new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1865-04-08.....' k»ak hv?t«f «krwm «ka ttj|-lawaat...

<é? jtyW V0LXX1V.N°- 7,190. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 8. 18GÍ. PRICU FOUR CENTS. VIRc«m»' i! ú m aides im mm, ; Giieral Sheridan Flglits a Battle Near Barkcsville, tit Capturti Six Generals, Se.era! Thousand Prisoners, and 14 Cannon. -.«.... PROSPECTS OF LKE'S SURRENDER. Reports cf Gene. Meads, Hr.m?Iireys and Wright. íiteessral .Movements of the Différai Ctfpi. BATE) MABCHUIG OF IHE USICh' FOECE^. TOE OCCUPATION OF ÍÍIí'íi.MOND. ÄCCOöNT BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, Wak DsrABTMnrr, ,< WiHBMim, Fuue. V]'. ! ! i1' *. m. s Uojcr-t.ui. Dix: Otu. Btaridai ttlAcM .mil .ouW Ibis's »nur, oipttinnp Qatkt. I/a.II. K"i- ahaw. Mutton. V><t*<-, u:A inm.y ..t'.-t pu.- .ral nttioor«, «i-venl IkoMul prltooert, ai'-l i iMMlktf of cannon, and Mptetl to to irtrrendoT all tftitl tl toll of his nmn«. Detail« will be piven as IBWtfj M « titile, i ;:t tha telegraph i.« working badly. Edwin if. Sta>T"S. Bte< .Tar. .sECOKD DISPATCH. ¦\v>ui)n AKTMEVT, Wa-.iunmox, > Krioiiv, April ~~\. ». iu. $ Major-Gen. DlX: Tb( tbUowiflf ttltgltllia, Hi Bouncing lM \ktory won y-\-tei<liy bj Ulja^Oca*] Bhendaii out Let« 1007, have ;i.-t baa ifeeiY' l iy (Lit dtptirtmcLt. Eiiwu; M. ÉtàMTom, PwMtafj '.¦ »Vfo- Cm- Foot Friday. Ai til - vji. ¦, Ho». SrcHETAKï of War: At 11:15f. . :. ;,hi»j.1».t, ¦U llurketville St^te-n, Gen. Grant ml M fl If' « tsg from Gen j»h«r.dun. A. LOOOLB. Thursday. April ft. U ., j p. in. IhM Ce*. Ouan'T: I bave the honor to rvport that tha aneiny made a rtnml at the n.l< u I of the Burke § Station lload ih<< mki u¡* ¦ \\ hat if] » - ttireatiDt;. I attacked IkfJl with two divirionsof mlIztl An ¦ Corpa, and routed them btvtiaamt*. inakli ¿ I t taM*> fAat with tbe MVaby. 1 am it 11 pri ««;iik »:i with both earalry and iuf*r.try. 1'p to th- pre«'.. t rice we b»\e «aptured General* Kwell, Kernh.vw, J:t.tton, í'or»e, Pe Barre and Cn-'i« J....¦. «-roral th'>u»and priiuiiot«. Ml place» i'f artiüerv v.lth hJmM a\d . !iv tmhtf o! ', prieoner». If tka y Lag n pr»«-sed 1 tli.:ik !/<.(. wifl *.ur' ¦«kdrr. P. M. J¦¦u^Kll>/'.,«, llajw .;. u. OsMMadlag. Cit^ r<nM, 1 ri'lav, AjtuT."in. a. Ho». M m tátl Wir.: Tí.? Mlnwlag ft.riturr iutelü MMikjMi jMMlittj a. Lanou. Bnamniu Vj. To A. fcOHJUft The tollowi-j; t<.>:¿faju re«prct ^fj forwnnitd f<u joar iLfiTtoat.on, U. S. Ul:AM, I.i'ut. '¡.-, Sr.coHD Awnr<'f.i:ps. Aprlt.1 * r- ni. MajorQti.A. S. WkbP: laa) tijçht Ji>t \«-toT< lint .t Sa:l(.r'i Creek pare two gur.«, tbree flap» and a .jonaiderabie iiiiinher of prinouen, HI ayaf«ja>\ TC aav I Imlajice», with ranle» and hur*r» to al.ont »nf-half t'ie Vafoii« aud ambulance». Then-are ie6wt)M 30 tad S* j VaffOi.K in addition »bandoLfd end d-Krow-d jloi.p t.'i« sw*d, aoisa battery wapnn», fcrp«'» ani limber». I have already reported to pin the captire of M* gun, two flag« and *on¡e prl^oueiii, acd tb- ía< t i'iat Ika Iwul for orer two mile» strewed ^ ith tents, bappaeo evoking atentil«, »oroe tmniumtiou and material» of .ill ! Ihe wagon» ar-1 KtrewM ae-om tf " »p; nmeh to t\e hti&gtê, and Hvfl take aoine time to aliaf if. The un j «By u in position on tl.» h.({lin ptj i.'id with artidiry. The bridge in partial!» destrcved. arid Ika appraacfrM «M the other «ide are afaafl bottom land. We rannot .adraaie to-morrow ia t!.e tame nn.nner wc have to dar. Ab »ooii 1 get my troop» up a Uttt> (we are <¦"])¦ »jUerably mlxe'J), I mipiit punli a eoP:mn down ti.e vu»kd to deploy jii, bui it n [êj% 1 aaUOl Mav rapidly duri'.f laa)*Mgbii a. A. Hi no imm rtj M tj Qta. Mlau>'a1Cpai>wi AtTrr.i«, j». m. ï.itii. Gen. Guam At tlapllfhl t/i» morui-»; f ¦Ma*] tie Se.-i,nd, FiMi and Sixth Army Oorpa :il>n.- the «ülroad in the dtre<'tion of Auieliii Çuul ¦atjM »Von » »rtiitworthy int-llig<nie vaaiW re tin th* eneiL.T wu mori.g toward VtOtl :ile. Tha dim-tkia of th» Itaapjl and Kiftli Army Carpi TU iuuubdiatcl.r changed from ¦> uortlierly in a north- j ar»ater!y diifrtion, a:id the dlrtctln»;('orp«. Um Eaaaaai, »orfnjj; ou loulou, il.', aud tbe 1-iíi'i, heiet'i'oie in tbe «ittitcr, moved at f iio lifM ot the Seiond, atl tie Sut! fot lug »bout nii.l U.0V1I.3 b~ tka ban ûfjï taking patt- tion on úe ¡i-:: ai taaSaaaoA it «u aBdantaad the cartdty would opor-.t'' on the astfataa left. The ahtvgaa »raía pravjplbj amia t¡! Seoaaai Am* j Corj»1 noon b«.v^iin»; en^a<"d w la tl.u eiieniy u-ai De.tonvÜo. dr«w ng him tf r.,«l t ron« Sa.lor'.. Crttk ta ihe AppaaaaUoii Tka l.:"i AntpCorpi i loa»; ¦.JMpt but it« pos.lioa pn ven'cii it* itrlUrg Ikt «aemy'» colnran b*tore it ! ad pajued. Ckt S.xth Aruiy Corp» cime ttp1»¡t^tbe enemy about 1p.m.. ai;d, la «tODJuii( lion with tie Second < Otpa on its ripht and ».Talry on It» !eft, atta. ked and routed the enexy. eap- taring many p;.soner«. a-nong th^m Li'Mt.-Gen. Bval «¿Ml Gen. Cacti» Lee. I transmit CUpaMie« ly>tb lrf>:n Geiut. H'inp)'rev»aud "Wright, which. inj'Kt.oeV) theí<e d1»tl:ipai«b''doifl.-er» «ltd the ga'.hi;-t .i p. Uie» co.ii.uanJ. I be«; may le .it t* tha War Uej*rto»em f,»r immédiat» pu'ólia'.lon. It la impostibli- it UÜI moment to gire ao.v eilimate tf the casual tu . at »/.her tide, or the num'oer of priz-oaer« taken, bat it * ctí lent U> day« work 11 poin«; to lie one .f HH .o»t imiwrtant o: the recent bul;*r.t operaiiou». Tha put »tut will M«d*» tttfj tj the mealuie . HtUerett. Oriffia, with the Kifih An.iy Corp», tnll be morrd tka left, aud Wiight and Huaiphray» contiuu« luo di-i .tet pill ill.t 1. \"-:f M it 1 IT.1. .»»« »-le- .«», C.rOKGRö. Mm t. Major Gea: \*-j - ...U,l( A Ml ...!.. f iuuroUay, A pi., o .i p m j Afcye/ 0(«. \V»h*. Ckif/ of StaJ Army of tkt Pulirmai In purbuam | i>i' iiistructionA of thi* morniaf» .rota Mai. Gen. M*ade, I mored to -letter»» ilia by tka .**>rt««t pi» t., »hi« ruad to tha left of DaaiosTiU«, With tkt objaot of thare takin»; poaitioa tke k»fi of Éte Uaooad Army Corpa, striking the road rauautg tro»a JDaatontiiia to Suisa fkatioa at a poial a uttU %. tk« aoathward of tha former plaoa, I foaod «Ua» tha 8«cond «Vroiy Oorpi vm aagatjed at «*. iraal aad right aD| tka eaTelry. kaat^ ¦ .' k»ak Hv?t«f «krwm «ka ttj| - lawaat Hurkr'8 Stntion, Berhapa a mile, nnd turulnp iha thl rii-lil, J proceeded MNM townrd a m-iily at road, on. whieh tie en.emy wasunvirp. oiid Bleag » ht bud thrown tip a Hm of intrenchuipnts. Ai soon os tlie Iradinp Divisiou ((«en. Scyrr.c could be formed it was moved up ou the Nad M the enemy, which wa« curried. Tim, turninpt left, it waî advanced down Ik* road npninstapi Mronpresigtunee. By iU.« timo "Wheatni.'s Dh 1 as fVt in poaitJou, as ,.j ,dlv el possible, ou Set s* left. The lirie« were npain adv-sn^ed, and we swept d the road for a dutum ofaboit two Bsltm Airvi' a du p and d Hit. .¿it Brael * | f.mnd thp enemy haf furnicd l.i. lii.p on the opposite aide, when- we attai ¦ad drove Liui to a iK>int, u distance of had a mile tlipr. In the first attack a portion of thp agvabjaptr on oar rip't f unk. In i'n nbeegaeat attack the I of cavalry operated on oaf i ¿hi and hfl tlaLk if enemy. Tt,'' result he.« be* n a complete eieaeea, '1 M .! faroea captared Ire Oeaeral odteera, n then Qaat, Swell aal I ..:.< I, ¦, .r.d b.i,- o,:.i : ¡>! looaen. I thai go la civ.p aho'i! two ¦Om beywadtMap ¦i .'. i.»ii IsWttwetloaa. The Hrel tal TUrd Dirial Win lien'» nnd S. ryaeeai , tad l!ip artiilc.y Mf| lo-.lay, Mured ealeadldly. A return of »ill M tarwaided ai «oo: pu vlile. 'JI « Corpi ha» nobly riWnltlll the ptpnj ÜM eiirncd in t!,e .'d in-i in wt 1! u[k>b it* icany pp PM bird toagfci battle fields. QL U. AVkk.iit, MaJ'.r.'len. fViaiaadluj RICHMOND. \ IHAKÏ OF EVENTS TO TIUKSIIA Kri>tu (Jui »>j>»cisl Ccrr«-»¿.oi.J«<i.l. tí' TAitfOOD HOOMj 111. (Mt.M. 1 sand »y, Air.i >., i Oi tnio Slehmond, at but, nd Um n ratMtattnisfTM Trama m m the "Baettowea r;iaurui DslTU am» n I ¡iaixaín. At Hi o'altH'k Sunday, whtleeeeted in. pew .it church IsBteaiag to the iMabniteM <>f t M B Dr. Hope. Jcir. Dii.i« wa*. bead) d ¦ dispatch f Ln, 'li.Pieupou he iiist.ii. v mi-e, und «u.'.i'd L riedl.v down the Basle, bnuuM the '¡ucMiumtipe of tiir tjm in the bouse. Xha diapaaBharaa to the aal that Kiohmond must bo evacuated daffcag fht SHE night. Arid no b.i ei-Ki' ellemy. the lit'' Pr¬ int :mp Conhdocaej. afeal brtk froa the wj.i r<- ptofjmhd the f.i\uritc high prMftoi hi» red It fanlt iHi"pnrtaMa aropatti lu i wtjfttf» tion f'»f « l'oiiiK v ou thi¦ SaMfnth day. ï.ikp a thief the nipht, he titoîc an aj »;tli trepidaUoa H'.id fonr, a with an ;iporú/iiip ^^.n^', of the 'holtat- I '.( tun1. Ai the pnnrhor doaed the »Tricen RMMHMd B ton hand'-d him a IM- iNa Ul nil ¡!>-nry. 'I ficpotti.p praMMtwand ateUjwitk laaaair mi that oft'." acxton plowed «¡t!i y\ iMgVMri ''.-o.,!.r'' icpDt. tka chapriu of the aw was a marked ti.rtr.nul the othtr. 'i l< ft run r kafgeaklaee |l ¿V)»u to tfirrv «r,J told thrin ¡u fid ut'.'Tam:»" t!iit did aat '.. ,.>..' to ;nr iatar to M aai nj ::." .>.. iti» u>,: m ¦. to pn It I fork» i> (o Ihepack \ pairtaMc paoaortj" ht alaa lateadod la j^urr \ thr Sjhbath. 1'I.i» Dr. Iln.-e itvfl 11 t- flailed Bagl aal Iwa foati aaavlaalaajaiMff to procure fuj ,dy o! Hilde*, but te J:> -.m <'f t!.p li lx .lian, ilr wi»c hwajal) Mted aytkaBrtÜal of il, g ,»ti, iid donbtlcaadid araok imm. Maool ratajfl he ha* teen In the hu'u.t of laitinjj i aw ¦paaoaoi fu.! of hot ncttaa aad aaratatad witk pi s ¦;' apfoalatatàaOa4ofimttip». A riafHaia fai.ati' Ol iiiis.dPii» atiillty, I.» ha« Ix-«u |»ttpd a' aáad »y Darla,waoaa o«n enormotn eaoalac "' '«! '-:<-\ haTe nethinf of tbp element of faaatieiai lh>' r. I Wortbiet HihI topet'.rr. Rn¡\,U tcm m r.vArf i wm utllUliall i>. Th" rraaaaHaa, thooph>add.c uiy lataradaad up>i hud e.i'.'Dtiy 1 M-*»fi com'- tun« pont^mpInti-O pr rid I far. Oanaaaaadai ¦ ..' tk arTaaaaarj md acat Drparf.eatt« »howi that lonp M "xmonth ajf roauy th« B .'