news and gossip from capitals of old world · news and gossip from the capitals of the old world l...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY MAY 13 1906 NEWS AND GOSSIP FROM THE CAPITALS OF THE OLD WORLD L OF VOTERS M Paul Doumer Prominent Among Spellbinders UNIQUE CHARITY ENTERPRISE Greatest Activity Reigned n Homes of Societys Brightest Stars By the MARQUIS DE CASTELLANE PARIS May chamber of has closed for the tlmo being and in view of the forthcoming elections French orators are doing their utmost In the spccchmaking line Among the men whose words are listened to with the greatest interest and who never failS to rouse the passions of the public whothor it be to enthusiasm or to ha tred Is M Paul Doumer president of the now dissolved chamber of deputies erstwhile governor of IndoChina and recently candidate for the presidency of the republic- M Doumer whose origin Is essentially democratic seeing that ho began life as a workman In tho shops of an Iron rounder has in him the stuff of which leaders of men aro made Ho has been the first to attempt to bring his fellowpoliticians to reason and make them see that strong individ- uality In politics was an excellent thing He has upset their narrow theory that the political circle was a charmed precinct within which none could pene trate but those who had no will of mind of their own M Doumor has declared moreover that party was a secondary tion and that so long as a man was a gord patriot and an honest man It little whetiier he was a Socialist or a Nationalist or a Republican or what not Hat Making Contest Parisian social charity Is this season spoken through a hat as It were The chief feature of all the charity bazaars has been the millinery stall The Com tease de GrefIhule has been the latest social leader to use hats as a means of dispensing charity She sent a circular to all her most charming women friends asking each to make three hats which were to be their own handiwork Next the enterprising Comtesse asked the greatest modistes of Paris to act as- a Jury In Judging the respective merits of the amateur creations When this was accomplished the Comtesse announced that the hats would be put up at auc- tion the proceeds of the sale to go to charity and that the style of the hat de clared by the Jury to be the prettiest would be adopted by the big modistes and would become the chic thing for the corning season The greatest activity therefore reigned in the homes of societys brightest stars Proud duchesses and dainty marquises ere working feverishly with straw and tllk and flowers and plumes concocting pretty headgear The result Is expected to be something stunning Annual Cooking Exhibit- In Paris every year the city authori ties erect on enormous tent In the Tull Gardens where for a week are exhibited all the most delicate and savory creations of the chefs skill If you go to the exhibition all you Bee Is hunting scenes carved In lard vegetables cut to resemble flowers pot- ted meats In the shape of horses and dogs Ices fashioned like marble pal aces but not a single now kind of roast or steak will you behold However Franco owes It to herself to encourage this manifestation of an art which pro vides a living for so many of her peo ple for the French cook Is an article for transportation which constitutes one of the riches of the country Copyright 1906 by the Hearst News Service TO PLEASE KAISER Scandal Over Royal Theater Makes Emperor William Furious BERLIN May Kaiser Is furious at tho discovery of a scandal in connection with tho renovation of the Royal Theater This building Is under the direct control of the crown and all tho omployes nro royal officials and the actors and actresses royal act ors and actresses Yet when it required the cost of re- building It was not borne by the crown but by tho state The diet paid tho bills with the taxpayers money and paid also 190 000 tho amount tho estimates had been exceeded The roal for this enormous excess has Just been discovered The Kaiser had hoped to have the theater completely renovated before ho started on his Mediterranean tour last year In order to comply with his wishes the intendant of the theater rushed thIngs His majesty witnessed the opening performance and showered congratulations upon the Intendant Three months afterward the whole interior of the theater was dismantled The parquette flooring which had been laid on damp ground was torn up costly Smyrna rugs which had been laid on cement floors not yet dry had to be thrown away and the work done all over again In order that the public should not become aware of the condition tho work was carried on at night and even on Sundays To prevent the workmen from striking enormous wages were paid them and extra bonuses had to be paid the officials Now the whole story B public the Kaiser is furious and tho diet is furious FRENCH ORATORS- IN CHASE 12Tho considera mat- t l d doe RUSH WORK FAlLEn 12The reason dep- uties en- tirely Renova- tion ac- commodatingly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Indian Potion Gives Unimaginative Englishman Occult Powers Which He Cannot Explain LONDON May 12 A hardhearted unimaginative citizen of busy has had mysterious experience under the Influence of an Indian pow der supposed to possess occult powers Uo received the powder from a friend In India who declared that if used properly it would put him into com munication with departed friends Although he quite disbelieved this claim he followed instructions with astonishing results He has described the experience in tho occult magazine Light as follows I was sitting in a room alone With in a few minutes the walls of the room seemed to recede or vanish and a beautiful panoramic view presented Itself a sort of exquisite flower gar den on a huge scale with pathways stretching away as far as the eye could reachNo buildings or habitations wore anywhere visible but of people there were thousands of both sexes clothed In ordinary attire and moving in groups along the paths In some of the groups I recognized relatives and friends long since pass ed away The Bradford man adds that after repeating his experiments with the powder he has found himself in his dreams anticipating tho contents of letters In transit or paying mysterious visits to the homes of acquaintances and strangers being afterward able to tell them what occurred on his visits RUSSIAN POLICE CLOSE Prominent Moscow Ladies Committed Suicide Because of Heavy Losses ST PETERSBURG May 1Z Moscow Forward Club founded last fall by a number of ladles of high posi tion and liberal Inclinations has been closed by the police despite the fact that the Grand Duchess Elizabeth widow of