niche_bizzart intro pdf

8/8/2019 Niche_Bizzart Intro PDF 1/7   RANGAT HOTEL LIMITED      Rangat Hotel Limited is an Indian high street vegetarian restaurant that serves ethnic Indian cuisine - with a variety of Chaats, Juices and Ice Creams with a turnover of Rs. 100 Cr. Aromatic Spices are the essence of the Indian cuisine. Rangat offers all kind of flavors to suit the typical Indian customers ranging from creamy, hot, subtle, tangy, spicy and many more. Apart from this, they never compromised with the freshness of food. Variety is the spice of life and who else to understand this better than Rangat. The nostalgic aroma of these exotic spices fills the air at Rangat and takes their customers to the numinous sub-continent itself. In addition Rangat offers contemporary interiors, elegant seating and highly admirable service full of hospitality. Due to the above mentioned factors, it has been one of the most successful restaurant chains in Gujarat. It operates in Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara and Surat with its company owned outlets and stands among the first in the platter of its customers. But bigger national competitors have started entering the local market with huge investments and several  outlets with a wide variety of cuisines from across India. The game is turning big, in every way.   

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Rangat Hotel Limited is an Indian high street vegetarian

restaurant that serves ethnic Indian cuisine - with a variety

of Chaats, Juices and Ice Creams with a turnover of Rs. 100

Cr. Aromatic Spices are the essence of the Indian cuisine.

Rangat offers all kind of flavors to suit the typical Indian

customers ranging from creamy, hot, subtle, tangy, spicy

and many more. Apart from this, they never compromised

with the freshness of food. Variety is the spice of life and

who else to understand this better than Rangat. The

nostalgic aroma of these exotic spices fills the air at Rangat

and takes their customers to the numinous sub-continent

itself. In addition Rangat offers contemporary interiors,

elegant seating and highly admirable service full of


Due to the above mentioned factors, it has been one of the

most successful restaurant chains in Gujarat. It operates in

Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vadodara and Surat with its company

owned outlets and stands among the first in the platter of its

customers. But bigger national competitors have started

entering the local market with huge investments andseveral  outlets with a wide variety of cuisines from across

India. The game is turning big, in every way.



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Core Values

Mission: To have the most comprehensive Indian delicacies

that represents its diverse offering, that aims to satisfy a

unique dining experience.

Vision: To benchmark its exceptional quality vegetarian

cuisine as well as service with other national as well as

international players.

Basic Driving factors

 Enthusiasm for great flavor

 Voracious Team Hunger

 Obsession For Hygiene

 Customer Focus

 Highly quality conscious

It settled for controlled expansion because of the fear that

growth will affect product quality. Rangat Hotel fears that

expansion can create quality and distribution problems. Soparanoid is the company about sullying its name that even

at outlets where it uses franchises, the company itself does

the managing.

They currently use Advertising channels comprises of

Conventional Media like Newspapers & Radio and outdoor

media like hoardings and banners with internet based

advertisements limited to its website from which it is able todo transactions as well as Reserve bookings.

Rangat Hotel has surmised that the national firms will not

be able to cater to local tastes. The initial boom they

experience will be more out of curiosity on the part of the

customers. But, subsequently, their sales will drop. Rangat

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Hotel also feels that national players with several outlets all

over the country will not be able to maintain the quality


Now, Rangat is now facing the heat of competition that is

coming to its door and now hurting it. Its sales growth hasbeen stagnant for the last 3 quarters in spite of their

increased marketing support to its outlets. All preconceived

notions have been broken and Rangat is now thinking upon

various growth strategies for the near future.

Various options across the table are increasing its regional

presence in Gujarat or to go for increasing its national

presence by expanding to other states or a delicate mix.They also are thinking on what all modifications they need

to make in the franchising model to accommodate faster

growth. Also, in marketing strategies, Does the same image

that they are carrying needs to be changed with the

changing taste of customers with increasing options

available to them or Should they stick to the legacy that has

proved fruitful to them till now.

