newsletter no. 15 - 14th june, 2017 · newsletter no. 15 - 14th june, 2017. important dates and...

Hi, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the parents and families of this school. This is a wonderful school full of pride, dedicaon and commitment. A major part of that is the support given to the students and staff by you, the families; parents and carers. It may seem a simple thing but your commitment to ensuring your child aends school each day, wears uniform and is prepared with all their belongings, lunch etc needed to sustain them through the day is invaluable. Working with the teachers and school execuve to support your child's wellbeing and academic progress with an open mind, and understanding that a true difference is made by successful collaboraon, is such an essenal component of educang the future adults and leaders of society. There a few things we need your help and support in: Please do not permit your child to bring their scooter or skateboards to school. These will be locked away for parents to collect from the front office. All pushbikes need to have a chain or locking mechanism and be parked in the appropriate bike rack area. Medical Acon Plans - the school has been reviewing medical acon plans and find a number are out of date or not informed by a GP. It is essenal families provide the school with a medical acon plan prepared by your GP and work with the school to formulate the school plan. With the Stage 2/3 camp arriving quickly, the school is contacng families and it is an essenal requirement these plans are provided prior to, and as a requirement of, your child aending camp. Parking - please be respecul of our neighbours and do not part across or right up to the edge of their driveways. This creates a great inconvenience for the residents and a safety hazard as vehicles endeavour to move with very limited/impaired field of vision. Council rangers will be contacted to do spot checks over the coming weeks. Early Arrivals - please do not permit your child to arrive at school any earlier than 8.30am. It is noted that some students are arriving as early as 8.00am. Teachers are not on acve duty unl 8.45am and Breakfast Club begins at 8.30am. For your own child's wellbeing and safety please do not permit them to leave for school any earlier than is absolutely necessary. Upon their arrival students are to remain seated quietly in the COLA unl teachers on duty give instrucons to play. Visitors and Volunteers - must always sign in at the front office and wear a visitors or volunteers lanyard. This is a legal requirement for any adult entering school premises. I had the privilege of aending the Coffs Harbour Dance Fesval on Thursday night and enjoyed watching our Stage 2 dance group perform. It was a proud moment to see the beaming faces of the girls as they rose to the occasion, enjoying their me on stage, and the fruion of their hard work. Thank you to the parents and families for your commitment to this opportunity. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff who have dedicated many hours to teaching, pracce, aending the concert, transporng students, makeup and costumes. To the girls who danced - thank you, you were AWESOME! Have a great week! Sharon Rovere RELIEVING PRINCIPAL Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017

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Page 1: Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017 · Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES AND REMINDERS 16th June FRIDAY WHOLE SHOOL ASSEM LY -2.30PM - all welcome 16th June FRIDAY

Hi, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the parents and families of this school. This is a wonderful school full of pride, dedication and commitment. A major part of that is the support given to the students and staff by you, the families; parents and carers. It may seem a simple thing but your commitment to ensuring your child attends school each day, wears uniform and is prepared with all their belongings, lunch etc needed to sustain them through the day is invaluable. Working with the teachers and school executive to support your child's wellbeing and academic progress with an open mind, and understanding that a true difference is made by successful collaboration, is such an essential component of educating the future adults and leaders of society. There a few things we need your help and support in: Please do not permit your child to bring their scooter or skateboards to school. These will be locked away for parents to collect from the front office. All pushbikes need to have a chain or locking mechanism and be parked in the appropriate bike rack area. Medical Action Plans - the school has been reviewing medical action plans and find a number are out of date or

not informed by a GP. It is essential families provide the school with a medical action plan prepared by your GP and work with the school to formulate the school plan. With the Stage 2/3 camp arriving quickly, the school is contacting families and it is an essential requirement these plans are provided prior to, and as a requirement of, your child attending camp.

Parking - please be respectful of our neighbours and do not part across or right up to the edge of their driveways. This creates a great inconvenience for the residents and a safety hazard as vehicles endeavour to move with very limited/impaired field of vision. Council rangers will be contacted to do spot checks over the coming weeks.

