nine ai1 vol xxvi no 16 gainesville...

I VOL XXVI NO 16 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SUNDAY AUGUST 22 1909 TEN CENTS A WEEK nIne J s r r ai1 un- i WIELDS A BIG STICK Certificates of Certain Teachers Are Revoked and Reward Offered for Evidence to Convict SUPT WM HOLLOWAY y TALLAHASSEE Aug 21 Hon W M Holloway State Superintendent of public Instruction who In the past has been greatly annoyed by the fraudulent practices of certain negro applicants for teachers certlllcaten has Issued to the county superintend- ents of public Instruction the follow- ing circular letter In which he wields the big stilt In true Koosevcltean fashion- To the County Superintendents or Public Instruction 1 On account of the fraudulent practices in connection with the unl form examinations of aMlicaursf r teachers certlllcates In this State I have this day by virtue of the vested In me under the pro- visions of Section IJ74 of th General Statute of the State of Florida re- voked the certificates of the following named teachers Bessie Watts Gainesville S K Kelley Lawtey W A Iiochelle Gainesville J C Jones Monteocha H C Williams Newberry William Madison S A Tillman St Augustine Anna P McEIvln Gainesville Lucy Murrell Gainesville 2 Each county bU erlntendent of public Instruction Is hereby requested- not to admit to any future examina- tion In this State as applicants for teachers certificates William Madi- son S A Tillman and Anna P Me- Elvln and If by oversight any om i f 4 1F au- thority La- Crosse ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WALDO NOTES WALDO Aug 21In the abtencf of the pastor Hey T Z Harr of Methodist church was called by telephone from Jlelrone anti officiated at the funeral of Mrs Will flirt at the Baptist church and at the ceme- tery Mr flirt has the sympathy of 1 large circle of friends The Waldo llouti IH closed for a few days pending the making of sane impairs and a change In managiinttit John P Ambrose returned from hh- outlup North ami Is improved by Isis trip haying returned to his position a drug clerk In Gainesville Mrs K W Milllmn Is in iU iid r- cnillf X r i iijuylnK Us advnn- tt5 n a The manager of the Waldo bueball- i an Nathan IV a dial tn The Tlmttsrnlou to any her amateur UNIIII In the State to met it mi tt diamond IVutM and Knipt 1111 ptn mid ei an in MUMHI Itu aunt sort nt fruit K i imi- Att iuott U muli to tIiHi I the retort has I Itt tri end Cant heu puI sI- r a l tIng ¬ > + + of these persons should be admitted to an examination and a certificate Issued to him or her as the result of such examination said certificate will be promptly revoked by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion 3 Every applicant for a teachers certificate In this State shall be to take the examination In his or tier home county unless he or she at the time of examination shall pre- sent to the examiner a written permit from the State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction entitling him or her to take examination elsewhere i A reward of 100 is hereby offered and will be paid to any per- son who shall produce sufficient evi- dence in any court of competent juris- diction In this State to convict any- one of illegally securing or attempt I Ing to secure the questions to be used In any examination of applicants for teachers certificates fi Each county board of public In- struction is hereby requested to offer a reward of for the same puriwce- fi Before the negro youth of this State shall be permitted to be In- structed by a class of thieves and scoundrels the State Superintendent of Public Instruction will revoke the certificate of every teacher and close the doors of every negro school house- In Florida Yours very truly Signed t W M HOLLO WAY State Supt Public Instruction re- quired gal ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ing out the lots in the cemetery by those whose relatives and friends are I Lurk d there Sonar nonresident should have their lots cleaned which show sad neglect The extraordinary heat has been i greatly felt here but no prostrations eer occur Mrs Horace Ross after three mouths Illness has gone to Jackson- ville to recuperate at the home of her mother Mrs Davis Her sister who Attended her in her illness ac rompanfed her Our merchants observe the halfholi day on every Thursday closing scud giving their force n rest TIlt whistle of Millicans sawmill is becoming a familiar sound Is It po lbli i hut a contort with apimrent fa Inn In term should imve Injected tilt It tlTo tricks of tit politician inline of who work- d In Read faith dont Care to t nt T another Dr J M Boring ruttiniud from anf- HI tin K 111 and has been quite sick but In improving Mrs SfiKltr lux from