new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1896-12-08 [p...

- tn r<» Kot out of the Amerlran poll- f K.asdthein _ ^ THB WANDERINO BTAKB. 'rM]1 v. ,,-,,,, :. Bl Lawla, and la ' i'hi.-a*-*.'.i; Bath*. aa '.<-'i'-K ln "*"¦ ln, hin Ottla Bklnner appesred kta! niis-l-.t l^ontauk Theatre. Brooklyn.Mr. Tree, »!,hC, -e gnlckerbocker, wlll sppesr In Phlla- ;o* a' Ti.v -,, ifjr;.Theodore Hsmtllon ¦*fi%tt nlght. ln Baltlmore, as l-uddln* Hesd C^'evei Kathertne, In "Th- Tsmlng WT,l %i.r. w "... Mr. t-hevaller la In Clneln- * rrancl.1 vYUaon, nos In Waahlngton, wlll .*».'»klla4elphla nexl week.M- Holll M- »-'.". red last nlghl In Brooklyn.Edward JfJaaato thla week. In Boaton.Mr. and Mr> ' 'nr,* Una ¦'¦ Detroll.John rfare acted, ***Jm % "leveland.Mlaa Olga Netheraoio a^JSTiionfi '¦¦¦ Xew-England clrcull.Btuart «»f,lV ., u ii .Lllllan Ruaaell le In WP*L nnBB hlan'a bcnefll wlll aaaemble C8**P«Va'rB nexl Ktlda) al lha Broadway Thea- asaalaaTiaVrei Mather wlll come t,- VVsllack'a ^..r,'.n Januarj 18. !«*?, md preaenl "Cymbe- TB*-Jr ..- un la io appe ,r at the ¦. .". tk iitr- «' VV. .'o'Ud.H-k has retlred rT*"5aBtago aell Wlll iotne to the PfJTta Ja ,.ii-. .*.... and preaanl "An Am.-ri- 0*3Lutv'' Mlle. Yv.-tte Oullbert will emerge aa*tUeVfc .'.-. the cneert hall of Koster .**£,- M. Crane'a rernarkable acilng ln "A * tKe'r-'it' "'.' the Flfth Avenue Theatre, hns j ¦' on. und oughl to attract ggS .-a- JH BATRICAL 1 Nl IDENTR ¦ jiiisn. of the raelodrama of "The Cotton mt-f waa pleaaantly effected al lha Columbua .rieatre last night. Vi-itors to the Grsnd Opers Houae last nteht ww i v w'-i''i I '. : "¦' -"im' tlm'' .'' ''¦. <'urr,'n'- '"''* i'aass oxteal popohur. cstlsd "A Mllk Whlte ga Ouater'a facetloua bul eosrae plsy ealled *f Fiorid* Enchantment." atartlng on Its travela, alaaached Harlem where it waa preeented Isat ¦iVhHn th- Opera Houae ol that place «*h!' v.-*v Theatre Ib to be called the Savoy 2^^ unmaanlng tltle hi.r.-i. and Mlaa .1. f- I 1 i..«-V- Mr Frederlefc Pauldlng are to Jg^'h^JreBenllng sn old plsj csued "I.a -Spiroduetion of The Olrl from Psrle." sn- rr,i\ for laal Rhl ai Ihe II, rald Bquare The- BB«aeedfl ^ J .,. ,.. .ll.,omi,u,h,.,1 ,,.. *4%B*'i«kh conaecutlv* i formsnee ol "The ." . |,.!v> Th.atre on December f:*". [.tor wlll recelv. copy of tha V Jea^ra^* M %gella wlll ahortly }ola tba ...' ,;.v now pUylng il lha Brosdwsy Theatre In "w^Maseflald. a* the Gsrden Theatre. aave a «^»t*-" laal nlght, of the eccentrlc Tftftrf ffitlv. ln 'Arini. and the Man." and l*Cwla aaao wlth dellghl by b full houae. MIbb r^maraa B ar, uneommonly sweel and plquant haaafaf caprl toui mlachfcf and demure alm- TS* la thla pi< The whole repreaentatlon waa [.noeili and asre* ible. and the r.-vival gave much P»"**!are' _.,_ AT THK OPFRA. lt B vary much to be fesred thsl llossrt'a "Pon Bjjraaar wUI aoon be a eurleadty In o,ir operatlo aaawam le be Inapected at Intervsla ns a thlng ¦arkgj s Btrsngi Interest, chlefly hlalortc. When tt-»t aahippy HmaVosaea aomebody will probsbly BttosB Brd iry lo reosoB out exsctly why a work atj ..., ^o wscmerltea, VerdlHea snd Oou- i agreed waa Impeccable and Immortal could tw grran wlthoul provoklng .-» aingle outbural of aaaStaa, heartfell enthiaUsn, as a*a« ihe eaae whfn th- opera was glven al tha afetropolltsn Bjara Houaa last nlght. Of courae the manner <>f tion wlthoul th«- Bllghtest regsrd for <-o- h*renry reaaon In the drsmatlc depsrtment, ¦Ifca ihe pi bllc have had to endurt for deesdea, gassance ..i tiie new notlona uaculcsted by w.ik- tar and his followera, haa had aomsthlng to do taui it; bul even when reduced to 'he level <>f a Bril eaaceri In coatume wlth restleaa acenery, ihe cp*ra BMkea so strcnK an sppesl lo all who love Baatc that it must remaln a wonder t i,-it a M- tro- po'ltan audlenee can h,-.-,r it with an apsthy lhal mn? aure death in lha nesr fulure for the \s.,rk. so gr aa New-Tork la roneerned. Perhapa a better i, bj thsl whlch wsa enforced upon Ihe : of 1 verybody last nlght the inabtllty of the Si-oriiy of the singers to do anythlng like iustle-* ihe muale. Bympathy wlth modern drsasstlo of < omposition has not krwered, i.ut rsiaad, A* popular demarid touchltiK the sIiikIiik Of Mo- ar:'}. musie. Conacloualy or unconacloualy, the KtNlc hav* learned lhal Ihere is auch a thlng as b XM.irt Myle. and that it ln gJSWl. very rare In- M. it waa certalnly .ii,s< nl from las; nlgbt'a per- BBBsrira, so far a- the women perfonnera w.-re caaagaed. Mme. Lltvlnne wsa hopeleaaly -onven- BSBgand ¦..- ttrk-al aa Donna Anns; Mlaa Traub- ntnn utierly Incspable aa Donna Blvlra -from a ; :.;> voeal point ol vlew the moal dlffleull rOla In !'.» op.: Bvldently ahe haa developed an ambl- BaatadlBplay volumi >.f volce <>; late. The ¦.'.r.d.1- .k» ir, !;, idable, hut it oiiKlit nol to manifeat Itaclf kaathrr.atk' exploalveneaa, as li dld last nlght, «,r it w*ll a,;...- j;^ ;.im wlthout f;wl In Mosart .- meaa- ura*. in v li h artlatlc perfecilon ..- he Bral d. i. Ier fim. m,-~ Bngle as Zerllna Bang mueh hetter Oaa hfr impanlona, i.ut compelled regrei ''..>' Ihe tou?' «ai .-, large. for h>. Irnpereonatlon, other- vis* eharmlng, .-utifer,,! from th,- insdequscy of ttr vol'-.-. As for tt.. men, Meaara, Lssaslli (Don Osvannii Kdouard d»- Reaake iLeporello) and Da ':; BUpham fMaseettoi, ware iboroughl) compe* bl, ea. l: *. emad to be ln hli I- Baaatni Blgnoi Cremonlnl, Inconaaquantlal In the «»r]y par: ol ihe >-v-riiiifc. aehieved the dlatlnetlon Blaoemand for a rapetltlon of the li mlo leaoro," *!>k-h a iderable glorj under the ctrcura- aaai 11 THEATRE8 <>I YARIETY, Tn* leedlng n ivelty pul forward al Pro P^ijur*. I'a. .. yeaterday waa an operetta ealled A Mkbught Pi mlae," whleh w.,s aung and a h' Mm». Vlatnilde Cottrelly, Blgnor Paruginl and Ht-rr Behulta Ii was not a very pretentloua work. lt nad a ii r> of eatreme ImprobabUlty, whlch ln- .aliad b«xi to no humor. Huasoi la genersl ly aup- .-. of ImprobabUlty In an oper- *::«.' ¦¦ it had to atand on ita own merlta Bai Mrr., ,',¦¦ ...-.- was entertalnlng, .i- ahe well paari hoa -,., |. ,., .... ,,,(<,., .,,., p ,r. ,,. a young ¦'r-..¦ ...¦-. ¦ well. The programmi ol the enti, .**"¦ it by th, Bankey Brothi ra. naa Elli Carllngi Mlle. Ennu Cotrely, Juggier; earreatet and k \ i, the Ammona-Cleriae Trlo, i*rry a:. k -,.,, ... ..... MJm Mlnnle Renwood, fcfa nr.i Chapman, I', - .u,<i f'llnton, Mia.a fc'mma .,'*.'- ''¦..---- a* '.- ,,.-i MH ,.;:. Mlaa Oertrude VJV."'"'-- *.'¦.. s-. ¦:.:-. Hobby Kalaton, John *'. .aasBrl, an-i t.-.< \ ... ( '"¦ ftai»e Theatre, Twenty-thlrd-al wsa a no leaa reatarda) .-. ll li wont to b,. Ib thi »a alnsMBa whleh ww,t on all day w,-r<- Wllllam n ...¦ and M»r:c Bell, ';<-.n-ra; Mlte. vVinUtma a.,d .d,k igera aa l danoera; Oeorge tvan-. luuimi i; ];...,.,,, .... .ius Henderaon, El aforrii ,.. Rlch, .1 ihn B. and r ., |a, ailaon and .M.n; lewa. '¦,. , .. aaon ar. i lioth, lha Miaaa Wilson «'-./,':. and dane, ra: Marle Haath, gtj!, atallat, and Thomsa J. Ra- hla frl ndi gli K'' ""' ' ": '¦'.' -;!-.rr.^a;,. tne trsmp lugr- [./.'.' K'"''-'.. Blndley, In aonga, dsncei ind .¦rume.-,:,i n .- Jilaa Oaorgle Desn Bpsutdlng, S2ff'*« H. K.-ni. vlollnlit; C W. Uu irT* 1 '.'¦ Blrda, the W'enia »riha. Mc Giirl 9 :' and Oollette, Thom ¦- E. (.';*_:.»,-.j.,i,:. i;...,,^... K Au-,|n. aylra-walker; lha ".".¦.".f'W'i;.. Uiilui.- Ma-k and Ton> I'.-t ,r. J*t*l*agoon ragularly al th, Eden MuaeS aad thi ".ortcaur,. alwaya on vli w *-'. VARCl PRODVCED IX BARTFORD. BUrtforij '.-- ¦ - . rd, Cona i. ga . _.*;.'. VLI. /./. l.V/i'eJ L'XCLK To M.iRRY. fj*^11- VUli, i»,,-. 7.-Tha unnounceroent la (^ that Kllford Harmon, uncle of Mra, Qrover * * ''!:'' Ml'" i<,A*[,i PrlBgle, eldei daughtsr >»aa*ieke. ,,r'nK;''. w»i l»- marrled Dacember B, and gTT ">"r''.irlstmaa wllh ihe rrealdent .md fam- IN HONOR OF BT. NICHOLA8. AN ENJOYABLE D1KBEB AT DELMONICO'8. BPEECHF.H BT ri'.KSII.KNT KINO. F. J. DB PKY- BTKTt, THEODORE ROOBCVELT, TBE MAYOR, CHAUXCEY. U DEPgfW ani> OTHXRS. Behind the Bt. Nlcholaa Boek ly aeemi to he an abundani amount ,,f reaerve power. For many yean past Us each Buccei Lins. annual feaUval, eccordlng lo th memorlei ..f aome f the oldeat membera, has irpaaaed all prevloua efforta, Each yeor has aeen s.iiii," Improvemenl on ibe preeedlng one, and now thla year Ihe ahtty-e. and annual ...' tne Bt. N Bociety, whlch *\x? held laal nlght al Del- monico's, )-- aaaerted, and with tha beal founda- tlon, ti be abaolutel) the moal aueeeaaful tbal lha deacendanta of ihe old Dutch aettlera of Mew-Tork have ev.-r held. If numhera go f.»i aught the contentlon la well baai d. For the nral tlme ln over a decade th<- execu- tlve ofBcera of th." aociety were compelled, becauae ot" the extgenclea of sj>;. to reson to th<- orthodox metbod of aeatlng th>' membera and gueota al li n^; tablea s.-t ut rlghl anglea t<> tbe prealdent'a table. Illtherto lt haa been the uatom of tba soci.ty t.. aeai the dlnera ¦¦¦¦'¦. aeparate reund tablea where elghl peraona were aceommodated. This year, however, tbe appllcattona for seuts were so numer- oua thal in order t<> rope with th.- demand a re- turn >.f th." old rrgulatlon Btyle >.f arranglng Ihe tabli h waa reaorted to. Even then the large hall at Dehnonieo'a waa not btg enough to provlde for all who aaaembled, an.l three adjolnlng rooma were called Into requlsltl .- ELABORATE DECORATION8. The acene was on." r.f Burpaaalng beauty and anl- matlon. The prevalllnn tlnl among the profuae decorattona the Natlonal orange cokrr >.f H<>l- lan.l. Immedlately behind the prealdent waa tha tlme-worn banner ot the aociety. aupported on the one alde hy the Btara and Strlpes and on the other hy the Btandard of Holland. Tha orcheatrai gallery factng th-' prealdenl «.is draped with tbe glorioua Bag of the Republlc, wlth a centrally placed de- vlce "f the aocli ly'a coal f arroa and us motto be- neath. Orani.olored atreamera were hung ;i!l parta <.f the hall t.> -. rommon meeting apol In the centre of ih< relllng, whlle added effect waa .!¦¦ rivc.l from a prodlgal dlaplay of looma an.l f<>ii- age And as a aorl ..f fringe t.< this extremely pictur- eaque acene were Ihe atolid and alrooai Impresalvely dlgnifled colored attendanta. I'ntU thla y.-ar thesu __f_rs_jyj w\ j ¦'¦¦ - ----¦">¦-.'* LIVERT OF THE ATTEXDANTS. ni^n ),.¦. .-i irrayed in ihe coatumi thal «<,..¦ by ihe name of Contlnenta), bul this year ihej ha) been put In a wondroualy colored ¦'¦. lhal wa not wlthoul Iti due effeel ln iie-r. Ini a Th< nea dn of .ni ..i ange-< olored bl and ..' knlckerbooker* alao of hlue \.i vet and aid* aeam of orang* aatln whita .-t. el buckh d aho ..¦¦ im-down a Itei laci crai at h. Iped t-. m.ik.- a tl II eonapl. uoua unlform. TR iDlTIONAL CEREM' »X1EB OBBERVED. Jual befor* lh< p. aklna. b< b in Ih trad ..-.-.. of tl »clel) were obi vi III aded i.. hugler playlng an Insplrlng march, the at nta in il>.u!.;> column entered I. .. hall b< ai ,.¦.,;¦ .. Old weathercoch » »wned Ih* New-Amatei .. m Town Hall it Burllna. Bllp, and afterward polnted th* wlnd over Wa ilngton IrvtnK** homi il Bleepy Hollow. Wlth Ihi ro k rame the greal f the aociety ai rt In ac. ordanca wlth cua- i>,."."i >v. r-- aolemnly placed before the preal- di nt, .. proceedlng whlch h- duly a knowledged by dofflna the oM-faahloned three-cornered hai a ie- wore durlng ihe dlnner. Handsome aouvenlra were provlded for each dlner, and Iheae, wlth a Bumptuoua dlnner and an -<f..r math of bright ape^'hi ...<.' relebratea th* featlval of lhal anclenl Blahop of Myra, who, tirst the patron of aallora and ..'. achool chlldren, he- came ihe patron aalnl <>f the Hollandera, Bnd then with full approprlateneaa Ihe aalnt of the early ¦i ttl< n ol Manl u AT THE TABLE OF HONOR. Edward Klng, ihe prealdenl of the aociety, aal .,t ;.,.. head of the lable «.f honor, an.l wlih hlm w.-r. Mayor Btrong, Dean Hoffman, l-'r. deii. -'¦ De Peyater, Chauncey M. Depew. Jullen T. Daviea, John R. Pbuiten, Ihe Rev. Dr. .1 Lewle Parka, Theodore RooBcvelt, Ellhu Root, Oaoeral Thomaa ll Ruger, Commodore Montgomery Bicard, l»r. I>. ]:. Bt. John Rooaa, Nlcholaa Fbih, -i Kennedy Tod, Juatice Charlea H. Truaa and B Coleman. Among othera preaenl were Jamei B. Ludlow, H. <;. Ptckerlng, Roberi T. Emmet, E N, Taller, Wllllam a. Boyd, Roberi Walker, Iflram Smith. .1. Beaver Pagc, ll N. 'niTt. the Rev. Dr. Tiffany, v K Borie, B. V. R Townaend, K. !>.¦ i". Mvlnga- tn, i- N, Taller, Bamuel T Bkldmore, i iinrv.y Boatwlck, .lohn B. BUnpaon, Oriaon B. Bmlth, the Rev Dr. Van l .¦¦ Water. Oeorge A. Meyer, F. W. Devoe, John D, Wllaon, Henry W. Eaton, Roberi Ratbbone, Wuil im !.. Q illlauden, Bmll H, Prnnk J s. Appleby, Edward De Win. .1. Thorne li,,, er, .i.iiii' M K'an. Elbert B Klp, L Bchu- marker Theodore De Wltt, B, F, Randolph. Charlea D, Chupman, T. C, Walbrldge, J, <; Darllngton, Banyer Clarkaon, A. R Dunoan, «'. Du Boia, L. «". Dcming, A. W. K.n.v. J. T. Lockman, Wllllam B. Bt).