· news (usps no. 597060) is...

847 CLEVELAND STREET, GREENVILLE, SC 29601 864-233-2527 News First Baptist – Greenville We are a community of believers in God as revealed in Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe in the authority of the Bible, the equality of all members, unity in diversity, and the priesthood of all believers. In communion with and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow the Way of Jesus the Christ and share the Good News through worship, education, ministries, and missions. As an autonomous Baptist Church, we value our heritage and the freedom it allows us to minister alongside other groups, both Christian and non-Christian. We express our love for all in gratitude for the love God has shown to us. February 16, 2015 Mission Statement Thought from the Spiritual Formation Committee “To heal, to pray for healing, to work for healing, is to enact God’s dram of shalom, to participate in God’s longing to restore created harmony to the universe.” Diana Butler Bass, Christianity for the Rest of Us, 20 th century Did You Miss It? Rustlings... Burning of the Palms Service On Wednesday, February 11, the congregation gathered for a service of scripture and prayer, both intercessory and confessional, followed by a procession to the parking lot. There each person received a palm frond saved from Palm Sunday of 2014. Those palms were burned as those gathered sang a song. The ashes from this service will be used for Wednesday’s Ash Wednesday service. I’m an outside person. As a child, I would race home from school, grab a snack and hop on my gold Spyder bike (banana seat with raised handle bars) to head off to some adventure. My afternoon activities varied: football in the field behind Mrs. Morgan’s house, exploring the jungle (a brush infested ditch beside Michael Reeve’s house), jumping bike ramps at the Duckworth’s or swinging on the swings at the local library. As an adult, I love to be out running, biking, walking, sitting on a bench in the sun. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the comfy, cozy cushions of my sofa while relaxing with a good movie or book. But I still love to be outside. At times, the church needs to be reminded to go outside. Again, don’t get me wrong. I love the solace of the Sanctuary, the challenge of the Sunday School room, the filial feel of the Fellowship Hall and hugs shared Inclement Weather? If inclement weather threatens church activities, the chair of the Diaconate and the senior minister will make the decision as to whether to close the church building or to keep it open for services or activities. This decision will be communicated in the following ways: WYFF, Facebook, a message on the church voice- mail and the church website, when possible. continued on page 4 This year, the Ash Wednesday Service will take place in the Sanctuary at 6:15 p.m. There will be one service for ages 4-adult. Parents of 4 and 5-year-olds need to pick up their children from their choir leaders; elementary- aged children will be taken to the Sanctuary by their missions leaders.

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News First Baptist – Greenville

We are a community of believers in God as revealed in Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe in the authority of the Bible, the equality of all members, unity in diversity, and the priesthood of all believers. In communion with and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow the Way of Jesus the Christ and share the Good News through worship, education, ministries, and missions. As an autonomous Baptist Church, we value our heritage and the freedom it allows us to minister alongside other groups, both Christian and non-Christian. We express our love for all in gratitude for the love God has shown to us. February 16, 2015

Mission Statement

Thought from the Spiritual Formation Committee“To heal, to pray for healing, to work for healing, is to enact God’s dram of shalom, to participate in God’s longing to restore created harmony to the universe.”

– Diana Butler Bass, Christianity for the Rest of Us, 20th century

Did You Miss It?Rustlings...

Burning of the Palms Service

On Wednesday, February 11,the congregation gathered for a service of scripture and prayer, both intercessory and confessional, followed by a procession to the parking lot. There each person received a palm frond saved from Palm Sunday of 2014. Those palms were burned as those gathered sang a song. The ashes from this service will be used for Wednesday’s Ash Wednesday service.

I’m an outside person. As a child, I would race home from school, grab a snack and hop

on my gold Spyder bike (banana seat with raised handle bars) to head off to some adventure. My afternoon activities varied: football in the field behind Mrs. Morgan’s house, exploring the jungle (a brush infested ditch beside Michael Reeve’s house), jumping bike ramps at the Duckworth’s or swinging on the swings at the local library. As an adult, I love to be out running, biking, walking, sitting on a bench in the sun. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the comfy, cozy cushions of my sofa while relaxing with a good movie or book. But I still love to be outside.

