tary of the Genetie Assoetatwir in Wa^uagtm, tiie offer wiH teradBEte:— —— — —

State's health forces, 7,442 cases were reported 114,398 were es-4jmated for the State. In 1909-10 these figures decreased to 6,771 and 11,843 r e s p e c t i v e l y . - In 1910-11, reported eases were 5,969 and estimated cases 11,803. For 1911-12, 4.606 cases were re-


^Xhe Manassas Julniee Antbon, dedicated to the B{tiB_aiid the Gray (m the fiftieth anmversarv

ihus a decrease b ^ w 1912-13 of 1,827 r e p w t e d ^ m d ^ l l l estima­ted cases and a. decrease of 596 repmrted and 1,010 estimated

below the previoiu State record.

of the fixst tottiajnfttfae dvi l war, July 21, 1911, was rqoo-

^gj^t to prodoee, iatgo' and ^™** by foor hundred pobiic ^roi^^er trees tiam from regka»T*cheol chBdre^tiad I ^ Fnaident

Roop of Eastern College. bef<N% the Masaadmsetta v e t e r a n s . Dnring the sinanoff of tba word

ularly good of f^K^' ip a a b n i ^ coming to the fore.

Other influences, of eaorse, wiH have a bearing on Ihe qob^ jeet. and the resolts of . the in-vestigation may betn to settle the question as to whether i3«es can be-acdimatlced. Evea i f they can not be, there may be cases wiicrc tjoos in viraoment miv miake b e t t e r growth thaa the best in their native range. This is said to beLJ tJfue of eerfidn of tJie Australian eocalypts. and <rf tiie Monterey

which d o S ptne wBico ooes'lSRr much in its native location Catiforma but has proved great vhie- in Hem y^alandi

The federal forest .aerviee has conducted some studies along this line and 4ias discovered, for example, that the Doogtts fir of the Rocky Mountains and the Deagtaafe ^ the Parifif Trfiast

"free" in the dKtfas each child waved a tiny American flag, and daring, the bet two Hnes they gmaped each ether's hands. It

of a great day. UMITBa .

iKwUn-Bw^Uaoa. of B M C H T . N.4X)

AoMriea, mtr f i f t w fair. «< A c cuth . eb« aa*. Ijae airl

tkr ekairen. efeac M OMI. And at Ikr akitoe k n < bw « • koMu


Anka i l ta»ee ! ~ Thwks be to<3ad. wha • * < • a f n e !

Naitih. Souk. Eaat. Wcat. ha>d c t e ^ a i ia I UHte< wa. tkr d d U n a . I

Wkh XHaa atar* i f a wMOli^ I •< Mat** poBS aaca* tkr feat. Ai«al t ta<<

Wkan A M daat eaB thy cMiraB kMT. Aad evHiBc p n y a l atrtfc aha! eaaaa—

That cad « « Maaa a v laa< wtth paMM •'-^ ^ l i r l l l lT fc I ! • > • !r-

Oarkmaaf ( f ^ t a i c a ^ naiat. MM* «akM V tiM dad tafMik


while the same spedes, have diiTereat characteristics acd wiU produce trees like the parent stock, modified somewhat, how­ever, by eavitonment. Fi» ex­ample, if the two forms are planted t o g e t h e r , during the J [ ^ ' l S ^ ^ ^ * t l ^ * ' earlier period of its life at least j ^^'"•"^ '" the Pacific CAast form wiD m a k e r ^ J l ^ ^ „ . , ^ ^_. ^ ^ a lai^er and stronger growth | scraKTH GuDc-AJlHBa baawa»;Gr«eeBar-t han ThelEocky^ M o ^ u S i a J j ^ ^ provided it is not affected by ad- {iweott. » nhm* Mutt. n. verse local eoaditions. j

TiHmo G a A o c - Robert Bowerm. W. and Oven Wkitaei »

SBTTWD G«»t>l -ClauJ EJhratt- 2n RanM^l Bartva. W lUkal Barbrr.3t.aad Urnm foarrjal.

