new-york, saturday, 18% washington....

V0I<* XXV....I\°- 7.H00. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 18% PRICE FOUR CENTS. T HE CREAT STRF.NfîTTIKNINO TONIC. (Net » »M.i-i»y pu imi...i IIOOIIAM S r.r.riMAV BITTE-SB HAS **_B**0_M-D MOKI < ugMB, ggOMt DITTER Í-ATISFAÍTION lIASiMOKETl.s'IIMONY, ».dim aaaa aapaeahk paapk io~aae_farla,thaBi_tj tut.ti illicit iii t)i< ruik.t Mi it »io i m ic »< Btadtal '.tu« »««.nu n, ai i WILL TAY gijmt Hag wbc w.n pm. .i, gjp a.sdb**aa*_IS* lit« I l-l. u,ne. lil*: Al E Ml IE I*., that lins BITTE-Sft KOTAUOHULIC, OOtr/AIM NO K1 M nil WHISKY, kSg) CANNOT HAKE Dill NKAlU's-, OMtgU OOtm HIT TOM« IN THE WH1II.P. EU \1> WHO sa. s so. Kerii. ib* tie. Lavia li- k, Fastst efthe BaptistChareh, i ii rioel v -'u- North Bsptl ri b, |-i....ui,! I Pattor of tbe BsptiitCI Ta I sore kaowa Hoofland'i Osrmss Bitten favorably f. r t nuin! rr ut*. I bsvs aisd tbt-m b tay own tee » l,iy, asease ab wee Induced I sssaassaead them la away others, and knew thal the] ? «iH-iaitil in ,i »i:....t ..y bri.ei.iil manner. 1 tu»« |r»El ptfEseli «Ital.tlOl ef I! i-i '.IK, I' ii wil'i tin- iii». rblal -, -i . « : » wini from »i T.tfly a.- 1 to I. la ! t lln-bfll., t'J, a-di, Lit U 1 .11, Yilila,',! ... LEVI O. HL« K. Pi :; . K.r V. ¡) :. I| | ed .-' I of! -¦.. "i IT'.- ill 1 I.KN 11 min I ve reeenthf bun Isbortna i min ti» «J.«I --i >' i It' i c1 '.a ' .-. -.«;¦ ii. tiieompainleil ! j- a X", triu'.n ss tka :.-.-.« ty reos rsSBediei »'!- ..t ti m ir.lrd lit t Ti "t Hoeflsad'i i by 11 r». . who 1 . -. ff ti .-.e !' try them. a ¦. min to Pstsal .*»!. ». In » ':¦ m t i . «¦sich " Bitters" me.s te bs Is r is ci ramai ty in a sly WET. auii lbs ». ST, »' mu.y a r, i.iy : t I li it witk I'M;» 1!. t. »ot ruiij- , the i ! rvons system, wes im ¡. 11 an,!.'.' » a j. i -.. i i .my.- derivad I- .' |-*rti>aiifi.l leirlit Iroin tit a»« Si u *SW lili »a. Y,-:y Oi I). ¡»EIUE1UKD Me. HA SkssksmsaoB-st Pkom 1.1 si Editor ofTbs ColtortsI No 2-' Bsrtk Hatk it fill' EIi-.Ljy.IIA. I Sun.. , Igkfe snmonthsib h rTipr¡ -ia. i»a« io .lu it: ¦ it toae-iiiiii tr»«» .lull«-«» i...t biui U t ou s io debilitated Bl to be Bl.i»t untitl J tor ... tiv« bnsli,»B» "i say .:: .1 Ai rr try « I « ..ra -.- of -ou. le.I » of wiilc-h preved wusi.see, »» » ¦. »i it tbs insfsstion si » n.r.ii a si fi.»iul. la ,,» .. iii Kilt, ri a ni.. lliE.'y pure.»»ed lix bull ». « I wera I «en ia s uniaii-i .wil n y. ..! titi The te- '. :>¦!.". i loft a *lrr . «tin»; cr titina-o«, «. - «'--I T,-«ti,riatir,ii of ,ir». ,au. »u U «»» ' ..¦>»* tr* .¦.' -.«¦¦.»«? a««»«. or rews «.ta. impunity, »ud sa i «bl« to »li« tid lo ti! ti« ilit.e. of a k»rir ami »t.l on, la tien» m well na »ey metioi ot xa} tbegoeietocU oi «be tittt-l* «Atie n «li''-ted lllfsis I kai tuaer. the Iii»! hot He. I have eIbo stTrcd ¡l <r, ti.«/ family with trio napple»! I . and lake great el.mun. In adltil .. my IsbHsbs ,y lu BiEE y others wiii) I.-**» lern tmetnrd by th :u. I find ,!. 'El be»* bt tri iii ikl iae ¡i ot'.le lo ti:- SpnSBJ md Kail. 'I key mat) m » ernte » tieoio ¡» »ni» it« I I fitoea healthy leos to theil tito ii. b;»!i«!..t iininit. dite.uve power«. [f I iib'.trt-'i atony will I»» the means of lndociafl tay »I, .fl.r (mu, dyspsssis to ir>v>- »otu bitters s trial (wbas ii/tf, a-1 couti»!«.*., Brill .rivi tka .- at your service. y, -, ti..:» A .M M'.lNHI.Ut. Pinn Ri» B MsriigS, ft*Uz if U.e Pt»r»y mk Bsiitirl « Irian 'lie mau) rssssclst « reoooin . dstii n- riven to Dr. I's<>.riiiss billen I wa» Indu ..¦! to five tbsm « tri»! 'Y .tri u.a.?.-a va ral ItOttle« I fou ii BBS ! be a -1 Ituallt fl.1 lla-blJtC "I'd B U.i.*al Heal.'I.t tOtli I th Elva.Mli. D. MEKKIOK .*r»o. tiri Prv YVt, imlinltb, .'. x-mly Pi/tr.r ni t>» Vi« .«itsw.i ami tUPtW <N J) Beat.t Charchas 1' pMa Hat hat a«'«I Iii my _milv a ícimi <-r of lou.« of vonr Ile« fli e»Jt« a nrwi Bilton I'bav«-lu Ity thal I * surd tim, ». ii, r i oallen: meiiirme, perij y *d»¡ ted to reaers tlie <!.. «sir. i t»«-y me sbsssbsb.. 'neil for. Tln-y strenftben and ii.vis «.rtl« ti » ty atau, winn ais.i itited and a.» lol in Ahotdi i a ths »«J-. lost of »Slrt-til". le. I liS'.e t-u ,,i iiia-nii-tl «hut, to ws.-rtl tf my BiaadBi who h»7r (ried linn and .oui.d !| l-i. L tut. al in tile re«'cr «ti uti ul liealtu. Jïiun, ui> VVIIjI.'AM SMITH, No. ItU 11 u».i.i;.. nit eitin. the Rev. ''"IirauM *»Vmi»i, V. D F»Jla» of Basbor oath Hat'li.t I »«ni DsahHib: I xnl it imto toot eiei-.'.rnt yxtyvili'i,. IViiiI laiaaj i l.rrnitii l,a*j**!t «'..ii n » te««iiii"iiy lo li.- IsssSTed seputation it bat »bta.*d I hut« .'. r »..-»;.! Hasa .I tooublsd with ia-,« AlaoiJrr ir. my tiru! and BEBT« . 1 WEI sdvited Ey u tri«ud to try » bottle of yu u I», nu ni li I ten. 1 did io tnd hsve ei|.««i.ei. ?<! liri at and BS.OSStsd /sliri, luy health liait ht»«» »atry s aterí» y l.r»,4t.d | ei nil ¿t iiliy lerem m»i.d ti e lili.1« vvtit-re neet »r.b BSSSS «iuu lu lo Bay own, »nd liât* ttatr. taisi Wal hy nany of Ihat" I J'~ sBeiU II..t*. I...... .. t»..., T. VM.MKH Kui. '.rv'^f.'', l'a. B-WAKK ov^nonitrihi 8-x»«titthe «».i-Bt'is ti "C.'«j,-L J-UKSO*»'1 is on tU- BmH+i ol «uti boule. TK1CE. ' -»OLE BOTTLE, Oh OR A 1UU.F liOZ F.N Fun gb. ÜMaóild your cette* diwtll't net biT»*» .»rtii le. do not lie Bat off by irsy of Ibe intoxicating ..rept-vatioi.- that may Im Attditi iii otmct, but uin4 to ui uni t»'S * ».1 forward, .e- aarily latxJied by eiptit« fBl*faCir*a_ OFPJCE AJII> MANUFA« 1C*ÄT, K». till AAC114IT.. PHILADE1.PHIA, PA. * i JO*!-**» k EVANS, (8s«X«a»0li to C. M- J»£.*emk Co ,) pLoprieton. Isissaiby DrorirUU »:d Dialers in «vei.T town In tbe ¡Um «asa H. T. IILLMBO-.DH tiBVQ ABD CHEMICAL WABEIIOI'SE, Ko. fi-04 BKOADWAT, ?VBOLEBALE AND RETAIL DEPOT, BEWVOBK. FROM WASHINGTON. OO SPECIAL DISPATCHES. . -m- CONGRESS. -.?.- A Proposition from «Mr. Line of Kanni.-«'. Tbo Civil Rights Bill Passes (he Senate Over (he President's Veto.33 to Ilk -.+.- BROOKS VS. DODGE. Mr, Brooks U_seate_-84 to 45, andflïr.Dodgo Admit bed-7 2 to 52. MODIFICATION OF TKST OATHS, -«^- -Iircei-aneoiu Intelligence. »\ IIHISOTOB, li.«Jay, | | ni f», 1886» TUE (I'll. 11H.II lil J li I. \M> IHK VKTO. 'li." paaasge oftha CMl Bighti MO stn the Veto to-ilur, ami Um exeitameal lu .'<«¦« nn»l .»I ..:. I nth un ti) :e.v-"il» :n ii-lj- nil el-»'. I of "ii.»- M ¦*".¦ l'.v K. :. m I..m* looa ¦bowed lint I.»* hm] taken bil final po».t¡<»n, !;. 1....1 i." '.* r f ii. lii-t nii-'lit ii I l:o «ni, iii rote far Um bUl - ¦. n Wot» hsadled l.iu» «i ith'.i;! -.'lik--« u:al lia* »JOOg w » l'roai Um ... The ramil noa nagi *.i I k j», in., ii bes.*" tho-wei tell md Um » 'l tkerebj »a »»i»'" I N 1 ide I the '.',*¦ [ Du »n hying .»!» to '.. .r. »¦ in» i oat. 'iii« «'""ii bees.askagwa, ii) 1 »i.l bopa Qg the veto waa at on.*: al nu¦.«»... ii. Besstof Wrighl bess i, the fieosts t'-eiiij far the Brat Una* hat ka gsss reUnd to s sida rosta. Al about ii-.-, in., it ivai ru- ruin' »l ihn' s. h. toi Motgaa woald »rote tot tim bill i Creslj soaeodod tiii*t the rata I ooald not bs pseteoted. .«*. i .». na., Mi DooUtUi having cloaed kia défasse of kia oaa a.ara ulai» h he ti» laggd Le ihoold not regpeel ti,-» i.. - .Stars Of hil Stat", Lut V.'D'.ili \k» I...ia.. politise! retiren,on» witj j>Hn: u:n »M nr>i>n .*» if, i'iiultl me* tlie- Stute! Ml lu,« L- n. Uk -i l'lnd-re, ti» til* 111 ij.»,_, mt many agfleaa defense «'f tkSTsto,saisllaeeBte^ ready feir n rafa, .SOTS*-.I Darli pat tho fissi tai gggflg u two koon «.».e«t,i, ii' itrljr gg ¡ityiug tit g-Qeriei god the floor. Ally, nu, Ufa Boase h.-iv. iiig a»lj«)iinif], tit«« ___».__._." ra cr»>>>»l''i] Into titi Bansto, sad on Dsrli B-g-j goadadiafl with Lil ¡threat« that if suu'i loglalalkin un thi« bill auei the |FlSSd_Ma*l Dur» nu Lill SS**S to bs )SSMd li» I "«eiulel el«, all Le-touLl te» ili.-st »»r Um Qorenunenl but las threat« fright« nerd no »jih*>, t d»»z»*n UBengfagg ggksfl for Um fjaeottoa»» bat lb Bsals» 1 .ty ri»6o tu ¡.»»ur tut his -ggnndltioWl >f C»»n- **n*»"s, and to bo-.I that in Delaware the law Ugolfl not bo ngaeatefl, tksl his lw__M trainj-lo njiuii it, ami .hat tin Bailee! laaaton tram not wolj dieaata lata, I Bal rivohiüoiiir-ts, a+'iiin tho fjnuatioa wan culle-d for, whe.-n Mr. Tlfal remarked tb. t Lu he.jn* ' ti.«- aooJdgo on and do their d'lty. Hut Mr. Mil'. Ifsll must vTiWito poffg tiinc.SHit unlike Da* vi« lit* garer talki fttj I Mg, ami at C-.l-'i j>. va. th«. rull-C-ll C'»iiiiin-iie »1. Wh« the name of Mr. a (ran v._w. calk-el, ami Le voted " ayo," üio gallen! began |g gpflgSil. but the Chair iir<-ni¡itl*" mp- ygggggfl it, and tbo call went on. The« pom Iss-fal from Vcnpiiit, Mr. Edmund.., was not in when hil name wari esllsd, but Jagt fore tho result wai ga« m.unce «I, h<* e-amo in, and voted " ayo." Th»"ii tim C1.«tir annMgÊMti UM ti «till, 33 Is 15, and tho pal- I.-r.» I broke out ni loud cb»MU bti ii»i»lause. Tboj we-ro or.lertd lo be e:le:are»d, but tia ch»*'*n:ig wont ».ti, until the* B'iti»euce> wiro all gone. There aee-me 1 t.» be ne> h-ggiag, BO »liss"Uting voico«; all aeeiicd gloioiihly BspH MMt the result. The «Senate goob .i. ¡j o i rued, and via: y ggggjsfl around the Souaton 4o congratulate th«:'n on their triumj»h. MILITAKV (laAIMS SETTLED. In Mtrcli, '-"('».nT-* njilitary claiuj-i wera Bot¬ tled by th* .Second Controller. VRtiMO'l'ID. aUent.-Cil. J. ali. Taylcr, Captain ßth United Sttüci Cuv-Jry. Biiil Aiaintuiit Adjutaiit-liom-riil on the M.ill "f'¿'-II. An», l.r, lui« »ti. J .rnili'it'i'l to Alltltailt- AiljiiUui! Geut-riJ in the Kegular Army, with the rank of Major, vice Geo. t*eth Willlaiut. decoaied. CCITOM!" »WWII at the following port! for tlia wee-k endin« Maroh HI, aeee 9oM.Ytgb, íjiívajh-, liaiton. t**.i.<i.¡i», l'liila- elelphia, g|t>,301, Ualtlmore, d-JAll''. During tbo same month the receipt! from ti id lotrce from thn above eitici amounted to gl3 t.N.t-'t', of which mm nearly 'JO per cent waa contributed b-Zi-** .fort of New- ïork. INTEHKAL REVKIftg xe«_>eipti to-day, gejO,74!_. The Commliiloner of Internal Revenue, ond»IX the direction of the Secretary of tho Treaiur"*, In tbe aiieaiuient of tho annual income, will not require of farmer! tim return of the value of their farm product- «yii.iui-ii'd by themielvci and familiei. The InitractWim to A-ueiiorg now Wing prepared wdl expreuly 99ÊMM i/e Ibu relief. BllOOgS-DODOE. Tho roj.íctioa of llroejks, and giving t!i»* to Dodgn, han been expected for soveral dayi. Tho |g> temperatao ipefch of Mr. Drooki loit him lèverai ISSN who were willing to j*iyu him the benefit at the doabii. Un had aoliolpatad tbo r«iuH for K*ma day*, hut for tbo Inst diiy nr two he had hopes ofseeurinp a return of the ciwe to the District. L'o bid his friends a Baal tafe*] will on llio result bein« announced, ami tl.oii left the li..u-«. TBXAS. rriivi-iiiii'il Got» Ban_líos is reportad bb Nata lo »VHshlugton to see wliat Is to be dune with 'lein«. TheBeeeaataatata have totead upon thoentiro I'tiliticnl »'iintrol of the State, and Me curri.g every- thing nilli ti high ta.A CMRUI *.r.-.»]i>*«!. Tbe ('ullinet had Hie longest teeekn to*.»y there hn» base tor bing ulule, lasting fur three huir». ivlint Wim ,!'la> su» jeel of discussion linn not yet trans¬ pired. Beear atetea ti>.t Jtir. Devil weat.ekeelti gaaattafc OOTBâjTOB of mom pana. D is liiii'.nri'.1. thal dr.a-il ("luv Smith is tn ..<. Bfpaiated fJeeeraor of Meal lae Territory. THE I \.VKi;ri*T HILL. A «rigOfO.I attempt is bellii* n.min Io to* tiall.ite mt ¡ BM Uto r.aiiariil't bill, li'.t it» thuin' 1 nr«1 very »lim. TIIK T1X BIM. will i'-.*«.' .ii'iy ba re| at. I aexl veek. «\ aaakae a* mr.' » '.*.!! im Bided le ti ' I with tax ea k. e-tadfe» It le prop.1 le rodea mai mi tj; ', ¡n cr n.i», ead ¡-¡ti«k » BBod ni Ita ¡r aaaa fri-of. rt". SriTlsTHS uT It» Nl.M 1,1.m I Fbe reeorda ofth Solt*ier*a it, nt th.* Balti« Ifeere aadOhla Railroad Papal, afcew, thatwerlag tba w, tad ikalf nail,«m i-t ewe vera Baled for aa lhey pi neil t.i ai.d ir i. wl.ii.« lu,:1» U.ken pa «¦ i witiu'i.t tuoatmj at -ii. Till- 1.1 YU. I'S nu l in m BOUBB. The Booie will pi » the < -i ¡ bill on Monda* 'lue-la»-, bj ¦. thae a twa third vn-ti« There aaaj betweatj a thirty iola tai 0BA*rr*ï uti i Tia-'tiiial le« i-i-of (¡in. « wea iii'« nded -.. i.!, ¦.. by Beaatera, aaeaahaeeel* the Beaae kilala a aad atbsre i¡tut- «¦ »; Baa of the anti brillia t t11» w later. \.- .r .J Press. U U B SOTO! MIN' \TK I* !*.< ¦<<-. ".-.i,-. 1 he '»r I'i'ii.iiL'- i.i i B ¦' ITtlire t la bj tis House of lb pit . I toi Staate '.i i., i «I u i- ¦.,' in- ."Ht a stotl n lira ; a ria its tot ., « hen ned ni ni ..* ,r Jinan 'i !. ii. luil ab .»» tb.ii hi »»'«.'i ii i ni sen! I ,. r- -I i heir muí.i» i sith 11 Is in - a a a rum 11 a U .i rd p. a l fore a roto w_i reaohed, -.Te- iit tea r u I, .1! ii '.. ..iilbre ik of »j-; Bl Bia roletl '... i»n- i .i ,i !.i»'l I.;!, th ». t., t . ti» ..' n tinta ni standin i ¦. I'.. thn it' ad tn < !.i ii the gata ia . "i ita .trat loe, m I amid Ibe oi r,.,t. r ¦¦.