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Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 1 Wortschatz: chronologisch Unit 1 You and me HELLO hello /həˈləʊ/ Hello. My name’s Carla. Hallo name n /neɪm/ My first name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. Name what pron /wɒt/ What is your name? was first name n /ˈfɜːst neɪm/ His first name is William, but everyone calls him Bill. Vorname surname n /ˈsɜːneɪm/ What is your surname? Nachname spell v /spel/ Do you spell ‘grey’ with an ‘a’ or an ‘e’? schreiben, buchstabieren where adv /weə(r)/ Where are you from? wo from prep /frɒm/ David is from Bristol. aus, von American adj /əˈmerɪkən/ Bill is an American man from Chicago. amerikanisch nice adj /naɪs/ If the weather isn’t going to be nice, let’s stay in. schön, nett meet v /miːt/ Hello. I’m Simon. ~ Oh, nice to meet you. treffen, kennen lernen student n /ˈstjuːdnt/ Say hello to the other students in the class. Schüler/in, Student/in PERSONAL INFORMATION look v /lʊk/ Look at the information and tell me what you see. schauen, anschauen city n /ˈsɪti/ He lives in a city called Chicago. Stadt age n /eɪdʒ/ What’s her age? She is 30 years old. Alter phone number n /fəʊn ˈnʌmbə(r)/ Her phone number is 43 44 900 4754. Telefonnummer email address n /ˈiːmeɪl əˈdres/ What’s your email address? E-Mail-Adresse married adj /ˈmærid/ Lucy isn’t married but she has a boyfriend. verheiratet his pron /hɪz/ I forgot to ask Paul for his email address. sein/e old adj /əʊld/ I live in an old house. alt her pron /hɜː(r)/ Carla was born in England, but her parents are from Italy. ihr/e RICK’S FAMILY family n /ˈfæməli/ The English family who I am staying with are called Taylor. Familie year n /jɪə(r)/ He goes to university next year. Jahr university n /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ Olivia is an English student at university. Universität brother n /ˈbrʌðə(r)/ My brother Max is 12 years old. Bruder sister n /ˈsɪstə(r)/ I don’t have a brother but I have one sister, Rosa. Schwester school n /skuːl/ School isn’t the only place where children learn new things. Schule live v /lɪv/ I live in a small town in the west of England. leben, wohnen parents pl n /ˈpeərənts/ My parents are both doctors, but I became an actor. Eltern house n /haʊs/ Frank has enough money to buy a big house with a garden. Haus west n /west/ The west of England is warmer than the north or east. West(en) father n /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ Uncle Jim is the father of my cousin Andrew. Vater salesman n /ˈseɪlzmən/ A good salesman can sell anything. Verkäufer, Vertreter mother n /ˈmʌðə(r)/ My mother was only 18 when she gave birth to me. Mutter teacher n /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ Our English teacher explains everything so clearly. Lehrer/in girlfriend n /ˈɡɜːlfrend/ Jack has lots of female friends, but he hasn’t got a girlfriend. Freundin lovely adj /ˈlʌvli/ My parents really like my girlfriend – she’s lovely. wirklich nett really adv /ˈrɪəli/ They had a great day out and really enjoyed themselves. wirklich like v /laɪk/ I like Spain a lot and would like to live there one day. mögen PRACTICE Germany n /ˈdʒɜːməni/ Berlin is a city in Germany. Deutschland Switzerland n /ˈswɪtsələnd/ In Switzerland, the main languages are French, German and Italian. Schweiz doctor n /ˈdɒktə(r)/ A doctor helps people who are ill. Arzt/Ärztin

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  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 1

    Wortschatz: chronologisch Unit 1 You and me

    HEllohello /hl/ Hello. My names Carla. Halloname n /nem/ My first name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. Namewhat pron /wt/ What is your name? wasfirst name n /fstnem/ His first name is William, but everyone calls him Bill. Vornamesurname n /snem/ What is your surname? Nachnamespell v /spel/ Do you spell grey with an a or an e? schreiben, buchstabierenwhere adv /we(r)/ Where are you from? wofrom prep /frm/ David is from Bristol. aus, vonAmerican adj /merkn/ Bill is an American man from Chicago. amerikanischnice adj /nas/ If the weather isnt going to be nice, lets stay in. schn, nettmeet v /mit/ Hello. Im Simon. ~ Oh, nice to meet you. treffen, kennen lernenstudent n /stjudnt/ Say hello to the other students in the class. Schler/in, Student/in

    PErsonal informationlook v /lk/ Look at the information and tell me what you see. schauen, anschauencity n /sti/ He lives in a city called Chicago. Stadtage n /ed/ Whats her age? She is 30 years old. Alterphone number n /fnnmb(r)/ Her phone number is 43 44 900 4754. Telefonnummeremail address n /imeldres/ Whats your email address? E-Mail-Adressemarried adj /mrid/ Lucy isnt married but she has a boyfriend. verheiratethis pron /hz/ I forgot to ask Paul for his email address. sein/eold adj /ld/ I live in an old house. alther pron /h(r)/ Carla was born in England, but her parents are from Italy. ihr/e

    ricks familyfamily n /fmli/ The English family who I am staying with are called Taylor. Familieyear n /j(r)/ He goes to university next year. Jahruniversity n /junvsti/ Olivia is an English student at university. Universittbrother n /br(r)/ My brother Max is 12 years old. Brudersister n /sst(r)/ I dont have a brother but I have one sister, Rosa. Schwesterschool n /skul/ School isnt the only place where children learn new things. Schulelive v /lv/ I live in a small town in the west of England. leben, wohnenparents pl n /pernts/ My parents are both doctors, but I became an actor. Elternhouse n /has/ Frank has enough money to buy a big house with a garden. Hauswest n /west/ The west of England is warmer than the north or east. West(en)father n /f(r)/ Uncle Jim is the father of my cousin Andrew. Vatersalesman n /selzmn/ A good salesman can sell anything. Verkufer, Vertretermother n /m(r)/ My mother was only 18 when she gave birth to me. Mutterteacher n /tit(r)/ Our English teacher explains everything so clearly. Lehrer/ingirlfriend n /lfrend/ Jack has lots of female friends, but he hasnt got a girlfriend. Freundinlovely adj /lvli/ My parents really like my girlfriend shes lovely. wirklich nettreally adv /rli/ They had a great day out and really enjoyed themselves. wirklichlike v /lak/ I like Spain a lot and would like to live there one day. mgen

    PracticEGermany n /dmni/ Berlin is a city in Germany. DeutschlandSwitzerland n /swtslnd/ In Switzerland, the main languages are French, German and


    doctor n /dkt(r)/ A doctor helps people who are ill. Arzt/rztin

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 2

    Italian adj /tlin/ People from Italy are Italian. Italiener/Italienerin, italienisch

    wife n /waf/ Joes wife is from Germany where they were married. EhefrauFrench adj /frent/ Marie-Celine isnt French, shes Canadian. Franzose/Franzsin,

    franzsischEnglish adj /l/ His English is good. Englischchildren pl n /tldrn/ Peter and Helen have two children: Tom, 8, and Anna, 5. Kinderbeautiful adj /bjutfl/ His wife is beautiful. schn, hbschgood adj /d/ The language school is popular because its very good. guthome n /hm/ She isnt at home shes at school. zu Hause, Heimclass n /kls/ There are ten students in my English class. Kurs, Klassecaf n /kfe/ I drink tea at the caf. CafMonday /mnde/ Our English class is on Monday morning. Montagtoday n /tde/ What day is it today? Its Monday. heutegrandmother n /rnm(r)/ My fathers mother is my grandmother. Gromutter

    rEading and listEningblog n /bl/ Annas blog is full of news and photos about her stay in


    famous adj /fems/ The man said he was a famous actor, but I didnt recognize him.


    places pl n /plesz/ Ive visited so many great places since Ive been here. Ortebig adj /b/ The city is very big, so I go by bus instead of walking. groexpensive adj /kspensv/ We cycle everywhere because public transport is expensive. teuerfriendly adj /frendli/ I really like the other students they are very friendly. freundlichsmall adj /sml/ My school is very small there are only 30 students. kleininteresting adj /ntrest/ I like England it is an interesting country. interessantcold adj /kld/ In winter, the weather in Madrid is often sunny but cold. kaltdifficult adj /dfklt/ Some people speak so fast its difficult to understand them. schwierig, schwersunny adj /sni/ It is sunny outside, but its very cold. sonnigeasy adj /izi/ Travelling by Underground is easy because the maps are clear. einfach, leichtpeople n /pipl/ People are always surprised when I tell them what I do. Leuteweather n /we(r)/ What bad weather we have today it is so cold and it

    is raining.Wetter

    language n /lwd/ My father doesnt speak any other language except English. SpracheRome n /rm/ People in Rome are different from other Italians. Romson n /sn/ Mr and Mrs Tims have a son, Paul, and a daughter, Eva. Sohncentre n /sent(r)/ Her school is in the centre of London, near all the shops. ZentrumEurope n /jrp/ Ive never been outside of Europe, and would love to visit Asia

    or America.Europa

    Underground n /ndrand/ I dont like travelling by Underground because its dark. U-Bahnwelcome /welkm/ Welcome to the Royal Hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay. willkommenhusband n /hzbnd/ Annas a lovely woman but her husband isnt very friendly. Ehemannspeak v /spik/ I can speak several languages. sprechenunderstand v /ndstnd/ Can you please speak more slowly so that we can understand? verstehenthem pron /em/ There are a lot of questions so check you have answered all

    of them.ihnen, sie

    fast adj /fst/ I cant understand you when you speak so fast. schnellnear adj /n(r)/ We live near the airport, but weve got used to the sound

    of planes.nah(e)

    shops pl n /ps/ I like to buy things online rather than go into shops. Ldeninternational adj /ntnnl/ My class is very international, with students from across

    the world.international

    Mexico n /meksk/ The border between Mexico and the United States is guarded. MexikoJapan n /dpn/ The highest peak in Japan is Mount Fuji. JapanEgypt n /idpt/ We travelled along the Nile while we were staying in Egypt. gyptenSpain n /spen/ Spain is a lovely country, but Madrid gets very hot in summer. SpanienHungary n /hri/ Hungary is a country in Europe near Slovakia. Ungarnyoung adj /j/ Although hes very young, he has a lot of experience. junglove v /lv/ We love Amy because shes so nice and kind. lieben, mgengreat adj /ret/ London is a great city there are lots of shops! groartig

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 3

    shopping n /p/ Shopping is no fun if you havent got any money to spend. Einkaufen, Shoppingpark n /pk/ London is a city with lots of parks for people to walk or cycle in. Parkmuseum n /mjuzim/ At the transport museum, there are examples of vehicles dating

    back to the 1800s.Museum

    gallery n /glri/ The gallery has some beautiful paintings. Galeriefree adj /fri/ You dont need any money because the museum is free. kostenlos, frei, gratiscoffee bars pl n /kfibz/ There are lots of Italian coffee bars in London that sell

    great coffee.Cafs, Kaffeebars

    bad adj /bd/ You dont learn anything from a bad teacher. schlechthot adj /ht/ The weather is very hot and sunny. heihorrible adj /hrbl/ The coffee is so horrible I cant drink it. schrecklichmeal n /mil/ Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Mahlzeitcheap adj /tip/ I havent got much money, but I know where the cheap

    shops are.billig

    girl n /l/ Charlotte is a name for a girl not a boy. Mdchenslow adj /sl/ The bus is very slow, so dont take it if youre in a hurry. langsamcar n /k(r)/ We dont have a garage so we keep our car outside. Autohomework n /hmwk/ The teacher gives us lots of homework. Hausaufgaben

