v!iw w .hfii 'i' hhh iily · 2015. 5. 30. · ;a11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml....

V! 14 iW W ."Hfii 'i' fW;-'- HHh tfv-- ?&& -- fc iily fifeflMEafV' BULL! . 4 No; :156. H. AUGUST 1882 Subscription ft ; HONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 1, JO lent prr Mi.nib. r ,StJ ;' THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning by the Daily Bulletin Puiiubkino Co., and circulated throughout the town, and forwarded to the other Island by every opportunity. Subscription, CO eta. per month. G. Carbon Kenton, Editor. ;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. Post Office Box No. 14. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr. A Ship Brake. 'An apparatus lias been invented the- - introduction of which, it is claimed, will prevent any further appalling disaster caused bv tho col-- . lision of vessels in rivers, channels w and sea. John'McAdums, of Bos-- ;' ,ton, has perfected an arrangement ivhich he asserts will bring any ves- - Bel, however large and fast steaming, ',' to a dead stop in from one to ten .feet, and will hold her steady as a rock, with full steam on. Tho in- - ' Vention he terms a ' lim Virnlro ' and attached to this novel contri- - vance is a self-acti- appliance .which during dark nights, thick or foggj weather, will render impossi- - ' tie, in his opinion, any collision ,Tvith floating bodies, such as boats, 'ohips, icebergs, or with submerged .;' bodies in the shape of mudbanks, " " Bboals, rocks or piers. The paten- - A ; -- tec, who is an experienced machin- - , l" 1st and inventor, conceived the idea insuring tho safety of steaming vessels lmmeaiatcly alter tue JNarra gansett and Stonington disaster on Long Island Sound, tlie thrilling de- - tails of which caused such a horror 1 at the tlmo of its occurrence. A Bister of Mr. McAdams happened to V;bc aboard, of one of the ill-fat- ' vessels, and it was while listening to recounting of her terrible cx- - T"' perience that he determined to set r '' his raind to work. The simplicity ,. of nature was his guide, a fish beii g . tue subject lie chose to work upon. & He built " fins" for his ship, but placed them at the rear instead of on the side of the ship's body, and l kept on experimenting until assured i' . that the desired object was attained. '''-- '' , uo eonstruetion of the device is ;),'' Very simple and consists of a pair of t " iron shutters, or " fins " hinged one i; on each side of tho stern post of a vessel and shutting close to its sides , from the stern post forward. The , " flns " are kept tightly closed by a simple apparatus on duck, which is connected with the pilot house, and when " let go" the stays connected with the " fins " allow them to open t at right angles with the ship, bring- ing it at once to a standstill and 4 holding it fast as if anchored. .' Tho inventor's first experiment " "was made with a 87 foot fast steam " ..yacht, to which was attached a pair V. of "fins' 4 feet long by 2J feet 'Vidc, This power proved to be at least twice an much as was needed to stop the vessel instantly when at r dfull speed. A second trial demon-- , ;ff.Btratcd this fact when only one fin ' was used. The space travelled after v the brake was applied was so small '(''that it could not be discerned by persons watching the expciimei.'t - from the shore. . , A man who was excessively addi- cted to tobacco was niked by 'his wife , ' J&t'the opera " what part of the per-- k formancc lie most resembled." js, Upon confessing his igunranee, she c replied: "The ovcrchewer." And '' he felt relieved, because he was V- afraid she had caught him winking j') at a ballet girl. The lace worn at the Duke of t 'Albany's wedding by the Princess Benrtico was worth 8100,000. The E lace was found by the Princess some j years ago in an old cabinet and up- - to be worthless. The pru- - j 'dent ruler of the British Empire, ) .however, ordered the scraps to lie "i thrown, into the family "warn," japdjwhen the royal huindryman re- - lurueu iuuiii uivir grunt ucntuy ana value became apparent. Victoria at once presented the lace to the B. F. EHLERS & Co., All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 . Goods sold from 30 to 50 per cent below the usual the next 30 days. GOODS IMPORTERS, steamer. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM GRAND INDUCEMENTS prices during A. M. Mellis, 104 Fort St. New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $47,000,000. Surplus, 810,000,000. Purely Mutual. This Company issues every desirablo form of policy. The tontine policy issued this Company yields better returns than those offered by any other company. For particulars apply to 71 C. O. BERGER, General Agent llaw'n Islands. A. KRAFT, JEWELER, ST OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gaxette" build-4- i lug, opposite the Br.nk. ECKAItT, Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 6 haahainanu sjl. 31 Chas. D. Geinscli, Practical Watchmaker. CSF Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3m International Hotel. -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch, Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of E3FWatches, Clocks and Jewelry." Repairing Watched and ClockB a Spec! alty, o. C8 ort street. i'i Drink Fisher's CHAMPAGNE CIDER I So favorably known throughout tho llawaiinn Islands. Sold by all respectable dealers. No.lSLiliha St., Honolulu 71 PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, l'astrv Cook and llaker. . No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. 59 A LL PERSONS- - SEEKING - Kniployment, nnd all purlieu either u Honolulu 'or at any of the Islands In the Group In want of Emplnyecs will please raakr their want known to the anderiigued, who will do all in their power to till their orders. P. O. Jones, jr.. J. II. Alitcrton, II. F. Dillingham, Kmployuicnt Couimlltoo V. j DRY Eocoived by every by Offered at tho . ESECOTO) ANNUAL Uf s7sA : Robert Leworx, C. i:. Cooko. LE AV ER S & COOKE, to Lowers Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kindi of Building Materials, .fort itrcct, Honoluln. 1 WILDER Ss Co., Dealers in Faints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of ever' kind, cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers in Lumbar and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesale and Import- ers of Fine Tobaccos and Cigars, and Manufacturers of Uoda Water, Ginger Ale, ixc, &o. l.i "DROWN & PHILLIPS, Traction! - Plumbeis, GasFlttcrH and Copper- smiths, No. IB Nuuunuht., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. Impor'or and dealer In Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, ahoenaud slippers. 63 BROWN & CO., Importers aud In Ales. Wines and Spirits, No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Work Co. Steam engine, sugar mills, boileri, coolcrn, iron, brasi and lead castings ; machlnary of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blaeksmlthlng. Job work executed on ihort notice. 1 JAMES H. HANLON OENEIUL Blacksmith and Farrier. Is now permanently located at the shop ou King street, lately occupied by Mr. (Jeo. West. 112 Dr. Do TFrieB, Veterinary Surgeon. The Doctor has just rcturnud from u tour around )he Islands, aud holds flat- tering recommendations from numerous ummijjerr. aud private owucm of horses for his nklll and capuhllltlcR incurlu all manner of disease uiid rompluluu In vturk. All orders to ho left at Jo. Uodd'fl l'autht'xu Stuhlca. 115 Shirts and Hosiery, Fancy nnd JJluo Flannel Shirts, Wtnin !liiitj in rrriitif vitri.ttv liuportiid oxpiesalv for thin innrkot. I 78 lw A, S. Cleshorn & Oo. ji ''y$0Clk'j FORT STREET. Commission Merohants. Clsui STockU. Wm. U. Irwin. TirAI. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 GW. MACFARLANE & CO., and Cor.imlnslon Mer- chant). Roblmon'a Flrc-I.'ro- Building, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 JT IIACKFELD & COiMPANY, - Ucueral uomnu Queen street, Honolulu. 8. & Co., Importers and Commission Merchants, Deal ers' in General Merchandise, Queen auu Kaahumana sts., Honolulu. 78 U.X. P. Cartor. I'. C. Jonen, Jr. a, BREWER-- CO., and Commiision Marchunta Queen street, Honolulu. 1 THEO. H. DAVIE3 & CO., and Commission Merchants; nirentn for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, llritiah and Foreign In. furanco uompany, and Jsortiicrn Assur-anc- e Company. 71 ED. HOFFSOHLAEGElt & CO., Importers and Commission Mer- chants, lie nolulu, Oahu. 1 TOHN T. WATERHOUSE, V Importer nnd Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., of General Mer- chandise u.d Commission Merchants, Honolulu. l MS. GRINBAUKM- - MfrriinnfH CO Califoint street, San Francisco, Cal. 1 FT. LBNBUAN & G O ., and Commission Mtr. chants, Nuuanu at, Honolulu. 1 S.N. Cutis. J. II. Athurton. flASTLE & COOKE. Shlpplne and CommUsion Mcr. chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. l WING WO CHAN & Co., and General 1 lealers In Kngllsh. American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and neucral Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract inattlnrr, all qualities and prices, SQJr Ho. 22 Nuuanu blrect, opposite Mr. Afouc's. 81 n.B.WIllUmn, A.Ctoicbrousli, W. II. IJlmand WILLIAMS, DIMOXD & (.. and Commission Mer- chants, Union Block, cornor Pine und Market streets, San Frauel6co, Cal. aorkts run Pacific Mall Steamship Company, PaclHc Steam Navigation Company, Cunard Royal Mall Steamship Company Cal, lino of Packet from New York, Hawaiian line of Packets, China Traders Iusurauco Co. (limited), Marino Insuranco Co. of London. 71 QHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY rUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgmcutrt to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Office, In Makco's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu directs, Honolulu. 21 TOHN A. HAS SINGER, ' Aircntto take AcknowlodcmcnU to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllcc, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant fit. ' Heal Estate Bro-o- r. Eraolonnnnt Agent and General Ortlco Business. Tclophone, No. 172. 1C THE CEIJinitATLM) Lilikalani Manifesto ! OFTHU ELECTION CAMPAIGN of February, 1M2, Trauelatl by II. L. Kheldouj publlahcd by T. O. Thnnn. Prtca, ;: US cents. May bo had at J. W. Robertson Co'ts . 4! PEOPLE'S LINK OF 6TOMNIllUSSES-tj5- t Jamks I)odi, - - . Proprietor. NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE. Up trips: Leve V. O. Irwin & Co'n. a.m. 0:10, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30. P.M. 12:00,2:00, :00, 6:10,0:30, 0:00 Down trlp: Lenvf Itc. of J. n. rir. A.M. :0, 7:30, 8:30, 11 :00. r.M. 12:45, 2:30, 4:10, 5:40, 7:00, :S0 Sunday Timij Tahlh. Up. trips; l.envii W. O. Irwin Jt Co'. A.M. 'J:00, 10:00. r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, (5:30, 8:1C. Down trlpn; l.cnvu ltur. of J. II. Pt, A.M. 0:30, 10:30. , r.M. 12:45, 2:30, 1:30, 7:10, OilO.- - 1JER11TANIA& 1'UNAHOU ST. HOU'l. Up trips: Luaiu W Q Irwin i CoV, A.M. G:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00. r.M. 12:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, 6:45, lOi Down trlpf: love Pnnnhnu ptroet, , A.M. 0:30, 7:25, S.40, 11:10. P.M. 12 :45, 3 :10, 4 :30, 0:10,7 :10,10:20 Sunday Timk Tahle. Leave' the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel sts., for Punahou Street, Long Branch Baths, fare 0 cts., baths included: A.M. 0:30 to Wulkikij 0:00, 10:00, and 12:16. P.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walkikl: G.-l- i and 8:45. Duwn trip: Love Pnnohon ttrect. A.M. 8:00, 0:30, 10:30. p.m. 12:10, 3:10, 6:30, 7:10, 0:00. WAIKIKI ROUTE: Out trips: Leave W. Q. Irwin U Co.'s A. M 7:45, 10:00. P. M. 2:00, 6:10. Down trips: Leave Walkikl. M a. M. 8:20, 10:50. " r. M. 2:50, 6:50. Sunday trips; Tavn tblM. :m a. M. 0:30. V V. m. 2:00, 4:00. Leave Walkikl : a. m. 7:40. p. .v. 2:50, 5:10. The Long Branch Baths will le the tor-min- Professionals. "W R . CASTLE. Attornov at Law ami Not- - nry Public. Mercltaut street, next to (he Pout Ollloe. 1 SB. POLE, Lawyer and Notary Piih-- No. 15 Kiuihuinnuu st. 11 T M. l)AVII)SON,Attornoy atLaw w 1 Merchant street. 10- 17RANCISM. HATCH, Attonioy -- - at Law, 15 Kaahumiiiiu st. 'AS RUSSP.LL, Attorney at Law, Ollloft, comer of Fort nnd Mcrrhsnt streets (up unlrs) ll.lfini OICHAltl) K. UICKERTON, ' Attorney and Cbunnellor nt 1 aw. Money to lend on Mortgngos of Kree-holil- n. Oftlce, No. 34 Morelimit ft. 1 ("1ECIL BROWN, A1TOHNKY and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- lic, aud Agent for taking Acknowledge inents of Instrnrnentn for the Island ot Ouliu. No. 8 Kaahumanu htrcct, Hono-lul-u. 1 ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor-- i ney nt Luw, No. SG Merchant street. 711 lm. M. IfAOAN, M. D.. Physician & Surgeon, OfTiee, 223 Fort Rtrect. Ofllce hours from 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3 tofi v.m. Kesldeneo 104 Nuuauu n. 101 TR. O. TKOUSSBAU bt'csto notlfv XJ his friends that ho hns nsutned prne.tln In Honolulu. Residence nnil couiultlng rooms, No. 73 Piinehhowl t, opposite the makal gate of the Quecu'rt Hospital. Consulting hourn from 0 a.m to 12. Telephono No. lfts. M lm EMERSON, nftldenrj! nnd ron- - sultntlon rooms at No. 2 Kukul St.. corner of Fort. - Telephone No. 140. M 2m A FULLER, Stirvcj-o- r for Ilttronit - Veritas. 71 t WRAY TAYLOR. Teadier of Piano- -' forte mid Orgun. Tuning In nil ,' ltn branches. (0 Cm W E. ROWELL, Ucneurti'i' oTid, TT Conetructlug Kuglnecr: ntt'xti R8 Merchant street.. fl jiM m0mmmTT"'.?. '"" ''.' "?" T$M'G' u- - HOiiKin-so- ? rtgffiswxVWt. urn) man. u l tv.n Princess. in town, ie; tiiiout ;v. c&. 15. V y . 5? .. ,'4 ' ...SS-ac- k l''r4&.$iam2LM&.Mb:ma-:- . ' ' '.V ft, if. fi: "i&ft.' ' ,' A -- J .v'.ij.' r 'k Mxfflm ' V. , - - '