( .\- i'..,,, r ||, Imutb, .li'.. i'i-rre .1. Smith. Ite.r Admlral F, M. Bui. Wllllam <; De Wltt. I \ Wheeler Charb>* A. i-'ii'. Bamuel A. Ciark! lohn A Chambera, J. O. Dnrllngton, 4 B Vai.nt.",'. Colonel Alfred Wagataff, Judge Rumaey C N Jordan, Charlei .1 tTanda, i>« B K Lyon, John H Abeel. Paul O. Thebaud, II Von L Meyer Wllllam i> Murphy. Wllllam W. R^nwlck. E s Renwlrk. Alberi E Fo ler, Hatoted B Froet. ir. John ii. SMiin. a Vaa Bantvoord. the Rev II I-; Cobb WUIUm L Brower, Dr. «: M Bmlth. Auguetua Floyd, Wllllam RoWbob John Q Floyd. lohn -, Rlker, J. H. Bchmelael, Oeorge Bchmelael, Kdwln J. ailllB. C. v. Wemple, J. lt Wemple. , b v.-ii Wonner. Akbotl Footer, K Penfold I ¦' Drake, vTUIIam H Pen- ,,,,, u Bayard Bmlth, L, Btrabetgh, Inrlng Bchmelael. W R Bchmelael. H. v w-mi.h-. Oeorge J Behermerhorn, Dr. Walter H. Olllette, lohn Walbate, Judgi ll W. Bookstaver, T. Floyd- jonea it B. Rooaevelt. Charlea L Jaaobua, Qrata Nathn'n Bamuel <> Howe. WUIUm 1». Murphy. Wai* ler P bwea ¦ H Reawlch. John H. Feater, An- ihonv I Van Ooatwer. i B. Barctay, WlUiam O. FerPtanek.Dr.VanAredale.r. w Um Ber;Arthur !n_ri .ihiin.. »¦ ]- pamiuiii m Ouern-ey J Corllea Uwrenca, H. R Domlnlek. K ,, p.mkn.r. John w. Altken. Charlea ^frlape;!. Thomaa it Hall. B. A Qulntord. Mr. Boaart. B. H. Br-holl W4lter Rutherfonl, Dr. A, AJBmlth. D. P, ntaraham. Thoa-ca B f..¦ k ... W. Fel...wa. K ,", .-, ii K Rokenbaugh, B Oruner, I. 8. Inglla, Flotcher 11. I!u"- .'. Mi'"'4 «. h.i.n.-.hor,.. 'iv",,...'h,:,-W ,Crlapel!.H ... Btote. UJJ r ,, ;. putard. Frederlck Clarkaon, AtmUn O. Foa.LyveaantFWa.C.rlW.Horwo^ S,,lrp....ra.h.venP,>r,.<>orr,.V> iK- imklrv I'h.irl.S R. BWOrda, the R4V, Ut. All bou Hrown J- N- B44hmaa Warner Mlller. Te ber H Turner. Howard C OlcK.nson. ;...!.1 O. Do Wltt. Arthur V. Bchermerhorr, ChSrlea A. Rehermerhorn. W. R. T. Jones. t'olonel Da I.anry Kloyd-Jon-s. RdmUUd A Hurry, .1. <'. Westervelt, A. «,. Browar, s. *r. Csnnon, i: II. Lslng, c w. Carpenter, c. 11. Pstrlck, C. n. Clsrk, P. K. Tieman. Uotl i>. Caanon, Thomaa W. oi,. B. S. Bslley, Towaaend Jonee, A. P. Baldwto, tt*. O. Hackatsff. th< R< v. .1. Buckmsater, Charlea Bray, J. I-". Blmmona, R w. Bmith, Townsend Wandell, Wllllam M. .siiiw.n. w. i. Heermsnce, Chsriea M, Csnnon, Wllllam E. L'lark, B <:. Cotaa, John tt*. ''.ould. Predertck Bratnard, 1:. W. Dewey. <;..¦¦ II. Mott, Predertck C. Mott, W. ll Wlckham, J. W. Lswton, Arthur Norton, .1. Oranl Wllaon, laaac Lawrenee, Dr. <; \. Mlller, s. a. Coatee, w. m. Harrlmsn, Roberi B. Lawrenee, Pordbsm Morrla, P. Osttstln, Henry I.. j:.,i;,r:. .1. <. VVllletta. Her- bert I>. Lloyd. T. k. Evana, Oeorge E, Bchanck, I.ouls B. McCagg, aeorgs <; Klng, W. M Harrt- inan. Andrew Blbby, Judgi Oarretaon R n Qalla- ti". P. Rhlnelander. THK I'HAIKMAN I PRBPACE Wlth th. comlng ,,f the colfee and i-iaars Mr. Klng roae to open Ihe apeaklng I ih, evenlng. In I'.irt, be apoke as fo lon Once more gentlaman, Bl KlchoUa Daj comea around. Once more wa meat io ct-lebtate tha r.->- iivai or our r»atron aalnt accordii io the cusl ni ". our rorefather* Agaln hav. tha pteaaur, ... congratulatlng you on lha riourlahlnR condition of our so.-i.-ty. Our worth) ireaaurc-r managad our arr. ir.~ wiu, -,, much sklli that he .- abl. '.¦ a conalderabla aurplua <,f revenue (Applauae.) Ho conrronted wuh ,, condition, not a theory. 'l.aiiKvt. r.i nr rourae. we have %. to *\ork to apand It. and th> aoclaty enjoya iha reaull In Ihe new and aorgeoua llvertai ol our aervanta and the dlmlniahed prlca .>( the llcketa for tha dlnner lAppaua**.) ,,iir Becretary' dealgned and aelected th.- llvery, nnd your thanki ar* due to hlm, As to the dlmlnahea prtoe of th,- tteket* lo ihe dlnner, tbeatewarda were ln lom, apprehenalor, leai you mlghl imagine lhal the quulit) ol the dlm ml daierlorate ... proportlon, bui I am parauadad ;ii- after an expertence you slll ull agn-.< we have had a fcj dlnner for u ll tlcket. (Ap¬ plauae , lt Ib alwaya a plcaaan* thlng :o come togetber al our s. Nd holra ratherlngt Kuay men, aa moat, if nol all >>f ua ;,,.-, burdanad with tha labor, rarea and reaponaUdlltlea tha buay New V'ork llf- rlnga, II Ib a di llghtful r, laxailon lo la) asldc all Benaa ol care. lt. thal aoclal li ., ouraa whleh the foundcri cf Ihe aociety iWxorlbeil ua oni ol Ita ,-hi, f ,,i,.i..-:.-. th.-y Inlanded ihi, llialr dascendanta ahould h.- frienda also (Applauae.) Hut to-nlghl B'< :i. [og, ii-r with n greatai i, nar of ri izatlon, foi w* ha had .. m tat ¦. -i iletli .- year. Pii-at, w< had tha Ven.zuelan i|ur»:lon, now ... ii hettl. ..). nt, hon irabla ... h l*i*i * ot tha rontr, vai »j and Ing ln Ul. preatlgo to o lApp H far more Importani ihar thi aa ik< nlng fai de, |B i-. ou Pn -i-i.. W'a hav* n '. un n :.. !..-. l. ,| ¦. Ing no party dinerenci I, .- tnatti \ ..>:.¦.. an ol th, hlj:.'.'.¦' Importanee. <|iie*tloni ..;'', Ina th' aulllad th* I'nlted gtataa, lha maintanane, <'. an ... neat indard ,,f valui .., our deallnga, :!. ind prlvat, (ap laiiaei ihe pi. -..;tatlon ..f the Indeni n lenc ..:' .1 larj lappiuuaa), he and dutj if lha Natlonal Executl. -,,.-. lha Natlon'x lawi (apnlauB*) nnd, fina y, lo I, rtde -.v het hi -.¦., -', uld be dl. Id* ii 1.,--. -, by mutual hate (applauae) oi whei iar we ahould aay In th* worda inai met ua ni Madlaon Rquare flarden: "Thare Ib no cnamy's eountrj I of oura." (A| ,...- iia.l lapplly . rt, I, ,i.iv haen on th« ildi ol honor p, .> ¦.¦ ai a wl (Applauae.I ll., thea, queetlona belonged to party i lt a I hava i- a .. it ,,f pu¦... io :-..,. .- t-ert. to them hara, bul whan w* -. Ib. bei menta In both of thea* h,*-..r: partlea 'i\:;:i aald* all Ihelr dlfferencaa and unitlna for the pr«*aarvatton .. \: honoi .rn ol o ii -' lutiona, we :.- I tha ,-rv of ihe "lana ilnki Into InBlgnllU-ance. (Ap- plaitaa.) T;..-. i- another >nald*i il on whleh - full of v itlafa, tlon Wl en .:..,' .!. '..,:.. w,,-^ -i November S, after all the hlttern,.-- ol lha b elaion wai icc, |>t< A ¦-. ali aa \n, ... ,-, p, ,.,¦ wlthoul dlaorder «Aj.p'.. v... have aiven the rld a new prreif n trengih ol i, im, l«*an H*p IA| These queBtlon« hav* baei happil) B*t*led, ai |a full of ,p* \- «Ith th. pli .... ¦-. .: ¦-. ia>l f ai llfted from our breaati, wlth th, larh |, ,,f.d ,i».iv, w* may a>< II I- ihla Ida all car. , all b rrj ii ¦. raa thal Baint Nlrbolaa haa In ra for u (Applauae ) REORETfl i'K'-M MAJOB M'KINI.ET. rlafoi... r Mr Kini; r, ad .pr, .- ,, y, Th r wa from Oovi rnoi M nd th, ond fi >m Major B K v bb r-.-.-, red wlth Th.- I»n al<l. nt-i li ¦'- latter r, ,.i I faal hlghl mpllmenli tallo ti nd lha ai -' f n. ,v ^ ¦.,. i ¦¦ l.ul t ny It wllh n in..-- ...-., ¦¦ ml .- ,..-- w ii.i.iam M'KIM.EI REBPONBE l'"i. **1 Nf ll"t «fl Tl,. flrat toaat of th, ng, -h ,- >i Bl ! ,..¦¦ praa to have baei , ponde lo It* Dr. Oraar. ln ),. W .1 » llll.l bl. ¦' 11 w ,. .:.,,.-. i, nn< t-. Mi i- pi pungent iaad hl hanreri Ha i :-. i ,. r. ii . lham Mlna la 1 li thi roo.n .¦. m< r, .. I .-,,i: .- Navai /- lha .< ,.. ii from ii.-.- fri.-i .1 " 1 I, .. ... lha ... ith ol n i. ... ||i< i,--;,!,. A to tt f,.r Bom< ¦.¦ Ihai It kllled hlm Blne, \ ,....-.,.'¦ ;.¦ .... Vorli M- .i th. ii. x- th. ho iprlm '.'. ¦¦¦.¦.,.''¦'. and h* di lln< d It «'a ui I ii lA'i t..l II lo "ol Ui . |1 W. offar. II '. Ai '.'..¦ ilaallm -I 11 IV* <n< ,. -I :. to ma || ha qualled They th. n mad* up lh< Ir mh lhal a hara ih< lall co ild lo othlna li waa wi k on Ihe alergj Th< .¦.¦ liii-ion and ona or Iwo ¦¦¦ iliop I'oll. r ran Tha) ,,ff,-!.-.| lt '.. ii - r .iii.l !.. -;.¦ ,:!¦ .1 ..... II ..¦ befom ii.lon f. om ni> lona* n t, 1,1 ,'..,i wotlld hav, ¦* hal lha B t,..l- I-;,,. npal 'h .. h .¦' N''' Ih Amarl ronld nol do .n.. wondar «... ordalm cannoi help II Ing lhal Ihe) oughl lo hav* Beked mi frl< nd 11.. i,. w The) i-,.. hlm »la moniha' notlr* Ihaj KHV* in,- iii I,-.!.,;..--' If lhal ......"' a terrlble of mlamanaaem. "" Ih* p iri of Ih, arda am mli taken My frlend wlll aoon mak* lo you II il admlrnhl* apaa, h of hla alw l) llka lhal ape, li il t- r I, is on* of th* graat, |.¦ mad< I do nol heallata lo aaj lhal .t wlll b* n-mambarad and Bludled b) ... lio..:,...-. whan l'. .iio-.ih-n,-s |x forgnttan Mr. l>apaw'i N- -a Enalnnd -i. h * ¦. ,h.- aame -i"- h lhal -a.- all h*ar, tha v apaech ilaughtai don'1 l- ui h hI hlm lf mak« thal pai h would il n do. w.-uid make 11 lan tlmea a >..>: would n, -. ehanjr-i ,,. nl.- th* la bi '". r-dliuiaih that any man ver madi ll aughti r, I wlll aay thla for Balnl Mehol.ia, thal II il..-ra la ganaroua and lovabl* ihe alandar, ll ,, nur |,.r,., (Appla W oldar New-Yorl love hlm; w* all lov< rt hlm aa hlldr. i, md lt thara are any Naw-Englandar.i h*r* ."¦ any men from Ih* ln Weal who nevai haard .,r hlm. Ihay ha- .. only IO gu 10 lha Httle ehlldrat* and lhay w',;i ,..;i blm thal th. ra i- oni) ona ln Ihe ealandai thal .. chlld lovea, and lha Balnl N hola* iApi tuae.) ¦.OUR COCNTRT." .i-b* to i-' of "Our Cotintr n hlch a ,.,.,,, ,1,. .,,,' menl "\\" know no enemy'B L-oun ID ..- this f.-lr land "f uura." w.n drunk wll ,. mpany atandlna nnd lt na .' "Thi Btar-8pangl"d Hanm-r." M was raapondad lo .. pollce Comml Blonar H .-¦ rali, arho i ild In p ri No- only mual we liBregard .ondltl in» 4 ,¦.,.-.- .' «-- wani mak* A - i o| ... ::.,.!, :,-; W, m II I- ¦¦--.,i ..,' ,.,,;.; |, ratioii ol laai an nol m..- .' ih" d, m.i- ., ntlmi n al p inihropl i. who THB MATOR'fl RBMARKB ..¦>: toaal to the clty, ai rt U ,. ;, ,i ded in ,".: a i am under th« Impraai l< tl.i country <-iin '". -'n>' .¦' ot the .,-wn ... clt) .- Hvai n. and ln ordi man to b. a good cittaen ol .- n -. Bt., i ;,., under th* Impn ibIoi thal -.. aoo.1 an ... anyi ilng un I eli aan \, \v -York In n uoie, i-il llil-.-' oi .N,w ¦ "i '* -¦¦¦'- ye.'V a goort nJany changea 8orn*tim*i ihe ,";,'. ...,., | ;,'., aorr) thai thara t an Irlihman ¦.--« happai ih il wi dl n -t DOBltlOna tbal were offered to th"m. (I.aughter.) And tn thai way ao ouni for the reepectabie govern- meni we now have. Th- Mayor then rpoke In pratoe of aeveral de¬ partmenl eapecially tbe HeaJtn and Btraal Ctaaa- iin. departmenta. 'I'lr.heen for "Jtew-Tork'a l>.-<t Mayor'' were called for b) Carllale Norwood as Mayor Btrong reaumed his aeat, and tbey were glven wlth a will Then, ln announetng the neal toaat, that of "Hol¬ land. Whal is HisK.ry Cnadorned by Thee?" Prae- Idenl Klng named Chauncey M. Depew aa Ita re* apnnaor Mr Depew, who ttot ¦ rapturous wel- ome, aaid in part: I waa detalned late thla afternoon, and about 7 o'clock ihe coldred man al the door i>ald. "There i- a lunatlc al the door; whal Bhall l do?" aald, "l.-t hlm ln." i needed a lunatlc al the tlme. The door opened and ll waa De Peyeter fLaugh- t.-r He aald, "Chauncey old man. hav only -:\ mlnutea' notlce in whlch to prepare b * .n St. Nlcholaa. Hav.- you the notea <>f th* apeech which you made llve yeara au.. on that lubject?' (Laugliter.) I aald. "Fred, no; becauae pr>- pared ihat st.h ln i\ mlnutes; bul I reeol- lecl the bonea <>f it and aee what you can .lo wlth them." "Well," he aald, 'wiih the akeleton of your apeech and mv ,.,- oratlona I fean tak" the board. d_,ughter.) wanl to aay, for am alwaya proutl of P- Peyater, thal he had fulfllled my l.e*t nnticlputiona. iLaughter.) I though) was comlng hen to-nlghl t<> an old-faahloned, tlme-honored St. Nlcholaa Bociety dlnner, wlth the uaual recollectlon of Ihe facta wlth th* uaual remlnlacencea >.f old New-York .m.i Holland. have been agreeably rl ngaln to fln thal I waa atti n.llng >; ratlllcHtlon meeting :' the trlumphs of aound n..v .m.i McKlnley. (I_ughter and applnuae.) I'crtalnly In .'.'l the yeara ln whlch I hav.- been preaer.t, and I don'l knov that 1 have miss.-.l one, never before have heai pelltlca Introduced In th.- hall and it was >. m..-.t rharmlng Uluatratlon of the harmonlea thal havi followed the electlon thal polltlca .. m <i to be the popular tbeme of tba \ enlng. Um i rould nol ln ip feeling lhal ln mv tlme, wai Presldent. we almply fought Yank.i. and now lhal I am out of offlce, and my rri--r.,i King is In feel whal a dlfference it ls to be In power ..'i'i out. i tru»l Btrong won': feel ir nexl fall (l_ughter.) n makea me .I aoraewhal aa heard a man expreaa hlmaelf ln u aafe depoalt mpany where waa thi- afternoon. Blnce "The World" aald wa* wortli .-'."¦ OO, ! took a box in ihe Bafe Depoalt Company and a man waa glvlng iip hli box. Tlie manager waa aeeking lo perauade hlm to retaln It. He Id: "You mual hav.- aome* thlng you can pul in It." IL- said: "I am dead broke." "Yoa must huve valuablea ..f aom* kin.l." nn.l ihe man aald: "l ha"e only a Br. Inauranee ¦. whlch h.i- expired b year ago, and aome miiilmr aharea ..f a buated corporatlon." (Laugh- Cit you Blll i.. nnit me, I ihlnk. to recall the Balnl Nicholu* dlnner back lo Ita nnclenl moorage, i. ol ihe reaaon whlch brlnga n> together mlk bo il ih.I.:..!. If ahould enti r int.. e,il all |i ihi i enlng. if I ahould follow >-our preal.b nl and Broiher Rooaeveli .m.i the May¬ or. H>>l ind woul !">¦ !... In It; bui if our anceetora had not i.i In Holland, where would we !»