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Post on 01-Feb-2016




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Next stop...  N. "The Next Dimension" English I and II Mrs. Lynne Martin. I love to sing! Reading is another favorite hobby.  And I love teaching!. I graduated from FSU in 1996 with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Ed. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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"The Next Dimension"English I and II

Mrs. Lynne Martin 

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A little about me...I love to sing!


 Reading is another

favorite hobby.  


 And I love teaching! 

I graduated from FSU in 1996 with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Ed.


 I recently graduated from UWF with my Master's Degree in Reading Ed.


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 A little more about me...

                                     • Taught first graders from 1996-2005 at WDE

• Taught third graders from 2005-2007 at WDE• Coordinated UWF after-school tutoring program in

Walton County, 2007-2009 (continuing part-time)• Stay up-to-date on what's happening in my

profession by reading professional journals and books, attending professional conferences, workshops, and professional development events

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So you're in good hands! 

Together, we will have a successful year!

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A few words about...      Procedures!      • They are a part of life! • What are some procedures we follow?




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 Beginning the class:• Come in quietly.• Sit in your assigned

seat• Have all needed

materials• Begin your bellwork

 The Four Commandments...

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Thou shalt not hang outside the door. Thou shalt not groom thyself in the classroom.Thou shalt have no outside food or drink in the classroom.Thou shalt have no cell phones or electronic devices out in the classroom.

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More procedures...  If you are late:• Place your tardy slip in the

basket on the counter to your right as you enter the door.

• Sign the Tardy Form if you are unexcused.

• Know the consequences of your tardiness ...

 • 1st tardy:

Warning/reteach the procedure

• 2nd: Inform parent• 3rd: 1 day ASD• 4th: 2 days ASD• 5th: ODR/1 day ISS


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Still more procedures...

When I need your attention:• I will raise my hand

Please...• Stop what you are doing• Look at me• Wait politely for what I

have to say  Let's practice...

Working in Support Groups:• You are responsible for your

own work.• If you have a question,  ask

a support buddy for help.• You must help if you are

asked for help.• One representative from

your support group may ask for my help if the entire group agrees on the question.

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Almost finished...

Returning work:• All work will be returned to

the appropriate stacking tray (Period 1, Period 2, etc.)

 Moving about the room:• Please remain seated during

our lessons.• When moving into groups,

other instructional areas, or reading areas, please do so politely and quickly.

•  Respect the personal space of others. 


Heading your paper:o MLA format


Your nameMrs. MartinEnglish I, P3Date

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Procedures...make the world go round!Class discussions:• Listen considerately to what the

person is saying. (No eye-rolling, noise-making, or interrupting.)

• Wait for the person to finish before responding.

• Raise your hand to signal you have something to say.

• Respond courteously.• Respect the opinions and points of

view of everyone.• If you disagree, maintain a

respectful tone.• The teacher should not

monopolize the discussion. 

Dismissal:•  Please remain seated•  I will dismiss you with

an appropriate comment

     • Please leave our

classroom as you entered it - quietly and politely

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Moving papers:• Far right begins• Lay paper on desk to

your left• That person puts her

paper on top• Continue procedure

 If you need my attention:• Raise your hand• Wait for me to

recognize you 


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When you're finished...• Read your book.• Write - Reading Journal or Writing Journal• Begin your English homework.• Complete make-up work.

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Our Classroom Rules(otherwise known as "Great Expectations")

1. Be responsible. 2. Respect yourself and others at all times. 3. Act with integrity. 4. Give your best effort at all times in everything you do! 


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The fine print...


As additional procedures become necessary, I will share them with you!

We will practice each new procedure and I will make sure you understand what is expected!

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"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way."

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"Successful people aren't born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don't like to do. The successful people don't always like these things themselves; they just get on and do them."         

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Our Greatest Fear Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? 

You are a child of God.Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other  people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory ofGod that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.And as we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other peoplepermission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson