eman elineoven jun11 lr

user manual e:line built in ovens (EOEM61CS, EOEE62CS, EOEE62CK, EOEE63CS, EPEE63CS, EPEE63CK, EUEE63CS, EUEE63CK, EDEE63CS)

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Page 1: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

user manuale:line built in ovens


Page 2: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

2 contents electrolux e:line ovens

These warnings have been provided in the interest of safety. You MUST read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.The symbols you will see in this booklet have these meanings:


This symbol indicates information concerning your personal safety

This symbol indicates tips and information about use of the oven

environmental tip

This symbol indicates tips and information about economical and ecological use of the ovenInstallation, cleaning and servicing • Anauthorisedpersonmustinstallthisappliance.(Certificate

of Compliance to be retained)• Beforeusingtheappliance,ensurethatallpacking

materials are removed from the appliance.• Inordertoavoidanypotentialhazard,theenclosed

installation instructions must be followed.• Ensurethatallspecifiedvents,openingsandairspacesare

not blocked.• Wheretheapplianceisbuiltintoacabinet,thecabinet

material must be capable of withstanding 70°C. Ifadjacenttovinyl-wrappedsurfaces,useinstallationkitfrom vinyl wrap supplier.

• Onlyauthorisedpersonnelshouldcarryoutservicing.(CertificateofCompliancetoberetained)

• Alwaysensuretheapplianceisswitchedoffbeforecleaningor replacing parts.

• Donotuseharshabrasivecleanersorsharpmetalscrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, and may result in shattering of the glass.

• Donotusesteamcleaners,asthismaycausemoisturebuild-up.

• Alwayscleantheapplianceimmediatelyafteranyfoodspills.• Thisappliancemustbeearthed.


Child safety• Thisapplianceisnotintendedforusebypersons

(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

• Childrenshouldbesupervisedtoensurethattheydonot play with the appliance.


electrolux e:line ovens important safety instructions 3

• Duringusethisappliancebecomeshot.Careshouldbe taken to avoid touching hot surfaces, e.g. oven door, heating elements.

• Accessiblepartswillalsobecomehotwheninuse. To avoid burns and scalds children should be kept away.


General warnings• Thisappliancemustnotbeusedasaspaceheater.• Inordertoavoidfire,theappliancemustbekeptclean

and vents kept unobstructed.• Donotsprayaerosolswithinthevicinityoftheappliance

during operation.• Donotstoreflammablematerialsinorunderthe

appliance, e.g. aerosols.• Donotlinethebottomoftheovenwithfoilorcookware.• Alwaysusegloveswhenhandlinghotitemsinside

the oven.• Alwaysturnthegrilloffimmediatelyafteruseasfatleft

behindmaycatchfire.Grill• Donotcoverthegrillinsertwithfoil,asfatlefttheremay

catchfire.• Alwayskeepthegrilldishcleanasanyfattheremay

catchfire.• Donotleavethegrillonunattended.• Toavoidfire,ensurethatgrilltraysandfittingsarealways

inserted into the appliance in accordance with the instructions.

• Donotplacethickportionsoffoodunderthegrill.Foods may curl, catch and ignite.

• Accessiblepartsmaybecomehotwhengrillisinuse.Children should be kept away.

Oven• Duringusetheappliancebecomeshot.Careshouldbe

taken to avoid touching the hot surfaces inside the oven.• Switchtheapplianceoffbeforeremovingtheovenlight

glass for globe replacement.• Toavoidanaccident,ensurethatovenshelvesand

fittingsarealwaysinsertedintotheapplianceinaccordance with the instructions.

• Donotusethedoorasashelf.• Donotpushdownontheopenovendoor.


To maintain safe operation, it is recommended that the product be inspected every five years by an authorisedserviceperson.

environmental tip

To save energy and to help protect the environment, we recommend these hints:• Usetheovenefficiently,bycookingmanytraysoffood

at the same time. – Cook 2 trays of scones, small cakes or sausage rolls

at the same time.• Selectthecorrectshelflocationforfoodbeingcooked.• Donotopentheovendoormorethannecessary.• Usethesmallerovencavity(ifyouhaveanEUEE63CS

& EUEE63CK) in preference to the main oven cavity.

tips and information

Congratulations and thank you for choosing our built in oven.Wearesureyouwillfindyournewovenapleasuretouse.Beforeyouusetheoven,werecommendthatyouread through the whole user manual, which provides the description of the built in oven and its functions.To avoid the risks that are always present when you use an electric appliance, it is important that the oven is installed correctly and that you read the safety instructions carefully toavoidmisuseandhazards.Werecommendthatyoukeepthisusermanualforfuturereference and pass it on to any future owners.Afterunpackingthebuiltinovenpleasecheckitisnotdamaged.Ifindoubt,donotusetheappliancebutcontactyour local Electrolux Customer Care Centre.ThisappliancecomplieswithrequirementsofAustralianStandardAS/NZS60335.2.6

CONDITIONSOfUSEThis appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:•Staffkitchenareasinshops,officesandother

working environments•farmhouses•Byclientsinhotels,motelsandotherresidential

type environments•Bedandbreakfasttypeenvironments.

Contents•Importantsafetyinstructions 3•Rotarycontroloven 4•Electroniccontroloven 4•Electronictouchcontroloven 4•Rotarycontrolpanel 5•Electroniccontrolpanel 5•Electronictouchcontrolpanel 5•Beforeusingyourrotarycontroloven 6•Cookingfunctions– rotary control oven 7•Operatingsequence– rotary control oven 8•Cookingwiththetimer– rotary control oven 9•Beforeusingyourelectroniccontroloven 10•Cookingfunctions– electronic oven & touch control 12•Operatingsequence– electronic control oven 14•Cookingwiththetimer– electronic control oven 15•Additionalfunctionality – electronic control oven 16•Cookingguide 17•Grillingguide 19•Dealingwithcookingproblems 20•Gettoknowyouroven 21•Maintenanceandcleaning 22•Cleaningyouraccessories 22•Replacingtheoventoplight

– EPEE63CK, EPEE63CS 23•Catalyticselfcleaningpanels 24•Ovendoorremoval&cleaning 25•Cleaningthepyrolyticoven 28•Cleaningthepyrolyticovendoor 29•Operatingconditions/energytips/inclusions 30•Troubleshooting 31•Installation 32•Technicalspecifications 34•Hardwiringdetails 35•Warranty 37

environmental tip


of those materials through your local recycling depot or by placing them in appropriate collection containers.

•Ifyouwishtodiscardthisproduct,pleasecontactyourlocalauthorities and ask for the correct method of disposal.

Page 3: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

electrolux e:line ovenscontrolpanel54 oven controls electrolux e:line ovens

Rotary control ovens (EOEM61CS)

Electronic touch control ovens (EOEE62CK, EPEE63CK, EUEE63CK)




1 Rotary control panel2 Oven handle3 Oven door

9 Electronic control panel10 Oven handle11 Oven door12 Duo oven (EUEE63CK only)




4 Electronic control panel5 Oven handle6 Oven door7 Duo oven (EUEE63CS Only)8 Double oven (EDEE63CS Only)



Electronic control ovens (EOEE62CS, EOEE63CS, EPEE63CS, EUEE63CS, EDEE63CS)

Rotary control panel (EOEM61CS)

Electronic control panel (EOEE62CS, EOEE63CS, EPEE63CS, EUEE63CS, EDEE63CS)

Electronic touch control panel (EOEE62CK, EPEE63CK, EUEE63CK)

11 ON/Offbutton12 Upper/lowerovenselector

(EUEE63CS & EDEE63CS) Pyro accept button (EPEE63CS only)13 Cooking function selectors

14 Temperature selectors15 Cook time selectors16 Start/stoptimeselectors17 Timer button18 Set clock buttons19 Upper or lower oven display

20 Cooking function display21 Temperature display22 Cook time display23 Start/stoptimedisplay24 Clock

25 ON/Offbutton26 Upper/lowerovenselector

(EUEE63CK only) Pyro accept button (EPEE63CK only)27 Cooking function selectors

28 Temperature selectors29 Cook/Pyrocleantimeselector30 Start/stoptimeselectors31 Timer button32 Set clock buttons

33 Pyro accept indicator (EPEE63CK only)

34 Cooking function display35 Cook time display36 Clock

1 27 4 3 5 9

6 10 8

1 Oven function selector2 Oven/grilltemperatureselector3 Mode selector4 Decrease time

5 Increasetime6 Cook time indicator7 End time indicator8 Timer indicator

9 Clock indicator10 Display

19 20 21 22 23 24

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PYRO CLEANMedium clean

pyro accept



33 34 35 36

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32






Page 4: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

Whenfullyinsertedtheshelf/trayshouldnotinterferewith the closed oven door.

• Fatfilter Thefatfilterisdesignedtogoontothefrontofthefan


1. Locate the mounting slots in the fan cover and the correspondingtagsonthefatfilter.

2. Positionthefatfilterontothefancoverwiththetags pointing down.

3. Pushthefatfilterdownintoposition.

tips and information

Thefatfiltershouldbecleanedregularlyforbestcooking results.

6 before using your rotary control oven electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens cooking functions – rotary control oven 7

function description


Heat comes from the element surrounding the fan as well as the smaller element above the food. This allows you to preheat your oven 30% quicker than onstandard‘Bake’.‘RapidHeat’isidealforcookingfrozenpre-cookedfoodssuchassavourypastries,pizzas,minimeals(TVdinners),meatpiesandfruitpies. Simply place the food in the oven straight from thefreezerandheat.Cookintheupperhalfofthe oven for best results.

Fancook Heat comes from the element surrounding the fan. This fan circulates the hot air around the oven cavity so that you can put your food in different places in the oven and still cook them at the same time. You can use ‘fancook’functionformulti-shelfcooking,reheatingcookedfoods,pastriesandcompleteovenmeals.Itwill cook at a lower temperature and be faster than baking. Please note that some variation in browning is normal.


Heat comes from two elements, one above and one below the food. The bottom element is a clean heat elementandisbelowtheflooroftheoven.Bothelements are controlled by the thermostat and will turn on and off to maintain set temperature. You can use the‘Bake/pizza’functionforsingletraysofbiscuits,scones,muffins,cakes,slices,casseroles,bakedpuddings, roasts and delicate egg dishes.