PamASY GBADB-Etuabatli Cooka. 1». A WliiMliiiv 19: I fmarm WWaton. IS:

Several other questions; as the .climatic jrequirements t rees grown in different localities. wili, of courae, enter into thel iinal solution of the problem. It I nas been found in Germany, for fxample, that the Pacific-£oast-'.rm r,' "nu 'as '^r "5 '">* >*••• ••.drJi aa i'-. K'<K7 MouriU.n

U)W RECORD FOR TYPHOID j p ^ { ^ . ^ | I 09 fE i4 iOLGIAJ«a '» ' rertrt Seed Poliitocs I

p o l y 4,012 Ce*e» Rc^Mrted ajMli 7,460 E*taaat*d for

"Ye«tSI3.I4r "

Manaiaaa; Vkguuk .

Statistics just compiled by the SUte Board of Health for the year ending September 30, 1914, show that Virginia has had less typhoid during the past twelve months than during any year in the records of the Board and only 52 per cent as many cases as during the year 1908-09, the first for which statistics are available.

The aggregate number of eases of typhoid fever for the first niae m<mt^ of the artm^ur year 1913 was likewise less than the 61iiift» m thi 6oneit)6Mm months for anjc. previous year. Only 4,012 cases were reported from October 1, 1918, to Sep­tember 30, 1914, and the toUl number estimated for the same period was 7,460t.

Lumber and Planing Mills

In 1908-09, the first year fol-

wa&at the time a low1«vd and was attributed in large degree to the unusoalty favorable weather condiUons. In I S ^ I S when the spring was early and the summer hot, the namber of cases in-dreased above the recwd- for ISn-lTTrad-rattear?^ rts-pwted-aiMlliO,8n e s t i m a t e d eaBeg.-i; (g Iaia-i4,^-tnete~wa8: -auAo of No. 1 com, constant'

It is pcnnted oat tbat tins re^ dOction in thenueaber of of tyi^ioid fevw mean^ not only a great radoetiMi^ nigknswr b i ^ a pdhttive spring oi hnmaa lifei Had eonditioos in Viigiaia rince 1<¥tfLf>9 remained as they ware in that report year, the Board's figures show that 2,180 persona who-have altogether escaped ^ phoid (ev&r would daring tiie

•jJ^ Briok, Uoon, Suk.

ImlAimm n,„ Bliwia, ShiaglM.

— i ^ i - i r

oa>, VaniMh. H i j y . S a w aadm M ^

>< Baikbn' R .~ t—- ,^j , „ |M«|MHI1 U

ill an oniara tor aama nn akort Botie*.

We ffoaraatM pricea t» be aa aa any m aD

LauAtr Sp«aalty.

Carioaa Lota

,>w nUetmf 0f tkmr t»«d amd tk*', '~^ '4T0^attt^'~9f ~fnv~9nnv^~ 1M09 • • • • - - • • • (

'ekarg* of tk» tprafiuf imrimf U a j fTOwimg —a»o». Than wmi m»tkmf\ fimMt/$i bmt tlu Off b4»t mUetedl i—d, amd motkimf hat bttm Uft mm-^ dou* to luan thirm rifkL Tho erofi: it turn htmg harv*ttod, amd ths r«-' mtf» »/_•!> WW* am mmit tmlitfu^,

CLYDE MILL This •veil known milling

institution, recently re-built and set in first class o>ndi-^iea*sia^aMK^e*«p«pei»feed: by a miller of years' of er-"~ perience. The Flour being made at this mill. Fancy ind Stnught graUe, is givitig sat-.isfaction wherever useOr and is rapidly attracting new cua-tomlrs. It is made of the very best wheat and guaran­teed pure a id heal^y. Bran, Mid<Uiag8aBd other feed for sale. Water ground Meal.

ly on sate, and is second to none. All orders. promptly filled and^ielivered to ne«^> merchants if desired.

