newsletter apr 2012 - vishwa yuvak kendra

T he National Youth Day celebration on 12 January 2012 gave a platform for the youth of Delhi to show their inner talent. The occasion was marked to celebrate the birthday of the great Swami Vivekananda. The youth participated in various competitions. Some motivational programmes for the youth were also organised to reorient their thinking process. Training programmes on Project Formulation, Fund Raising, Microcredit Finance and NGO Management were held to equip NGO workers with knowledge and skills to manage their activities with professionalism and expertise. This will help deliver better services to needy and poor people. Suresh Ambekar Director Motivating the Youth view point VOLUME 38 ISSUE 2 The VYK Newsletter April 2012 Students of different social work institutes visited Vishwa Yuvak Kendra as part of their study tour in order to promote an exchange of experiences and to get to know the organisation’s work methodologies, structure and functions. As part of the curriculum, MSW students from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, were placed for their block placement to understand the organisation’s policy, procedure and programmes. The main objective of the placement was to provide them pre-employment training and to enhance awareness of self in the role of a professional social worker.

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The National Youth Day celebration on 12 January 2012 gave a platform for the youth of Delhi to show their inner talent. The occasion was marked to celebrate

the birthday of the great Swami Vivekananda. The youth participated in various competitions. Some motivational programmes for the youth were also organised to reorient their thinking process.

Training programmes on Project Formulation, Fund Raising, Microcredit Finance and NGO Management were held to equip NGO workers with knowledge and skills to manage their activities with professionalism and expertise. This will help deliver better services to needy and poor people.

Suresh Ambekar Director

Motivating the Youth

view point



e 38 iS


e 2

The vYK Newsletter April 2012

Students of different social work institutes visited Vishwa Yuvak Kendra as part of their study tour in order to promote an exchange of experiences and to get to know the organisation’s work methodologies, structure and functions. As part of the curriculum, MSW students from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, were placed for their block placement to understand the organisation’s policy, procedure and programmes. The main objective of the placement was to provide them pre-employment training and to enhance awareness of self in the role of a professional social worker.


Topics Covered

Messages from Mahatma Gandhi

Life Skills of Swami Vivekananda

Examples of an Ignited Mind

Believers and Achievers

Advantage: Inspiration and Values

Happy Learnings

Success Story of an IAS TopperTo commemorate the Birth

Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, Vishwa Yuvak

Kendra celebrated National Youth Day on 12 January. The programme commenced with the welcome address by Suresh Ambekar, Director, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra. He conveyed his sincere gratitude to all for their active participation. He also encouraged the young participants to take part in the celebrations enthusiastically.

During the inaugural address, the participants were advised to follow Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy towards leading a meaningful life for the betterment of society.

On 11 January a painting competition was held for the young boys and girls of Delhi. The programme was an endeavour to provide a platform for the children from the weaker section of society to express and exhibit their latent capacity. Altogether 50 children from Delhi’s different slum colonies and colleges took part in this competition. The first three received prizes as a token of appreciation.

Sunil Keswani, Motivational Trainer, conducted a session on Motivation for Youth. Ajay Pandey, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law University, took a session on Rights of a Citizen, which included aspects related to Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and the Right of Private Defence.

In conclusion, a cultural programme was organised, which consisted of two solo dances and a skit by Rajdhani College students, and a Kavi Sammelan led by Gajendra Golanki and Gokulesh Pandey. The whole programme was well supported by Tapan Choudhury, Ajit Rai and Bani Bora. Vikas Kumar coordinated the event.

if faith in ourselves had

been more extensively

taught and practiced,

i am sure a very large

portion of the evils and

miseries that we have

would have vanished

Swami vivekananda

Inspiration for the YouthNational Youth Day


Plan for Success

programme conspectus

Project Management is increasingly becoming the cornerstone of organisational

development in today’s world.It is one of the initial steps in

the project life cycle, which is an

The A to Z of Project management

Conceptualisationanddefiningthe project

Planning and formulation

Resources mobilisation


Monitoring and controlling


Writing the project report

Project Management

important tool for organising tasks and pursuing concrete objectives. A project is a plan with specified objectives to be achieved within a specified period of time and with limited resources. It is also a means of bringing certain desirable changes in the conditions of the beneficiaries or target groups within the specified time and estimated budget.