Rangat Hotels has recruited you as its new Marketing andBranding manager with expectations that you can chart

out new avenues for the brand. You are expected following


1) Future Strategy for the company.

2) A complete IMC Plan for the next year including

small creatives.

Note:- Plan should be in synchronization with

company’s scale and future growth Plans. 



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Participation Details: 

There will be two rounds as follows:


Round 1: It requires you to submit1) A power point presentation of maximum 5 slides

excluding title and references comprising of strategy

that they should pursue and a broader framework for

IMC Plan which the company should pursue.

2) A Full front page News Paper advertisement that will

mark the commencement of your IMC plan based on

the option you choose.


Round 2: Short listed entries will be invited to IMNU

campus in Ahmedabad to give a presentation on their

strategy in front of the corporate and senior faculty

members of IMNU.



General Guidelines:  Each team can have maximum of 2 members from the

same institute. There can be more than one entries from the same

institute or company but not from the sameindividual.

 Each entry should have a cover page with the teamname, names of the authors, their e-mail addresses andmobile numbers.

 Please make sure that you enter the correct personalinformation, because all the future communicationwill be done on the same.

 The subject line of the mail and document shouldfollow the naming format:Bizzart_<YourTeamName>_<CollegeName>

 Send in your entries to [email protected]  

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Prize money(Rs) -  First Prize:     10000Second Prize:  5000


Time line

Round One Launch 21st Jan 2011

Round One submission and  last

date of registration

3rd Feb 2011, 23:59:59 PM

Results Round One 4th Feb 2011, 23:59:59 PM

Final Rounds 11th ,12th Feb 2011


In case of any queries or issues, Please contact the event


 Bizzart:                                 Gaurav Somani - 7698816223

Deepak Jain – 09687980541             Arjit Gupta: 0990449981

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Bizzart- An IMC Case Study

We, at Institute of Management, Nirma University, (IMNU) take immense

pleasure in announcing once again, our Annual Inter B-School Academic Fest -

 Perspective 2011 from February 11-13, 2011.

Perspective as an event is well received by b-school Fraternity with

participation levels that keep on improving with each passing year. The best

of B-school brains have locked horns at our sprawling lush green campus,defending arguments, exhibiting their research, or engaging in dialogues over

debates and case analysis, while some have conquered the vagaries of the

stock market game, or draped their creativity over ad-making competitions

and role plays. The literary types too have had an opportunity to present

papers and review books. In the process, some have, over and above the

enjoyment of intellectual stimulation, also won prizes.

So Perspective has come up with an event called Bizzart – A strategy based

IMC Case Study in Perspective’11.  

This case study will be unique in its kind which is basically on strategy but

with a twist of IMC. So , all the creative heads prepare to be at loggerheads

with each other for the same . Top 8 will come down to IMNU to compete

and final winner will emerge from them.


Participation Details:

There will be two rounds as follows:

Round 1: It requires you to submit -

1) A power point presentation of maximum 5 slides excluding title and

references comprising of strategy that they should pursue and a

broader framework for IMC Plan which the company should pursue.

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2) A Full front page News Paper advertisement that will mark the

commencement of your IMC plan based on the option you choose.

Dead line for submission is on or before 11:59:59 PM, 1st

Feb 2011.

Round 2: Short listed entries will be invited to IMNU campus in Ahmedabad

to give a presentation on their strategy in front of the corporate and senior

faculty members of IMNU.

General Guidelines:

 Each team can have maximum of 2 members from the same B-school.

 There can be more than one entry from the same institute or company

but not from the same individual.

Prize money-

First: 10,000

Second: 5000

Time line

Round One Launch 21st

Jan 2011

Round One submission and registration 3rd

Feb 2011, 23:59:59 PM

Last date of Registration 3rd Feb 2011, 23:59:59 PM

Results Round One 4th

Feb 2011, 23:59:59 PM

Final Rounds 11-12 Feb 2011


In case of any queries or issues, Please contact the event coordinators:


Deepak Jain – 09687980541             Arjit Gupta: 0990449981

Gaurav Somani - 7698816223