¦ne efle<-ts were eent at Dauiriile, AtiMil»ta an Chart »t'e. Hot the oifut, when it came, wu nnd« ¦aaaab laaalaagaaaj Ikaaaaajdka?abataaayaoaai «j; H wai aaadactad ti-iv lyattatatlaaB/ *. i wM ipjati aat IV OT THE I V\(fS flu.V -H'iV. IT WAP POS] The overthrow of fi ir ,i :ny uatl i>: I', a I ri'i.iy. Batardajf aad Boaday, oythei at tipM big of B r !un and tao loraiiag %t aaa warts la tn>r., .»f tVnt pity by ITrlgMi alfa aajaaaaea el i Uta inv'.ivii'.' toreadaaaaahaa, Ibaarj aaaaaaatiattoa aad -'il m¦. ;ui n ¦.. oagh ooadaotad thirty aad tort; ar.Jeé away.tat-in won for the city. Military aaa ^duration» ovprraloi iia^tjl aaaWj ¦ isl'd .i».de the die .\. afftidaaad atato-atrtaaaa, eaaipaOad tha htmi attaai .md U>e dadalan so pronptly tuât **e a p. i-.-ipt!/ actod aaoau Thafa Oaroaaaaaat aaaaef wen »t-ivjfcd o!'th»ir if la, the liank» and tre'^ ,ry of that ;., tha haaaa at tha aaariahi af thrir rataahtooj al thp available ni"aii» i>: tr:i.i«poriatiou, both of car» ol th.-1»..;.»ii.o lUirtd aad o' hathai ami rahlalaaia thai It] gatharal logataarj laaararaj »hut and blank, im ptoaaad] ardan iaaaad tof t'.« braaaa to be wHhdrawa. tor tha daatracttaa al UM broa-rlade, aary-yard, ana nais and lïiiorutoric«. loi t'ip lohaooo BTarahaaaaa la tired, fir a!l Btataa of iim.\ ilaaa ami a larga aoMaat at arhiaky ta ha daat oyed.ta ahort they B,,ra a woadar- il bat] aat of ana, taaaa aaaeaala far/toar af thHciti/^ns. ahila fhoj raajaclaiad that the eily »m tioinp ahunüoncii tiy the OoTernmeat gtaaaaailtwai t.i be doue that right 'Iheyhmino rneai.a of poing tbemielvei had Uiey baaa neve. M much ill- ¡*.*pd la, 'I aaj »eeiu to havr looktul on in prim and Htopid aaaaaBj and to hare t>e<j:i wnkec- d to th>; actual Ui t la the eirly Diorning by too tarrtia exj)lo»:on» and ragtagfaaaaa, wakened tiud the t{»ii»i. k«:!,.-.^« Y«nkppi eaaaa, * '^.AKr^^. roaíhasio.v. A m aaa tue narraf! how the latter ra!V. When Gtiut bogan the movement <ieii. Weit/^l was lift ia command of o':r lino north of the river, uith two .Ji c^D-i-of htaawa Carat.Ihn BU colored, and <i'-n. Dpvui» Drrkakaa, the Third of the Twcn'y foorth Carat At l| a. at., klo;xlay, Cap!. Ilrtii.e, orDcnu * BtaaX >.np m charge ol toe picket line, rUited the out ponts, 4..Ú hie »n.-pi ion» for aouie reason aroused, he ¦aaj Ihtat men te recoaooitor. They penetrated the i:ebel line and reportée na enemy. These three, like the uiree ihildrea of .Vael dispatched by Moses, epied ui.t the land of Canasn. At once advancing his whole picket line by akixaisUr-rs, and opportunely falling in a étser'.er by whoa be was plluied, lie, himaelf, .ist pMiedthroag» 'flie teeerUrr pointed ant a tor t:i «us path through threo line« of cA«r«*r si« frUit. iwhioh bad been oaed for agraea and ingress uf th j'r picket rvliifs. aid was, i,alike the rest of the One fr^j from thickly pUnted torpedoe«. Ordering hi* ^n u deploy widely ltd continue to advance, Capt. Tjf^^ .^^ rapidly to Qm. Derius, who ínstam/y tatr^graphed the taote to WeteeL That energetio ottc^. by daylight waa adraucbg his entire force, fry 'yi»t hour aseria« of hoary e*>iosloai, and the «mo/ « 4^ g^^ of y^. awed baruflg, pot the fact of «l^» ,Taotiatioa beyond fTr? -HSS m&m$ i r<//eitaefi itaf. Lient ?. |#. Laid i DeVia'e, and hii/r 5,0,,,, «m^v» ami a. »ha .* u ^ fg.* «gg ,, », aitI._ THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. / /pT^^/^OtiYPT.MILLS \^ t^_0¿^ 'Z$^$ffi J[ \ ¡'~~S JJT \ ^VYANOCI . vn" ^>*2r r \ I / i Î / .is».x n i n r u /j ^^clpIsstaVhaytakaí? / .A \ ß ' / l \"'^XNN»lîfA^WJ)Ifl30JI v A \ \\ .y^AiDODLCYS /\'^,,/ m."^ M - HERRIN X^ \ ^ _; ,. ¦^T^ V^- 7 'V¿V^^ BLACKS^ WHI lene« i,f their horse«. \A itmn ti. it hour WeH Devins. Kipiey, Wepicy, laelathet Qeaerak, hada Bp the tie id« wf their colmn« were pu>hing upper r'.r- . I-, ai.d all ,!.c pneaiaent rxunt« were in our |x>« ¦baa, D mid to lave iipeu a JoBjeight, thaaah tri»>i»s msrehine in errat rapture, witîi long stride« ecstatic «toaata their Wateean by thel: brethren in i.ty. who, nien and woneniin-l ptotaa th< m. ran by theil fide«, en¦¦<! aad latiple d, and - ..n estraraga it *»;-. d t:..- I«ard and t courage. the. ajjaajg pajggfljpaj op taagoaw, Hot the ity vis burning dewa had 11 en bur' tana hour». Ta prat I larga aaaattttoeatf taha and other «'.ore« turn fsll.up into our hat dlreetorder of Breekiafidge, million» of pttfaÉept crty w«« nkhaatod la tha flbasât n.d aaa «f the Rah cities ou the aaaaaaaat retaed. bdeed at iat nlátl Braektaridge, m jier» m, npertateaded the great ar« and e:i'-' ** '.. the ls<t trsin taenty minóte» befóte a-L." la. '1 hat the city «a« not d<etri>y<4 Í» due entir la the I'liion araay, Tha timt ataaa taaaal aaa eeeej aawttsa to be om i to stay the ouiitWr«ii. while reglaieat .*-. ." fa*"1*. »Itbont order« ott \«aaa ftoai tbelr own officers, etaehad arm«, piled km aatfca, und lent »i lag aid tir*le<s energies, toss th« property <¦: th. ir enemies. Whole »'jusr«* we tumbling and smol b gjanta, and when the flam were eattagaleaed, iM^atodl and the smoke, t rnr. b! up arafla east tha lertarlag nhlawtnaf a lha sand »trnctores, many of them costly, all of them vain ble. testified ta the nni.tJeu i rudty of tha Melt tin] .tying even to their friend« and the dtipei Included in the destrnetion aja the large Mil und on tie river, and the entire hnslne part of the town. MLLACIX'» AM) APHOPRIATIM). Duflr.p the niirlt, »trappier» from the retratlo army inaugurated a ri-ipn of terror and p.ilup< .fe«« Irji ah thii g, aad in, or (tant «.id a few privai houe"*, »eie »atkid. 1 he fire revealed hantet an ounts ot pro» Islous.whether th« a<M.umidat.ous i the Qanfaajeat ot of speculators, diin not «p|»eai nlvhongh elliaaaa eay the latter. T&uusatide immédiat. enpaped m the natl Ij reprehensible «oik of remmii. to their hmfei family supplies. " The niggers pot it all. d a leading atetan« with a wrath he made lilt! attempt to com ral. 1 do not doubt they "totud off largely.« Baagn stimulate« thrift, anil there was in fear to leatnfa. Meanwhile, the more »utxtautlu . «t /ens. the actual snfferers br the wa.itou darin in m leaked on witn an apparent Baawaean ipnjaaaaJai apattry. They bate been too «ternli dlorlpflaod than laat ton yean hi agy tataaM cotutcmation. IIIf. i.KHKH¡ATIOISS. I aatand the city by the New Market Koaii. the satm over vhteft lha tnepa idraaead. There «(.. ama die tiuet lines of fortilieationa.very formidable, bet m more so than those eneocnterrd at Petersburg. Nearly all «ere overgrown with la*t Summer's vegetation, while ««me »e.-.i badly washed by late lain«.. 1 he enemy removed none ol the heavy gnus.their black du' t 'i pal n|i ...-. iiL.I yon look into their Heat throats you apptoach the city. Nur doe« one turn aside from the road lest hi« «tep explode a villainous torpodo. Several .l the flint line« are strengthened agsinat assault by a new device, in the nature of r. ¦Janana Je fri,r. Sharp hewn stakes, aay eight (eut hag; are driven through a lone; pole la such a Way that four to eh row« of them project iroia a common oentor, like spoke» from a wheel, '.ndeed, the device may be deseribed aaoae long hub attending miles, resting on long sharpened «poke*, w^u, the remaining ejaalaa pro¬ ject into the air.radie4\tf M thickly that one cannot creep through, whl> if n, .h.uld be able to roll the thing over, be but s^ma Ull otbat «poke« te meet him In the lace. 'aK tacaHtST.PR^PHltTIO. Nearly a»,»^ !,..,,. on Uic way had been abandoned, yet twé d^, out of th9 rlty Ä Mân WM pluwlug iu a magnif ¿eat held stretching «Jong the river bottom, and I w* à told began bellmei Mondey morning '.be day *ft 0t »he evaewation. J»*VT-TAltD- ntOK^Ltlia. Near " Rockata," » mil« below the city oa either aide of tha river, are the «niouldering raine of their Nary Tant and several of their rami aad gunboat« One of them would bava beca launched within a fortnight. TBi «Tarir». rssslag ap Mala-st. at the left were Use erambUng walla aad tot taring chimney«, and tha smoke «till rising from the debri« of the great fire. At lb» right, the lidewalk oerered with negree, aal poverty stricken white«, timid women peering from the wn.dowa, ar bolder onee la untidy garb «tending la the doorwaya. ar tea doon wen ripead and th.*» abut.the daaleaai flggej at Menai WÊÊÊk flpMpJ hg aba apato Iieretl itreet to turn into another, tbe npne attra my attention. KI. I! SI- NO PAIEB8. Tr- re w.ia Miuiltrr»LU'>vy M-f'iffr, public tf lokaeMtM do!,n IL) and We«l.b'rhurn, Vi ¡ -ti.¦ e, only the wall« standing; RUÀmond Em>A li'.'Wi-e Tbe editor, John». Dttl k 'I ¦'-.-..¦' | » Lieh hl» p. .11.J tka 1'- bafiioa Le lad «err« 1 so trail «real ¦'.".¦* one commi a isr-d Iflttllaftfcai 11.m. K A. NI «fia editor, (ken iu wkt violated hi* pa giaatad hin. I » Gat. Btta r, und' r tkt ttnta cf \>\ t..- «/ta to tfkctaa axrkaaga far (tttktrltM of '. Ti.ibi ran, » »t kargt il t' o< h y-, bttitltgtl th'- sp «TtaA nmkatvl a-d IM f. H / "-'ruai ' 'r ». ', t. niuir of tkt |,. î: idaJBai i TU M i< ar.d TU m í"'í lu trhrrtlft OMtf i-'ili-'-ditort of t¡.< f' :.i cr '..-m le, | n... I to col.t. it> publication a* a fr.iou paper. In bi* iaata of ; t'rilar d¡: » t ¡o hy il M he» «í/e, »i,noa»<:r« teat ho ri|>eot* to »cour« »«editor, "oui m Staat bridai I Ml vir.iroii« wnt.r» in Vlrpi'. njider»tood to be Join M. Botta. A BtAITlH I. RI- ONCB. The Mreet I Mai Maattaf l,«l me to the (api gr»iii.d». at:d M I "tri 11. d through Iheoi »au loukcd < upon the Pity.for tl e M .te l.o i-c occuplc « cominm :.....:¦¦ I thought 111M t :--re tr. ii »ud warn norro* tame MM th ir b'ack wiiv« t-. hour over ai -...'