-,., bit ate » laity. Yt d the « iii wai :'¦ -i "r tbe r api anse Ira.m ti io .- « a- « !.. ! li J- '- 11" li t 8 u at, aad to hue! rll the I :«l tosa u> willi the I'n-Blalaaiil« a 11, |.-.-It.u«. I li b1 ii _»,, l»s !»»_.»?- urnnaidered, aa s provided bj the <Ism Walles* <>f i Catad Mata-« r| «_r<>n,.tn- reran si ni iii uo.tUBBM. The Pieeida t«» Chu. reef Ut-dtt** papers rdattra v the alala aa Ihla Gores.meat at ti.« of ti Bil iblj k1 alelan11 a eaptarsd -li Ira ¦. t.» t!,. L'aie «i -»i »las -' Inward, sen) Be] Wat far adjotlie lion bdoo Ho sappoaatoa tia- al riolattaa ef the bloekadi sated lana a fort ii ion I Ibe I talOrgentS I to a .!. n e «. ibe District Coori f tbe 1 DO. lutates al Ki J WV..: bel tin nu ten claimed damages mr tbe pla and dates , tilín '1'! Is« l .m,ttougb, as ths .-v. ret .r> of Ki its Mya prim Ink ..-. -ttiii is 1rs! preaaated bj the Hritiak MinisIta lo ba eaaawersted la aiiu.'.i '. uiul u |ir«-|K «itiuli »in m ¦.¦ '.n.'.'illy it »de to ;. .m,» to refer tin qaeetloa sa to the sa. proper!* due tn an itrlulrau.ii. This |WU|msl ¦: iiiiii wai E«*cepted snd ti..- award of ths .iriinra-in« *«e.i-j<i An ap] ropvtalioa afth!a aaaeaal u raooBBM inii ti in t'n, erasa. "ATt«s up oi ri'L I The President aba Iraaamittad aaaaa taattoaa ¦, fruui Cabibsl iiiiii».'!'. addreaeed la kia by ttoas nt'i-j-r«. snggaatins a aodifloatloa ..f the oath af office preaaated bj Iba aet of Coas « «, [iruveil al'i.i ._' I««'J. Bs ! aili e. in i.t* in I bell It um ini-niliiiion-.. ami tti» m'ljeet pártalas lo the 11 lea ¡nln ilaiatratka ni lbs rea.¦ aad j«.»*.ii tawsta tka Boothera fatataa ha aaraoaly ooameeds totheearty i-oiikiiietiiti.ti' uf i ooaree* 'lia letter oft sBaeratarj lof tba Trsaanry confirms the Bama af CaUsetors ..f InternaiRevenue. Asssssor« Aasistaal »,?.«»...i» i ,.i 1.1 tm« md Barveyors of Customs, »ti spptdetad ali .. ila« oTarthroa of !!,'. bt Ilion la lbs Bo libera Btstei who hare eel beea ti* ti take literally the Bath ni ., |iie>i r.'.'il ti) the n't BpBTOTe« .li.It i, IMS Beside thees oaVera » oaasldersMs numbai, peihaai te, taiejer eroporttoa of Uuun» baldiag mitán dilute poaitioBs Ib Um Barsnas Depártemela» Sera boee ailsa unable to eulii|ily with the lei.lnreiiR'iit« of thu ilatiitc. | Al a consequence, tbey have «a ned withmit Baaaaeaa- lion, st their account» um..I nut lie Vi tJ.« acooaatlaf odtoeia "f the flsisiaaaai Munv of Utoaa eaaeera hera paaeaawad rare la^artaat dataa artth AdeUty, ead nut a f«-w mutt be la i-reit dutreis by r< iiHiui of their inabilities. When the nyy uiilmenti w.-jn inaile, It wn» found that It WoulJ be illili, tilt tai i-unía e iai (Boon in in .ti.» ni tho Boat.ara Urn-mi» districts wl.ii ».ililli tulio thu oaih referred toi but important did it teeni tu the Fraatdeal atul thi« CaMaat, for tka perpeea <»f *'|UBiizin(t: the iiabli: bardaaa, timt tis Baraaaa antea ekeald .»heil tnroni-hiiiil the eii.i.y r. oi llioos Ktstes Ivtitb lutin delny lirai Iii nile, pad Hist tka un- pleasant duty of collei Ung lakes fruin su Bthaaeted and lately ii»l»-ilinn» !>ei>pln »hould b" uerfunneil B1 her uw n Lili/eu». that the heeietary of the I reBiury did nut baal- tate tai ricoiiiii.end for aiipointiin-nt, and to appin,! men of wbuie preiteiit lu)«!ty there wa» no qaestloa, but who niighl, either willinnly or unwilling darlag I the peeajrea of tha Babellioa, bia aoeoaaeetee atti tin- inmirifeni sinie and Caefcdarata Oareraaeat n to ii« tinabli: to take Ihe oath of nilli e. 'Ihii mis not donn from any dlaanailtaa l8 dittreitaril tka Uw, but aith an bonett umi Meera perpeea a eeltaetiag Ike raraaaaa with ss little trouble to Ibe tax payers ai poiilble. '1 he country wa» ia u peculiar condition; tba BabetlioB had cometo ssudileu close, all rastaBBBM l8 the iiuthurily ul the I'nited Mates liad ceased, and some, seven millions of into-ila In a state of tiller disoraTaniiation wero left without any eli ii gee« ».¦ii.o.ei.t whatever, snd without even An ade««ua!e military protection agaimt auurchy »ml Tiuleuce under tbcbc t lit atiiituiices; it skewed charity to lau tba» duty ovftli«- Kxei'iituo to procce.t at tom to citablisli Hie Federal aulliortly and civil iruveriii.'ient in then« State», »»j It seemed to be BOOMeen t'» i irry late eil"it the reveían» baa of the (ieneral riuvurniiieiit. Aa the i.'uintry was |..i»«iiig from a »tate of war to a state of peace, and the emergency »coined lo lu- too pretiitiK to admit of delny until the me-etin«* ni Cmur'*.«, It wa« thought that the lett oath might, in view of the (Treat object« tu ba mtiiineil, in some cities he dUpCBaed With, or rattjer that persons might be peimitud to bald Keveline i'flices who could take it oily ni a «imtailia» form. No ona conld have regrett««il nmr» than tin- 1'resident snd tbs meoibcn of tho Cubinct the necessity which existed fir thu course, but there »eemed to be no altern-itin». and it was confidently hoped that ander the oircuuiii.incei of the ettie it would bo spprored by Congres« A moug those whose name« are presented to the Pro tideaf, the Secre tary has BO reason to suppose that then' i* one who can he justly charged with being instruit."nt ii in luillgsting the Kebelliuii, sllhough a few may have coniribuled to its support atad continuance. Booie « ilk strong attu h menis for the l"nloD had kOewed IheeXeteeJi wlu.-h they lived Into the war against the L'eited Siu.tjs under tbe'liiilcful influence of the doi trire of Ktate iöover- elgnly. home bad held oflloe under tho lmuriie.-it au¬ thorities as the only meaos of aapportiag their fatin"v<, others, to t*scaiie coiincniitioii, or ti ba iu a better con¬ dition to rciist at the piiij-t r tun'' i roefedaaete rule. iS'ut iiiif is kiii.wn th have been a ili«uiiioui»t or un íneml1» to the (jo*vcrDmeut at the ennuient emetit of Ibu war. A very illg"*t change in the oath,a change that Would not cover a partiVe of présent Klisloyalty, would eifsblo the nmst of theui tp liold thu offices they are now eo «uicoplsbly filling. Ureal ioss to tba tíovern eiciii «J»8il fTt-at ninojiTt.iiiu-juc tv tilt .Utjjjtuimoat nuit l rot-ult frota tho dlrcon.'.-niiance of their services. After I .»tiling re ineiiit» at, large why tbt* oath should bo modi- fied, the Secretary M*fl Um Babetttoa Kr<*w out of au- ta(ioni»ni e»f utiinlon lie*tween the people of tho free ainl h.av»* Stiiti'H lliri lt'tritiiiiiitfl remit of adiffi-ronce of in* »titutiorin. With tbo abo-tiea »>f Slaierv, all real elif hisass egsáfalas; asd all aeriasa causes of estrange-¡ me IStSSSght r ii'iillv m .li- ipi' air. It will ho a niljmj lty, ti» extent af which cannot now be esüíaatrel. lie»!h io tim nation mid lo the etuii-i- of civil liberty tbronffb- »mt the worhl, )f. instead of looking to reconciliation »uni .harmoiiv, t ho action of th«* (jovrn- mi'iit shall tend to limden and intemify a see tlesaliaa. beta-eea tie Iforthera and Hosthern BUtaa It ii dill.cult to,i.* of ii mon* nnfortunu'o eoana for Um "-overnaMnt of tin- Halted Stat«*s i»» par* stn« than to make tix-(_atlierci»< at Iba South of men «in are Mungen to the people, it n»ie-»is n«» refaioaai to hi-i'Kiy, attboagh It is full of Ics-eoii» upon this subiect, to ilk.trate the total eoa ¦¦,-¦ en of such a policy. A pi»» n.leil to this li'tterof the S»*. rct.iry e»f the TreiiMiry an tbo aaaaae Ig aansss ssttag as aaaooeots and col- teetora la the 8outbara Statea who have aat t.iken the «».iib of ».Hi- .' ii it! tait »[ii ililli iitioli. It i*» tiiol thal liii-r» un-utiiloülitetlly oiln*rs wboie names have not a n rea mil. It appeals Bael a l «« 11 r of the Coa* ii.:-»a' if 'ti «t..n.» tli ii the.* f.iliMk lui» nnincil \> ISeai ara Ihe on'y Cus!..ins officers whe» hav.- t ikei» tho oaîh in a mokiitn »I flinn I»mm M. Mathews, »Collector, 1. i*,'i ti Minni k VlrriaUi Willum -»Craft, Colh Georgetown H.C. . uordoa Forbes bataryor, \ ga Win. I..'1'in, Barvej », C»tarlaatoa,& Ci *.'- m. Bobinóos, Special Ki milner of Drugs, ead .dgar BL I. v ii m anil .1. y Wirker Appraisers, Cberleetoa, s c. 'i he 1'» ita aatei icraLin kia eoaimai iaya as a mensa of raatoriag Isa bealaeaa «ataréatela lae Bo» a- 1 ».I ui'li: g iu tita .'i t.! lia ir I'm. tittil OB.! I' it im... v, ,fi Uta (.»Veril- iin'iit. ii waa deem» I Important by the Prcaideatasd b.ti. u th« m uti ihoald be latnda »l awi tam* Ofltoee be ra-opeaad ia th» .». m atoa n r iptdly n pani i '". t.» r.;, ii- ii ei .11», ina i i-a « »'f Hi»* Departaaal ai ro promptly, ai .i iii-..- I".-a eeatlas a i> dlreetod \ iir'.i'iis 1'iiiiiw» I'M« du .l.a'i'1 to tho ful irr* la ace« that waa 1 d f"r. at that, i-i . fro a the oath pr< * rib« .1 h] iu:« of «I'iiv v. i-'j. .mi Haigh .i. IBU, bat eel i »a ti..- laaal ahila »t haabaea the ose to which mj tiiei tina hal been meut fteqnei dy called. 1 his a* ha - ute'iu' I ta believe, has not ti.awing exctailrsly t" n.i-ir not li» i- :.* I..» b1 j»**:-' m who fo'ilil ink" tim oath hat ta the »touted corni nsation, Boat of the otben ot Bring ia-ai.. -1 a a ti to peraoaa to n»t.-n« poBtaaatari aad to the bawflttBgaeea of mai.y, who alght etherwiBo act, to <!»' .a «osât of the lacon- renienei asd ooaprondis of their peattioss, ahieb, the r fear, woaM ratall froatakl g t.'.- aath wbea tea m.iji r.r ..i ihelr ra .. ¦ » .. lad, la '¦»»nu* form, aided the Babe-lea. To obviste theeo dil* n.-nit»» » ia part, receorai baa ken had to the uti mian'-f ««»in.-a ai i- i, which baa proved to t>n of doubtful otillt] !¦» t:.-' i-i »n ,-, »tai n-. --it*.- h t- Hi.« « ;. I the a pointaient of verv many Ignorant I ¦' 'I "' ,: »: t.. .a :.:¦'.: .:¦-, li.»- !'. a- li '»¦ mel iBgg» tloa of ti»1* '"»lb by ".- sard " releí larlly' imi rr.- lin»: the w " BOSgbl M Hal UM BoehlreaJ "Thal I bara neithervoluntarily --.i»'.i nor a. '',i"!. nor attempted t' »wari ¦ I i 'i n. ..': of ¡ai» ".! i¦¦¦ b ttevara dar aav authority ia hostility to the l iiud States 1'hia woaUeatargeths :,.kk.'.u iiiiniifv ae poa! Bastara aad »i. ti.-» "i,[.». i'ir- aad ha m har « to I,nu ih ti..-1-.* ... «' provlil m mal porpoaei of the aath, indi :. Ita) the ipi edy r. .. tal llahmei i <»f the iin Mb to ti bei agi .i nil las aae tii.i.« of um casaI r, f.-r it Baal ba barna ia alatfl .»i la;-* Pie people of ihn Houthern State «are mon dlreatlj r -.. >i ia thi restoration, «iii"* Btataa are alas it».'ti it may ha, ha Mya tateraiBBg M knoB t. ni ef th» :.¦."- ir -ii rootaa »'i operation in tbi tii-lok »JP Ingeal al the Beb« Ilion, th« .. k a .. ^ n- ik hai baca n itan d ai d thal til MA V.,-1l|||''ill.tli:' IS al I .-' a ik.- I li ¡a.i 11». of it limit 1,177 o 1. li baSI .'., Iii til li, ra !.. | I ..1 I -I 1' | not -;»)-,'.'..-.!. II n !¦' li-'v. t tjuti all oft in have not 'i as »» bacanal of ii» »ai'ii. 'I'litr V > i »i II Bl i! «»lil« In ji.-t.i.'i On l)i|iill uni', in -I. w of Ihn it.rlTu ."a , I«,»I.I m. «I»"»li '.»» ti«- r»»l^|.iliij f«.»«, i.«a ... l « Um a.«.', t-ir a !a-i .".n.i-l.'i .1 i.ti, .ta ,n ..i »i», pmmuauilan tmrm len, ¦¦Ifciwlt mu. > .* .'.» I".» li HI.I...-lull'. . la I", -tra i»t< r- 1. a. ¡ ..I conctudcB bj laying ha ne-ft' »r.--- aaaa avili raaattlag from m panul . r. -t..r .ii. ., i.i the |. tai n ri ... i-i til «m-ilh.-rn St*!»-«, i.»n iiji.ia ti., bese ii» i" laa .oraraaaaal ami to tin i'.'i." sfaMsaadaa ot ikaeaastrj thal assld r«*su.i mSISSMN g' neiTBl »eml ili.iiviit r.«t»'r«tiuli "I Cal service 1 In ia pesen !».»>« been referred io the Coi.iu.iite' »ii the ir». Ti!K O-UIMBtAB "VIMIS.SH'N". Tbo »Colombian Commiaajon waaia riot »¦ bear M* Carlile dlaaaai the qaesttaai coi.'--«1 « lb tha rials of 1 At, ant tim »pltottoa t_i ». »t «ir. et.ii ti.e »t air,. j> sapaay ai» i tin' Passau '::tiIr«.-!.1 » .... r ;. M » ti lil- ari/iiiiii til ii! rrent Lr.ll. u .. arid vii» riB-poiu!eg to by Mr S. S Cm. wini »,»"ke for «ii thaeaBpaataa, asd by .Imlir« i a..n ni Baa Beti tot Ike Dallad Btataa Bteaatahlp » aaaaay. Tee eaaaa warn Wien Mhaatttod la the Com n laaiesan aad the 0 agira, 'l ha gaaelltiaa lavolva ihe m -t kalaraetlag poisti Ot inti'miiiioni law growtag »»ut »»f the tt*ii'.,a af i-if. aad taeeaatiaetef tkersu« isad t'liiipa-iy with «Set« i.raniiel. I'heir daaWaa »ni Ik* loaned for with ¡titereat by Iga »'j maeistal Mj.*..!, of Blaii h the Ialliinii- is the ».'real highway. nu. BurMBnrrr. ThsTrsaaars Departtngnt bai reesi**a_ a dis* |..ite»i'rom ti... D-UadBtsteaCaassI at Bb-BaU reta- uva t»» ih»- riii.i. rpeat, Uwloaiag aoaafaaloailoa b !»>¦ I ob Betaatlg* amtitórliy, ikowtiu bya inrjce ««iioant »>f evideaea ti»«i uti aaiasl an l»e i. ¦_* »r i.-ii*n» «i..-..,i ¡ii-;y txev if ii «loes ini » ilfiui of »liionler WltkfS tea da\i after N.If tMbOtoi to the ni i».'i'>i). XXXIXjh CONGRESa FUR si:s.siujf. WÊMATA....WAOttMOtm April«, I'M. »TIBMOBg» .Mr. "fAB WlBXUI(Wggf Va.) reported, with a mend in i* nts. the bill, inpi^enienlary to tlte scverul acli r> it ii.K t<» aesetasa an aehlitioiial section uf (lu* act of Jilly II, I-»..', io lis to entitle hiij one to tv»« BBSaiase M the sam« tune. Another n-ttioii ISSeSta lb* «ullion/.i- tlnn to eVtiill clerks In the Tension Office, and otu is ewers tin ¡Secretary »if tin. lutcrmr to di-tttl eUrks for ti-- Bsrseeaa of taut section, or to lecure the more clleclual execution of the j fi.