the assassinated Grand Duke Serglus at ono time Its patroness The liberalism of the club proved to consist chiefly of liberal losses and win nings at vlnt the Russian national game which closely resembles bridge Two months ago Mme Nathalie Rlu bakin one of the bestknown members committed suicide The cause of the tragedy was kept secret and the club continued to Sourish Last week tho suicide of another mem ber took place the victim this time be ing a young married woman who poisoned herself with arsenic in the drawingroom of tho club The result of the scandal was an in vestigation which showed that the pro- gressive members of the club played cards day and night for stakes abso lutely Incommensurable with their In- comes TAKES HINDU POWDER SEES DEAR FRIENDS a WOMENS GAMIN G CLUB was 1 Brad- ford The i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Behanzin Dahomey Landing at Marseilles on His Way From Mar tinique to Algeria To the Left Is Shown His Favorite Wife From Snapshots by Badouin Photographer Marseilles Deposed Monarch of Dahomey Is in His Wanderings by Six Wives Who Remain True to Their Lord o Accom- panied 0 eur r eu ¬ ¬ MARSEILLES May 12 In barbaric robes looking very sick after his sea voyage and smoking a long chibou que exKing BebanBtn of Dahomey has arrived at this port from Marti- nique He had been exiled there by the French government far away from his turbulent African kingdom the former home of the Amazon The black potentate has been trans ferred at his urgent request from the ¬ ¬ ¬ West Indies where the climate of Mar tinique did not agree with rim to Al- geria which is at least on the same continent as Dahomey On leading Bebanztn wee accompanied- by his half dozen wives who though they might have been Amazons on the field acted as porters and looked very subdued were all burdened with the Kings belongings while one bore a huge umbrella of state above her lords head ¬ ¬ THE EARL OF ABERDEEN NOT POPULAR IN IRELAND New Viceroys Reform Ideas Disliked by Sporting Ele May Captures Heart of Thirteen YearOld Boy mentEdna ¬ LONDON May 12 The Earl of the new viceroy of Ireland is making himself rather unpopular with the sporting rtemenl of which Dublin is so largely composed Both the earl and the countess who are ardent reformers and total abstain- ers have a horror of horse racing and they let It be known that they attended the opening day of the races the greatest function In Ireland much against their wills and that they do not Intend to go to any other race meetings The contrast between Lord Aberdeen and Lord Cadogan and Lord Dudley is of course making Itself felt as the two latter noblemen as viceroys were tho patrons of the turf In the Emerald Isle The Aberdeens however did not ob ject to their largo house party attend ing every day of the race meeting Edna Mays Edna May has captured the heart of a boy of thirteen who is madly in love with her Young Jack Fletcher who lives with his wealthy parents near Portman square used to steal off to the theater when he was oven younger to sit in the first row of tho gallery and gaze upon his divinity Since Miss Mays return to London Jack has grown bold- er On the first night of the Belle of May fair ho sent Mss May a huge bouquerwith his name attached On the second night ho was again In the and sent Miss May a sprawly note which vastly amused the actress On the third night ho boldly sent In his name at the stage door Miss May full of curiosity and guessing the note was from a Juvenile consented to see young Jack But the boy when he was receiv ed only stood and blushed and blushed Miss May thought he was perfectly sweet and Invited him to tea at her new home in Cadogan place Tho divorce question now being dis cussed on the other side is interosting Americans In London Immensely and all sorts of speculations are being made on the subject The case of Mrs Flora Dodge who married the Hon Lionel Guest younger son of Lord WImborne after getting her divorce in Dakota Is attracting unusual attention The Wlmborne family wore not hos pltablo to Mrs Guest when she visited England In fact they Ignored her so completely that Mrs George Keppel who 1 a queen of tact and a personal friend of Mrs Lionel west Intervened and spoke to the about it The result was that Edward sent for Lionel Guest and his American wife before he left for abroad and spoke very kindly to them at Buckingham palace This Is a hint which Lord and Lady Wimborno cannot fall to take and it is certain that when Mr and Mrs Lionel Guest again visit England no matter what the now divorce laws may be they will be received in a very dif ferent manner Lord Roseberys Prodigal Son Lord Dalmeny the son and heir of Lord Roaebpry la causing his distin- guished father some anxiety owing to the prodIgal manner in which he is scattering money more especially on the turf 3urins the past few months LorI Punch town LatestConquest- MIss g Aber- deen al- ready greatest gal- lery Ith King ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dalmeny has spent many thousands f pounds on buying or betting on but fortunately his luck has eo far been remarkable He won a- very large sum over one of his fathers horses the other day and promptly sent part of his winnings to a hospital The Infanta Eulallo of Spain is again enjoying tho hospitality of the wealthy people who are only too glad to en tertain a royalty at no matter what cost or inconvenience to themselves Her royal highness has been staying with Lady Bacha Cunard nee Maud Alice Burke of San Francisco in country What the Spanish princess enjoys more than anything else Is shop- ping Incognita In London and for only sending In her bills to her host and hostess Sympathy for Colonel Cuthbert- A great wave of sympathy for Colonel Cuthbert the commander of the First Battalion Scots Guards who has been relieved of his command on account of the ragging scandal has passed not only through the army but through all tho civilian clubs In London Young Clark Kennedy tho officer who was ragged by his brother subalterns be cause of his personal habits left Lon don for the Continent last week and will remain abroad for some time DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE FAILING IN HEALTH- Noted Tory Leader Once Immaculate- in Dress Now Drifting Into Careless Habits LONDON May 15 Tho of tho Duko of Devonshire loader of tho Tory party has so changed as to bo startling except to his intimate friends His beard is now snow white and ho Is beginning to look older than his years while his stoop is more pro nounced His deafness Is known to be increasing and as he is well over he is not paying that attention to his clothes he did a few years ago