news letter-jun11

1 Family and Friends of 1/8, Here we are, having been home from a long deployment for little over 2 months now. The Marines and Sailors of 1/8 not only did a great job while in Afghanistan, they upheld the great reputation our Battalion has…and will surely carry that into the future. Since we’ve returned, we have reconnected with our families, loved ones, spouses, children, friends and fellow Marines and Sailors aboard Camp Lejeune. Some things have changed, a lot has not. I want to personally thank all the family and friends of those who supported us while we were deployed. You were our foundation of strength, our backbone, and without your constant support, we would not have been able to accomplish what we did. On behalf of the Commanding Officer, and the entire Battalion, thank you. On 17 June, we will be conducting a change of command ceremony, where LtCol Dan Canfield will relinquish command to LtCol Kevin Trimble. We all wish LtCol Canfield and his family fair winds and following seas as he departs Camp Lejeune for bigger and better things. LtCol Trimble and his family are checking aboard and are ready and eager to drive the Battalion and advance the ball forward in our training and day to day operations. There has been a lot of moving parts around the Battalion. Marines and Sailors coming aboard, and departing, yet training is continuous. We’re currently scheduled to deploy back to Afghanistan in the early part of 2012. There are no dates set. For those of us who have been around a while, we know these dates always change, so please be flexible and understanding. I’m sure LtCol Trimble will send a letter out to all families once he’s checked aboard. Know this however, no matter who’s the Commanding Officer, or Sergeant Major.....we are here to provide the best training, equip all Marines and Sailors with the best gear available, and lastly, provide sound judgment to lead all Marines and Sailor of 1/8 forward to wherever it takes us. We have hit the ground running once again, and I thank all of you for your support in the past, and for the support you’ll provide in the future. Semper Fi & God Bless Steve E Rice Sergeant Major Steve Rice Battalion Sergeant Major Battalion Sergeant Major’s Comments INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SgtMaj’s letter 1 “Chaps” 2 Company Commanders 3-11 F.R. Advisors 12 FRO info 13-14 1ST BATTALION, 8TH MARINES, 2D MARINE DIVISION The Phoenix JUNE 2011 NEWS LETTER SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: SgtMaj’s letter to families. Chaplain’s letter to families Company Commanders F.R. Advisors FRO info

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Family Newletter for 1/8


Page 1: News Letter-Jun11


Family and Friends of 1/8,

Here we are, having been home from a long deployment for

little over 2 months now. The Marines and Sailors of 1/8 not only

did a great job while in Afghanistan, they upheld the great

reputation our Battalion has…and will surely carry that into the

future. Since we’ve returned, we have reconnected with our

families, loved ones, spouses, children, friends and fellow Marines

and Sailors aboard Camp Lejeune. Some things have changed, a lot

has not. I want to personally thank all the family and friends of

those who supported us while we were deployed. You were our

foundation of strength, our backbone, and without your constant

support, we would not have been able to accomplish what we did. On

behalf of the Commanding Officer, and the entire Battalion, thank


On 17 June, we will be conducting a change of command

ceremony, where LtCol Dan Canfield will relinquish command to LtCol

Kevin Trimble. We all wish LtCol Canfield and his family fair winds

and following seas as he departs Camp Lejeune for bigger and better

things. LtCol Trimble and his family are checking aboard and are

ready and eager to drive the Battalion and advance the ball forward

in our training and day to day operations.

There has been a lot of moving parts around the Battalion. Marines

and Sailors coming aboard, and departing, yet training is

continuous. We’re currently scheduled to deploy back to Afghanistan

in the early part of 2012. There are no dates set. For those of us

who have been around a while, we know these dates always change, so

please be flexible and understanding.

I’m sure LtCol Trimble will send a letter out to all families once

he’s checked aboard. Know this however, no matter who’s the

Commanding Officer, or Sergeant Major.....we are here to provide the

best training, equip all Marines and Sailors with the best gear

available, and lastly, provide sound judgment to lead all Marines

and Sailor of 1/8 forward to wherever it takes us.