    Vocabulary and sPEakingniece n /nis/ Linda is my brothers daughter, which means shes my niece. Nichteboyfriend n /bfrend/ Tanyas been going out with her boyfriend for nearly a year. Freundaunt n /nt/ My aunt Joan is married to my uncle John. Tantegrandfather n /rnf(r)/ My grandfather was working on a farm when my father

    was born.Grovater

    uncle n /kl/ Aunt Rita is married to uncle Charles, my dads brother. Onkelnephew n /nefju/ My nephew Ben lives in New York with my aunt and uncle. Neffecousin n /kzn/ My aunt lives in York, with her son, my cousin Joe. Cousin, Cousine

    EVEryday EnglisHhi /ha/ Hi Linda! How are you today? Hallogood morning /dmn/ Good morning. Its a beautiful day, isnt it? Guten Morgenvery well adj /veriwel/ He says he cant speak French, but he actually speaks it

    very well.sehr gut

    all right adj /lrat/ I wasnt very well yesterday, but Im all right now. ganz in Ordnungthanks /ks/ Thanks to all of you for the beautiful flowers. Danke, merci [Schweiz]bye /ba/ Ill see you tomorrow. Bye! Tschs, ciao [Schweiz]darling n /dl/ Bye, Mum! ~ Goodbye, darling. Have a nice day. Liebling, Schatzplease /pliz/ Id like an ice-cream, please. bittegood afternoon /d ftnun/ Good afternoon. Can I help you? Guten Tag, Grezi

    [Schweiz]office n /fs/ I get more work done if I arrive at the office early. Brothank goodness /k dns/ Thank goodness Mum didnt see me while I was wrapping

    her present!Gott sei Dank,

    glcklicherweiseFriday /frade/ I like to go out on Friday, because I dont work on Saturday. Freitagsame pron /sem/ I bought the same skirt as Leah, but hers was 5 cheaper. der-/die-/dasselbegoodbye /dba/ Goodbye. Lets hope we meet again soon. auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

    [Schweiz]good night /dnat/ Good night. I hope you sleep well. Gute Nacht

    Unit 2 A good job!

    t Wo outdoor jobsjob n /db/ Many people do jobs they dont like in order to earn money. Joboutdoors n /atdz/ If you like being outdoors, an office job isnt for you. drauenengineer n /endn(r)/ An engineer designs and builds machines, roads and other


  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 4

    New Zealand n /njuzilnd/ The New Zealand accent is similar to the Australian one. Neuseeland, neuseelndisch

    Scotland n /sktlnd/ Being further north, Scotland tends to be colder than the rest of the UK.


    come v /km/ I come from Portugal, not Spain. kommenwork v /wk/ Do you work in an office or at home? arbeitenoil rig n /lr/ On an oil rig, youre far from the land and all your family

    and friends.Bohrinsel

    hour n /a(r)/ She doesnt mind working long hours because she loves her job. Stundeearn v /n/ I like my job but I dont earn enough to live a life of luxury. verdienentime n /tam/ What time does the next bus to Glasgow leave? Zeit, Uhrzeitfree time n /fritam/ Im so busy in my new job I hardly have any free time. Freizeitgym n /dm/ He goes to the gym every day in order to stay fit. Fitnessstudioplay v /ple/ Do you play football at school? spielensnooker n /snuk(r)/ Snooker is a game that is often played in pubs in the UK. Snooker (eine Billard-

    Variante)zoologist n /zuldst/ A zoologist is someone who studies animal behaviour. Zoologedesert n /dezt/ Some places that are now desert used to be green and fertile. Wsteanimal n /nml/ Can we please go to the zoo to see all the animals? Tierwrite v /rat/ Can you write your name so I can see how it is spelt? schreibenwalk v /wk/ Imagine having to walk for miles to collect fresh water! gehen, laufencountry n /kntri/ Hungary is a country that has no coast. Landsalary n /slri/ Its a dangerous job, but she is paid a good salary. Gehalt, Lohn [Schweiz]

    WHat doEs HE do?have v /hv/ How many students does the school have? habencapital n /kaptl/ Paris is the capital of France. Hauptstadt

    PracticEballet dancer n /ble dns(r)/ A ballet dancer needs to be both graceful and athletic. Ballett-Tnzer/inmodel n /mdl/ She was so beautiful that people thought she was a model. Modelbanker n /bk(r)/ A banker works with money and makes a lot of money. Bankmitarbeiter/indisc jockey n /dsk dki/ The disc jockey played music that nobody wanted to dance to. DJ, DiscjockeyFrance n /frns/ If youre visiting France, you must come and see us in Lyon. Frankreichworld n /wld/ The second highest mountain in the world is K2, in Pakistan. WeltBelgium n /beldm/ The famous fictional detective, Hercule Poirot, was from


    town n /tan/ Im going into town to buy a present for my sister. Stadt, Stadtzentrumreading n /rid/ I love reading and frequently borrow books from the library. lesentravel v /trvl/ After his bad experience, Philip decided never to travel by

    train again.reisen

    Spanish adj /spn/ Spanish and Portuguese words look alike, but sound very different.


    learn v /ln/ You wont learn anything if you sit in class texting your friends.


    watch v /wt/ Parents shouldnt let children watch TV all evening. schauenTV n /ti vi/ I watched an interesting programme on TV last night about


    Internet n /ntnet/ The Internet has changed the way we shop and socialize. Internetinterpreter n /ntprt(r)/ He couldnt speak any English, so we had to find an


    go v // In some areas, children are too poor to go to school. gehenvisit v /vzt/ Can we visit the Pompidou centre while were in Paris? besuchenpop star n /pp st(r)/ She loves singing and says she wants to be a famous pop star. Popstarexciting adj /ksat/ The film was so exciting I didnt want it to end. aufregend, spannendactress n /ktrs/ Shes an actress who can play a wide range of parts. Schauspieler/inlunch n /lnt/ Because there was no canteen, we often had lunch at our desks. Mittagessennatural adj /ntrl/ Claire speaks French fluently and the way she speaks sounds

    very natural.natrlich

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 5

    rEading and sPEakingstudy v /stdi/ What do you study at university? studierenIndia n /ndi/ Tigers live in India, not Africa. Indienvillage n /vld/ Shed always lived in a village, so the city seemed too noisy. Dorfmany pron /meni/ I learnt Greek many years ago, but Ive forgotten it all now. vielelucky adj /lki/ With so much unemployment, he was lucky to get that job. glcklichcost v /kst/ If school books cost too much, some parents wont buy them. kostensometimes adv /smtamz/ I sometimes eat chocolate, but I dont have it every day. manchmalbusy adj /bzi/ Im so busy I havent got time to cook a proper meal. beschftigtclock n /klk/ That clock is telling the wrong time. Uhrhousework n /haswk/ Traditionally, men went out to work and women did the


    Bengali adj /beli/ A Bengali teacher aged just 16 recently opened a school in India.


    history n /hstri/ Theres more to history than battles and kings and queens. Geschichtemaths n /ms/ Theres more to maths than just adding and subtracting. Mathe(matik)never adv /nev(r)/ The restaurant was so bad that I would never eat there again. nie, niemalstired adj /tad/ After working non-stop for 20 hours, I was very tired. mdepoor adj /p(r)/ The poor families dont have much money but they are

    still happy.arm

    journalist n /dnlst/ She got a job as a journalist on the local newspaper. Journalist/in

    Vocabulary and listEningarchitect n /ktekt/ If you want to build a house, you first ask an architect to draw

    up plans.Architekt/in

    nurse n /ns/ I woke up in hospital to see a nurse and a doctor standing by my bed.

    Krankenschwester, Krankenpfleger/in

    pilot n /palt/ The pilot told the passengers that he was going to return to the airport.


    dentist n /dentst/ A good dentist will advise you on how to care for your teeth. Zahnarzt/-rztinreceptionist n /rsepnst/ At the hotel, the receptionist couldnt find my reservation. Empfangsmitarbeiter/inlawyer n /lj(r)/ Her lawyer advised her to admit that she was guilty. Anwalt/Anwltintaxi driver n /tksi drav(r)/ I gave the taxi driver a good tip because he used several


    hairdresser n /hedres(r)/ If a hairdresser cuts your hair badly, you should complain. Friseur/in, Coiffeur/-euse [Schweiz]

    accountant n /kantnt/ Being good with numbers, he decided to become an accountant.


    cut v /kt/ The hairdresser cut my hair very well. schneidenhair n /he(r)/ Her long hair is very beautiful. Haareairport n /ept/ Well need to reach the airport in good time to catch our flight. Flughafenhotel n /htel/ I like staying in hotels because I dont have to cook and clean! Hoteldesign v /dzan/ He has plans to design a new website that is easy to use. gestaltenbuilding n /bld/ If there is a fire, you must leave the building immediately. Gebudelaw firm n /lfm/ Chris studies law and would like to get a job in a big law firm. Anwaltskanzlei,

    Advokatur [Schweiz]street n /strit/ Dont let the dog escape from the garden into the street. Straenews story n /njuzstri/ Theres an interesting news story in the paper today. Nachrichtenbeitrag,

    Artikelteeth n /ti/ You should stop eating sweets if you want to have good teeth. Zhnemoney n /mni/ I really need the money so I am working hard at the moment. Geldnewspaper n /njuzpep(r)/ Mike buys a newspaper every day and he reads it on the train. Zeitungphysics n /fzks/ At school, I didnt like Physics as much as Biology or Chemistry. Physik

    EVEryday EnglisHhurry v /hri/ Wed better hurry if we want to catch that train. beeilen

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 6

    Unit 3 Work hard, play hard!

    i liVE and Work in nEW yorkTuesday /tjuzde/ Monday is a bank holiday, so Ill see you at work on Tuesday. DienstagWednesday /wenzde/ Shops used to close at lunchtime on a Wednesday. MittwochThursday /zde/ Shops often stay open late on a Thursday and Friday. DonnerstagSaturday /stde/ More people go shopping on a Saturday than any other day. SamstagSunday /snde/ Sunday used to be a day of rest, but now its the same as any

    other day.Sonntag

    always adv /lwez/ Ive put the kettle on because Lee always has a cup of tea in the morning.


    happy adj /hpi/ I was really happy to find out that Id won first prize. glcklichbookstore n US /bkst/ That bookstore sells old comics as well as books. Buchhandlung/

    Buchladensinger n /s(r)/ Singers do special exercises so as not to harm their throats. Snger/inband n /bnd/ My favourite band is playing at the music festival. Bandbooks pl n /bks/ Reading books is a great way to learn vocabulary. Bcherusually adv /juli/ I usually take the bus to work, but today Im cycling. normalerweise, in der

