new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1847-03-08.ogg-or,¡»tractor be, benjamin 1 omeri v. lor fea...

Appoiatstirale by iba Ptwaipeui, trad srttA .As e./ri-v eat- p>*μ*? of far Sentir i^eVo ?«"·'.(l " '"r ,ar tribes of BBBratáoWUnpra M.-.,...??. ???ß???»/Curto·»-.'ar port ogg-or, Be, Benjamin 1 omeri v. lor fea DiiUlct sud ¡»tractor of the Revenue lor Stonington. Ct. Dtfutn Coiìtttor.U. ' V Dashiel, for the port ol S»· Mm. TelB- jL.wyori im* f"*j- *.Peleg <j Phelp», fer too ?·** °' ,,,r ( itT '' l*A»jrateB La.; Ben «min Wormstcad. tat the p.rtol Marbleheed Man Daniel r ..sir for the port ot Beverly Mas· L:i«ba Al g__ tor tb« pc.rt ot Newport R I John ? ' tepbens for tt» port ol C»pttno in the Western Colloetloe Die .¡/t TeiM. rimari Harris, for tbe port of Vaiaaeo, do Dutrirt Judge».William Marrin, for the Southern íáitnct of florida John J Dyer, for the loutxict of S 5 Attorney*. I- »Viedsor Smith, for the Southern Rundet of Florida Isaac M. Preetcm. lor the lastrici of Iowa Cotter cfja/mt.John P.rooks at New Or r-kwirrr-··" aw».t.e Bvildingt.Cahrlei Doughus, of CeoBeetieut. m if g Crai«.·.''forge Latimer. I UMsdof Fuorto R.· Tobta» Beehler. Pa for Stuitg«rd, M tbe Kingdom of Wurtemburg Washington tireen to» Va for Buenos Ay ree (1 (,. .".«linee, S. G tor Fer naMbaeo. la Brar.i l.dward Weld ? V for tbe Island of TeMnfte August Furaldo. for Kayi dd*. in France Cbrtatopber llempatead. ? Y lor Balm, in Hondura» Wiibsn. ? Pierce Mas·, t >r Macao Robert Dubs, I'» for Meracaito Borace Hawee, Ps for the Society Is! |1t_. c. Fran« Powell, N, V. lor Beat »t. tttttttrt of f""«'· Money». Isaac I». G. Nelson (or the Ír|»tr1et of Land* (ubj· el to ta.e «t Fort Wayne. Indiana Robert Bonguere! lor ihe Districi ol land· auojert t.. MltatOprlousas. in tbe state oi Louisiana Edward K. Randolph, for tbe District ot Land» subject lo sal» el (Rambus. Mississippi g.autrrs of Land f_b*S.William H. Simmon· lor OfM Iristriet oi Lands, subject to sale at ft. Augustine, Florida. Reuben If Booae ut Groaada, Mississippi, in Mace oi Thomas B. 1res resigned; John Itartnw, at (kraisr. Michigan. Iterate--.Joseph H. Krown··. lor the Southern o'jtrict oi Florida, Kotiert Myers, for the Northern rj_|»f Florida. MILITA&V ys_rtmaasi-/ . Captain Henry Smith, ot the Army. with tM rank Major John M. .-harp. Mis» with rack w( Msior. Attutata tyartmriaftrr». ~l«me· V»ughn. of Tern. with r»nk ot Captain Solomon Pender, Jr. N. C » ruk oi Csptsir. Surf em» .John W 'Ivor. Wist Columbia Juatin 11. -tetre», Hoot Thomas Ruth Rpaneai N Y William Harry, Nd William Moth· r Mo 1 ewla \V. Jordan. Teas Ueorge !>rry. la lohn 1. Lámar. Oa Jamea II. rie·*», Le. John H Smith. Ill Kdward H. Bortón. L». Altittant |Mfa»M .John H Weir. Pa Jame· Cline Vi. John I). Walker ? II fruncí· 1. Wheaton. R. I John Conger. N. Y William D Carlin. Ohio Charle» 0 IfBlare, Iowa Robert U MrOinnu.Ohio. Robert r. tllbbs Ala Fraukl.n Melone. Ala Allen i. Noe. Ky Edward B Prie,· In. Leonard Randall, Texas Jose- Mm Robertson, Tom Corydon H. Abell. ky.: Shep hard Laurie. Ark. Colonel* of Infanti. .-\Vi..,am Trouadile. Temi. Oeorge W. Morgan, (ihio. John W. Tibbett» Ky Ai bertC Ramiey. l'erri I.oui- [) Wilion. ? ' »rt F. Tempi* ? ? BobertB 1>|,.,',». (ia tir. tra ori ? Qtìomtts of /nfnuirv ÎttM li Hopping, N. ? Wil.lsro M Qrahasa, Va .lo«bua Howard. Mich. Mlllegr ? Brabant, H C Jooei M Wither«. Ala. Paul tt Hebert La Henry L. Webb. 111. MtjoTt »f Inftvttru.(leorge H. Talco« K dliott T. esili.Be., James I'.gan. Mo .lohn ¡< Wood. 111. Je*. M Talbot, la Allen (?. Johniton, Fa. Frederick II Mil-, Iowa. K-dwin W Morgan, la SainUel Wood» lesto· J MoCajty. N. Y John T Monter Vu Qeorge A. C-dw·)). Ky fowler Hamilton N .1 John C Haye. Tut* Jeremiah Ciernen». Ala. John II Savage, Tenu rule»'; Nor veil I«. Jayr-y Pavmn».