We have hit the ground running once again, and I thank all of you

for your support in the past, and for the support you’ll provide in

the future.

Semper Fi & God Bless

Steve E Rice

Sergeant Major Steve Rice

Battalion Sergeant Major

Battalion Sergeant Major’s Comments


I S S U E :

SgtMaj’s letter 1






F.R. Advisors 12

FRO info


1 S T B A T T A L I O N , 8 T H

M A R I N E S , 2 D M A R I N E


The Phoenix J U N E 2 0 1 1 N E W S L E T T E R


I N T E R E S T :

SgtMaj’s letter to


Chaplain’s letter to




F.R. Advisors

FRO info

Page 2: News Letter-Jun11


Inspiration from our Chaps! Greetings,

We have been home for a couple months now. I tried to get around and

greet each of your and even got the chance to visit briefly with some of

you while we were waiting on the busses during the welcome home event.

But this is the first opportunity to reach out to many of you since that


So first I would like to say to those of you with whom I have served; it

has been a pleasure serving 1/8 as the Battalion Chaplain over this last

year. I am also looking forward to continuing in that role over the next

year. If there is anything I can do to help any of you, please let me


To those new to 1/8; I would also like to welcome all of you and your

families to the Battalion and let you know I look forward to meeting you

and hope you will let me know if I can be of any help.

Hopefully, all of you are doing great, but deployments are stressful for

both those deploying and for our spouses and families at home. This is

true both for the deployment we have recently returned from and the next

one which we know is on the horizon.

These stresses affect everyone differently, and sometimes we need to

know that we are not the only person who may be encountering some

additional stress in our relationships as a result of deployment related

issues. There is no shame in asking for some help in figuring out how to

work out problems that may arise. In fact a wise person will always ask

for help when it is needed.

If my truck or motorcycle does not seem to be working quite right; I

take it to a mechanic who has the proper tools and experience to help me

get it fixed. I know a little about trucks and motorcycles, but I also

know that there are people much more qualified than myself who can help

me with this type of issue. Likewise, if something does not seem quite

right for you or a friend or loved one, while you may know a little

about what might be wrong, It may be a good idea to talk with someone

who has more experience and the proper tools to help get the issues


It may not be a huge problem but little things can become bigger things

over time. And it is always easier and cheaper to fix a small problem

than wait for it to become a big one.

The bottom line is the door to my office is always open. You can call

and make an appointment to see me or if you are in the building you can

just stop by and say hello.

God Bless & Semper Fidelis,

Chaplain Russell


Bless our




Page 3: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

A Company

Greetings Family and Friends,

Back in the Saddle

Upon returning from a successful deployment to Afghanistan, Alpha

Company received some well deserved time off. Following leave in

April the company experienced a period of personnel changes, re-

organization, and preparing our equipment. The company is now

ready to prepare for future missions. We are getting back in the

saddle and beginning yet another deployment work-up. Training in

May included a two week Marine Corps Martial Arts Program

refresher and a week in the woods doing land navigation. The

month of June promises more training, with two Live Fire

Exercises at the end of the month. We also have nearly 100

Marines going to the rifle range during the month of June.

Hail & Farewells

As is typical after a deployment the company has experienced a

good deal of turnover. Nearly half the Marines and Sailors that

deployed with us have moved on to other units or re-joined the

civilian world. Alpha Company wishes “Fair Winds and Following

Seas” to those who have left us. In particular we wish a fond

farewell to First Lieutenants Alderman, Mohr, Williams, and Kudo

as well as First Sergeant Robertson, Gunnery Sergeant Brooks, and

Staff Sergeant Rokos. These men all made significant

contributions to the company’s success in Afghanistan and will be

missed. We’d also like to welcome First Lieutenant Claridy,

Second Lieutenant Bush, First Sergeant Ford and Staff Sergeants

Keiser and Lents to the Alpha Company family.

Until the next newsletter..


