new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1894-02-25 [p...

* TIMELYT0PIC8 IN RROOKIA tip: SENTENCE of mkank mayo BTU I ER KN'fl VETOE& EIGHTH WARP COMPLICATION*! ¦,..-.-... K "lal lippi val ti nat i , . p.M I t cf rb. li ,. mp t .1 .1 mtlee s-«h i'i'-r. > "I Uia- I. ..' - h. wi* r in t- t- IV .,irv . lo Iel ll SWO) I.i ,~ ihe d rectlon »f len". \* matter - . Was, "I U '' " ra" ii v fferetl by eleven of I ... f Mi-Kane. 1 revel itt. ( r ., Jury-i rn rer i- rs it a ma r very i , il..' ha ..... rrences, nnd r-. mmi it :. for wh lt appeal n Rs fsci e law pr m mt fri. |< -1 than two than t Jud Bartlett inp) mean; he li ti . il ¦. rxami lo all tl w . :. and llfy ai mt j.,: rf it,.- iv il. fa. . r. McKane haa -. -m- gr loamfall. On aooooai i i large numb places a hick he held Uravi -ti I, his ated a Banal] n\ lotion there, ' Piero ha" been greal ,...... ¦:-.,.. ra Tho amaamg fr .:... ry .ft'. P .--at* in ti. Pi.ard >.f Bufs tts ng to force this man on tbe Boai p< iden! pro lean, is asea in ps true colora In tl ' conviction as a M n, Thc Friday-C. rn ham ntesl the Asaemb! iiiig-d upon McXane's I ¦¦'. vorh In Grav. .. n This case rvs-te a ubstal -iii.vldcn. as that pre nm ted l>) Senal In support his claim to thi vroi ipi. I by Jo* IfeCafty, ami a wa to be np.1 ti I. Tl onij t Graham was all >wt 1 to Mt th ¦ A - lon r. WI ' 'i in : ,i ii won! it ll ought not t-. ii k- to an V" al the truth , Vol tie Dei rat li ... the evidence | -.! i\ ne to tr State .'¦ ¦. w is .Pawn strictly o j. .! .. -mindi d I'¦ m...-ra-, howeve can rel ire to i of tia , ned by M Pr: lay. The Republlcana ha no . i the Asnembl) G .linn cann i M iyor Benin ' lT1 t* ii of the veto p .wi !' The resol itlons of Ihe Al lei roved .-a Mon 1 iy di 1 Volve large e> Iple ] the Ma) sound. E gratti tepped hard on th j.: m of tin- Uderm 1 1800 fora I. | .. . ., mon usi I kc an ad ol a .-nstni w -i aa »ng xiste I, bul has nevi r had t .ir. If an Al I- rman is entitle lo spend F of the pul badge a I M i> .f be pr ividt with a badge el wi I "... . k jeii of i of de pertinents and al their sabordlnates need bmBRf just i the Al.brm. n. and have Just < much right t. obtain them al public expense, T1"- .titer vetoes recall th.- expenditure n connel?!01 arith th.- Oolumbus Pay celebration in IV '"'" g whl li m iyor li I; rrowly sasMped hi dlctmeni and a number of \ naen ind *'her per t ...;,. indict. I. Tl in pta larvoJWd in ihi sam. iii- expenditure of ihe lily's nn*">p>' for cele- braitoaa and lecotutlons. ie tax-je*>',r "¦'. **el .-.¦n- tiie Mayor's ls In **a*r*mce to smal exp ndltun and Infi r froi rbi- tl..: be will kee] a careful a tl h up sa the tn «. 'fy- Judge cnlten bas aga lr snowed his Independence of pamteal coruOOAfoAt " in .' l"- *a>sWlflliig the -' '" ':- ''. '.¦'.1" '' ,1" ¦¦'" in th- P.o.ini ' .>np.-r\i>..:s wi:; h Ire holds b> virtue of his .i.vtPm by tl" Boat of Aldermen t ie ag «¦' -';"ri I" ''' h( ,,:"': *'" the one we-'Pi- - ndered by him, bi which he de dar. til.i.' be . 'Hon of George Kell ... by thi Aldermen of MBO. after his n dgnatlon, was inval To all s;.;.. arai - ti.-- law I illy carri. out l«»' the election of Llnde now fiat ir.s tub ls confirmed |.\ tia- Supremt Court, and aa no va «. mri \ n for the ip . whleh Governoi Plower has called t.. tnk- liar.- on March .. Htiil the Governor maintain! .hat the situation hai not I.n altered by Judge Cullen's decision, an. apparently rn-ans to adhen to hi- purpose of havi a special election, In view i- obvlou of thi R. of .ii. Eighth Ward t.ill no effort that will heir them carry the ward, and thug retain control "i tha -tri. which ikey have at ired. Th. Democrats are aure to malo- a hard fight to get another bold on it It ls th. ir last chan ¦-. at leasl tor the pre* nt > ear. i-i . lay a ime of Ihe Bro klvr p.ii .-. - ;i .. t. a gel up i. .-.rn li leresl if Judi te fur Jw Ile nf tba 1 Court. Il believed hiv part In thia moi m. tcnanced lt, bul th. Imaginatlv. s scorned to sen a that 1 in it Shrewd obawrvera ¦¦' I'i ni Cl. v. md - lurse In th. pa r. i\,.,. ,-. i mg that Judg. I'u'i. ni of getting this high ii .nor, lr spit. t that he had been insulted ;.- nilling ;.: i;. in ii. first place Mr Ciel -. iminat. I for S ipn nw C 'ir. e a man ga id leia I offl and in tin second, ie- I.- the habit of picking oul mei who hu.- never b. n mentioned In connection witt tb" pla : .r « led The fad that a n. ni hn< been talked "f or is an acknowl¬ edge c indi late aef ms to bi sufi use hln to be left out ri alt igether, Tin rarobabilltle.* are thal Judge Cullen appn tlati >. this, an l was nt '.. r surprii d nor V. (-"li S--H.I'. ir White's nam., was .-.nt in. Tm. ppll tl ns ar" now before the Aldermen'i Comm -:. .. Railroa an 1 each of them app. * enrltted lo fai »rable c >n dd. ration. The first ia that of the Pri.ri.-...1 Reach Railroad Company for per¬ mission ro extend ta trod--. ., an elevation, from Atlantlc-av. i'.'r-r so as n connect with the Kings County Klevati Road. The company has P.. n leeklng for several y. irs lh< privilege of bull ng :.."- bl -.-i> -. .nd here is n que si .. ll w. i: 1! ii" iii .'b" public Interesl r> l.n. two i .: t r. ..'..¦ Th. extension would supply rapid tran ll to a consid¬ erable a ctlon of Uro. Kl; n and to th. town l... ii.i- pa car¬ ri) fr. rn Pi I: ... to ..:¦ I- nd w Ithout change of can nettling which la Impo albie ai l nt, The c impan) prop es to build lt- -u ure on prlvati pi .pt rty, and ly i pei from tb.- rlty lo Vtlantlr-ave. and LeffcrtH Place 'iii- opposVion to ii- projeel cornea from numl er of i -tri ihe Long I nd Raili V M natta Division ol which the Bri ri road ls a illreet rival The question I- one which tbe Alder- m. ti ought to ... ..-,-, ma of pub- Ifare. Th- Ban lld of the ri] plication of the Routh Railroad and Terminal Company, which ls run through ., pe -1 . f tb. Twi Ward Ti n ina ment of this company hitherto haa been such as li iplre ftubllr conlidei e. and \< \m plans ar., carried oul - ms clear thal Brooklyn will ultimately be a large g lin. r T;.mp my I pent a large sum In building ai: ¦, n al Thlrty-nlnth-st nnd has ia d" a " itttng at great ex pens, the high j i;,,. ,. . ugh! its right and paid foi lt \<»u j- asks the privileg of Jj rtaln at re*-ti -. the ouuklrts of the Iti and its mad down through the lal"'' ¦'.' ll rival of the tang l- jsad the dlrecl a Ivantag to Ri will oe ( road a \ Irtually encircle lt ¦ th exes to '"¦"¦'" '.¦ raliway terminus. <¦.->. Works Comralssi. nor White haa changed his mind in regard to asking for resignations among »» J bates. u< h.- undi that under tim -artnrislona ol the charter he has the privilege ol J1''11-1'-' !' :'.l,s st any time for ausn There will Ik' no alteration In his policy, however, it I- hi* tatenUon to weed out the Inefficient and the usel"sH attn, h.-s of bis department, and in manage it on business principles, it has been .. greal hui prise p. hi,,, thal i. bas been abb- to apply the knife of retn n hmi ni free') with th.- ethclenci ol the arorfc of the .department But lt ts not in th.- leasl wend, rful that abus. of lat re Sroi>ortioiis grew up .luriiif; tbe -.eats when th- epartment was under the direction of a politician like John 1'. Adams. Police Commissioner Welles hr.- mtradnced a worthv reform In detaching able-bodied men from wnat are Known a- tbe raaj places in th<- depart- meat, and appointing as th. ir successors men who hav- been long In tbe service and whoas health has suffered Iii consequence of exposure and i, ,r.i work Hltln-rto favoritism has prevailed in this matter Th.- principle which Mr. Welles bus adopted la corr.-i t. and it ouk-ht to e adhered to bs one of th* unwritten laws of the r\*llce Department. No one in itrooklvn couM have hil kls faara aroused by th- ridiculous story that the Brooklyn Bridge is in an unsafe condition. Plainly the authur of the absurd yam dil no; know what be was talk¬ ing about. The statement that the cables had ^sagged" wa* simply laughable, as everybody knows that they are continually changing their length on account of contract!..n and expansion by BOM and heat. All this was taken into account and provided for in the orlelnal plans, and the three Blip Joints have excited the wonder and admiration of thousands and thou«ands of thoa* who have au-osced tho promenade. K Ill .f S* BROOKtYy HAXUFACTURERS COMBINE THEIR IMTERCaTra am. tums,: or THE R IJfOMAN TO BE PROTER1.Y RI BENTELi BK! ORE THK I. WI: .ni::: tUTD CONOR BM". The tn vernen I started > H. ''. " tU\ '.¦ rt pr-.- ni ..f th. lr >n Chi I Manufactu t-. i um an a--- ."ian ui of the Kin n an l g i- na c lunrtlea, i b. lng held al thc L'nlon League C! lb, .»! ..n Toenda) night, for th- purpose of arning n a permanent organisation. Tbe call >r the mee sta ted the fun lam. al il objects of '' to be: " "To promptly Ivise .... m. mb r .' Hon of any proposed Vat Ional, gui """" muni.-ipal Ie*t start lori arhlch la any u;-- afrecta tl " manufacturing Interests, To ski the carrying; - ,,f leglslatl a In th. ntet »1 11 and the working pe .; le employ. -..' "!" :.,., an to preveni by all boa »rab:e nv int :-¦ ige of any a. detrimental t - t properly rt preaent th" varlout h ufa. tun rs of Kings and Quei , <. .mr...-'.