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Page 1: V!iW W .Hfii 'i' HHh iily · 2015. 5. 30. · ;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. Post Office Box No. 14. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr. A Ship Brake



iW W ."Hfii 'i'fW;-'- HHh tfv-- ?&& -- fc

iily fifeflMEafV'


4No; :156. H. AUGUST 1882 Subscription ft ;HONOLULU, I., TUESDAY, 1, JO lent prr Mi.nib. r ,StJ

;' THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning by the

Daily Bulletin Puiiubkino Co.,and circulated throughout the town, andforwarded to the other Island by everyopportunity.

Subscription, CO eta. per month.G. Carbon Kenton, Editor.

;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml.dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. PostOffice Box No. 14.

J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr.

A Ship Brake.'An apparatus lias been invented

the- - introduction of which, it is

claimed, will prevent any furtherappalling disaster caused bv tho col--.lision of vessels in rivers, channels

w and sea. John'McAdums, of Bos-- ;'

,ton, has perfected an arrangementivhich he asserts will bring any ves- -

Bel, however large and fast steaming,',' to a dead stop in from one to ten

.feet, and will hold her steady as arock, with full steam on. Tho in- -

' Vention he terms a ' lim Virnlro 'and attached to this novel contri- -vance is a self-acti- appliance.which during dark nights, thick orfoggj weather, will render impossi- -

' tie, in his opinion, any collision,Tvith floating bodies, such as boats,'ohips, icebergs, or with submerged

.;' bodies in the shape of mudbanks," " Bboals, rocks or piers. The paten- -

A ;-- tec, who is an experienced machin- -

,l" 1st and inventor, conceived the idea

insuring tho safety of steamingvessels lmmeaiatcly alter tue JNarragansett and Stonington disaster onLong Island Sound, tlie thrilling de--tails of which caused such a horror

1 at the tlmo of its occurrence. ABister of Mr. McAdams happened to

V;bc aboard, of one of the ill-fat-

' vessels, and it was while listening torecounting of her terrible cx--

T"' perience that he determined to setr '' his raind to work. The simplicity

,. of nature was his guide, a fish beii g. tue subject lie chose to work upon.

& He built " fins" for his ship, butplaced them at the rear instead ofon the side of the ship's body, and

l kept on experimenting until assuredi' . that the desired object was attained.


'' ,uo eonstruetion of the device is

;),'' Very simple and consists of a pair of

t" iron shutters, or " fins " hinged one

i; on each side of tho stern post of avessel and shutting close to its sides

, from the stern post forward. The, " flns " are kept tightly closed by a

simple apparatus on duck, which isconnected with the pilot house, andwhen " let go" the stays connectedwith the " fins " allow them to open

t at right angles with the ship, bring-ing it at once to a standstill and

4holding it fast as if anchored.

.' Tho inventor's first experiment"

"was made with a 87 foot fast steam" ..yacht, to which was attached a pairV. of "fins' 4 feet long by 2J feet

'Vidc, This power proved to be atleast twice an much as was neededto stop the vessel instantly when at

r dfull speed. A second trial demon-- ,;ff.Btratcd this fact when only one fin

' was used. The space travelled afterv the brake was applied was so small'(''that it could not be discerned by

persons watching the expciimei.'t- from the shore.