¦" i. n-i-i >..- |t is one of the luxurlea of the year ili.i" w arho are engaged ln actlve puraulta for ,.ll ihe member* ..r th. Bt. Nlcholaa Boclet. are ¦...' pursulta can lay aaide tha ma- ¦" ' it..- preaenl in order lhal lo- carnate Ihe rnmanc- of the past. (Applau .. I Oeneral liuger, t'ommodore Rleard, Ellhu Root and l»r. D U. St John Roo a also poke. II ls \RR i'i i.i. rn FROM ITS ROCKET. A BAII/iR'fl WONDKRK1 I. I'l.l'.'K i'NDER A PAIIt i-'it. \. ii.i:n r Aa thi Ban Domlngo frulter, Antonlo Zembrano, «.!-. l. ivina her pler, No. I, North Rlver, laal on. !.. r Ballora, ;. oi :¦¦¦ l Hen, a Ni r- wglan, twenty-one yeara old, i,-..' his rlght arra caughl ln nd before he rould releaae it the member wai torn from Ita s.»'k.-t. Wlth won¬ derful i li k he rearhed over and held the rope wiih his lefl hand utill if Captaln llle had tho ateamahlp docked agaln, \ liurry amhulanc* call wa* aenl In la Hudaon Ktre. Hoapital w im on. I'r. I. \ l'.. "i wa* weah from loa* ..f blood ai ITerlna from hock, bui hi w.i.k.-i down thi .i l. and un' :. ¦.> tl nmhul ine»> wlthoul help I Imi ii up '.. ragged vi ara a aald lal thn man would He dld noi I..on- !: - fitp :. ,'t ]..,. aft< hi had r. a THE IUSTRH l TTORXE\ >////'. \ ;.. BB APVOINTBD *B COI/)NRI, K_U)U - IR ihn R. !¦'. II «- i.Ipii ued . great -:¦ rda regardlng hl* poral- v ..... f th.imi y of S I orh li waa iana of all i Ri would ... ..;.,. ilnti i b) tba rxplrrd term of Col nel Pellowa, . nded lanuary l, V»i T ap- imp .r:.i:i. offlce ta tli<- Re- n* foi the tnst Um* aln ¦>¦ Benjamin K Ph p '.i phelp* wa* ..:.¦.. .1 ln 1871 re- 1878, bu reded b) John M .- >; rvernor l! »bln who wa* Mi Ph. Ipa'a prii .: ilican .««)¦.- .¦!' to iceeed C doni F<' ,.\ Hall a u alao look. ti| oa M Hall a :.¦.!'-. in il-'ket - -, Couri :.. wenl the p "i"- Another law- v .1 I'.'l m.i- Al- i; llca n a. He rai leath of .li Ig* Morton a i hlm i" the Court ed laat year a ¦> He » .- ti ii k< laat yi li foi bul agaln ll wa* nol a e In- Many i il haayera were pn '¦-¦ t- \i rton « uld m ika ,.,.[, ti oB .. .,,. ., a/. re Bdv. "i Mltchi 11, l,,,,, ie irli i mi ¦¦ und. r Preald. nl i".i Mavoi Btrong s offer to ,,,. k, |MI c,.| e form r ln Ihe -, rli .: ol ... ,\| K Olcott, Repu h t.¦..,..¦ 'oun. II. a ho i- laa ,er ol ,. ..,¦..,/.. iHlenl*. and wh. frlenda have lieen _|iiyor ol >' Ureatei Nea fork. ,.... \ itl n nl arho ara* h. h ilrc ol i;. iiMtcan delegatei foi Judge ,',f ih< S ipn m* >"ourl laal ¦' " fho baal.n ibe mo a u and .1.l Republlcan iwy. i- In Ihe rli) for n ciuari. r of n centurj Ei poii.'ommli -i". r "'hai n Murray, who .,,,. ,. ,,. I'.doliel IMI..'-'. >l DlatrlCl AH" ' .. wa i el« I ¦. ll «J, waa ..I-.. PUl on r,,"',,'; ,.f ......i-l.... M wa- aald tha. ,,, k.-.l b) pa" of ih. ii... hlne Anoth. i |>oa*l- ,|l,l .!,. v ;,- M ¦i..!iatn Grilbl i. bUl BOme ..f ,' ,.',...). aald thai ihe real obje. ln brlnglna '."',,. ,, tttorne; when ihe changea I ,' . ln Iho C.''. I" I'.p.uiin.nt. V '. a R< ,. ...Im.; to tbe hi, ¦¦' Dlatrl l-Altoi a genei r.»gardcd i.i,,., io Tiininmny Ha». ..« atunnlng ->- li waa ,,,,,, ,.-,,. ,;,. rly iwenij r«_ra the Demo . ,t« have relle upon Ihe Dlairlci Attorm ¦¦ of- k,, ,, ,,M., ,, of th* aeml rrlmlnal elaaaea ln '.. for thelr tlokei Together wlth Ihe Police Ih p riment, Ihe Departmenl of Nea Vorh ,..,v tt ,s ii iiowerful wcupon ln the h .rn. ..i th* VViKWuin Tamrnnn) loal ihe Police Depurimi'iil and , n ,.,,. -ii,.. naalatanee of the Dlatrtct-At- !' .... . 0fn, waa feli laai ¦¦ ir, wh n rnmmuny, rcinfifrerd um more b) the lb|Uor int. reat, arri. .1 ,,,' |,j |M hla ilcul illona for .. curlng ontrol , ,| ,.,;,-,...,., \. a Vork munlelpnllt) lntMi7,li i* ,.,. doiibted thal Croker rounted mu. h on the ald whl,.|, ;.,.. di trlct-Attorney of ^.¦w-^..lK could Thef'"0WHt much apeculntlon veal. nl to what ,,, ,-,. M-.r.,.., - cnurae w.tuld be in aeleetlng the .,,, i,, lon. PelloWB, II « l* [fOlllled .mi. ,..,.,. ,,.,, ,; |, ni.,t h. .,'...¦ llttle lo the Btate , ., and .. rtalnlj on ore lo Ihe count) p ;, i,,.. i, .iiiiin..ii iik i >r weeka lui I,. |o rnor'a r. ojm lhal hl rlvate - rei .r,. -.'.}. ,.| \shlei W I'ole in,. 'i wl Bnmuel A. ,., ,,- |H|, v pf in,... aa Rallroad I'ommlMalon. r, hud i.',,',, ireat.'d wlth wanl rourleay bj ihe marhlne manager* and lhal Oovernoi i-leci Black had been .,', |.,r nrevente.l nMaeiilinfi to I'olonel Cole'a appointmenl ilovernor Morton can ippolnl I'olo- ,.,l , .,,!,. Rallroad t'ommlaaloner, bui hla i.ini would ,:,,,! W|tn '..laui's -mu- I!..,-.! j .."i Pebruan ,l ni.j(| ilovernor lihick can extend hla term wlth ,|,. advlce .H.i conaeiii <>f ih" Benate for ala yeara longer llthotigh Uovernor Morton '.sk'.i lhal h!- .,. ,,.< or rn nro' lalon for Colonel Cole, it H ,,.,i agreed .¦. ii- waa lold that the place had i.. 1.-,, pri mlaed hy ihe ma. hlne :.. Colonel fleorge W. Dunii, .. Blnghsinton, one ol Mi Platt'a moal failhful < !. ar||| lt. int. reatlna lo note thal hangea may be h oughl In the orgaiiisjitioii Ireatmenl of Oov- .iiinr Morton, noa thal he haa ln hb> li.ui.l-. the ap- ;..niiiii rn ..r .. Dlatrlci-Ailorney ..: New-York for t> perlod endlng .lanuary I. R8J8 li///.. Ill.l.h YESTERDAY. The wlll of Henry Herrmaa ihe well-known furnlture manufacturer, who died on November :'. w:"-. offered for probate al Ihe offlce >.f the Burrogate yeaterday. Mr. Herrman lefl an aatate v ilued ln the papera al aboui 81.490.888, equalty di- vlded In real an.l personal property. ln his will he requeaU thal hli deht* be llquldated wlihin Ihrre montha ir..m th. tlrn. >f his daath. Tbe ,,,.m whlch came to hlm from hla flrst wir.-. v ,',. Nicolaa, is glven to hia von by her, Oeorge Herrman. Mr. Herrman glve* the »um of 18,000 t,, I,, brother, Caeaar Haa*. >.f Bvanaville. Ind. Mr. ll., - .,,.,1 Mra Herrman, th.- artdow <>r tha lea- tator are made executor* under th.. wlll. an.l ihey wlll be allowed the aum of )»..»» m n per v,.,',- »> long aa they fulfll tha dultea «,f ti^ir offlcea Th* remalnder of th* eatate la dlvided .in mg tha wldow and ehl'dren v, nn..rn H Oedney, hy hla wltt, whlch was flle.i day, diepoeea «.f aa eatate raiued nt aboui jt;.u... He itiv.s to ala aona aeveral artlciea' of rsonal property and laavea the houaobold ef- i, .I one thlrd of ihe rralduary eatate to hla v jf,. Xhe remalnder U dlvided among hia two -ons Alfred W. and U'llliaui Oedney, and liis daughter, Joaephtne <: Hatbawny. H> the will of Myei Maranaa. under whteh aa estate of about WAAtt \M dlMtrihlited. the B4-M BI No IM Chya_e-et. IB lefi 14 hla daug.tara, _.rtoa Lathera and _Ikn Kohlwech. The remalnder ol the estnto is to be dlvided eiunlly amonr his chil¬ dren. . .ontkstino WII.LIAM ivisovs WILL. Th- eontSBl over tho wlll of the late Wllllam ivison. the pubHaher, who dled raeentry. lesvlng an estate valued at ahout UA*M*. WBB resumed yeaterday befora Btotrogste Amoid. By tba tarass of rrta will the hulk Of Mr. Ivlxons estate was left to Davtd Ivison. a nephew. Th* wlll Hi, SOW conteatad by a number of nephewa and nlecea, who allege that tbe teatator was of unaound mlnd. Mr- Annle E McCarthy HOI1 y.-sierday teatl- Bad thsl ln 1888, whlle Ivteotr* waa llvjag at the lioffmin Houae, he frequently Imsglned thsl he aaw hla dead arffe. and would esll out. ;Mv aweet Carollne" and "My angsl CsroUne. ,'viaon. stao. aeveral tlmea aaked her to msrry hlm provtdeo he could gel his dead wif.-'s ,-onsent. The Wltaesa sald thal at aueh tlmea, for tha aske of aoothlng the old man. ahe would promlae to flo aa The hesrlng will be eontmusd to-day. wil.L not REMOVR LII'MAN TRI STKKS. .lusiii-e H-ekman ln the Supr.-me Court yes'.-nlay handed dnwn a deelBlon d.-nyim,' 8 motion made by Mrs Kranr-s K. I.lpman for th-- t.-moval of le-r brotber, AbrabasB Coben, nnd ier brothsra- In-law, Ahrendl and Cseasr Caaper, aa co-sascu- tora with her and truateea under the wlll of Jullua I.lpman. her huaband. who dled a raar ago. lesv¬ lng ... eatate vali. al 8500.004. the hulk.ol whlch be gave lo the wldow for llfe, and. on her desth. to thelr three dauarhters. . . Un Llpman slleged thal the defendanta. aasda heralgn cl.ks wlthoul telllng her what th* money waa golng to be aaed for, and also that she had dlfflculty ln getttng her Income from them. Bha charged thal Cohen. her brother. want-d to mTrry i. ,- dsnghter, and when ahe rrfo-sd to ronaenl threatened to make trouble for her. While !.nled th- appllcstlpn for the r-moval 0f ihe eaecutora, Juatlce Beekman sald that a ,-efer,.- could be appolnted to examlne Into tha ¦dalntlffa allegatlona, ln whlch aha la joln.-d hj her three daughti rt. .-a- INCIDENT8 IN 80CJETT. Un. Georga u. Bchleffelln, of xo. I Baal Porty* flfth-Bl gave a receptlon yeaterday afternoon to ln- troduce her dsughter, Mlss Dorothy Bchleffelln, who li very pretty Blri, and who was attired la a gown of whit.- silk. trlmmed wlth pink ros.-s. The tebutaate was aaalated In reeelv ng by Mlaa Mary Btewart, Mlaa Joaephlne Drexel Miss Mautle Delsfleld. Mlaa Mai Heakraan. Mlaa Fanny I"- Peyater. Miss Martha Townaend. Mlaa Barn Olbba Th, mpaon, MIbb Bertha Mund*. Mi-J Angell<*a Church and Miss Dalay Hol- llna m -s Bchleffalln recelved nearly two busdr. i houqueta. Mr and Mra Bchuyler L Psraona wlll glvea large ,-,.ptlon al thelr home, N». 806 K'fth-ave., to intro- duce tii.ii daughter^Mlaa Helen J. Pareone. Mrs. Henry Aaher Robblna wlll glve a receptlon thla afternoon at her home. Bo. US Plfth-sve.. In hosor of her young nl. MIbb Martan Whttaker. Mra. Petei B. tt'yckoff. of Weal Plfty-aeventb-at., wiu introduc* her dsughter, Mlaa Wyckolf. and Mr. .,.,d Mra. John B. Ireland. of So. 15 Eaat Fonf-JtA- pnth-ai arlll Inlroduc* thelr daughter, Mlaa Lsura Duan, Ireland, al a large evenlng receptios. The marrlag* of Mi-> Lucy C. Morae, dsughter of Profeaaor Morae, to Oeorge Walea. of r.oston. wlll lake place at I o'clock this evenlng ln the Lenox I'nltartan Church, Lenos-sve. and one- hundn i- ind-twanty-flrat-at. KIm Bertha Van Noatrand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Btephen ll Van Noatrand, wlll be marrled to Oeorge 1. il »n Mead al tl,'- home of her nsr- ,-nts. No. III k.,~i One-hundred-snd-fourteenUi-st., at I o'clock ihla i-enlng. Th.- engagement la announced of Mlaa Blla I.. W'lae, daughter of the late Bev. I >r. Asron tt'lae nnd ihe alater of the Bev. Btephen S Wiee, of Ihe Temple B'nsl Jeahurun, to Dr. Ouatav <.. The "mualecl mornlnga" whlch Albert Morrla Ragby haa alven for eeveral wlntera In Ihe Hotel Waldorf to the dellght "f ao many people wera reaumed yeaterday mornlng, So man) weli-known ,.,,,,;.. have beconu aubucrlbera that Mr. Bsghy a/ai obllaed to take the large new concert hall, ,,,.,,..- than thi ballroom, ln whleh the mualcals ,... held 1*. Ihe paat. Tl..- artlatB yeaterday w..r. 1'ivi.i Klapham, "f the Metropolltan Opera Houae Prl. I.- ontli (1 rtnei. 'ci llo; Mme. Ar- ..,,,, pan.1 of Colonel Mttpleaon'a company. and th* Woman'a Btrlng Orcheatra, Carl Lachmund, ronductor OrtOB Bradley and R Pettlnella were .,, ,.,. puno. Amorur thoae preaenl were Mrs. Mi,-hol.iM Plah Mi-s May Callender, Mlaa rtmith fllff Jamea Olla. Baroneai de Belllere, Captaln .-,,-,1 i.i,,;-. t'ecelln Ro«e, MIbb I. ul VVard Mc- ..llistar Mi-s Kilhv t'ameron. Mlaa f.lementina Purnlaa Mlaa Martlna Johnatone, Mr-. Oeorge B. |,.- Koreai Mr-. Wllllam 1" Burden. Mra. Perdl- nand tt'llmerdlng, Mra Jonathan Bdwarde, Mr. n vi| c Tempi" Kmmet, Mra Kllaha i>>*-r. Jr .\ir and Mra I'harlei \-' .' Hrl led, M. and Mra. ll.mi'1-n Robb, I'ounl Vlncl, Mra. Jamea tt. ,;,.,.,,,i Mra I'harlei l> Btlckney, Mra W. P. Havmeyer Mr- Oeorgi J Oould, Mra, Prederl k l, ,;,.,,.. M-- Jamea Hude Keekman, Mr and Mr^ (*af| h'lMChar-llanBen, Baronesi Dahlerup. Mn .. Cllnch Bmltl Mra. Joa, ph Btl -kn. y. Mra Rdwln Oould, Mi '''¦ irge Crocker and Thomaa lt Kell) M- .,,;! Ura i.'.ov.i Bryce, of Na '.-' tt'aahlngton A |u.,r- Nortl '" *1 ¦' ,! "';' " s';"'' '.' nlghl Mr and Mra Rlchard Manafleld Other Kueala war* W. Bourka Co kran, Oeorge tt*. Bmallay, Henr) Sl. Perry B* mont. Mr. and Mrs Millar, Mr- Burke-Bochc, .»!.-s Johnaon and Mi-s Ouer Mrs. tt'llllam Aator wlll glve a dlnn r party al her S 112 Plfth-ave "., I>'-, enaber I* .s/i//: /.ni EXAM1SERS HEAPPOIXTED. Albsny, Dec I The Judgaa of the Courl of Ap* paala hav* reappolnted Wllllam P. Ooodelle, "f Ryracuae and Auaten U Kox, ol New-Vork Clty, ;,. memra -. I ih, Bl it, B irrt of Law Bxamln, rs TBE QOVERXOR lt\<K IX ALBAXY. Aihany, ''. Oovernor M irton reaehed .\;i>.uiy t0 nlght. ii ap. di to ike u tlon wlthln i few l,v. ,,. |b* reclBBBlllcatlon of the placea in th- St it.* aervl whlch have been made by tha «'ivil gervlce ¦'- moi iton TBE WBATBER REPORT. vr.