Phftw* liifwnagpn tir **y "«»?1 receive prompt attentioB. -;^Beiit inai^ift pnees paM for

Ktaiii. -


E i i l r Nortbera aaift'a No. 1

iJie moat ^iect»echtf event ,same poiod have died of i t "It is nepdleas to remark."'

said an oflSeer of the Board todaF. in annoaadng the .^gmes for 191^14. "that this noa t3e~?^ sidt was only posnble throng th€f activity and intoest of the p e o j ^ of the State in matters of irabQc herith. We had only JS2 per cent as taoA typhoid as in 1908-09 becaaae the people have learned how they may jnevent the disease and are apidying that ImawledgO;—We codd have a e tyi^wid if the people of the State were to decide they were to erad* ieate this plague and would bold theiF-eaergieate-the task whi! speadiag sufficient money in pr»-T^ntifm - 3 ^ caaag aoria—fci . for the State daring 1913-14, 7,460 are just 7,460 too many.

"Aside from this widesniead interest and oooperatic» in im­proving^ suiitary conditions, the late spnng of 1914 undoubtedly helped reddoe the Bxxtidity from tn>iM>i In the same way, die Hie. of typhoid vaedne in fam-il ieawhne the disease appeared KfiTttaioag titaee wbo~faad been exposed to it has played a eo*-siderabte pert in Hmrtating the Tavages of the disease.

"The fact that only two oat-iReaka of conseqoenee were re­ported during the past year is typical of the changed eoodntaons-ajoid of the generalprecantions now bejbg taken. Wnen we are careful enough to ^yteet oar-selves froff UTtTi. we can rid

irginia of typhoid."

Kiilie,€n«ie mtd

MOTOR CAR CmCICNCV • IWfelys^Mslwa Af the ikfll«f the


Oar r e p t r — t >ic«to •reiT amm at mrnr m rt. k * i i l a i e am




* ^ - - . . , <jimimm^^

I'M Caila ». TT;


Pncar. R amd

lirnmsij tf Twgm Maa* afPOMa lafctal aaate* af VtoflMi

t O w S e i M c * . Law. Vcdicine. CagiMwiag

LOAjr Fnxns xvAiutata •aMir aad i<niii i i.ny atadoMa f I S M

PioaM amd adbdlmaLorf

New Stock Of 15 000 rolls and beau­tiful designs of Wall Pa­per to choose from at mmS WAU PAPER HOUSE It will paj-you to exam­ine stock and prices be­fore placing your order.


Tha CaMcai S U t n Acrtrallaral D<vartB«a< >taaaa HMtr Tmg »t lu.pMllaa aad Ap vraval oa rrery aM-k of xKKD POTATOK'' Paillfcaaaa rrmtm *. WOUilASO A SON.

CERTIFICATE OP QDAUTT. t, TU» it to ctrtiff that I kava Mad^

rharg* of all tko Sitd PoUUott growu'i ^w J: B<^kmo Ifc 9 M , dmrtrnf t t o j

grnnmf aaonm. / kava bttm teiiht Oiai » i » n ttppjl Ulht Itaktd aftttf

tarf. Wt art harvtttimf otu of lar/ttt cropa tvtr gramm u» Aroot-' lock Cowtlg^ltaima, amd of Oi* flmetil qaalitf, fraa from amf ditaata amdk trmt to mamta. 1 t/nmt aomt ( M M ta i WatUmatoM, D. CL. teiUi tha aorti-l euUaral Board.,b^^ra aamimf k»r»J amd ( ia ir idaaa of pradmtmf PIR8TI CLASS SEBD hmoa btan Mrritd o«<4 (• tJta iattar for / . Balfiamo h. Boa.'

(Blfmat) a R. B18BT, " PImmt Patholaffitt, "•

Sept I», 19I«. Pratqma JiU. Maimf.l

w n x BOOK T o c a o a o i FOB



IrUb CoMlera E x t n Kariy X X Kuolaa Norcrosa Gold CoU Know (Ion: Ited BUxa Trnat Bnatn f iDokr BatttoaM OnTar- •

