Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-12-08 [p 7] · -tn r

- tn r<» Kot out of the Amerlran poll- fK.asdthein _ ^

THB WANDERINO BTAKB.'rM]1 v. ,,-,,,, :. Bl Lawla, and la

' i'hi.-a*-*.'.i; "¦ Bath*. aa '.<-'i'-K ln"*"¦ ln, hin Ottla Bklnner appesred kta! niis-l-.t

l^ontauk Theatre. Brooklyn.Mr. Tree,»!,hC, -e gnlckerbocker, wlll sppesr In Phlla-;o* a'

Ti.v -,, ifjr;.Theodore Hsmtllon¦*fi%tt nlght. ln Baltlmore, as l-uddln* Hesd

C^'evei Kathertne, In "Th- TsmlngWT,l %i.r. w "... Mr. t-hevaller la In Clneln-* rrancl.1 vYUaon, nos In Waahlngton, wlll

.*».'»klla4elphla nexl week.M- Holll M-

»-'.". red last nlghl In Brooklyn.EdwardJfJaaato thla week. In Boaton.Mr. and Mr>' 'nr,* Una ¦'¦ Detroll.John rfare acted,***Jm % "leveland.Mlaa Olga Netheraoioa^JSTiionfi '¦¦¦ Xew-England clrcull.Btuart«»f,lV ., u ii .Lllllan Ruaaell le InWP*L nnBB hlan'a bcnefll wlll aaaembleC8**P«Va'rB nexl Ktlda) al lha Broadway Thea-asaalaaTiaVrei Mather wlll come t,- VVsllack'a^..r,'.n Januarj 18. !«*?, md preaenl "Cymbe-TB*-Jr ..- un la io appe ,r at the¦. .". tk iitr- «' VV. .'o'Ud.H-k has retlredrT*"5aBtago '¦ aell Wlll iotne to thePfJTta Ja ,.ii-. .*.... and preaanl "An Am.-ri-0*3Lutv'' Mlle. Yv.-tte Oullbert will emergeaa*tUeVfc .'.-. the cneert hall of Koster.**£,- M. Crane'a rernarkable acilng ln "A* tKe'r-'it' "'.' the Flfth Avenue Theatre, hns

j ¦' on. und oughl to attract

ggS .-a-

JH BATRICAL 1 Nl IDENTR¦ jiiisn. of the raelodrama of "The Cotton

mt-f waa pleaaantly effected al lha Columbua

.rieatre last night.Vi-itors to the Grsnd Opers Houae last nteht ww

i v w'-i''i I '. : "¦' -"im' tlm'' .'' ''¦. <'urr,'n'- '"''*

i'aass oxteal popohur. cstlsd "A Mllk Whlte

ga Ouater'a facetloua bul eosrae plsy ealled*f Fiorid* Enchantment." atartlng on Its travela,alaaached Harlem where it waa preeented Isat¦iVhHn th- Opera Houae ol that place«*h!' v.-*v Theatre Ib to be called the Savoy2^^ unmaanlng tltle hi.r.-i. and Mlaa .1. f-I 1 i..«-V- Mr Frederlefc Pauldlng are to

Jg^'h^JreBenllng sn old plsj csued "I.a

-Spiroduetion of The Olrl from Psrle." sn-rr,i\ for laal Rhl ai Ihe II, rald Bquare The-BB«aeedfl ^ J .,. ,.. .ll.,omi,u,h,.,1 ,,..

*4%B*'i«kh conaecutlv* i» i formsnee ol "The." . |,.!v> Th.atre on December

f:*". [.tor wlll recelv. copy of tha

V Jea^ra^*M %gella wlll ahortly }ola tba...' ,;.v now pUylng il lha Brosdwsy Theatre In

"w^Maseflald. a* the Gsrden Theatre. aave a

«^»t*-" laal nlght, of the eccentrlcTftftrf ffitlv. ln 'Arini. and the Man." and

l*Cwla aaao wlth dellghl by b full houae. MIbbr^maraa B ar, uneommonly sweel and plquanthaaafaf caprl toui mlachfcf and demure alm-TS* la thla pi< The whole repreaentatlon waa

[.noeili and asre* ible. and the r.-vival gave muchP»"**!are' _.,_


lt B vary much to be fesred thsl llossrt'a "Pon

Bjjraaar wUI aoon be a eurleadty In o,ir operatloaaawam le be Inapected at Intervsla ns a thlng¦arkgj s Btrsngi Interest, chlefly hlalortc. When

tt-»t aahippy HmaVosaea aomebody will probsblyBttosB Brd iry lo reosoB out exsctly why a work

atj ..., ^o wscmerltea, VerdlHea snd Oou-i agreed waa Impeccable and Immortal could

tw grran wlthoul provoklng .-» aingle outbural ofaaaStaa, heartfell enthiaUsn, as a*a« ihe eaae

whfn th- opera was glven al tha afetropolltsnBjara Houaa last nlght. Of courae the manner <>f

tion wlthoul th«- Bllghtest regsrd for <-o-

h*renry reaaon In the drsmatlc depsrtment,¦Ifca ihe pi bllc have had to endurt for deesdea,gassance ..i tiie new notlona uaculcsted by w.ik-tar and his followera, haa had aomsthlng to dotaui it; bul even when reduced to 'he level <>f a

Bril eaaceri In coatume wlth restleaa acenery, ihecp*ra BMkea so strcnK an sppesl lo all who loveBaatc that it must remaln a wonder t i,-it a M- tro-

po'ltan audlenee can h,-.-,r it with an apsthy lhalmn? aure death in lha nesr fulure for the \s.,rk. so

gr aa New-Tork la roneerned. Perhapa a betteri, bj thsl whlch wsa enforced upon Ihe

: of 1 verybody last nlght the inabtllty of theSi-oriiy of the singers to do anythlng like iustle-*t» ihe muale. Bympathy wlth modern of < omposition has not krwered, i.ut rsiaad,A* popular demarid touchltiK the sIiikIiik Of Mo-ar:'}. musie. Conacloualy or unconacloualy, theKtNlc hav* learned lhal Ihere is auch a thlng as bXM.irt Myle. and that it ln gJSWl. very rare In-M. it waa certalnly .ii,s< nl from las; nlgbt'a per-BBBsrira, so far a- the women perfonnera w.-re

caaagaed. Mme. Lltvlnne wsa hopeleaaly -onven-BSBgand ¦..- ttrk-al aa Donna Anns; Mlaa Traub-ntnn utierly Incspable aa Donna Blvlra -from a; :.;> voeal point ol vlew the moal dlffleull rOla In!'.» op.: Bvldently ahe haa developed an ambl-BaatadlBplay volumi >.f volce <>; late. The ¦.'.r.d.1-.k» ir, !;, idable, hut it oiiKlit nol to manifeat Itaclfkaathrr.atk' exploalveneaa, as li dld last nlght, «,rit w*ll a,;...- j;^ ;.im wlthout f;wl In Mosart .- meaa-ura*. in v li h artlatlc perfecilon ..- he Bral d. i. Ierfim. m,-~ Bngle as Zerllna Bang mueh hetterOaa hfr impanlona, i.ut compelled regrei ''..>' Ihetou?' «ai .-, large. for h>. Irnpereonatlon, other-vis* eharmlng, .-utifer,,! from th,- insdequscy ofttr vol'-.-. As for tt.. men, Meaara, Lssaslli (DonOsvannii Kdouard d»- Reaake iLeporello) and Da':; BUpham fMaseettoi, ware iboroughl) compe*

bl, ea. l: *. emad to be ln hli I-Baaatni Blgnoi Cremonlnl, Inconaaquantlal In the«»r]y par: ol ihe >-v-riiiifc. aehieved the dlatlnetlonBlaoemand for a rapetltlon of the li mlo leaoro,"*!>k-h a iderable glorj under the ctrcura-aaai 11


Tn* leedlng n ivelty pul forward al ProP^ijur*. I'a. .. yeaterday waa an operetta ealledA Mkbught Pi mlae," whleh w.,s aung and ah' Mm». Vlatnilde Cottrelly, Blgnor Paruginl andHt-rr Behulta Ii was not a very pretentloua nad a ii r> of eatreme ImprobabUlty, whlch ln-.aliad b«xi to no humor. Huasoi la genersl ly aup-

.-. of ImprobabUlty In an oper-*::«.' ¦¦ it had to atand on ita own merltaBai Mrr., ,',¦¦ ...-.- was entertalnlng, .i- ahe wellpaari hoa -,., |. ,., .... ,,,(<,., .,,., p ,r. ,,. a young¦'r-..¦ ...¦-. ¦ well. The programmi ol the enti,.**"¦ it by th, Bankey Brothi ra.naa Elli Carllngi Mlle. Ennu Cotrely, Juggier;earreatet and k \ i, the Ammona-Cleriae Trlo,i*rry a:. k -,.,, ... ..... MJm Mlnnle Renwood,fcfa nr.i Chapman, I', - .u,<i f'llnton, Mia.a fc'mma.,'*.'- ''¦..---- a* '.- ,,.-i MH ,.;:. Mlaa OertrudeVJV."'"'-- *.'¦.. s-. ¦:.:-. Hobby Kalaton, John*'. .aasBrl, an-i t.-.< \ ...