-Ti:rf \>.-- l:i'-'t;:' KSO TO PAY'B roRECABT. w.icl nai ". ''¦ ri" '" "naiar n rli a, ixeepl \. n .¦¦ ¦-. ind ii ih* fJulf c-ii. t. n is ... n ,i, an low»ii r. i-ii t Pak 11. Th. ., .lichl ilapreaal n la Boutharn T*aai ituadert by local ,,., ,. :. M Mlppl Va|| |t ll ».irm<*r ln lh. . of thi M wlaalppl aad la N. ,.: . ., :. tichtl) '.!' ln ih. lak, r*al a. Sea Rn«Und, tha Bouthwaal, Mlai irl and Kanaaa, Tt- «.-:iitt,-r Ii claar I,- i''nl" on tha \,::in>l.- Cnaat and ln li. k) M untaln 41 trlrti, bul II li cloudy m tba laki ., ind tha MlaBiiiipi Vall*y Tha aaather wUI eon- i, i. «.:.- illi .'¦' n ll" ''':1'- 1**'*| ,,,,! & lUalppi vi ini I. laa. ,,. vi!.;: f iREfABT l-.'i: Th DAY v ,r N*« Bnaland, Baa'ralb fi Ir: areaterl Baatirn S*« Vorl falr. | My ,.. iha mornlna; nurihaH) wlnda ahlftlna lo aoutbwaatarly. i' r Kaalcrn Pennaylranla, M** Jaraaj and I'einwura. partl) cl. 'i ¦' lrtob* v> '"''.". ... iMitiift t lui nd alarytand |,|. w.-.-i-i. illghi hangri ln t*mparature; light ''.':, '"\V.' '.''i *:.¦» v irfc ad Weatarn Pennaytvanla, ,.|nu.lj ln ih* i.i rnlng, foltowad by falr; llghl to Ireah itbw, .'¦¦:.- alnda. a TRIBVMB I.OiAl. OBSEBVATIOrfla. I'ir. ln.-h. :;o..j ^Tu KOL'ftS: .V'-rnlnff. Kight ;,,> i3 4 3 < : l . io 15 t ; 3 4 » « : t » lou 0 I- 4,; e.-rr "iJT~- .'-- -- . la'-aa WR- -.""WQ k JV " * 23: au.!_C -jrCSSSJMI AO. In I!:;." !:.ns'J>i" B caotlaaoai w*i11e 11ri** i<r..>WB tna riutifi' * ln praiauri ai indlralad by Tha Trlbuae'a ar.r- '.'.,-,,irnt barom*t*r. Tlia dolt»d ltr.«* n-pneiata '.! o :-ii,- ;,..,:.,,.. ., :.-.,:.'-.i at I'.-rij-s Phanaaey. Trlbune OnVe, Di ¦. S 1 "a n Tha «,-.ith.-r raatarda) I, .,., ,-,;: Thi tempai iiari uafad betwaaa tt ,;,i .-,,, .:...-. thi rarag* laBH Biaraesi balag 2', da. Kr,-.- hiahir iii.n taai .' Bunday and >»'¦ i>tkt,.*r taaa Lhal ,,f ,i.. i-i ii . mlliua >> " Ti.,, ..., :.,... .ii< «.:! mtlnua ta r ..n-1 mil.l. naartssl run" ^auanaea. auuk from Uttla plga- i.i'ir i-i .i-.'t'. -ii haa broughi cheap »uL-,;ttut,.» ine. iha iiint... niro. .pvn. ii \l,rv .t »if- ,.f v lt AranM, ai Pawllna, s v n* M. n-'-'v. Hacambw .*. IBBB. aaed BB yaan Pttnerai'aai l**i ... iwr lali raatdaaca, aa riutraday, .«t 1 S ll,. IN. 1.. VKtAJOWa On M..t..1.v. 1'.nil.-i- 7 IBBB, nt liU r»s ' ,i.ii.-, No 01" Weal IBSd M Mew-Tork ,-i... .i .hn K. K. iwi ln th- t'ltl. \, ¦.. i im age. i--im.-rni «,tm.-- wUI ..- h*M al ti- rhurrti ,,f thi ln iar.-<*silun, i.'isiti -i .rn r ii--. u.t. on Waaaaaday, Di eambar B. ..t *p m- HOYT "i s.i.-naay, imber .">. ISBB, .t.m,.* ot>* II jt. k .1 .'.. reara. |.'iir,.-ial iirvlci ..III bl held Bl lil* la'r rtaldaace, N .. :iio w.m 7.*,:!-. ..... ea Wfadneaday, I'ecmii^r i». «t Ki:;tu a ni Rilallvaj ind frl-ndi nra COrdtaU) invlted. I'rtvate tnLannani. Baston, Il.i.-ili.ii .Mia.) and Chlcaao papera wlll pleau ,-opr. DIED. MARTIX-At Oreen'a Farm*. Conn., oa Prtday. VtctU- b.r 4. IS** Roberi Martln. ln hla »2d r_m__ __,__ Funeral BWVBM at liis late realdence. on Wedneeflay. ».. IU_Um1 *_dtfrl4B4a>4n reapeetfuily invlted to;*"*nd. PBinage* m waltltif en arrtvallofJ»<afMa* traln from Oraad Ceatral Daawt, X. »., m. H- & ». ¦» ". Int.M-m.-nt private. Loadoa papers BMaM copy. MARTIN- la We*tp..rt. I'onn.. Prlday, December 4. Ib.bert Martln. ln hi* 92.1 >eur. Notteo of B4**_ftar. rtnMLT BaaMaair., December 7. Mary Seely. arl** ,f Jarilal I'annly. /.,.,.,.i Rclatlve* and frlend* arf Invlted to attend th*_fun»ral aarviaaa al ber late rexijen.-e. No. Mi weal 57tn-*t., ..n Wedneaday aftem.-in bi 4 o'eAVjah. Interment al the o.nvenl. n. <. of the fumi.y. Prtaae* wfll ftfadty ao*K Baa ara, I'KATT At Ntatileton. Btn'.en laland, Jlnnday. _DejBflBB4f :. tfutoa L Ratt, ma ot Mra ouvOaa *nd th* lat* Puaaral al No Bi Bwih at. BtaaBeaae. BHBBB laland. oa W. laeaday. ..abtr B. at BJO o'cioek. _ R-niiins win b* rawoved te BaaKMoa Braaaa i>m»t*ry Thura.lay morninK. ItlSI.IN.; At Newark. N. J-. »n Funday. December 4, }":m. -I. Raalina. _. ._, . _ Kun-nil aervlce* al his late resldence. No. 114 Mount Pleaaani av*. oa W*dne*day. al lo a. aa. Relatl\*» and frlends are invlted ln attend. Interment at Morrlatuwn. N. J-, Bi .-nvvnierce of tha famlly. SMITH 'rn Buaday Daeaaabar «. at h»r reatdene*. No. I9B \\.-i UBth at, Bfaraaratta, wil* ed OetBBB Thateher Bmlth, a<. d 47 y.-ars. Paaeral aa Tbavaday. «t Poead Ri'bte, ,\. ). THORN on s.itui.liv. I".BBBar .",. l*tn,, Emlly A., arldow .f Wllllam K. Th,,rn. In lier 74th year. Funeral aervlres will B* he| at her lale reslden.e. Xo. 14 *V*at lrtth-ai.. oa Taaaday, December *. at 10 a. m. W1XBD0W -At Klorenee, ltaly, ..n n. t .ber -2. IM*). <;.,rd.n W.inlow. .-aptaln 1'. S. A. (an.l member of th* D>ai i.eKi..iu, ? .n i ta* late R.'v. fJanaa 8rm_aw, I>. ll., nnd Ki.'harlne Klsii WBBBlBW. Funeral al Trlnlt" «"li'ir.-h. Uroadway and VVall- __., ,.ii Wedneaday Daeemher '... Bt l" Bf«to_i a. m. Intermen. at QfW) BWOOd. Baat. n. Haltlm.ire ar.d tfun l-'ranclaeo papera jilcaae ^^Pr. A..The Keoalco Cemetery..rrtvate atatlon. Har- lem, 4-1 mlnutea' rlde. fiotn tha Grand Ontral Depot Oflaee. 18 Eaat 42d-»t. gjiccial Xoticca. llfih Avenue Anetlon Rooma, .:<> I'lfili Avenue. \VM. R. Nol'.MAN. Au.'tloneer. XOW OX KXIIII3ITIOX, _\ SKKIKS OP' IXPOBTAMT SA._.E_ BT .vr.ri.iN. a.> Mkawa: Wi-dneatlay Afternoon, Decambar O, AT 2 O'CLOCK, bv dire.-tlon _ th- Wi l..w ..f the lata XAPOLEO.V HARONY, on. AND WATKKiOLor. PAUrTOMM I'.y Baat_a*B_fe <\ Ameriean and forelgn artista DRAWINGS 1>T IILACK AXD WEUTK 31V SAllOXY, A ColUwtlon of Chetea Booka, Keakaa Pattery, <~hiB*ae ai Jap__aa rorcalaIbb. Braaaaa Ivary Chrv* ir.«r«. Pecataa Vaaaa M..».. aaay aad wa! BUI Pumltur*. Koliini? 15* d. .. ALBO AN BXCBBDIBOIaT RARK AND INTKUKSTIN^'. POR- T.AIT IM on.. iv tha Hearjr iaa_a, of Mra, Arne \*-». aaotaer -f OEX. BOBBBT B. UBBI Alao AM A_OI_A» IH I'lNK oNldTlu.N, with e>v«rai Ratta f Mu-ic AXD "N WadnaaKlay Bramtngs, December oth. at h trcuocK. hy order ol II.BaiB W. A. AVIS & CO.. io ..iv advaacaa aad ea_raaa a COLU Ti".\ 0T vi:i;y CHOfCI WATBR COteOK 1'AINTIXGS, wllh a (tW a:ut|..s of I'.iir.'.lnKS ln Oll. Tboradap, PVidap and Saturrlay Afler* noona DeCMBbtf K'tli. IH* and IStfe, AT I 0*C_OC_, THK T. TOYAXA ( OLLECTION OF AM'IKNT AXD MOOKBX ART WORKS OP JAl'AN. COBBA AXD CHIXA. IX 1VORV <'ARV- ixoa BRoxzaa. bbocadbb, uuxtVMm, POItCC-AIXa l'.iTKKV AXD CO-OBBD I'RINTB. j^._ Fiflli Avenue Art l.iillerlea, 3WS PIPTH AVKXLK. near 34tli Bt. Stvlo thtH [ iilveninj at II O'clock, two 1'rivatk couuscnoxa OF 1'AIXTI.VC/S in Oil :md Watav Colora BT brtbtou j n. noacH, k. CEKVI. C. CO_B, THOa i.' B iiiANi:. niir.'H. PBWEY J. M DOLPH, J. H, ii:, mski.. ll. OIKPORD, 4 B. hart hm Hoiurn, wrxauow. lOHXBOX, KAVIIi. KBXBBTT, J P. MA- V W. 4 M< i:\TKK. J MtRPHT I r. B1CHBT. -BOX. ROHUE, L. TAMIIIIUM. A. rii'i'A.w. u >'. wTTT, J. n. K. _oS88anr-ille, Orlalaa Ac Cu^ xu ... neer _a_aaaea A.. DE3 I'lNXA-s \. w lasportaiioa* ler boya' rlothlaa la BagiiaBi anl -, .,-. h g.M.d* imprUe a'.l in* latea ealgna auit IM* t r bov* from 3 to ls yeaia. Bul - I r I*bc ni - ho parttM, nl and co.I«b< Bult*. Overc *ta and R«*f*fB. v>« hav'* i-'ii. pretty aiylt* ib Bulti and Ovai ita .' r luiu '' 'd_ ffsSA. 8M BTH AVB-, NKAR 3'iril ST. i inniii." <ii Lnapi 213 ;..: iva I. ..,-,, nn . ''- jeaa tl.a half pnc*. roatotllee \otlee ..ri m.lls for IB* I.« fdioa I' 12 wlll (promptl) m all caaea) at thla odka aa luBawa: TBA.NBATUANTIC HAUJL Tt'EBDAT- At 7 a. ni. for Kur-pe, .«..- ?. s. "Tr.ivt, vt* s uihampton an.l Bremen WEl'XESPA) Al 1 a- ni. l»uppl*mentary B a. mi for Eurotx ....¦ .- s »Xea V,.rk. via Bouthamptoa; at 8 a' m 'for per a. *. Warm ib-trer* muat b* 4|r*Ct*d "i>er W.-rra .. at '.< a. m. .a-ippVinenfary 10-10 .i m.) for [er s. s. .Britannle, ria Queaaatown; at lt ¦">. <¦>¦ '',r Reimum dlr«.t. per a. *. Bouthwark, \.i Aatwarp Uatten bmbM Ba lirected "p«r H tithwArk THt'RBDAY -Al * a ». for Nethertanda dlreet per a. a. Edam. \-i Air.stei.i.iin (lettera bmM bi Mractad "p*r SATl'IIDAT -At 3 a. tn. for Krari.e. Suttzerland. ltaly. BDaln l' rtuaal, Turk«y, Baypi and Brliiah Indu, p*r *. s 'I* rhampaene. vla Havra .letter* f..r other part* ;. eui p* nuil b* llrectad "per i_ Chawpafa*"); at s ,. foi Setherlanda dlreet, p*r ». * Maaadain vt* Rottardam il*tt*r* mist be dlr*et*d "per Maaaaam '.; ,. * a ni. for Burope. p*r i a, .t'mbria. via gUeona- L.wii at 1" .. i'i f''' * fland i- ¦ a.* ,,f caltfornla, rU .iu^B"*' Uettere bbbbi a* dlraetad "_m st it.- t ..ain'ornia"i. at ll a. m. for Norway dlreet, per s. t.. Thlaavalla lletter* muet ba dire.-tcd "per Thlravalla"). .Prlwel Biatiw .'¦¦ Oermaa > ra aall i m Tue* <i,v) Thundax* and Batardaira tawe prtated mattar, ... for Oernuiny *nd apeelall> addreaa, printed matter. e:, for other part* if Burope Whit* Btar s'e.imers on We in.s.l.iy lak* apeclally eddmaed printH niar:#r. ete.. for K .i .-'¦. Am. M'ai. (tinar.l anl t:-. Un* lUaflaere take printed matter. e:o.. for ail eoUBUrlaa for whloh they aV- adv*rtl**d to carry nuil. Aft.r ihe .'I.'suir of th* MB*)l**B*Biary iranaaiUatui mnis named abov*. ad tary malU ara .n... ed on th* pler* ol th* Am*nean, Bnallah. Irer..-h ,,. | rjern in iteamera, ai remaln p*a aattl wiihin i«a minutca of th* h. ur of aalln | IIAI-B I'.'ll BOUTH AXD ENTRAI, AMKRl-'A, WKiT lNl.u:s. BTC Tt'BBDAY V* '.'.:io *. B). for i' rl tnt nl per »r»vmer fi ni Bai'lIB. al I" ¦> i" laupplementary \»-M> a m. for Fortun* laland, ijonalvea, !'. n au Prtac* and I'e-r i;-..i\-. pei s i Ai.-:.. lletter* for ne:!x». I'ue-to Cortea anl (iaaiemaia "ui<: badtrected "per Alvaaa"|; at l_ ., n, (aapplemeBiar) 10:30 .1 bj.) fjr Cap* 11.u-. 1UI Cay*» J.i.ii'.''. -mi Baata Martha, per a. a. Yumurl; ',. ?.( .,' ;,i. i . ,,s ., Ui..i. pr *;e.,mer frjin Bew Or- '.'..ns . ... ,, VVEDXEBPAY.Al 1 P- m. f- r ) Bba, p. r a. a. vtsiian.-.a, \ 11 ll ivan i THt'RBDAY At io a. m laupplementary it a. m> ror Central ameriea leac pl '-m.. h. .. and Boutb I'.i.dflo j. ,rl, j,., j, ^. Klnanee, \.. Colon (lettera f«.i Ouala- mala asual !.e dlracted "per Fin.ii.e"». al 11 a. m (r yeV,, ,...; ¦¦ - M»al. ni II 4T**o aad \<i~ t'rua lletter*' mual b* Blr*. ted "pei Mealeo"). IKIl'VY Al 1- i" f'B Sorth Braall, p.-r s. a. Manau- en*e .. 11 I'.ni .Bi inham ind (Vara. BATl'RDAY Al lu BI l»uppl*iBea_r| 10 .uv a. m.) for lamatca Bavanllla and Cartbaaena. p-^r a ^. Athot: it lu ou ¦> in f'.r <'iiiu:>' ii". cnlapaa, T..ha«, e »nd Yaeataa per ' * Orlaaba llettera far othaf p*rt.« if Uealeo ar.d for t_M mual b* Blrected "per Ortaaha"ls tl |t ,,' _, for Jamalea nnd . ap* On_laa, per *. a. '.. ir.iid (lettera f. r Bella*. Puerto CorUa an.l .;u»te- ii ala mual dltaeted "per HaraM"): al II a m. laupplementary ii 84 a. m r V«a*aa*la nnd Curaeaa, ii..', Bavinilla and CarthagMB. rla I'uracao, per a. a. Veneanela >t I- "> f"r Oreaada. Trlnldad and Toba#a, p.r s. a Irrrawaddy; -<t B_B e ;.. tat at I.1*4 atlqueton per ataaaaer froai N rt:i Bydaey. .; - | N*arfOAindiand, bi rall lo Hi!.?..\. and thenc* by «te:.r,'..r. rloa* al thla aBJee dally at 848 p. in. VJaila for -laueloa. by rall lo B rtoe. and tkeaea hy iteamer cloa* al thi* BJ dalti .t n;3<> p. m. Malla ui-a ,-!o«e at thiH ea_e eelty al 7 a m.. for f.,r- .rardlna b) awamera aalllna (Moaday* and Tburadayai from Port Tampa, Ma. Maiis for Mesleo, ..vertand. un .illy addr***ed f.-r dlapateh by sieamer, cio*a ai tai* oBJc* dally a' 7 a. m. |R*t_Ur*d mail c:o**o ,,i .; p. tn. preN aaaa da]. TRAXBPAC1PIC MAI1.S Halla fa* Chtaa aad impmn, per ». ». Macdadt (from Ta- ¦.oinal |. se her* dally up to r 114 »l B:30 p. I, Malla f'.r ''iilna. Japan and Hawall per *. a. .tilna ifi'o ii s.iti ii;.!.-is. ..>. ..->. ber* dally ua la D*ea__w I ,t i, :io p. in Maiis far BawaM, p.-r «. «. Auxtralla ifrom r;in PrBBclaee), doa« li.-t. dauy "P «a Devember ¦_".'t .t .!.".> p m Malln fw th* Bociety Ii<l,inuV. i>»r ah.p Troplc lllid .from Baa BYanclaco), hei» dally up io I....-ini'.'i' z'i al u-'i" p. nv Maiia for .tiir.a und Japaa (apedalt) aililnaaad oaly), per «. h. Kinpren* of Indu .froni Vaaeouvar) doaa her* daily up i.. l«-.'.mi>er I8B ., io p. m. Mal!» for Auatralla (e.\,ept \V>5t Au- atralhm) HawaH and Kiji lalaada iai»oially addreaveu only) per - . Mlow*ra tfrom VaaeeuTer), doaa h.-re dally' BB 10 .l.'tniaiv tl at i_B p. m. Maila for Au- ¦tralb i.-x.'.pt thoa* for W.'ii Auairvlla. whleh ar» forvrarded vla Burope), Bew Xealand, Rawatt, KIJI and .-am...i:i MH _, s. Murlposa tf*a_ San Kran- ,,i rtoae her.- dally up lo .lanaary '2 at 7:S0 a. m.. II ni. un.l «:*. p. BI ."i BB arrtval at New-York of ¦ v L'mbrla arkth ltrliiah BBBlia f.-r Australla). Tranapaelttc inails are forwafded to p. rt of aalllna dal'.y aad U.e «.'li.siul' of <"lo»lna la arran*- .1 on th« preaump- ll.m of tliflr uninterrupted overland tranalt. tRealatcrad mall ekaaa at B P. m. prevloua day. t'tiARi.KK w. DAYTON. Po*tmaatar. r_t.-_.-e. New-Ycrk. N. Y.. December 4, 1864.