Daniel O’Brien

Page 4: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

B Company

Dear Bravo Company family,

Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new CO

of Bravo Company. My name is Brent Jones and I am honored to

have the opportunity to command this fine group of men. Your

husbands and sons are a tremendous group of men and I am excited

to serve alongside them.

The battalion has recently experienced changes in leadership in

the various companies and we will have a new Battalion Commander

on the 17th of June. We are now in the beginning of another pre-

deployment training period. Preparing and training for our next

deployment will be our priority. As such, you can expect that

your husbands and sons will be busy with the demands of a

rigorous training schedule. My goal is to ensure that your

husbands and sons receive the best training available. I am very

well aware that they are not the only ones that put time and

energy into accomplishing this training. You, the family

members, put time and effort into our training, as well. I can’t

pretend to know exactly what it is like when your Bravo Company

Marine or Sailor is in the field for extended periods and the

disruption that it causes to family life. That said, I do make a

concerted effort to ensure that your Marine’s or Sailor’s time is

not wasted. I want to ensure that when your Marine or Sailor is

away from home, his time is spent effectively and efficiently so

that he returns better prepared for the next deployment.

This month we will have almost 100 of Bravo Company’s

Marines and Sailors conduct their annual marksmanship training at

the rifle range. For two weeks this month a select group of our

men will train, guide, and mentor different groups of Midshipmen

from the U.S. Naval Academy. At the end of the month, Bravo

Company will conduct the first of our many field training

evolutions from the 27th to the 30th of June. We will be

conducting training in land navigation and various fire team


We will continue to build our training in the month of July

around the development of our fire teams, squads, and weapons

platoon teams and squads. We will be in the field at the end of

the month conducting live fire training. Of note, this training

will occur during the last weekend of the month of July. We are

currently attempting to conduct one other field training

evolution in the second week of July, but this is still


Continued on next page..

Page 5: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

B Company Continued from page 4.

As we focus on our next deployment, we also take the time

to recognize the outstanding achievements of our Marines and

Sailors from this most recent deployment and those that have made

a significant impact on their fellow members of Bravo Company.

The following is a list of the Marines and Sailors that have been

awarded in the last couple of months:

Sergeant Logan Fromme – Navy and Marine Corps Achievement

Medal w/ Combat Distinguishing Device

Corporal Michael Perry - Navy and Marine Corps Achievement

Medal w/ Combat Distinguishing Device

Corporal Colby Haupfear - Navy and Marine Corps Achievement

Medal w/ Combat Distinguishing Device

Lance Corporal Andrew Gravlee - Navy and Marine Corps

Achievement Medal w/ Combat Distinguishing Device

Corporal Andrew Czubai II – Purple Heart

Corporal Tristan Rorie – Purple Heart

The following Marines were promoted in May and June:

Corporal Matthew Jones – 1 May

Corporal Peter Keenan – 1 May

Lance Corporal Adrian Childress – 1 May

Lance Corporal Dustin Corbin – 1 June

Corporal Christopher Graham – 1 June

Corporal Clayton Self III – 1 June

Corporal Ryan Summers – 2 June (Combat Meritorious)

Corporal Zachary Waara – 2 June (Combat Meritorious)

I would also like to welcome aboard the newest members of the

Bravo Company family:

Lance Corporal Domingo and Mrs. Melinda Espinal married 7 April

Corporal James and Mrs. Ashley Lilly married 8 April

Corporal Matthew and Mrs. Chelsa Jones married 8 April

Lance Corporal Jonathan and Mrs. Sydney Manuel married 19 April

Lance Corporal Robert and Mrs. Rebekah Knox Jr. married 19 April

Lance Corporal Christopher and Mrs. Tiffany Wade married 30 May

In closing, I would once again like to express just how

fortunate I believe I am to have the opportunity to serve with

the Marines, Sailors, and families of Bravo Company

Semper Fi,

Captain Brent Jones

Commanding Officer, Company B

Page 6: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

C Company

Continuing Excellence

Upon returning from a successful deployment to Afghanistan, Charlie

Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines has once again been called to duty