At times, the church needs to be reminded to go outside. Again, don’t get me wrong. I love the solace of the Sanctuary, the challenge of the Sunday School room, the filial feel of the Fellowship Hall and hugs shared

Inclement Weather?

If inclement weather threatens church activities, the chair of the Diaconate and the senior minister will make the decision as to whether to close the church building or to keep it open for services or activities. This decision will be communicated in the following ways: WYFF, Facebook, a message on the church voice-mail and the church website, when possible.

continued on page 4

This year, the Ash Wednesday Service will take place in the Sanctuary at 6:15 p.m. There will be one service for ages 4-adult. Parents of 4 and 5-year-olds need to pick up their children from their choir leaders; elementary-aged children will be taken to the Sanctuary by their missions leaders.

2015 Budget Goal: $2,300,000 Budget Needs to Date: $309,617

Receipts as of February 16: $282,026

Sunday, February 22, 2015The First Sunday in Lent10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Proclaimer: Jim DantScripture: Luke 23:32-43Sermon: Good Thief, Bad ThiefAnthem: “Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow” – arr. SCOTT

The service choirs for this Sunday are the Sanctuary and Youth Choirs.The 10:30 a.m. worship will be simulcast live on WLFJ 660 AM

and 92.9 FM from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

The flowers in the Sanctuary Sunday are given by Dawn Strickland to the glory of God and in honor of her husband, Bo Campbell, and their daughter, Tigist, who share a birthday this week.

Sanctuary Flowers

According to NASA and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the 10 warmest years on record have come since 1998. Earth’s average surface temperature has warmed by ca. 1.4 degrees F since 1880, a trend largely driven by the increase in carbon dioxide and other human emissions into the atmosphere.

A Green Tip from SAVER

Missions Offering $3,093







Please place the following items in the collection containers:

Living Generously @ FBC

Focus on


During the months of January,

February and March, we are collecting items for The Family

Effect which serves new mothers. The Family Effect, a 501(c)3

nonprofit organization, works to reduce addiction as a leading cause of family collapse and

harm to children in Upstate South Carolina. When addiction in the

home is healed, child abuse, neglect and domestic violence are

prevented, and a stronger, more responsible family is created.

Small bottles of bubblesCrayons

Coloring booksSquishy balls

Silly puttyGlitter

Bubble wrap

During the month of February, the Stewardship Committee is challenging you to perform random acts of kindness in the world. Then, on Sunday morning, look for the designated ‘tear off slip’ on the morning worship service bulletin and anonymously write what you did that week. We’ll print a few in The News each week to celebrate these generous acts.

Keep giving your dollars during the offering each Sunday, it’s a worshipful act of generosity. But add to that a generous act of kindness each week, and reflect the kindness of our God. Give and live generously!

– Emily FayssouxStewardship Committee

Random Act of KindnessThis week, I generously shared

a random act of kindness by... getting a Sunday School Class to get a Publix card for a family in need.

A Year of Living GenerouslyFebruary Stewardship

Next weekend, FBC’s Youth Family is heading to Gatlinburg, TN for their annual Winter Retreat. This year the retreat will combine High School and Middle School students. It will feel like two trips in one. There will be occasions when everyone is together and others when the groups will have their own agenda. For more information and to see updates, check out the event link on the FBC Youth Facebook page or email Kendall Parks at [email protected].

Youth Winter Retreat

Please contact Sylvia Clyborne at 370-2522 ext. 137 or [email protected] to make reservations

for any trip with Roadrunners or Holy Rollers.

Holy RollersMarch 10

Dahlonega Gold Museum in Dahlonega, Georgia

The Wagon Wheel RestaurantDepart Enoree: 8:30 a.m.

Lunch: pay your own

The Roadrunners and the Holy Rollers will participate in the Mission Backpack breakfast.