v H Yirk ainl i t HnlttK h r took I I b Its those I returned ¬ ¬ < Small Savannah Market Offerings ol Sea Islands I N VII I i A i HMi IMM at Ui i- rv t 4rt tall Hunt tav rain I II i I I at iIa- wrh I it 1- had tsup wi 11 1M- II III 4 I II to I I I t1 s 1 wwt l Art M a J i eIN1 sis s 1t Eli Is pe l wr a- I N t s w ei rlt Nwti- S v u rawitl 1smt Ar d- Ill ik I n Idh rlttre MImiMe 11001t ss lsvuilli Iw- f4 MI bll esMM Ms wale Ali Iw 1 bMes rN1N ell Ile- lrw1M11rtehlil sMsn Tel i > > + to tat aim rtwMM- KM II i Mitei- fbut tto a 4 4 r- I III 4 14 1 l4 If i- i ttl- U fit n t IIU Nu lilt SII u II I I tl rI 1Iu4I IE 1 t1 hvhryrrt 14- N ire wlt It1b 1nws 1sl11mt11Ad- lalt SA prrollt eMI ewe ssrwlet sMI- twlt hw ywt at1 yiw The hdlawlN1 MrMltll N ksad all ietur WIUNw- U au ptleal- wrrlll w 1trMa- ItrMwa iPiatMMs U NNy- v s tab Awls Pit i tie 11 N I 1 i III > + + SANITARIUM NOTES- It has been very gratifying to the management of the Sanitarium that the patronage of the Institution has remained ho satisfactory during the dull summer months Patients from the surrounding towns have been ar- riving almost dally O 0 Thomas of VIHeford who re- cently underwent a serious operation- has been Improving rapidly and left for his home accompanied by his father yesterday Little Dorothy Weaver the bright fouryearold daughter of Mr and Mrs S 0 Weaver has been quite ill at the Sanitarium for several days but Is better now Dolly IB a charm- ing little girl and a gen al favorite and her illness is dety regretted Mrs Shands moihti of orr fellow townsman T ft lain quite feeule since her anUil last week Mrs Shands advanced age makes her prostration greater She Is under the care of Dr DePass who hopes to have her convalescing In a short while- S H Lovell of Rochelle is Improv- ing from a serious attack of fever and is now able to sit up He will doubtless be able to return home at an early date- E HJackson of Lady Lake return- ed to the Sanitarium a few days since for additional treatment Hu has suffered serious pain and Inconven ience from an injured foot Wade McKnlght of Dradford coun- ty left for his home Friday Sonic months ago Mr McKoight had the misfortune to full and severely em one of his eyes which destroyed the sight eye and caused it to become seriously diseased Recent- ly the sound eye began to develop rouble In sympathy with the diseased- one and his attending physician re- ferred him to Gainesville to have tit Jtfijidliig eye removed The operation was erformcd by Dr Hodges last week Mr McKnight recovered rapid- ly and was enabled to return home u Just a week after the operation Miss Helen Green a member oi the nursing staff spent several day Um week at White Springy with n Kitlvnt Mrs M K Tldd has been assisting with the nursing during the pant soy days purchased there which was sent o ahead Miss Ruby Sparkman return- ed with her They expre t themselves as delighted with the metropolis- An application for the apK lntmen- is itoKtiiiaxter of Amy Atnatei wax iiutMly filled with an rut timed to WniMiiixton There in n tier apllcHiit A Miss Let and hur Mr Tyson came into town over the S A L railroad art ham lid std In very it tltutt clrcum UHie Ttey lives ntmr Orange HlighU tllllt ago AT THE CHURCHES TODAY Divine Services Will Be Held All Places of Worship Firt l Hl t Clturrk Mw ta- 3ii M Ui It Y I 1 MH 4M i ri4 t g Ma MkCMl J a Ik rbi it a a m d i m- U IM SJMMNlSVg M PL R- tHrt ITrbsWUa rtarHi Nt T 1 MyHk rsjM i al tell k I r A IlMMMM- Ivlll ftutt- l T I M lite tollt IMP Tlw- Mlt Ill u Il N M- i Shan the bolts At hi MfM Cklfk tcT It R t i t It lit It M- n t r 111 t s I 111 40 I I W o era Mrs signatures brotbur lii law They sea 4I I I t Kt s4Mt Irs Mrt11elisut 1M 1 M4arphtrr 11w111a1 als alsl t1- y M- IAINws thi h liWsr 1- V Jwilwrw Pt yl kale as 11 w ss- sad p a Mti1JMN Iut swt wlag- r Diort 1I J tt41 tAkkIw wlk- prnwS Nt MI1AI 11s sllyesl A tlaltps 1 radsg TsIPe r tty p welts piedlMl < Ps 1- i rte rM f a ii Is 1 b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < > > FLYING MACHINE FLEW OUT OF SIGHT OF CROWD i Expert Management of Machines Applauded by mense Crowds Assembled to See Practice III RHEIMS Aug Aeroplanes flying In straight lines making wide turns or wheeling abruptly traveling slow and fast and low and high was the striking spectacle offered 15000 persons on the field of Betheny yes- terday Two slight accidents occurred M Dumanscl driving an Autlonette ma- chine dunce to the ground sideways- and broke one of the runners of his aeroplane and M Goffroy In an Es uaultPelterie monoplane had compllshed a flight of kilometre when the machine struck a hedge demolish- ing Its propeller This was the second last practice Inv before the commencement of the