-aiii laws. Tun BATIOBA1 OVBBBBOT. Mr PsMassen latrasai ».»! » inn m saaad Bm eel to próvida a unlinual eurrenei, by a pl«*d«re of United Btataa heads whlah wus rawra« to the »Deatatttea aa Finance. It amends section -1 m as io make it read as follows: And be it further enurtml. upon the trintf.-r »l.J de livery oi baadi ta tha Tubibibc ai grafMad hi the f.»t»|oin| ..-. tim. th« Msoctatloa makiiii li.,- »ime, «hill t.« astitlad to ri-rrlvr from th« (l.iu'r .Her ot the Currenry, i InruUtini nt.t»a »! rlitterrnt it. iiiaiiiiiutliiii in hlank mil legiateirtl ami emin ta-t.i,n'-J. >. h.-rnua/tar pruvidetl, .1. In pBSaat, lo lui (..r narnu mt tim mann auston ulam» The m-..-.i statra Itortdi ao iiin«:.-ti.--l mil not -U-iivcrrii. hut not ei. m-dni| «0 pal i-a-n tam of the »in unit of «til »t th« pir vilu« iii.-iaoi, ir bsaatai _lana «t * i«t« nut I«»» lhaa a»« p«-r centuui pat tmmm, o,A th« amount of ant'. larrulalllij noiri to lie fniulilirtl tu ruh ihtill be in | r-|naitl..ti to 111 pilli up rsiiilil ii ftiilnwi arl no mule: To ."«eh «>«' ii.:- "ii trhote ttplul »iinj» gl.i«".i, but doe» not »i »-".I pi -'.".»I, to per rent of iurh rutltil lo «a. li i».ori»!lnn c»|iit-l vu,vi» gaa,aae, bal daai mt en-red g1 000,w»0. Ii per rent'nu if lu-h i»|»l«l. li nilli muriatl .ii li .... capit4l ri .-.-.I« f,|,l»HH»«laiid dura mt rxire.l p I "',"¦", ni prr lentmu ef .ut'h ifita! to «a li i,io.-lit!»n wboie ripitil ricredi t.' "1> ""' '-'it 'I "'« »."I ri- .-.-.I V »»»' '«»'. SO prr .-ti» nu nf . ich »|iil»l ; lo .ia.'. ... l.ia.n trhoae iipltal r ». n -I. e ''.«'"«', in irr ni .,,, o' ..,-li ,-«|.i-.«l. nal it thill be the duly of the C'outroller of i l.r I'urrru.'V to letlre ind withdrew Ir in a a »ti. n ill or uiutilitril iiotri returued I.y any «aaoi latiou whole nrrulitÍDi notei ire In «Itva« of the limit tatt m (ni-« rilird until the elrrulitlnf notei ol »«li .itoirii- tiou «¡lalliir withiu Hie ratio prr«. rihrd for Ita ripitil lud any ii.tltii l.ank in haiikinii ««.i.ilïtloli oriiiiiied umlrr the lawi al «ay Mute »lil li «lull ipply far uitlinnty to bri-nme i Nalioml lltiik uiiihr th« n*t to whi'h tim ti-ction ii an aiuriiilmeiit before the lit day of October. ISO»» and thill au ply with all the rrq.ilreuient« of laid act, ih.I. If »Uiii bink be lound by the Controller of the Currency to in |ood »I,ni mi lou rrrdit, receive autborlty to become a Nitloml lltiik, thal bmki of uuluipsirrd capital lu r-Ute whlcb have heretofore «e. urn! the leait retable amount of i- -aUilni Dote» auder the provision» of »aid ni «hill hive prrf.n«m .- ra r.-rm«mg »urli «athnrlty uni provided further thal the «i.iir« «moimi of circulating note« to be drlirered to li ok, tli :. converted from State hink, lo Nitioml iianria- tmii, «hill no1 r, aril tea mila of dollin. And new aiioil- «¦inn» n.ay « ai.aaii-1 In Stati « and Tsrriturtrl which tuvs hrretofore tecured the lent ntihle proportion of clrr.ilitnii nutra uii-l.-r the |n»ri«. -a« of laid iel; iirotided the t->til amount of tirriil«tlu( nutra to be drllieretl to »iiot-U'ion« io oigmlied ihall not riceed lift» rn milli..u« of dollar« until aftrr ihe lit day of II t Ou, UrVri, wit. ii If any p-ntion of the ten >uii:iii!n i>f .'in liiinaj neil«! «¦" It.-ti for th- convrrii.n of ax- lífijif Stete hink« thill rrmiiu ui.»ppr pri tt.-d. Ihr am. uut ao li ¡HiJ iililli I'« »ned fur the .jí.-1..iíj'i a. of uiw a., i i tloui »ilrr thi« ti'' lion CdNWTKiN OK hOI'TnEKN BEPRtsKNTATIeiN. Mr. I_.9 (Kauias, lutroeluced the followiu»«* joint resolution, n>ivh wm ordered to lia on 11»«* (able and be ntiotedi Petilrei, Tint Senator» End R-rtreientativei either of the »ittt»t recently in in.iiirer-lion shall be idmiited to Con- Ci,--a wirri it illili latliftetorily tppt-tr that Nek Stale lit», In «cconlanc« with ths idvii-e of the l'reiidrnt of the United Statei. |.i.-r.l law. nu'lilyiii' Ils flldlssnns of .Sei »..ion; rati- fylni ti." auirtidni»!!« of the I on.titntioii of the I'oited .St»1"! tboii.hing .¡avery: repudiating all label debt! i re «he debtt of Iks l'nited State., ind extrutiing the i-iertive framiiii» to ill mt!« ¡írr.on. nf color retidiug In .aid State over twentyon» yeiri of Eg», who can restl tn« Con.titution Bf tbs liiltrd Statei In the Engliih laniua«.-anil writ« tlirir mm-«, and slio to ill mil» person« of color of like BgS sad re.uirnee who own renl e.ttt» rained at not Iel. thss BM and pay tuxei Iharsoa piasMsd, that »uih Senaten and Kep- retriitatire. «ha 1 poural all the qualités.MS rmpursd by the Coottitatloa sod laws of ths Uaaed r¡t»te.. Mr. Laxa said tba aboTS eoatalaed the terms upon .kiah Mr. Toheaee was willing to reconstruct the Southern Striies. * Mr. llRiiWN- inquired whether Mr. I-.ine hud any i««iir.«r,ee th it tho President »vu» still iu f.ivor of the prep isitlnn above etiunieruted. Mr. hu 1 have no ai.-uranco fro-n the. Preanent m the Dallad state« oa that or hut other »uMect. Bal tia» 1 do k'l'.'.i-: that th« Ki publican pirty, of which I um ¡t Bamber, crumbling to pieces, and every day wa postpone the uve-turn of these Btetaa laaarea the daatraotioB i-f that party. I know fur- ]ther, Mr. Preaideat thal if both branches of lbs Ceegrea of tba Dnitad&t ites puss lint Joiel reao- I lotion, aad ttis ¡"resident does siro it, th.lit brings in part r and tbe Prealdent of the .epobli- aaa party agala in harmony, it will continuo the po- litioai power ut ibis eoestry in tka keada af tket party. Mi. Presidsnt, ! bare been .tonna for months lo bair« mum,!' the **r ¦. i- ...' it Iba Doited .states with the aa Crayon theleoi af Ceagreea, l Ikeocktfeeteidep that thora wn« « hope of escaria*1 such harmony. It iii. i » e m tka! -uri" nt' t!.u Baakaeel thtabedywero dlspossd i" karmoaua with tlio I'resident of the Dall« ii Siui's. I propoaad tu go very fir to secure thal hat« ti-.'.:,» jraterday. VThiM BBno.Bg i»1*1 eearea we are lawaiaaed by eaa of lae ama riadictlra t lal ei i .ins" Bade iil.un any Ofltaial by either frieuil or j op] ui¡.-i ii froa i.." .*»' -Lalor iinii « <Mr. Wini".. li" i liiirg-'i u.» perso ii:, ia!, a maawaa fur two years «.v. ¡da o" u i ¦¦ hi _ 1 taarned Is raapeet and aaV dis SjbUity ead bis tatearity. ead to love foi '.¡it.i", ¦ iii-i'i w!,mu I ii. iltared I originated is ti i u did»ta of Iba ¡ abUoaa p ¡rt) tai oin the gift aftas party, a 8MB wbtjta I arcad apoa lbs Sepablieaa OoBTentioi it Bal« timora as their eealidatei a atea eboee eieetlon I did t to » ireagaiBatl t frisada of the li from Otk*. In the moot erith al momea! of our pel.i« e.ii eaapaiga I waa aallsdapoa ti dataad the aaadl al.-, .-i of ii.- Bepebileea party atalael ea Maadi »millar to tint made by UM BOBBttW frOM ObM U':nle yesterday. I defbaded the aandidaU .i' ins ii' i| -.. iii. an party a***.aa1 that BaaaaB, lad I dafaa I the I'resident of iba _8| party np dast «i slaltar assault ¡rum the Beaator trun-t Ohio to-day. A despot Adlotetorl In what .-.n reconstruct tba rabellloas State» hu >iy«: lu »lui it.oil '.f ti.ti »li »Les of tba I'ougressof tho Dotted 11,en Mr. Join »"ii t' oh lu» seat la Iba Prai len- ti ii 1 i-k,Mr. Prssldest,wka i, idCoegreadoBa 1 .. » bad done tkis Mr. ula had Baked oat tit policy of reconstruction, adopted by Mr. «Tokeeoe aad a tinea, ami lbs pt opls of t! e I'nit.-tl Statei and the partr to wai h iba Mattoe from Ohm a,el n | .. liad Indorsed by trlampbaal aa. i .r.t.. i, t it form of e racoBatraotlon polier, la rio sa of tin- Congress ef tke Dated States, . is a despot foi propoatag lo reeeaateaot Ika it. »urieeiiiiii ir» Mate« boob tia theory axpeeasad la thui Joint ri rittiiitini, annulling the ordinances of a 11 ratifying the amendment to Ibe Constitution, stoiisb ins Blsrery, rt padi it la»: Ike Ksbsl .1« M or Ceafedex its debt and indorsing ths National iii lit, and aztendtoi the righi ofsud u.-" to ¡iii. «atorad atea wkeeaald read -»h« Paitad Biatea aad slgathslr aaaa, and to nil,ml men abo paid tui.«s u«nm t. .»¦ ii I of rael estate Mr. President, 1 aaaal aeeeBTeraaa! 11 with tbi .*¦.::. .. »¦'-. »lor frea «Ohio aa be l8 it I w ill i enture ino Bti'-rtion that nut .«ide of New indi en-is not aalegtaBtete latbia I .te ¡t will by najofitj vote mi,.it e !'.« BOUC' ..ii', nstnetiee adrl ed bj Presid at Jobnaon and si ¡m.! In tba joint r.'«illation. Jfoa ian. I «co ha » Ud (Hujilu of llii« BOaatry on a polic; ^u un jua!.'.. .1 e.lVia,.-.! to the bin ks Vi u ii.Hut Inul a Stu'.e in this Dakin, outside o Ne'» Bnclaad, la my Ju.lumeut, that will baissas such stint it t.i tia' qualification clause as tti j I'ra-Biilent «if the Dallad States r«"i-..uiin.«iit!», am! yoi inn | irrv II s K"|ii.l. u- .n l'iiiiin l'art» evei »where am II with unanimity, a dsspot, fur BiarolaiBg u oonatito . im:: ii richi la reteteg a all of this body I Mr. Fraal ilin!. boa ti.e Beaator tram Obla eeeapad tka poattla ; occopled li» Praaideal «fohaaoa, Ia bt Judgment »».i lui'! ratead tka DlTil Kights ts.Ii. Adaa] What is the exercise of UM raia pa »er l It amoiint: merely to a lute to reconsider witk the light of hi. T" MOBS, Wut'U. before, has the nereis.» of a constltu floral riirhtJ i»l li'il n jioliticul frisad nf tua l'resldeul of lbs I'nite.i suite» in deaoeaeiag thal l're«ii]ent as t a «; it and a diitittor I 'Hie I'r«j»i<ient hu» bet ii Bad b Baw, ni By Jade-Mat »a anxious to harMeules the .lull 11 cuities nf t_s i'nniii Party m any Baaatea oa this floor If >ie aaa m..-» in the s-imo »pint, party »ouli llhaiaaaited s-'l this Deina would be restored, lln Bdraaeee wen aetbyiaaait Qtaaadaaaea wera met bj ilt'Liiiiei itioa Pram tia banda ufthe Kfpabllcaa party, 11 tip.m tin« Smist" Boor,ia laefaega wttboai \ **eraBa. Si far as I am ctiLu-jriied, Mr. rrasideat, I préposa t.-da» Mini heraafler t" take mv position .»iiiiij-eiiie of tbi j PraaideBl of the lt« party, uiid kt.ii.U there tin defend lag him against tka Beaator baa Olio, as 1 defeaded b s predecessor ag uuit t he Somum i irwiii Obla. Mr 1'retident, 1 vu. ¡Id be glad to hutt thal resolution luid upon the table for the present anii pt titi I. I h«« i lum.TI at ord«r will In» fs_ani If tLerc be no objea 'Hill. Mr Wade .I cannot say why my friend from Ksnsi» lis »u aaarelaad this mstalag. I do nut kaawwky «houlil N' so shucked bj m yllni.c I Lue » ij ur done. Sir, 1 bite ni laiuly said Entiling in t itontlou to tl.c iiruject of cm strut ling the States that Le now brings before n». 1 bel,.«».-, fur th»> first limo. Wlnta it wus ned I thoagkl it read very well, i am not at »II sure flint I should in t be ferr willing to aeoeptlt. .'want linn« to consider iu 1 don't know thal I utriild accept it I don t «nuke any pledges of that. 1 havo said no thing ni u) posit.a to hi» proposition, for renllv I don't know wbst is iu it. I thought it sounded very weil. Hut now, rlir, tor my atta«-k upon the l'resldeul of tbo 1 ¡i.t"tl States. As a Senator upon this door, I care no more for the opiomn of the JPrcsidei.t of tho Daitad Srates than I dofor that of any St natur un this floor. Who is your f.-esident that any mau n it bow t«i his .' opiiiiou, if you plena«« I Why, Sir, we all know I nu. Ho is no strarger to ti.n bodv. We [.»aie measured bim. Sir. We k.iow ka hight, hfa length, his bfeudth snd hi» capacitv all about bin', anii v«»u set htm up as a iiiiragoii, and declare here upou the iworof this Seiiuie thitt yon are going to wear his cullin,. Is that Ihe idea that "uti aro MO*** to lu lia Bpoloftisi »nd defeudsr on »»iiateTer lie tua»- proposa that Jb« understanding ef tlio .Senator from Kansas t I do nur thivk that hu aanitltuonts »»ill bo qui) rat.- lied »» tli *>o bro id a declaration, Unit he is lo i. tar anv man's coll» r aul follow him wherever he muy ga Did I use harib launsage toward the I'resident y",«st.»rd iv I All I said, At. I stsud bv to-day and ft.revor. What was ths yueiiio-i uptin winch I made these observs- tionsl What hw been the opinion nf thu President haaetaakeel Irkei kee fceee his aetlea sim-ei Dow, Sir. nre3,(*0«>,0«X.*of people, our friends, trends to tho « io» crûment, wl»» have geiu-rot »'come forward in its diflieolty io help u,» Ihrougti the nar sacrificed theil bl.mhI and their liv/s to maluuin the tint an our ridn- wbo were faithful to us through the wholo of the dirt!