chroniclingamerica.loc.govnewpublications. nrajjnjiicanoiis. harpercc brothers,new-york....

NEW PUBLICATIONS. Nra jJn Jiicanoiis. H ARPER cc BROTHERS, New-York. Pt'BLISII THIS DAY: I. WHAT SOCIAL CLASHES OWE TO EACH OTHhK. BY WILLIAM OKAMAM M, Vrofeosor of PoUucai and sociil Science la Yale Collyu. 16010. Cloth, 001.-ul* **Tbe*e treat various aspect* of .jursHons of po. fttical eeonouiy which oi-e full of tnt«rr*t anti un portal, co- Wtlb the un* touch ut a scientific expert tbe author lays bore tbe weaksessaud shall., wu ros of much thai ls urned lu the name et pliilanlhroph' ami humanity ami >-furm, sud asset t*. upon Anisricaii sud rstiona) principle*, the richt of th* nen to be rich, or, iu ol ter won)*, tbe right of every man toStnap all tbeloglttmate audhouurobloreword*ol bl* abilities BB. opportumilrs." U* ALTIORA PLTO. A M'VI I. BY LAVKKSCK OLIPHANT, Althor ot " Hicoadllly," " Irene af a< gUlioudd.r," Ac. 16ino, Paper, 3B cunts . 4to, Paper, io cent* Tbe opening chapter* overflow with tim le rt . ... il u lmes. Itt* unpottlhle to *x*girer*l* the souse of luflulte Baft-ant* xetnt inspire.*. I.y this vt.rk o! tfrnuino wit, ot strong good t*.i*e. of sharp insight, ami of scholarly Jon- Bon. Tbe book 1* full of humor -Saturday Review, London. lt i* a pleasure that this in lilia nt witter ls BBSS .nior* pur¬ suing tb* vein he woiked with such distinguished soc. oas in "Piccadilly." *. Altiora Peto," if we may Judge Hom tho firstpart (a lirst volume usn should bc called, per. hop*), bid*lair lo bei-oiue un* nf the most remarkable i.ovel* tat tts* rime.- st. J (mas'* Uszetle, I o.nlo j, 111. SILAS MANNER. TUB WEAVEH OF RAVK.LOa*. BY lil.OUHK ELLI..Tr. Anther of " Adam Bede," " Mlddiemarch," etc. Idmo, Paper, 30 sent*. HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY. LATEST ISSUES: CT*. BM. Frederick IL aad Marta Theresa. Bv Due d* Brag- tit. 30 821.-The Brooklyn Bridge. By W. c. conant anal Mont¬ gomery schuyler. 20 332. Tbe Koniantic Adventure* of * Milkmaid. A Novel. By thoma* Hardy . 10 ."3. Aut C*t*r aut Nial! A NoveL By thc Countets M. von Botbmer..,. 30 Bt4. The senior siongmin. A Novel. By tba Author of "St, (Hove's.". 30 8i!6. A Foolish Virgin. A Novel. By Ella Weed. 3D anti. What Hool Thoa Don*I A Novel. By J. Ftixgerald Molloy. . 15 8'27. Mir lom. A Novel. By Mrs. Oliphant ...... . 20 KW. Koben Held. lotton-Hpinnrr. A Novel. By Alic* UH an,011... »w i*i*», Disantied. a NoveL 3y Mis Botham Edward.. 1ft HARPhK A BROTHERS wUl send any of the above works hy mali, piistoge prepaid, to any part ot tb* United .tates, un te-**.ipt et tho pnet. SPANISH NOVELS OF fl. PEREZ GALDOS. GLORIA, 2 val*. MARLENKLLA. 1 vol Translated by Ci aka Bell. William 8. GotUberger. DONA PERFECTA. 1 vol Tran*la*-*4 by-. Seaside Library. As the woiks of Don Benito Per*r, Galdos have attrscted nttention in this country and thrnngh Earope, it iuay be of interest to give the malu facts Bi bis caraar, snd lunka nieutlou at leaat of bis aninerons books. Gnldos wa* born in the Canary Uland.* ia 1843. For nonie years he has reside*! in Madrid, and been at the head of the principal Span¬ ish review, licviita de Espana. He belongs to tb. Libera! wing of the Liberal Conservative party of which Senor Canovas del Castiliio ls the leader. His point of msw as a politician is therefor, not ex¬ treme. Aroid tne pretty but narrow mas- of Span¬ ish fiction of tbe last few years Galdos stands alone as having placed Spanish fiction on auy footing of djuali!y in Europe. The stones of remand Cab¬ allero and of Trueba afforded poet io glimpses both of th. north and of the south of Spain; the tales of Gustavo Been uer gai. an impetus to general cnlti- vation in Spaiu itself, bat gave no insight into that perplexed tumut ry to foreigners. In tbe outsat Oaldos appear* to have no otber pur¬ pose than to amuse. Hiv first stories are historical and patriotte. But in u Gloria" Be grappled with the social-religious problem fearlessly. It is a story of a maiden of good blrtti and high social position reared in a little village on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, in seclusion but not 111 ignorance. We can io no b tter than to use her name to describe ber beauty and endowments.Glorious! Into this scene of peace a fateful shipwreck throws a young Eng¬ lish-speaking wan, evidently well born, educated sod wealthy. Love does not wait to impure Into the details of raoeand religion. The young stranger, endowed with every noble trait, and except for race aad faith the ideal man, proves to be a Jew. Now ensues od both sides the uprii ing of all tbe teem¬ ingly ineradicable prejudices which we of this country and century happily only know in ro¬ mance. The ttrnggle when both fain Hies become in¬ volved, -when pride and bigotry and parental au¬ thority rend these yonug hearts, constitutes a trag¬ edy which contains nu relief. It is painful, not with the sweet agony of old-fashioned romance, but with the actual pain of the real present, such as only the modern realistic work can give. " Marienella " is ot much lighter mould and less stern purpose, lt ia descriptive of local scenery mid merciv touches Inc.dentally timm the, in Spain, minor social problems, such aa the care of and edu¬ cation ot the poorer classes. Tbe personages aud the locality are somewhat sketchily drawn, but Marionella herself remains in the reader's mind as an interesting study. In brief, it ls the story of a blind yonth whose guide and companion is a poor aud friendless girl whose extraornin*ry noni is en¬ shrined In a diminutive and ugly body. Pablo love* tbe tool of Marienella. never having seen her, and Marienella loves him. Tr-o advent of Pablo's beautiful cousin, aud at the asuie time of au oculist of great skill, breaks this idyllic life. Pablo, whose blindness was congenital and whose iniagi nation alone conveys to him ideas of beauty, on opening his eyes after the operation which re¬ stores his sight, beholds, lirst, his beautiful cousin. and ts enchanted. Marienella, the unhappy child who has been his guide and dearest friend, trie* to bids herself from his sight; rescued from suicide, she dies heart-broken when, in the midst of fever. Pablo accidentally sees her face aud instinctively gives eipression to hts horror At ber ugliness. Tbe closing scenes are very strong in their carefully restrained pathos. " Dolla Perfecta" deals with life in one of tbe in¬ sulated old cathedral towns. Modern ideas are introduced in tho person of a young civil engineer who visits an ,-inut whose paste*-i ms he there nod whose daughter he is expected to espouse. In this story we find that Spanish Catholicism has lost none cf its fierceness, though its power is exerted in a social rather thau au olhcial way. The story throws much light on tbe war in which iusnrrrc- ti<>:-; and revolutions against the constituted au¬ thorities are fostered and developed. We can see from these pictures that the novelist will not soon lack materials in the politics of hts country which lor intensity, variety and incomprehensibil¬ ity exceed anything known in the American hemis¬ pheres, north or south. " Dona Perfecta" culmi¬ nates in . manner which assures us that Galdos bus Dot studied the American Novel at all, aud that there is uo intention ou h's part of writing a Tragedy with tbe trace.:y left out. But he does not .uaw blood until tbe end, and iu his pages aro found both humor aud satire. His female characters interest as most; the older ones from their religious inten¬ sities and from a certain fierceness we aro little ac¬ quainted with, .nd in which, as in Ilona Perfecta we hesitate to believe. Galdos, being still yoong, tau look forward to many and important works in the future, for neither he nor tbe vein, seems likely to be exhausted. It is to Ik* ouyen thal good ti ans. latinos may be given us of his "Leon Koch" and " I,. Desheredada,". the tirst a story of high life and tbs last of very low lift* in Madrid. Nero Publication.!. « 1JI8TORICAL and other STUDIES," Br JAB. ANTHONY FROUD-, Pile* 35 eonta nd "ARTISAN LIFE OF JESUS.¦ by Prof. Front D«v Itjistb, price 15 cont*, or* two new books publishers lc THE TANDARD LIBRARY. FUNK Sc WAGNALLS, 10 and 12 Dey Street. N. Y. OR0PER PRIDE. | FASCINATING STORY OF CAVALRY LIFE IN INDIA, AND TOWN AND COUNTRY LIFE IN ENGLAND. IHE TRIBUNE. NEW-YORK. B JnetriirUoru For Boys and Youn» Men.City. i SCHOOL FOR BOYS..Private tuition, L afternoons. Tborno* Reerts Ash, ita W. iath-sk_ ~~.CIRCULARS of bent schools, with care- La fnl advice, fro* to parents; please giro til particular*. Ml Hi AM (.'WYRIE REA CO., 31 K. 17tli-»t. (Union *q.) EST SC11O0LS.-C1RCULARS iutcU.gei.t- Ivnalt-ctodfor parents whu describe tlielr wanta, fri** erson'Tly. malle.* for pusuj*. J. W. _CH_KM.Kluloii.\\ East ittb-sts. Vow York. ALLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 15 Kant U 4irth.*t Frank Dnsler. A. tl., PrineinoL Reopen* Vednesdav. Keptember its. Principal con be SBBS tt school tier Heplasmbar 1, _ Collegiate lnstii ute Wt Ot DR. J. SACHS, No. 58 West ;'.Vu li st., REOPENS "MONDAY, SEPT. 17. Thorough preparation for colleges (especially HAR- 'ARD, COLUMBIA and CORN Kl.Ll and scientific school*: il!r onraui/Dd bnsioes* conr»e: FllENCH and GERMAN inn important featuies of regular .(.brine of instruction. IEVV BUILDING, perfect In toni l try arrangi'uii'iiti. LAitOR AND WELL EQUIPPED UYM.NASIUM. ^HAULIER INSTITUTE. s> On Central Pork. . F.stal.llshed 1855. 10H West 'itftb-st., between Oth »ml 7ih-evi<». lOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Foll BOY.1 AND YOUNG MEN OF 7 TO 20. Prepares them for all Coliorfe*. Htt-attB* School*. We»t 'oint N»v*l Aoademy. and business, -renell, Hernial-., pamsli spoken and tanght thoroughly. New biillillnic* meted puri-tmelv tho besl-e (Hipped private school lu lb* orld. kitti scIukiI year will bogia Hriu«*inber IS, l-<*u. Prof. ELIE CU ARLIE li. Dliector. CENTRAL" PARK SCHOOL No. 51 Ratt U 78lh-*r_. reopens September 17. Boys prepared for co! He or business. Rev. E. L. Bl'RN ETT, A. M., Principal. COLUMBIA INSTITUTE, 106 Went 42d-sL- _^ Senior. Junior omi Primary Depart menu. Student* repared tor busluessor fo.-auy coilego ur Hc.laatitlc school. iiliuT drill and gymnasium. Boarders received. Ke mk.ii* toaatBot Uti, K.DvSlN FOWLES, a. ll., Principal. tARLBOROUGH CHURCH ILL Jr.. Hoartmaner._ r_rOlORSEfS"RCH()OL F<»R BOYS 112 " s West K8t_-*l.. prepares for college, sri*ntlrlc school, ur usine**. opens september _U. Bamttoc address, until i-asp- ¦intHT 18, isCoiuit Moo*._ IOHN MCMULLENS SCHOOL. 1.983 Broad* " way, corner BSstatV, reopens Monday. September 17. erm* 340 taii.'*I) Hoarder* *n)'). i in mai* at Putnam's, 7 Weat iUd-s*., ami al tho school._ [ YON ct GILBERT'S CLASSICAL SCHOOL. L_ 678 fith-av*\, will reopeu September '.'tl Pupils *ie reiiared thoroughly fm Hi* b*M role*** and tetonflfle horns, two departments. Senior sml Junior, rai li llnutod io it< nu iiiuills. Tbe Pnnclpai* will be at th* school after rplembei lu. _ JEW-YORK MILITARY ACADEMY. ^1KURI- WAKIIINO I'llN, M. Y. Establisln*d i*».)l. 8upenn*cn.*.en! Joli *.' II. HAY*. M. D. KEDFUNS WEPT. 4. 1883. A Hoarding Sohuolof Hie UI«iio*( md*, who*! tlir->s fold id, and scrupulously follows I. ls to *ninild, al an anny *'(«. lelntellectof t-iiiiih iir mti'ii-M't* win or «»b».llrnw, ant it-Ici'tiuKs by r'd ,i,, i, ii . ,-i separating them Hires |sv.I S|i)lsitcs. instruction, discipline, lell'1 i. w iii tilla ; Nf very profession. Situate*] ii >v nhington II >i.-ht*. s'i it ti-i mil')* up tin*, tiOsou, His rnache-1 t,v t!i» Mila .veno* Klsvatn.l Koail i.'itli-st. Carriage* are always In wanuig. ur, by nm -iv iii ticatlou, lin* i.i,, -nat ,:i 1-it iO»)ll tia ari iv tl Jf auy sin. A morrlieiutlfnl HTnlhsittlir placs-«n a-i eurtiioP'** no-n- laiidiuK ibo most doUjrklfa! seooery.or Moro nttrsotlvn sar- ¦undiugs, are not lonni aio.iir the tar-taiao 1 bau** or tu* lii'l-ini Hs liiiililnie* mi imus.illly bo neille*. Thernare lortr aerosol lan I itt i 'io 11 il, s i il il til li .isi'itiil lif oat groves, tffording »mole Sftao tot pu/ rou ml*. r len, h, Herman and *s;ianl*sli »;i lk ia. APPLY PUR < A IA Lou U has._'_ 3T. Louis College, 134 Weat :i7th-Rt..Select J CathoU* School, sli language* Complet* linsines* i)HI*»e. Warm luncri. l.lphl i.yimiaMic*. Ter.ns inoilrmln. riilMTY SCHOOL, loiuulcil A. )>. 17<>!f, i. 1,517 Hromlwar. RoetvT, Her. ll. HOLDS*!*. Dndof lrcctHini'i I'rml'---* !': il * it< 'i'll Paoli* BettOOL tssjmt i'.'-v BIhHOP POTT-it, Prottdoal Prsfsni Int ul,ure ot for buslne**. I'm lins baas toe* ap-illoi-io 11 ia imlelo lliosecreurr. parlue pupil* recelvisl. Further In irmallop fiven al the tchooL Next tenn begins Heplctnlir-i- I M1E NEW-YORK LATIN SCHOOL. Nu. 8 I Ko*l 47th-sl.. iropers at..ST -'lueuili-t M. Oi,o iiariiiui! pupil semi lol clrcultr. V. DAUN1.Y, PrlnrlpnU rTMYKHsiTY OF THK CITY OF NKW- U YORK.-DKI'AHI MKST-i Ol' AltTS A ND rtClP.NCK. INMTRUCTIO-* PRKK, The next entrance eia-uinatlou* will Be li*' I la de Cnlvsr- ity Uuilillmrs. tVa. ,iu;|.i i s|, 01 I'uesliy, Jun I.), inion Pim* iv, i-'iite BOOT LR, ti li*, i Recant muullireut iflfu bave *e,;urel lari:* »i 11 a-wrtoal liililiuii* io UM a ur icu il il t Hann if in J li." ia i C. ilucb wllloo roadr form* tl laj j ital* { if li i aati, : i.o ,'.- year. Univt'isitY (vi-it:u.iLir So-iGol, 1,1S1 Hnuilway, near 4JdT.*_ (lilt f*tr.) I'riuir, Oj n norm i. ul !__*lu_JeJ»i'-. watt. .. d. iIdjV. *. . i. ¦"' J » ) For Young Ladies.City. At IfiBBf. PERULNS' SCHOOL, 2,0_1 Fifth- ex tTe., New-York, 'i'l-rms for boonlius pupils, per yi ar, AOO.wltb umslc, SsiOO._ HARLISLE INSTITUTE, 572 Miiiliwiu-uve., «_' cor. fiOth-Ht. Now Yort, ciiual I'aik.i Boanllnv amt tar Kcliool tor youur laitln* and th alma, I lio oo/.i BtilMl itt* ionise, rpiciai slii'lenu* lu iiiiisii: ami all drpai tuinnta. French ih'- l_-BT_M* of Ute tcbooi: ilenuau. Lolls nil spanish lausrht. Accomm -'datum* tm tinitlu . pupil* timur- lassed: everv roo.n sunny. BlaSorgtrton. 11th yrai nept. avi. 110MK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL for GIRLS, II 3,113 Mh-iv- Hoard, tu.timi with music, t.">u prr iiiailei. septrmb'r ft._ I ACKSON SEMINARY, 5J :j and 515 East lr 1'jlith. ¦.!. Knslish, Fn«ncli ami Osman boanliuR- n-liiail lui vounnla-inu an 1 uuihlrau : dedrable lac Hw 1 ; tx. ISntlTttTltilf |*nr Itali teran H-H to sill per year. |.r jlrcularsapplr to tin) "Siniuary. It-i|i ni september IX M\>< HALLOW'S Enrliah and French *«hool tor Vounx La.iles and n- Olrlt, No. 'ii I ast '."Jil-sl., will rnopofl on l hors,tay. se pfmher VT_ \llss M. A. CLARK'S Scbool for .oana ill Laities anil CBtulroa, 1D7 last BMh-st.. raOMM Boat Wi i'muse of instruction tborouRb aU'l eorajNOta 1'uullc sclnsil tr.Cthodu,_ MRSTWlLLIAMES' ENGLISI1 and FRENCH -rllOOL for YOUTfG LAOl-fl ami LITTLE Ol l s. I. ... a. Wost Stall rt. iteopen* bi-pt. *J7. Lectures on Ail, .-iti- enteaud lllsiory, Nov. 1. (TweBty-ttflh year.j_ Miss CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL for GIRLS. 71*! Mallison- ave., reopen* Mo.NDAV. Heptaniix-r '*, l*"^:-t. Boys' ls .-es aonarste. I'ulilic inellioiis. Ail itirs*. nu Boptonib*r Itt), 'rseonoot, Nantm-ket. Maa*. \IISS HAINES AM) MLLE. DE JA NON lvi Bpooaodo. r*r mm i. ir oasatiKOLX vo.v tao aa ¦nil MLLi:. Uti HIICY.**- KOPrA Improvcsl IB*Wbods nf le.tciiHiK. -iimluii appin anon. Address Na lOUraineroy MESDEMOISELLES CHARBONNIBR.S >*reuch ITotrsiani lioardlaff anil Oar for Vmun laialles, BS r.asl 361- st.. New-York, (formerly lo Parla), will re open Monday, October 1. Apply by leltur unlit Hoplembor 15, vt hen Mt le*. Ciiarliuiiiiibr will tieiu New Yolk. MLLE. KUHL ant! MISS ANNIE BROWN will reopen their French and !. nulisli Boaidlng and Bay school, kepteutbur i!7. IHhu. No-. 