Pastry Heat comes from the clean heat element below the food. The element is controlled by the thermostat and will turn on and off to maintain the set temperature. The‘Pastry’functioncanbeusedtoaddextrabrowningtothebasesofpizzas,pies,andpastries.Cook in the lower half of the oven when you are using only one shelf.

Defrost The‘Defrost’functionuseslowtemperatureairthat is circulated by the fan. You can defrost (thaw) your foodbeforeyoucookit.Youcanalsouse‘Defrost’ to raise your yeast dough and to dry fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Fangrill ‘fanGrill’offersyouthebenefitsofboth‘Bake’andtraditional‘Grill’functions.Thegrillelementturnson and off to maintain set temperature while the fan circulates the heated air. The oven door remains closedforfangrill.Youcanuse‘fanGrill’forlargecuts of meat, which gives you a result that is similar to ‘rotisserie’cookedmeat.Putyourfoodonashelfinthe second lowest shelf position. Put you grill dish on thelowestshelftocatchanyspills.Whenusing“fanGrill’itisnotnecessarytoturnfoodoverduringthecooking cycle. Set temperature to 180°C.

Grill ‘Grill’functiondirectsradiantheatfromthepowerfulupper element onto the food. You can use the ‘Grill’functionfortendercutsofmeatsteak,chops,sausages,fish,cheesetoastiesandotherquickcooking foods. Grill with the oven door closed. Preheat your grill for 3 minutes to get the best results. Thiswillhelpsealinthenaturaljuicesofsteak,chopsetcforbetterflavour.Youcanslideyourgrilldishinto either of the 2 spaces within the uppers pairs of support rails.

Maxigrill ‘MaxiGrill’directsradiantheatfrom2powerfulupperelementsontothefood.Youcanusethe‘MaxiGrill’ function for tender cuts of meat, steak, chops, sausages,fish,cheesetoastiesandotherquickcooking foods. Grill with the oven door closed. ‘Maxi Grill’allowsyoutotakefulladvantageofthelargegrilldishareaandwillcookfasterthannormal‘Grill’.forbest results it is recommended to preheat your grill for3minutes.Thiswillhelpsealinthenaturaljuicesofsteak,chopsetcforabetterflavour.Youcanslideyourgrill dish into either of the 2 spaces within the upper pairs of support rails.

Preparing your oven1. Pleaseremoveallstickers,leafletsandboxesfromthe

doorandfromtheflooroftheovenbeforeoperation.2. Please wipe out the oven interior prior to operation with

warm soapy water and polish dry with a soft clean cloth. Do not close the oven door until the oven is completely dry.

Setting the timeAfterelectricallyconnectingtheappliance,youmustsetthe time of day before you can operate your oven.

• Aftertheappliancehasbeenelectricallyconnected‘12:00’willbedisplayedandtheclock‘indicator’willflash.

• Tosetthetimeofdayinhoursandminutespressthe or buttons.

5secondsafterthelastchange,theclock‘indicator’willdisappear,confirmingthetimehasbeenset.Oncethetimehas been entered, the clock advances minute by minute.

Note:• Theclockhasa24hourdisplay.

tips and information

Newappliancescanhaveasmellduringfirstuse.Itisrecommendedto‘runin’theovenbeforeyoucookforthefirsttime.Operatetheoven,empty,atatemperatureof180°Cforapproximately2-4hours(seepage8foroperating sequence). Please ensure the room is well ventilated during this process.

Installing your oven accessories• Catalyticliners Theovenwillalreadybefittedwithacatalyticfanbaffle

andtoppanel.Wehavesuppliedsidepanelsforyoutofit.Theycanbefittedbeforeyouputthesiderackson but you can omit them, if you wish, with no effect to cooking performance. Their sole purpose is to make oven cleaning easier. Of course, you can add them at any time by removing the side racks (see page 22). The catalytic liners will attach to each side of the oven. There will be a left hand and a right hand version.

1.Positionthefirstlinerasperthediagram.Theblack,shiny side of the liner should be facing the oven wall, thehookspointingdown.Notethatthediagramshows the left hand liner. The right hand side will be a mirror image of this.

2. Line the hooks up with the slots provided in the oven wall, push them in and then allow the liner to slide downtoitsfinalposition.All 4 hooks MUST be engaged in slots.

3. The access hole for the side racks should be visible when the liner is correctly positioned – see diagram.

• Sideracks 1.Insertthetwinpeggedsideintotherearaccess

holes provided, ensuring pegs are fully inserted. 2. Then locate the front peg into the front access hole


• Shelvesandtrays The shelves are designed so that they have maximum

extension but cannot be accidentally pulled right out. The trays are designed the same way and slot straight into the side racks.

Tofitashelfortraytosideracks: 1.Locatetherearedgeoftheshelf/trayinbetween

2 guide rails of the side rack – see diagram. Ensure the same rail positions on both sides of the oven are being engaged.

2.Withthefrontedgeraised,begintoslidetheshelfintothe oven.

3. Once the detents have passed the front edge of the side rack, the shelf can be pushed completely in.

Beforeusingyourrotarycontrolor touch oven

cook time

end time




Cooking functions – rotary control oven

Page 5: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

8 operating sequence – rotary control oven electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens cooking with the timer – rotary control oven 9

Selectthecookingfunction• Turnthefunctionselectorinanydirectiontothedesired

cooking function. The oven cavity light will come on.

Select the temperature• Tosetthetemperature,turnthetemperatureselectorin

aclockwisedirectiontothedesiredsetting.Anindicatorlight above the temperature selector will come on.

• Athermostatcontrolsthetemperatureinyourappliance.Whenthetemperatureisreached,theheatingsourceswitchesitselfoffandtheindicatorlightgoesout.Whenthe oven temperature falls below the desired setting, the heating source switches on and the indicator light comes on again.

• Oncethefoodiscooked,turnthetemperatureselectorbackinananti-clockwisedirection.Donotforceitright round in a clockwise direction as this will result in damage to the thermostat.

Note:• Thedesiredcookingfunctionmustbeselectedbefore


Temperature estimationsIfarecipecallsforfahrenheit(°f)ornoactualtemperatures, use the following table to determine the temperature (°C).

oven temperature°C temperature°F

Lowheat Cool Veryslow Slow

80 100-110130-140


Moderateheat Moderately slow Moderate Moderately hot



Highheat Hot Veryhot Extremely hot



Operating sequence – rotary control oven

tips and information

Pre-heating forbestcookingresultsyoumustpre-heatyourovenandgrill.Pre-heatingyourapplianceallowsittoreachtherequiredtemperaturequicklyandefficientlyaswellascookyour food at the correct temperature for the entire cook time.

1.With‘RapidHeat’functionThis function allows your oven to reach preset temperature quicker than any other cooking function. Turn the function selectorto‘RapidHeat’,thensetthedesiredtemperature,by rotating your oven temperature selector.Whentheindicatorlightabovethetemperatureselectorgoes out, the oven has reached the desired temperature. Select the oven function you require for cooking and place the food in the oven.

2.WithotherovenfunctionsSet the desired temperature by rotating your oven temperature selector.Whentheindicatorlightgoesouttheovenhasreached the desired preset temperature, place your food in the oven, close the door and set the timer if you desire.


tips and information

Cooling/Ventfan Yourbuilt-inapplianceisfittedwithacoolingfan.Thisprevents your kitchen cabinet from overheating and reducesthecondensationinsidetheoven.Itwilloperatewhenever you are using your oven and blow warm air across the top of the oven door.

Note:• Iftheovenisstillhotfromcooking,thecoolingfanwill


Condensation• Excesscondensationmayfogtheovendoor.Thismay

happen when you are cooking large quantities of food from a cold start. You can minimise condensation by:

– Keeping the amount of water used whilst cooking to a minimum.

–Makingsuretheovendoorisfirmlyclosed. –Bakingcustardinabakingdishthatisslightlysmaller

than the water container. – Cooking casseroles with the lid on.

Note:• Ifyouareusingwaterincooking,thiswillturntosteam


Your oven is equipped with a 3 button timer that has the following features:• Timer–youcansetacountdowntimethatwillbeep

when the set time has elapsed.• Cooktime–youcansetcookingduration.Atimerwill

count down the preset cooking time, beep when the time has elapsed and turn the appliance off.

• Endtime–insteadofsettingacookingdurationyoucansetacookingfinishtime.Whenthefinishtimehasbeenreached the timer will beep and turn the appliance off.

• Delayedstartcookingtime–youcancombinethecooking time and end cooking time to switch oven on andoffataspecifictimeduringtheday.

Selecting the timer• PresstheMODEbuttonuntilthetimer‘indicator’

beginsflashing.• Setthecountdowntimeyouwantbyusingthe and

buttons.5secondsafterthelastchangethetimer‘indicator’willstopflashingandthecountdownwillstartin minutes.

• Tostopthebeeper,pressanybutton.

Settingthecookingduration• Selectthedesiredovenfunctionandtemperature.• Theovenindicatorlightwillglowandtheheatingsource

will come on.• PresstheMODEbuttonuntilthecooktime‘indicator’

beginsflashing.• Setthecookingdurationyouwantbyusingthe and

buttons. Five seconds after the last change the cook time‘indicator’willstopflashing,andthetimeofdaywillbe displayed.

Note:• Remembertoaddpre-heatingtimeifnecessary.

Settingthecookingendtime1. Check that the clock displays the correct time of day.2. Select the desired oven function and temperature.

The oven indicator light will glow and the heating source will come on.

Cooking with the timer – rotary control oven

3. PressMODEbuttonuntiltheendtime‘indicator’ beginsflashing.

4. Enterthetimeofdayyouwanttofinishcookingbypressing or buttons. Five seconds after the last change,theendtime‘indicator’willstopflashingandthe current time of day will be displayed.

Settingthedelayedstartcookingtime• Setthecooktimeandendasdescribedinthe

previous sections.• Onceboththecooktimeandendtimehavebeenset,


Tocheckorcancelsettings• Tocheckyoursettings,presstheMODE button until the

settingyouwantisdisplayed.Aredlightwillflashnext to the mode (cook time, end time etc) that is currently on display.

• Tocancel“delayedstart”presstheMODE button until alightflashesnextto“endtime”.Pressandholdthe– button until the clock no longer reverses (you will hear abeep).Ifyouhaveleftthetemperatureandfunctionknobsatasettingtheovenwillstartoncethe“endtime”lightstopsflashing.