prize lights of aviation week Glenn H Curtiss the only Ameri- can who Is to compete In the races was given an ovation after a success ful practice flight of seven minutes Hubert Latham also was applauded- for a spectacular flight of ten minutes and the crowd broke Into cheering- as M Rlerlot driving a small forty horse power monoplane made a series of masterful maneuvers- M Sommer who recently though unofficially beat Wilbur Wrights rec- ord for duration of flight speeded across the plateau during tho after- noon and was lost to sight In the haze It was thought he had descended tut suddenly he reappeared When he landed he announced that he had made a voyage to the village of Finny and return During the evening there was some wind but count DC Lambert and M Lefebvre both piloting Wright bi- planes braved the breeze and simul- taneously made evolutions which demonstrated the ease and facility with which machines of the Wright model may h nailMl- I fobvre was particularly skilful in mac ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > handling his craft Once he wheeled abruptly over the heads of the causing several women te scream with fright George B Cockbura the Britisher aad Henry Faraaa and M Fouralea- all brought out their machines during tho afternoon but made BO fights contenting themselves with practicing starts Fat Man Wanta ta Fly The aviators were chuckling last night over an offer received by August Post secretary of the Aero Club of America from a Frenchman weighing 250 pouadss who says be will give to each and every aeroplantst who will take him with them in their flights Numbers of Americans are arriv- Ing for the race There was a great outburst of en thualasm when Rlerlot and Sonmer crossing each others course ia the air each politely dipped his machlaa In salute There is now about twentyeight machines OB the grounds but not all of them are ready for tight Mr Curtlss was not greatly sur- prised when Informed that the Wright brothers had brought suit against the Aeronautic Society of New York al losing tbat the Curtlss machine in- fringes certain of their patents Ha- iaIJ Lt huJ known for some time that something of this nature was contem- plated but he failed to see bow t would result In anything but a lot of litigation Glenn H Curtlss the American the air at the same time a Blerlot and Sommer tho two Preach As the three aeroplanes swept- back and forth over the plains at vary- ing heights and maneuvered at the will of their pilots an enthusiastic French spectator cried out These three men are tho winners 100 C spec- tators w a- In cham- pions ¬ ¬ > > ¬ Breach of Contract Causes Divorce After Three Days ATLANTA Ga Aug 21 Mrs S A Wilson who was married to John Wilson on 9 PJUD and who t te hu lived with him until July l iM lilud suit against her IIH li H y Wlllth suns ulltlKw i i tllU uf the dower and chltda slmr u kb tM tutt IMC r mliMMl lM fon inv wen k wmiM give t iH rrM kcal Tint Mill WHS ttbtl by At UNHUT F X HwiclU KIM It P IIMJMH Mm- Morrtv M r IHHMIMI l t4 that k MK h r Uv thai imf Ul Illftf M NNft awl Jul I husband slit her url her IMI taw tUttItce rr fill N 11M liP has ski s rlr wN N willow erns INNe r1l- JMtt 111k0I slut was mm tag s N NNtMitw- I tae ls uh Met k s krh- wrbsad Ste tanning Atbr err earrld a4 tAtlt Ar het Itsr- sI Nk tlrbr ws 1 Meek will Nt 1s I t sa4 11e1- M Iwt field h aa sm Iv sad akrSsMI Se still stewtl s Is aM1 hew that as armat IM 44s- wr a her stI is- N br aN s449 INdwrM A- el 50 t b tNM hi- I I 01 aSlrh N > < + I I r I U II I I It 11ts14 thNlssua I e M 11111- wis pNSrw sad rss1 Is M g III- Mlra4s haul NYehIN SS I1 5 tltwrw N 1 ir 11 four acres of land which she refuted July 1 she alleges he increased the otter by six acres making It tho house and ten acres and that the no- ceptod when he said ho would do that and give her n childs part In his ostatv She alleges they wore married on July 1 and lived toguthor aa man ami wife that on Sunday preceding the itay thy were to KO to Atlanta and haw tho legal a r tranif ring proM rty and slvlns her a tihlltls part In the of the l out h r k 4NimI told h not going to Atlanta MMl y per uutHo out the deed And M tl r- n llnf t dlHgm ftHT ft A On 11 eke remainder on- t If nest snthtfled oeukt JtcltlM the hIm nH lot IIM lu1 ttu eh111r swMli c YHt wIN I eel Nt i Isis tussle Mar wits 1111 wars she go- b wa worth part it cwt 1M wN skie4 tit sw iMp JNht1- w1Maw Ittw IIINIij prwpttY- ur SMNMW 11k1 inks 1htt- ws puastsi w as Niel aMlwd Iv 1114 I lsa sass 1blNt11 t we h- Is whr tk Ii11111It5p shnsht 1 54 w wta sIs1N > > < > + + it fottftrt OlilMlto B l h Hf I J I MAW wM Ut M M At A Hwrk 4 MI ftwtltefi tk lhl- Hw ft IM t 4 IH sk usd 1411 eNrotlls 4i what wf wilt p f