-. ivitb special leUti in il "- to the pr. p ised tariff bin kn ia * tb. ^ ll "' with .. view ' > obtaining nn) "' t ni- - which may be ne manufacturer' interest*, .r an? ol ihem The following manufacturer* wen- rej at this meeting, . thor b) '- rsonal repre*«ntaiiv< ' or by letter: ., , lion Clad Mai ufacturina «' >mpan) i l\-n Cooperage C impany, 11 >war * M Porce! iln \\ rks, the N'lcho Ch. m il C Abendroth .rv Root Manufaci irina: «' >mpanY In bauer 8ugar Reflnlm c mpany, Martin iv H ina \ tl .a il RIi .' .mpany, ta.- Doscher C .mpany, Wward «' Smith .v « >.. WU lam V igel \- Bl lb- -. Chrome Sw .' « ir" '- Bchaffer lt Rudenberg, the 81m ls Ma if . t impanj. ths lei nm - P." .. w irks, n man Hon, 'i Ht a* C I.-:., ll, E. V. Crandall, v Bee Manufacturing Company, I' I'arr.-tt, '" .-, i: Dunlap* Co., \\ C Vosburgh Maniifi'-tu .' imp my, Limit* I. La'anre ,\ Gr kan M int factui -.. Company. Moller A Schuman, P--r Ii Works, Am rican Wrought Vnvil Company, Metir. > Hrothera Coapaay, the I'nlteil State* I'm.ti¦. I. Company, the Pm M inul i. lurei \- ithwi ;ti-- nlted S: j-,- the Natl >n il Si ireh imi . I; '. .' tod Mai I Vt l ter & Co.. Acme Fertiliser Company, i: .; W#l>st< n .-. h ii ll I. lu A Co., \ K Whitney A Co Pr ,. n 0 Peterson. Richie Hi .. n .>. 11 mal ., .nd ,v Puller Pf.-v. lng Comp in; ,11 ll Heh Sons, Ch'in- a. Co., American Stamping mi ! Sp. i o Ilea! 'i k Sm. liing ana Company. Valentine Linn, Samu M'-tcalf, (J M Rddy I Co. The me...inn was . ordi r by Ern I . Webb, it the National Blvel Company, and Hem P. Haigh, of the Iron .'i.i ManefAei pa ny, wa- elect, chairman, and Mr Webb rr. i irv of ie meeting. After a u.-i'-ta! d " tiie purpose* of tia- association. .' corni ll permanent organization and I .mvini-nl . was app In ted, consisting of the following gentle r.u-n: ll.-nu li. Haigh. Powell Al Palmer, 1 C. Sm. h. I' lt Moi -. Iff, ll NI i. .1-. \\ lill rn II lal.; Willi nu P. Reed. .1 A -ii ll M bauer Jchr ll Hanan, H Dru.:..p. li C Hi .1 C. Cox luau. John H. Schuman. W. I. Pearn E.,: Church, ll- .1. Vogel, Aug, latz, ll P. Mi .-rnann. Willum Howard, P. W W ¦ A .'- .' nnlngs, Cord Meyer, jr. Pretlerlck Weh .1. . ,h li H.rds. H. P. Judd. A. P V" .1 I gan. Walter Mandeville and Jacob Mcurei ' Chrome Bteel Work-, and the firms of Richie I ,.. & Donasf and Brown «\. Pattei .n. w«*r to haVe a r»-pr. entatlve attend the t.i lg ol' Pils oommltt"". which will be held . esl 1 en ¦.- of Lowell M. Palmer, N 1 Brooklyn, Monday, Pebi lary 26. at N o'clock, p. rn The next Seating ...-' the Assjciation will be hei ar the I'nion League >'!u!.. Hi loklyn 1 March »*. al >> o'clock, p. m., and al that tl permanent organ ira t ion will be effected, All ma iu fnet orel's of Kings .ml Queens tunl .bally 1 nvii' to -. t: i a representative to tins meei lng MORL FUNDS NI I OED. »i j THi: WORK OK PROSECI'TIN'O ELECTION IN KIN'.;.-- COI'XTT COSTS MONEY THE COMMITTEE OP TWENTT \i.s yon All*, .(lowing appeal for funds i aid In tl wt rt of prosecuting .«. tl n frauds has been Issn b) th.- Klnga County Committee of Twenty-five, .-: A. 8. Hal To the Cltlsens of Brookl) n an ll nty. lt would be a libel isume ll Bi .... n d I noi w ml a pure balloi or an I imlcal administration ol pul aoems difficult after eli lion to Imi upon ever) man pei nal responsiblllt) object aimed at on Election Pay. ii would also b a libel to a e that 1 llnquenta ar. ivanting in patriot n nevert Inattention and want ..: tt irt at thia trna- wll! ly def at the object aimed il 'Ch- immlttee in charge of the Hon ..'. is b. ri supp irted flt li)- « iiblic- iplriti men, who, up date, have pi .:: the funds necessary, while th. a at n of citizens Interested In good governmi lu >n ia ir iini> those iii contact with th" work can under- -I its magnltu le ar Imp. ri ince, rn tl expel uv the pl fen I. rs lt i atat. that lt would oeeup Court of Oyer and Teri months ll ia lictmi tr- ire pi os. iii 1 To truth th" statement w n int idi by tn- mosl eminent coun .¦' enga ¦. In ta irk that lo i: isecute all thi mt i; t .\ > work must I ar>- tO ti.i VI ar: i comm In municipal government. Who rhaii pi ..¦ fun la? '. rtalnly the immltt. e cannot hr exi d it all. lt ls th" people '..- rve, an ii the p. o| :.¦ th. y must >k for ance The conviction secured and the pros. ai" to follow spi .k f.r themselvs thia «ork c .mph t- l ..- lt shoui i be rom. forward and provide the mean* that Brooklyn bas recently won an enviable reputai The entire Nation w.-.-h-- her efl rt maintain an honorable citizenship, as w. n an honest suffrage. If we fail to d ..ur .-. we shall i.'rf.-it ..ur good name. These facts ar" frankly stated that th. Pi....k)\n ma) realise that they will hav- th'-n -"ivs only to blame If the a rk ¦.-. w. begun ompl. !. More funds are wanted, an wanti at on. We believe we have only to make our nant- known t . hai tht m fully suppl). Contributions may be sent t-i the Brooklyn Ti t Company. "The Eagle" offlce, or lo my bu ¦¦ address, No. 22 Thomas-st., New-York, On behalf of the Committee ol Twenty five A, R HAIGHT, Trea ir. r, A BIG HILL TO PAT FOR WATER THE CITIZENS' ELECTRIC COMPANY'S DE AVE MAIN CONNETTION HAS UREN INVESTIGATED. The oniri-il report of Peter Milne, Water Pur- veyor, to City Worka Commissioner v. gard t ti;.- sum ptltiou conn, lion of ihe .- main In DeKalb-ave, with a factory of the .'.ti- /..-is' Plectra- Illuminating Company, al H Place, ah .wa that besld. ¦ the l-lni: on Rockwell Place, eel with a Worthington water meter, th.r- la a 4-Inch connection on DeKalb-ave., ¦¦¦ th no melt r, b. il lea the Un b connei tl H idson-ave used for hr.- pun The ond innectlon that In DeKalb-ave araa made ..ti October .'7. 1888, by tia f .rem in of the \ar.l of Hi-- dei "'m. m. but thia waa only n ., branch. Mr. Milne further Bays: "AU nlng the ex ten toa a 1-Inch pipe fr .rn .tu" branch ceasea a - far aa am al determine by examination ..: Ihe ri ... li ll therefore .. surreptlUoua extension f a water main tr un a branch connection .i.r mt rd n thi bureau, I recommend thal an order be icd directing tbe connection to i..- severed with th. DeKalb-ave water main or a -i ... h irater meter be ael .ii one. " Aa tli.- amount of water tba! ld 1 ippl). I by a i-in.'ii main woul i coi: a ma a year, them is 1*5,000 due for the water Commissioner White haa referr. the mall ii ition .'..un- McDonald for ii legal rn In regard to the .-ntlr.- matter, and v can be recovered He hs n rtlon cul off, as th.- woul. it ii anj of tin- p" and rivate lectrlc a willingness pu The connection between the branch ma boilers of tte- company tams made by H W, McKee ver, a well-known contractor and politician, and a boss plumber, ll- bas close relations with man) leading Democrats rte said yesterda) thal he gol a permit, snd then bad Poreman Short .-: ll pair department, do the work. A plumber la r< ijulred to get a permit and then tin- city does the work, and ls paid for lt, a'hen ll might injure the watei mains to have workmen who are not experti workln*,' at tli-m The bill I- sent tbe plumbei who incorporates lt with his to the timi for whom the work ls don. McKeevi r claime yest, r la) th all the recorda regarding the mattel -,v.-r-- in ttl- .-::\ Works Department. Ex-Water Purveyoi Hawk.* said yesterday thal so tai aa he remem¬ ber! anything about the matter in.- connection was for rit" purposes on.y. TXBAXB ix A < ot i.r ROOM. When Joseph Bchmitt, ntoeteen -..-irs old. of No. IM Meserole-st., was arrai**ned yeaaierday In ina Baren .s-.n-.-t i'olic- Court on a charge "f n enlng to tuk- it." ur.- <>f his father, tbe latter in- formed tia- mai:..nat.- thal but eon w.,< i iz'. on religion. Schmitt was arresti Pr..:,-, nlghi and lt took two polleenvn to subdue him Hartlh had the elder Mr. Bchmitt finished hi ren irk wh. Hie prisoner, in an excited manner, shouted: "J took Luther out of hell, and now the) w crucify me. I am the Saviour. Ju .,,.,. Watson held him until Ju- sainty could ii- inquired Into, A cynical Deduction. "Herbert." abe aald, ten¬ derly, --ivhat did von do with tint poetry you wrote on my birthdayT' "That Muff1" be responded, with a sn. er. "That wasn't poetry." "Why. v.-hat makes you think that?" "I got i magailne editor to accept lt for nubllca- tlon.'-iWashington Star. AFFAIRS AT THK NAVY VARI TUP KKARSAROE COURT OF DCQUIR T<> MKKT THU HTKElt pr. .I-, iruti to h iiaa 'i ni ari cked coi vi:;. ¦-" a in the kipk kiix ok THE .mai: .: KO*! OTHER ,-'.|. Thia wee* proa la be an Int. r< ting one i far as naval matt med During tl Issi week, much I "di the newi papers in r. ard ihe rvette Keai*snra**, wit ¦tories ol tb" an bj bar ooVara, ai pl, ,,r the t and of the offi. i-. ir th i.,i. the matter bas beei kept bi foi tb tai arrival "f the si i roused a mor Intern than wa f. I cumin io: ol lii'iur. "" .''' " Si ... Val :. to nqul ¦ ai it rmlne i beth, ,"' ,1"1'1 .-'" ounul le for lt. If I d- ., menu and tl day to d | a li be sal h. lo-mort >w, ll will ,;"'"i -nh ¦. whether to rn with "Pen or with dooi but ai ii I l: .'." '" except In extra. tel thi n Ih, ll I- open, are liable lo time io time. which a fb the I»epart Wa-d I'" I"'' '' ""' ,v" rlslt .'¦> :'' '': " ''"'; " mg] -'ll be k ii will meei al ....... lo morn som r P.uildl RI Adm ' '! "".""" :¦¦"' :1 the in .'¦ ¦'' ''' " I cai N Ml"< " ' p . P. Kan ,., .i. |. J. K< ll. y, v.i. r j will I The ci Hie Kcal yolk 1.1*1 wi '' men I- r trip m-as iud l or t health. 1 men were. Hov il,.- Navy Yard, wh ' ' will suitable assigned i| ai I lh< ) mil i. main . 'i mornlni v .-i" -tr- ii' I to gi Mon .... J places. 1 fy, n the Ki ". Th. lill a i'ompai-1 ..