711 and 71', FIFTH AVP... opt osire Br. Hall's church, lust i.* Ceutral r*rk. Studenu prcp.ireil ror Oulleslale examui lUons ll d*»iied. VIISs NORTH AND Miss BARNES, Scbool iVl for V.min' i.i'ilirs. l.lll'.l Madison ave., near l'J.'ithsi. *'lasses lui clnldicii aud OliuailBBtHaB tor slmly lu wpm lal's. i'iiiiisii* nf eulie','* p .ipai anon ffiaduttet re- celved st Wellesley without lui tin i iii**slll*lliln Opons Oci. 1. Aiidress lill Au*;. 'Ju, White Plaina, Hew-Vortr, Vfiss.l. F. WREAKS' BciARDING AM) IVA DAY MCIIOOL Full TOO MO LAIUKH AND dill.. UHKN, 33 Kaat 77lbst.. re open* snpte ,ii,ri J7. Conrs* of .tudyttiorourh aol eOOiplaU Mprsial altenlloii nani lo ma: lin. mailes ann lanfual'-*. Adilmss nulli >.-',lem.ier l.'i, '.al* of e.. Mtockbriiluo. Couliai Valley, ff, V. MRS. SYLVAXUS HEH!)'S 1*1 KOAHHIMI AM) DAY school for Youn* Lodi** and Llltlo lillis, (I ami * Fast 33d ._. between Mb amiMallison avns. N. Y. tCeutrol r.irk). Cuiirsnlu Collng-ialo lirpaiiiiieiii ihoriiiifii. special ttudent* ailmltls.I. i'llmaiy anil I'leparatorv Departments, Prenoh Un: lan ;ua^r ot Um scbool. KejnusOri.i*, 1H-13._ MME. DA SILVA & MUS. BRADFORD'S 'formerly Mrs, Oglnn Huffman's) Knallsli, Fiench bin Herman Boaritiu* an<l Day hi hool fur Yinni* Lodte* ami hil nen, .No, 17 West 3»lh st. New-York, will n- open October 1. Application may bo made by letti or person¬ ally. tBoBer*._ MISS MARY HARRIOTT NORRIS, 46 Kaat "iKtb-sL reopen* ber school for Yonnr Ladles amt Mw*!-* Oct. ld. clothes fur wiulla Nov, li preparation tor Va* .ar. Wtillealny, Smith ab'l Karvai.l eiatiiitiatlo'i* ailvanced classes. In Ail, Llteistuie,--! lem¦« ami :Mathematic* unusual advantages for Mo<lern Ltu*{Us|;e» and Music: bnaritlnz pupils limned lo 1 J. A-!di<.iisllli MSpt. i:>, BOONTON, N. J. MME. C. MKARss I-.M.I.ISII. FltF.NCH AND OKHMAN BOAKDINO AND DAY SIHOOL For Younr, Ladle* ifonndesl IHttli, No. 222 Madison ave., New-York, reopuu* weiluowlsr, *-«p(eiii1**r 2ii, l*(.->.t. Freacb 1* Dir iMUsuane nf ihe f.. no ly and sctinn), lecture* In l.ii'.li-h. Fm iu h ami oki niau hr eminent profrssois; especial attention paid to Loft-Uah ami FlCQili iiluiary Dei,ai tiuent. _Mini. A. C. MFA UH, Principal. MRS. GRIFFITTS will rtjopfn lier Eojrliah, Freuch and Herman I)»y scbool for Yonn* Ladles mut l blldrou on Weiluesilay, Scpte.mlu r Jo, al 414 Mailiaoii-avo., uext door abo>* l' a toiu*;i o" 4- li st. Ri'v. Dr. Mn*. C. H. GARDNERS UnTirT- In** and Day Hchool tor young laities. No. «08 Piftb-aTe. l wenlysli»h year. RIK;HRS FEMALE COLLEGE, Nos. r,6 .nil 6H West Silbsu Only chartereil ObHom lot women tn New York. 1-ully equipped In all Department* for boarding amt day pupil*. Art, mu»le. Kindergarten. Aa Tenn opeas September 2_ Adores* b. O. BUBCUARD, d. d ^_ President. VllTIirRHAN .SEMINARY, l«7th-at. and VJ I5o*t<in»ve.-Thorongh tustruoiloni k md cai a moderate role*; odyantosreaof ulty aud country. _ It'ev. ED WIS jon N'Si) V, Priaelpal. rvm: MfSSES GRINNELL'9 school por J YOUNO LADIKS AN D ( HII.llllKN, &.I Kust SStb-st, (.rcoml door from Mallison »ve.) will rwopeu october 3. Col le-late aaa F.leetive Cnnrses. Special student* reoelved In all department*. Including ilium and Art, Cuts*** for hoys October 1. Kindtrgai tea October lu. Infraction. For Tonne Ladiss.Oitp. THE Miss** GRAHAM (sacccssora to th« _1I****0 HE EN formerly of No. 1 Plrthav*., will open Uietr Kngllth and French Boarding and Day school far young ladle* on THU USD AY. September 27. st Na do Pifttt- ave.. N*w.Yor_ City. _. URSULINE ACADEMY for Youd* Ladies, 150 th. st oed WealcKetter-tve.; location healthy term*. B250 for l'0*rd and tuition In Kugllsh aud French. Jleopen* Monday, september 8. VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE, for young la¬ dle*, 315 West »7th-«r. New-York, will reopen fcep tember 'il. DR. A M M E. VAN NORM AN, Principals. 210tr FIFTH-AVE.-Mrs. Smuller and , I ~_* > Daughter's English. French tad norman Board, lng and D»y Scbool for Young Ladles. For Both Sexes.Cit-. I FRIENDS' SEMINARY. East Sixtecnth-sr. and Hulbi'i-funlplace. Poi both1 sexes. Fall term be¬ gins ninth um., xiii, students prepared for college or fur linaine**; thorough lintnn Hon In Flench uml Herman : also Primary and Kindergarten ela*****. Forrlrculors or infuiiu a- tion, address as below by pus,al at Minni nary, or call after ninth in".. Otb, Inti ween in- hom-* of H and 11 a. m. HKNJAMI.N SMITH. A. M., Principal. AIME. -Tl MU*. E. C. SERVAITL'S' (siiccajsaor to ht. D. TAKDIVKI.) Kngllsb, French. Herman Miiaidlng uml hay Behool for Young Ladle* and Clilldicn. -'.'> West 4lith-*t.. reopens Hi-ptrmber B". French imogen tluenlly lu one year, lax-lure* lu French sud Kugllsh br eminent pio'essoro Drawing and Music unsurpassed. spei lal ittuntion pstd lo primary and preparatory depart- B0,-nt» Kindergarten. OI'EN MONDAY, SKIT. 3..PACKARD'S UULLEGE for instruction in book k**pln». arirtmie-tc, writing, phonography, lype-writltig. corrrspoadento com- meicial Uw. Fiench, Herman, i-paulsb. ami for practical training In busiue.'* affairs, will reopen on Moutlay. Sent. 3. Vlattor* leceivedfiom Moiidav. Aug.'/". Cati or semi for circular.' b. s>. packahd. I'resldant, mij Broadway. For Boys and Young Mon.Country. A DKLPEUO INSTITUTE, CONN. K. E. CLARK, fortneily principal of stratford Actdemy, haring secured a commodious houfe, sun minded hy twenty sere* of giottud. one half mlle southeast nf thc lovely ana healthful village of Ncw-Milford. on the Hoiisatonlc Hall, roail, is prepared to take twenty-fir* boy* to thoiougbly Ut eithei for ooMSBS Bf huslues.s. For *.ii ulai* adare** ** snore. AHA1TY HOME SCHOOL FOR BOYS DNDBB 14, with the RKi Till! oF sr. p.M'L's, Salem, N. Y. An oppnrliinitv for a Ihnmiigh i-ilucalion undir t brutton mintace* lu » healthful country. A limited number of hoy* fi om ginni funulies Ukeo, to whom the best references will bc sent._ A TTARRYTOWN-ON-THE-HUDSON, N. Y., 1\. HTAIllt'B MILITARY INsTITTTTK. o. WINTHROP STA HR, A. M., I'rliiclual._ ALEXANDER INSTITUTE, Mtlitarv Board* lng school. White Plain*. N. Y. Princip*'., O. Ii. WIL¬ LIS. Pb. H._ A GOOD BOARDING SCHOOL of forty-four veer*' slaudlng, outr*.olen! lo New-York and vicinity. Addres* THOMAS HAN LOM, 1). I). Pi iiiniiijtnn. N. J. BOYS ami YOUNG MEN privately _..«».. tor -nits.'s. i-11 iitioii*i >* -i|'--| ii iiiii*i coeobon, .sroratntofc stooiunig*, sim r. iiukimann. |>E ITS MILITARY ACADEMY, Stun.lon!, J aVniin.. on Tnnped lilli, outside ii riling* vetv healtlir. trull ii-ai begin* -i-pti- ii', r li), piepares Doj« foi eattegoor business. Foi tull Information send for i alalngue. OBDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE. Piepsii-*) lor Kusinevi. i all*BM °r West point. Heler- ence*i Chonoe'lor Theo. Hanron a patron), Newark, N. J. Major, ilenrral Nott, Konli-ntown, NJ. H. J. Filiuian, Penn. li. ll. I'dice, Philadelphia. Ad.lTCH* Hey WM. V. H-)WKN, A. M., pi.uupil. or CoU 8AM I" KL E. IllsK, ( om iiaintaiit, I'nrilenlown, V J CAYUGA I.AKi: MILITARY ACADEMY, Aurora. N. Y. Mit Bf. A. FLINT. Piliicipal. 15 pORNWALL HEIGHTS HCHOOL. for boya. \j sim fort aliovr and nrerl silling tb) liver giunud* ta*'*.* iii-ies al, iii ia ii i'ii f-1 iii an I toro*) it'll ac'.n*. lamrean! itoi'itliui gyan**! am bail,li lg Ju* complet-d O.COBM - - 0' "!."., BLACK HALL HCHOOL, LYME, COU A fannie and pre para! or r *rh«-'l foi * frw Imr*. | borough mst in tl in an l ar,'u! ii.i < "f reference* given CHAKI., H O. BARI lilli i.-.' Ipal. /.ol.I.i.CIA i: VM» COMMERCIAL INSTI- \J TITI-'. NI VC WIN Treparar.irr to mlle-e. the sen ililli-, naval sud millar.- si.liuls, aad baste*****, with a bearding ill ,ati ii'*u'. mi.,, ir r ur < tait ill 1:1 sn drill in sun'i arran ge meats for *tbie*U* gama*, towing, skating. . wiiii'iniig, AC u 11.LIA A II Itl'.-s.-il.LIs PilucipaL_ THK CASCADILLA SCLOOL. I vi'AIILlHHKH IN H7U. A *chool af spacial InttrneUon for ro!>.-* stoat-** and for I boee prepai lug for co liam er term lieslus I iilv t. -o.ii ir, rerle* li rir.s ** 'plumbs* I il tri ui begins S: .amt-** jon:. Ki Ll ].. _ ill. I lb act. N Y. COTTAGE HILL -('HOOL. l'olUIIK UT- Ml I.. N *i'.. iitiln- an I lioM'iiiiiienl .ii. loo. aud for Hasina**. Juli's MILKY, Principal. DU. PINNEO'S FAMILY BCHOOL FOR llnV-. DR. HOLBROOKS Mll.l i IRV - ROOIa Sins no -. -i Henpens We lue* I..V e. li Address Hiv. D. A. I-IOLHK Kl If, I n i;li>hin(; f\. y.Vinsti i cte boarding 1 mu OL tar yoong mea and oort, OpenoTosaJ M '.. 1 A I in III l-l)._ I^KEEIIOLD INSTIM'TK, Prwho'-l, N. .).- I lo: Hoy*, ii n». . Kn [Ush, Mod- ni Lin.- i_--s. lor atalo_ue* apply to tba I'rtaclptL Her. AW. i'll! Hil.ns. / i RAN VILLE Mflitan Acailamy, North Oran* VA vil.e.N.\. JO miles N. Of s. rat nara I'liiiiin-iiUi and i la* abai, lui Information ad,li, - li I,ai ii, A. M IT.ii fJREYLOCK INSTITUTE, Booth vVillUaia. ." town. H<*rlc*)i|rr i*o Ma** preiiare* lens for i ol lego, Kl'-niltli- aeliool oi noun-**. ronna *W'*ii I'et Mar. lu: calalogne*, andreas i.l.o. 1'. MILL*. Inn ipal. ^JKEHN NV It'll, CONN..A*~Mk*nT utti I..e \M tn: te-i tins. Dun ,u ;h ;, ¦¦ ,i, alum "fol hu-linsa or c.illrvie, iinsuipasiwl io .non ganuln* boa* leflned ur 1,11'idiuss. iiisiie«i tutor ann*. J ii. KuOT, FilaUlpol, HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Wnieeairr. Mas*, 'ffIB yow 1 -I In I lufoi malion tp- |il V lol', ll Ml.j. \l.l A. M., MI|s*nililrllile|iU_ I IIGlILANDFALLHACADEMY (For I 1 * on the Hu Ison, me ml,' som h of Wi si I'otnt. Addroas . Al.1 ll Ht M Pinn ipal. irving insthttf.. 1 TARBYTOWH, N. Y. Hot* jirrparod for 1 ollr^» or fol buailMM* Aildioss DAVlii A. lloWl-*, A.M. 1'iluclpsl. I KWIS (.'OLLF.fJK.-Si-ii'Mtilii', C|..-m,.il 11.1 li Militny. S'^i ail louise, iu Chemistry and OTU Kn- gineeilng. Add ids* MKfl'.l MiV, I.I e. ls ni.I! iii:. NoMhllrld. Vt MON TC LAI B FRENCH [N-TTTtTTE--Wtii- Bti*,i »t I'|'|i-i MMtetnii t har-iil'g uitiiilry hu ms N U ." vs. ttl mitiiltes ont; lii-s'.lliie il silluu'i, SO min a fjim pimiiK i* ?.¦.'.ii' ni 1)' r. UK COM Fl O NY, PnnclpaL MITCHELL*- ROYS' BCHOOL, BHIonira Mas* AsTttit'Tiv -ii.1, p family 8ObT00I_ Allum* Iniys tro 11 eiicbi Ui ttrteex _M. C. MI ll. il Kl.1- A M . Pr!*. \| 1. l'l.!;\s,\M'MILITARY ACADEMY, l's a sht.hcT hoahdinu hchooL kihi hoys, ai sl-i» -.n on IBs Hndaon, N. T. The course of insiru- lion nntirsea* tb* loll owing dnpart- nu nt 1 ,. loleiii L*ngll* ..'!**, Kleineiilal». Mal In.. mailes!, i:ugii*!i -Nindist. aid Natural Beltana ClSBSOtorS also foi ni,d In Mush. Drawing KenclBf ami Klis inion. A uuuitlily omaiiUoil Mllltar, Heporimant, Hiding s hool. th ~*:i.trslne,i hnrs.)s, gvinnkslum, Ar. Will roopan 'I'bursiiay,-ep'.i-mliei I.i .1. imwr, Al.l.l.N, I'nni'ipul. pEEICSKILL iN.Y.' Military Aca.|«'inv.-Kor 1 ilniilsrs address i'm. Cl Wlli'llli', A. M., f*nni IpaL PARK LN8TITUTE. 1 BYE, n. v, Korlmys, fflfio*yeir. llt.NHY TATLOCK, rrinrlpal. POUGHKEEPSIE N. Y., MILITARY INS II- 1 I TK.-llr. Warlut's HOOldlngHchooL 'Ihoioiigli gixsl. Kind and proper In ainirnl Military nut Ihr ininripal thing PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. 1 CHI3-TE& ' Tia rsnropentHoptofiboi i.'. nmitinr* nsw. bniietlor apponilineai*. IMvil Kuglaeeilng, Cb«.neal, I ollogialo. Kugllsh ( ourasa. Deglee* nnisi fOd. _ UOIa. TH KO. HYATT. PreWdenL RYE, H. Y..Bradford Manalon BebooL |500 ansi, fliaiming Incatloiu C. J. CULLIN'S, 1'rlnripaL IMYLRYIEW ACADEMY, I'OIilllKKKI'sfK. N. T. Kits fur any OallOfa, or <ln»Hrnment Academy. Non-asplrsnt* forcollrge admltinnc.o receive full prepara Hon «or mislne** and sin-lal relallou* T.utli* and uniitaiy dull receive caieful aitennon. Addre**> ,_T UK I'ltKsi'ij \ 1, CKDtiWKK INslTTOTE, Gratti Barrinrtor, l j Mass, a se.l'-c.t fsuillv d hool lor hoy*. The fall tenn begins mi.len.uer l-l Bead foi t'ln-nUr. Pilnelpsl*. \ _B.V\JH' J- VAN'-t.l.NNKI', I). D. _________[?. J* VAN-LKNNKP. A. B. tEABURY IN8T1TUTE, 8aybr(M7k7^n^ KJ Twciilleilli year opens Sept. ll. p.oys Ulte.1 fur business or college. Hrv. I'. L. BU-PABD, M. A., I'rlmlpal. CIGLARJS IBEPARATORY SCIIOOLTI^- l J lung. N Y. A select boa-.lins- sohool for 2:, bu** Ora.liiati-st_ketli'-lil<hastraultat Vu*. N»- school.r.s.ui ami gyiin)s«iiim. OTinuasilrs eouinilsory ami part rn ihe uailv loiituie. Aililr.aslll.NltY W. -hil. vii. M. A. «Y*l*l SUMMIT MILITAKY ACADEMY", Summit" g N. I., AI.KItK!) N. IT I.I.I lt, A. ll., 1',1,,,'ipal «,,,., , Septsmber I.'. 1mm:i. |. i|,« nub land* of NortBan New J",',,M,r- »r*l>«'al. »«'tlt!iy situation. I'repar** for tbe nest' colleges, lliorenghtiatnliif-ln rerwiug, spelling, conniositloii .nd elociiu.iiu Laboratory practluo in cnamlstry. "wear sysleiu la Prenob. iler.nan, Itallaa aud spanish. Music diawiui'. ii. mary dill' ami gy,.ua* pjl e.,,rp, of Bvo and eo.iio.teni. teachers. Ijlrite, niooly furin*',-.! J,, ,.n. suprilo,-boai-d. A pleasant ho,.,,,, i u rn,.^To 0Hr Noeitraseiceptiuu«lcaud (laiutin/. v y ". T-MH1TY COLLEGE, Hartfnnl, Cum,. ~. *n>ttr^z;*:zwz?ir^v^ibw- kmu>1^ >vn.i iam-s.-i*; smith. aT. p., rr**tflti npHE CA'S NERY.-A family and proparatory" X school for boy*. A few vtranrtes for nett rear Addres* J. I. Hill .N SM A DR _W-sbuigtoa, l.itolnlriii t ouuty, lonn. T'iiii1^'iil.i.i.A-.1 MA? §C11< K »U Nrvv". Jiwtrnrtwn._j_ Fer Bora and Tomat ateo.Ooantrr. OTEYENS HIGH SCHOOL. THK ACADEMIC DEPABTMKNT OF THK STEVENS INBTITUTJi OP TKCHNOLOOY. Rlver-t., between Sth sod Sib ita., Hobogea, ¦,**_ OPENS SEPTEMBER 17. 18S3. INSTRUCTION OIVEN IN THE ANCIENT AND MODERN I.ANCH'AliKS, IN PKKE-HANU ANO MECHANICAL DKAWINO. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT, SCO PER ANNUM. SENIOR DEPARTMENT, $150 PER ANNUM. Tb***T*e terms Include oil the studlea For catalogue*, apply to the LibrorUn of Stevens Insti¬ tute, CWITIIIN C. SHORTLIDGl/Sf ACADEMY k7 for Young Men and Boys, M*dla. Penn.. If miles from Philadelphia. Behooly**r opens s*pt«mbi>r Iii. Flx*d price covers eTerv expense, even books. Ac. No extra etudes. No incidental expense*. No examination for admission. Thirteen experienced teachers, all tuen, and Ul graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to sdranoj rapidly, soe* lal diill for dull aud backward hov*. Patron* or *tuden*Ji mar select any simile* or rhooso th* regular English, Si isut Inc, Busluess. Classical or Cl vii Engineering Course, students Sited st Media Academy are now in Harvard Yale. sud i<n other Colleres and I'olyiachnio School*. A Physical . ml achemlial Laboratory; a nie Gymnasium and Ball iiroiinu. Lani vols, addis, to Library tn 1*)83. Apptrttot doubled lu 18*;!. Ten »tiiilcnt* sent to College In 188JJ. A graduating cu** In commercial De isrtment lu 1**11. Media has soven clinrche* and a tetnp'*ra;io* chsrter which pr<*- .iilut* Hie sale of Mil intoxicating drinks Pur new Illustrate! circular address ths principal aud Proprietor, SWITHIN'c. smutTUHOE, A. IL iHorvird Uairor*lt/ Oroduotoi, ->l *~*l'r_. _*i*-iii_, The Principal will he *t tho Fifth Avenu* Hotel. New- Yolk, suurday*, August 18 and BA from * to8 AT7C TO $225 A YEAR..Board and ¦ JL !U tuition. Addres* KPIHCOPAL SCHOOLS, Iladdontteld. N. J. __ For Youn* Ladies.Country. A HOME SCHOOL for yoimu; ladies find aCm children. For circular* addre** Mitt E. E. OWEN, Amherst. Moss._ ACADEMY OK THE SACRED HEART. J\ London, <>nt.. Canada Weat. Conducted by th* Ladle* o'the sacred Henri. Pi«n of *tu Ile* tho *ame *( thit pu -i,il In nil their institutions. Terms, Inc,niling tuition In croll and l- nu,un. boaid, washing. Imo** shu ratlom-rv, SIM) per annum. Apply to LADY BCPERIOR._ li KLLEVILLE (HEIGHTS), N, J. Suburban. THU HO il MI NA RY. For Yontg failles. (Itv advantages, f "ixl it year. Mr*. ii.t.