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Post on 15-Aug-2020




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r ai1 un-i


Certificates of Certain Teachers Are Revoked and

Reward Offered for Evidence to Convict




M Holloway State Superintendent of

public Instruction who In the past

has been greatly annoyed by the

fraudulent practices of certain negro

applicants for teachers certlllcaten

has Issued to the county superintend-

ents of public Instruction the follow-

ing circular letter In which he wields

the big stilt In true Koosevclteanfashion-

To the County Superintendents or

Public Instruction1 On account of the fraudulent

practices in connection with the unlform examinations of aMlicaursf rteachers certlllcates In this State I

have this day by virtue of thevested In me under the pro-

visions of Section IJ74 of th GeneralStatute of the State of Florida re-

voked the certificates of the followingnamed teachers Bessie WattsGainesville S K Kelley LawteyW A Iiochelle Gainesville J C

Jones Monteocha H C WilliamsNewberry William Madison

S A Tillman St AugustineAnna P McEIvln Gainesville Lucy

Murrell Gainesville2 Each county bU erlntendent of

public Instruction Is hereby requested-not to admit to any future examina-tion In this State as applicants forteachers certificates William Madi-

son S A Tillman and Anna P Me-

Elvln and If by oversight any om















WALDO Aug 21In the abtencfof the pastor Hey T Z Harr of

Methodist church was called bytelephone from Jlelrone anti officiatedat the funeral of Mrs Will flirt atthe Baptist church and at the ceme-tery Mr flirt has the sympathy of

1 large circle of friendsThe Waldo llouti IH closed for a

few days pending the making of saneimpairs and a change In managiinttit

John P Ambrose returned from hh-

outlup North ami Is improved by Isistrip haying returned to his positiona drug clerk In Gainesville