!> 'he place, it miiílil have jau-i-ed fort . tj which is ad l'.e.iuiiful,".rt mn»t l.ftTi-b. fiilt Ml low \\. n m h njo hhubhê sser« the e\ id.-nee« of baity learc-taking. Docuruei m.'! ptpMI litter, d Ml MtH of tbe room» »here set »ordy «»r.with open ilo.-r<. »nou iu MMMMMsM tbe o house» r f their Couprei», and the two hoimen the State 1-egHit'ire. Copie« of Stutnte* ut I.i re the Cocfodcialc State». n -p ->:t» ot t'. I ditfii'-i.t ttl bt olhcer*. copie« of bill«, of resolution».th-y covered ti tabl.«. and yoa tipped your feet a,_.iinit them «u « iijion th« floor. iDd'.'l, MNItf cround, and all tl itr-M-U, and tin- very air »ere thick v> ,th paper.flyir w.ih the wu.d. tttkwi up by th« | iirioiin, gallicied ba«ket« by ueproi ».p'ipi-i« ai.d 'eltei.«, pajurt. »nd h ter« everywhere. A IHIWS-ETK VIEW MM "Gamble'« Hill," an uhraft lilitffjiM above th city, WU wol th to tue tie journey fi-'iu Wa: hlugtoi LtMftMtfc*MIM)M I try MMrihl it. lateada sooth yonr eye follow« down m iIht; at sour feet torr»iit tuioblinp among rock«, a mil. down »here m-itn the tide, pin, d a lake. Where tide and tor rciit meet is the celebrated Richmond »ater-pown an.I there »arc great Homing nulln there three lias« a*. V»U no» «ec only the tt» keu.-d wall«, lie »mak« M either aide of the liver »till Untrer down ri«cs fron u he-re in navy yard« and MMMBI MM1 pr.-paud th. MptMtMMMaf Kelx'l «rniiea. and MM built niindr; aWtiseiam« for their n«*». I" the MMM of Ml river below tu " Hell« U'.u.d.' You «tirt, for yoi renieiaber how our boy«, tin poor priion.-rc, wer. «tar» «ut and fro^-u there. Vet it I", k< now, fioi i thii MMMMj like any other Kami. u, tie deep ibiinuatioi ij.o .e liubel Ji.o.'l« il. ¦< »e A 11.1 aUI<>llp tllO rialln III the burned ili-ti li t which extends a mile down the Id; iiat'k of tba river, do you *..<¦ tl,o-a two :*rpe brick building«, the only one« «pared in i doren block«.Libby I'ri»on «nd ( i.t'.c Thunder, «nd to-day they has« both c> tne back to plague the luven toi, for now they ure full of ItcUol prlMMM As wc look st the wide area over which «wept the tin-, and aole those two building«, i.i it not «ut-.TeiU'il that if the ,.nL baa been repaid by the «word, «o ba«e cruelty ha« been repaid by tire I ltut let turn our eye* up the c»tcb the ^ieiiu of it« winding coor-e for mile«, Vour back toward man'.«, work, the tttj ptM fnoe towardGml«, the country, and you MMV a great ¡dgh of relief. A moment and the marble-sprinkled »od if another city tii' i your attention. It U a city that las not been evauaated. Ah, but it« population hi« greatly increased during thin wur, it« ntroet« stretehitl out longer, and it» habitations huddled olo«er. (î-'u. A. P. Hill was buried there a few day« of twenty thotuaad »oldier« »'ho rest there, the fitful fever o'er. gaddeaed we turn to go, and you « ill carry that picture, vivid in eolor and diitiuct iu outline«, while yoa lire. VIMT Of THl 1UE8IIIE.NT. Praiidaat Lincoln's visit, coming so soon after the occupation, «ii a matter of int«n»« to th« .ntir« population. Crowd».thoucaud«.ruikrd out for . glitnpte of hi« tall flgnre, be wal'.«.l Into the city attended by a few Mends and an escort of a «oorn or two af «ald:«r«. Th« eathuslaani wa», however, con fined to tka aegroai. tkt foreigner», and exceptional Vlrglalvhori «ltttan*. But the joy of tka nigTO knew so bound». It fbon/1 aipraasloa La whoops, la aantor «MM KfAM| ill miM»IJtT ll kfIJtrfll |kllilltlrii of third». The President proceeded to Om Wcit/el'i headquarters, tha late residence of Jeff. Davis. Id( not imnpire he went there, fur the sake ofanypcttj triumph, but simply bpi in»e it waa the neadquaiters o: naOaaavfl] eommandinp. Many ofliccr« and citiüem of Ki« hmond came to p iv thpir respect», after which ho rode about the city. He slept on board one of the £nn- boatg. and last light returned to City Point. sTtsMg CAM1HELL AND IT ACE OVFRTTP.n«. Among the first to seek an interview with the Près- idi nt vai Judge Campbell, ono of the three Commis- »loners whom ho met at Korfresi Monroe. Tho inter- rtew lusted half nil hour, and wo« followed by a »ocond of longer duration yesterday. It is known that Judge Campbell concede» tho hupele««nps» of the Rebellion, and is only striving for terms. To what ex'ent ho is authorized to act for Davl» and I do not know, nor ii it known what wn« the President's reeponae. nsro«i riov of the OtUMM. It Is wholly unnecessary ro say that every colored man is I loyal man. and is overflowing with expression« of his loyalty.tnuni] haut through (;rcat tribuhtion. With the eitiren« generally it isolherwiie. With oue ex¬ ception I »aw but one blatant Rebe!, (ienerully there a disposition to acquiesce in a return to the (Trink and I think the reejority will, with little hesitation, sub- seilte to the oath of allegiance, not that there il not a diep sense nf humiliation, fcr that is too apparent to be lowered) they *-ji| simply yipld to necessity.primly and sullenly al first, but with the eaajaaaaaaen that H h « the o'.ly road to quiet and a return of prosperity. The blatant Rebel to vihnm I referred Just now. is a lawyer by lha name of Crnne, who told mo that he had been, during «erarel weeks in 1-61. " Lincoln'« District Attorney;" i hat be «bed tears when ho saw the old flag takedown firm the State-Hoiue, "bnt," he added, .' I ahed mure tears, and more bittet or.ei, when I saw It pet beak there." He eeatoeead Ihat hawaaalanri alone ;n bia Mtteraeei and ¡.ithfu'ly deplored tic we ,1. -s m " n.- " who are t!.inking ot" going back to Bgppt aatiiftiiioai u t¡:k citv. I cannot W rtuin th it there la.* been anything sp- «tarv..tiou, and v t everybody was 1 .;:¦ i.i j lo the last degree. letter* which I ap¬ pend, addneeed toCov. K\tra liilly Smith, and found la his ¡.mist . which, DJ the w,,>, belongs to tho State, Bad h) occupied by the'ssive poVc-rnors.ate evi- deaaaa of w I it extraordinary eaattbna were Beoaaaarya ». ii in the G 'Vi raoc of \ ir/iaiu, to eu| ply hk, and how thai.kl'jlly small favor« were received. Tuere lire pal tlir« | nut af a score, all relating to the question oftheQaretl >r s daily food, and the raiment where¬ with to be e'.o:!.i,;. As to iWdhlig, iidalihilatdtag -. tetdaj aad lo-dajhan haaa eery warm, it is re- markable how unr. m -Uy laeft htdinn ap;iear on the itneta have Wt.'iii heavy fun. Tho reason would seem to be that H -ii; ¦'.»> "re .cry r.sjiect.ible. and desj ite iheoppc* iv ther, an wan in default of other garaanta that an reeptxtabet. With both gentlemen aadladln lha dIAraai arthtoa of clothing comport ad!;, --.ii '.. a;.: peat aad a shoe kmg hat, .boots ou. ¦I t; t' «a aad ti i rJeth pantaloons,.an ciegan: *;in dre.-s tad naahaji - »l and a benidwid heaaatl Nur c uhl the pcntle.nen or the ladies refrain. b colvi i..a. in, fri.i.i hmliiip that they once wena»l .- vi ..purple and line linen, and fated suuij tcoosly very lUy. MU nOWeVl MCI MAltTHOM ox. lia} ft nía; afr.CaMker.tki tttartl ci «MM l fUitdttfU*Ftmm\W9M MtMiMl I speaker« ektlraf tkt BtktJ Boom of steprttteMttri tPsttlf 'writing to Ml paptr, A «CM. of a Cr?,r fun: <!im mered loi', ih'« ai'I kiuill'd all ;re. He « rder. Mr CMtttf to '. K.-n out t' thai .which M didn't. l'ip«-Ioe th" ' l.wksralrh wonld «ay. Then the »fir laid hold oi h. u »o take hinfout. Then Chester pbMtl a black fist aud left a black eye and . prnatrate Reto Then the Hebel UM aid aik'-d ai: officer, »ho was a wi nen» ..f the m i ne, for hi- sword "to cut the d- niip t'« heart out." Tbeolflcer declined on thu groan t'oit he .ii.l it'-l hire two «word», that he mipht ¦!. iri»eone tuC'heder. However, if tie «clon desired il be would see fair play for a fair flirhf, at the i<«ii)e tim expressing m opinion that he »-.mid "ret thrai.h.1 .MM than !.. e «lid the other da). I le MtM bottle* bin wratb «n.l «Kulkt-d au *>. meanwhile »'Im lor wa; c.njliy »ruine/. ITKM8- To day the o ii I ! >t »il cue up to the cits innlcai of ntopi lag at V.i'.i.i, 1..Hiding. The olil i'o-t'.-rhi room«, beiica'ii th.. Spots» ovd, will bo occupied by tin Army Post-Orilie. AM trading is done upon a «jreen back hash.Ml ¡nan han be. n found «Tkttl fuitii In lie «tability and rol von. > of ihe (\ ni,.'.. iai v extended to hi» pocket. il. jor M. 15. Hammond. pas master, paid here in thi ily scnttrdas the .'-il l'a., and other paymaster» an at work ii. iiv to-d.'iy. tl-ii«. \\. Kü-I aud She] ley attend'd I he UcVcr l.u> tlgktM.tka aaeoatat u* Nopeaiag, it ww pro finely decorated with l mon H..pu, aud the MUMM being composed mil y of-.oliinri«, nc\ci got tiled o elicerii.pthcm. Mr-. In, Secretary |HaiUn aud wife, eVMMJ S.Riner, uit!. a Urpe party, anised at City l'oiut to day .mû Will reach he;e lo-liipl.t. Tie hi -.t 1.1 order pievail» in the city. C. A. f. [PHed on b».x. "1. M. HVIfl. N..r. M MM j CMMTtAXavi it-, Va., Nov. 19, 1 ill. DkiiiSiii: Accor.l'nir to pott nejMM I have put- tktaad vou a akttaa from Itr». g PI lepar. 1 could only »no« ocdui pioc,.i'iugi><u< we i. b.ugatioiit live pound*, for whii h 1 hud to par e-io par pjend, «rkkek l couwdur a very hiirh prie, althoii-h the eh-en. in of a superior ¡iislity. I i 'meet to suit ttiu city iu a tow day. and »ill In um- It dowu. Vcrv raapevtfully, roni obtdtMi «»i-viut J. M. W'KK. l'o hu lluelleucy. Win Smith. Kiuainohd, Va. l'l.r Kirhn.ond Whig .. l'ai«« Orejan. We hiivc Ijing befefl tis a copy of Thr Huh- mtui fthiif now l«*urd from the late RaM capital as a I'nion organ. The proprietor, Wm. Ir» SmitL, «tat.