Project Management is the process of planning, designing and developing a series of project

activities taking into consideration certain key elements. These elements are the mission and vision of the project, step-by-step interventions, time and efforts, scope and significance, risk

factor, costs, resources, methods and techniques, implementation plan and process, monitoring and controlling mechanisms, evaluation and follow-up procedures (project review) and so on. It is necessary to ensure a technically sound project that is economically as well as socially viable and fits within the overall development objectives of the stakeholders (donor/sponsoring body). It requires a lot of time, labour and monetary inputs. A project has to meet the various

criteria of the implementing and funding agencies.

A training on Project Management was organised from 17–19 January. A total of 22 participants from Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi attended the programme.

Objectives of the training programme

l Bring ideas, concepts, in-depth information and knowledge on project formulation to the youth working in the grassroot level organisations, across the country.

l Impart the theoretical as well as the practical know-how of project formulation.

l Create awareness, provide fundamental inputs regarding the projects and skill in formulating writing and bringing out qualitative project proposals.

Resource persons from various NGOs in Delhi were invited to take various sessions related to Project Management. In-house faculty from Vishwa Yuvak Kendra also conducted sessions. The programme was coordinated by Tapan Choudhury, Senior Programme Officer, VYK.


Our personality, comprising of our visible and non-visible characteristics,

defines us. People who have something unique about them attract others to them. They are the ones who influence others. To improve the outer as well as the inner dimensions of personality, programmes on Personality Development were conducted with the CASP Delhi Unit on 27 January, for students of Vivekanand slum on 30 January, for participants from Mahila Vikas Sansthan on 29 February and for participants from Kalyanam on 3 March.

Building a positive self-image was deliberated on during the programme, through the technique of activating the sub-conscious mind

Building Persona Personality Development

and removing negative thoughts. The importance of self-esteem, how to build it and the implication of creating it, were also discussed. Self-confidence, a pre-requisite for achieving success in life, is inherent in some, while it needs to be created in others. This is a process of developing faith in oneself and

overcoming fear. The entire process was explained to the audience.

Enthusiasm, the fifth inner characteristic of personality development, was taken up next. The relationship between action and emotion and how it can help in generating enthusiasm in life was explained. Various aspects of behaviour that influence the development of personality were also discussed. Setting and achieving goals, one of the most

important aspects of life, was explained step by step. The discussion included the necessity for keeping goals realistic and challenging, too, in order to retain enthusiasm. The importance of time and stress management as well as communication in personality development was underlined. In order to work effectively in groups, the need for team spirit was emphasised and various team-building games organised. Ajit Rai, Programme Officer, coordinated the programme.

Self-confidence, a pre-requisite for

achieving success in life, is inherent in

some, while it needs to be created in others.

This is a process of developing faith

in oneself and overcoming fear

5programme conspectus

A training programme on fund raising was organised at Srimanta Sankaradeva

Kalakshetra in Guwahati, Assam, from 8–10 February. For the inaugural session, Ratna Ojha, Vice Chairman, Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Guwahati, was the Chief Guest and Preeti Saikia, Managing Trustee, Bhabendra Nath Saikia Children Welfare Trust, Guwahati, the Guest of Honour. Vikas Kumar, Programme Officer, VYK and Purbi Lahon, a participant of the training programme, welcomed them by presenting a shawl. Ratna Ojha formally inaugurated the training programme by lighting the lamp.

There were 40 participants from 25 NGOs of Assam. Each of them introduced their respective NGOs and shared their experiences of success and failure. Sirajuddin Ahmed, General Secretary, Gram Vikas Parishad, Nagaon, facilitated the introductive session and shared his success stories of receiving funds from government schemes.

Raising FundsTraining Programme

The training concentrated on individual fund raising and was a combination of discussions as well as participatory sessions. Anamika Sharma and Bani Bora conducted sessions on mock presentations by the participants as fund raisers and donors, which helped the participants to understand the skills associated with individual fund raising. Dipankar Mahanta, Advisor, Society for North East Handmade Paper Development (SNEHPAD), shared his thoughts on the ethics of fund raising.

