new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1889-01-10 [p 5].ru»»:*:i, i'oriland bij'1 bwell 1?...

¦ florece uno crcrriafjta. *r*3TB*~atC*5B> **' st. 67 am Warrenst. .; tUl, ul 1 aENTS U.. loearr. a of 11 klnda. tLliAKIN*. * FP.pTOC1t U, Biaku rooi. ior bl-lgh*. ara: a fow ut Uie Uiunataa X aaa .*w .'cilTi^ Rockawaya. fllio up ajurtain Kocfcaway*, (100 ua. tabiioU-.i*. »;i5 up. Coupus, »260 «... fiaaa* waKuna, yal ua. L;iiiii.*uKt, *27 5. Vletor:**. «2oO up. Surrey*. fllOO un. X Carta, aK<< a. J. tvadlc*' pbattun.a miOOaa fouiopy PliaetoMA 476 09 Doctora" Bntay os, 1225. Dociom' Pha-n.i.*. »176 nB> Ro-td Wki k, «126 up Top UuRK'e*. 8H5 up Buckboiids, 846 up rJiilt.dJo Bu«;l*'\ 650 up. DfUvery WagonB. 480 up v. Bfiuuett.-*. aatv u> Vlliaaao C.irts, *55 -p Dog Oart*. al'^6 up. Carta. »'28 up. ABTD BAM o^UKll b-TYLBa*. Also the Us-aMM. varloty ot BLBiGHB, £ 'Ffrfli BLEIGHS. gf-frrf BLEIHIIS. bLbK tor two, foar apd artx paaaenueia. Ru»»:*:i, I'oriland bij'1 bwell 1? dlea, AT TjREAT INDUCKMLNTfT Aleo overy ktyle aod gralo of _AR>Ehci, MARNESS, UKNEHo, HARNESK, fl A RN ES.S. S A KN MRA paide dlreetly aa tba preraUs*, by fcanil. of finr aiouk, eltganUy rnouiited, auu offorcd Bt 25 per cctit to 60 per ccut below usual prlcea. Also Uie largeat ktock ot HORSE Cl.oTlllNO and HORSB GOODS, HOICSE CLoTUlV.". and HORSE GOOD8, liOUSE CI.UXlllNi. a-i.t KORbE GOODS, bADDl.KRY, BADDLLRy, BAItyi.liRV, ror, Wool aai Pluah llobae, ur, v.'uol .un 1'iukb iu>b**> aurl all BTABI.E ii gtJISITFA PIR8T-CLA83 U001)8. No FANCT PR1CES. JOHN MOOi;:.. MaiUfatt r, _43. 37 tanal 69 Wanau-at._ ABARK OFPORT UN ITT.-at800 will j.i 'Cbaa* my styllah Krntucky brod trol'.nB aud fauiiiv VICTOR. sevcn year* old, 16 1-2 handa lilgh; *lred by Rea Wllkcs, he by Geo. Wilkc*. tba *i< at slre ol toottor*; dam K»te wad*- worth, reeord 2:17*1; VICTOIt can ba onuii by a lady or noet Umld porson; iu.1 afral-1 ot loeoniotlvi's ot muslc; he haa ua reeord; I will mmiantoe hlm aownd, klno anl ga-ntlc in ayery paiticular and trot * Bille ln 2:30 OU Nu SAI-E; tln.i- rbuwu i,urob:.a. i-; will allow rca|*nuelble purchtset So dajaf' triul te to*t hlni tn evury rospect; 1 am n"t aa'lllng hlm for anv fiulf, only «n acount of my c.iiiinued ill-health; alao at any half rcaainaule offar, Browster nfarly B*w aldebar lop Buggy, Pertland Cutter, set Road Ilanifsa, nlukh and black ba'ir Blanaeu, jtc, 4c.; will aell *ep*rat« lt li-alred. *V>r rull Infoimatla.n eall on rny, *t irlvat" t.iHl.l«, No. 128 West lOtb-lt, BBTWEZN 0TB AND 7111 AVKs. L'SINEBS WAGONSat wbolaaale |ul si 1> lfUJtlew. 20 Bteond-hsnd di-llv.-ry wu. .ni; kll alroa, all Styleaj fuily warrantod: our wsirons bulit on in-.-miaa-s; H-arrantad »t.« year. IIUDSON WaCON CO., estab- llkhed 1800, 642 Hudson-st. I"1 Ll^PING MAi ll'.SFJU. ataOafa, Very larne assortmeai Aiao Cirppl:^- Shcars, Comljs, Brushe* and Horse Goods of Every Klnd. jniiN MOORF.. 68, 67 and 60 Wirrca-t EBTABLISUED W*. J. M QTINBY ft CO.. M MIVIls <»F F1NI-: Csllltl *'¦ 85. 87. 3!. D1VISXON STREET. NEWARK. N. J WE OFFF.R AT MODERATE PRICES B1GBLT P1NIBUED (Xr.ll OF FAS1 ENTIRELY TH 1 OF OUR OWN PaCTORY. BROt'OHAMS IN FOUR S1ZES. LAKDAI'.S OOAC1 ROCKAWATS, ALI, ' and varioue other vehlelea adapted for town and eountry drlviuv an I road wairon*. 'l'urcha^crk who di-siro rt'Ilaldc aad flnrly 1 khed li lilclca will flnd ii to tha-lr advau- tag*- to vlsit Um a tranoaa* ta eona*ettaB with our mirka ut Newark, N. J., iinl ad- lacent to the Broad Btraet Btatlon of tha D.. L. tt W. llallnia^. 30 tnhiut. a from New- York, taklng the Barclay or Chrlstopher Bt Ferry,_ IJLEGANT B-*prliif, top pony phaeton, a lamp* and wincrs, with barness, rojr, 4c.: t-o*t 8897 60 laat Octobcr; prica, 8150: also flrat-claw llBht coup.. rockaway; u*el 2 BBMIba; cukt »075: prlce, 8275; single and double harnc-* choian. Rear ktable, 17 \\'i -. lltk-rt, Mra ROCKWEI.L. EQVEKTRIAN OTTF1T9. atogltoh and Ameriean, aud evrythlng pcrtalnlna t»> ti.e sadll<--ho,-*>'. IlluHra'aM catalojrue free. WH1TMAN SADDLE C0..11H Chamberaa-ak. 1~."*Ult SALE.-TW0 v-.i-JiiiV f:arnii'!-. *4'. raa h ica'-creaua wagons eheap. 83 Catharinavat., »tore. JNEWTO.N VAN NESS * OU., . 120 CHAMBER8-ST., blaoufacturcra and Iinnni-ter* of best arade .Matvu GoaxX*. OfW Blph irrairt-- I u'-'Ota i ¦ r bollday present*. BARNESS- ._^ ^ Flne eoa<h, eooi», roeuftham, light floable and aing:e roal harneaa 8ADDLE8 AND BR1DLE8- For park, huntlng. ¦teeplecbaataa aad ractng BI A \ K FTS. Dres* under h*rne*s and ajnarter blanxet* Bkade to ni.-osuie. Whli.- mountad ln elegant dekigns. PTR ROBES. .:.. . CuU txur, woitvrln*, grlrrly, baever, Hulkoo Bay wolf, red fox. and Japaaese 6LEIGII BELL8 AND BADDLB CHIMF.S- Hat'iir** and aiclgh plume* ln endlea* T*ri' ty and tew *tyl'*- , Thc laisrest and handcomest aaaortroent et horse iroods in the worlat_ mB[PHRlryS, VrTrERINARY BPBV IFIOB.-U*ed bv all owner* of horaaa and Mttle. A eompUmeii tary eopy of Dr. I^lml>hr*va. Vf-terlnary Manual '400 paars) e.i trasatuiont and caro of«.a(.ie auimaia. hork*k, tattle. shetp. -loas, >"*«». anl puu.try ".nl free Aldreai HCMI'IIllUfK' MKli ICIKIOO.. 109 Falton-»t.. Maar-York. ¦, i fJHLK.Y DOrtBLK VILLAOB CAJtl Oa* Jcobart a Whlto ..__.,.,,_ LEATHER TOP BUCKBOARD. Must b. aold for wsnj ofoKH>raj;T 00 snl Cfl Bc*rui» Plaaa, _ _Brooklyn, f-kNB BROTJGHaJa, ° BuI]t^ Pat °^ Baftable for Uvery work. J. CURLBx. Btate-M. and Boer«» f!»°^.,_ Brookiya. () »-nezfrrn-. ABD *-. Mtl! e.t m_ ufcPYING COMl i-x >T .otey may t.« »*v ">d * ;ar battor «a- ,^^on 4>i*lnel by de* .* wiu a aoaa* *x- eiVitoZcurtuis-- and horsbooodb fcu*liie»» Great lB'iBeenrtnWIta *AWN Kl. K BLABKETB. ;oir' V >r ¦' M*oufaa}tur*r al U, >,. Warrtta-at- 00UPB LABBADLXT, 1 ni s*. Roekaway, 1 Kxiaukloti front 1'.. Okl fay, botb in roud o lar wttl^e bjBJ very cheap. I. OURLKT. Btata-ct. aad Boerum plaaa. Brooelya. Citrt propettT) for Solr Ar mt u.:t* four »uav houitea ln W«:«l . bOUi »i. Haa. 48, bt) anl 64; box Siuopa, cabina>l irlinoacd; all the laieat liu- pe)*-irK-i.tA luqulra; oi. Uie iircmlso*, or Bf JAiltt* A. 1 KAME, Owaai aol Bulldor. Brooklyn. f^OR f*ALK-A BAROAIN-EJecuit 8 etory btaaam-ni and cciiar bricl. hutia", Mtuat-d oti thc l'ark giupu ta fliaucla** erdcr in \.-.-.i ^ -j.. ... ii,.. ha paace tor a bfcui.-. 1 will b- |ii.M»<d ta tav« you call at fcay ofllccs, 20 O.urt-kt, l'luuix Bullding, i'.i VT7fl rtotbakb-av*-, axiriaur of pr^spt-i-.t Plaa^i, lattor bBIm opea .ivciaiia*. Cetrity.-* Ua aita-iiitanc* for siiowing tiut. LEON- Aud moody. Rw.iji^uto_ VUll bALh>-A ilAiy»AIV.-On Ra-maer*- * »t., a a»t<iry baaainentiud ecllar brlck botue, aftziiOxloO; lo flritclaa* order aad kiuat be m>id; prlce. 81H,6rO. I would bv Jlaasa-d to haw you c:.i: tt n.v ofiK-e*, 20 Court «t, Pha-ulx Bulldlnf. and 278 FlaU buah-ave., c-.riur of prooject Place, latter a.0i... open «. >er:inr. s. Darrlagoi ln st- Vnds^r- fnr *:, niiiir houaea. LEONARU BtOODY, Real EataM. 1*1 Ol'. Kalk. Tb* cb«aie*t hoai*o on the 8 .-Hlir oi. Oretm. -a*f., ncar A.l.-lpbl .t ; a 8-su.ry ba«ein«iit aod celiau browu- » hou-e; 18 rvoina: 22x45x05; ln eie- gant crdar, a*.d wtll bt aold at a very feaeanabla price to a iulck buytr. 1 would b* p3a**«<-d to har* you call al my ot».<>;«, o0 <;0UfU4lj Pbcnlx Building, aod B70 Flatbuab-Bv*., eor l*ro»pvct llaaie; lattor *8taa oiwn ar>eiiiiii<»; car *u«.^»-U<,,"?]ulC9 '"1 *bowliij hi.uac*. JJBO.N silli M.wtliY. ti. la'Oll s,«.i elagaai * b-hta.ry i-aM-ment ,od tciiar brownstona P«0t Loi-., oi, l-*rla >.:. ... -,... IMixi'.xlOO: ¦Ub ao '¦..-, ,[,M ..¦ ... ., »,..j ntjrary .viry akoatora li'ii.-io'«ii.i.(,t; |. Bi-at-arTa** todiii; i:i.:>- rta,,.aufl. *nd will 1* aold at .atrlrlce. 1 would r* uleaaed ta hav* yt.u W at my at., phaaix auitflii.K nnd i.'7'J Batbuaii ave., eor. Proa- B*aa Plat«; lattvv ofBcai opea «v*»ln«s; *j1pSW*s "' l'!l-' heul**. tSJUB'' M'ukr/ ;;i Al. EKfATB. VOft'fcAU, I"i- *_ *t"rr '.¦ iwlon fi;....- un- VSaiJ w*" '"¦' oonaiuon; Untiseo heat; all iaipiovemenu; £?*ft?,,w PfViav on i-t,-.,, a-t Park aHainc; I' 1*1*1.1 rtyi TER 4 CRan5aLL, Vj Flah.i.>h-ava, V\ POR gALE OR LEASE-Do'ck property as. La.'°','k*ru " Wftilkb-jui," 13 t" 20 lote: to* bsst kitajpaaibaK for coal, brl.-k, lujni»«r, .J*, ricn or tViexal aMaiufactuitav; l.uniaidl- arart«tfiSw'".fe AtMraaa J- JIOMAIH BUtOv/W. 63 West 834.*.. Hew-lW t-aoi galau. CITY, BROOKLYN AND COLNTRY PROPKRTV wanted for rent. D. B. FRENCH, 8(1 Plnc-si. I*" OR 6ALF. or to exchange tor ajilm- iroved pn'iicrty; tenement uelghborhood nreferred; hindaome flaia on 9ih-av..< .outh of 00th-»t., l-cludlug corner juat coru- pleted; f»r furthcr partl.-ulara addreea P. P. CALl MI AN. 280 Eaat 42d-»t lY8*Superintondent and manager of eatotea, Oolleetor. Ao. 0mce, 115 Prlncc-at._ 1, UKTEll a CO. oQer des'rable housea. alao nato, floor. un.l apartmenta; all locatlona: reasnniibl.* reuta. Omrra. 77 Kaat aud 206 W. 12filh->t. Citfl fhror. t rtrj to &&_ A~^A.~To"l,ET.- 'ni-r.edletn poieewloii . wlth at. w. powe; .'evaiors, ind fur- iil-hed throughout wlth aulomatlc sprmklrrs fnr puttlfcg out ilre', l.rge faetory; corner bulldlng 10,260 aquare feet, "hole or part; aaTtabt. ani- manufactuimc buali-.o*.; alao thr*. other floors, 60.05. McClaw Bul.dlng. llth-ave. 21 at. 22d at*._ AFIRST-CLASS BUBIBE8B LOCALITY on 4th-ave. for a real es.ate offlce alao one for palnter. with plent.v »f cllar room for palDto. ladders and acaffnldliic. to let or aaaaa. Call or addreaa BL'SINKSS. 8JW Ith- a ve._ D~~EsTRAnLE housea, unfornlahed and furnlsbci. In aii paite of U>« elty. BOLBOM BROTIIEBB, 63 Kaat ltlh-ai, OgPTCBB.Boribweat llght; *uam-heated; alnglT or sultea, ln bank bulldlna. cor. Fulton and Greenwloh ata. Appl.v Room 4. RENT nrffTO FEBRUARY 1 NEXT. .403 L.'Xlngton-avo.. 4-«tory cablnet flulihed, 20x00; Janltor on premlre*. II. P. DE QRAA1 _ To I.F.AS1 Ma.-dnugal-it.. No. 117, 2d floor, 26x62, fi r manufacturlng pur- posea; well llcr.ted; good for shnemnher, tailor or clj-armaker. 1ii.|uIi-m top tloor; immcdUt" poa«eaaion lf rcqulied. (TlEj ..vU'XMENT" HOUSES: Lieht bathr. 11 light reoms; 7 rooma. ,484 lOthave., near R8th-.t»_¦ W MIOLE OR PART of front. store to let A. BF.NEDICT. 157 Broadway._ 1"70 DUANE-8T., Flrat loft and bare- 1 I & rnent, each 26x105. Apply on premlaos. Brooklyn TO LET.Modrrn brownstone, 270 Clln- ton-.t-: four storles, 17 rooma; between Congres. and Warren-ata.; 81.000. Jeraey City, RENT. «26.-Jer*«>y Clty Meight.j amall houae, njn. rooma, all mod.-rn Improv*. inents; Juat nainted «nd pa;*n-1 throiiuh- out; a gem. JOHN M. JONE8, oirnur, 75 Slp-avi'.. Jeraey Clty. Tnke Cortltindt-»t. ferrv, Courl-Houae. cara. (aoun'r** flroptrtg Mot Bah AVON PARK. Souti. Fl'.rlda-20,000 acres high, heallhful, Ono land; i.o awampa, tover, ncgrous or llquor. Wlnter garuVnlug aud rauga growlug. P. O., iebool, and school eatahliah.d aud growlng rapidly. No ..glft" (Ti lan.K but honoat lmmlgratlon. Heartlly Indorscl l.y tb>; 150 new aetiu-ra. 170 tracu aold. 1- acre lou tn centn- only $U aaeb: io to 40 ncre lots 85 to a.20 p.-r aere; 20 mllo. oboloo lak'i frouta. Che.poat traii.ia.rfution rai.s to aeUlera. Kend atamti for book "Conunon herue About Mortda,*1 6*0, or "Boatb ll<>r- lda Progrt-ae," tample weefcly, freo. or 60 centa for 100-pact! llluatrai<>d book, "Plorld* Pacta, Ilott. ftriilit anl Blua." t!a..'nx;n;.s, but plaln, unvarniahed tru.h, in- l-luable to B>-tLlcra. 241-pac-j ulitiou, tloth, el. Wnte. O. ai. OBOBBY, 92 Pranklln-at, N. T. A8BURY PARK.-Ten r.aim'Queea Anno cottage and ono 53-iim>ih boarding- houae, wlth furnlture. for aale overy m §'. Same la for rent if aot aold y February 1. Alao 00-room boardlug- houae, uufurnlahcd, 1 block from ocoan. Adlie*s UWNi'.R, 010 Lahe-ove.. Aabury Park, N. J._ _' ?OB SALK-^0,000 aere. iiedwood Tltn- ber landa ln Callfornla; uiu cut from 1 60,000 to 100.000 feot p»r aere. C-. H. f nAMl!i:i;i.M.N. 116 Broadway, R CJEKD BTAMP I'oit MAPS of «v5 lot*. 850; Weit Jimaica lou. 8125, 251 100; ljone lalanr" furms; Baratoga and One.da County farma at .. prlcearnd eaer terma. GEORC-K r.. TILLY Real Eatate, Jaimloa. Loni; Ialand. Coontra _Jroprri_i (to tet FOR RENT.The large new store. on th. N.uih hlde of Mark.-t-st-, eaa. of 12th- at., Phlladelphla: ihey aro C «. helsht, wlth a flnlsle-d 1,,-ta- m.-pt, anl havo aU-am boilera, hvdraullc fr.-itrht and paaa.>n- ger i-levatora, and othei n alern oonvanl encea. Applr at the ofiic- ot Oirarl eatat.-, lo Bouth 12ih-au, Phlladelphla. 8. b. CAVIN. Ag.nt Aeal <&Biait to (FrrlMnqc. EXCHANGF-. Five b-.torr browriatoua atoiv. and flata for New-York or llrvok- lyn lou. Will aell aepantely or toi-ethur; would entortaiu ao exchungn for a eountry plaee or farm for 2 nou-a.-.. F. b. DKIs COI.L, 32 Park Plac*. I "1XCHABOE.--A doalrable 8atory and la baaaaaaai bruk, itoai and tcna-eotta dwelll.ig. B.blaat tilni, brome mnuu-la, all modori. linnmvemenla, n«jar rtaaaaat Park. liro-.klyti, for a eountry plaee or farm. V. 8. I'KISC'JLL, 32 Park PUce. ftcal (fiatU tOantrb. lyANTl.U IO PURCIIA.SI1.-A hOflae, ii stonc, wlth tnoduni iii.provem.-nti., Iwa or thrco atorioa, ;ielghl,orliood of Park; muat bo ln arat alaai rondltlon and lo.-alltr. and a barjraln. Aldresa br le.t.r, W. BL, f^O Rroadway, New-york. Roome anb Slalo. -AGU1LA, ti. W. CORNER 41ST-ST. ABD 7X11 AVE_. 8IX BQOMtt AM) HATII. IlALi-b ."j'H.A.M IIF.ATED. N Tl l'b, *3o To t*>0- APPLY ON PKKMISES. A-284 ANO CUd BA6T 118TH-8T.-A . few iiiuiti of thoae handHoii.c, calilnot- Ii.jit.he1 flau of 5 a.i-i 0 roouia and bath; every Bi>«ii'rii lu.prov.-merit; convaAtoni to Sd and 3d ave. L > latl<n,» lenta < 23 io »27 ; r..!i,ui"no» Feb. 1 ; poaMiBMon Immi-dlau-ly nV'ILLK aril PASSAK'. liSO-120 W i.'.ih. -l;igbt r-iMB, all llght: rto nuary ^.uinbi . oon- rail- -hinan '>> ,-nltor on premlaea. C.* lui'irrWF.ST SHI'-ST Ar. . .4 ~,oma; au.lal.l.- »;:iali ta nv i..a> iy locatod: elavatod and aurfa-» rade; *l->. 818. DiUAN O. 1IEOKMAN, a-jl Hr.-adway. _ ^" LAXB XO I" th. Mith-st. ind Bthitre. -i rooma; ]ust com- pleted: avll daeoratol and Improv.-menta; rent. from 880 to .«o per raorith. Innulre of (JORDON BROB., «... pr*a-iaaa, oi jji.iu.r. FJ.A'i'S i.-id ..;.¦.¦-., unfumlBhed anl fumlahed. ln «.l paru of tha elty. POUS.OM H.TIlKIUi. 68 Eaat llth-at. t* i.i'OR of 4 rooma to leu 871 Wesi 8_l-a*._ [SUBJflBHEl) PLVI- (lolng Soutri, wlll I: a.itil.: "i.-i tlai g-ntly furnlahad compl.-t* In every re^ia- noinlual pl ear.-ful,; anlendH locatlon reference reQulred. 104 '.JJA OOth-at. _ rp II ¦ <; p. ii i, a t if, 65 WESI 27i li BT. NTW ANI' St L- ABSOLUTEI.Y l-1 Hi. I'RC.08. EVF.BY MOTl-.I. CdN VKN1KNCE. A te* de»lrabl« larK-o and *vett- menta. EN BU1TE. WITH PKIVAIB RA7 II. n..i, engagMd. Bervlce and culalna uneirellod. Amerlcan and Eur.ix.-an plan. Call or addreaa THE OERLACH. TU i; HA( Kl IT, 12 W. vanti.v flniaheal. atcam-heaoxl apart- menta to let._ -IM1B HANOVER. 2 Eaat 16th-»t, eor. 1 6Ui-av...Kurnlahed aijaitnieut to aub- let B. J. HCNTi.vr-To.v._ 3I> FLAT. lurnihed; eeven rooma; all t1.200 yoarly. 44 Eaat intliat QBTORY B. 8. FLAT.-A11 *> perfacl order: rantad for kW9. pflc, aa.ODO. E. W. -THOhlPBON, 27 Flatbuah- Siat ItJanteb. WANTEO.-K-ml«hod flat or amall houwa untll May, elthcr down town or Har- Ubl Addreaa, wlth particular., RUT- I.KIIOE. Trlhur.e Ofllc. ijpox ard llooms. AbMALiL prlvttie famlT, llvlnir lu upper part ef th. clty, in aa elegant houae, woufd I.t a eoui;' of ronuia, wltb board, to gentlemen or gantlomau and wlfe, where they ean have tb. roniforta of a reflned home. Addreaa BlBCLAin, Box 21, Trlb- uno OfDi!.. ATTBApnVB apanmeiits, aultea and alugl. rooma; %*!tli or wttbout board; houae iuape.Uxl; tarn-i and accoru- in"rt.iioi.s to .uii aii; infonnaUon freo; mrSJ-.TT IHRECTORV -h-au. ).. A UAILKY IN AT'l C'ANUA HOUSE". 