- cultT. everywhere asMitlug ur bravo soldiers lu the ti. LI. snd laying dow» tbeir «ives to maluiaiu our prin¬ ciples, and minister t.x every wuy to !.he comforts ol our bravo men whenever they fell into the bends of thean worse than uvagos that we were warring « it li. and noa-, Bit?, these mon labor uuder one of the moat frightful tie»puf.'siiis that ever nettled down upou the head» of maukiud. Three millions ol' pc.i,.,--. Sir, exposed to outrages and Insult, und murder, from these worse tbau savages, thst.r former masters.mur¬ dered, as we are told, every day, their lives token away, their humanity trampled uuder foot. And when Con¬ gress, uuder the Constitution of tho t'uited ; ates, ii endeavoring to tender them som« little p.-otectioo, how aro we met here ! Kvcry attempt o! your " Moses" lias been to trample them down, malling then worse and throwing eiery obstructiou lu the »vuy o! nnythiug pro¬ posed by ('ongretss. Mr. Lane (ííaiisa»)."Will tho Siuator from Ohio per- mit un- tu a. k iH|iie»lli.i,l Mr. Wadu.Certainly. Mr. La>í¿.1» the report of your remarks of yesterday correct i Mr. Wade.1 do n't know. I never look at Thi Globt to see such things. I suppose it is correct, and I am not very apt to take anything buck. Mr. Wade contin¬ ued : How, Sir, stands this matter t Tho President of the L'nitud States did, at au earlv period, prefcaa to be the protector and friend, thu aloses of these men. to lead thuin from bondage to liberty. Dow hat it boon I He bai, io all aj'jearsncei, become their Inveterate, i »mul¬ len foe.making violent war tpon any member of Con¬ gress w lit. il..n i to r.air.e» htsiolce ora/ne mto in support of any hums. ... for the sincearalb ths condition of theso poor people. Talk to mo it the President being their fiicr.d' Whoa did it en i|ipen before that a meunaij for the relief of lum,una», as luna.1 and as ckar as this, WBI with UM vete m '.hu Praaideal af the l'nitej m ;- .and inul, '.. when ho endeavor-« to make lui ob) -, i.ous to tho n...inuie without desiguatiug a single ataeaa of the Coiislliiitniii that ha nralsndcd had ucs:i lolatsdl Mr. Laus (Sanaaa) here again Interrupted Mr. "Wade, to read the following extract from bia (Mr. Wiiile'i) ipecch of yesterday; "The Ittue the Preiident nu mule with Con|re«i, til« flannel he hu picked with Conireti from the very com¬ mencement, ii nothing m^ir nor le»t thm a qncaliiaii of per iai 'inn Hebel« lo occupy tl.rir old place» ou thl» floor for th« ottrr deitruction f tin. Oovemmeut, m my judgment and be¬ lief." Mr. LAP (Kansas) laid, I ask the Senator from Oblo to point to a »inizle expression, either oral or written, where the President of the United States adviied. ad¬ vocated or nrged tbeadtniaaion of other than truly loyal men upon the floor of either llonie of Congress. Mr. Wauk.Is the Senator throught Mr. LAIB.I am. Sir. Mr. Wade.I most aniwer the question In the first place with regard to tho treatment of our friends In the South.three millions of people.I say he made a violent assault upon the Constitution, an assault upon the peiwer of Congreu lu these repeated vetoei that are totally outii'lo of any reason. Mr. Wade continued Ins animad versions npon the conduct of the President, alleging that bli latest adviser was Mr. Voorhees ol Indiana, who used to keep tbe records of tho Knights of the (»olden Circle. Mr. BlNDi.iCKI reno to say that the charge made by , Mr. Wade in relation to Mr. Voorhees waa not true, aud he wished to give it a square denial. THE VETO MESSAGE. The morning hour expired at this point and tho Vete Maaaaca was taken up, Mr. Wade continued bia ipeech against the Presi¬ dent's policy. Mr. Lane rose at the conclusion of Mr. Wad» "I ¦jpeieh nag lalel: The Senator from Ohio, for(rctting tho position he occupies, bal suggested that I have ¡taken upon myielf the collar of the Prciident of the United Statei. 1 burl the luggostion into the teeth ol tho »Senator from Ohio ai unworthy a »So'iator. We wear a collar I The pro-Slavery party of the United 'States backed by a Democratio Administration, ius- t lined aud supported by the army of the United State*. ciuld not fasten a collar upon the handful of which I lind tho honor to be the leader. The fight the Senator from Ohio made in the chamber.and a gallant fight he muele aiele*d hy other «Senators.would bave been of but little 'i*, »ii bael it not been for that other fight upon the inn lies ol Kansas undor tho lead of your humble .peaker. Ma near a collar Inelictcd for trenton by a pro SI »very drnn.t Jurv.hunted from State to State by a writ founded upon "that indictment for treason.a hurdred thousand deellars offered f»>r my bead I Jim. Lane sear a collar! [Laughter.] Mr. President. Where ver ho is knows that charge is denied as false bv both friend and enemy. Mr. President. I eleiire to cail the attention of the ¡Senator Irom Ohio to the it-tement I have read from I la ipeech yesterday. The President of tho IJnlisd State's is not here to answer for himielf. Mr. Wauk.I wish he was. Mr I.ask «gum read iho extract given above, and «<tiil ho appealed to Mr. W.ide to withelraw the serious aharge ho had «gainst the 1'resicont Toward Iba toiH'liiMon of Ins remarks he replied that he referred to tim Connecticut election. One moro victory lllea it, h" Mid, would ruin the Republican Party. It w »s the first scratch of the handwriting on the wall. Sa wai sot the desastar of tbt Pieaataat*a ipeech of .bl ..I of Pebrssvy. He believed tho President wai (lsnghtar) waaa he made It, he bad laen pro- Voked t»» it l»v what ha.l been said of bim In Congress. Mr Bl boah the floor, to correct a statement by Mi. Line«, in relation to the pouition of Senaten an tha Winter Duvii Kecomtrnciion bill. He (Mr. Brown) he-1 voted for nnivenal iiilfrage in that bill, and he de¬ ni* ! reiteiate that itatement, and lay that no prop- »»1'ion at any time, looking to the readmisiion uf the lately rebellioui Stat»*!, would receive bia vote in.!.w it provided for universal luffrage without regard to color or reas» Mr I»'"!.itii.b said he was not present when the ivll Rlghta bill WM passed, hut had he been here no ilu-.lit hu would have voted for tho measure. Since the »t tli« bill in the Seuate te bad read tho very nal s ipi e baa of Mess»*!. Kingham and Delano ol Oblo Bad the c»! ¡"»lions to the bul as set forth In the veto an -.- iga, aii'l tlii'io hud earned him to give the measure ¦aati¦' :¡s:tleration. It contains proposition! opon I " abisal men. men io whom we had uudoudtod ,. nndanae, diflar. Ho wished the bill could be placed ia ehsrga «*f the .luiliei.iry Committee, and that com* tnittaa aoold frame one which would avoid the objee- liosa releed t.» it in this bi»»'y, in the other House, and Ni t!,.- l-'.xecitive. Ile wai desirom of preserving nautiotig between Congress and the Execu¬ tive, lucie were three years yet of thil adruiniitra- It."ii. dsrisg w hieb the country may live or periih. Ha ; hud discoveie-d the element! of a colluion before the of Corgresi, and he bad atriven and would atrita to provest li He saw among hil friends a dil* position to >«ct. toward the President ai though tho Ex- t ecutive were unworthy of their counsel. He deprecated thi_ (saUng. Gentlemen belonging to the Union party . denounced otheri of mat party for supporting the t I'li'sident and bis policy, and they called tbe President a traitor for arraying 'that policy. Mr. BooliUle pro- eeeded to ihow the adoption of this policy Bag liv step by Mr. Lincoln and hil r administrât" n. Its Indorsement by Congress as lite as March of last year, the reiteration of this f policy by Mr Lincoln in Uli speech, but three days be- i f.ala death, and the faithful adoption on tbu port of » Mr. Johnson to the measure and policy adopted by and i 'in prices! of consummation, when the present Exocu- live lacoaeAad Mr. Lincoln. The latter had boen down I the track on whicb the car of State wai to move; tho tram wai moving on, wben In came some gentlemen, : abo alala to be wiser than Mr. Lincoln, and throw ob- . st ruc! ions upon tue track, and throw the car of State ofl ta ir.i.k. Mr. Doolittle said be bad received a dispatch i informing him that the Legislature of hil State bad j ; -i--! a resolution requesting him to vote for the Civil Lights laII, »no President's objections thereto notwith- t itaadlng, Ile had already set lortb at length bli ob- i Jcclions to the measure, and be could not vote for it. i mid would abide hy the consequences. He entertained . the highest leases! for the gentlemen oompoilng the Le*is'.'.ture »fliis State. Hut standing where be did, 1 In* saw what they could not. They were at a d-iUnce, I and Isiseseed by party press, and persona interested .ina continuation of ilnorder in the South. Mr. *Öoo- little read letters from gentlemen of great Intelligence sojourning in tua South, to prove tbat ihameful mlirep- res-ntationa of tai* real sentimeuts of the Southern peo ' pie have bcou made by newsi»apers through their cor« retjiond nts. One of Mr. Uoolittlo'i correipondeoti »ays that the account! In the Northern preis are mere 11c.iriiiitures of Southern sentiment, and that be hie] » never heard e»f any compiracy, or effort, or intention ol tiny kind to roust tbe Government or the laws, or to oppress the negro. Mr. 1Uvin rose and said he would proceed a good ib'jl ¡ile nu Oeleiber rain, with deliberation and very much at his leisure. He proceeded to speak against the Civil Kights hill and in favor of tha veto. Toward the coucliiiK.ii »! his remarks, Mr. Davn asid If ta« bill now 'tefore tbe Senate became a law, be Sioulel feel compelí *d to regard himielf ai an enemy of the Govern- i..».at. anil to work for ita overthrow. He wauted no bureaucracy te) govern tt.ii countrv. Mr. Sai bbVBI took the «door and laid: I rise toaav. Sir. that in my Judgment the pasiage of this bill is tli« inauguration of reveilution. It ii well, Sir, that tha A merion peopl. should take warning and let their house m order, for it ii imismitble that the people will patiently sub-nit to it. Heaven knowe tbat we have bad enough of bloodshed, enough of mourning in every household. There are too many now-made graves for inv one to wiih to lea more. Attempt to exécuta thia law within any State of tata Union, and ia my Judgment this country will again be pluaged Into iii C.e horror! of civil war. In my own State, an bumble State m patal of number!, but a State of gallant som. your law will never be obierrsd by the Judiciiry of that State, most of them of the Kepublioan party. lhere is not. 1 say, a Kspubllcan «luelge, we never bod a J migo so deitel to tee teachings of tbe great lumlna- riet of the law as to attempt to enforce such a Ha- grantly uuconititutlonal law or act aa this I shall not ¡again enter upon the constitutionality or unconstitu- tionality of tbe net. But. Sir. If it be not grossly, palp* ably, flagrantly unconstitutional, than live and twanty years of some diligent study of the law bava avalisa me nothing. In coueluiioo, Mr. Sai lkbl'ST predicted that tho passage ot thia bill would lead to bloodshed, war and disunion. Mr. Yatkh simply wished to aay let the Union peopl« of this country and tbeir Senators and Heprcsentaiiv«_a march forward in performance of their duty, and let them do it now »rd hereafter. Mr. McIXH'.iaix spoke of thli bill m revolntlonar- and unconstitutional.ona of a series of revolutionary measure! cow bofors Cor.greii. the vote whs then taken on the queitioo, "Shall toa bill pass the President! objeotioni notwithatsndlng " aud tho remit wai ai followi: ...-. VRAi-Mritn. Anthony, Brown. Chindlsr. Clirk. fenr«. Crurin, -.renwell, Ldinuudi, temaolen, Vottet. Orimei H«.' ni, lisndrnou, Howud, Howe, Hillwood, L_i* lind )'Hut. (au. Morrill. Nye, Poland, Pomeroy. Únuna¿ She'ru-i ant*»», Mow»«, Sumner, Tnuabull, Wade, Willa- Wil! !... Wilton, Vl'.rl jil. *" N tvi.Mejin Buchalsw. Cote-ait, Dtrit,'DooliUU, OatbrU. I riidin k. R. Johnion, Lane (Kin.) Mr Dougall. Neiwith, borton. Kiddle, Saultbury, tan H tnklt, Wri«ht.It. Abisht. Mr Dixon. | Hie nanieiiof Republic.ii votlni "No" ire 1b Itali«. 1 . i.D Tbib. ' Wbeu Air. Morgen recorded bli vote in the affina«- tivc, the galleries applauded very loudly. The Chair ttuuounceil amid freut applause that the bill hartog re¬ ceived a two-third vote had become a law, but tubs*- »lu-ntly corrected the inadvertence by Hating that tb« bill having received a two-thirds vote had passed the Senate. On motion of Mr. Tri mbi li, the Secretary of th« Senate was ordered to communicate to the House a copy of the veto menage together with the result of tha vote, abovo glvon. iii» Senate adjourned at 1:30 p. ni. to meeton Mon¬ day next. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HY.SO!.VU*. FROM MILWAt'KEK. Mr. Paink of Wisconsin, presented reeolu. ti'»;.», .iil.i,.tail by the Chamber or Commerce of Mil¬ waukee, lu regard to the Bankrupt law¡ which wera referred io tho Select Committee on that lubject. I K1 VATK BILL*. The regalar order of business being the call of Com- mittet"« for reports of a private nature, Messrs. Par¬ ham, jlardin (Ky.), Taylor, Sawyer,Lawrence (Penn.), Stillwell and » .m Aeriian, from the Committee on lu* ace Twelfth Pase.