-sii Kim-. D- WITT, I'rlnclpaL Dr. Dlo LEWIS, Direc¬ tor Pby»ical culture. Apply for clrc.tlar*. HRADEORD ACADEMY r J) Killi YOI'NO LA DIPS. The Klghly.first Yen BO.mtBee* Sept t, lUsT For clrcu- Isrsapiily lo Ml** ANMKK. JOU.NSON. Principal, Brail- ford. Mas*. UORDENTOWN EEMALE COLLEGE; I > heait'-ful. liomi-llk*. Hioiongh »nd Christian and ile. Iighifiillr hu »led. Mme don,-!»;,in;,* Uian ever. Consult our calotogue before selecting a st-liool. Addi***, Hgv. WM. C. UHVI'.N, A. M., l'.oidenlown, N. J. BISHOPTHORPE, Bi'tlililii'in, I'i'iiii., a hoiinl- liiK-acboo' forglil*. Niiiulier nf srbiihir* limltel l'r"- pare* for Weil'-sley, Va sar aud Hull til eulie'M. Henpens septemi.e: IB, IMS. Apply to Ml*-* TANNY J. WALSH, i'lun i,ul._. |>0aAMDING AND DAV SCHOOL tor .iris 13 etui young winnini. IIOWAHD CoLI.MilAl- I.V-Tift Iii Ui .-I Hndgewater, M»ss. OPEN** utTilHKH 1. ls*:t. Pur circular* and fud pirttctiltri, ad'ire** tue pi mei psi. it LKN mal 11.1.. Ph. I).. lirtf'.uaiM of swsrthinor.i <uilege. Huston University and N'ewiih.iui ullore. Cam ul'igH, I.nalani!. /MiOK-.s COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, for \S Tonne ladle*, 'dva.iugei uus'irn***'I. UKO HU KW. i inifv. I'll. I).. 1-iln.anal. Po,i«iiit---;.si ,, s. V. _ I .kew i.Ain::s >i.\i'\ \i:v, Carmal, N. f. 1 ' Homelike. UtsTf-oagh, pro-rreHSlre, New ilinanlaicvl ian ular, a ld fun pa tn.ular*. UKO. li HM I'll. A. M. DARLINGTON bEMINARY for to-dj- ladies, Weet <'beater. Pa. in alum beautiful j huildinr excel, le.isj 'il sir * All bran chea, lue .ullin Ung ages. magic, P iniii,. .I septen* bei IT. tinii | el year. For cat- ao-ue-, *. HM ll AI-.H HA III.I Mi un. I'll .li., I'nncipol. L'LMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE..A caitrin I at ,| Hie highest rank for women.with superior adTsntagea m nm.ic '.ml sri. Tenn* inoleiai* Neil session begins ,,iiJ. Addraai A. W. CO A' LEM. ti. H., Elmira, fl. V. [EDUCATION INOENEY.A.SUllZEKLAND \|r*. M0VICKAKB receive* a United iminbar nf ruting lo,., to wlios. moral aud educational training sh* devote* i, ii. rate. Frenetl ..sol tie- hoi,,. Italian aol 1 ug.lsli s| oSeu. ami licimaii -.ref olly tarneit wli-.ii BS .i fu, ii 1 '. -epiemti, to lu lune H-feiriic* ¦re peruiitleil io ftl-mls of tm uer |>i|>lia and io maur minis¬ ter*, ig lier Dr. Oswi.,1 i')*¦..,.i. Hey Dr. Hl*lkl*\ '..Ililli ugh Hev In S Inonu.i» Pi line, N inrYotk. li rm* SM),'per MOttOB I, 'h impel, lienera. /1ROVE HALE.-Miaa Montlort's acboal for \ * y mug la llev Neall ir-i. .'i i i_ { IIGHLAND SEMI!, \RY. Sing Bin.-, N. Y., Il aili ti en n -eptei.i MRs. PHNTZSnl His \/l.'Y. I'rliulpil*. ClOUOHTON SEMINARS for yoong*. 1 I Adranlafe* iinsin uaased. tor Ile*-ord or catalogue audre** A. ii. m. > i, i|il, nut m, N. Y. SOME'l li IE lor yoM.i-hi-li.-i. 1 ,t ry. I 1 town. N. V.. !i n i-> ..-1 . i-i c , i lr r opens-.ii ,,-r 1'. Xis* M \ ,1' P'-IIOIilU, MORAVIAN SEMINAR! lor Yonnfc Eii.ti-s Heihieheui. Penn I .Ulilltood 17s j. sm! iu sm eooafal ,, :,,.,, \... ' :, * M-.-,-, lo Hey. I, til ll Kl VB IERKKK. MU .'IHSTtiWN NJ.. M ISS s I EYENSiiN'S 1*1 Kren.hai-d I I for <llr'* .¦"p,-'- H**»| SO Leal tesi* ciuiiloyiil lor laocuag"-. mn mi. painting, Ac. MUR s. E. ( ADV > Roardint -ind Dm RehiMrJ for Youns 1.1 Ii ¦*. W.-s' Kui lu'.. MOW-Haroa, Cou- I 'I.i nih e . :i - \| ISS k. E. fttil.i.Ul-'s Boarding bim! Day ."I BOnoot for *i oiing Ladle*, at Hr Ile villa. Ne a.J elsey, tc- opells KeOI,-lil'i'-r IH. Ml-- AlKi Ns BOARDING AND DAT rtCIIOOL fur ynum laities, , I. Cona, isnntna Sepl it. For particulars sildraoa MliM lt IK KN. Miss I'litVhM'K's (-iii-i-i.-.iu- to Miss I'*nuer lin*riling awd |)»» v.-hml for toiiii,.* tulle* and nit. ia. .*,'. J., wiil liss itsipened *- -pteio_ Miss hieeei'Vs BOARDING nntl DAY Hi timi. !,,r Ol Kl.**, Tarrytown .oi.i ie.lliil*,ui alli ¦iV KUM La I) A V, Hoptuuioer Iii. Allures* Hy letter nota. -. BtSBBBSt 1. Miss NOTTS En dish :in<l French Family sud ist Mellool fo N i Wall*!.. New. Haven, Cona. Too HIS > -ar be tiru Thorodajr, ^cptemb«r '."i. iiu mar* >., nt n|*on spplh itlon. \| iPLEVVOOD LfJ in-i ri c ic I'dii roo ira i. Mm---*. ri 1, MAMtk, oflers superior silrsnianes. Well known for ii* beiilthiiil ami iiiiriuug lm.itiou. Addres*. for latalogue,, etc., I,'il I sr HI AN I'll s. _ \llss ic. ELIZABETH DANA'S a'l i:ni.i.i -ii ash ii i.\i:ni\ii-i.-nooL POM M»l HO LA DI RM, Mu IBIHTOWN, N. I., iteopeus se pt. |g Raitrged tehoo "ns and gymBooIniB. Larre and aitr*. ilTe groands. -.un--lor sdvaal too* In eTery ile,,ai tiiieni I',.,.ul ml lunion In K.n.'11-h a ud I. illn SliiO lier an,nun Kur ctrciilais aildiess ihe Pinn Ipal until Sept. 1, I, .\. Y, _ YIW-.ANAW INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG il I.ADlL.Si eipri'leueeil leu'iei* ntiniei* ilinitmL Addieas Mia. B. t. Ai B.8, _ .""'" Cau.ian. Conn. NYACK FEMALE SEMINARY. NYA< K ON. lill: Hil M.*. iMiitiKNi: BKRTHOLP OsSISING INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG EA- I'll.s AND MIsSKs sin, miij, N. y.._|.,K*:iilon da- llghlful. one Boar from IfOW.York relined rhristlan la> Miienee* I ln*ti iielion UM 'i Blmt* l-l art llr*t-ela«* lerni* moileiaia opens rlipleuib*r IH. For cal iloiue* au ure**. Ha.V.0. D. KU K _Principal. PLEASANT, THOROUGH, SAFE..Hon.. 1 heiulnsrv for youig u ll .!. Ilight*to Wt, N J. Huh tear; 11 ti ardern, Hey. 'f. m »VrtLL*i, Pnnstnnl. |>AI(K HEIGHTS SKMIN.MiV. (i,',,,, I Urovo, N. J. Ho.i,ling nun H.,r m hool for Younir 1.Mta il.V A. HICK, I*rln. ipal. RYE SEMINARY, EVE, NEW-YORK. FurpirtlcuUm a<l litsi Mrs. _ J. Uri (STAMFORD. CONN.- Miss' Low, mectMaor l' to Mrs. Itlchsiilsou: Kngtlsh. French and (ieruian boaid- inar and da* school. He.,pen* .-september .'I. CTEUBENVILLE (OHIO) FEMALE SEMI- I' NAK\-. lb¦tulifully lucatetl un tho ohio Hirer with 5:i yeats' mu ce»*ful etperi-nce. I'm Infoi inailou a-iCres* HKV. DB)*. A. Bf. RanOA.NO UlOIITMA.N. ELMS..Family and Dny Babool for al i.lils. No. Ul lllshst., Spring-field. Ma.*.*. For i Itculars THE ELMS (.HI*, No. Ul adilrestlbe 1'rtnrtpal*, Miss.** POKTKK .* eil AMI'.N KY. TEMPLE GROVE LADIES'SEMiNARY.SiiT- 1 atogi sjiriug*. n. y. Twenty-ninth rtar begins bept. ti. Head for year liooti. CHA I'.LKs K. Down, A.M., I'restdeut. ^yilEATO.N EEMALE SEMINARY WILL II KU IN ITS till ll VKMt *KITKMMEIl 0. line Illnarr. Uboratorv. obscivatory and eabinatsi thor, onih iifti ii,-iniu i>e*t of houn uiflneneoo. seui fur circular loMUsA. K. STAN ION, rmi, pil, Noiion. Mast. Till': MISSES masters win reopen their M. achoul foi young ladle* and children, at Dohb't Farr*/, I, v.. Kept, liv During iii. Manser rsi -aiton mer have reinoviilliito new and BOtttB04M n BTBSSB, erei ted inessiy for Hie sch'sd. and are thereto! e pre parel to toke it lea muru pupils Into theil laiully. For Both Sexes.Country. AMENIA SEMINARY, lor lioth koxds; S225 pery«*r. Unsiirintssisl adTantu?,**. Kur rtrcnlor ad¬ dress w 11, i,i a M SI. JOHN, lteglstrar, a maul t, V. Y. AEA.MIEY BOARDING SCHOOL, '- «¦!-**. from New-York children r»o«iye a mother'* cara. Ml*. II. C. MDHHKI.U Manlinsef. Ul._ A FRIENDS' BOARDING SCHOOL, for -a. both sate*, at Viii per yoari bill,count ry [M miles ff,rn New York li stonn tiiiildin^. A-.l.ttc** chaPI'AUL'a MOUNTAIN INSTIT! Tr, .l,ap|,a,,ua N. Y. ^ BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR CHILDEN at HIVKHSIDK. lfAIItKIKLI) CO., CONN. Mrs. .lamesC lleeeher will receive Into bet family school a few inor.. children for instruction lu ail things desirable lor them lo know. Circulars sent on application. ii LAIR ACADEMY. ..' u< reased endowment; enlarged plans. The Directer*, owing lo ihn reorg.iiii/.aiiou, are obliged to I oslbone Pall opening tu orb :k Principal J ll. Miuiuakcr Pb. D., will replace Dr. ilregory, now of (ilrard college, lieiiitlfni and healthful region iinur ttio Hine Hldge, Hlalr Hail refurnishes! and pul In b*st sanitary OOodlllon. I'ompe. lem tea. her*: thomiigh training: beat Influenoeo. Porniur moderate rate* coutliniesl. Aildrea* curri ipomlouoe for ure*. i-ulto"CLLItk. Hlalr Hall," _Blalnrtown. Warren i onnty, N. J. UOME SCHOOL fbrCHILDREN, Old Bridge. N.J.-SlftO per yeer. MI*** A. L. CO.NO VKH, PrlneifMa, \ _Jiwirwtion._ Yor Bot. Sexss.3oaatrr CLAVERACK COLLEGE, _ _ and ilu'lson Hirer Institute. CUT*mck, N. Y. $_-20 A YEAR. PITS born for all COLLEGES and BUSINESS, prench, Uenn»n. Art and Music speololtl**. ll Departments. 18 Instructor*, both texea .. . Hey, alonzo FLACK. Ph. P.. Pretident. ATHEDRAL SCHOOLS, Garden City, LONU ISLAND. N. Y. nt. Pani'* for boy*, st. Mary'* for girt*, re-open SeptotB- bor IO. Th* boy* will oca-upy the large *na r-ommodlou* .chool *diflce Just completed. An officer of th* Army, .peclally detailed by tba He.-.tary of War. 1* in charge of the mltlrary department, Addres* BfcV. T. sTAPFOBli imoWN-, H. H.. Acting Wgrden._ ELM WOOD SCHOOL, DARIEN, CONN., begins September lt, Term* $150 per year. Addi-M* M. J. DAVia C /GREENWICH ACADEMY, for both Scxes.- VA The usual Literary Comae*, with Music*! Inatltnte and Commercial College. Founded 180*. influence* decidedly reUflou*. Home car* aud comfort*. Charmingly located ou Ssri-igannett Hay, andon illreol route from X*wYorS to Hoston. maui! opportuultle* for saltwater bathing and boating, withcompcteut oversight. Tonus moderate: opens september :i; catalognn fr****. Rey. P. D. HLAKKsLLi;, A. M., Principal. Kasl Oreen wlch. B. I._ HACKETTSTOWN INSTITUTE..Colli-rw for ladle*. Col loge preparatory for gentlemen. Miltie. Art, Commercial Branches. Absolute thoroughness. Heat building ot it* class. Hackettatown. N. J., near rtcboo.'ey'* Mountain. 92'i'o per y*ar. Catalogues free. Kev, u. H. whitnky. Di a. Pretident. "TPLEVVOOb INS ni U TE-For lioth sexes; concord ville. Penn.! twenty-two mile* from M litoad st, siiitlnn. Philadelphia best prof****)***; thorough course* of study; student* prepared for leg*. J.HHORTLTIiOL. A. M. _________ NEW-JERSEY STATE MODEL SCHOOL, Trenton, New-Jertey. A boarding school tor young ladles and gentlemen 1.1 years ot age and upward, boarding balls and schools entirely separate. All the departments. mathematical, olassical, com¬ mercial, musical, drawing ont in belles-lettres.taught by able and experienced teachers. Kutlre expense. Including nsent hook*, S'JtiO per year. Kati tenn begins Monday, 8*p- Icmbar 17. For further Information or calaloguo addr»**,*i WASHINGTON HASBROUC-. _rnncip*i__ P~EDDIK INSTITUTE, HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Pur both -exe*..Flt* for college, bnsiuos*. teaching, ihot-oiwh and home-like, music, pointing, «rawing, firkin* heptem bur 5. A **"_rXer. JOHN QRKF.NK. Principal. ROCKLAND COLLEGE. Nyock-oiilhe-Hud-ou. Both sexes. Bend for cata¬ logue. W. II. BANNISI'KR. A. M. UOCKLAND COLLEGE, FOB YOUNG LA DI KS AND OENTLEMEN, NYAC_-ON-TrT_-nCDSON. fm varsity Preparatory and Butlnes* for Boy*. Graduat¬ ing Course for Ladle*. Private Instruction for backward scholar*. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES IN MUSIC AND ART. Pleasantly located on the wett bank ot the Hudson, one . hour from Nsw. York. low rates. Send for new announce¬ ment. Neit year open* september ll. W. H. BANNISTER. A. M., _Principal COUTH JER8EY INSTITUTE, VJ Hildgeton. New-Jer**y. Hoth sexes. Pull corn* ul teachers. Iustructlon thorough. Music, Painting. Drawing. Climate mild: very healthy. Bo¬ gia* sep*, 12 Address Jil. K. THASK, Principal^_ *t**TT JOHN'S COLLEGE. Fordham. N. Y.- O nuder tbe direction of J**ult Father*. *fford* every fa¬ cility for ibo heat classical ami oinmer -lal edin allon. Terms Boam amt tuition, per year, tu*). simile* will be resumeil wepiember :>, I sBS. Her. P. P. HEALY, fa, J., _President, 4_1Q $1'">, MONTHLY..Boardina; S*hoo1, *T? A»a*» -until Wiltoo.Coun No etna*, milk. Saitsfao. toi r i.-fcreiiees. L. <l WHITLOCK._ tUj".Ts_7_ -NEWTON, N. J., COLLEGIATE .JP<_<t. \/. I mst IT CT E. J. WILSON. Principal.-Kuli ouisi-s ptimary to college preparatory high, dry. beautiful location, unusual af action* nm,ti* and nonie* for school recreation; " I uovei dreamed lt waa so bomelllt*," indorsed lu-liuvet nor Iiohlc, ex <i*vemor Prrham aud manr ot hors si Un ei nor Davis writes " Profeasor Wilson w»s oue of th* best educator* lu the --state." Bead tor Illustrated catalogue. Miscellaneous. BEST SCHOOLS..Ciri'iilarH selocti'd frco for ¦e Hi, ii wanta uialli-l for pus logo. J W. M'llKllMKI.IOKN." East Klh tf., N. Y. {jToortlrm Schools. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS SEMINARY. 1 lo* "ld and most thoroughly equipped private school for ibe huller education of young ladle* wlli be reopened Bentciiii*«'i 1'. A Tamitv- home in the lusututtoa wlu t*« provided for* Hunted numli'T ot pupil*. Poi circulars aaiilie** CliAKLLs BJ, nynjBJT. r-rtnclpai. Lie Montague bi., Hrooklyu, X. Y. Cnro Schools. ANNUAL 8E881. >N (25th) of tim Law School of lb* l'ulver*iiy of the I ity ot New-York begin* QeBB her I nett, and end* Jun'* 2. Hil. A. J. Vaudorpnel., LL. D, l'n silt nt nf the law csa ulty Pot catalogues, Ac, apply to lr..fe«*iir 1 1 lt I'**** K.l.I, 171 Hroadway. or D. H. JAQUES, ¦Secretary of Law Faculty, iii rant Bulldinr, ,'»6 l.lherty-»u rjOLDMBlA COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL, Past 49th sf., near Madison ave. Tlie twenty-sixth annual term of this Institution will com- mane* un tbe Hist Munday of October, ls.*:,, at the I aw is, hool Building, tn last, between 4th and Madison aves., norlh side, and will runtime until June, ISSI. 'I lie satSS nf studv embrsevs two year*, and it designed tn give fun and accurate Instruction in th* principles and pron- tic* of tbe law. Pur cits logues, Ac., address t* above. _ TH KOPOKl W. DWIGHT, Warden. Ac. CT. LOlTDTTAWHgciloou ~Waahin-rton i ' Cmvailty, si. lamln. Mo-i.radust*)* of Pastern Col- hues an oil,»rs seeking a 'ilxhei standard of professional . niiiy Dian la ti -oesai'-y for mare admission to the .tar, or de, slime special in* ru, lion InihelaWot tho Westeru atalav*. ar. Invited lo «en.l lor a catalogue. -evenleaiith annual lenu oom nonces October ll, 1H8:t, and enend* to June, lb**. WILLIAM O. HAMMOND. in ia of latw Kacully, 1.417. Lucas i'iai ¦-. Hi Louis, MO. stfaencra. 4 FOREIGN PROFESSOR would aefapt two i\ pupiia In Prsucb and Herman; eiicpuoually low relerei.^e*. 4<<****». ii* Weet ".lat-it. A TEACHER of Idhi* ami Kiioccaifnl i-xnp- 1 \ rteiicn would MSSM . position In » school. bTBbbS v .a and liistiuiiienisli, Pi eu iii iSfikeu) and hugiisb, Aditr*** Mis* l oi.i N -H.s. cul.lord. Conn. ABLE AND niOKorivlf TEACHERS nf nat grate, professors lecturtr*. secretaries, conman- Inn* and housekoo er* sunpliel wlthuiil . lui ,- No rugl*- trillon lee lo teiclier. 'ln;il stiittnl. F. MIHI AM COY HIi-.Ri; a co.. tl Kost 17th-*t, (Inion *--i|ii»rei. New.York. Ketereiice* Rev. A. li. Carur. D. D.. Rector i.raco chapel. AMERICAN sill' K>L IN8T lt Pt -7- Kai teachers, Amenrsn and foretrn, promptly provided for families. ». hu-i| iud college*. l'aren'S pim Meal with good .chool*. Mauy teacher* wauled. Now ls lb* Hms to apply. J W. HCllKKMKHUOitN, Secietary. 7 Kaat Ittb-st-. N. Y. /;ENTEEMAN EDUCATED IN AMERICA VS and i:utnpe, t -n reir* SBtlSM BinlSMOr. will board In family amt ediicatu four boys. Address COLN TRY. Box 40 1ubun' wilie**. DitnciiiJi 'Xctidenuea. A ELEV noinVOUTHS School for Oancin- No dil Klftbave., will reopen aad classes will corn¬ meal e un i-saiiiruar. Octotier JO.' -sTitrj Heat _«tote Sot Sale. I^OR SALE-On Wortli-Hts, nour HiHlrton, lot 1 'Juloo. ia; LA NH A WUIT1NQ. SBeekmanst. I,"'Ol' SALE or LEASE mi Easy Tithih..¦Larire or medium *l'el blocks of Hui .headed Wai er Fronts In New Yufk Harbor, for inanufsc tories, chemic.*) woiks. nil re¬ nnel le*, a ll ,\ ViH'Nii, EuglneiT.Ai' ,-J'i -icbanga-Hiaeo. 'pilKEE LOTS, 75x100, 7i» fee, aaa* of I Madison ave ou rrado street, mi shape to build $1*1.111111. Apply WILLIAM A. TAYLOR. 17 Woll-*t, _"0. 