17 Latoyette i'iaco.- i helecl bnaidlng, wl.h hot.-l cn.n.'ii lat.c*.; culalne ax.atl.nt; urrtn. very u atilo. FLilNlSIII.J' roouia, Blogir «r en aulo.; l,*|\a.i, l.ath im-.i^ lf dr II tll-Bl. 1/ i,i u .-.¦.». ;* '' 'H, atoa »uni.y ?or; :t>u,.at. iealraM. n-f- dine parloi tiunr; pi-lvao. tablo; r*tojaj__*_____i'-> vV.-t :t.*.th_al___ IPRIVA or p»rt of floor. har.dao-neljr fMmlahed, wl'h board 77 Weat gOUl-at. THE AIUNO, J»tb.»t. and Broadway.- i.,ind'<eir,.'!r fumlahed rooma wlth or Btthout board: peirean'-nt Or trari'ieot; t.rma moiento. BEBRY B. MAlLsIL Boarb an5 Uoome. TO LET..Larae room, furnlahed every (i.nvciileiico; amplo closet*. 317 West 28th-»t-_ Tl'..Parlor rooms; bcatcl; reason- *!.!.. tcrma to rf*ponsibl» party. 115 Knat M'l-'t.___]_ '1*0 LET..Uandaome tulto of rooms, with J. or \,i.i...m i.p usfav slao >.< ry deslr- ablft warm ball room, 40 I. - in «. * ::.. n,7. near «0l O aparunonls with prlvato bath; aui>crior Imnni; iraaainatil* r*t>s. OK 0.TRUBlifl ra-meved and carrlod ta ~a> room fraa Orowi-'* l_xpre»s. 55 Weal 1 A TII-ST.. 30 WF.ST.-Dertrablo room* JAl with lioard nlccly arraairei for gen- Ucmen; ntcs rcasonable. 1»\Yl>r 20TH-BT.. sar Broadway. .> l.arre furnl»hed fmut room, wltb prl. taM l.ath. on l>*t floor; also otber; ataitbarn sinl'H BT., 4B Wg£T.-Lnrai room*. wltb A\t Muia.rtor board; house In perfret con- dlilon. _ OtTaD-ST., 813 WEST.-Room*. with board, && slngiy aod cn «ulte; culslne uuex- ccU*d. _ OOD-8TL, WEST, 148.-Priv»te famlly >*»¦. will Ict two nlccly funiiahed froot ro-.ns; ftentlcmen »nly. OCTH-StT Tl6~EAST.-Newly decorated /&D parlor licdrooin or sultaolc for offlca or pilviata r » wi II snt kulta, f..ur siCt rooms; prlvato tsl.le if dealrad; chef; beat rcfcivucc* jtlye'1 and r_QU_ed._ .>ol 11 ST~ 28. W i melv ftjr- *>'' in ;.--1 Large, imall rooau: table: houso, BMgbberbeod good; parior for omcaa. i_ KIVTli ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND OTIl a)l/\vi'<i, Eloaint room; be*l board; rerer- >. *.-, Trlbuno l.ptovwi OBtoa, 1.238 Broadway. _ t_t_TH-8T.. 180 EA.ST.-IlandFoin^ly rtir- ..'.' .) laru.--- ai.'l emall rootus; tatoat aml app''.iiitmciit* Urst-cla**; homo conv forts. __ WEST* :i. ro*m* board; bw new and hawlsome; l -jfTl MADiaoB AVE., **ith board; I 4-4 l.rat Bl keOOOd floot* 11*'.r>- or di- vlrted to sult; strlctly first-tlaas acromimv-la- Uona._ Tif WEST 45TH-8T.-rurnl*hed rooms; I4f hiatod and runnlni: water; i.rl\ate houso._ IJO WEST 40TIt-8T.-IIatidsotnclr fur- liO nljlio-1 rooms f (vomforta; referenre* exrhaiiKi-d; iimiI. nf .- FUT l.EXINGTON-AVE-Parlor floor, 4 IOI rooma; sultanle for small faml./; rent 880; owner ln house. finoinfes Cliancea. A' n" OUVEOTABLI81IED Mialne** tn prosperous condltion, ln lamksra, N. X., for ataie or aaeliange ; prlce. 86,000; good valuc; rar* cuawe. Addreaa P. O. Box 14 Sj Yonkera, N. T._r. AFORTUNE to c«plt*ll»t who will ut.y for adv.rtlslna; Al Brtlajlai hii*lti»*» e*i*hli»*lied *borl tlnv: n.akii.i: wondorful head way. Aaldraaa 9. Box OL 118 Itb-ave ANY I'l RBOB with 1 dollara can aec lixht. profltk' Ie l.ukineas. clokr- ina 840 tn *«9 and upward weekly. or ti-kveTlliic S»uih. l'nrtleulnrs of >l. lli.VINS, 18a Oth-*v< _ Fnr. SALeT-a' ltyhi m manurieturitiR linslna-a Al<lr**» JOHN STEWART. 01 Bnd 08 New.Jer*cy Ni-wark, N- .1. ____ 1SOU NA1.E.-A t)S) flwa llng, thcap; also a dwcliliiarhouv with vlllairo lota to ax.han... tor m-rrhiu- dlae. J. W. LEWra, North Port. L. I. V OR KALE.-Re*tour_iil and o/s'.' r Ba> i i flaca on n«lfiird^vaj , Br.Kiklyn. loqulw «(. 11AL1KI, 11 Grand st., Brooklyn.___ LUM BER Y ARD .Old -' bttali n Ior sale it Praabol Jaraar. t *u or addres* u. J. ROGF.iw * Co.. 1 N- '.____ OIM'OUTIMTV n offerasd to S genlit- inan of iroaa.1 liusiiu-*-. inpacl'r r in mandlna n..all raplUil anl hla p«r*ouai aotvlcci, t> aro im., l.usin.-s *rh'-reln he wtll i >h und..- hls own ¦¦ r tT .1 Addr M PARTNER, DO Last l.oah »- _ PRINT1NG OFF1CE FOB 8AIJC.-I Oor- 1 ni - ». 260 fouu lot. type, UK,k irisP PARTICULARS, Box 82. Trlbuna _ » Rl lAHr^E econorr.lcai. slngin tnaJi, al.oiH 30. havlUK f.-w hundcl dollara ta. loln advcrtlscr wllh llke ain<miil In huai- t. an ln troplca Addreaa* TROPICAL, li.'x ;¦:, Trii.'n.. offloe._ SfEAM Ml. : SALE. with small Call at 4W Central-av.-.. Jsraey Clty TlelKhts-_ Ur BLL-E8TABLD3BBD fflc* r/ustn*** for «*ALi hair raeh; ao., 1 et . yrmng mai.. Addreaa <.' Trthtln* Uptoarn ofrl -. ..l»i* Wrtth BU.OOO uarti'-s in .y.uth la Maafaetar* of full llne pstont *grteultural Implom^nta ln l»re* demar.d, wlthout cumpetlil.r. ln veator fnlly aeeured aod to ict aa trrasura-r; - funiUhed: InvatlgkUon (1e»lr*d CF.NTRAI. EXIHANGE, tW We*t _»_-«., Room 0._ _ .^IIMI TINITY. -To tb* narh- partv, with f 100 or mor« l< ofTorayf an ppor'anltv to itikkc fE.iXH) to B5 i- .nscin'ir toaneh oflTce. DUNLAP KLECTR BnaXTtUa lowa. _ O'/wtWll.'. 81 riKI TflIRD I'l'."! IV- tp.)\f\f ln >J Addr»ss for lntervlew nnd .- Kr Al'RET. I'a,llln.lnd I'l.l. a_.) /will WIU. IH'Y a twavl %f .^tftyir t,.t-_«t ln a manufkeiurlnK i.u«i ni..; full Invcktlaatlon Invtia-I, fir whl.-h ¦inip'.e llme as advertlavr Is In IIOWAIll), Trlbune Branch '..70 West 28d-st Sox 0alt CtsrtUlon ralllna*, sholvlng, tohlea and a:l klnds of atore aod offlce fixturoa: you wld aave tlme and ¦,v xotaa il. Ui the factory. 45 Bleacker- it.j r.-ar Broadway._ CARF1 n* ln mlaflt*; a 26- yard ra Br.isaa-ls earp-l, BI5' worth itiii: k 20-yanl ^oa»d Injiraln, B7. HRAHAMB, 274 7Ut-ava,_ DI .-,K Foi k*l. a jrood roll-top de»k and aafe (all at CRESSY 1 ClK.) 188 OK -.41.1. A vnry fine l.lack and tan d»'j f. 2 iK.uiidn. Addreaa JOHN Trlbuiii Btarich (ifli.c. 142 .lUiava. 1BALE OB EXa'M ANUFl-Two kieam llgbtora, on1- Mvaiagj i-opaclty 100 tons aach; almost new; laiast Imprtrvi Bieatol fi'<* fcnu moruraafi-a- ttIII glrn lonn BarB i ou aaame, I.lCllTEilS, Tribuii.i >fflce. II r BK SOLD. A fln" psyln. ra-tall itlrut.l^r siore. OOODYEAlfh I. BTORE. 4M «tr*i.d«t._ rj'ABLE- An clegsntly <ar*»d marl.le- 1 top Uble, 2x0; store rtxlurea *i.J tabat I Baads lo ordt-r. Nortb.-lM ior. 4th ave. and WAA st._ *>/i 40 Hf.ACK WALNfJT TREES OU for sale. Addresa, with offor, L. iu- ,. W.I.....-.-I-, Kan. ^i.o()o,(kh)^^,m;;m .... .ni buj :< AM. IMSiriTS ORANITE WORKB, .ri» Hotel, 1.140 Broadway. W. A _ili:idIoncon». ALBERT G. bl'ENl ER, 270 fltb-ave.. near leih-*<- L ktal.on ; wuibrellaa madu to order. recoveraad. repsirod and for aala ehaap; all klniU A can* work. ellk. al and UP;_ i .i-1 43.000 WANTED on dX. l,0f>0 tons ji.-ii.liiK bark and lauaber, standlr.« aupa-rlor quallty: *_,.. or would »cli outil«lit. J-,J<iIfNbON, bla- tlon D;_l_ 'NTH' LF/rTF.RB WABTEl); eopy or purcl.. prloea paid foi do- slrable. fre*ti letters; lmk- or -nuail loU; WhO hil tlomj Ml I'l' 'IM.. 17 l.-.lwnt,' I ) ,_nt writUn vlkltlng card*; aend your nan.e and ;'."... in utanjps. A. R. I.FAVIS 50 W--1 11th M. < I |OW TO GRAD1 IT] l.H'INi: II While Einrajred ln IlUhlnesa" aecUou book, 50 ct'lits. n.'iid steni..-. 1-ltl.I'AltA- -,.,,- 11 II-. IV.iiMhkeepcto. EFT^OPP CLOTHLNO. Full **Ju*alv. U en send po*tal. 0. BANK.S. "15 Fl Qkhlng ,i i'e., Brooklyn._ POOIL FAMILIE8 wii* ehlldren. havtng frlaiud* or w.rk to n<> U. In Um Wct, mar upply for aaslslsnco to tho IIII. DrWk AID SOCIETY, 24 bt jMark'a Plaeo Aia.> ri.oI honiea with tamllles are provlded for poor boy* »nd firl* of good charaator. __^_ Wanii D uv an AaMtioaa aaaaa. -. rhlld to trrfiikj up on thaThotOe; will recelve a moth.-r's tar*. Addreaa* 148 Nawell-s'., l\rookijn._^^ A DrcBOinaking. BT18TIC dr*Mro*klna; Impoited »tyl*s; cowiM dlnner »i"l lane) dr. ¦¦*¦¦.' from .II up nnrfect flt and flnltli.* rpcclalir at ahiai -;_ Dll u ilraUdawi Kranich ing, oaJl drasaua, by a_r Bfl 26 prevlously 83. 1'AH.IS. BoX LTrlbuiie trplowu Offl<«, 1.2H.H Hroidwii.t i m vKlNO.-b'vllah *ul:« mido up. ! t 'ik.vli.r's aay.tam. 14 La-xliiawn-av.'.. near 25l). ^t._ n iirsuiiiaa fltter ...;iper; arlabaa nor* an«a 1_... <.r one 88, Addr*** D., 270 WaM Bfld-w._ Hi wlshea few more rnii|i.-mi-iii» .'l,.'"? Mlk« ai'IaajfaM- I.I.. West 44th el. _ IAUIEB* *ult* O'Sda at ahart naUaet -i i.taron'* *«lt* . *P*cisUy. 124 Eaal lfllb-it _Uelp tUanlciy_ ''"Tl .PLOY.M old rellibl* Cj Wetropollun Ageuey, ettabll-.u-l to proeute tor reltaule men no mat- ter whal elaa- icnt you destre, aad i ¦ aa \w um furuiali ui.iii- li.-lu .if erery duecripilou " fl KMPLOYERb.'* Ord-r by postal (01 Bsle- Ijranh ... eu expanawj. W. U. TRUE, Lbt. Broadway. _^_ {NTEIil.Ii'ENT ladtoa and un- any part ot tl.- ni flnd perm-ment and lucratlvo work. ed'.ea.ed and apply by letter to CUARLI'.S I.. WI.i: M llto-st._____ WANTED..An cxperlenoed, capabie man to aollelt .-lalrna for coltoetioa *nd l>-g-i baatoaaa OOUNM-'.i.ixir. Trlbune ofiice. ¦VLTAMTED.-k aton lattorer: el . <toi VI aod board pald every night. BOOIl. YEAR'fl RETAIL RUBBER WA.. 1101 SE, 202 Graud-at. OitnniiotiB tOanteli..fetnale. i .A..A..A.- MR8. I- 8EULY, {ferm.rljr Jllii I. (Bt.pb.ltl. 68 WK8T 22P-8T. F0BK1UN AND liOHKBTIO MALE ANP FKMAI.K KMI'LOYMBNT BUBKAU. a u refarenoe* Btnot ;r ln ve.U-r.tod aad ea flle for ina;.ectloa. l-erraula Mianyuolntlng toa-illM Will ba eicla.lo.1 from mr olTtoe. B. B.-NOT COlfNECTKD WITH ABY OTHKH OYtlOm. oH WE.T IJU-3T. A-LAROE PROTK8TANT EMP-OT. MEN I II..1 IE IL lp fre* ul ..ii Borvant, . mal.j help for I. at, 1J3 Oth- BV*., 41 b. houa.i | -t. 4 LADY hI. l-l extenaively . *. preaarea th-a. Intondlng to travol for iatlon ol European art gali ture .nd ylac* of .¦at, Addreaa kl. L-, Uox 10, Tribuno Offloe. _ ASK1I.ITI, tluiah.r of half-tone plato* la .'|.eii to an encagement. A l.v tftou.______ A'lU.U woman wanta work or h....»'.- I'li-uiiliur. by the day. Addreaa A. il. 113 L _ Aihea to go out waahlnir and Cie-iUng. Mra S< II M'i.K. -00 Eaat 63d at.______ V -iiea a plaee for her girl, as '.er.nald aud aiHiwa or glrl. Plaaae call ut preacut emj iu'. Wen ''.">'h at. Ci ABH1BK. -By an expert young lady r ln a go«d hou-'; and experlaiice. Addreaa CAFA- ULfc, iao j-ju.1 f_-,ttiB- CABI11ER iiy u youag lady; good ref. arencea and ae.-uritv. Adlreaa L. C, klyn._ CASH1ER. -By a youi.g lady; .ipe-letircd r, i. taaraat, or i.forc. ... Ad lr. -- A ;...: Wwi 2-l-»t CINIUN. Bj m Amerlcan wouM lli..- lo trasrl abro oi- famlly; ap»aka tmth Prencb »ih! Ber ia flu iitly ii let- and travel, would niehanj*.- '.-rence aa rBUndlng, Ac. Addreaa C. L. T-, 810 'i i. \>- woman; atoek aajaata at ILEAN1NO. he..liy a reaj ' v...ii-iii. Hiahaa . f. tl offlcea u> elean waahlne .. of anv kind Mra WOLFE, 210 W 27'ti bl. top Boor, Room U C.l.HM MI'. WAI IU.V,, RAL 11"! liKWuRK.-lly a y.miig e.ilored _irl. Call or a.ldrt»a 203 Woat 17th at., n-ar. CI BT..Br a youiig w. Addreaa E. (.' 27'J va CHAM1 a y 1IAMHKR1IAIIJ and WA1TRLS8.-Br ung glri; cll BP7 Baat .'.,'ih »i., rtnt lat b.-ll a CllAMlti.KMAIIi audisEAMBTREHH Baa M a Hai; clty retoretio*. 113 Waat _ C* ii a'.Mni i;m'uu ' By a .peaklng g.aal LugU-li, aatf¦¦.. 41-* l" «-'<-. wll r-oofh- P 11 .\ 17, T-ibuaa Upt_wn Ofli. L288 liro-d-ay. C- II \*IK ii.M Ul.. t. Il; a eol .rl, aa diaiii. i:..a. 1. a_' .-.-n-ral workr-r lo Bat. \ .'. - M1NNI)'. Tiit.un. L'.iowii O't. (4 JtAMBKRMAli- anl WAJTR ug glrl; elty rt-fi-reiie*-. 417 Ea«t _________ ' a young glrl; wllilna t.i! HMAIlt and WArrilE8fl.~By i..-»i Wi>:»ti giri, th. ri.i-irhly under- »unid» l.-r l.'.^iiieaB; ean *.-r\'- ln oarefal wlth alUer. *r. hju'.-b lu.alerate j rlty 01 cuntry r. f»n i. » AKI 4 TRAIN INO s. IIOOL, .-.! H.1 by«._ Cll a ">r ItB TA IIOUBK- oak, w>»t.'>r, lrouar. 180 flth- n* 4 i ___________ C. . A MTH! SS, *r fty a bioi.h I'i i go-xl Udy glrl; 8' Cl II A.V1U KMA1K. WAI1 / or ll"i -. A'ORK. Ii* a f!rl for pltv r counlry »..t.'4 not parttcu- i"'h .- CHAMIIKRWORK, It) a y.ui.g glrl ... I.. t-Bamberwork and **aui..«. af la- atst vlth waahlng; beat clty refareuc*. 8-'0 _ t young glrt aa i an.l aalire.a in a -n.ail ; f..r -J daya. et li:f C" 4 JlAM 111 lt-t \ln Rlri hlghuat cl.y _ i.i r clty nf t._ Cman ln prlvato -t-_ C.i'ilv II) a worian aa e.a.k. 117 W'-bI rear_ Ci i. .|< liy a Brat-elaa* eook In an F.ngliah famlly Brat ico. 808 Wuai la. _ C.,.iK «'*:ii;.i uii.Ih w ,mai. aa ob/ !10 Pjal 94 th -t. _j"_ Cil'.rsKWORK. ac-Ry. brlght, ...iji.i; oalored woman .r ihanv l.'T44.,rk. waltltig. nr nnr»e 3 yeara' good i. rlty or couniry. At 188 Oth- av>. ANNA._ Ci: v ¦¦: iir.KMAII).- Hy two J Welah flrtot-beth nrat-riaaB aenranta; ,;l- v.-, TRAININ0 BCTIOOL, lli* 8d a\<-._ C. in>K "" 7Jth-«t. C1..0K..IIV a ( Am. i;-an ; / a ahorl ilataoea ont. einklng and 00*1*. Haal.i. Hf> Weat 4-.ith.«t., rlnp Wi*. >!<¦ 11nirh'a b^L_ C40('K or ll"i BBWOBB. Bf a btrong, 'actha, willtng glrl; for iow wng.'-i; . Ity or couiiii. ean .ook. wa»h and Iron ,,!,, I, - iluady at 13H Olh-ave., 4 doora abOV* *8t8>al. (."iiK aud>ki-->>> r.* *.< r.ngiuh j woo aa i. f. .' i.- ..-I it., hone .t .nd'liy; eomp.-t.nt, r-eonon ¦! r**B| tl:¦>.-.I.iaa t.n-ad and paa.iy bl nl I.hjii.Ii' -., **.'.' r|,y i; \ININO B< HOOL 182 /*U;.K. '. Bj I Prntu.Unl *fon_n; \J g.,.»i famlly <<>..l<: lak. r, wai"i and lr»in '< i*v r. l"i. Buiir. <i.i>K-l»* a glrl ln a prliaia famlly; i;...i 837 I_at 8( C. .k; u.i- Qcrit.-- Ing; rliiaa clly Aiip'Y 288 U«l '17Ui-at., l»l, ( COOK, LAUNDRESB or HOUHP.WORK -Uy . G'-riuan wmuui; or cook; for <lty or eountryI *°<>4 rcfereheea At 18B eth .. K" li »U ____________ C'.m.K l*ud v.H A M 11 h\ K.M ALD..By iwo j younl glrla, an. |a thr othar aa rhambermaid: good referenca Cll 1.201 ,, B.-'ioklya- _ _ t<. "reapectonla glrl; ln flrat- ' claaa '>mi!y; IrJ ycara; ra-at, retowne* from laat plaee. 818 Cth-ivo., ring right la-U I tlmea._ C~ 100B -By I Bwedlah glrl, aa BreVel-ui. / eeok: wln iu-lat wfth coaree wa^ilng; referencua. 460 Oth-ive.______ C" OOK _nd_iAUNI*RK.>S.-Ry an EngUab^ woman flah, ni.-.La, a", veg..t.h|e^ liia_d, blacult, de»a«rla, A.-. -Ity or couu- try; referuno... 81 W< --l ---Ul. at._ /- WASHER anl IRONER-Bya V> \i.ung glrl; beat clty referenro. 808 3.-BVQ., 4th floor- Dw?, W"i-.K- i'v a rMpeatobla young woman good e.^ik »nd e\i-ell«nt l.un- dri'M; will tak.- pla. Wbeto BBj hom. nlghu; beat referencoA 1,20'J 8d- av*. near TtBh-aj._ D\ - a .i.K.- Hy a flrst-eleea laundreat; ho.jM'ciaanlBf; beat clty iif.-ivri... :'(. :.-. :'.:;.-:_ Da"vs' work Woman wlahaa doya' work waabtoa or clcanlng; nlli d>i plaiu aaahlng at 60« v r doreu at hom.-. *____ 1" *a RRANIi f*nXIL-.By a roiing 1 - --"ta-it J gtrl aa arrand-iMrl or t.. h.-lp ...',- rltb lieht houtework. B. II., Trllnii.a Cptowl f)ffl*B, 1,.88 Broadway._ Fvmii v v. 4miiNh._By a reBpeetabl. ii doaea. W. ¦'. -Othat._ GOV1 » Nor'h Hi.Ill.O I.¬ II N. w-Tork ". Ilro ikfjm . ;. nuauy. Addr. i iVl Ayenue A._ VI lady U> tako eare of cl.illron ; epe-ka prnperly ; I'*1 a *e.v ilrad. Ad- drna II. HL'IITUARUX, 1. -d *t, Hobo- ken, N. J. BilBolians Qan__d.ifmaidflj, A "v1,", :i C l\ 1.1) AT 'nn; ciTOWN O m. .11 '7. Kr«*d**.»y, caaroor Tbirty-flrst-st., I' 1". tjjo Bro*dway, between :, Tweuty Uilrd at*., __!__. 8 _?; m"! 270 Writ Twctity-fhlrd-st., conier Eljhtha\e. 163 Sixth-ave. ; lr.i ¦vuii '" th-kt; 7tei "ty-*r\enih-U. 1,02'> tat-st. 1,708 1'ti w. st Korty-second-st ud OB Llh- md IfARLEM I'M'I'-F., ,S0 Ea*t Onch-.r.div.l -ndt*»«ut,yflftfi-s,, 'ip u 8 p. m.. at r*_iiKir offlce rate*._ »_tt.» EatobllinedlsrT Mal« 117 At 8KUVAMT8 ODBLL'B 1".-:....!.. WB. At SEHVANT8 ODELL'B Bm 43DBT. Al NT8- ODKI.L'S Pocoala 117 At KHiVANTB ODKI.L'S _a_ WEST Ak rE.tVASTS ODKLI/S Bstaaai i.d-st. oj>ki ls L" KktaoIUhed 1861 II NE8_, 4c.-By a Ilanoverlan v* Udy a* gevernoM jr aupenor nurse; l:.ndj yura, .*' rVnch, mu*lc, KJndcrgarten, .ed; clty or '.!' i,f,.i nceia. "(;aiVER> r, _, .1 | a 11 ,tK .~il7 a" ktrojir tt** glrl; l*-ly larwlctl. II b, 783 Otli avo., near 8EKEEPER.- By a colored woman famlly. !.