. , A man who was excessively addi-cted to tobacco was niked by 'his wife

, ' J&t'the opera " what part of the per-- k

formancc lie most resembled."js, Upon confessing his igunranee, shec replied: "The ovcrchewer." And'' he felt relieved, because he was

V- afraid she had caught him winkingj') at a ballet girl.

The lace worn at the Duke oft'Albany's wedding by the PrincessBenrtico was worth 8100,000. The

E lace was found by the Princess somej years ago in an old cabinet and up- -

to be worthless. The pru- -

j 'dent ruler of the British Empire,) .however, ordered the scraps to lie

"i thrown, into the family "warn,"japdjwhen the royal huindryman re- -

lurueu iuuiii uivir grunt ucntuy anavalue became apparent. Victoria atonce presented the lace to the

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71 .

Goods sold

from 30 to 50per cent below theusual thenext 30 days.




prices during

A. M. Mellis, 104 Fort St.

New York Life Insurance Co.Assets, $47,000,000. Surplus, 810,000,000.

Purely Mutual.This Company issues every desirablo form of policy.The tontine policy issued this Company yields better returns than

those offered by any other company. For particulars apply to71 C. O. BERGER, General Agent llaw'n Islands.


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gaxette" build-4- i

lug, opposite the Br.nk.

ECKAItT, ManufacturingJeweler, No. 6 haahainanu sjl. 31

Chas. D. Geinscli,

Practical Watchmaker.CSF Hotel Street, opposite the

123 3m International Hotel. -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch, Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

E3FWatches, Clocks and Jewelry."Repairing Watched and ClockB a Spec!alty, o. C8 ort street. i'i


So favorably known throughout thollawaiinn Islands. Sold by all

respectable dealers.

No.lSLiliha St., Honolulu 71



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,l'astrv Cook and llaker. .

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. 59

A L L PERSONS- - SEEKING- Kniployment, nnd all purlieu either

u Honolulu 'or at any of the Islands Inthe Group In want of Emplnyecs willplease raakr their want known to theanderiigued, who will do all in theirpower to till their orders.

P. O. Jones, jr.. J. II. Alitcrton, II. F.Dillingham, Kmployuicnt Couimlltoo V.


Eocoived by every


Offered at tho .


Ufs7sA :

Robert Leworx, C. i:. Cooko.

LE AV E R S & COOKE,to Lowers Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkindi of Building Materials, .fort itrcct,Honoluln. 1

WILDER Ss Co., Dealers inFaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Building Materials of ever' kind,cor. Fort and Queen st;., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers inLumbar and all kinds of Building

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc.

HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesaleand Import-

ers of Fine Tobaccos and Cigars, andManufacturers of Uoda Water, GingerAle, ixc, &o. l.i

"DROWN & PHILLIPS, Traction!- Plumbeis, GasFlttcrH and Copper-

smiths, No. IB Nuuunuht., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.Impor'or and dealer In Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, ahoenaudslippers. 63

BROWN & CO., Importers audIn Ales. Wines and Spirits,

No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWork Co. Steam engine, sugarmills, boileri, coolcrn, iron, brasi

and lead castings ; machlnary of everydescription mado to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blaeksmlthlng.Job work executed on ihort notice. 1


Blacksmith and Farrier.Is now permanently located at the

shop ou King street, lately occupied byMr. (Jeo. West. 112

Dr. Do TFrieB,

Veterinary Surgeon.The Doctor has just rcturnud from u

tour around )he Islands, aud holds flat-

tering recommendations from numerousummijjerr. aud private owucm of horsesfor his nklll and capuhllltlcR incurluall manner of disease uiid rompluluuIn vturk.

All orders to ho left at Jo. Uodd'fll'autht'xu Stuhlca. 115

Shirts and Hosiery,Fancy nnd JJluo Flannel Shirts,Wtnin !liiitj in rrriitif vitri.ttvliuportiid oxpiesalv for thin innrkot. I

78 lw A, S. Cleshorn & Oo.


FORT STREET.Commission Merohants.

Clsui STockU. Wm. U. Irwin.

TirAI. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

GW. MACFARLANE & CO.,and Cor.imlnslon Mer-

chant). Roblmon'a Flrc-I.'ro- Building,Queen street, Honolulu. 1

JT IIACKFELD & COiMPANY,- Ucueral uomnu

Queen street, Honolulu.

8. & Co., Importersand Commission Merchants, Deal

ers' in General Merchandise, Queen auuKaahumana sts., Honolulu. 78

U.X. P. Cartor. I'. C. Jonen, Jr.a, BREWER-- CO.,and Commiision Marchunta

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

THEO. H. DAVIE3 & CO.,and Commission Merchants;

nirentn for Lloyd's and the LiverpoolUnderwriters, llritiah and Foreign In.furanco uompany, and Jsortiicrn Assur-anc- e

Company. 71

ED. HOFFSOHLAEGElt & CO.,Importers and Commission Mer-

chants, lie nolulu, Oahu. 1

TOHN T. WATERHOUSE,V Importer nnd Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,of General Mer-

chandise u.d Commission Merchants,Honolulu. l



Califoint street, San Francisco,Cal. 1

FT. LBNBUAN & G O .,and Commission Mtr.

chants, Nuuanu at, Honolulu. 1

S.N. Cutis. J. II. Athurton.

flASTLE & COOKE.Shlpplne and CommUsion Mcr.

chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen-eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. l

WING WO CHAN & Co.,and General 1 lealers

In Kngllsh. American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and neucralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract inattlnrr, all qualities and prices,

SQJr Ho. 22 Nuuanu blrect, oppositeMr. Afouc's. 81

n.B.WIllUmn, A.Ctoicbrousli, W. II. IJlmand

WILLIAMS, DIMOXD & (..and Commission Mer-

chants, Union Block, cornor Pine undMarket streets, San Frauel6co, Cal.

aorkts runPacific Mall Steamship Company,PaclHc Steam Navigation Company,Cunard Royal Mall Steamship CompanyCal, lino of Packet from New York,Hawaiian line of Packets,China Traders Iusurauco Co. (limited),Marino Insuranco Co. of London. 71


Agent to take Acknowledgmcutrt toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Office, In Makco's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahumanu directs, Honolulu. 21

TOHN A. HAS SINGER,' Aircntto take AcknowlodcmcnU to

Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllcc,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant fit.

' Heal Estate Bro-o- r. EraolonnnntAgent and General Ortlco Business.

Tclophone, No. 172. 1C


Lilikalani Manifesto !


of February, 1M2,

Trauelatl by II. L. Kheldouj publlahcdby T. O. Thnnn.

Prtca, ; : US cents.May bo had at J. W. Robertson Co'ts

. 4!


6TOMNIllUSSES-tj5- tJamks I)odi, - - . Proprietor.

NUUANU VALLEY ROUTE.Up trips: Leve V. O. Irwin & Co'n.

a.m. 0:10, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30.P.M. 12:00,2:00, :00, 6:10,0:30, 0:00

Down trlp: Lenvf Itc. of J. n. rir.A.M. :0, 7:30, 8:30, 11 :00.r.M. 12:45, 2:30, 4:10, 5:40, 7:00, :S0

Sunday Timij Tahlh.Up. trips; l.envii W. O. Irwin Jt Co'.

A.M. 'J:00, 10:00.r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, (5:30, 8:1C.

Down trlpn; l.cnvu ltur. of J. II. Pt,A.M. 0:30, 10:30. ,

r.M. 12:45, 2:30, 1:30, 7:10, OilO.- -

1JER11TANIA& 1'UNAHOU ST. HOU'l.Up trips: Luaiu W Q Irwin i CoV,

A.M. G:00, 0:50, 7:45, 10:00.r.M. 12:05, 2:00, 4:00, 5:10, 6:45, lOi

Down trlpf: love Pnnnhnu ptroet, ,

A.M. 0:30, 7:25, S.40, 11:10.P.M. 12 :45, 3 :10, 4 :30, 0:10,7 :10,10:20

Sunday Timk Tahle.Leave' the Stables, cor. Fort and Hotel

sts., for Punahou Street, Long BranchBaths, fare 0 cts., baths included:

A.M. 0:30 to Wulkikij 0:00, 10:00,and 12:16.

P.m. 2:00, 4:00 to Walkikl: G.-l- i

and 8:45.Duwn trip: Love Pnnohon ttrect.

A.M. 8:00, 0:30, 10:30.p.m. 12:10, 3:10, 6:30, 7:10, 0:00.

WAIKIKI ROUTE:Out trips: Leave W. Q. Irwin U Co.'s

A. M 7:45, 10:00.P. M. 2:00, 6:10.

Down trips: Leave Walkikl. Ma. M. 8:20, 10:50. "r. M. 2:50, 6:50.Sunday trips; Tavn tblM. :m

a. M. 0:30. VV. m. 2:00, 4:00.Leave Walkikl :

a. m. 7:40.p. .v. 2:50, 5:10.

