ngn soft copy

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  • 8/7/2019 Ngn Soft Copy


    IntroductionA Next generation network (NGN ) is a broad term to describe keyarchitectural evolutions in telecommunication core and access networks.The general idea behind the NGN is that one network transports allinformation and services (voice, data, and all sorts of media such asvideo) by encapsulating these into packets, like it is on the Internet.

    NGNs are commonly built around the Internet Protocol, and thereforethe term "all-IP" is also sometimes used to describe the transformationtoward NGN.

    A Next generation network (NGN) is a packet-based network which can provide services including Telecommunication Services and able tomake use of multiple broadband , Quality of Service -enabled transporttechnologies and in which service-related functions are independentfrom underlying transport-related technologies. It offers unrestrictedaccess by users to different service providers. It supports generalizedmobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users.

    there is a more defined separation between the transport (connectivity) portion of the network and the services that run on top of that transport.This means that whenever a provider wants to enable a new service, theycan do so by defining it directly at the service layer without consideringthe transport layer - i.e. services are independent of transport details.Increasingly applications, including voice, tend to be independent of theaccess network (de-layering of network and applications) and will residemore on end-user devices.

    Next Generation Networks are based on Internet technologies includingInternet Protocol (IP) and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)

    Many existing applications were developed in a stovepipe fashion,hard-coded for a specific type of transport.

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    Fig:1For carriers wishing to support a limited set of applications over alimited number of transport mechanisms, this strategy is adequate.This stovepipe approach might even provide better performance,reliability, etc. since the platform is tailored for each specific applicationcombination. However, as the number of applications and types of transport increases, the stovepipe approach can become quiteinefficient. For example, looking across a larger sample of applicationsover a larger number of transport types, there are more similarities thandifferences in the types of support required Thus, as the number of supported applications increases, it becomes quite inefficient to providespecialized mechanisms for session control, connectivity control,interworking, etc.


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    Packet based transfer

    Separation of control functions among bearer capabilities, callsession & application.

    Broadband capabilities with end to end Qos & transparency.

    Interworking with legacy network via open interfaces.

    Generalised mobility

    Unrestricted access by users to different service providers

    Converged services between fixed/mobile.

    Independence of service related functions from underlyingtransport technologies.


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    > Telepresence:Telepresence refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feelas if they were present, to give the appearance that they were present, or to have an effect, via telerobotics , at a place other than their truelocation.

    Ability to interect in real time with another person who is at a differentlocation using tele-communication

    Telepresence requires that the users' senses be provided with such

    stimuli as to give the feeling of being in that other location.Additionally, users may be given the ability to affect the remotelocation. In this case, the user's position, movements, actions, voice, etc.may be sensed, transmitted and duplicated in the remote location to

    bring about this effect. Therefore information may be traveling in bothdirections between the user and the remote location.


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    An industry expert described some benefits of telepresence: "There werefour drivers for our decision to do more business over video andtelepresence. We wanted to reduce our travel spend, reduce our carbonfootprint and environmental impact, improve our employees' work/life

    balance, and improve employee productivity."


    Rather than traveling great distances in order to have a face-facemeeting, it is now commonplace to instead use a telepresence system,which uses a multiple codec video system. Each member/party of themeeting uses a telepresence room to "dial in" and can see/talk to every

    other member on a screen /screens as if they were in the same room. This brings enormous time and cost benefits. It is also superior to phoneconferencing (except in cost), as the visual aspect greatly enhancescommunications, allowing for perceptions of facial expressions andother body language.


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    Videophone calls (also: 'videocalls' and 'video chat'), differ fromvideoconferencing in that they expect to serve individuals, not groups.However that distinction has becoming increasingly blurred withtechnology improvements such as increased bandwidth and sophisticatedsoftware clients that can allow for multiple parties on a call. In generaleveryday usage the term videoconferencing is now frequently usedinstead of videocall for point-to-point calls between two units. Bothvideophone calls and videoconferencing are also now commonlyreferred to as a 'video link'.

    > 3D-Imaging :



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    It refers to addition of 3d aspects to the imaging system of telepresence applications in business, medical and education


    >Virtual reality: Virtual reality (VR ) is a term that applies to computer-simulated

    environments that can simulate places in the real world, as well asin imaginary worlds.

    Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visualexperiences, displayed either on a computer screen or throughspecial stereoscopic displays , but some simulations includeadditional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced, haptic systems now include tactileinformation, generally known as force feedback, in medical andgaming applications. Furthermore, virtual reality covers remotecommunication environments which provide virtual presence of

    users with the concepts of telepresence and telexistence . Users can interact with a virtual environment or a virtual artifact (VA) either through the use of standard input devices such as akeyboard and mouse, or through multimodal devices such as awired glove, the Polhemus, and omnidirectional treadmills . Thesimulated environment can be similar to the real worldfor example, in simulations for pilot or combat trainingor it candiffer significantly from reality, such as in VR games. In practice,it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual realityexperience, due largely to technical limitations on processing

    power, image resolution, and communication bandwidth; however,the technology's proponents hope that such limitations will beovercome as processor, imaging, and data communicationtechnologies become more powerful and cost-effective over time

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    Use of advanced graphical Visualisation tools to help users

    Understand difficult or abstract Topics.

    Provides opportunity to learn in a safe and non-criticalenviornment.

    Provides users the opportunity to select more specific

    course material that is directly applicable to their individualinterests.


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    >Telemedicine :Telemedicine is a rapidly developing application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisualmedia for the purpose of consulting, and sometimes remote medical

    procedures or examinations.

    Telemedicine may be as simple as two health professionals discussing acase over the telephone, or as complex as using satellite technology andvideoconferencing equipment to conduct a real-time consultation

    between medical specialists in two different countries. Telemedicinegenerally refers to the use of communications and information technologies for the delivery of clinical care.

    Telemedicine is most beneficial for populations living in isolatedcommunities and remote regions and is currently being applied in

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    virtually all medical domains. Specialties that use telemedicine often usea 'tele-' prefix; for example, telemedicine as applied by radiologists iscalled 'teleradiology'. Similarly telemedicine as applied by cardiologistsis termed as 'telecardiology', etc...

    Telemedicine is also useful as a communication tool between a general practitioner and a specialist available at a remote location.


    > Data augmentation:Value can be added to telepresence applications byarguementing services with additional information.

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    Data integrity is data that has a complete or whole structure. Allcharacteristics of the data including business rules , rules for how piecesof data relate, dates, definitions and lineage must be correct for data to

    be complete.

    Per the discipline of data architecture, when functions are performed onthe data the functions must ensure integrity. Examples of functions aretransforming the data, storing the history, storing the definitions(Metadata) and storing the lineage of the data as it moves from one placeto another. The most important aspect of data integrity per the dataarchitecture discipline is to expose the data, the functions and the data'scharacteristics.

    Data that has integrity is identically maintained during any operation(such as transfer, storage or retrieval). Put simply in business terms, dataintegrity is the assurance that data is consistent, certified and can bereconciled.

    In terms of a database data integrity refers to the process of ensuring thata database remains an accurate reflection of the universe of discourse itis modelling or representing. In other words there is a closecorrespondence between the facts stored in the database and the realworld it models .

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    AUTHENTICATIONAuthentication is the act of establishing or confirming something(or someone) as authentic , that is, that claims made by or about thesubject are true ("authentification" is a French language variant of this word). This might involve confirming the identity of a person,tracing the origins of an artifact, ensuring that a product is what its

    packaging and labeling claims to be, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one.

    NON-REPUDIATIONNon-repudiation is the concept of ensuring that a party in a disputecannot repudiate, or refute the validity of a statement or contract .Although this concept can be applied to any transmission, includingtelevision and radio, by far the most common application is in theverification and trust of signatures.

    According to traditional legal practice, a signature on a paper contractor memorandum may always be repudiated by the signatory. Suchrepudiation may take one of two forms: The signatory may claimfraud or forgery , such as "I did not sign that." Alternately, he/she mayaccept the signature as authentic but dispute its validity due tocoercion , as in the scenario of blackmail or confessions given under torture.


    AVAILABILITY Availability is well established in the literature of stochastic modeling and optimal maintenance . Barlow and Proschan [1975]define availability of a repairable system as "the probability that

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    the system is operating at a specified time t." While Blanchard[1998] gives a qualitative definition of availability as "a measureof the degree of a system which is in the operable and committablestate at the start of mission when the mission is called for at anunknown random point in time." This definition comes from theMIL-STD-721. Lie, Hwang, and Tillman [1977] developed acomplete survey along with a systematic classification of availability.