    Regelfinish v /fn/ After I finish work, I often meet friends for a coffee. beendenevening n /ivn/ Id hate to sit at home after work every evening just

    watching TV.Abend

    bed n /bed/ Ryan never goes to bed before midnight. Bettoften adv /ftn/ I speak to my mum very often almost every day, in fact. oftlittle adj /ltl/ My main home is in the country, but Ive got a little flat in

    London as well.klein

    restaurant n /restrnt/ The restaurant was full of happy diners. Restaurantapartment n /ptmnt/ The apartment I live in is on the top floor of this block. Wohnungcook v /kk/ I often invite my friends round and cook a meal for them. kochen

    PracticEget up v /et p/ We get up very late at the weekend about 10.45 a.m. aufstehenholiday n /hlde/ The beaches are busy in August because everyone is on

    holiday then.Urlaub, Ferien

    Turkey n /tki/ Someone said that Turkish Delight comes from Greece, not Turkey.


    computer n /kmpjut(r)/ You need a powerful computer if you want to download films. Computerfootball n /ftbl/ Jake loves football and supports Chelsea. Fuballearly adj /li/ Its a good idea to go to bed early before an exam. frh

    Vocabulary and listEninggolf n /lf/ You need to buy some good clubs to play golf properly. Golfcinema n /snm(r)/ Many people like to eat snacks while watching a film at

    the cinema.Kino

    listen v /lsn/ I like to listen to my MP3 player before I fall asleep. hren, anhrenmusic n /mjuzk/ I listen to classical music when Im in a quiet mood. Musikswimming n /swm/ Swimming is good exercise, and it doesnt harm your joints

    and muscles.Schwimmen

    windsurfing n /wndsf/ If youve got good balance but dont mind getting wet, try windsurfing.


    tennis n /tens/ Jeff adores tennis so Ive bought him tickets for Wimbledon. Tenniscards pl n /kdz/ When youre playing cards its important to hide your cards. Kartenskiing n /ski/ Skiing is easier if you manage to bend your knees properly. Ski fahrendancing n /dns/ When we were younger we used to go dancing in nightclubs. Tanzensailing n /sel/ Sailing requires knowledge of tides and currents, as well

    as navigation.Segeln

    running n /rn/ I only go running along quiet roads. Laufen, Joggencycling n /sakl/ If you like cycling, you should buy the best bike you can afford. Fahrrad fahren, Velo

    fahren [Schweiz]

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 7

    personal adj /psnl/ Using a personal trainer to help you get fit is expensive. persnlichapplication form n /plken fm/ Did you fill in the application form for that job? Bewerbungsformularpost code n /pst kd/ Letters arrive faster if the post code is included in the address. Postleitzahlmobile phone n /mbalfn/ My mobile phone is an old one that doesnt take photos. Handy, Mobiltelefon,

    Natel [Schweiz]indoor adj /nd(r)/ We can play indoor tennis if it starts to rain. drinnenoutdoor adj /atd(r)/ Therell be outdoor activities as long as the weather stays fine. drauen, unter freiem

    Himmelbadminton n /bdmntn/ Badminton is a bit like tennis but you use a shuttlecock

    instead of a ball.Badminton

    squash n /skw/ Squash is a game that requires very fast reactions. Squash

    rEading and sPEakingIndian adj /ndin/ Indian dishes such as curry are very popular in the UK. indischtakeaway n /tekwe/ If I cant be bothered cooking, I send out for a takeaway. Essen zum Mitnehmengarden centre n /dn sent(r)/ A garden centre sells everything you need for the garden. Gartencenterpostcard n /pstkd/ Cathy sent us a postcard of the resort where theyre staying. PostkarteJapanese adj /dpniz/ Examples of Japanese words are sushi and haiku. japanischenjoy v /nd/ You cant enjoy watching a sport if you dont know the rules. genieenforeign adj /frn/ My grandparents travelled a lot but never learnt any foreign


    poker n /pk(r)/ Poker is a card game that requires a lot of skill. Pokerroast v /rst/ You can roast potatoes by putting them in the oven with

    the beef.rsten/braten

    chicken n /tkn/ My favourite meat is chicken, roasted in the oven. Huhn/Poulet [Schweiz]week n /wik/ We enjoyed our weekend there so much we stayed for a

    whole week.Woche

    countryside n /kntrisad/ Dan hates cities, and loves any chance to get out into the countryside.

    Landschaft, Natur

    bath n /b/ If youve had a stressful day, its nice to relax in a warm bath. Badbarefoot adj /beft/ When I come home, I take off my office shoes and go around


    grass n /rs/ Our lawnmower isnt sharp enough to cut that long grass. Graspub n /pb/ In the past, pubs only served drink, but now most of them sell

    food, too.Pub, Kneipe, Beiz

    [Schweiz]pudding n /pd/ He missed out the starter and main course and just had

    a pudding.Nachtisch, Dessert

    sticky adj /stki/ The table was sticky where the glue had spilled. klebrigtoffee n /tfi/ Toffee tastes nice and sweet, but its terrible for your teeth. Toffee, Karamellprogramme n /prrm/ I watched a great programme on TV last night. Sendungboutiques pl n /butiks/ I buy all my clothes from small, local boutiques. Boutiquenflowers pl n /flaz/ We always have fresh flowers, such as roses, at home. Blumenspa n /sp/ The best way to relax is to have a swim and massage at a

    spa hotel.Heilbad, Wellness-center

    massage n /ms/ A massage really helps relax your aching muscles. Massage

    sPEaking and listEningproblem n /prblm/ A problem with the lift meant we had to walk up five flights

    of stairs.Problem

    EVEryday EnglisHtraffic n /trfk/ The traffic starts to build up at 7.30, when people set off

    for work.Verkehr

    warm adj /wm/ Its been unusually warm for February. warmbilingual adj /balwl/ Shes English but her parents speak to her in German, so

    shes bilingual.zweisprachig

    excuse me /kskjusmi/ Excuse me. Is this seat free? Entschuldigen Sie bitte, Entschuldigung

    exercise n /ekssaz/ The teacher has given us an exercise to do for homework. bungpardon /pdn/ Pardon? Can you say that again? Wie bitte, Excusez


  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 8

    Unit 4 Somewhere to live

    a flat to rEntsofa n /sf/ Youre welcome to sleep on our sofa tonight. SofaDVD player n /dividiple(r)/ There are lots of DVDs we want to watch but the DVD player

    is broken.DVD-Player

    chemists n /kemsts/ Could you pick up my tablets from the chemists? Apothekecooker n /kk(r)/ The cooker uses a combination of gas and electricity. Herdtable n /tebl/ The dog sat under the table while we were eating. Tischarmchair n /mte/ I like to curl up in an armchair with a good book. Sesselbookshelves pl n /bkelvz/ I looked along the bookshelves but didnt find the book

    I wanted.Bcherregale

    bus stop n /bsstp/ We waited at the bus stop for an hour and then two buses arrived.


    post office n /pstfs/ I cant send the parcel until the post office opens. Post(amt)pavement n /pevmnt/ The pavement is being repaired so you have to walk in

    the road.Brgersteig, Gehweg,

    Trottoir [Schweiz], Fussgngerweg [Schweiz]

    fridge n /frd/ You shouldnt put hot food in a fridge to cool it down. Khlschrankoven n /vn/ I put the cake in the oven an hour ago but it isnt cooked. Ofenwashing machine n /wmin/ The washing machine dries clothes as well as washing them. Waschmaschinemirror n /mr(r)/ The bathroom mirror gets steamed up very easily. Spiegelrent v /rent/ Its better to buy a house or flat than rent one. mietenliving room n /lvrum/ The main TV is in the living room, but weve also got one in

    the kitchen.Wohnzimmer

    kitchen n /ktn/ The kitchen only had space for a cooker and a sink. Kcheflat n /flt/ He lives in a flat in the centre of the city. Wohnungbedroom n /bedrum/ Even the single bedroom had two double beds. Schlafzimmer, Zimmershower n /a(r)/ The bathroom had a bath and a separate shower. Duschecarpet n /kpt/ Its very noisy walking around without the carpet down. Teppichdining room n /dan rum/ We often eat in the kitchen rather than the dining room. Esszimmerbathroom n /brum/ Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom. Badezimmerpicture n /pkt(r)/ The walls look very bare without any pictures. Bild/eron prep /n/ The cat likes to sit on the TV and look down at us. aufin prep /n/ The tea and coffee are in that cupboard. inunder prep /nd(r)/ We sat under the tree in order to get some shade. unternext to prep /neksttu/ Its logical to put the washing machine next to the dryer. nebenopposite prep /pzt/ Weve got a great view of the park directly opposite us. gegenberabove prep /bv/ I live on the top floor, so nobody lives above me. beroutside prep /atsad/ Lets go outside and walk round the garden. raus, drauen, hinausfirst floor n /fstfl(r)/ The flat is up a short flight of stairs on the first floor. erster Stockclothes pl n /klz/ She needs a huge wardrobe to put all her clothes in. Kleidungphone n /fn/ I thought I heard the phone ringing. Telefonbench n /bent/ I often have my lunch sitting on a bench in the park. Banktree n /tri/ We had to cut down the big tree in the garden. Baum

    a nEW flatplate n /plet/ Could you get me a plate to put these cakes on? Tellerglass n /ls/ Thats made of glass so dont drop it! Glasmug n /mg/ In that cupboard are the coffee cups and the mugs for tea. Bechershoes pl n /uz/ As the carpets new, please take your shoes off when you

    come in.Schuhe

    towel n /tal/ It was difficult to dry myself because the towel was wet. Handtuchcup n /kp/ When youve finished your tea just put your cup in the sink. Tassekettle n /ketl/ I couldnt find the kettle so I boiled some water in a pan. Wasserkessel,

    Wasserkocherlamp n /lmp/ Id rather have several lamps around the room than one

    big light.Lampe/n

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 9

    fabulous adj /fbjls/ Sarah wore a fabulous dress that turned lots of heads. fantastisch, tollcolour n /kl/ The colour of the curtains doesnt match the carpet. Farbecoat n /kt/ I need to buy a new coat before winter arrives. Mantel, Jacke

    PracticEwindow n /wnd/ The huge window made the room feel light and airy. Fensterdiary n /dari/ Check your diary and see if youre available on Friday. Kalender, Agenda

    [Schweiz]lipstick n /lpstk/ That dark red lipstick she wears makes her lips look thin. Lippenstiftaddress book n /dres bk/ Let me have your contact details and Ill add them to my

    address book.Adressbuch

    keys pl n /kiz/ Were so excited about picking up the keys to our new flat. Schlsselpurse n /ps/ Coins kept falling out of her purse because there was a hole

    in it.Geldbrse,

    Portemonnaiepen n /pen/ There should be a pen by the phone to take messages with. Stiftwallet n /wlt/ I lent Chris some money because hed lost his wallet. Brieftasche,

    Portemonnaie [Schweiz]

    rEading and sPEakingpresident n /prezdnt/ The president of the United States lives in the White House. Prsidentpublic n /pblk/ Many grand old houses are open to the public. ffentlichkeitbirthday n /bde/ For Jos fifth birthday, I made a cake in the shape of a 5. Geburtstagdinner n /dn(r)/ Some people have dinner early, but we eat quite late. Abendessen, Nachtessen