· ', I Cerned Thomas J. Leslie, /«»«««lev, -siniiel S Stacy. ? II Joseph C Pat Bide; NY. Charles Bod In« N, .1 William A Spark Va Heiilarain W Trice. Ohio Felix d Hosw... Rotiert H Reynolds TeU* Petar ? < rut.'lifield Ark William Singer W,» Ni,uh Johnston. Ill Fir·. Cd-MM Allen Wells ? .1 JtihnW Leii'li W ? Walker Mi··· Colonel of frog tont .Kdward <ï. W Butler Lit i/iattt Cmtnol /·. . - hv ttojort of i'rag ¦¦¦·. Wlllien il Emory Lewi.Cess. Jr Mich Cepietn· ot l/ragoont . Lemuel lord, la Ont- W Csldweil. ? C Tint Li".·, of '.."agnot.t .ldward ('. DpvMtM ? C Send Lieut ol Irrogo or». John h. Hsrtlson ? C ¿Detenni Ct"·»'·'...aeriti. William Duerson. hy. with tank ot Captain Thomas M Jonee Ky with tank ot Captain_ IHI F»' .Al.-X ? ????.??.. v.l..... iligbt from Charl. «ton 'aomsliPis »mee. after r mi|iicn of oertalo frauds, bit teen napleytd at Bowiias (.ireen, Ry. under an n-»iimei name, teaching a email »choo!. A gentleman who ··,»«¦ him ree<-ritly at Lnull me asyi he is a miserable I'tokiii» ject from a vary portly, healthy looking man. be is reduced to a ahadow. Be denied bringing any money ot G??????????? away, aad ha» be··t, io almost total fgnonaa)? oi .Q th»t h_? taken place in Char ·> t. |3r*" The Boston and ksv» derided to build a wet den oridge »croi» the Bl«ck etnee river, to connect the Boston »nd Proviri, tb» Boeton and Werce-ter Railroad Thu btidg·- la t" bf four hundred teet long, lour spans ? t.»» Couru. ?G7???* I »il»T-Before Judge Oakley e. BssAr*.Action fer tal»* impriionmeid end ils: reedy referred VesaHet for plaiatll · I'tiTtp tìiATB» LueriicT Cot it . heb r»· lud.e Batta.JtrAri li'mrrr, <J*o. QiUman. «nd other», ./.»men of the »Lip Matoka, were placed upon trial, charged with endeavoring to make a revolt ? he men. it appears, re tosed to go to wa. alledgiog that there wee no rafeetanl watar. tbe provisions were b»d Ac. and also as to <?.?. man lhaihe wa» not to he held ii the ahlp was eommsnd*d by tbe présent Captain The trial will be rontlnsd thii loreaoon » .ii ..· p Tür .um« In lae e«».· .? ?.. ß King, charged with obtainiug money under t»lse pre iraee. the Court ordered a nolle pro»e«>nii In relation to Walter Mead*, charged with a similar ottener tbe In .ciment waa quashed aa being uV: Cuciti dova* In Chambi'rt.Betöre .Hi.'. mondi. ¡Vkhol'tt / Mrttéjrr. recently a Notary in Innre claimed by the Fr, neh tiovernmenl under the ttaatv ti.,1 erJin il » the Ir.-,' ? up. the charge of totgrry attaind him liavina.· beOP · xamtn··.! utobytiie G s Murtal Jndgn, wm hrougln ¦ludg» l.ilnioiid» tnawtitot h*beM eofpm. med out by ora of hli rounie!. Mr Hlunt and his discharged*, manded principally on tb·· ground that Conferai has not paaeed an act by »'hielt the treaty could have oil that no judicial or exe» utiv.- ,.trie, r ot the United St»te« il authorised to pad upon or lurrender a pern·.? ?..·»' residing tn thi« country, under the treaty The fartbei tearing h se i. .o postponed to Tuesday turnt for the ..tlrnee In Krarce condeuiiiatnii t·· tn.· r»U*y· lor lil.- .Mesar«. Hlunt and Hottnian appear l,>r thepriaouer and Mesar». Tillou. Cutting and Butler, on the other »id* _ CoisT or CoiistoN l'LkA.s.Ilei, re Judge« I'Uhoeftrr «ad Daly I>ec l il on· .Iattouu Yrremein atul ?? in« ? Ho' ?- Af · f Amimi.The piai· ll foi_«,l work and ftirnuhetl material· for three houaea on 1 ourteentb »t »nd ne on .-evet.tecnthut on a con tract with Mr. Arment, and filed Hie ppeaaatl fcr balance under the lien law The County Clerk en terad the notice to toe foaitapntb-M property, but ratitted to do »o aa to th* S<>»enteenth it hoiue Mr JaenbCram. alter a aesrt h for lien·, but finding none, pnrcbaiett the Seventeenth »t house Mr Arment wa« snedby plaint:·4» under the lien law for the amount of saota. and an evecution wa» issued again·! th· leeathat properly. Mr. CrMB uiove· that it .'· »» t sBde. The Court cooiidtretl Hie BOOM tagt and although Mr Cram might bring action agliuit tbe »'osioiy Clerk lor damane» in not making an entry of it on th« books, the lieu not with »tending good In ihurase however, the execution wa· not luued till mors tose a year alter the notice i.'ed. and it was. toSltfore.tiH) late There wet·- »'ther pointe Hxeru too set »sole without costa O-terf Bar-irr vt h^ankhn 8 hmnry. et al .Action .1 trespass lo recover toe value of a borra and wagon »k.cb had been sold by Mr II. in bia washing business, bat distressed npon for rent. The ;ury gave a verdict for plainer: for $!'