Mrs K W Milllmn Is in iU iid r-

cnillf X r i iijuylnK Us advnn-tt5 n a

The manager of the Waldo bueball-i an Nathan IV a dial

tn The Tlmttsrnlou to anyher amateur UNIIII In the State to

met it mi tt diamondIVutM and Knipt 1111 ptn mid

ei an in MUMHIItu aunt sort nt fruit

K i imi-Att iuott U muli to tIiHi




hasI Itt


Cant heu

puI sI-

r al






of these persons should be admittedto an examination and a certificateIssued to him or her as the resultof such examination said certificatewill be promptly revoked by theState Superintendent of Public Instruction

3 Every applicant for a teacherscertificate In this State shall be

to take the examination In hisor tier home county unless he or sheat the time of examination shall pre-sent to the examiner a written permitfrom the State Superintendent of Pub-lic Instruction entitling him or herto take examination elsewhere

i A reward of 100 is herebyoffered and will be paid to any per-son who shall produce sufficient evi-

dence in any court of competent juris-diction In this State to convict any-one of illegally securing or attempt

I Ing to secure the questions to be usedIn any examination of applicants forteachers certificates

fi Each county board of public In-

struction is hereby requested to offera reward of for the same puriwce-

fi Before the negro youth of thisState shall be permitted to be In-

structed by a class of thieves andscoundrels the State Superintendentof Public Instruction will revoke thecertificate of every teacher and closethe doors of every negro school house-In Florida Yours very truly

Signed t W M HOLLOWAYState Supt Public Instruction













ing out the lots in the cemetery bythose whose relatives and friends are

I Lurk d there Sonar nonresidentshould have their lots cleaned whichshow sad neglect

The extraordinary heat has beeni greatly felt here but no prostrationseer occur

Mrs Horace Ross after threemouths Illness has gone to Jackson-ville to recuperate at the home ofher mother Mrs Davis Her sisterwho Attended her in her illness acrompanfed her

Our merchants observe the halfholiday on every Thursday closing scudgiving their force n rest

TIlt whistle of Millicans sawmillis becoming a familiar sound

Is It po lbli i hut a contort withapimrent fa Inn In term shouldimve Injected tilt It tlTo tricks of titpolitician inline of who work-

d In Read faith dont Care to t nt Tanother

Dr J M Boring ruttiniud from anf-

HI tin K 111 and has been quite sickbut In improving

Mrs SfiKltr lux fromv H Yirk ainl i t HnlttK h r took






I returned




Small Savannah Market

Offerings ol Sea IslandsI


i HMi IMM at Ui i-

rv t 4rt tall

Hunt tav rain

I II i


I at iIa-

wrhI it 1-


tsupwi 11 1M-



I II to I I I

t1 s1 wwt l Art M aJ i eIN1 sis s 1t

Eli Is pe l wr a-

I N t s w ei rlt Nwti-

S v u rawitl 1smt Ar d-

Ill ikI n Idh rlttre

MImiMe 11001t ss lsvuilli Iw-

f4 MI bll esMM Ms waleAli Iw 1 bMes rN1N

ell Ile-lrw1M11rtehlil sMsn Tel


> >


to tat

aim rtwMM-KM II i Mitei-fbut tto a 4

4 r-I III 4 14 1 l4

If i-

i ttl-

U fit

n t IIU


lilt SIIu


I tl rI

1Iu4I IE 1 t1 hvhryrrt 14-

N ire wlt It1b 1nws 1sl11mt11Ad-lalt SA prrollt eMI ewe

ssrwlet sMI-

twlt hw ywt at1 yiwThe hdlawlN1 MrMltll N ksad all

ietur WIUNw-U au ptleal-wrrlll w 1trMa-ItrMwa iPiatMMs U NNy-v s tabAwls

Piti tie 11


1 i III>

+ +


It has been very gratifying to themanagement of the Sanitarium thatthe patronage of the Institution hasremained ho satisfactory during thedull summer months Patients fromthe surrounding towns have been ar-

riving almost dallyO 0 Thomas of VIHeford who re-

cently underwent a serious operation-has been Improving rapidly and leftfor his home accompanied by hisfather yesterday