in service to the country in a time of need. As the company returned

from post-deployment leave, many turnovers and changes of command took

place, bringing in new leadership and a refreshed state of mind ready

for training. Captain Ryan R. Gordinier took command of Charlie Company

and immediately instilled a sense of family and cohesion within the

Marines, creating an excellent environment for training. Captain

Gordinier presented the Marines with his command philosophy of “Good

people together, do great things” which set a baseline for this upcoming

work up. It shows Marines that it is pertinent that they continue to

develop their basic skills and their relationships with each other to be

successful during their next deployment.

“Brilliance in the Basics”

The concept of “brilliance in the basics” has been a key to the success

of many units. It is a concept that is simple and will drive many of the

individual skill training events that the Marines of Charlie Company will

execute. The C Company staff began pre-deployment training by refreshing

the Marines’ individual skill sets; starting with land navigation, combat

life saving, and basic marksmanship.

Building Camaraderie

One of many the aspects allowing Marines to be successful is their mutual

understanding. This camaraderie is built through training with each other

in harsh conditions and at times just spending quality time a part from

the Marine Corps. The 2nd Annual Officer and Staff Noncommissioned Officer

Golf Tournament presented an opportunity for the leadership of the

Battalion to bond and build essential communications between the staff.

This tournament took place in early May and was a great success. The

event concluded with a catered picnic, awards, and farewells from the

staff that were leaving.

Captain Gordinier speaks about safety to

Charlie Company Marines before the

Memorial Day 96.

1st Lt Kevin Mayer tees off during the 2nd

Annual Officer and Staff Noncommissioned

Officer Golf Tournament.

Page 7: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

C Company Continued.

Memorial Day and July 4th 96 Holidays are a time for Marines to relax, decompress, and spend

quality time with their families. For the command, however, safety

was paramount. Relentless safety briefs and safety parameters were

set in place to allow the Marines to have fun, but ensure that they

make it home to their families and back to duty. Many Marines chose

the option to leave the Camp Lejeune area and travel home for the

holiday. However some took advantage of the beautiful eastern

Carolina shores. Many went just spent time at home and took their

families to the beach. In the picture below, Sgt Louis Collins, of 2d

Platoon, took his family to Emerald Isle where his daughter played on

the beach for the first time. All Marines arrived back to duty after

the 96, which is a great measure of success for the Command.

The Outlook

Up until the battalion tests its skills at Enhanced Mojave Viper in 29

Palms, California, Charlie Company will continue to push training

efforts and stretch the boundaries of its limitations. The company staff

has a plan in place that will further develop the Marines mentally,

physically, and spiritually. The Marines will progress from individual

skill sets to platoon and company size evolutions. At each stage in the

training the Marines will be tested physically and mentally. This will

develop the Marines’ toughness and tactical knowledge that is required

during their next deployment. The outlook is very promising for the

company; there is great leadership in place and the Marines are very

eager to learn and excel at their profession. “Good people together do

great things”.


Lcpl Kenneth L. Logan, 1st Platoon

Cpl Corbin G. Celotto, 2d Platoon

Cpl Nathan L. Crouch, 2d Platoon

Cpl Rylan A. Edwards, 1st Platoon

Cpl James D. Freeman, Headquarters

Cpl Jordan R. Finley, 1st Platoon

Cpl Corey S. McCord, Weapons Platoon

Cpl Gregory J. Sandness, 2d Platoon

Cpl Derek D. Elwart, 1st Platoon (Meritorious)

Sgt Collins, of Charlie Company 2d Platoon, and

his wife Kelly Collins take their daughter to

Emerald Isle during the Memorial Day 96.