when ho was one of the best dressed men In London The Duke of Devonshire who Is one of the most conspicuous characters In the British peerage Is probably tho most caricatured man In English public life He has a habit of dozing off to sleep at any moment and his naps in the austere House of Lords have occasioned many merry quips at his expense The patriarch of the peerage Lord Gwydyr is also In London He has at- tained the ripe ago of ninetysix but may be seen on any pleasant day in St James Park taking a constitutional- and reveling In tho sunshine Ho Is the oldest member of tho House of Lords and is probably the only living man who has witnessed the coronation of four English monarchs Twice mar- ried and twice widowed he has an only son Capt Willoughby Burrell who Is the sole heir in remainder to the title tile race- horses con- venience appearance sev- enty > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ King Alfonso Stops Army Contention Abolishes Office Held by Late Marquis de Pena Plata Rush Made to Succeed Captain General Blanco Was I When MADRID May 12 The recent death of Captain General Blanco former mil itary governor of Cuba to whose lot It tell to surrender the Island to the vic- torious American troops ban been the of endless excitement and gossip- in military circles here owing to the that no less than a dozen generals- f more or less distinguished career aspired to the honor of being promoted to the rank of captain general of the Snanlsh armies left vacant by the death of Blanco It looked for a while as if the gov- ernment would be forced to create new captain generalships in order iff satisfy all the aspirants but such step was finally discarded as ridicu lous and the King with a display of discretion uncommon of Bourbon put an abrupt and unexpected end to the conflict by Issuing a royal decree by which the office held by the lave Marq j de Pena Plata was sup pressed Cheered Kings Return The return of King Alfonso to this city after his recent visit to England where he met his future bride Princess Ena of Battenberg has afforded the good people of Madrid a fresh oppor tunity to cheer for their sovereign and everybody is satisfied The entry of a royal personage Into the capital city of a kingdom Is al fuse fact sev- eral mon- archs ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL BE BRILLIANTA- mericans of Title and Otherwise Will Be Out in Will NoiJ Attend LONDON May 12 opera season at Covent Garden is expected to be par Ucularty brilliant It Is unlikely that the Queen owing to her mourning be to attend but the Princess of Wales is sure to be frequent occu pant of the omnibus AH tho promi nent society folks have reengaged their boxes Tlfe Americans as usual will fce seen in force Tho Duchess of Marlborough Is a constant patron while the Duchess of Roxburgh and the Docheas of Manchester are to engage In rivalry with the daughters of the Vanderbilts Lord and Lady Craven will as in past seasons be seen in company with Mrs Bradley Martin while the other Americans of title or otherwise are sure to demonstrate that they are really In society OLD PEERS WEDDING SURPRISE TO LONDON LONDON May 12 Tho marriages of two aged peers forms tho chief gossip of London society The Earl of Mex borough the only Buddhist in the peer- age married in Florence a Catholic Donna Silvia de Ser Antoni of Naples Lord Mexborough who was a widower is over sixty and a famous traveler and writer His Income Is 5209000 a year from coal mines in Yorkshire When he his conversion to Buddhism he said Ive come to the conclusion that the faith proclaimed by our lord Buddha is the only one I know that answers all the problems of lifeThe new countess Is the widow of an army officer Captain Clerk and is un know in London society Thu second noteworthy marriage is that of Lord Mount Bdgecumbe This earl is seventyfive years old HIs bride Is the Dowager Countess of Ravens worth the widow of the late Earl lONDON OPERA SEASON ForceQueen will- able announced The a box de- rived ¬ ¬ ¬ PEASANTS KILL BABES Horrible Story of Human Sacrifices- to Imaginary God by Siberians ST PETERSBURG May 12 The most atroaieus crime that lies occurred in Siberia since the famous of the brothers KalaschnikoCC is about to be Investigated In Tobolsk Seven peasants of the neighboring vil- lage of Kobuilka and three women are about to be put on trial on a charge of sacrificing a number of Children in order to appease the wrath of an imaginary god of pestilence The Siberian plague had destroyed the villagers cattle year after year The village was reduced to poverty and many of its inhabitants were obliged to migrate to the towns A local quack who earned a living by making children Invulnerable to the evil eye advised the muzhiks that until blood has been shed and a church raised upon It the village would continue to be visited by pestilence and he hinted even worse terrors The pan- ic stricken peasants understood this to mean that a church should be built upon- a foundation of human beings as was done by their ancestors in heathen times A man named Giazunoff offered to sac- rifice one of his seven children and his was followed by the local blacksmith The two children were killed at night and a rude wooden chapel hur riedly built over their remains When the story became known the muzhiks from a neighboring village raided the culprits them down and nearly killed the murderers FIRST SMART BALL OF LONDON SEASON LONDON May 12 One of the first smart bolls of London season proper is to be given on the of this month when Miss Gladys Grace youngest daughter of Michael P Grace of Bat- tle will make her debut at her fathers town house in Belgrave Square Miss Graces sister the Countess of Donoughmore and Mrs Hubert Beau mont are bewi giving large dinner par ties for the which will be a brilliant affair TO WARD OFF FAMINE 15th die dance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ r i fi1 1 eI- fiflliL 1 0 r o- t neleeQP f2rfru i It 1 y lZrcRrue- S you 1 1 1fucndt cui- f = If he will not sell Arbuckles ARIOSA rrite to us We will supply you direct ou will get greater value for your better pound of coffee full reight than he can sell you under any name He cannot sell Arbuckles loose by the pound out of a or bag because we supply it only in packages that you can identify time which protect the coffee from the dust and impurities that loose coffee insure full weight Coffee exposed to the sir loses its flavor strength and purity You cannot tell where it came from neither can the may think he he doesnt and all you can ever know is the price ticket It is worth remembering that outward appearance no indication of cup quality Grocers as a rule