    SOCIAL INTERACTIVITY &ENTERTAINMENT :Streaming video & audio entertainment

    Applications like video on demand

    Peer to peer networking of video,audio & 3d virtual realityarchives.






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    RELIABILITYreliability (systemic def.) is the ability of a person or system to

    perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, aswell as hostile or unexpected circumstances.


    The measure of system performance represents one of the basicevaluation criteria of a successful network, solution or a service fromnearly all viewpoints: deployment, operation,and customer satisfaction.

    there are basically two approaches to defining, measuring and assessingthe success of meeting a specific set of requirements or an expected

    behavior. The measure of performance from the network perspective isknown as the quality of service (QoS) and involves a range of QoSmechanisms that are implemented for the purpose of meeting the definedconditions in the network. Typically, QoS metrics include network operation parameters (i.e., bandwidth, packet loss, delay, and jitter). Onthe other hand, the measure of performance as perceived from the enduser is known as the quality of experience (QoE) and addresses theoverall satisfaction of the end user and the ability to meet their expectations.

    PROGRAMMABILITY:The capability within hardware and software to change; to accept a newset of instructions that alter its behavior. Programmability generallyrefers to program logic (business rules), but it also refers to designing


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    the user interface which includes the choices of menus, buttons anddialogs .

    SCALABILITY scalability is a desirable property of a system, a network, or a process,which indicates its ability to either handle growing amounts of work in agraceful manner or to be enlarged. [1] For example, it can refer to thecapability of a system to increase total throughput under an increasedload when resources (typically hardware) are added. An analogousmeaning is implied when the word is used in a commercial context,where scalability of a company implies that the underlying business

    model offers the potential for economic growth within the company.Scalability, as a property of systems, is generally difficult to define [2]andin any particular case it is necessary to define the specific requirementsfor scalability on those dimensions which are deemed important. It is ahighly significant issue in electronics systems, database, routers, andnetworking. A system whose performance improves after addinghardware, proportionally to the capacity added, is said to be a scalablesystem


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    Next generation edge switch

    Broadband access switch


    A softswitch is a central device in a telecommunications network whichconnects telephone calls from one phone line to another, entirely bymeans of software running on a computer system. This work wasformerly carried out by hardware, with physical switchboards to routethe calls.

    A softswitch is typically used to control connections at the junction point between circuit and packet networks . A single device containing boththe switching logic and the switching fabric can be used for this purpose;however, modern technology has led to a preference for decomposingthis device into a Call Agent and a Media Gateway.

    The Call Agent takes care of functions including billing, call routing,signalling, call services and so on and is the 'brains' of the outfit. A CallAgent may control several different Media Gateways in geographicallydispersed areas over a TCP/IP link.

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    The feature server, often built into a call agent/softswitch, is thefunctional component that provides call-related features. Capabilitiessuch as call forwarding , call waiting , and last call return , if implemented

    in the network, are implemented in the feature server. The feature server works closely with the call agent, and may call upon the media server to provide these services. These features do not require the subscriber toexplicitly request them but tend to be triggered within the call handlinglogic.


    DSLAM:A Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM , often

    pronounced dee-slam ) allows telephone lines to make faster connections(17)
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    to the Internet . It is a network device, located in the telephone exchangesof the service providers, that connects multiple customer Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs) to a high-speed Internet backbone line usingmultiplexing techniques. [1] By placing remote DSLAMs at locationsremote to the telephone exchange , telephone companies provide DSLservice to locations previously beyond effective range.

    The DSLAM equipment at the telephone company ( telco ) collects thedata from its many modem ports and aggregates their voice and datatraffic into one complex composite "signal" via multiplexing . Dependingon its device architecture and setup, a DSLAM aggregates the DSL linesover its Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), frame relay , and/or Internet Protocol network


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    Broadband access switch:



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    Conclusion:Con NGN provides revolutions in mobile neworks butimplementation of this concept have some questions to solve. Thefast the research is being carried out within no longer time NGNwill capture the whole market.


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