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Upload: avi-cohen

Post on 31-Mar-2016




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nision a of mitalapopita


tom cohen

1. When did you realize that photography was your passion?photography and arts was always in the background of my life. my father had a big passion for photog-raphy and as a young boy i was constantly exposed to this particular form of art. as kids, me and my younger sister , we used to make lots of photograms in my dad’s darkroom. it was only a matter of time for me to finally hold my first camera

2. When did you start photograph with film?at the age of 15 i bought a small 3mp digital camera. it was an awful camera but i loved it. First i was documenting everything, shooting stuff without really thinking.about a year later i started taking photography a bit more seriously and my 3mp sony wasn’t good enough anymore to my needs, i remember going through my dad’s stuff and find his faithful pentax K1000. i immediately fell for it and i guess that’s where it all started.

3. What is your main inspiration?the whole world gives me inspiration, sometimes it’s the smallest things that push me to create. i believe that the secret is not what you see, it’s how you look at things.

4. if you have to photograph in one location, where it would be?the moon! kinda out there and unrealistic i know, but when i look at all those naSa photographs from the 1969 moon landing i get this sad feeling, i wish i was there.

5. Favorite roll of’s hard pointing out only one roll of film.i really love lomography’s greys (lady & earl grey)and my latest passion are tungsten films.

6. List of cameras and which one is your favorite?pentax Spotmatic ii, Kiev 19, Kowa/Six, Lomogra-phy fisheye,praktica Super tL, zorki-4, zenit 12Xp and topcon Wink’s really hard choosing, but if i’ll had to point out only one i guess i’d say that, at this moment, the Kiev 19 is my favourite

7. one thing you really love to shot?cats! they never get boring.

8. is analog photography changed you in some way?of course, when shooting with an analog camera as a opposed to digital one, you cannot afford taking lots of pictures and then choosing the best ones, every frame counts!So, with the constant chase after that one amaz-ing frame, i noticed that my whole way of looking at the world changed. i started viewing the world through the camera lense, even when i’m walking around without any camera. Small details and the way things are positioned in spaces became more noticable for me, and i love it.

9. What was the craziest thing you shoot?once i took a picture of a dead-run-over cat, his intestines and internal organs were spread on the road. as a big animal lover and an owner of four cats, taking this photo was really intense for me.

10. do you take your camera to everywhere?Yes, can’t get out my house without at least one camera in my bag.

pentax Spotmatic iiKodak ektachrome tungsten 64cross process



pentax Spotmatic iiKodak ektachrome tungsten 64cross process


Kiev 19Fuji superia 200, expired


Keiv 19Lomography Lady Grey 400iSo


pentax Spotmatic iiKodak ektachrome tungsten 64cross process


pentax Spotmatic iiKodak ektachrome tungsten 64cross process

11. is there any piece of advice you can give? any tips?the world of analog photography is very versatile,don’t get stuck on one camera and one kind of film, keep an open mind and try different things all the time!

12. What is the future?Why think about about the future when we got such a lovely present?

13. Wishes?never quit creating


pentax K1000Fuji superia 200