-« that ho trat not «u original Secessionist,but tl.uton the day |M iWff sra* compelled to appear as a ileb-l or panatthc commencement of the Kebelllou, ha pub¬ lished a caul to thr effect that in consequence of the proposed chance ht hud disposed of interest in the ptpj i to a relative, end that from that time In couneo- tiou »itli it would « «J ' ¡I'lv c'a'e, further sUiee l'oit not long riuce tliii relative d..«d, and that the pro¬ prietorship of the papa* tglll StMt bMÉ It lilm by n.l.'i ¡tune.. The limt «tiCü; -ut || veriii-'d by the pro- dtietion of the fl|.-« of Tkt WUgf tbe latter rent« upon Mr. Smith'* veracity. When Ki. hmoiid MM vscti«t«d the prlmip«! editor leftin the suite of Davis aud his Cabinet, and m pa M now being coud... ted by sa «»Mjliuit who re¬ mained. Ou tbe tMjMi of the editorship Tt.t \F i¿ of Wednesday lia« the following paragraph; We hope, in the eoone ot a few day*, to «cocre the aanioaa of ease of tka most brilliant aad »iporuu. writer» in Virginia, »ho will Uka .bargt- of tha edi t'iilal conduct of Iba paper, tnd mldrc«« lUroe.i-i« .¡..ily la that eloquent and inspiring ütyle which charm.- UrUe« him u a writer. Uutil his arrive!, we »ill be le to i-rcsiut much editorial matter, the duties of thootb-rd.p«itiuent«of the journal requiriag alaioirt tie uudis idod attention of the foroe now employed. It understood that tha " writer" referred te uo les« a nertcnag« than John Minor Hotu. .I< llM.'M» At IT M. |, We quote fron IM Whig lu i|tere«tieg dMoiipUoa of the prteeit condition of Richmond : ¡ gave ii yesterday afternooa« edition of Tk« W*>g ' ffao Twakftk KS li ALBANY. The Broadway, Croes-Town, Parallel and All Other City Railroads. CONTEST OVER THE TAX COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE The Muibattan Land Bill and Other Job», From sn Oi rational Correv n r;t. A rJ1A.VT. April i, 1*65. TUE BROADWAY AND CROSS-ToWN H.UEHOADU. NEW TRICK TO CARRY THEM. In) Broadwuy and Cros-'-town Railrond-s Imva not yet recovered from yonr attack of the ü7th ult, Tbey are b.idly crippled if not killed off; andtndeel there is a report that the."Old Man" recently said in eonfldonco to Dean Richmond, that ¦ tho Broadway game for this year was plsyed out." Major f>n Jacob Sharp, hearing thi«, ha« boeti ever «ínee denouncing^ "the political dead heath" whom he took Into partner¬ ship with him-elf and Mr. John Kerr in this Broudwar matter; declaring that "it they, and not the rail¬ road bill.", that are played out," and expressing his re¬ solve hereafter to " go It alone".he play« euchre excel¬ lently.on n «imple and business like cash basis, IBTHBCITY-BAIf.r.OADMAtOR-OKNEl:ALna:tRXEBT? This last trick of yoitr chief city railroad financial operator is regarded with rery proper sn«plc!on. It la not a new one; nor will it deceive any who ar* not veidnnt as the papal tl.ey neelra for allowing Them¬ selves to be thus humbugged. There Is no elder d-vlpa known to the lobby than a pretended quarrel between:. ¦neakatn who have failed to enrry their point .it th* tiist attack. It is the mothcr-i'ertridge, with trailing j wing, as if hopelessly wounded, runme;? aero«« tha hnnt«man's path to draw his attention away from tha cover in which her younir covey arc neveted That th« Broadway nnd Crokk-town bills haie been «criously injured, is certain: but, whether they were nado "stretcher cases" requiring to be «cnt to the Tam¬ many and 'i'w. niy-third-st. general hospitals 1'^r a foil »cat's treatment, or not, yet remain» to be seen. m l.Ml'ii. Bg Al'TH "k-SlilP SKlTLtD.Ai1. IHlSf* P0PJ A lyril-.T LIKE. Youroorn »pondenee of the '?¡l¡ ultimo, le; tr.p add. Itoattrlhatad ftp many here.Senators Woodruff and Reach among the the pen of the Hoo. lleurv Hilton, kato«radge rilhwCeentoanna, who baa succe.-sfrilly combated tld« Broadway and uiaay kin¬ dred hajajaaaaa for the p«st deei n yanai whUel ii.ere »r» yet other "expírte in «tyle" who feel confident it w»«t the work of Mr. A lie Van Vechten, who only boi-rowed the initiais of my K'.Piary «¡pi, afire to lead away sus- piciou fit m himself. This ha » inrmurt is, of course. tLc true one, noneof jour readers hirttng been more aatoahhod than aayaahl at aaaftaj that letter iu : int with it« appended initials. This present letter, how- < ver. is genuine, und »till remain so, unkss it sL.tli be proved in a few days thHl George N. Sandcis, Surgeon» General Bar 11 the Hon. Georgo Bancroft, or the Rev.. Henry W«rd Beerher. all wrote it together, eoeü a para¬ graph; in which case you are heieby utit'.oii/d at on. | lo withdraw my claim to »v< rvtuing except that " three thousand d«illar cheek" which wu the letter a price. THE TAX <OMillSiIoNE .'8 OBASB Ht;HT. Ti M 1 ir^-e none»; of railroad contention out of the way» the next most intere-t.i | thing ou the legislative carde ¡s the content kuown as tiie "Tax Commis«iontrs' Fight".«ri of t". i Mri eaaaetag aad instructive pony« quarrels of tho day. La-t year, you »il! reruen.lfr, that h 1ml to prolong the tenu- of Tea Comuiidsioiii rs Jona¬ than W. Aih a, Taaaaanj'Bepahlleaa, «Teaíaft I'.rown, Democrat, and Amor J. Williamsc, Weed- Republic in, mi-, di Intel by the refiisal of Gov. S«J~ ¦ear la ¡ lha nna -the puironugc of this important and litcruiirc bureau then ib-voiviug upon CoatswBaaj Bnaaani who at cuco rcappointed Mr. AÜea, with Deputy ( ori>oruiiou CewaebJ Oeorgo H. Païen acd Beaitoi t'iiii»Liau B. Woodral ...> ate aaaniato Canna* ¦-loner».íhf»e, in ihur turn kpj^iutiug lañen, Dmiel D. Conover, «TieeBfaahllnB, Daniel E, Del -van and ex Alderman Morgan L. Uanii. Demo-i crati, as tier nbardlaatl, thoagk more highly paid., lioard of Assessors. Antl. bating; probably, «ome «aek atf.ek it*, the present onp, Control'«' JBieunan tafea went to work to lortn'y and strengt'io:) the Bureau thoe :apturcd into a political Mnl .k.'tr, using the Indies dominent Weed-Re publican.-«. Ju»t as General Gillsoor« »oiild use ,»o many »und-bagrs on a work not idiuitlifip any inore solid revetments along it« face. IfcTlBLKAN '.S.YXI'-BA' * ' TflHOTTX IT FOR DB- msec T'hu- we lave -ioi.ui'.m W. -Ml.n, W. rd 1>; uhH- can. Tax Coiauiio».... r. «J KVOM a yar, the place one of kttga o itside pi.-iii »nd pxiwer, «a will be aiplaltMti li'Tcaiti-r, D.iniet D. Conover, poliiicalljr, ditlo, As»« -. oi lav », to vih*f olfccc the »ame re- MISt ».U.ipplj. Ys'ui. Ï. black, ditto repealed, Sur¬ vey, r to the Tax C in.Tii-ioucr» at «sli.OUU a ssar, tha diit'-f bttag so little ein roas a.« not to lutervro with iiisotiifi lu-iii' »s; Mr. licnry C. l.eak.ditto, dltte. cl'ik t" Wat. I. Bteck nto:t-»iiiJ, at a salary quite recently ralead lio;'i 11,000 to »I,.'.s.>«year.the allege« ItttM Ist UM advance btjtlg, that Mr. L>ask would not incur the ii'-|!)i1ity of a «MMMI tor au »mall a M.iii h.« t'i iofJ| iLal » ilai7, John i.S.11« ocx, Weed Kepi b ¡can, Collector- of I'. ;-u:.a! Atrear»ge> nude« Mr. John Murphy, better known " Biick.«," »ho the Bit MM Deinoiiatic K.c.iverof Tax»«. Mr. Sill- cock* place being worth about I«, 000 a year, afcalnti arklak, however, heavy political aeseesnienta, reducing it t«i alniiit êli.ôOi', ar«'annually dtawn¡ John P. Hone, Wecd-ll. publican, itepr.ty Ilec-iver of Taxes in tbe «urne olli.« with Sfflootfci and Mr. Hlauselt, brother in l»w to Supervisor Wm. U. Stewsit, s<he isa'soooe M the Deputy Tax CtTMaMsMMM appointed by Mr. I'm- ». r. ttMOKSmX of IHor-E ¦PJBBM FOB A KEW TAX r.'MMI»8IOS. The active workers up here who i re now figt'.ng to tM M ;> o o-' i. lui):, and reorgati.úilioll of lh<; dutiaa of the Tax Cou.uiiss oner». As»o.»sors aud ItVceiver, are aaaMM JMm M. Thompson, radical Unionist, lata cjDili.Ute for your iJoiiuiy clcrkahip. and late Deputy Collector of AsM'Snoieni«; Amor J. W ¡Miami-« «a, bet» MMH a p."'. SVce.J-Uepulih. an and eUiioe of «?'*¦. Mackej DitftUki and Mr. Jovial. W. brown, Democrat. » ho d.i.:iu to rtfMMM the .; .-V'ndent, i;iii I«*- many wing oi hi» numerous party. Tha bill which these pentlenicu a;e pressing pros ides for the appoial- nieul b.s lot I .eg.»¡a* we tie b».ii'i three elected ofli- cei», who «hall be charged with the duty of selecting and appointing tluee Tax Comiaissioucr»; said-.pooim iiig board to MmM of Supe-,,leor Asdiea» WillmanA atüj Aidera,«u Win. ¦» Ge.lney, Kopublioaca; and. County Clerk in. ('. Conner, one of the most re- .pectedoi year loyal Demo« raw. who la«t Xoviiibet beat the "Tammany niacli;.«" by au 14.1i.u1g uf tka ¡n eptl «n hi« i.ivor. IMlOKTAMk. A>D I Cju.!' hXIKDlLNcT OK THE ufcAnl'KK. . The piop .-.«: n. a<nie m regard to the lax O.'lict «a» just aud neircvaiy on ¡te face, iuvolring a great reduc- tiou »1 falaiy-iijaMMMj with a most desirable simeliá- .«11011 aud ,l...»-on of duties, it is else be ootV ni<!..<!e.i «km.vJ'.ig the duties 01 aaetsMing, collecting aud ic. en.air your publio reseuaes fiam those of »a aaislelapi ihkejraMg and MMtMMg for the saate, » htc'i to: m the prtgM dmiea of your City Controller. ( What ban! is tkert domg a busiue«« of twenty «lite« Jollali a pME » Lieu ssould flunk it either safe ar wise to intrust iu m re Mutine of recolvlagaad pajMg- ¡.llcr, accouuiant, bookkeeper, caahiar, éUa^taltag. j!' rk. Ac to a «ingle offlc r.even if that officer w£t*> )f the h:kh..»' character? It all well-regulated pfaaat it butiness ou a large »oel we find a otu »niUy-dwvlaoe», «y stem of oheok« and btlauoea betweea nxnnj i*4e> ¡Hindeat ofllisjr». leudertug It imponible for eftkafet. ror or fraud to escape detection, uulaaa we pe «kfpaMk 1 e>0M»d/4C| «f «Baader between el tftt MOtM «jV