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-12-08 [p 7] · -tn r

- tn r<» Kot out of the Amerlran poll- fK.asdthein _ ^

THB WANDERINO BTAKB.'rM]1 v. ,,-,,,, :. Bl Lawla, and la

' i'hi.-a*-*.'.i; "¦ Bath*. aa '.<-'i'-K ln"*"¦ ln, hin Ottla Bklnner appesred kta! niis-l-.t

l^ontauk Theatre. Brooklyn.Mr. Tree,»!,hC, -e gnlckerbocker, wlll sppesr In Phlla-;o* a'

Ti.v -,, ifjr;.Theodore Hsmtllon¦*fi%tt nlght. ln Baltlmore, as l-uddln* Hesd

C^'evei Kathertne, In "Th- TsmlngWT,l %i.r. w "... Mr. t-hevaller la In Clneln-* rrancl.1 vYUaon, nos In Waahlngton, wlll

.*».'»klla4elphla nexl week.M- Holll M-

»-'.". red last nlghl In Brooklyn.EdwardJfJaaato thla week. In Boaton.Mr. and Mr>' 'nr,* Una ¦'¦ Detroll.John rfare acted,***Jm % "leveland.Mlaa Olga Netheraoioa^JSTiionfi '¦¦¦ Xew-England clrcull.Btuart«»f,lV ., u ii .Lllllan Ruaaell le InWP*L nnBB hlan'a bcnefll wlll aaaembleC8**P«Va'rB nexl Ktlda) al lha Broadway Thea-asaalaaTiaVrei Mather wlll come t,- VVsllack'a^..r,'.n Januarj 18. !«*?, md preaenl "Cymbe-TB*-Jr ..- un la io appe ,r at the¦. .". tk iitr- «' VV. .'o'Ud.H-k has retlredrT*"5aBtago '¦ aell Wlll iotne to thePfJTta Ja ,.ii-. .*.... and preaanl "An Am.-ri-0*3Lutv'' Mlle. Yv.-tte Oullbert will emergeaa*tUeVfc .'.-. the cneert hall of Koster.**£,- M. Crane'a rernarkable acilng ln "A* tKe'r-'it' "'.' the Flfth Avenue Theatre, hns

j ¦' on. und oughl to attract

ggS .-a-

JH BATRICAL 1 Nl IDENTR¦ jiiisn. of the raelodrama of "The Cotton

mt-f waa pleaaantly effected al lha Columbua

.rieatre last night.Vi-itors to the Grsnd Opers Houae last nteht ww

i v w'-i''i I '. : "¦' -"im' tlm'' .'' ''¦. <'urr,'n'- '"''*

i'aass oxteal popohur. cstlsd "A Mllk Whlte

ga Ouater'a facetloua bul eosrae plsy ealled*f Fiorid* Enchantment." atartlng on Its travela,alaaached Harlem where it waa preeented Isat¦iVhHn th- Opera Houae ol that place«*h!' v.-*v Theatre Ib to be called the Savoy2^^ unmaanlng tltle hi.r.-i. and Mlaa .1. f-I 1 i..«-V- Mr Frederlefc Pauldlng are to

Jg^'h^JreBenllng sn old plsj csued "I.a

-Spiroduetion of The Olrl from Psrle." sn-rr,i\ for laal Rhl ai Ihe II, rald Bquare The-BB«aeedfl ^ J .,. ,.. .ll.,omi,u,h,.,1 ,,..

*4%B*'i«kh conaecutlv* i» i formsnee ol "The." . |,.!v> Th.atre on December

f:*". [.tor wlll recelv. copy of tha

V Jea^ra^*M %gella wlll ahortly }ola tba...' ,;.v now pUylng il lha Brosdwsy Theatre In

"w^Maseflald. a* the Gsrden Theatre. aave a

«^»t*-" laal nlght, of the eccentrlcTftftrf ffitlv. ln 'Arini. and the Man." and

l*Cwla aaao wlth dellghl by b full houae. MIbbr^maraa B ar, uneommonly sweel and plquanthaaafaf caprl toui mlachfcf and demure alm-TS* la thla pi< The whole repreaentatlon waa

[.noeili and asre* ible. and the r.-vival gave muchP»"**!are' _.,_


lt B vary much to be fesred thsl llossrt'a "Pon

Bjjraaar wUI aoon be a eurleadty In o,ir operatloaaawam le be Inapected at Intervsla ns a thlng¦arkgj s Btrsngi Interest, chlefly hlalortc. When

tt-»t aahippy HmaVosaea aomebody will probsblyBttosB Brd iry lo reosoB out exsctly why a work

atj ..., ^o wscmerltea, VerdlHea snd Oou-i agreed waa Impeccable and Immortal could

tw grran wlthoul provoklng .-» aingle outbural ofaaaStaa, heartfell enthiaUsn, as a*a« ihe eaae

whfn th- opera was glven al tha afetropolltsnBjara Houaa last nlght. Of courae the manner <>f

tion wlthoul th«- Bllghtest regsrd for <-o-

h*renry reaaon In the drsmatlc depsrtment,¦Ifca ihe pi bllc have had to endurt for deesdea,gassance ..i tiie new notlona uaculcsted by w.ik-tar and his followera, haa had aomsthlng to dotaui it; bul even when reduced to 'he level <>f a

Bril eaaceri In coatume wlth restleaa acenery, ihecp*ra BMkea so strcnK an sppesl lo all who loveBaatc that it must remaln a wonder t i,-it a M- tro-

po'ltan audlenee can h,-.-,r it with an apsthy lhalmn? aure death in lha nesr fulure for the \s.,rk. so

gr aa New-Tork la roneerned. Perhapa a betteri, bj thsl whlch wsa enforced upon Ihe

: of 1 verybody last nlght the inabtllty of theSi-oriiy of the singers to do anythlng like iustle-*t» ihe muale. Bympathy wlth modern of < omposition has not krwered, i.ut rsiaad,A* popular demarid touchltiK the sIiikIiik Of Mo-ar:'}. musie. Conacloualy or unconacloualy, theKtNlc hav* learned lhal Ihere is auch a thlng as bXM.irt Myle. and that it ln gJSWl. very rare In-M. it waa certalnly .ii,s< nl from las; nlgbt'a per-BBBsrira, so far a- the women perfonnera w.-re

caaagaed. Mme. Lltvlnne wsa hopeleaaly -onven-BSBgand ¦..- ttrk-al aa Donna Anns; Mlaa Traub-ntnn utierly Incspable aa Donna Blvlra -from a; :.;> voeal point ol vlew the moal dlffleull rOla In!'.» op.: Bvldently ahe haa developed an ambl-BaatadlBplay volumi >.f volce <>; late. The ¦.'.r.d.1-.k» ir, !;, idable, hut it oiiKlit nol to manifeat Itaclfkaathrr.atk' exploalveneaa, as li dld last nlght, «,rit w*ll a,;...- j;^ ;.im wlthout f;wl In Mosart .- meaa-ura*. in v li h artlatlc perfecilon ..- he Bral d. i. Ierfim. m,-~ Bngle as Zerllna Bang mueh hetterOaa hfr impanlona, i.ut compelled regrei ''..>' Ihetou?' «ai .-, large. for h>. Irnpereonatlon, other-vis* eharmlng, .-utifer,,! from th,- insdequscy ofttr vol'-.-. As for tt.. men, Meaara, Lssaslli (DonOsvannii Kdouard d»- Reaake iLeporello) and Da':; BUpham fMaseettoi, ware iboroughl) compe*

bl, ea. l: *. emad to be ln hli I-Baaatni Blgnoi Cremonlnl, Inconaaquantlal In the«»r]y par: ol ihe >-v-riiiifc. aehieved the dlatlnetlonBlaoemand for a rapetltlon of the li mlo leaoro,"*!>k-h a iderable glorj under the ctrcura-aaai 11


Tn* leedlng n ivelty pul forward al ProP^ijur*. I'a. .. yeaterday waa an operetta ealledA Mkbught Pi mlae," whleh w.,s aung and ah' Mm». Vlatnilde Cottrelly, Blgnor Paruginl andHt-rr Behulta Ii was not a very pretentloua nad a ii r> of eatreme ImprobabUlty, whlch ln-.aliad b«xi to no humor. Huasoi la genersl ly aup-

.-. of ImprobabUlty In an oper-*::«.' ¦¦ it had to atand on ita own merltaBai Mrr., ,',¦¦ ...-.- was entertalnlng, .i- ahe wellpaari hoa -,., |. ,., .... ,,,(<,., .,,., p ,r. ,,. a young¦'r-..¦ ...¦-. ¦ well. The programmi ol the enti,.**"¦ it by th, Bankey Brothi ra.naa Elli Carllngi Mlle. Ennu Cotrely, Juggier;earreatet and k \ i, the Ammona-Cleriae Trlo,i*rry a:. k -,.,, ... ..... MJm Mlnnle Renwood,fcfa nr.i Chapman, I', - .u,<i f'llnton, Mia.a fc'mma.,'*.'- ''¦..---- a* '.- ,,.-i MH ,.;:. Mlaa OertrudeVJV."'"'-- *.'¦.. s-. ¦:.:-. Hobby Kalaton, John*'. .aasBrl, an-i t.-.< \ ...


'"¦ ftai»e Theatre, Twenty-thlrd-al wsa a no leaareatarda) .-. ll li wont to b,. Ib thi

»a alnsMBa whleh ww,t on all day w,-r<- Wllllamn ...¦ and M»r:c Bell, ';<-.n-ra; Mlte. vVinUtma a.,d.d,k igera aa l danoera; Oeorgetvan-. luuimi i; ];...,.,,, .... .ius Henderaon,

El aforrii ,.. Rlch, .1 ihn B. andr ., |a, ailaon and .M.n; lewa.

'¦,. , .. aaon ar. i lioth, lha Miaaa Wilson«'-./,':. -¦ and dane, ra: Marle Haath,gtj!, atallat, and Thomsa J. Ra-

hla frl ndi

gli K'' ""' ' ": '¦'.' -;!-.rr.^a;,. tne trsmp lugr-[./.'.' K'"''-'.. Blndley, In aonga, dsncei ind

.¦rume.-,:,i n .- Jilaa Oaorgle Desn Bpsutdlng,S2ff'*« H. K.-ni. vlollnlit; C W. UuirT* 1 '.'¦ Blrda, the W'enia »riha. McGiirl 9 :' and Oollette, Thom ¦- E.(.';*_:.»,-.j.,i,:. i;...,,^... K Au-,|n. aylra-walker; lha".".¦.".f'W'i;.. Uiilui.- Ma-k and Ton> I'.-t ,r.

J*t*l*agoon ragularly al th, Eden MuaeS aad thi".ortcaur,. alwaya on vli w

*-'. VARCl PRODVCED IX BARTFORD.BUrtforij '.-- ¦ - .rd, Cona i.

ga .

_.*;.'. VLI. /./. l.V/i'eJ L'XCLK To*^11- VUli, i»,,-. 7.-Tha unnounceroent la(^ that Kllford Harmon, uncle of Mra, Qrover* * ''!:'' Ml'" i<,A*[,i PrlBgle, eldei daughtsr>»aa*ieke. ,,r'nK;''. w»i l»- marrled Dacember B, andgTT ">"r''.irlstmaa wllh ihe rrealdent .md fam-



CHAUXCEY. U DEPgfW ani> OTHXRS.Behind the Bt. Nlcholaa Boek ly aeemi to he an

abundani amount ,,f reaerve power. For many yeanpast Us each Buccei Lins. annual feaUval, eccordlnglo th memorlei ..f aome f the oldeat membera, hasirpaaaed all prevloua efforta, Each yeor has aeen

s.iiii," Improvemenl on ibe preeedlng one, and nowthla year Ihe ahtty-e. and annual ...' tne Bt.N .¦ Bociety, whlch *\x? held laal nlght al Del-monico's, )-- aaaerted, and with tha beal founda-tlon, ti be abaolutel) the moal aueeeaaful tbal lhadeacendanta of ihe old Dutch aettlera of Mew-Torkhave ev.-r held.

If numhera go f.»i aught the contentlon la wellbaai d. For the nral tlme ln over a decade th<- execu-tlve ofBcera of th." aociety were compelled, becauaeot" the extgenclea of sj>;. to reson to th<- orthodoxmetbod of aeatlng th>' membera and gueota al li n^;tablea s.-t ut rlghl anglea t<> tbe prealdent'a table.Illtherto lt haa been the uatom of tba soci.ty t..aeai the dlnera ¦¦¦¦'¦. aeparate reund tablea whereelghl peraona were aceommodated. This year,however, tbe appllcattona for seuts were so numer-oua thal in order t<> rope with th.- demand a re-turn >.f th." old rrgulatlon Btyle >.f arranglng Ihetabli h waa reaorted to. Even then the large hallat Dehnonieo'a waa not btg enough to provlde forall who aaaembled, an.l three adjolnlng rooma werecalled Into requlsltl .-

ELABORATE DECORATION8.The acene was on." r.f Burpaaalng beauty and anl-

matlon. The prevalllnn tlnl among the profuaedecorattona the Natlonal orange cokrr >.f H<>l-lan.l. Immedlately behind the prealdent waa thatlme-worn banner ot the aociety. aupported on theone alde hy the Btara and Strlpes and on the otherhy the Btandard of Holland. Tha orcheatrai galleryfactng th-' prealdenl «.is draped with tbe gloriouaBag of the Republlc, wlth a centrally placed de-vlce "f the aocli ly'a coal f arroa and us motto be-neath. Orani.olored atreamera were hung;i!l parta <.f the hall t.> -. rommon meeting apol Inthe centre of ih< relllng, whlle added effect waa .!¦¦rivc.l from a prodlgal dlaplay of looma an.l f<>ii-ageAnd as a aorl ..f fringe t.< this extremely pictur-

eaque acene were Ihe atolid and alrooai Impresalvelydlgnifled colored attendanta. I'ntU thla y.-ar thesu

__f_rs_jyj w\ j ¦'¦¦ -



ni^n ),.¦. .-i irrayed in ihe coatumi thal «<,..¦

by ihe name of Contlnenta), bul this year ihej ha)been put In a wondroualy colored ¦'¦. lhal wa

not wlthoul Iti due effeel ln iie-r. Inia Th< nea dn

of .ni ..i ange-< olored bland ..' knlckerbooker* alao of hlue \.i

vet and aid* aeam of orang* aatln whita.-t. el buckh d aho ..¦¦ im-downa Itei laci crai at h. Iped t-. m.ik.- a tl IIeonapl. uoua unlform.TR iDlTIONAL CEREM' »X1EB OBBERVED.

Jual befor* lh< p. aklna. b< b in Ih trad..-.-.. of tl »clel) were obi vi III adedi.. hugler playlng an Insplrlng march, the at

nta in il>.u!.;> column entered I. .. hall b< ai

,.¦.,;¦ .. Oldweathercoch » »wned Ih* New-Amatei.. m Town Hall it Burllna. Bllp, and afterwardpolnted th* wlnd over Wa ilngton IrvtnK** homiil Bleepy Hollow. Wlth Ihi ro k rame the greal

f the aociety ai rt In ac. ordanca wlth cua- i>,."."i >v. r-- aolemnly placed before the preal-di nt, .. proceedlng whlch h- duly a knowledged bydofflna the oM-faahloned three-cornered hai a

ie- wore durlng ihe dlnner.Handsome aouvenlra were provlded for each dlner,

and Iheae, wlth a Bumptuoua dlnner and an -<f..r

math of bright ape^'hi ...<.' relebratea th*featlval of lhal anclenl Blahop of Myra, who, tirst

the patron of aallora and ..'. achool chlldren, he-came ihe patron aalnl <>f the Hollandera, Bnd thenwith full approprlateneaa Ihe aalnt of the early¦i ttl< n ol Manl u

AT THE TABLE OF HONOR.Edward Klng, ihe prealdenl of the aociety, aal

.,t ;.,.. head of the lable «.f honor, an.l wlih hlmw.-r. Mayor Btrong, Dean Hoffman, l-'r. deii. -'¦ DePeyater, Chauncey M. Depew. Jullen T. Daviea,John R. Pbuiten, Ihe Rev. Dr. .1 Lewle Parka,Theodore RooBcvelt, Ellhu Root, Oaoeral Thomaall Ruger, Commodore Montgomery Bicard, l»r. I>.]:. Bt. John Rooaa, Nlcholaa Fbih, -i Kennedy Tod,Juatice Charlea H. Truaa and B Coleman.Among othera preaenl were Jamei B. Ludlow,

H. <;. Ptckerlng, Roberi T. Emmet, E N, Taller,Wllllam a. Boyd, Roberi Walker, Iflram Smith..1. Beaver Pagc, ll N. 'niTt. the Rev. Dr. Tiffany,v K Borie, B. V. R Townaend, K. !>.¦ i". Mvlnga-tn, i- N, Taller, Bamuel T Bkldmore, i iinrv.y

Boatwlck, .lohn B. BUnpaon, Oriaon B. Bmlth, theRev Dr. Van l .¦¦ Water. Oeorge A. Meyer, F. W.Devoe, John D, Wllaon, Henry W. Eaton, Roberi

Ratbbone, Wuil im !.. Q illlauden, Bmll H,Prnnk J s. Appleby, Edward De Win. .1. Thorneli,,, er, .i.iiii' M K'an. Elbert B Klp, L Bchu-marker Theodore De Wltt, B, F, Randolph. CharleaD, Chupman, T. C, Walbrldge, J, <; Darllngton,Banyer Clarkaon, A. R Dunoan, «'. Du Boia, L. «".

Dcming, A. W. K.n.v. J. T. Lockman, Wllllam B.Bt).( .\- i'..,,, r ||, Imutb, .li'.. i'i-rre .1. Smith.Ite.r Admlral F, M. Bui. Wllllam <; De Wltt.I \ Wheeler Charb>* A. i-'ii'. Bamuel A.