    [Schweiz]wedding n /wed/ After the wedding theyre going on honeymoon to Cuba. Hochzeitworld-famous adj /wldfems/ The world-famous White House is a familiar sight on

    the news.weltberhmt

    third floor n /dfl(r)/ In the elevator, just press 3 to get to the third floor. dritter Stockwing n /w/ The west wing of the White House is where the staff offices are. Flgel (Gebude)wall n /wl/ He decorated the walls of the room with his own paintings. Wand, Mauerdesk n /desk/ My new desk is big enough to fit a computer and a printer on. Schreibtischfireplace n /faples/ Well keep the fireplace but we arent going to light a fire in it. (offener) Kamin,

    Chemine [Schweiz]furniture n /fnt(r)/ Apart from a chair and table, we dont have any furniture. Mbelchoose v /tuz/ Each new president can choose new furniture for the

    White House.auswhlen

    curtains pl n /ktnz/ We should get some curtains to prevent people looking in. Vorhnge, Gardinengift n /ft/ The statue next to the desk was a gift from my parents. Geschenkvisitor n /vzt(r)/ Visitors usually have to pay to look around a stately home. Besucherguest n /est/ The State Dining Room is big enough for 140 guests. Gast/Gstegrow v /r/ Im planning to grow vegetables in the garden. wachsen, anbauenelevator n US /elvet(r)/ The elevator took us to the top floor in a few seconds. Fahrstuhl, Aufzuggardener n /dn(r)/ A gardener comes once a week to look after the communal


    fruit n /frut/ In many houses, people keep a bowl of fruit on the table. Obst, Fruchtvegetables pl n /vedtblz/ The vegetables from our garden taste better than the ones

    we buy.Gemse

    jogging track n /dtrk/ I took advantage of the jogging track to take an early morning run.


    swimming pool n /swmpul/ The children splashed around in the swimming pool. Schwimmbecken, Swimmingpool

    movie theater n US /muvit(r)/ Many famous stars have movie theaters in their houses. Kinobowling alley n /blili/ At the bowling alley, I found the ball heavy and hard to throw. Bowlingbahnlibrary n /labri/ The house had a library that contained hundreds of books. Bibliothek, Bchereirelax v /rlks/ Bright colours in a room dont make me want to relax. entspannentennis court n /tenskt/ The tennis court had no net so we couldnt play tennis on it. Tennisplatzsleep v /slip/ Im really tired because I didnt sleep very well last night. schlafeneat v /it/ If youre hungry, why dont you eat something? essengovernment

    building n/vnmntbld/ The White House is both a government building and a

    private home.Regierungsgebude

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 10

    cathedral n /kidrl/ St Pauls Cathedral in London is where Prince Charles got married in 1981.


    balcony n /blkni/ We stood on the balcony and took in the view over the garden. Balkoncomfortable adj /kmftbl/ I couldnt sleep because the bed wasnt very comfortable. bequem

    Vocabulary and listEningexcellent adj /ekslnt/ I can recommend a restaurant that serves excellent fish. hervorragendamazing adj /mez/ Her house is so amazing it has featured in magazines. fantastisch, tollterrible adj /terbl/ I once had a terrible boss who blamed others for his mistakes. furchtbarwonderful adj /wndfl/ Its worthwhile going to the top of the tower for the

    wonderful view.wunderbar

    awful adj /fl/ The play was so awful many people left early. furchtbar, schrecklichfantastic adj /fntstk/ Once theyd redecorated, the room looked fantastic. fantastischwine n /wan/ We celebrated moving into our new flat with a bottle of wine. Weinparty n /pti/ Most people have a party to celebrate their new home. Partyboss n /bs/ My boss said shell sack me if Im late for work again. Chef/in

    EVEryday EnglisHbus fare n /bsfe(r)/ Lucy didnt have to walk home because I lent her the bus fare. Fahrgeld fr den Bus

    Unit 5 Super me!

    suPErman is fantastic!hero n /hr/ The comic hero Superman can do lots of things that we cant. Heldfly v /fla/ Superman can fly at the speed of light. fliegenspeed n /spid/ A car raced round the corner at high speed and almost caused

    an accident.Geschwindigkeit

    light n /lat/ Its getting dark. Shall I switch the light on? Lichtjump v /dmp/ The cat can jump down from the tree and land on its feet. springenmetre n /mit(r)/ She is learning to swim and can already swim 10 metres. Meterturn back v /tnbk/ It started to rain heavily so we decided to turn back and

    go home.umdrehen, umkehren

    talk v /tk/ My grandma hates answering machines and prefers to talk to a real person.


    skateboard n /sketbd/ Riding a skateboard is a bit like skiing on wheels! Skateboard

    PracticE P.39foreign language n /frnlwd/ Someone who is a linguist likes learning foreign languages. Fremdspracheguitar n /t(r)/ I gave some coins to a man on the street who was singing and

    playing a guitar.Gitarre

    see v /si/ Dont you wish you could see through buildings, like Superman?


    glasses pl n /glsz/ Connor cant see a thing without his glasses. Brille

    PracticE P.41child n /tald/ A prodigy is a child with a very special skill. Kindprodigy n /prddi/ Picasso was a child prodigy who could draw before he

    could speak.Wunderkind, begabtes

    Kindpianist n /pnst/ He taught himself to play the piano but is now a famous


    Pianist/incello n /tel/ I tried the violin but I preferred the deeper sound of the cello. CelloChinese adj /taniz/ I went to see Lang Lang, the famous Chinese pianist. Chinese/Chinesin,

    chinesischsuccess n /skses/ He waited for success for a long time, and finally published his

    novel at the age of 50.Erfolg

    painting n /pent/ Since leaving art college, she hasnt sold a single painting. Gemlde, Bildpainter n /pent(r)/ Picassos father was also a painter, like his son. Maler

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 11

    housewife n /haswaf/ After getting married, my mother gave up her career and became a housewife.


    advertisement n /dvtsmnt/ I want to sell my guitar so Ive put an advertisement in a newspaper.


    interested adj /ntrestd/ Im interested in all types of music, but especially classical. interessiertresort n /rzt/ Were staying at a ski resort on the border of Austria and Italy. Ferienort

    rEading and sPEakingtalented adj /tlntd/ She is a very talented girl who is sure to have a great career

    ahead of her.talentiert

    violinist n /valnst/ Nicola Benedetti is a violinist who won Young Musician of the Year in 2004.


    important adj /mptnt/ Success is more important to some people than money. wichtigviolin n /valn/ Although not a fan of classical music, Gio loved hearing Nicola

    play the violin.Geige

    rich adj /rt/ They werent a rich family, but managed to find the money for piano lessons.


    stop v /stp/ The bus didnt stop to pick up passengers because it was already full.


    cry v /kra/ The sound of the violin is so sad it makes me cry. weinenhard adj /hd/ Learning to play the piano well is hard work, but worth it. schwierig, harthard-working adj /hdwk/ My father was a hard-working man who always provided for

    his family.fleiig

    classical music n /klsklmjuzk/ Even as a child, she preferred classical music to pop music. klassische Musik, Klassikprofessionally adv /prfenli/ She sang at family weddings but didnt sing professionally

    until she was 30.professionell, beruflich

    occasion n /ken/ I only see my cousins at family occasions such as weddings. Anlass, Gelegenheitafford v /fd/ The family was very poor and couldnt afford piano lessons. sich leistenbusiness n /bzns/ Gio set up his own business in order to make money. Unternehmen, Firmaart n /t/ I wasnt surprised to learn that Picassos father was a professor

    of art.Kunst

    dry cleaning n /draklin/ My dress is at the dry cleaning shop. chemische Reinigungshop n /p/ Theres a small shop nearby but it doesnt sell a wide range

    of goods.Laden

    independent adj /ndpendnt/ Shes an independent person and prefers to make her own decisions.

    unabhngig, selbststndig

    concert n /knst/ She started learning the violin at the age of 4 and now plays in concerts worldwide.


    proud adj /prad/ We are very proud of our sons achievements. stolzmusical

    instrument n/mjuzkl

    instrmnt/Apart from the guitar, I cant play any musical instruments. Musikinstrument

    country and western n

    /kntrindwestn/ Country and western is a popular style of music in America. Country-Musik

    succeed v /sksid/ Im confident about your chances because you succeed in everything you do.

    Erfolg haben

    passionate adj /pnt/ She plays the violin in a passionate way thats the Italian in her.


    sentimental adj /sentmentl/ It was a sentimental film that had everyone in tears. sentimental

    Vocabulary and listEningpost v /pst/ You need to post that letter today or it will arrive after

    the deadline.absenden

    motorbike n /mtbak/ Motorbikes are good in traffic because they can move quickly around cars.


    station n /sten/ Let me know what time your train gets in to the station. Bahnhofpetrol n /petrl/ Its expensive to run a car because the cost of petrol is rising. Benzinbike n /bak/ He bought a bike so that he could take up cycling. Fahrrad, Velo [Schweiz]bag n /b/ I offered to carry her bag because it looked so heavy. Taschedrive v /drav/ I offered to drive him to the station but he said he would walk. fahrenride v /rad/ People who cant ride a bike must have very poor balance. fahren, reitenwear v /we(r)/ I have to wear my glasses all the time. tragen

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 12

    look after v /lkft(r)/ I offered to look after their cat while they were away. sich (um jemanden/etwas) kmmern

    text message n /tekstmesd/ You dont need to phone just send me a text message. SMSsuit n /sut/ Its still traditional for a man to wear a suit to an interview. Anzugtie n /ta/ Its becoming common for men to wear a shirt without a tie. Schlips, Krawattetelevision n /telvn/ There are a lot of cookery programmes on television these


    send v /send/ Ill send Maria a card to say thank you for the great party. schickenMexican adj /mekskn/ In Spain, the word for a bus is autobus, but the Mexican word

    is camin, meaning lorry.mexikanisch

    EVEryday EnglisHmenu n /menju/ Although ice-cream wasnt on the menu, I asked for it anyway. Speisekartecertainly adv /stnli/ Could I have the bill, please? ~ Certainly, madam. selbstverstndlichcheese n /tiz/ He doesnt like dairy products such as milk, cream or cheese. Ksesandwich n /snwd/ I dont have a big lunch a sandwich and a coffee is usually

    enough.belegtes Brot, Sandwich

    moment n /mmnt/ Do you have a moment to answer a few questions? Augenblick, Momentwater n /wt(r)/ He never learnt to swim because hes scared of water. Wasserborrow v /br/ Please can I borrow a CD and return it tomorrow? ausleihenjeans pl n /dinz/ You shouldnt wear casual clothes like jeans to an interview. Jeanslift n /lft/ I can give you a lift to the station in my car, if you like. jemanden mitnehmenpay v /pe/ I was worried I wouldnt have enough money to pay the bill. bezahlencredit card n /kredt kd/ The restaurant didnt accept credit cards so we had to pay

    in cash.Kreditkarte

    ice-cream n /askrim/ The child was holding an ice-cream that was starting to melt. Eis, Eiscreme, Glace [Schweiz]

    return ticket n /rtn tkt/ Can I have a return ticket to Brighton, please? Rckfahrkarteticket n /tkt/ If you get on a train without a ticket you have to pay a fine. Fahrkarte, Billet