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1865-04-08.....' k»ak Hv?t«f «krwm «ka ttj|-lawaat Hurkr'8Stntion, Berhapa amile, nnd turulnp iha thl rii-lil, J proceeded MNMtownrdam-iily




VIRc«m»' i!ú

m aides im mm, ;

Giieral Sheridan Flglits a BattleNear Barkcsville,

tit Capturti Six Generals, Se.era! ThousandPrisoners, and 14 Cannon.



Reports cf Gene. Meads, Hr.m?Iireysand Wright.

íiteessral .Movements of the Différai Ctfpi.




Wak DsrABTMnrr, ,<WiHBMim, Fuue. V]'. ! ! i1' *. m. s

Uojcr-t.ui. Dix: Otu. Btaridai ttlAcM .mil.ouW Ibis's »nur, oipttinnp Qatkt. I/a.II. K"i-

ahaw. Mutton. V><t*<-, u:A inm.y ..t'.-t pu.-

.ral nttioor«, «i-venl IkoMul prltooert, ai'-l i

iMMlktf of cannon, and Mptetl toto irtrrendoT all tftitl tl toll of his nmn«.

Detail« will be piven as IBWtfj M « titile, i ;:t

tha telegraph i.« working badly.Edwin if. Sta>T"S. Bte< a» .Tar..sECOKD DISPATCH.¦\v>ui)n AKTMEVT, Wa-.iunmox, >

Krioiiv, April ~~\. ». iu. $Major-Gen. DlX: Tb( tbUowiflf ttltgltllia, Hi

Bouncing lM \ktory won y-\-tei<liy bj Ulja^Oca*]Bhendaii out Let« 1007, have ;i.-t baa ifeeiY' l

iy (Lit dtptirtmcLt. Eiiwu; M. ÉtàMTom,PwMtafj '.¦ »Vfo-

Cm- Foot Friday. Ai til "« - vji. ¦,

Ho». SrcHETAKï of War: At 11:15f. . :. ;,hi»j.1».t,¦U llurketville St^te-n, Gen. Grant ml M fl If' «

tsg from Gen j»h«r.dun. A. LOOOLB.Thursday. April ft. U ., j p. in.

IhM Ce*. Ouan'T: I bave the honor to rvport thattha aneiny made a rtnml at the n.l< u I of theBurke § Station lload i» ih<< mki u¡* ¦ \\ hat if] » -

ttireatiDt;.I attacked IkfJl with two divirionsof mlIztl An ¦

Corpa, and routed them btvtiaamt*. inakli ¿ I t taM*>fAat with tbe MVaby. 1 am it 11 pri ««;iik »:i with both

earalry and iuf*r.try. 1'p to th- pre«'.. t rice we b»\e

«aptured General* Kwell, Kernh.vw, J:t.tton, í'or»e, PeBarre and Cn-'i« J....¦. «-roral th'>u»and priiuiiot«. Mlplace» i'f artiüerv v.lth hJmM a\d . !iv tmhtf o!',prieoner». Iftka y Lag n pr»«-sed 1 tli.:ik !/<.(. wifl *.ur'

¦«kdrr. P. M. J¦¦u^Kll>/'.,«, llajw .;. u. OsMMadlag.Cit^ r<nM, 1 ri'lav, AjtuT."in. a.

Ho». M m tátl Wir.: Tí.? Mlnwlag ft.riturr iutelüMMikjMi jMMlittj a. Lanou.

Bnamniu Vj.To A. fcOHJUft The tollowi-j; t<.>:¿faju !» re«prct

^fj forwnnitd f<u joar iLfiTtoat.on,U. S. Ul:AM, I.i'ut. '¡.-,

Sr.coHD Awnr<'f.i:ps. Aprlt.1 * r- ni.

MajorQti.A. S. WkbP: O« laa) tijçht Ji>t \«-toT<lint.t Sa:l(.r'i Creek pare u« two gur.«, tbree flap» and a

.jonaiderabie iiiiinher of prinouen, HI ayaf«ja>\ TC aav IImlajice», with ranle» and hur*r» to al.ont »nf-half t'ie

Vafoii« aud ambulance». Then-are ie6wt)M 30 tad S* jVaffOi.K in addition »bandoLfd end d-Krow-d jloi.p t.'i«

sw*d, aoisa battery wapnn», fcrp«'» ani limber».I have already reported to pin the captire of M*

gun, two flag« and *on¡e prl^oueiii, acd tb- ía< t i'iat IkaIwul for orer two mile» i« strewed ^ ith tents, bappaeoevoking atentil«, »oroe tmniumtiou and material» of .ill !

Ihe wagon» ar-1 KtrewM ae-om tf " »p; nmeh to t\e

hti&gtê, and Hvfl take aoine time to aliaf if. The un j«By u in position on tl.» h.({lin ptj i.'id with artidiry.The bridge in partial!» destrcved. arid Ika appraacfrM«M the other «ide are afaafl bottom land. We rannot.adraaie to-morrow ia t!.e tame nn.nner wc have to dar.Ab »ooii a» 1 get my troop» up a Uttt> (we are <¦"])¦

»jUerably mlxe'J), I mipiit punli a eoP:mn down ti.evu»kd to deploy jii, bui it n [êj% 1 aaUOl Mavrapidly duri'.f laa)*Mgbii

a. A. Hino imm rtj M tj Qta.Mlau>'a1Cpai>wi AtTrr.i«, j». m.

ï.itii. Gen. Guam At tlapllfhl t/i» morui-»; f¦Ma*] tie Se.-i,nd, FiMi and Sixth Army Oorpa :il>n.-the «ülroad in the dtre<'tion of Auieliii Çuul ¦atjM»Von » »rtiitworthy int-llig<nie vaaiW re

tin th* eneiL.T wu mori.g toward VtOtl :ile.Tha dim-tkia of th» Itaapjl and Kiftli Army Carpi

TU iuuubdiatcl.r changed from ¦> uortlierly in a north- jar»ater!y diifrtion, a:id the dlrtctln»;('orp«. Um Eaaaaai,»orfnjj; ou loulou, il.', aud tbe 1-iíi'i, heiet'i'oie in tbe«ittitcr, moved at f iio lifM ot the Seiond, atl tie Sut!fot lug »bout nii.l U.0V1I.3 b~ tka ban ûfjï taking patt-tion on úe ¡i-:: ai taaSaaaoA it «u aBdantaad the

cartdty would opor-.t'' on the astfataa left.The ahtvgaa »raía pravjplbj amia t¡! Seoaaai Am* j

Corj»1 noon b«.v^iin»; en^a<"d w la tl.u eiieniy u-ai

De.tonvÜo. dr«w ng him tf r.,«l t a« ron« Sa.lor'.. Crttkta ihe AppaaaaUoii Tka l.:"i AntpCorpi i

loa»; ¦.JMpt but it« pos.lioa pn ven'cii it* itrlUrg Ikt«aemy'» colnran b*tore it ! ad pajued. Ckt S.xth AruiyCorp» cime ttp1»¡t^tbe enemy about 1p.m.. ai;d, la«tODJuii( lion with tie Second < Otpa on its ripht and

».Talry on It» !eft, atta. ked and routed the enexy. eap-taring many p;.soner«. a-nong th^m Li'Mt.-Gen. Bval«¿Ml Gen. Cacti» Lee.

I transmit CUpaMie« ly>tb lrf>:n Geiut. H'inp)'rev»aud"Wright, which. inj'Kt.oeV) theí<e d1»tl:ipai«b''doifl.-er»«ltd the ga'.hi;-t .i p. Uie» co.ii.uanJ. I be«; may le .it

t* tha War Uej*rto»em f,»r immédiat» pu'ólia'.lon. Itla impostibli- it UÜI moment to gire ao.v eilimate tf thecasual tu . at »/.her tide, or oí the num'oer of priz-oaer«taken, bat it * ctí lent U> day« work 11 poin«; to lie one.f HH .o»t imiwrtant o: the recent bul;*r.t operaiiou».Tha put »tut will M«d*» tttfj tj the mealuie

. HtUerett.Oriffia, with the Kifih An.iy Corp», tnll be morrd b»

tka left, aud Wiight and Huaiphray» contiuu« luo di-i.tet pill ill.t 1. \"-:f M it 1 IT.1. .»»« »-le- .«»,

C.rOKGRö. Mm t. Major Gea:\*-j - ...U,l( A Ml ...!.. fiuuroUay, A pi., o .i p m j

Afcye/ 0(«. \V»h*. Ckif/ of StaJ Army of tkt PulirmaiIn purbuam | i>i' iiistructionA of thi* morniaf»

.rota Mai. Gen. M*ade, I mored to -letter»» ilia by tka

.**>rt««t pi» t., »hi« ruad to tha left of DaaiosTiU«,With tkt objaot of thare takin»; poaitioa <« tke k»fi ofÉte Uaooad Army Corpa, striking the road rauautg tro»aJDaatontiiia to Suisa fkatioa at a poial a uttU%. tk« aoathward of tha former plaoa, I foaod«Ua» tha 8«cond «Vroiy Oorpi vm aagatjed at«*. iraal aad right aD| tka eaTelry. kaat^¦ .' k»ak Hv?t«f «krwm «ka ttj| - lawaat

Hurkr'8 Stntion, Berhapa a mile, nnd turulnp ihathl rii-lil, J proceeded MNM townrd a m-iily at

road, on. whieh tie en.emy wasunvirp. oiid Bleag »

ht bud thrown tip a Hm of intrenchuipnts.Ai soon os tlie Iradinp Divisiou ((«en. Scyrr.c

could be formed it was moved up ou the Nad Mthe enemy, which wa« curried. Tim, turninptleft, it waî advanced down Ik* road npninstapiMronpresigtunee. By iU.« timo "Wheatni.'s Dh1 as fVt in poaitJou, as ,.j ,dlv el possible, ou Set s*left.The lirie« were npain adv-sn^ed, and we swept d

the road for a dutum ofaboit two Bsltm Airvi'a du p and d Hit. .¿it Brael * | f.mnd thp enemy haf

furnicd l.i. lii.p on the opposite aide, when- we attai

¦ad drove Liui to a iK>int, u distance of had a mile

tlipr.In the first attack a portion of thp agvabjaptr

on oar rip't f unk. In i'n nbeegaeat attack the I

of cavalry operated on oaf i ¿hi and hfl tlaLk if

enemy.Tt,'' result he.« be* n a complete eieaeea, '1 M

.! faroea captared Ire Oeaeral odteera, n

then Qaat, Swellaal I ..:.< I, ¦, .r.d b.i,-o,:.i : ¡>! looaen.I thai go la civ.p aho'i! two ¦Om beywadtMap

¦i .'. i.»ii IsWttwetloaa. The Hrel tal TUrd DirialWin lien'» nnd S. ryaeeai , tad l!ip artiilc.y Mf|lo-.lay, Mured ealeadldly.A return of »ill M tarwaided ai «oo:

pu vlile.'JI « Corpi ha» nobly riWnltlll the ptpnj ÜM

eiirncd in t!,e .'d in-i in wt 1! p» u[k>b it* icany pp

PM bird toagfci battle fields.QL U. AVkk.iit, MaJ'.r.'len. fViaiaadluj

RICHMOND.\ IHAKÏ OF EVENTS TO TIUKSIIAKri>tu (Jui »>j>»cisl Ccrr«-»¿.oi.J«<i.l.

tí' TAitfOOD HOOMj 111. (Mt.M.1 sand »y, Air.i >., i

Oi tnio Slehmond, at but, nd Um nratMtattnisfTM Trama m m the "Baettowea

r;iaurui DslTU am» n I ¡iaixaín.At Hi o'altH'k Sunday, whtleeeeted in.

pew .it church IsBteaiag to the iMabniteM <>f t M BDr. Hope. Jcir. Dii.i« wa*. bead) d ¦ dispatch f

Ln, 'li.Pieupou he iiist.ii. v mi-e, und «u.'.i'd L

riedl.v down the Basle, bnuuM the '¡ucMiumtipe of

tiir tjm in the bouse. Xha diapaaBharaa to the aalthat Kiohmond must bo evacuated daffcag fht SHEnight. Arid no b.i ei-Ki' ellemy. the lit'' Pr¬int :mp Conhdocaej. afeal brtk froa thewj.i r<- ptofjmhd the f.i\uritc high prMftoi hi» red

It fanlt iHi"pnrtaMa aropatti lu i wtjfttf»tion f'»f « l'oiiiK v ou thi¦ SaMfnth day. ï.ikp a thief

the nipht, he titoîc an aj »;tli trepidaUoa H'.id fonr, a

with an ;iporú/iiip ^^.n^', of the 'holtat- I '.( tun1.