Utter BolcSano's

peritT Pride of a » Smttb ^ r l r O U M WMta Wllaa

Bose ^ a ^ Battar wwt« Bow ,' Earl7 Booad SIz

^TtfTT Earlr Lone 8 U

Weeka HcnderaoB B o n e at— ^ T - a * • . . . . » - . — .. Rr««B " — * - f i

i (MiruuitkiMa

Rnral New Vorkeri WUt« ElrplUBH Empire Statt Karir Statf Birly Bar CanaoB No. 8 Barbank 8Md)lns Puritna or Potarla Dakota Howe

Deaa^ of Bebraa Atoeri^aa Obnts SliaMtiair'a No. 4 D r v Orepa


Ftar Farmen, Market OardeacrK tnf. rackera—write for yoar c o w at once—

_itar prleea will be m ^ ^ hi p a r . It r*«< Iioeal Kcrckaat caaaat

ma Oiaet a><< « • wm MI ra« vkece

wUt witt-


A Scm

"•±5?™ EastenJiiliS MANASSAS, VA.

The Right Coflege lor t U Train.

Splendid new baildiago.—Qel-and University Trained

Teadiera. Offers superkir degree coaraes in the Arte and Sciences, Litoatore, Pedagogy, Musie, Ez-mession. Business and Dooiestie Sdenee. Also excellent I^rqia-ratoty Department, folly ecpial to any standard High SehooL Speeinl.atteDtaon gives hadtward bogw and giria. Satordv Art

Nif l^ C o m m e r e i a l CoMaes. —

For rateand other ufiMmetiSB

niMf, ri. n. iL i..

FOR SALE Owl « f CorparatiMi of


The place contains about three acres of land and large ten-room hotwewith number ef eotiMnld-fngs. l l i a e is an orchard, good garden, containing strawbmy, rhubarb and asparagtn bette, and a bored wejl over a hondred feet deep of good soft watdr.



Washington's lyeading Store

—For China. GUaa, —Silverware, E t c

Our aupremAcy in the foUowixu; anm has bmiary^eogvitiei f o r y « ^ ^

I>ependable quafities. ezeluhr«ly lowest prieaa tor THE BEST.

Fmaal Platmd Wmtm H«li-G»<U Cad«T

TaUmCSmaaC^^-^ KckCatGlaaa ToilatSMa

Chaliaa ChafiatMlfc


R i l h t n a i fbetmrma EdJfttaM ' RaMgMBtara , A c .

DUUN&MARTINCO. i i > 11 !>•»»• , r i i I,in I I

lias F St. an< mi fBlTSg WASHINGTON, O. C.


Marvel F^ur Prinee William, Parity and other tnands. Groceries -and Provi^ •ious. AU hinds of Ground Food, Graihs and Hay. Phone soat Orders—Goods delivered at Yoor Door. Highest -price paid tor . CottntiT F^odoee in earfangfe lor Goods.


Wo make a spcdaHj of &uch-—-work-and gnamirtay Mtjgfao-

tion. Appmntavmts mad* on short notice. Foriviee call op iv write \.

i t e n n a n s SnudiO'

Rrtng mrntinA y o n r Kirfalr Warfc •



Not onty a fint-eost I saving—bat a saving in j up-kee

^ yoo pat—Smoot.

f rials into yoor bnil^iag ^ gr you are waag~tti€ bat" tohf kad. Vr gnamn-ie* that.' We itever de­viate froB oar standard.

Wb^her jva know quality or not, yon eaa pot it down as a eer-tunty tkct what eiMnes from oar yards and mili ia abaokitely right.

WaA.»OOT<§^a ^ 4-J^ .1





b > i T r — m w A T K O t

mbflr ma W ALSXAHD&IA, Vi

>i«iGKATKD DarosrroBT or m i UNTTBD Sr^na.

CIDERMAiGNG My new hydraulic cider mill will

be in operation Tuesday. July 14. jand wHl ran every Tuesday and j Friday during the aeaaon.

J. E. BRAOFIELD. T-l(>-2moa.

HOWISD WJSST09. »sniata*«.