¦->¦ Motion is made to set it Mide Tbe Court rounder« tint a horse and wagon io used cam* within the de>n,»minati»<ii ot a team." and la ex· .mil but it devolved upon the platntifl to show that Blt-i worth ot property had not been lelt to tilm New trial allow, ,1 aale« the plaintid consent» to reduce the 'srdiet to |tv, Jootp» o jjàmmtâ '·>·> ¡f ñsABsa «? G??? .?. *«dT»áiiaa»(i'j »u.. .'.urn dutie» received by defendants troni the dutom BoPBA on a «ale of ra; **aa.iad a verdict givrai tor pltiiii: 1 of ff .¦rasto let ui.Ih Tiie ? ourt »aid where, upon a sale **frate, toe broker u employed by buyer and »eller. by fesraolopurcha·» »nd lb* other »»-?!. >n negotiating JM sale, he to be receded as the lgr*t of both partie·, but lucb w«» t,.,t ii.. _,. |;.r,. TfVjaioB Schryraser wvrvea^iioyrd by tne del>:»l»tiU t" in»».· »ale of tb» *·.<IPS bet boi by the plain'.i'l U> pu-ch·»*. Tee testi ¦*'·?eomplaiBeii nf wm pronerly i.lmiit· d Veniict craermed MB ,·,,.. <Je*ver sal /'rta.jr ) Urr, v4 _l,su S\tfr: iheck of §4Ji p* t.,, . _, ,._.|, Ka'port ol referee· mMa_ro'r",».'Äeonhrmed. -,.^*_l rT<¡aer>i<ov Jame* Co'Otrrman.? he g**_y obtaiMd a s»rdi.-i «_».mt Mr t tor damages _-_*_*· *f ,hr "»·*· ·" ***v **· in er-C'1"* * bual· rSmV.i ****-w bMween Joba and the Mruih rtapUst KBareh An order waa entered in Chamber« and an "made. The Jury It w*s said, gave a verdi-1 lor On on the grouBd that the détendant had obetr ;ct- ____* »"*¦ »l<lew_k [edjoiuiiia tl.t ol plaintJnd »! stMir toan was cecearary or proper. Appea! dumused JMaAeMiTs florntre WcCerrAa clad 7>??*» Mtbe gen .y, a »vo,^ ,or |)u0 :ljti, yj. M wouM -,- tDe 'rt.l ol prenoh» :tsi| C.reenwi ,h at corner ol rteoeh al ter aa order ot rJPtB-MM lor BOP p-tytnent ,.| rent A 0».o-.r i, pjt .. j_ .,.. -lUrrer ("-: - -._ -- _ HIW WaBIHOlSI SOB PRINTS ONLY -pria« ?.Ir-, I I -ES, JDDSON * L£Ê, Aa OEDAR-ST ,., OaOf for e hj inr rie- r ? ,.-kafe, ?ßG AOOt ASLáPRIÑrtÜCl. · - 5¡¡m· ___ahie MW slYiesfa large proportion ot whu-b _**,nC J*ra coatraced for betoe the iate riw tn the tner- "JrJ*1" be »old at 1»m than tnanufatiorcr·' presesi pri. es rriBied i-st» .4 prices are put into the bands o«* boyera ? ? -B F LKE, ?·>. »oelor ?ß'«*·' '. firm « Loe ·? Brew»!«,, ,fron, whlc_ _. mümá ta IMV) ha» ¡° nee ,be 8r_ of Lee k Judión, and »«licit· iM palron- aseof bl» old frionda Tbe budoMB U conducted under ».ifmof ¿Eg JL'DBON k LEE. f M-tary J, ll|7. *^ »f tfM t OU »If Kl I Al, AND HOlvatT ??????*. FjT .tau' of ? -t tit Tovr'A Prgt, .-ATr»Dsr, P. If. 'Ihe §ttM « Market was ratiitr active to lay, aid the pnce» Isiicie« wei,· generally Utter At the Second Board »orne Stock« had ? downward tendency Moiri» went up to 12« Por Inrettmerit Sloe«- a fair lni'iiry. and ratee are vit,! mnintained The rrteriii.j Marhet is verj mjf. ,ie- tanking honte hu Wn buying lari» > to-day «t 4 per cent, for the purpose ot ¡ .-p.. »ie .- .tne »ale» of little known MB» »re ported a* low )| per cent. The»e rata* pay e larj« prest ?* the import ot Bullion, and an inaui of mat», must take place, while the btlince of trade remains Bl much against Great Britain at preeent. A large por tion of the html now being purchased «re paid in s.vty day paper which thrown into tbe market for nego¬ tiation at r a I p, r rent Were the Money Matk« t more eaay. the Note« of Lxcbinge would probably improve as other BtmtM would ? into the purchase of i Th« Yri\ah: Market ,* eoi rat] I'-tue ir, con»« qnenee of the holding tick of ibippers. who ire making t to obtain lower term». Ves«*!« how. y ».