*>'.' Weal .tth-»t, lenced aoraaa; in hotel er prlvato famlly; nended. Call or ad- t.roa* M. 8. K. 30__V<'>it_t._ 1 ..By a young woman good 1 ¦ city or eountry. _49 Wnst back._ H'" SFAVORK. If a Welsh glrl; refor- '."¦ goorl i.ri aml blscult muk«r; ".eellcnl .ii tabln eity or AMEIttCAN THAINING i. Ha reapectable womaa ia*work*rj ln tbe eountry; 337 Wct 40th-st. Ua glrl a* general and Eng- llsh. ln , .'M.h-at. nW'ORPL Hy a S^.tc~~Protoataut, ireii'.ral houaa.- workcr ln samall famllj 844 «_ Ifith-st. Hi N 'i Germao .taia glrl :i« bouaework. r of .1* !¦¦'¦¦ BSbd ;..(.t.'im .; clty or couniry. oOO 7th-*ve., nuar U'li'sErLEAMNC-A woman woulfl - n* ftala tn ciian. Addnaa E. K., Trtbana Cptiwi- onice, 1,238 Broadway. HiVORK.-B) a young glrl .for llK'ii hoOaework: aaualst wltb chlldren. I l.iiaau No eard*._ HOUHBWOBJL.By n ii.'ildi9-*g*4 wornan 'able, and a l ant- A Idn «« J w. ;.. (lou.-ial Nsw-Yolk Clty._ Hw'HIH. WANTF.D- By a re»p> ttabl" young Engllahwomaa; good refereaaei Mia IluiV'All _ HPBaV.By in. Amnrtcan k g""1 refvr*o»*«. Idre** : .:) l.afayatto-ITe., ll'klyn. H..[ 8EWf»RK.-By a Brlddlta-ag'-l Anerl- H.,uld llku to work ln a inrlly, more fnr a home than kraga*. _u.r^. 417 Weat 13th-at._ Ii K1FI-: it iii a woman of long I exper'.en.-* ln flrat -Iaaa famlly t.e*t ra.t fn>nc<». L. R..-m l>',Y £.«) Broadway. Hr i raapaetobl glrl. Ia:ely Itu.n l, for g»ner»l bouae work ln .- fataily. Rln« twlce, 157 £*-... :.-'h -.. _____ H: ii, gaatlaaaa . famlly. <.:_! afier '.' :.t 1 r ta HBy j .f.rtb of Trelind r-'l j ,.r couniry. 308 Olb-avo.,' l«f tt,,.,r. who ls fuly quaJULd and can glr* hlgheait r*f. r- t curv ..'. wem Orang* jr. i\_ HiVaiRK B) l .irt of lal tn do aro of a hlld. l-"!i «t. _ 1NVAI.I I compemt itM ua t*k<- saia et lnvaltd or alek; iji.od clty rafaianaa a.l or aa*.drea« 140 V,..»t 8avth-«_. bsaBBIBai r..».r lANITRFAB AIU'ENTER.By B Btoaa . i.ia:i and maai lo ukl Mr.. MULLXR, JHy a ^"pectabl* woman. h-»va._ Klli Hi N IAID or HOUBEWORK.-By a young glrl; city rafarance*. 140 4 tl. »t., Room 8. IADY'S M A 11> 11) r- rman 8wl*s wora- . .tant; wllllng to aaslst with chanib..r**..rk aow well racomraaoded. _ I- MA1D..Bv a flr*4-cia»* ;ady'»- i.nker, arama'.raiM atid no ob- ¦:haajber»ork; 'all at 71 Sd-Bve., JkDV'H MAID Ity a ihoronghly capa- a bbi v* .tnaii Is of [.|«ae- > %i><\ pack.-r eltv r*-r (W2 etk-ave., -a. . IAI -I»KJ-Ja.-By a caoable flrat-elaa* * ill.un* UploftB Offlci, iy _| Ir^Hwodlah TTrL m J fli-- Ireaa; a>alat raamha-r- a*..rk: ...iiritry prvfi-rred te-at refereneo. Call at Mrs. M AI.M K'K'i'R, 788 flth-sa-e., near 42d-at._ Li.UF8S.-Bl a German woman: fsmlly waahlnit tak-n ln *.. hou"' will Bl waahlng. <.. BLUEMER. l.4f:i l*_»vk _ IAI'NI»riF><r-A resyx'ctlhU woman . .' snd '-.niHr waahlng at binv; tcrms law. LIBD .1 filghta, Bootn 14. IAl'Mi ' iie famlly ; beat .-Ity r *oo E*»t aa.1 -t. _ 1AUNDR1 lfl I'. Hflraf-clis'lsuniiraae; hes th" Pr^i tl.r..- dir-ln Ihy week- 444 faat 7Mth «t. (rt'ig 4th li.-ll. _ IAi tfDRF.8cl.-Hy * r*-ap, ,4*Me wnmsn ' ln prlvat.. famlly; best clty rcfcr*nc... _ By * woraaa m flrat, . ria-a lauudrea*. IMMA M' 880 Wa-al llatat. M All). Hy cotapeneni p ln prHate fnmlly; for lady or upatairs a..rli, ra ton b b-U No. 8 NL'RB)E.-Tay » yoau, gt, »\e t- floor, l.i.-k. _ Ni r.'a in ..i woni_n bm laj nr *ij|ht*. rif-r. i..-.-. NURNR, 20.1 . i-t 4-'h.»' Nng I'ngliah Pn.'estani Woman, aa caiiublo nurs.-, can laka* an. from l.lrih; ta kln.l luid 'rnatvnrlliy a.». '¦<'« from Inai ampli.w <'all al al!>2 alth-avc- up. «ieii «s,th and Hdtlj «?*¦ NunRk ¦ giri ot u u> mind 1 glrl. tall or ad di-aaa Hlu Ea^t _11h at._ \ iu a roung glrl not long 1" ln the eountry aa Buraa or «-1* inibermald, Hh-sC_ s glrl of 14. to t*ko «*am I*. Call or ad¬ dreaa «27 We«t 42d»t_ NURAI-! 4^ Slck imrae; l.y * it ai. ii woman be*t of r.-i.n¦- nora-i liv the wo«k al Call or addi.-, .Mra. VI I. \IUJ. IBAI Otla-ave., _ Nri.M i .-icy ot ... nr 4M *t Niu- a womao to mlnd n ii...;.... » iii aal a Bkotbai lONti 2 Sd-avi V Hy an Amerlran aa nitraai te an > ..ti. i woik; /"*ra .if exDcrlc.: ruference; flrst^claes. M. M., ;:... i ,*i trthat._ Nrit'iiv i'-. . * woman a* w*t n.ii«. <go Ea-t llOth-at._ VI ...M.H1 Gt)\ EllNESS.-By B Nnrth N BBB glrl of gofnl addre**, ktwaakla.J Engllsh kn.l h|i«..iah hlgheit clty refof- naaas *< C. F., Tribuu* Op- town Ofllce adway._ < I-AMSTRI SS. Hi- a^comai.ialed n-ii, North L.-rtuan glrl. a* ¦aamatreaa and ohamhatrmald, or IkaT'1 to grown up chlldren. Call st M. BIRCK. "h-st __ o F.AMBTKFSS and il .^ young proteatant glrl no objeetloit le **. si»t with growlng chlldr>n aiid Ujrht cham- berwork bVal slty r*fer*n«*. 97.. _ S'vrREMB.-By a ml<ldla*#ra»d Frenaa Swla» woman: uud. i-lnnd* all klndja of tomllr H'wlng or a.mld tetch young chll- Addre** IM7 W- '* a*IL 4_EAMST;ii bZ *¦¦¦ -By a yorang womaraj B "w anl mak" heraadf t B**M durlng d*y. Call D.. 868 Wmt ds._^_ Sa "ivoman to go oui or adrtruas, carn Mrs. Ilewlett, UI I ¦'-¦ lflai -t_p compctcnt w'.mni. .maker knd <.'**__' all klnd* of famlly nnving; ue»t clty r#_ aretiee*. Addreaa 98, 189 West tlrt-at._ Smid typewrlter c»l U'llEB, »7 Haet OORAPII axperli and iyp*« rl,,'r "i* lilie Offla tl kTl n..ona dutimj the «¦ ton mktlili.e. Addr Liberur-kt WrENOORAPHER and TyIt^W^TER.- a-" By an educat.i-d. experlencad perao' .nanuraeturlrig, eo.nmereiai, Utcriry; 5r**,»i°;-"*t0 Addrea* OOMPET H"x .tj. Trlbune Offlee. U TENOiiKAl'IlKit Ind TTPEWR1 .it -" deslrea permaneiu posltloti beat refer- .nase,,l,*-1*ry' .l0- Alhlrea. MEOIO, 67 A'i-lphl-s... Hr.i.klyn._ .s -. i: 1 i'HKK aud TTPEWRITER.- By a lady of lirge experlenee (aeveral 'I*-.1 *''." °'"-' employer); beat of reference... Addreaa r:Xi'KRT. Box 15. Trlbune Offlce, ajrENOOBAPUER _n1 TYPKWBJTEIL -")' cxporloneed young lady; aatary moderate. Addreaa WlLLlNO, 200 bpeucer-at., Brooklyn. . WTKWARJIESS.-Young woman wlahe. y a are captaln to flnd ber i poaltion ai .tcjvardeaa; fond of aca, havlng cro__d r^,?1 Umt*,; ."¦P'oy* 2 Itreae," to real eatite and inaurance offlce; 7 veara' leiei. ence. Addr«.» "HEALTH . flfbune Up. ________?__!__!_ _§_______£ ir,DU**" v* WIaMSTREBS.By a -aapeoteble XnJrT .7 iiHh v.-oman to do ladlea" flna rewMn* ! AMITON, 208 Weat 27th-all \V' »Kh. a liily would llkoto a" »V plaee f..r a mlldle-iged woman; atrlct- Iy honeat und falt'iful .urk for s*2 ucr month. 226 F.aat 28ta-at, teer. WET N;;rwP..-B7~_~yo". , Oerman wonia.i; rhlld 8 wreka old. Mra KUBICK, 209,, N.wark, N. J WOMAN, underatandlng all about uphol- atery and llnci. aewmg, poaltion in hoteL Addrea. A. IIEINS, 121 W. 88d-Bt. WANTEO.-PoaitJoiT to do copyTng~or writlng, a. aalealady, or taklng care of chlldtei. nualllt"d to flli each poMtlou. Addreaa Vnrbank V.llage. if. Y-, Box 00. 1I/ABIIIBG..By a young womaa; to go " out wnahlng or cieuiil.ig by the day. 3*>th-at.,_ti.p_flia.r. __'_ \ IMSIIING..By a Gcrnian woman; to »» taka lu famlly wa«hln« and lronlng; alao deanl.ig. Mra. HANCOCK, 60a II ud- oon-at _., YYAIXltKS.S.-ny an experlonced young "woman aa flrat- c law waltrcaa; uudcr- ItanOl -ervlnu of wlne. aalada. carv.i.g. 4c. ean takn . man' plaee; good elty reterencca jaTquin'm2 ('**,'ave'' ****** ataa. Wi 'TltFJSJ* or CnAMBERMAID.-By one with good city ntureucca. Call at 210 Eaat 47th-at._ WASIIINO.-By a reapectable colored n ..inan to tak. homo car give eltv reference. 218 Weat 47th-at, __% floor Room 2._ ' W AMllNO-..By a re-pecuhle woman, as " n>-r own hom*. 387 Weat 80that top floor. WAhlllNO-..ny . young womau at, her homo. E. F., 481 Weat 46th-at. WA8HING.-By a wldow; to take home, or go out.. Addreaa Mra. ABEL, C21 Weat 64 th at WABHINfT^By flrat-elaw cotored laauT dreaa; unaurnaaaed reference.; g.n.a' and famlly waahlng; week or doren tarma to l.rge famlliea. * .I.IH.VSON. V2S Weat 30th-Bl Bitnutiona ©aairt._Kak§. VMI.MS F(-R TI1E NEWT Yi'llK IRIULNE W1I.L BE KE- IVEU AT THE L'PTOWN OFFICES, Na 1,288 Broadway, corner Xhlrty-nrat-.t., until 0 p. iu. ; WoO Broadway, b«twe..n Twenty-ar-eond and Twenty-thlrd ata, uutil i p. m. ; 270 Weat T-v-iity-ihlrd-at.. corner Elghth-ave.: 162 blxth-av*.; 153 Xhlrd-ave., corner Forty-»«m-iiih.-B_ ; L02d Thlrd-ave., war Bllty-flrat-st. 1,708 Ftrat-ave. ; 100 Weat Fortyaooond a. Nlulh-ava. and Plxty-.lghth-at., and «.<» Llb- erty-ai, and the llAHLKM QKK1CB, UK Paai Oue-huLdred-and-tweuty Ofth-at., up te 9 P- m, at re^ular ofllce ratoa_ AWM" I- HARTCNO, . Expert Acroun'Aiit and Aud!tor, »¦* ar.d U7 >>.. y m. it -phoue. Murray U8). i BU8INIB8 MA. of large aad varl.d :i. ii-i.uii. d (o inanage largo _lTalra,a thorough aoeouataat an.l rvf.-renci-a . Importani .inploy- ni.-nt. whera abiltty and fldollty would flnd ai'pM-clatlon at'.-.- demonxlrullou. FI* '._ Al'i'.niTlOB wanv J ny an aatt*n and ln- tflllg.inl mldtlir-ag.-.i man In any bual- ncaa when. ~b;lity. lutegrity aud lnduatry will comman't a modurato aalaryj rafer- utieae. piionable. Addreaa WOH'l'II, (.IBee._ \MAN of energy .-2 veara old) ln whole- aale dry-g»oda or notlon houaa, to iearn the buaineaa rrcm A to _; hlgheat ref*ren'« aa U' i-baraewr; no oftlco work. "P. A. (',.," 1 . r.ANT, a«.By a atMdy young man aa peraonal to an InvalTd ly gcnlleman; ean ahave; clty or eountry; Wat referencea from ub/al.-laua and famlllea; wagaa moderate. Call or ad- dreaa J. B , 402 6th av.-., Ut floor._ Aaa. royal worB for BepabUeaa party ln thn laat eanvaaa, wanta a poaltion aa dtploinatic cuovaeeer. Addrea. .¦REBPOBBIBILITY,-' Trlbune _ AMA**f nf baalneaa expertetuse, aeltve .nd r.pibl., tl yaara wlth ou. eonoern, and wlahlne to make a chang«, la op«n for ..iiga..'Ui-iti»; flrat-claaa r'-fsrenoe.* fur- Addreaa WILLLNO. Box 16, .ifllee^_ AV'.l \'. rna_ f 21 wanta poaltion; 't ya.ra' rxpertanc.; good wrfter and flg- urerj b.»' r, feiynre fr.nii laat enjp.eye-. Addr«'«B "AMBITIOUB." Trlbune OJBee. AtNESB MAN of .xperlaejaa (age 47) de»lr>4 employnvn* f..ini.-rlT aecre- tary of mlniag .-.>mpanl.'.; any flrm or loetlog a fal.hful and truat- wortliy aorvant, addreaa O 1'., Trlbune : l-at,_ Vym.Ni. colorad man wlahe. poaltion ln . .irl.ale famin ho.. I re Call or addreaa j. r>. BARNI.TT. 1-U'b »t., fur B aa.T4._ A- i i. atroqg and active, rii lr.-. poaltlOfl f any kind; wllllng tb work: aii..-ak« nnar beat reference*. VFl. lt._ B"i f 17 ariahea dally amuloyment untll 3 p. m. j rcfereucca. MAtJEi-'. 519 2dav>,_ lt ARTTINDeE ut OROCEBY CI.KRK . IJ Hy a man who ean furnlab g.,od tetet- Apply io l^A Eaat 'Jath bI. HtKER Hy a good acr.nd band «n la.ll oi a<l cake. maa of -ituailou: g'*od ratoreaoaa. Al'O. BILLERT. 181 Wea __J li HUTT.EU »r VAI.VT. My . rompetenl young co'ored man; underaUinda m.n ti>"!atlnji: wllllna and ohllirli.B; la-at rlty rSr.Knc1. cVW «f aJd.oaH WAalllNUTON IIROWN, VM We.t 11 BoT 16, wanta"to i<ani a trede or aet lu whol.Ml. houao. F. 8TRAC1I, :i MaiiKln af. uOBKl'El'EK B»- a lollabl* young in*.. a «rad'i«t*i of Eaatnian'* Bualn.-aa l.g.7 Addrea. W, I>.. New-Roch.U.>, W.atohaatar Co., N_ !i a *f. i" 4 . Li K. to « _A or and ui «:.h verr am» f. SO,"..Trlbune Bl OKKI l.'-l II ..! »AL :i\. inan, oofBueteai nookkre;- .uperl.'.iced aar-anmn. doalr.1* to cha , peaka l.n-lhh and H.-rman. v uivbb P. O. Box 8.-48._ Hl , A8IIIKR. COLI.fcC- T.iK, _e.-Hy a marrled man, age 80: inanagea three languegea: flrat-cla-a r_f- iii l aecurlty. Addrea. II. *.. !.,» 10, Trlbune Ofllc*._ BUOKKEKPER or CLERK.-By a te. Uabla young mau of 28; i-orraa^ou'la l.ngltah ar.d BonaiBi not afraid of B-Bk. |; (.4 1/ MI Hr..aa»ay. nrooki_y___ m ii.i ~M ll.MAlIi.-By yoana eeapto iu a prt*ra»a famlly; wlfj a. .ta buller. A'Wrean II. \V., i'.'i *A'. .i gmh-at._ Bt'Xl.l-.K.-liy one wltb 6 yaara- rafer- ti.mi laa. plac*: or wUl go a. flfl-chi-* ae-on.ln*n wllllnj? aad »l«_f l.igT Addrea. Ilt Tl.ftl. 2lf Weat 40th- Bt, Kil'iaaon'a box._, | i BBETAKBBB By an AnK-iran oouple V- or alnifly; any D*r»y lea\l..< he. e.ty fox the wlnb-r or loiigar _anhav.t1.elr bOUM .nd property l-'»,,'%" .. »w.. ',, aaaaa Kiven. bL crawi-oibi. 1*8 «[h- c ii.iK Hy a illiiiier. ord'-r an.l *-*_-] BOOfe tn raataurant, boaniing-houao, hotwi or totlaai*- eltv or eountry. n. Soutt. al., */.,,.,. ,r LOUIS WEBKlt, 178 Cook- . t !(r.A'kl/r. 111..K --'tv a reapeetahle lo. 1 man; i under- . da a" br.'-h- bol*!. te*- Uiu' boaMIng h. rrenoe. W] l.l - 888 CAlU'r-'XF'.tt amt hbl -k. altora. tloni *c. by day'a « .4 o* cputract. ( Hu... W] l.l Mh, 888 A^^Ei-ir^'VH'mV'^ . |n .Infii.ltklng. If. M- OSTIIA- 0 st N '-I. '-av-_ Ci ri-.K. Hv trwtworthy. hone.t .nd bo- man of 28. good pennuin and bual. ¦s. I, "rtenr.. as offl. e -1".", aaala.ant Tk ;.. .aahler or eo'uoe;. i baa i. ._'. . iniuad o-alOon, >.: aive ..nex- eepUonabie ntmxamt- AliDERSON. Trlb- .-._ rfip-r- nr a voun« mau, <a* 28, aj BBI.B eKb 1. el.,lhlng boaVu. SAM _ C, u ;:. young man; ._ uipping ,., iHilter f oll houa.. Ad-reaa .1. f. H Triiiun. Offiee._________ Ca atealy young man, 21; la ehanie of p.o...oti..n ., Kmoryat., Jera.y Clty Balfbta, _ a youna man, In a wb_laaale C. i,*, li>. 12'' C'ftA.¦.. \, \N. Ilv a gii'-d famlly eoaoh- - m_i -. at "f hv ref'-re..c._-:_marrled. Addrea.'William. ih Ea.t>ii rlty a marrl' d man iv no tomllr; wlfe aa ln ar __w_are of chlllr.-n; both "¦J"'''',';|!l__ .. ,.' .,, ii every n -i« et and ** <>' ',<, ih i aad obflginH "BT I1"X 56, Trlbune l. ptown Rroadway i-man wanta pla"' ,, who i- aa-at-ctoaa cliy drlvi .,...*,,? oai cioan and atyllah aud l"»_" '_.'".__ 1..,; r. iial.l., reaia-.-tfo.. t.-niperat. and ..i.liglng; alngto; will go en l"""--,^*0-,; rfraaa II!. X" Oox 27. Trlbuua Uptown Offloa, 7 *W Broadway. SitBiuiona tPaMcb-fttalea. COACIIMAN snd GBOOM.-By an ex- perieuced man understand* his bual¬ neaa thoroughly; good clty rakorencea. Call ir adalreaa J. ff. o., Harrla aF NUon, 11 W«*t 2:ih at., haineaa atore._ f>OACflMAN -By a man with best elty ' retej-ence; prcaunt employor eaii b* sa eiirs In laa. place' wllllng and oL Ireaa T. D., B' 20. Trihuue __. .C*. 1.288 Broadway. Cw.\ ;n»;\N a_d't_ROOM -By~"a~*ingle man; axpetlenoe ln care df flne horse*. haraeaa, csrrltge*: strictly temper- ¦te; careful, stylUb clty drlver; 9 year** clty referance frora one famlly; highly rccommended from laat empliyer; clty or eountry. Call or adlrea* T. B., 6 E**l 2»th»t.. prlvato »toble._ pOAO_t_A~ Lady gdvlni ga norsai ^ wlshe* a sltuailon for her Protestant, nlmni sho c*n highly reeoBk- ^__11- EKICSON, North Tarrytown. f OACHMAN..By a flrat-cla** coachman ; ,V« . Te*M ,rom last plac*. A. BERRY, 219 East 88tb-at._ C'OACHMAN aud USEFUL-MAlf.-By-* ' vi.ung man who thoroughly anJersiand* th* eara ot horaes: can mllk; will be found aober, honest, wllllng and ibllglng; best icferences. Addr*** D. .'!., Box 851, 1.209 Broadway._ COACHMAN and GRO'M By a m- ¦pectobie, truaiwiirth' EncllHh anj al »fle, medium tiz*; thorou rhly undemaiids tbi eara of horsea, carrlage* Ao.; good diivcr and groom; wllllng and 'bllglng; *lty l>- eountry; leavlng on aceonnt of family glv'.ng up thrtlr horses; 4 1-2 years' g,*od Addreaa G. W., W**tcbe*t*r llnusc, 4th ave. and 81at-st COai'mmAB et Groom -^Py a axagfi ¦ man: lhorougM> ur.derstand* horaes and carrlwes; wllltnif. hnnest and sober; 0 years' refcrenco; niv or eountry. M. TT.. 155 West 44th st._ _* C"1 OAOHlf AJt.-Klghly j»commen'l "if ' man; leavlng ruo on closlng cunirf/ place; artngtc.; sober, Indusirious; can caru of _or**3j n-u»fa;| all-round m.i>: clty or ..o.inirM. GEORGE II. APAM8. BB W__k_ C'OAafHMAN..By a marrled man; age 3V: no family thoroughly underatand* his hi/siness In evcry raMpect; can .ome well .''commended; will be found wllllng and avbllglng and not afrald of work. Call or audreaaa _'. E., 921 tithave., harncs* store._ COAC HMAN.-By a marrled man wllllng and oliliglng not afrald of work tem- perate hablts; clty or eountry; wel! I.nn- iii'tt.ded. Addre** TIIOMAJS, 809 Ea*t C HMAN.