are honest men who would not consciously mislead you Whenever one of th m moneya other ARIOSA bin absorbsand grocerhe knowsbut is trust- worthy ways accompanied by musts and a more or less imposing display of mili tary force and that Is about all the people of Madrid care for Summer Resorts Dull Reports from the summer resorts In dicate a dull season as the majority of those who can afford to leave the city during the summer months who are the wealthier classes have decided- to remain in or to Madrid in order to be present at the brilliant ceremonies attending the reyal Distress Among Poor The misery among the poorer classes hero and in other cities is more every day 9nly in Madrid more than 6W men women and children are being fed dally at the cuarteles or soldiers bar racks where twice a day long lines of famished and miserable looking creatures watt impatiently for their turn to receive a of the soldiers bean soup and potatoes and a few slices dark bread War With America In congress the question is again be ing discussed of the causes of the war with the United States but in congress nor anywhere nobody to devote any attention to the effects of the war that cost Spain the loss of all her colonial possessions come dis- tressing seem mar- riage neith- er ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ advises you to take loose grocery store coffee instead of Arbuckles ARIOSA he believes he is doing you a favor whereas he is really depriving you of the most wholesome and delicious beverage that you can buy something better than anything else he can sell you for the price The sales of Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee exceed the sales of all coffees in the United States combined and the business of Arbuckle Bros exceeds that of the four next largest concerns in the world simply because the public actually receives better coffee for their money in Arbuckles ARIOSA than they can buy in any other way Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee is good to drink It quenches the thirst and tastes good Most people need it It digestion increases the power and to work and it makes ono feel like doing things no after depression United States soldiers drink more cof fee than the soldiers of any other nation doubtless other package 4 aids am- bition England Continues Effort to Resume Relations CHURCHES IN GERMANYS- ome Protestant Provinces Give Evi- dence of Going Into a Very Serious Convulsion LONDON May 12 Abundant indica- tions are discernible that the British government in showing willingness to resume diplomatic relations with Ser via is on the verge of making an irre- parable mistake No criticism is heard about the course of the United States in sending Mr Riddle to Belgrade It being pointed that a Republican government need not observe proprieties IR a case like that of the regicides As matters stand today it can be safe ly state that the part of the regicides is again in full control and unless Great Britain recedes from her position she will have to be content with taking the blame for having aided one of the most disreputable and irresponsible set of In- triguers that ever disgraced a European court It is generally that the cab inet will propose to King Peter the ac ceptance of British conditions But there is still some doubt if King Peter will consent to separate himself from the murderers of his unlucky predecessor He was vacillating for some time but the rumor is circulating that since he had a few days ago an intimate con- versation with Geeehteh who is to have in his hands certain let ters written by King Peter previous to the assassination of King Alexander and Queen Drag he has firmly decided not to remove the regicides from the active service Churches in Germany It bas become evident all keen observers in Germany that the Protes tant Church there Is menaced by a very serious convulsion At the recent gen- eral assembly of the socalled Posi tive Union Prot Bornnaeuner of Halle University delivered an address on The task of the believing communi- ties in the present church crisis Such- a crisis he saW undoubtedly exists and the conviction te almost universal that things cannot go on any longer as they now are in the church Views differ on the probable outcome of the crisis On the one hand the death of the church is prophesied sometimes with deep regret sometimes with mock ing triumph On the other hand prophe- cies that the church will regain Its stability are wanting though the optimists do not agree on the means by which this will be achieved Politics in Ireland- In the course of a recent address John outlined his peHcy for the future He declared that the Irish representatives wore content to wait for a moderate and reasonable time for the government to prepare and produce their plans for the extension of selfgovernment in Ireland but only upon condition that there should be Immediately as the first Irish business of the government a satisfactory labor- ers but and that the pledge in the Kings speech as to sympathetic admin istration of Irish affairs should be car ried out to the very letter NEW FORM OF BRIDGE TAKES HOLD IN ENGLAND LONDON May new form of bridge called opposition bridge has been Introduced into England and is becoming popular through its lively and exciting characteristics It was invent- ed about a year ago In a French gar- rison town it spread quickly through out the French army and then three months ago the rules were com- municated by a young French officer to Oswald Crawford the diplomat and writer a wellknown enthus- iast Mr Crawford says that his cir- cle of very soon came to prefer th new game to the old one It Is more Lively SERVIAN REGICIDES HOLD WHIP HAND i out N to not Red 12i about 1 a deserted 1 sup- posed tutor 1 ridge J ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ If your grocer does not sell ARI OSA let us send you a Family Box On receipt of L80 express or postal money order we will send 10 pounds of ARIOSA In a wooden transportation paid to your nearest freight station The 1SO pays for the transportation and the coffee which will be in the origi nal packages bearing the signature of Arbuckle Bros that entitles you to free presents Ten signatures If you write for it we will send free a ibook containing full colored pictures of nearly 100 pres- ents for users of Arbuckles ARI Coffee The price of coffee fluctuates ve cannot guarantee it for any period Address our nearest office BoxDept ARBUCKLE BROTHERS Tl TOiter Street New Toi City 100 Michigan Avenue Chicago Liberty Avcme and Wood Street Pittsburgh iZl South Seventh Street St Loafs Ho I box poundsten packagesten t II Pc particula- rs OSA r ¬ ¬