-Jibe t'. gu re» are little or r.o lower Tbe Relief Committee took up the brig Doñeen tt "e d IH Cork and e merket, and ihreo or four »mail veiae!» wer« eharterej lor Irel»nd at !».".. i". and VA lor drain. Tt Liverpool '/Id wa» paid In bag*, «nd a »hip on her way to a Southern corn port wn» taken at i."»d Cotton to Liverpool laid. The I1JJM ami |90 Certificate» of Stati, under the Twenty three Million fiovernin» nt fi:!! «re now resdy end l*eing i»»u«d in exchange !or Trceeury Note» 1 he ii>··*· Not,» »re selling at »' per rent. The old iunes arc quit·· plenty in »Veil »t. end a considerable binine·« doing at i â ! per cent» premium. The bill now before our Leriilatir·- I the Controller to receive the Stock of the ileneriJ Gee ernment »ernrity from Banke under the Free Bank ine Law, i* celculeted to injure tl.r· »ecuritie» ct (ml own State, and it· passage would tie an impolitic end unnecessary act. The banking intereit of the -tete it now Interested in »ustainirnt the credit of the .-ta·« ;. larice portion of their fund· beinir invested in tbeie ie. curitiei. and beir. so absorbed, the Stock· are ». of the mirkct and do not .' .., .., every veci!»· tlon ol the Stock Market. ? his steadiness of courte gives tlii'in en »dditioi »1 value in the eyee of eipitiiitts. i.'. ci taking other Slock* then I New-York wee fully test, d when tbe Free Act fint pitted, and entirely MM. snd tbe amendment restrict Ing the Controller to V-w·^ ork Stceki we* dictated by the eotiodeit policy Throwing off this rottrlct.on in favor of (Îovernnient Stockt will In· e bsd precedent. and will nd to weaken th« security the public at pre» ent hold taf the itmffl , Ita Bank Not«» With tiie rt niitry in a state of war, it it of courte doubtful how low (lie ernm« nt Sleeks m»y ttll. Thi« in is unnecessary, »« the supply til New-York Stock» as yet ample for banking purpo»e». and it will be time enough to take the restriction o1 when the supply fails. We have now the best banking system in the and thi« continued tinkering it not eeleuletf d to improve It. Tim- hiiioiitit nl exports »n.iti thi» port from l»t to .'th M»rtli. InehUiVe «at $.V".:.-l. 'i lie arrival» were 4' Hid .»'»"' NumLor ol p»»»enger» IU 04 Ihn p-.'porl« Irom^Tlli f < brimry t., Ill: March. Incili .iw. ihere were. ¦,nt Brita,n < "..»«-. 178.351 bu.h Hoi, I Coti I, bui Butter ! '!> do bust. Wl.i-at, 44t. both l.«ri ?'??? du ttve 1 bbls ??t-?,???. :i.]4<t lb« ; Cheese. 160.W1.·, do ¡ Tallow 88,191 do ? traii.t. flnur. HO i bl· Hin 100 It« tm bag», Bom·. ?4.?1. lb» Co'too II" The exporto! itr.rnoitl· ?..tti ?.·. I toi. on.ifii· tin in th of lebli.ary «? 44" ¡iftle.ird Cases. The iiiiiuwi.,!' rv tlon ot the Huston it.d Albany K«i!ro«d. Tbe are upon lrpikht slopped ul lie Last Albtny dep^t tarn·. 1844. 184 i 184' 1847. Jin ·0<·-'? 72 13,076 03 90,310 8t Feb. 5,ivi3.T 11.0»'- nM*X 1 'iTie »nv unt received ,n the monlh ol January alón« equal to that rereivtd tluiing Januir ? ruary litt year. Tbe increata this «oar over l»»t i* *44,:w·- Vmt Marshall Blttataata id Fab Mat*· 'titr.-.t· for ¡trading ihe first fourt«en miles the Centrsl iMielngaii' R«i!ro«d. »»'est ot Ke!*ma;,..i havei been let Farther eontrseti tor greding about 80 mile» more ere ti· te la* ui"i tnontli. »\'e believe ,t is their Intention to have the road '.niilied through to lake Miclii»an «nd In irnpieto running nrdt" Fill of Mil ihe lor relaying the t.»«t t.liv miicä ot tiie road We»t ot lietroit. it we »re Inform· d already on the i-round and the iron ror/.rertid ere to p*j tin- heaviest tind rao»t durable kind «nd the relaying will be commenced soon at ol nevijtetion ihe Company have purchased new o> pot ground* at Detroit, and ere forthwith to commence the erection ol a «paciou* cer and «tore hou*e. it* pro pot··.! dimension* are enormoui en.l when completed it will probably be the most retentive building the kind In the I'nited Stetes t Baltimore there it an IttcrtaBtd mttM money, but thu» l«r it ha* been met tv the Pan» » Good paper diteounted it the legtl rite ind Done .it thtt ria»« find» it· w*y to the it reel At Char'.eitou ?! -hare» ot the Orti Ktilrokd were «ubscribed tor. In the \ irt-uiia swttBtt Oi lieleirste«. a n.'sJsy th:· bill giving the guaranty ol the ?4l>Jt»«J worth ol the Bonds it the Che»»paake an.) IB·] ( ntupai.y «·. «s to in.ur.