Ai the pnnrhor doaed the »Tricen RMMHMd Bton hand'-d him a IM- iNa Ul nil ¡!>-nry. 'I

ficpotti.p praMMtwand ateUjwitk laaaair mi

that oft'." acxton plowed «¡t!i y\ iMgVMri ''.-o.,!.r''icpDt. tka chapriu of the aw was a markedti.rtr.nul the othtr. 'i l< ft run r kafgeaklaee |l¿V)»u to tfirrv «r,J told thrin ¡u fid ut'.'Tam:»" t!iit

did aat '.. ,.>..' to ;nr iatar to M aai nj ::." .>.. iti» f»u>,: m ¦. to pn It I fork» i> (o Ihepack \pairtaMc paoaortj" ht alaa lateadod la j^urr \

thr Sjhbath. 1'I.i» Dr. Iln.-e itvfl 11 t-

flailed Bagl aal Iwa foati aaavlaalaajaiMff to procurefuj ,dy o! Hilde*, but te J:> -.m <'f t!.p li

lx .lian, ilr wi»c hwajal) Mted aytkaBrtÜalof il, g ,»ti, iid donbtlcaadid araok imm. Maoolratajfl he ha* teen In the hu'u.t of laitinjj i aw

¦paaoaoi fu.! of hot ncttaa aad aaratatad witk pis ¦;' apfoalatatàaOa4ofimttip». A riafHaiafai.ati' Ol iiiis.dPii» atiillty, I.» ha« Ix-«u |»ttpd a'

aáad »y Darla,waoaa o«n enormotn eaoalac "'

'«! '-:<-\ haTe nethinf of tbp element of faaatieiailh>' r. I Wortbiet HihI topet'.rr. Rn¡\,U tcm

m r.vArf i wm utllUliall i>.

Th" rraaaaHaa, thooph>add.c uiy lataradaad up>ihud e.i'.'Dtiy 1 M-*»fi com'- tun« pont^mpInti-O pr

rid I far. Oanaaaaadai ¦ ..' tk arTaaaaarj md acat

Drparf.eatt« »howi that k» lonp M "xmonth ajf roauyth« B .'¦ne efle<-ts were eent at Dauiriile, AtiMil»ta an

Chart »t'e. Hot the oifut, when it came, wu nnd«

¦aaaab laaalaagaaaj Ikaaaaajdka?abataaayaoaai«j; H wai aaadactad ti-iv lyattatatlaaB/ *. i wM

ipjati aatIV OT THE I V\(fS flu.V -H'iV. IT WAP POS]

The overthrow of fi ir ,i :ny uatl i>: I', a

I ri'i.iy. Batardajf aad Boaday, oythei at tipMbig of B r !un and tao loraiiag %t aaa warts la tn>r.,.»f tVnt pity by ITrlgMi alfa aajaaaaea el i

Uta inv'.ivii'.' toreadaaaaahaa, Ibaarj aaaaaaatiattoaaad -'il m¦. ;ui n ¦.. oagh ooadaotad thirty aad tort;ar.Jeé away.tat-in won for u» the city. Military aaa

^duration» ovprraloi iia^tjl aaaWj ¦ isl'd .i».de the die.\. afftidaaad atato-atrtaaaa, eaaipaOad tha htmi

attaai .md U>e dadalan so pronptly tuât **e a

p. i-.-ipt!/ actod aaoau Thafa Oaroaaaaaat aaaaef wen

»t-ivjfcd o!'th»ir if la, the liank» and tre'^ ,ry of that<¦ ;., tha haaaa at tha aaariahi af thrir rataahtooj althp available ni"aii» i>: tr:i.i«poriatiou, both of car» ol

th.-1»..;.»ii.o lUirtd aad o' hathai ami rahlalaaia thai It]gatharal logataarj laaararaj »hut and blank, im

ptoaaad] ardan iaaaad tof t'.« braaaa to be wHhdrawa.tor tha daatracttaa al UM broa-rlade, aary-yard, ananais and lïiiorutoric«. loi t'ip lohaooo BTarahaaaaa la t«tired, fir a!l Btataa of iim.\ ilaaa ami a larga aoMaat atarhiaky ta ha daat oyed.ta ahort they B,,ra a woadar-

il bat] aat of ana, taaaa aaaeaalafar/toar af thHciti/^ns. ahila fhoj raajaclaiad that

the eily »m tioinp ahunüoncii tiy the OoTernmeat

gtaaaaailtwai t.i be doue that right 'Iheyhminorneai.a of poing tbemielvei had Uiey baaa neve. M muchill- ¡*.*pd la, 'I aaj »eeiu to havr looktul on in prim andHtopid aaaaaBj and to hare t>e<j:i wnkec- d to th>; actualUi t la the eirly Diorning by too tarrtia exj)lo»:on» and

ragtagfaaaaa, wakened u» tiud the t{»ii»i. k«:!,.-.^«Y«nkppi eaaaa,


'^.AKr^^. roaíhasio.v.A m aaa tue narraf! how the latter ra!V.

When Gtiut bogan the movement <ieii. Weit/^l was

lift ia command of o':r lino north of the river, uith two

.Ji c^D-i-of htaawa Carat.Ihn BU colored, and <i'-n.Dpvui» Drrkakaa, the Third of the Twcn'y foorth

Carat At l| a. at., klo;xlay, Cap!. Ilrtii.e, orDcnu *

BtaaX '» >.np m charge ol toe picket line, rUited the out

ponts, 4..Ú hie »n.-pi ion» for aouie reason aroused, he

¦aaj Ihtat men te recoaooitor. They penetrated the

i:ebel line and reportée na enemy. These three, likethe uiree ihildrea of .Vael dispatched by Moses, epiedui.t the land of Canasn. At once advancing his whole

picket line by akixaisUr-rs, and opportunely falling a étser'.er by whoa be was plluied, lie, himaelf,.ist pMiedthroag» 'flie teeerUrr pointed ant a tor

t:i «us path through threo line« of cA«r«*r si« frUit.iwhioh bad been oaed for agraea and ingress uf th j'rpicket rvliifs. aid was, i,alike the rest of the One fr^jfrom thickly pUnted torpedoe«. Ordering hi* ^n udeploy widely ltd continue to advance, Capt. Tjf^^ .^^rapidly to Qm. Derius, who ínstam/y tatr^graphed thetaote to WeteeL That energetio ottc^. by daylightwaa adraucbg his entire force, fry 'yi»t hour aseria«of hoary e*>iosloai, and the «mo/ « 4^ g^^ ofy^.awed baruflg, pot the fact of «l^» ,Taotiatioa beyondfTr?-HSS m&m$ i r<//eitaefi itaf. Lient ?.|#. Laid i DeVia'e, and hii/r 5,0,,,,«m^v»ami a. »ha .* u^ fg.* «gg ,, », aitI._


/ /pT^^/^OtiYPT.MILLS \^ t^_0¿^

'Z$^$ffi J[ \ ¡'~~S JJT \ ^VYANOCI. vn" ^>*2r r \ I / i Î / .is».x n i n r u

/j ^^clpIsstaVhaytakaí? /.A \ ß ' / l \"'^XNN»lîfA^WJ)Ifl30JI v

A \ \\ .y^AiDODLCYS /\'^,,/m."^ M - HERRIN X^ \ ^ _; ,. ¦^T^ V^-


lene« i,f their horse«. \A itmn ti. it hour WeHDevins. Kipiey, Wepicy, laelathet Qeaerak, hadaBp the tie id« wf their colmn« were pu>hing upperr'.r- . I-, ai.d all ,!.c pneaiaent rxunt« were in our |x>«¦baa, D i« mid to lave iipeu a JoBjeight, thaaahtri»>i»s msrehine in errat rapture, witîi long stride«ecstatic «toaata their Wateean by thel: brethren in

i.ty. who, nien and woneniin-l ptotaath< m. ran by theil fide«, en¦¦<! aad latiple d, and

- ..n estraraga it *»;-. d t:..- I«ard and t

courage.the. ajjaajg pajggfljpaj op taagoaw,

Hot the ity vis burning dewa had 11 en bur'tana hour». Ta prat I larga aaaattttoeatf tahaand other «'.ore« turn fsll.up into our hatdlreetorder of Breekiafidge, million» of pttfaÉeptcrty w«« nkhaatod la tha flbasât n.d aaa «f the Rahcities ou the aaaaaaaat retaed. bdeed at iat nlátlBraektaridge, m jier» m, npertateaded the great ar«

and e:i'-' ** '.. the ls<t trsin taenty minóte» befótea-L." la.

'1 hat the city «a« not d<etri>y<4 Í» due entir

la the I'liion araay, Tha timt ataaa taaaal aaaeeeej aawttsa to be om i to stay the ouiitWr«ii.while reglaieat .*-. ." fa*"1*. »Itbont order« ott

\«aaa ftoai tbelr own officers, etaehad arm«, piled kmaatfca, und lent »i lag aid tir*le<s energies, toss

th« property <¦: th. ir enemies. Whole »'jusr«* we

tumbling and smol b gjanta, and when the flam

were eattagaleaed, iM^atodl and the smoke, t

rnr. b! up arafla east tha lertarlag nhlawtnaf a lhasand »trnctores, many of them costly, all of them vain

ble. testified ta the nni.tJeu i rudty of tha Melttin] .tying even to their friend« and the

dtipei Included in the destrnetion aja the large Mil

und on tie river, and the entire hnslne

part of the town.MLLACIX'» AM) APHOPRIATIM).

Duflr.p the niirlt, »trappier» from the retratlo

army inaugurated a ri-ipn of terror and p.ilup<.fe«« Irji ah thii g, aad in, or (tant «.id a few privaihoue"*, »eie »atkid. 1 he fire revealed hantetan ounts ot pro» Islous.whether th« a<M.umidat.ous i

the Qanfaajeat ot of speculators, diin not «p|»eai

nlvhongh elliaaaa eay the latter. T&uusatide immédiat.

enpaped m the natl Ij reprehensible «oik of remmii.

to their hmfei family supplies. " The niggers pot it all.d a leading atetan« with a wrath he made lilt!

attempt to com ral. 1 do not doubt they "totud off

largely.« Baagn stimulate« thrift, anil there was in

fear to leatnfa. Meanwhile, the more »utxtautlu. «t /ens. the actual snfferers br the wa.itou darin inm

leaked on witn an apparent Baawaean ipnjaaaaJaiapattry. They bate been too «ternli dlorlpflaod thanlaat ton yean hi agy tataaM cotutcmation.

IIIf. i.KHKH¡ATIOISS.I aatand the city by the New Market Koaii. the satm

over vhteft lha tnepa idraaead. There «(.. ama die

tiuet lines of fortilieationa.very formidable, bet m

more so than those eneocnterrd at Petersburg. Nearlyall «ere overgrown with la*t Summer's vegetation,while ««me »e.-.i badly washed by late lain«.. 1 he

enemy removed none ol the heavy gnus.their black

:¦ m« du' t 'i pal n|i ...-. iiL.I yon look into their Heatthroats a» you apptoach the city. Nur doe« one turn

aside from the road lest hi« «tep explode a villainous

torpodo. Several .l the flint line« are strengthenedagsinat assault by a new device, in the nature of r.

¦Janana Je fri,r. Sharp hewn stakes, aay eight (euthag; are driven through a lone; pole la such a Way thatfour to eh row« of them project iroia a common oentor,like spoke» from a wheel, '.ndeed, the device may bedeseribed aaoae long hub attending miles, resting on

long sharpened «poke*, w^u, the remaining ejaalaa pro¬ject into the air.radie4\tf M thickly that one cannotcreep through, whl> if n, .h.uld be able to roll thething over, be but s^ma Ull otbat «poke« te meet him Inthe lace.

'aK tacaHtST.PR^PHltTIO.Nearly a»,»^ !,..,,. on Uic way had been abandoned,

yet twé d^, out of th9 rlty Ä Mân WM pluwlug iu a

magnif¿eat held stretching «Jong the river bottom, andI w* à told h« began bellmei Mondey morning '.be day*ft 0t »he evaewation.

J»*VT-TAltD- ntOK^Ltlia.Near " Rockata," » mil« below the city oa either aide

of tha river, are the «niouldering raine of their NaryTant and several of their rami aad gunboat« One ofthem would bava beca launched within a fortnight.

TBi «Tarir».

rssslag ap Mala-st. at the left were Use erambUngwalla aad tot taring chimney«, and tha smoke «till risingfrom the debri« of the great fire. At lb» right, thelidewalk oerered with negree, aal poverty strickenwhite«, timid women peering from the wn.dowa, ar

bolder onee la untidy garb «tending la the doorwaya. artea doon wen ripead and th.*» abut.the daaleaaiflggej at Menai WÊÊÊk flpMpJ hg aba apato

Iieretl itreet to turn into another, tbe npne attra

my attention.KI. I! SI- NO PAIEB8.