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M Paul Doumer ProminentAmong Spellbinders


Greatest Activity Reigned n Homesof Societys Brightest



PARIS May chamber ofhas closed for the tlmo being and

in view of the forthcoming electionsFrench orators are doing their utmost Inthe spccchmaking line Among the menwhose words are listened to with thegreatest interest and who never failSto rouse the passions of the publicwhothor it be to enthusiasm or to hatred Is M Paul Doumer president ofthe now dissolved chamber of deputieserstwhile governor of IndoChina andrecently candidate for the presidency ofthe republic-

M Doumer whose origin Is essentiallydemocratic seeing that ho began lifeas a workman In tho shops of an Ironrounder has in him the stuff of whichleaders of men aro made

Ho has been the first to attempt tobring his fellowpoliticians to reasonand make them see that strong individ-uality In politics was an excellent thingHe has upset their narrow theory thatthe political circle was a charmedprecinct within which none could penetrate but those who had no will of mindof their own

M Doumor has declared moreoverthat party was a secondarytion and that so long as a man was agord patriot and an honest man It

little whetiier he was a Socialist ora Nationalist or a Republican or whatnot

Hat Making ContestParisian social charity Is this season

spoken through a hat as It were Thechief feature of all the charity bazaarshas been the millinery stall The Comtease de GrefIhule has been the latestsocial leader to use hats as a means ofdispensing charity

She sent a circular to all her mostcharming women friends asking each tomake three hats which were to be

their own handiworkNext the enterprising Comtesse asked

the greatest modistes of Paris to act as-a Jury In Judging the respective meritsof the amateur creations When this wasaccomplished the Comtesse announcedthat the hats would be put up at auc-tion the proceeds of the sale to go tocharity and that the style of the hat declared by the Jury to be the prettiestwould be adopted by the big modistesand would become the chic thing for thecorning season

The greatest activity therefore reignedin the homes of societys brightest starsProud duchesses and dainty marquisesere working feverishly with straw andtllk and flowers and plumes concoctingpretty headgear The result Is expectedto be something stunning

Annual Cooking Exhibit-In Paris every year the city authori

ties erect on enormous tent In the TullGardens where for a week are

exhibited all the most delicate andsavory creations of the chefs skill

If you go to the exhibition all youBee Is hunting scenes carved In lardvegetables cut to resemble flowers pot-ted meats In the shape of horses anddogs Ices fashioned like marble palaces but not a single now kind of roastor steak will you behold HoweverFranco owes It to herself to encouragethis manifestation of an art which provides a living for so many of her people for the French cook Is an articlefor transportation which constitutes oneof the riches of the countryCopyright 1906 by the Hearst News Service


Scandal Over Royal TheaterMakes Emperor William


BERLIN May Kaiser Isfurious at tho discovery of a scandalin connection with tho renovation ofthe Royal Theater This building Isunder the direct control of the crownand all tho omployes nro royal officialsand the actors and actresses royal actors and actresses

Yet when it required the cost of re-building It was not borne by thecrown but by tho state The diet

paid tho bills with thetaxpayers money and paid also 190000 tho amount tho estimates had beenexceeded

The roal for this enormousexcess has Just been discovered TheKaiser had hoped to have the theatercompletely renovated before ho startedon his Mediterranean tour last year

In order to comply with his wishesthe intendant of the theater rushedthIngs His majesty witnessed theopening performance and showeredcongratulations upon the Intendant

Three months afterward the wholeinterior of the theater was dismantledThe parquette flooring which had beenlaid on damp ground was torn upcostly Smyrna rugs which had beenlaid on cement floors not yet dry hadto be thrown away and the work doneall over again

In order that the public should notbecome aware of the condition thowork was carried on at night and evenon Sundays To prevent the workmenfrom striking enormous wages werepaid them and extra bonuses had to bepaid the officials Now the whole story

B public the Kaiser is furious andtho diet is furious





mat-t l d






















> >

Indian Potion Gives UnimaginativeEnglishman Occult Powers Which

He Cannot Explain

LONDON May 12 A hardheartedunimaginative citizen of busy

has had mysterious experienceunder the Influence of an Indian powder supposed to possess occult powersUo received the powder from a friendIn India who declared that if usedproperly it would put him into communication with departed friends

Although he quite disbelieved thisclaim he followed instructions withastonishing results He has describedthe experience in tho occult magazineLight as follows

I was sitting in a room alone Within a few minutes the walls of theroom seemed to recede or vanish anda beautiful panoramic view presentedItself a sort of exquisite flower garden on a huge scale with pathwaysstretching away as far as the eye couldreachNo buildings or habitations woreanywhere visible but of people therewere thousands of both sexes clothedIn ordinary attire and moving ingroups along the paths