Little Dorothy Weaver the brightfouryearold daughter of Mr and MrsS 0 Weaver has been quite ill atthe Sanitarium for several days butIs better now Dolly IB a charm-ing little girl and a gen al favoriteand her illness is dety regretted

Mrs Shands moihti of orr fellowtownsman T ft lainquite feeule since her anUil lastweek Mrs Shands advanced agemakes her prostration greater SheIs under the care of Dr DePass whohopes to have her convalescing In ashort while-

S H Lovell of Rochelle is Improv-ing from a serious attack of feverand is now able to sit up He willdoubtless be able to return home atan early date-

E HJackson of Lady Lake return-ed to the Sanitarium a few days sincefor additional treatment Hu hassuffered serious pain and Inconvenience from an injured foot

Wade McKnlght of Dradford coun-ty left for his home Friday Sonicmonths ago Mr McKoight had themisfortune to full and severely emone of his eyes which destroyed thesight eye and caused it tobecome seriously diseased Recent-ly the sound eye began to developrouble In sympathy with the diseased-

one and his attending physician re-

ferred him to Gainesville to have titJtfijidliig eye removed The operationwas erformcd by Dr Hodges lastweek Mr McKnight recovered rapid-ly and was enabled to return homeu Just a week after the operation

Miss Helen Green a member oithe nursing staff spent several dayUm week at White Springy with nKitlvnt

Mrs M K Tldd has been assistingwith the nursing during the pant soy


purchased there which was sent oahead Miss Ruby Sparkman return-ed with her They expre t themselvesas delighted with the metropolis-

An application for the apK lntmen-is itoKtiiiaxter of Amy Atnateiwax iiutMly filled with anrut timed to WniMiiixton There in n

tier apllcHiitA Miss Let and hur

Mr Tyson came into town over theS A L railroad art hamlid std In very it tltutt clrcumUHie Ttey lives ntmr Orange

HlighU tllllt ago


Divine Services Will Be Held All

Places of Worship

Firt l Hl t Clturrk Mw ta-

3ii M Ui It Y I 1 MH 4M

i ri4 t g Ma MkCMl J a Ik

rbi i t a a m d i m-


tHrt ITrbsWUa rtarHi Nt T1 MyHk rsjM i al tell k I r A


Ivlll ftutt-

l T I M lite tolltIMP Tlw-

Mlt Ill u Il N M-






hi MfMCklfk tcT It R


i tIt

lit ItM-


r111 t


I 111 40 I I





brotbur lii law



4I I I

t Kt s4MtIrs Mrt11elisut


1 M4arphtrr 11w111a1 als alsl t1-

y M-

IAINws thi h liWsr 1-

V Jwilwrw Pt yl kale as 11 w ss-

sad p a Mti1JMN Iut swt wlag-r Diort 1I J tt41

tAkkIw wlk-

prnwS Nt MI1AI 11s sllyesl A

tlaltps 1 radsg TsIPe rtty p weltspiedlMl < Ps 1-

i rte rM f a ii Is1












< >




Expert Management of Machines Applauded bymense Crowds Assembled to See Practice


RHEIMS Aug Aeroplanesflying In straight lines making wideturns or wheeling abruptly travelingslow and fast and low and high wasthe striking spectacle offered 15000persons on the field of Betheny yes-

terdayTwo slight accidents occurred M

Dumanscl driving an Autlonette ma-

chine dunce to the ground sideways-and broke one of the runners of hisaeroplane and M Goffroy In an EsuaultPelterie monoplane hadcompllshed a flight of kilometre whenthe machine struck a hedge demolish-ing Its propeller

This was the second last practiceInv before the commencement of theprize lights of aviation week

Glenn H Curtiss the only Ameri-can who Is to compete In the raceswas given an ovation after a successful practice flight of seven minutes

Hubert Latham also was applauded-for a spectacular flight of ten minutesand the crowd broke Into cheering-as M Rlerlot driving a small fortyhorse power monoplane made a seriesof masterful maneuvers-