The integrated group discussions helped the participants to present issues on NGOs and fund raising. Dr. Amiya Sharma, Executive Director, Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), Guwahati, addressed the participants during the valedictory session and presented them with certificates. The programme was coordinated by Bani Bora, Programme Officer.

The training concentrated on individual fund raising

and was a combination of discussions as well as

participatory sessions

Kaushik Sarkar from The Action North East Trust (THE ANT) spoke about the excellent activities carried out by his organisation, where funds are mostly self-generated.

Anamika Sharma, from Oxfam India, was the key resource person.


Finance has been recognised as one of the effective strategies for achieving the

Millennium Development Goal of halving the world’s poverty by 2015. Though microfinance has been present in India in one form or another since the 1970s, it is now widely accepted as an effective poverty alleviation strategy. There are a number of governments as well as non- governmental organisations working on finance in India to help achieve the Millennium Development Goal but there is a strong need to accelerate this process.

Considering the importance of the issue, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra held a training programme on microcredit finance for the first time in December 2008. The response was overwhelming. As a result the Kendra organised the programme in October 2009, 2010 and 2011. This year, the programme was held from 13–16 February. The objective was to enhance the capacity of the organisations already working on finance as well as those NGOs

Poverty to ProsperityMicrocredit Finance

and students who intend to work in this field. Discussions held during the programme included details of SHG, linkages of microfinance and SHGs, legal framework,

successful microfinance models and microinsurance. There were 23 participants from various parts of the country—Maharashtra, Odisha, Gujarat, Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. Experts from Chetanalaya (a Delhi-based NGO), SADHAN, NABARD, M2i Consulting and Rashtriya Mahila Kosh took sessions on microcredit finance and related topics. The programme was coordinated by Tapan Choudhury, Senior Programme Officer.

The objective was to enhance the capacity of

the organisations working on finance as well as those

NGos and students who intend to work in this field

7programme conspectus

There are a lot of management dilemmas that NGOs face as they grow and change—the

dilemma of governance, needs, accountability, networking, fund raising, resource mobilisation and accounts-related issues. Hence, there is a great interest and need for NGO management.

Today civil societies take a lead in developing the voluntary sector in our country, which contributes to the nation building efforts to a large extent. They are moving towards the grassroots, rural and remote areas, where governments have failed to reach and are getting registered on a daily basis. Many do not know how to run their organisations well as they do not have enough expertise to manage them. Many NGOs, in

Nurturing Skills for Organisation BuildingNGO Management

the rural areas, do not have access to information and guidance. There is a need and demand for NGO management.

With the introduction of professionalism, managing and leading an NGO is becoming more challenging. Board members and staff have realised the increasing range of skills, strategy, approach, communication and knowledge needed to enhance their impact in the community. Looking at the growing need, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra organised a ‘Training Programme on NGO Management’ from 14–21 March.

The topics focussed on the management of the organisation and how the mission, vision, goals and objectives are set. The

training also comprised planning, financial and operational pathways, proposal making and fund raising techniques. Most of the sessions were participatory in nature with lots of group work and presentations. The resource persons were experts in their areas. They were Suresh Ambekar, Mukul Gupte, Tapan Choudhury, Ajit Rai and Vikas Kumar (in-house faculty), Anil Baranwal, Shankar Laxman, J.P. Malik from HelpAge India, Oxfam and Development Associates, respectively.

A total of 41 participants benefitted from the training. They were from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamil Nadu. At the end of the programme the participants received certificates of participation from the Director. The winning teams were also awarded. The training programme was coordinated by Vikas Kumar, Programme Officer, VYK.

