nievas - primary level - final assessment


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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Nievas - Primary level - Final assessment


Based on Dimensions of Reflective Learning by Karen Barnstable (2009), now I will reflect on my

primary level practicum period.

Thinking back First of all, I would like to point out that I also learned a lot during this period as the group age,

English level, issues, contents and methodology was completely different from the kindergarten


Second, I realized that during the three lessons, I was able to improve a lot my classroom

management strategies and timing. Taking into account the English teacher advises and what I

have learned during these years, it was not so complicated to prepare the lessons and carry them

out. Students’ reaction to my activities and materials helped me a lot to expand my imagination in

order to design motivating lessons. Furthermore, this was a fruitful period as I improved my ability

to create a meaningful context for the activities I included in my lesson plans.

Finally, as it was the second practicum period, I felt more relaxed and I was able to enjoy the

lessons even more than during kindergarten.

Thinking forward If I had the chance to develop this practice again, I would like to spend more lessons with the

group as three lessons were not enough to work with some skills as reading or including more

literature. When I read them a story, they liked it a lot.

Primary level, or at least 5th grade, is very demanding because of the amount of students and their

needs. They all want to participate, they all want the teacher to check their activities and they

cannot stay at their desks if they are not busy with some encouraging activity. Regarding this last

item, I would like to include activities where students have to move inside the classroom in

another opportunity. For example, students stand up to complete their tasks looking for

information in different spots in the classroom.

Thinking inward When I noticed how demanding this group was, I realized that I would have to be prepared for

them: all materials should be ready by the time I wanted to use them, for example.

As I had a problem with my camera during the first lesson, I was a little nervous about it during the

second and third lesson as I knew that it was not possible that happen again.

Regarding my own performance, I am very satisfied. Of course, if I were able to spend more time

working in this level I would be able to know more about the group and improve my lessons.

Comentario [R1]:

Comentario [R2]: Great!

Comentario [R3]: Yes!!

Comentario [R4]: What strenghths and weaknesses did you notice?

Page 2: Nievas - Primary level - Final assessment

Thinking outward A week ago I saw the English teacher and she told me that her students missed me. On the one

hand, I know that young children love changes, even more if their previous teacher is still there

during the change. On the other hand, I realized that we all spent a good time together, and we all

learnt a lot. The English teacher was really happy with the lessons and materials that I developed

for her students.

I consider that I learnt a lot during this level because my tutor made me a lot of suggestions to

improve my lesson. I believe that I was able to change a lot of the required aspects but I need to

take them into account in future lesson plans until I internalize the use of them (ordering activities

in the correct way, setting a meaningful context and scaffolding the activities.)

In conclusion, I believe that this was a very demanding level in all the aspects involved: time,

lesson designing and lesson development. However, I learnt a lot, and I was able to use all that

knowledge in the next practicum period, too.

Comentario [R5]: Reflection is the key….

Comentario [R6]: Congratulations on your achievements and your learning, Ceci!!! Way to go! Cecilia