The Long Branch Baths will le the tor-min-


"W R . CASTLE.Attornov at Law ami Not- -

nry Public. Mercltaut street, next to(he Pout Ollloe. 1

SB. POLE, Lawyer and Notary Piih--No. 15 Kiuihuinnuu st. 11

T M. l)AVII)SON,Attornoy atLaww 1 Merchant street. 10-

17RANCISM. HATCH, Attonioy-- - at Law, 15 Kaahumiiiiu st. 'AS

RUSSP.LL, Attorney at Law,Ollloft, comer of Fort nnd Mcrrhsnt

streets (up unlrs) ll.lfini

OICHAltl) K. UICKERTON,' Attorney and Cbunnellor nt 1 aw.

Money to lend on Mortgngos of Kree-holil- n.

Oftlce, No. 34 Morelimit ft. 1

("1ECIL BROWN, A1TOHNKYand Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, aud Agent for taking Acknowledgeinents of Instrnrnentn for the Island otOuliu. No. 8 Kaahumanu htrcct, Hono-lul-u.


ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor-- i

ney nt Luw, No. SG Merchantstreet. 711 lm.

M. IfAOAN, M. D..Physician & Surgeon,

OfTiee, 223 Fort Rtrect. Ofllce hoursfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3 tofi v.m.

Kesldeneo 104 Nuuauu n. 101

TR. O. TKOUSSBAU bt'csto notlfvXJ his friends that ho hns nsutnedprne.tln In Honolulu. Residence nnilcouiultlng rooms, No. 73 Piinehhowl t,opposite the makal gate of the Quecu'rtHospital. Consulting hourn from 0 a.mto 12. Telephono No. lfts. M lm

EMERSON, nftldenrj! nnd ron- -sultntlon rooms at No. 2 Kukul St..

corner of Fort. -

Telephone No. 140. M 2m

A FULLER, Stirvcj-o- r for Ilttronit- Veritas. 71


WRAY TAYLOR. Teadier of Piano- -'

forte mid Orgun. Tuning In nil ,'

ltn branches. (0 Cm

W E. ROWELL, Ucneurti'i' oTid,TT Conetructlug Kuglnecr: ntt'xti

R8 Merchant street.. fl jiMm0mmmTT"'.?. '"" ''.' "?"

T$M'G' u- - HOiiKin-so- ?

rtgffiswxVWt. urn) man. u l tv.nPrincess. in town, ie; tiiiout ;v. c&. 15.


y. 5? ..

,'4 ' ...SS-ac- k l''r4&.$iam2LM&.Mb:ma-:- .

' ' '.V ft, if. fi:"i&ft.' ' ,' A -- J .v'.ij.' r 'k Mxfflm







Page 2: V!iW W .Hfii 'i' HHh iily · 2015. 5. 30. · ;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. Post Office Box No. 14. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr. A Ship Brake


1- - rJssssts',

"WiiVAY,"AV('sr"s'r iri8?7 j

" NOTICE.Tub Daily Un.umv has this day I

, puabud frnm tlw hands of its originalpi'Oprictiii i uiul managers Messrs.J. W. Ivtibpithon & Co. into tinthands of a new proprietary, lobe.known as " Tiir. Daily Hullutin

Comi-any.- " Messrs. J. V. Kobcrt-bo-h

& Co. have censed to have anyownership in, and control of TubDaiu Hui.letin, and from this dayforward it will be owned, printed,and published by The Dailt Bulle-tin COMl'ANY.

TO OUR HEADERS..Wc call your attention to tbo

ifabovc notice which will explain ccr-v.4P- ...

chjijigcu in this morning's issue,as when a new hand takes (Urac-

il of affairs, it is reasonable to ex-- ct

a chango of policy, wc beg to.rinounco our intentions. It will bo

for our readers to note the changedsay whether they approve of them.

It will be our aim to produce a new-spaper that shall deserve and securetho faupport of the public. Our chiefobject will be to give a brief butfaithful account of all local events

. and oceuricnces, to noto all thevarious meetings, etc., daily, and topresent to our readers in as compactform as possible, all that can bogleaned for them, of the doings bothin the islands and out of them. Inall matters that coma up for discus-

sion from time to time, wo shall en-

deavor to bo fair and impartial, andin ail things to further as the chiefend, " The well-bein- g and improvejnent of the Country." Our columnswill ever be open for tho expressionof public opinion, provided thatcommunications are as brief as canbe, consistent with the subject, andarc couched in proper language."We, however, reserve tiie right ofdeclining all communications of anunsuitable or purely personal nature.

Wo regret to have to apologize forthe appearance of the press-wor- k oftho papsr. At piesent wc labor un-

der the disadvantage of beinjj com-

pelled to use an old press that i9

very much out of order ; but wo arejn weekly expectation or a newcylinder press, which was orderedBorne months since, and is now onits way bare. When thin and othermaterial arrives we shall have muchpleasure in presenting the DailyBulletin to our readoia in a greatlyimproved appearance.

Aloha to You all!THE CORNER LOAFER,

Kays :

That His Majesty will take a newtour shortly.

That the Ministry will resign, youknow, so as to get rid of one of theirnumber.' I would do the same my-

self, you know.That the concert about to be given

by the Musical Association is to bethe finest given here for a long time.Quite pretty music and all that sortof thing, you seo. Proper thing to

'go find hear.That the Y. M. C. A. and Mr.

Lucas are on the best of terms, andeverything goes " merry as a marri-ng- e

bell." Just as it should do, youknow.

Just step across to Pnlmcr's andtry his soda water, will you ?

It is reported that an Egyptianxnau-of-w-.- it' has laid torpedoesaround the anchored of the British,French and Italian vessels.

In llritiah Columbia the Chinesewill soon outnumber the whiten, atlbo present rati: of Mongolian im-

portation. Yet their nit in theIbominiuu Parliament men who ex-

press horror at any toejedudu tbewj yellow , utH.

MA"'.' r

'' "I"" " " Ml' -

LEGISLATIVE.Monday, July 31. House met at

1(1 a.m. President railed for peti-tion.

Mr. Kattnamano presented onefrom Keauu (k). that S200 be paidhim for the cure or two lepors. He-fcrr-

to Sanitary Committee.Dills and Resolutions were then

called for: "Mr. Kaulukou read a resolution

that polico and all others who assist-ed during tho late sranll pox epide-mic to stop the spread of it, bothanked by tho House. Laid on thetable.

Mr. Nawahi movod that the thanksof this House bo tendered to thosevolunteers who assisted in stoppingthe spread of contagion during thelate emall-po- x epidemic. Fussed.

On a motion the orders of theday were then proceeded with. Thebalance of tho Appropriation Bill onits third rending :

Deputy SIk r. It, Wulluku 18L0

Total, Maul police ..$1100Dcputv Sheriff 15(100

2 Captains, police (foreign) 4i005 heads of puUco 108002 captains of police, Hawaiian... 2400Deputy Bhuritl, Koolaupoko 1200Deputy Sheriff. Wnhdun 1200Deputy HUtrifl. Koolauloa 720Deputy ShtriU, Wnlanac 720Deputy Sheri ff, E wa (100

Street "tampa in Honolulu 0000Regular pollc, Oaku i .2(500

Total Orthu Police $85200Deputy Sheriff & clerks, Kauai,.. 1020Deputy Sheriff. Lehun 1200Deputy Sheriff, Kolou. . ., 1200Doputy Sheriff, Waiatnea 1200Dequty Shcrlfl, Kawaihao 1200Dcptty Sheriff, Hannlei 1200Regular Police, Kouai OlibO

Total. Kauai Polico S17G00Appropriation of Criminals COOO

Incidentals 2000Expenses Coroner's Jnqus.sts 1200Expcuses for Criminal Cases 20000Armed police force fcr Hawaii,

Maui and Kauai C00OO

SCHEAC OF 1'UllLIO INSTltUCTION.Salary Inspector-Genera- l COOO

Traveling expenses 10000Salary clerk 1000Support of Haw and Eng Schools 70000Supilort of Common Schools 10000Support of Reformatory School.. 10000Dulklinc And iuiprovlnc hdiool.

hquses.. 10000Scholarship Punuhou School 720Aids to Hilo Hoy' Boarding 8ch. noooAids to Mnkawa'o Eeinale Scm'y. . 210!)

Bulldipg Walalua Fetualu Sum'y. 10000Stationery and incidental 800

Total Bureau of Pub. Instr $1117820House then took recess from 12 to

2 p. ra.Un its reassembling at I p.m., un

der suspension of the rules the Enrollment Committer reported that ithas pleased His Majesty the King toplace his signature on the followingacts:

An Act to amend section 429 oftho Civil Code, (relating to natur-alization.)