- il. ii.o irt will 1 I v. n ... '' Vi The pd] VI Up or pitted '¦¦¦ .... to I. I'i pay :or .... . Would m'l I I | J. M III OW III lite .1 \ Hmil'.. '.¦¦ ho Hie | nd is lunate Im I. r»-a r ii 11 e I , a 11 I 111 i'll, b ol th. break ll " to tl rtunal ut Rio, ami Hi il il..- K. ii \\ b' (her or not Irt v iii .... ba. k to his coi ll ll. lian. H lil I. slxtj i April H. ii the law, i < " ...¦¦ tl..- ret ired Hal on that day, and will ih.. Min,I,. St) ... I.. ls li, he | i.iit. he Hill have to ... .. will take him mon than a mont lo t Kio A * I .. ill liol re ti -a Iron; and \ Iantje Hipiii Iroi w Ithoul a un that ('¦.: imo)..!. Ki. hat pla. "<l in nm in tl,- |ru|. im pr..-. I at all d ¦I id that sb.- ls of no mission. Jual wi t to b V tia ii ta v be .. ill III- all ll ibla wi il linn.".I be read 'I he Mai Vari undi fal .....- i. nil tn ku int.. mimi n i. her, a re will doubtless lu mm work Killi io I. || i.. I, ,.;. I I ii t) '¦!i" their f tllel lld t. ni.ii "All but thr. f ¦. I we a re all epa ra .¦.. h. I ni of a ti.,pi i, reel al Bollll! BM IJ ll v ... tiw fur the Van] last we.-k .fl ¦-.. I' mouth rough in i, an a b. t- .' n thu the w.,liv of rem ¦' ,u .bil.,', '¦' ..i i-i ¦. both ii .. M.iel ... :. several -.v..k-- One of th. con ..ti officers I th. me al tb. . ol April tut ' ... opt n an with rei .... ..,i ... I used m I, r. All bu two of the have beam pm "a '" the crul r M lim and all b it tm. ¦. Tl i plates. Will ii tlon nd then Ihi i" am be om- | Tl e .' ". mad" until the - m ly be¬ the arm ir \ i .: order Iven. aa ll.n- w.ilun ii.di .ii .:t ila- pl tt.-s might ts* gol un I. r W en the exact found thia will tra plates will 1*8 nlance \- Ith lt. Al ter ins th v will h.-r processes, .,¦¦] u is finished in r-l\ '''¦.ti. e.r. When rial ir In p ice li i- imitable 'hal ike M line will i¦¦. ;.ik. i, rrom the drydock. -is .....i' :. th .-¦ W|ii l»e lil be callina: for a lr! il ol th. rn in "'I r 'li it Hi. v P ,;. The t armor .... pul m pl.,, ¦¦ iv Uh til" V. afloat. ¦i -. di lock after the armor si all In pla. ; ¦>.* loni tn >.. k. ,,r "' ibe ...,\ r, it i- w.-il for ber. for air. ls i'r' ."! rr..rn the harmful of tbe silt wst. .., h. i¦¦¦¦: >m 1 '-.' >i«estion ol lability of th. new ships again ri to the battle-ships "i >gon ar..I Indi ina Chief Naval Phillp III"! h in thinks that tha weights J vi ls were exi I to carri would '"' 'oo rreal end he therefor., r.nmenda that mnr of tri,. eight H-lnch run* which each ship rn ia J a* lett oft lil* rep irted that the Bureau °' rdnancs ls opposed to tins change, and i).a£. . questl -i hal been refern I for decision to Be I -.-I irv lb 11..-I. Information has been received at the Navy v. thal the new commerce testroyer Columbia. -.. n known il" "Pirate, may be egpected there w IT a, another monti Bailors hav been senl fro tu i-i M il. Iphia to make nj. a pan .( the an ; he :. to be pu: in eomn i I m n Thursdi viral Of iii- ..tli. .a* I- ait.-.ely h... nrdci I-. her, but there .ir.- ., number of plac et to id:. She is ,-o come 1 i" io r -. Ive li- .1 ,num.mitton, but t'o- contract provides tn. he ahall have si\ m ,.;:'¦ pt ba ti. uiry perlo srlthin a blch Um. lhere must be a! of forty-eight hom a-. the resuli of which d pends her final -,'. and tie- pu men! of ti ,.. iv.- ba! .i .-- lo tin- -. I" l.'Olumb was launched on July .'.;, iv.:, and her official sp." ,. m.,i i,,.,k pin. h. fictober i-i. off Cape Au Mass., when she mad.- .. speed of SJ knots, tl ... *h v.-t ..ia ni .-.I b) aa- ".¦ ir cruiser. The Indiana, the tii-t of the three lO.SOO-ton ba .' hips to I... ready, will make her official -.'"i .1 v. Ithln iii.- next tw., meeki The special h mi .... ..ti- a. talletl io d--t.-rmn e the meti.ntr the battle-ships, to learn whether '¦.¦. .: ¦!.. iworil in Ita work PARU DEPARTMENT REFORMS. ¦: -_ .-.rt! -¦¦ :i'.\i:i: .-....' ii. i: ii\< COMPLETED .; PLANS lilt. KJKl.*i X r VI'.K OFFICIAL* I'ISM I. r.H Prank Bquler, ti,-- nea Tari, Commissioner, hi rid t--l arrangei icnti foi the r .organlsatlc ol ih Perk I .. .- irtmi ni He has abolished tl pia. .-¦ -a Iructlng engineer, held by Colonel Joh x. Culyer, ami haa dismissed Superintendent I \Vol ry 1 impkins the latter .. brothel ¦, of t x-l'ark . 'omn dom-i row. t Mr. Sm d< . tim servi. s ol Pre Icrl. k l..w da the origin il dei Ignei a ol I'i..-.- I I'url inds. ip. .' mb ner. and Cn ii .' .-' Bargent, ol Harvard, fur onstill itio i ting lt idolph fir.. I. has ".. :,;.p.. utetl pei Intende a ll" li id irharg ol th v....: i's it ground; in 'hlcaa ii supei Inten len Horn In l< man) in l»ei he -. rved in the ru rn lhere, ami tudie I nat..ral tel, :. .-. lands, ape al md ri .iltur. A lei .-xtei Iv. travel In i 'i... a -i lalil oul Un- *round . ,,i 11.. r -. I'' ..I a- ... lu , ... "ni., iti, and "t 1' stat furl an otb. rn Callion h.. dd mil -''itt 1'ark, ul th Uold'-ii Gate, and th Hot. .!. Monte Park al Mont, rn U Chi. tn had i.n< a av. i"*) t. tutu working ..t on mdt r I I ino '"" rubi f earth. In tai Hut foi ii " gniund -. '." I-- niiiini .. beauty of th ..¦.al tai ..¦:;:.' ap itde and di- lem m « po ..; pi.. tu S '-a' dil -' \\ lill ¦. ¦¦ .-: |i||er foilll t lb. ,- Us! oi ri ¦¦ -.. pal im- nt had I. it. the ps ty. '. li li,i- P ,| !.,-.. n to M ,,l th ;..i « lt hull i. ,i hip bi ¦!¦¦ ri ni plo i, iou- ure .a th. lui .1 pub ta ||eve ten lo the un il Improvement >.r tn parks and there!*} afford additional pleasure t" th ile who I In the parks fl oppoi unit y nt ei lure and th. fresh ah h not be othel u .. ol lulnctl without a trip oil the city thal I nsl .' Illino Kl ) \ SEWS ll! I/.' Kit Kl* AIV »l »\V N Mr. Al p..' J "" I Was "I. .I.;-:..- \ tu.- yeal I .Ina I'.n was name I as co-i p In a heiring tn a N '! I .' lt wa Matti Kai I,-.. l cai :¦.¦¦ ,. Hard .\ ¦t] .H. \ rn "ll .-..,.. r that nly one Ile. p. i: VV R truck bera ind Mi ll - he fore I ¦. .i rn by il (beers i Hall Mrs. Ci :. ii " Tai- Mra I. ll ,. \ r Ho if V id.n '.' Susan nhoffer, af No .'4 t 'menl Iieen b rok en open I n th. f ali I tia- \,. | I. ire to li pla .1 In the sta of iii- brooklyn Klevati Road In a few months. \t \\ ,: rltloa-, commit ti v. -¦¦ rday mot nlnR nt ihe home of her I wll i ra illil.'. io ttl Ills FATHER lt 11 ir f.ARCEXV. i 'hatI i: Poi !.¦ nineteen yeal of hal li Poi.... a wealthy retired m Inn al V ...: ll hw bk ive. do .kim. -.¦ tin in th" Kwen Stn -i . harg" ,,: grand larcen* pi f. rr fath. r Mi K..rt. s nd, :-. gold V .a I paw ned lt He to I 'll. v..i- ir,lat.i itel With nm.ey un th. m v. h. ti ./.. n p ni ntl. ki w. re found m him, i house Ht? wa i until Thursda) TRYISfl I" r.i r\ ELEVATED CIR SHEDS,*"" :'. vt ral attempt have h. ti ma li to fin to Ihe 1 "il and . ihe ll.[|j n Kl. i .--1 Itali- C.pan) at I'.roadwa) and Cona-aj st. The .. on. .i.i ii,, mo t dat. age, estcrday morn¬ ing, winn thi tlairi. bntke out ia th. boiler shops N< arl; all th. rollin*! lo. I, ul the comj. was Iii tb.- -h.-.:-- lb m. na ii prumptl} ippearetl ami the tl. m, were h. k. h Ith lu of alioui I Tin re have I.ll ivt- e|| hi men ¦¦: i: ir .... compan} recently, and iJt-neral Manage) Marrett t -i la) thal be belli vi d onie ol ... i: tina ( he In es. l.'nrin WITH HIS EMPLOYER'S OACiillTER Antonio Rarrlo who nra employed by Ramon l...;...-. a cigar manufaciurer, ol \.. ki. M 'oi,.. igh-st., 'ntl\ dlsappeai ed w ,tii bl; em¬ ployer' daughter, Ainu.- !.. peg, ami the) are sup- [Ki eil to Im iii i '.Iti i.l.i Run los left ll M lt.- iii the Count) Ho pu.,i. where sh.- recentl) gai" birth tn sn.- wa Mai a-' Uni cw al !. daughter ol ii gro. r ai I;, i.-. ii it, ami Rta he lei ave., and I ta rrbi -..I pcllcd lo mai i! hei a m..nib ago ll- -nt hi !.. ihe hoi pit ii :«" we. ks ago. \ day ... two latei I., and Miss l.op..'. wen! to Jersey City, and tb¦.-, ar-- nov. ubi t" I..- in Toronto Ml l.op i twent) two years old, anti was the I.k I., .p. ,n lot father's factory, al No 16 Cedar-st.. Sew-York, liarrios had worked in the factory of l.op.-,-. roi several years Miss l..p-z took all her clothtna and a diamond ring belonging to her mother when she went away Neither she nor her parents knea Harrios was married. SMOKY FIRE PLACES Made to Draw or No Charge. lixaiiiiniilioiK. *|;i«l«- mill I.-.1 linnie** **>tiliinitt<-<l. Heft rtBtes:.Laatal lb.',..-, i.n:.oed, v. I.\ Mrs. r. Bassjara, VT, i* Meaae. n M K Ta aiMr, Mearj Parian, Atastaa c..rim. a. i. Usuals, M. I>. I. Kraaedy Tad, Hewar*' lapsjay. Blankly Mattias**, ami I.any BttsTlO J. H. WHITLEY, "Chirr.iiey Expert." im rvi/roM RSBff/r, bbooklyw. \- i*. IMPORTING RETAILERS, Fulton St, opposite DeKalb M. BROOKLYN. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Crockery, Glassware. Our department is conceded by all who hiivc seen it to ba by far tbe best iii tbe city. Special inducements are offered daily. _ Black and Colored Silks. Twenty Lots at much less than they cost to make. Tiir greal success of our Special Silk Sales encourages us to continue them so long as the goods last. 2.-arda 21-lnch Japanese Wart Bilk, S3 ..w ubli il mi v plaiil ann Btripe er* ai ;-. per yard, Instead "t ¦. eta. son 32-Inch Printed China Silk, ea* elusive desi*. in small ngure* on bia k andcol- i Kru ind ai 89 is. i-f yard. Instead ut .ards -j: in- ii White China Sill:. tatra |, ¦. .:: :. in ¦.