Page 8: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

C Company

Newlyweds 1st Platoon: LCpl and Mrs. Wightman - April 8th, 2011 2nd Platoon: LCpl and Mrs. Mercurio - April 23rd, 2011 3rd Platoon: LCpl and Mrs. Upton - June 13th, 2011 Wpns Platoon: LCpl and Mrs. Rideout - May 28th, 2011 LCpl and Mrs. Murray June 11th, 2011

New additions to the 1/8 Family

1st Platoon SSgt Lara:


May 2nd, 2011

Cpl Bean:


April 27th, 2011

2nd Platoon HM3 Watson:

(girl) March 20th, 2011

Headquarters Pfc Reddickdixon

(girl) May 3rd, 2011

Semper Fidelis


Page 9: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

W Company

Greetings to all Weapons Company family and friends,

I was honored to relieve Major Reynolds and assume command of

the company on 6 May. I was the Company B commander during the

last deployment and worked closely with many of your Weapons

Company Marines during that time. There is a lot of change in

the battalion as Marines depart for new duties or civilian life

and new Marines check in. The company has a core of returning,

experienced young leaders ready to take on added

responsibilities and we’ve welcomed some new senior leadership

to help guide them along.

The battalion is preparing for another deployment early next

year, so our schedule will pick up quickly over the next month

or two. The platoons will all be working on maintaining basic

proficiency and integrating new Marines as they conduct multiple

short field exercises and the company will be headed to the

field for a week near the beginning of August.

I look to maintain the discipline, motivation, proficiency and

espirit de corps that facilitated company and battalion success

during the last deployment. Weapons Company played an important

role in the battalion’s operations and will continue to do so.

We will provide your Marine with quality training and the skills

he needs to be successful while deployed and strive to eliminate

wasted time. The company will assist with family issues

whenever possible and I encourage you to become or stay involved

with our family readiness program.


Capt John Campbell

New Weapons Company Members

Private First Class Kevin B. Alexander

Private First Class Yegor Andrianov

Private First Class Ryan T. Curtis

Private First Class Shaun C. Foley

Private First Class Charles A. Kristel

Private First Class Michael A. Lalli IV

Private First Class Justin A. Magerer

Private First Class James P. Mcpherson

Private First Class Benjamin J. Szilagyi

Promotions (1 June)

Scott A. Khoury JR, promoted to Corporal

Carmen J. Christiano III, promoted to Corporal

Michael C. Farley, promoted to Corporal

Kevin L. Roughton JR, promoted to Corporal

Patrick A. Thoele, promoted to Corporal


High PFT award:

Lance Corporal Brendan K. Winn, perfect score of 300

Lance Corporal Jordan D. Johnson, score of 285

Sergeant Steven Marcucci, score of 287

Private First Class Justin A. Magerer, score of 285

Page 10: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

H&S Company

Greetings family and friends,

New Command for H&S Company

Company Commander 1stLt Mikelis J. Visgauss. I recently took

command as H&S Company Commander. I am extremely proud and

excited about the opportunity to lead the company and prepare for

the upcoming deployment. I previously deployed with 1/8 with

Bravo Company.

Company 1stSgt Robert A. Christoff. 1stSgt Christoff recently

returned from Afghanistan as the Weapons Company 1stSgt. He is a

dedicated hard working senior enlisted with high morals, and is

well respected for his professionalism and mentorship.

Together we look forward to being part of the H&S Company


A Fine welcome Home

H&S Company can feel proud and accomplished following a

successful deployment to Afghanistan. They operated through some

of the most spread out and logistically complicated conditions.

They rose to the occasion and preformed with outstanding

devotion. For the last few months we have been welcomed home

with warm arms starting from the initial homecoming through our

more recent shift in focus, and we owe a large gratitude to the

friends and family who support us.

“Enjoying some well earned freedom”

With recent and upcoming long weekends now is the time to

enjoy some well earned freedom with loved ones. Memorial Day and

July forth are prime time summer holidays and is an exciting time

for veterans to recognize the country’s thanks for all the hard


“Blocking and Tackling”

As with every football or sports season there is a time to

teach, develop, and dial-in individual skill sets. Being in the

early stages of a new work up, now is the time to focus on the

basics before we begin to bring our talents together. The concept

every Marine a riflemen has proven true in Afghanistan and we

will train to insure all are capable of executing under any

circumstance. Upcoming events such as, land navigation courses,

the rifle range, and first aid training are just some of the

examples of additional training our Marines will be going through

in addition to their primary tasks.