'"¦ ftai»e Theatre, Twenty-thlrd-al wsa a no leaareatarda) .-. ll li wont to b,. Ib thi

»a alnsMBa whleh ww,t on all day w,-r<- Wllllamn ...¦ and M»r:c Bell, ';<-.n-ra; Mlte. vVinUtma a.,d.d,k igera aa l danoera; Oeorgetvan-. luuimi i; ];...,.,,, .... .ius Henderaon,

El aforrii ,.. Rlch, .1 ihn B. andr ., |a, ailaon and .M.n; lewa.

'¦,. , .. aaon ar. i lioth, lha Miaaa Wilson«'-./,':. -¦ and dane, ra: Marle Haath,gtj!, atallat, and Thomsa J. Ra-

hla frl ndi

gli K'' ""' ' ": '¦'.' -;!-.rr.^a;,. tne trsmp lugr-[./.'.' K'"''-'.. Blndley, In aonga, dsncei ind

.¦rume.-,:,i n .- Jilaa Oaorgle Desn Bpsutdlng,S2ff'*« H. K.-ni. vlollnlit; C W. UuirT* 1 '.'¦ Blrda, the W'enia »riha. McGiirl 9 :' and Oollette, Thom ¦- E.(.';*_:.»,-.j.,i,:. i;...,,^... K Au-,|n. aylra-walker; lha".".¦.".f'W'i;.. Uiilui.- Ma-k and Ton> I'.-t ,r.

J*t*l*agoon ragularly al th, Eden MuaeS aad thi".ortcaur,. alwaya on vli w

*-'. VARCl PRODVCED IX BARTFORD.BUrtforij '.-- ¦ - .rd, Cona i.

ga .

_.*;.'. VLI. /./. l.V/i'eJ L'XCLK To*^11- VUli, i»,,-. 7.-Tha unnounceroent la(^ that Kllford Harmon, uncle of Mra, Qrover* * ''!:'' Ml'" i<,A*[,i PrlBgle, eldei daughtsr>»aa*ieke. ,,r'nK;''. w»i l»- marrled Dacember B, andgTT ">"r''.irlstmaa wllh ihe rrealdent .md fam-



CHAUXCEY. U DEPgfW ani> OTHXRS.Behind the Bt. Nlcholaa Boek ly aeemi to he an

abundani amount ,,f reaerve power. For many yeanpast Us each Buccei Lins. annual feaUval, eccordlnglo th memorlei ..f aome f the oldeat membera, hasirpaaaed all prevloua efforta, Each yeor has aeen

s.iiii," Improvemenl on ibe preeedlng one, and nowthla year Ihe ahtty-e. and annual ...' tne Bt.N .¦ Bociety, whlch *\x? held laal nlght al Del-monico's, )-- aaaerted, and with tha beal founda-tlon, ti be abaolutel) the moal aueeeaaful tbal lhadeacendanta of ihe old Dutch aettlera of Mew-Torkhave ev.-r held.

If numhera go f.»i aught the contentlon la wellbaai d. For the nral tlme ln over a decade th<- execu-tlve ofBcera of th." aociety were compelled, becauaeot" the extgenclea of sj>;. to reson to th<- orthodoxmetbod of aeatlng th>' membera and gueota al li n^;tablea s.-t ut rlghl anglea t<> tbe prealdent'a table.Illtherto lt haa been the uatom of tba soci.ty t..aeai the dlnera ¦¦¦¦'¦. aeparate reund tablea whereelghl peraona were aceommodated. This year,however, tbe appllcattona for seuts were so numer-oua thal in order t<> rope with th.- demand a re-turn >.f th." old rrgulatlon Btyle >.f arranglng Ihetabli h waa reaorted to. Even then the large hallat Dehnonieo'a waa not btg enough to provlde forall who aaaembled, an.l three adjolnlng rooma werecalled Into requlsltl .-

ELABORATE DECORATION8.The acene was on." r.f Burpaaalng beauty and anl-

matlon. The prevalllnn tlnl among the profuaedecorattona the Natlonal orange cokrr >.f H<>l-lan.l. Immedlately behind the prealdent waa thatlme-worn banner ot the aociety. aupported on theone alde hy the Btara and Strlpes and on the otherhy the Btandard of Holland. Tha orcheatrai galleryfactng th-' prealdenl «.is draped with tbe gloriouaBag of the Republlc, wlth a centrally placed de-vlce "f the aocli ly'a coal f arroa and us motto be-neath. Orani.olored atreamera were hung;i!l parta <.f the hall t.> -. rommon meeting apol Inthe centre of ih< relllng, whlle added effect waa .!¦¦rivc.l from a prodlgal dlaplay of looma an.l f<>ii-ageAnd as a aorl ..f fringe t.< this extremely pictur-

eaque acene were Ihe atolid and alrooai Impresalvelydlgnifled colored attendanta. I'ntU thla y.-ar thesu

__f_rs_jyj w\ j ¦'¦¦ -



ni^n ),.¦. .-i irrayed in ihe coatumi thal «<,..¦

by ihe name of Contlnenta), bul this year ihej ha)been put In a wondroualy colored ¦'¦. lhal wa

not wlthoul Iti due effeel ln iie-r. Inia Th< nea dn

of .ni ..i ange-< olored bland ..' knlckerbooker* alao of hlue \.i

vet and aid* aeam of orang* aatln whita.-t. el buckh d aho ..¦¦ im-downa Itei laci crai at h. Iped t-. m.ik.- a tl IIeonapl. uoua unlform.TR iDlTIONAL CEREM' »X1EB OBBERVED.

Jual befor* lh< p. aklna. b< b in Ih trad..-.-.. of tl »clel) were obi vi III adedi.. hugler playlng an Insplrlng march, the at

nta in il>.u!.;> column entered I. .. hall b< ai

,.¦.,;¦ .. Oldweathercoch » »wned Ih* New-Amatei.. m Town Hall it Burllna. Bllp, and afterwardpolnted th* wlnd over Wa ilngton IrvtnK** homiil Bleepy Hollow. Wlth Ihi ro k rame the greal

f the aociety ai rt In ac. ordanca wlth cua- i>,."."i >v. r-- aolemnly placed before the preal-di nt, .. proceedlng whlch h- duly a knowledged bydofflna the oM-faahloned three-cornered hai a

ie- wore durlng ihe dlnner.Handsome aouvenlra were provlded for each dlner,

and Iheae, wlth a Bumptuoua dlnner and an -<f..r

math of bright ape^'hi ...<.' relebratea th*featlval of lhal anclenl Blahop of Myra, who, tirst

the patron of aallora and ..'. achool chlldren, he-came ihe patron aalnl <>f the Hollandera, Bnd thenwith full approprlateneaa Ihe aalnt of the early¦i ttl< n ol Manl u

AT THE TABLE OF HONOR.Edward Klng, ihe prealdenl of the aociety, aal

.,t ;.,.. head of the lable «.f honor, an.l wlih hlmw.-r. Mayor Btrong, Dean Hoffman, l-'r. deii. -'¦ DePeyater, Chauncey M. Depew. Jullen T. Daviea,John R. Pbuiten, Ihe Rev. Dr. .1 Lewle Parka,Theodore RooBcvelt, Ellhu Root, Oaoeral Thomaall Ruger, Commodore Montgomery Bicard, l»r. I>.]:. Bt. John Rooaa, Nlcholaa Fbih, -i Kennedy Tod,Juatice Charlea H. Truaa and B Coleman.Among othera preaenl were Jamei B. Ludlow,

H. <;. Ptckerlng, Roberi T. Emmet, E N, Taller,Wllllam a. Boyd, Roberi Walker, Iflram Smith..1. Beaver Pagc, ll N. 'niTt. the Rev. Dr. Tiffany,v K Borie, B. V. R Townaend, K. !>.¦ i". Mvlnga-tn, i- N, Taller, Bamuel T Bkldmore, i iinrv.y

Boatwlck, .lohn B. BUnpaon, Oriaon B. Bmlth, theRev Dr. Van l .¦¦ Water. Oeorge A. Meyer, F. W.Devoe, John D, Wllaon, Henry W. Eaton, Roberi

Ratbbone, Wuil im !.. Q illlauden, Bmll H,Prnnk J s. Appleby, Edward De Win. .1. Thorneli,,, er, .i.iiii' M K'an. Elbert B Klp, L Bchu-marker Theodore De Wltt, B, F, Randolph. CharleaD, Chupman, T. C, Walbrldge, J, <; Darllngton,Banyer Clarkaon, A. R Dunoan, «'. Du Boia, L. «".

Dcming, A. W. K.n.v. J. T. Lockman, Wllllam B.Bt).( .\- i'..,,, r ||, Imutb, .li'.. i'i-rre .1. Smith.Ite.r Admlral F, M. Bui. Wllllam <; De Wltt.I \ Wheeler Charb>* A. i-'ii'. Bamuel A.

Ciark! lohn A Chambera, J. O. Dnrllngton,4 B Vai.nt.",'. Colonel Alfred Wagataff, JudgeRumaey C N Jordan, Charlei .1 tTanda, i>« B K

Lyon, John H Abeel. Paul O. Thebaud, II Von L

Meyer Wllllam i> Murphy. Wllllam W. R^nwlck.E s Renwlrk. Alberi E Fo ler, Hatoted B John ii. SMiin. a Vaa Bantvoord. the RevII I-; Cobb WUIUm L Brower, Dr. «: M Bmlth.Auguetua Floyd, Wllllam RoWbob John Q Floyd.lohn -, Rlker, J. H. Bchmelael, Oeorge Bchmelael,

Kdwln J. ailllB. C. v. Wemple, J. lt Wemple., b v.-ii Wonner. Akbotl Footer, K

Penfold I ¦' Drake, vTUIIam H Pen-,,,,, u Bayard Bmlth, L, Btrabetgh, InrlngBchmelael. W R Bchmelael. H. v w-mi.h-.

