ngo role in development of youth work


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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Support to youth work development at Latvian and European level

NGO role in development of youth work

Jurmala Elena Sinkevičiūtė

2014-11-05 LiJOT Board

Goverment aims for:

• Active responsible citizens

• Educated

• Included in society

• Healthy

• Employed

• What else?

Youth policy in Lithuania

Public policy

Youth work

Education, culture, sport, employment, housing, health etc.

Non-formal education/learning

Youth work =

Do you think that Youth Non-Governmental Organizations are

strong/competent enough to develop youth work?

Do you feel that Government trust Youth Non-Governmental

Organisations enough to provide and develop youth work?

2014 Study in Lithuania “Social value of Youth Non-Governmental Organisations”

Active and responsible citizens:• Raise awareness of civic participation • Develop, improves youth responsibility for state and society welfare• Environment for learning civic

socialization• Environment to learn needed skills and competences for participation• Promotes volunteering• Promotes tolerance• Promotes democracy• Support patriotism

Employability:• Better chances in labour market• Promotes creativity• Experience in project management, accounting

etc.• Raise self-confidence and self-esteem

Social inclusion:• Involves people with fewer opportunities • Involves people from ethnic minorities• Involves people from various socio-economic


Health:• Provides information• Raise awareness • Promotes healthy lifestyle• Promotes sports

Education:• Safe environment to learn and express your-self• Environment to learn “adults stuff”

But there is always a but.Lack of sustainability (educational goals and methods, membership, leadership positions etc)

Funding based activities

Lack of cooperation with governmental bodies

Can’t identify their goals and added value

Thank you for your attention!