1_1 MADISON-A VE.. CORN EH obTHST. _Citn J3rc»pcrtn t?u £ct. _ A -DE8tRABLE FL00B8 TO LET to smnli at* select fauii le*. In newly titted homes, at » moderate rent. Apply to office of estate SAM L'KL HUILII'**, 214 \Vi.t IS hst._ A FEW vimy (U'siraliH- apartinenta will be irady for ccciipancy about October 1, 111 the Llspt-nsrd, HUth-st. near .Madison ave , all light rooms. Sis and SluO pei mouth Appiv BOW lo J A N ITO lt ou premise*. L1 U KNISH El) HOUSE to lat, Weal .Mh-tt. 1 near Mh-ave.; full width high stoop, brown -stone, to strictly linvale fsinily ; nu agents. Address H. H. W.. Irlbune untownOffice, :,2:!m nrnadwty. N" Till-* I'lHsTCLAhS AHAHTMENT nOPSE (AHisO- I.UTKLY KIHI-.PUD .Ki will he ready for occnpation Sep. tum her 1. several atlrai live suites u( apartment* to let, ar- rancell in nm- or I ito ii,hus, wtlb private halls, stairways, etc also, bachelors' suites. for fall inf mullion tmiitlre personally or by lattar of the MAN AU EH, at the building. Urooklnn IJropertn JJov Sole aub do £eL rou BALE-VALUABLE FACTORY T_0P- A. erty, Hrooklyn. E. D. oear wharfage, lil lou. brick Huiid- tngs. abundant cool water fruin spring, I J lot i ailjoliilug un. Improved, pn. e unslerato, ,cruiseasy. KELtJEY A 6UY- DAM. No. nb llruadway, tlrooklyn, I. I). rVO LET.-First-. liss Flats, Ihooklyii Heights; A 8 andO rooms'; live minutes lo llrldge, Fulton and Walt Street Kerrie* Sn* nsw* ot bay. birhnr and lower nari nf New.York tweuiv iniimii's to rtew-York etty Hall. 101 iiiriliei'inloiuiatliiu apply ou pruiul-tii. Sd Columbia lleixhl*. rpilHEE new private lioaaos, Quorn Anne A stylii. oablnot fiiiiuuisl each Ilooi. Iii liiooklvn, lo eichange fora country reaidonoo or lorin. J, O; UOYT A st)N, JIA Naa* Conntrn jjropcrtn i'ot i3:ilc mb iu £et. ORANG B (N. J.) EBAL ESTATE SPE- culty.lUsldeuooo, salo tad r,> it, (iralsnl out imf ur nlshed Vii-lul HAMILTON t FV LL Kit. 3 Flue I JOINT PLEASANT, NEW-JERSEY. A a pinn.ic bali Of FORTY BTJfLDINO LOTH located »f Point Pleasant, New Jersey, will be made tiy Messrs. Ilenk'-ls d> Tilpple, at the iiciaii House ionposito the pioperty. on Saturday, An- gust .',. Issi, at 2 o'clock, p. ni. ior ma|ia. circulars. At;, apply loiha PulN l 1*1 K.wHANT ttXT-SHlOS CO., IJ$ Uouib nth st, Pblladelphta, or abr. um l'oiut fleaoont. Now Jtrtey. Cosntrg Uropertg Sax dole an- Ca £^ T.ADT80iC*^^ -tl. 13 aero*, large double noao*. ttndorn l-tpewSis Urge born and stable, handsome lawn, ornamental te____j .hrubbery; sbuartaac*of choice fruit, M. EDDY aTTv!"*** _!__*_i_n_-. water. nett sanitary plumbing, and all modern lmur**-*V_. very *hoit walk from throe rollrood depots: »UBerb_*_{ trees, productive fruit treen: hnndoome ground* __»!! and vegetable garden*. Inqntre ot OBAN VI ILM i? WHlTf?. 115 West 34th-t_, or Of Mrs. CUAI___ H" DKMINO, Danbury. Conn._ **** '. 170R SALE.On Omit South Bay. LL. A nflo of beautiful water front.(oar hun* re. i *,)rs.' _Z? abl* for building sit**, most eilg-lole tract wittu* Sftv _i_ of M*w-Yorkl3ty. -ULAND A WuITrfsft?^" ft Heekoratn-et F)R SALE..A Handsome Countrv SeaLmS" B acres flue frail. Hon** suitable for private dwelhs, ' boarders: ¦** mile from IImson Klver. ueai W.-st shoes nu depot, Prlre. td.OOO. f2,<>00 ca*b. bolonoe iinria_e*'*_j__' Hu acre* Orspery; prtco, B-,000. W. A. ARMir KO-tO 17_ Broadway. Room 4._ ' *'. L?ARMS, STOCK and GRAIN in rVitoioanr~ A 1,OOO auroa on railroad. 10 miles nei rn west of *4e_tu Pei tis County excellent au I luipi.,,, nie,its eh__ land* sf anon and town lot* all on the tann, A7iw'_ci>_7? ?art. Vernon County. H nunn si itu of Henel, city. Mo p it t.; all fence.l,and half ploughed; balance pastare.pralrle \i_7 uncommonly well- watered: four dwellings: larine stock flu Durham and Hereford cattle nari for sole one-third easii balance, time to sun. bale to ninan an estate. **<>.' ar *_ilrs_l WM a. FOPIS, Kiecutor. Uiltoy House. N. Y.. or tilTuiJvT st. St Loni*, ito._____ UUT«* HIGH LAND BEACH, hetw*»n Sandy^Hook andSeabriglit, 1 't hours from Haw-Yirk, two motors cottage* furulsiie.l lots fronting on both ocean and suraw? bury, fur saie Apply lo FKRDfNAND Fl-ll. HU n>__ war. New-York, or HlgDHand, N. J._ ""* IX) CAPITALISTS.-For sal-, a ver7"*v-__: ble tract of Ocean Keach property, near Point t___ IN. Jt, at a oaigalu. Addrea* _C. W. BPAULPINO. 407 Broadway TO LET..Commodious and welUupptnirtea house ia excellent repair tbout Vi rooms), wits aa tari, ofgrouuu or mote, tn 1'aasalo, N. J.; near tb-pott frequnai trains, oue hour from city : water and gat win rent tow isa desirable tenant uutll May next. F. A. PELL, .'il Wall il Naw.Vork. ""-a's. BUCKIN6HAM HOTEL, K1FTII-AVEM K AND KIKTlKTH-sTKIifcT ' (Opposite Cathedral), NEW-YOKK. WETHERBEE _ ff LL Kit, Prenrietar*. This elegant tuite! !* cent rall v located tor tbe reception at pernianeul or transient guest* near the 'irsad Central Depot, and within three minute*' walk of the elevated road* and Madison ava. car*. It la charmingly situated amidst las moil lashtonabi* residence*, churches, sc., and lt delight- fully cool during th* cummer month*. Pond acted on m_ European plan, with a reatanrant of un*arp»***d oxeelieae*. STATE OF TRADE DOMKSri 4ltC'P*, BtTFFALO. August 23..Blonr steady: CH v o round. .**#. i-roca*s. $7 Jua** >0 White Wlnror. Si ti on 2:* t**r**>r BS76*0625. straight MluoaaoU Baker*, f > 75*td "o v. 1 Hake:*. SH 50» 7.V No. A do. t!> 7*. Rye. Tinsel B 9* ilrahaia BftSOBfnOfl: W*st<-rn Straight Minnesota baisra SS 50 clear Minnesota, $5 75#tb 2j White Wi met fi 7; Wheat dolli **ies. 10.000 bath. No. 7 Chicago Hiding, si .**_ coins, ai. e. uusli. -ample at 55*. Kalin** freight* to N*w-*fnr*.Wh**L 7*4 corn. l.'t.t oaia, «.!«,_ Fionr. 'He. uer bbl. Canal freights stion.-er Cera. 5*_ Wheat to New-York. 6c.: oais. -i»c, ria* Last- tier to Aibiiiy. Si Ubi to New-York. I. u » i. Slavs* lo .New-York, fl S74 uar ton. Hall roos iscelpts Flour, i.-JIM) bbl*. Wheat. mish.i Cum. 17.000: Oat*. 1,.*00; Barley. 2.000: Hy*. 3,0u_, Uss receipts. Flsur. 3<l.50i) W'tieai. 341,OOO bn*li: Corn. 252 nts) *u»ti.. wats, t'.i.oou bush. Kailroodth.piBeuta flour LJOO WuMt 'Jd.OOO.. Cora. -T.ooi oata. l.j.n. lianas. |S Hy*. - lisa. .'anti salo osats to u i*)'nt»r-Ws**t .ni.ism bu*b. Cora, tlo.noo hush.. Bye, 6.20Q ue>a .-(-.OwO bask.; barley. 12,i>.*0 BALitifiL* Aug.l 2*.Cotton onlet. Ml tinny., 10V*. Flouriteody. tiowani strost aud A'tust. suinit f_ .B f;<7): do. Bttra. -Stooat. 73 do. Pt aliv. »j J lafflBB £5 M_**)a_tr. fl ii stii 7s>: do. Kttra. ii'Htvi.D ._ nut -rands, so DJS* it P-tsnto.i Ka ally. Si 75. Whoa -tioaiber* Hod. fl lfo*fl 10*-* da Auoei. fl t7f fl 20 No. I Marviaaa fi 1* i. Nu. i >Yesi«ia -Viutsr H«f not. ana Aurust SI lb^Bi 18 c'ors - loitacra. Whit* tfjo. do- leiiuw. dslu.: Weitora Mund, sdol fSB Aiifitsr. 82e. oat* lower.**outhara. iuaiTc. W'*»Mr*. Whit* it#id-. ij diisa. *2*jJo.. .fsnatnrtwSi Jioi7*. Rv* steady ii: OH I c. Mtv urn r*ri n* I i » :i fsiunvt* ni* au*. Mir*'.*»l. ,-iii-tit. r..>viu > -.* -m. Pore ti5oijL Bnit_**it. snouider*. Troika Clstr Bis . ni**, pac ss!. ,' .*.*.-. :l.-.ij. .-ii.iu.isr*. Blfta a*at Ri* Kid**. tlc- Hains. lj'*,#tii. Lard.Ha. fined, lilia. Butter-WV»tern Pocked. H<*il''.- irea.a*fy. I*»»'j;ic. Kggs lintier at lt) ai Ho. I'ctroienm a, live: Itediisf 7-»s»7 V- 'odea sready. Kio cargoo*. Ordinary ui Fair, H*«a D-sc Mig*r sleaily A. sort. UV, Cooper. Kenned *t**nv si lfsc. 18-a. Receipt*. Fiou:. J, "is i,i,pi.: wneai ibl.iHiii nu., lorn, ".oooiiu. Data. H.ooubn.. Itye. l.Owtn. -hilimenis. Wheat. Un ihhi ba Corn. ..-.'.0-i'j 'ju. -sss Wheat irrMBn hu.: Corn. lO.DOOb*. cnictuo. August -.'.i.-ln Regular Wheat to-day* quel feeling again prevailed and prto** averaged easier, tai tatt* tug within a raugn oi V'.. ant tbe marte closed .»<; lawsi than v-sterday Corn wa* quiet ona easier, oats were dull aud weaker. r .un common i" choice luring Waea;. JJM BU00: Comments) Fanes Minuasotas. fit ida)* I ii i-..; au. fd S»7 JJ Wialsr Wneac. Fair to Cliolca old, st OUB ri IX): 'iiiiksr* *.''«>.') l/iwiuHi ii .'«¦! ii -ourhera Illinois ami ti.*n.i. it JM»t-i'»> Michigan, ft 0<> 0 Uti. i;, s'uiar Wheat quiet, fl Ol *-j»«l oj .\ugu*t (lin.! float-, Hepioaioei: fl 04-s October fl on*s NyvemBor; fl02 all tn* vear. X*. i Chicago iprtng. tl B*a No. S oo. 9oe,i Na 2 K*0 Winter, ti nh1* Cora qule t at tl Vi caa* Sl'is.-'ls"'. August rtepiember. .il^isji'se- 50*** to*70 dc loner: ¦»''¦< a to V- *li tea rear, usu dall at 2**<o e..a.i -j- -. -.'- Ango*' .MHA'^lt**'. -enieiu'jer. Ryt ililli, easier el otto. Han*y oulet at 64c. Kiaxsee* steady at Bl .)'>**>*>t ,;. buitar quiet I reaaarr. lair io fancy. ijtiitti Oairies. g.sid lo tfeaM*, l.'B16a Lggt qnlot at l«*»#l7c. Porn lower at Bli n.'.a fl.' 16 I'tMi *12 u5*i2 25 August and eepl: fl217*>B .2 to h. oner: fl 1 70B11 wi November: fl 1 ti5«il7, all the year; 912 20al2 So lor January Baikmest*- HhoiiUltr*, HOC- Baort Bib, 7.U5c.: snr. Boot. 7.4601 vfaiKltt')- steauv al fl ld, Hea-siptt- Flour \00u Wheat, tl,ms; suth.: cora. 834,000 mun.- "sis. iii "ol bush., in*. .,.ihmj nnsQ Marley. t.HOO bus*, -ttl*.- ¦ Flour, bbl*.. Wheal, t'.t.i.OO bush. Corn '.'.it.oiS) baan; Oat* I l.'.OOO bu-h- ht*. t.VMi hush-. Hati*», 1.2'iu bush. Cl.icis.saii, Aucus'. -ad..Flour mortat hiuii Kaimiy. 14 C..otu in. Fobcv. ff 40afc o<>. Wheat demand good at fl oo oeptemuec october fill. Keeamis. .'."sj ousti. HBipaseots. h."Ho baan. Corn e.sier al 52*<ae. snot. Oat* in 'Cod demand *t 29-ic. Ky* easier at ><*. l'roviaioo* quiet, steady at fl3 5- of it. barley *te*ay. Lam dull al H. ino HuLt.eaU-Bhoulder*. S.7S0. Claar Kn, Ha. o* steady, Saooidtrt, 7c.; i lear Kin, 7,&<*tjj Clear, x one. Whiskey steady al fl ld. Uuuor flrm Ctoic* Wealers H**srve, i.ic.i inolce ''entr»l Ohio, Ile. sot. quiet. Marda nail *»C: New-Orleans, .> -,*»7 >«<?. Hart arm; Coaioou and Llgau St iM)*r*.> 7 Paectat aol Uutcber*', »-. 7io*fa 2b. Kaceaota,5,*»»W o.-au. amp.tatt, 1,1'jO neall. OBTBorr. Angnst 2'!..Flour quiet tt f*> 0n»f5 75. Wa*tt steady. No. 1 White Fall cash, fl 10*«, Ati^ust. fl lOi >«, 2 do.flOt. No. do. fl Ob; Ho. i Ked lYiut.'i. si Ills K** jectod, S7 *tC. lum >o. 2, 54«. OaU- No .'Woila*. Ste, .no. 3 do, i)4C H*K*lpU, 41.000 bush, hlilpiiiciil* Si, Vi bush. MILWtuKka Augusr 23.-Fionr nominal spnag Bxtrt f2o0««kioot Lowotoiles. fd 25 Pateuu, ». ^o. W**at weak No, ; Milwaukee Hard, tl 02. do., -toft. c***. ».-'.'»*.' 4 - i-u" -¦'! te.u.ier -il u'-H Cur* .'».'. - No 2 Sl*sCi RejocU*d.4SV- USU.No. 2*1 ..'c.. Wolta .ile, Kv* quiet: Nu, 1. ties'i. ,'i**.^ No. '.'. .'..'s,c Dar.*'- Na i >e;. n.e. No. u d*. i ttiv nsw. Vie. IrovUlou* lower: Mea* Fora. S12 l."a co** aud .-september Blal '^5 Oct. Lori.Prime -leaia. j*. _i .*. caas au* Sep!*iab*r. October, h.', m. Liva Bog* higher «t » o Sta 50. t'loight*. Wheat io u ittai,. aoiamaiiy ot 2Iso Bau*r- i_uoac. l'.'a-i'. cheese steady, i.ggs BSSlsr. itecaiplt. Kloui. S.OOO bbl*. W'D**t. lli.DOO hu*:).: Harley, iud tu*B BhlpmtnU. Flour. l.),Uv*0 bbu.. Wheat. 67,uOD satin Uariey, .nHjuusa. bi. i.ot is. August '-'a..Flour ttetdy: XXX. ft-'SBMJ'; aiui.y, *i visjt ) t.>uai,:a. fttijafi oo t-'euov, *5 -.'* v., .ii Wheat lower: No. 2 Rad F*H. »i im*,i»i mi i ash fl U*"»*»* 1 n> '* August $1 t)o*a»f 1 n"7« **epl*ail)«r; v. ti.ia*t.l .ii ¦« uclobcr. fl ll*Sl Usa .Nov.uiier; *i 06*t all th* year- Corn easier; cass sold at i I Na- 45%*) Aun ula loi c. beat : 40\c- Oetobor : 4l*»c all 'be year, oat* higher at 2*v. casa. BB%*. BOpteuiber. -o *,#'i*aO. ali lb* year. N,li,lng doiug lu ny* or Ballsy Butter qnlci: ban v. ij*.Tc.; Cr*a_arv. l-*'.'.'c. Cora. meal wea* at B2 BB, WBisger *taady al ft 14. Ferg linn at fl'-! 75. Bulkm*ats-L*ug Clear, -tort Hit ..ui'Ci Short Clear. 7 -jo. HaeoB-Loof Clair. 7.2M; sheri Kia 7.'.oc; Xkort cu-ai. 1AM ft, Lara ona st sc. Ht- «pt*-l lo ir. 4.01*0 ont*. W'flaat. :>. i io .***,: sin. 2*1,0*00 met. Oata .-,000 ouu. Hr*. LOW: . ltarl*r. -. Hhiptnent*-Floar. lO.Ooo bbl*.; %'stot, 7 "nu lm*» i 0: u. 5,000 lima.. OBI*, 5,0'JO; lira .- ls v. Li'On. lOLEOa Aug.2:1.-Wheat »cilve; No. 1 While Mich, tl lt, No, » da, BIOS; No. 2 RM Wmt*r cask. Aug. fl 10; .**?* Umo*r. fl Io's; October. Bl i;<V Novouioer, fl ls1! January, fl ll)*» cora dull and loweri Nu. .' casa sod August, aSSiC askeil. Mepteiuber. HVil OeloBaf. *>li»'. 0»l» ¦lull. No. 2 cash, August and .*-epteuiiitr. -'**<., OOtoeer, ¦wy.: November. 2<l*ac Keceipt*. Wsaat. 15.'.ooo uo**.; Corn, ie,non iMiafe., oata, 7,000 uusa. shipuieats-* Wliasr. ID i.ixii; busu.. corn. 14.000 buts.; oat*. _*S*f, I'mt-AUKLTIil*. Aug -':¦!..Kloui-Hnle«l bim nuder modarst* otfeun.**n,: stea-iy demand from the home tr.,te, **u|h'i*b . fie '-j. Winter KiUo,B4; Miuaeaota Miia. lear, fi 7 v fe: ilo MisiL-tit. tH2ai Pennsylvania Fami.y fi *fa 12**_ Ohto Clear, fS?5t .*> Wlniet I'atent, f»» J SH75; Minnesota do. tai 7o*f7 50. Kye Flour -caicc un¬ til rn at f.1 b'-ts-f. 7ft. Wheat-Options mai kel de. lined *.*. and closed haiaiy .leatly; vary little luqtitn I ,r eiport *Ld coriole n.,-ve.1 slowly: Delaware No. 2 K*4 lu ,-\ pun .-,.**''". fi 18, No. 2 Western R«*l tn aiport * .wi. t 1 lb'.. M I Deuware Uettlucipurt elevator, fl lOatfl ,.''-, Delaosr* No. 1 Ked afloat. Bl IV**: No iliad* ou dock. fli)5_>f! .": Delaware steamer on dock. $1 ill: D*.aware .*.teamer la 14 No. 2 Knd Mepteiulnr i-ohl al f 1 .<*** Bl i7*_. do Dciohar, fl lUsto.fl i-'*-j; ¦ lo-lug. No. 2 Ked Anguit. fl lU-*« bid. fl 17 askisi: isaptember, tl VH *_**«- Bl 17*s ttked; October, Bl 10 bid. fl i.'V a»ked; No¬ vember. Bl io', bid. *1 .l's asked. Ryo-Cauo-* *v«nt-d** Bfe.1 amati lois at Bar. Cora.Very Hi ile denian,I for opUout ami no tinpot lani bange mpilce*. etpoiiais m»nl!e«l**<' lim* or nolnieresl In tim market, carlota s t wsnttd. stu Mixed on track and in -.'Otti-st *lev*tor Sic No. il Miiedu* tra*:k aud in gram depot, ,j:,*,".tisac. -learner Mn,si on I'»*-'¦. Ooc: Bn-ouini-.Mimi in '.'oin st. elovatur. fl le steamer *..* low In 2nib st. elevator, O'-'e.: **»tl Allied in irani denni. 6l'-» Hail Yellow io gram depot, ilil'ie -ali Yellow aiUat, «'.> ¦sall Mixed Manie nbei »o d ai bl SUI ,C, co .>.¦*. b- ol _.. bid, eic. asksd, ^P1***"' *T.alli No .'J Mixci Hom »7*»Ovio«n to *Vc ofstsd St_t . Clos*»tthelatt«riate, No. H While. 4:'C; Chou edu do, !-*». 4JJ4c; NO. 2 While quot-sl al 44Viv: Faucv I utasp**'-«*» While sold at 46"a*'., Aiuuit options wfre wauled by *_->r'*, and with light utferlng* adi auce.1 fully -'c ti'ier moui** in tau demand aud closed a poul *iic. higher; s_ieo_ No. J White Angil*!, H'.UaC, do .-epUinitie:, > -.*«.: do _.". vembar. :'7Sia 7V-; closing No. . W'nn. t . i»i, '¦'Y.{»'*J- tit. asked; *S*pUiuioer, Mite', bid.-li^csskeil ,)ctnbei. .)')*«. bid, 1.1*0. aaketl: Ni ive mb** e. ,17V!- bid. Sv.t- .»*»._ rTuvlslon*.st, adv; Beef, City family, *'< ***14 *''-¦» t'aoaeu. Sin; M No. I Me**, fla Heel Usia*. «¦»» ¦Ul indian Mes* Heel in Uerce* free ou *_)*«. JU; Oiled Heel, *-.**_'_: p._ \|*** i.aen), fl*_o- flli do Prime Mess, flt 50#fl.). Hams hmo* _ uar B.U'.ai-e.i do, -s. P.." fully outad. 1. «*li*»t-; .*...._ Sniokeo. tfJsc. do iu salt, shi^aics; bbouldci < ,u dry **»<. i>:>a»7'«c.i do -amokod. 7-4*.*-».'.. -bo,., en Flcai* *i*Vc.. dodo smokwl. d^auiac: Bellies iu ri. si* l0**f,-._ m..Weil. IIS,<1'I2«_a Lard.u- .dy itv Kenood. *).'/¦.» Western do, "2'*'22 Ssc, cue***.i hoice dull, Now-York Full cream. 10c. Wosleii j*. We-lern Fair to Hood, 7oi.*i|0,i Penusylvam. Port ^'rX 8».>*.aC; do Full skim*, IB ic 8agar-Ka*» "ii si "»" B.i.lBc. for Fair Ul ilooii KoAnlug ,>4u*c_v*.lu*>a »*.""_ dull and ease,i Powdere.1. 8 sci utauiiiaie.!. -V VJ.i-S "A,"MV.iConfectiouei*' "A,* s'»c. Moia**«i- s,'m'"t__ 24 i*2« *.!«. for 60*" teal. F*ed-l)0ll and we..*; * I"**- ""JJ" tl.. i-*tlo. l'eiroi*__i-_>ual Rodnedlu bbl*- «**-,; .*_¦ *j casoa, »i«c. lllgu Wluoa-Duil, Westoiu, fi li ".:"___ .Flour, i.i'Oo bbl*.; Wheat, 41,000 bush.! Coin, n.-'** oo*" uaw, u,ooo bush. B-Mimouu-Whett,«6,aoou_*h. i