- the completion ul the work to the ci al luinej us· pas-ed by tbe decided vote ol '. to 50. Th« »'ickiburc- Sentinel 1. ani» that the *e\ ere the .th ultimo caused con»iderab!e damage to th« licktburg md Jiekion ?,???») Railroad It is seid the whole bottom of Raker'· Creek lie» been over «mi il Ie feared that the biij.e or part of the causeway ba* been destroyed. At New iMparn the Muin-v Market »tei uea tight the premure being reused by the dithVulty ol moving torwerd produce, in consequence of the acarrity of »hipping and the coaitently declining rate» ut F.x- change. The ottering· in Kenk «rr to much larger then thoie inttitutioni can take, that e ;'ta>d deal t paper necetearily linde itt way into the ttreet. when· it is ne¬ gotiated et 1 u 1} l>er cent per mouth Hut litt'. in Texas Securltiee Treasury Nut.·« Interest1 Note« !·· SJM percent Honds 11' p 1- percent Hond« tmt#aQ|« on the doilar Foreign end Doamtwm· F-aehange« ..y.and draw, »<· .Sain teen compelled to eubmit s]j 1'rencs ? I mam m NiW York, at tal dey», m) d'I l»rr cent, discount ? hecks 11 cent ducount. _ .««ALKS Off KfiAI. un ? Morgan lot Cm Scuth »lúe Albany near We"»t»t. U ty 40. imJOB. .Marheu-tVijVly nf»rudj*r ??« 7v»»a*u. anv. Mereli tfllEfl Tat market «^iet at B6.:r:i and BJJ|| (or Pearl* and .'oli H.'ii'R AND MKA1.There wss very little day. aud quotalione are a* before Genesee » with nothing doing toi »hpment \»'nL,;n the week Michigan have boen bouglit to s June, et a.V7.'. In Southern there is n'thlng of impor¬ tent*· doing For Meal there ¡« ¦ lair enquiry aad 3 ??? bble Jeroey and lltmflBlai «old at |o»»»M¿|. · portion to the Irish Keilel Commitu-e. CtKAlN.The lr*n»actions in Corn were moderate to- day, shipper» holdina o«1 for « docllae. Soutl..·- but iel!ow we« «trady « Southern and Jersey. Sale« -Äl.Otal buth at the*. and Uf· for White Jersey There were al»o sale* H sM btilbel». to arrive in .'une. et :."«»7·~. ct» »»'hite we* of ferrad at the elosw at S71 eta. la Wheat we iMatf ol no- thing doiu»,'. Ba - lu »hele G anal Oat« al Vele. A etnei piarcei ol Kye »<>id at ?*4 ? ta. on Uns »pot T\l!i)W-We a«mia*mmSa'laVMl \»e»teni at ..1 ct« ca»h Him - s- » « ·': «t líí.¿". an.! » with ia!··«'.*.« ?* ? t much doti» ¿in IM io es at I · i i.-k ed Meat» »? · '·" pen» H«m» at It and ¦ J ? try Ham» told at Hi. cts a. mm·· MM smmMTlaV Bl Baf potrai II ct* u*ua! lita· FKtTHtHS-A sale ol 1000* fair »Veeterninei ^t ¦ cent«, ruh. HSH-Dry Cod ire without r-un*···. Mie». linn at highest -juotationt «ales have oet-D smta· , * - ibbed Herring aild Ui »rnve at ?'< M, «nd MO t>x« feaied. M cent» Se in on erv firm.?? bbls Mtramichi brt.U|hl |13«?? t, m«»». I Rl'IT.t*»le» of '.' N.X) b<» Bunch Kaielu* at » Ml hf do M ceni» 6H0 qr d OROCRRJEl?.far it'rt Jo*·,-The merke; I tas» settlement m th< «i^'T queation «dverae to the 1er* havin» inilnced ¡en» frraaesi end tb, '.ale* h»vt* teen too '" («erticuler There has bee.·. lut tbe advantage h*i f»«i. m tavir 0(J th·· eaareegaio a Utile lower 'ihe «eie« 4oo hhd» New llrieenset 7 j ri ce: tt '.rVnew r to Rico. Tiu-i 10new it Croix »I and smina Ba vana at 4»M tor brown, end m *-«. 4 boi lor Whita Tbe market tor Mola»*es has been rather dull, but beln« relie real by th· transaction« noticed helow. has ar- quired · little mur» nrmoe··.they .nclude loar cargoes t'utm on eri vate terms. SO hhdi in lota ?.? eta 2?0 Porto »lie,, #.·« »o Trinidad Cuba ia deck load. ?0 aad 500 bble New-urleaas and New-Iberia 35 ·3ß. 4 ino·. ????-??? bales Drestm«. Dew rotted broagfat 115». aad .jo do Itauan. from secood haada. MM f «Bea IRON-Ahottt lûOtrô I«»Mm· Sooteh hgbav»chaaged b«nd« thi. wee« pris , ... y from «hip. et ItVltt for ie» bronrht ?-?;»·** ''-1 UMI ? eeattosco.nt tor caah. fall». Country .7 havine be^n «,,d et 7.", eta. English to arrive can be bought '.' l'iblea.neid »\'.r·. r .-perm commands %' Bleached. |1 ;; 4 month». Chive remitns very tcarce 100 half cheat« re. i vanee en the leet «al*« * few moot «Ine» - tr»o»aet,on· ot the w«*k mata Leen ex tremely light »r.tir?'.y lo tt, j «».fbey i'C.jí» \M tre» and pnce for a retail parcel of the heai des- nption Holder» «re firm at our quoted r»t»>s TIN.Sale« ot one third X ber»· oeen made In lot» at *y wat TOP. I hhd· Kentucky at st «5» cent*. MO do Virticia and Kentucky, 4 2·* ceses Bed M Battei Tara ad 4 ¦ « ß r auc¬ tion. :- hhdt common Viritela to 14 al i|3.Ji ceotl. 