    [Schweiz]favour n /fev(r)/ I never ask people for a favour because I know Ill be asked to

    do one in return.Gefallen

    sit v /st/ Please sit down here and wait until youre called into the room. sitzen, hinsetzenopen v /pn/ After starting his business he went on to open 15 more shops. ffnen, erffnen

    Unit 6 Lifes ups and downs

    amEricas ricHEst Womangreat-grandparents

    pl n/retrnpernts/ When my great-grandparents were born, cars were still rare. Urgroeltern

    billionaire n /bljne(r)/ Im a millionaire but I plan to be a billionaire within ten years.


    born v pp /bn/ Tom was born before Sam so Toms older. geborenrichest adj /rtst/ The richest people are sometimes the meanest with their


    TV star n /ti vi st(r)/ He was a big TV star back in the 1980s, but hasnt been on TV for ages.


    women pl n /wmn/ There was the same number of women on the course as men. Frauendollars pl n /dlz/ He worked all day in a diner for five dollars an hour. Dollarcharity n /trti/ He works for a charity that helps poor children all over

    the world.gemeinntzige

    Organisationchildhood n /taldhd/ We grew up on a farm, and have happy childhood memories

    of it.Kindheit

    coal mine n /klman/ Working down a coal mine was dirty and dangerous work. Kohlenbergwerkclean v /klin/ You learn strange things about people when you clean their


    before prep /bf(r)/ Youd better come inside before it starts snowing. bevor

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 13

    clever adj /klev(r)/ Oprah Winfrey was a clever girl who could read by the age of 3.


    receive v /rsiv/ I hope Jane will receive my card in time for her birthday. erhaltenscholarship n /sklp/ Clever children from poor families can win scholarships to

    study at good schools.Stipendium

    drama n /drm/ She studied drama because she wanted to be an actress. Schauspielnews n /njuz/ I set off for the hospital as soon as I heard the news about

    the accident.Nachrichten

    local adj /lkl/ I prefer to go to my local shops than drive to big supermarkets. rtlichradio station n /redi sten/ He works as a disc jockey at the local radio station. Radiosendermove v /muv/ My father has a job in Spain and the family will move there. umziehentalk show n /tk/ Hes appearing on every talk show to promote his new film. Talkshowlots (of sth) pl n /lts/ He might have lots of money, but that doesnt mean hes happy. vielproblems pl n /prblmz/ The new trains were withdrawn after problems developed in

    the braking system.Probleme

    last year /lstj(r)/ David became a teenager last year, so he must be 14 this year. letztes Jahrsuccessful adj /sksesfl/ She was very successful in her job, and was promoted

    several times.erfolgreich

    help v /help/ If youre nervous before an interview, it can help to take deep breaths.


    much det /mt/ There has been much talk recently about the new space programme.


    daughters pl n /dtz/ They had four daughters but no sons, so the girls took over the family business.


    start v /stt/ You dont need a huge amount of money to start a business. beginnen, starten

    PracticE P.48first /fst/ I had the first of 10 exams today, so only 9 more to go! erster/erstebest friend n /bestfrend/ She has lots of friends but not a best friend to share

    secrets with.bester Freund, beste

    Freundinfriend n /frend/ A good friend always has time to listen to your problems. Freundask v /sk/ Can I ask you a question? fragen

    bEns uPs and doWnsbegin v /bn/ What time does the film begin? beginnengive v /v/ A lot of wealthy people give money to several charities. geben, spendenleave v /liv/ My plane will leave at 10 p.m., but Id like to be at the

    airport early.verlassen

    lose v /luz/ We cant afford to lose a fifth match in a row. verlierenmake v /mek/ Two years after starting the company, he hopes to make his first

    1 million.machen

    win v /wn/ In sport, a team or person can play well but still not win. gewinnenagain adv /en/ He failed the exam so hes going to take it again. wieder, erneutmillionaire n /mljne(r)/ A millionaire is no longer a rarity now that billionaires are

    becoming more common.Millionr

    interview v /ntvju/ We plan to interview 10 people for the job. Vorstellungsgesprch fhren

    dyslexic adj /dsleksk/ Im dyslexic, so I have difficulties reading and writing. Legasthenischdad n /dd/ My dad did a boring job and pushed me to look for challenges. Vater, Papasoftware n /sftwe(r)/ Bens love of computers led him to write his first software

    program at 11.Software

    company n /kmpni/ Some very large companies started life as a market stall. Unternehmenentrepreneur n /ntrprn(r)/ Being an entrepreneur, he was full of ideas for new businesses. Unternehmereverything pron /evri/ I learnt everything there is to know about business from my


    everywhere adv /evriwe(r)/ Famous people must get tired of being recognized everywhere they go.


  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 14

    PracticE P.49die v /da/ My grandad was born in 1932, and died in 2009. sterbenarrive v /rav/ I hope those CDs I ordered will arrive soon. ankommenlate adj /let/ If I dont hurry, Ill be late for work. sptminutes pl n /mnts/ The match will be over in a few minutes, so we may as well go. Minutencatch v /kt/ It would be great to take a boat out and catch some fish. fangenemails pl n /imelz/ The first thing I do when I switch on my computer is check

    my emails.E-Mails

    football team n /ftbltim/ I used to be in a local football team, but I got injured and couldnt play.

    Fuballmannschaft, Fuballteam

    match n /mt/ The cricket match was postponed because of rain. Spiel, Partie, Matchword n /wd/ Letters and words are hard to identify for dyslexic people. Wortwatch v /wt/ After a hard day at work, many people watch TV to relax. sehen, ansehentoast n /tst/ Im hungry because I burnt the toast at breakfast and

    couldnt eat it.Toast

    breakfast n /brekfst/ I usually have toast and cereal for breakfast. Frhstcklast night /lstnat/ Im still thinking about what you said last night. gestern Nacht, gestern

    Abendyesterday /jestde/ It rained all day yesterday, and the ground is still wet today. gesternrun a company /rnkmpni/ If you want to run a company, youll learn more by starting

    at the bottom.ein Unternehmen leiten

    designer n /dzan(r)/ Now that shes wealthy, she wears clothes made by the best designers.


    artistic adj /tstk/ Sam was always drawing as a child and is still very artistic. knstlerisch begabtaward n /wd/ Aged 20, Ben won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Auszeichnungstay in touch /stentt/ I stay in touch with some ex-colleagues, but there are others

    that I dont see at all.in Kontakt bleiben

    fashion show n /fn/ The girls modelling the clothes at the fashion show were very thin.


    present n /preznt/ I didnt buy her a present but I did make a cake. Geschenk

    listEning and rEadingbusinessman n /bznsmn/ A successful businessman gave me some tips on how to

    make money.Geschftsmann

    fisherman n /fmn/ Catching fish is seen as a mans job, but I once met a female fisherman!


    fish n /f/ The fish was straight out of the sea and was delicious. Fischfull adj /fl/ The hall was full of people all wanting to hear about my

    money-making scheme.voll

    exclaim v /ksklem/ I cant believe my team lost again! he exclaimed. ausrufenlonger adj /l(r)/ In future, well all have to work longer and retire later. lngernationality n /nnlti/ Tonko has lived here a long time, but his nationality is Croatian. Staatsangehrigkeitenough adv /nf/ Im so busy it seems that there isnt enough time in the day. genugbored adj /bd/ The lecture wasnt very interesting and everyone was bored. gelangweiltnothing pron /n/ When the police questioned the man, he said he had nothing

    to say.nichts

    siesta n /siest/ As heat makes you feel tired, its a good idea to take a siesta. Mittagsschlafboat n /bt/ There were too many people in the boat and it started to sink. Bootexport v /ekspt/ If you export the goods you make to other countries, you can

    make more money.exportieren

    excited adj /ksatd/ I was so excited about going on holiday that I couldnt sleep. aufgeregtlaugh v /lf/ Dont be put off if people laugh at your business idea. lachengentleman n /dentlmn/ Ill ask that gentleman over there where to catch the ferry. Herradvice n /dvas/ A friend said I should change jobs but I didnt take his advice. Ratmatter v /mt(r)/ Having money doesnt matter as much as being content. ausmachentomorrow /tmr/ I forgot to pick up your dry-cleaning, so Ill do it tomorrow. morgen

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 15

    Vocabulary and listEningannoyed adj /nd/ She was annoyed that everyone was laughing at her. verrgertworried adj /wrid/ We were worried about you because you were so late home. besorgtlottery n /ltri/ If I won the lottery, Id give most of the money away. Lotterie, Lottolecture n /lekt(r)/ Im looking forward to attending your lecture about the future

    of society.Vortrag

    marathon n /mrn/ People running the marathon need to build up to running such a long distance.


    behaviour n /bhevj(r)/ The man was very rude and we were puzzled by his behaviour. Verhaltenfilm n /flm/ The film was so boring and the cinema so dark that I fell asleep. Filmfunny adj /fni/ Nina told me a really funny joke. lustigexam n /zm/ Jacks really nervous about failing this exam. Prfungany more adv /enim/ Fiona used to work at Miltons Ltd, but she doesnt work there

    any more.nicht mehr

    EVEryday EnglisHmonth n /mn/ In the UK, there are two bank holidays in the month of May. Monatdate n /det/ Have they set the date for their wedding yet? Datum, TerminChristmas n /krsms/ My birthday is in late December, so I tend to get all my

    presents at Christmas.Weihnachten

    Valentines Day n /vlntanzde/ On Valentines Day, restaurants offer more expensive menus for romantic couples.


    century n /sentri/ The telephone was invented in the nineteenth century. Jahrhundert

    Unit 7 Dates to remember

    tHE good old daysremember v /rmemb(r)/ Please remember to get some milk on your way home. sich erinnern, (daran)

    denkenknow v /n/ The pilot will know where to land because there is a man

    waving a flag.wissen

    events pl n /vents/ The strange events of that evening left a big impression on us. Ereignissesell v /sel/ Does the grocers sell other things as well as fruit and


    movie n /muvi/ Many people in the UK use the American word movie instead of film.


    publish v /pbl/ When did Einstein publish his theory of relativity? verffentlichentheory n /ri/ Its a good theory but it doesnt work in practice. Theorierelativity n /reltvti/ Einsteins theory of relativity changed science forever. Relativittnon-stop adj /nnstp/ He was so excited he talked non-stop all the way home. ununterbrochenflight n /flat/ The first flight across the English Channel lasted 37 minutes. Flugland v /lnd/ After flying through dense fog for hours, he was glad to land at

    the airport.Land

    hits pl n /hts/ How many number 1 hits did The Beatles have in the UK? Hitspocket money n /pktmni/ As a child, I saved my weekly pocket money so I could buy

    something nice.Taschengeld

    comics pl n /kmks/ Many of the comics that children used to read have disappeared.


    complete v /kmplit/ Once the tests are complete, Ill let you know the results. ausfllen, beendenchannels pl n /tnlz/ 40 years ago there were only three TV channels in England. Sender, Kanledishwasher n /dw/ The dishwasher is broken so well have to wash and dry the

    dishes by hand.Geschirrspler

    sweets pl n /swits/ If you eat too many sweets youll damage your teeth. Sigkeitenill adj /l/ When a person is ill, they may want time to get better on

    their own.krank

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 16

    PracticEshirt n /t/ My suits OK, but I need to buy a new shirt for the interview. Hemdlife n /laf/ As a child, grandads life was very different from mine. Lebenat prep /t/ Lets meet at 7 oclock by the statue in the square. umon prep /n/ Id imagine that being on the moon is the best experience ever. aufsummer n /sm(r)/ In summer, its warm enough to sit outside in the evening. Sommerterm n /tm/ At our school theres a party at the end of each term. Semestercollege n /kld/ She studied tourism at college and worked in the travel industry. College,

    Berufsfachschulebecause conj /bkz/ I didnt get to the station on time because the taxi broke down. weiltheme parks pl n /im pks/ My nephew loves theme parks and tries all the scariest rides. Freizeitparks

    sPEakingprofessor n /prfes(r)/ Her father was a distinguished professor at the university. Professorpsychology n /sakldi/ Psychology deals with the science of how we think. Psychologiehospital n /hsptl/ My grandma is in hospital after breaking her leg at home. Krankenhaus, Spital

    [Schweiz]high school n /ha skul/ At high school I did a lot of sport, but I didnt do any

    at college.Highschool (amerik.