Early Arrivals - please do not permit your child to arrive at school any earlier than 8.30am. It is noted that some students are arriving as early as 8.00am. Teachers are not on active duty until 8.45am and Breakfast Club begins at 8.30am. For your own child's wellbeing and safety please do not permit them to leave for school any earlier than is absolutely necessary. Upon their arrival students are to remain seated quietly in the COLA until teachers on duty give instructions to play.

Visitors and Volunteers - must always sign in at the front office and wear a visitors or volunteers lanyard. This is a legal requirement for any adult entering school premises.

I had the privilege of attending the Coffs Harbour Dance Festival on Thursday night and enjoyed watching our Stage 2 dance group perform. It was a proud moment to see the beaming faces of the girls as they rose to the occasion, enjoying their time on stage, and the fruition of their hard work. Thank you to the parents and families for your commitment to this opportunity. A huge thank you to the wonderful staff who have dedicated many hours to teaching, practice, attending the concert, transporting students, makeup and costumes. To the girls who danced - thank you, you were AWESOME!

Have a great week! Sharon Rovere RELIEVING PRINCIPAL

Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017

Page 2: Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017 · Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES AND REMINDERS 16th June FRIDAY WHOLE SHOOL ASSEM LY -2.30PM - all welcome 16th June FRIDAY


WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY - 2.30PM - all welcome

16th June FRIDAY

BOOKCLUB ORDERS DUE - please place in purple box in office foyer

23rd June FRIDAY


WEEK 9 NAIDOC WEEK - OUR LANGUAGES MATTER - please return catering notes

27th –29th June TUE/WED/THU

STAGE 2 & STAGE 3 EXCURSION - Great Aussie Bush Camp

30th June FRIDAY

FINAL DAY OF TERM 2 - happy holidays

18th July TUESDAY


21st July FRIDAY



Students are reminded to return their winter carnival notes and payment to the teacher organising their sport. Please do not hand notes and money in to the office.


Next week (Week 9) we will be celebrating NAIDOC Week at Tyalla Primary School. There are lots of great activities planned and we invite you to join us on Wednesday for our NAIDOC Assembly, luncheon and games on the oval (weather permitting with games). Assembly will commence at 10.00am. Please return your notes for catering no later than Monday, 19th June. Due to the NAIDOC Assembly on Wednesday, there will be no assembly on Friday.


A reminder that Book Club orders are due back at school no later than this Friday, 16th June. Book Club orders can be paid for by placing your order form and the correct cash in an envelope or by using LOOP online: All orders are to be placed in the box in the office foyer.

CANTEEN NEWS DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED: If you have any surplus fresh fruit, vegetables or herbs in your garden that you are able to donate to the canteen, we would really appreciate it. See Hallie in the canteen.

A big thank you once again to all of our canteen volunteers. These people give up their time to work tirelessly to ensure your children are fed fresh, healthy food each day.

We can always use extra helpers in the canteen. If you are able to spare some time, please contact Hallie in the canteen to discuss your availability.

Thank you for supporting the canteen.

P&C NEWS Dear Parents/Carers,

We had another great turnout for our last meeting. We now have funds available to put to good use for the school. Anyone with suggestions as to what we can provide assistance with, please let a member of the P&C know.

The teachers will be putting forward a ‘wish list’, so we hope to be able to let you all know what we will be doing in the near future.

Sharyn Potter P&C President


Athletics carnival postponed due

to wet weather. The carnival will

now be held on FRIDAY, 21ST JULY,


Page 3: Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017 · Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES AND REMINDERS 16th June FRIDAY WHOLE SHOOL ASSEM LY -2.30PM - all welcome 16th June FRIDAY


TOP (L-R):

Gold Awards

Reading Awards


Students of the Week


Silver Awards


Page 4: Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017 · Newsletter No. 15 - 14th June, 2017. IMPORTANT DATES AND REMINDERS 16th June FRIDAY WHOLE SHOOL ASSEM LY -2.30PM - all welcome 16th June FRIDAY


All classes have enjoyed basketball lessons this term. Here are 5-6FS playing dribble knockout. Lots of fun was had by all and some great new skills have been acquired.