4 month· end le cases DIED On Stti-niay smemat afra MAhY LI NCH. in the ?BtJt year of her age. H«r friend» and erqueintance» ire resp-*»-tfu!:v invited t, «'tend l-er 'unersl·. this Mom 1. «t t o clock, from her'.ate reside] 0 On the T-h ¡nit WlLLlt.M MePHERKlM «·, .notiiht and 4 days Tn» friends of tbe dec«·»- - , . MrPheraott, «nd of hi* brothar-In¦'.«»· Ch«r¡«« Aikmtn. »re invited to sttend bis tuneral thi« day at 4 0 clock, from No 2S* Rutg«r at m Saturday Bth mat af infiammano: 1 h«r,e» Ht'i«rt. » native of Kdinburgti Si.tend in the 40th y««r ot hi» age MARINE JOURNAL. POET OF HlW-TOEl .UHI AT CRI 4 MIA «*C.THU DAr th« am. thi Moot». rrxt sia. Kl»e».. ? or; Bet»....», 57 Morn .. Eveo.. S. i^att-st datx·· LoedoB..Feb. .1 Havre.Feb Î? . ?·». 4 Bew-Orleen». «? ?????? JOUMJfAL TOÏÏÏÏTB TAQl AKRIVF.Ii Picket ship »»eüington Chad· Plymouth Jan iti in ' Meli Mistan A Co, wt» in company w.· itward pass««.· tn I.. -, .oard James Pores, seaman Tne W I·,« had s, -.ere g»;»* from NU" lay» Bremen ship XV· «tplielie. Weseeis "1 fm mTBSJmm, mdse. tn ((..'.rich at 1 till 24. '«»neri bar* .1-»»aron Ir '«? Kremen fo; ? Bn«A!miitiH. Smith.»! tin Cuneo« «oetekin». Ac. ? J r,.·.'«-.· A- s «μ ?.«·? si Mary Bum· «nd «ehr Foetal K'nsí 1er ? »'nrk Brig Triumph, (ol Bllh.t Iielano co····».· and lifwooi, to Buck ? P«»>-r« » Van¬ i-rum. iug»r «Ve 1 W Uewm I elt »t St . hip r.mily. ?»??». tinct brig Her «Of St Thiima« »il .iay previous bric Arc.»rw*c. Tre«,l .i-he.l st S: (? »'id s d for N Orie«n» tarudeys brig und'iii ally,fmNeri k 4·· - hr kmsTBmm, Cost«, 4 ds fm »Vilmington, NC. naval stmes, to rnasler Si hr W f Anderioii Houttman I Im \ irgmi» fis¬ terà to ma«ter. Sehr rxr-hange. AI d». 9350 btiihel« sa.t. to Cropeey A (iilmartin i"i«ri««a 1-nher. Mamforv), for Newbern Ni' Feb 7. »ebr l.srk. rollio» for BELO* »iî»».neral Ncticre. .rund Teiniilr ol Honni ( t iebrnllon. - ?..· ? ·.. TeUernu e on Wi , st :: ? M »»'· 1. A U. VVtleua.M »V T ··» «-> '·'¦ T. M Md otti » »,d O. »»'. V T J o < m 2. Sinpiiiï by Ihe | i" *·. . Her tir I. Oue by lb« Ailerhanleri». M ·' I kers »se S.n/ir.»· by M»<- : lüLlliTI * lta| ,-«r·. \ l'es» bj I KockWaill, ol « - . . kit·, et r a ?. ? ?? n . ? M t lai Jsi'.es Fielst, I H NotTla .1 ? . ^^^^^ «-<..» ork Triupli- ol Honor. >o. J, *». «' ¦ meratrersof tt,i«Te-i.p « »¦· ed io punrtii»! lath« r attend« · |.M ? ita, ttûr ilio purpos«? · maklna arraagetaaeis for held »t ic Bri..»div»y T»b»/uac;e. V.»rch 10 I. C DU Kl 14SON C T. > Itti H ^^^ le" Kellel lor Irelas.l lin T-rte, »ili buM ? riieriiug ai ir.elr Si rj»»-o<ue by-si iietwaen Bprlag aad B n aid Addre«»e» wl - ....'·,?- »1- 'r. « »I M Noah, E.c, Jwne. B. ?? V H eotiatnen. Tt.e t »·« itiViied |o ^^^^^^^ tV Aid io ir. iHiiil \ Mr Jimnlu.f el Ihe Merbaiiic. » Broom· and Ursnu »Is. on »»'edoesiay Merrh in. el t alf pest o'eiOCB. The [ r leeeds of wLien ¦·» ,??,·? to lb·- Inu. Ren··: F .nd. g Bi tent will, the irai Uri »¦ Profe»«.mot th» Present Age pro«e.l by * Re-· iew ut tts \\ t.rklD|f fl Rriorro»'! jo tu Iba Un·» of the ».vanfeliCL . cent». _ Ut 1" CW Tee Pariv. -%nion»l «. perenni e bo were Ln.-d^r".! ·:!»: 1 .. liera deter- Pel rh ··.»>.'. ywrr»hlpi « » BagT of ire ? art) _ p" G?' Ni ni h l.srtl Kelîëf lor Irei .ml. .d r«i¡ue*t \ »»'er.r.orj M<>r«Jev e s. »? IL Luke'· I ·«··!¦· --« 'o co¬ operale with um Catktral t -< ei ttw »uivtac voor of ir· > ? \'·t? I Charle» Fil w«rJ», David E. Wh« ?.] »? Vi eg, ? ? Irf.mi-a. ?. ? Ilex. LMcDonild, B »M f. D U'illlwn Hurrv. Edw'd D Nelsoe, ».K.riy. Kdw'd a J^rtrii·. G- ?>. ·-. v Biranr, ... »s A Repelle. A.L. McDiaisid.jr. Oh.. !' Nalsma, Jes KP'· Joiin T. 0,'vìc, Je« Uaackeohoee, lim. ? (" J.ilinO. »Vm ?. Morti», Oiargon R·, o'rl P. Koodlrk. Henrv J. Knni«. JinieeO Dwyer. I'iia» M CooDolly, Charlo* Harri«, Johl t .1 Haakeu, Lambert «oydem, He-rv Teppen. elee Abra Oreoem, R i'harie* Htrr.