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govNEWPUBLICATIONS. NrajJnJiicanoiis. HARPERcc BROTHERS,New-York. Pt'BLISII THIS DAY: I. WHAT SOCIAL CLASHES OWE TO EACH OTHhK. BY WILLIAM, Vrofeosorof


Nra jJn Jiicanoiis.





WILLIAM OKAMAM M,Vrofeosor of PoUucai and sociil Science la Yale Collyu.

16010. Cloth, 001.-ul*

**Tbe*e treat various aspect* of .jursHons of po.fttical eeonouiy which oi-e full of tnt«rr*t anti unportal, co-Wtlb the un* touch ut a scientific expert tbe author laysbore tbe weaksessaud shall., wuros of much thai ls urned lu

the name et pliilanlhroph' ami humanity ami >-furm, sudasset t*. upon Anisricaii sud rstiona) principle*, the richt ofth* nen to be rich, or, iu ol ter won)*, tbe right of every man

toStnap all tbeloglttmate audhouurobloreword*ol bl* abilities

BB. opportumilrs."U*


BY LAVKKSCK OLIPHANT,Althor ot " Hicoadllly," " Irene af a< gUlioudd.r," Ac.

16ino, Paper, 3B cunts . 4to, Paper, io cent*

Tbe opening chapter* overflow with tim le rt . ... il u

lmes.Itt* unpottlhle to *x*girer*l* the souse of luflulte Baft-ant*

xetnt inspire.*. I.y this vt.rk o! tfrnuino wit, ot strong goodt*.i*e. of sharp insight, ami of scholarly Jon-

Bon.Tbe book 1* full of humor -Saturday Review, i* a pleasure that this in lilia nt witter ls BBSS .nior* pur¬

suing tb* vein he woiked with such distinguishedsoc. oas in "Piccadilly." *. Altiora Peto," if we may JudgeHom tho firstpart (a lirst volume usn should bc called, per.hop*), bid*lair lo bei-oiue un* nf the most remarkable i.ovel*tat tts* rime.- st. J (mas'* Uszetle, I o.nlo j,



BY lil.OUHK ELLI..Tr.Anther of " Adam Bede," " Mlddiemarch," etc.

Idmo, Paper, 30 sent*.


CT*.BM. Frederick IL aad Marta Theresa. Bv Due d* Brag-

tit. 30821.-The Brooklyn Bridge. By W. c. conant anal Mont¬

gomery schuyler. 20332. Tbe Koniantic Adventure* of * Milkmaid. A Novel.

By thoma* Hardy . 10."3. Aut C*t*r aut Nial! A NoveL By thc Countets

M. von Botbmer..,. 30Bt4. The senior siongmin. A Novel. By tba Author of

"St, (Hove's.". 308i!6. A Foolish Virgin. A Novel. By EllaWeed. 3Danti. What Hool Thoa Don*I A Novel. By J. Ftixgerald

Molloy.. 158'27. Mir lom. A Novel. By Mrs. Oliphant ...... . 20KW. Koben Held. lotton-Hpinnrr. A Novel. By Alic*

UHan,011... »wi*i*», Disantied. a NoveL 3y Mis Botham Edward.. 1ft

HARPhK A BROTHERS wUl send any of the aboveworks hy mali, piistoge prepaid, to any part ot tb* United.tates, un te-**.ipt et tho pnet.


Ci aka Bell. William 8. GotUberger.DONA PERFECTA. 1 vol Tran*la*-*4 by-. Seaside

Library.As the woiks of Don Benito Per*r, Galdos have

attrscted nttention in this country and thrnnghEarope, it iuay be of interest to give the malu facts

Bi bis caraar, snd lunka nieutlou at leaat of bisaninerons books. Gnldos wa* born in the CanaryUland.* ia 1843. For nonie years he has reside*! in

Madrid, and been at the head of the principal Span¬ish review, licviita de Espana. He belongs to tb.

Libera! wing of the Liberal Conservative party ofwhich Senor Canovas del Castiliio ls the leader.His point of msw as a politician is therefor, not ex¬

treme. Aroid tne pretty but narrow mas- of Span¬ish fiction of tbe last few years Galdos stands aloneas having placed Spanish fiction on auy footing of

djuali!y in Europe. The stones of remand Cab¬allero and of Trueba afforded poet io glimpses bothof th. north and of the south of Spain; the tales of

Gustavo Been uer gai. an impetus to general cnlti-vation in Spaiu itself, bat gave no insight into that

perplexed tumut ry to foreigners.In tbe outsat Oaldos appear* to have no otber pur¬

pose than to amuse. Hiv first stories are historicaland patriotte. But in u Gloria" Be grappled withthe social-religious problem fearlessly. It is a storyof a maiden of good blrtti and high social positionreared in a little village on the coast of the Bay of

Biscay, in seclusion but not 111 ignorance. We can

io no b tter than to use her name to describe berbeauty and endowments.Glorious! Into this scene

of peace a fateful shipwreck throws a young Eng¬lish-speaking wan, evidently well born, educatedsod wealthy. Love does not wait to impure Into

the details of raoeand religion. The young stranger,endowed with every noble trait, and except for race

aad faith the ideal man, proves to be a Jew. Now

ensues od both sides the uprii ing of all tbe teem¬

ingly ineradicable prejudices which we of thiscountry and century happily only know in ro¬

mance. The ttrnggle when both fainHiesbecome in¬volved, -when pride and bigotry and parental au¬

thority rend these yonug hearts, constitutes a trag¬

edy which contains nu relief. It is painful, not withthe sweet agony of old-fashioned romance, but withthe actual pain of the real present, such as onlythe modern realistic work can give.

" Marienella " is ot much lighter mould and lessstern purpose, lt ia descriptive of local scenery midmerciv touches Inc.dentally timm the, in Spain,minor social problems, such aa the care of and edu¬cation ot the poorer classes. Tbe personages audthe locality are somewhat sketchily drawn, butMarionella herself remains in the reader's mind as

an interesting study. In brief, it ls the story of a

blind yonth whose guide and companion is a poor

aud friendless girl whose extraornin*ry noni is en¬

shrined In a diminutive and ugly body. Pablolove* tbe tool of Marienella. never having seen her,and Marienella loves him. Tr-o advent ofPablo's beautiful cousin, aud at the asuie time of

au oculist of great skill, breaks this idyllic life.Pablo, whose blindness was congenital and whose

iniagi nation alone conveys to him ideas of beauty,on opening his eyes after the operation which re¬

stores his sight, beholds, lirst, his beautiful cousin.

and ts enchanted. Marienella, the unhappy childwho has been his guide and dearest friend, trie* to

bids herself from his sight; rescued from suicide,she dies heart-broken when, in the midst of fever.Pablo accidentally sees her face aud instinctivelygives eipression to hts horror At ber ugliness. Tbeclosing scenes are very strong in their carefullyrestrained pathos.

" Dolla Perfecta" deals with life in one of tbe in¬

sulated old cathedral towns. Modern ideas are

introduced in tho person of a young civil engineerwho visits an ,-inut whose paste*-i ms he there nodwhose daughter he is expected to espouse. In thisstory we find that Spanish Catholicism has lostnone cf its fierceness, though its power is exertedin a social rather thau au olhcial way. The storythrows much light on tbe war in which iusnrrrc-ti<>:-; and revolutions against the constituted au¬

thorities are fostered and developed. We can see

from these pictures that the novelist will not soon

lack materials in the politics of hts countrywhich lor intensity, variety and incomprehensibil¬ity exceed anything known in the American hemis¬pheres, north or south. " Dona Perfecta" culmi¬nates in . manner which assures us that Galdos busDot studied the American Novel at all, aud thatthere is uo intention ou h's part of writing a Tragedywith tbe trace.:y left out. But he does not .uaw

blood until tbe end, and iu his pages aro found bothhumor aud satire. His female characters interestas most; the older ones from their religious inten¬

sities and from a certain fierceness we aro little ac¬

quainted with, .nd in which, as in Ilona Perfectawe hesitate to believe. Galdos, being still yoong,tau look forward to many and important works inthe future, for neither he nor tbe vein, seems likelyto be exhausted. It is to Ik* ouyen thal good ti ans.

latinos may be given us of his "Leon Koch" and" I,. Desheredada,". the tirst a story of high life

and tbs last of very low lift* in Madrid.

Nero Publication.!.« 1JI8TORICAL and other STUDIES,"


Pile* 35 eontand "ARTISAN LIFE OF JESUS.¦ by Prof. Front D«v

Itjistb, price 15 cont*, or* two new books publishers lc THE


10 and 12 Dey Street. N. Y.





JnetriirUoruFor Boys and Youn» Men.City.

i SCHOOL FOR BOYS..Private tuition,L afternoons. Tborno* Reerts Ash, ita W. iath-sk_~~.CIRCULARS of bent schools, with care-

La fnl advice, fro* to parents; please giro til particular*.Ml Hi AM (.'WYRIEREA CO., 31 K. 17tli-»t. (Union *q.)

EST SC11O0LS.-C1RCULARS iutcU.gei.t-Ivnalt-ctodfor parents whu describe tlielr wanta, fri**

erson'Tly. malle.* for pusuj*. J. W. _CH_KM.Kluloii.\\East ittb-sts. Vow York.

ALLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 15 KantU 4irth.*t Frank Dnsler. A. tl., PrineinoL Reopen*Vednesdav. Keptember its. Principal con be SBBS tt schooltier Heplasmbar 1, _

Collegiate lnstii uteWt Ot

DR. J. SACHS,No. 58 West ;'.Vu li st.,


Thorough preparation for colleges (especially HAR-

'ARD, COLUMBIA and CORN Kl.Ll and scientific school*:

il!r onraui/Dd bnsioes* conr»e: FllENCH and GERMAN

inn important featuies of regular .(.brine of instruction.

IEVV BUILDING, perfect In toni l try arrangi'uii'iiti.LAitOR AND WELL EQUIPPED UYM.NASIUM.

^HAULIER INSTITUTE.s> On Central Pork. . F.stal.llshed 1855.

10H West 'itftb-st., between Oth »ml 7ih-evi<».lOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Foll BOY.1 AND


Prepares them for all Coliorfe*. Htt-attB* School*. We»t

'oint N»v*l Aoademy. and business, -renell, Hernial-.,

pamsli spoken and tanght thoroughly. New biillillnic*meted puri-tmelv tho besl-e (Hipped private school lu lb*orld. kitti scIukiI year will bogia Hriu«*inber IS, l-<*u.

Prof. ELIE CUARLIE li. Dliector.

CENTRAL" PARK SCHOOL No. 51 RattU 78lh-*r_. reopens September 17. Boys prepared for co!

He or business. Rev. E. L. Bl'RN ETT, A. M., Principal.

COLUMBIA INSTITUTE, 106 Went 42d-sL-_^ Senior. Junior omi Primary Departmenu. Student*repared tor busluessor fo.-auy coilego ur Hc.laatitlc school.iiliuT drill and gymnasium. Boarders received. Ke mk.ii*

toaatBot Uti, K.DvSlN FOWLES, a. ll., Principal.tARLBOROUGH CHURCH ILL Jr.. Hoartmaner._r_rOlORSEfS"RCH()OL F<»R BOYS 112"s West K8t_-*l.. prepares for college, sri*ntlrlc school, ur

usine**. opens september _U. Bamttoc address, until i-asp-¦intHT 18, isCoiuit Moo*._IOHN MCMULLENS SCHOOL. 1.983 Broad*"

way, corner BSstatV, reopens Monday. September 17.erm* 340 taii.'*I) Hoarder* *n)'). i in mai* at Putnam's,7 Weat iUd-s*., ami al tho school._[ YON ct GILBERT'S CLASSICAL SCHOOL.L_ 678 fith-av*\, will reopeu September '.'tl Pupils *ie

reiiared thoroughly fm Hi* b*M role*** and tetonflflehorns, two departments. Senior sml Junior, rai li llnutod io

it< nu iiiuills. Tbe Pnnclpai* will be at th* school afterrplembei lu. _


Establisln*d i*».)l.8upenn*cn.*.en! Joli *.' II. HAY*. M. D.

KEDFUNS WEPT. 4. 1883.A Hoarding Sohuolof Hie UI«iio*( md*, who*! tlir->s foldid, and scrupulously follows I. ls to *ninild, al an anny *'(«.lelntellectof t-iiiiih iir mti'ii-M't* win or «»b».llrnw, antit-Ici'tiuKs by r'd ,i,, i, ii . ,-i separating them Hires |sv.IS|i)lsitcs. instruction, discipline, lell'1 i. w iii tilla ; Nfvery profession.Situate*] ii >v nhington II >i.-ht*. s'i it ti-i mil')* up tin*,tiOsou, His rnache-1 t,v t!i» Mila .veno* Klsvatn.l Koail t«

i.'itli-st. Carriage* are always In wanuig. ur, by nm -iviii ticatlou, lin* i.i,, -nat ,:i 1-it iO»)ll tia ari iv tl Jf auysin.A morrlieiutlfnl HTnlhsittlir placs-«n a-i eurtiioP'** no-n-

laiidiuK ibo most doUjrklfa! seooery.or Moro nttrsotlvn sar-¦undiugs, are not lonni aio.iir the tar-taiao 1 bau** or tu*

lii'l-ini Hs liiiililnie* mi imus.illly bo neille*.Thernare lortr aerosol lan I itt i 'io 11 il, s i il il til li

.isi'itiil lif oat groves, tffording »mole Sftao tot pu/rou ml*.r len, h, Herman and *s;ianl*sli »;i lk ia.

APPLY PUR < A IA Lou Uhas._'_3T. Louis College, 134 Weat :i7th-Rt..SelectJ CathoU* School, sli language* Complet* linsines*i)HI*»e. Warm luncri. l.lphl i.yimiaMic*. Ter.ns inoilrmln.

riilMTY SCHOOL, loiuulcil A. )>. 17<>!f,i. 1,517 Hromlwar. RoetvT, Her. ll. HOLDS*!*. DndoflrcctHini'i I'rml'---* !': il * it< 'i'll Paoli* BettOOL

tssjmt i'.'-v BIhHOP POTT-it, Prottdoal Prsfsni Intul,ure ot for buslne**. I'm lins baas toe* ap-illoi-io 11 ia

imlelo lliosecreurr. parlue pupil* recelvisl. Further Inirmallop fiven al the tchooL Next tenn begins Heplctnlir-i-

IM1E NEW-YORK LATIN SCHOOL. Nu. 8I Ko*l 47th-sl.. iropers at..ST -'lueuili-t M. Oi,o

iiariiiui! pupil semi lol clrcultr. V. DAUN1.Y, PrlnrlpnU


INMTRUCTIO-* PRKK,The next entrance eia-uinatlou* will Be li*' I la de Cnlvsr-

ity Uuilillmrs. tVa. ,iu;|.i i s|, 01 I'uesliy, Jun I.),inion Pim* iv, i-'iite BOOT LR, ti li*, i

Recant muullireut iflfu bave *e,;urel lari:* »i 11 a-wrtoalliililiuii* io UM a ur icu il il t Hann if in J li." ia i C.ilucb wllloo roadr form* tl laj j ital* { if li i aati, : i.o ,'.-t« year.

Univt'isitY (vi-it:u.iLir So-iGol, 1,1S1 Hnuilway,near 4JdT.*_ (lilt f*tr.) I'riuir, Oj n norm i. ul

!__*lu_JeJ»i'-. watt. .. d. iIdjV. *. . i. ¦"' J » )

For Young Ladies.City.At IfiBBf. PERULNS' SCHOOL, 2,0_1 Fifth-ex tTe., New-York, 'i'l-rms for boonlius pupils, per yi ar,

AOO.wltb umslc, SsiOO._HARLISLE INSTITUTE, 572 Miiiliwiu-uve.,«_' cor. fiOth-Ht. Now Yort, ciiual I'aik.i Boanllnv amttar Kcliool tor youur laitln* and th alma, I lio oo/.i BtilMlitt* ionise, rpiciai slii'lenu* lu iiiiisii: ami all drpai tuinnta.

French ih'- l_-BT_M* of Ute tcbooi: ilenuau. Lolls nilspanish lausrht. Accomm -'datum* tm tinitlu . pupil* timur-

lassed: everv roo.n sunny. BlaSorgtrton. 11th yrai nept. avi.

110MK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL for GIRLS,I I 3,113 Mh-iv- Hoard, tu.timi with music, t.">u prriiiailei. septrmb'r ft._IACKSON SEMINARY, 5J :j and 515 Eastlr 1'jlith. ¦.!. Knslish, Fn«ncli ami Osman boanliuR-n-liiail lui vounnla-inu an 1 uuihlrau : dedrable lacHw 1 ; tx.ISntlTttTltilf |*nr Itali teran H-H to sill per year. |.r

jlrcularsapplr to tin) "Siniuary. It-i|i ni september IX

M\>< HALLOW'S Enrliah and French *«hooltor Vounx La.iles and n- Olrlt, No. 'ii I ast '."Jil-sl.,

will rnopofl on l hors,tay. sepfmher VT_\llss M. A. CLARK'S Scbool for .oanaill Laities anil CBtulroa, 1D7 last BMh-st.. raOMM Boat Wii'muse of instruction tborouRb aU'l eorajNOta 1'uullc sclnsiltr.Cthodu,_


a. Wost Stall rt. iteopen* bi-pt. *J7. Lectures on Ail, .-iti-

enteaud lllsiory, Nov. 1. (TweBty-ttflh year.j_

Miss CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL for GIRLS.71*! Mallison-ave., reopen* Mo.NDAV. Heptaniix-r '*,

l*"^:-t. Boys' ls .-es aonarste. I'ulilic inellioiis. Ailitirs*. nu Boptonib*r Itt), 'rseonoot, Nantm-ket. Maa*.

\IISS HAINES AM) MLLE. DE JANONlvi Bpooaodo. r*r mm i. ir oasatiKOLX vo.v tao aa¦nil MLLi:. Uti HIICY.**- KOPrA Improvcsl IB*Wbods nf

le.tciiHiK. -iimluii appin anon. Address Na lOUraineroy

MESDEMOISELLES CHARBONNIBR.S>*reuch ITotrsiani lioardlaff anil Oar for Vmun

laialles, BS r.asl 361- st.. New-York, (formerly lo Parla), willre open Monday, October 1. Apply by leltur unlit Hoplembor15, vt hen Mt le*. Ciiarliuiiiiibr will tieiu New Yolk.

MLLE. KUHL ant! MISS ANNIE BROWNwill reopen their French and !. nulisli Boaidlng and

Bay school, kepteutbur i!7. IHhu.No-. 711 and 71', FIFTH AVP...

opt osire Br. Hall's church, lust i.* Ceutral r*rk.Studenu prcp.ireil ror Oulleslale examui lUons ll d*»iied.

VIISs NORTH AND Miss BARNES, ScbooliVl for V.min' i.i'ilirs. l.lll'.l Madison ave., near l'J.'ithsi.*'lasses lui clnldicii aud OliuailBBtHaB tor slmly lu wpm lal's. i'iiiiisii* nf eulie','* p.ipai anon ffiaduttet re-

celved st Wellesley without lui tin i iii**slll*lliln OponsOci. 1. Aiidress lill Au*;. 'Ju, White Plaina, Hew-Vortr,

Vfiss.l. F. WREAKS' BciARDING AM)IVA DAY MCIIOOL Full TOOMO LAIUKH AND dill..UHKN, 33 Kaat 77lbst.. re open* snpte ,ii,ri J7. Conrs* of

.tudyttiorourh aol eOOiplaU Mprsial altenlloii nani lo ma: lin.

mailes ann lanfual'-*. Adilmss nulli >.-',lem.ier l.'i, '.al* ofe.. Mtockbriiluo. Couliai Valley, ff, V.

MRS. SYLVAXUS HEH!)'S1*1 KOAHHIMI AM) DAY school for Youn* Lodi**and Llltlo lillis, (I ami * Fast 33d ._. between MbamiMallison avns. N. Y. tCeutrol r.irk). Cuiirsnlu Collng-ialolirpaiiiiieiii ihoriiiifii. special ttudent* ailmltls.I. i'llmaiyanil I'leparatorv Departments, Prenoh Un: lan ;ua^r ot Umscbool. KejnusOri.i*, 1H-13._MME. DA SILVA & MUS. BRADFORD'S

'formerly Mrs, Oglnn Huffman's) Knallsli, Fienchbin Herman Boaritiu* an<l Day hi hool fur Yinni* Lodte*ami hil nen, .No, 17 West 3»lh st. New-York, will n-

open October 1. Application may bo made by letti or person¬ally. tBoBer*._MISS MARY HARRIOTT NORRIS, 46

Kaat "iKtb-sL reopen* ber school for Yonnr Ladles amtMw*!-* Oct. ld. clothes fur wiulla Nov, li preparation tor Va*

.ar. Wtillealny, Smith ab'l Karvai.l eiatiiitiatlo'i* ailvancedclasses. In Ail, Llteistuie,--! lem¦« ami :Mathematic* unusualadvantages for Mo<lern Ltu*{Us|;e» and Music: bnaritlnzpupils limned lo 1 J. A-!di<.iisllli MSpt. i:>, BOONTON, N. J.


AND DAY SIHOOLFor Younr, Ladle* ifonndesl IHttli, No. 222 Madison ave.,New-York, reopuu* weiluowlsr, *-«p(eiii1**r 2ii, l*(.->.t. Freacb1* Dir iMUsuane nf ihe f.. no ly and sctinn), lecture* In l.ii'.li-h.Fm iu h ami oki niau hr eminent profrssois; especial attentionpaid to Loft-Uah ami FlCQili iiluiary Dei,ai tiuent.

_Mini. A. C. MFA UH, Principal.

MRS. GRIFFITTS will rtjopfn lier Eojrliah,Freuch and Herman I)»y scbool for Yonn* Ladles mut

l blldrou on Weiluesilay, Scpte.mlu r Jo, al 414 Mailiaoii-avo.,uext door abo>* l' a toiu*;i o" 4- li st.

Ri'v. Dr. Mn*. C. H. GARDNERS UnTirT-In** and Day Hchool tor young laities. No. «08 Piftb-aTe.

l wenlysli»h year.

RIK;HRS FEMALE COLLEGE, Nos. r,6.nil 6H West Silbsu Only chartereil ObHom lot

women tn New York. 1-ully equipped In all Department*for boarding amt day pupil*. Art, mu»le. Kindergarten. AaTenn opeas September 2_ Adores*

b. O. BUBCUARD, d. d



VllTIirRHAN .SEMINARY, l«7th-at. andVJ I5o*t<in»ve.-Thorongh tustruoiloni k md cai a moderaterole*; odyantosreaof ulty aud country.

_It'ev. ED WIS jon N'Si) V, Priaelpal.

rvm: MfSSES GRINNELL'9 school porJ YOUNO LADIKS AN D ( HII.llllKN, &.I Kust SStb-st,(.rcoml door from Mallison »ve.) will rwopeu october 3. Colle-late aaa F.leetive Cnnrses. Special student* reoelved Inall department*. Including ilium and Art, Cuts*** for hoysOctober 1. Kindtrgai tea October lu.

Infraction.For Tonne Ladiss.Oitp.

THE Miss** GRAHAM (sacccssora to th«_1I****0 HE EN formerly of No. 1 Plrthav*., will r»

open Uietr Kngllth and French Boarding and Day school far

young ladle* on THU USDAY. September 27. st Na do Pifttt-ave.. N*w.Yor_ City. _.

URSULINE ACADEMY for Youd* Ladies,150 th. st oed WealcKetter-tve.; location healthy

term*. B250 for l'0*rd and tuition In Kugllsh aud French.Jleopen* Monday, september 8.

VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE, for young la¬dle*, 315 West »7th-«r. New-York, will reopen fcep

tember 'il. DR. A M M E. VAN NORM AN, Principals.

210tr FIFTH-AVE.-Mrs. Smuller and, I ~_* > Daughter's English. French tad norman Board,

lng and D»y Scbool for Young Ladles.

For Both Sexes.Cit-.

IFRIENDS' SEMINARY. East Sixtecnth-sr.and Hulbi'i-funlplace. Poi both1 sexes. Fall term be¬

gins ninth um., xiii, students prepared for college or furlinaine**; thorough lintnn Hon In Flench uml Herman : alsoPrimary and Kindergarten ela*****. Forrlrculors or infuiiu a-tion, address as below by pus,al at Minni nary, or call afterninth in".. Otb, Inti ween in- hom-* of H and 11 a. m.

HKNJAMI.N SMITH. A. M., Principal.

AIME.-Tl MU*.E. C. SERVAITL'S' (siiccajsaor toht. D. TAKDIVKI.) Kngllsb, French. Herman

Miiaidlng uml hay Behool for Young Ladle* and Clilldicn. -'.'>West 4lith-*t.. reopens Hi-ptrmber B". French imogentluenlly lu one year, lax-lure* lu French sud Kugllsh breminent pio'essoro Drawing and Music unsurpassed.spei lal ittuntion pstd lo primary and preparatory depart-B0,-nt» Kindergarten.

OI'EN MONDAY, SKIT. 3..PACKARD'SUULLEGE for instruction in book k**pln». arirtmie-tc,

writing, phonography, lype-writltig. corrrspoadento com-

meicial Uw. Fiench, Herman, i-paulsb. ami for practicaltraining In busiue.'* affairs, will reopen on Moutlay. Sent. 3.Vlattor* leceivedfiom Moiidav. Aug.'/". Cati or semi forcircular.' b. s>. packahd. I'resldant, mij Broadway.

For Boys and Young Mon.Country.A DKLPEUO INSTITUTE, CONN.K. E. CLARK, fortneily principal of stratford Actdemy,

haring secured a commodious houfe, sun minded hy twentysere* of giottud. one half mlle southeast nf thc lovely anahealthful village of Ncw-Milford. on the Hoiisatonlc Hall,roail, is prepared to take twenty-fir* boy* to thoiougbly Uteithei for ooMSBS Bf huslues.s.For *.ii ulai* adare** ** snore.

AHA1TY HOME SCHOOL FOR BOYSDNDBB 14, with the RKi Till! oF sr. p.M'L's,

Salem, N. Y. An oppnrliinitv for a Ihnmiigh i-ilucalion

undir t brutton mintace* lu » healthful country. A limitednumber of hoy* fi om ginni funulies Ukeo, to whom the bestreferences will bc sent._A TTARRYTOWN-ON-THE-HUDSON, N. Y.,1\. HTAIllt'B MILITARY INsTITTTTK.

o. WINTHROP STA HR, A. M., I'rliiclual._

ALEXANDER INSTITUTE, Mtlitarv Board*lng school. White Plain*. N. Y. Princip*'., O. Ii. WIL¬

LIS. Pb. H._

A GOOD BOARDING SCHOOL of forty-fourveer*' slaudlng, outr*.olen! lo New-York and vicinity.

Addres* THOMAS HANLOM, 1). I).Pi iiiniiijtnn. N. J.

BOYS ami YOUNG MEN privately _..«».. tor-nits.'s. i-11 iitioii*i >* -i|'--| ii iiiii*i coeobon,

.sroratntofc stooiunig*, sim r. iiukimann.

|>E ITS MILITARY ACADEMY, Stun.lon!,J aVniin.. on Tnnped lilli, outside ii riling* vetv healtlir.trull ii-ai begin* -i-pti- ii', r li), piepares Doj« foi eattegoorbusiness. Foi tull Information send for i alalngue.

OBDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE.Piepsii-*) lor Kusinevi. i all*BM °r West point. Heler-

ence*i Chonoe'lor Theo. Hanron a patron), Newark, N. J.Major,ilenrral Nott, Konli-ntown, NJ.H. J. Filiuian, Penn. li. ll. I'dice, Philadelphia.

Ad.lTCH* Hey WM. V. H-)WKN, A. M., pi.uupil. or CoU8AM I" KL E. IllsK, ( om iiaintaiit,

I'nrilenlown, V J


Mit Bf. A. FLINT. Piliicipal.


pORNWALL HEIGHTS HCHOOL. for boya.\j sim fort aliovr and nrerl silling tb) liver giunud*ta*'*.* iii-ies al, iii ia ii i'ii f-1 iii an I toro*) it'll ac'.n*.lamrean! itoi'itliui gyan**!am bail,li lg Ju* complet-dO.COBM - -0' "!.".,

BLACK HALL HCHOOL, LYME, COUA fannie and pre para! or r *rh«-'l foi * frw Imr*. | borough

mst in tl in an l ar,'u! ii.i < "f reference* givenCHAKI., H O. BARI lilli i.-.' Ipal.

/.ol.I.i.CIA i: VM» COMMERCIAL INSTI-\J TITI-'. NI VC .¦ WIN Treparar.irr to mlle-e. thesen ililli-, naval sud millar.- si.liuls, aad baste*****, with a

bearding ill ,ati ii'*u'. mi.,, ir r ur < tait ill 1:1 sn drill in

sun'i arrangemeats for *tbie*U* gama*, towing, skating.. wiiii'iniig, AC u 11.LIA A II Itl'.-s.-il.LIs PilucipaL_THK CASCADILLA SCLOOL.


A *chool af spacial InttrneUon for ro!>.-* stoat-** and forI boee prepai lug for co liam er termlieslus I iilv t. -o.ii ir, rerle* li rir.s ** 'plumbs* I iltri ui begins S: .amt-**

jon:. Ki Ll ]..


ill. I lb act. N Y.

COTTAGE HILL -('HOOL. l'olUIIK UT-Ml I.. N *i'.. iitiln- an I

lioM'iiiiiienl .ii. loo. aud for Hasina**. Juli's MILKY,Principal.



Sins no -. -i

Henpens We lue* I..V e. li AddressHiv. D. A. I-IOLHK Kl If, I n

i;li>hin(; f\. y.Vinsti i cte boarding1 mu OL tar yoong mea and oort, OpenoTosaJ

M '.. 1 A I in III l-l)._I^KEEIIOLD INSTIM'TK, Prwho'-l, N. .).-I lo: Hoy*, ii n». . Kn [Ush, Mod-ni Lin.- i_--s. lor atalo_ue* apply to tba I'rtaclptL Her.AW. i'll! Hil.ns.

/ iRANVILLE Mflitan Acailamy, North Oran*VA vil.e.N.\. JO miles N. Of s. rat nara I'liiiiin-iiUi and i la*

abai, lui Information ad,li, - li I,ai ii, A. M IT.ii


town. H<*rlc*)i|rr i*o Ma** preiiare* lens for i ol lego,Kl'-niltli- aeliool oi noun-**. ronna *W'*ii I'et Mar.

lu: calalogne*, andreas i.l.o. 1'. MILL*.Inn ipal.

^JKEHN NV It'll, CONN..A*~Mk*nT utti I..e\M tn: te-i tins. Dun ,u ;h ;, ¦¦ ,i, alum "fol hu-linsa or

c.illrvie, iinsuipasiwl io .non ganuln* boa* leflned ur

1,11'idiuss. iiisiie«i tutor ann*. J ii. KuOT, FilaUlpol,

HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY,Wnieeairr. Mas*, 'ffIByow 1 -I In I lufoi malion tp-

|il V lol', ll Ml.j. \l.l A. M., MI|s*nililrllile|iU_I IIGlILANDFALLHACADEMY (For I1 * on the Hu Ison, me ml,' som h of Wi si I'otnt.

Addroas . Al.1 ll Ht M Pinn ipal.irving insthttf..

1 TARBYTOWH, N. Y.Hot* jirrparod for 1 ollr^» or fol buailMM*Aildioss DAVlii A. lloWl-*, A.M.

1'iluclpsl.I KWIS (.'OLLF.fJK.-Si-ii'Mtilii', C|..-m,.il r« 11.1li Militny. S'^i ail louise, iu Chemistry and OTU Kn-

gineeilng. Add ids*MKfl'.l MiV, I.I e. ls ni.I! iii:. NoMhllrld. Vt

MONTCLAIB FRENCH [N-TTTtTTE--Wtii-Bti*,i »t I'|'|i-i MMtetnii t har-iil'g uitiiilry humsN

U ." vs. ttl mitiiltes ont; lii-s'.lliie il silluu'i, SO min a

fjim pimiiK i* ?.¦.'.ii' ni 1)' r. UK COM FlONY, PnnclpaL


AsTttit'Tiv -ii.1, p family 8ObT00I_Allum* Iniys tro 11 eiicbi Ui ttrteex

_M. C. MI ll. il Kl.1- A M . Pr!*.

\| 1. l'l.!;\s,\M'MILITARY ACADEMY,l's a sht.hcT hoahdinu hchooL kihi hoys,

ai sl-i» -.n on IBs Hndaon, N. T.The course of insiru- lion nntirsea* tb* lollowing dnpart-

nu nt 1 ,. loleiii L*ngll* ..'!**, Kleineiilal». Mal In..

mailes!, i:ugii*!i -Nindist. aid Natural Beltana ClSBSOtorSalso foi ni,d In Mush. Drawing KenclBf ami Klis inion. A

uuuitlily omaiiUoil Mllltar, Heporimant, Hiding s ~*:i.trslne,i hnrs.)s, gvinnkslum, Ar. Will roopan

'I'bursiiay,-ep'.i-mliei I.i .1. imwr, Al.l.l.N, I'nni'ipul.

pEEICSKILL iN.Y.' Military Aca.|«'inv.-Kor1 ilniilsrs address i'm. Cl Wlli'llli', A. M., f*nni IpaL


Korlmys, fflfio*yeir. llt.NHY TATLOCK, rrinrlpal.

POUGHKEEPSIE N. Y., MILITARY INS II-1 I TK.-llr. Warlut's HOOldlngHchooL 'Ihoioiigli gixsl.Kind and proper In ainirnl Military nut Ihr ininripal thing



Tia rsnropentHoptofiboi i.'. nmitinr* nsw.bniietlor apponilineai*. IMvil Kuglaeeilng,

Cb«.neal, I ollogialo. Kugllsh ( ourasa.Deglee* nnisi fOd._


RYE, H. Y..Bradford Manalon BebooL |500ansi, fliaiming Incatloiu C. J. CULLIN'S, 1'rlnripaL


Kits fur any OallOfa, or <ln»Hrnment Academy.Non-asplrsnt* forcollrge admltinnc.o receive full prepara

Hon «or mislne** and sin-lal relallou* T.utli* and uniitaiydull receive caieful aitennon. Addre**>

,_T UK I'ltKsi'ij \ 1,

CKDtiWKK INslTTOTE, Gratti Barrinrtor,l j Mass, a se.l'-c.t fsuillv d hool lor hoy*. The fall tennbegins mi.len.uer l-l Bead foi t'ln-nUr.

Pilnelpsl*. \ _B.V\JH' J- VAN'-t.l.NNKI', I). D._________[?. J* VAN-LKNNKP. A. B.

tEABURY IN8T1TUTE, 8aybr(M7k7^n^KJ Twciilleilli year opens Sept. ll. p.oys Ulte.1 fur businessor college. Hrv. I'. L. BU-PABD, M. A., I'rlmlpal.CIGLARJS IBEPARATORY SCIIOOLTI^-l J lung. N Y. A select boa-.lins- sohool for 2:, bu**Ora.liiati-st_ketli'-lil<hastraultat Vu*. N»- school.r.s.uiami gyiin)s«iiim. OTinuasilrs eouinilsory ami part rn ihe uailvloiituie. Aililr.aslll.NltY W. -hil. vii. M. A. «Y*l*l

SUMMIT MILITAKY ACADEMY", Summit"g N. I., AI.KItK!) N. IT I.I.I lt, A. ll., 1',1,,,'ipal «,,,., ,Septsmber I.'. 1mm:i. |. i|,« nub land* of NortBan New

J",',,M,r- »r*l>«'al. »«'tlt!iy situation. I'repar** for tbe nest'colleges, lliorenghtiatnliif-ln rerwiug, spelling, conniositloii.nd elociiu.iiu Laboratory practluo in cnamlstry. "wearsysleiu la Prenob. iler.nan, Itallaa aud spanish. Musicdiawiui'. ii. mary dill' ami gy,.ua* pjl e.,,rp, of Bvoand eo.iio.teni. teachers. Ijlrite, niooly furin*',-.! J,, ,.n.

suprilo,-boai-d. A pleasant ho,.,,,, i u rn,.^To 0Hr y.irNoeitraseiceptiuu«lcaud (laiutin/.v y ".

T-MH1TY COLLEGE, Hartfnnl, Cum,.~.

*n>ttr^z;*:zwz?ir^v^ibw- kmu>1^>vn.i iam-s.-i*; smith. aT. p., rr**tflti

npHE CA'S NERY.-A family and proparatory"X school for boy*. A few vtranrtes for nett rear

Addres* J. I. Hill .NSMADR_W-sbuigtoa, l.itolnlriii t ouuty, lonn.

T'iiii1^'iil.i.i.A-.1MA? §C11< K »U Nrvv".

Jiwtrnrtwn._j_Fer Bora and Tomat ateo.Ooantrr.


INBTITUTJi OP TKCHNOLOOY.Rlver-t., between Sth sod Sib ita., Hobogea, ¦,**_




Tb***T*e terms Include oil the studleaFor catalogue*, apply to the LibrorUn of Stevens Insti¬


CWITIIIN C. SHORTLIDGl/Sf ACADEMYk7 for Young Men and Boys, M*dla. Penn.. If miles fromPhiladelphia. Behooly**r opens s*pt«mbi>r Iii. Flx*d pricecovers eTerv expense, even books. Ac. No extra etudes.No incidental expense*. No examination for admission.Thirteen experienced teachers, all tuen, and Ul graduates.Special opportunities for apt students to sdranoj rapidly,soe* lal diill for dull aud backward hov*. Patron* or *tuden*Jimar select any simile* or rhooso th* regular English,Si isut Inc, Busluess. Classical or Cl vii Engineering Course,students Sited st Media Academy are now in Harvard Yale.sud i<n other Colleres and I'olyiachnio School*. A Physical. ml achemlial Laboratory; a nie Gymnasium and Balliiroiinu. Lani vols, addis, to Library tn 1*)83. Apptrttotdoubled lu 18*;!. Ten »tiiilcnt* sent to College In 188JJ. A

graduating cu** In commercial De isrtment lu 1**11. Mediahas soven clinrche* and a tetnp'*ra;io* chsrter which pr<*-.iilut* Hie sale of Mil intoxicating drinks Pur new Illustrate!circular address ths principal aud Proprietor, SWITHIN'c.smutTUHOE, A. IL iHorvird Uairor*lt/ Oroduotoi,->l *~*l'r_. _*i*-iii_,The Principal will he *t tho Fifth Avenu* Hotel. New-

Yolk, suurday*, August 18 and BA from * to8

AT7C TO $225 A YEAR..Board and¦ JL !U tuition. Addres* KPIHCOPAL SCHOOLS,Iladdontteld. N. J.


For Youn* Ladies.Country.A HOME SCHOOL for yoimu; ladies find

aCm children. For circular* addre** Mitt E. E. OWEN,Amherst. Moss._ACADEMY OK THE SACRED HEART.J\ London, <>nt.. Canada Weat. Conducted by th* Ladle*o'the sacred Henri. Pi«n of *tu Ile* tho *ame *( thit pu-i,il In nil their institutions. Terms, Inc,niling tuition In

croll and l- nu,un. boaid, washing. Imo** shu ratlom-rv,SIM) per annum. Apply to LADY BCPERIOR._


For Yontg failles. (Itv advantages, f "ixl it year. Mr*.ii.t.-sii Kim-. D- WITT, I'rlnclpaL Dr. Dlo LEWIS, Direc¬tor Pby»ical culture. Apply for clrc.tlar*.


J) Killi YOI'NO LA DIPS.The Klghly.first Yen BO.mtBee* Sept t, lUsT For clrcu-

Isrsapiily lo Ml** ANMKK. JOU.NSON. Principal, Brail-ford. Mas*.

UORDENTOWN EEMALE COLLEGE;I > heait'-ful. liomi-llk*. Hioiongh »nd Christian and ile.

Iighifiillr hu »led. Mme don,-!»;,in;,* Uian ever. Consult our

calotogue before selecting a st-liool. Addi***,Hgv. WM. C. UHVI'.N, A. M.,

l'.oidenlown, N. J.

BISHOPTHORPE, Bi'tlililii'in, I'i'iiii., a hoiinl-liiK-acboo' forglil*. Niiiulier nf srbiihir* limltel l'r"-

pare* for Weil'-sley, Va sar aud Hull til eulie'M. Henpensseptemi.e: IB, IMS. Apply to Ml*-* TANNY J. WALSH,i'lun i,ul._.|>0aAMDING AND DAV SCHOOL tor .iris

13 etui young winnini.

IIOWAHD CoLI.MilAl- I.V-Tift IiiUi .-I Hndgewater, M»ss.

OPEN** utTilHKH 1. ls*:t.Pur circular* and fud pirttctiltri, ad'ire** tue pi mei psi.

it LKN mal 11.1.. Ph. I)..lirtf'.uaiM of swsrthinor.i <uilege. Huston University and

N'ewiih.iui ullore. Cam ul'igH, I.nalani!.

/MiOK-.s COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, for\S Tonne ladle*, 'dva.iugei uus'irn***'I. UKO HU KW.i inifv. I'll. I).. 1-iln.anal. Po,i«iiit---;.si ,, s. V.


I .kew i.Ain::s >i.\i'\ \i:v, Carmal, N. f.1 ' Homelike. UtsTf-oagh, pro-rreHSlre, New ilinanlaicvlian ular, a ld fun pa tn.ular*. UKO. li HM I'll. A. M.