Tr- re w.ia Miuiltrr»LU'>vy M-f'iffr, publictf lokaeMtM do!,n IL) and We«l.b'rhurn, Vi ¡

-ti.¦ e, only the wall« standing; RUÀmond Em>A

li'.'Wi-e Tbe editor, John». Dttl k'I ¦'-.-..¦' | » Lieh hl» p..11.J tka 1'- bafiioa Le lad «err« 1 so trail «real ¦'.".¦*one commi a isr-d Iflttllaftfcai 11.m. K A. NI

«fia editor, (ken iu wkt violated hi* pagiaatad hin. I » Gat. Btta r, und' r tkt ttnta cf \>\t..- «/ta to tfkctaa axrkaaga far (tttktrltM of '.

Ti.ibi ran, » »t kargt il t' o< h y-, bttitltgtl th'- sp«TtaA nmkatvl a-d IM f. H / "-'ruai

' 'r ». ', t. niuir of tkt |,. î: idaJBai iTU M i< ar.d TU m í"'í lu trhrrtlft OMtfi-'ili-'-ditort of t¡.< f' :.i cr '..-m le, | n... !¦ I to col.t.

it> publication a* a fr.iou paper. In bi* iaata of ;t'rilar d¡: » t ¡o hy il M he» «í/e,»i,noa»<:r« teat ho ri|>eot* to »cour« »«editor, "oui

mStaat bridai I Ml vir.iroii« wnt.r» in Vlrpi'.njider»tood to be Join M. Botta.

A BtAITlH I. RI- ONCB.The Mreet I Mai Maattaf l,«l me to the (api

gr»iii.d». at:d M I "tri 11. d through Iheoi »au loukcd <

upon the Pity.for tl e M .te l.o i-c occuplc « cominm

:.....:¦¦ I thought 111M t I» :--re tr. ii »ud warn

norro* tame MM th ir b'ack wiiv« t-. hour over ai

-...'!> 'he place, it miiílil have jau-i-ed fort. tj which is ad l'.e.iuiiful,".rt mn»t l.ftTi-b.

fiilt Ml low \\.n m h njo hhubhê

sser« the e\ id.-nee« of baity learc-taking. Docurueim.'! ptpMI litter, d Ml MtH of tbe room» »here set

»ordy «»r.with open ilo.-r<. »nou iu MMMMMsMtbe t» o house» r f their Couprei», and the two hoimenthe State 1-egHit'ire. '¦ Copie« of Stutnte* ut I.i re

the Cocfodcialc State». n -p->:t» ot t'. I ditfii'-i.t ttl btolhcer*. copie« of bill«, of resolution».th-y covered ti

tabl.«. and yoa tipped your feet a,_.iinit them «u «

iijion th« floor. iDd'.'l, MNItf cround, and all tl

itr-M-U, and tin- very air »ere thick v> ,th paper.flyirw.ih the wu.d. tttkwi up by th« | iirioiin, galliciedba«ket« by ueproi ».p'ipi-i« ai.d 'eltei.«, pajurt. »nd hter« everywhere.


MM "Gamble'« Hill," an uhraft lilitffjiM above th

city, WU wol th to tue tie journey fi-'iu Wa: hlugtoiLtMftMtfc*MIM)M I try t« MMrihl it. lateadasooth yonr eye follow« down m iIht; at sour feet

torr»iit tuioblinp among rock«, a mil. down »here

m-itn the tide, pin, d u» a lake. Where tide and tor

rciit meet is the celebrated Richmond »ater-pownan.I there »arc great Homing nulln there three lias« a*.

V»U no» «ec only the tt» keu.-d wall«, lie »mak« M

either aide of the liver »till Untrer down ri«cs fron

u he-re in navy yard« and MMMBI MM1 pr.-paud th.

MptMtMMMaf Kelx'l «rniiea. and MM built niindr;aWtiseiam« for their n«*». I" the MMM of Ml

river below tu i« " Hell« U'.u.d.' You «tirt, for yoirenieiaber how our boy«, tin poor priion.-rc, wer.

«tar» «ut and fro^-u there. Vet it I", k< now, fioi i thii

MMMMj like any other Kami. u, tie deep ibiinuatioi

ij.o .e liubel Ji.o.'l« il. ¦< »e A 11.1 aUI<>llp tllO rialln III

the burned ili-ti li t which extends a mile down the Id;iiat'k of tba river, do you *..<¦ tl,o-a two

:*rpe brick building«, the only one« «pared in

i doren block«.Libby I'ri»on «nd ( i.t'.c Thunder, «nd

to-day they has« both c> tne back to plague the luven

toi, for now they ure full of ItcUol prlMMM As wc

look st the wide area over which «wept the tin-, andaole those two building«, i.i it not «ut-.TeiU'il that if the

,.nL baa been repaid by the «word, «o ba«e cruelty ha«

been repaid by tire I ltut let u» turn our eye* up c»tcb the ^ieiiu of it« winding coor-e formile«, Vour back i» toward man'.«, work, the tttj ptMfnoe towardGml«, the country, and you MMV a great¡dgh of relief. A moment and the marble-sprinkled »odif another city tii' i your attention. It U a city that

las not been evauaated. Ah, but it« population hi«

greatly increased during thin wur, it« ntroet« stretehitlout longer, and it» habitations huddled olo«er. (î-'u. A.

P. Hill was buried there a few day« of twentythotuaad »oldier« »'ho rest there, the fitful fever o'er.

gaddeaed we turn to go, and you « ill carry that picture,vivid in eolor and diitiuct iu outline«, while yoa lire.

VIMT Of THl 1UE8IIIE.NT.Praiidaat Lincoln's visit, coming so soon after the

occupation, «ii a matter of int«n»« to th«.ntir« population. Crowd».thoucaud«.ruikrd out for

. glitnpte of hi« tall flgnre, a« be wal'.«.l Into the cityattended by a few Mends and an escort of a «oorn or

two af «ald:«r«. Th« eathuslaani wa», however, con

fined to tka aegroai. tkt foreigner», and exceptionalVlrglalvhori «ltttan*. But the joy of tka nigTO knewso bound». It fbon/1 aipraasloa La whoops, la aantor

«MM KfAM| ill miM»IJtT ll kfIJtrfll |kllilltlrii

of third». The President proceeded to Om Wcit/el'iheadquarters, tha late residence of Jeff. Davis. Id(not imnpire he went there, fur the sake ofanypcttjtriumph, but simply bpi in»e it waa the neadquaiters o:

naOaaavfl] eommandinp. Many ofliccr« and citiüemof Ki« hmond came to p iv thpir respect», after which horode about the city. He slept on board one of the £nn-boatg. and last light returned to City Point.


Among the first to seek an interview with the Près-idi nt vai Judge Campbell, ono of the three Commis-»loners whom ho met at Korfresi Monroe. Tho inter-rtew lusted half nil hour, and wo« followed by a »ocondof longer duration yesterday. It is known that JudgeCampbell concede» tho hupele««nps» of the Rebellion,and is only striving for terms. To what ex'ent ho isauthorized to act for Davl» and I do not know, nor

ii it known what wn« the President's reeponae.nsro«i riov of the OtUMM.

It Is wholly unnecessary ro say that every coloredman is I loyal man. and is overflowing with expression«of his loyalty.tnuni] haut through (;rcat tribuhtion.With the eitiren« generally it isolherwiie. With oue ex¬

ception I »aw but one blatant Rebe!, (ienerully therei« a disposition to acquiesce in a return to the (Trinkand I think the reejority will, with little hesitation, sub-seilte to the oath of allegiance, not that there il not a

diep sense nf humiliation, fcr that is too apparent to belowered) they *-ji| simply yipld to necessity.primlyand sullenly al first, but with the eaajaaaaaaen thatH h « the o'.ly road to quiet and a return of prosperity.The blatant Rebel to vihnm I referred Just now. is a

lawyer by lha name of Crnne, who told mo that he hadbeen, during «erarel weeks in 1-61. " Lincoln'« DistrictAttorney;" i hat be «bed tears when ho saw the old flagtakedown firm the State-Hoiue, "bnt," he added,.' I ahed mure tears, and more bittet or.ei, when I saw

It pet beak there." He eeatoeead Ihat hawaaalanrialone ;n bia Mtteraeei and v« ¡.ithfu'ly deplored ticwe ,1. -s m " n.-

" who are t!.inking ot" going back to

Bgpptaatiiftiiioai u t¡:k citv.

I cannot W rtuin th it there la.* been anything «tarv..tiou, and v t everybody was

1 .;:¦ i.i j lo the last degree. letter* which I ap¬pend, addneeed toCov. K\tra liilly Smith, and foundla his ¡.mist . which, DJ the w,,>, belongs to tho State,Bad h) occupied by the'ssive poVc-rnors.ate evi-

deaaaa of w I it extraordinary eaattbna were Beoaaaarya». ii in the G 'Vi raoc of \ ir/iaiu, to eu| ply hk,and how thai.kl'jlly small favor« were received. Tuerelire pal tlir« | nut af a score, all relating to the questionoftheQaretl >r s daily food, and the raiment where¬with to be e'.o:!.i,;. As to iWdhlig, iidalihilatdtag-. tetdaj aad lo-dajhan haaa eery warm, it is re-

markable how unr.m -Uy laeft htdinn ap;iear on theitneta have Wt.'iii heavy fun. Tho reason would seem

to be that H -ii; ¦'.»> "re .cry r.sjiect.ible. and desj ite

iheoppc* iv ther, an wan in default of othergaraanta that an reeptxtabet. With both gentlemenaadladln lha dIAraai arthtoa of clothing comportad!;, --.ii '.. a;.: peat aad a shoe kmg hat, .boots ou.

¦I t; t' «a aad ti i rJeth pantaloons,.an ciegan: *;indre.-s tad naahaji - »l and a benidwid heaaatlNur c uhl the pcntle.nen or the ladies refrain.b colvi i..a. in, fri.i.i hmliiip that they once wena»l.- vi ..purple and line linen, and fated suuij tcooslyvery lUy.


lia} ft nía; afr.CaMker.tki tttartl ci

«MM l fUitdttfU*Ftmm\W9M MtMiMlI speaker« ektlraf tkt BtktJ Boom of steprttteMttritPsttlf 'writing to Ml paptr, A «CM. of a Cr?,r fun:<!im mered loi', ih'« ai'I kiuill'd all ;re. He « rder.Mr CMtttf to '. K.-n out t' thai .which M didn't.l'ip«-Ioe th" ' l.wksralrh wonld «ay. Then the »firlaid hold oi h. u »o take hinfout. Then Chester pbMtla black fist aud left a black eye and . prnatrate RetoThen the Hebel UM aid aik'-d ai: officer, »ho was a winen» ..f the m i ne, for hi- sword "to cut the d-niip t'« heart out." Tbeolflcer declined on thu groant'oit he .ii.l it'-l hire two «word», that he mipht ¦!.iri»eone tuC'heder. However, if tie «clon desired ilbe would see fair play for a fair flirhf, at the i<«ii)e tim

expressing m opinion that he »-.mid "ret thrai.h.1.MM than !.. e «lid the other da). I le MtM bottle*bin wratb «n.l «Kulkt-d au *>. meanwhile »'Im lor wa;

c.njliy »ruine/.ITKM8-

To day the o ii I ! >t »il cue up to the cits innlcai

of ntopi lag at V.i'.i.i, 1..Hiding. The olil i'o-t'.-rhiroom«, beiica'ii th.. Spots» ovd, will bo occupied by tin

Army Post-Orilie.AM trading is done upon a «jreen back hash.Ml

¡nan han be. n found «Tkttl fuitii In lie «tability and rolvon. > of ihe (\ ni,.'.. iai v extended to hi» pocket.

il. jor M. 15. Hammond. pas master, paid here in thi

ily scnttrdas the .'-il l'a., and other paymaster» an

at work ii. iiv to-d.'«. \\. Kü-I aud She] ley attend'd I he UcVcr l.u>

tlgktM.tka aaeoatat a» u* Nopeaiag, it ww profinely decorated with l mon H..pu, aud the MUMMbeing composed mil y of-.oliinri«, nc\ci got tiled o

elicerii.pthcm.Mr-. In, Secretary |HaiUn aud wife, eVMMJ

S.Riner, uit!. a Urpe party, anised at City l'oiut to

day .mû Will reach he;e lo-liipl.t.Tie hi -.t 1.1 order pievail» in the city. C. A. f.