Oeorge J Behermerhorn, Dr. Walter H. Olllette,lohn Walbate, Judgi ll W. Bookstaver, T. Floyd-jonea it B. Rooaevelt. Charlea L Jaaobua, QrataNathn'n Bamuel <> Howe. WUIUm 1». Murphy. Wai*ler P bwea ¦ H Reawlch. John H. Feater, An-

ihonv I Van Ooatwer. i B. Barctay, WlUiam O.

FerPtanek.Dr.VanAredale.r. w Um Ber;Arthur!n_ri .ihiin.. »¦ ]- pamiuiii m

Ouern-ey J Corllea Uwrenca, H. R Domlnlek. K

,, p.mkn.r. John w. Altken. Charlea ^frlape;!.Thomaa it Hall. B. A Qulntord. Mr. Boaart. B. H.

Br-holl W4lter Rutherfonl, Dr. A, AJBmlth. D. P,

ntaraham. Thoa-ca B f..¦ k ... W. Fel...wa. K

,", .-, ii K Rokenbaugh, B Oruner, I. 8. Inglla,

Flotcher 11. I!u"- .'. Mi'"'4 «. h.i.n.-.hor,..

'iv",,...'h,:,-W ,Crlapel!.H ... Btote. UJJr ,, ;. putard. Frederlck Clarkaon, AtmUn O.

Foa.LyveaantFWa.C.rlW.Horwo^S,,lrp....ra.h.venP,>r,.<>orr,.V> iK-

imklrv I'h.irl.S R. BWOrda, the R4V, Ut. All

bou Hrown J- N- B44hmaa Warner Mlller.

Te ber H Turner. Howard C OlcK.nson.

;...!.1 O. Do Wltt. Arthur V. Bchermerhorr,

ChSrlea A. Rehermerhorn. W. R. T. Jones. t'olonelDa I.anry Kloyd-Jon-s. RdmUUd A Hurry, .1. <'.Westervelt, A. «,. Browar, s. *r. Csnnon, i: II.Lslng, c w. Carpenter, c. 11. Pstrlck, C. n. Clsrk,P. K. Tieman. Uotl i>. Caanon, Thomaa W. oi,.B. S. Bslley, Towaaend Jonee, A. P. Baldwto, tt*. O.Hackatsff. th< R< v. .1. Buckmsater, Charlea Bray,J. I-". Blmmona, R w. Bmith, Townsend Wandell,Wllllam M. .siiiw.n. w. i. Heermsnce, Chsriea M,Csnnon, Wllllam E. L'lark, B <:. Cotaa, John tt*.''.ould. Predertck Bratnard, 1:. W. Dewey. <;..¦¦II. Mott, Predertck C. Mott, W. ll Wlckham, J. W.Lswton, Arthur Norton, .1. Oranl Wllaon, laaacLawrenee, Dr. <; \. Mlller, s. a. Coatee, w. m.Harrlmsn, Roberi B. Lawrenee, Pordbsm Morrla,P. Osttstln, Henry I.. j:.,i;,r:. .1. <. VVllletta. Her-bert I>. Lloyd. T. k. Evana, Oeorge E, Bchanck,I.ouls B. McCagg, aeorgs <; Klng, W. M Harrt-inan. Andrew Blbby, Judgi Oarretaon R n Qalla-ti". P. Rhlnelander.

THK I'HAIKMAN I PRBPACEWlth th. comlng ,,f the colfee and i-iaars Mr.

Klng roae to open Ihe apeaklng I ih, evenlng. InI'.irt, be apoke as fo lonOnce more gentlaman, Bl KlchoUa Daj comeaaround. Once more wa meat io ct-lebtate tha r.->-

iivai or our r»atron aalnt accordii io the cusl ni". our rorefather* Agaln hav. tha pteaaur, ...congratulatlng you on lha riourlahlnR condition ofour so.-i.-ty. Our worth) ireaaurc-r managad ourarr. ir.~ wiu, -,, much sklli that he .- abl. '.¦a conalderabla aurplua <,f revenue (Applauae.) Hoi» conrronted wuh ,, condition, not a theory.'l.aiiKvt. r.i nr rourae. we have %. to *\ork toapand It. and th> aoclaty enjoya iha reaull In Ihenew and aorgeoua llvertai ol our aervanta and thedlmlniahed prlca .>( the llcketa for tha dlnnerlAppaua**.) ,,iir Becretary' dealgned and aelectedth.- llvery, nnd your thanki ar* due to hlm, As tothe dlmlnahea prtoe of th,- tteket* lo ihe dlnner,tbeatewarda were ln lom, apprehenalor, leai youmlghl imagine lhal the quulit) ol the dlm mldaierlorate ... proportlon, bui I am parauadad ;ii-after an expertence you slll ull agn-.< we have had a fcj dlnner for u ll tlcket. (Ap¬plauae ,

lt Ib alwaya a plcaaan* thlng :o come togetberal our s. Nd holra ratherlngt Kuay men, aamoat, if nol all >>f ua ;,,.-, burdanad with tha labor,rarea and reaponaUdlltlea tha buay New V'ork llf-rlnga, II Ib a di llghtful r, laxailon lo la) asldc all

Benaa ol care. lt. thal aoclal li ., ouraa whlehthe foundcri cf Ihe aociety iWxorlbeil ua oni ol Ita,-hi, f ,,i,.i..-:.-. th.-y Inlanded ihi, llialr dascendantaahould h.- frienda also (Applauae.)Hut to-nlghl B'< :i. [og, ii-r with n greatai i, nar

of ri izatlon, foi w* ha had .. m tat ¦. -i iletli .-year. Pii-at, w< had tha Ven.zuelan i|ur»:lon, now

... ii hettl. ..). nt, hon irabla ... hl*i*i * ot tha rontr, vai »j and Ing ln Ul.preatlgo to o lApp H far moreImportani ihar thi aa ik< nlng fai de, |Bi-. ou Pn -i-i.. W'a hav* n

'. un n :.. !..-. l. ,| ¦. Ing noparty dinerenci I, .- tnatti <¦ \ ..>:.¦.. an olth, hlj:.'.'.¦' Importanee. <|iie*tloni ..;'', Ina th'aulllad th* I'nlted gtataa, lha maintanane,<'. an ... neat indard ,,f valui .., our deallnga,

:!. ind prlvat, (ap laiiaei ihe pi. -..;tatlon ..fthe Indeni n lenc ..:' .1 larj lappiuuaa), he

and dutj if lha Natlonal Executl. -,,.-.

lha Natlon'x lawi (apnlauB*) nnd, fina y, lo I,rtde -.v het hi -.¦., -', uld be dl. Id* ii1.,--. -, by mutual hate (applauae) oi whei iar weahould aay In th* worda inai met ua ni MadlaonRquare flarden: "Thare Ib no cnamy's eountrj

I of oura." (A| ,...- iia.l lapplly . rt, I,,i.iv haen on th« ildi ol honor .¦ p, .> ¦.¦ ai a wl(Applauae.I ll., thea, queetlona belonged to party

i lt a I hava i- a .. it ,,f pu¦... io :-..,. .-

t-ert. to them hara, bul whan w* -. .¦ Ib. beimenta In both of thea* h,*-..r: partlea 'i\:;:i aald*all Ihelr dlfferencaa and unitlna for the pr«*aarvatton

.. \: honoi .rn ol o ii -' lutiona, we :.- I tha,-rv of ihe "lana ilnki Into InBlgnllU-ance. (Ap-plaitaa.) T;..-. i- another >nald*i il on whleh - fullof v itlafa, tlon Wl en .:..,' .!. '..,:.. w,,-^ -i

November S, after all the hlttern,.-- ollha b elaion wai icc, |>t< A ¦-. ali aa\n, ... ,-, p, ,.,¦ wlthoul dlaorder «Aj.p'..v... have aiven the rld a new prreif .¦ n

trengih ol i, im, l«*an H*p IA|These queBtlon« hav* baei happil) B*t*led, ai

|a full of ,p* \- «Ith th. pli.... ¦-. .: ¦-. ia>l f ai

llfted from our breaati, wlth th, larh|, ,,f.d ,i».iv, w* may a>< II I- ihla

Ida all car. , all b rrj ii¦. raa thal Baint Nlrbolaa haa In ra for u

(Applauae )

REORETfl i'K'-M MAJOB M'KINI.ET.rlafoi... r Mr Kini; r, ad l«

.pr, .- ,, y, Th r wa from Oovi rnoi Mnd th, ond fi >m Major B Kv bb r-.-.-, red wlth

Th.- I»n al<l. nt-i li ¦'- latter r, ,.i

I faal hlghl mpllmenli talloti nd lha ai -'

f n. ,v ^ ¦.,. i ¦¦ l.ul tny It wllh n

in..-- ...-., ¦¦ ml .-

,..--w ii.i.iam M'KIM.EI

REBPONBE l'"i. **1 Nf ll"t «flTl,. flrat toaat of th, ng, -h ,- >i Bl !,..¦¦ praa to have baei , ponde lo It*

Dr. Oraar. ln),. W .1 » llll.l bl. ¦' 11w ,. .:.,,.-. i, nn< t-. Mi i- pi

pungent iaad hlhanreri Ha i :-. i ,. r.

ii .

lham Mlna la 1

li thi roo.n .¦.

m< r, ...¦

I .-,,i: .- Navai /- lha.< ,.. ii from ii.-.-

fri.-i .1 " 1I, .. ...

lha ... ith ol n i. ...

||i< i,--;,!,. !¦ A to tt f,.r Bom< ¦.¦

Ihai It kllled hlm Blne, \,....-.,.'¦ ;.¦ ....