DARLINGTON bEMINARY for to-dj- ladies,Weet <'beater. Pa. in alum beautiful j huildinr excel,

le.isj 'il sir * All branchea, lue .ullin Ung ages. magic,P iniii,. .I septen*bei IT. tinii | el year. For cat-ao-ue-, *. HM ll AI-.H HA III.I Mi un. I'll .li., I'nncipol.

L'LMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE..A caitrinI at ,| Hie highest rank for women.with superior adTsntageam nm.ic '.ml sri. Tenn* inoleiai* Neil session begins

,,iiJ. Addraai A. W. CO A'LEM. ti. H.,Elmira, fl. V.

[EDUCATION INOENEY.A.SUllZEKLAND\|r*. M0VICKAKB receive* a United iminbar nf ruting

lo,., to wlios. moral aud educational training sh* devote*i, ii. rate. Frene tl ..sol tie- hoi,,. Italianaol 1 ug.lsli s| oSeu. ami licimaii -.ref olly tarneit wli-.ii

BS .i fu, ii 1 '. -epiemti, to lu lune H-feiriic*¦ re peruiitleil io ftl-mls of tm uer |>i|>lia and io maur minis¬ter*, ig lier Dr. Oswi.,1 i')*¦..,.i. Hey Dr.Hl*lkl*\ '..Ililli ugh Hev In S Inonu.i» Pi line, N rm* SM),'per MOttOB

I, 'h impel, lienera.

/1ROVE HALE.-Miaa Montlort's acboal for\ * y mug la llev Neall ir-i. .'i i i_{ IIGHLAND SEMI!, \RY. Sing Bin.-, N. Y.,

Il aili ti en n -eptei.iMRs. PHNTZSnl His \/l.'Y. I'rliulpil*.

ClOUOHTON SEMINARS for yoong*.1 I Adranlafe* iinsin uaased. tor Ile*-ord or catalogueaudre** A. ii. m. > i, i|il, nut m, N. Y.

SOME'l li IE lor yoM.i-hi-li.-i. 1 ,t ry.I 1 town. N. V.. !i n i-> ..-1 . i-i c , i lr r )¦

opens-.ii ,,-r 1'. Xis* M \ ,1' P'-IIOIilU,

MORAVIAN SEMINAR! lor Yonnfc Eii.ti-sHeihieheui. Penn I .Ulilltood 17s j. sm! iu sm eooafal

,, :,,.,, \... ' :, * M-.-,-, lo Hey. I, til ll Kl VB IERKKK.

MU .'IHSTtiWN NJ.. M ISS s I EYENSiiN'S1*1 Kren.hai-d I I for <llr'* .¦"p,-'- H**»| SOLeal tesi* ciuiiloyiil lor laocuag"-. mn mi. painting, Ac.

MUR s. E. ( ADV > Roardint -ind Dm RehiMrJfor Youns 1.1 Ii ¦*. W.-s' Kui lu'.. MOW-Haroa, Cou-

I 'I.i nih e . :i -

\| ISS k. E. fttil.i.Ul-'s Boarding bim! Day."I BOnoot for *i oiing Ladle*, at Hr Ile villa. Ne a.J elsey, tc-opells KeOI,-lil'i'-r IH.

Ml-- AlKi Ns BOARDING AND DATrtCIIOOL fur ynum laities, , I. Cona, isnntna

Sepl it. For particulars sildraoa MliM ltIKKN.

Miss I'litVhM'K's (-iii-i-i.-.iu- to MissI'*nuer lin*riling awd |)»» v.-hml for toiiii,.* tulle* and

nit. ia. .*,'. J., wiil liss itsipened*- -pteio_

Miss hieeei'Vs BOARDING nntl DAYHi timi. !,,r Ol Kl.**, Tarrytown .oi.i ie.lliil*,ui alli

¦iV KUM La I) A V, Hoptuuioer Iii. Allures* Hy letter nota.-. BtSBBBSt 1.

Miss NOTTS Endish :in<l French Familysud ist Mellool fo N i Wall*!.. New.

Haven, Cona. Too HIS > -ar betiru Thorodajr, ^cptemb«r'."i. iiu mar* >., nt n|*on spplh itlon.

\| iPLEVVOODLfJ in-i ri c ic I'dii roo ira i. Mm---*.ri 1, MAMtk, oflers superior silrsnianes. Wellknown for ii* beiilthiiil ami iiiiriuug lm.itiou. Addres*. forlatalogue,, etc., I,'il I sr HI AN I'll s.


\llss ic. ELIZABETH DANA'Sa'l i:ni.i.i -ii ash ii i.\i:ni\ii-i.-nooL

POM M»l HO LA DI RM, Mu IBIHTOWN, N. I.,iteopeus se pt. |g Raitrged tehoo "ns and gymBooIniB.Larre and aitr*. ilTe groands. -.un--lor sdvaal too* In eTeryile,,ai tiiieni I',.,.ul ml lunion In K.n.'11-h a ud I. illn SliiOlier an,nun Kur ctrciilais aildiess ihe Pinn Ipal until Sept.1, I, .\. Y,


YIW-.ANAW INSTITUTE FOR YOUNGil I.ADlL.Si eipri'leueeil leu'iei* ntiniei* ilinitmL

Addieas Mia. B. t. Ai B.8,_

.""'" Cau.ian. Conn.


M.*. iMiitiKNi: BKRTHOLP

OsSISING INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG EA-I'll.s AND MIsSKs sin, miij, N. y.._|.,K*:iilon da-

llghlful. one Boar from IfOW.York relined rhristlan la>Miienee* I ln*ti iielion UM 'i Blmt* l-l art llr*t-ela«*lerni* moileiaia opens rlipleuib*r IH. For cal iloiue* au

ure**. Ha.V.0. D. KU K_Principal.

PLEASANT, THOROUGH, SAFE..Hon..1 heiulnsrv for youig u ll .!. Ilight*toWt, N J. Huhtear; 11 ti ardern, Hey. 'f. m »VrtLL*i, Pnnstnnl.

|>AI(K HEIGHTS SKMIN.MiV. (i,',,,,I Urovo, N. J. Ho.i,ling nun H.,r m hool for Younir

1.Mta il.V A. HICK, I*rln. ipal.

RYE SEMINARY, EVE, NEW-YORK.FurpirtlcuUm a<l litsi


J. Uri(STAMFORD. CONN.- Miss' Low, mectMaorl ' to Mrs. Itlchsiilsou: Kngtlsh. French and (ieruian boaid-inar and da* school. He.,pen* .-september .'I.

CTEUBENVILLE (OHIO) FEMALE SEMI-I' NAK\-. lb¦tulifully lucatetl un tho ohio Hirer with5:i yeats' mu ce»*ful etperi-nce. I'm Infoi inailou a-iCres*HKV. DB)*. A. Bf. RanOA.NO UlOIITMA.N.

ELMS..Family and Dny Babool foral i.lils. No. Ul lllshst., Spring-field. Ma.*.*. For i ItcularsTHE ELMS

(.HI*, No. Uladilrestlbe 1'rtnrtpal*, Miss.** POKTKK .* eil AMI'.N KY.

TEMPLE GROVE LADIES'SEMiNARY.SiiT-1 atogi sjiriug*. n. y. Twenty-ninth rtar begins bept. ti.Head for year liooti. CHA I'.LKs K. Down, A.M., I'restdeut.


line Illnarr. Uboratorv. obscivatory and eabinatsi thor,onih iifti ii,-iniu i>e*t of houn uiflneneoo. seui fur circularloMUsA. K. STAN ION, rmi, pil, Noiion. Mast.

Till': MISSES masters win reopen theirM. achoul foi young ladle* and children, at Dohb'tFarr*/, I, v.. Kept, liv During iii. Manser rsi -aiton merhave reinoviilliito new and BOtttB04M n BTBSSB, erei ted e»

inessiy for Hie sch'sd. and are thereto! e preparel to toke itlea muru pupils Into theil laiully.

For Both Sexes.Country.AMENIA SEMINARY, lor lioth koxds; S225

pery«*r. Unsiirintssisl adTantu?,**. Kur rtrcnlor ad¬dress w 11, i,i a M SI. JOHN, lteglstrar, amaul t, V. Y.

AEA.MIEY BOARDING SCHOOL, '- «¦!-**.from New-York children r»o«iye a mother'* cara.

Ml*. II. C. MDHHKI.U Manlinsef. Ul._A FRIENDS' BOARDING SCHOOL, for-a. both sate*, at Viii per yoari bill,count ry [M milesff,rn New York li stonn tiiiildin^. A-.l.ttc** chaPI'AUL'aMOUNTAIN INSTIT! Tr, .l,ap|,a,,ua N. Y.



Mrs. .lamesC lleeeher will receive Into bet family school afew inor.. children for instruction lu ail things desirable lorthem lo know. Circulars sent on application.

iiLAIR ACADEMY...' u< reased endowment; enlarged plans.The Directer*, owing lo ihn reorg.iiii/.aiiou, are obliged to

I oslbone Pall opening tu orb :k Principal J ll. MiuiuakcrPb. D., will replace Dr. ilregory, now of (ilrard college,lieiiitlfni and healthful region iinur ttio Hine Hldge, HlalrHail refurnishes! and pul In b*st sanitary OOodlllon. I'ompe.lem tea. her*: thomiigh training: beat Influenoeo. Porniurmoderate rate* coutliniesl. Aildrea* curri ipomlouoe for ure*.

i-ulto"CLLItk. Hlalr Hall,"_Blalnrtown. Warren i onnty, N. J.

UOME SCHOOL fbrCHILDREN, Old Bridge.N.J.-SlftO per yeer.

MI*** A. L. CO.NOVKH, PrlneifMa,


_Jiwirwtion._Yor Bot. Sexss.3oaatrr


and ilu'lson Hirer Institute. CUT*mck, N. Y.

$_-20 A YEAR.PITS born for all COLLEGES and BUSINESS,prench, Uenn»n. Art and Music speololtl**.ll Departments. 18 Instructor*, both texea .. .

Hey, alonzo FLACK. Ph. P.. Pretident.


nt. Pani'* for boy*, st. Mary'* for girt*, re-open SeptotB-bor IO. Th* boy* will oca-upy the large *na r-ommodlou*.chool *diflce Just completed. An officer of th* Army,.peclally detailed by tba He.-.tary of War. 1* in charge ofthe mltlrary department, Addres* BfcV. T. sTAPFOBliimoWN-, H. H.. Acting Wgrden._ELM WOOD SCHOOL, DARIEN, CONN.,

begins September lt, Term* $150 per year.Addi-M* M. J. DAVia


/GREENWICH ACADEMY, for both Scxes.-VA The usual Literary Comae*, with Music*! Inatltnte andCommercial College. Founded 180*. influence* decidedlyreUflou*. Home car* aud comfort*. Charmingly located ou

Ssri-igannett Hay, andon illreol route from X*wYorS toHoston. maui! opportuultle* for saltwater bathing andboating, withcompcteut oversight. Tonus moderate: opensseptember :i; catalognn fr****. Rey. P. D. HLAKKsLLi;,A. M., Principal. Kasl Oreenwlch. B. I._

HACKETTSTOWN INSTITUTE..Colli-rwfor ladle*. Col loge preparatory for gentlemen. Miltie.

Art, Commercial Branches. Absolute thoroughness. Heatbuilding ot it* class. Hackettatown. N. J., near rtcboo.'ey'*Mountain. 92'i'o per y*ar. Catalogues free.

Kev, u. H. whitnky. Di a. Pretident.

"TPLEVVOOb INSni UTE-For liothsexes; concord ville. Penn.! twenty-two mile* fromM

litoad st, siiitlnn. Philadelphia best prof****)***; thoroughcourse* of study; student* prepared forleg*. J.HHORTLTIiOL. A. M.



A boarding school tor young ladles and gentlemen 1.1years ot age and upward, boarding balls and schools entirelyseparate. All the departments.mathematical, olassical, com¬mercial, musical, drawing ont in belles-lettres.taught byable and experienced teachers. Kutlre expense. Includingnsent hook*, S'JtiO per year. Kati tenn begins Monday, 8*p-Icmbar 17. For further Information or calaloguo addr»**,*i


P~EDDIK INSTITUTE, HIGHTSTOWN, N. J.Pur both -exe*..Flt* for college, bnsiuos*. teaching,

ihot-oiwh and home-like, music, pointing, «rawing, firkin*heptem bur 5.

A **"_rXer. JOHN QRKF.NK. Principal.

ROCKLAND COLLEGE.Nyock-oiilhe-Hud-ou. Both sexes. Bend for cata¬

logue. W. II. BANNISI'KR. A. M.

UOCKLAND COLLEGE,FOB YOUNG LA DI KS AND OENTLEMEN, varsity Preparatory and Butlnes* for Boy*. Graduat¬

ing Course for Ladle*. Private Instruction for backwardscholar*.SPECIAL ADVANTAGES IN MUSIC AND ART.Pleasantly located on the wett bank ot the Hudson, one .

hour from Nsw. York. low rates. Send for new announce¬

ment. Neit year open* september ll.W. H. BANNISTER. A. M.,

_PrincipalCOUTH JER8EY INSTITUTE,VJ Hildgeton. New-Jer**y.Hoth sexes. Pull corn* ul teachers. Iustructlon thorough.

Music, Painting. Drawing. Climate mild: very healthy. Bo¬gia* sep*, 12 Address Jil. K. THASK, Principal^_*t**TT JOHN'S COLLEGE. Fordham. N. Y.-O nuder tbe direction of J**ult Father*. *fford* every fa¬cility for ibo heat classical ami oinmer -lal edin allon. TermsBoam amt tuition, per year, tu*). simile* will be resumeil

wepiember :>, I sBS. Her. P. P. HEALY, fa, J.,_President,

4_1Q $1'">, MONTHLY..Boardina; S*hoo1,*T? A»a*» -until Wiltoo.Coun No etna*, milk. Saitsfao.toi r i.-fcreiiees. L. <l WHITLOCK._tUj".Ts_7_ -NEWTON, N. J., COLLEGIATE.JP<_<t.\/. I mst ITCT E. J. WILSON. Principal.-Kuliouisi-s ptimary to college preparatory high, dry. beautiful

location, unusual af action* nm,ti* and nonie* for schoolrecreation; " I uovei dreamed lt waa so bomelllt*," indorsedlu-liuvet nor Iiohlc, ex <i*vemor Prrham aud manr ot horssi Un ei nor Davis writes " Profeasor Wilson w»s oue of th*best educator* lu the --state." Bead tor Illustrated catalogue.


BEST SCHOOLS..Ciri'iilarH selocti'd frco for¦e Hi, ii wanta uialli-l for puslogo.

J W. M'llKllMKI.IOKN." East Klh tf., N. Y.


1 lo* "ld and most thoroughly equipped private schoolfor ibe huller education of young ladle* wlli be reopenedBentciiii*«'i 1'.A Tamitv- home in the lusututtoa wlu t*« provided for*

Hunted numli'T ot pupil*.Poi circulars aaiilie** CliAKLLs BJ, nynjBJT. r-rtnclpai.

Lie Montague bi., Hrooklyu, X. Y.

Cnro Schools.ANNUAL 8E881. >N (25th) of tim Law School

of lb* l'ulver*iiy of the I ity ot New-York begin* QeBBher I nett, and end* Jun'* 2. Hil. A. J. Vaudorpnel., LL. D,l'n silt nt nf the law csa ulty Pot catalogues, Ac, apply tolr..fe«*iir 1 1 lt I'**** K.l.I, 171 Hroadway. or D. H. JAQUES,¦Secretary of Law Faculty, iii rant Bulldinr, ,'»6 l.lherty-»u

rjOLDMBlA COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL,Past 49th sf., near Madison ave.

Tlie twenty-sixth annual term of this Institution will com-

mane* un tbe Hist Munday of October, ls.*:,, at the I awis, hool Building, tn last, between 4th and Madisonaves., norlh side, and will runtime until June, ISSI.

'I lie satSS nf studv embrsevs two year*, and it designed tngive fun and accurate Instruction in th* principles and pron-tic* of tbe law.Pur citslogues, Ac., address t* above.



CT. LOlTDTTAWHgciloou ~Waahin-rtoni ' Cmvailty, si. lamln. Mo-i.radust*)* of Pastern Col-hues an oil,»rs seeking a 'ilxhei standard of professional. niiiy Dian la ti -oesai'-y for mare admission to the .tar, or de,slime special in* ru, lion InihelaWot tho Westeru atalav*.ar. Invited lo «en.l lor a catalogue.-evenleaiith annual lenu oom nonces October ll, 1H8:t, and

enend* to June, lb**. WILLIAM O. ia of latw Kacully, 1.417.

Lucas i'iai ¦-. Hi Louis, MO.

stfaencra.4 FOREIGN PROFESSOR would aefapt twoi\ pupiia In Prsucb and Herman; eiicpuoually lowrelerei.^e*. 4<<****». ii* Weet ".lat-it.

A TEACHER of Idhi* ami Kiioccaifnl i-xnp-1\ rteiicn would MSSM . position In » school. bTBbbSv .a and liistiuiiienisli, Pi eu iii iSfikeu) and hugiisb,Aditr*** Mis* l oi.i N -H.s. cul.lord. Conn.

ABLE AND niOKorivlf TEACHERSnf nat grate, professors lecturtr*. secretaries, conman-

Inn* and housekoo er* sunpliel wlthuiil . lui ,- No rugl*-trillon lee lo teiclier. 'ln;il stiittnl. F. MIHI AM COYHIi-.Ri; a co.. tl Kost 17th-*t, (Inion *--i|ii»rei. New.York.Ketereiice* Rev. A. li. Carur. D. D.. Rector i.raco chapel.

AMERICAN sill' K>L IN8T ltPt-7-Kaiteachers, Amenrsn and foretrn, promptly provided for

families. ». hu-i| iud college*. l'aren'S pim Meal with good.chool*. Mauy teacher* wauled. Now ls lb* Hms to apply.J W. HCllKKMKHUOitN, Secietary. 7 Kaat Ittb-st-. N. Y.

/;ENTEEMAN EDUCATED IN AMERICAVS and i:utnpe, t -n reir* SBtlSM BinlSMOr. will board Infamily amt ediicatu four boys. Address COLNTRY. Box 401ubun' wilie**.

DitnciiiJi 'Xctidenuea.

AELEV noinVOUTHS School for Oancin-No dil Klftbave., will reopen aad classes will corn¬

meal e un i-saiiiruar. Octotier JO.'

-sTitrj Heat _«tote Sot Sale.I^OR SALE-On Wortli-Hts, nour HiHlrton, lot1 'Juloo. ia; LA NH A WUIT1NQ. SBeekmanst.

I,"'Ol' SALE or LEASE mi Easy Tithih..¦Larireor medium *l'el blocks of Hui .headed Wai er Fronts In

New Yufk Harbor, for inanufsc tories, chemic.*) woiks. nil re¬nnel le*, a .¦ ll ,\ ViH'Nii, EuglneiT.Ai' ,-J'i -icbanga-Hiaeo.

'pilKEE LOTS, 75x100, 7i» fee, aaa* ofI Madison ave ou rrado street, mi shape to build

$1*1.111111. Apply WILLIAM A. TAYLOR. 17 Woll-*t,


_Citn J3rc»pcrtn t?u £ct._

A -DE8tRABLE FL00B8 TO LET to smnliat* select fauii le*. In newly titted homes, at » moderaterent. Apply to office of estate SAM L'KL HUILII'**, 214\Vi.t IS hst._A FEW vimy (U'siraliH- apartinenta will be

irady for ccciipancy about October 1, 111 the Llspt-nsrd,HUth-st. near .Madison ave , all light rooms. Sis and SluOpei mouth Appiv BOW lo J A N ITO lt ou premise*.L1 U KNISH El) HOUSE to lat, Weal .Mh-tt.1 near Mh-ave.; full width high stoop, brown -stone, tostrictly linvale fsinily ; nu agents. Address H. H. W..Irlbune untownOffice, :,2:!m nrnadwty.


I.UTKLY KIHI-.PUD .Ki will he ready for occnpation Sep.tum her 1. several atlrai live suites u( apartment* to let, ar-rancell in nm- or I ito ii,hus, wtlb private halls, stairways, etcalso, bachelors' suites.for fall inf mullion tmiitlre personally or by lattar of the

MAN AU EH, at the building.

Urooklnn IJropertn JJov Sole aub do £eLrou BALE-VALUABLE FACTORY T_0P-A. erty, Hrooklyn. E. D. oear wharfage, lil lou. brick Huiid-tngs. abundant cool water fruin spring, I J lot i ailjoliilug un.Improved, pn. e unslerato, ,cruiseasy. KELtJEY A 6UY-DAM. No. nb llruadway, tlrooklyn, I. I).

rVO LET.-First-. liss Flats, Ihooklyii Heights;A 8 andO rooms'; live minutes lo llrldge, Fulton andWalt Street Kerrie* Sn* nsw* ot bay. birhnr and lowernari nf New.York tweuiv iniimii's to rtew-York etty Hall.101 iiiriliei'inloiuiatliiu apply ou pruiul-tii. Sd Columbialleixhl*.

rpilHEE new private lioaaos, Quorn AnneA stylii. oablnot fiiiiuuisl each Ilooi. Iii liiooklvn, loeichange fora country reaidonoo or lorin. J, O; UOYT Ast)N, JIA Naa*

Conntrn jjropcrtn i'ot i3:ilc mb iu £et.