An Act to make a permanent set-

tlement on II. Kuihclani.On the. motion of Mr. Kaukau tho

item to pay Mr. J. C. Merrill thosum of $1,000 in full of all demandswas passed. On motion the ayesand noes were taken, ayes 22, noes11.lir.uii'tTUi.ATioK or axtrofriatiok ACT,

Civil List $l48,fi00 00IVrmamcnt Settlements 21,800 00Legislature and Pi Ivy Council, 25,1)00 00Dipt of J udlclary 132,125 00Dept Foreign Affairs 250,700 00wept interior 2,104,125 yuDept Finance : U5G.8&0 fiO

Dept Attornep General 321,:)40 00Dept Jt'ubltc lnstiucllon 137,520 00

Total $3,507,350 80

On motion of Mr. Richardson thosum of 81,500 wad inserted iu thefirst section.

His Ex. Mr. Bush moved that thebill do now pass.

Tho .Hon. members for NorthKonn and Hilo declared themselvesopposed to tho bill, and the Hon.member for Hilo moved that thetotal be indefinitely postponed, andcalled for ayes and noes. .

Hon. S. K. Kaui moved tho pre-vious quftfition. Passed.

Appropriation Bill on its thirdreading was then put and carried.Ayeg 2G, noes 11. Adjourned.

The gunboat Iris arrived at PortSaid, and lios with one broadsidobearing upon the town and the otherupon an Kgyptian corvette comman-ded by ono'ofArabi Pasha's ofllcers.There arc 428 Hritith subjects, 500Kgyptian soldiers and 200 police atrun said.

In lust evening's meeting of. .. .. , - . - tho. .

council, tne rrimn Minister, SaidPasha, maintained that Arabi Pashawas u rebel and must be treated asan eh.

I PIP llll.llSunday Sight at Kayaiahao Church, j

Owing to prelum on our space

yesterday we did not report this as

fully ns wc intended.From 7 o'clock streams of Ilawaii- -

ans and foreigners kept pouring intotho building to unite in a praise scr-vic- o

to Ood for tho out-pouri- ofIlls spirit during lbo revival services.

At 7 :20 lbo number inside was solargo that an impromptu start wasmade by singing several hymns. In10 minutes Mr. Hallcnbcok appearedand the meeting was opened in theusual way. The prayer was offeredup by the pastor of Lilittc, Kauai.

Then followed a brief address byMr. Hallenbeck, explaining the object of the meeting, that it was apraise service, not merely a thanks-

giving. After elucidating the ideathat praise includes thanks as well assomething higher and gi eater, he in-

troduced an anecdote of a little boywho was conyci ted at n revival ser-

vice, and whoso father, although aChristian, did not attend them. Soone day going to his father .13 he satreading, he laid his hand on hisshoulder and said: ''Father, wiry do

you not come to the revival services?" The father answered gruffly,," I d6 not need them. I am estab-

lished." Some days after the boyand his father were out gatheringwood in a cart. They overcaloulat-c-d

the strength of the horse and puttoo much wood on the cart. Aftertrying in vain to get tho horse tomove it the father asked the boywhat ho thought was tho matter.The boy answered, " Father, it isestablished." Tho deduction drawnby the speaker is easily sceu. This,speech was ably translated by theRev. Mr. Forbes, who acted astranslator for the evening. Themeeting was then thrown open as apraise meeting for individuals, whennumbers, of all ranks, both Ilawaii-an- s

and foreigners, availed them-selves of the privilege. At 10 miuutcspast 9 tho first meeting closed andinquiry meeting was afterwards held.

This has been the most interestingmeeting of the series held by Mr.Hallenbeck. Wc trust that this willnot be the last of the kind. Wcnotice that although a great deal hasbeen lately .said in the public pressabout jealousy existing between thellawaiians and foreigners, the onlyjealousy exhibited on Sunday nightwas as to who should give the great-est praise to God for what he hasdone for both. During tho eveningthe united choirs of the Kadinaka- -pili, Kawaiahao, Fort street andBethel churches led the singing.1M1 a. lirowu and .Mrs. l'eirco sangexcellently a solo each ; and Mrs.llaiama ana Aiibs ivawewetii sang aduct in a very pleasing manner.

Ouu Hilo correspondent writesThe schr Ida Schnnucr is now load-

ing at Papaikou for San Francisco,unci will sail about the 20th instant.She will take nbotit 200 tons ofsugar, and the following passengers :

W. Tcrty, F Ellis, II Gcrraous, MrsStella Smith, Mrs. II. Porter, audII. B. Can. An outbreak occurredamong tho Portuguese at Costa'sPlantation on the 2Cth. Thirteen ofthem are now in prison awaitingtrial. Refusing to woik was thecause of the tiouble. The Hilo peopie aro beginning to appreciate thebenefits of the telephone, and whicliwill be moio apparent when tho roadsbecome impusabie.

The steamer Jas. Makce will leavefor Kauai to-da- y On her rctuln toHonolulu, she will take in coal andstores nnd then proceed to San Fran-cisco, wliero she will undergo athorough overhauling.

The Cousins' Society held itsusual monthly meeting on Saturdayevening last. The Board of Editorsts,ui. an excellent budget, and tho"u,ni)m spout a most enjoyable

0V0l"nn' "Wo hope to hoar more-

, from them next month.



'Tun schooner Emma Claudina,

Capt. Kittson, cleared for San Fran-- j I

clsco, from Kahului, on the 29thinst., with flS'jo bags sugar weighing101,311 lbs; valued at $30,105.20.

'Dasukuous Customs. In thostreets, some distance from the centre of the city, drivers of licensedvehicles and others are accustomedto drive vouud corners at great speedand goncrally . very near the bido

wnlk. Several times wc have- noticedchildren nearly run over in this way.It is also customary to leave horsesand buggies fastened to posts on theside-walk- s, without any attendant.Even tho quietest horse may bealarmed sometimes and break nwiry,aud wc suppose that, until some ficti-

ons accident or loss of life occurs,no action will b,o taken to regulatethis custom.

Thu regular monthly meeting ofthe Women's Board of Missions, will

'bo held to-da- y at Fort street Churcb,at 2 :d0 i'.m. Ladies prayer meelu gat 3 r.M.

Tiiekh will be the regular monthlymeeting of the Ladies of St. An-

drew's Cathedral, at the SchoolBoom, Emma Square, on Wednes-day, Aug. 2nd, at 3 o'clock p.m.

Latu last night wc heard of an'attempted burglary. During the

night n stranger entered the room ofa young man down town and retiredon being without making himselfknown. Names of all parties arcwithheld for obvious reasons.

Eaui.y this morning the town wasalarmed by the ringing of the firc-bc- ll.

It proved to bo an unoccupiedhouse near Emma street and rightopposite Emma Square. The build-ing is a total loss. Officer Mclntenwhose vigilance caused him to befirst on tho spot, gives it as hisopinion that the house was set onfire as when he observed it first, theflames were coming from underneaththe building.

A dispatch from Beilln says:Much surprise is evinced at the factthat the United States Governmenthas sent two men-of-w- ar to Alexan-dria. The. Germans consider thatAmerican intcrfcrenco is unnecessary.T1 " L'lLl 1. . J . ILI .! 1.1JTJHTOlSi: A tortoise belonging t

unknown strapyd in!o ayard at 1'nlnmii, yesterday. Tho ownercan hive the m-n- liy railing m P. Fer-nanda"., Cider Factory, Pnlamn, and pay-ing thu co-- t of this notice. 1C0 lw

rpo LET. Two Well.fiiruished RoomsX Apply to No. 4 Gardsn Lane. IDOlw

II. HAKPEU will pleasecall at Messrs. C. Uueweii S. Co'

office. 112

T7" ANTED a jounjc GUI, to make her- -t

self generally useful ltitliclipu.seof a lady on Maui. For particulars

at the Hawaiian Hotel, KoOm No.10, in tbo morning 9:30. 07

A live man w 1th moilerWANTED. who Is both mer-chant and accountant, can hear of agood business opportunity by address-ing C V !., BulletiU ofllec. lilnelpalsonly. All communications strictly' con-fidential. 10.")

