newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat...

Sturt Ave, Kapooka NSW 2661 Phone: 02 6931 2703 Fax: 02 6931 4342 Principal: Lyn Eaco Email: [email protected] Newsleer Term 3 / Week 4 / 2018 Educaon Week The whole school performed outside Big W at the Marketplace during Educaon Week last week. The students enjoyed showing their talents to the many parents, friends and relaves who made up our audience. The theme for Educaon Week this year was ‘Todays Schools — Creang Tomorrows World’. Our boards displayed Kapooka school’s commitment to this through teaching 21st century skills to our students. The boards will be on display at our next assembly if you did not get to see them at the Marketplace. Nude Food - We will be checking lunch boxes on different days for the rest of the term looking for Nude Food. The class on these days that has the least amount of rubbish will get a cerficate and can look aſter Coco. Nude food is when you only bring containers to school instead of plasc packets. Year 6 Leadership Group

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Page 1: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

Sturt Ave, Kapooka NSW 2661 Phone: 02 6931 2703 Fax: 02 6931 4342 Principal: Lyn Eacott

Email: [email protected]


Term 3 / Week 4 / 2018

Education Week The whole school performed outside Big W at the Marketplace during Education Week last week. The students enjoyed showing their talents to the many parents, friends and relatives who made up our audience. The theme for Education Week this year was ‘Todays Schools — Creating Tomorrows World’. Our boards displayed Kapooka school’s commitment to this through teaching 21st century skills to our students. The boards will be on display at our next assembly if you did not get to see them at the Marketplace.

Nude Food - We will be checking lunch boxes on different days for the rest of the term looking for Nude Food. The class on these days that has the least amount of rubbish will get a certificate and can look after Coco. Nude food is when you only bring containers to school instead of plastic packets. Year 6 Leadership Group

Page 2: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

Important Dates / Information Bookclub - All orders are through the LOOP online system at Scholastic. We request that you do not send cash and order form to school.

School Holidays: Term 3 ends on Friday 28th September Term 4 begins 15th October Term 4 ends for students 19th December

School Banking - Banking day is Friday morning. Student banking is through the Commonwealth Bank. If you wish to set up an account, please collect a Student Bank envelope from the office. Students receive awards along the way for the number of times they bank. The school also receives a commission for student banking.

Uniform shop - Friday from 9:15am until 9.30am

Kapooka School APP - Go to your APP store - Username - community Password - kapookaps

Parent on line payments (POP) - Access school website Access “Make a Payment” tab and complete details.

School Values - RESPONSIBILITY will be demonstrated by students when they take control of their own actions

School News It’s Book Week Time!

Book Week is in week 5 and everyone is invited to dress up as their favourite book character! Dress up day is

Thursday August

23rd. Our parade

will be after our

morning assembly

so please come

and check out our



Girls’ Soccer Gala Day Soccer was on Friday 10th August and started at 9.30am and ended at 2.30pm. The students that attended gala day were: Dayah, Alyssah, Mathilda, Zarha, Rhani, Katelyn and Nikkia. We played four games. We did not get any goals but we didn’t care, we had fun and tried hard and that’s what matters the most. The schools that Kapooka faced in soccer were: South Wagga, Junee, Kooringal and Wagga Wagga Public Schools. For most of the games there were more players on the other teams but they always cheered us for trying hard after the game. By Alyssah

Boys’ Soccer Gala Day

This event happened at the 9th of August 2018. It took place at the Duke of Kent Oval. Bailey, Clyde, Clay, Brock, Wyatt, Jack S, Jack H and Jasper took part for Kapooka Public School. Everyone was good at soccer and the sportsmanship was amazing. We won the last game. In addition, we all went home feeling like champions. By Clyde and Wyatt

P & C news

The P & C will be running a Meal Deal on Thursday 23rd August. Please ensure all orders and money are back to school by Monday 20th August. Cinnamon donuts & flavoured milk. Yum!

P&C has school items at a reduced cost for sale. School sloppy joes are still for sale as well as the new hoodie.

Uniform orders must be made on a Pink Form only, no texting. Please complete a pink form, post in P&C letter box. Uniform orders only to be paid by bank transfer - Account details are: Commonwealth Bank - BSB: 062 600 ACCOUNT NO: 1074-2105 Use your surname as the reference please. Please keep in mind payments may take 2-3 days to process.

Term 2


Tues 14 Uni NSW Maths

Wed 15 Dance APSMO Maths Yrs 4/5/6

Thurs Fri

16 17

Principals Conference - Mulwala

Tues 21 2/3 Borambola Excursion

Wed 22 Dance

Thurs 23 Book Week Parade

Fri 24 Assembly 2/3

Wed 29 Dance

Thurs 30 WWHS Taster Day

Fri 31 Riverina PSSA Athletics

Sat Sept 1

Official Opening 4/5/6 Art Show Wagga Wagga Art Gallery 1pm

Page 3: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

DSTA news

Being the partner of a serving defence member I have spent over thirty years moving from city to city, state to state, usually living far away from my family in Sydney. But I was reminded recently that I also belong to a different family. The Defence family! My husband and I travelled to Canberra to celebrate the 50th birthday of his Corp (The Australian Army Band Corp). There was a wonderful celebration dinner, held at the War Memorial, and a BBQ lunch the next day. So many past and current members of the band had travelled in for the event and we caught up with friends we hadn’t seen for 20 years. It was like a family reunion! We’ve all walked the journey together, and made connections through various postings. My husband has truly valued the support and encouragement of his defence “brothers and sisters” during his 40 years in the corp. I know my journey was made easier and richer by having these people in it. Can I encourage you to connect in, join up, say “yes” to invitations, make a new friend. Who knows? They might become part of your “family”.