• Tocancel“autoshutoff”presstheMODE button until alightflashesnextto“cooktime”.Pressandholdthe–button until the clock no longer reverses (at 0:00 you will hearabeep).Thisautomaticallycancels“delayedstart”.Ifyouhaveleftthetemperatureandfunctionknobsatasetting,theovenwillstartoncethe“cooktime”lightstopsflashing.Becauseyouhavecancelled“autooff”the oven will continue to heat until you manually turn it off.

Oncompletionofcooking• Theheatsourcewillturnoff,thetimerwillbeepandthe

endtimeand/orcooktime‘indicators’willflash.• Eventhoughtheheatingelementturnsofftheovenwill

still retain substantial heat. This will continue to cook the fooduntilitisremovedortheovencoolsdown.Ifyoudo not plan on being present when the oven turns off, you should take this extra heating time into account.

• Turnthefunctionandtemperaturecontrolstotheoffposition.

• Pressanybuttontostopthetimerbeeping.

Adjustingtheclock• PresstheMODEbuttonuntiltheclock‘indicator’

beginsflashing.• Pressthe or buttons to change the time of day.

5secondsafterthelastchange,theclock‘indicator’ willdisappear,confirmingthetimehasbeenadjusted.

cook time

end time




cook time

end time




cook time

end time




Page 6: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

Preparing your oven1. Pleaseremoveallstickers,leafletsandboxesfromthe

doorsandtheflooroftheovenbeforeoperation.2. Please wipe out the oven interior prior to operation with

warm soapy water and polish dry with a soft clean cloth. Do not close the oven door until the oven is completely dry.

Setting the timeAfterelectricallyconnectingtheappliance,youmustsetthetime of day before you can operate your oven.1. Aftertheappliancehasbeenelectricallyconnected


2. To set the time of day in hours and minutes, press the or buttonsunderneaththe“setclock”graphic.

3. 8 seconds after the last change the time will stop flashing,confirmingthetimehasbeenset.Oncethetime has been entered, the clock advances minute by minute.

Note:• Theclockhasa12hourdisplay• Thedisplayhas3levelsofbrightness. –Brightestillumination:whenevertheovenisinuse. –Mediumillumination:theovenisnotinuse. –Lowestillumination:theovenisnotinusebetween


Installing your oven accessories• Catalyticliners(ifsupplied) Theoven/swillalreadybefittedwithacatalyticfan

baffleandtoppanel.Wehavesuppliedsidepanels foryoutofit.Theycanbefittedbeforeyouputthesideracks on but you can omit them, if you wish, with no effect to cooking performance. Their sole purpose is to make oven cleaning easier. Of course, you can add them at any time by removing the side racks (see page 22). The catalytic liners will attach to each side of the oven. There will be a left hand and a right hand version.

1.Positionthefirstlinerasperthediagram.Theblack,shiny side of the liner should be facing the oven wall, thehookspointingdown.Notethatthediagramshows the left hand liner. The right hand side will be a mirror image of this.

2. Line the hooks up with the slots provided in the oven wall, push them in and then allow the liner to slidedowntoitsfinalposition.All4hooksMUST be engaged in slots.

3. The access hole for the side racks should be visible when the liner is correctly positioned – see diagram.

Beforeusingyourelectroniccontrolortouch control oven

Note:• IfyouhavepurchasedanEDEE63CS,EUEE63CSor


• PyromodelsEPEE63CSandEPEE63CKdonotrequirecatalyticlinerswhicharenotsuppliedwiththesemodels.Cleaningforthesemodelsisdoneviathe“pyro”function.

• Sideracks 1.Insertthetwinpeggedsideintotherearaccess

holes provided, ensuring pegs are fully inserted. 2. Then locate the front peg into the front access hole


Note:• IfyouhavepurchasedanEUEE63CSorEUEE63CKyou


10 before using your electronic control oven electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens before using your electronic control oven 11

• Shelvesandtrays The shelves are designed so that they have maximum

extension but cannot be accidentally pulled right out. The trays are designed the same way and slot straight into the side racks.

Tofitashelfortraytosideracks: 1.Locatetherearedgeoftheshelf/trayinbetween2

guide rails of the side rack – see diagram. Ensure the same rail positions on both sides of the oven are being engaged.

2.Withthefrontedgeraised,begintoslidetheshelfintothe oven.

3. Once the detents have passed the front edge of the side rack, the shelf can be pushed completely in.

Whenfullyinsertedtheshelf/trayshouldnotinterferewith the closed oven door.

To fit a shelf or tray to telescopic slides: 1.Withtheslidesfullypushedin,pushtheshelfortray

along the top of the slide until it hits the back post. 2. Drop the front of the shelf or tray onto the slide

ensuring it sits behind the front post of the slide. Whenfullyinsertedtheshelf/trayshouldnotinterfere

with the closed oven door.

• Fatfilter(ifsupplied) Thefatfilterisdesignedtogoontothefrontofthefan


1. Locate the mounting slots in the fan cover and the correspondingtagsonthefatfilter.

2. Positionthefatfilterontothefancoverwiththetags pointing down.

3. Pushthefatfilterdownintoposition.

tips and information

Thefatfiltershouldbecleanedregularlyforbest cooking results.

Page 7: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

function Symbol description

Cookfromfrozen The“Cookfromfrozen”functionisidealforcookingfrozenprecookedfoods such as savourypastries,pizzas,minimeals(TVdinners),meatpiesandfruitpies.Heatcomesfrom the element surrounding the fan as well as a smaller element above the food. Simplyplacethefoodintheovenstraightfromthefreezerandheat.Cookintheupperhalf of the oven for best results.

Fancooking Heat comes from the element surrounding the fan. This fan circulates the hot air around the oven cavity so that you can put your food in different places in the oven and still cookthematthesametime.Youcanusethe“fanCooking”functionformulti-shelf cooking,reheatingcookedfoods,pastriesandcompleteovenmeals.Itwillcookat a lower temperature and be faster than baking. Please note that some variation in browning is normal.

Traditionalbake Heat comes from two elements, one above and one below the food. The bottoms elementisacleanheatelementandisbelowtheflooroftheoven.Bothelementsarecontrolled by the thermostat and will turn on and off to maintain set temperature. You canusethe“TraditionalBake”functionforsingleshelfcooking,singletraysofbiscuits,scones,muffins,cakes,slices,casseroles,bakedpuddings,roastsand delicate egg dishes. This is a general function that can be used for most cooking.

Pastry The“Pastry”functionisspeciallydesignedforfoodthatrequireextrabrowningsuchasthe bases of pastries and pies.Heatcomesfromtheelementbelowthefood.Ifyouchoose the default setting, the oven will heat up to 230°C in order to brown the food. You should then drop the temperature to what the recipe required. Cook in the lower half of the oven when you are using only one shelf.

Fanassistbake Heat comes from two elements, one above and one below the food. The fan circulates the hot air around the oven cavity so that you can put the food in different places in the oven and still cook them at the same time. You should only use a maximum of two shelveswith“fanAssistBake”. Donotusethebottomshelf.Ifthetwoshelvesareused,foodontheshelfinthehigherpositionwillcookfirstandshouldthenberemovedtoallowthefoodonthelowershelf tofinishcooking.

Pizza “Pizza”isacombinationof“Pastry”and“fanAssistBake”andoffersyouthecombinedbenefitsofbothfunctions.Heatswitchesbetweentheelementsurroundingthefanandthecleanheatelementbelowtheovenfloor.The“Pizza”functionisidealforfoodsthatrequirecookingandbrowningonthebase.Itisforfoodssuchaspizzas,quiches,meat pies and fruit pies. Simply place the food in the middle of the oven and set the desired temperature.

Defrost The“Defrost”functionuseslowtemperatureairthatiscirculatedbythefan.Youcandefrost(thaw)yourfoodbeforeyoucookit.Youcanalsouse“defrost”toraise your yeast dough and to dry fruit, vegetables and herbs.The“Defrost”functiondoesnot have a suggested temperature but uses the ambient heat in the oven cavity.

Fangrill “fanGrill”offersyouthebenefitsofbothtraditionalbakeandtraditionalgrillfunctions.The grill element turns on and off to maintain set temperature while the fan circulates the heatedovenair.Theovendoorremainsclosedforfangrill.Youcanuse“fanGrill”forlarge cuts of meat,whichgivesyouaresultsimilarto“rotisserie”cookedmeat.Putyour food on a shelf in the second lowest shelf position. Put the grill dish on the lowest shelfpositiontocatchanyspills.Whenusing“fanGrill”itisnotnecessarytoturnthefood over during the cooking cycle. Set temperature to 180°C.

Halfgrill The“HalfGrill”directsradiantheatfromonlyoneofthepowerfulupperelementsontothefood.The“HalfGrill”functionisusedinsteadof“fullGrill”whenonlyhalftheamountof heat is needed.

Cooking functions – electronic control and touch control ovenYourovenwillhaveaselectionofthefollowingfunctionsasillustratedbythesymbolsanddescriptionsbelow.

12 cooking functions – electronic touch control and control oven electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens cooking functions – electronic touch control and control oven 13

function control oven description

Fullgrill “fullGrill”directradiantheatfromtwopowerfulupperelementsontothefood.Youcanuse“fullGrill”functionfortendercutsofmeat,steak,chops,sausages,fish,cheesetoastiesandotherquickcookingfoods.Grillwiththeovendoorclosed.“fullGrill”allowsyoutotakefulladvantageofthelargegrilldishareaandwillcookfasterthanthe“HalfGrill”function.forbestresultsitisrecommendedtopreheatyourgrillforthreeminutes.Thiswillhelpsealinthenaturaljuicesofsteak,chopsetcforabetterflavour. You can slide your grill dish into either of the two spaces within the upper pairs of support rails.“fullGrillhas2temperaturesettings,‘LO’and‘HI’.

Keep warm The“KeepWarm”functionisalowtemperatureovenfunctiondesignedtokeepyourfood at a perfect eating temperature without cooking it further. Heat comes from the smallerelementsabovethefoodandiscirculatedbythefan.Use“KeepWarm”tokeepyour food warm while you prepare the rest of the meal or afterwards while you wait for the late arrival.


Roast This function starts at a higher temperature to seal the meat. The oven will then automatically reduce to the selected temperature to cook the meat for as long as desired. forexample,ifyouusethedefault200°Cthe“Roast”cyclewillstartat240°Candthenlower to 200°C.