¦-.i.i ..: lilli- li.irii lil- .... .1: i v". IS ..,., 1 ir,ls "i ii Japanese Waah Tus >rllne. il groi'iids, wr re-tone otr.l ;-- i'"1' ¦¦.11'1' '"" loo \ ards . ._>: i... Brocaded Taf- lMlI,; a ---¦.. mi ii' nf n-" newest c dor* r< per \ ard, ;:;-'-.1 1 ,-,ii.i yards 2t i'i h extra high grade of Satin tiiuii- Li \¦¦¦ . '."iiinii wear, 20 newest "i changeable effe sta, ll 89, 'per ".ard, Instead nt J! 65 l.sOO -.ards 22-lnoh extra line, tlniah and hi .ivy quality. Satin Dui hesse, holce line of .- ii.o ¦. ird, instead of tl 85. 1,200 i' Satin Peau de Sole, am ill ns '.'.ind Ki inda, at 83 ta, |.. yard, Inste 1,100 i'.; ide ! bia :. and ls, at ll lu i- yard, Instead .>:' tl 33 ooo -. inls 22-lm h ti Satin Dnchesse, ixtrn --.'\ -- i|uality, m iii. neat designs, at |! 7."> |..-r ,- I. ..;-.¦ I ¦: - Hinch SilUs. r ii |< RI Satin Rna* I of 75 eta 2.000 'i ii heavy all-silk Lyona Black Satin I' I, Instead of Si .00. .:. ivy all-silk Black Faille Fran- 21 in -ht b url le, ai 73 >i per yard, Inn i I of ll oo, ls "* In ¦'. Bl k Taffel 1 Bro- iv ii: in l -m.i-I effe ta, al 69 .. >ard, in-', i KS irda 21-lnoh all-silk Black Satin I it 83 ct* per yard, Instead ot 11.23, 1,100 -i \i ra nv nil--ilk Black il of ll Ria ¦;«. Satin Prill . I, ns n i, at 71 yard, Instead "f li io 1.600 yards 24-Ineh all-silk Bia :< Surah, Utrea i, extra heavj i:r ide, ti 93 eta per yard, 1 of 11.50. yards 24-Inch all Bia rk P.ttin Du* it 81 per yard, in* extra heavy fin -ii Black ., ll 75 per y ird, Inati .id of I. /i/i'/.sn' noons. Daily Additions ta Our stael: of Imparted Novelties. Evi ry t.- w :':'. .. In a at e and lorine "Ul In popular di ffer: ii .ill w....| ill the new i . ; i'i, regul ir pi ¦ ned Still .-l-*. at ".! eta. p- r yard a 19 I ii all wool domestic Cheviots, In cr-'Mt rlp< s. etc .;.". els per \ ird; .- ll :.¦ ¦*¦ rn al 15 to 48 ii new d< Isns Suitings, al e.' per yard; regul ir price, 60 Ii I n cl: O'ont ls. M h all w Pl >l Armiire, nn ox.-,-lien; ni 11< rial, In .!... bl ;¦¦ r yard; sold elae- \\ here al 9 WASH FABRICS* Thc /test Value Offered this Season 130 pie i iln.- Zephyr ningham* 32 Inches wi lo, li di -.i-tis and colorings. i"> rta, per rai I; fully wiual hltheri i shown, .it LACES. Such Values as We Offer Cannot lie (Obtained El seiche rc. irientnl Kloun. :¦. designs, 8 to 12 Inches wide, al 15, ii. 19 and 23 ,-t-. per yard. \ lot ¦.' Silk I* M d'lrla le Kloum Inga, ream, ind white, 9 ID In w lue, al 25 and 29 els. per yurd ab mi ii ilf of rt>gulai pt Silk Applique and Chantilly i.i cs, cream and white, 4 to 8 In hes wide, 15, 19 and 25 els. per yurd. ' >riental I. <. es, 1 tu-d I Inches wide 5 rta I" yard: 5 and 8 Inches wide, 10 is. per j ard. Real T >n hon I. i< os, N 10 l*»i .. in. y, .,.,i ' 29 ls per yard tiboul half of regular pri ¦ A nu.- ass irtmeni \. mp p0|nl de <;- ne Li- I'S. Vi ni .. lu :- .;. .., ream 'li .m.I .- iii:--, al \ oi i lou ci Ices WRAPPERS. I Last Week oj Our Great Sale. * Prices Less Than (dst t>/' Material, Wrappers made of best prints, new sp-ini* patterns, large sleeve.* plvate l yoke, full fr »nt, i els., Insti ol 88 ts. Wrappers! f itrlped and fancy printed Cambric ,,||! ""' alee/es, Watteau lu w and ghoul ler nilli-. .,:» te., instead of 11.00. Flannelette Wrappers, new Spring designs, full Bishop sleeves, pleated yoke, loos fi mt and belt, 89 eta, in n ii of 11.35. tl Outing Flannel Wrappers, in light and dark f stripes, with wide ruffle over shoulders full'1 Watteau ba k. full from an l belt, M * CtS., Instead of $1.4.'.. Wrappers made In the very tates) style* and of p tli. newest Spring designs of zephyr Olnghama Percale, Lawn and Saline, 11.15, 11.19 11.29 $l l". I and 11.98, Instead of 11.50, |1.65, 11.75. 82.00 and All our Cashmere and i 'rep in WraDDers ai oro* portlonately low prices. PARASOLS, j . Open in a Display af Spring Stifles, , Just received, ¦ beautiful collection of high- r slass novelties in Parasols, FLANNELS. 30cfs., Instead of 76 cfs. fvoaeh Flannels superior la quality and de¬ signs to gooda advertised elsewhere as "3r. eta reduced from 75 cte,".our price, 30 eta. i>er yard ri Flannaietteei, I and ty eta. per yard, Instead N: of 10 and 12'4 ci» BOYS' f L0THING. Washable Sailor Suits. 19 cfs. Boya* Washable Sail,ir Suits. w!;h lnr*r*>. deep neat blue ami white stripes.wit* ranted faat colora.3 to 10 years.Identical with thone advertleed elsewhere al 7"> eta.; our price 19 ts. Double*breaated, all-wool Cheviot Suit.*, with extra panta, 8 to IS years, $::'.»v All-wool Cheviot Knee l'unts, 5 to 14 years, 88 eta, J til NI TC li E. Parlor Snits and Odd Chairs, all New and Desirable Goods. In Ma na Cases at What Wc Should Charge far Covering* a liinit'-i-l number of Parlor suits and odd Chain, covered in Silk Tapestries snd Brocatelle the stock of "ti" of New-York's very best makers -every article perfect in every respect, absolutely new, and made for tins Spring's, trade. The majority <.' 'li'--" Suits will bo. soli at what we should charge for covering. PARLOR sins. 8-pl. Divan Sui:. 118.50; In lead 126.50, .i-;.i- e Divan Suit. 834.80; instead of 148.00. S-plece Divan Suit, 138.60; Instead of 15184. 3-plece Divan Suit, 105.00 ii lead of 6-piece Tapestry Suit, 844.50; Instead of 868.081 6-plece Brocatelle Suit, 148.60; Instead of 885.88JL 5-plece Brocatelle Suit, 108.60; Instead of 6J0J6, 5-plece Damask Suit. |78.00; Instead of no.'00. 4-plece Bn estelle Suit. 185.50; Instead of 8135.06, 4-piece Brocatelle Suit. 102.00; Inst i of 1140.08. 4-plece Tapestrj 9 lit, -:. 10; inati id of Jil*, 66. 4-plece Damask Suit, ll.>; Instead of 8135.01, 4-piei Brocatelle Suit, 8110.00; Instead of 1176 00. 4-i'i. Hr... au Ile suit. 8116.00; instead of 6180.08b 4-p|i .. Brocatelle Suit. 8138.00; Inatead of 8210,08. CDD CHAIRS. l n 112 I to 124.50; instead of 133.00 to 165.61 :c/i & journey and Burnham BILKS.New Wash Bilka, fancy stripes, rt> nts. 27-Inch White China Bilk, 43 cents; reduced from 7.". ...nts. Fancy Striped Habutal Wash Bilk, oxtra fine quality, 60 cents, lowered from IS cents. Navy end White Prtntt l China s; lc, 24 Inches wide, 50c, worth 66 .. Changeable !'. l< B I la ; irtde, 51.00, remarked 75 Bro ade Taffeta Cham.-:, in off., ta fir Waiata* ¦6 value 81.25. Fancy Tarilla*, small Bgurea, Illuminated ef- :'¦ ll.Ov. Self-colored and Two*t ne Bengallnee, 6100, l from 11.35. Taffeta and Satin de Chine, Black ground, with colet l it ripea, 85 eenie, remarked from 11.25. m ire Francala In iii the .'h We are also showing trie moat attractive) stock of New Spring end Summer Bilks 11 be f tund anywh ire ar.' al prices lower than over. BLACK coons DEPARTMENT.New Rlaok lines, Including £ low and Bea led ef> ts Full asi. neweel styli ; In All w^l and Silk and Wool, Black ai I Black and WI i Fa brica plain and brache Crepona In elegant rich efl i Bri che end Pi.Un Bilka in the mist popular in n i; Bl end Black and W il In ll i silks in gre ii \ ariel}. A nen |" In h Bl '. en I Whl In ila, Silks, .-xti-.t quality, al 7" its, ar ii a $1.00. DRESS GOODS N'-w Spring la, la la :::.. Silken Cami C otha, P A Ui Twi eda and C S taste end Vlg ureau Jacquards, non li -.ta holi est range of deslg ried exclusively for our own trade. A Rest variety of Plain English Cheviot, Storm Bergen snd Hopseck ever shown. A Bpi lal line of servloi ii..- Fai Suiting, All Wool, ;". -ont*. Another l"t (broken easortments) of Fancy M Ked Suiting, 10 :¦. 46 Inches wide, to eloee at t;;, cents, value s'..- to $1 50. New an elegant de¬ signs ni French Challles, All Wool and 8 a cloaks n- .v Spring ityl « In Lidles* .11 »ketg .,. 1 Tailor-made Butta In Unfinished w ratt .-. D ils, VI tinas, Oxf "I Mixtures, Cheviots and other Clothe A line of Jeckets and Butts tba pr 'pc:' wi Igbt for immedl ite use. LINEN DEPARTMENT 25 dozen pott warlt. Kn Red Fringe, plain White Damask Towels, at 17.60, 89.00 and 110.50 per donen, reduced from 112.00, 616.00 and 818 80 60 il..,., ri .ill Lim n Eluckabu lt Towels, size 12x45, al J:'.".a dozen, reduced from 13.00. a lol :' nil Open Work Pillow Shams, ape lal value, nt 82.00 per pair. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ladlee* Ribbed Vests, Swiss ribbed Lisle Vesta, low neck, 35c* ivortli 3 Swlsa til.I,.-.i Bilk end Wool Vests, low neck, ':. cents, former price $1 80. swiss nt.ind silk Vesta, low neck, 75c., former ...... <i no. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Four-ln-handa md Took Scarfe, new designs for Spring wear, M vi ents :i Imperial Scarfs, latest Novelties, at 75 o.-nts, 00, 81.25 and 61.50 o.ii li. Laundered Shirts, our own mike. 61.00, $125, 1.50. Full Shirts, open front and beck, oxtm Ine quality, at $1 60 . ach. Special lol of Men's Pajamas nt $1 ">, regular irice 62.60. shirts made to order, ti: guaranti GLOVE DEPARTMENT Ken ' of ur English P. K. Wnlklng (Hovea, 61.10, regu- ir 61 7.. Ladlee' luann Beam Che%*erette Gloves In all he now shadee. Full assortment of Flak, Clark Flagg Vol,mt" Cloves Special reduction in ,lned Cloves and Mittens. Bolled Cloves 1.00, regular 61.00 and 62.10. Evening Glovea, elbow length, 12.26; regular rit a 63.75, Gloves cleaned without o ir. Dreeemnklng Parlors 41 ii floor. 2<*. 2S, 10, 32, 34, 38 Flatbusu ave. * 315, ::i7, ::i?. :::'! Ltvtngeton st. Urooklnn ChfCtrrf. lOLl'MBIA TIIKATHK w.i.-oittiK'ni sml riu.iry nt*, rti *trn .WIN KNOWLES A i'i».I'reprlctors iKdwIri Knowlea I'.mi-i frvhrnsri ami Al Hara*aa.« TWU WKKKS. Degtaalne To-morrow, FEB. -"f*. M. nil;.;-, al \ ,'l\'i:K H VTIKI'AV oma. FRANCIS WILSON IN lur¬ id tOKiriCBNT PRODCCTIOIf. $B£ "ERMINIE.'' tKCISELT AS PRsMBNTETi AT Till". nr.n.\r*WAl TIIKATHK. XK1V-VOKK. KW COSTIMES. -_ NEW SCENERY, NEW