-By a Frenchman; slngle; long experlence; good .-for-'nees; clty or eountry. A. MAKCHAND, 110 East 41st-st_7_ COAC HMAN.-By a young man. Swede; thoroughly una'-rstands tho care of fln* Horsea, car 111 geh, harness ; wllllng. lion.'sr, kober; first-cUss reeommendatlon from last mptoyer, E. H., Box 2'». Trlbune Offlce. hTTanT-A gentleman can hlguly a-7 reconinieiid his l«to cc:ichm*n, who h*« )uM retunted from E-rope, to any lady or goiitlem*n In want of a llrst-olaaa man. _!____. West 44th-st._ COACHMAN..By ii atrlctly hdnest, temp. rate and thorough, good. rellable, stylish clt* drlvcr; understands the proper care and handling of fln* horaes. earrlaeea, ic. ; can glvc good racommondail..iii* for M.briety and ahllliy. Addioas M. D.,*Box 147, Txtbane Upiown otsu-e. i__8 B'way. C" OACIIMAN and GWIOmT--ty~on>- Bltb flrst-claa* i_tanenes! eountry rtraferred; very handy; last employer can be *een. Addreks H. W., 37 EaA 19thst,, Brldge- 1; aa'a "'"te,_ OA< HMAN and GROOM.-By a'aober, h<.in-at and obll-lng man; care of fur- nac<:; llrst-dsas reteronce; laat employer enn bo seen wages moderate. Addrvss R. Baa 88, Triliuna) L'ptown Offlc:, 1, _:t-s Hroadway._ COACHMAN..By a young colored man; (lrlv for doctor. Addresa D. L. C, 118 Wost 25th-st_ OAUHMAN.-By a young gwedv. 22. who can be highly recomiuasnded bv last aml formar amnloyera Call or Altl.S'lN, 174 Woa)»U>r-»t-_ t"-' OACHMAN.-By a young German thor- / i.ughly underktands tha eara ot iiorsea, harnajaa, carrlages; 15 years* lirst-clasa oity Addres* II, C. Tribuue Offlce, C~ * OACUMAN.By a thorough. competent ' and sober EnglNhman ; a p*r*on*l refor- ii! hl* present employer. Apply loS West 30th-*U (. c OAOHMAlf..By an Amerlcan; slngto; ^ thoroughly competent; eountry pi firsUilaaa raifera-nce. Adlrena) W. II.. Box 51, Uptown Offlce, __8B Brold*vuy. ( ".Ai IIMAN.-A gentleman wlahe* a J sltuatlon for hi* coachman, whom ho will highly rvcuoimend u> any onn reanlrtog his acrvli-es; 1* a sober, honest and onligtng man. Addre** F. B. N., 29 Ea*t 40th st._ C-«UACltMAN aud USEaVUL-MAN.-By fl ¦ slngla> Swede; Arst-ola** raference* from li*t and fa.nne. cmulnyor*; city or lountry. Addresa JOllSsoN, 210 East _ COACHB A N, GARDEBBB, and USE- Ki'l.-M A.V.-By a alugle man of 30; careful drlver; can mllk; tend funiace; ki.owa New-York and Brooklyn; strictly ta-n.pairato wsgea modeeat*. If a good hon;.-; city or eountry; good refcrenoi. Addrcss R. H.. 41 flth-ave._ t'OACHMAN..Bv * reapectabl* colora.d ' ma&i; thoroughly under»tand* caro of horae* rjid clty drlvlng; can glv* 3 to 5 ye^r** clty ference; *'.rtctly *ober; not kfi-ald of work rnarrted; nai eblldren. Ad- di«Ba CO AC1|M VN, Box 24, Trlbane Up- town Offle*. l.?w» Broadway._ OACIIMAri^-COOK.-By a man and" wlfe; man, eare hi.rsas, harnca*. .**. rlagea; c»o atiend flres; wfll be found wlll¬ lng and oblging; wlfe, fln.t-<-la»* bweC.lsh cook; bost referanoe*; c*n be hlshly recom- trom iast employer; clty or cuntry. Addr*** COACHMAN. Hox 103. Trii.uuo Hroadway._ Ci n and GROOM.-By a -lngle young man; flrat eliuas city drive-; Al rcfeteoce; willing. Al'rcaa J" 869 3d-**e._ t,iMAN.-By *n experton< man; acquaiiu.'it * I ii'Hy. I1C. 1 atore. COACHMAN and GRl OM.-A ^-u'leman, nc ..f hla h .*», WIB I reeommend tiis F.ntllsh .-oachman aga 3o; obliglng snd u-.ful: no oo't'etlon 1 Addra>ss "ENGLI8H/1 P x 30, Trihuua Up- '..**n Ofltoe, _28_ Broadway._ *** OACHMAN and GROOM.-By n y*ung a- 1111111 tln.nmplilv ui.Jeratatids Mi bUbl- es* lu all II* bra'ii'he- ind ur. plata aarienlag; wllllng and pbHgiuj; good cliy aud eountry rvference. Call or aduxajsai J. 9., 804 West 85th-»t, °d floor._ aiLLEOTOB.-Bl a m*u aa eollcetor ln ry.goods or bmik stor* or **la)HB*n In Nmk ttort); can glv* the bost of referenca). 18 Weet lattoaa. Ul'.li, t M.UK.-llj 1 iu. :i*e<t aimg elertL II HF.NRY. 821 Tth-ave._ Df v ER, Hy a young man; wllllng to do any other klnd of work. 003 West 61th kt I) vN.-By a brlght colored man for laiaa houae; 4 teet 11 liiehes tddjeas n r., Trlbune l)R': .aajkBj *.. ir, N ar^ 3* jaid fact <bOt, _ II 1 partmont J editor; 20 year*' cxperleuee on proml- nent nn ironotliao j urual*. term* m.Kl.'r»w. h lU'UBLLL. Box 1.461, Na-w-IIaven, Conn. |,>ARMER, *c-By a marrled Amerlcan I man aa manager of a farm or gentio- man'a pl»»-«; thoroughly ttaatoratsad* hla bualooss; can glve tho baat ol relerence*. Adlr.-aa p, O. HjX 505, New-Ro-h. lle, Bfaal N. Y. _ Ul?BBS TO KAU'l/>YF.KS.',-All elisae* 1 of reliahta malo huly caiefully aulecUid and aent upon rvcoloi .,t orl-i-a; clty or eountry. MEltrvNTIEE AGENI Y, 3m', Waahtngtoii-M., llrooklyn. Eatabllshed 1S79. tsoREMAN. JS" foraman la all aorts of'bread and caka**, alao 2d ind M handj clty or coantry. A. UlLliE HRANDT, 71 Luatlow-at, _ IU \ miv.nt -By . colored with t«'i larnacss u attoud, would ike anoihor. BAMOOLFH. 133 Weet ._ C3 ROOM.-By young man. in palvate fam- I Ity will bo foun.,1 « illln .' abd obllglfK ; bMfatoM account of ftmily «- lllug oui; lirrt- i-laas roferenoe*; clty or wwitry. A8ar*aa 11 oui. .¦.¦'to B'>.ay. , .1 orfick vvukK.-youlii U ,,,., uf 19, »nh 4 ii'aT- ...|>.Tlence ln augar broker's offl.o. desiias p..- ti.m with aorue roercantBa hl,u*_,;.v.'lr*v-,'l»1"' """' fii.-c. G. A., Hox 17, Trlbune ofllce. / * Altlil- M'I'.-Ht a aild.lle-aged KagU*n- (jt ,«_..; Ilrst-elaas; tho.aiugSIy pravtical. Iiard #orking. atrfetlr 'emperaw and n. ia- Ue; «r»t-ci_s* refcrenvo. A. MART1N, Box 8H '. *:_ Ci Al !>NEI*. ki I uaed Gsarman; l'ute.^taeo* green- houaee, landacaplng. ve^atabl.**, ta>ol»; can mllk A.idea. I'Jil.S 'K. '..4 sianton-*;. C* viui..\;.H By an Engllkhman, mar- ¦ 00 famlly; 17 yeara ln th* cojn> 1,1 thoroughly underatand. nl« buaineiaa lll ill lls Oiai.'he*: can furnlah beal al refer- biiCi"* w tht.1 etfoct from lato employer. ao- alreaa A B. C. care T. J. Graj, J. Breck * taaa? UeSi 6i and 62 North Market-st.. _ /¦> \ 11 ln'.N !'.!'..-By a marrled <>er_ian; 1 \1 li- l long and sucea-safn iBBlMBI aorli *ni u.-n-ral > i.-dfiilnji e ire nl .*eiy;ha..g with a g.iuli'inaii'a place; 9 yoars loyer * ali or addreaa H. E. P., at aeei sicrf, 18__Jhii-__ |.,,l,l.. NlCKEtTFLlriR, II BRONZEB A\f»0_llUZEIl By nan ijerlencaa; beal of referencca. tl , '. \ ;' ¦;. ;ak s-IIle, Coun._ J!ly * mari who unde'sUnd* all .l.-.-ti-li-al. uarj^enie''- ing Iii general, ~-..Ml tli.- ..., ,1 ... l"|.-i k _nr c.-iii fiiriilah nn- ir adan.'*» ;. m 11 \.N IIAI.E.'*. I l.ilancey-ai,_ ¦ *. n, 1. ¦:: or w sTCUM \N- "y » practl- .1 c*l hi.''-e iiii'.ii'i', inldlle age; houo-.. -_ M\N ANU WIFB. havtng no eblldrea, wlsh sltu itlon of any klnd no oblea. ti..u to 1. ivliig the clty. Addr«M* A. K., Box 10. Tribuue Offlc*. 8iloa*_*me CDwurt.__UO«a. J' J_ C '¦.»'.. posT-u R^or'fiTBTTirBF-d--^ By u ta'j. 17. with 8 yearw expertoao*. MULVANY. 1-73 8d-BW._ MhiiiANlC-Br a ikiifuj aieebaale- ateady emplo; n»n» m, aome speeialty _h- woo <r 1 me mau ufaeture l>, A. B . - 10, B\ _J, __"_____ MACH1N ST an sORXER. wauu employi,, -re ayatam iu lngenuitr will b. .ppn- ~t*d; uuderetanda couat.ueuon; ca» tlo aii repaira. 4c., city or eountry; bert reference.. Addrea* WOOD-WORKI'B, 1.028 84-av... Trlbua* Uraiieh Offlce. | \| ILLEB aud SXONEDRE_8Eli.-'ly .11 ui,,. for clty or eouuiry. Addrea. MlLLEIt, Box 18, Trlbune UB.i, IGANIST.-By an expertono-d ebarca organtBt an engagemont lt. chureh lo. thla clty or vlclnlty good ref.reuce tenue reMunatto. Addr.;_» LUIUEK, BOi. 81. Trlbuue Offlo.'. _;¦ OFTICE BOT.-By ¦ boy. ago 18,' t-Mkh Ing wlth hla parcuto; inauranrt jr law-rara offlce pref&tred; reference glveau W. UECKER, 238 n.rl-.t., Brooklyn. OFF1CE or MP.KCANTILE HOUBE-B-f young An il.-j.i ; I.jh . ailght kuow.- edge of ixo^k-enlnc; good referooce. Ad-. dreaa C. M., P 0. Box 79. EiiglewucaLB.J. P'riNTXR.By experlenced and .trtotlp, Job ctlinder nreaaman; wagea uio 1-nii. Adrtr ¦.» B> _./' 201 To-UU-liUh av;., B.ooklyu. 13"iflNTEB>-By a lob co._po.lCor or loB readtr: general haad. Addrea. JOB- UER, 291 Broadway, Brooklyn-_ PORTETL-By a ateady, eutor man: or aork of any kind ean furulah beat ref¬ erence. oEO. KNEWITZ, CbrWtton AlJ » Kmol*rn.ei t Socletr, a7 lilbl. Houae. _ Rr.'.l. EBTATK By reliabla young man wlth aot...' aparo inne would llke to de- vote lt to looklng after romo property, auch aa colleetlng renia, *c; reference. A' 1. Addreaa OUARANTEE, Tribua* Offlce. _! SEORETART, aaaiatant, corre»--ie' ont. ..ther reancnaihle noalLon _. -red by ..1n ated. rapa',1.' man; age 30; beal refer- n.ea. BHCRET VU". B ..\ 40, Trlbui»_3fllC* -<AI.Fs.MAN.- By om- who hia had ye.rl fi"? of exporleno aa aaiea-uan ln the wnole- aalfl aiatlonery, book and fancy gooda ItneJ and for som pist hai beeu In tha aehool furniture l.ualnesa, dealrea a rcaltlon* .Ither travellinz or ln the houae; eat ol refareaeaa Addreaa P. w. kari.1; Boa F.U-.4-II Housc. Cl-eago._ < ALKSMAN.-By a mau aa out_ide aa<#* 4? man lu a paper houao; haa be-:n to tha bustnesa for tbe laat 4 yoare. Addreaa W. lt Trlbune Offlee._ SALESM AN.-By on. who will trevel ~ any where that Engllah la epoken; cx- p< rtonee in druga. Aadiea. DRL'GS, Trlo- une OfBce._ t SVLIJSMAN..Wanted. a llne of eutlcry t* aell on eoinmlaalon Boulh or A ""a ft W-. Box 220, Woat Hobok.n. N. J S.U'.I...M AN.-By an Engllahman, 20, BM Uuiduti, atn.-th aober; well :o hcraea. Addreaa JUUN GILL, F24 C.utraU a> »., Jcrary Clty Ucighto._ S~ ALli.jMAN.-By a young man of good ." ln wholoMle boot or BHoO tiidc; would work at any good bualneaa. ClIABLES 8. OEWEY, 4 We.t 6th-»t. p ajnlleld, N. J.______ 8" "TABIJiilAN or OROOM.-By atrona a. uvo young man, 28, not afrald of «irk; good rvferencea. T. PEACE, 314 toth-at._. w: ....'<.N'DMAN.-By a young man, who i_* will be dlaengaged ln a few daya; be-* clty rcferencea. J. M.. Trlbun. Uptown OffleOj 1,2;;. Broadwiy^_ ^ ALEHMAN..By au exportoncad man la .o wholeasle llqitor houan; underaund. handling <f wlnes and llquora; ar.d blenitlng of whlakey.; will (to war»hew. COMPETENT, Xrlbu.oa:_ STEWABD ai.d UOUSEKEEPER.-Ry 9 m.rrie.1 couple; hotel. eountry elub or t ii'liinan'. prlv.M rtaldenee beat of ref.'i*< -. ferr* L W. W. L., Trlb¬ une t ' l,2'«_Breadway;_< THK m:UVI' l-:s of a man. aucccaafut mfr.antjle experienee and reference, cau be aocurod by addrcaaing P. O. Box 2-'!, Newarii. N. J. aTlor..By a cuBtom cutter and practi- cal Ullor; ll jaara' experienee; 8 y.-ara a cutur a:id funniaii ol Iwkali.ip; 2 yeara wlth a f!ret-rla«4 flrm. Addreaa 3 1-2 Broad¬ way, Troy, N. Y._¦ 1iAILO_f-Uy a young min ia tallor a_l cuatom cutter; ean act a. aaleama.i; clty or eountry. Addreaa cnARLEB B0D1N, 41 Vand.-rbllt-avo.. Brooklyn._ I'.->!.: tL MAN.-Hy a alngle man; good yj mllker understanla care of horres, cit- tle, 4c.; ean drivu; (tood referenc sjcounuy nreferred. Call or aldre.. T. W 227 Eaaa i.t>h¦». baarm.'iif,._ USEFUL^MAN.-By a young Bweda: noB afrald of hard work. Call 218 E*al 2!Uh-at., Brat, tloor_ U" BEPUI^MAN or COACHM/.N.-By * m.rrled n..n; one chlld: good mllk.r; K.ncrally uacful ahout B."ntl«m*n,» p!a<e; Jnat of "rcferencea from flrat-ela*. famllloa; knowa ihe clty areU nn ob'.cctlon to coun« try; BB* B8. A.i-lre_a 42 NVeat lOth-at USEFUIeMAN.- By*"a young celorel iran; work of any kind. Addrea. "COL. nREU SlAN," Trlbune Uptown Offlco, I.-J..M Hrondway._t USE/ULrMAN.-By . young Irlaamao, lately Unded; good writer and wllllug to work 868 I-'jat 74that., lat floor. back- U 8FFUUMAN.By a e-oung man (20V Htuatlon at anylh'.n. honeat and re- l.abl. and we'.i recoramended. Addrea* WORT1JY, Bnx 8. Trlbune Ottjce._ U' BEFCIjaVIAN-COOK and LAUN- l'KKSS-By mar, and wlfe; mao. go<*d drlvrr. walter, wlfe, flrat claaa cook a-id iBJi'.dreaa; beat refer'-ncea. Addreaa JOII.f Mel «,PKI-'.ltY, 238 Eaat 2Sth-at_ I * M'.r IL M AN -By a youug maii to walt t and t.-nd. mak» hrea. aaalal ln klbiheu worri, erranda, aJid Ix. g..-iier_Jy uaefui, liw doora or outaide ; clty or eountry; for loH aagei; not partlcular. R. ady *i 138 6un av! l doora abovu lOth-at. (T 8rJTT;L-MAil.--By a good, hoceat tnaa j w >uld llke to get u fur.iaee to a"te*id or an/ kltal »f "ork. Addreaa FLRNAtE. 108 i eat^ Wth at._ \ \ l A nt.AVP.-.LINO SERVABX. I .By a young man; bea^ of clty rcfer¬ encea and from preaent cn.i.loyer. AdJr..-* J. B , Trlbune U jwn OfflC4l. L288 B way. \'~ ALET.-By~a~ man (80). apeaking Spaulah and EnRllah. aud bevfng the heat ef elty reference. a. well a. theae ol hla preaeni poaltion; under-taiida lUa b.iat. neaa Addresa A. 8., Trlbune Branell Offl.-e. 153 4thave. \i ;. md NURBE. Ily aa exp-rlonced r^jn; or auy llght employmcnt; good .enm-in and P. G. B., Ohrtattoa Ald to Employment bjclety, 47 111 l.l,. Houae. WATillMAN, Ac -By a mlddle-aged maa aa watchau-i, porter or colk";tor; tx-al of reforenoe a'.l< temperatv.*. C. C, Bog II '. 11 liuno 0_fll_e, WATCHTB AN.-By . rel lable map; day oa night. reference- Call all weak, h. URRiN. 32 taaaa w ATCHM AN.-By aud Induatrtoua n-f bea' r*f( .V^ I .s I'b.KL'le-lAN or VALCT - > v ung r-iKlgner apiakiOK Eugllai* ncb; good refereucea; doea not gel «. ,«i. k (all or addreaa A. L.,18 W. l-d-at. WINUOW DRE88ER and flckEE witiTER.-By Uerman; 2 year. in thla eountry; ln dry and fancv .oovla' etore ; a.1 from laat emp. _t. O. C.« Trlbune Offlee. ___^ w INDOW DRF.-jfc.EB, wttB BBBBf jeexx* i^nf-.i lu larg. heaaea. dealrea i,..».'.:..ii wlth a flrat-claaa houae; cau liandla any llne of aooda. Addrew, for ou. weak, i>. 126-b.ajt._ W... _c -Hr an experlenc-^ young waiter; flrat-cla^B oyatnr opeoer or manager; underatanda runnlng a aalo.m o. notal. 271 Bd-lve._% WAITKlt or I.t'TI.ER.-By . young coL ...i.i. lo famlly; clty refaren.-e. Adlr.-a» CUAlU.Eb K. XAYEOR, 801 Wee* CUth-Bt. w 41TER-.By a c.lorod man. flrat claaa, . for prlvkUJ famlly; beat elty referaneei deal walter brlght. Addrea. K i>.. Trll.un :..*-! '.ftl.-.'. 1.238 U'**ay._ W\ K and i:sEKUL-MAN".-Ii)prlvat* fanuly ..¦> objeetion to eountry. FREU, JI..X 14, Trlbun. ftfflce._ WATC.M \.N . Hy o wiiabto mau a. nlxlu »at.-"*niai.; ean furDNt beat of ref. orence. Ad1r.;aa FRED. NOELKE, 78 P1 mat., Room 7. _ , WAITER..By »Ciored man ln prlv.t* fA.i.flY; th.roughly umler.tand. hl. hualn.'B.; good ruference* Addrea. WAIT*. ii; hi w «t jOttvat-_ VVAXT*_B..By l younir colored man: la a flrat-cla.. boarding-houae or famlly; i-u- referenc-a; would llke a good home. Call for 8 daya P TURNEB, 127 Weat .jmh-at^_* WXffK'l- -ay a young Engllahm.n Ib'' prtvate ..mily referanee. AddreaaB^ M2 Kaat 47iJ_.t:_ Yi.L'NO marrled eoupl. want care ol houae or ...her work; no chlldren; l-.oteatanu. NEWILL. 215 E. SBU-at., 2d lUght, Ko<>m_12.____ Y_ Ot'NG men, thoiouphly araualnted wtlk tha wholMale grocrj* trade, wlahaa » poaltion: ean furulah flralrciaaa referencea |i T.n.iine Offlc*____ Yi.i m; MAN of abtllty. not afrald of liard work, wan.a altuatlon of any Mnl. Addreaa 0 %... Youug Ben'a lioaia, 3.. Bewery. _ YOUBC, lii.elll-ent Cermau, ln poaaee- aion of -aaeral protltable Invontliiaa, v ... ii t^ a pnaliiun aa meciianletoo for \e perfeetlng ln tbe eleetrle braoch. Addi^Bl S. A '. 1:11, 28 E'mt Itk-BU YOt NO HKX wlth *350 ca«b cau b.v. |a-rro«n.-nt po>ltion. publWber'. ol- flc. ae aalary of 810 per weak. Apply 19 Park Pliee, Riwm 38, to-day. YOUNG inan. 20, dealrea altuatlon; moat anythlng; haa knowledge of ahorthartd; op>!ratea tyra-writer; lapld |>enman; acttva an.l wtlllii. .-an fnrnlah u.'QU.'atlonable i«f. . r.-nee aa to ehumrter, k<- aeeiirlty If de> alhd; eompvnaitloa a ai jndary couaJdr-n- tl'...; would 'lke to tn .el or go South. Addreaa BROOKLYN. Box 10, Tribua* Offlce. 00 . A competent young man. apaak Ing mom laayuagoa. wlth aom* mmarela! experienee, will pay Bhovfl tor .teadi politlcal <*r commeiclal elerkablp. "CAPABLE," Trlbune Offlsa,