1710 USD --A Plantation Draft, whichthe owner can hao 04 piovlut;

property and pnjlng for this advertise-ment. Apply to

120 Messrs. Castle & Cooke

a Black Leather Satchel, con-taining a ladles' card case. The

finder will ple.i&e leave same at Messin.U. Hackfeui & Co'8. 145 lw

"I OST, 011 Rutin day evening, on theXJ Valley Road', between Mr. HenryCaiter's and Mr. .1. S. Walker's pre-mises, two pieces of MUSIC "Tmiluui-er,- "

and "Seeiet Love." The Underw ill receive the thanks ol tho owner byleaving the Mime nt the ofllec of J. W.Robertson x Co'd. 14:)


IRRIGATION after this date (JuneIs limited to (4) four

hours per day,From 0 Ki S In tho morning, andFrom 4 to 0 in the evening. ,

PcrmloHioii to Irrigate during nnueconvenient hourF will be granted on ap-

plication to the Superlntcnpcnt.Pep-on- found Iirigatlng except dur-

ing Hiecllled houH will h.uo their prl-lleg-

suspended without notice,O. D. rni-Eiii-


Supt. Water Works.Approved: Signed, . K. Kui,

Minister of Iulei lor. 121

Tarva- - n3

--iL:ViSchooner M " Emma,"Will lcavo. Honolulu EVERY MON- -


Returning Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcuiun nccuiuuHHiiiuous, apply 10 1110

uiipuun on iioaru. 104

I'aaturate Xottce.li prison- having horecs or othernubnuli in the pastures at K13WA.- -

LO, of Mr. S. M. Carter,) nroheicliv not Hied to (onunuulculc In re--gard to pasturage charges with thoinuiersigueo, oiuurwise Mien nnimaiswill bo liable to lie Impounded.Julyai, 18S5. (150 lw) W. L. Wilcox- -



1 Fine Buslnc-i- Suit, In ihc latcrt style,1 Gents' Fine Straw Hat,1 Fine Percale Shirt, extra cuffs, 2 collar1 Pair Fine Shoes,1 Undershirt,9 nbC-- ' Tk'-- l Hondforchlcf,




Corner Fort and Hotel sts. 13S

tEx Buvk Almy,FOR SALE In quantities to suit.

At Lowest Prices,131 By Cahtlis & Cooke

FOR SALE.To arrive per D. C. Murray

SCOT'S WOOL. RUCKS 2, 2 yeats4, 1 year old.

1 Southdown Buek, 2 years old.10 Soutlulown Lambs, 7 Bucks, 3 Ewcs

2 Grale's Merino Bocks1 Cow nnd Calf, half Durham and half

llolgtcm. Aud a few doenf

Came and Fancy Fowls.1M lw A. "W BUSH.

nnilE Hawaiian Journal, " KoHa-J-L

wau Fak Aika,'" owned andedited by Kawainui Bros. : has a,

woekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium.. Of-

fice, No. 6 Merchant st. 1

jgy" Gents' Fine. Buckskin SuiUsomething new, from $13 to $25during the Invtrtory Naleat the,

Honolulu Clotiuno Emi-oru-m-

"A. M. Mklms.

Carriage (fjjl. Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express 'Wagons.

and every kind of vehiclesmanufactured.

Blacksmithing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of icpairing done.

Drink Pitlnier & C.o's

GINGER ALE75 cents per tlnve'i

TTNION FLKD COMPANY, A. W.KJ friii. Manager See attvcttl.se- -

inent on other pigc

.., Horsu to i.rr. a fouriTyflitftflDroonieil hou-c- , nicely funiish-wzasBkn-

with kitchen nnd bathroomattached. It Is pleasantly Mjimtcd, andIs within fto mluuti-i- widk of the PostOlllce. For paitlculars apply to ,1. W.Itonr.-rrsO- it Co. 145

rpiVO OFl-TCn- TO LET. on thoond floor of tho Ijiillilln-- r occupied

by J. W. Itohcrtsoii L Co 1!I9

170U SALE, I.OT No. 124, In Kajilo--- Fl Park, dimensions fl x Ti00,

facing the beach, nnd ell fenced. Ap-

ply to O, O. lir.unr.K 143

. Apply to f

102 II. Ilitckfeld & Co. J

1OU SALE, one new Seoy, enp.ihle of' holding 10 ioiih, huUt b,v f" Emniec,

nnd now In good order. For further parllcu'ins annlv tu Tili'.O. II I)W1KS A. CO,



Page 3: V!iW W .Hfii 'i' HHh iily · 2015. 5. 30. · ;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. Post Office Box No. 14. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr. A Ship Brake

- TELEPHONIC.Dimoud Head, An-;- , 1, OiSOn.m

Strong N. wind,Nothing in Bight

ArrivalB.Julv 31

Jtmr City of Sydney, from SydneyAujrust 1

Stiwr Iwnhini from Ivona nnd Kau

Departures.July 31

Stinr C It ltishop for KnuaiStmr Lclum ,for Molokai and MauiStinr Mokolii for KoolnuSchr Emma for Waianao & AVniuluaStmr Kilauca Hon for KnhuluiSchr Uilama for KauaiStmr City of Sydney for San Fran.

Vessels Leaving this day.Stmr Jas Makco for KauaiStmr Likcllkq for Hawaii & MaulSchr Kulunu for WaialuaSchr Wnioli for Keoken.

rac:5ongers.For Molukni and Maui, per Lchtia

July 31t Air Willis nnd wife, andSO deck.

Fdr Kahullii, per Kilauea Hon,July ,31st C B Cockell, wife and 2children, Miss Uockott, J U tarter.

i jr., Airs Stroht and 2 ehildron, II MJones, Master Closson, Airs iJaenc- -

dor, P. Tenson, S. II. Ilalbey, J. 11.

ilnrtm, and 15 deck.For Kauai, per C It Bishop, July

31 Cecil Brown, Miss Taner, ThosDarlman, Muster Bindt, II L Sheldon, Miss Johnson, W O Smith, AS Ilartwell, S B Dole, Hon J F Judd,Jliss Smitli, W. X. Bixby, L Stolz,and 37 deck.i i

Vessels in Port.Br steamer Caln.smulr.Gr hk Adolph, KonpclmnnnGcr Bk Paradox,Haw biig Nlnlto, CameronAm bk E L l'ettlnglll,Am hark Kdward --May, JohnsonAm bsjtno W. G. Irwin, TurnerAm bk Calbarlcn. Hubbard.Am bfttno W II Meyer, HowoAm bk Adelia Carlcton

Vessels Expected.Mb Nilnio From . l)nCHaw bk Kale, fin Bremen SeptHaw bk lolaul, from Btcmcn, OctBk .losefa, fm Cardiff, AugBk Oberou, fm Liverpool, AugBrbk Glcngaber, flu Liverpool,Am bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpBrit ship Biltlsh Ambasrador, XC.NSWKlc bk.Kemljto, from Nc, NflW dueAm tern Hcr.i from Nc, NSWGer bk I'ellio, fm HongkongAm bktnc Monitor, from Htimbold, for

Mahukona,Bt stmr llnusa, fm St Michaels, AukStmr Zealaudla from S F. Aug G

Brit .stm Suez, Dodd, fm S F, Aug 1 1

Br stmr Canton, fin San Fran, Aug. 12BS Australia, from Sydney, Aug 2dAm schr Anna, fm Kurcka, for KahulliiAm tcrmKinniaclaudlua fm SF fr KnltiAm liistuc Hazard fm S F, for KahululAm bk Emerald fm Ft Gamble, .InlyHaw bk Chlclago fm Kowcisclc, JulyNor hk Im'acos, fm New York, Oct 17


I ARTISTIC MANNERA nYW Isidor Eosencrantz.0 Communications to bo

Left at J. W. Jl6berton &. co's


"(1 in all narts of tlicCi?y. i supplied lit qii.intltleBto mi" ,. np.iona, No. C8. Ofllce atWilder . V. 18

firic rynn lev Works

Uhl.IYi'.ur.i) to ah parts of thecity mid sitbuibs at ail itotirs of the

dav.Orders from the other Islands tnonipt.

ly attended to.Olllrw at W. P.. Fohikk'h, Saddler,

Fori Mioct.150 'IVli-plion- No. 111. 2m

Iff. W. McChosneY & Son,Proprietors Honolulu Tannery t

Dealers in HidoH, Tallow & Leather,Also, Grocciii'fl, Provisions

71 Salt. r . o" .

""011 SALK. a u... .

I ...hi, .i,. ,i .i..,ru ,i n

.double lmrness. nearly new.' ..rice81i0. May he hcen in rear of No20 School st. W. G. Ncodhnm. 7j

Oceanio'Steamsliip Oomp'y.

thi: a i

Iron Steamer Suoz,UOlI, .... COMMANUEIt

Will leave Honolulu

FOR SAN FRANCISCOon August 22nd,

For freight or passuKc, having superioraccomodations,, apply to121 Wm, G. InwiN & Co., Agent).


The clipper bgtneW. G. Irwin,

Tinner, .... master,Will have, ciulck dInpatch.for the aboveport. For freight or passage appiy to

Wai. G. Inwis & Co., Agents


jejhssss i uu uufjici uiiiu.W. H. Meyer,

Howe. -- -- - Master,Will have quick dispatch tor the aboveport. Tor freight or passage apply to

C. UnKwr.it &Co., Agents.


The clipper barkCaibarion,

Hubbard, - - Master,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For height or passage apply to

I'.vstli: & Cooki:, Agents.


ChaB. Biewer & Co. will dispatch tho

Bark Amy Turner,Newell, .... Master,

From Boston, on the 15tb October next,If sulllelent Inducement offer.