    Oberschule), Oberstufe [Schweiz]

    philosophy n /flsfi/ The study of the meaning of the universe is called philosophy. Philosophieeducation n /eduken/ Im studying Education at university because I want to be

    a teacher.Pdagogik

    It sounds great! /tsandzret/ I heard about your holiday. It sounds great! Das klingt groartig!, Das tnt grossartig! [Schweiz]

    rEading and sPEakingplanes pl n /plenz/ Lets go to the airport and watch the planes take off and land. Flugzeugerocket n /rkt/ The rocket travelled at 6 miles per second to reach the moon. Raketeman n /mn/ A man with a moustache and dark glasses sat down next

    to me.Mann

    moon n /mun/ The astronauts spent over two hours walking on the moon. Mondaviation n /evien/ The era of modern aviation began with Bleriots air journey

    across the English Channel.Luftfahrt

    journey n /dni/ The journey was uncomfortable because the road was very bumpy.


    impossible adj /mpsbl/ Its impossible to be in two places at once. unmglichwhole adj /hl/ I spent a whole morning waiting at home for a someone to fix

    the boiler.ganz

    injury n /ndri/ Although he hadnt suffered an injury, he was in shock. Verletzungcompass n /kmps/ Without modern navigational aids, a compass would be

    essential to a pilot.Kompass

    altitude n /lttjud/ Bleriot flew his aircraft at an altitude of only 250 feet. Hhefog n /f/ The pilot flew into fog and couldnt see anything. Nebeldangerous adj /dendrs/ The most dangerous part of the flight was when the pilot flew

    into fog.gefhrlich

    reporters pl n /rptz/ Reporters from a variety of papers awaited her arrival. Reporterflag n /fl/ The astronauts who landed on the moon put up a U.S. flag. Flagge, Fahnecrash n /kr/ The aeroplane crash was serious, but no one was injured. abstrzen, krachencrossing n /krs/ The first air crossing of the English Channel took place

    in 1909.berquerung

    modern adj /mdn/ Modern technology has enabled us to do so many things. modernquickly adv /kwkli/ I left a lot of things off the list because I wrote it too quickly. schnellpioneer n /pan(r)/ Louis Bleriot was a pioneer of aviation. Pionierlift off v /lft f/ The first rocket to reach the moon lifted off from Earth on 16

    July 1969.abheben

    space n /spes/ Apollo 11 lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Weltraumastronaut n /strnt/ The astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on

    the moon.Astronaut

    enormous adj /nms/ The enormous rocket took three days to reach the moon. enorm

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 17

    prepare v /prpe(r)/ I wonder how the astronauts prepared for their journey? vorbereitenlunar module n /lun(r)mdjul/ The lunar module containing the astronauts landed safely on

    the moon.Mondfhre

    step v /step/ Neil Armstrong was the first of the astronauts to step onto the moon.


    giant adj /dant/ When she saw the goose she thought it was a giant seagull! riesig, gigantischspend (time) v /spend/ How long did you spend in India? (Zeit) verbringenleap v /lip/ If he gets the job he will leap into the air. springenmankind n /mnkand/ Neil Armstrong described stepping onto the moon as a giant

    leap for mankind.Menschheit

    surface n /sfs/ The astronauts took samples from the surface of the moon. Oberflchecollect v /klekt/ The astronauts job is to collect rocks to send back to Earth. sammelnsamples pl n /smplz/ The rock samples taken by the astronauts havent been

    analysed yet.Proben

    put up v /ptp/ The astronauts put up a flag on the surface of the moon. aufstellenequipment n /kwpmnt/ The astronauts set up scientific equipment on the moon. Ausrstungjoin v /dn/ Shes quite a solitary person who doesnt like to join clubs. beitreteninscription n /nskrpn/ The inscription on Uncle Jims grave summed him up as

    a person.Inschrift

    peace n /pis/ The people living in the war zone just wanted peace. Friedenexploration n /eksplren/ The flight by Apollo 11 was the beginning of mans

    exploration of space.Erforschung, Erkundung

    Vocabulary and listEningbadly adv /bdli/ We lost the match because we played badly. schlechtcarefully adv /kefli/ Listen carefully because you need to remember this. genau, vorsichtighabit n /hbt/ Smoking is a bad habit. Angewohnheitfluently adv /fluntli/ A skilled linguist, she speaks five languages fluently. flieenddeeply adv /dipli/ Im deeply sorry about the stress that Ive caused you. sehrpassport n /pspt/ The photo in my passport doesnt really look like me. Pass, Reisepassimmediately adv /miditli/ I saw the accident and immediately called for an ambulance. sofortfortunately adv /ftntli/ There was an accident but fortunately no one was hurt. glcklicherweiseumbrella n /mbrel/ Take an umbrella in case it rains. Regenschirminvite v /nvat/ If you invite everyone to your wedding itll be very expensive. einladensuddenly adv /sdnli/ Everything was fine but then suddenly I felt dizzy. pltzlichaccident n /ksdnt/ A lorry crashed into a car, causing a serious accident. Unfallslowly adv /slli/ You need to speak slowly to grandad as he cant hear well. langsamquietly adv /kwatli/ Talk quietly so that you dont wake everyone up. leisevoyage n /vd/ Before planes, journeys across oceans meant a long voyage. Reise, Seereisearthritis n /rats/ My grandma had arthritis in her knees and found it very

    painful to walk.Arthritis

    sailor n /sel(r)/ Sailors got a bad reputation because they spent their lives at sea.

    Seemann, Matrose

    rocks pl n /rks/ The study of rocks is called geology. Gestein, Felsenwave v /wev/ The children liked to wave at the royal couple. winkenwool n /wl/ Sheep produce wool that is made into clothes and blankets. Wolle

    EVEryday EnglisHcake n /kek/ Its traditional to bake a cake for someones birthday. Kuchenfireworks pl n /fawks/ Fireworks are used to celebrate New Year and other festivities. Feuerwerkroses pl n /rzz/ Its traditional for a man to give 12 red roses to the woman

    he loves.Rosen

    no idea /nad/ After falling asleep on the train, I awoke and had no idea where I was.

    keine Ahnung

    wake up v /wekp/ All that shouting will cause the baby to wake up. aufwecken, aufwachencongratulations pl n /knrtulenz/ Please accept my congratulations on your engagement. Glckwnscheinvitation n /nvten/ Thanks for the invitation to your party, but Im afraid well

    be away.Einladung

    midnight n /mdnat/ I knew it was midnight because I heard the clock strike 12. Mitternachtfast food n /fstfud/ Fast food, such as burgers and pizza, is quick and convenient. Fast Food

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 18

    Unit 8 Eat in or out?

    WHos a fussy EatEr?list n /lst/ Weve run out of cream so Ill add it to the list. Listetea n /ti/ Some people drink tea with lemon rather than milk. Teeapple juice n /pldus/ You can use apple juice in the recipe instead of cider. Apfelsaftbanana n /bnn/ On finishing the banana, she threw the skin on the floor. Bananeyoghurt n /jt/ He doesnt like dairy products like yoghurt or cream. Joghurtapple n /pl/ They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apfelstrawberries pl n /strbriz/ Strawberries are eaten with cream during the summer. Erdbeerencrisps pl n /krsps/ On the table were crisps and nuts and other small snacks. Chipsbread n /bred/ Bread is only fattening if you spread butter on it. Brotbroccoli n /brkli/ Broccoli can be either green or purple. Broccolikid n /kd/ Some kids are fussy eaters, but they grow out of it. Kinderfussy adj /fsi/ Fussy eaters dont seem to like any food! whlerischany det /eni/ There isnt any milk in the fridge. kein/e, jede/r,

    irgendein/eorder v /d(r)/ I think I will order a dessert at the restaurant. bestellenspaghetti n /speti/ Spaghetti is only one type of pasta. Spaghettidry adj /dra/ Dry toast means toast without butter. trockenstill adj /stl/ Would you prefer still or sparkling water with your meal? ohne Kohlensuretap water n /tpwt(r)/ Why waste money on bottled water when tap water is safe

    to drink?Leitungswasser

    no problem /nprblm/ Can I have a glass of tap water? ~ No problem. kein Problemwaitress n /wetrs/ Martha worked as a waitress at a local restaurant. Kellnerin,

    Servicemitarbeiterin [Schweiz]

    delicious adj /dls/ We thanked our hosts for giving us such a delicious meal. kstlichdisgusting adj /dsst/ The meal looked disgusting but it tasted good. eklig, widerwrtigboring adj /br/ The film was a bit boring, but I watched it to the end. langweiligmiss v /ms/ Ill miss you so much when you leave. vermissenout prep /at/ Could you take the wine out of the fridge, please? heraus

    PracticE P.64steak n /stek/ Earl Sandwich asked for some steak between two pieces of bread. Steakcold drink n /klddrk/ I was really thirsty after the match and needed a cold drink. kaltes Getrnkstamp n /stmp/ I used all my stamps when I sent out my Christmas cards. Briefmarkenham n /hm/ Ham is one of the most popular fillings for a sandwich. Schinkenespecially adv /speli/ Exercise is important, especially if you sit down all day. vor allembottle n /btl/ She always carries a bottle of water with her. Flaschecats pl n /kts/ Why do cats bring birds and small animals into the house? Katzeneggs pl n /ez/ Eggs are used in lots of sweet and savoury dishes. Eiermeat n /mit/ Vegetarians are people who dont eat meat. Fleischbiscuits pl n /bskts/ Some people like to have tea and biscuits at 3 oclock. Keksesports pl n /spts/ The sports shop is the best place to buy fitness equipment. Sportgeschft

    Eating inneed v /nid/ Do we need to get some wine for the meal? bentigen, brauchenonions pl n /njnz/ Onions and garlic are the basis for many dishes. Zwiebelnminced adj /mnst/ Minced beef is used to make a Bolognese sauce. gehacktbeef n /bif/ I like beef to be well done, but Tim prefers it pink. Rind(fleisch)ingredient n /nridint/ Mince and potato are the main ingredients of Cottage Pie. Zutatmedium adj /midim/ The recipe says two medium onions, so these are too small. mittel, mittelgrochop v /tp/ First, chop the onion and garlic very finely. hacken, schneidengrams pl n /rmz/ In the UK, all recipes use grams as a measurement. Grammoil n /l/ You dont need to use much oil when youre frying food. lcarrots pl n /krts/ Is it true that carrots help you see in the dark? Mohrrben, Karottentomatoes pl n /tmtz/ Tomatoes are actually a fruit, not a vegetable. Tomaten