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Post on 26-May-2019




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COMPLICATION*!¦,..-.-...K "lal lippi val ti nat i

, . p.M I t cf ,. mp t .1 .1 mtlee s-«h i'i'-r. >

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I...' - h. wi* r in t- t-


.,irv .lo Iel ll SWO) I.i

,~ ihe d rectlon »f len". \* matter- . Was, "I U '' " ra" ii

v fferetl by eleven of I

... f Mi-Kane. 1 revel itt.

( r ., Jury-i rn rer i- rs it a ma

r very i,

il..' ha..... rrences, nnd

r-. mmi it :. for wh

lt appeal n Rs fsci e law prm mt fri.

|< -1 than two than tJudBartlett inp) mean; he li ti

. il ¦. rxami lo all tlw. :. and llfy ai mt

j.,: rf it,.- iv il. fa. . r. McKane haa -. -m-

gr loamfall. On aooooaii i large numb places a hick he heldUravi -ti I, his ated a Banal] n\

lotion there, ' Piero ha" been greal <¦

,...... ¦:-.,.. ra Tho amaamgfr .:... ry .ft'. P .--at* in ti. Pi.ard >.f Bufs

tts ng to force this man on tbe Boaip< iden! pro lean, is asea in ps true colora In tl

' conviction as a M n,

Thc Friday-C. rnham ntesl the Asaemb!iiiig-d upon McXane's I ¦¦'. vorh In Grav. .. n

This case rvs-te a ubstal that prenm ted l>) Senal In supporthis claim to thi vroi ipi. I by Jo*

IfeCafty, ami a wa to be np.1 ti I. Tlonij t Graham was all >wt 1 to Mtth ¦ A - lon r. WI' 'i in

: ,i ii won! it ll ought not t-. iik- to an V" al the truth

, Vol tie Dei rat li... the evidence |

-.! i\ ne to tr

State .'¦ ¦. w is .Pawn strictly o

j. .! .. -mindi d I'¦ m...-ra-, howevecan rel ire to i of tia, ned by M Pr: lay. The Republlcana ha

no . i the Asnembl)G .linn cann


M iyor Benin ' lT1 t*

ii .¦ of the veto p .wi !' The resol itlons of Ihe Al leiroved .-a Mon 1 iy di 1

Volve large e> Iple ]

theMa) sound. Egratti tepped hard on th

j.: m of tin- Uderm 1 1800 foraI. | ..

. ., mon usi

I kc an ad ol a .-nstni

w -i aa »ng xiste I, bul has nevi r hadt .ir. If an Al I- rman is entitle lo spend F

of the pul badge a IM i> .f be pr ividt with a badge el wi

I "... . k jeii of i of de

pertinents and al their sabordlnates need bmBRfjust i the Al.brm. n. and have Just <

much right t. obtain them al public expense, T1"-

.titer vetoes recall th.- expenditure n connel?!01arith th.- Oolumbus Pay celebration in IV '"'"

g whl li m iyor li I; rrowly sasMped hi

dlctmeni and a number of \ naen ind *'her pert ...;,. indict. I. Tl in pta larvoJWd in ihi

sam. iii- expenditure of ihe lily's nn*">p>' for cele-

braitoaa and lecotutlons. ie tax-je*>',r "¦'. **el.-.¦n- tiie Mayor's ls In **a*r*mce to smalexp ndltun and Infi r froi rbi- tl..: be will kee]a careful a tl h up sa the tn «. 'fy-

Judge cnlten bas aga lr snowed his Independenceof pamteal coruOOAfoAt " in .' l"-

*a>sWlflliig the -' '" ':- ''. '.¦'.1" '' ,1" ¦¦'"

in th- P.o.ini ' .>np.-r\i>..:s wi:; h Ire holds b>virtue of his .i.vtPm by tl" Boat of Alderment ie ag «¦' -';"ri I" ''' h( ,,:"': *'"

the one we-'Pi- - ndered by him, bi which he dedar. til.i.' be . 'Hon of George Kell ... by thiAldermen of MBO. after his n dgnatlon, was invalTo all s;.;.. arai - ti.-- law I illy carri.out l«»' the election of Llnde now fiat ir.s tubls confirmed |.\ tia- Supremt Court, and aa no va«. mri \ n for the ip. whleh Governoi Plower has called t.. tnk-liar.- on March .. Htiil the Governor maintain!.hat the situation hai not I.n altered by JudgeCullen's decision, an. apparently rn-ans to adhento hi- purpose of havi a special election, In view

i- obvlou of thi R.of .ii. Eighth Ward t.ill no effort that will heirthem carry the ward, and thug retain control "itha -tri. which ikey have at ired. Th.Democrats are aure to malo- a hard fight to getanother bold on it It ls th. ir last chan ¦-. at leasltor the pre* nt > ear.

i-i . lay a ime of Ihe Bro klvrp.ii .-. - ;i .. t. a gel up i. .-.rn lileresl if Judi te fur Jw Ilenf tba 1 Court. Ilbelieved hiv partIn thia moi m. tcnanced lt, bul th.Imaginatlv. s scorned tosen a that1 in it Shrewdobawrvera ¦¦' I'i ni Cl. v. md - lurse In th.

pa r. i\,.,. ,-. i mg that Judg.I'u'i. ni of getting this high ii .nor, lrspit. t that he had been insulted;.- nilling ;.: i;. in ii. first placeMr Ciel -. iminat. I for S ipn nwC 'ir. e a man ga id leia I offl andin tin second, ie- I.- the habit of picking oul meiwho hu.- never b. n mentioned In connection witttb" pla : .r « led The fadthat a n. ni hn< been talked "f or is an acknowl¬edge c indi late aefms to bi sufi use hlnto be left out ri alt igether, Tinrarobabilltle.* are thal Judge Cullen appn tlati >.

this, an l was nt '.. r surprii d norV. (-"li S--H.I'. ir White's nam., was .-.nt in.

Tm. ppll tl ns ar" now before the Aldermen'iComm -:. .. Railroa an 1 each of them app. *

enrltted lo fai »rable c >n dd. ration. The first ia thatof the Pri.ri.-...1 Reach Railroad Company for per¬mission ro extend ta trod--. ., an elevation, fromAtlantlc-av. i'.'r-r so as n connect withthe Kings County Klevati Road. The company hasP.. n leeklng for several y. irs lh< privilege ofbull ng :.."- bl -.-i> -. .nd here is nquesi .. ll w. i: 1! ii" iii .'b" public Interesl r>

l.n. .¦ two i .: t r. ..'..¦ Th.extension would supply rapid tran ll to a consid¬erable a ctlon of Uro. Kl; n and to th. town

l... ii.i- pa .¦ car¬ri) fr. rn Pi I: ... to '¦ ..:¦ I- nd w Ithoutchange of can nettling which la Impo albie ail nt, The c impan) prop es to build lt- -u

ure on prlvati pi .pt rty, and ly i peifrom tb.- rlty lo Vtlantlr-ave. and LeffcrtHPlace 'iii- opposVion to ii- projeel cornea fromnuml er of i -tri ihe LongI nd Raili V M nattaDivision ol which the Bri ri road ls aillreet rival The question I- one which tbe Alder-m. ti ought to ... ..-,-, ma of pub-


Th- Ban lld of the ri] plication of theRouth Railroad and Terminal Company,whichls run through ., pe -1. f tb. Twi Ward Ti n ina ment ofthis company hitherto haa been such as li iplreftubllr conlidei e. and \< \m plans ar., carried oul

- ms clear thal Brooklyn will ultimately be alarge g lin. r T;.mp my I pent a large sumIn building ai: ¦, n al Thlrty-nlnth-stnnd has ia d" a " itttng at great ex pens,the high j i;,,. ,.

. ugh! its rightand paid foi lt \<»u j- asks the privileg ofJj rtaln at re*-ti -. the ouuklrts of the Iti and

its mad down through thelal"'' ¦'.' ll rival of the tang l-jsad the dlrecl a Ivantag to Riwill oe ( road a \ Irtually encircle lt ¦ thexesto '"¦"¦'" '.¦ raliway terminus.

<¦.->. Works Comralssi. nor White haa changed hismind in regard to asking for resignations among»» J bates. u< h.- undi that under tim-artnrislona ol the charter he has the privilege olJ1''11-1'-' !' :'.l,s st any time for ausn There willIk' no alteration In his policy, however, it I- hi*tatenUon to weed out the Inefficient and the usel"sHattn, h.-s of bis department, and in manage it onbusiness principles, it has been .. greal huiprise p. hi,,, thal i. bas been abb- to apply theknife of retn n hmi ni free') withth.- ethclenci ol the arorfc of the .department Butlt ts not in th.- leasl wend, rful that abus. of lat re

Sroi>ortioiis grew up .luriiif; tbe -.eats when th-epartment was under the direction of a politicianlike John 1'. Adams.

Police Commissioner Welles hr.- mtradnced aworthv reform In detaching able-bodied men fromwnat are Known a- tbe raaj places in th<- depart-meat, and appointing as th. ir successors men whohav- been long In tbe service and whoas health hassuffered Iii consequence of exposure and i, ,r.i workHltln-rto favoritism has prevailed in this matterTh.- principle which Mr. Welles bus adopted lacorr.-i t. and it ouk-ht to e adhered to bs one of th*unwritten laws of the r\*llce Department.No one in itrooklvn couM have hil kls faara

aroused by th- ridiculous story that the BrooklynBridge is in an unsafe condition. Plainly the authurof the absurd yam dil no; know what be was talk¬ing about. The statement that the cables had^sagged" wa* simply laughable, as everybodyknows that they are continually changing theirlength on account of contract!..n and expansion byBOM and heat. All this was taken into account andprovided for in the orlelnal plans, and the threeBlip Joints have excited the wonder and admirationof thousands and thou«ands of thoa* who haveau-osced tho promenade.







The tn vernen I started > H. ''. " tU\ '.¦

rt pr-.- ni ..f th. lr >n Chi I Manufactut-. i um an a--- ."ian ui of theKin n an l g i- na c lunrtlea, ib. lng held al thc L'nlon League C! lb, .»!

..n Toenda) night, for th- purpose of arningn

a permanent organisation. Tbe call >r the mee

sta ted the fun lam. al il objects of'' to be:" "To promptly Ivise .... m. mb r


Hon of any proposed Vat Ional, gui """"

muni.-ipal Ie*tstart lori arhlch la any u;-- afrecta tl" manufacturing Interests, To ski the carrying; -

'¦ ,,f leglslatl a In th. ntet »111 and the working pe .; le employ. -..' "!"

:.,., an to preveni by all boa »rab:e nv int

:-¦ ige of any a. detrimental t -

t properly rt preaent th" varlout hufa. tun rs of Kings and Quei

, <. .mr...-'.-. ivitb special leUti in il "-

to the pr. p ised tariff bin kn ia * tb. ^ ll "' '¦

with .. view ' > obtaining nn) "'

t ni- - which may be nemanufacturer' interest*, .r an? ol ihem

The following manufacturer* wen- rejat this meeting, . thor b) '- rsonal repre*«ntaiiv<

' or by letter: ., ,

lion Clad Mai ufacturina «' >mpan)i l\-n Cooperage C impany, 11 >war * M

Porce! iln \\ rks, the N'lcho Ch. m il C

Abendroth .rv Root Manufaci irina: «' >mpanYIn bauer 8ugar Reflnlm c mpany, Martin iv

H ina \ tl .a il RIi .' .mpany, ta.-

Doscher C .mpany, Wward «' Smith .v « >.. WUlam V igel \- Bl lb- -. Chrome Sw .' « ir"

'- Bchaffer lt Rudenberg, the 81m ls Ma if. t impanj. ths lei nm - P." .. w irks, n man

Hon, 'i Ht a* C I.-:., ll, E. V. Crandall, v

Bee Manufacturing Company, I' I'arr.-tt,'" .-, i: Dunlap* Co., \\ C Vosburgh Maniifi'-tu

.' imp my, Limit* I. La'anre ,\ Gr kan M intfactui -.. Company. Moller A Schuman, P--r IiWorks, Am rican Wrought Vnvil Company, Metir.