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Page 1: NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, 18% WASHINGTON. tafe*] \1> WHO sa.s so. Kerii. ib*tie. Lavia li-k,Faststefthe BaptistChareh, i ii rioel


THE CREAT STRF.NfîTTIKNINO TONIC.(Net » »M.i-i»y pu imi...i


HAS **_B**0_M-D MOKI < ugMB,



».dim aaaa aapaeahk paapk io~aae_farla,thaBi_tjtut.ti illicit iii t)i< ruik.t

Mi it t» »io i m ic »< Btadtal '.tu« »««.nu n, ai i

WILL TAY gijmt

Hag i» wbc w.n pm. .i, gjp a.sdb**aa*_IS*lit« I l-l. u,ne.

lil*: AlEMlIE I*.,





EU \1> WHO sa. s so.

Kerii. ib* tie. Lavia li- k, Fastst efthe BaptistChareh,i ii rioel v -'u- North Bsptl ri b,

|-i....ui,! I Pattor of tbe BsptiitCITa

I sore kaowa Hoofland'i Osrmss Bitten favorably f. r t

nuin! rr ut*. I bsvs aisd tbt-m b tay own tee »

l,iy, aseaseab wee Induced Isssaassaead them la away others, and knew thal the] ?

«iH-iaitil in ,i »i:....t ..y bri.ei.iil manner. 1 tu»« |r»ElptfEseli«Ital.tlOl ef I! i-i '.IK, I' ii wil'i tin- iii». rblal-, -i . « : » wini from »i

T.tfly a.-1 to I. la ! t lln-bfll., t'J,a-di, Lit U 1 .11, Yilila,',! ...


Pi :; . K.r V. ¡) :. I| | ed .-' I of! -¦.. "i IT'.- ill1

I.KN 11 min I ve reeenthf bun Isbortna imin ti»«J.«I --i >' i It' i !» c1 '.a '

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triu'.n ss tka :.-.-.« ty reos rsSBediei»'!- :¦ ..t ti m

ir.lrd lit t Ti "t Hoeflsad'i i

by 11 r». . who 1. -. ff ti .-.e !'

try them. a ¦.

min to Pstsal .*»!. ». In » ':¦ m t .« i .

«¦sich " Bitters" me.s te bs Isr is ci ramai ty in a sly

WET. auii lbs ». ST, »' mu.y a

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: t I li it witk I'M;» 1!. t.»ot ruiij- , the i ! rvons system, wesim ¡. 11 an,!.'.' » a j. i -.. i i .my.- derivad I- .'

|-*rti>aiifi.l leirlit Iroin tit a»« Si u *SW lili »a. Y,-:yOi I). ¡»EIUE1UKD Me. HA SkssksmsaoB-st

Pkom 1.1 si Editor ofTbs ColtortsI No 2-' BsrtkHatk it

fill' EIi-.Ljy.IIA. ISun.. , Igkfe snmonthsib h

rTipr¡ -ia. i»a« io .lu it: ¦ ittoae-iiiiii tr»«» .lull«-«» i...t biui U t ou s io debilitated Bl to beBl.i»t untitl J tor ... tiv« bnsli,»B» "i say .:: .1Ai rr try « I « ..ra -.- of -ou. le.I » of wiilc-h

preved wusi.see, »» » ¦. »i it tbs insfsstion si » n.r.iia si fi.»iul. la ,,» .. iii Kilt, ri a ni..lliE.'y pure.»»ed lix bull ». « I wera I «en ia s uniaii-i.wil n y. ..! titiThe te- '. :>¦!.". i loft

a *lrr . «tin»; cr titina-o«, a» «. - «'--I T,-«ti,riatir,ii of ,ir». ,au. »u

U «»» ' ..¦>»* tr* .¦.' -.«¦¦.»«? a««»«. or rews «.ta. impunity, »udsa i «bl« to »li« tid lo ti! ti« ilit.e. of a k»rir ami »t.l on,

la tien»m wellna »ey metioi ot xa} tbegoeietocUoi «be tittt-l* «Atie n «li''-ted lllfsis I kai tuaer. the Iii»!

hot He.I have eIbo stTrcd ¡l <r, ti.«/ family with trio napple»! I .

and lake great el.mun. In adltil .. my IsbHsbs ,y lu

BiEE y others wiii) I.-**» lern tmetnrd by th :u. I find ,!. 'Elbe»* bt tri iii ikl iae ¡i ot'.le lo ti:- SpnSBJ md Kail. 'I keymat) m » ernte » tieoio ¡» »ni» it« I I fitoea healthy leos totheil tito ii. b;»!i«!..t iininit. dite.uve power«.

[f I i» iib'.trt-'i atony will I»» the means of lndociafl tay»I, .fl.r (mu, dyspsssis to ir>v>- »otu bitters s trial (wbasii/tf, a-1 couti»!«.*., Brill .rivi tka .- at your service.y, -, ti..:» A .M M'.lNHI.Ut.

Pinn Ri» B MsriigS, ft*Uz if U.e Pt»r»y mk Bsiitirl«

Irian 'lie mau) rssssclst « reoooin . dstii n- riven to Dr.I's<>.riiiss billen I wa» Indu ..¦! to five tbsm «

tri»! 'Y .tri u.a.?.-a va ral ItOttle« I fou ii BBS ! be a -1

Ituallt fl.1 lla-blJtC "I'd B U.i.*al Heal.'I.t tOtli I thElva.Mli. D. MEKKIOK

.*r»o. tiri Prv YVt, imlinltb, .'. x-mly Pi/tr.r ni t>»Vi« .«itsw.i ami tUPtW <N J) Beat.t Charchas 1'

pMaHat hat a«'«I Iii my _milv a ícimi <-r of lou.« of vonrIle« fli e»Jt«a nrwi Bilton I'bav«-lu Ity thal I * surd tim,

». ii, r i oallen: meiiirme, perij y *d»¡ ted to reaers tlie <!..«sir. i t»«-y me sbsssbsb.. 'neil for. Tln-y strenftben and ii.vis«.rtl« ti » ty atau, winn ais.i itited and a.» u» lol in Ahotdi i

a ths »«J-. lost of »Slrt-til". le. I liS'.e t-u r» ,,i iiia-nii-tl«hut, to ws.-rtl tf my BiaadBi who h»7r (ried linn and.oui.d !| l-i. L tut. al in tile re«'cr «ti uti ul liealtu.Jïiun, ui> VVIIjI.'AM SMITH,

No. ItU 11 u».i.i;.. nit

eitin. the Rev. ''"IirauM *»Vmi»i, V. D F»Jla» of Basboroath Hat'li.t I »«niDsahHib: I xnl it imto toot eiei-.'.rnt yxtyvili'i,. IViiiI

laiaaj i l.rrnitii l,a*j**!t «'..ii n » te««iiii"iiy lo li.- IsssSTedseputation it bat »bta.*d I hut« .'. r »..-»;.! Hasa .Itooublsd with ia-,« AlaoiJrr ir. my tiru! and BEBT« .

1 WEI sdvited Ey u tri«ud to try » bottle of yu u I», nu ni li Iten. 1 did io tnd hsve ei|.««i.ei. ?<! liri at and BS.OSStsd/sliri, luy health liait ht»«» »atry s aterí» y l.r»,4t.d | ei nil¿t iiliy leremm»i.d ti e lili.1« vvtit-re neet »r.b BSSSS «iuulu lo Bay own, »nd liât* ttatr. taisi Wal hy nany of Ihat" I J'~sBeiU II..t*. I...... .. t»..., T. VM.MKH

Kui. '.rv'^f.'', l'a.

B-WAKK ov^nonitrihi8-x»«titthe «».i-Bt'is ti "C.'«j,-L J-UKSO*»'1 is on tU-

BmH+i ol «uti boule.

TK1CE. '

-»OLE BOTTLE, Oh OR A 1UU.F liOZ F.N Fun gb.

ÜMaóild your cette* diwtll't net biT»*» .« .»rtii le. do not lieBat off by irsy of Ibe intoxicating ..rept-vatioi.- that may Im

Attditi iii otmct, but uin4 to ui uni t»'S * ».1 forward, .e-

aarily latxJied by eiptit«


K». till AAC114IT..


* i JO*!-**» k EVANS,

(8s«X«a»0li to C. M- J»£.*emk Co ,)pLoprieton.

Isissaiby DrorirUU »:d Dialers in «vei.T town In tbe

¡Um «asaH. T. IILLMBO-.DH





. -m-


A Proposition from «Mr. Line of Kanni.-«'.

Tbo Civil Rights Bill Passes (heSenate Over (he President's

Veto.33 to Ilk-.+.-


Mr, Brooks iü U_seate_-84 to 45,andflïr.Dodgo Admitbed-7 2 to 52.


-Iircei-aneoiu Intelligence.

»\ IIHISOTOB, li.«Jay, | | ni f», 1886»TUE (I'll. 11H.II lil J li I. \M> IHK VKTO.

'li." paaasge oftha CMl Bighti MO stn the

Veto to-ilur, ami Um exeitameal lu .'<«¦« nn»l .»I ..:.

I nth un ti) :e.v-"il» :n ii-lj- nil el-»'. 1»

I of "ii.»- M ¦*".¦ l'.v K. :. m I..m* looa

¦bowed lint I.»* hm] taken bil final po».t¡<»n,!;. 1....1 i." I» '.* r f ii. lii-t nii-'lit ii I

l:o «ni, iii rote farUm bUl - ¦. n Wot» hsadledl.iu» «i ith'.i;! -.'lik--« u:al lia* »JOOg w » l'roai

Um ... The ramil noa nagi *.i

I k j», in., ii bes.*" tho-weitell md Um » 'l tkerebj »a »»i»'"

I N 1 ide I the '.',*¦ [ Du »n hying.»!» to '.. .r. »¦ in» i oat. 'iii« «'""ii bees.askagwa,ii) 1 »i.l bopa Qg the veto waa at on.*:

al nu¦.«»... ii. Besstof Wrighl bessi, the fieosts t'-eiiij far the Brat Una* hatka gsss

reUnd to s sida rosta. Al about ii-.-, in., it ivai ru-

ruin' »l ihn' s. h. toi Motgaa woald »rote tot tim billi Creslj soaeodod tiii*t the rata

I ooaldnot bs pseteoted. .«*. i .». na., Mi DooUtUihaving cloaed kia défasse of kia oaa a.ara

ulai» h he ti» laggd Le ihoold not regpeel ti,-» i.. -

.Stars Of hil Stat", Lut V.'D'.ili \k» I...ia.. politise!retiren,on» witj j>Hn: u:n »M nr>i>n .*» if, i'iiultl me*

tlie- Stute! Ml lu,« L- n. Uk -i l'lnd-re, ti» til* 111 ij.»,_, mt

many agfleaa defense «'f tkSTsto,saisllaeeBte^ready feir n rafa, .SOTS*-.I Darli pat tho fissitai gggflg u two koon «.».e«t,i, ii' itrljr gg ¡ityiug tit

g-Qeriei god the floor. Ally, nu, Ufa Boase h.-iv.

iiig a»lj«)iinif], tit«« ___».__._." ra cr»>>>»l''i] Into titi

Bansto, sadon Dsrli B-g-j goadadiafl with Lil

¡threat« that if suu'i loglalalkin un thi« bill auei the

|FlSSd_Ma*l Dur» nu Lill SS**S to bs )SSMd li»

I "«eiulel el«, all Le-touLl te» ili.-st »»r Um Qorenunenlbut las threat« fright« nerd no »jih*>, t d»»z»*n

UBengfagg ggksfl for Um fjaeottoa»» bat lb Bsals»1 .ty ri»6o tu ¡.»»ur tut his -ggnndltioWl >f C»»n-

**n*»"s, and to bo-.I that in Delaware the law

Ugolfl not bo ngaeatefl, tksl his trainj-lo njiuii it, ami .hat tin

Bailee! laaaton tram not wolj dieaata lata,IBal rivohiüoiiir-ts, a+'iiin tho fjnuatioa wan culle-d

for, whe.-n Mr. Tlfal remarked tb. t Lu he.jn* ' ti.«-

aooJdgo on and do their d'lty. Hut Mr.

Mil'. Ifsll must vTiWito poffg tiinc.SHit unlike Da*vi« lit* garer talki fttj I Mg, ami at C-.l-'i j>. va. th«.

rull-C-ll C'»iiiiin-iie »1. Wh« the name of Mr. M» a

(ran v._w. calk-el, ami Le voted " ayo," üio gallen!began |g gpflgSil. but the Chair iir<-ni¡itl*" mp-

ygggggfl it, and tbo call went on. The« pom Iss-falfrom Vcnpiiit, Mr. Edmund.., was not in when hilname wari esllsd, but Jagt b» fore tho result wai ga«

m.unce «I, h<* e-amo in, and voted " ayo." Th»"ii tim

C1.«tir annMgÊMti UM ti «till, 33 Is 15, and tho pal-I.-r.» I broke out ni loud cb»MU bti ii»i»lause. Tbojwe-ro or.lertd lo be e:le:are»d, but tia ch»*'*n:ig wont

».ti, until the* B'iti»euce> wiro all gone. There aee-me 1

t.» be ne> h-ggiag, BO »liss"Uting voico«; all aeeiicd

gloioiihly BspH MMt the result. The «Senate goob

.i. ¡jo i rued, and via: y ggggjsfl around the Souaton

4o congratulate th«:'n on their triumj»h.MILITAKV (laAIMS SETTLED.

In Mtrcli, '-"('».nT-* njilitary claiuj-i wera Bot¬tled by th* .Second Controller.

VRtiMO'l'ID.aUent.-Cil. J. ali. Taylcr, Captain ßth United

Sttüci Cuv-Jry. Biiil Aiaintuiit Adjutaiit-liom-riil on theM.ill "f'¿'-II. An», l.r, lui« 1» »ti. J .rnili'it'i'l to Alltltailt-AiljiiUui! Geut-riJ in the Kegular Army, with the rankof Major, vice Geo. t*eth Willlaiut. decoaied.

CCITOM!" »WWIIat the following port! for tlia wee-k endin« Maroh HI,aeee 9oM.Ytgb, íjiívajh-, liaiton. t**.i.<i.¡i», l'liila-

elelphia, g|t>,301, Ualtlmore, d-JAll''. During tbo

same month the receipt! from ti id lotrce from thnabove eitici amounted to gl3 t.N.t-'t', of which mm

nearly 'JO per cent waa contributed b-Zi-** .fort of New-ïork.

INTEHKAL REVKIftgxe«_>eipti to-day, gejO,74!_.The Commliiloner of Internal Revenue, ond»IX the

direction of the Secretary of tho Treaiur"*, In tbeaiieaiuient of tho annual income, will not require offarmer! tim return of the value of their farm product-«yii.iui-ii'd by themielvci and familiei. The InitractWimto A-ueiiorg now Wing prepared wdl expreuly 99ÊMMi/e Ibu relief.

BllOOgS-DODOE.Tho roj.íctioa of llroejks, and giving t!i»*

to Dodgn, han been expected for soveral dayi. Tho |g>temperatao ipefch of Mr. Drooki loit him lèverai ISSNwho were willing to j*iyu him the benefit at the doabii.Un had aoliolpatad tbo r«iuH for K*ma day*, hut for tbo

Inst diiy nr two he had hopes ofseeurinp a return of theciwe to the District. L'o bid his friends a Baal tafe*]will on llio result bein« announced, ami tl.oii left theli..u-«.

TBXAS.rriivi-iiiii'il Got» Ban_líos is reportad bb

Nata lo »VHshlugton to see wliat Is to be dune with'lein«. TheBeeeaataatata have totead upon thoentiroI'tiliticnl »'iintrol of the State, and Me curri.g every-thing nilli ti high ta.A

CMRUI *.r.-.»]i>*«!.

Tbe ('ullinet had Hie longest teeekn to*.»ythere hn» base tor i» bing ulule, lasting fur three huir».ivlint Wim ,!'la> su» jeel of discussion linn not yet trans¬

pired. Beear atetea ti>.t Jtir. Devil weat.ekeeltigaaattafc

OOTBâjTOB of mom pana.

D is liiii'.nri'.1. thal dr.a-il ("luv Smith is tn ..<.

Bfpaiated fJeeeraor of Meal lae Territory.THE I \.VKi;ri*T HILL.

A «rigOfO.I attempt is bellii* n.min Io to*tiall.ite mt ¡ BM Uto r.aiiariil't bill, li'.t it» thuin' 1 nr«1

very »lim.TIIK T1X BIM.

will i'-.*«.' .ii'iy ba re| at. I aexl veek. «\ aaakae a*mr.' » '.*.!! im Bided le ti '

I with tax ea k. e-tadfe» It le prop.1 le rodea maimi tj; ', ¡n cr n.i», ead ¡-¡ti«k » BBod ni Ita ¡r aaaa

fri-of. rt".