Parents Morning Tea Thanks to those who attended our recent “Parents in the Park” Morning Tea. We were few in number, but the conversation was lively and enjoyable. It’s always great to meet new people, and share our experiences of life in the defence community and as parents.

Defence Families Survey It is not too late to return your “posting” survey. Many thanks to those who have already done so. Information about defence postings helps us to organise support for students as well as giving our administration staff a better idea of student numbers for 2019. Please help us by returning your survey notes or letting us know via email if you are posting out, or planning to stay in Wagga next year. DHA, in conjunction with Toll Transition and our local DCO, are conducting a “Pre-Posting Briefing” to be held at The Ranch (RAAF Base) on Tuesday 28th August, starting at 10:30am. This looks like a very useful session where you can get answers to questions you may have about your upcoming relocation.

Upcoming events DCO Wagga is hosting some events to help defence families connect with each other; “Walk and Talk” is on this Wednesday 15th August, at the Botanic Gardens Zoo, starting at 10am “Coffee Connections” is on Friday 24th August, at cache STORE OF FOOD, at 10am “Winter Play Date” @ Noah’s Ark Play Centre will be on Saturday 25th August starting at 5:30pm. For more information, and to RSVP, go to and click on Wagga Wagga.

Kapooka Neighbourhood House is running their next big event which will be a “Ladies Night Out” @ Romano’s Hotel in Fitzmaurice St. It will be on Saturday 18th August. The cost is $ 10. RSVP is required to [email protected]

From the Parent Library -Recommended for our senior students. Two honest, intelligent but light-hearted books dealing with what puberty is, when it happens and how bodies change. Both authors are Australian and you’ll find the information easy to access but comprehensive, using correct terminology. Both books cover the physical and emotional changes that will happen as your child goes through puberty, and gives some excellent advice on handling this complex, but unavoidable life event.

Although the book is aimed at children, I suggest you, as the parents, read it first then consider sharing it with your child. There may be parts of the book you feel your child is not ready to digest, or that they might find confronting. These books could be good conversation starters, giving you and your child the correct language to begin an open dialogue about a subject that can be confusing and even scary for some children. Both books are available to borrow from the Parent Resources Library in the DSTA office. The full list of resources is on the school’s website under DSTA Resources or in hard copy at the front office. Feel free to pop into my office (near the staffroom) on a Thursday morning before school and have a browse. If you can’t get to the school, send me an email and I’ll send the books home with your child. DSTA Hours and Contact Details I will be taking some unexpected leave for the next few weeks. Mrs Eacott and the great staff here are always ready and willing to answer any of your questions and provide support. Helen Marshall at DCO Wagga is only a phone call away on 6931 0011 or you can call the DCO Helpline on 1 800 624 608 for anything Defence related. Thanks

Linda Mee

Sturt Ave, Kapooka NSW 2661 Phone: 02 6931 2703 Fax: 02 6931 4342 Principal: Lyn Eacott

Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

Jump Rope for Heart was a

big success!

Community News



Defence Housing Authority, Toll Transitions and

DCO invite all members and spouses to attend a

briefing on the relocation process ahead of this

year’s peak posting period.

Information on online services and handy hints to

make your relocation as stress free as possible.

Tuesday 28 Aug 18 1030am @ The Ranch

Defence Community Organisation

For ADF members and their families

1800 624 608

Thank you to everyone who participated in Jump Rope for Heart. A great way to warm up on a chilly morning!

Page 5: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

Assembly 4/5/6

Page 6: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year

LIMERICKS EXPLORING TRAIL CAMERAS There once was a spider called Pat He was great at acrobat He likes to eat flies He always tells lies He is scared of bats Clay There once was a very big goat Who lived in a very small boat He ate till he was slim Then went for a swim But didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year It lived near the clearing The other animals nearing The other animals always sneer Elizabeth There once was a small white goat That lived in a little boat He rocked the boat splash His small boat went crash And the goat got a coat to float Katelyn There once was a small tiny goat That grew and grew a big coat To the size of a bus It covered all of us And grew and grew to the size of a moat. Nikkia There once was a boy called Billy Who thought he was eating his belly He woke up at 2:00 And meet someone new He was called Mat and a girl Welly. Clyde There once was a frog on a log The log was sinking in a bog The bog bubbled The frog struggle But alas, there now is no frog Phoenix This term 4/5/6 will also be performing at the Wagga Wagga Eisteddfod on Friday 7 September and displaying artworks at the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery as part of the Home Program Ngaamba Exhibition. Everyone is invited to the official opening at 1pm on 1 September 2018 at the gallery.


Page 7: Newsletter - went for a swim ut didn’t go very far in his coat Dayah There once was a translucent deer The brown deer lived all round the year


The Year 6 Leadership Group are running a survey and would like some responses from parents.

Due by the 21st of August (Please circle your answers)

How many disposable coffee cups do you use a day? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more

Would you take a reusable coffee cup to a coffee shop for a discount? Yes No

Would you take a reusable coffee cup to a coffee shop if there wasn’t a discount? Yes No

Do you have a reusable coffee cup at home? Yes No

Do you take the reusable coffee cup to get takeaway coffee? Yes No

Thank you for your answers Kind regards, The Year 6 Leadership Group 2018

How Many Coffee Cups Are Thrown Away Each


It is estimated Australians use 1 billion disposable coffee cups each year. That's

approximately 2,700,000 paper coffee cups thrown out every day!

How many takeaway coffee cups do you use each day?

Please complete the survey with this survey by the 21/8/18

From year six leadership group.