ISO«.«Or llI»«CTO»6—

G I, »rv - K M B HARU'iW o R w f R F i E i D F u r m «'\TKK RORKKTS B AABK. IK.

nff\fg4 ^gg gT'n^p.r ^^^ ^ F Tomp* aiaeatiia itrca «o all tnmars*. n

finassas TransferfTr., W S ATHEY Pntfrttmcr

. Taraitara aaff aU-tiai la at n o r




Former Union and CoBfail«Htte S o U i m Unite m Dedica.


(Heporteil for THE JoUKNAL by G«orge ' C. Round)

A gratifying attendance was pceaeot upon th« occasion of the i dedication last Friday of a tablet to the memory of Col. FletcherJ Webster, who lost his life in the; Eecood battle of Manassaa. The; welcome program, which was rendered ftt the court house (Hre- i ceding the trip to the battlefield, i was fully reported in last week's i issue. *

The exercises at the dec'ica-tion were presided ovier by i ieut.-CoL Cwik, wtw, aftw piajei bj Pj-esWent RS5p, "5T Eastern Col­lege, introduced Lieut Round, who gave an explanation of the military movements which led up to the death of Colonel Webster.

Mr. JoKii

Coiainut-U From Kirat Pajfr

him about an hour after dark and set him against a tree, gave him all the water in his canteen and promised him to return.. This he did about an hour later to find that the' Colonel had been re­moved. SergL Lipscomb was one of those partidpating in the recent dedication. On the Mon­day followihg the battle, the body was found after a long search and removed to the Union lines under a flag of truce.

Subsequent to the war a ring

A Grateful Expre«»ion Lieutenant Round.


j i desire to thank ait our people who cooperated in giviniif an ap­propriate wtlc* me to lae .Massa-idu setts veterans and their

: (nend-' and to the local conirades III Gray and Blue, who joined so

'enthusiastically with ihe in the I thrilling . and impressive exer-cises.

' I name especially Mayor Brewn, J udge Thornton, Mr. Brea^esle and Representative Meetze, who acted as marshal of the occasion;

A. Laird, a genue-man of di^inguished presence, a numufactorer,0f B r o c k t o n , Mam., wa»ititmdqced and gave the story of how the movement for the erection of the tablet had been Inaugurated. II is under­stood that Mr. Laird furnished the money to purchase the ground.

Comrade George Kimball, sec-rptjirv o f t h e R/nprnAntal A nan.

worn by Colonel Webster, which the school officers, teachers and he gave a Confederate soldier j children who furnished the most

spectacular demonstration ever seen in our town; the Ladies'

of the l ^ h Virginia who had shown him attention, was sent to Mrs. Webster by the sop of a Memorial Association which fur qiiart<>rma8ter, George T. Joiw^nished the tCTt fly which so fit-to whom it had been given for uingly covered the Ublet; the safe keeping by the 8oldi«- re- Daughters of the Confederacy, ferred to, who was killed at Ant-1 represented by Mrs. May Dagan

In the Store Room of the M. I. C. Building MANASSAS, VA.

Saturday^ October 31, 1914 Commokcing at 10 G't^ock, A . M.

I will seU at public auctioB, o n -the above-naincd date, a part

of my Household and Kitchen Fumilure , consisting of 1 oak dining

ietam three weeks after. Mr LHdwffli Htttchiaga, oi Al-

cialiuH. lirid of lire acticm of U>e As.sociation and of tbe Fletcher Webster Post, G 'and Army of the Republic, No. 13'. Depextm&it of Massachusetts.

The tablet, which was {daced for the day under a tent fly loaned by the Manassas Manorial Association, was unveiled at high noon by two vsUTJBsrG&L'SiUss £. Gilman, of Boston, and Cei. Edmund Berkeley, of .JBayniadut. The former lost bis right ana at Gettysburgr and the latter w i s desperately wounded m Pidcett's charge, of w h i ^ he ie the rank-ing RiirviviW T h o w t w n n^th

die, also saw Colonel Webster while hunting for wounded men of his regiment, the 8th Vir­ginia. He writes me an interest­ing tetter reigarding him. Prof. Henry tells me lus_unde was

and Mrs. Fannie Thornton; those who furnished free autemohiles for veterans of the Blue end the Gray on the urgent request of the citizen's committee, includ­ing Judge Thornton, Mr. Peter­sen, Mr. Hynaon,Mr. Hombaker, Mr. Byrd, Mr. Meetze, Mr. New

told that General Toombs, who man and Mr. Jesse Conner, also had ^known Cdonel Websfcw in | Mr. J. A. Morgan, Mr. J. P. his school diiys. had him r^noved Leachman and others, who fur-to the Cross House on the War renton pike and that he died Uinn;. Thfg, huwBvw, Ouat iwi agree with Mr^BlaeIc?6pg*iBlrtate> ment in .the Regimental History.