Ordcis for goods bhould ro forwardat cutly date to Insure shipment. Forfurther particulars apply to1113W C. Biieweu & Co., Agents


ship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Tho splendid steamship

Australia,'. Cahqill, - Commander.Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco

on or about Aug. 2S.

FOR SYDNEY ViaAUCKLANDTho splendid steamship

Zealandia,Webber, - - Commander,

On or about Aug Cth,For freight and j nbsago apply to II.

Hackfeld it Co., Agepts.

T. H. FOSTER & Cp.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Batkr, - - - Commander

RuiiH regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Timu Table:

Ln.vvr.s Honolulu at iji. oxMonday, July Thursday, 'Aur. 21Thursday, July 13 Monday, Sept. 4Monda, July a t Thursday, Sept. 14

Thursday, Aug. II Monday, Sept. 25Monday, Aug. 14

Auniviis at HonoluluTuesday, July 11 Friday, sept, lFriday, July 21 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tuesday, Aug. 1 l'ridav, Sept. 22Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct. I!

Tuesday, Aug. 22

The C. R. Bishop,Berry, .... - Commander

Leaves Honolulu evkuy.Monday, at f f.M., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eloele, and Waimoa, Kauai.

Kiwuit.visr. i.i:avj:sNawiliwili every Friday evening.

Tha James Malcqo,'McDonald, - Commander

Lkaviv. Honolulu r.vj:r.YThuriidny, at A p.m., for Kapaa and

ICilaueu, Kauai.Hniuit.NiNf. Lkavks

Kapaa every Tuesday eveninjj. 75

rfi.-sfr-. Steamer Likelike,

fe&jf Klnv, - Master.Leaves Honolulu eaeh Tuesday at

4 p.m., touching at Ithulnu, Maa-lae- a

Hay, MaUeim, Mahuhonn,I.aupahoehoe and Hilo.

Iteturiiiug, .l touch ut nil tkftalovo portn, arriving nt Honolulueach Sunday a. in. 1


Tho Brig Ninito,llaln:: uuili'itroiiu eNtfiislve repair4:

llf" "l ?"!i."i. iMni.-iilinniil- nr

A. J. CAUTwmonT.



The Followlny GoodsTo arrive on the

S.S. "Hansa" from London,Due horc on August 27th:

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,assorted,

Tons Gahanfrcd Iroa Hoollng, slorkbrand,

Nests round nnd oval Gnlv. Iron Tubs,flnl tMiiitml trr,i Tlnnlsnfti 'Tinncd.hon Saucepans and Kettles,Cases Cane Knives,Cases Taper Saw Files,Cases Butcher Knives,Barrels of J. B. AYhitc & Bros Portland

Cement,Cases of Bos boas,

A small assortment of

CUTLERY.150 2v

t&T Fan, Oriental, Olivetta andSpanish Jaces icill be sold at re-

duced prices during the Inventor)Sale at the Honolulu ClothInoEmporium. A. M. Mkli.ii.

A Largo AssortmentOF THE


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


BOX. Call and examine. 147

Kff i"o need of (oiny barefootedy y u can get your Jiools, kliocsand Slippers 50 cents cheaper atthe Honolulu Clothing EiironiUMthan clseiehcre. A. 31. Mellw.

NOTICH I beg to notify my manyjjuou ineuus aim customers that

RfSr. ft3. PetersonHas charge of my

DRAYAGE BUSINESS,And that he will be pleased to accom-

modate them In that line with tho

Best Teams on the Beachtif Itlng up Telephone No. 05 -- a

When you want teams, or leave ordersat the ofllce on Queen stieet, betweenWilder' and Dowsett's. Don't forgetthe Number, 05.laoiui. G. II. KonimTSON.

Only Fifty Cts. jicr Found"-- VANSLLA-XBa

Chocolate Creams !

This delicious and very nutritious

ConfocU tiIs manufactured fics i very woek by

- "-- r

Practical Confectioner and Pastrycook.

Warranted to be

Strictly PurelFor sale at his Pioneer Steam Candy

Manufactory, 71 Hotel street,110 Honolulu. 2m,

HARD SOAP,Toilet Soaps, nine Mottled Soap,

just received. Our toilet soaps arobeautiful and cheap, f.imllioi would dowell to examine.

Uil A. S. C'Lr.oiiou.v .t Co

Cs Bfledium Bre'ad,ex Call) irlcn, for sale li

ainntltlei to suit by J"0 A. S. CLKlllIOtfx it Co.

iW tav ;... utr ta






AT- -



iqmitKiwrmirpKxMxrva kj imr

PHIL STEIN,Carriage Maker,

'os. 28 and 80 Fort street,(above Hotel.)

New Carriages of all kindron hand and built to order.

Bepalrlng, Palntlm; ami Trimming75 promptly executed.


Have just received

Ex " Discovery,50 cases medium bread,

10 cases sugar orackora,

10 cases banana crackers,

10 casos soda crackers, ,

5 cases La Grando crackom,

5 cases cocoanut taffy,

5 cases ginger snaps,

5 cases egg jumblos,

5 cases pretzels,

25 cases corn, "Crown" brand,

10 casos twist tobaoco,

5 cases sewing maohinoa,

J 0 cases boota,

1 caso clothing,

1 caso calif blankets,1 caso now dress goods,

&?., &c, ceo.

For salo byII. HACKFELD & Co.

July 14. 113

FOIt SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillOi inds from fi to 10 tons per day.

Alst), pulleys, belts, etc.. all In goodorder; can be run by steam or horiepower, just the article" for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Whrat,-Ilrn- n, Unrley, "Whole and

urouutl, iUixccl feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

69 TAINE it Co,, 31 Port ht.


of the most comfortable andneatly located cottages In Honolulu

to rent, furnished, or will sell furnltuicon the most reasonable terms, llousucontains live rooms with tfauleu and allconveniences. Itental of House, $'Mper month. Furniture cnthely new andcomplete. Hcnfiin for dlpposal ownerleaving tho Kingdom. Apply ut onceto J. I). Wisr.MAN.v,

138 ltcaf Kht'itc 15rol;er

Z3fl" Heavy Mark Jhintin'j f.t05 emits a yard .during the Inven-tory Sale, at ho IIo.noi.ci.ij Cloth-i.v- o

Emi'ouicm. A. M. Mi:Li.i:t.

Redwood and Ceclni:

Tf KIIF.T I.OSO, for calo In any quautitles, by


' &,.'iit -



T"1 ffTSYWlUVW -- " I

Levvers & Cooke,

Lumber Merchants, .

iCeep constantly on hand a full

Rssoilmcnt of

Lumber of all Kinds.Faints, Oils, A'anuslm.

Brushes of all sortn.

Wall Paper, Nails,

71 Spikes, &c, &c.

The Patent Indestructible"Shnft-Hprln- g


Hy their use all rattling of the fhaftnis prevented.

Every pair warranted. Try them andyou will use no other..

For sale by

G. WEST,141 2w No. 70 Queen street.





P1LSENER. BEEB HJust Received por J

Biivlc Etlward Mny, J

A small lot of tho celebrated j


Which wo offer, in quantities, tosuit tiurchaj-crs-. Also

Wanes and Liquors!

Warranted youd Qualities.120 2w Ed. HoKclilaeger & Co. , )

H U.ti JSAJLiilitwenty noun

Californian Mules !jper i.auy iuuii.sr.u. r


1g Apply to ('. Ilii'wer Ov

LYinf'ir i i'n i

VX Contractor fiv!&.and Ilullder.-7SgJ!?i- )( i

Honolulu Stt.tm Planing MI1N, Eppl.vnadc. Honolulu. f

Manufactures all hinds of Moulding,Hracl;etis, Wli dow Frimcc, Ulludit.flf

Poors, and all KIik ol Wood-work ilnls'i. T ruing, Scroll wi ligii!haulm;. All V.nd. of Sawloj; .Hid 1'lan-lui- t.

Morticing and T'lntuiiiff.' i'.IjOrder proiiiiit'vnltunthd iii ittiit yprj.

ijiiiir.iiited. Oriltu.froin Ut uiihvf',lhlands Miiciuti t

i. it

Page 4: V!iW W .Hfii 'i' HHh iily · 2015. 5. 30. · ;A11 buslnoss communications to bc.ml. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin. Post Office Box No. 14. J. G. Ci.eviou, Manngcr. A Ship Brake




Importer ami

; Clothing, Boots andToilet Articles, 1'ocket

.Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises,Baga, watches, Diamonds, Jewelery and Silver-war- e, etc

Northeast of Fort anil Merchant Honolulu.


I'l-- r - uan sjwajs ue round

pfeull Lines of Superior Furnishing Goods,



Tnwi llnjj


SSS Call and Select one of those Celebrated

Gold Medal Waltham Watches


May 12 (32)

ruco Cftrtwrlj-ht- . "VV.