Vorli M- .i th. ii. x-th. ho iprlm '.'. ¦¦¦.¦.,.''¦'.and h* di lln< d It «'a ui I

ii lA'i t..l II lo "olUi . |1 W. offar. II '. Ai '.'..¦

h« ilaallm -I 11 IV* <n< ,. -I :. toma ||

ha qualledThey th. n mad* up lh< Ir mh lhal a hara ih<

lall co ild lo othlna li waa wi k onIhe alergj Th< .¦.¦

liii-ion and ona or Iwo ¦¦¦ iliop I'oll. r ranTha) ,,ff,-!.-.| lt '.. ii - r .iii.l !.. -;.¦ ,:!¦ .1 ..... II ..¦

befom ii.lon f. om ni> lona* nt, 1,1 ,'..,i wotlld hav, ¦* hal lha B t,..l-I-;,,. npal 'h .. h .¦' N''' Ih Amarl ronld nol do.n.. wondar «... ordalm cannoi help IIIng lhal Ihe) oughl lo hav* Beked mi frl< nd11.. i,. w The) i-,.. hlm »la moniha' notlr* IhajKHV* in,- iii I,-.!.,;..--' If lhal ....,« .."' a terrlble

of mlamanaaem. "" Ih* p iri of Ih,arda am mli takenMy frlend wlll aoon mak* lo you II il admlrnhl*

apaa, h of hla alw l) llka lhal ape, li ilt- r I, is on* of th* graat, |.¦ mad<I do nol heallata lo aaj lhal .t wlll b* n-mambaradand Bludled b) ... lio..:,...-. whan l'. .iio-.ih-n,-s |xforgnttan Mr. l>apaw'i N- -a Enalnnd -i. h * ¦.

,h.- aame -i"- h lhal -a.- all h*ar, tha v

apaech ilaughtai don'1 l- ui h hI hlm lfmak« thal pai h would il n h« do. w.-uidmake 11 lan tlmea a >..>: would n, -. ehanjr-i,,. nl.- th* la bi '". r-dliuiaihthat any man ver madi ll aughti r,

I wlll aay thla for Balnl Mehol.ia, thal II il..-rala ganaroua and lovabl* ihe alandar, ll,, nur |,.r,., (Appla W oldar New-Yorllove hlm; w* all lov< rt hlm aa hlldr. i, md lt

thara are any Naw-Englandar.i h*r* ."¦ anymen from Ih* ln Weal who nevai haard .,r hlm.Ihay ha- .. only IO gu 10 lha Httle ehlldrat* and lhayw',;i ,..;i blm thal th. ra i- oni) ona ln Ihe ealandaithal .. chlld lovea, and lha Balnl N hola*iApi tuae.)

¦.OUR COCNTRT.".i-b* to i-' of "Our Cotintr n hlch a

,.,.,,, ,1,. .,,,' menl "\\" know no enemy'B L-oun

ID ..- this f.-lr land "f uura." w.n drunk wll,. mpany atandlna nnd lt na .' "Thi

Btar-8pangl"d Hanm-r." M was raapondad lo ..

pollce Comml Blonar H .-¦ rali, arho i ild In p ri

No- only mual we liBregard .ondltl in» 4 ,¦.,.-.- .' «--

wani mak* A -

i o| ... ::.,.!, :,-; W, m II I- ¦¦--.,i

..,' ,.,,;.; |, ratioii ol laai an nol m..- .' ih" d, m.i-

., ntlmi n al p inihropl i. who

THB MATOR'fl RBMARKB..¦>: toaal to the clty, ai rt U

,. ;, ,i ded in ,".: a

i am under th« Impraai l<tl.i country <-iin '". -'n>' .¦'

ot the .,-wn ... clt) .- Hvai n. and ln ordiman to b. a good cittaen ol .- n -. Bt.,

i ;,., under th* Impn ibIoi thal -.. aoo.1an ... anyi ilng l« un I eli aan

\, \v -York Inn uoie, i-il llil-.-' oi .N,w ¦ "i '* "¦ .¦ -¦¦¦'-

ye.'V a goort nJany changea 8orn*tim*i ihe

,";,'. ...,., | ;,'., aorr) thai thara t an Irlihman¦.--« happai ih il wi dl n -t

DOBltlOna tbal were offered to th"m. (I.aughter.)And tn thai way ao ouni for the reepectabie govern-meni we now have.Th- Mayor then rpoke In pratoe of aeveral de¬

partmenl eapecially tbe HeaJtn and Btraal Ctaaa-iin. departmenta.'I'lr.heen for "Jtew-Tork'a l>.-<t Mayor'' were

called for b) Carllale Norwood as Mayor Btrongreaumed his aeat, and tbey were glven wlth a willThen, ln announetng the neal toaat, that of "Hol¬land. Whal is HisK.ry Cnadorned by Thee?" Prae-Idenl Klng named Chauncey M. Depew aa Ita re*apnnaor Mr Depew, who ttot ¦ rapturous wel-ome, aaid in part:

I waa detalned late thla afternoon, and about 7o'clock ihe coldred man al the door i>ald. "There i-a lunatlc al the door; whal Bhall l do?" aald,"l.-t hlm ln." i needed a lunatlc al the tlme.The door opened and ll waa De Peyeter fLaugh-t.-r He aald, "Chauncey old man. hav only-:\ mlnutea' notlce in whlch to prepare b * St. Nlcholaa. Hav.- you the notea <>f th* apeechwhich you made llve yeara au.. on that lubject?'(Laugliter.) I aald. "Fred, no; becauae pr>-pared ihat st.h ln i\ mlnutes; bul I reeol-lecl the bonea <>f it and aee what you can .lo wlththem." "Well," he aald, 'wiih the akeleton ofyour apeech and mv ,.,- oratlona I fean tak" theboard. d_,ughter.) wanl to aay, for am alwayaproutl of P- Peyater, thal he had fulfllled my l.e*tnnticlputiona. iLaughter.) I though) was comlnghen to-nlghl t<> an old-faahloned, tlme-honored St.Nlcholaa Bociety dlnner, wlth the uaual recollectlonof Ihe facta wlth th* uaual remlnlacencea >.f oldNew-York .m.i Holland. have been agreeably

rl ngaln to fln thal I waa atti n.llng >;ratlllcHtlon meeting :' the trlumphs of aoundn..v .m.i McKlnley. (I_ughter and applnuae.)I'crtalnly In .'.'l the yeara ln whlch I hav.- beenpreaer.t, and I don'l knov that 1 have miss.-.l one,never before have heai pelltlca Introduced In th.-

hall and it was >. m..-.t rharmlng Uluatratlon ofthe harmonlea thal havi followed the electlon thalpolltlca .. m <i to be the popular tbeme of tba

\ enlng.Um i rould nol ln ip feeling lhal ln mv tlme,

wai Presldent. we almply fought Yank.i.and now lhal I am out of offlce, and my rri--r.,iKing is In feel whal a dlfference it ls to be Inpower ..'i'i out. i tru»l Btrong won': feel ir nexlfall (l_ughter.) n makea me .I aoraewhal aa

heard a man expreaa hlmaelf ln u aafe depoaltmpany where waa thi- afternoon. Blnce "The

World" aald wa* wortli .-'."¦ OO, ! took a box inihe Bafe Depoalt Company and a man waa glvlngiip hli box. Tlie manager waa aeeking lo perauadehlm to retaln It. He -¦ Id: "You mual hav.- aome*thlng you can pul in It." IL- said: "I am deadbroke." "Yoa must huve valuablea ..f aom* kin.l."nn.l ihe man aald: "l ha"e only a Br. Inauranee

¦. whlch h.i- expired b year ago, and aomemiiilmr aharea ..f a buated corporatlon." (Laugh-

Cit you Blll i.. nnit me, I ihlnk. to recall theBalnl Nicholu* dlnner back lo Ita nnclenl moorage,

i. ol ihe reaaon whlch brlnga n> togethermlk bo il ih.I.:..!. If ahould enti r int..

e,il all |i ihi i enlng. if I ahould follow>-our preal.b nl and Broiher Rooaeveli .m.i the May¬or. H>>l ind woul !">¦ !... In It; bui if our anceetorahad not i.i In Holland, where would we !»¦"i. n-i-i >..- |t is one of the luxurlea of the year

ili.i" w arho are engaged ln actlve puraulta for,.ll ihe member* ..r th. Bt. Nlcholaa Boclet. are¦...' pursulta can lay aaide tha ma-

¦" ' it..- preaenl in order lhal lo-carnate Ihe rnmanc- of the past. (Applau .. IOeneral liuger, t'ommodore Rleard, Ellhu Root

and l»r. D U. St John Roo a also poke.