Daniel Webster was the ex-|nmterialtytotheecl4tof theday-pounder of the view of the Fed-««I Constitution which finally prevailed. He was eonudered by nuuiy of his day as ttie great­est of our orators, some stjding him 'Thanemosthenesof Amer-

riea." His style was dignifiod, strong, majestic and overpower­ing. One can hardly imi E^Be Daniel Webster or Demosthienes telling a story or cracking a joke to iUastnrise his al^mment

On tiie 7th of Mardi. 1B50. he are typical of the ibest blood«f "^«fe » ^ W « l stiuedi in lavo.

nished iree carriages and shoired other eylirtesies too numeroos to UMiimtii', U16 smdMHB anfl' in-stnietws-ef Eastern A^eUegeaind' Hebron Seminary, who added

t.« . ^ «i--«-.»dg,^ sTsr^-ssr-"' even the^ F^igitive Slave BiO* because he believed it reqaired by A e Cnnstitatian. TliLi spoocb loot

the of the nation founded ^ WadS-ington and AdawM.

The unveiling was foUowed by the mam addl>«j« by Hon. iSam-uel Appletofl, of S t Paul, tfina., a grandson of Daniel Websta*, the son of his only dmghter. , . . „ j ^ j -This address M^ worthy of l h e ^ * f ^ ! r ^ « " * " ^ ^ » f ~ * occasion and wag listened to With i J ^ i _ ^ ' ^ i ? l . ^ ~ " ' P * ^ ' * ^ closest attea^Sn^ and praised l -

hira many fri^ids and he was accused of making a bid for the Presidency. No dM4>t he wanted

President. Ro(4>, Colonel Becke-ley. Dr. Clarkaon, Rev, T. D. D. Clark and Rev. E. A. Rioads for their part in the pabiic exeedaesi to Prof. Henry for special coar-tesies, and last hot not toast fee legal press fi>r the just prami-tuaoDe given th^int«%sting oe-(^kSoa:~~ " 7 ~~ -^ " —

To the two or three individuals who are nnially on hand to n^ke extortimiate demands on oat guests, I re^>ectfuBy s u g j i ^ that thqr make a grave mistii Ee eva> fiom a business jMHitf; ^ new. ^ " ' ^ ^ ^ '

The de£cat«ni of th« WebBfeR-Memonal TUdfet was a onMiae and napreeedeiitod event ia the Ught of Ameiiean iHstwy ahd

extension tabke, 4 d inmg chairs, 1 upholstered bed concb, 1 oak KSB"

rack with uirror, 5-piece f o U e n quartered oak parlor suit, 1 large

pair of s tag horns, 1 large parior mirror, 1 naounted p e a c o c ^ 1

naounted duck, I mounted gray fox, 2 pairs of portieres with poles,

1 oak f lower s t a i a d ; ? parlor tables, Z large pict i ir«»,X fancy ^ c T

tures, 1 small scr«en, 2 oak bedrobm dressers, 6 bedroom cane-

seated chairs, 1 large oak rocker, 1 oak table, 2 white e n a m e M

beds, 2 sets of springs, 2 mattresses, 2 pillows, 1 cot and mattress,

1 hanging hall lamp, 1 perfect pantry with all equipments, 1 dining

room clock with bronze horse, 2 wood stoves, 1 large carpet 1 6 x 1 6

feet, one drugget 9 x 1 2 feet , 1 parlor drugget 12x12^ f e ^ 12 yards

t^ stair carpet, 14 stan- pads and rofis, 1 large window fhn^ also

some smaO window shades, 1 65-gaUon oil tank, 1 lawn mower,

^ a d oflhCT artidtea too numeroua to mwifaon. AH ^ a b b v e ' ^ ^ T

tBoreM pract ica l^ as good aa new. - ^ — ^ — ~

TERMS>~A11 s u n u of $ 1 0 . 0 0 and under, c a s h ; over that a

credk of s ix months wiB b e g i v u i , porcfaaser to g ive « l e r c ^ 4 M a r .