Topics Covered

NGO: Registration, Constitution and Bye-laws

Communication: Types, Process and Organisational Communication

Meeting and Minutes of a Meeting

Project Planning

Fund Raising

Maintaining Accounts and Financial Statement

Audit, Income Tax Exemption, FCRA, 80 G, 35 AC, Direct Tax Code

Today civil societies take a lead in

developing the voluntary sector in our country, which contributes to the

nation building efforts to a large extent


The youth has immense potential to bring about changes and, therefore, there is a need for trained

youth workers

Youth work is required for the holistic development of the young people of our

nation. The youth has immense potential to bring about changes and, therefore, there is a need for trained youth workers. Considering the growing requirements indicated by small as well as large youth and social welfare organisations involved in youth work, and also

Accelerating Development through YouthCertificateCourseinYouthWork

after studying the important role of trained personnel, especially those working in rural areas, in accelerating the socio-economic and human resource development in our country, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra has been conducting a Certificate Course in Youth Work regularly since 2003. This year the course is being held from 9 July–7 August.


The broad course objectives are:l Providing training in various

skills on different aspects of youth work to strengthen youth.

l Helping organisations and youth service agencies to improve their capacity to work with youth.

l Enabling youth workers to acquire the ability to understand the structure and identify the needs of the community, to plan appropriate programmes and to implement them.

l Inculcating in them a sense of dedication to work, social awareness and democratic values.

l Increasing their capacity to understand and explain policies to the young people and to articulate the feelings, sentiments and needs of young people to the Government, NGOs and the public in general.

It is a residential course and participants will be given library assignments and asked to prepare project proposals after class. Fifteen days of English speaking and Yoga classes will also form part of the course along with

eligibility Criteria

Age and experience Applicants should be in the age group of 21 to 30 years, preferably with two years experience in related areas such as youth work, social service, student work and so on. Please attach supporting documents along with the application

Educational QualificationsPreferably graduates with ability to communicate in English. Please attach supporting documents along with the application

languageDuring the course the medium of instruction will be English and Hindi. However, the participants should be able to follow the written notes in English

Course modules

Module 1: Youth and Youth Work

Module 2: Leadership and Communication

Module 3: Working with People

Module 4: Formation and Management of an NGO

Module 5: Youth: Social and Health Issues

Module 6: Enhancing Resources

Module 7: Entrepreneurship Development

Module 8: Field Work Exposure

Module 9: English Speaking

Module 10: Yoga and Meditation

Registration Fee `5,000 per participant, for the entire course, which will include boarding, lodging, course material and other expenses related to the course. The registration fee is to be paid by Demand Draft in favour of Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, payable at New Delhi.

last DateThe completed application form along with a Demand Draft of `5,000 should reach the Director, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, latest by 15 June 2012.

activities such as participation in group discussion, public speaking and debating. Further, the course helps to understand the structure of society and identify the needs of the community so as to plan and implement appropriate programmes.

A total of 30 seats are available for this course. Participants will be selected according to the above criteria as well as on a first-come-first-served basis. The participants will also be provided dormitory accommodation (separate for boys and girls) from 8 July afternoon to 8 August afternoon. The participants have to make an extra payment as per Kendra rules for food and accommodation availed before 8 July afternoon and after 8 August afternoon.

venue The course will be conducted at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

Travel All travel expenses, including field visits, will be borne by the participants.



In-House Programmes State Programmes

Programmes Dates Participants Programmes Dates States

JSDP Preparatory Meet and PRI Manual

Book Release

27–28 April 2012 JSDP Partners Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes April 2012 Bihar

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

May 2012 West Bengal



Motivational Programme for Youth 19–20 June 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

June 2012 West Bengal



Certificate Course in Youth Work 9 July–7 August 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

July 2012 Bihar



Motivational Programme for Youth 23–24 August 2012 NGOs

Entrepreneurship Development Programme 4–14 September 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

September 2012 West Bengal




Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

General EDP: 2 Programmes

October 2012 Bihar



Utilisation of Government Schemes 27–29 November 2012 NGOs Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

November 2012 West Bengal


Leadership and Communication Skills 4–6 December 2012 NGOs Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 4 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 4 Agro-based EDP

General EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 6 Agro-based EDP

December 2012 West Bengal

West Bengal





Youth Day 11–12 January 2013 Youth Follow-up of 5 Agro-based EDP

Follow-up of 5 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

January 2013 West Bengal




NGO Management 19–28 February 2013 NGOs Exposure visit for farmers

Exposure visit for farmers

Exposure visit for farmers

Follow-up of 3 general EDP

February 2013 West Bengal




Farmers’ Meet 21–22 March 2013 Farmers Follow-up of 3 Agro-based EDP March 2013 Bihar


Note: Dates are subject to change




















In-House Programmes State Programmes

Programmes Dates Participants Programmes Dates States

JSDP Preparatory Meet and PRI Manual

Book Release

27–28 April 2012 JSDP Partners Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes April 2012 Bihar

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

May 2012 West Bengal



Motivational Programme for Youth 19–20 June 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

June 2012 West Bengal



Certificate Course in Youth Work 9 July–7 August 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

July 2012 Bihar



Motivational Programme for Youth 23–24 August 2012 NGOs

Entrepreneurship Development Programme 4–14 September 2012 Youth Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

September 2012 West Bengal




Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

General EDP: 2 Programmes

October 2012 Bihar



Utilisation of Government Schemes 27–29 November 2012 NGOs Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

Agro-based EDP: 2 Programmes

November 2012 West Bengal


Leadership and Communication Skills 4–6 December 2012 NGOs Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 4 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 4 Agro-based EDP

General EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 6 Agro-based EDP

December 2012 West Bengal

West Bengal





Youth Day 11–12 January 2013 Youth Follow-up of 5 Agro-based EDP

Follow-up of 5 Agro-based EDP

Agro-based EDP: 1 Programme

Follow-up of 2 Agro-based EDP

January 2013 West Bengal




NGO Management 19–28 February 2013 NGOs Exposure visit for farmers

Exposure visit for farmers

Exposure visit for farmers

Follow-up of 3 general EDP

February 2013 West Bengal




Farmers’ Meet 21–22 March 2013 Farmers Follow-up of 3 Agro-based EDP March 2013 Bihar

Editor: Suresh Ambekar, Director, VYK.Published by Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021. Tel: 23013631-35. Email: [email protected]. Website: Created by Studio Orange-Write Media.


Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing

and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the

emergency service. He gasps, “my friend is dead! What can i do?”

The operator says, “Calm down. i can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

There is silence and then a gunshot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says, “oK, now what?”

making Sure!

Why is there so

much month left

at the end of the

money?John Barrymore

Saraswati and Shweta, MSW students from IGNOU, Delhi and Deepali and Sadanand from Amity University, Noida, were placed at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra for a 45-day internship, which started on 23 January. During the period they conducted a socio-economic survey at Vivekanand Camp, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. They also analysed the findings of the survey. Apart from the field work they actively participated in the in-house programmes organised by Vishwa Yuvak Kendra such as Project Management, Microcredit Finance and NGO Management.

Two more MSW students from Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, did their block placement at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra from 1–31 March. Both of them were also placed at the Vivekanand Camp and they attended the in-house programmes of Vishwa Yuvak Kendra. On 30 March the Kendra lost one

of its employees, Shri Ramlal, a devoted, sincere and hard worker. He had served the Kendra as a senior Mali for 35 years. Through sheer hard work and an innovative approach, Shri Ramlal made an immense contribution to developing the green surroundings at VYK. May his soul rest in peace.

Mukul Gupte and Surendra Singh Negi joined Vishwa Yuvak Kendra in February 2012 as Chief Controller and Finance Controller, respectively. The Kendra welcomes them.

Grooming Future Activists Appointments

Kendra Grieved

During this quarter, students from various social work institutions visited Vishwa Yuvak Kendra as a part of their educational exposure. They obtained information about the organisation, its administrative structure, vision, mission, detailed activities and ways of functioning. Suresh Ambekar, Director, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra and all the Programme Officers briefed them. The students also visited the Kendra library to get an update on NGOs as well as on the Government sector.


Date No. of students Institutions

31 January 60 P.G. Centre, Raichur, Karnataka

2 February 59 Gulbarga University, Main Campus, Karnataka

28 February 24 Vivekanand College of Social Work, Raichur, Karnataka

12 March 59 P.G. Centre, Raichur, Karnataka

field notes