II ls \RR i'i i.i. rn FROM ITS ROCKET.

A BAII/iR'fl WONDKRK1 I. I'l.l'.'K i'NDER A PAIIti-'it. \. ii.i:n r

Aa thi Ban Domlngo frulter, Antonlo Zembrano,«.!-. l. ivina her pler, No. I, North Rlver, laal

on. !.. r Ballora, ;. oi :¦¦¦ l Hen, a Ni r-wglan, twenty-one yeara old, i,-..' his rlght arracaughl ln nd before he rould releaae itthe member wai torn from Ita s.»'k.-t. Wlth won¬derful i li k he rearhed over and held the ropewiih his lefl hand utill if Captaln

llle had tho ateamahlp docked agaln,\ liurry amhulanc* call wa* aenl In la Hudaon

Ktre. Hoapital w im on. I'r.I. \ l'.. "i wa* weah from loa* ..f bloodai ITerlna from hock, bui hi w.i.k.-i down thi

.i l. and un' :. ¦.> tl nmhul ine»> wlthoul helpI Imi ii up '.. ragged

vi ara a aald lal thnman would He dld noi I..on-

!: - fitp :. ,'t ]..,. aft< hihad r.




ihn R. !¦'. II «- i.Ipii ued. great -:¦ rda regardlng hl* poral-

v ..... f th.imi y ofS I orh li waa iana of all

i Riwould ... ..;.,. ilnti i b) tbarxplrrd term of Col nel Pellowa,. nded lanuary l, V»i T ap-

imp .r:.i:i. offlce ta tli<- Re-n* foi the tnst Um* aln ¦>¦ Benjamin K Ph p

'.i phelp* wa* ..:.¦.. .1 ln 1871 re-1878, bu

reded b) John M .-

>; rvernor l! »blnwho wa* Mi Ph. Ipa'a prii

.: ilican .««)¦.- .¦!'.¦ to iceeed C doni F<'

,.\ Hall a u alao look. ti| oaM Hall a :.¦.!'-. in il-'ket- -, Couri :.. wenl

the p "i"- Another law-v .1 ;¦ I'.'l m.i- Al-

i; llca n a.

He rai.¦ leath of .li Ig*

Morton a i hlm i" the Courted laat year a ¦>

He » .-

ti ii k< laat yi li foibul agaln ll wa* nol a e In-

Many i il haayera were pn '¦-¦ t-\i rton « uld m ika

,.,.[, ti oB.. .,,. ., a/. re Bdv. "i Mltchi 11, f«

l,,,,, ie irli i mi ¦¦ und. r Preald. nli".i Mavoi Btrong s offer to

,,,. k, |MI c,.| e form r ln Ihe -, rli .: ol... ,\| K Olcott, Repu

h t.¦..,..¦ 'oun. II. a ho i- laa ,er ol,. ..,¦..,/.. iHlenl*. and wh. frlenda have lieen

_|iiyor ol >' Ureatei Nea fork.,.... \ itl n nl arho ara* h. h ilrc ol

i;. iiMtcan delegatei foi Judge,',f ih< S ipn m* >"ourl laal r« ¦' " fho baal.n

ibe mo a u and .1.l Republlcaniwy. i- In Ihe rli) for n ciuari. r of n centurjEi poii.'ommli -i". r "'hai n Murray, who

.,,,. ,. ,,. I'.doliel IMI..'-'. >l DlatrlCl AH"'

.. wa i el« I ¦. ll «J, waa ..I-.. PUl onr,,"',,'; ,.f ......i-l.... M wa- aald tha.,,, k.-.l b) pa" of ih. ii... hlne Anoth. i |>oa*l-

,|l,l .!,. v ;,- M ¦i..!iatn Grilbl i. bUl BOme ..f,' ,.',...). aald thai ihe real obje. ln brlnglna

'."',,. ,, tttorne; when ihe changeaI ,' . ln Iho C.''. I" I'.p.uiin.nt.V '. a R< ,. ...Im.; to tbehi, ¦¦' Dlatrl l-Altoi a genei r.»gardcd

i.i,,., io Tiininmny Ha». ..« atunnlng ->- li waa

,,,,,, ,.-,,. ,;,. rly iwenij r«_ra the Demo. ,t« have relle upon Ihe Dlairlci Attorm ¦¦ of-

k,, ,, ,,M., ,, of th* aeml rrlmlnal elaaaea ln

'.. for thelr tlokei Together wlth Ihe Police Ihp riment, Ihe U« Departmenl of Nea Vorh,..,v tt ,s ii iiowerful wcupon ln the h .rn. ..i th*VViKWuin Tamrnnn) loal ihe Police Depurimi'iil and

, n ,.,,. -ii,.. naalatanee of the Dlatrtct-At-!' .... . 0fn, waa feli laai ¦¦ ir, wh n rnmmuny,rcinfifrerd um -¦ more b) the lb|Uor int. reat, arri. .1

,,,' |,j |M hla ilcul illona for .. curlng ontrol, ,| ,.,;,-,...,., \. a Vork munlelpnllt) lntMi7,li i*

,.,. doiibted thal Croker rounted mu. h on the aldwhl,.|, ;.,.. di trlct-Attorney of ^.¦w-^..lK could

Thef'"0WHt much apeculntlon veal. nl to what,,, ,-,. M-.r.,.., - cnurae w.tuld be in aeleetlng the

.,,, i,, lon. PelloWB, II « l* [fOlllled .mi.

,..,.,. ,,.,, ,; |, ;¦ ni.,t h. .,'...¦ llttle lo the Btate, ., and .. rtalnlj o n ore lo Ihe count)

p ;, i,,.. i, .iiiiin..ii iik i >r weeka luiI,. |o rnor'a r. ojm lhal hl rlvate - rei .r,.

-.'.}. ,.| \shlei W I'ole in,. 'i wl Bnmuel A.,., ,,- |H|, v pf in,... aa Rallroad I'ommlMalon. r, hudi.',,',, ireat.'d wlth wanl rourleay bj ihe marhlnemanager* and lhal Oovernoi i-leci Black had been.,', |.,r nrevente.l nMaeiilinfi to I'olonel Cole'aappointmenl ilovernor Morton can ippolnl I'olo-,.,l , .,,!,. Rallroad t'ommlaaloner, bui hla i.ini would,:,,,! W|tn '..laui's -mu- !¦ I!..,-.! j .."i Pebruan,l ni.j(| ilovernor lihick can extend hla term wlth,|,. advlce .H.i conaeiii <>f ih" Benate for ala yearalonger llthotigh Uovernor Morton '.sk'.i lhal h!-.,. ,,.< or rn nro' lalon for Colonel Cole, itH ,,.,i agreed .¦. ii- waa lold that the place hadi.. 1.-,, pri mlaed hy ihe ma. hlne :.. Colonel fleorge W.Dunii, .. Blnghsinton, one ol Mi Platt'a moalfailhful <

!. ar||| lt. int. reatlna lo note thal hangea may beh oughl In the orgaiiisjitioii Ireatmenl of Oov-.iiinr Morton, noa thal he haa ln hb> li.ui.l-. the ap-;..niiiii rn ..r .. Dlatrlci-Ailorney ..: New-York fort> perlod endlng .lanuary I. R8J8

li///.. Ill.l.h YESTERDAY.The wlll of Henry Herrmaa ihe well-known

furnlture manufacturer, who died on November:'. w:"-. offered for probate al Ihe offlce >.f theBurrogate yeaterday. Mr. Herrman lefl an aatatev ilued ln the papera al aboui 81.490.888, equalty di-vlded In real an.l personal property. ln his willhe requeaU thal hli deht* be llquldated wlihinIhrre montha ir..m th. tlrn. >f his daath. Tbe,,,.m whlch came to hlm from hla flrst wir.-.v ,',. Nicolaa, is glven to hia von by her, OeorgeHerrman. Mr. Herrman glve* the »um of 18,000 t,,

I,, brother, Caeaar Haa*. >.f Bvanaville. Ind. Mr.ll., - .,,.,1 Mra Herrman, th.- artdow <>r tha lea-tator are made executor* under th.. wlll. an.lihey wlll be allowed the aum of )»..»» m n perv,.,',- »> long aa they fulfll tha dultea «,f ti^irofflcea Th* remalnder of th* eatate la mg tha wldow and ehl'dren

v, nn..rn H Oedney, hy hla wltt, whlch was flle.iday, diepoeea «.f aa eatate raiued nt aboui

jt;.u... He itiv.s to ala aona aeveral artlciea' ofrsonal property and laavea the houaobold ef-

i, .I one thlrd of ihe rralduary eatate to hlav jf,. Xhe remalnder U dlvided among hia two-ons Alfred W. and U'llliaui Oedney, and liisdaughter, Joaephtne <: Hatbawny.

H> the will of Myei Maranaa. under whteh aaestate of about WAAtt \M dlMtrihlited. the B4-M BINo IM Chya_e-et. IB lefi 14 hla daug.tara, _.rtoaLathera and _Ikn Kohlwech. The remalnder ol

the estnto is to be dlvided eiunlly amonr his chil¬dren.

. .ontkstino WII.LIAM ivisovs WILL.