««t «««oti*We note w i A approved aecority, payable af T&e Pe©-

plea Nataonal Bwiit , Mi i t i i t iM, V a . N o yooda t o b e rampved imta

ex-everybody. '*[im' JOOWMAI, pects to be able to print the in full. : : _ . : . . . "

After the address tbe-aatSence adjourned to the Henry Hill, where Prof. Henry and others g ave explanaQohs oT the^mili-iar\' events w h i d occurred in full sightof this lofty view point The processtOB then continued \ ia the Warrentmi pike to the l arrHon where huieheon was served by the Daughters of the 1. onfederacy. and the features of he battlefield around Groveton

and looking toward the unfia-^hed railway on Sa&ef ridge

were pointoi oa t Here thecrowd hrote op, s n n e

'gton and odiers to visit the New York monuments and the . n fi nish«t~ Kllway,^ thO iOoBS' ridge and o t b ^ pants. ~ .\mong distinguished visitors

n m Washington were Coounis-~ nr.er of Pensions Saitzgaber, Kditor John McElroy of The Na­tional Tribune, Colonel John L. ' iem, of the Quartermaster De-vartment, and Mrs. Is4hel W. Bail and Mrs. MJUJ A. Dow, prominent offieids m the Wo^ nan's. Relief C e r p a Cokutd

riem is the only war vetevaa : ow left in the regular army.

The children of Groveton pub-.ic school No—3, established in l? "?!, undo- the lead of their teacher, sang at various stages >if the exercises patriotic hymns and old war songs — 'Tenting Tonight." " T r a m p ! Tramp! Tramp!" "ColumWa, the Gem of the Ocean," "America," and many others. Tbe luncheon was voted to be fifie though tbe f mwd vns larger than was^c-pec ted.

Everybody declared the entire ff^iebration a success and a de­eded boom for onr battiefieid ;>ark. Now is the time for ("on-greasman Cariin and >«-i.aiors »..,.:. _. „,. : --.,. .. , - .,, ..,rt ^

be Preaident bcycmd a i ^ man. of his day. Had bebieen ^losen President in 1848 or 18-S2, it is not impossible but the "irrepres-^ble conflict" might have been prevented. Posdbly his pro­phetic spirit wlueh kx>ked oh "states disaevoed, diseordaiit, briligerent" might have devised smne way to avart the cakmity. It is pathetic to think of his aoa lying for hours on a fidd "drenched in fratonal Mood." Yet in the Provideaee of God w the sinfulness of man., or both, it seemod to-he necessary to make true the dream of the statesmaa;, . _ ^

tiie developBoant^ the Amerieaa natipa and even Ute smallaiit cfayd in the first grade who cois-tribttted to it will have gAd cause to be proud of it a htff centmy to come.

Thankfudy, ' ^ 6B0BiG«-€an Bsmat:-

*Libeiiy and aaioB, now e«E; one and insepafabie.!'.

For Almost and Seiytemb<^ were the graataat in our his­tory. •

'nierefope, ovar l i n e of Hanlware aad Furniture is


Kiai<k«ndiawOe«Dtar H,MM. BanlkMBt, 7*.'

Don Cihu. Urn DaBd. Vicnri*

i«ai.I«c»> IMU.Kwiid>WtfUi« Wdlh Fnsk

fmaii GcM<>.Ta(tar Su—1.1

Rate. .aim FlUwatK. <Wm DdU.


We invite you to come and take a look.