Pyrolytic cleaning The“Pyrolyticcleaning”functionisusedforcleaningthemainoven.Itcleansbyburningoff the spatters and accumulated dirt and grease from the oven liner, at high temperature. This process produces ash which can be wiped out of the oven cavity.

Page 8: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

14 operating sequence – electronic control oven electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovenscookingwiththetimer–electroniccontroloven15

Turning the oven on• Switchontheovenbypressingthe“ON/Off”button.

The LCD control panel will come on and inform you that you need to select a cooking function.

• Ifyoudonotselectafunctionwithin8secondstheovenwill turn off.

SelectingtheUpperorLoweroven (EDEE63CS, EUEE63CS & EUEE63CK only)Your model may be equipped with two ovens. On these models, use the oven selector button to toggle between the upper and lower ovens.• Selectwhichoventousebypressingthe“upper/lower”

button. The oven cavity icon on the LCD control panel will tell you which oven is currently active.

Note:• Thelowerovencavitydoesnothaveasmanyfunctions


SelectacookingfunctionYour oven will have a selection of functions. Refer to the insidefrontcoverofthismanualtoconfirmwhatfunctionsare available to you.• Pressthe“function ”orfunction ”buttonsasmany

times as necessary until the desired function appears.• Cookingsuggestionswillappearunderthefunction

name and suggested cooking temperatures will appear above the temperature selector.

• Ifnootherbuttonistouchedwithin8secondsthe oven will switch on and begin to heat up to the displayed temperature.

Operating sequence – electronic control oven

Selecting a temperatureThe temperature in your appliance is electronically controlled. • Thetemperaturecanbeselectedwithintherangeof

30°Cto250°Candcanbeadjustedatanytime.Tosetthetemperature,pressthetemperature“ ”andtemperature“ ”buttonstoreachthedesiredsetting.

• Ifnofurtherchangesaremadewithin8secondstheoven begins to heat. The heating indicators above the temperature selector will come on and start to rise slowly, indicating the degree to which the oven is currently being heated.

• Whenthetemperatureisreached,theindicatorbarsarefullylit,theheatsourceswitchesitselfoffandthebuzzerwillplayashortsound.Whentheoventemperaturefallsbelow the desired setting, the heating source switches back on.

tips and information

Pre-heatingyourovenisrecommendedinseveralcookingandgrillingfunctions.Pre-heatingyourapplianceallowsittoreachtherequiredtemperaturequicklyandefficientlyaswell as cook your food at the correct temperature for the entire cook time.

The programmable controller models are equipped with abuilt-inrapidheat-upthatactivateseachtimeyoustartanovenfunction.Duringtherapidheat-upphasetheheatcomes from the element surrounding the fan as well as the smaller element above the food. This combination will heat up your oven 30% quicker than it would on standard “Bake”.Theovenwillautomaticallyreverttothesetcookingfunction once the preset temperature is reached.

Turning the oven offSingle cavity models:1. Press the ON/Off button to switch off the oven.Dual cavity models:1. Presstheupper/lowerovenselectorbuttontotoggleto

the desired oven.2. Press the ON/Off button to switch off the desired oven.

TheLCDcontrolpanelwillcomeofftoconfirmthattheoven is now switched off.

3. Iftheotherovenisstillactive,after1second,theLCDcontrol panel will automatically revert to show the setting of that oven.

4. To turn off both ovens at once, press and hold the On/Offbuttonfor1second.Allelements,cavitylightand the LCD control panel will then switch off at the same time.

Your oven is equipped with a programmable controller that can be used to turn on and off the oven automatically.The cook time is used to automatically turn the oven off after a set amount of time.

Settingthecooktime1. Select the desired oven function and cooking temperature.2. Pressthe“cooktime ”buttonasoftenasnecessary,

until the desired cook time has been set.3. After8secondsfromthelasttimeadjustmentyouroven

will be programmed and will start cooking.

Note:• Duringcooking,youcanadjustthecooktimewith

theCooktime or buttonsforbettercookingperformance.

Settingthestart/stoptimeThestart/stoptimecanbeusedtoswitchtheovenOnandOffataspecifictimeduringtheday.1. Check the clock displays the correct time of day.2. Select the desired oven function and cooking

temperature.3. Set the required cook time.4. Pressthe“start/stop”time button to move the start

and stop time forward.5. After8secondsfromthelasttimeadjustmentthe


The oven will start cooking when the time of day reaches the set start time.

Note:• 30secondsafteraprogrammedcookingfunctionhas

started,itisnolongerpossibletodelaythestarttime.• Inordertodelayacookingfunctionthathasalready


Cooking with the timer – electronic control oven

OncompletionofcookingWhenthecooktimehaselapsed,anaudiblesignalwill sound for 10 seconds, the oven will switch off and COOKINGfINISHEDwillbedisplayedonthelefthandsideof the display. On the right hand side of the display, the remainingtimeindication“0min”willappeartogetherwiththe cooking start and stop time.• Tostoptheaudiblesignal,pressanyofthebuttonson

the control panel.• Ifyouwishtocookabitlonger,pressthe“cooktime ”

button for each additional minute you require. The oven automatically reverts to the function and temperature previouslyprogrammed.Thisfeatureisavailablefor5minutesaftercookinghasfinished.Afterthat,theovenautomatically switches off.

tips and information

Even though the heating element turns off the oven will still retain substantial heat. This will continue to cook the food untilitisremovedortheovencoolsdown.Ifyoudonotplan on being present when the oven turns off, you should take this extra heating time into account.

Setting the timerThe timer can be used independently of the oven for setting acountdownperiod.Whentheperiodoftimehaselapsed,an audible signal sounds.1. Press the timer button.2. Set the desired length of time using the or buttons

whilstthetimerbellisflashing.After8secondsfromthelastadjustmentthetimerbellwillstopflashingandthetimer will start to count down.

3. Whenthesettimehaselapsed,anaudiblesignalwillsoundfor10seconds.Thetimeindication“0min”andthetimerbellwillflashonthedisplay.

4. To stop the signal, press any of the 3 buttons below the Clock/Timerdisplay.

Note:• Thisfeaturehasnoeffectontheovenoperation.

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16 additional functionality – electronic control oven electrolux e:line ovens cooking guide electrolux e:line ovens 17

AdjustingtheclockThe time of day is independent of the oven and can be adjustedatanypoint.1. To set the time of day in hours and minutes press and

hold the and buttons simultaneously for 1 second untilthedotsontheclockdisplaystartflashing.

2. Adjustthetimeofdayusingthe and buttons.3. After8secondsfromthelastadjustment,thedotswill


DemoModeThis mode is intended to be used in retail shops to demonstrate the oven functionality without any power consumption except to the oven lamps.1. EnsuretheovenisoffbypressingtheON/Offbutton.2. PressandholdtheON/Offbuttonuntilthedisplay

turnsONthenOff.Immediatelyafterpressthecooktimebuttons simultaneously, hold until the words ‘Demo mode’aredisplayed,asinglebeepwillsoundtoconfirmthe operation.

ReleasingDemoMode1. EnsuretheovenisoffbypressingtheON/Offbutton.2. PressandholdtheON/Offbuttonuntilthedisplay

turnsONthenOff.Immediatelyafterpressthecooktime buttons simultaneously, hold until the words ‘Normalmode’aredisplayed,asinglebeepwillsoundtoconfirmtheoperation.

ActivatingthechildlockWhenthechildlockisengaged,theovencannotbeswitched on.1. Switchofftheapplianceusingthe“ON/Off”button.2. Press the function buttons simultaneously, hold until the

words LOCKED are displayed, a single beep will sound toconfirmtheoperation.Thechildlockisnowengaged.

Note:• Whenthechildlockfunctionasactive,onlytheclock


ReleasingthechildlockPress the function buttons at the same time, hold until the word LOCKED is cleared from the display. The child lock is now released and the oven is ready to use.

BeepontouchThe beep sound can be activated anytime a button is pressed.1. Ensure the oven is off by pressing the ON/Off button.2. Press the temperature buttons simultaneously for

onesecond,asinglebeepwillsoundtoconfirmoperation. Repeat the above procedure to reset the beepmodetotouchmode.Asdefaultthebeepontouch mode is off.

MaximumoperationtimesforsafetyThe oven automatically switches itself off if the temperature isnotadjustedortheapplianceisleftoperatingfor:• 12.5hourswhensetbetween30°Cand120°C• 8.5hourswhensetbetween120°Cand200°C• 5.5hourswhensetbetween200°Cand250°C

Additionalfunctionality– electronic control oven

• Selectthecorrectshelflocationforfoodbeingcooked.• Makesuredisheswillfitintotheovenbeforeyouswitch

it on.• KeepedgesofnonElectroluxbakingdishesatleast

40mm from the side of the oven. This allows free circulation of heat and ensures even cooking.

• Donotopentheovendoormorethannecessary.• Donotplacefoodswithalotofliquidintotheovenwith

other foods. This will cause food to steam and not brown.

• Aftertheovenisturnedoffitretainstheheatforsometime.Usethisheattofinishcustardsortodrybread.

• Donotusealotofcookingoilwhenroasting.Thiswillprevent splattering oil on the sides of the oven and the oven door.

• Whencookingitemsthatrequireahighheat(e.g.tarts),place the cooking dish on a scone tray in the desired shelf position.

• forspongesandcakesusealuminium,brightfinishedornon-stickcookware.

CondensationExcess condensation may fog the oven door. This may happen when you are cooking large quantities of food from a cold start. You can minimise condensation by:• Keepingtheamountofwaterusedwhilstcookingto

a minimum.• Makingsuretheovendoorisfirmlyclosed.• Bakingcustardinabakingdishthatisslightlysmaller

than the water container.• Cookingcasseroleswiththelidon.• Ifyouareusingwaterincooking,thiswillturntosteam

and may condense outside your appliance. This is not a problem or fault with your oven.

Roastingmeat(useroastingtray&insert)• Placethemeatintheovenandsetthetemperature

between180°Cand200°C.(Itisrecommendedtowrapyour meats in an oven roasting bag or foil to prevent fats and oils from splattering. This will make it easier to clean your oven.)

• Usethegrill/ovendishandsmokelessgrillinsert.Placethe meat on the insert.

• Donotpiercethemeat.• Whenthemeatiscooked,taketheroastoutofthe

oven, wrap in aluminium foil and leave to stand for about10minutes.Thiswillhelpretainthejuiceswhenthe meat is carved. The table in the next column shows temperatures and cooking times for different kinds of meat. These may vary depending on the thickness and bone content of the meat.