· Ja» ii. M.'Adiro. r ' '...ah. : svene. Abs..? P. Bete«, hn Randall, T. ? »G? ie, Jame* O. 1 · > Cf t/oiiiireHih Unrd Aiti io Irelaet.-At *.? ¦ Wl ? og neil. Ms ' s · flock BroaJ- S d'.iiníuut^i »|a al··· TI OS J. »VLHJDa' ¥r. t'helfme-l km -l Gt*~ To ihe l.a»tlea ol >ew-\erlt.- The Com- mille* ippolnlOdle tat r the -eilet m. f.··.-V rxHir of lrei»nd, e»a for cemwmmtmml iciiHhlng ?<· irdeti by te· «hip » .- - ? tor ih» «arnieeu »? -ik thet tljje· very ¡ow prie« al lh«y are a«;d mtv indice m»ry te t-ecurri« ivi »e fiaterà Tliéy fan tmobuined at Mr*. ?? icets't, IH B.»«»cke»-»i. or ai Mr» Chitti »o » ». ??»--. » ·» · ? eiaive Kourlh »L ^^ ítf Í** · 147-To .»leelianii-a nnd W orklaimeii. U creiti, ¡uc.udim tbeir Auils^ii ·-·. Ir kc in e: 1 ci the i.r«- «eat movement il Me,-hauic. « . paaa Sir J U . ·· it^ Hl»u,ry. CuMorfl». »I»· nrr. A »Tic« Mtnersi Resou'· e* ·, -a \i «ite» acii the route «·? i.'te. .aeirk-Oceaa, al meli*, itf th· Mechamce end Trad meu » Sia-ietv, 1". Bt. . ."i-**d»y »ver..-. .?» ina» ¦ ' «vaerei tre tui'v inrttlM IO eilen«! · -.eaaaot carry- in* forward Ih« irreal re»»«* Ti. «- nianaa-l.eJi Tick..- »«¦ real«. ass FEBBÜAI-? REPORT G?7" The ìlulual Hencfl! I.ile lo-urim, , I'·. ill»»... " '.? ?«* G To ttercbeiiis Tf» . MuiutW-turer». 13 ?<« » Agen». ^' ·' · ? ? .. . ll¡ tea Captain»... Mechanic·. ··. tteru-»-»». T»*>er*»r» . »>. aVe-aaior«. Î » ksttm... » -. .... ? Laaie*. 11 Oilier occupatine*.... a ? a-r of e«w po.ii ea .«sued in f .i«* S 4 Prsmtmet. B(Hj. C. Mn.ikk.Sc .a L. LokD Agent. J»me«Si.v.»r· M '». Metical Kitiruimr, at th· «¡tea dei.y fr «u, : ? I o Bmtt,_ml ImisMa»» ?3G Truih «rd ¦*: · .* end all - .a favor of a frre eoli for e fr»i«p«o- - J t ·?«*»G.?*· a beale Rooms, coraer oi Ualaacy eud cflijsl.t t e: haif pa·; .eo Mr toorfanii« Dr. LAPHAM. i H'H\ MiCAFF!l.L.«>»e.JCl«aw>11liS. f rttUKO · rrwrrmem Lm-jmete Broadara) '-rro'e«««,r Li Chi-« w. ^tJ*m\mE¡·"' parüeaiar re«¡ua»l. » new evening «jmr.» . »ul (tent em«o. on ?·?»1·? next. f«twe*>o ike hoar* ol i aad it' o'clock. __. EvW.M»-M-«»«i.v*. »» oJamsday«. Filsteya Tal<»«xi *i, »¿Gm· -mJa»î~aV»· U U »s*-*-·. .·»· ^"¡g^ àXra1a\otZaom, wlU al" J**»'·· **· llTg ol ta»* sa»*· d»j». ficea 4 w » *- clock._ ^^ N B^Tkeam· wtU Sm d«-rvar·· «very day froa» » A M. roTs F M «*· Frormwor. r»»o«-* «U * ae4«¦ tji¡Be above tNiJidlan- ¦¦ ¦ ®·???ta? îioticetî. V ?*? Aid for Irr'and. 'itn'-ír of te« idee ta ef to* ?." ¦ti- .'·.'·: -'.:-· , · j- à».. , -.-:·-¦ . ^^^ G_G Her.-»rtlle f ,?.?p?« pad ? rati iar Room. « o-er ?-»taut s: : Sisean rat.? . . r-YTftrr. ISf In .Mil a r F-«.^deni »;. WIOS AND TOUPEES tr-inii. lat.r's now invented U I«.aad «scalpe «·- ..-..; poi -·: »' -»·--» ·t-. fute art ' W<.;maktnr- TM publie ir· hrtdtad to t_«p»«i_ A iarg· htoot tamii ma- - ? hr WM BATCH· . · -- ? I _«ddfo·» ¡If G_G Are Vea Ulf-le* liver's Pilla i.One of the boM mediare! ????»?t???'? ? know-! ». » fOM r*cöve of t>M »t»*»?. I » _ ' ? '.? k Fi· LIQUID ?-IR OTE G?" ßatrbelor'· Inatanrnneou» Liquid Hair live eierte*· .-.· r-- rrap »ni r»;-.-· .?··? . - ? i»o4 G»-" '* Kaele lor the Prople."' poenloa or ppo ¦ - see-* of in* irta mot ' ? rae» ..«»t Coeiivr- ¦ Moftee r*re- of t War eauui. freere th» »yttem of all oMlruct n. al.ay- > PiH'SD S. rU ? Ijl TAR AND v> ITHA. TV -.· .»¦-.--·«- . ? -- » fft'i« And erentb* premale* of P' bi - -·?_**? . iri"·· '.">nmnk4ré » Prepared only a ? - wboleeai* art r-·« by wyatt t. r · and si reu by B. bneoo, 2H Bro»..-»y. Re V"re Pr a '. -enti » ? « ,-·,. - *»? C**r Ilr. WeM'a Sarai-« lia M \ t H .1 ·»»« ...ivruj» -1,-ated üarsa- -«- « and e H«-r ¦' ' | a -,. , , . ' these arti»· -?- irar«·.·! . . ¦ -ip»-;rnre a, , . .i trial. , remedy for imera- . ? a bra · a and »trenriher . . !B*M . . tiara medy for headache. . y.inn ?: , -. . s' s li · · ti-y lo ih* leslrerl *nd. hy a «leedy. regu »r, »r,d e»ay Ini Hold who;eaaleand t-tall hy WYATT i. RFTCHl'M. g*n*mi ?ß*??·. ¡il Fuiior-tt at reía:, ? ·; Broadway; ill Bleoeker at B. T.¡ J. W. Bmltk ? PaRop aad Crai ar· .veta ?- ¦« - e- -Al 1»-/-'. . , tìnte. VT ?p.Mulinine lini· . »«Mona· Hau .;· are loe Mi ¦ A . «I a ll». ir.lee« it . H»u ila ih.» ibst lus esose 1 ihetn Ut te « ' H»ta P»ru- ir »ile· . . nev, a - rei |wl» G?