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1889-01-10 [p 5].Ru»»:*:i, I'oriland bij'1 bwell 1? dlea, AT TjREAT INDUCKMLNTfT Aleo overy ktyle aod gralo of _AR>Ehci, MARNESS, UKNEHo, HARNESK,


florece uno crcrriafjta.*r*3TB*~atC*5B>**' st. 67 am Warrenst.

.; tUl, ul 1 aENTSU.. loearr. a of 11 klnda.tLliAKIN*. * FP.pTOC1tU, Biaku rooi. ior bl-lgh*. ara: a fow ut Uie Uiunataa X aaa

.*w .'cilTi^ Rockawaya. fllio upajurtain Kocfcaway*, (100 ua.

tabiioU-.i*. »;i5 up.Coupus, »260 «...

fiaaa* waKuna, yal ua.L;iiiii.*uKt, *27 5.

Vletor:**. «2oO up.Surrey*. fllOO un.X Carta, aK<< a. J.

tvadlc*' pbattun.a miOOaafouiopy PliaetoMA 476 09Doctora" Bntay os, 1225.

Dociom' Pha-n.i.*. »176 nB>Ro-td Wki k, «126 upTop UuRK'e*. 8H5 upBuckboiids, 846 up

rJiilt.dJo Bu«;l*'\ 650 up.DfUvery WagonB. 480 up

v. Bfiuuett.-*. aatv u>Vlliaaao C.irts, *55 -pDog Oart*. al'^6 Carta. »'28 up.

ABTD BAM o^UKll b-TYLBa*.Also the Us-aMM. varloty ot

BLBiGHB, £ 'FfrfliBLEIGHS. gf-frrfBLEIHIIS. bLbKtor two, foar apd artx paaaenueia.

Ru»»:*:i, I'oriland bij'1 bwell 1? dlea,AT TjREAT INDUCKMLNTfTAleo overy ktyle aod gralo of


fl A RN ES.S. S A KN MRApaide dlreetly aa tba preraUs*, by fcanil. offinr aiouk, eltganUy rnouiited, auu offorcdBt 25 per cctit to 60 per ccut below usualprlcea. Also Uie largeat ktock otHORSE Cl.oTlllNO and HORSB GOODS,HOICSE CLoTUlV.". and HORSE GOOD8,liOUSE CI.UXlllNi. a-i.t KORbE GOODS,


ror, Wool aai Pluah llobae,ur, v.'uol .un 1'iukb iu>b**>

aurl allBTABI.E ii gtJISITFA


JOHN MOOi;:.. MaiUfatt r,_43. 37 tanal 69 Wanau-at._

ABARK OFPORTUNITT.-at800 willj.i 'Cbaa* my styllah Krntucky brod

trol'.nB aud fauiiivVICTOR.

sevcn year* old, 16 1-2 handa lilgh; *lredby Rea Wllkcs, he by Geo. Wilkc*. tba*i< at slre ol toottor*; dam K»te wad*-worth, reeord 2:17*1; VICTOIt can baonuii by a lady or noet Umld porson; iu.1afral-1 ot loeoniotlvi's ot muslc; he haa uareeord; I will mmiantoe hlm aownd, klnoanl ga-ntlc in ayery paiticular and trot *Bille ln 2:30 OU Nu SAI-E; tln.i- rbuwui,urob:.a. i-; will allow rca|*nuelble purchtsetSo dajaf' triul te to*t hlni tn evury rospect;1 am n"t aa'lllng hlm for anv fiulf, only«n acount of my c.iiiinued ill-health; alaoat any half rcaainaule offar, Browster nfarlyB*w aldebar lop Buggy, Pertland Cutter,set Road Ilanifsa, nlukh and black ba' Blanaeu, jtc, 4c.; will aell *ep*rat«lt li-alred. *V>r rull Infoimatla.n eall on, *t irlvat" t.iHl.l«, No. 128 WestlOtb-lt, BBTWEZN 0TB AND 7111 AVKs.l» L'SINEBS WAGONSat wbolaaale |ul si1> lfUJtlew. 20 Bteond-hsnd di-llv.-ry; kll alroa, all Styleaj fuily warrantod:our wsirons bulit on in-.-miaa-s; H-arrantad»t.« year. IIUDSON WaCON CO., estab-llkhed 1800, 642 Hudson-st.I"1 Ll^PING MAi ll'.SFJU. ataOafa,

Very larne assortmeaiAiao Cirppl:^- Shcars, Comljs, Brushe* and

Horse Goods of Every Klnd.jniiN MOORF.. 68, 67 and 60 Wirrca-t


M MIVIls <»FF1NI-: Csllltl *'¦






ALI, '

and varioue other vehlelea adapted for townand eountry drlviuv an I road wairon*.

'l'urcha^crk who di-siro rt'Ilaldc aad flnrly1 khed li lilclca will flnd ii to tha-lr advau-tag*- to vlsit Um a tranoaa* ta eona*ettaBwith our mirka ut Newark, N. J., iinl ad-lacent to the Broad Btraet Btatlon of tha D..L. tt W. llallnia^. 30 tnhiut. a from New-York, taklng the Barclay or Chrlstopher BtFerry,_IJLEGANT B-*prliif, top pony phaeton,

a lamp* and wincrs, with barness, rojr,4c.: t-o*t 8897 60 laat Octobcr; prica, 8150:also flrat-claw llBht coup.. rockaway; u*el2 BBMIba; cukt »075: prlce, 8275; singleand double harnc-* choian. Rear ktable,17 \\'i -. lltk-rt, Mra ROCKWEI.L.

EQVEKTRIAN OTTF1T9. atogltoh andAmeriean, aud evrythlng pcrtalnlna t»>

ti.e sadll<--ho,-*>'. IlluHra'aM catalojrue free.WH1TMAN SADDLE C0..11H Chamberaa-ak.

1~."*Ult SALE.-TW0 v-.i-JiiiVf:arnii'!-. *4'. raa h ica'-creaua wagons

eheap. 83 Catharinavat., »tore.


blaoufacturcra and Iinnni-ter* of best arade.Matvu GoaxX*.

OfW Blph irrairt-- I u'-'Ota i ¦ rbollday present*.

BARNESS- ._^ ^Flne eoa<h, eooi», roeuftham, light floableand aing:e roal harneaa8ADDLE8 AND BR1DLE8-

For park, huntlng. ¦teeplecbaataa aadractngBI A \ K FTS.

Dres* under h*rne*s and ajnarter blanxet*Bkade to ni.-osuie.

Whli.- mountad ln elegant dekigns.PTR ROBES. .:.. .

CuU txur, woitvrln*, grlrrly, baever,Hulkoo Bay wolf, red fox. and Japaaese6LEIGII BELL8 AND BADDLB

CHIMF.S-Hat'iir** and aiclgh plume* ln endlea*

T*ri' ty and tew *tyl'*- ,

Thc laisrest and handcomest aaaortroentet horse iroods in the worlat_mB[PHRlryS, VrTrERINARY BPBV

IFIOB.-U*ed bv all owner* of horaaaand Mttle. A eompUmeii tary eopy of Dr.I^lml>hr*va. Vf-terlnary Manual '400 paars)e.i trasatuiont and caro of«.a(.ie auimaia.hork*k, tattle. shetp. -loas, >"*«». anl puu.try".nl free Aldreai HCMI'IIllUfK' MKliICIKIOO.. 109 Falton-»t.. Maar-York.


Oa* Jcobart a Whlto ..__.,.,,_LEATHER TOP BUCKBOARD.Must b. aold for wsnj ofoKH>raj;T

00 snl Cfl Bc*rui» Plaaa,_ _Brooklyn,

f-kNB BROTJGHaJa,° BuI]t^ Pat °^

Baftable for Uvery work.J. CURLBx.

Btate-M. and Boer«» f!»°^.,_Brookiya.





e.t m_

ufcPYING COMl i-x >T.otey may t.« »*v ">d * ;ar battor «a-

,^^on 4>i*lnel by de* .* wiu a aoaa* *x-

eiVitoZcurtuis-- and horsbooodbfcu*liie»» Great lB'iBeenrtnWIta*AWN Kl. K BLABKETB.;oir' V >r ¦' M*oufaa}tur*r

al U, >,. Warrtta-at-

00UPB LABBADLXT,1 ni s*. Roekaway,

1 Kxiaukloti front 1'.. Okl fay,botb in roud o lar

wttl^e bjBJvery cheap.

I. OURLKT.Btata-ct. aadBoerum plaaa.


Citrt propettT) for SolrAr mt u.:t* four »uav houitea ln W«:«l

. bOUi »i. Haa. 48, bt) anl 64; boxSiuopa, cabina>l irlinoacd; all the laieat liu-pe)*-irK-i.tA luqulra; oi. Uie iircmlso*, orBf JAiltt* A. 1 KAME, Owaai aol Bulldor.

Brooklyn.f^OR f*ALK-A BAROAIN-EJecuit 8

etory btaaam-ni and cciiar bricl. hutia",Mtuat-d oti thc l'ark giupu ta fliaucla**erdcr in \.-.-.i ^ -j.. ... ii,.. ha paace tor abfcui.-. 1 will b- |ii.M»<d ta tav« you call atfcay ofllccs, 20 O.urt-kt, l'luuix Bullding,i'.i VT7fl rtotbakb-av*-, axiriaur of pr^spt-i-.tPlaa^i, lattor bBIm opea .ivciaiia*. Cetrity.-*Ua aita-iiitanc* for siiowing tiut. LEON-Aud moody. Rw.iji^uto_VUll bALh>-A ilAiy»AIV.-On Ra-maer*-* »t., a a»t<iry baaainentiud ecllar brlckbotue, aftziiOxloO; lo flritclaa* order aadkiuat be m>id; prlce. 81H,6rO. I would bvJlaasa-d to haw you c:.i: tt n.v ofiK-e*, 20Court «t, Pha-ulx Bulldlnf. and 278 FlaUbuah-ave., c-.riur of prooject Place, lattera.0i... open «. >er:inr. s. Darrlagoi ln st-Vnds^r- fnr *:, niiiir houaea. LEONARUBtOODY, Real EataM.1*1 Ol'. Kalk. Tb* cb«aie*t hoai*o on the8 .-Hlir oi. Oretm. -a*f., ncar A.l.-lpbl.t ; a 8-su.ry ba«ein«iit aod celiau browu-» hou-e; 18 rvoina: 22x45x05; ln eie-gant crdar, a*.d wtll bt aold at a veryfeaeanabla price to a iulck buytr. 1would b* p3a**«<-d to har* you call al myot».<>;«, o0 <;0UfU4lj Pbcnlx Building, aodB70 Flatbuab-Bv*., eor l*ro»pvct llaaie;lattor *8taa oiwn ar>eiiiiii<»; car*u«.^»-U<,,"?]ulC9 '"1 *bowliij hi.uac*.JJBO.N silli M.wtliY.'Oll s,«.i elagaai* b-hta.ry i-aM-ment ,od tciiar brownstonaP«0t Loi-., oi, l-*rla >.:. ... -,... IMixi'.xlOO:¦Ub ao '¦..-, ,[,M ..¦ ... ., »,..j ntjrary.viry akoatora li'ii.-io'«ii.i.(,t; |. Bi-at-arTa**todiii; i:i.:>- rta,,.aufl. *nd will 1* aold at.atrlrlce. 1 would r* uleaaed ta hav* yt.uW at my at., phaaixauitflii.K nnd i.'7'J Batbuaii ave., eor. Proa-B*aa Plat«; lattvv ofBcai opea «v*»ln«s;*j1pSW*s "' l'!l-' heul**.tSJUB'' M'ukr/ ;;i Al. EKfATB.VOft'fcAU, I"i- 0«*_ *t"rr '.¦ iwlon fi;....- un-VSaiJ w*" '"¦'oonaiuon; Untiseo heat; all iaipiovemenu;£?*ft?,,w PfViav on i-t,-.,, a-t Park aHainc;I' 1*1*1.1 rtyiTER 4 CRan5aLL, Vj Flah.i.>h-ava, V\POR gALE OR LEASE-Do'ck propertyas. La.'°','k*ru " Wftilkb-jui," 13 t" 20 lote:to* bsst kitajpaaibaK for coal, brl.-k, lujni»«r,.J*, ricn or tViexal aMaiufactuitav; l.uniaidl-arart«tfiSw'".fe AtMraaa J- JIOMAIHBUtOv/W. 63 West 834.*.. Hew-lW

t-aoi galau.


FRENCH, 8(1 Plnc-si.

I*" OR 6ALF. or to exchange tor ajilm-iroved pn'iicrty; tenement uelghborhoodnreferred; hindaome flaia on 9ih-av..<.outh of 00th-»t., l-cludlug corner juat coru-

pleted; f»r furthcr partl.-ulara addreeaP. P. CALl MI AN. 280 Eaat 42d-»t

lY8*Superintondent and manager of eatotea,Oolleetor. Ao. 0mce, 115 Prlncc-at._1, UKTEll a CO.

oQer des'rable housea. alao nato, floor.un.l apartmenta; all locatlona: reasnniibl.*reuta. Omrra. 77 Kaat aud 206 W. 12filh->t.

Citfl fhror. t rtrj to &&_A~^A.~To"l,ET.- 'ni-r.edletn poieewloii

. wlth at. w. powe; .'evaiors, ind fur-iil-hed throughout wlth aulomatlc sprmklrrsfnr puttlfcg out ilre', l.rge faetory; corner

bulldlng 10,260 aquare feet, "hole or part;aaTtabt. ani- manufactuimc buali-.o*.; alaothr*. other floors, 60.05. McClaw Bul.dlng.llth-ave. 21 at. 22d at*._AFIRST-CLASS BUBIBE8B LOCALITY

on 4th-ave. for a real es.ate offlce alaoone for palnter. with plent.v »f cllar roomfor palDto. ladders and acaffnldliic. to let oraaaaa. Call or addreaa BL'SINKSS. 8JWIth- ave._D~~EsTRAnLE housea, unfornlahed and

furnlsbci. In aii paite of U>« elty.BOLBOM BROTIIEBB, 63 Kaat ltlh-ai,OgPTCBB.Boribweat llght; *uam-heated;

alnglT or sultea, ln bank bulldlna. cor.Fulton and Greenwloh ata. Appl.v Room 4.

RENT nrffTO FEBRUARY 1 NEXT..403 L.'Xlngton-avo.. 4-«tory cablnet

flulihed, 20x00; Janltor on premlre*. II.P. DE QRAA1


To I.F.AS1 Ma.-dnugal-it.. No. 117, 2dfloor, 26x62, fi r manufacturlng pur-

posea; well llcr.ted; good for shnemnher,tailor or clj-armaker. 1ii.|uIi-m top tloor;immcdUt" poa«eaaion lf rcqulied.

(TlEj ..vU'XMENT" HOUSES:Lieht bathr.

11 light reoms;7 rooma.

,484 lOthave., near R8th-.t»_¦WMIOLE OR PART of front. store to let

A. BF.NEDICT. 157 Broadway._1"70 DUANE-8T., Flrat loft and bare-1 I & rnent, each 26x105. Apply onpremlaos.

BrooklynTO LET.Modrrn brownstone, 270 Clln-

ton-.t-: four storles, 17 rooma; betweenCongres. and Warren-ata.; 81.000.

Jeraey City,RENT. «26.-Jer*«>y Clty Meight.j amall

houae, njn. rooma, all mod.-rn Improv*.inents; Juat nainted «nd pa;*n-1 throiiuh-out; a gem. JOHN M. JONE8, oirnur, 75Slp-avi'.. Jeraey Clty. Tnke Cortltindt-»t.ferrv, Courl-Houae. cara.

(aoun'r** flroptrtg Mot Bah

AVON PARK. Souti. Fl'.rlda-20,000acres high, heallhful, Ono land; i.o

awampa, tover, ncgrous or llquor. WlntergaruVnlug aud rauga growlug. P. O.,iebool, and school eatahliah.d aud growlngrapidly. No ..glft" (Ti lan.K but honoatlmmlgratlon. Heartlly Indorscl l.y tb>; 150new aetiu-ra. 170 tracu aold. 1-acre lou tn centn- only $U aaeb: io to 40ncre lots 85 to a.20 p.-r aere; 20 mllo. oboloolak'i frouta. Che.poat traii.ia.rfution rai.sto aeUlera. Kend atamti for book "Conunonherue About Mortda,*1 6*0, or "Boatb ll<>r-lda Progrt-ae," tample weefcly, freo. or 60centa for 100-pact! llluatrai<>d book, "Plorld*Pacta, Ilott. ftriilit anl Blua."t!a..'nx;n;.s, but plaln, unvarniahed tru.h, in-l-luable to B>-tLlcra. 241-pac-j ulitiou,tloth, el. Wnte.

O. ai. OBOBBY, 92 Pranklln-at, N. T.

A8BURY PARK.-Ten r.aim'Queea Annocottage and ono 53-iim>ih boarding- houae,wlth furnlture. for aale overy m

§'. Same la for rent if aot aoldy February 1. Alao 00-room boardlug-houae, uufurnlahcd, 1 block from ocoan.Adlie*s UWNi'.R, 010 Lahe-ove.. AaburyPark, N. J._ _'?OB SALK-^0,000 aere. iiedwood Tltn-

ber landa ln Callfornla; uiu cut from160,000 to 100.000 feot p»r aere. C-. H.f nAMl!i:i;i.M.N. 116 Broadway, RCJEKD BTAMP I'oit MAPS of«v5 lot*. 850; Weit Jimaica lou. 8125, 251100; ljone lalanr" furms; Baratoga andOne.da County farma at ..

prlcearnd eaer terma. GEORC-K r.. TILLYReal Eatate, Jaimloa. Loni; Ialand.

Coontra _Jroprri_i (to tet

FOR RENT.The large new store. on th.N.uih hlde of Mark.-t-st-, eaa. of 12th-

at., Phlladelphla: ihey aro C «.

helsht, wlth a flnlsle-d 1,,-ta- m.-pt, anl havoaU-am boilera, hvdraullc fr.-itrht and paaa.>n-ger i-levatora, and othei n alern oonvanlencea. Applr at the ofiic- ot Oirarl eatat.-,lo Bouth 12ih-au, Phlladelphla. 8. b.CAVIN. Ag.nt

Aeal <&Biait to (FrrlMnqc.

EXCHANGF-.Five b-.torr browriatouaatoiv. and flata for New-York or llrvok-

lyn lou. Will aell aepantely or toi-ethur;would entortaiu ao exchungn for a eountryplaee or farm for 2 nou-a.-.. F. b. DKIsCOI.L, 32 Park Plac*.

I "1XCHABOE.--A doalrable 8atory andla baaaaaaai bruk, itoai and tcna-eotta

dwelll.ig. B.blaat tilni, brome mnuu-la, allmodori. linnmvemenla, n«jar rtaaaaat Park.liro-.klyti, for a eountry plaee or farm. V.8. I'KISC'JLL, 32 Park PUce.

ftcal (fiatU tOantrb.lyANTl.U IO PURCIIA.SI1.-A hOflae,ii stonc, wlth tnoduni iii.provem.-nti., Iwaor thrco atorioa, ;ielghl,orliood ofPark; muat bo ln arat alaai rondltlon andlo.-alltr. and a barjraln. Aldresa br, W. BL, f^O Rroadway, New-york.

Roome anb Slalo.



IlALi-b ."j'H.A.M IIF.ATED.N Tll'b, *3o To t*>0-


A-284 ANO CUd BA6T 118TH-8T.-A. few iiiuiti of thoae handHoii.c, calilnot-

Ii.jit.he1 flau of 5 a.i-i 0 roouia and bath;every Bi>«ii'rii lu.prov.-merit; convaAtoni toSd and 3d ave. L > latl<n,» lenta < 23 io »27 ;r..!i,ui"no» Feb. 1 ; poaMiBMon Immi-dlau-lynV'ILLK aril PASSAK'. liSO-120

W i.'.ih. -l;igbt r-iMB, all llght:rto nuary ^.uinbi . oon-

rail--hinan '>> ,-nltor on premlaea.

C.* lui'irrWF.ST SHI'-ST Ar.. .4 ~,oma; au.lal.l.- »;:iali ta

nv i..a> iy locatod: elavatod and aurfa-»rade; *l->. 818. DiUAN O. 1IEOKMAN,

a-jl Hr.-adway._

^" LAXB XO I" th.

Mith-st. ind Bthitre. -i rooma; ]ust com-pleted: avll daeoratol and Improv.-menta;rent. from 880 to .«o per raorith. Innulreof (JORDON BROB., «... pr*a-iaaa, oi jji.iu.r.

FJ.A'i'S i.-id ..;.¦.¦-., unfumlBhed anlfumlahed. ln «.l paru of tha elty.

POUS.OM H.TIlKIUi. 68 Eaat llth-at.

t* i.i'OR of 4 rooma to leu 871 Wesi8_l-a*._

[SUBJflBHEl) PLVI- (lolng Soutri, wlllI: a.itil.: "i.-i tlai g-ntly furnlahadcompl.-t* In every re^ia- noinlual plear.-ful,; anlendH locatlon referencereQulred. 104 '.JJA OOth-at.


rp II ¦ <; p. ii i, a t if,65 WESI 27i li BT.NTW ANI' St L-

ABSOLUTEI.Y l-1 Hi. I'RC.08.EVF.BY MOTl-.I. CdN VKN1KNCE.A te* de»lrabl« larK-o and *vett-

menta. EN BU1TE. WITH PKIVAIBRA7 II. n..i, engagMd.

Bervlce and culalna uneirellod. Amerlcanand Eur.ix.-an plan. Call or addreaa


TU i; HA( Kl IT, 12 W.vanti.v flniaheal. atcam-heaoxl apart-

menta to let._-IM1B HANOVER. 2 Eaat 16th-»t, eor.1 6Ui-av...Kurnlahed aijaitnieut to aub-

let B. J. HCNTi.vr-To.v._3I> FLAT. lurnihed; eeven rooma; all

t1.200 yoarly. 44 Eaat intliat

QBTORY B. 8. FLAT.-A11*> perfacl order: rantad for kW9. pflc,aa.ODO. E. W. -THOhlPBON, 27 Flatbuah-

Siat ItJanteb.WANTEO.-K-ml«hod flat or amall houwa

untll May, elthcr down town or Har-Ubl Addreaa, wlth particular., RUT-I.KIIOE. Trlhur.e Ofllc.

ijpox ard llooms.

AbMALiL prlvttie famlT, llvlnir lu upperpart ef th. clty, in aa elegant houae,

woufd I.t a eoui;' of ronuia, wltb board, togentlemen or gantlomau and wlfe, wherethey ean have tb. roniforta of a reflnedhome. Addreaa BlBCLAin, Box 21, Trlb-uno OfDi!..

ATTBApnVB apanmeiits, aultea andalugl. rooma; %*!tli or wttbout board;

houae iuape.Uxl; tarn-i and accoru-in"rt.iioi.s to .uii aii; infonnaUon freo;mrSJ-.TT IHRECTORV -h-au.