[PHed on b».x. "1. M. HVIfl. N..r. M MM jCMMTtAXavi it-, Va., Nov. 19, 1 ill.

DkiiiSiii: Accor.l'nir to pott nejMM I have put-tktaad vou a akttaa from Itr». g PIlepar. 1 could only»no« ocdui pioc,.i'iugi><u< we i. b.ugatioiit live pound*, forwhii h 1 hud to par e-io par pjend, «rkkek l couwdur a

very hiirh prie, althoii-h the eh-en. in of a superior¡iislity. I i'meet to suit ttiu city iu a tow day. and»ill In um- It dowu.

Vcrv raapevtfully, roni obtdtMi «»i-viutJ. M. W'KK.

l'o hu lluelleucy. Win Smith. Kiuainohd, Va.

l'l.r Kirhn.ond Whig .. a» l'ai«« Orejan.We hiivc Ijing befefl tis a copy of Thr Huh-

mtui fthiif now l«*urd from the late RaM capital as a

I'nion organ. The proprietor, Wm. Ir» SmitL, «tat.-«that ho trat not «u original Secessionist,but tl.uton the

day |M iWff sra* compelled to appear as a ileb-l or

panatthc commencement of the Kebelllou, ha pub¬lished a caul to thr effect that in consequence of the

proposed chance ht hud disposed of hü interest in the

ptpj i to a relative, end that from that time In couneo-

tiou »itli it would « «J ' ¡I'lv c'a'e, H« further sUieel'oit not long riuce tliii relative d..«d, and that the pro¬prietorship of the papa* tglll StMt bMÉ It lilm byn.l.'i ¡tune.. The limt «tiCü; -ut || veriii-'d by the pro-dtietion of the fl|.-« of Tkt WUgf tbe latter rent« uponMr. Smith'* veracity.When Ki. hmoiid MM vscti«t«d the prlmip«! editor

leftin the suite of Davis aud his Cabinet, and m paM i» now being coud... ted by sa «»Mjliuit who re¬

mained. Ou tbe tMjMi of the editorship Tt.t \F i¿ of

Wednesday lia« the following paragraph;We hope, in the eoone ot a few day*, to «cocre the

aanioaa of ease of tka most brilliant aad »iporuu.writer» in Virginia, »ho will Uka .bargt- of tha edit'iilal conduct of Iba paper, tnd mldrc«« lUroe.i-i«

.¡..ily la that eloquent and inspiring ütyle which charm.-UrUe« him u a writer. Uutil his arrive!, we »ill le to i-rcsiut much editorial matter, the duties ofthootb-rd.p«itiuent«of the journal requiriag alaioirttie uudis idod attention of the foroe now employed.

It l» understood that tha " writer" referred te i« uo

les« a nertcnag« than John Minor Hotu..I< llM.'M» At IT M.|,

We quote fron IM Whig lu i|tere«tieg dMoiipUoaof the prteeit condition of Richmond : ¡W« gave ii yesterday afternooa« edition of Tk« W*>g


ffao TwakftkKSli

ALBANY.The Broadway, Croes-Town, Parallel and

All Other City Railroads.


The Muibattan Land Bill and Other Job»,

From sn Oirational Correv n '¦ r;t.A rJ1A.VT. April i, 1*65.



In) Broadwuy and Cros-'-town Railrond-s Imvanot yet recovered from yonr attack of the ü7th ult, Tbeyare b.idly crippled if not killed off; andtndeelthere is a report that the."Old Man" recently said ineonfldonco to Dean Richmond, that ¦ tho Broadwaygame for this year was plsyed out." Major f>n Jacob

Sharp, hearing thi«, ha« boeti ever «ínee denouncing^"the political dead heath" whom he took Into partner¬ship with him-elf and Mr. John Kerr in this Broudwarmatter; declaring that "it i« they, and not the rail¬road bill.", that are played out," and expressing his re¬

solve hereafter to " go It alone".he play« euchre excel¬lently.on n «imple and business like cash basis,IBTHBCITY-BAIf.r.OADMAtOR-OKNEl:ALna:tRXEBT?This last trick of yoitr chief city railroad financial

operator is regarded with rery proper sn«plc!on. It lanot a new one; nor will it deceive any who ar* not a«

veidnnt as the papal tl.ey neelra for allowing Them¬selves to be thus humbugged. There Is no elder d-vlpaknown to the lobby than a pretended quarrel between:.¦neakatn who have failed to enrry their point .it th*tiist attack. It is the mothcr-i'ertridge, with trailing

j wing, as if hopelessly wounded, runme;? aero«« thahnnt«man's path to draw his attention away from thacover in which her younir covey arc neveted That th«

Broadway nnd Crokk-town bills haie been «criouslyinjured, is certain: but, whether they were nado"stretcher cases" requiring to be «cnt to the Tam¬many and 'i'w. niy-third-st. general hospitals 1'^r a foil»cat's treatment, or not, yet remain» to be seen.

m l.Ml'ii. Bg Al'TH "k-SlilP SKlTLtD.Ai1. IHlSf*

P0PJ A lyril-.T LIKE.Youroorn »pondenee of the '?¡l¡ ultimo, le; tr.p add.

Itoattrlhatad ftp many here.Senators Woodruff andReach among the the pen of the Hoo.lleurv Hilton, kato«radge rilhwCeentoanna, who baasucce.-sfrilly combated tld« Broadway and uiaay kin¬dred hajajaaaaa for the p«st deei n yanai whUel ii.ere »r»

yet other "expírte in «tyle" who feel confident it w»«tthe work of Mr. A lie Van Vechten, who only boi-rowedthe initiais of my K'.Piary «¡pi, afire to lead away sus-

piciou fit m himself. This ha » inrmurt is, of course.tLc true one, noneof jour readers hirttng been more

aatoahhod than aayaahl at aaaftaj that letter iu : intwith it« appended initials. This present letter, how-< ver. is genuine, und »till remain so, unkss it sL.tli beproved in a few days thHl George N. Sandcis, Surgeon»General Bar 11 the Hon. Georgo Bancroft, or the Rev..Henry W«rd Beerher. all wrote it together, eoeü a para¬graph; in which case you are heieby utit'.oii/d at

on. | lo withdraw my claim to »v< rvtuing except that" three thousand d«illar cheek" which wu the letter aprice.

THE TAX <OMillSiIoNE .'8 OBASB Ht;HT.Ti M 1 ir^-e none»; of railroad contention out of the way»

the next most intere-t.i | thing ou the legislative carde¡s the content kuown as tiie "Tax Commis«iontrs'Fight".«ri of t". i Mri eaaaetag aad instructive pony«quarrels of tho day. La-t year, you »il! reruen.lfr, thath 1ml to prolong the tenu- of Tea Comuiidsioiii rs Jona¬than W. Aih a, Taaaaanj'Bepahlleaa, «Teaíaft W«I'.rown, Democrat, and Amor J. Williamsc, Weed-Republic in, mi-, di Intel by the refiisal of Gov. S«J~¦ear la ¡ lha nna -the puironugc of this importantand litcruiirc bureau then ib-voiviug upon CoatswBaajBnaaani who at cuco rcappointed Mr. AÜea, with

Deputy ( ori>oruiiou CewaebJ Oeorgo H. Païen acdBeaitoi t'iiii»Liau B. Woodral ...> ateaaaniatoCanna*¦-loner».íhf»e, in ihur turn kpj^iutiuglañen, Dmiel D. Conover, «TieeBfaahllnB, DanielE, Del -van and ex Alderman Morgan L. Uanii. Demo-icrati, as tier nbardlaatl, thoagk more highly paid.,lioard of Assessors. Antl. bating; probably, «ome «aekatf.ek it*, the present onp, Control'«' JBieunan tafea

went to work to lortn'y and strengt'io:) the Bureau thoe

:apturcd into a political Mnl .k.'tr, using the Indies oí

dominent Weed-Re publican.-«. Ju»t as General Gillsoor«»oiild use ,»o many »und-bagrs on a work not

idiuitlifip any inore solid revetments along it« face.IfcTlBLKAN '.S.YXI'-BA' * ' TflHOTTX IT FOR DB-


T'hu- we lave -ioi.ui'.m W. -Ml.n, W. rd 1>; uhH-can. Tax Coiauiio».... r. «J KVOM a yar, the one of kttga o itside pi.-iii »nd pxiwer, «a will be

aiplaltMti li'Tcaiti-r, D.iniet D. Conover, poliiicalljr,ditlo, As»« -. oi lav », to vih*f olfccc the »ame re-

MISt ».U.ipplj. Ys'ui. Ï. black, ditto repealed, Sur¬vey, r to the Tax C in.Tii-ioucr» at «sli.OUU a ssar, thadiit'-f bttag so little ein roas a.« not to lutervro withiiisotiifi lu-iii' »s; Mr. licnry C. l.eak.ditto,'ik t" Wat. I. Bteck nto:t-»iiiJ, at a salary quiterecently ralead lio;'i 11,000 to »I,.'.s.>«year.the allege«ItttM Ist UM advance btjtlg, that Mr. L>ask wouldnot incur the ii'-|!)i1ity of a «MMMI tor au

»mall a M.iii h.« t'i iofJ| iLal » ilai7, John i.S.11« ocx, WeedKepi b ¡can, Collector- of I'. ;-u:.a! Atrear»ge> nude«Mr. John Murphy, better known a« " Biick.«," »ho I«the Bit MM Deinoiiatic K.c.iverof Tax»«.Mr. Sill-cock* place being worth about I«, 000 a year, afcalntiarklak, however, heavy political aeseesnienta, reducingit t«i alniiit êli.ôOi', ar«'annually dtawn¡ John P. Hone,Wecd-ll. publican, itepr.ty Ilec-iver of Taxes in tbe«urne olli.« with Sfflootfci and Mr. Hlauselt, brother in

l»w to Supervisor Wm. U. Stewsit, s<he isa'soooe Mthe Deputy Tax CtTMaMsMMM appointed by Mr. I'm-». r.


r.'MMI»8IOS.The active workers up here who i re now figt'.ng to

tM M ;> o o-' i. lui):, and reorgati.úilioll of lh<; dutiaaof the Tax Cou.uiiss oner». As»o.»sors aud ItVceiver, are

aaaMM JMm M. Thompson, radical Unionist, latacjDili.Ute for your iJoiiuiy clcrkahip. and late DeputyCollector of AsM'Snoieni«; Amor J. W ¡Miami-« «a, bet»MMH a p."'. SVce.J-Uepulih. an and eUiioe of «?'*¦.

Mackej DitftUki and Mr. Jovial. W. brown, Democrat.» ho d.i.:iu to rtfMMM the .; .-V'ndent, i;iii I«*-

many wing oi hi» numerous party. Tha bill which

these pentlenicu a;e pressing pros ides for the appoial-nieul b.s lot I .eg.»¡a* we tie b».ii'i oí three elected ofli-cei», who «hall be charged with the duty of selectingand appointing tluee Tax Comiaissioucr»; said-.pooimiiig board to MmM of Supe-,,leor Asdiea» WillmanAatüj Aidera,«u Win. ¦» Ge.lney, Kopublioaca; and.County Clerk V» in. ('. Conner, one of the most re-

.pectedoi year loyal Demo« raw. who la«t Xoviiibetbeat the "Tammany niacli;.«" by au 14.1i.u1g uf tka¡n eptl «n hi« i.ivor.


ufcAnl'KK. .

The piop .-.«: n. a<nie m regard to the lax O.'lict «a»

just aud neircvaiy on ¡te face, iuvolring a great reduc-

tiou »1 falaiy-iijaMMMj with a most desirable simeliá-.«11011 aud ,l...»-on of duties, it is else i« be ootV

ni<!..<!e.i «km.vJ'.ig the duties 01 aaetsMing, collectingaud ic. en.air your publio reseuaes fiam those of »a

aaislelapi ihkejraMg and MMtMMg for the saate,

» htc'i to:m the prtgM dmiea of your City Controller. (What ban! is tkert domg a busiue«« of twenty «lite«Jollali a pME » Lieu ssould flunk it either safe ar wise

to intrust iu m re Mutine of recolvlagaad pajMg-¡.llcr, accouuiant, bookkeeper, caahiar, éUa^taltag.j!' rk. Ac to a «ingle offlc r.even if that officer w£t*>)f the h:kh..»' character? It all well-regulated pfaaatit butiness ou a large »oel we find a otu »niUy-dwvlaoe»,«y stem of oheok« and btlauoea betweea nxnnj i*4e>¡Hindeat ofllisjr». leudertug It imponible for eftkafet.ror or fraud to escape detection, uulaaa we pe «kfpaMk1 e>0M»d/4C| «f «Baader between el tftt MOtM «jV