M Sommer who recently thoughunofficially beat Wilbur Wrights rec-ord for duration of flight speededacross the plateau during tho after-noon and was lost to sight In the hazeIt was thought he had descended tutsuddenly he reappeared When helanded he announced that he hadmade a voyage to the village of Finnyand return

During the evening there was somewind but count DC Lambert and MLefebvre both piloting Wright bi-

planes braved the breeze and simul-taneously made evolutions whichdemonstrated the ease and facilitywith which machines of the Wrightmodel may h nailMl-

I fobvre was particularly skilful in









< >

handling his craft Once he wheeledabruptly over the heads of the

causing several women tescream with fright

George B Cockbura the Britisheraad Henry Faraaa and M Fouralea-all brought out their machines duringtho afternoon but made BO fightscontenting themselves with practicingstarts

Fat Man Wanta ta Fly

The aviators were chuckling lastnight over an offer received by AugustPost secretary of the Aero Club ofAmerica from a Frenchman weighing250 pouadss who says be will give

to each and every aeroplantstwho will take him with them in theirflights

Numbers of Americans are arriv-Ing for the race

There was a great outburst of enthualasm when Rlerlot and Sonmercrossing each others course ia theair each politely dipped his machlaaIn salute

There is now about twentyeightmachines OB the grounds but not allof them are ready for tight

Mr Curtlss was not greatly sur-prised when Informed that the Wrightbrothers had brought suit against theAeronautic Society of New York allosing tbat the Curtlss machine in-

fringes certain of their patents Ha-

iaIJ Lt huJ known for some time thatsomething of this nature was contem-plated but he failed to see bow twould result In anything but a lotof litigation

Glenn H Curtlss the Americanthe air at the same time a Blerlot

and Sommer tho two PreachAs the three aeroplanes swept-

back and forth over the plains at vary-ing heights and maneuvered at thewill of their pilots an enthusiasticFrench spectator cried out

These three men are tho winners




w a-








Breach of Contract Causes

Divorce After Three DaysATLANTA Ga Aug 21 Mrs S

A Wilson who was married to JohnWilson on 9 PJUD and who t tehu lived with him until July l iM

lilud suit against herIIH li H y Wlllth suns ulltlKw i i tllU

uf the dower and chltda slmru kb tM tutt IMC r mliMMl lM foninv wen k wmiM givet iH rrM kcal

Tint Mill WHS ttbtl by At UNHUT FX HwiclU KIM It P IIMJMH Mm-

Morrtv M r IHHMIMI l t4 that

k MK h r Uv

thai imf

Ul Illftf

M NNft awl




url her



rr fill

N 11M





rlr wN N willow erns INNe r1l-JMtt 111k0I slut was mm

tag s N NNtMitw-I tae ls uh Met k s krh-

wrbsad Ste tanning Atbr errearrld a4 tAtlt Ar het Itsr-

sI Nk tlrbr ws1 Meek will Nt 1s I t sa4 11e1-

M Iwt field h aa sm Iv sadakrSsMI Se still stewtl s Is aM1

hew that as armat IM 44s-wr a her stI is-

N br aN s449 INdwrM A-

el 50 t b tNM hi-

I I 01 aSlrh N






It 11ts14 thNlssua I e M 11111-

wis pNSrw sad rss1 Is M g III-

Mlra4s haul NYehINSS I1 5 tltwrw

N 1 ir 11

four acres of land which she refutedJuly 1 she alleges he increased

the otter by six acres making It thohouse and ten acres and that the no-ceptod when he said ho would do thatand give her n childs part In hisostatv

She alleges they wore married onJuly 1 and lived toguthor aa manami wife that on Sunday precedingthe itay thy were to KO to Atlantaand haw tho legal a r tranifring proM rty and slvlns her atihlltls part In the of the

l out h r k 4NimI toldh not going to Atlanta

MMl y per uutHo out the deed And

M tl r-

n llnf t dlHgm ftHT ft A





tIf nest snthtfled oeukt

JtcltlM the hIm nH lotIIM lu1 ttu eh111r

swMlic YHt





Isis tussleMar wits

1111 wars she go-

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