C'ANUA HOUSE". 17 Latoyette i'iaco.-i helecl bnaidlng, wl.h hot.-l cn.n.'ii

lat.c*.; culalne ax.atl.nt; urrtn. veryu atilo.

FLilNlSIII.J' roouia, Blogir «r en aulo.;l,*|\a.i, l.ath im-.i^ lf dr

II tll-Bl.

1/ i,i u .-.¦.». ;* i¦ '' 'H, atoa »uni.y?or;


iealraM. n-f-

dine parloi tiunr; pi-lvao. tablo;r*tojaj__*_____i'-> vV.-t :t.*.th_al___IPRIVA or p»rt of

floor. har.dao-neljr fMmlahed, wl'h board77 Weat gOUl-at.

THE AIUNO, J»tb.»t. and Broadway.-i.,ind'<eir,.'!r fumlahed rooma wlth or

Btthout board: peirean'-nt Or trari'ieot;t.rma moiento. BEBRY B. MAlLsIL

Boarb an5 Uoome.

TO LET..Larae room, furnlahed every(i.nvciileiico; amplo closet*. 317 West

28th-»t-_Tl'..Parlor rooms; bcatcl; reason-

*!.!.. tcrma to rf*ponsibl» party. 115Knat M'l-'t.___]_'1*0 LET..Uandaome tulto of rooms, withJ. or \,i.i...m i.p usfav slao >.< ry deslr-ablft warm ball room, 40 I.- in «. * ::.. n,7. near «0lO aparunonls with prlvato bath; aui>criorImnni; iraaainatil* r*t>s.

OK 0.TRUBlifl ra-meved and carrlod ta~a> room fraa Orowi-'* l_xpre»s. 55 Weal

1 A TII-ST.. 30 WF.ST.-Dertrablo room*JAl with lioard nlccly arraairei for gen-Ucmen; ntcs rcasonable.

1»\Yl>r 20TH-BT.. sar Broadway..> l.arre furnl»hed fmut room, wltb prl.taM l.ath. on l>*t floor; also otber; ataitbarn

sinl'H BT., 4B Wg£T.-Lnrai room*. wltbA\t Muia.rtor board; house In perfret con-dlilon.


OtTaD-ST., 813 WEST.-Room*. with board,&& slngiy aod cn «ulte; culslne uuex-ccU*d.


OOD-8TL, WEST, 148.-Priv»te famlly>*»¦. will Ict two nlccly funiiahed frootro-.ns; ftentlcmen »nly.OCTH-StT Tl6~EAST.-Newly decorated/&D parlor licdrooin or for offlca or pilviata r

» wiII snt kulta, f..ursiCt rooms; prlvato tsl.le if dealrad; chef;beat rcfcivucc* jtlye'1 and r_QU_ed._.>ol 11 ST~ 28. Wi melv ftjr-*>'' in ;.--1 Large, imall rooau:table: houso, BMgbberbeod good; pariorfor omcaa.


KIVTli ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND OTIla)l/\vi'<i, Eloaint room; be*l board; rerer-

>. *.-, Trlbuno l.ptovwi OBtoa,1.238 Broadway.


t_t_TH-8T.. 180 EA.ST.-IlandFoin^ly rtir-..'.' .) laru.--- ai.'l emall rootus; tatoataml app''.iiitmciit* Urst-cla**; homo conv

forts.__WEST* :i. ro*m*

board; bwnew and hawlsome; l

-jfTl MADiaoB AVE., **ith board;I 4-4 l.rat Bl keOOOd floot* 11*'.r>- or di-vlrted to sult; strlctly first-tlaas acromimv-la-Uona._Tif WEST 45TH-8T.-rurnl*hed rooms;I4f hiatod and runnlni: water; i.rl\atehouso._IJO WEST 40TIt-8T.-IIatidsotnclr fur-liO nljlio-1 rooms f(vomforta; referenre* exrhaiiKi-d; iimiI. nf


FUT l.EXINGTON-AVE-Parlor floor, 4IOI rooma; sultanle for small faml./;rent 880; owner ln house.

finoinfes Cliancea.A'n" OUVEOTABLI81IED Mialne** tn

prosperous condltion, ln lamksra,N. X., for ataie or aaeliange ; prlce. 86,000;good valuc; rar* cuawe. Addreaa P. O.Box 14 Sj Yonkera, N. T._r.AFORTUNE to c«plt*ll»t who will ut.y

for adv.rtlslna; Al Brtlajlai hii*lti»*»e*i*hli»*lied *borl tlnv: n.akii.i: wondorfulhead way. Aaldraaa 9. Box OL 118 Itb-ave

ANY I'l RBOB with 1 dollaracan aec lixht. profltk' Ie l.ukineas. clokr-

ina 840 tn *«9 and upward weekly. orti-kveTlliic S»uih. l'nrtleulnrs of >l.lli.VINS, 18a Oth-*v<


Fnr. SALeT-a' ltyhi mmanurieturitiR linslna-a Al<lr**» JOHN

STEWART. 01 Bnd 08 New.Jer*cy, N- .1.


1SOU NA1.E.-A t)S)flwa llng, thcap; also a dwcliliiarhouv

with vlllairo lota to ax.han... tor m-rrhiu-dlae. J. W. LEWra, North Port. L. I.

V OR KALE.-Re*tour_iil and o/s'.' r Ba>ii flaca on n«lfiird^vaj ,

Br.Kiklyn. loqulw «(. 11AL1KI, 11Grand st., Brooklyn.___LUM BER Y ARD .Old -'

bttali n Ior sale it PraabolJaraar. t *u or addres* u. J. ROGF.iw *Co.. 1 N- '.____OIM'OUTIMTV n offerasd to S genlit-

inan of iroaa.1 liusiiu-*-. inpacl'r r in

mandlna n..all raplUil anl hla p«r*ouaiaotvlcci, t> aro im., l.usin.-s *rh'-reln he

wtll i >h und..-hls own ¦¦ r tT .1 Addr M PARTNER, DOLast l.oah »-


PRINT1NG OFF1CE FOB 8AIJC.-I Oor-1 ni - ». 260 fouu lot. type, UK,k

irisP PARTICULARS, Box 82. Trlbuna_


Rl lAHr^E econorr.lcai. slngin tnaJi,al.oiH 30. havlUK f.-w hundcl dollara

ta. loln advcrtlscr wllh llke ain<miil In huai-t. an ln troplca Addreaa* TROPICAL, li.'x;¦:, Trii.'n.. offloe._SfEAM Ml. : SALE. with

small Call at 4W Central-av.-..Jsraey Clty TlelKhts-_Ur BLL-E8TABLD3BBD fflc* r/ustn***

for «*ALi hair raeh; ao., 1 et .

yrmng mai.. Addreaa <.'Trthtln* Uptoarn ofrl -. ..l»i*

Wrtth BU.OOOuarti'-s in .y.uth la Maafaetar* of

full llne pstont *grteultural Implom^ntaln l»re* demar.d, wlthout cumpetlil.r. lnveator fnlly aeeured aod to ict aa trrasura-r;

- funiUhed: InvatlgkUon (1e»lr*dCF.NTRAI. EXIHANGE, tW We*t _»_-«.,Room 0.__.^IIMI TINITY. -To tb* narh- partv,with f 100 or mor« l< ofTorayf an ppor'anltvto itikkc fE.iXH) to B5 i- .nscin'irtoaneh oflTce. DUNLAP KLECTRBnaXTtUa lowa.


O'/wtWll.'. 81 riKI TflIRD I'l'."! IV-tp.)\f\f ln >JAddr»ss for lntervlew nnd .-

Kr Al'RET. I'a,llln.lnd I'l.l.

a_.) /will WIU. IH'Y a twavl%f .^tftyir t,.t-_«t ln a manufkeiurlnK i.u«ini..; full Invcktlaatlon Invtia-I, fir whl.-h

¦inip'.e llme as advertlavr Is In n»IIOWAIll), Trlbune Branch

'..70 West 28d-st

Sox 0alt

CtsrtUlon ralllna*, sholvlng,tohlea and a:l klnds of atore aod offlce

fixturoa: you wld aave tlme and¦,v xotaa il. Ui the factory. 45 Bleacker-it.j r.-ar Broadway._CARF1 n* ln mlaflt*; a 26-

yard ra Br.isaa-ls earp-l,BI5' worth itiii: k 20-yanl ^oa»d Injiraln,B7. HRAHAMB, 274 7Ut-ava,_DI .-,K Foi k*l. a jrood roll-top de»k and

aafe (all at CRESSY 1 ClK.)188

OK -.41.1. A vnry fine l.lack andtan d»'j f. 2 iK.uiidn. Addreaa JOHN

Trlbuiii Btarich (ifli.c. 142 .lUiava.

1BALE OB EXa'M ANUFl-Twokieam llgbtora, on1- Mvaiagj i-opaclty

100 tons aach; almost new; laiast ImprtrviBieatol fi'<* fcnu moruraafi-a- ttIII glrn lonnBarB i ou aaame, I.lCllTEilS, Tribuii.i>fflce.II r BK SOLD. A fln" psyln. ra-tallitlrut.l^r siore. OOODYEAlfh BTORE. 4M «tr*i.d«t._rj'ABLE-An clegsntly <ar*»d marl.le-1 top Uble, 2x0; store rtxlurea *i.Jtabat I Baads lo ordt-r. Nortb.-lM ior. 4thave. and WAA st._*>/i 40 Hf.ACK WALNfJT TREESOU for sale. Addresa, with offor, L.

iu- ,. W.I.....-.-I-, Kan.

^i.o()o,(kh)^^,m;;m.... .ni buj :< AM.IMSiriTS ORANITE WORKB,

.ri» Hotel, 1.140 Broadway. W.



ALBERT G. bl'ENl ER, 270 fltb-ave..near leih-*<- L ktal.on ; wuibrellaa madu

to order. recoveraad. repsirod and for aalaehaap; all klniU A can* work. ellk. al andUP;_

i .i-1 43.000 WANTED ondX. l,0f>0 tons ji.-ii.liiK bark and lauaber,standlr.« aupa-rlor quallty: *_,..or would »cli outil«lit. J-,J<iIfNbON, bla-tlon D;_l_

'NTH' LF/rTF.RB WABTEl); eopy or

purcl.. prloea paid foi do-slrable. fre*ti letters; lmk- or -nuail loU;WhO hil tlomj Ml I'l' 'IM.. 17 l.-.lwnt,'

I) ,_nt writUn vlkltlng

card*; aend your nan.e and ;'."... in utanjps.A. R. I.FAVIS 50 W--1 11th M.

< I |OW TO GRAD1 IT] l.H'INi:II While Einrajred ln IlUhlnesa" aecUou

book, 50 ct'lits. n.'iid steni..-. 1-ltl.I'AltA--,.,,- 11 II-. IV.iiMhkeepcto.

EFT^OPP CLOTHLNO. Full **Ju*alv.U en send po*tal. 0. BANK.S. "15

Fl Qkhlng ,i i'e., Brooklyn._POOIL FAMILIE8 wii* ehlldren. havtng

frlaiud* or w.rk to n<> U. In Um Wct,mar upply for aaslslsnco to tho IIII.DrWk AID SOCIETY, 24 bt jMark'aPlaeo Aia.> ri.oI honiea with tamllles areprovlded for poor boy* »nd firl* of goodcharaator. __^_

Wanii D uv an AaMtioaa aaaaa. -.

rhlld to trrfiikj up on thaThotOe; willrecelve a moth.-r's tar*. Addreaa* 148Nawell-s'., l\rookijn._^^


BT18TIC dr*Mro*klna; Impoited »tyl*s;cowiM dlnner »i"l lane) dr. ¦¦*¦¦.' from

.II up nnrfect flt and flnltli.*rpcclalir at ahiai-;_

Dll u ilraUdawi Kraniching, oaJl drasaua, by

a_r Bfl 26 prevlously 83. 1'AH.IS. BoXLTrlbuiie trplowu Offl<«, 1.2H.H Hroidwii.ti m vKlNO.-b'vllah *ul:« mido up.! t 'ik.vli.r's aay.tam. 14La-xliiawn-av.'.. near 25l). ^ n iirsuiiiaa fltter

...;iper; arlabaa nor* an«a1_... <.r one

88, Addr*** D., 270WaM Bfld-w._

Hiwlshea few more rnii|i.-mi-iii» .'l,.'"?Mlk« ai'IaajfaM- I.I..West 44th el.


IAUIEB* *ult* O'Sda at ahart naUaet-i i.taron'* *«lt* . *P*cisUy. 124 Eaal


_Uelp tUanlciy_''"Tl .PLOY.M old rellibl*Cj Wetropollun Ageuey, ettabll-.u-l to

proeute tor reltaule men no mat-ter whal elaa- icnt you destre, aad i ¦ aa \w um furuialiui.iii- li.-lu .if erery duecripilou " flKMPLOYERb.'* Ord-r by postal (01 Bsle-Ijranh ... eu expanawj. W. U. TRUE,Lbt. Broadway.


{NTEIil.Ii'ENT ladtoa and un-

any part ot tl.-ni flnd perm-ment and lucratlvo

work. ed'.ea.ed and applyby letter to CUARLI'.S I.. WI.i:

M llto-st._____WANTED..An cxperlenoed, capabie man

to aollelt .-lalrna for coltoetioa *nd l>-g-ibaatoaaa OOUNM-'.i.ixir. Trlbune ofiice.¦VLTAMTED.-k aton lattorer: el . <toiVI aod board pald every night. BOOIl.YEAR'fl RETAIL RUBBER WA..1101 SE, 202 Graud-at.

OitnniiotiB tOanteli..fetnale.

i .A..A..A.-MR8. I- 8EULY,

{ferm.rljr Jllii I. (Bt.pb.ltl.68 WK8T 22P-8T.


BUBKAU.a u refarenoe* Btnot ;r ln ve.U-r.tod aad

ea flle for ina;.ectloa.l-erraula Mianyuolntlng toa-illM Will

ba eicla.lo.1 from mr olTtoe.B. B.-NOT COlfNECTKD WITHABY OTHKH OYtlOm.



..ii Borvant, .

mal.j help for I. at, 1J3 Oth-BV*., 41 b. houa.i | -t.

4 LADY hI. l-l extenaively. *. preaarea th-a. Intondlng to travol for

iatlon ol Europeanart gali ture .nd ylac* of

.¦at, Addreaa kl. L-, Uox10, Tribuno Offloe.


ASK1I.ITI, tluiah.r of half-tone plato*la .'|.eii to an encagement. A l.v

tftou.______A'lU.U woman wanta work or

h....»'.- I'li-uiiliur. by the day. AddreaaA. il. 113L _

Aihea to go outwaahlnir and Cie-iUng. Mra S< II M'i.K.

-00 Eaat 63d at.______V -iiea a plaee for her girl, as

'.er.nald aud aiHiwa orglrl. Plaaae call ut preacut emjiu'. Wen ''.">'h at.

Ci ABH1BK. -By an expert young ladyr ln a go«d hou-';and experlaiice. Addreaa CAFA-

ULfc, iao j-ju.1 f_-,ttiB-

CABI11ER iiy u youag lady; good ref.arencea and ae.-uritv. Adlreaa L. C,

klyn._CASH1ER. -By a youi.g lady; .ipe-letircd

r, i. taaraat, ori.forc. ... Ad lr. -- A ;...: Wwi 2-l-»t

CINIUN. Bj m AmerlcanwouM lli..- lo trasrl abro

oi- famlly; ap»aka tmth Prencb »ih! Ber iaflu iitly ii let- and travel,would niehanj*.- '.-rence aa

rBUndlng, Ac. Addreaa C. L. T-, 810'i i. \>-

woman; atoekaajaata


C« ILEAN1NO. he..liy a reaj' v...ii-iii. Hiahaa . f. tl offlcea u> elean

waahlne .. of anv kind MraWOLFE, 210 W 27'ti bl. top Boor, Room U

C.l.HM MI'. WAI IU.V,,RAL 11"! liKWuRK.-lly a y.miig

e.ilored _irl. Call or a.ldrt»a 203 Woat17th at., n-ar.

CI BT..Br a youiig w.

Addreaa E. (.' 27'J va


ung glri; cllBP7 Baat .'.,'ih »i., rtnt lat b.-ll a

CllAMlti.KMAIIi audisEAMBTREHHBaa M a Hai; clty retoretio*. 113 Waat_

C* ii a'.Mni i;m'uu' By a .peaklng g.aal

LugU-li, aatf¦¦.. 41-* l" «-'<-. wll r-oofh-P 11 .\ 17,

T-ibuaa Upt_wn Ofli. L288 liro-d-ay.

C- II \*IK ii.M Ul.. t. Il; a eol.rl, aa diaiii. i:..a. 1. a_'

.-.-n-ral workr-r lo Bat. \ .'. - M1NNI)'.Tiit.un. L'.iowii O't.

(4 JtAMBKRMAli- anl WAJTRug glrl; elty rt-fi-reiie*-. 417 Ea«t


' a young glrl; wllilna

t.i! HMAIlt and WArrilE8fl.~Byi..-»i Wi>:»ti giri, th. ri.i-irhly under-

»unid» l.-r l.'.^iiieaB; ean *.-r\'- lnoarefal wlth alUer. *r. hju'.-b lu.alerate jrlty 01 cuntry r. f»n i. » AKI 4

TRAIN INO s. IIOOL, .-.! H.1 by«._Cll a ">r ItB TA '¦ IIOUBK-

oak, w>»t.'>r, lrouar.180 flth-

n* 4 i___________

C. . A MTH! SS, *r ftya bioi.h I'i i go-xl Udy glrl;


Cl II A.V1U KMA1K. WAI1/ or ll"i -. A'ORK. Ii* a

f!rl for pltv r counlry »..t.'4 not parttcu-i"'h .-

CHAMIIKRWORK, B« It) a y.ui.g glrl... I.. t-Bamberwork and **aui..«. af la-

atst vlth waahlng; beat clty refareuc*. 8-'0_

t young glrt aai an.l aalire.a in a -n.ail

; f..r -J daya. et li:f

C"4 JlAM 111 lt-t \lnRlri hlghuat cl.y_

i.i r clty nft._

Cman ln prlvato-t-_

C.i'ilv II) a worian aa e.a.k. 117 W'-bIrear_

Ci i. .|< liy a Brat-elaa* eook In an F.ngliahfamlly Brat ico. 808 Wuai


C.,.iK «'*:ii;.iuii.Ih w ,mai. aa ob/

!10 Pjal94 th -t. _j"_Cil'.rsKWORK. ac-Ry. brlght,

...iji.i; oalored woman .r ihanvl.'T44.,rk. waltltig. nr nnr»e 3 yeara' good

i. rlty or couniry. At 188 Oth-av>. ANNA._

Ci: v ¦¦: iir.KMAII).- Hy twoJ Welah flrtot-beth nrat-riaaB aenranta;

,;l- v.-, TRAININ0 BCTIOOL,lli* 8d a\<-._C. in>K ""


C1..0K..IIV a ( Am. i;-an ;/ a ahorl ilataoea ont.

einklng and 00*1*. Haal.i. Hf> Weat4-.ith.«t., rlnp Wi*. >!<¦ 11nirh'a b^L_C40('K or ll"i BBWOBB. Bf a btrong,'actha, willtng glrl; for iow wng.'-i;

. Ity or couiiii. ean .ook. wa»h and Iron,,!,, I, - iluady at 13HOlh-ave., 4 doora abOV* *8t8>al.

(."iiK aud>ki-->>> r.* *.< r.ngiuhj woo aa i. f. .' i.- .¦ ..-I it., hone .t

.nd'liy; eomp.-t.nt, r-eonon ¦!

r**B| tl:¦>.-.I.iaa t.n-ad and paa.iy blnl I.hjii.Ii' -., **.'.' r|,y

i; \ININOB< HOOL 182/*U;.K. '. '¦ Bj I Prntu.Unl *fon_n;\J g.,.»i famlly <<>..l<: lak. r, wai"i andlr»in '< i*v r. l"i. Buiir.

<i.i>K-l»* a glrl ln a prliaia famlly;i;...i 837 I_at 8(

C. .k; u.i-Qcrit.-- Ing; rliiaa

clly Aiip'Y 288 U«l '17Ui-at.,l»l,


COOK, LAUNDRESB or HOUHP.WORK-Uy . G'-riuan wmuui; or cook;

for <lty or eountryI *°<>4 rcfereheea At18B eth .. K" li »U


C'.m.K l*ud v.H A M 11 h\ K.M ALD..By iwoj younl glrla, an. |a thr othar aa

rhambermaid: good referenca Cll 1.201,, B.-'ioklya- _ _

t<. "reapectonla glrl; ln flrat-' claaa '>mi!y; IrJ ycara; ra-at, retowne*

from laat plaee. 818 Cth-ivo., ring rightla-U I tlmea._C~ 100B -By I Bwedlah glrl, aa BreVel-ui.

/ eeok: wln iu-lat wfth coaree wa^ilng;referencua. 460 Oth-ive.______C" OOK _nd_iAUNI*RK.>S.-Ry an EngUab^

woman flah, ni.-.La, a", veg..t.h|e^liia_d, blacult, de»a«rla, A.-. -Ity or couu-

try; referuno... 81 W< --l ---Ul. at._/- WASHER anl IRONER-ByaV> \i.ung glrl; beat clty referenro. 8083.-BVQ., 4th floor-

Dw?, W"i-.K- i'v a rMpeatobla youngwoman good e.^ik »nd e\i-ell«nt l.un-

dri'M; will tak.- pla. .¦ Wbeto BBjhom. nlghu; beat referencoA 1,20'J 8d-av*. near TtBh-aj._D\ - a .i.K.- Hy a flrst-eleea laundreat;

ho.jM'ciaanlBf; beat cltyiif.-ivri... :'(. :.-. :'.:;.-:_Da"vs' work Woman wlahaa doya'

work waabtoa or clcanlng; nlli d>iplaiu aaahlng at 60« v r doreu at hom.-.

*____1"*a RRANIi f*nXIL-.By a roiing 1 - --"ta-itJ gtrl aa arrand-iMrl or t.. h.-lp ...',- rltb

lieht houtework. B. II., Trllnii.a Cptowlf)ffl*B, 1,.88 Broadway._Fvmii v v. 4miiNh._By a reBpeetabl.

ii doaea.W. ¦'. -Othat._

GOV1 » Nor'hHi.Ill.O I.¬

II N. w-Tork ". Ilro ikfjm. ;. nuauy. Addr. i

iVl Ayenue A._VI lady U> tako eare of cl.illron ; epe-kaprnperly ; I'*1 a *e.v

ilrad. Ad-drna II. HL'IITUARUX, 1. -d *t, Hobo-ken, N. J.