In some of the groups I recognizedrelatives and friends long since passed away

The Bradford man adds that afterrepeating his experiments with thepowder he has found himself in hisdreams anticipating tho contents ofletters In transit or paying mysteriousvisits to the homes of acquaintancesand strangers being afterward able totell them what occurred on his visits


Prominent Moscow Ladies CommittedSuicide Because of Heavy


ST PETERSBURG May 1ZMoscow Forward Club founded lastfall by a number of ladles of high position and liberal Inclinations has beenclosed by the police despite the factthat the Grand Duchess Elizabethwidow of the assassinated Grand DukeSerglus at ono time Its patroness

The liberalism of the club proved toconsist chiefly of liberal losses and winnings at vlnt the Russian nationalgame which closely resembles bridge

Two months ago Mme Nathalie Rlubakin one of the bestknown memberscommitted suicide The cause of thetragedy was kept secret and the clubcontinued to Sourish

Last week tho suicide of another member took place the victim this time being a young married woman whopoisoned herself with arsenic in thedrawingroom of tho club

The result of the scandal was an investigation which showed that the pro-gressive members of the club playedcards day and night for stakes absolutely Incommensurable with their In-comes

























Behanzin Dahomey Landing at Marseilles on His Way From Martinique to Algeria To the Left Is Shown His Favorite Wife From

Snapshots by Badouin Photographer Marseilles

Deposed Monarch of Dahomey Is

in His Wanderings by Six WivesWho Remain True to Their Lord







MARSEILLES May 12 In barbaricrobes looking very sick after his seavoyage and smoking a long chibouque exKing BebanBtn of Dahomeyhas arrived at this port from Marti-nique He had been exiled there by theFrench government far away from histurbulent African kingdom the formerhome of the Amazon

The black potentate has been transferred at his urgent request from the




West Indies where the climate of Martinique did not agree with rim to Al-geria which is at least on the samecontinent as Dahomey

On leading Bebanztn wee accompanied-by his half dozen wives who thoughthey might have been Amazons on thefield acted as porters and looked verysubdued were all burdened withthe Kings belongings while one borea huge umbrella of state above herlords head





New Viceroys Reform Ideas Disliked by Sporting EleMay Captures Heart of Thirteen

YearOld BoymentEdna


LONDON May 12 The Earl ofthe new viceroy of Ireland ismaking himself rather unpopular

with the sporting rtemenl of whichDublin is so largely composed

Both the earl and the countess whoare ardent reformers and total abstain-ers have a horror of horse racing andthey let It be known that they attendedthe opening day of theraces the greatest function In Irelandmuch against their wills and that theydo not Intend to go to any other racemeetings

The contrast between Lord Aberdeenand Lord Cadogan and Lord Dudley isof course making Itself felt as the twolatter noblemen as viceroys were tho

patrons of the turf In theEmerald Isle

The Aberdeens however did not object to their largo house party attending every day of the race meeting

Edna MaysEdna May has captured the heart

of a boy of thirteen who is madly inlove with her Young Jack Fletcherwho lives with his wealthy parents nearPortman square used to steal off tothe theater when he was oven youngerto sit in the first row of tho gallery andgaze upon his divinity Since Miss Maysreturn to London Jack has grown bold-er On the first night of the Belle ofMay fair ho sent Mss May a hugebouquerwith his name attached On thesecond night ho was again In the

and sent Miss May a sprawly notewhich vastly amused the actress On thethird night ho boldly sent In his nameat the stage door Miss May full ofcuriosity and guessing the note wasfrom a Juvenile consented to see youngJack But the boy when he was received only stood and blushed and blushed

Miss May thought he was perfectlysweet and Invited him to tea at hernew home in Cadogan place

Tho divorce question now being discussed on the other side is interostingAmericans In London Immensely andall sorts of speculations are being madeon the subject

The case of Mrs Flora Dodge whomarried the Hon Lionel Guest youngerson of Lord WImborne after getting herdivorce in Dakota Is attracting unusualattention

The Wlmborne family wore not hospltablo to Mrs Guest when she visitedEngland In fact they Ignored her socompletely that Mrs George Keppelwho 1 a queen of tact and a personalfriend of Mrs Lionel west Intervenedand spoke to the about it Theresult was that Edward sent forLionel Guest and his American wifebefore he left for abroad and spokevery kindly to them at Buckinghampalace

This Is a hint which Lord and LadyWimborno cannot fall to take and itis certain that when Mr and MrsLionel Guest again visit England nomatter what the now divorce laws maybe they will be received in a very different manner

Lord Roseberys Prodigal SonLord Dalmeny the son and heir of

Lord Roaebpry la causing his distin-guished father some anxiety owing tothe prodIgal manner in which he isscattering money more especially onthe turf

3urins the past few months LorI

Punch town



Aber-deen al-















Dalmeny has spent many thousands fpounds on buying or betting on

but fortunately his luck haseo far been remarkable He won a-very large sum over one of his fathershorses the other day and promptly sentpart of his winnings to a hospital

The Infanta Eulallo of Spain is againenjoying tho hospitality of the wealthypeople who are only too glad to entertain a royalty at no matter whatcost or inconvenience to themselves