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 19

    thyme n /tam/ Thyme is a herb that goes well with fish or lamb. Thymiansalt n /slt/ Many people add salt to a meal without even tasting it. Salzpepper n /pep(r)/ Pepper is often added to food along with salt. Pfefferlarge adj /ld/ Its so hot I think Ill need a large glass of water. gropotatoes pl n /ptetz/ Were having roast potatoes with the beef. Kartoffelnbutter n /bt(r)/ Melt some butter in a pan then add the onions. Buttermilk n /mlk/ If you leave the milk there it will go off. Milchrecipe n /respi/ There are often many different recipes for the same dish. Rezeptworry v /wri/ When I cook for friends I worry that they wont like my food. Sorgen machencooking n /kk/ I never have to cook because cooking is my husbands

    favourite hobby.Kochen

    herbs pl n /hbz/ Herbs make a dish more interesting and aromatic. Kruterforget v /fet/ She will be angry with me if I forget her birthday. vergessen

    PracticE P.65how much /hamt/ How much yoghurt do we have left? Wie vielpocket n /pkt/ Dont keep chocolate in your pocket itll melt! Hosentascheuntil prep /ntl/ Wait until the cake is cool before taking it out of the tin. bisboy n /b/ The boy asked his parents where fish came from. Junge, Knabe [Schweiz]raspberry n /rzbri/ Raspberry goes well with vanilla ice-cream. Himbeerehungry adj /hri/ Im so hungry I could eat a horse! hungrigsome det /sm/ I need to get some sparkling water. etwasfry v /fra/ Its healthier to grill food than to fry it. bratenboil v /bl/ You dont need to boil peas for very long. kochenmix v /mks/ To make the cake, mix eggs, sugar and flour in a bowl. mischenadd v /d/ Is there anything else we should add to this list? hinzufgenfavourite adj /fevrt/ I like blue and green, but my favourite colour is red. Lieblings-starving adj /stv/ She said she was starving so I made her a meal. verhungerndcoach n /kt/ The journey takes longer by coach than by train. Reisebus, Car [Schweiz]

    rEading and sPEakingrecord v /rkd/ This machine can record DVDs as well as playing them. aufnehmennuts pl n /nts/ Nuts such as almonds and pecans are used in many meals. Nssespices pl n /spasz/ Spices such as paprika can be used to make food taste hot. Gewrzegamble v /mbl/ People who gamble risk losing their money on bets. wetten, Glcksspiel

    betreibenchef n /ef/ The meal was so good we thanked the chef personally. Kochclub n /klb/ Londons Beef Steak Club is where the word sandwich

    was coined.Klub

    fashionable adj /fnbl/ Its become fashionable to carry bottles of water around. modischcookbook n /kkbk/ He bought her a cookbook with some great recipes in it. Kochbuchslice n /slas/ Would you like a slice of cake? Stck, Scheibemustard n /mstd/ Mustard has a strong flavour that goes well with ham. Senfpopular adj /ppjl(r)/ Sandwiches are popular because theyre cheap and easy. beliebtcartoon characters

    pl n/ktunkrktz/ My favourite cartoon characters are Tom and Jerry. Comicfiguren

    worldwide adj /wldwad/ The sandwich has become a popular snack worldwide. weltweit

    listEningsurvey n /sve/ A recent survey shows that our eating habits are changing. Umfrage, Studiebacon n /bekn/ Bacon and eggs is a traditional breakfast in the UK. Specksugar n /(r)/ Sugar makes food taste sweet. Zuckerolives pl n /lvz/ There were free olives to pick at while we read the menu. Olivenchips pl n /tps/ Fish and chips is a popular meal in the UK. Pommes fritesbasil n /bzl/ Basil is a herb that goes very well with tomato. Basilikumfish fingers pl n /ffz/ Fish fingers are a healthy type of fast food for children. Fischstbchenpeanut butter n /pintbt(r)/ Peanut butter sandwiches are popular in the US. Erdnussbutterlayer n /le(r)/ The cake had several layers of sponge and cream. Schichtsalad n /sld/ What can you put in a salad apart from lettuce and tomato? Salat

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 20

    Vocabulary and Pronunciationdaily adj /deli/ You should eat five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. tglichaspirin n /sprn/ Take an aspirin if you have a headache. Aspirinchocolate n /tklt/ We bought each of them a chocolate Easter egg. Schokoladenotebook n /ntbk/ Grandma used to write down new recipes in a notebook. Notizbuchscissors pl n /szz/ Those scissors wont cut through strong cardboard. Schereadaptor n /dpt(r)/ Your razor has the wrong plug, so youll need an adaptor. Adapterenvelopes pl n /envlps/ Have you got any stamps for these envelopes? Umschlgeplasters pl n /plstz/ I cut my finger and used the last of the plasters. Pflastersellotape n /seltep/ You cant wrap presents without sellotape! Klebebandtoothpaste n /tupest/ Many people dont like the minty taste of toothpaste. Zahnpastashampoo n /mpu/ That shampoo makes your hair look so healthy. Shampoobatteries pl n /btriz/ The clocks slow; it must need new batteries. Batterienscrewdriver n /skrudrav(r)/ Can I borrow a screwdriver to take the plug off my iron? Schraubenziehernewsagents n /njuzednts/ Ill go to the newsagents and pick up your magazine. Zeitungshandel, Kiosk

    [Schweiz]hardware shop n /hdwe(r)p/ You can buy an adaptor in a hardware shop. Haushaltswarenladenstationers n /stenz/ They sell good-quality writing paper at the stationers. Schreibwarenladen,

    Papeterie [Schweiz]

    EVEryday EnglisHpacket n /pkt/ Well need two packets of spaghetti to feed ten people. Paketspend v /spend/ I cant afford to spend very much on a present. ausgebenIm afraid /amfred/ Im afraid we dont sell apple juice. Es tut mir leid.sorry /sri/ Sorry, I made a mistake. es tut mir leid,

    Entschuldigungsmoothie n /smui/ A smoothie is a healthy way to combine fruit and milk. Smoothiesize n /saz/ What size of wine glass would you like: small or large? Gretry v /tra/ Try to sound polite when you are speaking. versuchencroissant n /krws/ Do French people usually have a croissant for breakfast? Croissant, Gipfelihoney n /hni/ There are various types of honey produced by bees. Honig

    Unit 9 City l iving

    london and Pariskilometre n /klmt(r)/ How many kilometres are there in a mile? Kilometerprefer v /prf(r)/ Do you prefer holidays by the sea or in the mountains? bevorzugenof course /vks/ They drive on the right here, but of course you already

    know that.natrlich,

    selbstverstndlichfood n /fud/ The food on our plates has often travelled a long way. Essentrue adj /tru/ Is it true that Paris is smaller than London? wahrromantic adj /rmntk/ Many couples visit Paris for its romantic appeal. romantischwet adj /wet/ The ground was still wet after Sundays rainfall. nasspolite adj /plat/ The man was very polite, but it was clear that he didnt want

    to talk.hflich

    Englishman n /lmn/ John Montague was an Englishman who created the word sandwich.


    tall adj /tl/ I looked up at the tall building but couldnt see the top of it. gro, hocharchitecture n /ktekt(r)/ The city was rebuilt so the architecture is quite modern. Architekturgenerally adv /denrli/ People are generally happy to give money for a good cause. im Allgemeinen, meist

    PracticE P.7 1careful adj /kefl/ You need to be careful if youre walking in any city at night. vorsichtigsafe adj /sef/ Tokyos low crime rate makes it a safe place to visit. sicher

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 21

    a Parisian in londonpublic transport n /pblktrnspt/ If you dont have a car or bike, you have to use public


    Verkehrsmitteltransport n /trnspt/ I always try to walk rather than use any form of transport. Befrderung, Transportaccent n /ksent/ From her accent, Id guess she was French. Akzentmarket n /mkt/ A market sells cheaper and fresher food than a supermarket. Markttake place v /tekples/ The ceremony will take place on Sunday. stattfindenfashion n /fn/ The clothes stalls in Camden are always ahead of fashion. Modeartists pl n /tsts/ There was a row of artists painting the landscape. Knstlerclubs pl n /klbz/ Camden is famous for its fashion, clubs and music. Clubsnorth n /n/ The north of the country is colder by a few degrees. Nordenjewellery n /dulri/ All the jewellery was amazing, but I only bought a ring. Schmucktattoo n /ttu/ Think before you get a tattoo, because theyre hard to remove. Ttowierung, Tattoonightclub n /natklb/ Theres that nightclub where all the celebrities go. Clubhundreds pl n /hndrdz/ The streets were crowded with hundreds of people. Hundertecool adj /kul/ Proud is a cool club to go to its great! cool, angesagtMetro n /metr/ The Metro is what many cities call the Underground. Untergrundbahn, Metro

    PracticE P.73central adj /sentrl/ The biggest park in central London is Hyde Park. zentraltourist attraction n /trsttrkn/ Is the Eiffel Tower as big a tourist attraction as Buckingham


    celebrities pl n /slebrtiz/ The celebrities walked along the red carpet in their finery. Berhmtheiten, bekannte Persnlichkeiten

    palace n /pls/ I had expected a simple hotel, but it was like a palace. Palastloud adj /lad/ The TV was so loud the noise woke the baby. lautsomewhere adv /smwe(r)/ I know theres a post office round here somewhere. irgendwoquieter adj /kwat(r)/ Were moving to a quieter area away from any busy road. ruhiger

    rEading and listEningmegacity n /mesti/ Id rather visit a small city like San Francisco than a megacity

    like New York.Riesenstadt

    population n /ppjulen/ The population of Mexico City is over 24 million. Bevlkerungextreme adj /kstrim/ The extreme weather were having has killed a lot of crops. extremempire n /empa(r)/ India became independent of the British Empire in 1947. Weltreich, Imperiummulticultural adj /mltikltrl/ A multicultural society includes people of all races and


    railway system n /relwesstm/ If the railway system were better, more people would travel by train.


    commuter n /kmjut(r)/ Every day, 11 million commuters travel into Tokyo to work. Pendlerlatest adj /letst/ It is a modern city where people wear the latest fashions. neuesteup-to-date adj /ptdet/ My phone is up-to-date because I just bought it last week. auf dem neuesten Stand originally adv /rdnli/ Im originally from Italy, which explains my Italian accent. ursprnglichfishing n /f/ Fishing in a river or canal is a relaxing way to spend an


    change v /tend/ At sunset, the colour of the buildings changes. ndern, verndernunique adj /junik/ Mumbai is a unique place to live because it is different to

    other cities.einzigartig

    emperor n /empr(r)/ Edo was renamed Tokyo when the Emperor moved there. Kaiserearthquake n /kwek/ There arent many old buildings in Tokyo because of the 1923


    traditional adj /trdnl/ The traditional dress worn by some of the people looked heavy. traditionellshrine n /ran/ All along the road there were shrines to various saints. Schreinpublic bath n /pblkb/ Men often used public baths to discuss business while relaxing. ffentliches Badeast n /ist/ Tokyo is in the east of Japan. Ostencoast n /kst/ Tokyo is on the coast, and used to be a fishing village. Kstehumid adj /hjumd/ The summers in Japan are hot and unpleasantly humid. feucht, schwlspring n /spr/ For me, spring is the best season, when plants start to grow