W. C Wagener

Judges of the Mississippi Sa-preme :Coort at Jackson, Umi', hsard arguo*ents Monday wUie da^ inovoaUsaad Attoraeys presentii similarty clothed.

Tbe departure from conven­tional dreM was the result of a kxal "oottoa day" in furthsr-aaee of **wear cotton clothes" movement in the South.


Sidwcribe for THE JOVKKAL $1.00 the yerr in advane&

Hemy K. Field & Co., M N I , Sisies, Lalb, ftws, Sash,


ITWO Cai loa^ dF|t Buggie


We have just received one ear-load of Blue Ribbcm Bc^xjes, and one eu^oad of the famous ^aydock8—each made of the vexy best materiid availi^>}e, b^n^ht in the white wood and painted as per our jastrnctiona.

Also all kinds of


Uiffi r) COW PEAS


I t will be wtHth your while to inspect our stock.

F. A. Codod & €a


foUowtBK places on Mated below for tbe

I wiU be mt tbe tbe dmy *ai date naaaed paxfomt «f reeerrinf taxea and teries n r IS14. Tbe law re>}»ue» fire per cent, jiiaaltj to be added to yoor biUa if Dot paid wb«B doe (December lat) . It n b».«t»r to aare tbxi by payiBK aot l a t a tbaa Deeea*er 1st.

Catharpia Monday, Nov. 2 Hickory Grave Toeeday. Nov. S Haymarkcft Wedbesday, Nov. 4 Greenwieb Tharsday, Nov. 5 NokMvilta f^iday, Nov. 6 Hoadley Mof>day. Nov. 9

Nov. 10 Nov. H » t o U a . n i . . W

Great Caody %>ecial for TMnorrow Only— ^

(>ir We6k-end Candy Spodals will hereafter be a feature at this store that our customers will particularly appiedate for the values we shall offer will be truly surprinng, Onr special for Saturday will be an especially delicious ctmfection

00 Martinique Chocolate Clierries Finest French Maraarhino Cherries, dipped in. semi-liquid cream and heavily coated with pure, ndi chocolate Y<HI never tasted anything finer in your life, fitdi piece in an mdividual bonbon cap and each box ccmtains a an pound. Theae ate genuine 60c Chocolates which we wiB of- O A fcr Saturday at Z 9 C

FuQlineof GroceiMs of all kinda, Fresh Fi^, Oys-ters, Celary^aad^v^ythi!^ Good to £at

Bring !»your ^ ^ , Chickens and Butter and get Tap Prvxa in Caah or Trade.

XiL BURKE & Ca Masonic Toxq^ Manas8«8» Ya.

r * : \ .

Blindt and Buiklmg Material OP ALL KINDS.


D e w e t ^ o r e . 1 t o 3 P - g » : . * ^ • ^ ° ' '1 MtmiievHte.. 7. .Tbu™*iy," Tfov. t2 Domfnea Friday. New. 13i QaaDtaea. Saturday. Nov. 14 [ Jopba Monday. No<r. 1€ j Kopp Tu««day, Nov. 17 ; ladepradent HiD. Wednesday. Nov. 18 ' Fayman . Tbarsday. Nov. 1* I Brentanne.Stolim-m.. Pnday, Nov. aOi A<>en. e t o ^ ^ m Friday. Nov. 20 , We)Hi«taa. Konday. N«v. 23 i Bristow Tuead%y, Nov. 2A4. ' -fjpm requrKt I witi mail to any taz-pcyer tbe a a M u t of hw btfl.

Respectfully. J. P. I g*rHM»w. Treewrer.

ftl.^-X^.'NXr^tA, V * t

Four fine sitarks of h*v —vF>)i neli anv time. E. I^npvfwT R F It JTT t-ir ^a '^— --. .

timothv Mrs.C. S

It's Always GOOD LUCK when you can save money

BUY your C3otIies and ipet tbe Yery faigliest value for what you pay

See what $25 will do for you in made>to-meaflure Clothes. Vouwill be astounded at the degance and quality of the fabrics and theremark-ably fine tailnring. Hundreds of pure w o ^ f abric^1t^^>ow on display, Yarying in price from $15 to $35.