Menu for February 18

Adults Chicken Enchiladas, Refried

Beans Casserole, Mexican Rice, Mexican Salad, Dessert

Kids Tacos, Refried Beans,

Fruit, Cookies

February 15, 9:30 a.m.Protecting Our Children


February 21, 8:00 a.m.C. Dan Joyner Memorial 5K Run/

Walk for Mission BackpackBreakfast (AYMC)

March 6, 10:30 a.m.First Friday Lunch and More

(Fellowship Hall)

March 8, 11:30 a.m.Children’s Art after Worship,

Session 1

March 13, 5:30-7:45 p.m.Children’s Dinner and Roller

Skating (Practice Gym)

March 21Operation Inasmuch

Menu for February 25

Adults New England Clam Chowder,

Vegetable Beef Soup, Grilled Cheese, Salad, Dessert

Kids Grilled Cheese, Fruit,

Chicken Noodle Soup, Cookie

Make Wednesday night supper reservations by calling the

Reception Desk by noon on Monday. Serving

lines are open 4:45-6:15 p.m.

RoadrunnersFebruary 24

Bob Jones Gallery at Heritage Green

Tommy’s Ham HouseDepart FBC: 11:00 a.m.

Lunch: pay your ownCost (bus): $6.50

CDL, Part 2On March 28, an instructor will

be in A-418 to provide hands-on teaching for those who have their CDL driving permits. The class will cover everything needed – to know and to do – in order to obtain a CDL license.

The entire church is invited to join parents and teachers at the 10th annual Italian Connectionbenefitting First Baptist Kindergarten and ITP. The event will be held on Thursday, February 26, at 6:30 p.m. at Certus Loft at Huguenot Mill, 101 W. Broad Street, Greenville. It is a fun night with good food, fellowship and a fabulous silent auction. All proceeds go to staff development for ITP and Kindergarten staffs. Ticket prices are $65 each. RSVP cards and return envelopes can be found on the outside doors leading to the Rotunda and the Fellowship Hall.

For more information, please contact Elaine Barnhill at 414-4182 or [email protected].

You Are Invited to the

Random Act of Kindness

This week, I generously shared a random act of kindness by... taking the mail and newspaper to the doorstep of my elderly neighbor and then staying for a visit.

The N



o. 597060) is published weekly January thru D

ecember (except

one week in July and D

ecember) by First B

aptist Church, 847 C

leveland Street, Greenville, SC

29601. Periodicals postage paid at G

reenville, SC 29602. PO


STER: Send address changes to TH


S, 847 Cleveland Street G

reenville, SC

29601. (Phone 864-233-2527). Kim

berly Coates, Editor.

Vol. LVI February 16, 2015 No. 7


Nights and Weekends

If you are unable to reach this minister immediately, please call the Church Office, 233-2527, and leave a message by pressing the number “3” for “Pastoral Care Emergencies.”

February 16-22Kendra Plating 828-208-1313 (m)

370-2522 ext. 199

February 23-March 1Baxter Wynn 288-4078 (h)

370-2522 ext. 199

In the Hospital:

Memorial: Melanie SmithAlvin Hawkins

Sympathy to:......Monty Laffitte in the death

of his brother....Susan Webb in the death

of her mother....the family of Calder Ehrmann.

Care List as of 2/9/2015

Extended Session: February 22

Elizabeth and Sean Union (Directors)Beth and Stokely Holder (Twos)Derek and Renee Dunlap (Threes)Ryan and Shanda LaForge (Fours)Daniel and Julie Moniot (Fives)Helen Lee Turner (Worship)Cherry Marshall (Pianist)

Random Act of Kindness

This week, I generously shared a random act of kindness by... cutting camellia blossoms from my bushes and taking them to shut-ins in my neighborhood....helping a stranger in an emergency by giving her money for gas.

Join your church family for a morning of local missions followed by a

pizza lunch fellowship in the AYMC.

Registration begins February 1 at Questions? Contact Heather Snow at

[email protected] or 640-2526.

SaturdayMarch 21, 2015

DANT continued from page 1

in the hallways. But part of our life must be lived outside.

I want to encourage you to ‘go outside’ on March 21 and participate in our annual Operation Inasmuch mission experience. Some of the outside work is truly outside. Some of the outside work is actually inside. But all of the work touches the world outside our walls. Go online before March 1(church website) and sign up for where you’d like to serve. I’m looking forward to seeing you inside the church this Sunday… but outside the church for Operation Inasmuch on March 21!

– Jim

Lenten Devotions are now available on the church website. Visit the worship page ( for the digital copy. A limited number of printed copies will be available at the Reception Desk.

Lenten Devotionals