> Hrothera Coapaay, the I'nlteil State* I'm.ti¦.I. Company, the Pm M inul i. lurei \- ithwi

;ti-- nlted S: j-,- the Natl >n il Si ireh imi. I; '. .' tod Mai I Vt l

ter & Co.. Acme Fertiliser Company, i: .; W#l>st<n .-. h ii ll I. lu A Co., \ K Whitney A Co

Pr ,. n 0 Peterson. Richie Hi .. n .>. 11 mal., .nd ,v Puller Pf.-v. lng Comp in; ,11 ll Heh

Sons, Ch'in- a. Co., American Stamping mi! Sp. i o Ilea! 'i k Sm. liing ana

Company. Valentine Linn, Samu M'-tcalf, (JM Rddy I Co.The me...inn was . ordi r by Ern I .

Webb, it the National Blvel Company, and HemP. Haigh, of the Iron .'i.i ManefAeipany, wa- elect, chairman, and Mr Webb rr.i irv of ie meeting. After a u.-i'-ta! d

" tiie purpose* of tia- association. .' corni llpermanent organization and I .mvini-nl .

was app In ted, consisting of the following gentler.u-n: ll.-nu li. Haigh. Powell Al Palmer,

1 C. Sm. h. I' lt Moi -. Iff, ll NI i. .1-. \\ lill rn

II lal.; Willi nu P. Reed. .1 A -ii ll Mbauer Jchr ll Hanan, H Dru.:..p. li C Hi.1 C. Cox luau. John H. Schuman. W. I. PearnE.,: Church, ll- .1. Vogel, Aug, latz, llP. Mi .-rnann. Willum Howard, P. W W

¦ A .'- .' nnlngs, Cord Meyer, jr. Pretlerlck Weh.1. . ,h li H.rds. H. P. Judd. A. P V".1 I gan. Walter Mandeville and Jacob Mcurei

' Chrome Bteel Work-, and the firms of RichieI ,.. & Donasf and Brown «\. Pattei .n. w«*r

to haVe a r»-pr. entatlve attend the t.ilg ol' Pils oommltt"". which will be held

. esl 1 en ¦.- of Lowell M. Palmer, N1 Brooklyn, Monday, Pebi lary 26. at N o'clock, p. rn

The next Seating ...-' the Assjciation will be heiar the I'nion League >'!u!.. Hi loklyn 1March »*. al >> o'clock, p. m., and al that tlpermanent organ ira t ion will be effected, All ma iufnet orel's of Kings .ml Queens tunl.bally 1 nvii' to -. t: i a representative to tins meeilng



\i.s yon All*,

.(lowing appeal for funds i aid In tl wt rtof prosecuting .«. tl n frauds has been Issn b)th.- Klnga County Committee of Twenty-five, .-:

A. 8. HalTo the Cltlsens of Brookl) n an ll nty.

lt would be a libel isume llBi .... n d I noi w ml a pure balloi or an I

imlcal administration ol pulaoems difficult after eli lion to Imi upon ever)man pei nal responsiblllt)object aimed at on Election Pay.

ii would also b a libel to a e that 1llnquenta ar. ivanting in patriot n nevertInattention and want ..: tt irt at thia trna- wll!

ly def at the object aimed il'Ch- immlttee in charge of the jr.euHon ..'.

is b. ri supp irted flt li)- «.¦ iiblic- iplriti men, who, up date, have pi

.:: the funds necessary, while th. a at nof citizens Interested In good governmilu >n ia ir

iini> those iii contact with th" work can under--I its magnltu le ar Imp. ri ince, rn tl

expel uv the plfen I. rs

lt i atat. that lt would oeeupCourt of Oyer and Teri months llia lictmi tr- ire pi os. iii 1 Totruth th" statement w n int idiby tn- mosl eminent coun .¦' enga ¦. In ta irkthat lo i: isecute all thi mt

i; t .\ > work must Iar>- tO ti.i VI ar: i commIn municipal government. Who rhaii pi ..¦

fun la? '. rtalnly the immltt. e cannot hr exid it all. lt ls th" people '..-

rve, an ii the p. o| :.¦ th. y must >k foranceThe conviction secured and the pros.

ai" to follow spi .k f.r themselvsthia «ork c .mph t- l ..- lt shoui i berom. forward and provide the mean*thatBrooklyn bas recently won an enviable reputai

The entire Nation w.-.-h-- her efl rtmaintain an honorable citizenship, as w. n anhonest suffrage. If we fail to d ..ur .-.

we shall i.'rf.-it ..ur good name.These facts ar" frankly stated that th.

Pi....k)\n ma) realise that they will hav- th'-n-"ivs only to blame If the a rk ¦.-. w. begun

ompl. !.More funds are wanted, an wanti at on. We

believe we have only to make our nant- known t .

hai .¦ tht m fully suppl).Contributions may be sent t-i the Brooklyn Ti t

Company. "The Eagle" offlce, or lo my bu ¦¦

address, No. 22 Thomas-st., New-York,On behalf of the Committee ol Twenty five

A, R HAIGHT, Trea ir. r,



The oniri-il report of Peter Milne, Water Pur-veyor, to City Worka Commissioner v.

gard t ti;.- sum ptltiou conn, lion of ihe .-

main In DeKalb-ave, with a factory of the .'.ti-/..-is' Plectra- Illuminating Company, al HPlace, ah .wa that besld. ¦ the l-lni:on Rockwell Place, eel with a Worthington watermeter, th.r- la a 4-Inch connection on DeKalb-ave.,¦¦¦ th no melt r, b. il lea the Un b connei tlH idson-ave used for hr.- pun Theond innectlon that In DeKalb-ave araa made..ti October .'7. 1888, by tia f .rem in of the\ar.l of Hi-- dei "'m. m. but thia waa only n .,

branch. Mr. Milne further Bays: "AUnlng the ex ten toa a 1-Inch pipe

fr .rn .tu" branch ceasea a - far aa am aldetermine by examination ..: Ihe ri ... li lltherefore .. surreptlUoua extension f a water maintr un a branch connection .i.r mt rd n thibureau, I recommend thal an order be icddirecting tbe connection to i..- severed with th.DeKalb-ave water main or a -i ... h irater meterbe ael .ii one. "

Aa tli.- amount of water tba! ld 1 ippl). Iby a i-in.'ii main woul i coi: a maa year, them is 1*5,000 due for the waterCommissioner White haa referr. the mall

ii ition .'..un- McDonald for ii legal rnIn regard to the .-ntlr.- matter, and v

can be recovered He hs nrtlon cul off, as th.- woul. it ii anj

of tin- p" and rivate a willingness puThe connection between the branch maboilers of tte- company tams made by H W, McKeever, a well-known contractor and politician, anda boss plumber, ll- bas close relations with man)leading Democrats rte said yesterda) thal he gola permit, snd then bad Poreman Short .-: llpair department, do the work. A plumber la r<ijulred to get a permit and then tin- city does thework, and ls paid for lt, a'hen ll might injure thewatei mains to have workmen who are not expertiworkln*,' at tli-m The bill I- sent tbe plumbeiwho incorporates lt with his to the timi for whomthe work ls don. McKeevi r claime yest, r la) thall the recorda regarding the mattel -,v.-r-- in ttl-.-::\ Works Department. Ex-Water PurveyoiHawk.* said yesterday thal so tai aa he remem¬ber! anything about the matter in.- connectionwas for rit" purposes on.y.

TXBAXB ix A < ot i.r ROOM.When Joseph Bchmitt, ntoeteen -..-irs old. of No.

IM Meserole-st., was arrai**ned yeaaierday In inaBaren .s-.n-.-t i'olic- Court on a charge "f n

enlng to tuk- it." ur.- <>f his father, tbe latter in-formed tia- mai:..nat.- thal but eon w.,< i iz'. onreligion. Schmitt was arresti Pr..:,-, nlghi andlt took two polleenvn to subdue him Hartlh hadthe elder Mr. Bchmitt finished hi ren irk wh.Hie prisoner, in an excited manner, shouted: "Jtook Luther out of hell, and now the) w

crucify me. I am the Saviour. Ju .,,.,. Watsonheld him until Ju- sainty could ii- inquired Into,

A cynical Deduction. "Herbert." abe aald, ten¬derly, --ivhat did von do with tint poetry youwrote on my birthdayT'"That Muff1" be responded, with a sn. er. "Thatwasn't poetry.""Why. v.-hat makes you think that?""I got i magailne editor to accept lt for nubllca-

tlon.'-iWashington Star.



pr. .I-, iruti to h iiaa 'i ni ari cked coi

vi:;. ¦-" a in the kipk kiix

ok THE .mai: .: KO*!

OTHER ,-'.|.

Thia wee* proa la be an Int. r< ting one i

far as naval matt med During tl

Issi week, much I "di the newi

papers in r. ard ihe rvette Keai*snra**, wit

¦tories ol tb" an bj bar ooVara, ai

pl,,,r the t and of the offi.i-. ir th i.,i. the matter bas beei kept bi

foi tb tai arrival "f the sii roused a mor Intern

than wa f. I cumin

io: ol lii'iur. "" .'''"

Si ... Val :. to nqul ¦

ai it rmlne i beth, ,"' ,1"1'1 .-'"ounul le for lt. If I d- .,

menu and tlday to d | a li be sal h.

lo-mort >w, ll will ,;"'"i

-nh ¦. whether to rn with "Pen or with

dooi but ai ii I l: .'." '"

except In extra. tel thin

Ih, ll I- open,are liable lotime io time.which a fb the I»epartWa-d I'" I"'' '' ""' ,v"

rlslt .'¦> :'' '':" ''"';


mg] -'ll be kii will meei al ....... lo morn

som r P.uildl RI

Adm ' '! "".""" :¦¦"'

:1 the in .'¦ ¦'' ''' "

I cai N Ml"< *¦ "'

p .P. Kan

,., .i. |. J. K< ll. y, v.i.

r j will IThe ci Hie Kcal

yolk 1.1*1 wi''

men I-

r trip m-as iudl or t

health. 1 men were. Hov

il,.- Navy Yard, wh ' ' will

suitable assigned i|ai I lh< ) mil i. main .

'i mornlniv .-i" -tr- ii' I to gi

Mon ....

J places. 1fy, n the Ki ". Th.

lill a i'ompai-1

..- il.

ii.o irt will 1 I

v. n



Vi The pd]


Up or pitted'¦¦¦


toI. I'i

pay :or


Would m'lI


|J. M


.1 \ Hmil'.. '.¦¦ ho Hie |nd is

lunate Im I.r»-a r ii 11e I , a 11 I 111i'll, b ol th. break ll "

to tl rtunal utRio, ami Hi il il..- K. ii\\ b' (her or not Irt v iii


ba. k to his coill ll. lian. H lil I. slxtj

i April H. ii the law, i< " ...¦¦ tl..- ret ired Hal on that day,and will ih..

Min,I,. St) ...

I.. ls li, he |i.iit. he Hill have to ..... willtake him mon than a mont lo t Kio A * I

'¦ .. ill liol reti -a Iron; and

\Iantje Hipiii Iroi w Ithoul a un

that ('¦.: imo)..!. Ki. hatpla. "<l in

nm in tl,- |ru|.im

pr..-. I at all d

¦I id

that sb.- ls of nomission. Jual wi t to b

V tia ii ta v be ..

ill III- all llibla wi il linn.".I be read

'I he MaiVari undi

fal .....- i. nil tn kuint.. mimi n i.her, a re will doubtless lu mmwork Killi io I. || i.. I, ,.;.