BilBolians Qan__d.ifmaidflj,A "v1,", :i

C l\ 1.1) AT 'nn; ciTOWN Om. .11 '7. Kr«*d**.»y, caaroor Tbirty-flrst-st.,

I' 1". tjjo Bro*dway, between:, Tweuty Uilrd at*.,__!__. 8 _?; m"! 270 Writ Twctity-fhlrd-st.,conier Eljhtha\e. 163 Sixth-ave. ; lr.i

¦vuii '" th-kt; 7tei"ty-*r\enih-U. 1,02'>

tat-st. 1,7081'ti w. st Korty-second-st

ud OB Llh-md IfARLEM I'M'I'-F., ,S0Ea*t Onch-.r.div.l -ndt*»«ut,yflftfi-s,, 'ip u8 p. m.. at r*_iiKir offlce rate*._

»_tt.» EatobllinedlsrTMal« 117 At

8KUVAMT8 ODBLL'B1".-:....!.. WB. At


Pocoala 117 AtKHiVANTB ODKI.L'S_a_ WEST Ak

rE.tVASTS ODKLI/SBstaaai i.d-st. oj>ki lsL" KktaoIUhed 1861


NE8_, 4c.-By a Ilanoverlanv* Udy a* gevernoM jr aupenor nurse;l:.ndj yura,.*' rVnch, mu*lc, KJndcrgarten,

.ed; clty or'.!' i,f,.i nceia. "(;aiVER>

r, _, .1

| a 11 ,tK .~il7 a" ktrojirtt** glrl; l*-ly larwlctl. II

b, 783 Otli avo., near

8EKEEPER.- By a colored womanfamlly. !.*>'.' Weal .tth-»t,

lencedaoraaa; in hotel er prlvato famlly;nended. Call or ad-

t.roa* M. 8. K. 30__V<'>it_t._1 ..By a young woman good1 ¦ city or eountry. _49 Wnst

back._H'" SFAVORK. If a Welsh glrl; refor-

'."¦ goorl i.ri aml blscult muk«r;".eellcnl .ii tabln eity orAMEIttCAN THAINING


Ha reapectable womaaia*work*rj ln tbe eountry;337 Wct 40th-st.

Ua glrl a* and Eng-llsh. ln , .'M.h-at.

nW'ORPL Hy a S^.tc~~Protoataut,a» ireii'.ral houaa.-

workcr ln samall famllj 844 «_ Ifith-st.

Hi N 'i Germao.taia glrl :i« bouaework. r of

.1* !¦¦'¦¦ BSbd ;..(.t.'im .; clty or couniry.oOO 7th-*ve., nuar'li'sErLEAMNC-A woman woulfl

- n* ftala tn ciian. Addnaa E. K.,Trtbana Cptiwi- onice, 1,238 Broadway.

HiVORK.-B) a young glrl .forllK'ii hoOaework: aaualst wltb chlldren.

I l.iiaau No eard*._HOUHBWOBJL.By n ii.'ildi9-*g*4 wornan

'able, and a lant- A Idn «« J w. ;.. (lou.-ialNsw-Yolk Clty._

Hw'HIH. WANTF.D-By a re»p> ttabl" young Engllahwomaa;good refereaaei Mia IluiV'All_

HPBaV.By in. Amnrtcank g""1 refvr*o»*«.

Idre** : .:) l.afayatto-ITe., ll'klyn.

H..[ 8EWf»RK.-By a Brlddlta-ag'-l Anerl-H.,uld llku to work ln a

inrlly, more fnr a home thankraga*. _u.r^. 417 Weat 13th-at._Ii K1FI-: it iii a woman of longI exper'.en.-* ln flrat -Iaaa famlly t.e*t ra.tfn>nc<». L. R..-m l>',Y £.«) Broadway.

Hr i raapaetoblglrl. Ia:ely Itu.n l, for g»ner»l bouaework ln .- fataily. Rln« twlce,157 £*-... :.-'h -..

_____ ii, gaatlaaaa . famlly. <.:_! afier'.' :.t 1 r ta

HBy j .f.rtb of Trelindr-'l j ,.r couniry. 308 Olb-avo.,'l«f tt,,.,r.

who lsfuly quaJULd and can glr* hlgheait r*f. r-

t curv ..'.wem Orang* jr. i\_HiVaiRK B) l .irt of lal tn do

aro of a hlld.l-"!i «t.


1NVAI.I I compemtitM ua t*k<- saia et lnvaltd or alek;

iji.od clty rafaianaa a.l or aa*.drea« 140V,..»t 8avth-«_. bsaBBIBai r..».rlANITRFAB AIU'ENTER.By B Btoaa

. i.ia:i and maai lo uklMr.. MULLXR,

JHy a ^"pectabl* woman.

h-»va._Klli Hi N IAID or HOUBEWORK.-By

a young glrl; city rafarance*. 4 tl. »t., Room 8.

IADY'S M A 11> 11) r- rman 8wl*s wora-. .tant; wllllng to aaslst with

chanib..r**..rk aow well racomraaoded._

I- MA1D..Bv a flr*4-cia»* ;ady'»-i.nker, arama'.raiM atid

no ob-¦:haajber»ork;

'all at 71 Sd-Bve.,

JkDV'H MAID Ity a ihoronghly capa-a bbi v* .tnaii Is of [.|«ae-

> %i><\ pack.-r eltv r*-r(W2 etk-ave.,

-a. .

IAI -I»KJ-Ja.-By a caoable flrat-elaa**

ill.un* UploftB Offlci,iy _|

Ir^Hwodlah TTrL mJ fli-- Ireaa; a>alat raamha-r-

a*..rk: ...iiritry prvfi-rred te-at refereneo.Call at Mrs. M AI.M K'K'i'R, 788 flth-sa-e.,near 42d-at._Li.UF8S.-Bl a German woman:

fsmlly waahlnit tak-n ln *.. hou"' willBl waahlng. <.. BLUEMER. l.4f:i

l*_»vk _

IAI'NI»riF><r-A resyx'ctlhU woman. .' snd '-.niHr waahlng at

binv; tcrms law. LIBD.1 filghta, Bootn 14.

IAl'Mi' iie famlly ; beat .-Ity r*oo E*»t aa.1 -t.


1AUNDR1 lfl I'. Hflraf-clis'lsuniiraae;hes th" Pr^i tl.r..- dir-ln Ihy week-

444 faat 7Mth «t. (rt'ig 4th li.-ll._

IAi tfDRF.8cl.-Hy * r*-ap, ,4*Me wnmsn' ln prlvat.. famlly; best clty rcfcr*nc..._ By * woraaa m flrat,. ria-a lauudrea*. IMMA M' 880

Wa-al llatat.

M All). Hy cotapeneni pln prHate fnmlly; for

lady or upatairs a..rli,ra ton b

b-U No. 8

NL'RB)E.-Tay » yoau, gt,»\e t- floor, l.i.-k.


Ni r.'a in ..i woni_n bmlaj nr *ij|ht*.

rif-r. i..-.-. NURNR, 20.1 . i-t 4-'h.»'

Nng I'ngliah Pn.'estaniWoman, aa caiiublo nurs.-, can laka* an. from l.lrih; ta kln.lluid 'rnatvnrlliy a.». '¦<'« fromInai ampli.w <'all al al!>2 alth-avc- up.

«ieii «s,th and Hdtlj «?*¦

NunRk ¦ giri ot u u> mind1 glrl. tall or ad

di-aaa Hlu Ea^t _11h at._\ iu a roung glrl not long1" ln the eountry aa Buraa or «-1* inibermald,

Hh-sC_s glrl of 14. to t*ko «*am

I*. Call or ad¬dreaa «27 We«t 42d»t_NURAI-! 4^ Slck imrae; l.y *

it ai. ii woman be*t ofr.-i.n¦- nora-i liv the wo«k al

Call or addi.-, .Mra. VI I. \IUJ. IBAI Otla-ave.,_

Nri.M i .-icy ot... nr 4M *t

Niu- a womao to mlndn ii...;.... » iii aal a BkotbailONti 2 Sd-aviV Hy an Amerlran aa nitraai te an

> ..ti. i woik; /"*ra.if exDcrlc.: ruference; flrst^claes. M. M.,;:... i ,*i trthat._Nrit'iiv i'-. . * woman a* w*t

n.ii«. <go Ea-t llOth-at._VI ...M.H1 Gt)\ EllNESS.-By B NnrthN BBB glrl of gofnl addre**, ktwaakla.J

Engllsh kn.l h|i«..iah hlgheit clty refof-naaas *< C. F., Tribuu* Op-

town Ofllce adway._< I-AMSTRI SS. Hi- a^comai.ialed

n-ii, North L.-rtuan glrl. a*¦aamatreaa and ohamhatrmald, or IkaT'1

to grown up chlldren. Call st M.BIRCK. "h-st


o F.AMBTKFSS and il.^ young proteatant glrl no objeetloit le **.si»t with growlng chlldr>n aiid Ujrht cham-berwork bVal slty r*fer*n«*. 97.._

S'vrREMB.-By a ml<ldla*#ra»d FrenaaSwla» woman: uud. i-lnnd* all klndja

of tomllr H'wlng or a.mld tetch young chll-Addre** IM7 W-

'* a*IL

4_EAMST;ii bZ *¦¦¦ -By a yorang womarajB "w anl mak" heraadf t

B**M durlng d*y. Call D.. 868 Wmtds._^_

Sa "ivoman to go oui

or adrtruas, carn Mrs. Ilewlett, UI I ¦'-¦

lflai -t_pS» compctcnt

w'.mni. .maker knd <.'**__'all klnd* of famlly nnving; ue»t clty r#_aretiee*. Addreaa 98, 189West tlrt-at._

Smid typewrlter c»l

U'llEB, »7 Haet

OORAPII axperliand iyp*« rl,,'r "i*

lilie tlkTln..ona dutimj the «¦

ton mktlili.e. AddrLiberur-kt

WrENOORAPHER and TyIt^W^TER.-a-" By an educat.i-d. experlencad perao'.nanuraeturlrig, eo.nmereiai, Utcriry;5r**,»i°;-"*t0 Addrea* OOMPETH"x .tj. Trlbune Offlee.U TENOiiKAl'IlKit Ind TTPEWR1 .it-" deslrea permaneiu posltloti beat refer-.nase,,l,*-1*ry' .l0- Alhlrea. MEOIO, 67A'i-lphl-s... Hr.i.klyn._.s -. i: 1 i'HKK aud TTPEWRITER.-

By a lady of lirge experlenee (aeveral'I*-.1 *''." °'"-' employer); beat of reference...Addreaa r:Xi'KRT. Box 15. Trlbune Offlce,ajrENOOBAPUER _n1 TYPKWBJTEIL

-")' a» cxporloneed young lady;aatary moderate. Addreaa WlLLlNO, 200bpeucer-at., Brooklyn. .

WTKWARJIESS.-Young woman wlahe.y a are captaln to flnd ber i poaltionai .tcjvardeaa; fond of aca, havlng cro__dr^,?1 Umt*,; ."¦P'oy* 2 Itreae," to realeatite and inaurance offlce; 7 veara' leiei.ence. Addr«.» "HEALTH . flfbune Up.________?__!__!_ _§_______£ ir,DU**" v*

WIaMSTREBS.By a -aapeoteble XnJrT.7 iiHh v.-oman to do ladlea" flna rewMn*! AMITON, 208 Weat 27th-all

\V' »Kh. a liily would llkoto a"»V plaee f..r a mlldle-iged woman; atrlct-Iy honeat und falt'iful .urk for s*2 ucrmonth. 226 F.aat 28ta-at, teer.

WET N;;rwP..-B7~_~yo". , Oermanwonia.i; rhlld 8 wreka old. Mra

KUBICK, 209,, N.wark, N. J

WOMAN, underatandlng all about uphol-atery and llnci. aewmg, poaltion in

hoteL Addrea. A. IIEINS, 121 W. 88d-Bt.

WANTEO.-PoaitJoiT to do copyTng~orwritlng, a. aalealady, or taklng careof chlldtei. nualllt"d to flli each poMtlou.Addreaa Vnrbank V.llage. if. Y-, Box 00.1I/ABIIIBG..By a young womaa; to go" out wnahlng or cieuiil.ig by the day.

3*>th-at.,_ti.p_flia.r. __'_\IMSIIING..By a Gcrnian woman; to»» taka lu famlly wa«hln« and lronlng;alao deanl.ig. Mra. HANCOCK, 60a II ud-oon-at _.,

YYAIXltKS.S.-ny an experlonced young"woman aa flrat- claw waltrcaa; uudcr-ItanOl -ervlnu of wlne. aalada. carv.i.g. 4c.ean takn . man' plaee; good elty reterenccajaTquin'm2 ('**,'ave'' ****** ataa.

Wi 'TltFJSJ* or CnAMBERMAID.-Byone with good city ntureucca. Callat 210 Eaat 47th-at._WASIIINO.-By a reapectable colored

n ..inan to tak. homo car give eltvreference. 218 Weat 47th-at, __% floorRoom 2._ '

W AMllNO-..By a re-pecuhle woman, as" n>-r own hom*. 387 Weat 80thattop floor.

WAhlllNO-..ny . young womau at, herhomo. E. F., 481 Weat 46th-at.

WA8HING.-By a wldow; to take home,or go out.. Addreaa Mra. ABEL,C21 Weat 64 th at

WABHINfT^By flrat-elaw cotored laauTdreaa; unaurnaaaed reference.; g.n.a'and famlly waahlng; week or doren

tarma to l.rge famlliea. *

.I.IH.VSON. V2S Weat 30th-Bl


Na 1,288 Broadway, corner Xhlrty-nrat-.t.,until 0 p. iu. ; WoO Broadway, b«twe..nTwenty-ar-eond and Twenty-thlrd ata,uutil i p. m. ; 270 Weat T-v-iity-ihlrd-at..corner Elghth-ave.: 162 blxth-av*.; 153Xhlrd-ave., corner Forty-»«m-iiih.-B_ ; L02dThlrd-ave., war Bllty-flrat-st. 1,708Ftrat-ave. ; 100 Weat Fortyaooond a.Nlulh-ava. and Plxty-.lghth-at., and «.<» Llb-erty-ai, and the llAHLKM QKK1CB, UKPaai Oue-huLdred-and-tweuty Ofth-at., up te9 P- m, at re^ular ofllce ratoa_AWM" I- HARTCNO,

. Expert Acroun'Aiit and Aud!tor,»¦* ar.d U7 >>.. y m. it -phoue. Murray U8).i BU8INIB8 MA. of large aad varl.d

:i. ii-i.uii. d (o inanage largo_lTalra,a thorough aoeouataat an.l rvf.-renci-a

. Importani .inploy-ni.-nt. whera abiltty and fldollty would flndai'pM-clatlon at'.-.- demonxlrullou. FI*

'._Al'i'.niTlOB wanv J ny an aatt*n and ln-

tflllg.inl mldtlir-ag.-.i man In any bual-ncaa when. ~b;lity. lutegrity aud lnduatrywill comman't a modurato aalaryj utieae. piionable. Addreaa WOH'l'II,

(.IBee._\MAN of energy .-2 veara old) ln whole-

aale dry-g»oda or notlon houaa, to iearnthe buaineaa rrcm A to _; hlgheat ref*ren'«aa U' i-baraewr; no oftlco work. "P. A. (',.,"

1 . r.ANT, a«.By a atMdy youngman aa peraonal to an InvalTd

ly gcnlleman; ean ahave; clty oreountry; Wat referencea from ub/al.-lauaand famlllea; wagaa moderate. Call or ad-dreaa J. B , 402 6th av.-., Ut floor._

Aaa. royal worB forBepabUeaa party ln thn laat eanvaaa,

wanta a poaltion aa dtploinatic cuovaeeer.Addrea. .¦REBPOBBIBILITY,-' Trlbune_

AMA**f nf baalneaa expertetuse, aeltve.nd r.pibl., tl yaara wlth ou. eonoern,

and wlahlne to make a chang«, la op«n for..iiga..'Ui-iti»; flrat-claaa r'-fsrenoe.* fur-

Addreaa WILLLNO. Box 16,.ifllee^_

AV'.l \'. rna_ f 21 wanta poaltion; 'tya.ra' rxpertanc.; good wrfter and flg-

urerj b.»' r, feiynre fr.nii laat enjp.eye-.Addr«'«B "AMBITIOUB." Trlbune OJBee.AtNESB MAN of .xperlaejaa (age

47) de»lr>4 employnvn* f..ini.-rlT aecre-tary of mlniag .-.>mpanl.'.; any flrm loetlog a fal.hful and truat-wortliy aorvant, addreaa O 1'., Trlbune

: l-at,_Vym.Ni. colorad man wlahe. poaltion

ln . .irl.ale famin ho.. I reCall or addreaa j. r>. BARNI.TT.1-U'b »t., fur B aa.T4._

A- i i. atroqg and active,rii lr.-. poaltlOfl f any kind; wllllng

tb work: aii..-ak« o« nnar beat reference*.VFl. lt._

B"i f 17 ariahea dally amuloyment untll3 p. m. j rcfereucca. MAtJEi-'. 519

2dav>,_lt ARTTINDeE ut OROCEBY CI.KRK.IJ Hy a man who ean furnlab g.,od tetet-

Apply io l^A Eaat 'Jath bI.

HtKER Hy a good acr.nd band «nla.ll oi a<l


maa of-ituailou: g'*od ratoreaoaa.

Al'O. BILLERT. 181 Wea __Jli

HUTT.EU »r VAI.VT. My . rompetenlyoung co'ored man; underaUinda m.n

ti>"!atlnji: wllllna and ohllirli.B; la-at rltyrSr.Knc1. cVW «f aJd.oaH WAalllNUTONIIROWN, VM We.t 11

BoT 16, wanta"to i<ani a trede or aet luwhol.Ml. houao. F. 8TRAC1I,

:i MaiiKln af.

r» uOBKl'El'EK B»- a lollabl* youngin*.. a «rad'i«t*i of Eaatnian'* Bualn.-aal.g.7 Addrea. W, I>.. New-Roch.U.>,

W.atohaatar Co., N_!i a *f. i" 4


Li K. to «

_A or and ui

«:.h verr am» f.SO,"..TrlbuneBl OKKI l.'-l II ..! »AL

:i\. inan, oofBueteai nookkre;-.uperl.'.iced aar-anmn. doalr.1* to cha ,

peaka l.n-lhh and H.-rman. v

uivbb P. O. Box 8.-48._Hl, A8IIIKR. COLI.fcC-

T.iK, _e.-Hy a marrled man, age 80:inanagea three languegea: flrat-cla-a r_f-

iii l aecurlty. Addrea. II. *..!.,» 10, Trlbune Ofllc*._BUOKKEKPER or CLERK.-By a te.

Uabla young mau of 28; i-orraa^ou'lal.ngltah ar.d BonaiBi not afraid of B-Bk.|; (.4 1/ MI Hr..aa»ay. nrooki_y___m ii.i ~M ll.MAlIi.-By yoanaI» eeapto iu a prt*ra»a famlly; wlfj a.

.ta buller. A'WreanII. \V., i'.'i *A'. .i gmh-at._Bt'Xl.l-.K.-liy one wltb 6 yaara- rafer-

ti.mi laa. plac*: or wUl go a.flfl-chi-* ae-on.ln*n wllllnj? aad »l«_fl.igT Addrea. Ilt Tl.ftl. 2lf Weat 40th-Bt, Kil'iaaon'a box._,| i BBETAKBBB By an AnK-iran ooupleV- or alnifly; any D*r»y lea\l..< he. e.tyfox the wlnb-r or loiigar _anhav.t1.elr bOUM.nd property l-'»,,'%" .. »w.. ',,aaaaa Kiven. bL crawi-oibi. 1*8 «[h-

c ii.iK Hy a illiiiier. ord'-r an.l *-*_-] BOOfetn raataurant, boaniing-houao, hotwi or

totlaai*- eltv or eountry. n., */.,,.,. ,r LOUIS WEBKlt, 178 Cook-. t !(r.A'kl/r.

111..K --'tv a reapeetahle lo. 1 man;i under- . da a" br.'-h- bol*!. te*-Uiu' boaMIng h. rrenoe.

W] l.l - 888

CAlU'r-'XF'.tt amt hbl -k. altora.tloni *c. by day'a « .4 o* cputract.

(Hu...W] l.l Mh, 888

A^^Ei-ir^'VH'mV'^. |n .Infii.ltklng. If. M- OSTIIA-0 st N '-I. '-av-_

Ci ri-.K. Hv trwtworthy. hone.t .nd man of 28. good pennuin and bual.

¦s. I, "rtenr.. as offl. e -1".", aaala.antTk ;.. .aahler or eo'uoe;. i baa

i. ._'. . iniuad o-alOon, >.: aive ..nex-

eepUonabie ntmxamt- AliDERSON. Trlb-.-._

rfip-r- nr a voun« mau, <a* 28, ajBBI.B eKb 1. el.,lhlng boaVu. SAM_

C, u ;:. young man; ._ uipping,., iHilter f oll houa.. Ad-reaa

.1. f. H Triiiun. Offiee._________Ca atealy young man, 21;

la ehanie of p.o...oti..n., Kmoryat., Jera.y Clty Balfbta,_a youna man, In a wb_laaale

C. i,*, c» li>. 12'''ftA.¦.. \, \N. Ilv a gii'-d famlly eoaoh-

- m_i -. at "f hv ref'-re..c._-:_marrled.Addrea.'William. ih Ea.t>iirlty a marrl' d man

iv no tomllr; wlfe aa lnar __w_are of chlllr.-n; both "¦J"'''',';|!l__

.. ,.' .,, ii every n -i« et and ** <>' ',<,

ih i aad obflginH"BT I1"X 56, Trlbune l. ptownRroadway

i-man wanta pla"',, who i- aa-at-ctoaa

cliy drlvi .,...*,,?oai cioan and atyllah aud l"»_" '_.'".__1..,; r. iial.l., reaia-.-tfo.. t.-niperat. and

..i.liglng; alngto; will go en l"""--,^*0-,;rfraaa II!. X" Oox 27. Trlbuua UptownOffloa, 7*W Broadway.

SitBiuiona tPaMcb-fttalea.COACIIMAN snd GBOOM.-By an ex-

perieuced man understand* his bual¬neaa thoroughly; good clty rakorencea.Call ir adalreaa J. ff. o., Harrla aF NUon,11 W«*t 2:ih at., haineaa atore._f>OACflMAN -By a man with best elty' retej-ence; prcaunt employor eaii b*sa eiirs In laa. place' wllllng and

oL Ireaa T. D., B' 20. Trihuue__.

.C*. 1.288 Broadway.

Cw.\ ;n»;\N a_d't_ROOM -By~"a~*ingleman; axpetlenoe ln care df flne

horse*. haraeaa, csrrltge*: strictly temper-¦te; careful, stylUb clty drlver; 9 year**clty referance frora one famlly; highlyrccommended from laat empliyer; clty oreountry. Call or adlrea* T. B., 6 E**l2»th»t.. prlvato »toble._pOAO_t_A~ Lady gdvlni ga norsai^ wlshe* a sltuailon for her, nlmni sho c*n highly reeoBk-^__11- EKICSON, North Tarrytown.f OACHMAN..By a flrat-cla** coachman ;,V« . Te*M ,rom last plac*. A. BERRY,219 East 88tb-at._C'OACHMAN aud USEFUL-MAlf.-By-*' vi.ung man who thoroughly anJersiand*th* eara ot horaes: can mllk; will be foundaober, honest, wllllng and ibllglng; besticferences. Addr*** D. .'!., Box 851,1.209 Broadway._COACHMAN and GRO'M By a m-

¦pectobie, truaiwiirth' EncllHh anj al _¦»fle, medium tiz*; thorou rhly undemaiidstbi eara of horsea, carrlage* Ao.; gooddiivcr and groom; wllllng and 'bllglng; *ltyl>- eountry; leavlng on aceonnt of familyglv'.ng up thrtlr horses; 4 1-2 years' g,*od

Addreaa G. W., W**tcbe*t*rllnusc, 4th ave. and 81at-st

COai'mmAB et Groom -^Py a axagfi¦ man: lhorougM> ur.derstand*horaes and carrlwes; wllltnif. hnnest andsober; 0 years' refcrenco; niv or eountry.M. TT.. 155 West 44th st._ _*C"1 OAOHlfAJt.-Klghly j»commen'l "if' man; leavlng ruo on closlng cunirf/place; artngtc.; sober, Indusirious; can caruof _or**3j n-u»fa;| all-round m.i>: clty or..o.inirM. GEORGE II. APAM8. BB W__k_C'OAafHMAN..By a marrled man; age3V: no family thoroughly underatand*his hi/siness In evcry raMpect; can .omewell .''commended; will be found wllllngand avbllglng and not afrald of work. Callor audreaaa _'. E., 921 tithave., harncs*store._COAC HMAN.-By a marrled man wllllng

and oliliglng not afrald of work tem-perate hablts; clty or eountry; wel! I.nn-iii'tt.ded. Addre** TIIOMAJS, 809 Ea*t

C HMAN.-By a Frenchman; slngle;long experlence; good .-for-'nees; clty

or eountry. A. MAKCHAND, 110 East41st-st_7_COACHMAN.-By a young man. Swede;

thoroughly una'-rstands tho care of fln*Horsea, car 111 geh, harness ; wllllng. lion.'sr,kober; first-cUss reeommendatlon from lastmptoyer, E. H., Box 2'». Trlbune Offlce.

hTTanT-A gentleman can hlgulya-7 reconinieiid his l«to cc:ichm*n, whoh*« )uM retunted from E-rope, to any ladyor goiitlem*n In want of a llrst-olaaa man.