Ciark! lohn A Chambera, J. O. Dnrllngton,4 B Vai.nt.",'. Colonel Alfred Wagataff, JudgeRumaey C N Jordan, Charlei .1 tTanda, i>« B K

Lyon, John H Abeel. Paul O. Thebaud, II Von L

Meyer Wllllam i> Murphy. Wllllam W. R^nwlck.E s Renwlrk. Alberi E Fo ler, Hatoted B John ii. SMiin. a Vaa Bantvoord. the RevII I-; Cobb WUIUm L Brower, Dr. «: M Bmlth.Auguetua Floyd, Wllllam RoWbob John Q Floyd.lohn -, Rlker, J. H. Bchmelael, Oeorge Bchmelael,

Kdwln J. ailllB. C. v. Wemple, J. lt Wemple., b v.-ii Wonner. Akbotl Footer, K

Penfold I ¦' Drake, vTUIIam H Pen-,,,,, u Bayard Bmlth, L, Btrabetgh, InrlngBchmelael. W R Bchmelael. H. v w-mi.h-.

Oeorge J Behermerhorn, Dr. Walter H. Olllette,lohn Walbate, Judgi ll W. Bookstaver, T. Floyd-jonea it B. Rooaevelt. Charlea L Jaaobua, QrataNathn'n Bamuel <> Howe. WUIUm 1». Murphy. Wai*ler P bwea ¦ H Reawlch. John H. Feater, An-

ihonv I Van Ooatwer. i B. Barctay, WlUiam O.

FerPtanek.Dr.VanAredale.r. w Um Ber;Arthur!n_ri .ihiin.. »¦ ]- pamiuiii m

Ouern-ey J Corllea Uwrenca, H. R Domlnlek. K

,, p.mkn.r. John w. Altken. Charlea ^frlape;!.Thomaa it Hall. B. A Qulntord. Mr. Boaart. B. H.

Br-holl W4lter Rutherfonl, Dr. A, AJBmlth. D. P,

ntaraham. Thoa-ca B f..¦ k ... W. Fel...wa. K

,", .-, ii K Rokenbaugh, B Oruner, I. 8. Inglla,

Flotcher 11. I!u"- .'. Mi'"'4 «. h.i.n.-.hor,..

'iv",,...'h,:,-W ,Crlapel!.H ... Btote. UJJr ,, ;. putard. Frederlck Clarkaon, AtmUn O.

Foa.LyveaantFWa.C.rlW.Horwo^S,,lrp....ra.h.venP,>r,.<>orr,.V> iK-

imklrv I'h.irl.S R. BWOrda, the R4V, Ut. All

bou Hrown J- N- B44hmaa Warner Mlller.

Te ber H Turner. Howard C OlcK.nson.

;...!.1 O. Do Wltt. Arthur V. Bchermerhorr,

ChSrlea A. Rehermerhorn. W. R. T. Jones. t'olonelDa I.anry Kloyd-Jon-s. RdmUUd A Hurry, .1. <'.Westervelt, A. «,. Browar, s. *r. Csnnon, i: II.Lslng, c w. Carpenter, c. 11. Pstrlck, C. n. Clsrk,P. K. Tieman. Uotl i>. Caanon, Thomaa W. oi,.B. S. Bslley, Towaaend Jonee, A. P. Baldwto, tt*. O.Hackatsff. th< R< v. .1. Buckmsater, Charlea Bray,J. I-". Blmmona, R w. Bmith, Townsend Wandell,Wllllam M. .siiiw.n. w. i. Heermsnce, Chsriea M,Csnnon, Wllllam E. L'lark, B <:. Cotaa, John tt*.''.ould. Predertck Bratnard, 1:. W. Dewey. <;..¦¦II. Mott, Predertck C. Mott, W. ll Wlckham, J. W.Lswton, Arthur Norton, .1. Oranl Wllaon, laaacLawrenee, Dr. <; \. Mlller, s. a. Coatee, w. m.Harrlmsn, Roberi B. Lawrenee, Pordbsm Morrla,P. Osttstln, Henry I.. j:.,i;,r:. .1. <. VVllletta. Her-bert I>. Lloyd. T. k. Evana, Oeorge E, Bchanck,I.ouls B. McCagg, aeorgs <; Klng, W. M Harrt-inan. Andrew Blbby, Judgi Oarretaon R n Qalla-ti". P. Rhlnelander.

THK I'HAIKMAN I PRBPACEWlth th. comlng ,,f the colfee and i-iaars Mr.

Klng roae to open Ihe apeaklng I ih, evenlng. InI'.irt, be apoke as fo lonOnce more gentlaman, Bl KlchoUa Daj comeaaround. Once more wa meat io ct-lebtate tha r.->-

iivai or our r»atron aalnt accordii io the cusl ni". our rorefather* Agaln hav. tha pteaaur, ...congratulatlng you on lha riourlahlnR condition ofour so.-i.-ty. Our worth) ireaaurc-r managad ourarr. ir.~ wiu, -,, much sklli that he .- abl. '.¦a conalderabla aurplua <,f revenue (Applauae.) Hoi» conrronted wuh ,, condition, not a theory.'l.aiiKvt. r.i nr rourae. we have %. to *\ork toapand It. and th> aoclaty enjoya iha reaull In Ihenew and aorgeoua llvertai ol our aervanta and thedlmlniahed prlca .>( the llcketa for tha dlnnerlAppaua**.) ,,iir Becretary' dealgned and aelectedth.- llvery, nnd your thanki ar* due to hlm, As tothe dlmlnahea prtoe of th,- tteket* lo ihe dlnner,tbeatewarda were ln lom, apprehenalor, leai youmlghl imagine lhal the quulit) ol the dlm mldaierlorate ... proportlon, bui I am parauadad ;ii-after an expertence you slll ull agn-.< we have had a fcj dlnner for u ll tlcket. (Ap¬plauae ,

lt Ib alwaya a plcaaan* thlng :o come togetberal our s. Nd holra ratherlngt Kuay men, aamoat, if nol all >>f ua ;,,.-, burdanad with tha labor,rarea and reaponaUdlltlea tha buay New V'ork llf-rlnga, II Ib a di llghtful r, laxailon lo la) asldc all

Benaa ol care. lt. thal aoclal li ., ouraa whlehthe foundcri cf Ihe aociety iWxorlbeil ua oni ol Ita,-hi, f ,,i,.i..-:.-. th.-y Inlanded ihi, llialr dascendantaahould h.- frienda also (Applauae.)Hut to-nlghl B'< :i. [og, ii-r with n greatai i, nar

of ri izatlon, foi w* ha had .. m tat ¦. -i iletli .-year. Pii-at, w< had tha Ven.zuelan i|ur»:lon, now

... ii hettl. ..). nt, hon irabla ... hl*i*i * ot tha rontr, vai »j and Ing ln Ul.preatlgo to o lApp H far moreImportani ihar thi aa ik< nlng fai de, |Bi-. ou Pn -i-i.. W'a hav* n

'. un n :.. !..-. l. ,| ¦. Ing noparty dinerenci I, .- tnatti <¦ \ ..>:.¦.. an olth, hlj:.'.'.¦' Importanee. <|iie*tloni ..;'', Ina th'aulllad th* I'nlted gtataa, lha maintanane,<'. an ... neat indard ,,f valui .., our deallnga,

:!. ind prlvat, (ap laiiaei ihe pi. -..;tatlon ..fthe Indeni n lenc ..:' .1 larj lappiuuaa), he

and dutj if lha Natlonal Executl. -,,.-.

lha Natlon'x lawi (apnlauB*) nnd, fina y, lo I,rtde -.v het hi -.¦., -', uld be dl. Id* ii1.,--. -, by mutual hate (applauae) oi whei iar weahould aay In th* worda inai met ua ni MadlaonRquare flarden: "Thare Ib no cnamy's eountrj

I of oura." (A| ,...- iia.l lapplly . rt, I,,i.iv haen on th« ildi ol honor .¦ p, .> ¦.¦ ai a wl(Applauae.I ll., thea, queetlona belonged to party

i lt a I hava i- a .. it ,,f pu¦... io :-..,. .-

t-ert. to them hara, bul whan w* -. .¦ Ib. beimenta In both of thea* h,*-..r: partlea 'i\:;:i aald*all Ihelr dlfferencaa and unitlna for the pr«*aarvatton

.. \: honoi .rn ol o ii -' lutiona, we :.- I tha,-rv of ihe "lana ilnki Into InBlgnllU-ance. (Ap-plaitaa.) T;..-. i- another >nald*i il on whleh - fullof v itlafa, tlon Wl en .:..,' .!. '..,:.. w,,-^ -i

November S, after all the hlttern,.-- ollha b elaion wai icc, |>t< A ¦-. ali aa\n, ... ,-, p, ,.,¦ wlthoul dlaorder «Aj.p'..v... have aiven the rld a new prreif .¦ n

trengih ol i, im, l«*an H*p IA|These queBtlon« hav* baei happil) B*t*led, ai

|a full of ,p* \- «Ith th. pli.... ¦-. .: ¦-. ia>l f ai

llfted from our breaati, wlth th, larh|, ,,f.d ,i».iv, w* may a>< II I- ihla

Ida all car. , all b rrj ii¦. raa thal Baint Nlrbolaa haa In ra for u

(Applauae )

REORETfl i'K'-M MAJOB M'KINI.ET.rlafoi... r Mr Kini; r, ad l«

.pr, .- ,, y, Th r wa from Oovi rnoi Mnd th, ond fi >m Major B Kv bb r-.-.-, red wlth

Th.- I»n al<l. nt-i li ¦'- latter r, ,.i

I faal hlghl mpllmenli talloti nd lha ai -'

f n. ,v ^ ¦.,. i ¦¦ l.ul tny It wllh n

in..-- ...-., ¦¦ ml .-

,..--w ii.i.iam M'KIM.EI

REBPONBE l'"i. **1 Nf ll"t «flTl,. flrat toaat of th, ng, -h ,- >i Bl !,..¦¦ praa to have baei , ponde lo It*

Dr. Oraar. ln),. W .1 » llll.l bl. ¦' 11w ,. .:.,,.-. i, nn< t-. Mi i- pi

pungent iaad hlhanreri Ha i :-. i ,. r.

ii .

lham Mlna la 1

li thi roo.n .¦.

m< r, ...¦

I .-,,i: .- Navai /- lha.< ,.. ii from ii.-.-

fri.-i .1 " 1I, .. ...

lha ... ith ol n i. ...

||i< i,--;,!,. !¦ A to tt f,.r Bom< ¦.¦

Ihai It kllled hlm Blne, \,....-.,.'¦ ;.¦ ....

Vorli M- .i th. ii. x-th. ho iprlm '.'. ¦¦¦.¦.,.''¦'.and h* di lln< d It «'a ui I

ii lA'i t..l II lo "olUi . |1 W. offar. II '. Ai '.'..¦

h« ilaallm -I 11 IV* <n< ,. -I :. toma ||

ha qualledThey th. n mad* up lh< Ir mh lhal a hara ih<

lall co ild lo othlna li waa wi k onIhe alergj Th< .¦.¦

liii-ion and ona or Iwo ¦¦¦ iliop I'oll. r ranTha) ,,ff,-!.-.| lt '.. ii - r .iii.l !.. -;.¦ ,:!¦ .1 ..... II ..¦

befom ii.lon f. om ni> lona* nt, 1,1 ,'..,i wotlld hav, ¦* hal lha B t,..l-I-;,,. npal 'h .. h .¦' N''' Ih Amarl ronld nol do.n.. wondar «... ordalm cannoi help IIIng lhal Ihe) oughl lo hav* Beked mi frl< nd11.. i,. w The) i-,.. hlm »la moniha' notlr* IhajKHV* in,- iii I,-.!.,;..--' If lhal ....,« .."' a terrlble

of mlamanaaem. "" Ih* p iri of Ih,arda am mli takenMy frlend wlll aoon mak* lo you II il admlrnhl*

apaa, h of hla alw l) llka lhal ape, li ilt- r I, is on* of th* graat, |.¦ mad<I do nol heallata lo aaj lhal .t wlll b* n-mambaradand Bludled b) ... lio..:,...-. whan l'. .iio-.ih-n,-s |xforgnttan Mr. l>apaw'i N- -a Enalnnd -i. h * ¦.

,h.- aame -i"- h lhal -a.- all h*ar, tha v

apaech ilaughtai don'1 l- ui h hI hlm lfmak« thal pai h would il n h« do. w.-uidmake 11 lan tlmea a >..>: would n, -. ehanjr-i,,. nl.- th* la bi '". r-dliuiaihthat any man ver madi ll aughti r,

I wlll aay thla for Balnl Mehol.ia, thal II il..-rala ganaroua and lovabl* ihe alandar, ll,, nur |,.r,., (Appla W oldar New-Yorllove hlm; w* all lov< rt hlm aa hlldr. i, md lt

thara are any Naw-Englandar.i h*r* ."¦ anymen from Ih* ln Weal who nevai haard .,r hlm.Ihay ha- .. only IO gu 10 lha Httle ehlldrat* and lhayw',;i ,..;i blm thal th. ra i- oni) ona ln Ihe ealandaithal .. chlld lovea, and lha Balnl N hola*iApi tuae.)

¦.OUR COCNTRT.".i-b* to i-' of "Our Cotintr n hlch a

,.,.,,, ,1,. .,,,' menl "\\" know no enemy'B L-oun

ID ..- this f.-lr land "f uura." w.n drunk wll,. mpany atandlna nnd lt na .' "Thi

Btar-8pangl"d Hanm-r." M was raapondad lo ..

pollce Comml Blonar H .-¦ rali, arho i ild In p ri

No- only mual we liBregard .ondltl in» 4 ,¦.,.-.- .' «--

wani mak* A -

i o| ... ::.,.!, :,-; W, m II I- ¦¦--.,i

..,' ,.,,;.; |, ratioii ol laai an nol m..- .' ih" d, m.i-

., ntlmi n al p inihropl i. who

THB MATOR'fl RBMARKB..¦>: toaal to the clty, ai rt U

,. ;, ,i ded in ,".: a

i am under th« Impraai l<tl.i country <-iin '". -'n>' .¦'

ot the .,-wn ... clt) .- Hvai n. and ln ordiman to b. a good cittaen ol .- n -. Bt.,

i ;,., under th* Impn ibIoi thal -.. aoo.1an ... anyi ilng l« un I eli aan

\, \v -York Inn uoie, i-il llil-.-' oi .N,w ¦ "i '* "¦ .¦ -¦¦¦'-

ye.'V a goort nJany changea 8orn*tim*i ihe

,";,'. ...,., | ;,'., aorr) thai thara t an Irlihman¦.--« happai ih il wi dl n -t

DOBltlOna tbal were offered to th"m. (I.aughter.)And tn thai way ao ouni for the reepectabie govern-meni we now have.Th- Mayor then rpoke In pratoe of aeveral de¬

partmenl eapecially tbe HeaJtn and Btraal Ctaaa-iin. departmenta.'I'lr.heen for "Jtew-Tork'a l>.-<t Mayor'' were

called for b) Carllale Norwood as Mayor Btrongreaumed his aeat, and tbey were glven wlth a willThen, ln announetng the neal toaat, that of "Hol¬land. Whal is HisK.ry Cnadorned by Thee?" Prae-Idenl Klng named Chauncey M. Depew aa Ita re*apnnaor Mr Depew, who ttot ¦ rapturous wel-ome, aaid in part:

I waa detalned late thla afternoon, and about 7o'clock ihe coldred man al the door i>ald. "There i-a lunatlc al the door; whal Bhall l do?" aald,"l.-t hlm ln." i needed a lunatlc al the tlme.The door opened and ll waa De Peyeter fLaugh-t.-r He aald, "Chauncey old man. hav only-:\ mlnutea' notlce in whlch to prepare b * St. Nlcholaa. Hav.- you the notea <>f th* apeechwhich you made llve yeara au.. on that lubject?'(Laugliter.) I aald. "Fred, no; becauae pr>-pared ihat st.h ln i\ mlnutes; bul I reeol-lecl the bonea <>f it and aee what you can .lo wlththem." "Well," he aald, 'wiih the akeleton ofyour apeech and mv ,.,- oratlona I fean tak" theboard. d_,ughter.) wanl to aay, for am alwayaproutl of P- Peyater, thal he had fulfllled my l.e*tnnticlputiona. iLaughter.) I though) was comlnghen to-nlghl t<> an old-faahloned, tlme-honored St.Nlcholaa Bociety dlnner, wlth the uaual recollectlonof Ihe facta wlth th* uaual remlnlacencea >.f oldNew-York .m.i Holland. have been agreeably

rl ngaln to fln thal I waa atti n.llng >;ratlllcHtlon meeting :' the trlumphs of aoundn..v .m.i McKlnley. (I_ughter and applnuae.)I'crtalnly In .'.'l the yeara ln whlch I hav.- beenpreaer.t, and I don'l knov that 1 have miss.-.l one,never before have heai pelltlca Introduced In th.-

hall and it was >. m..-.t rharmlng Uluatratlon ofthe harmonlea thal havi followed the electlon thalpolltlca .. m <i to be the popular tbeme of tba

\ enlng.Um i rould nol ln ip feeling lhal ln mv tlme,

wai Presldent. we almply fought Yank.i.and now lhal I am out of offlce, and my rri--r.,iKing is In feel whal a dlfference it ls to be Inpower ..'i'i out. i tru»l Btrong won': feel ir nexlfall (l_ughter.) n makea me .I aoraewhal aa

heard a man expreaa hlmaelf ln u aafe depoaltmpany where waa thi- afternoon. Blnce "The

World" aald wa* wortli .-'."¦ OO, ! took a box inihe Bafe Depoalt Company and a man waa glvlngiip hli box. Tlie manager waa aeeking lo perauadehlm to retaln It. He -¦ Id: "You mual hav.- aome*thlng you can pul in It." IL- said: "I am deadbroke." "Yoa must huve valuablea ..f aom* kin.l."nn.l ihe man aald: "l ha"e only a Br. Inauranee

¦. whlch h.i- expired b year ago, and aomemiiilmr aharea ..f a buated corporatlon." (Laugh-

Cit you Blll i.. nnit me, I ihlnk. to recall theBalnl Nicholu* dlnner back lo Ita nnclenl moorage,

i. ol ihe reaaon whlch brlnga n> togethermlk bo il ih.I.:..!. If ahould enti r int..

e,il all |i ihi i enlng. if I ahould follow>-our preal.b nl and Broiher Rooaeveli .m.i the May¬or. H>>l ind woul !">¦ !... In It; bui if our anceetorahad not i.i In Holland, where would we !»¦"i. n-i-i >..- |t is one of the luxurlea of the year

ili.i" w arho are engaged ln actlve puraulta for,.ll ihe member* ..r th. Bt. Nlcholaa Boclet. are¦...' pursulta can lay aaide tha ma-

¦" ' it..- preaenl in order lhal lo-carnate Ihe rnmanc- of the past. (Applau .. IOeneral liuger, t'ommodore Rleard, Ellhu Root

and l»r. D U. St John Roo a also poke.