Her royal highness has been stayingwith Lady Bacha Cunard nee MaudAlice Burke of San Francisco incountry What the Spanish princessenjoys more than anything else Is shop-ping Incognita In London and for

only sending In her bills to herhost and hostess

Sympathy for Colonel Cuthbert-A great wave of sympathy for Colonel

Cuthbert the commander of the FirstBattalion Scots Guards who has beenrelieved of his command on account ofthe ragging scandal has passed notonly through the army but through alltho civilian clubs In London YoungClark Kennedy tho officer who wasragged by his brother subalterns be

cause of his personal habits left London for the Continent last week andwill remain abroad for some time



Noted Tory Leader Once Immaculate-in Dress Now Drifting Into

Careless Habits

LONDON May 15 Thoof tho Duko of Devonshire loader oftho Tory party has so changed as tobo startling except to his intimatefriends His beard is now snow whiteand ho Is beginning to look older thanhis years while his stoop is more pronounced His deafness Is known to beincreasing and as he is well over

he is not paying that attention tohis clothes he did a few years agowhen ho was one of the best dressedmen In London

The Duke of Devonshire who Is oneof the most conspicuous characters Inthe British peerage Is probably tho mostcaricatured man In English public lifeHe has a habit of dozing off to sleep atany moment and his naps in the austereHouse of Lords have occasioned manymerry quips at his expense

The patriarch of the peerage LordGwydyr is also In London He has at-tained the ripe ago of ninetysix butmay be seen on any pleasant day in StJames Park taking a constitutional-and reveling In tho sunshine

Ho Is the oldest member of tho Houseof Lords and is probably the only livingman who has witnessed the coronationof four English monarchs Twice mar-ried and twice widowed he has an onlyson Capt Willoughby Burrell who Isthe sole heir in remainder to the title















King Alfonso StopsArmy Contention

Abolishes Office Held by Late Marquis dePena Plata Rush Made to

Succeed Captain General BlancoWas



MADRID May 12 The recent deathof Captain General Blanco former military governor of Cuba to whose lot Ittell to surrender the Island to the vic-torious American troops ban been the

of endless excitement and gossip-in military circles here owing to the

that no less than a dozen generals-f more or less distinguished career

aspired to the honor of being promotedto the rank of captain general of theSnanlsh armies left vacant by thedeath of Blanco

It looked for a while as if the gov-ernment would be forced to create

new captain generalships in orderiff satisfy all the aspirants but suchstep was finally discarded as ridiculous and the King with a display ofdiscretion uncommon of Bourbon

put an abrupt and unexpectedend to the conflict by Issuing a royaldecree by which the office held by thelave Marq j de Pena Plata was suppressed

Cheered Kings ReturnThe return of King Alfonso to this

city after his recent visit to Englandwhere he met his future bride PrincessEna of Battenberg has afforded thegood people of Madrid a fresh opportunity to cheer for their sovereignand everybody is satisfied

The entry of a royal personage Intothe capital city of a kingdom Is al













mericans of Title and Otherwise WillBe Out in Will

NoiJ Attend

LONDON May 12 opera seasonat Covent Garden is expected to be parUcularty brilliant It Is unlikely thatthe Queen owing to her mourningbe to attend but the Princess ofWales is sure to be frequent occupant of the omnibus AH tho prominent society folks have reengagedtheir boxes Tlfe Americans as usualwill fce seen in force Tho Duchess ofMarlborough Is a constant patron whilethe Duchess of Roxburgh and theDocheas of Manchester are to engageIn rivalry with the daughters of theVanderbilts Lord and Lady Cravenwill as in past seasons be seen incompany with Mrs Bradley Martinwhile the other Americans of title orotherwise are sure to demonstrate thatthey are really In society



LONDON May 12 Tho marriages oftwo aged peers forms tho chief gossipof London society The Earl of Mexborough the only Buddhist in the peer-age married in Florence a CatholicDonna Silvia de Ser Antoni of NaplesLord Mexborough who was a widoweris over sixty and a famous traveler andwriter His Income Is 5209000 a year

from coal mines in YorkshireWhen he his conversion to

Buddhism he said Ive come to theconclusion that the faith proclaimed byour lord Buddha is the only one Iknow that answers all the problems of

lifeThe new countess Is the widow of anarmy officer Captain Clerk and is unknow in London society

Thu second noteworthy marriage isthat of Lord Mount Bdgecumbe Thisearl is seventyfive years old HIs brideIs the Dowager Countess of Ravensworth the widow of the late Earl














Horrible Story of Human Sacrifices-to Imaginary God by


ST PETERSBURG May 12 The mostatroaieus crime that lies occurred inSiberia since the famous of thebrothers KalaschnikoCC is about to beInvestigated In Tobolsk

Seven peasants of the neighboring vil-lage of Kobuilka and three women areabout to be put on trial on a charge ofsacrificing a number of Children in orderto appease the wrath of an imaginarygod of pestilence

The Siberian plague had destroyed thevillagers cattle year after year Thevillage was reduced to poverty andmany of its inhabitants were obliged tomigrate to the towns

A local quack who earned a living bymaking children Invulnerable to theevil eye advised the muzhiks thatuntil blood has been shed and a

church raised upon It the village wouldcontinue to be visited by pestilence and

he hinted even worse terrors The pan-ic stricken peasants understood this tomean that a church should be built upon-a foundation of human beings as wasdone by their ancestors in heathentimes

A man named Giazunoff offered to sac-rifice one of his seven children and hiswas followed by the localblacksmith The two children were killedat night and a rude wooden chapel hurriedly built over their remains