Th- eontSBl over tho wlll of the late Wllllamivison. the pubHaher, who dled raeentry. lesvlngan estate valued at ahout UA*M*. WBB resumed

yeaterday befora Btotrogste Amoid. By tba tarassof rrta will the hulk Of Mr. Ivlxons estate was

left to Davtd Ivison. a nephew. Th* wlll Hi, SOWconteatad by a number of nephewa and nlecea,who allege that tbe teatator was of unaound mlnd.Mr- Annle E McCarthy HOI1 y.-sierday teatl-

Bad thsl ln 1888, whlle Ivteotr* waa llvjag at the

lioffmin Houae, he frequently Imsglned thsl he

aaw hla dead arffe. and would esll out. ;Mv aweetCarollne" and "My angsl CsroUne. ,'viaon. stao.aeveral tlmea aaked her to msrry hlm provtdeohe could gel his dead wif.-'s ,-onsent. The Wltaesasald thal at aueh tlmea, for tha aske of aoothlngthe old man. ahe would promlae to flo aaThe hesrlng will be eontmusd to-day.


.lusiii-e H-ekman ln the Supr.-me Court yes'.-nlayhanded dnwn a deelBlon d.-nyim,' 8 motion made

by Mrs Kranr-s K. I.lpman for th-- t.-moval of

le-r brotber, AbrabasB Coben, nnd ier brothsra-In-law, Ahrendl and Cseasr Caaper, aa co-sascu-

tora with her and truateea under the wlll of JulluaI.lpman. her huaband. who dled a raar ago. lesv¬lng ... eatate vali. al 8500.004. the hulk.ol whlchbe gave lo the wldow for llfe, and. on her thelr three dauarhters. . .

Un Llpman slleged thal the defendanta. aasdaheralgn cl.ks wlthoul telllng her what th*money waa golng to be aaed for, and also thatshe had dlfflculty ln getttng her Income from them.Bha charged thal Cohen. her brother. want-d tomTrry i. ,- dsnghter, and when ahe rrfo-sd to

ronaenl threatened to make trouble for her.While !.nled th- appllcstlpn for the r-moval

0f ihe eaecutora, Juatlce Beekman sald that a

,-efer,.- could be appolnted to examlne Into tha¦dalntlffa allegatlona, ln whlch aha la joln.-d hjher three daughti rt.



Un. Georga u. Bchleffelln, of xo. I Baal Porty*flfth-Bl gave a receptlon yeaterday afternoon to ln-troduce her dsughter, Mlss Dorothy Bchleffelln, who

li very pretty Blri, and who was attired la a gownof whit.- silk. trlmmed wlth pink ros.-s. The tebutaatewas aaalated In reeelv ng by Mlaa Mary Btewart, MlaaJoaephlne Drexel Miss Mautle Delsfleld. Mlaa MaiHeakraan. Mlaa Fanny I"- Peyater. Miss MarthaTownaend. Mlaa Barn Olbba Th, mpaon, MIbb BerthaMund*. Mi-J Angell<*a Church and Miss Dalay Hol-llna m -s Bchleffalln recelved nearly two busdr. i

houqueta.Mr and Mra Bchuyler L Psraona wlll glvea large

,-,.ptlon al thelr home, N». 806 K'fth-ave., to intro-duce tii.ii daughter^Mlaa Helen J. Pareone.

Mrs. Henry Aaher Robblna wlll glve a receptlonthla afternoon at her home. Bo. US Plfth-sve.. Inhosor of her young nl. MIbb Martan Whttaker.Mra. Petei B. tt'yckoff. of Weal Plfty-aeventb-at.,wiu introduc* her dsughter, Mlaa Wyckolf. and Mr..,.,d Mra. John B. Ireland. of So. 15 Eaat Fonf-JtA-pnth-ai arlll Inlroduc* thelr daughter, Mlaa LsuraDuan, Ireland, al a large evenlng receptios.

The marrlag* of Mi-> Lucy C. Morae, dsughterof Profeaaor Morae, to Oeorge Walea. of r.oston.

wlll lake place at I o'clock this evenlng ln the

Lenox I'nltartan Church, Lenos-sve. and one-

hundn i- ind-twanty-flrat-at.

KIm Bertha Van Noatrand, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Btephen ll Van Noatrand, wlll be marrled to

Oeorge 1. il »n Mead al tl,'- home of her nsr-,-nts. No. III k.,~i One-hundred-snd-fourteenUi-st.,at I o'clock ihla i-enlng.Th.- engagement la announced of Mlaa Blla I..

W'lae, daughter of the late Bev. I >r. Asron tt'laennd ihe alater of the Bev. Btephen S Wiee, ofIhe Temple B'nsl Jeahurun, to Dr. Ouatav <..

The "mualecl mornlnga" whlch Albert MorrlaRagby haa alven for eeveral wlntera In Ihe HotelWaldorf to the dellght "f ao many people wera

reaumed yeaterday mornlng, So man) weli-known,.,,,,;.. have beconu aubucrlbera that Mr. Bsghya/ai obllaed to take the large new concert hall,,,,.,,..- than thi ballroom, ln whleh the mualcals

,... held 1*. Ihe paat. Tl..- artlatB yeaterdayw..r. 1'ivi.i Klapham, "f the Metropolltan OperaHouae Prl. I.- ontli .¦ (1 i« rtnei. 'ci llo; Mme. Ar-..,,,, pan.1 of Colonel Mttpleaon'a company. andth* Woman'a Btrlng Orcheatra, Carl Lachmund,ronductor OrtOB Bradley and R Pettlnella were.,, ,.,. puno. Amorur thoae preaenl were Mrs.Mi,-hol.iM Plah Mi-s May Callender, Mlaa rtmithfllff Jamea Olla. Baroneai de Belllere, Captaln.-,,-,1 i.i,,;-. t'ecelln Ro«e, MIbb I. ul VVard Mc-..llistar Mi-s Kilhv t'ameron. Mlaa f.lementinaPurnlaa Mlaa Martlna Johnatone, Mr-. Oeorge B.|,.- Koreai Mr-. Wllllam 1" Burden. Mra. Perdl-nand tt'llmerdlng, Mra Jonathan Bdwarde, Mr.n vi| c Tempi" Kmmet, Mra Kllaha i>>*-r. Jr.\ir and Mra I'harlei \-' .' Hrl led, M. and Mra.

ll.mi'1-n Robb, I'ounl Vlncl, Mra. Jamea tt.,;,.,.,,,i Mra I'harlei l> Btlckney, Mra W. P.Havmeyer Mr- Oeorgi J Oould, Mra, Prederl kl, ,;,.,,.. M-- Jamea Hude Keekman, Mr andMr^ (*af| h'lMChar-llanBen, Baronesi Dahlerup.Mn .. Cllnch Bmltl Mra. Joa, ph Btl -kn. y. MraRdwln Oould, Mi '''¦ irge Crocker and Thomaalt Kell)

M- .,,;! Ura i.'.ov.i Bryce, of Na '.-' tt'aahlngtonA |u.,r- Nortl '" '¦ *1 ¦' ,! "';' " s';"'' '.'

nlghl Mr and Mra Rlchard Manafleld OtherKueala war* W. Bourka Co kran, Oeorge tt*.

Bmallay, Henr) Sl. Perry B* mont. Mr. andMrs Millar, Mr- Burke-Bochc, .»!.-s Johnaon andMi-s Ouer

Mrs. tt'llllam Aator wlll glve a dlnn r party al herS 112 Plfth-ave "., I>'-, enaber I*

.s/i//: /.ni EXAM1SERS HEAPPOIXTED.Albsny, Dec I The Judgaa of the Courl of Ap*

paala hav* reappolnted Wllllam P. Ooodelle, "f

Ryracuae and Auaten U Kox, ol New-Vork Clty,;,. memra -. I ih, Bl it, B irrt of Law Bxamln, rs

TBE QOVERXOR lt\<K IX ALBAXY.Aihany, ''. Oovernor M irton reaehed .\;i>.uiy

t0 nlght. ii ap. di to ike u tlon wlthln i fewl,v. ,,. |b* reclBBBlllcatlon of the placea in th-St it.* aervl .¦ whlch have been made by tha «'ivilgervlce ¦'- moi iton


vr.-Ti:rf \>.-- l:i'-'t;:' KSO TO PAY'B roRECABT.w.icl nai ". ''¦ ri" '" "naiar n rli a, ixeepl

\. n .¦¦ ¦-. ind ii ih* fJulf c-ii. t. n is

... n ,i, an low»ii r. i-ii t Pak 11. Th.., .lichl ilapreaal n la Boutharn T*aai ituadert by local,,., ,. :. M Mlppl Va|| |t ll ».irm<*r ln

lh. . of thi M wlaalppl aad laN. ,.: . ., :. tichtl) '.!' ln ih. lak, r*al a. Sea

Rn«Und, tha Bouthwaal, Mlai irl and Kanaaa, Tt-

«.-:iitt,-r Ii claar I,- i''nl" on tha \,::in>l.- Cnaat and ln

li. k) M untaln 41 trlrti, bul II li cloudy m tba laki., ind tha MlaBiiiipi Vall*y Tha aaather wUI eon-

i, i. «.:.- illi .'¦' n ll" ''':1'- 1**'*| ,,,,! &lUalppi vi ini I. laa.