  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 22

    cherry blossom n /teri/ Japan is famous for its cherry blossom trees. Kirschbltehuge adj /hjud/ The population of Tokyo is huge 35 million. enorm, riesigmysterious adj /mstris/ Japan is a mysterious place that can be difficult to understand. geheimnisvoll, mysterisforeigners pl n /frnz/ Many foreigners in the UK cant understand a Scottish accent. Auslndercommercial centres

    pl n/kmlsentz/ Lots of trading is done in the worlds commercial centres. Handelszentren

    independence n /ndpendns/ After India, many countries gained independence from Britain. Unabhngigkeitsnacks pl n /snks/ As a child, I wasnt allowed to eat snacks between meals. Snacksbanks pl n /bks/ Indias biggest banks have their headquarters in Mumbai. Bankenheadquarters n /hedkwtz/ The headquarters of banks are usually in the capital city. Hauptsitzindustry n /ndstri/ The Indian film industry makes more films than Hollywood. Brancheproduce v /prdjus/ Bollywood film companies produce more films than


    skyscrapers pl n /skaskrepz/ The skyline showed a modern city of huge skyscrapers. Wolkenkratzerslums pl n /slmz/ The slums are so different from the clean and new blocks

    of flats.Slums

    electricity n /lektrsti/ In poor parts of Mumbai, people live without electricity. Strom, Elektrizittsanitation n /snten/ With little or no sanitation, people catch diseases easily. Sanitranlagensunrise n /snraz/ In farming areas, people often get up before sunrise. Sonnenaufgangsunset n /snset/ We looked at the sunset until we couldnt see the sun any more. Sonnenuntergangstone adj /stn/ The thick stone walls kept the castle warm in winter. Steingold n /ld/ In the sunlight, her blond hair looked like gold. Goldorange adj /rnd/ The colour of the buildings changes from gold to orange and

    pink at sunset.orange

    pink adj /pk/ A pink sunset tells us that the following days weather will be fine.


    crowded adj /kradd/ Due to the number of commuters, the trains are crowded. berflltpoverty n /pvti/ 60% of people in Mumbai live in poverty, in slums with no

    running water.Armut

    experience n /ksprins/ Teaching in a school in Africa was a great experience. Erfahrungsouth n /sa/ The sun was no longer in our eyes as we turned south. Sdeninvade v /nved/ The soldiers chase to invade the city at night. einfallen, eindringenvariety n /vrati/ For a small shop, it sold a good variety of produce. Auswahl, Vielfaltsquare n /skwe(r)/ The town hall is located on the main square. Platztemple n /templ/ In Bangkok we visited the beautiful Golden Temple. Tempeltheatre n /t(r)/ The theatre here puts on all the latest plays and musicals. Theatercolonial adj /klnil/ Once part of Spains empire, Mexicos colonial past is evident. kolonialhandicrafts pl n /hndikrfts/ In Mexico City, people sell Mexican food and Indian


    elegant adj /elnt/ The street was full of elegant shops selling high-class goods. eleganthigh-class adj /ha kls/ You can find high-class goods alongside simple hand-made gifts. hochwertiggoods pl n /dz/ In the market, people set out their goods and produce on stalls. Warenvalley n /vli/ The river ran along the floor of a wide valley. Talarea n /eri/ We live in an area that has lots of parks. Gegendmountains pl n /mantnz/ Granada in Spain is located between the mountains and

    the sea.Berge

    surrounded adj /srandd/ We couldnt see where to go as we were surrounded by people. umgebenrainy adj /reni/ Todays going to be rainy so lets stay in. regnerischseason n /sizn/ If you want good weather, dont visit in the rainy season. Saison, Zeitsubway system n /sbwesstm/ The subway system in Mexico City is very cheap. U-Bahn-Netzair n /e(r)/ The air quality in cities is poor because of the traffic. Luftquality n /kwlti/ The quality of life for people living in slums is terrible. Qualittculture n /klt(r)/ Mexico is a city with people of many different cultures. Kulturclimate n /klamt/ The climate in Tokyo is hot and humid in the summer. Klimacapital city n /kptlsti/ Indias capital city is New Delhi, not Mumbai. Hauptstadt

    Vocabulary and sPEakingwood n /wd/ You can easily get lost in a wood because the trees look alike. Wald, Gehlzriver n /rv(r)/ The bridge over the river didnt look very safe. Flusshill n /hl/ By the time I reached the top of the hill, my legs were aching. Hgel

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 23

    church n /tt/ A cathedral is bigger than a church. Kirchehistoric adj /hstrk/ The historic peace treaty was signed in that room. historischpollution n /plun/ Like many cities, London has problems with pollution and


    toy shop n /tp/ At Christmas, the toy shop is the busiest shop in the High Street.


    EVEryday EnglisHroundabout n /randbat/ You need to take the third exit off the roundabout. Kreisverkehrtraffic lights pl n /trfklats/ Traffic lights in some countries go straight from red to green. Ampelpedestrian

    crossing n/pdestrnkrs/ Its safer to use a pedestrian crossing to cross the road. Fugngerbergang,

    Zebrastreifentraffic sign n /trfksan/ The traffic sign said it was a one-way street. Verkehrsschild

    Unit 10 Where on earth are you?

    i m sitting on tHE trainEarth n // It must be amazing to be able to look down on Earth from

    the moon.Erde

    laptop n /lptp/ He bought a laptop so that he could work on the train. Laptoptruth n /tru/ Detectives can tell when a person isnt telling the truth. Wahrheithappen v /hpn/ How long ago did the accident happen? geschehen

    PracticE P.79romance n /rmns/ Im reading a book about a romance between a man and

    a woman.Romanze

    dress n /dres/ My wedding dress was the most expensive thing Id ever worn. Kleiddetective n /dtektv/ The detective questioned everyone at the crime scene



    PrEsEnt simPlE or continuous?noise n /nz/ The noise from the aircrafts engines was very powerful. Gerusch, Lrmwashing-up n /wp/ You cooked the meal, so Ill do the washing-up. Abwasch

    PracticE P.81incredible adj /nkredbl/ Landing on the moon once seemed incredible, but weve

    done it.unglaublich

    rEading and listEningpreparation n /prepren/ How is the wedding preparation going? Vorbereitungorbit v /bt/ There are hundreds of satellites that orbit the Earth. umkreisendevelop v /dvelp/ Space agencies want to develop plans for a manned trip

    to Mars.entwickeln

    build v /bld/ Theyre going to build a road that bypasses the town. bauengravity n /rvti/ It takes a while to get used to the lack of gravity in space. Schwerkraftexperiment n /kspermnt/ The astronauts are using the zero gravity of space to do


    effects pl n /fekts/ The effects of living in space for a long time arent known. Auswirkungenoxygen n /ksdn/ The astronauts are growing plants to make oxygen. Sauerstoffplanet n /plnt/ Will we ever stop looking for life on other planets? Planetstar n /st(r)/ The astronauts look at planets and stars. Sternorigin n /rdn/ What is the origin of your surname? Ursprunguniverse n /junvs/ We learn more about the universe by studying stars and


    supplies pl n /splaz/ On the space station, supplies are delivered by a supply ship. Proviantcompete v /kmpit/ I will compete in several races. antretendecide v /dsad/ We cant decide where to go on holiday this year. entscheiden

  • Headway Elementary (fourth edition) Wortschatz: chronologisch 24

    affect v /fekt/ The rail strike wont affect me because I drive to work. betreffenmuscle n /msl/ Astronauts do lots of exercises, so their muscles are strong. Muskelbone n /bn/ My brother once nearly choked on a fish bone. Knochentin n /tn/ All the astronauts food comes in tins or packets. Dosespoon n /spun/ Some people use a spoon to eat pasta with, but I just use

    a fork.Lffel

    sauce n /ss/ A fresh tomato sauce is even better with basil. Soefloat v /flt/ They dropped my scarf in the water and I watched it float


    spicy adj /spasi/ In space, your sense of taste is weak so you need spicy food. wrzigtaste n /test/ When youre in space, your sense of taste isnt very strong. Geschmackcompartment n /kmptmnt/ Each astronaut has his own sleeping compartment. Kammerattached adj /ttt/ The astronauts sleeping bags are attached to the wall. befestigtshorts pl n /ts/ You cant play tennis if you havent got any shorts to wear. kurze Hosen, ShortsT-shirt n /ti t/ Its OK to wear a T-shirt in less formal restaurants. T-Shirtbelow prep /bl/ At the top of the tower she could see the city stretching out


    instruments pl n /nstrmnts/ Scientists have to use special instruments to do their research. Instrumente, Gerteconditions pl n /kndnz/ The conditions on other planets make it difficult for us to

    live there.Bedingungen

    fight v /fat/ My brothers used to fight all the time but now they get on really well.

    streiten, kmpfen

    research n /rist/ We can find out more about ISS astronauts by doing some research.


    Vocabulary and listEningpretty adj /prti/ Those earrings youre wearing are very pretty. hbschhandsome adj /hnsm/ Your little boy is going to be a handsome young man. gut aussehend, attraktivtall adj /tl/ He was very tall, and quite easy to spot in a crowd. grogood-looking adj /dlk/ He is so good-looking, people turn round to look at him. gut aussehendlong adj /l/ Its a long journey so take a book to read. langblond adj /blnd/ Patricias fair hair had been turned blond by the hot sun. blondshort adj /t/ Ive always had short hair, but I decided to grow it recently. kurzdark adj /dk/ Its too dark to see anything without a torch. dunkelsuit n /sut/ He last wore that suit at my wedding. Anzugskirt n /skt/ The model wore a skirt that came to just below the knee. Rockhat n /ht/ People no longer wear hats, except to keep warm in winter. Huttrainers pl n /trenz/ Teenagers only want designer trainers on their feet. Sportschuhescarf n /skf/ The man had a scarf wrapped around his neck. Schalshoes pl n /uz/ If your shoes are dirty, please leave them by the door. Schuheglasses pl n /glsz/ She didnt see me because she wasnt wearing her glasses. Brillecoat n /kt/ I took off my coat but there was nowhere to hang it. Mantel, Jackeboots pl n /buts/ Its important to wear good boots if youre going hiking. Stiefelactor n /kt(r)/ Hes an actor whos appeared in lots of TV dramas. Schauspielertwins pl n /twnz/ Which of the twins was born first? Zwillingeidentical adj /adentkl/ They look identical, but they arent twins. identisch, gleichalike adj /lak/ Anne and Lisa look alike they both have brown hair and

    blue eyes.hnlich

    blue n /blu/ Blue is a colour that is now associated with boys. blaubrown n /bran/ The water in the canal was a dirty brown colour. braunpurple n /ppl/ Hes wearing a purple shirt. violett, lilaunusual adj /njuul/ Its unusual for us to get snow in April, but not impossi