When the story became known themuzhiks from a neighboring villageraided the culprits themdown and nearly killed the murderers



LONDON May 12 One of the firstsmart bolls of London season properis to be given on the of this monthwhen Miss Gladys Grace youngestdaughter of Michael P Grace of Bat-tle will make her debut at herfathers town house in Belgrave Square

Miss Graces sister the Countess ofDonoughmore and Mrs Hubert Beaumont are bewi giving large dinner parties for the which will be abrilliant affair















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fiflliL 1


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If he will not sell Arbuckles ARIOSArrite to us We will supply you directou will get greater value for your

better pound of coffee fullreight than he can sell you under any

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or bag because we supply it only inpackages that you can identify

time which protect the coffee fromthe dust and impurities that loose coffee

insure full weight Coffee

exposed to the sir loses its flavorstrength and purity You cannot tellwhere it came from neither can the

may think he hedoesnt and all you can ever know is theprice ticket It is worth rememberingthat outward appearance no indicationof cup quality

Grocers as a rule are honestmen who would not consciously

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grocerhe knowsbut




ways accompanied by musts and amore or less imposing display of military force and that Is about all thepeople of Madrid care for

Summer Resorts DullReports from the summer resorts In

dicate a dull season as the majorityof those who can afford to leave thecity during the summer months whoare the wealthier classes have decided-to remain in or to Madrid inorder to be present at the brilliantceremonies attending the reyal

Distress Among PoorThe misery among the poorer classes

hero and in other cities is moreevery day

9nly in Madrid more than 6W menwomen and children are being feddally at the cuarteles or soldiers barracks where twice a day long linesof famished and miserable lookingcreatures watt impatiently for theirturn to receive a of the soldiersbean soup and potatoes and a fewslices dark bread

War With AmericaIn congress the question is again be

ing discussed of the causes of thewar with the United States but

in congress nor anywhere nobodyto devote any attention to the

effects of the war that cost Spain theloss of all her colonial possessions













advises you to take loose grocery storecoffee instead of Arbuckles ARIOSA

he believes he is doing you afavor whereas he is really depriving youof the most wholesome and deliciousbeverage that you can buy somethingbetter than anything else he can sell you

for the price The sales of ArbucklesARIOSA Coffee exceed the sales of all

coffees in the United Statescombined and the business of ArbuckleBros exceeds that of the four next largestconcerns in the world simply becausethe public actually receives better coffeefor their money in Arbuckles ARIOSAthan they can buy in any other way

Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee is good todrink It quenches the thirst and tastesgood Most people need it Itdigestion increases the power and

to work and it makes ono feel likedoing things no after depression

United States soldiers drink more coffee than the soldiers of any other nation


other package




England Continues Effort toResume Relations


ome Protestant Provinces Give Evi-dence of Going Into a Very

Serious Convulsion

LONDON May 12 Abundant indica-tions are discernible that the Britishgovernment in showing willingness toresume diplomatic relations with Servia is on the verge of making an irre-parable mistake No criticism is heardabout the course of the United Statesin sending Mr Riddle to Belgrade Itbeing pointed that a Republicangovernment need not observe proprietiesIR a case like that of the regicides

As matters stand today it can be safely state that the part of the regicidesis again in full control and unless GreatBritain recedes from her position shewill have to be content with taking theblame for having aided one of the mostdisreputable and irresponsible set of In-triguers that ever disgraced a Europeancourt

It is generally that the cabinet will propose to King Peter the acceptance of British conditions But thereis still some doubt if King Peter willconsent to separate himself from themurderers of his unlucky predecessorHe was vacillating for some time butthe rumor is circulating that since hehad a few days ago an intimate con-versation with Geeehteh who is

to have in his hands certain letters written by King Peter previous tothe assassination of King Alexander andQueen Drag he has firmly decided notto remove the regicides from the activeservice

Churches in GermanyIt bas become evident all keen

observers in Germany that the Protestant Church there Is menaced by a veryserious convulsion At the recent gen-eral assembly of the socalled Positive Union Prot Bornnaeuner ofHalle University delivered an addresson The task of the believing communi-ties in the present church crisis Such-a crisis he saW undoubtedly existsand the conviction te almost universalthat things cannot go on any longeras they now are in the church Viewsdiffer on the probable outcome of thecrisis On the one hand the death ofthe church is prophesied sometimeswith deep regret sometimes with mocking triumph On the other hand prophe-cies that the church will regain Itsstability are wanting though theoptimists do not agree on the meansby which this will be achieved

Politics in Ireland-In the course of a recent address

John outlined his peHcy forthe future He declared that theIrish representatives wore content towait for a moderate and reasonabletime for the government to prepare andproduce their plans for the extensionof selfgovernment in Ireland but onlyupon condition that there should beImmediately as the first Irish businessof the government a satisfactory labor-ers but and that the pledge in theKings speech as to sympathetic administration of Irish affairs should be carried out to the very letter


LONDON May new form ofbridge called opposition bridge hasbeen Introduced into England and isbecoming popular through its lively andexciting characteristics It was invent-ed about a year ago In a French gar-rison town it spread quickly throughout the French army and thenthree months ago the rules were com-municated by a young French officer toOswald Crawford the diplomatand writer a wellknown enthus-iast Mr Crawford says that his cir-cle of very soon cameto prefer th new game to the old oneIt Is more Lively






































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CoffeeThe price of coffee fluctuates

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