,,. vi!.;: f iREfABT l-.'i: Th DAY

v ,r N*« Bnaland, Baa'ralb fi Ir: areaterlBaatirn S*« Vorl falr. | My

,.. iha mornlna; nurihaH) wlnda ahlftlna lo aoutbwaatarly.i' r Kaalcrn Pennaylranla, M** Jaraaj and I'einwura.

partl) cl. 'i ¦' lrtob* v> '"''.".

... iMitiift t lui nd alarytand|,|. w.-.-i-i. illghi hangri ln t*mparature; light

''.':, '"\V.' '.''i *:.¦» v irfc ad Weatarn Pennaytvanla,,.|nu.lj ln ih* i.i rnlng, foltowad by falr; llghl to Ireah

itbw, .'¦¦:.- alnda.a

TRIBVMB I.OiAl. OBSEBVATIOrfla.I'ir.ln.-h.:;o..j

^Tu KOL'ftS: .V'-rnlnff. Kight;,,> i 3 4 3 < : l . io 15 t ; 3 4 » « : t » lou


I-4,; e.-rr "iJT~- .'-- -- .

la'-aa WR- -.""WQk JV "

* 23:au.!_C -jrCSSSJMI AO.In I!:;." !:.ns'J>i" B caotlaaoai w*i11e 11ri** i<r..>WB tna

riutifi' * ln praiauri ai indlralad by Tha Trlbuae'a ar.r-'.'.,-,,irnt barom*t*r. Tlia dolt»d ltr.«* n-pneiata '.! o :-ii,-

;,..,:.,,.. ., :.-.,:.'-.i at I'.-rij-s Phanaaey.

Trlbune OnVe, Di ¦. S 1 "a n Tha «,-.ith.-r raatarda)I, .,., ,-,;: Thi tempai iiari uafad betwaaa tt

,;,i .-,,, .:...-. thi rarag* laBH Biaraesi balag 2', da.Kr,-.- hiahir iii.n taai .' Bunday and >»'¦ i>tkt,.*r taaa Lhal,,f ,i.. i-i ii . mlliua >> "

Ti.,, ..., :.,... .ii< «.:! mtlnua ta r ..n-1 mil.l.

naartssl run" ^auanaea. auuk from Uttla plga-i.i'ir i-i .i-.'t'. -ii haa broughi cheap »uL-,;ttut,.» ine.iha iiint...

niro..pvn. ii \l,rv .t »if- ,.f v lt AranM, ai Pawllna,s v n* M. n-'-'v. Hacambw .*. IBBB. aaed BB yaan

Pttnerai'aai l**i ... iwr lali raatdaaca, aa riutraday, .«t 1

S ll,. IN. 1..VKtAJOWa On M..t..1.v. 1'.nil.-i- 7 IBBB, nt liU r»s' ,i.ii.-, No 01" Weal IBSd M Mew-Tork ,-i... .i .hn K.

K. iwi ln th- t'ltl. \, ¦.. i im age.i--im.-rni «,tm.-- wUI ..- h*M al ti- rhurrti ,,f thi ln

iar.-<*silun, i.'isiti -i .rn r ii--. u.t. on Waaaaaday, Dieambar B. ..t * p m-

HOYT "i s.i.-naay, imber .">. ISBB, .t.m,.* ot>* II jt.k .1 .'.. reara.

|.'iir,.-ial iirvlci ..III bl held Bl lil* la'r rtaldaace, N ..

:iio w.m 7.*,:!-. ..... ea Wfadneaday, I'ecmii^r i». «t Ki:;tua ni

Rilallvaj ind frl-ndi nra COrdtaU) invlted.I'rtvate tnLannani.Baston, Il.i.-ili.ii .Mia.) and Chlcaao papera wlll pleau


DIED.MARTIX-At Oreen'a Farm*. Conn., oa Prtday. VtctU-

b.r 4. IS** Roberi Martln. ln hla »2d r_m__ __,__

Funeral BWVBM at liis late realdence. on Wedneeflay. »..

IU_Um1 *_dtfrl4B4a>4n reapeetfuily invlted to;*"*nd.PBinage* m waltltif en arrtvallofJ»<afMa* traln fromOraad Ceatral Daawt, X. »., m. H- & ». ¦» ".

Int.M-m.-nt private.Loadoa papers BMaM copy.MARTIN- la We*tp..rt. I'onn.. Prlday, December 4.

Ib.bert Martln. ln hi* 92.1 >eur.Notteo of B4**_ftar.rtnMLT BaaMaair., December 7. Mary Seely.

arl** ,f Jarilal I'annly. /.,.,.,.iRclatlve* and frlend* arf Invlted to attend th*_fun»ralaarviaaa al ber late rexijen.-e. No. Mi weal 57tn-*t.,..n Wedneaday aftem.-in bi 4 o'eAVjah.

Interment al the o.nvenl. n. <. of the fumi.y.Prtaae* wfll ftfadty ao*K Baa ara,I'KATT At Ntatileton. Btn'.en laland, Jlnnday. _DejBflBB4f

:. tfutoa L Ratt, ma ot Mra ouvOaa *nd th* lat*

Puaaral al No Bi Bwih at. BtaaBeaae. BHBBB laland. oaW. laeaday. ..abtr B. at BJO o'cioek.


R-niiins win b* rawoved te BaaKMoa Braaaa i>m»t*ryThura.lay morninK.

ItlSI.IN.; At Newark. N. J-. »n Funday. December 4,}":m. -I. Raalina. _. ._, . _

Kun-nil aervlce* al his late resldence. No. 114 MountPleaaani av*. oa W*dne*day. al lo a. aa.

Relatl\*» and frlends are invlted ln attend.Interment at Morrlatuwn. N. J-, Bi .-nvvnierce of tha

famlly.SMITH 'rn Buaday Daeaaabar «. at h»r reatdene*. No.

I9B \\.-i UBth at, Bfaraaratta, wil* ed OetBBBThateher Bmlth, a<. d 47 y.-ars.

Paaeral aa Tbavaday. «t Poead Ri'bte, ,\. ).

THORN on s.itui.liv. I".BBBar .",. l*tn,, Emlly A.,arldow .f Wllllam K. Th,,rn. In lier 74th year.

Funeral aervlres will B* he| at her lale reslden.e. Xo. 14*V*at lrtth-ai.. oa Taaaday, December *. at 10 a. m.

W1XBD0W -At Klorenee, ltaly, ..n n. t .ber -2. IM*).<;.,rd.n W.inlow. .-aptaln 1'. S. A. (an.l member of th*D>ai i.eKi..iu, ? .n i ta* late R.'v. fJanaa 8rm_aw,I>. ll., nnd Ki.'harlne Klsii WBBBlBW.

Funeral al Trlnlt" «"li'ir.-h. Uroadway and VVall-__., ,.ii Wedneaday Daeemher '... Bt l" Bf«to_i a. m.

Intermen. at QfW) BWOOd.Baat. n. Haltlm.ire ar.d tfun l-'ranclaeo papera jilcaae ^^Pr.

A..The Keoalco Cemetery..rrtvate atatlon. Har-lem, 4-1 mlnutea' rlde. fiotn tha Grand OntralDepot Oflaee. 18 Eaat 42d-»t.

gjiccial Xoticca.llfih Avenue Anetlon Rooma,

.:<> I'lfili Avenue.\VM. R. Nol'.MAN. Au.'tloneer.


BT .vr.ri.iN. a.> Mkawa:Wi-dneatlay Afternoon, Decambar O,

AT 2 O'CLOCK,bv dire.-tlon _ th- Wi l..w ..f the lata


I'.y Baat_a*B_fe <\ Ameriean and forelgn artista


A ColUwtlon of Chetea Booka, Keakaa Pattery, <~hiB*aeai Jap__aa rorcalaIbb. Braaaaa Ivary Chrv*

ir.«r«. Pecataa Vaaaa M..».. aaay aad wa!

BUI Pumltur*. Koliini? 15* d. ..


T.AIT IM on.. iv tha Hearjr iaa_a, of Mra,Arne \*-». aaotaer -f OEX. BOBBBT B. UBBI

Alao AM A_OI_A» IH I'lNK oNldTlu.N, with e>v«raiRatta f Mu-ic


WadnaaKlay Bramtngs, December h trcuocK.

hy order ol II.BaiB W. A. AVIS & ..iv advaacaa aad ea_raaa


wllh a (tW a:ut|..s of I'.iir.'.lnKS ln Oll.

Tboradap, PVidap and Saturrlay Afler*noona

DeCMBbtf K'tli. IH* and IStfe,AT I 0*C_OC_,



ixoa BRoxzaa. bbocadbb, uuxtVMm,POItCC-AIXa l'.iTKKV AXD CO-OBBD I'RINTB.

j^._ Fiflli Avenue Art l.iillerlea,3WS PIPTH AVKXLK.

near 34tli Bt.Stvlo thtH [ iilveninj at II O'clock,

two 1'rivatk couuscnoxa OF1'AIXTI.VC/S

in Oil :md Watav ColoraBT

brtbtou j n. noacH, k.CEKVI.C. CO_B, THOai.' B iiiANi:. niir.'H.

PBWEY J. M DOLPH, J. H,ii:, mski.. ll. OIKPORD, 4 B.hart hm Hoiurn, wrxauow.lOHXBOX, KAVIIi. KBXBBTT, J P.MA- V W. 4 M< i:\TKK. J

MtRPHT I r. B1CHBT. -BOX.ROHUE, L. TAMIIIIUM. A.rii'i'A.w. u >'. wTTT, J. n.