Roastingpoultryandfish• Placethepoultryorfishinanovensetatamoderate

temperature of 180°C.• Placealayeroffoiloverthefishforaboutthreequarters

of the cooking time The table shows the temperatures andthecookingtimesfordifferentkindsoffishandpoultry. These may vary depending on the thickness and bone content of the meat.

Cooking guide

Oven shelf locationYour oven has 7 positions for shelves (as shown in the examplebelow),or8positionsiftheyarefittedwithslides(selected models).To give maximum space above and below the shelves, load them in this way:• Whencookingwith1shelf,positionat3,4,5or6.• Whencookingwith2shelves,positionthemat3and7.

Refer to cooking guide.

environmental tip

Usetheovenefficientlybycookingmanytraysoffoodatthe same time. For example:• Cook2traysofscones,smallcakesorsausagerolls.• Cookaroastdinneratthesametimeasyoucookchips

or vegetables.


meat recommended temperature°C


Beef 200 Rare 35-40Medium 45-50Welldone 55-60

Lamb 200 Medium 40Welldone 60

Veal 180 Welldone 60

Pork 200 Welldone 60

poultry and fish

recommended temperature°C


Chicken 180 45-50

Duck 180-200 60-70

Turkey 180 40-45(<10kg)35-40(>10kg)

Fish 180 20

tips and information

Cooling/VentfanYourapplianceisfittedwithacoolingfan.Thispreventsyour kitchen cabinet from overheating and reduces the condensation inside the oven. Itwilloperatewheneveryouareusingyourovenandblowwarm air across the top of the oven door.

Note:• Iftheovenisstillhotfromcooking,thecoolingfanwill


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18 cooking guide electrolux e:line ovens grilling guide electrolux e:line ovens 19

tips and information

The following tables are intended as a guide and experience may show some variation in cooking times necessary to meet individual requirements.

Temperature estimationsIfarecipecallsforfahrenheit(°f)ornoactualtemperatures,usethefollowingtabletodeterminethetemperature(°C).

oven temperature°C temperature°F

Lowheat Cool VeryslowSlow

80 100-110130-140


Moderateheat Moderately slow Moderate Moderately hot



Highheat Hot VeryhotExtremely hot




food temperature°C oven shelf position*

time in minutes

Scones Plain or fruit 220 2 10-15

Biscuits RolledSpoonedShortbread biscuits


221 or 2


Meringues Hard – individualSoft – individualPavlova – 6 eggs




Cakes Patty cakesSponge – 4 eggsShallow butter cakeRich fruit cake




Pastry – Shortcrust Cornish pastiesCustard tart




Pastry – choux Cream puffs 210 2 25-30

Yeast goods Bread 210 1 25-30

*Counting from the bottom shelf up


food temperature°C oven shelf position*

time in minutes

Scones Plain or fruit 210 Any 10-15

Biscuits RolledSpoonedShortbread biscuits




Meringues Hard – individualSoft – individualPavlova – 6 egg




Cakes Patty cakesSponge – 4 eggShallow butter cakeRich fruit cake




Pastry – Shortcrust Cornish pastiesCustard tart




Pastry – choux Cream puffs 200 Any 25-30

Yeast goods Bread 200 Any 25-30

*Counting from the bottom shelf up

tips and information

forbestcookingresultsyoumustPre-Heatyourovenandgrill.Pre-heatingyourapplianceallowsittoreachtherequiredtemperaturequicklyandefficientlyaswellascookyour food at the correct temperature for the entire cook time. For best baking results preheat oven for 30 minutes.

Grilling hintsAsamethodofcooking,grillingcanbeusedto:• Enhancetheflavoursofvegetables,fish,poultryand

meat.• Sealthesurfaceofthefoodandretainnaturaljuices.• Youcangrillwiththedooropenorclosed.

This table shows how to grill different types of meat:

food grilling method

Beef Youcanusetenderloin,rumpandsirloin.Brushwith oil or melted butter, especially if the meat is very lean.

Lamb You can use the loin chops, shortloin chops, chump chops and forequarter chops. Remove skinorcutatintervalstoavoidcurling.Brushwith oil or melted butter.

Sausages Prick sausages to stop skin from bursting.

Poultry Divideintoservingpieces.Brushwithoil.

Fish Brushwithoilormeltedbutterandlemonjuice.

Bacon Removerind.Grillflatandmakeintorolls.


Note:• Alwayscleanthegrill/ovendishaftereveryuse.


Guide to better grillingNodefinitetimescanbegivenforgrillingbecausethisdependsonyourowntastesandthesizeofthefood.These times should only be used as a guide and remember to turn the food over half way through the cooking process.

food time in minutes

Steak 15-20

Chops 20-30

Fish 8-10

Bacon 4-5

For better grilling results, follow these easy instructions:• Removeoven/grilldishandgrillinsertandpreheatgrill

forabout5minutes.• Chooseonlyprimecutsofmeatorfish.Ifthecutisless

than5mmthickitwilldryout.Ifthecutismorethan40mm thick, the outside may burn whilst the inside remains raw.

• Donotplacealuminiumfoilunderfoodasthispreventsfats and oils from draining away, which could result in afire.

• Bastethefoodduringcookingwithbutter,oliveoil or marinade. Grilled food is better if marinated before cooking.

• Usetongstoturnfoodasaforkpiercesthesurfaceandwillletjuicesescape.

Grilling guide

FangrillThe Fan grill function will assist the grilling process by circulating the heat evenly around the food. The recommended temperature setting is 180°C for all fan grilling functions.• Usethesmokelessgrillinsertandovendishforall

fan grilling.• Positionthedishinthelowerhalfoftheoven,

for best results.• Wipeoffanyoilorfatwhichsplatterswhiletheoven

is still warm.• Thereisnoneedtoturnmeatasbothsidesarecooked

at the same time which means the food is succulent.

Page 11: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

20 dealing with cooking problems electrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens get to know your oven 21

problem causes remedies

Uneven cooking Incorrectshelfposition Select shelf that puts the food in the centre of the oven

Oven tray too large Experiment with other trays or dishes

Trays not centralised Centre trays

Airflowinovenuneven Rotate food during cooking

Grill dish affecting thermostat Remove grill dish from oven on bake modes

Bakedproductstoobrownontop Oven not preheated Preheat oven

Bakingtinstoolargefortherecipe Usecorrectsizetins

Bakingtinsnotevenlyspaced Stagger baking tins at least 3cm between tins and oven walls

Productsnotevenlysizedorspacedontrays Makeintosamesizeandshape,andspreadevenly over trays

Bakingtemperaturetoohigh Lower the temperature


Bakingtinstoolargefortherecipe Usecorrectsizetins

Bakingtinsareadarkmetalorglass Change to shiny, light tins or lower the temp by 10°C

Food too low in the oven Cook one shelf higher

Oven door opened too frequently during baking

Don’topenthedooruntilatleasthalfthecooking time has passed

Bakingtemperaturetoohigh Lower the temperature

Grill dish affecting thermostat Remove grill dish from oven and bake on modes

Cakes have a cracked thin crust Bakingtemperaturetoohigh Lower the temperature

Food too high in oven Cook one shelf lower

Cake batter over mixed Mixjustlongenoughtocombineingredients

Pan too deep Checksizeofpananduse

Bakingpansdark Change to shiny pans


Bakingtemperaturetoolow Raise the temperature

Food too low in oven Cook one shelf higher

Bakingtimetooshort Increasethecookingtime

Incorrectsizetin Usethecorrectsizetin

Cakes fallen in the centre Bakingtemperaturetoolow Raise the temperature

Bakingtimetooshort Increasethecookingtime

Proportions of ingredients incorrect in the recipe Check recipe

Open door too early in baking Do not open door until the last quarter of cooking time

Roast meat, potatoes not browning in fan oven

Poor air circulation Elevate food onto a rack to allow air circulation

Grill dish affecting thermostat Remove grill dish from oven on bake modes

Juices running out of meat Do not pierce meat with a fork

Turn with tongs

Grilled meats outside is overcooked and centre is raw

Grill at lower insert position

Grilled chops and steaks curling Cut into fat every 2cm

Dealing with cooking problems Get to know your oven

Gettoknowyournewovenwiththis ‘SimpleTestCake’Althoughwestriveforaperfectperformingoven,it’s possible that there will be some variation in colour when baking. Therefore, we suggest this simple, easy and delicious to make Simple Test Cake, it can help you understandyournewoven.Allovensdosometimeshavehotorcoldspots,thereforeitisimportanttojudgewithyour eye as you may require to rotate during baking.

‘SimpleTestCake’125gbutter,softenedtoroomtemperature1 cup caster sugar1 teaspoon pure vanilla essence4 large eggs2cupsself-raisingflourpinch of salt4tablespoons(80mL)full-creammilk

Method:1. Butterbaseandsidesoftwo,20cmstraight-sided

round or square cake pans. Then line the base with grease proof or baking paper.

2. Preheatoventomoderate‘180ºC’(170ºCfanforced)and ensure oven shelf is in the centre position of oven.

3. Cream softened butter and sugar until light in colour.4. Addvanillaessence.5. Theneggsoneatatime,beatingwellaftereach

addition.6. Siftflourandsaltintothemixtureandbeatuntil

well combined.7. Addmilkandbeatorstirtocombine.8. Spoon mixture equally between prepared cake pans.9. Bakeinpreheatedoven,middleshelfforabout25to35

minutesoruntilwhentestedwithafinecakeskeweritcomes out clean or the edges of the cakes have come away slightly from the sides of the cake pans.

10.Removefromoventowirecakerackandrestfor5minutes before removing from cake pans. Cool completely.

ToServe:sandwichtogetherwithyourfavouritejamorconserve, and dust top with pure icing sugar.


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22 electrolux e:line ovens maintenance and cleaning removing and replacing the oven top light (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only) electrolux e:line ovens 23


• Donotusesteamcleaners.• Donotlinethebottomoftheovenwithfoil


Stainless steel• Allgradesofstainlesssteelcanstain,discolourorbecome

greasy. You must clean these areas regularly by following the procedures below, if you want your appliance to look its best, perform well and have a long life.

• Caremustbetakenwhenwipingexposedstainlesssteel edges, they can be sharp!

• Thefrontframearoundtheovencanbecleanedwith stainless steel cleaners if it becomes soiled or discoloured.