ORANG B (N. J.) EBAL ESTATE SPE-culty.lUsldeuooo, salo tad r,> it, (iralsnl out imf ur

nlshed Vii-lul HAMILTON t FV LL Kit.3 Flue


Of FORTY BTJfLDINO LOTH located »f Point Pleasant,New Jersey, will be made tiy Messrs. Ilenk'-ls d> Tilpple, atthe iiciaii House ionposito the pioperty. on Saturday, An-gust .',. Issi, at 2 o'clock, p. ni. ior ma|ia. circulars. At;,apply loiha PulN l 1*1 K.wHANT ttXT-SHlOS CO., IJ$Uouib nth st, Pblladelphta, or

abr.uml'oiut fleaoont. Now Jtrtey.

Cosntrg Uropertg Sax dole an- Ca £^T.ADT80iC*^^-tl. 13 aero*, large double noao*. ttndorn l-tpewSisUrge born and stable, handsome lawn, ornamental te____j.hrubbery; sbuartaac*of choice fruit, M. EDDY aTTv!"***


water. nett sanitary plumbing, and all modern lmur**-*V_.very *hoit walk from throe rollrood depots: »UBerb_*_{trees, productive fruit treen: hnndoome ground* __»!!and vegetable garden*. Inqntre ot OBAN VIILM i?WHlTf?. 115 West 34th-t_, or Of Mrs. CUAI___ H"DKMINO, Danbury. Conn._

**** '.

170R SALE.On Omit South Bay. LL.A nflo of beautiful water front.(oar hun* re. i *,)rs.' _Z?abl* for building sit**, most eilg-lole tract wittu* Sftv _i_of M*w-Yorkl3ty. -ULAND A WuITrfsft?^"

ft Heekoratn-et

F)R SALE..A Handsome Countrv SeaLmS"B acres flue frail. Hon** suitable for private dwelhs,


boarders: ¦** mile from IImson Klver. ueai W.-st shoes nudepot, Prlre. td.OOO. f2,<>00 ca*b. bolonoe iinria_e*'*_j__'Hu acre* Orspery; prtco, B-,000. W. A. ARMir KO-tO 17_Broadway. Room 4._ ' *'.

L?ARMS, STOCK and GRAIN in rVitoioanr~A 1,OOO auroa on railroad. 10 miles nei rn west of *4e_tuPei tis County excellent au I luipi.,,, nie,its eh__land* sf anon and town lot* all on the tann, A7iw'_ci>_7??art. Vernon County. H nunn si itu of Henel, city. Mo p itt.; all fence.l,and half ploughed; balance pastare.pralrle \i_7uncommonly well- watered: four dwellings: larine stock fluDurham and Hereford cattle nari for sole one-third easiibalance, time to sun. bale to ninan an estate. **<>.' ar *_ilrs_lWM a. FOPIS, Kiecutor. Uiltoy House. N. Y.. or tilTuiJvTst. St Loni*, ito._____ UUT«*

HIGHLAND BEACH, hetw*»n Sandy^HookandSeabriglit, 1 't hours from Haw-Yirk, two motors

cottage* furulsiie.l lots fronting on both ocean and suraw?bury, fur saie Apply lo FKRDfNAND Fl-ll. HU n>__war. New-York, or HlgDHand, N. J._ ""*

IX) CAPITALISTS.-For sal-, a ver7"*v-__:ble tract of Ocean Keach property, near Point t___

IN. Jt, at a oaigalu. Addrea*_C. W. BPAULPINO. 407 Broadway

TO LET..Commodious and welUupptnirteahouse ia excellent repair tbout Vi rooms), wits aa tari,

ofgrouuu or mote, tn 1'aasalo, N. J.; near tb-pott frequnaitrains, oue hour from city : water and gat win rent tow isadesirable tenant uutll May next. F. A. PELL, .'il Wall ilNaw.Vork.



(Opposite Cathedral),NEW-YOKK.

WETHERBEE _ ff LL Kit, Prenrietar*.This elegant tuite! !* cent rall v located tor tbe reception at

pernianeul or transient guest* near the 'irsad CentralDepot, and within three minute*' walk of the elevated road*and Madison ava. car*. It la charmingly situated amidst lasmoil lashtonabi* residence*, churches, sc., and lt delight-fully cool during th* cummer month*. Pond acted on m_European plan, with a reatanrant of un*arp»***d oxeelieae*.


DOMKSri 4ltC'P*,BtTFFALO. August 23..Blonr steady: CH v o round. .**#.

i-roca*s. $7 Jua** >0 White Wlnror. Si tion 2:* t**r**>rBS76*0625. straight MluoaaoU Baker*, f > 75*td "o v.1 Hake:*. SH 50» i» 7.V No. A do. t!> 7*. Rye. Tinsel B 9*ilrahaia BftSOBfnOfl: W*st<-rn Straight Minnesota baisraSS 50 clear Minnesota, $5 75#tb 2j White Wi met fi 7;Wheat dolli **ies. 10.000 bath. No. 7 Chicago Hiding, si .**_coins, ai. e. uusli. -ample at 55*. Kalin**freight* to N*w-*fnr*.Wh**L 7*4 corn. l.'t.t oaia, «.!«,_Fionr. 'He. uer bbl. Canal freights stion.-er Cera. 5*_Wheat to New-York. 6c.: oais. -i»c, ria* Last-tier to Aibiiiy. Si Ubi to New-York. I. u » i.

Slavs* lo .New-York, fl S74 uar ton. Hall roosiscelpts Flour, i.-JIM) bbl*. Wheat. mish.i Cum.17.000: Oat*. 1,.*00; Barley. 2.000: Hy*. 3,0u_, Ussreceipts.Flsur. 3<l.50i) W'tieai. 341,OOO bn*li: Corn. 252 nts)*u»ti.. wats, t'.i.oou bush. Kailroodth.piBeuta flour LJOOWuMt 'Jd.OOO.. Cora. -T.ooi oata. l.j.n. lianas. |SHy*.- lisa. .'anti salo osats to u i*)'nt»r-Ws** bu*b. Cora, tlo.noo hush.. Bye, 6.20Q ue>a

.-(-.OwO bask.; barley. 12,i>.*0BALitifiL* Aug.l 2*.Cotton onlet. Ml tinny., 10V*.

Flouriteody. tiowani strost aud A'tust. suinit f_ .Bf;<7): do. Bttra. -Stooat. 73 do. Pt aliv. »j J lafflBB £5M_**)a_tr. fl ii stii 7s>: do. Kttra. ii'Htvi.D ._ nut-rands, so DJS* it P-tsnto.i Ka ally. Si 75. Whoa-tioaiber* Hod. fl lfo*fl 10*-* da Auoei. fl t7ffl 20 No. I Marviaaa fi 1* i. Nu. i >Yesi«ia -Viutsr H«fnot. ana Aurust SI lb^Bi 18 c'ors - loitacra.Whit* tfjo. do- leiiuw. dslu.: Weitora Mund, sdol fSBAiifitsr. 82e. oat* lower.**outhara. iuaiTc. W'*»Mr*.Whit* it#id-. ij diisa. *2*jJo.. .fsnatnrtwSi Jioi7*.Rv* steady ii: OH I c. Mtv urn r*ri n* I i » :i fsiunvt*ni* au*. Mir*'.*»l. ,-iii-tit. r..>viu > -.* -m. Poreti5oijL Bnit_**it. snouider*. Troika Clstr Bis. ni**, pac ss!. ,' .*.*.-. :l.-.ij. .-ii.iu.isr*. Blfta a*atRi* Kid**. tlc- Hains. lj'*,#tii. Lard.Ha.fined, lilia. Butter-WV»tern Pocked. H<*il''.- irea.a*fy.I*»»'j;ic. Kggs lintier at lt) ai Ho. I'ctroienm a, live: Itediisf7-»s»7V- 'odea sready. Kio cargoo*. Ordinary ui Fair, H*«aD-sc Mig*r sleaily A. sort. UV, Cooper.Kenned *t**nv silfsc. 18-a. Receipt*. Fiou:. J, "is i,i,pi.: wneaiibl.iHiii nu., lorn, ".oooiiu. Data. H.ooubn.. Itye. l.Owtn.-hilimenis. Wheat. Un ihhi ba Corn. ..-.'.0-i'j 'ju. -sssWheat irrMBn hu.: Corn. lO.DOOb*.cnictuo. August -.'.i.-ln Regular Wheat to-day* quel

feeling again prevailed and prto** averaged easier, tai tatt*tug within a raugn oi V'.. ant tbe marte closed .»<; lawsithan v-sterday Corn wa* quiet ona easier, oats were dullaud weaker.

r .un common i" choice luring Waea;. JJM BU00:Comments) Fanes Minuasotas. fit ida)* I ii i-..; au. fdS»7 JJ Wialsr Wneac. Fair to Cliolca old, st OUBri IX): 'iiiiksr* *.''«>.') l/iwiuHi ii .'«¦! ii -ourheraIllinois ami ti.*n.i. it JM»t-i'»> Michigan, ft 0<> 0 Uti.i;, s'uiar Wheat quiet, fl Ol *-j»«l oj .\ugu*t (lin.!float-, Hepioaioei: fl 04-s October fl on*s NyvemBor;fl02 all tn* vear. X*. i Chicago iprtng. tl B*a No. S oo.9oe,i Na 2 K*0 Winter, ti nh1* Cora qule t at tlVicaa* Sl'is.-'ls"'. August rtepiember. .il^isji'se- 50***to*70 dc loner: ¦»''¦< a to V- *li tea rear, usu dall at 2**<oe..a.i -j- -. <» -.'- Ango*' .MHA'^lt**'. -enieiu'jer. Rytililli, easier el otto. Han*y oulet at 64c. Kiaxsee* steadyat Bl .)'>**>*>t ,;. buitar quiet I reaaarr. lair iofancy. ijtiitti Oairies. g.sid lo tfeaM*, l.'B16aLggt qnlot at l«*»#l7c. Porn lower at Bli n.'.afl.' 16 I'tMi *12 u5*i2 25 August and eepl: fl217*>B.2 to h. oner: fl 1 70B11 wi November: fl 1 ti5«il7, allthe year; 912 20al2 So lor January Baikmest*-HhoiiUltr*, HOC- Baort Bib, 7.U5c.: snr. Boot. 7.4601vfaiKltt')- steauv al fl ld, Hea-siptt- Flour \00u bb.isWheat, tl,ms; suth.: cora. 834,000 mun.- "sis. iii "olbush., in*. .,.ihmj nnsQ Marley. t.HOO bus*, -ttl*.- ¦

Flour, bbl*.. Wheal, t'.t.i.OO bush. Corn '.'.it.oiS) baan;Oat* I l.'.OOO bu-h- ht*. t.VMi hush-. Hati*», 1.2'iu bush.Cl.icis.saii, Aucus'. -ad..Flour mortat hiuii Kaimiy.

14 C..otu in. Fobcv. ff 40afc o<>. Wheat demand goodat fl oo oeptemuec october fill. Keeamis. .'."sjousti. HBipaseots. h."Ho baan. Corn e.sier al 52*<ae.snot. Oat* in 'Cod demand *t 29-ic. Ky* easier at ><*.l'roviaioo* quiet, steady at fl3 5- of it. barley *te*ay.Lam dull al H. ino HuLt.eaU-Bhoulder*. S.7S0. Claar Kn,

Ha. o* steady, Saooidtrt, 7c.; i lear Kin, 7,&<*tjjClear, x one. Whiskey steady al fl ld. Uuuor flrm Ctoic*Wealers H**srve, i.ic.i inolce ''entr»l Ohio, Ile. sot.quiet. Marda nail *»C: New-Orleans, .> -,*»7 >«<?. Hartarm; Coaioou and Llgau St iM)*r*.> 7 Paectat aolUutcber*', »-. 7io*fa 2b. Kaceaota,5,*»»W o.-au. amp.tatt,1,1'jO neall.OBTBorr. Angnst 2'!..Flour quiet tt f*> 0n»f5 75. Wa*tt

steady. No. 1 White Fall cash, fl 10*«, Ati^ust. fl lOi >«,2 do.flOt. No. do. fl Ob; Ho. i Ked lYiut.'i. si Ills K**jectod, S7 *tC. lum >o. 2, 54«. OaU- No .'Woila*. Ste,.no. 3 do, i)4C H*K*lpU, 41.000 bush, hlilpiiiciil* Si, Vibush.MILWtuKka Augusr 23.-Fionr nominal spnag Bxtrt

f2o0««kioot Lowotoiles. fd 25 Pateuu, ». ^o. W**atweak No, ; Milwaukee Hard, tl 02. do., -toft. c***.».-'.'»*.' 4 - i-u" -¦'! te.u.ier -il u'-H Cur* .'».'. -

No 2 Sl*sCi RejocU*d.4SV- USU.No. 2*1 ..'c.. Wolta .ile,Kv* quiet: Nu, 1. ties'i. ,'i**.^ No. '.'. .'..'s,c Dar.*'-

Na i >e;. n.e. No. u d*. i ttiv nsw. Vie.IrovUlou* lower: Mea* Fora. S12 l."a co** aud .-septemberBlal '^5 Oct. Lori.Prime -leaia. j*. _i .*. caas au* Sep!*iab*r.October, h.', m. Liva Bog* higher «t » o Sta 50.t'loight*. Wheat io u ittai,. aoiamaiiy ot 2Iso Bau*r-i_uoac. l'.'a-i'. cheese steady, i.ggs BSSlsr. itecaiplt.Kloui. S.OOO bbl*. W'D**t. lli.DOO hu*:).: Harley, iudtu*B BhlpmtnU. Flour. l.),Uv*0 bbu.. Wheat. 67,uOD satinUariey, i.ot is. August '-'a..Flour ttetdy: XXX. ft-'SBMJ';aiui.y, *i visjt ) t.>uai,:a. fttijafi oo t-'euov, *5 -.'*

v., .ii Wheat lower: No. 2 Rad F*H. »i im*,i»i mii ash fl U*"»*»* 1 n> '* August $1 t)o*a»f 1 n"7« **epl*ail)«r;v. ti.ia*t.l .ii ¦« uclobcr. fl ll*Sl Usa .Nov.uiier; *i 06*tall th* year- Corn easier; cass sold at i I Na- 45%*) Aunula loi c. beat : 40\c- Oetobor : 4l*»c all 'be year, oat*higher at 2*v. casa. BB%*. BOpteuiber. -o *,#'i*aO.ali lb* year. N,li,lng doiug lu ny* or BallsyButter qnlci: ban v. ij*.Tc.; Cr*a_arv. l-*'.'.'c. Cora.meal wea* at B2 BB, WBisger *taady al ft 14. Ferglinn at fl'-! 75. Bulkm*ats-L*ug Clear, -tort Hit..ui'Ci Short Clear. 7 -jo. HaeoB-Loof Clair. 7.2M;sheri Kia 7.'.oc; Xkort cu-ai. 1AM ft, Lara ona stsc. Ht- «pt*-l lo ir. 4.01*0 ont*. W'flaat. :>. i io .***,:sin. 2*1,0*00 met. Oata .-,000 ouu. Hr*. LOW: .

ltarl*r. -. Hhiptnent*-Floar. lO.Ooo bbl*.; %'stot,7 "nu lm*» i 0: u. 5,000 lima.. OBI*, 5,0'JO; lira .- ls v. Li'On.lOLEOa Aug.2:1.-Wheat »cilve; No. 1 While Mich, tl lt,

No, » da, BIOS; No. 2 RM Wmt*r cask. Aug. fl 10; .**?*Umo*r. fl Io's; October. Bl i;<V Novouioer, fl ls1!January, fl ll)*» cora dull and loweri Nu. .' casa sodAugust, aSSiC askeil. Mepteiuber. HVil OeloBaf. *>li»'. 0»l»¦lull. No. 2 cash, August and .*-epteuiiitr. -'**<., OOtoeer,¦wy.: November. 2<l*ac Keceipt*.Wsaat. 15.'.ooo uo**.;Corn, ie,non iMiafe., oata, 7,000 uusa. shipuieats-*Wliasr. ID i.ixii; busu.. corn. 14.000 buts.; oat*. _*S*f,I'mt-AUKLTIil*. Aug -':¦!..Kloui-Hnle«l bim nuder modarst*

otfeun.**n,: stea-iy demand from the home tr.,te, **u|h'i*b .

fie '-j. Winter KiUo,B4; Miuaeaota Miia. lear, fi 7 v

fe: ilo MisiL-tit. tH2ai Pennsylvania Fami.y fi *fa 12**_Ohto Clear, fS?5t .*> Wlniet I'atent, f»» JSH75; Minnesota do. tai 7o*f7 50. Kye Flour -caicc un¬

til rn at f.1 b'-ts-f. 7ft. Wheat-Options mai kel de. lined *.*.and closed haiaiy .leatly; vary little luqtitn I ,r eiport *Ldcoriole n.,-ve.1 slowly: Delaware No. 2 K*4 lu ,-\ pun .-,.**''".fi 18, No. 2 Western R«*l tn aiport * .wi. t 1 lb'.. MI Deuware Uettlucipurt elevator, fl lOatfl ,.''-, Delaosr*No. 1 Ked afloat. Bl IV**: No iliad* ou dock. fli)5_>f! .":Delaware steamer on dock. $1 ill: D*.aware .*.teamer la 14 No. 2 Knd Mepteiulnr i-ohl al f 1 .<***Bl i7*_. do Dciohar, fl lUsto.fl i-'*-j; ¦ lo-lug. No. 2 KedAnguit. fl lU-*« bid. fl 17 askisi: isaptember, tl VH *_**«-Bl 17*s ttked; October, Bl 10 bid. fl i.'V a»ked; No¬vember. Bl io', bid. *1 .l's asked. Ryo-Cauo-* *v«nt-d**Bfe.1 amati lois at Bar. Cora.Very Hi ile denian, I for opUoutami no tinpot lani bange mpilce*. etpoiiais m»nl!e«l**<'lim* or nolnieresl In tim market, carlota s t wsnttd. stu

Mixed on track and in -.'Otti-st *lev*tor Sic No. il Miiedu*tra*:k aud in gram depot, ,j:,*,".tisac. -learner Mn,si on I'»*-'¦.Ooc: Bn-ouini-.Mimi in '.'oin st. elovatur. flle steamer *..*

low In 2nib st. elevator, O'-'e.: **»tl Allied in irani denni. 6l'-»

Hail Yellow io gram depot, ilil'ie -ali Yellow aiUat, «'.>

¦sall Mixed Manie nbei »o d ai bl SUI ,C, co .>.¦*. b- ol, eic. asksd, ^P1***"'

*T.alli No.'J Mixci Hom »7*»Ovio«n to *Vc ofstsd St_t. Clos*»tthelatt«riate, No. H While. 4:'C; Chou edu do, !-*».

4JJ4c; NO. 2 While quot-sl al 44Viv: Faucv I utasp**'-«*»While sold at 46"a*'., Aiuuit options wfre wauled by *_->r'*,

and with light utferlng* adi auce.1 fully -'c ti'ier moui**in tau demand aud closed a poul *iic. higher; s_ieo_No. J White Angil*!, H'.UaC, do .-epUinitie:, > -.*«.: do _.".vembar. :'7Sia 7V-; closing No. . W'nn. t . i»i, '¦'Y.{»'*J-tit. asked; *S*pUiuioer, Mite', bid.-li^csskeil ,)ctnbei. .)')*«.

bid, 1.1*0. aaketl: Ni ive mb** e. ,17V!- bid. Sv.t- .»*»._rTuvlslon*.st, adv; Beef, City family, *'< ***14 *''-¦»t'aoaeu. Sin; M No. I Me**, fla Heel Usia*. «¦»»

¦Ul indian Mes* Heel in Uerce* free ou *_)*«.JU; Oiled Heel, *-.**_'_: p._ \|*** i.aen), fl*_o-flli do Prime Mess, flt 50#fl.). Hams hmo*


uar B.U'.ai-e.i do, -s. P.." fully outad. 1. «*li*»t-; .*...._Sniokeo. tfJsc. do iu salt, shi^aics; bbouldci < ,u dry **»<.

i>:>a»7'«c.i do -amokod. 7-4*.*-».'.. -bo,., en Flcai**i*Vc.. dodo smokwl. d^auiac: Bellies iu ri. si* l0**f,-._m..Weil. IIS,<1'I2«_a Lard.u- .dy itv Kenood. *).'/¦.»

Western do, "2'*'22 Ssc, cue***.i hoicedull, Now-York Full cream. 10c. Wosleii j*.We-lern Fair to Hood, 7oi.*i|0,i Penusylvam. Port ^'rX8».>*.aC; do Full skim*, IB ic 8agar-Ka*» "ii si "»"

B.i.lBc. for Fair Ul ilooii KoAnlug ,>4u*c_v*.lu*>a »*.""_dull and ease,i Powdere.1. 8 sci utauiiiaie.!. -V VJ.i-S"A,"MV.iConfectiouei*' "A,* s'»c. Moia**«i- s,'m'"t__24 i*2« *.!«. for 60*" teal. F*ed-l)0ll and we..*; * I"**- ""JJ"tl.. i-*tlo. l'eiroi*__i-_>ual Rodnedlu bbl*- «**-,; .*_¦ *jcasoa, »i«c. lllgu Wluoa-Duil, Westoiu, fi li ".:"___.Flour, i.i'Oo bbl*.; Wheat, 41,000 bush.! Coin, n.-'** oo*"

uaw, u,ooo bush. B-Mimouu-Whett,«6,aoou_*h.