_!____. West 44th-st._COACHMAN..By ii atrlctly hdnest,

temp. rate and thorough, good. rellable,stylish clt* drlvcr; understands the propercare and handling of fln* horaes. earrlaeea,ic. ; can glvc good racommondail..iii* forM.briety and ahllliy. Addioas M. D.,*Box147, Txtbane Upiown otsu-e. i__8 B'way.C" OACIIMAN and GWIOmT--ty~on>- Bltb

flrst-claa* i_tanenes! eountry rtraferred;very handy; last employer can be *een.Addreks H. W., 37 EaA 19thst,, Brldge-1; aa'a "'"te,_

OA< HMAN and GROOM.-By a'aober,h<.in-at and obll-lng man; care of fur-

nac<:; llrst-dsas reteronce; laat employerenn bo seen wages moderate. Addrvss R.Baa 88, Triliuna) L'ptown Offlc:, 1, _:t-sHroadway._COACHMAN..By a young colored man;

(lrlv for doctor. Addresa D. L. C,118 Wost 25th-st_

OAUHMAN.-By a young gwedv. 22.who can be highly recomiuasnded bv last

aml formar amnloyera Call orAltl.S'lN, 174 Woa)»U>r-»t-_

t"-' OACHMAN.-By a young German thor-/ i.ughly underktands tha eara ot iiorsea,

harnajaa, carrlages; 15 years* lirst-clasa oityAddres* II, C. Tribuue Offlce,

C~* OACUMAN.By a thorough. competent' and sober EnglNhman ; a p*r*on*l refor-

ii! hl* present employer. ApplyloS West 30th-*U


c OAOHMAlf..By an Amerlcan; slngto;^ thoroughly competent; eountry pifirsUilaaa raifera-nce. Adlrena) W. II.. Box51, Uptown Offlce, __8B Brold*vuy.

( ".Ai IIMAN.-A gentleman wlahe* aJ sltuatlon for hi* coachman, whom ho

will highly rvcuoimend u> any onn reanlrtoghis acrvli-es; 1* a sober, honest and onligtngman. Addre** F. B. N., 29 Ea*t 40th st._C-«UACltMAN aud USEaVUL-MAN.-By fl

¦ slngla> Swede; Arst-ola** raference*from li*t and fa.nne. cmulnyor*; city orlountry. Addresa JOllSsoN, 210 East_

COACHB A N, GARDEBBB, and USE-Ki'l.-M A.V.-By a alugle man of 30;

careful drlver; can mllk; tend funiace;ki.owa New-York and Brooklyn; strictlyta-n.pairato wsgea modeeat*. If a good hon;.-;city or eountry; good refcrenoi. AddrcssR. H.. 41 flth-ave._t'OACHMAN..Bv * reapectabl* colora.d

' ma&i; thoroughly under»tand* caro ofhorae* rjid clty drlvlng; can glv* 3 to 5ye^r** clty r« ference; *'.rtctly *ober; notkfi-ald of work rnarrted; nai eblldren. Ad-di«Ba CO AC1|M VN, Box 24, Trlbane Up-town Offle*. l.?w» Broadway._

OACIIMAri^-COOK.-By a man and"wlfe; man, eare hi.rsas, harnca*. .**.

rlagea; c»o atiend flres; wfll be found wlll¬lng and oblging; wlfe, fln.t-<-la»* bweC.lshcook; bost referanoe*; c*n be hlshly recom-

trom iast employer; clty or cuntry.Addr*** COACHMAN. Hox 103. Trii.uuo

Hroadway._Ci n and GROOM.-By a -lngle

young man; flrat eliuas city drive-; Alrcfeteoce; willing. Al'rcaa J"869 3d-**e._t,iMAN.-By *n experton< man;

acquaiiu.'it * I ii'Hy.I1C. 1 atore.

COACHMAN and GRl OM.-A ^-u'leman,nc ..f hla h .*», WIB I

reeommend tiis F.ntllsh .-oachman aga 3o;obliglng snd u-.ful: no oo't'etlon 1Addra>ss "ENGLI8H/1 P x 30, Trihuua Up-'..**n Ofltoe, _28_ Broadway._*** OACHMAN and GROOM.-By n y*unga- 1111111 tln.nmplilv ui.Jeratatids Mi bUbl-es* lu all II* bra'ii'he- ind ur.

plata aarienlag; wllllng and pbHgiuj; goodcliy aud eountry rvference. Call or aduxajsaiJ. 9., 804 West 85th-»t, °d floor._aiLLEOTOB.-Bl a m*u aa eollcetor ln

ry.goods or bmik stor* or **la)HB*n InNmk ttort); can glv* the bost of referenca).

18 Weet lattoaa.

Ul'.li, t M.UK.-llj 1 iu. :i*e<t aimg elertLII HF.NRY. 821 Tth-ave._

Df v ER, Hy a young man; wllllng todo any other klnd of work. 003 West

61th kt

I) vN.-By a brlght colored man forlaiaa houae; 4 teet 11 liiehes

tddjeas n r., Trlbune

l)R':.aajkBj*.. ir,

Nar^ 3*jaid fact <bOt,_

II 1 partmontJ editor; 20 year*' cxperleuee on proml-

nent nn ironotliao j urual*. term* m.Kl.'r»w.h lU'UBLLL. Box 1.461, Na-w-IIaven,Conn.

|,>ARMER, *c-By a marrled AmerlcanI man aa manager of a farm or gentio-man'a pl»»-«; thoroughly ttaatoratsad* hlabualooss; can glve tho baat ol relerence*.Adlr.-aa p, O. HjX 505, New-Ro-h. lle, Bfaal

N. Y._

Ul?BBS TO KAU'l/>YF.KS.',-All elisae*1 of reliahta malo huly caiefully aulecUid

and aent upon rvcoloi .,t orl-i-a; clty oreountry. MEltrvNTIEE AGENI Y, 3m',Waahtngtoii-M., llrooklyn. Eatabllshed 1S79.

tsoREMAN. JS" foraman laall aorts of'bread and caka**, alao 2d

ind M handj clty or coantry. A. UlLliEHRANDT, 71 Luatlow-at,


IU \ miv.nt -By . with t«'i larnacss u attoud,

would ike anoihor. BAMOOLFH. 133 Weet._

C3 ROOM.-By young man. in palvate fam-I Ity will bo foun.,1 « illln .' abd obllglfK ;

bMfatoM account of ftmily «- lllug oui; lirrt-i-laas roferenoe*; clty or wwitry. A8ar*aa

11 oui. .¦.¦'to B'>.ay., .1 orfick vvukK.-youliiU ,,,., uf 19, »nh 4 ii'aT- ...|>.Tlence lnaugar broker's offl.o. desiias p..- ti.m withaorue roercantBa hl,u*_,;.v.'lr*v-,'l»1"' """'fii.-c. G. A., Hox 17, Trlbune ofllce.

/ * Altlil- M'I'.-Ht a aild.lle-aged KagU*n-(jt ,«_..; Ilrst-elaas; tho.aiugSIy pravtical.Iiard #orking. atrfetlr 'emperaw and n. ia-

Ue; «r»t-ci_s* refcrenvo. A. MART1N,Box 8H '. *:_Ci Al !>NEI*. kiI uaed Gsarman; l'ute.^taeo* green-

houaee, landacaplng. ve^atabl.**, ta>ol»; canmllk A.idea. I'Jil.S 'K. '..4 sianton-*;.

C* viui..\;.H By an Engllkhman, mar-¦ 00 famlly; 17 yeara ln th* cojn>

1,1 thoroughly underatand. nl« buaineiaa lllill lls Oiai.'he*: can furnlah beal al refer-biiCi"* w tht.1 etfoct from lato employer. ao-alreaa A B. C. care T. J. Graj, J. Breck *

taaa? UeSi 6i and 62 North Market-st.._

/¦> \ 11 ln'.N !'.!'..-By a marrled <>er_ian; 1\1 li- l long and sucea-safniBBlMBI aorli *ni u.-n-ral > i.-dfiilnji e ire

nl .*eiy;ha..gwith a g.iuli'inaii'a place; 9 yoars

loyer * ali or

addreaa H. E. P., at aeei sicrf, 18__Jhii-__|.,,l,l.. NlCKEtTFLlriR,II BRONZEB A\f»0_llUZEIl By nan

ijerlencaa; beal of , '. \ ;' ¦;. ;ak s-IIle, Coun._

J!ly * mari who unde'sUnd* all.l.-.-ti-li-al. uarj^enie''-

ing Iii general,~-..Ml tli.-

..., ,1 ... l"|.-i k _nr c.-iii fiiriilah nn-ir adan.'*»

;. m 11 \.N IIAI.E.'*. I l.ilancey-ai,_¦ *. n, 1. ¦:: or w sTCUM \N- "y » practl-

.1 c*l hi.''-e iiii'.ii'i', inldlle age; houo-..-_

M\N ANU WIFB. havtng no eblldrea,wlsh sltu itlon of any klnd no oblea.

ti..u to 1. ivliig the clty. Addr«M* A. K.,Box 10. Tribuue Offlc*.

8iloa*_*me CDwurt.__UO«a.J' J_ C '¦.»'.. posT-u R^or'fiTBTTirBF-d--^

By u ta'j. 17. with 8 yearw expertoao*.MULVANY. 1-73 8d-BW._MhiiiANlC-Br a ikiifuj aieebaale-

ateady emplo; n»n» m, aomespeeialty _h- woo <r 1 me mau

ufaeture l>, A. B . - 10, B\ _J,__"_____

MACH1N ST an sORXER.wauu employi,, -re ayatam iu

lngenuitr will b. .ppn- ~t*d; uuderetandacouat.ueuon; ca» tlo aii repaira. 4c., cityor eountry; bert reference.. Addrea*WOOD-WORKI'B, 1.028 84-av... Trlbua*Uraiieh Offlce.


\| ILLEB aud SXONEDRE_8Eli.-'ly.11 ui,,. for clty or eouuiry. Addrea.MlLLEIt, Box 18, Trlbune UB.i,

IGANIST.-By an expertono-d ebarcaorgantBt an engagemont lt. chureh lo.

thla clty or vlclnlty good ref.reuce tenuereMunatto. Addr.;_» LUIUEK, BOi. 81.Trlbuue Offlo.'. _;¦

OFTICE BOT.-By ¦ boy. ago 18,' t-MkhIng wlth hla parcuto; inauranrt jr

law-rara offlce pref&tred; reference glveauW. UECKER, 238 n.rl-.t., Brooklyn.

OFF1CE or MP.KCANTILE HOUBE-B-fyoung An il.-j.i ; I.jh . ailght kuow.-

edge of ixo^k-enlnc; good referooce. Ad-.dreaa C. M., P 0. Box 79. EiiglewucaLB.J.P'riNTXR.By experlenced and .trtotlp, Job ctlinder nreaaman; wageauio 1-nii. Adrtr ¦.» B> _./' 201 To-UU-liUhav;., B.ooklyu.

13"iflNTEB>-By a lob co._po.lCor or loBreadtr: general haad. Addrea. JOB-

UER, 291 Broadway, Brooklyn-_PORTETL-By a ateady, eutor man: or

aork of any kind ean furulah beat ref¬erence. oEO. KNEWITZ, CbrWtton AlJ» Kmol*rn.ei t Socletr, a7 lilbl. Houae.


Rr.'.l. EBTATK By reliabla young manwlth aot...' aparo inne would llke to de-

vote lt to looklng after romo property,auch aa colleetlng renia, *c; reference.A' 1. Addreaa OUARANTEE, Tribua*Offlce. _!SEORETART, aaaiatant, corre»--ie' ont. o»

..ther reancnaihle noalLon _. -red by..1n ated. rapa',1.' man; age 30; beal refer-n.ea. BHCRET VU". B ..\ 40, Trlbui»_3fllC*

-<AI.Fs.MAN.- By om- who hia had ye.rlfi"? of exporleno aa aaiea-uan ln the wnole-aalfl aiatlonery, book and fancy gooda ItneJand for som pist hai beeu In thaaehool furniture l.ualnesa, dealrea a rcaltlon*.Ither travellinz or ln the houae; eat olrefareaeaa Addreaa P. w. kari.1; Boa

F.U-.4-II Housc. Cl-eago._< ALKSMAN.-By a mau aa out_ide aa<#*4? man lu a paper houao; haa be-:n to thabustnesa for tbe laat 4 yoare. Addreaa Trlbune Offlee._SALESM AN.-By on. who will trevel~ any where that Engllah la epoken; cx-

p< rtonee in druga. Aadiea. DRL'GS, Trlo-une OfBce._ t

SVLIJSMAN..Wanted. a llne of eutlcry t*aell on eoinmlaalon Boulh or

A ""a ft W-. Box 220, Woat Hobok.n. N. J

S.U'.I...M AN.-By an Engllahman, 20,BM Uuiduti, atn.-th aober; well :o

hcraea. Addreaa JUUN GILL, F24 C.utraUa> »., Jcrary Clty Ucighto._S~ ALli.jMAN.-By a young man of good

." ln wholoMle boot or BHoOtiidc; would work at any good bualneaa.ClIABLES 8. OEWEY, 4 We.t 6th-»t.p ajnlleld, N. J.______8""TABIJiilAN or OROOM.-By atrona

a. uvo young man, 28, not afrald of«irk; good rvferencea. T. PEACE, 314

toth-at._.w: ....'<.N'DMAN.-By a young man, whoi_* will be dlaengaged ln a few daya; be-*clty rcferencea. J. M.. Trlbun. UptownOffleOj 1,2;;. Broadwiy^_^ ALEHMAN..By au exportoncad man la.o wholeasle llqitor houan; underaund.handling <f wlnes and llquora; rectlfy.nfar.d blenitlng of whlakey.; will (to war»hew.COMPETENT, Xrlbu.oa:_STEWABD ai.d UOUSEKEEPER.-Ry 9

m.rrie.1 couple; hotel. eountry elub ort ii'liinan'. prlv.M rtaldenee beat of ref.'i*<

-. ferr* L W. W. L., Trlb¬une t ' l,2'«_Breadway;_<THK m:UVI' l-:s of a man. aucccaafut

mfr.antjle experienee and reference,cau be aocurod by addrcaaing P. O. Box2-'!, Newarii. N. J.

aTlor..By a cuBtom cutter and practi-cal Ullor; ll jaara' experienee; 8 y.-ara

a cutur a:id funniaii ol Iwkali.ip; 2 yearawlth a f!ret-rla«4 flrm. Addreaa 3 1-2 Broad¬way, Troy, N. Y._¦1iAILO_f-Uy a young min ia tallor a_l

cuatom cutter; ean act a. aaleama.i;clty or eountry. Addreaa cnARLEB B0D1N,41 Vand.-rbllt-avo.. Brooklyn._I'.->!.: tL MAN.-Hy a alngle man; goodyj mllker understanla care of horres, cit-tle, 4c.; ean drivu; (tood referenc sjcounuynreferred. Call or aldre.. T. W 227 Eaaai.t>h¦». baarm.'iif,._USEFUL^MAN.-By a young Bweda: noB

afrald of hard work. Call 218 E*al2!Uh-at., Brat, tloor_U" BEPUI^MAN or COACHM/.N.-By *

m.rrled n..n; one chlld: good mllk.r;K.ncrally uacful ahout B."ntl«m*n,» p!a<e;Jnat of "rcferencea from flrat-ela*. famllloa;knowa ihe clty areU nn ob'.cctlon to coun«try; BB* B8. A.i-lre_a 42 NVeat lOth-at

USEFUIeMAN.-By*"a young celoreliran; work of any kind. Addrea. "COL.

nREU SlAN," Trlbune Uptown Offlco,I.-J..M Hrondway._tUSE/ULrMAN.-By . young Irlaamao,

lately Unded; good writer and wllllugto work 868 I-'jat 74that., lat floor. back-

U 8FFUUMAN.By a e-oung man (20VHtuatlon at anylh'.n. honeat and re-

l.abl. and we'.i recoramended. Addrea*

WORT1JY, Bnx 8. Trlbune Ottjce._U' BEFCIjaVIAN-COOK and LAUN-

l'KKSS-By mar, and wlfe; mao. go<*ddrlvrr. walter, wlfe, flrat claaa cook a-idiBJi'.dreaa; beat refer'-ncea. Addreaa JOII.fMel «,PKI-'.ltY, 238 Eaat 2Sth-at_I * M'.r IL MAN -By a youug maii to waltt and t.-nd. mak» hrea. aaalal ln klbiheuworri, erranda, aJid Ix. g..-iier_Jy uaefui, liwdoora or outaide ; clty or eountry; for loHaagei; not partlcular. R. ady *i 138 6unav! l doora abovu lOth-at.

(T 8rJTT;L-MAil.--By a good, hoceat tnaaj w >uld llke to get u fur.iaee to a"te*id

or an/ kltal »f "ork. Addreaa FLRNAtE.108 i eat^ Wth at._\ \ l A nt.AVP.-.LINO SERVABX.I .By a young man; bea^ of clty rcfer¬encea and from preaent cn.i.loyer. AdJr..-*J. B , Trlbune U jwn OfflC4l. L288 B way.

\'~ ALET.-By~a~ man (80). apeakingSpaulah and EnRllah. aud bevfng the

heat ef elty reference. a. well a. theae olhla preaeni poaltion; under-taiida lUa b.iat.neaa Addresa A. 8., Trlbune BranellOffl.-e. 153 4thave.

\i ;. md NURBE. Ily aa exp-rloncedr^jn; or auy llght employmcnt; good

.enm-in and P. G. B.,Ohrtattoa Ald to Employment bjclety, 47111 l.l,. Houae.

WATillMAN, Ac -By a mlddle-aged maaaa watchau-i, porter or colk";tor; tx-al

of reforenoe a'.l< temperatv.*. C. C, BogII '. 11 liuno 0_fll_e,WATCHTBAN.-By . rel lable map; day oa

night. reference- Call all weak, h.URRiN. 32 taaaa

w ATCHM AN.-Byaud Induatrtouan-f bea' r*f(


I .s I'b.KL'le-lAN or VALCT -

> v ung r-iKlgner apiakiOK Eugllai*ncb; good refereucea; doea not gel

«. ,«i. k (all or addreaa A. L.,18 W. l-d-at.

WINUOW DRE88ER and flckEEwitiTER.-By Uerman; 2 year. in

thla eountry; ln dry and fancv .oovla' etore ;a.1 from laat emp. _t. O. C.«Trlbune Offlee. ___^

w INDOW DRF.-jfc.EB, wttB BBBBfjeexx*i^nf-.i lu larg. heaaea. dealrea

i,..».'.:..ii wlth a flrat-claaa houae; cau liandlaany llne of aooda. Addrew, for ou. weak,

i>. 126-b.ajt._W... _c -Hr an experlenc-^ young

waiter; flrat-cla^B oyatnr opeoer or

manager; underatanda runnlng a aalo.m o.notal. 271 Bd-lve._%WAITKlt or I.t'TI.ER.-By . young coL

...i.i. lo famlly; clty refaren.-e.Adlr.-a» CUAlU.Eb K. XAYEOR, 801 Wee*CUth-Bt.

w 41TER-.By a c.lorod man. flrat claaa,. for prlvkUJ famlly; beat elty referaneei

a« deal walter brlght. Addrea.K i>.. Trll.un :..*-! '.ftl.-.'. 1.238 U'**ay._W\ K and i:sEKUL-MAN".-Ii)prlvat*

fanuly ..¦> objeetion to eountry. FREU,JI..X 14, Trlbun. ftfflce._WATC.M \.N. Hy o wiiabto mau a.

nlxlu »at.-"*niai.; ean furDNt beat of ref.orence. Ad1r.;aa FRED. NOELKE, 78P1 mat., Room 7.

_ ,

WAITER..By »Ciored man ln prlv.t*fA.i.flY; th.roughly umler.tand. hl.

hualn.'B.; good ruference* Addrea. WAIT*.ii; hi w «t jOttvat-_VVAXT*_B..By l younir colored man: la'¦ a flrat-cla.. boarding-houae or famlly;i-u- referenc-a; would llke a good home.Call for 8 daya P TURNEB, 127 Weat.jmh-at^_*WXffK'l- -ay a young Engllahm.n Ib''

prtvate ..mily referanee. AddreaaB^M2 Kaat 47iJ_.t:_Yi.L'NO marrled eoupl. want care ol

houae or ...her work; no chlldren;l-.oteatanu. NEWILL. 215 E. SBU-at., 2dlUght, Ko<>m_12.____Y_Ot'NG men, thoiouphly araualnted wtlk

tha wholMale grocrj* trade, wlahaa »poaltion: ean furulah flralrciaaa referencea|i T.n.iine Offlc*____Yi.i m; MAN of abtllty. not afrald

of liard work, wan.a altuatlon of anyMnl. Addreaa 0 %... Youug Ben'a lioaia,3.. Bewery.


YOUBC, lii.elll-ent Cermau, ln poaaee-aion of -aaeral protltable Invontliiaa,

v ... ii t^ a pnaliiun aa meciianletoo for \eperfeetlng ln tbe eleetrle braoch. Addi^BlS. A '. 1:11, 28 E'mt Itk-BU

YOt NO HKX wlth *350 ca«b cau b.v.|a-rro«n.-nt po>ltion. publWber'. ol-

flc. ae aalary of 810 per weak. Apply 19Park Pliee, Riwm 38, to-day.

YOUNG inan. 20, dealrea altuatlon; moatanythlng; haa knowledge of ahorthartd;

op>!ratea tyra-writer; lapld |>enman; acttvaan.l wtlllii. .-an fnrnlah u.'QU.'atlonable i«f.. r.-nee aa to ehumrter, k<- aeeiirlty If de>alhd; eompvnaitloa a ai jndary couaJdr-n-tl'...; would 'lke to tn .el or go South.Addreaa BROOKLYN. Box 10, Tribua*Offlce.

00 .A competent young man. apaakIng mom laayuagoa. wlth aom*

mmarela! experienee, will pay Bhovfl tor.teadi politlcal <*r commeiclal elerkablp."CAPABLE," Trlbune Offlsa,