... jJ

Union Feed CompanyB"'






Largest and Best Stock-- or-

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and guarantees keep n full supply

constantly on hand.

32 JST'Sond orders to A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

WILDER & Co.,General Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance Co.of New York,

The Largest, SafcBt nud Most

Economical Lifo Insurance Go

in the world,

Cash assets, - - over 81)0,000,000

For information concerning the. Company and for rate of insurance

apply to Wildkk & Co., GeneralAgents; or J. K. Wurman, Solieit- -ng Agent. 71



JJLt 10 a, Cord.Apply to

8. M.CARTER,1S7 lm P.M.S.B. Wharf.


Plrst quality of best Urn wood

For Sale Cheap!In cord wood or cut and HplH to

order. $3 All woou delivered toany part of tho citj without

nxtrn charge.








8end order toEnterprise Planing Mills,

71 127 Fort street.


JuBt received ex Furness Abbey,

1200 Coils of Manilaand Sisal Hope, all sizes.

Tor salo low by

92 2m A. W. Pclrco & Co,

$10.00 Rewardbo paid for information thatWill lead to tho conviction of

whoever maliciously cut tho tailfeathers oft, ana pnicKeu tne tmcKand breast feathers out of a Peacockbelonging to mo. A further reward

tof 810 will bo paid for informationfloading to the conviction of whoeverjatolo 8 Feachicks about a month old,(belonging to me, from Fuwna onvWcdncsday tho

"24th ulto.

' Geo. H. Luck.VPawaa, Little Britain, June 0, 1882

Dealer in



Shoes, Perfumery,Cutlery, etc., etc.

. . , .,


8. Luce. A. W. Mush.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1838.

Haht Bttos., : r Proprietors.

MEALSServed up In first-cla- w stylo at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always ou hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipesifcc, Ac. Also,

Iced Drinks!70

Just Received

Per D. C, MurrayA new lot of oloth backed.

Drawing Paper.36, 42, and 58 inchos wide :

Tracing paper in sheets,Triangles and Color Slants

Dixon's Drawing Penoils,Blank Books, Fools Cap,

Thumb Tacks, and a fine assortmentof Notarial Record Books,

Supreme Court Scrap Books,

Register of Actions.

Stock Wallets,or Bill Cases, &c, &c.,Ac,,&c.

J. W. EobertsorV& Co.



For sole at25 A-- Riciuiidson's

Ifhc ails nlb


Astonished.Lobsters are getting scarce and

high, it is said, along the NewEngland coast. Those persons wholike them and want them cheap hadbetter go to Halllfax. A letter fromHallifax to a London editor saysthat lobsters arc so cheap and plenti-ful that they may be purchased fora cent a piece.

An Irish ofllcer, being unaware ofthis fact, and thinking that theywere in all probability two and six-pence or three shillings each as inhis own extortionate country gavehis sergeant a sovereign and badehim order the worth of it in lobsters,as ho had 'some friends coming totake supper with him that evening.

Judge of his surprise when, onarriving at his lodging, ho found acartload of tho delicate Crustaceaawaiting him.

" Why, what is tho morning ofthis?" he asked in surprise.

"I beg pardon, sir; the other cartwill bo up presently," said the ser-vant.

This is almost as ridiculous as thoignorant young housewife's order tothe fish cnder for half a' dozenhalibut.

"Raise Wheat!""Let's see, they raiso some wheat

in Minnesota, don't they?" asked aSchoharie grander of a Michigandcr.

"Raise wheat! Who raise wheat?No, sir; decidedly no, sir. It raisesitself. Why, if wo undertook tocultivato wheat in that State it wouldrun us out. There wouldn't bo anyplace to put our house."

" But 1'vo been told that grass-hoppers take a good deal of it."

"Of courso thoy do. If thoydidn't I 'don't knowwhat we woulddo. The cussed stuff would run allover the State and drive us outchoke us up, Theso crasshopnersarc a God-sen- only there ain't halfenough of them."

" Is that wheat nice and plump?""Plump! Why, I doift know

what you call plump wheat, butthere are seventoon in our family,including ten servants, and when wewant bread wo just go out and fetchin a kernel of wheat and bake it!"

"Do you over soak it in waterfirst?"

" Oh, no; that wouldn't do. Itwould swell a little and then wecouldn't get it in our rango oven."

Too Conscientious for a Doctor's Boy.A physician ought to be specialty

careful In the selection of a servant.This servant should not be dressed Inblack, for thnt would be too fcuegcative,but In garments of neutral tint, thesymbol of uncertainty. He ought notbe tho possessor of a cadaverous visage,lest he ghc the impicsidon that thoseiv no enter tlte doctor's office must aban.don hope. Neither should ho be floridand rotund, as though sickness was nota serious thing. Ho should occupy thegolden mean between the gay and thegrave. He ought not, moreover, to beexcessively truthful, lest he Inluro thenractleo of his employer. We haveheard ot ascrvant who was totally unfitfor his position simply because he posl-tivcl- y

could not tell a lie. A Mrangerwuo had sudden illness at home inquir.cd,

"Is the doctor In 5"" No, sir," was his quick reply." Tell me has the doctor a great many

patients J"The servant became pale, but slowly

and solemnly replied," Not many liylng, sir."Then the stranger turned sadly away,

and sought a doctor whose bertnnt hadless resemblance to the Father of hisCountry. .

Tho ColonfoV Secretary of Fijiestimates that $3,000 of the 121,-90- 2

population of the islands arcWcslcyana ; they have 1 .208 chapelsand o.hcr places of wofship, and the9,000 Roman Catholics fifty-seve-n.

The Roman Catholics havo madelargo plans for Central Africa. Ac-cording to Cardinal Lavigerie, inthe Missions Catholiques of May12th, the plans agreed upon includefour Provicariats in Equatorial Af-

rica Nyanza, Tanganyika, North-ern Upper Congo and SouthernUpper Congo. There arc already sixstations and twenty-si- x missionariesin tho first two Provicariats. Thesemissions aro nearly all in tho terri-tory of tho Church and LondonMissionary societies.

Alexandra, July 11. Mmcn withtorches aro completing the work ofdestruction. The Arabs aro milllooting tht tow u.

DILLINGHAM & GO.Importers and Dealers tu

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock ofgoods

To which they Invite the attention buyers.

Simple and cheap devices for holding Tuhular Lanterns"underneath the body of a carnage, for the purpose

illuminating tho roadway.

The "Warner" TubularLantern Holder,

Pn"2l5ra-w- i

m All styles Tubular



New styles of Plows, Harrows,Cultivators, &c, &c.

A full line Tinware, and many new so this market, toonumerous to mention.

Call and examine our utoclc.125iii x.m w i...u i . i Li - !Mgt!fani"'"f"iKai;H,,l.l,gw

j c6 B WmlBMHlBBB rt m

r ill HI ill 5mI IkvvB nwOvtYjSHI M

E"4 P

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and motals,Houso Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliors, &c.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Tabic and Pi Fruits,Nice llrcaktast Goods, such 'as

Candle Fish, Salmon andPIk Pork in Bib. Tins,

SnlUdle for families. For sale by08 A. S. CiJEOiionx Co.

just jteceivou

andOlivette,Patience,Claude Duval,Tho Urates of Penzanoe,lioccaecio,Manola,Katiultza,


Motherh's Illrth-plac- e,

Da Hallo-L- u Hand, llanjo arrangement,Dip me In de Golden Sea,Blue Alsatian Mountains,Since last we mut,Life,The White Itoie from .Mother's Grave,The World goes round and round,Dara one more libber for to cross,The Melntyro's,Goin' for tho cows,The OldTtcfralu,My little baby brother,

Days of Youth,Up" the Thames, marlow woods.La Diva Polka,Jolly Utter Gallop,The now Harn.net Galop,Paul's Echo hong,

Tho Coulter."




of Novelties,




DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.


At Mrs. A. M. Mellis' Clonk, andMantle Making Department,

No. lOt Fort Street, : : HonoluluOrders executed at short notice. 72

Just Received,Fcr bktne Eureka, a full line of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.01 A. W. lllchnrdson & Co.

La Maseotte,Smith's .MuMral Album, 1 2 3 4 ft 6,Children's hour of Pleasure,Prize Piano .School, hy Karl Tlrbach(iems of Waldteufcl,Modem Gems.

Blessed Dreamo,In the gloaming,The Tst,Across the fields,My near little Home o'er the Jjoa,Lea K Mot lit.Poor little Swallow,Does your heart beat true to m,Kemlnlscence,I hold my heart o still,-- ftHer 1 loye and her alone,llright land of gold,

Canrlce Lancers,llurnl Festival a Hccreatlou,Vicissitudes Heveiic,lioivhcrouPs celebrated Minuctto,Hazel Klrke Poikn.

J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,nave

The following; New Music:Opera Bound Mil sic:


Instrumental:- -

M.- -!

1J. II

-- 5