SriTlsTHS uT It» Nl.M 1,1.m IFbe reeorda ofth Solt*ier*a R« it, nt th.* Balti«

Ifeere aadOhla Railroad Papal, afcew, thatwerlag tbaw, tad ikalf nail,«m i-t ewe vera Baled for aa

lhey pi neil t.i ai.d ir i. wl.ii.« lu,:1» U.ken pa «¦ i

witiu'i.t tuoatmj at -ii.Till- 1.1 YU. I'S nu l in m BOUBB.

The Booie will pi » the < -i ¡ bill on

Monda* "¦ 'lue-la»-, bj ¦. thae a twa third vn-ti«

Thereaaaj betweatj a thirty iola tai0BA*rr*ï uti i

Tia-'tiiial le« i-i-of (¡in. « wea iii'« nded-.. i.!, ¦.. by Beaatera, aaeaahaeeel* the Beaaekilala a aad atbsre i¡tut- «¦ »; Baa of the anti brillia t

t11» w later.

\.- .r .J Press.U U B SOTO!

MIN' \TK I* !*.< ¦<<-. ".-.i,-.

1 he '»r I'i'ii.iiL'- i.i i B .¦ ¦'

ITtlire t

la bjtis House of lb pit

. I toi Staate '.i i., i «I u i-¦.,' in- ."Ht a stotln lira ; a ria its tot ., « hen

ned ni ni ..* ,r Jinan'i !. ii. luil ab.»» tb.ii

hi »»'«.'i ii ini sen!I ,. r- -I

i heir muí.i» i sith .¦ 11 Is in - a a a rum 11 aU .i rd p. a l fore a roto w_i reaohed,

-.Te- iit tea j« r u I, .1! ii'.. ..iilbre ik of »j-; Bl Bia

roletl '... i»n- i .i ,i !.i»'l 1« I.;!, th ». t., t . ti»..' n tinta ni standin i ¦. I'..

thn it' ad tn < !.i ii the gata ia . "i ita.trat loe, m I amid Ibe oi r,.,t. r i»

¦¦.-,., bitate » I« laity. Yt d the r» « iii wai

:'¦ -i "r tbe r

api anse Ira.m ti io .- «


« !.. ! li I« J- '- 11" .¦ lit

8 u at, aad to hue! rll the I :«l tosa u>willi the I'n-Blalaaiil« a 11, |.-.-It.u«. I li b1 ii _»,, l»s !»»_.»?-urnnaidered, aa s provided bj the <Ism Walles* <>f i

Catad Mata-«r| «_r<>n,.tn- reran si ni iii uo.tUBBM.

The Pieeida t«» Chu. reef Ut-dtt**papers rdattra v the alala aa Ihla Gores.meat at ti.«

of ti Bil iblj k1 alelan11 a eaptarsd -liIra ¦. t.» t!,. L'aie «i -»i »las -' Inward, sen) Be]Wat far adjotlie lion bdoo Ho sappoaatoa tia- al

riolattaa ef the bloekadi sated lana a fort ii

ion I Ibe I talOrgentS I to a .!. n e «.

ibe District Coori f tbe 1 DO. lutates al Ki J WV..: beltin nu ten claimed damages mr tbe pla and dates

, tilín '1 '! Is« l.m,ttougb, as ths .-v. ret .r> of Ki its Myaprim Ink ..-. -ttiii is 1rs!

preaaated bj the Hritiak MinisIta lo ba eaaawersted laaiiu.'.i '. uiul u |ir«-|K «itiuli »in m ¦.¦ '.n.'.'illy it »de ;. .m,» to refer tin qaeetloa sa to the sa. proper!*due tn an itrlulrau.ii. This |WU|msl

¦: iiiiii wai E«*cepted snd ti..- award of ths.iriinra-in« i» *«e.i-j<i An ap] ropvtalioa afth!a aaaeaalu raooBBM inii ti in t'n, erasa.

"ATt«s up oi ri'LI The President aba Iraaamittad aaaaa taattoaa

¦, fruui Cabibsl iiiiii».'!'. addreaeed la kia byttoas nt'i-j-r«. snggaatins a aodifloatloa ..f theoath af office preaaated bj Iba aet of Coas « «,[iruveil al'i.i ._' I««'J. Bs ! aili e. in i.t* in I bell It um

ini-niliiiion-.. ami n« tti» m'ljeet pártalas lo the 11 lea¡nln ilaiatratka ni lbs rea.¦ aad j«.»*.ii tawsta tkaBoothera fatataa ha aaraoaly ooameeds totheeartyi-oiikiiietiiti.ti' uf i ooaree* 'lia letter oft sBaeratarjlof tba Trsaanry confirms the Bama af CaUsetors ..fInternaiRevenue. Asssssor« Aasistaal »,?.«»...i» i ,.i1.1 tm« md Barveyors of Customs, »ti spptdetad ali ..

ila« oTarthroa of !!,'. K« bt Ilion la lbs Bo libera Btsteiwho hare eel beea ti* ti take literally the Bathni ., |iie>i r.'.'il ti) the n't BpBTOTe« .li.It i, IMSBeside thees oaVera » oaasldersMs numbai, peihaaite, taiejer eroporttoa of Uuun» baldiag mitán dilutepoaitioBs Ib Um Barsnas Depártemela» Sera boee ailsaunable to eulii|ily with the lei.lnreiiR'iit« of thu ilatiitc.

| Al a consequence, tbey have «a ned withmit Baaaaeaa-lion, st their account» um..I nut lie Vi tJ.«acooaatlaf odtoeia "f the flsisiaaaai Munv of Utoaaeaaeera hera paaeaawad rare la^artaat dataa artthAdeUty, ead nut a f«-w mutt be la i-reit dutreis byr< iiHiui of their inabilities. When the nyy uiilmentiw.-jn inaile, It wn» found that It WoulJ be illili, tilt i-unía e iai (Boon in in .ti.» ni tho Boat.ara Urn-mi»districts wl.ii ».ililli tulio thu oaih referred toi but m»

important did it teeni tu the Fraatdeal atulthi« CaMaat, for tka perpeea <»f *'|UBiizin(t: theiiabli: bardaaa, timt tis Baraaaa antea ekeald

.»heil tnroni-hiiiil the r« eii.i.y r. oi llioos KtstesIvtitb a» lutin delny a« lirai Iii nile, pad Hist tka un-

pleasant duty of collei Ung lakes fruin su Bthaaeted andlately ii»l»-ilinn» !>ei>pln »hould b" uerfunneil B1 her uw n

Lili/eu». that the heeietary of the I reBiury did nut baal-tate tai ricoiiiii.end for aiipointiin-nt, and to appin,!men of wbuie preiteiit lu)«!ty there wa» no qaestloa,but who niighl, either willinnly or unwilling darlag

I the peeajrea of tha Babellioa, bia aoeoaaeetee atti tin-inmirifeni sinie and Caefcdarata Oareraaeatn to ii«tinabli: to take Ihe oath of nilli e. 'Ihii mis not donnfrom any dlaanailtaa l8 dittreitaril tka Uw, but aith an

bonett umi Meera perpeea a eeltaetiag Ike raraaaaawith ss little trouble to Ibe tax payers ai poiilble. '1 hecountry wa» ia u peculiar condition; tba BabetlioB hadcometo ssudileu close, all rastaBBBM l8 the iiuthurilyul the I'nited Mates liad ceased, and some,seven millions of into-ila In a state oftiller disoraTaniiation wero left without any eli ii gee«».¦ii.o.ei.t whatever, snd without even An ade««ua!emilitary protection agaimt auurchy »ml Tiuleuce undertbcbc t lit atiiituiices; a» it skewed charity to lau tba»duty ovftli«- Kxei'iituo to procce.t at tom to citablisliHie Federal aulliortly and civil iruveriii.'ient in then«State», »»j It seemed to be BOOMeen t'» i irry late eil"itthe reveían» baa of the (ieneral riuvurniiieiit. Aa thei.'uintry was |..i»«iiig from a »tate of war to a state ofpeace, and the emergency »coined lo lu- too pretiitiK toadmit of delny until the me-etin«* ni Cmur'*.«, It wa«

thought that the lett oath might, in view of the (Treatobject« tu ba mtiiineil, in some cities he dUpCBaed With,or rattjer that persons might be peimitud to baldKeveline i'flices who could take it oily ni a «imtailia»form. No ona conld have regrett««il nmr» than tin-1'resident snd tbs meoibcn of tho Cubinct thenecessity which existed fir thu course, butthere »eemed to be no altern-itin». and it was

confidently hoped that ander the oircuuiii.incei of theettie it would bo spprored by Congres« A moug thosewhose name« are presented to the Pro tideaf, the Secretary has BO reason to suppose that then' i* one who can

he justly charged with being instruit."nt ii in luillgstingthe Kebelliuii, sllhough a few may have coniribuled to

its support atad continuance. Booie « ilk strong attu hmenis for the l"nloD had kOewed IheeXeteeJi wlu.-hthey lived Into the war against the L'eited Siu.tjs undertbe'liiilcful influence of the doi trire of Ktate iöover-elgnly. home bad held oflloe under tho lmuriie.-it au¬

thorities as the only meaos of aapportiag their fatin"v<,others, to t*scaiie coiincniitioii, or ti ba iu a better con¬dition to rciist at the piiij-t r tun'' i roefedaaete rule.iS'ut iiiif is kiii.wn th have been a ili«uiiioui»t or un

íneml1» to the (jo*vcrDmeut at the ennuient emetit ofIbu war. A very illg"*t change in the oath,a change thatWould not cover a partiVe of présent Klisloyalty, wouldeifsblo the nmst of theui tp liold thu offices they are

now eo «uicoplsbly filling. Ureal ioss to tba tíoverneiciii «J»8il fTt-at ninojiTt.iiiu-juc tv tilt .Utjjjtuimoat nuit l

rot-ult frota tho dlrcon.'.-niiance of their services. After I.»tiling re ineiiit» at, large why tbt* oath should bo modi-fied, the Secretary M*fl Um Babetttoa Kr<*w out of au-

ta(ioni»ni e»f utiinlon lie*tween the people of tho free ainlh.av»* Stiiti'H lliri lt'tritiiiiiitfl remit of adiffi-ronce of in*»titutiorin. With tbo abo-tiea »>f Slaierv, all real elifhisass egsáfalas; asd all aeriasa causes of estrange-¡meIStSSSght r ii'iillv m .li- ipi' air. It will ho a niljmjlty, ti» extent af which cannot now be esüíaatrel. lie»!hio tim nation mid lo the etuii-i- of civil liberty tbronffb-»mt the worhl, )f. instead of looking to reconciliation»uni .harmoiiv, t ho action of th«* (jovrn-mi'iit shall tend to limden and intemify a see

tlesaliaa. beta-eea tie Iforthera and HosthernBUtaa It ii dill.cult to,i.* of ii mon* nnfortunu'oeoana for Um "-overnaMnt of tin- Halted Stat«*s i»» par*stn« than to make tix-(_atlierci»< at Iba South of men «inare Mungen to the people, it n»ie-»is n«» refaioaai tohi-i'Kiy, attboagh It is full of Ics-eoii» upon this subiect,to ilk.trate the total eoa ¦¦,-¦ en of such a policy.A pi»» n.leil to this li'tterof the S»*. rct.iry e»f the TreiiMiryan tbo aaaaae Ig aansss ssttag as aaaooeots and col-teetora la the 8outbara Statea who have aat t.iken the«».iib of ».Hi- .' ii it! tait »[ii ililli iitioli. It i*» tiiol thalliii-r» un-utiiloülitetlly oiln*rs wboie names have noth» a n reamil. It appeals Bael a l «« 11 r of the Coa*ii.:-»a' if 'ti «t..n.» tli ii the.* f.iliMk lui» nnincil \> ISeaiara Ihe on'y Cus!..ins officers whe» hav.- t ikei» tho oaîhin a mokiitn »I flinn I»mm M. Mathews, »Collector,1. i*,'i ti Minni k VlrriaUi Willum -»Craft, ColhGeorgetown H.C. . uordoa Forbes bataryor, \ga Win. I..'1'in, Barvej », C»tarlaatoa,& Ci *.'- m.

Bobinóos, Special Ki milner of Drugs, ead .dgar BLI. v ii m anil .1. y Wirker Appraisers, Cberleetoa,s c. 'i he 1'» ita aatei (» icraLin kia eoaimaiiaya asa mensa of raatoriag Isa bealaeaa «ataréatela

lae Bo» a- 1 ».I ui'li: g iu tita r».'i t.! lia ir I'm. tittil OB.! I' it im... v, ,fi Uta (.»Veril-

iin'iit. ii waa deem» I Important by the Prcaideatasdb.ti. u th« m uti ihoald be latnda »l awi tam*

Ofltoee be ra-opeaad ia th» .». m atoa n r iptdly n panii '". t.» r.;, ii- ii ei .11», ina i i-a « »'f Hi»* Departaaal ai ro

promptly, ai .i iii-..- I".-a eeatlas a i> dlreetod\ iir'.i'iis 1'iiiiiw» I'M« du .l.a'i'1 to thoful irr* la ace« that waa 1 d f" that, i-i . fro a the oath pr< * rib« .1 h]

iu:« of «I'iiv v. i-'j. .mi Haigh .i. IBU, bat eeli »a :» ti..- laaal ahila »t haabaea the ose to which mjtiiei tina hal been meut fteqnei dy called. 1 his a* ha- ute'iu' I ta believe, has not ti.awing exctailrsly t"

n.i-ir not li» i- :.* I..» b1 j»**:-' m who fo'ilil ink" tim oathhat ta the »touted corni nsation, Boat of the otben otBring ia-ai.. -1 a a ti to peraoaa to n»t.-n«

poBtaaatari aad to the bawflttBgaeea of mai.y, whoalght etherwiBo act, to <!»' .a i» «osât of the lacon-renienei asd ooaprondis of their peattioss, ahieb,ther fear, woaM ratall froatakl g t.'.- aath wbea team.iji r.r ..i ihelr ra ..

¦ » .. lad, la'¦»»nu* form, aided the Babe-lea. To obviste theeo dil*n.-nit»» » ia part, receorai baa ken had to the utimian'-f ««»in.-a ai i- i, which baa proved tot>n of doubtful otillt] !¦» t:.-' i-i »n ,-, »tai n-. --it*.- h t-

Hi.« « ;. I the a pointaient of verv many I ¦' 'I "' ,: »:

t.. .a :.:¦'.: .:¦-, li.»- !'. a- li '»¦

mel iBgg» tloa of ti»1* '"»lb by".- sard " releí larlly' imi

rr.- lin»: the w " BOSgbl M Hal UMBoehlreaJ "Thal I bara neithervoluntarily

--.i»'.i nor a. '',i"!. nor attempted t' »wari ¦ I i'i n. ..': of ¡ai» ".! i¦¦¦ b ttevara dar aav authority iahostility to the l iiud States 1'hia woaUeatargeths

:,.kk.'.u iiiiniifv ae poa!Bastara aad»i. ti.-» "i,[.». i'ir- aad ha m har « to I,nu.» ih ti..-1-.* ... «' provlil m mal porpoaei of the aath,indi :. Ita) the ipi edy r. .. tal llahmei i <»f the

iin Mb to ti bei agi .i nil las aaetii.i.« of um casaI r, f.-r it Baal ba barna ia alatfl.»i la;-* Pie people of ihn Houthern State «are mon dlreatlj

r -.. >i ia thi restoration, «iii"* Btataa are alasit».'ti it may ha, ha Mya tateraiBBg M

knoB t. ni ef th» :.¦."- ir -ii rootaa »'i operation in tbitii-lok »JP Ingeal al the Beb« Ilion, th«.. k a .. ^ n- ik hai baca n itan d ai d thal til MA

V.,-1I» l|||''ill.tli:' IS al

I .-' a ik.- I li ¡a.i 11». of it limit 1,177 o 1. li baSI.'., Iii til li, ra !.. | I ..1 I -I 1'

| not -;»)-,'.'..-.!. II n !¦' li-'v..¦ t tjuti all oft in have not 'i as »» bacanal of ii»

»ai'ii.'I'litr V > i »i '¡ II Bl i! «»lil«

In ji.-t.i.'i On l)i|iill uni', in -I. w of Ihn it.rlTu ."a

, I«,»I.I m. «I»"»li '.»» ti«- r»»l^|.iliij f«.»«, i.«a ...

l «Um a.«.', t-ir a !a-i .".n.i-l.'i .1

i.ti, .ta ,n ..i »i», pmmuauilan tmrm len, ¦¦Ifciwlt mu.