• AsuitablecleanercanbepurchasedfromElectroluxCustomer Care Centres.


• Theovendoorandcontrolpanelisdecoratedwithaspecialstainlesssteelthatresistsfingermarksandshouldonly be cleaned with warm water and a mild detergent.

• DONOTusestainlesssteelcleaners,abrasivecleanersor harsh solvents.

Note:• Makesureyoufollowthepolishorbrushinglinesinthesteel.

Glass• Glasssurfacesondoorsandcontrolpanelsarebest

cleaned immediately after soiling.• Adampclothmayhelpremovebakedonfooddeposits.• Ovencleanerscanbeusedtoremovestubbornmarks

and stains.


• Thedoorglassonthisapplianceismadefromatough,durable material that withstands heating and cooling without breaking. However, it must be remembered that itisGLASS,itmaybreak.Treatitaccordingly!Shouldyouhave any questions about the glass in your new appliance, please contact the customer care centre by dialling 1300 363 640.

• Donotuseharshabrasivecleanersorsharpmetalscrapers to clean the oven door since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.

Oven• Alwayskeepyourapplianceclean.Ensurefatsandoils

do not accumulate around elements, burners or fans.• Alwayskeeptheovendish,baketraysandgrilldish

insertsclean,asanyfatdepositsmaycatchfire.• Alwayswrapyourmeatsinfoiloranovenroastingbag


Note:• ReferalsotoPyroliticovencleaningonpage28.


Grill• Alwayskeepthegrilldishandgrillinsertclean,asany


Maintenance and cleaning

Removingthetraysandshelvesfromyourappliance• Slidethedishandshelvestowardsyouuntiltheyreach

the front stop.• Tiltthemupatthefronttoclearthesidesupports,

taking care not to spill the contents.• Liftthemclear.• Washthedishandinserttheshelvesinhotsoapywater.• Reversetheabovestepstoputthegrilldishandshelves

back again.• Ensurethattheyareplacedbetweentwosupportwires.• Toremoveatrayfromaslidingposition: – Pull tray towards you until it stops. – Lift the tray clear.

Removingthesideracks 1. Grasp the middle wire at the front. 2.Pullfirmlyinwards.

Cleaning your accessories


IMPORTANT:Makesuretheapplianceisturnedoffbefore you remove or replace parts, to avoid the possibilityofelectricshock.

Removingandreplacingtheovenbacklightand side light• Turnovenlightglassanticlockwisetoremoveitfor

globe replacement.• Toremovesidelight,placeaspoonunderthelightglass

and lever off. Replace globe and snap glass cover back into position.

• Aspecialhightemperatureresistantglobeshouldbeused. This can be purchased from Electrolux Customer Care Centre.

ReleasingthegrillelementWehavedesignedtheupperelementwitharotatinglatchto help you reach your oven roof for cleaning.• Rotatelatchuntiltheelementdropsdownfreely.

• Thetoplightispositionedbehindthegrilldeflectoratthetop of the oven.

• Toremovetheglobetheshelvesshouldfirstberemovedfrom the oven and the top element dropped down.

• Insertasmallscrewdriverintotheglasscutoutbetweenthe two metal clips on the left hand side, as shown in the diagram.

• Gentlylevertheglasscoveroff,bypushingthescrewdriver in and moving it upwards, whilst holding the glass coverwiththeotherhand.(Ifnotsupported,theglasscover may fall and break).

• Removethefaultyglobebypullingitdirectlyoutof its holder.

• Replacetheoldglobewithanewone,ensuringnottodirectlytouchthesurfaceoftheglobewithyourfingers,(Atissueorsoftclothisbestforthis.)

• Pickuptheglasscoverandplaceshortedgeintorightside of housing; push up opposite end of glass cover until it snaps into position.

• Resecurethetopelementinplace.

Replacing the oven top light (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only)

Page 13: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

24 electrolux e:line ovens catalytic self cleaning panels oven door removal & cleaning electrolux e:line ovens25

OperationCatalytic self clean panels are coated with a specially formulated enamel coating, over a base of regular enamel. This enamel coating has a rough surface which is also porous. During normal cooking, fats and other food splatter is partially absorbed into the surface and then oxidises away.This oxidisation of the fat works best if the oven is set at hightemperatures,Youwillfindthatifyoudoalotoflowertemperature baking, say around the normal 180°C,then the cleaning process may not be complete. Everynowandthenyoushouldturntheovenonto250°Cforaround one hour to completely remove the soil.

CleaningShould the panels become heavily soiled, they will need to be taken out of the oven and cleaned by hand. They should be soaked in warm, soapy water for at least 2 hours and then wiped clean with a soft cloth.

Note:• Itisnotrecommendedthatthecatalyticlinerinthetop



Solid cleaning powders, creamy cleansers, caustic oven cleaners, steel wool or other scourers will ruin the catalytic surfaceandmustNEVERBEUSED.

Removingcatalyticliners• Removethesideracks(seepage22).• Liftthelineruptodisengagethehooks.• Thelinersshouldnowbefreetobepulledintowards

the centre of the oven.


Removingandreplacingthecatalyticfanbaffle• Toremovethefanbaffle – Remove the 2 retaining screws on the top edge of the

fanbaffle. – Pull the top edge towards you and then disengage to

bottom tabs from the oven back.• Toreplacethefanbaffle –Insertthetwotabsatthebottomofthefanbaffleinto

their corresponding slots in the oven back. –Pushthetophomeandinsertscrewsfirmlyinto

appropriate holes. –Thefanbafflemustnotbeloose.


FatFilter(see page 11)• Thefatfiltermustbecleanedeverytimefattyor

oily food has been cooked.• Thefatfiltercanbecleanedinadishwasher.





Do not lift the door by the handle. Rough handling will cause glass to break.

Removingtheovendoor(exceptEPEE63CS&EPEE63CKmodels)Your oven is equipped with a door that can be disassembled in order to clean all the panes of glass. Remove the door before cleaning.• Openthedoorfullytoaccessthehingesthenrotatethe

‘stirrups’(highlightedintheimage)onbothhingesfullytowards the oven.

• Slowlyclosetheovendooruntilitisstopsagainstthe‘stirrups’(about45O).

• Grasptheovendoorwithahandeachsideofthedoorand remove it from the oven by pulling it towards you.

• Laytheovendoorwiththeoutersidefacingdownwardsonsomethingsoftandflat(forexampleablanketonakitchen table) to prevent scratches.

Removingovendoortoptrim• Takeholdofthegridembossedsectionsofthedoor

trim at each end and press inwards to release the clips. Remove the door trim by pulling it towards you.



Rough handling, especially around the edges can cause the glass to break.• Lifttheblackborderedglasspaneloutoftheguide.• Repeatthisforthesmallerclearglasspanel(whenfitted).

Oven door removal & cleaning (Except for EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models)

Page 14: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

oven door removal & cleaning electrolux e:line ovens 2726 electrolux e:line ovens oven door removal & cleaning

Cleaning door glass panels


• Donottouseharshabrasivesontheglasspanes asthereflectivesurfaceplaysaroleinthefunction of the oven

• Donotplaceglassindishwasher.Handwashonly withasoftclothandwarmsoapywater.Whendrypolish with a soft cloth and ensure the glass is dry before reassembly.

Bottomtrim(onselectedmodels)• Thebottomtrimmayberemovedforcleaningby

snapping out and lifting away from the glass.

Re-assemblingbottomtrim• Pushdownto“snap”eachsideofbottomtrimbackinto

door columns.

Re-assemblingdoorglasspanels• Insertthesmallerclearglasspanel(whenfitted)first


• Repeatfortheblackborderedglasspanelensuringthepainted surface is facing to the downside.

Re-assemblingtopdoortrim• Takeholdofthetopdoortrimateachsideandposition

it to the inside edge of the glass.• Pushthetrimdownwithitstopedgeoverglasspanel

until the clip snaps in on each side of the trim.

• Pushthemiddleofthetrimdowntoensureitisstraightandfirmagainsttheglasspanel.

Fittingtheovendoor• Takeholdoftheovendoorwithahandoneachside

andwiththedooratanangleof45º,positiontherecesses at the bottom of the door onto the hinge arms of the oven. Let the door slide down the hinge arms as far as it will go.

• Openthedoorfullytoaccessthehinges. Rotatethe‘stirrups’(seetheimagebelow)untiltheylockinto the hook. The oven door may now be closed.

Hook Stirrup

Hook Stirrup

Page 15: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

cleaning the pyrolytic oven door (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only) electrolux e:line ovens 2928 pyrolytic cleaning of the oven cavity (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only) electrolux e:line ovens

OperationIfyourovenhasthePyroself-cleaningfunction,itcleans by burning off the spatters and accumulated dirt and grease from the oven liner, at high temperature. This process produces ash which can then be wiped out of the oven cavity.

During the pyrolytic cleaning process the oven becomes extremelyhot(approximately500˚C).• Pleasekeepsmallchildrenatasafedistance• Duringpyrolyticcleaningtheairoutletventabovethe

door must be kept clear of any obstruction (eg bulky tea towels).

• Itisrecommendedyoucleanyourovenregularlyto keep the oven in its best condition.

• Donotuseyouroventocleanmiscellaneousitems (eg cookware).

BeforecarryingoutthePyrofunction,Allaccessoriesmustberemovedfromtheoven.This includes shelves, trays and side racks. Clean large pieces of dirt or grease from the oven liner.

Note:• AsanaddedsafetyfeaturethePyrocyclewillnotstart



Soiling Duration

Light Clean 2hrs 00min

Medium clean 2hrs 30min

Heavy clean 3hrs 00min

Durationincludesheat-uptimeandcool-downtimeof 45mins.

• Lightclean This is an energy saving cycle that can be used on a

regular basis if your oven is lightly soiled. Possibly after every 2nd or 3rd time you roast meat.

• Mediumclean Use this as your regular cycle about once every


• Heavyclean Whenyourovenisverydirtyitmayneedalongercycle

to clean it thoroughly. This cycle will clean the dirtiest of ovens.


Selecting the Pyro clean functionSelect Pyro clean by using the function button.


pyro accept

SelectingtherequiredcleaningcycleSelect Light, Medium or Heavy depending on the soiling of the oven. This is done by pushing the cook time button to the appropriate time.