I I ii t)'¦!i" their

f tllel lldt. ni.ii "All but thr. f ¦.

I we are all epara.¦.. h.

Ini of a ti.,pi i,

reel al Bollll! BM IJll v ... tiw fur the

Van] last we.-k.fl ¦-.. I'

mouth rough in i, ana b.

t- .' n thu the w.,liv of rem¦' ,u .bil.,',

'¦' ..i i-i ¦. both ii ..

M.iel ... :.

several -.v..k-- One of th. con ..ti officersI th. me al tb. . ol April tut '

... opt n an withrei ....

..,i ... I used m I,r.

All bu two of the have beam pm"a '" the crul r M lim and all b it tm. ¦.

Tl i plates. Will iitlon nd then

Ihi i" am be om- | Tl e.' ". mad" until the - m

ly be¬the arm ir \ i

.: order Iven. aa ll.n-w.ilun ii.di .ii

.:t ila- pl tt.-s might ts* gol un I. r

W en the exact found thia will traplates will 1*8

nlance \- Ith lt. Al ter ins th vwill h.-r processes, .,¦¦] u is

finished in r-l\'''¦.ti. e.r. When rial ir In p ice li i- imitable'hal ike M line will i¦¦. ;.ik. i, rrom the drydock. -is

.....,¦ i' :. th .-¦

W|ii l»e lil be callina: for a lr! il ol th. rn in"'I r 'li it Hi. v P ,;. The tarmor .... pul m pl.,, ¦¦ iv Uh til" V. afloat.

¦i -. di lock after thearmor si all In pla. ; ¦>.* loni tn >.. k. ,,r"' ibe ...,\ r, it i- w.-il for ber. for air. lsi'r' ."! rr..rn the harmful of tbe siltwst. .., h. i¦¦¦¦: >m

1 '-.' >i«estion ol lability of th. new ships againri to the battle-ships

"i >gon ar..I Indi ina Chief NavalPhillp III"! h in thinks that tha weights

J vi ls were exi I to carri would'"' 'oo rreal end he therefor., r.nmenda thatmnr of tri,. eight H-lnch run* which each ship rn ia

J '¦ a* lett oft lil* rep irted that the Bureau°' rdnancs ls opposed to tins change, and i).a£.

. questl -i hal been refern I for decision to BeI -.-I irv lb 11..-I.

Information has been received at the Navy v.

thal the new commerce testroyer Columbia. -.. n

known il" "Pirate, may be egpected there w

IT a, another monti Bailors hav been senl frotu i-i M il. Iphia to make nj. a pan .( the

an ; he :. to be pu: in eomn i I m n Thursdiviral Of iii- ..tli. .a* I- ait.-.ely h...

nrdci I-. her, but there .ir.- ., number of placet to id:. She is ,-o come 1 i" io r -. Ive li- .1

,num.mitton, but t'o- contract provides tn.

he ahall have si\ m ,.;:'¦ pt ba ti. uiry perlosrlthin a blch Um. lhere must be a!

of forty-eight hom a-. the resuli of which dpends her final -,'. and tie- pu men! of ti

,.. iv.- ba! .i .-- lo tin- -. I" l.'Olumbwas launched on July .'.;, iv.:, and her official sp."

,. m.,i i,,.,k pin. h. fictober i-i. off Cape Au

Mass., when she mad.- .. speed of SJ knots, tl... *h .¦ v.-t ..ia ni .-.I b) aa- ".¦ ir cruiser.

The Indiana, the tii-t of the three lO.SOO-ton ba!¦ .' hips to I... ready, will make her official -.'"i

.1 v. Ithln iii.- next tw., meeki The special h mi

.... ..ti- a. talletl io d--t.-rmn e the meti.ntrthe battle-ships, to learn whether '¦.¦.

.: ¦!.. iworil in Ita work


.-.rt! -¦¦ :i'.\i:i: .-....' ii. i: ii\< COMPLETED .;


Prank Bquler, ti,-- nea Tari, Commissioner, hirid t--l arrangei icnti foi the r .organlsatlc

ol ih Perk I .. .- irtmi ni He has abolished tl

pia. .-¦ -a Iructlng engineer, held by Colonel Johx. Culyer, ami haa dismissed Superintendent I

\Vol ry 1 impkins the latter .. brothel¦, of t x-l'ark . 'omn dom-i row. t Mr. Sm d<

. tim servi. s ol Pre Icrl. k l..w dathe origin il dei Ignei a ol I'i..-.-

I I'url inds. ip. .' mb ner. and Cnii .' .-' Bargent, ol Harvard, fur onstill itio

i ting lt idolph fir.. I. has "..

:,;.p.. utetl pei Intende a ll" li id irharg ol thv....: i's it ground; in 'hlcaa ii supei Inten lenHorn In l< man) in l»ei he -. rved in the ru rn

lhere, ami tudie I nat..ral tel, :. .-. lands, ape al

md ri .iltur. A lei .-xtei Iv. travel Ini 'i... a -i lalil oul Un- *round

. ,,i 11.. r -. I'' ..I a- ... lu , ... "ni., iti, and "t 1'stat furl an otb. rn Callion

h.. dd mil -''itt 1'ark, ul th Uold'-ii Gate, and thHot. .!. Monte Park al Mont, rn U Chi. tn

had i.n< a av. i"*) t. tutu working ..t onmdt r I I ino '"" rubif earth. In tai Hut foi ii " gniund -. '." I--

niiiini .. beauty of th..¦.altai ..¦:;:.'ap itde and di- lem m «

po ..; pi.. tu S '-a' dil -' \\ lill¦. ¦¦ .-: |i||er foilll

t lb. ,- Us! oi ri ¦¦ -.. pal im- nt had the ps ty. '.

li li,i- P ,| !.,-.. n to M ,,lth ;..i « lt hull

i. ,i hip bi ¦!¦¦ ri ni plo .¦

i, iou- ure .a th. lui .1 pubta ||eve ten lo the un il Improvement >.r tn

parks and there!*} afford additional pleasure t" thile who I In the parks fl oppoi

unit y nt ei lure and th. fresh ah hnot be othel u .. ol lulnctl without a trip oil

the city thal I nsl .¦ .'

IllinoKl ) \ SEWS ll! I/.'

KitKl* AIV »l »\VN

Mr. Alp..' *¦ J ""

IWas "I. .I.;-:..- \

tu.- yealI .Ina I'.n was name I as co-i p

In a heiring tn a

N '! I .'

lt wa

Matti Kai

I,-.. l cai :¦.¦¦,. Hard

.\ ¦t] .H.\ rn



r that

nly one Ile.p. i: VV R

truck beraind Mi ll


hefore I¦.

.i rn by il



Mrs. Ci :.

ii " Tai-Mra I. ll ,. \

r Ho if Vid.n '.' Susan

nhoffer, af No .'4t 'menl

Iieen b rok en open In th.f ali I tia- \,. |

I. ire to li pla .1 In the staof iii- brooklyn Klevati Road In a few months.

\t \\ ,: rltloa-, commit tiv. -¦¦ rday mot nlnR nt ihe home of her

I wll i ra

illil.'. io ttl Ills FATHER lt 11 ir f.ARCEXV.i 'hatI i: Poi !.¦ nineteen yeal

of hal li Poi.... a wealthy retired mInn al V ...: ll hwbk ive. do .kim. -.¦

tin in th" Kwen Stn -i

. harg" ,,: grand larcen* pi f. rrfath. r Mi K..rt. s nd, :-.

gold V .a I paw ned lt He to I'll. v..i- ir,lat.i itel With

nm.ey un th. m v. h. ti./.. n p ni ntl. ki w. re found m

him, i houseHt? wa i until Thursda)

TRYISfl I" r.i r\ ELEVATED CIR SHEDS,*"":'. vt ral attempt have h. ti ma li to fin to Ihe

1 "il and .ihe ll.[|j n Kl. i .--1 Itali-C.pan) at I'.roadwa) and Cona-aj st. The

.. on. .i.i ii,, mo t dat. age, estcrday morn¬

ing, winn thi tlairi. bntke out ia th. boiler shopsN< arl; all th. rollin*! lo. I, ul the comj. was Iiitb.- -h.-.:-- lb m. na ii prumptl} ippearetl ami thetl. m, were h. k. h Ith .¦ lu of alioui ITin re have I.ll ivt- e|| hi men ¦¦: i: ir ....

compan} recently, and iJt-neral Manage) Marrettt -i la) thal be belli vi d onie ol... i: tina ( he In es.

l.'nrin WITH HIS EMPLOYER'S OACiillTERAntonio Rarrlo who nra employed by Ramon

l...;...-. a cigar manufaciurer, ol \.. ki. M'oi,.. igh-st., 'ntl\ dlsappeai ed w ,tii bl; em¬

ployer' daughter, Ainu.- !.. peg, ami the) are sup-[Ki eil to Im iii i '.Iti i.l.i Run los left ll M lt.- iii theCount) Ho pu.,i. where sh.- recentl) gai" birth tn

sn.- wa Mai a-' Uni cw al !. daughterol ii gro. r ai I;, i.-. ii it, ami Rta he lei ave., andI ta rrbi -..I pcllcd lo mai i! hei a m..nib agoll- -nt hi !.. ihe hoi pit ii :«" we. ks ago. \ day... two latei I., and Miss l.op..'. wen! to JerseyCity, and tb¦.-, ar-- nov. ubi t" I..- in Toronto Mll.op i twent) two years old, anti was the I.kI., .p. ,n lot father's factory, al No 16 Cedar-st..Sew-York, liarrios had worked in the factory ofl.op.-,-. roi several years Miss l..p-z took all herclothtna and a diamond ring belonging to hermother when she went away Neither she nor herparents knea Harrios was married.


PLACESMade to Draw or No Charge.

lixaiiiiniilioiK. *|;i«l«- mill I.-.1 linnie****>tiliinitt<-<l.

HeftrtBtes:.Laatal lb.',..-, i.n:.oed, v. I.\ r. Bassjara, VT, i* Meaae. n M K Ta aiMr,Mearj Parian, Atastaa c..rim. a. i. Usuals, M. I>. I.Kraaedy Tad, Hewar*' lapsjay. Blankly Mattias**, amiI.any BttsTlO

J. H. WHITLEY, "Chirr.iiey Expert."im rvi/roM RSBff/r, bbooklyw. \- i*.

IMPORTING RETAILERS,Fulton St, opposite DeKalb M.


HOUSE FURNISHINGS,Crockery, Glassware.Our department is conceded by all

who hiivc seen it to ba by far tbe best

iii tbe city. Special inducements are

offered daily. _

Black and Colored Silks.Twenty Lots at much less than

they cost to make.Tiir greal success ofour Special Silk

Sales encourages us to continue themso long as the goods last.2.-arda 21-lnch Japanese Wart Bilk, S3

..w ubli il mi v plaiil ann Btripe er*

ai ;-. per yard, Instead "t ¦. eta.

son 32-Inch Printed China Silk, ea*

elusive desi*. in small ngure* on bia k andcol-i Kru ind ai 89 is. i-f yard. Instead ut

.ards -j: in- ii White China Sill:. tatra|, ¦. .:: :. in ¦.¦-.i.i ..:

lilli- li.irii lil- .... .1: iv". IS

..,., 1 ir,ls "i ii Japanese Waah Tus > groi'iids, wr re-tone

otr.l ;-- i'"1' ¦¦.11'1' '""

loo \ ards. ._>: i... Brocaded Taf-lMlI,; a ---¦.. mi ii' nf n-" newest c dor*

r< per \ ard, ;:;-'-.1 1

,-,ii.i yards 2t i'i h extra high grade of Satintiiuii- Li \¦¦¦

. '."iiinii wear, 20newest "i changeable effe sta, ll 89,'per ".ard, Instead nt J! 65

l.sOO -.ards 22-lnoh extra line, tlniah andhi .ivy quality. Satin Dui hesse, holce line of

.- ii.o ¦. ird, instead of tl 85.