> .* .'.» I".» li HI.I...-lull'. .

la I", -tra i»t< r- 1. a. ¡ ..I conctudcB bj laying ha ne-ft'»r.--- aaaa avili raaattlag from m panul .

r. -t..r .ii. ., i.i the |. tai n ri ... i-i til «m-ilh.-rn St*!»-«,i.»n iiji.ia ti., bese ii» i" laa .oraraaaaal ami to tini'.'i." sfaMsaadaa ot ikaeaastrj thal assld r«*su.imSISSMN g' neiTBl »eml ili.iiviit r.«t»'r«tiuli "I Calservice

1 In ia pesen !».»>« been referred io the Coi.iu.iite'»ii the ir».

Ti!K O-UIMBtAB "VIMIS.SH'N".Tbo »Colombian Commiaajon waaia riot

»¦ I» bear M* Carlile dlaaaai the qaesttaaicoi.'--«1 « lb tha rials of 1 At, ant tim »pltottoa t_i». »t «ir. et.ii ti.e »t air,. j> sapaay ai» i tin' Passau'::tiIr«.-!.1 » .... r ;. M » ti lil- ari/iiiiii til ii!rrent Lr.ll. u .. arid vii» riB-poiu!eg to by Mr S. SCm. wini »,»"ke for «ii thaeaBpaataa, asd by .Imlir«i a..n ni Baa Beti tot Ike Dallad Btataa Bteaatahlp» aaaaay. Tee eaaaa warn Wien Mhaatttod la the Comn laaiesan aad the 0 agira, 'l ha gaaelltiaa lavolva ihem -t kalaraetlag poisti Ot inti'miiiioni law growtag»»ut »»f the tt*ii'.,a af i-if. aad taeeaatiaetef tkersu«isad t'liiipa-iy with «Set« i.raniiel. I'heir daaWaa»ni Ik* loaned for with ¡titereat by Iga »'j maeistalMj.*..!, of Blaii h the Ialliinii- is the ».'real highway.

nu. BurMBnrrr.ThsTrsaaars Departtngnt bai reesi**a_ a dis*

|..ite»i'rom ti... D-UadBtsteaCaassI at Bb-BaU reta-uva t»» ih»- riii.i. rpeat, Uwloaiag aoaafaaloailoa b !»>¦ Iob Betaatlg* amtitórliy, ikowtiu bya inrjce ««iioant »>fevideaea ti»«i uti aaiasl an l»e i. ¦_* »r i.-ii*n» «i..-..,i ¡ii-;ytxev if ii «loes ini » ilfiui of »liionler WltkfS teada\i after N.If tMbOtoi to the ni i».'i'>i).

XXXIXjh CONGRESaFUR si:s.siujf.

WÊMATA....WAOttMOtm April«, I'M.»TIBMOBg»

.Mr. "fAB WlBXUI(Wggf Va.) reported, withamend in i* nts. the bill, inpi^enienlary to tlte scverul aclir> it ii.K t<» aesetasa an aehlitioiial section uf (lu* act ofJilly II, I-»..', io lis to entitle hiij one to tv»« BBSaiase Mthe sam« tune. Another n-ttioii ISSeSta lb* «ullion/.i-tlnn to eVtiill clerks In the Tension Office, and otu

isewers tin ¡Secretary »if tin. lutcrmr to di-tttl eUrks forti-- Bsrseeaa of taut section, or to lecure the moreclleclual execution of the j fi.-aiii laws.

Tun BATIOBA1 OVBBBBOT.Mr PsMassen latrasai ».»! » inn m saaad Bm eel to

próvida a unlinual eurrenei, by a pl«*d«re of UnitedBtataa heads whlah wus rawra« to the »Deatatttea aaFinance. It amends section -1 m as io make it read as

follows:And be it further enurtml. upon the trintf.-r »l.J de

livery oi baadi ta tha Tubibibc ai grafMad hi the f.»t»|oin|..-. tim. th« Msoctatloa makiiii li.,- »ime, «hill t.« astitlad tori-rrlvr from th« (l.iu'r .Her ot the Currenry, i InruUtini nt.t»a»! rlitterrnt it. iiiaiiiiiutliiii in hlank mil legiateirtl ami eminta-t.i,n'-J. >. h.-rnua/tar pruvidetl, >¦ .1. In pBSaat, lo lui(..r narnu mt timmann auston ulam» The m-..-.i statraItortdi ao iiin«:.-ti.--l mil not -U-iivcrrii. hut not ei. m-dni| «0

pal i-a-ntam of the »in unit of «til »t th« pir vilu«iii.-iaoi, ir bsaatai _lana «t * i«t« nut I«»» lhaa a»« p«-rcentuui pat tmmm, o,A th« amount of ant'. larrulalllij noirito lie fniulilirtl tu ruh ihtill be in | r-|naitl..tito 111 pilli up rsiiilil ii ftiilnwi arl no mule: To."«eh «> «' ii.:- "ii trhote ttplul »iinj» gl.i«".i, butdoe» not »i »-".I pi -'.".»I, to per rent of iurhrutltil lo «a. li i».ori»!lnn c»|iit-l vu,vi»gaa,aae, bal daai mt en-red g1 000,w»0. Ii per rent'nu iflu-h i»|»l«l. li nilli muriatl .ii k» li .... capit4l ri .-.-.I«f,|,l»HH»«laiid dura mt rxire.l p I "',"¦", ni prr lentmu ef.ut'h ifita! to «a li i,io.-lit!»n wboie ripitil ricredit.' "1> ""' '-'it 'I "'« »."I ri- .-.-.I V »»»' '«»'. SO prr .-ti» nu nf. ich »|iil»l ; lo .ia.'. ... l.ia.n trhoae iipltal r ». n -I.e ''.«'"«', in irr ni .,,, o' ..,-li ,-«|.i-.«l. nal it thill be theduly of the C'outroller of i l.r I'urrru.'V to letlre ind withdrewIr in a a »ti. n ill or uiutilitril iiotri returued I.y any«aaoi latiou whole nrrulitÍDi notei ire In «Itva« of the limittatt m (ni-« rilird until the elrrulitlnf notei ol »«li .itoirii-tiou «¡lalliir withiu Hie ratio prr«. rihrd for Ita ripitil ludany ii.tltii l.ank in haiikinii ««.i.ilïtloli oriiiiiied umlrr thelawi al «ay Mute »lil li «lull ipply far uitlinnty to bri-nme i

Nalioml lltiik uiiihr th« n*t to whi'h tim ti-ction ii anaiuriiilmeiit before the lit day of October. ISO»» and thill auply with all the rrq.ilreuient« of laid act, ih.I. If »Uiii bink belound by the Controller of the Currency to b« in |ood »I,nimi lou rrrdit, receive autborlty to become a Nitlomllltiik, thal bmki of uuluipsirrd capital lu r-Utewhlcb have heretofore «e. urn! the leait retable amount of

i- -aUilni Dote» auder the provision» of »aid ni «hill hiveprrf.n«m .- ra r.-rm«mg »urli «athnrlty uni provided furtherthal the «i.iir« «moimi of circulating note« to be drlirered toli ok, tli :. converted from State hink, lo Nitioml iianria-tmii, «hill no1 r, aril tea mila n« of dollin. And new aiioil-«¦inn» n.ay « ai.aaii-1 In Stati « and Tsrriturtrl which tuvshrretofore tecured the lent ntihle proportion of clrr.ilitniinutra uii-l.-r the |n»ri«. -a« of laid iel; iirotided the t->tilamount of tirriil«tlu( nutra to be drllieretl to »iiot-U'ion« io

oigmlied ihall not riceed lift» rn milli..u« of dollar« until aftrrihe lit day of II t Ou, UrVri, wit. ii If any p-ntion of the ten

>uii:iii!n i>f .'in liiinaj neil«! «¦" It.-ti for th- convrrii.n of ax-

lífijif Stete hink« thill rrmiiu ui.»ppr pri tt.-d. Ihr am. uut ao

r« li ¡HiJ in« ililli I'« »ned fur the .jí.-1..iíj'i a. of uiw a., i i

tloui »ilrr thi« ti'' lion

CdNWTKiN OK hOI'TnEKN BEPRtsKNTATIeiN.Mr. I_.9 (Kauias, lutroeluced the followiu»«* joint

resolution, n>ivh wm ordered to lia on 11»«* (able and bentiotedi

Petilrei, Tint Senator» End R-rtreientativei either ofthe »ittt»t recently in in.iiirer-lion shall be idmiited to Con-

Ci,--a wirri it illili latliftetorily tppt-tr that Nek Stale lit», In«cconlanc« with ths idvii-e of the l'reiidrnt of the UnitedStatei. |.i.-r.l law. nu'lilyiii' Ils flldlssnns of .Sei »..ion; rati-

fylni ti." auirtidni»!!« of the I on.titntioii of the I'oited .St»1"!tboii.hing .¡avery: repudiating all label debt! i re

«he debtt of Iks l'nited State., ind extrutiing the i-iertiveframiiii» to ill mt!« ¡írr.on. nf color retidiug In .aid Stateover twentyon» yeiri of Eg», who can restl tn« Con.titutionBf tbs liiltrd Statei In the Engliih laniua«.-anil writ« tlirirmm-«, and slio to ill mil» person« of color of like BgS sadre.uirnee who own renl e.ttt» rained at not Iel. thss BMand pay tuxei Iharsoa piasMsd, that »uih Senaten and Kep-retriitatire. «ha 1 poural all the qualités.MS rmpursd by theCoottitatloa sod laws of ths Uaaed r¡t»te..

Mr. Laxa said tba aboTS eoatalaed the terms upon.kiah Mr. Toheaee was willing to reconstruct theSouthern Striies. *

Mr. llRiiWN- inquired whether Mr. I-.ine hud anyi««iir.«r,ee th it tho President »vu» still iu f.ivor of theprep isitlnn above etiunieruted.

Mr. hu 1 have no ai.-uranco fro-n the. Preanentm the Dallad state« oa that or hut other »uMect. Baltia» 1 do k'l'.'.i-: that th« Ki publican pirty, of which Ium ¡t Bamber, i» crumbling to pieces, and everyday wa postpone the uve-turn of these Btetaa laaareathe daatraotioB i-f that party. I know fur-

]ther, Mr. Preaideat thal if both branches oflbs Ceegrea of tba Dnitad&t ites puss lint Joiel reao-

I lotion, aad ttis ¡"resident does siro it, th.lit bringsin partr and tbe Prealdent of the .epobli-

aaa party agala in harmony, it will continuo the po-litioai power ut ibis eoestry in tka keada af tket party.Mi. Presidsnt, ! bare been .tonna for months lo bair«mum,!' the **r ¦. i- ...' it Iba Doited .states with the aa

Crayon theleoi af Ceagreea, l Ikeocktfeeteidepthat thora wn« « hope of escaria*1 such harmony. Itiii. i » e m tka! -uri" nt' t!.u Baakaeel thtabedywerodlspossd i" karmoaua with tlio I'resident of the Dall« iiSiui's. I propoaad tu go very fir to secure thal hat«ti-.'.:,» jraterday. VThiM BBno.Bg i»1*1 eearea we are

lawaiaaed by eaa of lae ama riadictlrat lal ei i .ins" Bade iil.un any Ofltaial by either frieuil or

j op] ui¡.-i ii froa i.." .*»' -Lalor iinii « <Mr. Wini".. li"i liiirg-'i u.» perso ii:, ia!, a maa waa fur two years«.v. ¡da o" u i ¦¦ hi _ 1 taarned Is raapeet and aaV

dis SjbUity ead bis tatearity. ead tolove foi '.¡it.i", ¦ iii-i'i w!,mu I ii. iltared I

originated is ti i u did»ta of Iba B« ¡ abUoaa p ¡rt) taioin the gift aftas party, a 8MB

wbtjta I arcad apoa lbs Sepablieaa OoBTentioi it Bal«timora as their eealidatei a atea eboee eieetlon I did

t to » ireagaiBatl t frisada of the lifrom Otk*. In the moot erith al momea! of our pel.i«e.ii eaapaiga I waa aallsdapoa ti dataad the aaadlal.-, .-i of ii.- Bepebileea party atalael ea Maadi»millar to tint made by UM BOBBttW frOM ObMU':nle yesterday. I defbaded the aandidaU

.i' ins ii' i| -.. iii. an party a***.aa1 that BaaaaB,lad I dafaa I the I'resident of iba _8|party np dast «i slaltar assault ¡rum the Beaator trun-t

Ohio to-day. A despot Adlotetorl In what.-.n reconstruct tba rabellloas State» hu >iy«:

lu »lui it.oil '.f ti.ti »li »Les of tba I'ougressof tho Dotted11,en Mr. Join »"ii t' oh lu» seat la Iba Prai len-

ti ii 1 i-k,Mr. Prssldest,wka i, idCoegreadoBa1 .. » bad done tkis Mr. ula had Baked oat titpolicy of reconstruction, adopted by Mr. «Tokeeoe aad

a tinea, ami lbs pt opls of t! e I'nit.-tlStatei and the partr to wai h iba Mattoe from Ohma,el n | .. liad Indorsed by trlampbaal aa.i .r.t.. i, t it form of e racoBatraotlon polier, la rio

sa of tin- Congress ef tke Dated States,. is a despot foi propoatag lo reeeaateaot Ika it.

»urieeiiiiii ir» Mate« boob tia theory axpeeasad la thui

Joint ri rittiiitini, annulling the ordinances of a11 ratifying the amendment to Ibe Constitution, stoiisb

ins Blsrery, rt padi it la»: Ike Ksbsl .1« M or Ceafedex itsdebt and indorsing ths National iii lit, and aztendtoithe righi ofsud u.-" to ¡iii. «atorad atea wkeeaald read -»h«

Paitad Biatea aad slgathslr aaaa,and to nil,ml men abo paid tui.«s u«nm t. .»¦ ii

I of rael estate Mr. President, 1 aaaal aeeeBTeraaa!11 with tbi .*¦.::. .. »¦'-. »lor frea «Ohio aa be l8

!¦ it I w ill i enture ino Bti'-rtion that nut .«ide of Newindi en-is not aalegtaBtete latbia I.te I« ¡t will by i» najofitj vote mi,.it e !'.« BOUC'

..ii', nstnetiee adrl ed bj Presid at Jobnaon and si¡m.! In tba joint r.'«illation. Jfoa ian. I «co ha

» Ud (Hujilu of llii« BOaatry on a polic;^u un jua!.'.. .1 e.lVia,.-.! to the bin ks

Vi u ii.Hut Inul a Stu'.e in this Dakin, outside o

Ne'» Bnclaad, la my Ju.lumeut, that will baissas suchK« stint it t.i tia' qualification clause as tti

j I'ra-Biilent «if the Dallad States r«"i-..uiin.«iit!», am! yoiinn | irrv II s K"|ii.l. u- .n l'iiiiin l'art» evei »where am

II with unanimity, a dsspot, fur BiarolaiBg u oonatito. im:: ii richi la reteteg a all of this body I Mr. Fraal

ilin!. boa ti.e Beaator tram Obla eeeapad tka poattla; occopled li» Praaideal «fohaaoa, Ia btJudgment b«»».i lui'! ratead tka DlTil Kights ts.Ii. Adaa]What is the exercise of UM raia pa »er l It amoiint:merely to a lute to reconsider witk the light of hi.T" MOBS, Wut'U. before, has the nereis.» of a constltufloral riirhtJ i»l li'il n jioliticul frisad nf tua l'resldeulof lbs I'nite.i suite» in deaoeaeiag thal l're«ii]ent as ta «; it and a diitittor I 'Hie I'r«j»i<ient hu» bet ii Bad bBaw, ni ByJade-Mat »a anxious to harMeules the .lull

11 cuities nf t_s i'nniii Party m any Baaatea oa this floorIf >ie aaa m..-» in the s-imo »pint, party »ouli

llhaiaaaited s-'l this Deina would be restored, llnBdraaeee wen aetbyiaaait Qtaaadaaaea wera met bjilt'Liiiiei itioa Pram tia banda ufthe Kfpabllcaa party,

11 tip.m tin« Smist" Boor,ia laefaega wttboai \ **eraBa. Sifar as I am ctiLu-jriied, Mr. rrasideat, I préposa t.-da»Mini heraafler t" take mv position .»iiiiij-eiiie of tbi

j PraaideBl of the lt« party, uiid kt.ii.U there tin defendlag him against tka Beaator baaOlio, as 1 defeaded b s predecessor ag uuit t he Somum

i irwiii Obla. Mr 1'retident, 1 vu. ¡Id be glad to huttthal resolution luid upon the table for the present aniipt titi I.