PYRO CLEANMedium clean 2

pyro accept

Selecting Pyro acceptAfterselectingtherequiredcleaningcycle,pushthePyroaccept button and the function will then start automatically. The oven light will then go out and the Pyro function will start.

PYRO CLEANMedium clean 2

pyro accept

tips and information

During Pyro cleaning the door will automatically lock when thetemperatureintheovenapproaches300˚C.(Alocksymbol will appear on the display.)The door will only unlock when the oven has cooled to a safe temperature. Turning the function off will not unlock the door. This will only happen when safe temperatures are reached.

Note:• Thecoolingfanwilloperateatanincreasedspeedfor


AfterPyrocleaningAftercool-downyoucanwipetheashoutoftheoven with a soft damp cloth and warm water. Torestoretheenamelshinetomoredifficultareas, use a damp cloth with vinegar and detergent.

Pyrolytic cleaning of the oven cavity (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only)

Your pyrolytic oven is equipped with an oven door that can be disassembled in order to clean all the panes of glass.

Positioning the door for dismantlingThe door needs to be positioned at an angle to aid in the disassembly of the panes.

• Opentheovendoorfullyandflipoutthehingelocatingtab to the open position.

• Afterthelocatingtabhasbeenpositioned,gentlyclosethe oven door until it stops on the locating tab. The door is now ready for dismantling.

Removingthetopdoortrim• Pushinthe2buttonsoneithersideofthetrim.• Liftthetrimawayfromthedoor.

Removingtheglasspanes• Removethe3panesofglassstartingwithpane1.• Whenremovingpane3ensurethatthe2rubber

supports are removed before cleaning. Donotmisplacethem!

Cleaning the glass panesClean with a damp cloth.Do not use scouring agents or abrasive sponges as these coulddamagethereflectivesurface.Dry thoroughly before reassembly.

Replacingtheglasspanes• Replacetheglasspanesbackintothedoorstartingwith

pane 3.• Ensurethispaneisplacedintothecorrectslotandthat

the 2 rubber supports are in place.• Nextreplacepane2.Thereisareflectivecoatingon

this pane. This coating is indicated by a circle printed on its surface. Ensure this circle is in the same corner as pictured below.

Circle in this corner

• Replacepane1ensuringtheblackscreeningisfacinginwards towards the oven.

ReplacingthetopdoortrimReplace the trim ensuring the clips snap into the 2 location holes. Flip the hinge locating tab back into its original position and close the door.

Whenthepyrolyticcleaningfunctionison,itisadvisablenottouseacooktopifitisfittedabovetheoven.Thiscouldcause overheating and damage to both appliances.

Cleaning the pyrolytic oven door (EPEE63CS & EPEE63CK models only)

Page 16: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

30operatingconditions/energytips/inclusionselectrolux e:line ovens electrolux e:line ovens troubleshooting 31

FaultsIfthereisaproblemwiththeovenand/orgrill,please:• Checkthepointslistedbelowbeforecallingforservice.• Itmaybepossibletoavoidacallbyfixingtheproblemyourself–andsocontinuecooking.

Note:• Wemaychargeforserviceevenintheguaranteeperiodifyourproblemisduetothecauseslistedbelow.

problem possible cause

Oven or grill not working Time of day is not set

Power is not turned on

Controls are incorrectly set

Householdfusehasblownorpowersupplyisoff(Ifthehouseholdfusecontinuestoblow,calltheService Centre)


Oven light not working Lamp blown or loose socket


Oven not heating enough Foil trays on bottom of oven




Clockflashingondisplay Power failure or interruption

Reset time of day and any cooking functions you were using. (Refer to CLOCK operating instructions)

Unitsmokingwhenfirstused Protective oils being removed (see page 6)

Condensation build up Reduce the amount of water used in cooking. (Sometimes condensation is normal)

Door cannot be replaced after removal

Stirrup not engaged properly

Pyrolytic cycle not working Allaccessoriesmustberemovedfromtheovensee page 28

Functions and temperature appear on display but oven does not work


Whenthedoorisopenthefanstops (underbench only)

This is a function of the power board to help reduce the blast of air the customer receives when opening the door

Whenanonfanmodeisselected the fan starts

Most oven modes have a fast heat up function that uses the fan, fan element and top (boost) elements.Autofastheatcanbeoverriddenbyselectingatemperatureof120Corless,allowingthe function to start, then increasing the temperature to the desired level.

The light stays on when the door is closed

The oven temperature selector is on

The light does not turn when the door is opened

The oven must be turned on, or the door switch is not activating due to restricted travel or broken actuator.

DataplateWhenyouneedinformation,serviceorsparepartspleasebepreparedtotellusthe:• Model• Modelnumber• Serialnumbershownonthedataplate.Thedataplateisvisiblewhentheovenorgrilldoorisopen.

Customer Care CentreIfyouneedmoreinformation,pleasecontacttheCustomerCareCentre:Australia–1300363640,8am-5pmESTMon-fri.NewZealand–+6495732384,8am-5pmESTMon-fri.Ifyouhaveawarrantyorsparepartsenquiry,youshouldcallthenumberlistedonthebackpage.



IMPORTANT:Donotturnoffthemainspowersupplytotheovenduringthepyrolyticcycle.Apowerfailure could cause a temperature increase of the surround or cabinet.

UsingtheOven• Alwayscookwiththeovendoorclosed.• Standclearwhenopeningthedropdownovendoor.

Donotallowittofallopen.Alwayssupportthedoorusing the door handle, until it is fully open.

• Donot lean on an open oven door, or place heavy items on it. This could damage the appliance. Take care in the region of the hinges.

Condensation and SteamHot steam may be produced when using some cooking modes. Take care when opening the oven door and always use oven mitts or pot holders to handle hot cooking utensils.This oven is supplied with an exclusive system which produces a natural circulation of air and the constant recycling of steam.This steam makes it possible to cook in a steamy environment and keep the dishes soft inside and crusty outside. Moreover, the cooking time and energy consumption are reduced to a minimum. During cooking steam may be produced which can be released when opening the oven door. This is absolutely normal.


Whenfoodisheateditproducessteaminthesameway asaboilingkettledoes.Whensteamcomesincontact with the oven door glass, it will condense and produce water droplets. To reduce condensation, ensure the oven is well heated before placing food in the oven cavity. Oven preheating will be necessary before any cooking. Werecommendthatanycondensationbewipedaway after each use of the oven.

tips and information


Donotplaceobjectsontheovenbaseanddonotcoverany part of the oven with aluminium foil while cooking, as thismaycauseaheatbuild-upwhichwouldaffectthebaking results and damage the oven enamel.

TheeffectsofdishesoncookingresultsDishes and tins vary in their thickness, conductivity, colour etc. which affects the way they transmit heat to the food inside them.• Aluminium,earthenware,ovenglasswareandbright

shiny utensils reduce cooking and base browning.• Enamelled,castiron,anodizedaluminium,aluminium

withnon-stickinteriorandcolouredexterioranddark,heavy utensils increase cooking and base browning.

The middle shelf position allows for the best heat distribution. To increase base browning simply lower the shelf position. To increase top browning, raise the shelf position.

Alwaysplacedishescentrallyontheshelftoensure even browning.

Donot place dishes, tins or baking trays directly on the oven base as it becomes very hot and damage will occur.

Single level cooking gives best results in conventional modes.Ifyourequiremorethanonelevelcookingusethefan cooking function.

Page 17: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

installation electrolux e:line ovens 3332 electrolux e:line ovens installation


Please follow the points below when installing the appliance

Useanauthorisedperson• Asstatedinthelocalmunicipalbuildingcodesand

other relevant statutory regulations:• WiringconnectionsmustbeinaccordancewithAS/NZS

3000WiringRulesandanyparticularconditionsofthelocal authority.

• Refertodataplateforratinginformation.Thedata plate is positioned behind the bottom of the oven door. The circuit diagram is positioned on the top panel of the appliance.

• forapplianceswithopencookingsurfaces,anallpoledisconnect functional switch should be provided near theapplianceinanaccessibleposition.RefertoAS/NZS3000clause4.7.1

• Wiringshouldbeprotectedagainstmechanicalfailure.RefertoAS/NZS3000clauses3.3.2.6,3.9,3.10

• Ameansofdisconnectionwithacontactseparationofatleast3mmmustbesuppliedinthefixedwiring.



• Donotlifttheappliancebythedoorhandles.• Preparethecupboardopeningtomatchyourappliance

measurements. (See diagrams)• Slideapplianceintothecupboard,ensuringthatthe

supplycable(wherefitted)doesnotkink.• Topreventtipping,usethescrewssuppliedtosecure

your oven into the cupboard by fastening through the 2 holes to the front panel.

• Wheretheapplianceisbuiltintoacabinet,thecabinetmustbecapableofwithstanding70°C.Installationintolowtemperaturetolerantcabinetry(e.g.Vinylcoated)may result in deterioration of the low temperature coating by discolouring or bubbling.

• Iftheapplianceistobeinstalledadjacenttovinylwrapped surfaces, use an installation kit available from thevinyl-wrapsupplier.

• ElectroluxHomeProductscannotacceptresponsibilityfor damage caused by installation into low temperature tolerant cabinets.

• Afterinstallation,testandensurethattheapplianceoperates correctly before handing it over to the customer.

Note:• Ifapowerpointisfitteditmustbeaccessiblewiththe



To avoid any potential hazard, you must follow our instructionswhenyouinstallyourappliance.Failureto install the appliance correctly could invalidate any warrantyorliabilityclaimsandleadtoprosecution.


Cabinet construction for your applianceFor the best integration within a kitchen, install this appliance inastandard600mmwidecupboardthatgivesaflushfit withthesurroundingcupboardfronts.Itcanalsobeinstalled usingaproudfit.


16mm 568mm




Cupboard door


100mmmax for Pyro oven


16mm 568mm



Cupboard door Oven

100mmmax for Pyro oven




UnderbenchovenYour underbench oven looks best when the control panel isdirectlyunderthebenchtop.Anupperinfillpanelmaybe added if the cooktop placed above the benchtop is too deep. Refer to cooktop installation instructions for required clearance between cooktop and oven.

Cut-out dimensions

type of fit A(width) B(height) C(depth)

flushfit(mm) 600 600 581min.

Proudfit(mm) 568 590 560min.





mounting holes583mm



type of fit A(width) B(height) C(depth)

flushfit(mm) 600 893 581min.

Proudfit(mm) 568 885 560min.


type of fit A(width) B(height) C(depth)

flushfit(mm) 600 1086 581min.