II ls \RR i'i i.i. rn FROM ITS ROCKET.

A BAII/iR'fl WONDKRK1 I. I'l.l'.'K i'NDER A PAIIti-'it. \. ii.i:n r

Aa thi Ban Domlngo frulter, Antonlo Zembrano,«.!-. l. ivina her pler, No. I, North Rlver, laal

on. !.. r Ballora, ;. oi :¦¦¦ l Hen, a Ni r-wglan, twenty-one yeara old, i,-..' his rlght arracaughl ln nd before he rould releaae itthe member wai torn from Ita s.»'k.-t. Wlth won¬derful i li k he rearhed over and held the ropewiih his lefl hand utill if Captaln

llle had tho ateamahlp docked agaln,\ liurry amhulanc* call wa* aenl In la Hudaon

Ktre. Hoapital w im on. I'r.I. \ l'.. "i wa* weah from loa* ..f bloodai ITerlna from hock, bui hi w.i.k.-i down thi

.i l. and un' :. ¦.> tl nmhul ine»> wlthoul helpI Imi ii up '.. ragged

vi ara a aald lal thnman would He dld noi I..on-

!: - fitp :. ,'t ]..,. aft< hihad r.




ihn R. !¦'. II «- i.Ipii ued. great -:¦ rda regardlng hl* poral-

v ..... f th.imi y ofS I orh li waa iana of all

i Riwould ... ..;.,. ilnti i b) tbarxplrrd term of Col nel Pellowa,. nded lanuary l, V»i T ap-

imp .r:.i:i. offlce ta tli<- Re-n* foi the tnst Um* aln ¦>¦ Benjamin K Ph p

'.i phelp* wa* ..:.¦.. .1 ln 1871 re-1878, bu

reded b) John M .-

>; rvernor l! »blnwho wa* Mi Ph. Ipa'a prii

.: ilican .««)¦.- .¦!'.¦ to iceeed C doni F<'

,.\ Hall a u alao look. ti| oaM Hall a :.¦.!'-. in il-'ket- -, Couri :.. wenl

the p "i"- Another law-v .1 ;¦ I'.'l m.i- Al-

i; llca n a.

He rai.¦ leath of .li Ig*

Morton a i hlm i" the Courted laat year a ¦>

He » .-

ti ii k< laat yi li foibul agaln ll wa* nol a e In-

Many i il haayera were pn '¦-¦ t-\i rton « uld m ika

,.,.[, ti oB.. .,,. ., a/. re Bdv. "i Mltchi 11, f«

l,,,,, ie irli i mi ¦¦ und. r Preald. nli".i Mavoi Btrong s offer to

,,,. k, |MI c,.| e form r ln Ihe -, rli .: ol... ,\| K Olcott, Repu

h t.¦..,..¦ 'oun. II. a ho i- laa ,er ol,. ..,¦..,/.. iHlenl*. and wh. frlenda have lieen

_|iiyor ol >' Ureatei Nea fork.,.... \ itl n nl arho ara* h. h ilrc ol

i;. iiMtcan delegatei foi Judge,',f ih< S ipn m* >"ourl laal r« ¦' " fho baal.n

ibe mo a u and .1.l Republlcaniwy. i- In Ihe rli) for n ciuari. r of n centurjEi poii.'ommli -i". r "'hai n Murray, who

.,,,. ,. ,,. I'.doliel IMI..'-'. >l DlatrlCl AH"'

.. wa i el« I ¦. ll «J, waa ..I-.. PUl onr,,"',,'; ,.f ......i-l.... M wa- aald tha.,,, k.-.l b) pa" of ih. ii... hlne Anoth. i |>oa*l-

,|l,l .!,. v ;,- M ¦i..!iatn Grilbl i. bUl BOme ..f,' ,.',...). aald thai ihe real obje. ln brlnglna

'."',,. ,, tttorne; when ihe changeaI ,' . ln Iho C.''. I" I'.p.uiin.nt.V '. a R< ,. ...Im.; to tbehi, ¦¦' Dlatrl l-Altoi a genei r.»gardcd

i.i,,., io Tiininmny Ha». ..« atunnlng ->- li waa

,,,,,, ,.-,,. ,;,. rly iwenij r«_ra the Demo. ,t« have relle upon Ihe Dlairlci Attorm ¦¦ of-

k,, ,, ,,M., ,, of th* aeml rrlmlnal elaaaea ln

'.. for thelr tlokei Together wlth Ihe Police Ihp riment, Ihe U« Departmenl of Nea Vorh,..,v tt ,s ii iiowerful wcupon ln the h .rn. ..i th*VViKWuin Tamrnnn) loal ihe Police Depurimi'iil and

, n ,.,,. -ii,.. naalatanee of the Dlatrtct-At-!' .... . 0fn, waa feli laai ¦¦ ir, wh n rnmmuny,rcinfifrerd um -¦ more b) the lb|Uor int. reat, arri. .1

,,,' |,j |M hla ilcul illona for .. curlng ontrol, ,| ,.,;,-,...,., \. a Vork munlelpnllt) lntMi7,li i*

,.,. doiibted thal Croker rounted mu. h on the aldwhl,.|, ;.,.. di trlct-Attorney of ^.¦w-^..lK could

Thef'"0WHt much apeculntlon veal. nl to what,,, ,-,. M-.r.,.., - cnurae w.tuld be in aeleetlng the

.,,, i,, lon. PelloWB, II « l* [fOlllled .mi.

,..,.,. ,,.,, ,; |, ;¦ ni.,t h. .,'...¦ llttle lo the Btate, ., and .. rtalnlj o n ore lo Ihe count)

p ;, i,,.. i, .iiiiin..ii iik i >r weeka luiI,. |o rnor'a r. ojm lhal hl rlvate - rei .r,.

-.'.}. ,.| \shlei W I'ole in,. 'i wl Bnmuel A.,., ,,- |H|, v pf in,... aa Rallroad I'ommlMalon. r, hudi.',,',, ireat.'d wlth wanl rourleay bj ihe marhlnemanager* and lhal Oovernoi i-leci Black had been.,', |.,r nrevente.l nMaeiilinfi to I'olonel Cole'aappointmenl ilovernor Morton can ippolnl I'olo-,.,l , .,,!,. Rallroad t'ommlaaloner, bui hla i.ini would,:,,,! W|tn '..laui's -mu- !¦ I!..,-.! j .."i Pebruan,l ni.j(| ilovernor lihick can extend hla term wlth,|,. advlce .H.i conaeiii <>f ih" Benate for ala yearalonger llthotigh Uovernor Morton '.sk'.i lhal h!-.,. ,,.< or rn nro' lalon for Colonel Cole, itH ,,.,i agreed .¦. ii- waa lold that the place hadi.. 1.-,, pri mlaed hy ihe ma. hlne :.. Colonel fleorge W.Dunii, .. Blnghsinton, one ol Mi Platt'a moalfailhful <

!. ar||| lt. int. reatlna lo note thal hangea may beh oughl In the orgaiiisjitioii Ireatmenl of Oov-.iiinr Morton, noa thal he haa ln hb> li.ui.l-. the ap-;..niiiii rn ..r .. Dlatrlci-Ailorney ..: New-York fort> perlod endlng .lanuary I. R8J8

li///.. Ill.l.h YESTERDAY.The wlll of Henry Herrmaa ihe well-known

furnlture manufacturer, who died on November:'. w:"-. offered for probate al Ihe offlce >.f theBurrogate yeaterday. Mr. Herrman lefl an aatatev ilued ln the papera al aboui 81.490.888, equalty di-vlded In real an.l personal property. ln his willhe requeaU thal hli deht* be llquldated wlihinIhrre montha ir..m th. tlrn. >f his daath. Tbe,,,.m whlch came to hlm from hla flrst wir.-.v ,',. Nicolaa, is glven to hia von by her, OeorgeHerrman. Mr. Herrman glve* the »um of 18,000 t,,

I,, brother, Caeaar Haa*. >.f Bvanaville. Ind. Mr.ll., - .,,.,1 Mra Herrman, th.- artdow <>r tha lea-tator are made executor* under th.. wlll. an.lihey wlll be allowed the aum of )»..»» m n perv,.,',- »> long aa they fulfll tha dultea «,f ti^irofflcea Th* remalnder of th* eatate la mg tha wldow and ehl'dren

v, nn..rn H Oedney, hy hla wltt, whlch was flle.iday, diepoeea «.f aa eatate raiued nt aboui

jt;.u... He itiv.s to ala aona aeveral artlciea' ofrsonal property and laavea the houaobold ef-

i, .I one thlrd of ihe rralduary eatate to hlav jf,. Xhe remalnder U dlvided among hia two-ons Alfred W. and U'llliaui Oedney, and liisdaughter, Joaephtne <: Hatbawny.

H> the will of Myei Maranaa. under whteh aaestate of about WAAtt \M dlMtrihlited. the B4-M BINo IM Chya_e-et. IB lefi 14 hla daug.tara, _.rtoaLathera and _Ikn Kohlwech. The remalnder ol

the estnto is to be dlvided eiunlly amonr his chil¬dren.

. .ontkstino WII.LIAM ivisovs WILL.

Th- eontSBl over tho wlll of the late Wllllamivison. the pubHaher, who dled raeentry. lesvlngan estate valued at ahout UA*M*. WBB resumed

yeaterday befora Btotrogste Amoid. By tba tarassof rrta will the hulk Of Mr. Ivlxons estate was

left to Davtd Ivison. a nephew. Th* wlll Hi, SOWconteatad by a number of nephewa and nlecea,who allege that tbe teatator was of unaound mlnd.Mr- Annle E McCarthy HOI1 y.-sierday teatl-

Bad thsl ln 1888, whlle Ivteotr* waa llvjag at the

lioffmin Houae, he frequently Imsglned thsl he

aaw hla dead arffe. and would esll out. ;Mv aweetCarollne" and "My angsl CsroUne. ,'viaon. stao.aeveral tlmea aaked her to msrry hlm provtdeohe could gel his dead wif.-'s ,-onsent. The Wltaesasald thal at aueh tlmea, for tha aske of aoothlngthe old man. ahe would promlae to flo aaThe hesrlng will be eontmusd to-day.


.lusiii-e H-ekman ln the Supr.-me Court yes'.-nlayhanded dnwn a deelBlon d.-nyim,' 8 motion made

by Mrs Kranr-s K. I.lpman for th-- t.-moval of

le-r brotber, AbrabasB Coben, nnd ier brothsra-In-law, Ahrendl and Cseasr Caaper, aa co-sascu-

tora with her and truateea under the wlll of JulluaI.lpman. her huaband. who dled a raar ago. lesv¬lng ... eatate vali. al 8500.004. the hulk.ol whlchbe gave lo the wldow for llfe, and. on her thelr three dauarhters. . .

Un Llpman slleged thal the defendanta. aasdaheralgn cl.ks wlthoul telllng her what th*money waa golng to be aaed for, and also thatshe had dlfflculty ln getttng her Income from them.Bha charged thal Cohen. her brother. want-d tomTrry i. ,- dsnghter, and when ahe rrfo-sd to

ronaenl threatened to make trouble for her.While !.nled th- appllcstlpn for the r-moval

0f ihe eaecutora, Juatlce Beekman sald that a

,-efer,.- could be appolnted to examlne Into tha¦dalntlffa allegatlona, ln whlch aha la joln.-d hjher three daughti rt.



Un. Georga u. Bchleffelln, of xo. I Baal Porty*flfth-Bl gave a receptlon yeaterday afternoon to ln-troduce her dsughter, Mlss Dorothy Bchleffelln, who

li very pretty Blri, and who was attired la a gownof whit.- silk. trlmmed wlth pink ros.-s. The tebutaatewas aaalated In reeelv ng by Mlaa Mary Btewart, MlaaJoaephlne Drexel Miss Mautle Delsfleld. Mlaa MaiHeakraan. Mlaa Fanny I"- Peyater. Miss MarthaTownaend. Mlaa Barn Olbba Th, mpaon, MIbb BerthaMund*. Mi-J Angell<*a Church and Miss Dalay Hol-llna m -s Bchleffalln recelved nearly two busdr. i

houqueta.Mr and Mra Bchuyler L Psraona wlll glvea large

,-,.ptlon al thelr home, N». 806 K'fth-ave., to intro-duce tii.ii daughter^Mlaa Helen J. Pareone.

Mrs. Henry Aaher Robblna wlll glve a receptlonthla afternoon at her home. Bo. US Plfth-sve.. Inhosor of her young nl. MIbb Martan Whttaker.Mra. Petei B. tt'yckoff. of Weal Plfty-aeventb-at.,wiu introduc* her dsughter, Mlaa Wyckolf. and Mr..,.,d Mra. John B. Ireland. of So. 15 Eaat Fonf-JtA-pnth-ai arlll Inlroduc* thelr daughter, Mlaa LsuraDuan, Ireland, al a large evenlng receptios.

The marrlag* of Mi-> Lucy C. Morae, dsughterof Profeaaor Morae, to Oeorge Walea. of r.oston.

wlll lake place at I o'clock this evenlng ln the

Lenox I'nltartan Church, Lenos-sve. and one-

hundn i- ind-twanty-flrat-at.

KIm Bertha Van Noatrand, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Btephen ll Van Noatrand, wlll be marrled to

Oeorge 1. il »n Mead al tl,'- home of her nsr-,-nts. No. III k.,~i One-hundred-snd-fourteenUi-st.,at I o'clock ihla i-enlng.Th.- engagement la announced of Mlaa Blla I..

W'lae, daughter of the late Bev. I >r. Asron tt'laennd ihe alater of the Bev. Btephen S Wiee, ofIhe Temple B'nsl Jeahurun, to Dr. Ouatav <..

The "mualecl mornlnga" whlch Albert MorrlaRagby haa alven for eeveral wlntera In Ihe HotelWaldorf to the dellght "f ao many people wera

reaumed yeaterday mornlng, So man) weli-known,.,,,,;.. have beconu aubucrlbera that Mr. Bsghya/ai obllaed to take the large new concert hall,,,,.,,..- than thi ballroom, ln whleh the mualcals

,... held 1*. Ihe paat. Tl..- artlatB yeaterdayw..r. 1'ivi.i Klapham, "f the Metropolltan OperaHouae Prl. I.- ontli .¦ (1 i« rtnei. 'ci llo; Mme. Ar-..,,,, pan.1 of Colonel Mttpleaon'a company. andth* Woman'a Btrlng Orcheatra, Carl Lachmund,ronductor OrtOB Bradley and R Pettlnella were.,, ,.,. puno. Amorur thoae preaenl were Mrs.Mi,-hol.iM Plah Mi-s May Callender, Mlaa rtmithfllff Jamea Olla. Baroneai de Belllere, Captaln.-,,-,1 i.i,,;-. t'ecelln Ro«e, MIbb I. ul VVard Mc-..llistar Mi-s Kilhv t'ameron. Mlaa f.lementinaPurnlaa Mlaa Martlna Johnatone, Mr-. Oeorge B.|,.- Koreai Mr-. Wllllam 1" Burden. Mra. Perdl-nand tt'llmerdlng, Mra Jonathan Bdwarde, Mr.n vi| c Tempi" Kmmet, Mra Kllaha i>>*-r. Jr.\ir and Mra I'harlei \-' .' Hrl led, M. and Mra.

ll.mi'1-n Robb, I'ounl Vlncl, Mra. Jamea tt.,;,.,.,,,i Mra I'harlei l> Btlckney, Mra W. P.Havmeyer Mr- Oeorgi J Oould, Mra, Prederl kl, ,;,.,,.. M-- Jamea Hude Keekman, Mr andMr^ (*af| h'lMChar-llanBen, Baronesi Dahlerup.Mn .. Cllnch Bmltl Mra. Joa, ph Btl -kn. y. MraRdwln Oould, Mi '''¦ irge Crocker and Thomaalt Kell)

M- .,,;! Ura i.'.ov.i Bryce, of Na '.-' tt'aahlngtonA |u.,r- Nortl '" '¦ *1 ¦' ,! "';' " s';"'' '.'

nlghl Mr and Mra Rlchard Manafleld OtherKueala war* W. Bourka Co kran, Oeorge tt*.

Bmallay, Henr) Sl. Perry B* mont. Mr. andMrs Millar, Mr- Burke-Bochc, .»!.-s Johnaon andMi-s Ouer

Mrs. tt'llllam Aator wlll glve a dlnn r party al herS 112 Plfth-ave "., I>'-, enaber I*

.s/i//: /.ni EXAM1SERS HEAPPOIXTED.Albsny, Dec I The Judgaa of the Courl of Ap*

paala hav* reappolnted Wllllam P. Ooodelle, "f

Ryracuae and Auaten U Kox, ol New-Vork Clty,;,. memra -. I ih, Bl it, B irrt of Law Bxamln, rs

TBE QOVERXOR lt\<K IX ALBAXY.Aihany, ''. Oovernor M irton reaehed .\;i>.uiy

t0 nlght. ii ap. di to ike u tlon wlthln i fewl,v. ,,. |b* reclBBBlllcatlon of the placea in th-St it.* aervl .¦ whlch have been made by tha «'ivilgervlce ¦'- moi iton


vr.-Ti:rf \>.-- l:i'-'t;:' KSO TO PAY'B roRECABT.w.icl nai ". ''¦ ri" '" "naiar n rli a, ixeepl

\. n .¦¦ ¦-. ind ii ih* fJulf c-ii. t. n is

... n ,i, an low»ii r. i-ii t Pak 11. Th.., .lichl ilapreaal n la Boutharn T*aai ituadert by local,,., ,. :. M Mlppl Va|| |t ll ».irm<*r ln

lh. . of thi M wlaalppl aad laN. ,.: . ., :. tichtl) '.!' ln ih. lak, r*al a. Sea

Rn«Und, tha Bouthwaal, Mlai irl and Kanaaa, Tt-

«.-:iitt,-r Ii claar I,- i''nl" on tha \,::in>l.- Cnaat and ln

li. k) M untaln 41 trlrti, bul II li cloudy m tba laki., ind tha MlaBiiiipi Vall*y Tha aaather wUI eon-

i, i. «.:.- illi .'¦' n ll" ''':1'- 1**'*| ,,,,! &lUalppi vi ini I. laa.