H&S Company continues to grow with new Marines checking

in. Development and mentorship from experienced hard working

motivated Marines will be the key to continuing the success the

Page 11: News Letter-Jun11


Company Commanders

H&S Company

Continued from page 10.

company had. The small unit leadership across the company is

experienced motivated and ready to continue into our next

challenge, which will be to ensure that our company is well

prepared for our upcoming deployment.

I look forward to working with the Marines, Sailors, and

families of B Company over the next few months as we develop our

team for the future.


Mikelis J. Visgauss

Page 12: News Letter-Jun11


Dear Families and Friends of 1/8, Dan and I would like to thank you for all support, thoughtfulness, and generosity that you provided to the battalion during the last one and half years. It is because of your support and love that our Marines and Sailors are successful at their duty. As Dan and I leave this battalion, we will always look back upon our time in 1/8 with fondness and marvel at all the wonderful people that we have had the opportunity to get to know. You all are such a blessing! We wish each and everyone of you the very best in all your future endeavors. “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”(Irish Blessing) Fondly, Stephanie Canfield Ladies of 1/8 kickball team, thanks it was great! Keep it going!

Family Readiness Advisors

Page 13: News Letter-Jun11


Greetings Family and Friends!

As we transition from one command to another, I would like to thank everyone that

was involved in anything we did for our families, Marines, Sailors and community

over the last deployment! From baking to bowling, from send off to homecoming,

every person from volunteer to “volun-told” was an important part of getting things

done. Everyone sees the finished product, but not all see the hard work and details that

go into it! So thank you goes out to all of those behind the efforts!

Fair Winds and Following Seas goes out to the Canfield family! Thank you Sir for

your guidance. Stephanie, thank you so much for all that you have done for the

families of our unit!

Welcome Aboard to the Trimble family! We look forward to the ideas and leadership

you both will bring to our family!


11 July, 1900

at Marston

Pavilion, Meet

the Staff Night

15 July, 0900-

1200 at our

unit class



Team Training

11 Aug., BN

Family Day at

Hospital Point


17 Oct., Pre-

deploy briefs

21 Oct., Unit


3 Dec., Unit

Page 14: News Letter-Jun11


FRO letter continued.

Throughout the deployment we have been in touch with our wounded is a story that they have been involved with!

1/8 Wounded Warriors attend Forgotten Coast Wounded Warrior Weekend and

Fishing Tournament - Blue Water Outriggers Charity Classic.

June 2 - 5th located in Port St. Joe/'Panama City FL.

10 Wounded Warriors, including 2 Marine's from 1/8 were in attendance at the

event, it included a welcome parade, escorts by the Patriot Guard Riders,

dinners/a fishing tournament/boat trips and a relaxing fun filled 4 days.

The town, local business and local VFW through their support behind the event

to honor our heroes. Semper Fi Sisters also volunteer through out the event.

this is a quote that Glen left on face book under a picture - I'd maybe try to

get him or TJ to say something for article too.

Glen Silva <>

by far the most relaxing trip I have ever been on. We were treated like family

the entire time we were there. I would say it is safe to say id call it my

second home.

Well all, as you are hearing our Family Readiness Program is undergoing change

with our new commander’s view. We will be looking for new advisors and

volunteers for the upcoming deployment! If you are interested, please contact

you husbands Company Commander by sending in your email and phone number with

your husband, or attend the “Meet the Staff Night” on 11 July at 1900 at

Marston Pavilion! The commander will contact you to set up an interview. If

all goes well, I will set you up with the training you will need to be a part

of the team!

Until we talk again… stay safe, remember OP SEC, and keep in touch!