Proudfit(mm) 568 1078 560min.

min. 650mm






mounting holes



model product dimensions (hxwxd)mm

electrical connection min.fuserating


max.current rating

EOEM61CS 595x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 16A 3.1kW 12.9A

EOEE62CS 595x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 16A 3.1kW 12.9A

EOEE62CK 595x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 16A 3.1kW 12.9A

EOEE63CS 595x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 16A 3.1kW 12.9A

EUEE63CS, EUEE63CK 888x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 25A 5.3kW 22.1A

EDEE63CS 1081x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 25A 5.8kW 24.2A

EPEE63CS, EPEE63CK 595x596x573 230-240v/50Hz 16A 3.1kW 12.9A

min. 650mm



mounting holes





Hard wiring details

1. Remove terminal cover plate from rear panel of appliance.2. Fit wires through hole in cover plate and make

connections to terminals.3. Engage wires into plastic clip. Secure plastic clip with

two long silver screws (supplied in separate bag).4. Replace cover plate onto rear panel.

Note:• DoubleOven(ModelEDEE63CS) Thisproductistobewiredthroughthebottomaccess


Plastic clips

Plastic clip securing points

Page 18: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

34technicalspecificationselectrolux e:line ovens


error code description comment fix

F01 or 01 Door lock sensor alarm This relates to a door lock failure which is only associated with the Pyro product

Checkwiring/plugsor replace door lockF02 or 02 Door lock actuator alarm

F04 or 04 OvenProbe(PT500)outofrange alarm

This relates to the temperature sensing probe which may be outoftolerance,orhaveopen/short circuit connections

Replace probe

f05or05 OvenProbe(PT500)toohightemperature alarm

25 BoardTemperatureSensor(NTC)toohightemperaturealarm

This relates to the temperature ofthepowerboardand/orthetemperature-sensingelement(NTC)onthepowerboard

Cooling fan not working or replace powerboard

26 BoardTemperatureSensor(NTC)outofrangewarning

6 BoardTemperatureSensor(NTC)outofrangealarm

F08 or 08 Communication alarm This relates to an error in communication between thepowerboardandtheIOIcontroller. This can occur if theIOIcontrollerisconnectedwhile the powerboard is energised

Reset power. (Minimum of 20 sec.) or check or replace data cable

F09 or 09 Software compatibility code alarm

This relates to a mismatch betweenpowerboardfirmwareversionandtheIOIcontrollerfirmwareversion.Mostlikelycausedbyanun-programmedpowerboard

Replace Powerboard

C1 Telescopicrunnersfitted Only applies to Pyro product Remove both side racks and re-startpyrocycle

C3 Door open Only applies to Pyro product Close door and restart pyro cycle

F03 or 03 EEPROM check sum alarm Relates to the controller Replace Controller

F14 or 14 EEPROM compatibility code alarm

Relates to the controller Replace Controller

TestMode• Within10secondsofpoweringupsimultaneouslypressthetimerbuttonandstart/stoptime‘+’button,thiswillenter

‘TESTMODE’foramaximumof5minutes. firstlydisplayedwillbethesoftwareversionandmodelNo.Thenusingthefunction‘̂ ’and‘v’buttonsscrollthroughdoor lock test (Pyro only) individual element and light, cooking fan, cooling fan and temperature probe etc. functions.

This document sets out the terms and conditions of the product warranties for Electrolux Appliances. It is an important document. Please keep it with your proof of purchase documents in a safe place for future reference should you require service for your Appliance.1. Inthiswarranty

(a) ‘acceptablequality’asreferredtoinclause10ofthiswarrantyhasthesamemeaningreferredtointheACL;

(b) ‘ACL’meansTradePracticesAmendment(AustralianConsumerLaw)Act(No.2)2010;

(c) ‘Appliance’meansanyElectroluxproductpurchasedbyyouaccompaniedbythisdocument;

(d) ‘ASC’meansElectrolux’authorisedservicedcentres;

(e) ‘Electrolux’meansElectroluxHomeProductsPtyLtdof163O’RiordanStreet,Mascot,NSW2020,ABN51004762341inrespectofAppliancespurchasedinAustraliaandElectrolux(NZ)Limitedof3-5NiallBurgessRoad,MountWellington,inrespectofAppliancespurchasedinNewZealand;

(f) ‘majorfailure’asreferredtoinclause10ofthiswarrantyhasthesamemeaningreferredtointheACLandincludesasituationwhenanAppliancecannotberepairedoritisuneconomicforElectrolux,atitsdiscretion,torepairanApplianceduringtheWarrantyPeriod;

(g) ‘WarrantyPeriod’means:

(i) wheretheApplianceisusedforpersonal,domesticorhouseholduse(i.e.normalsinglefamilyuse)assetoutintheinstructionmanual,theApplianceiswarrantedagainstmanufacturingdefectsinAustraliafor24monthsandinNewZealandfor24months,followingthedateoforiginalpurchaseoftheAppliance;

(ii) wheretheApplianceisusedforcommercialpurposes(includingbeingusedtodirectlyassistabusinessorwheretheApplianceisusedinamulti-familycommunalorsharetypeenvironment),theAppliancewillthenbewarrantedagainstmanufacturingdefectsinAustraliafor3monthsandinNewZealandfor3months,followingthedateoforiginalpurchaseoftheAppliance.

(h) ‘you’meansthepurchaseroftheAppliancenothavingpurchasedtheApplianceforre-sale,and‘your’hasacorrespondingmeaning.

2. ThiswarrantyonlyappliestoAppliancespurchasedandusedinAustraliaorNewZealandandisinadditionto(anddoesnotexclude,restrict,ormodifyinanyway)anynon-excludablestatutorywarrantiesinAustraliaorNewZealand.

3. DuringtheWarrantyPeriodElectroluxoritsASCwill,atnoextrachargeifyourApplianceisreadilyaccessibleforservice,withoutspecialequipmentandsubjecttothesetermsandconditions,repairorreplaceanypartswhichitconsiderstobedefective.ElectroluxoritsASCmayuseremanufacturedpartstorepairyourAppliance.YouagreethatanyreplacedAppliancesorpartsbecomethepropertyofElectrolux.Thiswarrantydoesnotapplytolightglobes,batteries,filtersorsimilarperishableparts.

4. PartsandAppliancesnotsuppliedbyElectroluxarenotcoveredbythiswarranty.

5. Youwillbearthecostoftransportation,travelanddeliveryoftheAppliancetoandfromElectroluxoritsASC.Ifyouresideoutsideoftheservicearea,youwillbearthecostof:

(a) travelofanauthorisedrepresentative;

(b) transportationanddeliveryoftheAppliancetoandfrom ElectroluxoritsASC,


6. Proofofpurchaseisrequiredbeforeyoucanmakeaclaimunderthiswarranty.

7. Youmaynotmakeaclaimunderthiswarrantyunlessthedefectclaimedisduetofaultyordefectivepartsorworkmanship.Electroluxisnotliableinthefollowingsituations(whicharenotexhaustive):

(a) theApplianceisdamagedby:

(i) accident

(ii) misuseorabuse,includingfailuretoproperlymaintainorservice

(iii) normalwearandtear

(iv) powersurges,electricalstormdamageorincorrectpowersupply

(v) incompleteorimproperinstallation

(vi) incorrect,improperorinappropriateoperation



(b) theApplianceismodifiedwithoutauthorityfromElectroluxinwriting;

(c) theAppliance’sserialnumberorwarrantysealhasbeenremovedordefaced;

(d) theAppliancewasservicedorrepairedbyanyoneotherthanElectrolux,anauthorisedrepairerorASC.

8. Thiswarranty,thecontracttowhichitrelatesandtherelationshipbetweenyouandElectroluxaregovernedbythelawapplicablewheretheAppliancewaspurchased.WheretheAppliancewaspurchasedinNewZealandforbusinesspurposestheConsumerGuaranteeActdoesnotapply.

9. Totheextentpermittedbylaw,Electroluxexcludesallwarrantiesandliabilities(otherthanascontainedinthisdocument)includingliabilityforanylossordamagewhetherdirectorindirectarisingfromyourpurchase,useornonuseoftheAppliance.





(a) carefullychecktheoperatinginstructions,usermanualandthetermsofthiswarranty;

(b) havethemodelandserialnumberoftheApplianceavailable;

(c) havetheproofofpurchase(eganinvoice)available;

(d) telephonethenumbersshownbelow.




Important NoticeBeforecallingforservice,pleaseensurethatthestepslistedinpoint13abovehavebeenfollowed.

FOR SERVICE ortofindtheaddressofyournearest

stateservicecentreinAustraliaPLEASE CALL 13 13 49




FOR SPARE PARTS ortofindtheaddressofyourneareststatesparepartscentreinAustralia

PLEASE CALL 13 13 50 Forthecostofalocalcall(Australiaonly)

FOR SERVICE ortofindtheaddressofyournearest

authorisedservicecentreinNewZealandFREE CALL 0800 10 66 10




FOR SPARE PARTS ortofindtheaddressofyournearest

statesparepartscentreinNewZealandFREE CALL 0800 10 66 20



Page 19: Eman Elineoven Jun11 Lr

ElectroluxHomeProductsAustraliatelephone: 1300 363 640fax: 1800350067email: [email protected]: www.electrolux.com.au

P/No.0342001570ECN11A086E© 2011 Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd ABN51004762341 Printcode:EMAN_ELINEOVEN_Jun11


Do you remember the last time you opened a gift that made you say, “Oh!Howdidyouknow?That’sexactlywhatIwanted!”That’sthekindoffeeling that we at Electrolux seek to evoke in everyone who chooses or uses oneofourproducts.Wedevotetime,knowledge,andagreatdealofthoughtto anticipating and creating the kind of appliances that our customers really need and want.

Thiskindofthoughtfulcaremeansinnovatingwithinsight.Notdesignfordesign’ssake,butdesignfortheuser’ssake.forus,thoughtfuldesignmeansmakingapplianceseasiertouseandtasksmoreenjoyabletoperform, freeing our customers to experience the ultimate 21st century luxury: ease of mind. Our aim is to make this ease of mind more available to more people in more parts of their everyday lives, all over the world.

The“Thinkingofyou”promisefromElectroluxgoesbeyondmeetingtheneedsoftoday’sconsumers.Italsomeanswe’recommittedtomakingappliances safe for the environment – now and for future generations.


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