,,. vi!.;: f iREfABT l-.'i: Th DAY

v ,r N*« Bnaland, Baa'ralb fi Ir: areaterlBaatirn S*« Vorl falr. | My

,.. iha mornlna; nurihaH) wlnda ahlftlna lo aoutbwaatarly.i' r Kaalcrn Pennaylranla, M** Jaraaj and I'einwura.

partl) cl. 'i ¦' lrtob* v> '"''.".

... iMitiift t lui nd alarytand|,|. w.-.-i-i. illghi hangri ln t*mparature; light

''.':, '"\V.' '.''i *:.¦» v irfc ad Weatarn Pennaytvanla,,.|nu.lj ln ih* i.i rnlng, foltowad by falr; llghl to Ireah

itbw, .'¦¦:.- alnda.a

TRIBVMB I.OiAl. OBSEBVATIOrfla.I'ir.ln.-h.:;o..j

^Tu KOL'ftS: .V'-rnlnff. Kight;,,> i 3 4 3 < : l . io 15 t ; 3 4 » « : t » lou


I-4,; e.-rr "iJT~- .'-- -- .

la'-aa WR- -.""WQk JV "

* 23:au.!_C -jrCSSSJMI AO.In I!:;." !:.ns'J>i" B caotlaaoai w*i11e 11ri** i<r..>WB tna

riutifi' * ln praiauri ai indlralad by Tha Trlbuae'a ar.r-'.'.,-,,irnt barom*t*r. Tlia dolt»d ltr.«* n-pneiata '.! o :-ii,-

;,..,:.,,.. ., :.-.,:.'-.i at I'.-rij-s Phanaaey.

Trlbune OnVe, Di ¦. S 1 "a n Tha «,-.ith.-r raatarda)I, .,., ,-,;: Thi tempai iiari uafad betwaaa tt

,;,i .-,,, .:...-. thi rarag* laBH Biaraesi balag 2', da.Kr,-.- hiahir iii.n taai .' Bunday and >»'¦ i>tkt,.*r taaa Lhal,,f ,i.. i-i ii . mlliua >> "

Ti.,, ..., :.,... .ii< «.:! mtlnua ta r ..n-1 mil.l.

naartssl run" ^auanaea. auuk from Uttla plga-i.i'ir i-i .i-.'t'. -ii haa broughi cheap »uL-,;ttut,.» ine.iha iiint...

niro..pvn. ii \l,rv .t »if- ,.f v lt AranM, ai Pawllna,s v n* M. n-'-'v. Hacambw .*. IBBB. aaed BB yaan

Pttnerai'aai l**i ... iwr lali raatdaaca, aa riutraday, .«t 1

S ll,. IN. 1..VKtAJOWa On M..t..1.v. 1'.nil.-i- 7 IBBB, nt liU r»s' ,i.ii.-, No 01" Weal IBSd M Mew-Tork ,-i... .i .hn K.

K. iwi ln th- t'ltl. \, ¦.. i im age.i--im.-rni «,tm.-- wUI ..- h*M al ti- rhurrti ,,f thi ln

iar.-<*silun, i.'isiti -i .rn r ii--. u.t. on Waaaaaday, Dieambar B. ..t * p m-

HOYT "i s.i.-naay, imber .">. ISBB, .t.m,.* ot>* II jt.k .1 .'.. reara.

|.'iir,.-ial iirvlci ..III bl held Bl lil* la'r rtaldaace, N ..

:iio w.m 7.*,:!-. ..... ea Wfadneaday, I'ecmii^r i». «t Ki:;tua ni

Rilallvaj ind frl-ndi nra COrdtaU) invlted.I'rtvate tnLannani.Baston, Il.i.-ili.ii .Mia.) and Chlcaao papera wlll pleau


DIED.MARTIX-At Oreen'a Farm*. Conn., oa Prtday. VtctU-

b.r 4. IS** Roberi Martln. ln hla »2d r_m__ __,__

Funeral BWVBM at liis late realdence. on Wedneeflay. »..

IU_Um1 *_dtfrl4B4a>4n reapeetfuily invlted to;*"*nd.PBinage* m waltltif en arrtvallofJ»<afMa* traln fromOraad Ceatral Daawt, X. »., m. H- & ». ¦» ".

Int.M-m.-nt private.Loadoa papers BMaM copy.MARTIN- la We*tp..rt. I'onn.. Prlday, December 4.

Ib.bert Martln. ln hi* 92.1 >eur.Notteo of B4**_ftar.rtnMLT BaaMaair., December 7. Mary Seely.

arl** ,f Jarilal I'annly. /.,.,.,.iRclatlve* and frlend* arf Invlted to attend th*_fun»ralaarviaaa al ber late rexijen.-e. No. Mi weal 57tn-*t.,..n Wedneaday aftem.-in bi 4 o'eAVjah.

Interment al the o.nvenl. n. <. of the fumi.y.Prtaae* wfll ftfadty ao*K Baa ara,I'KATT At Ntatileton. Btn'.en laland, Jlnnday. _DejBflBB4f

:. tfutoa L Ratt, ma ot Mra ouvOaa *nd th* lat*

Puaaral al No Bi Bwih at. BtaaBeaae. BHBBB laland. oaW. laeaday. ..abtr B. at BJO o'cioek.


R-niiins win b* rawoved te BaaKMoa Braaaa i>m»t*ryThura.lay morninK.

ItlSI.IN.; At Newark. N. J-. »n Funday. December 4,}":m. -I. Raalina. _. ._, . _

Kun-nil aervlce* al his late resldence. No. 114 MountPleaaani av*. oa W*dne*day. al lo a. aa.

Relatl\*» and frlends are invlted ln attend.Interment at Morrlatuwn. N. J-, Bi .-nvvnierce of tha

famlly.SMITH 'rn Buaday Daeaaabar «. at h»r reatdene*. No.

I9B \\.-i UBth at, Bfaraaratta, wil* ed OetBBBThateher Bmlth, a<. d 47 y.-ars.

Paaeral aa Tbavaday. «t Poead Ri'bte, ,\. ).

THORN on s.itui.liv. I".BBBar .",. l*tn,, Emlly A.,arldow .f Wllllam K. Th,,rn. In lier 74th year.

Funeral aervlres will B* he| at her lale reslden.e. Xo. 14*V*at lrtth-ai.. oa Taaaday, December *. at 10 a. m.

W1XBD0W -At Klorenee, ltaly, ..n n. t .ber -2. IM*).<;.,rd.n W.inlow. .-aptaln 1'. S. A. (an.l member of th*D>ai i.eKi..iu, ? .n i ta* late R.'v. fJanaa 8rm_aw,I>. ll., nnd Ki.'harlne Klsii WBBBlBW.

Funeral al Trlnlt" «"li'ir.-h. Uroadway and VVall-__., ,.ii Wedneaday Daeemher '... Bt l" Bf«to_i a. m.

Intermen. at QfW) BWOOd.Baat. n. Haltlm.ire ar.d tfun l-'ranclaeo papera jilcaae ^^Pr.

A..The Keoalco Cemetery..rrtvate atatlon. Har-lem, 4-1 mlnutea' rlde. fiotn tha Grand OntralDepot Oflaee. 18 Eaat 42d-»t.

gjiccial Xoticca.llfih Avenue Anetlon Rooma,

.:<> I'lfili Avenue.\VM. R. Nol'.MAN. Au.'tloneer.


BT .vr.ri.iN. a.> Mkawa:Wi-dneatlay Afternoon, Decambar O,

AT 2 O'CLOCK,bv dire.-tlon _ th- Wi l..w ..f the lata


I'.y Baat_a*B_fe <\ Ameriean and forelgn artista


A ColUwtlon of Chetea Booka, Keakaa Pattery, <~hiB*aeai Jap__aa rorcalaIbb. Braaaaa Ivary Chrv*

ir.«r«. Pecataa Vaaaa M..».. aaay aad wa!

BUI Pumltur*. Koliini? 15* d. ..


T.AIT IM on.. iv tha Hearjr iaa_a, of Mra,Arne \*-». aaotaer -f OEX. BOBBBT B. UBBI

Alao AM A_OI_A» IH I'lNK oNldTlu.N, with e>v«raiRatta f Mu-ic


WadnaaKlay Bramtngs, December h trcuocK.

hy order ol II.BaiB W. A. AVIS & ..iv advaacaa aad ea_raaa


wllh a (tW a:ut|..s of I'.iir.'.lnKS ln Oll.

Tboradap, PVidap and Saturrlay Afler*noona

DeCMBbtf K'tli. IH* and IStfe,AT I 0*C_OC_,



ixoa BRoxzaa. bbocadbb, uuxtVMm,POItCC-AIXa l'.iTKKV AXD CO-OBBD I'RINTB.

j^._ Fiflli Avenue Art l.iillerlea,3WS PIPTH AVKXLK.

near 34tli Bt.Stvlo thtH [ iilveninj at II O'clock,

two 1'rivatk couuscnoxa OF1'AIXTI.VC/S

in Oil :md Watav ColoraBT

brtbtou j n. noacH, k.CEKVI.C. CO_B, THOai.' B iiiANi:. niir.'H.

PBWEY J. M DOLPH, J. H,ii:, mski.. ll. OIKPORD, 4 B.hart hm Hoiurn, wrxauow.lOHXBOX, KAVIIi. KBXBBTT, J P.MA- V W. 4 M< i:\TKK. J

MtRPHT I r. B1CHBT. -BOX.ROHUE, L. TAMIIIIUM. A.rii'i'A.w. u >'. wTTT, J. n.

K. _oS88anr-ille, Orlalaa Ac Cu^xu... neer _a_aaaea

A..DE3 I'lNXA-s

\. w lasportaiioa* ler boya' rlothlaa la BagiiaBi anl-, .,-. h g.M.d* imprUe a'.l in* latea ealgna auit IM* t r

bov* from 3 to ls yeaia. Bul - I r I*bc ni - ho parttM,nl and co.I«b< Bult*. Overc *ta and R«*f*fB. v>«

hav'* i-'ii. pretty aiylt* ib Bulti and Ovai ita .' r luiu'' 'd_ ffsSA. 8M BTH AVB-, NKAR 3'iril ST.

i inniii." <ii Lnapi213 ;..: iva

I. ..,-,, nn . ''- jeaa tl.a half pnc*.

roatotllee \otlee..ri m.lls for IB* I.« fdioa I' 12 wlll

(promptl) m all caaea) at thla odka aa luBawa:TBA.NBATUANTIC HAUJL

Tt'EBDAT- At 7 a. ni. for Kur-pe, .«..- ?. s. "Tr.ivt, vt*s uihampton an.l Bremen

WEl'XESPA) Al 1 a- ni. l»uppl*mentary B a. mi forEurotx ....¦ .- s »Xea V,.rk. via Bouthamptoa; at 8a' m 'for per a. *. Warm ib-trer* muat b*4|r*Ct*d "i>er W.-rra .. at '.< a. m. .a-ippVinenfary10-10 .i m.) for [er s. s. .Britannle, riaQueaaatown; at lt ¦">. <¦>¦ '',r Reimum dlr«.t. per a. *.

Bouthwark, \.i Aatwarp Uatten bmbM Ba lirected "p«rH tithwArk

THt'RBDAY -Al * a ». for Nethertanda dlreet per a. a.

Edam. \-i Air.stei.i.iin (lettera bmM bi Mractad "p*r

SATl'IIDAT -At 3 a. tn. for Krari.e. Suttzerland. ltaly.BDaln l' rtuaal, Turk«y, Baypi and Brliiah Indu, p*r*. s 'I* rhampaene. vla Havra .letter* f..r other part*;. eui p* nuil b* llrectad "per i_ Chawpafa*"); ats ,. foi Setherlanda dlreet, p*r ». * Maaadain vt*Rottardam il*tt*r* mist be dlr*et*d "per Maaaaam '.;,. * a ni. for Burope. p*r i a, .t'mbria. via gUeona-L.wii at 1" .. i'i f''' * fland i- ¦ a.*,,f caltfornla, rU .iu^B"*' Uettere bbbbi a* dlraetad "_mst it.- t ..ain'ornia"i. at ll a. m. for Norway dlreet,per s. t.. Thlaavalla lletter* muet ba dire.-tcd "perThlravalla")..Prlwel Biatiw .'¦¦ Oermaa > i« ra aall i m Tue*

<i,v) Thundax* and Batardaira tawe prtated mattar, ...

for Oernuiny *nd apeelall> addreaa, printed matter. e:,

for other part* if Burope Whit* Btar s'e.imers onWe in.s.l.iy lak* apeclally eddmaed printH niar:#r. ete..for K .i .-'¦. Am. M'ai. (tinar.l anl t:-. Un* lUaflaeretake printed matter. e:o.. for ail eoUBUrlaa for whloh theyaV- adv*rtl**d to carry nuil.

Aft.r ihe .'I.'suir of th* MB*)l**B*Biary iranaaiUatuimnis named abov*. ad tary malU ara.n... ed on th* pler* ol th* Am*nean, Bnallah. Irer..-h

,,. | rjern in iteamera, ai remaln p*a aattl wiihin i«aminutca of th* h. ur of aalln |IIAI-B I'.'ll BOUTH AXD ENTRAI, AMKRl-'A, WKiT

lNl.u:s. BTCTt'BBDAY V* '.'.:io *. B). for i' rl tnt nl per »r»vmer

fi ni Bai'lIB. al I" ¦> i" laupplementary \»-M>a m. for Fortun* laland, ijonalvea, !'. n au Prtac* andI'e-r i;-..i\-. pei s i Ai.-:.. lletter* for ne:!x». I'ue-toCortea anl (iaaiemaia "ui<: badtrected "per Alvaaa"|; atl_ ., n, (aapplemeBiar) 10:30 .1 bj.) fjr Cap* 11.u-.1UI Cay*» J.i.ii'.''. -mi Baata Martha, per a. a. Yumurl;',. ?.( .,' ;,i. i . ,,s ., Ui..i. pr *;e.,mer frjin Bew Or-

'.'..ns . ... ,,

VVEDXEBPAY.Al 1 P- m. f- r ) Bba, p. r a. a. vtsiian.-.a,\ 11 ll ivan i

THt'RBDAY At io a. m laupplementary it a. m> rorCentral ameriea leac pl '-m.. h. .. and Boutb I'.i.dfloj. ,rl, j,., j, ^. Klnanee, \.. Colon (lettera f«.i Ouala-mala asual !.e dlracted "per Fin.ii.e"». al 11 a. m (ryeV,, ,...; ¦¦ - M»al. ni II 4T**o aad \<i~ t'rualletter*' mual b* Blr*. ted "pei Mealeo").

IKIl'VY Al 1- i" f'B Sorth Braall, p.-r s. a. Manau-en*e .. 11 I'.ni .Bi inham ind (Vara.

BATl'RDAY Al lu BI l»uppl*iBea_r| 10 .uv a. m.)for lamatca Bavanllla and Cartbaaena. p-^r a ^. Athot:it lu ou ¦> in f'.r <'iiiu:>' ii". cnlapaa, T..ha«, e »ndYaeataa per ' * Orlaaba llettera far othaf p*rt.« ifUealeo ar.d for t_M mual b* Blrected "per Ortaaha"lstl |t ,,' _, for Jamalea nnd . ap* On_laa, per *. a.'.. ir.iid (lettera f. r Bella*. Puerto CorUa an.l .;u»te-ii ala mual .» dltaeted "per HaraM"): al II a m.laupplementary ii 84 a. m r V«a*aa*la nnd Curaeaa,ii..', Bavinilla and CarthagMB. rla I'uracao, per a. a.

Veneanela >t I- "> f"r Oreaada. Trlnldad and Toba#a,p.r s. a Irrrawaddy; -<t B_B e ;.. tat at I.1*4atlqueton per ataaaaer froai N rt:i Bydaey.

.; - | N*arfOAindiand, bi rall lo Hi!.?..\. and thenc*by «te:.r,'..r. rloa* al thla aBJee dally at 848 p. in.

VJaila for -laueloa. by rall lo B rtoe. and tkeaea hyiteamer cloa* al thi* BJ dalti .t n;3<> p. m. Malla

ui-a ,-!o«e at thiH ea_e eelty al 7 a m.. for f.,r-.rardlna b) awamera aalllna (Moaday* and Tburadayaifrom Port Tampa, Ma. Maiis for Mesleo, ..vertand. un

.illy addr***ed f.-r dlapateh by sieamer, cio*aai tai* oBJc* dally a' 7 a. m. |R*t_Ur*d mail c:o**o,,i .; p. tn. preN aaaa da].


Halla fa* Chtaa aad impmn, per ». ». Macdadt (from Ta-¦.oinal |. se her* dally up to r 114 »l B:30 p.I, Malla f'.r ''iilna. Japan and Hawall per *. a. .tilnaifi'o ii s.iti ii;.!.-is. ..>. ..->. ber* dally ua la D*ea__wI ,t i, :io p. in Maiis far BawaM, p.-r «. «. Auxtrallaifrom r;in PrBBclaee), doa« li.-t. dauy "P «a Devember¦_".'t .t .!.".> p m Malln fw th* Bociety Ii<l,inuV. i>»r ah.pTroplc lllid .from Baa BYanclaco), hei» dally up io

I....-ini'.'i' z'i al u-'i" p. nv Maiia for .tiir.a und Japaa(apedalt) aililnaaad oaly), per «. h. Kinpren* of Indu.froni Vaaeouvar) doaa her* daily up i.. l«-.'.mi>er I8B

., io p. m. Mal!» for Auatralla (e.\,ept \V>5t Au-atralhm) HawaH and Kiji lalaada iai»oially addreaveuonly) per - . Mlow*ra tfrom VaaeeuTer), doaa h.-redally' BB 10 .l.'tniaiv tl at i_B p. m. Maila for Au-¦tralb i.-x.'.pt thoa* for W.'ii Auairvlla. whleh ar»forvrarded vla Burope), Bew Xealand, Rawatt, KIJI and.-am...i:i MH _, s. Murlposa tf*a_ San Kran-

,,i rtoae her.- dally up lo .lanaary '2 at 7:S0 a. m..II ni. un.l «:*. p. BI ."i BB arrtval at New-York of¦ v L'mbrla arkth ltrliiah BBBlia f.-r Australla).

Tranapaelttc inails are forwafded to p. rt of aalllna dal'.yaad U.e «.'li.siul' of <"lo»lna la arran*- .1 on th« preaump-ll.m of tliflr uninterrupted overland tranalt. tRealatcradmall ekaaa at B P. m. prevloua day.

t'tiARi.KK w. DAYTON. Po*tmaatar.r_t.-_.-e. New-Ycrk. N. Y.. December 4, 1864.