K. _oS88anr-ille, Orlalaa Ac Cu^xu... neer _a_aaaea

A..DE3 I'lNXA-s

\. w lasportaiioa* ler boya' rlothlaa la BagiiaBi anl-, .,-. h g.M.d* imprUe a'.l in* latea ealgna auit IM* t r

bov* from 3 to ls yeaia. Bul - I r I*bc ni - ho parttM,nl and co.I«b< Bult*. Overc *ta and R«*f*fB. v>«

hav'* i-'ii. pretty aiylt* ib Bulti and Ovai ita .' r luiu'' 'd_ ffsSA. 8M BTH AVB-, NKAR 3'iril ST.

i inniii." <ii Lnapi213 ;..: iva

I. ..,-,, nn . ''- jeaa tl.a half pnc*.

roatotllee \otlee..ri m.lls for IB* I.« fdioa I' 12 wlll

(promptl) m all caaea) at thla odka aa luBawa:TBA.NBATUANTIC HAUJL

Tt'EBDAT- At 7 a. ni. for Kur-pe, .«..- ?. s. "Tr.ivt, vt*s uihampton an.l Bremen

WEl'XESPA) Al 1 a- ni. l»uppl*mentary B a. mi forEurotx ....¦ .- s »Xea V,.rk. via Bouthamptoa; at 8a' m 'for per a. *. Warm ib-trer* muat b*4|r*Ct*d "i>er W.-rra .. at '.< a. m. .a-ippVinenfary10-10 .i m.) for [er s. s. .Britannle, riaQueaaatown; at lt ¦">. <¦>¦ '',r Reimum dlr«.t. per a. *.

Bouthwark, \.i Aatwarp Uatten bmbM Ba lirected "p«rH tithwArk

THt'RBDAY -Al * a ». for Nethertanda dlreet per a. a.

Edam. \-i Air.stei.i.iin (lettera bmM bi Mractad "p*r

SATl'IIDAT -At 3 a. tn. for Krari.e. Suttzerland. ltaly.BDaln l' rtuaal, Turk«y, Baypi and Brliiah Indu, p*r*. s 'I* rhampaene. vla Havra .letter* f..r other part*;. eui p* nuil b* llrectad "per i_ Chawpafa*"); ats ,. foi Setherlanda dlreet, p*r ». * Maaadain vt*Rottardam il*tt*r* mist be dlr*et*d "per Maaaaam '.;,. * a ni. for Burope. p*r i a, .t'mbria. via gUeona-L.wii at 1" .. i'i f''' * fland i- ¦ a.*,,f caltfornla, rU .iu^B"*' Uettere bbbbi a* dlraetad "_mst it.- t ..ain'ornia"i. at ll a. m. for Norway dlreet,per s. t.. Thlaavalla lletter* muet ba dire.-tcd "perThlravalla")..Prlwel Biatiw .'¦¦ Oermaa > i« ra aall i m Tue*

<i,v) Thundax* and Batardaira tawe prtated mattar, ...

for Oernuiny *nd apeelall> addreaa, printed matter. e:,

for other part* if Burope Whit* Btar s'e.imers onWe in.s.l.iy lak* apeclally eddmaed printH niar:#r. ete..for K .i .-'¦. Am. M'ai. (tinar.l anl t:-. Un* lUaflaeretake printed matter. e:o.. for ail eoUBUrlaa for whloh theyaV- adv*rtl**d to carry nuil.

Aft.r ihe .'I.'suir of th* MB*)l**B*Biary iranaaiUatuimnis named abov*. ad tary malU ara.n... ed on th* pler* ol th* Am*nean, Bnallah. Irer..-h

,,. | rjern in iteamera, ai remaln p*a aattl wiihin i«aminutca of th* h. ur of aalln |IIAI-B I'.'ll BOUTH AXD ENTRAI, AMKRl-'A, WKiT

lNl.u:s. BTCTt'BBDAY V* '.'.:io *. B). for i' rl tnt nl per »r»vmer

fi ni Bai'lIB. al I" ¦> i" laupplementary \»-M>a m. for Fortun* laland, ijonalvea, !'. n au Prtac* andI'e-r i;-..i\-. pei s i Ai.-:.. lletter* for ne:!x». I'ue-toCortea anl (iaaiemaia "ui<: badtrected "per Alvaaa"|; atl_ ., n, (aapplemeBiar) 10:30 .1 bj.) fjr Cap* 11.u-.1UI Cay*» J.i.ii'.''. -mi Baata Martha, per a. a. Yumurl;',. ?.( .,' ;,i. i . ,,s ., Ui..i. pr *;e.,mer frjin Bew Or-

'.'..ns . ... ,,

VVEDXEBPAY.Al 1 P- m. f- r ) Bba, p. r a. a. vtsiian.-.a,\ 11 ll ivan i

THt'RBDAY At io a. m laupplementary it a. m> rorCentral ameriea leac pl '-m.. h. .. and Boutb I'.i.dfloj. ,rl, j,., j, ^. Klnanee, \.. Colon (lettera f«.i Ouala-mala asual !.e dlracted "per Fin.ii.e"». al 11 a. m (ryeV,, ,...; ¦¦ - M»al. ni II 4T**o aad \<i~ t'rualletter*' mual b* Blr*. ted "pei Mealeo").

IKIl'VY Al 1- i" f'B Sorth Braall, p.-r s. a. Manau-en*e .. 11 I'.ni .Bi inham ind (Vara.

BATl'RDAY Al lu BI l»uppl*iBea_r| 10 .uv a. m.)for lamatca Bavanllla and Cartbaaena. p-^r a ^. Athot:it lu ou ¦> in f'.r <'iiiu:>' ii". cnlapaa, T..ha«, e »ndYaeataa per ' * Orlaaba llettera far othaf p*rt.« ifUealeo ar.d for t_M mual b* Blrected "per Ortaaha"lstl |t ,,' _, for Jamalea nnd . ap* On_laa, per *. a.'.. ir.iid (lettera f. r Bella*. Puerto CorUa an.l .;u»te-ii ala mual .» dltaeted "per HaraM"): al II a m.laupplementary ii 84 a. m r V«a*aa*la nnd Curaeaa,ii..', Bavinilla and CarthagMB. rla I'uracao, per a. a.

Veneanela >t I- "> f"r Oreaada. Trlnldad and Toba#a,p.r s. a Irrrawaddy; -<t B_B e ;.. tat at I.1*4atlqueton per ataaaaer froai N rt:i Bydaey.

.; - | N*arfOAindiand, bi rall lo Hi!.?..\. and thenc*by «te:.r,'..r. rloa* al thla aBJee dally at 848 p. in.

VJaila for -laueloa. by rall lo B rtoe. and tkeaea hyiteamer cloa* al thi* BJ dalti .t n;3<> p. m. Malla

ui-a ,-!o«e at thiH ea_e eelty al 7 a m.. for f.,r-.rardlna b) awamera aalllna (Moaday* and Tburadayaifrom Port Tampa, Ma. Maiis for Mesleo, ..vertand. un

.illy addr***ed f.-r dlapateh by sieamer, cio*aai tai* oBJc* dally a' 7 a. m. |R*t_Ur*d mail c:o**o,,i .; p. tn. preN aaaa da].


Halla fa* Chtaa aad impmn, per ». ». Macdadt (from Ta-¦.oinal |. se her* dally up to r 114 »l B:30 p.I, Malla f'.r ''iilna. Japan and Hawall per *. a. .tilnaifi'o ii s.iti ii;.!.-is. ..>. ..->. ber* dally ua la D*ea__wI ,t i, :io p. in Maiis far BawaM, p.-r «. «. Auxtrallaifrom r;in PrBBclaee), doa« li.-t. dauy "P «a Devember¦_".'t .t .!.".> p m Malln fw th* Bociety Ii<l,inuV. i>»r ah.pTroplc lllid .from Baa BYanclaco), hei» dally up io

I....-ini'.'i' z'i al u-'i" p. nv Maiia for .tiir.a und Japaa(apedalt) aililnaaad oaly), per «. h. Kinpren* of Indu.froni Vaaeouvar) doaa her* daily up i.. l«-.'.mi>er I8B

., io p. m. Mal!» for Auatralla (e.\,ept \V>5t Au-atralhm) HawaH and Kiji lalaada iai»oially addreaveuonly) per - . Mlow*ra tfrom VaaeeuTer), doaa h.-redally' BB 10 .l.'tniaiv tl at i_B p. m. Maila for Au-¦tralb i.-x.'.pt thoa* for W.'ii Auairvlla. whleh ar»forvrarded vla Burope), Bew Xealand, Rawatt, KIJI and.-am...i:i MH _, s. Murlposa tf*a_ San Kran-

,,i rtoae her.- dally up lo .lanaary '2 at 7:S0 a. m..II ni. un.l «:*. p. BI ."i BB arrtval at New-York of¦ v L'mbrla arkth ltrliiah BBBlia f.-r Australla).

Tranapaelttc inails are forwafded to p. rt of aalllna dal'.yaad U.e «.'li.siul' of <"lo»lna la arran*- .1 on th« preaump-ll.m of tliflr uninterrupted overland tranalt. tRealatcradmall ekaaa at B P. m. prevloua day.

t'tiARi.KK w. DAYTON. Po*tmaatar.r_t.-_.-e. New-Ycrk. N. Y.. December 4, 1864.

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