nicola di girolamo - cebm · 2018. 11. 13. · association between titles of healthcare articles...

Association between titles of healthcare articles and inclusion in the Altmetric Top 100 Nicola Di Girolamo DMV, MSc(EBHC), PhD Reint M. Reynders DDS, MSc, MSc(EBHC) [email protected] EBMVET

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  • Association between titles of healthcare articlesand inclusion in the Altmetric Top 100

    Nicola Di GirolamoDMV, MSc(EBHC), PhD

    Reint M. ReyndersDDS, MSc, MSc(EBHC)

    [email protected]


  • The title

    • Key objectives

    • Summarise the content

    • Trigger reader’s curiosity

    • Improve indexing

    • Indicative vs declarative

    • “Attract” busy clinicians

    • Goal-based research?

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Title length and impact?

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    R Soc Open Sci. 2015 Aug 26;2(8):150266.

    The advantage of short paper titles.Letchford A et al

    Jamali HR, Nikzad M. Scientometrics 2011; 88, 653–661.

    Jacques TS, Sebire NJ. JRSM Short Rep. 2010; 1(1):2.

    Longer titles > citations

    Letchford. R Soc Open Sci 2015; 2, 150266.

    Shorter titles > citations

    No title effect on citations

    Effect of the journal

  • Alternative-level metrics• Measure the dissemination of

    scientific findings in social media

    • Altmetric score: how oftenarticles are mentioned online

    • blogs

    • wikipedia

    • social media platforms

    • facebook

    • twitter

    • google plus

    • Altmetric scores are alsoassociated with citations

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    Thelwall et al. PLoS One. 2013;8(5):e64841.Eysenbach et al. J Med Internet Res. 2011;13:e123.

  • • Published every year since 2013

    • 100 most shared articles

    Assess whether specific title characteristics couldinfluence the likelihood of being included in the

    “Altmetric Top 100”

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    Objective of the study

  • Study design and outcomes

    Matched case-control study

    • Cases:

    • Controls:

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    Outcomesassociation between

    • type of title -primary-• presence of uncommon words -secondary-• title length -secondary-

    and inclusion in the top 100 Altmetric list

    • “Medical & Health Sciences” included in the top100 Altmetric lists (2013-2015)

    • Randomly selected health care articles matchedfor journal and year of publication

  • Control articles matching

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion







  • Data extraction1. Title length (in characters)

    2. Declarative/indicative

    • Two operators independently categorized whether a title was ‘declarative’ or ‘indicative’

    • The definition of a declarative title according to McGowan [9] and Gjersvik [10] was adopted

    • (1) gave the results or main message of the conclusion(s)


    • (2) used a verb (usually past tense or present tense) that declared a certain action.

    • Disagreements were resolved through discussions. In case of persisting disagreement(s), athird operator was consulted

    3. Number of uncommon words

    • Software included 21300 common words (Custom 9300 - custom 7000 + 5000 from Wikipedia)

    • Repeatability of the software was pilot tested on an independent sample of 20 titles thatcontained similar words in a different order

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Statistical analysisSample size calculation

    • 90% power, 5% alpha

    • 25% declarative titles […]

    • 20% increase in the ratio of declarative titles in the case group(i.e., Altmetric Top 100) would be practically significant

    • 1:2 enrolment adjustment

    • 88 in case group, 176 control group

    Data analysis

    • Conditional logistic regression

    • Adjustment for an a priori specified confounder (open-access)

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Population summary

    • 108 articles from 2013 to 2015 classified as“Medical and health sciences”

    • 216 matched articles

    • Categorization of titles as ‘declarative’ and‘indicative’: only 11 disagreements on 324articles

    • All disagreements were resolved throughdiscussions

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Title characteristics

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Introduction Methods Results Discussion

  • Multivariate adjustment

    Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    Declarative titles had 2.8 times the odds of being in the Altmetric Top 100

    OR: 2.8; 95%CI: 1.2 to 6.4

    For each additional uncommon word in the title there was an 1.4 increase in

    the odds of not being in the Altmetric top 100

    OR: 1.4; 1.2 to 1.6

  • Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    Limitations and future aims

    • Lack of matching by the exact topic (only by journal)• Lack of knowledge if an article was press-released or “pushed” by authors/institutions

    However, the present study showed that title characteristicsexplained a part of the variability between articles that are

    highly discussed and those that are not.

    • Controlling by press-release• Including additional years• “Who” is sharing the articles?

  • Introduction Methods Results Discussion

    ConclusionsThere is an association between certain title

    characteristics of healthcare articles andinclusion in the “Altmetric Top 100”

    An easy-to-understand, informative title maybridge the gap between academia and social


    Is plain language key for successful dissemination insocial media?

  • Acknowledgments

    Reint M. Reynders

    [email protected]


    - Annette Pluddemann- Luisa Ladu- Nia Roberts- Federica Repossi