1,200 i' Satin Peau de Sole, am illns '.'.ind Ki inda, at 83 ta,

|.. yard, Inste

1,100 i'.; ide !bia :. and

ls, at ll lu i- yard, Instead .>:'

tl 33ooo -. inls 22-lm h ti Satin Dnchesse,

ixtrn --.'\ -- i|uality, m iii. neat designs, at |! 7.">|..-r ,- I. ..;-.¦ I ¦: -

Hinch SilUs.r ii |< RI Satin Rna*

I of 75 eta

2.000 'i ii heavy all-silk Lyona BlackSatin I' I, Instead of Si .00.

.:. ivy all-silk Black Faille Fran-21 in -ht b url le, ai 73 >i per yard, Inn i I

of ll oo,ls "* In ¦'. Bl k Taffel 1 Bro-

-¦ iv ii: .¦ in l -m.i-I effe ta, al69 .. >ard, in-', i KS

irda 21-lnoh all-silk Black SatinI it 83 ct* per yard, Instead ot 11.23,

1,100 -i \i ra h« nv nil--ilk Blackil of

llRia ¦;«. Satin Prill

. I, ns n i, at 71 yard, Instead "fli io

1.600 yards 24-Ineh all-silk Bia :< Surah, Utreai, extra heavj i:r ide, ti 93 eta per yard,1 of 11.50.yards 24-Inch all Bia rk P.ttin Du*

it 81 per yard, in*

extra heavy fin -ii Black., ll 75 per y ird, Inati .id of


/i/i'/.sn' noons.Daily Additions ta Our stael: of

Imparted Novelties.Evi ry t.- w :':'. .. In a at e and lorine "Ul

In popular di ffer:ii .ill w....| ill the new

i . ; i'i, regul ir pi

¦ ned Still .-l-*. at ".! eta.p- r yard a 19 I

ii all wool domestic Cheviots, In cr-'Mtrlp< s. etc .;.".

els per \ ird; .- ll :.¦ ¦*¦ rn al 15 to 48ii new d< Isns .¦ Suitings, al e.'

per yard; regul ir price, 60

Ii I n cl: O'ontls.M h all w Pl >l Armiire, nn ox.-,-lien;

ni 11< rial, In .!... bl ;¦¦ r yard; sold elae-\\ here al 9

WASH FABRICS*Thc /test Value Offered this Season

130 pie i iln.- Zephyr ningham* 32 Incheswi lo, li di -.i-tis and colorings. i"> rta, perrai I; fully wiual hltheri i shown, .it

LACES.Such Values as We Offer Cannot

lie (Obtained Elseiche rc.

irientnl Kloun. :¦. designs, 8 to 12Inches wide, al 15, ii. 19 and 23 ,-t-. per yard.

\ lot ¦.' Silk I* M d'lrla le Kloum Inga, ream,ind white, 9 ID In w lue, al 25 and

29 els. per yurd ab mi ii ilf of rt>gulai ptSilk Applique and Chantilly i.i cs, cream and

white, 4 to 8 In hes wide, 15, 19 and 25 els. peryurd.

' >riental I. <. es, 1 tu-d I Inches wide 5 rtaI" yard: 5 and 8 Inches wide, 10 is. per j ard.Real T >n hon I. i< os, '¦ N 10 l*»i .. in. y, .,.,i '

29 ls per yard tiboul half of regular pri ¦

A nu.- ass irtmeni \. mp p0|nl de <;- neLi- I'S. Vi ni .. lu :- .;. .., ream

'li .m.I .- iii:--, al \ oi i lou ci Ices


Last Week oj Our Great Sale. *

Prices Less Than (dstt>/' Material,

Wrappers made of best prints, new sp-ini*patterns, large sleeve.* plvate l yoke, full fr »nt,i els., Insti ol 88 ts.

Wrappers! f itrlped and fancy printed Cambric,,||! ""' alee/es, Watteau lu w and ghoul lernilli-. .,:» te., instead of 11.00.Flannelette Wrappers, new Spring designs, full

Bishop sleeves, pleated yoke, loos fi mt and belt,89 eta, in n ii of 11.35. tl

Outing Flannel Wrappers, in light and dark fstripes, with wide ruffle over shoulders full'1

Watteau ba k. full from an l belt, M *CtS., Instead of $1.4.'..Wrappers made In the very tates) style* and of p

tli. newest Spring designs of zephyr OlnghamaPercale, Lawn and Saline, 11.15, 11.19 11.29 $l l". Iand 11.98, Instead of 11.50, |1.65, 11.75. 82.00 and

All our Cashmere and i 'rep in WraDDers ai oro*portlonately low prices.


Open in a Display af SpringStifles, ,

Just received, ¦ beautiful collection of high- rslass novelties in Parasols,

FLANNELS.30cfs., Instead of 76 cfs.

fvoaeh Flannels superior la quality and de¬signs to gooda advertised elsewhere as "3r. etareduced from 75 cte,".our price, 30 eta. i>er yard ri

Flannaietteei, I and ty eta. per yard, Instead N:of 10 and 12'4 ci»

BOYS' f L0THING.Washable Sailor Suits. 19 cfs.Boya* Washable Sail,ir Suits. w!;h lnr*r*>. neat blue ami white stripes.wit*

ranted faat colora.3 to 10 years.Identical withthone advertleed elsewhere al 7"> eta.; our price19 ts.

Double*breaated, all-wool Cheviot Suit.*, withextra panta, 8 to IS years, $::'.»vAll-wool Cheviot Knee l'unts, 5 to 14 years,

88 eta,

J tilNI TC li E.Parlor Snits and Odd Chairs, all

New and Desirable Goods.In Mana Cases at What Wc Should

Charge far Covering*a liinit'-i-l number of Parlor suits and odd

Chain, covered in Silk Tapestries snd Brocatellethe stock of "ti" of New-York's very best

makers -every article perfect in every respect,absolutely new, and made for tins Spring's,trade.The majority <.' 'li'--" Suits will bo. soli at

what we should charge for covering.PARLOR sins.

8-pl. Divan Sui:. 118.50; In lead 126.50,.i-;.i- e Divan Suit. 834.80; instead of 148.00.S-plece Divan Suit, 138.60; Instead of 15184.3-plece Divan Suit, 105.00 ii lead of6-piece Tapestry Suit, 844.50; Instead of 868.0816-plece Brocatelle Suit, 148.60; Instead of 885.88JL5-plece Brocatelle Suit, 108.60; Instead of 6J0J6,5-plece Damask Suit. |78.00; Instead of no.'00.4-plece Bn estelle Suit. 185.50; Instead of 8135.06,4-piece Brocatelle Suit. 102.00; Inst i of 1140.08.4-plece Tapestrj 9 lit, -:. 10; inati id of Jil*, 66.4-plece Damask Suit, ll.>; Instead of 8135.01,4-piei .¦ Brocatelle Suit, 8110.00; Instead of 1176 00.4-i'i. Hr... au Ile suit. 8116.00; instead of 6180.08b4-p|i .. Brocatelle Suit. 8138.00; Inatead of 8210,08.

CDD CHAIRS.l n 112 I to 124.50; instead of 133.00 to 165.61

:c/i &


BurnhamBILKS.New Wash Bilka, fancy stripes, rt>nts.27-Inch White China Bilk, 43 cents; reduced

from 7.". ...nts.

Fancy Striped Habutal Wash Bilk, oxtra finequality, 60 cents, lowered from IS cents.

Navy end White Prtntt l China s; lc, 24 Incheswide, 50c, worth 66 ..

Changeable !'. l< B I la ; irtde, 51.00,remarked 75Bro ade Taffeta Cham.-:, in off., ta fir Waiata*

¦6 value 81.25.Fancy Tarilla*, small Bgurea, Illuminated ef-

:'¦ ll.Ov.Self-colored and Two*t ne Bengallnee, 6100,

l from 11.35.Taffeta and Satin de Chine, Black ground,

with colet l itripea, 85 eenie, remarked from11.25.m ire Francala In iii the .'hWe are also showing trie moat attractive)

stock of New Spring end Summer Bilks 11 bef tund anywh ire ar.' al prices lower than over.

BLACK coons DEPARTMENT.New Rlaoklines, Including £ low and Bea led ef>

tsFull asi. neweel styli ; In All w^l

and Silk and Wool, Black ai I Black and WI iFa brica plain and brache Crepona In elegantrich efl i

Bri che end Pi.Un Bilka in the mist popularin n i; Bl end Black and W il In ll i silksin gre ii \ ariel}.A nen |" In h Bl '. en I Whl In ila,

Silks, .-xti-.t quality, al 7" its, ar ii a $1.00.DRESS GOODS N'-w Spring '¦ la, la la :::.. Silken Cami C otha, P AUi Twi eda and C S taste

end Vlg ureau Jacquards, non li -.taholi est range of deslg ried

exclusively for our own trade. A Restvariety of Plain English Cheviot, Storm Bergensnd Hopseck ever shown. A Bpi lal line ofservloi ii..- Fai Suiting, All Wool, ;". -ont*.

Another l"t (broken easortments) of FancyM Ked Suiting, 10 :¦. 46 Inches wide, to eloee att;;, cents, value s'..- to $1 50. New an elegant de¬signs ni French Challles, All Wool and 8 a

cloaks n- .v Spring ityl « In Lidles* .11 »ketg.,. 1 Tailor-made Butta In Unfinished w ratt .-.

D ils, VI tinas, Oxf "I Mixtures, Cheviotsand other Clothe A line of Jeckets and Butts tbapr 'pc:' wi Igbt for immedl ite use.

LINEN DEPARTMENT 25 dozen pott warlt.Kn Red Fringe, plain White Damask Towels, at17.60, 89.00 and 110.50 per donen, reduced from112.00, 616.00 and 818 8060 il..,., ri .ill Lim n Eluckabu lt Towels, size

12x45, al J:'.".a dozen, reduced from 13.00.a lol :' nil Open Work Pillow Shams, ape lal

value, nt 82.00 per pair.

HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ladlee* RibbedVests, Swiss ribbed Lisle Vesta, low neck, 35c*ivortli 3Swlsa til.I,.-.i Bilk end Wool Vests, low neck,

':. cents, former price $1 nt.ind silk Vesta, low neck, 75c., former

...... <i no.

MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Four-ln-handamd Took Scarfe, new designs for Spring wear,M vi ents :i

Imperial Scarfs, latest Novelties, at 75 o.-nts,00, 81.25 and 61.50 o.ii li.Laundered Shirts, our own mike. 61.00, $125,

1.50.Full Shirts, open front and beck, oxtm

Ine quality, at $1 60 . ach.Special lol of Men's Pajamas nt $1 ">, regular

irice 62.60.shirts made to order, ti: guarantiGLOVE DEPARTMENT Ken ' ofur English P. K. Wnlklng (Hovea, 61.10, regu-ir 61 7..Ladlee' luann Beam Che%*erette Gloves In all

he now shadee. Full assortment of Flak, ClarkFlagg Vol,mt" Cloves Special reduction in

,lned Cloves and Mittens. Bolled Cloves1.00, regular 61.00 and 62.10.Evening Glovea, elbow length, 12.26; regular

rit a 63.75,Gloves cleaned without o ir.

Dreeemnklng Parlors 41 ii floor.

2<*. 2S, 10, 32, 34, 38 Flatbusu ave. *

315, ::i7, ::i?. :::'! Ltvtngeton st.

Urooklnn ChfCtrrf.lOLl'MBIA TIIKATHK

w.i.-oittiK'ni sml riu.iry nt*, rti *trn.WIN KNOWLES A i'i».I'reprlctors

iKdwIri Knowlea I'.mi-i frvhrnsri ami Al Hara*aa.«TWU WKKKS.

Degtaalne To-morrow, FEB. -"f*.M. nil;.;-,