I h«« i lum.TI at ord«r will In» fs_ani If tLerc be noobjea 'Hill.Mr Wade .I cannot say why my friend from Ksnsi»

lis »u aaarelaad this mstalag. I do nut kaawwky h««houlil N' so shucked bj m yllni.c I Lue » ij ur done.Sir, 1 bite ni laiuly said Entiling in t itontlou to tl.ciiruject of cm strut ling the States that Le now bringsbefore n». 1 bel,.«».-, fur th»> first limo. Wlnta it wusned I thoagkl it read very well, i am not at »II sureflint I should in t be ferr willing to aeoeptlt. .'wantlinn« to consider iu 1 don't know thal I utriild acceptit I don t «nuke any pledges of that. 1 havo said nothing ni u) posit.a to hi» proposition, for renllv I don'tknow wbst is iu it. I thought it sounded very weil.Hut now, rlir, tor my atta«-k upon the l'resldeul of tbo1 ¡i.t"tl States. As a Senator upon this door, I care nomore for the opiomn of the JPrcsidei.t of tho DaitadSrates than I dofor that of any St natur un this floor.Who is your f.-esident that any mau n it bow t«i his

.' opiiiiou, if you plena«« I Why, Sir, we all knowI nu. Ho is no strarger to ti.n bodv. We[.»aie measured bim. Sir. We k.iow ka hight,hfa length, his bfeudth snd hi» capacitv all about bin',anii v«»u set htm up as a iiiiragoii, and declare here upouthe iworof this Seiiuie thitt yon are going to wear hiscullin,. Is that Ihe idea that "uti aro MO*** to lu liaBpoloftisi »nd defeudsr on »»iiateTer lie tua»- proposaI» that Jb« understanding ef tlio .Senator from Kansas tI do nur thivk that hu aanitltuonts »»ill bo qui) rat.-lied »» tli *>o bro id a declaration, Unit he is lo i. tar anv

man's coll» r aul follow him wherever he muy ga DidI use harib launsage toward the I'resident y",«st.»rd iv IAll I said, At. I stsud bv to-day and ft.revor. Whatwas ths yueiiio-i uptin winch I made these observs-tionsl What hw been the opinion nf thu Presidenthaaetaakeel Irkei kee fceee his aetlea sim-ei Dow,Sir. nre3,(*0«>,0«X.*of people, our friends, trends to tho« io» crûment, wl»» have geiu-rot »'come forward in itsdiflieolty io help u,» Ihrougti the nar sacrificed theilbl.mhI and their liv/s to maluuin the tint an our ridn-wbo were faithful to us through the wholo of the dirt!-cultT. everywhere asMitlug ur bravo soldiers lu theti. LI. snd laying dow» tbeir «ives to maluiaiu our prin¬ciples, and minister t.x every wuy to !.he comfortsol our bravo men whenever they fell into thebends of thean worse than uvagos that we werewarring « it li. and noa-, Bit?, these mon labor uuder oneof the moat frightful tie»puf.'siiis that ever nettled downupou the head» of maukiud. Three millions ol' pc.i,.,--.Sir, exposed to outrages and Insult, und murder, fromthese worse tbau savages, thst.r former masters.mur¬dered, as we are told, every day, their lives token away,their humanity trampled uuder foot. And when Con¬gress, uuder the Constitution of tho t'uited ; ates, iiendeavoring to tender them som« little p.-otectioo, howaro we met here ! Kvcry attempt o! your " Moses" liasbeen to trample them down, malling then worse andthrowing eiery obstructiou lu the »vuy o! nnythiug pro¬posed by ('ongretss.Mr. Lane (ííaiisa»)."Will tho Siuator from Ohio per-

mit un- tu a. k iH|iie»lli.i,lMr. Wadu.Certainly.Mr. La>í¿.1» the report of your remarks of yesterday

correct i

Mr. Wade.1 do n't know. I never look at Thi Globtto see such things. I suppose it is correct, and I amnot very apt to take anything buck. Mr. Wade contin¬ued : How, Sir, stands this matter t Tho President of theL'nitud States did, at au earlv period, prefcaa to be theprotector and friend, thu aloses of these men. to leadthuin from bondage to liberty. Dow hat it boon I Hebai, io all aj'jearsncei, become their Inveterate, i »mul¬len foe.making violent war tpon any member of Con¬gress w lit. il..n i to r.air.e» htsiolce ora/ne '¦ mto insupport of any hums. ... for the sincearalb thscondition of theso poor people. Talk to mo it thePresident being their fiicr.d' Whoa did it en i|ipenbefore that a meunaij for the relief of r.nglum,una», as luna.1 and as ckar as this, WBI withUM vete m '.hu Praaideal af the l'nitej m ;- .andinul, :¦ '.. when ho endeavor-« to make lui ob) -, i.ous totho n...inuie without desiguatiug a single ataeaa of theCoiislliiitniii that ha nralsndcd had ucs:i lolatsdl

Mr. Laus (Sanaaa) here again Interrupted Mr."Wade, to read the following extract from bia (Mr.Wiiile'i) ipecch of yesterday;"The Ittue the Preiident nu mule with Con|re«i, til«

flannel he hu picked with Conireti from the very com¬

mencement, ii nothing m^ir nor le»t thm a qncaliiaii of periai 'inn Hebel« lo occupy tl.rir old place» ou thl» floor for th«ottrr deitruction f tin. Oovemmeut, m my judgment and be¬lief."Mr. LAP (Kansas) laid, I ask the Senator from Oblo

to point to a »inizle expression, either oral or written,where the President of the United States adviied. ad¬vocated or nrged tbeadtniaaion ofother than truly loyalmen upon the floor of either llonie of Congress.Mr. Wauk.Is the Senator throughtMr. LAIB.I am. Sir.Mr. Wade.I most aniwer the question In the first

place with regard to tho treatment of our friends In theSouth.three millions of people.I say he made a violentassault upon the Constitution, an assault upon thepeiwer of Congreu lu these repeated vetoei that are

totally outii'lo of any reason. Mr. Wade continuedIns animadversions npon the conduct of the President,alleging that bli latest adviser was Mr. Voorhees olIndiana, who used to keep tbe records of tho Knightsof the (»olden Circle.

Mr. BlNDi.iCKI reno to say that the charge made by ,

Mr. Wade in relation to Mr. Voorhees waa not true,aud he wished to give it a square denial.

THE VETO MESSAGE.The morning hour expired at this point and tho Vete

Maaaaca was taken up,Mr. Wade continued bia ipeech against the Presi¬

dent's policy.Mr. Lane rose at the conclusion of Mr. Wad» "I

¦jpeieh nag lalel: The Senator from Ohio, for(rcttingtho position he occupies, bal suggested that I have

¡taken upon myielf the collar of the Prciident of theUnited Statei. 1 burl the luggostion into the teeth oltho »Senator from Ohio ai unworthy a »So'iator. Wewear a collar I The pro-Slavery party of the United'States backed by a Democratio Administration, ius-

t lined aud supported by the army of the United State*.ciuld not fasten a collar upon the handful of which Ilind tho honor to be the leader. The fight the Senatorfrom Ohio made in the chamber.and a gallant fight hemuele aiele*d hy other «Senators.would bave been of butlittle 'i*, »ii bael it not been for that other fight upon theinn lies ol Kansas undor tho lead of your humble.peaker. Ma near a collar Inelictcd for trenton by a

pro SI »very drnn.t Jurv.hunted from State to State bya writ founded upon "that indictment for treason.a

hurdred thousand deellars offered f»>r my bead I Jim.Lane sear a collar! [Laughter.] Mr. President.Where ver ho is knows that charge is denied as false bvboth friend and enemy. Mr. President. I eleiire to cailthe attention of the ¡Senator Irom Ohio to the it-tementI have read from I la ipeech yesterday. The Presidentof tho IJnlisd State's is not here to answer for himielf.

Mr. Wauk.I wish he was.

Mr I.ask «gum read iho extract given above, and«<tiil ho appealed to Mr. W.ide to withelraw the serious

aharge ho had «gainst the 1'resicont TowardIba toiH'liiMon of Ins remarks he replied that he referredto tim Connecticut election. One moro victory lllea

it, h" Mid, would ruin the Republican Party. Itw »s the first scratch of the handwriting on the wall.

Sa wai sot the desastar of tbt Pieaataat*a ipeech ..I of Pebrssvy. He believed tho President wai

(lsnghtar) waaa he made It, he bad laen pro-Voked t»» it l»v what ha.l been said of bim In Congress.Mr Bl I« boah the floor, to correct a statement by

Mi. Line«, in relation to the pouition of Senaten an thaWinter Duvii Kecomtrnciion bill. He (Mr. Brown)he-1 voted for nnivenal iiilfrage in that bill, and he de¬ni* ! t» reiteiate that itatement, and lay that no prop-»»1'ion at any time, looking to the readmisiionuf the lately rebellioui Stat»*!, would receive bia vote

in.!.w it provided for universal luffrage without regardto color or reas»Mr I»'"!.itii.b said he was not present when theivll Rlghta bill WM passed, hut had he been here no

ilu-.lit hu would have voted for tho measure. Since the»t tli« bill in the Seuate te bad read tho very

nal s ipi e baa of Mess»*!. Kingham and Delano ol ObloBad the c»! ¡"»lions to the bul as set forth In the vetoan -.- iga, aii'l tlii'io hud earned him to give the measure

¦aati¦' :¡s:tleration. It contains proposition! oponI " abisal men. men io whom we had uudoudtod

,. nndanae, diflar. Ho wished the bill could be placed ia

ehsrga «*f the .luiliei.iry Committee, and that com*

tnittaa aoold frame one which would avoid the objee-liosa releed t.» it in this bi»»'y, in the other House, andNi t!,.- l-'.xecitive. Ile wai desirom of preserving

nautiotig between Congress and the Execu¬

tive, lucie were three years yet of thil adruiniitra-It."ii. dsrisg w hieb the country may live or periih. Ha

; hud discoveie-d the element! of a colluion before theof Corgresi, and he bad atriven and would

atrita to provest li He saw among hil friends a dil*

position to >«ct. toward the President ai though tho Ex-t ecutive were unworthy of their counsel. He deprecated

thi_ (saUng. Gentlemen belonging to the Union party. denounced otheri of mat party for supporting thet I'li'sident and bis policy, and they called tbe President

a traitor for arraying 'that policy. Mr. BooliUle pro-eeeded to ihow the adoption of this policyBag liv step by Mr. Lincoln and hil

r administrât" n. Its Indorsement by Congressas lite as March of last year, the reiteration of this

f policy by Mr Lincoln in Uli speech, but three days be-i f.ala death, and the faithful adoption on tbu port of» Mr. Johnson to the measure and policy adopted by andi 'in prices! of consummation, when the present Exocu-

live lacoaeAad Mr. Lincoln. The latter had boen downI the track on whicb the car of State wai to move; thotram wai moving on, wben In came some gentlemen,

: abo alala to be wiser than Mr. Lincoln, and throw ob-. st ruc! ions upon tue track, and throw the car of State oflta ir.i.k. Mr. Doolittle said be bad receiveda dispatch

i informing him that the Legislature of hil State badj ; -i--! a resolution requesting him to vote for the Civil

Lights laII, »no President's objections thereto notwith-t itaadlng, Ile had already set lortb at length bli ob-i Jcclions to the measure, and be could not vote for it.i mid would abide hy the consequences. He entertained. the highest leases! for the gentlemen oompoilng the

Le*is'.'.ture »fliis State. Hut standing where be did,1 In* saw what they could not. They were at a d-iUnce,I and Isiseseed by party press, and persona interested.ina continuation of ilnorder in the South. Mr. *Öoo-

little read letters from gentlemen of great Intelligencesojourning in tua South, to prove tbat ihameful mlirep-res-ntationa of tai* real sentimeuts of the Southern peo

' pie have bcou made by newsi»apers through their cor«retjiond nts. One of Mr. Uoolittlo'i correipondeoti»ays that the account! In the Northern preis are mere

11c.iriiiitures of Southern sentiment, and that be hie]» never heard e»f any compiracy, or effort, or intention ol

tiny kind to roust tbe Government or the laws, or tooppress the negro.Mr. 1Uvin rose and said he would proceed a good

ib'jl ¡ile nu Oeleiber rain, with deliberation and verymuch at his leisure. He proceeded to speak againstthe Civil Kights hill and in favor of tha veto. Towardthe coucliiiK.ii »! his remarks, Mr. Davn asid If ta« billnow 'tefore tbe Senate became a law, be Sioulel feelcompelí *d to regard himielf ai an enemy of the Govern-i..».at. anil to work for ita overthrow. He wauted nobureaucracy te) govern tt.ii countrv.Mr. Sai bbVBI took the «door and laid: I rise toaav.

Sir. that in my Judgment the pasiage of this bill is tli«inauguration of reveilution. It ii well, Sir, that thaA merion peopl. should take warning and let theirhouse m order, for it ii imismitble that the people willpatiently sub-nit to it. Heaven knowe tbat we havebad enough of bloodshed, enough of mourning in everyhousehold. There are too many now-made graves forinv one to wiih to lea more. Attempt to exécutathia law within any State of tata Union, and ia myJudgment this country will again be pluaged Into iiiC.e horror! of civil war. In my own State, an bumbleState m patal of number!, but a State of gallant som.your law will never be obierrsd by the Judiciiry ofthat State, most of them of the Kepublioan party.lhere is not. 1 say, a Kspubllcan «luelge, we never boda J migo so deitel to tee teachings of tbe great lumlna-riet of the law as to attempt to enforce such a Ha-grantly uuconititutlonal law or act aa this I shall not¡again enter upon the constitutionality or unconstitu-tionality of tbe net. But. Sir. If it be not grossly, palp*ably, flagrantly unconstitutional, than live and twantyyears of some diligent study of the law bava avalisame nothing. In coueluiioo, Mr. Sai lkbl'ST predictedthat tho passage ot thia bill would lead to bloodshed,war and disunion.Mr. Yatkh simply wished to aay let the Union peopl«

of this country and tbeir Senators and Heprcsentaiiv«_amarch forward in performance of their duty, and letthem do it now »rd hereafter.Mr. McIXH'.iaix spoke of thli bill m revolntlonar-

and unconstitutional.ona of a series of revolutionarymeasure! cow bofors Cor.greii.

the vote whs then taken on the queitioo, "Shall toabill pass the President! objeotioni notwithatsndlng "

aud tho remit wai ai followi: ...-.

VRAi-Mritn. Anthony, Brown. Chindlsr. Clirk. fenr«.Crurin, -.renwell, Ldinuudi, temaolen, Vottet. Orimei H«.'ni, lisndrnou, Howud, Howe, Hillwood, L_i* lind )'Hut.(au. Morrill. Nye, Poland, Pomeroy. Únuna¿ She'ru-iant*»», Mow»«, Sumner, Tnuabull, Wade, Willa- Wil!!... .» Wilton, Vl'.rl jil.


N tvi.Mejin Buchalsw. Cote-ait, Dtrit,'DooliUU, OatbrU.I riidin k. R. Johnion, Lane (Kin.) MrDougall. Neiwith,borton. Kiddle, Saultbury, tan H tnklt, Wri«ht.It.Abisht.Mr Dixon.| Hie nanieiiof Republic.ii votlni "No" ire 1b Itali«. 1.

i.D Tbib.'

Wbeu Air. Morgen recorded bli vote in the affina«-tivc, the galleries applauded very loudly. The Chairttuuounceil amid freut applause that the bill hartog re¬ceived a two-third vote had become a law, but tubs*-»lu-ntly corrected the inadvertence by Hating that tb«bill having received a two-thirds vote had passed theSenate.On motion of Mr. Tri mbi li, the Secretary of th«

Senate was ordered to communicate to the House a

copy of the veto menage together with the result of thavote, abovo glvon.

iii» Senate adjourned at 1:30 p. ni. to meeton Mon¬day next.


Mr. Paink of Wisconsin, presented reeolu.ti'»;.», .iil.i,.tail by the Chamber or Commerce of Mil¬waukee, lu regard to the Bankrupt law¡ which werareferred io tho Select Committee on that lubject.

I K1 VATK BILL*.The regalar order of business being the call of Com-

mittet"« for reports of a private nature, Messrs. Par¬ham, jlardin (Ky.), Taylor, Sawyer,Lawrence (Penn.),Stillwell and » .m Aeriian, from the Committee on lu*

ace Twelfth Pase.