*" A l.eaaoti ? ? ? ? rtiini.n -, a i ·· a '. .ntratti lo ? of li» (.air. «? ? . . - . 1.) .1 In Kin trenti n Iful arti- «eep» ori hand «p a·- - troni et»!*· prep»·. rdar, M abort notice, Uau, I - I _ri_ ßiieicUaneono NRW NPBING I..10I»-. W r t- WILLIAV- . »r.d «re I îenelve «Mort- met.l ot French, Ine - which »re I_)«l>» Bu a- - t. eck . ¿1 su'.·»·. _-. sreges, lawns, finghims and gi-gbani lawn·, color·-! aed half inourn- inr.bomba_in*».t..aek bareges, and every variety of Jr«»t ¦ ft »roi Je Rliiu·, sud , · M < _s Li Rut .y a Lai V »jder for »»le «· li - ...west tr.nri-. Merr . a rese· lisi t rltsd lo Sl¬ at Wll.l.l \ U«»HI HI.II UHI air \ u A. T. Van BosAeeck, Tho» MeK.I'r. ktHINOTON PuST. ? -«Ideai. A ? : ;»ry. 17* ? <npany roo'.tnuea to Insù re M ? ?,??».·« and Furali .-e. at.? ? aera by fwp an terme M fa - ,·>_ubi» Com- pmy. y .. e _ VI «4 -ClllM. « »UFI TINI'». LlHCR hare roce ed, bv rirh e»» ' . - e · tai. a .- » » Alti» s| - NtMtu-al. ' l> faTKA.tlHl'.T li\\ M H-. ' G- «a a ' imi last, for *. Mr».? boat ser·-, e. for iu* io« '.ergee for I - [»p»-' ~it- ef tM BPBBfPOf lb* »·' G (Il ? Ml HANTS·· oe - » < ml_Bs \_1V t'Otl - ' L W Uft l reer-i count. mi . .. . r I. !»N' '·- I borner be- uig b**'J*}Stl*S ^A-joVrn** rn __¦»__ .oe». «? Met.MM ae»T*e ¦"·«"» Bo«ta»ao-». I*» ¦ '«'?- G"**^??-?> *'** ^?«??G???-?·*·'?1>*» ».'BAVAI- __s Biimsir" C«m»»i*eaw, leaega ape DrUonga, P .ree-venetv. M WM I JENSINOá a CU. *. ¦ _T»wM Si Broteway. A_»riceB Bouci. «jjtiîaatu.*:t. ·#{. ?ß?;.'. r~··-»a.? «eoi »t -ASfif ·»·» arni paté, or tV» srs»! law taavst «m «/te» «Jit·. »\ »ST! ? ? ' · ·. SI V»,· » NTr. y " ·. '? the w«*/- · ...e gsmeral nous··«»»»« «je ae caaaataartct i i>o»«j . i- N , . > J . :·.. taBssmtem ». 1 Broadway, a - -,»_- \\"*>TBI>-A '·*?·.?*?>!« »xpe*»«»»»e»l . " -·· fo tn rafani. Ska mm* anag good cuy ama«*el»?ru Onew-· -1 Dde permen*nts,.tti*ii,.rt «ad rece'»· at · I ni.m Plac· before ¡2 o'claek. . NT t II * ai* by two r**t>ec:»r«i» yoang »» ? -aanbenaaid- ie txher io 4o generai hoe»·- I h*» no ob»»· toa« io town m corta- - Pieao» lEqalre G w * \ > ?11 ' * . g-and a «in. y. . - ai..»g esta of _ ti »NTEII-!-. · mareEe « ekwk «ho em» write · ?v g , -, ' »per.'? haarfwrinng of erp'icaci. wilk rmm« »»· »mi -»lerooce« 11* \t." INTtifi-S » -, by two »»eich your.» women. ** · -o c^ok. w»»h»nj .ron. i-e ether »» nurse or c'iam- bennei.i rvferene·· ? ease -iroedwey _ran it* IVAÑTl l> -d oechmen. who . V 4| · ,.- - ». ai3 It' ???????-? * .: lor li* vert .·. t a.kltn.ierv Or·- · ts pre- ?>A VI.ORI» k ALF.X ANDG? ' 8} ru.-e-e; \\ INTKD.Tn *e'l «r > ,1 ri., ? ? , , noti . ¦1 |fe TO Ml.lì! II »NT**. - tat* a n. huatne·· , IS ? su - tVaot. ¦e. A imall «alary will ? · s - \ PO tt -i ir» r\ OHM ,·"??·p. of ¦ ¦? .. \ ·* .·* ? . Ooaròmp RI NT Hilt HOAKI) -Th·« »«eras « gj»*i houte livery ? ettari ? - ¦» »realtà· ita« to« »ma « , 'ta- snil i-sr ¦. ? > · Ce u»· ».»Tie »??? t»·· J>-nce. wi',1 »1- 1 · " 1 n lib the ,ar¡er« rr · lw ? ???? ????- « r.Hjtii for «" » «? minute·' wilk of ??· City H»!' AJJr··« R »nd R. ih« office N.B. Th« faintly ioti»t not be moving Mai ??» ir BOA It O 1 ? .? .-.» t entura«· etn bete .-ouiir.'dsisvi with p¡»e»sr: re re» »mi board at 201 ? ·¦ -? «. _. * - . í'oohe. BUFF AiVD Bf O- THE li.'NtM.l Ti· ????. lloaarj * » » , . I'a·.- ¦ |j'Xl paper Prtca - . . Count 1 « ¦· ol Irtíii Famlni .11«. < i'» Fi ·· . .ell, a ? -t ' « ? lib ? Ulm ratttma Allem», with Mlhor, ? ihe«. »v. ? Taie* of W ..mer. »Trial« · - i ? ? LIRAI! IM .lE.V WOHKl» ^rlA.ll ? NtttIV The |!·»?.G·. Df Um Routan Ra- - lattasi· or .? Lue LaiSmT, Tl>*< Pimpi·. kr. Ac. Tren*.a' i ? w m Hasllu .-· ?. The Hltlorr of Fraac· trois ta« Earlioat Faru il SiiiIUi, r U 9 Complota .»¿.I ' Ml |||. ..irale.i 1 A'ini Kitu (Tal·· ?¦-,- Maria J. Mclnuwli, author of T«*o Live*. Le. Aneweuitli.' ' ·.· * fc «ruentery Principle« ,t ??« ism; llntatralat wilk ntmerouidta·· K«i.v. t-Jmail p." »el -oum-.? UJ »nd D' mg, ·»!::. Pr·) er«, ihe .fe rbrlstieu By Jeremy T«v!or DD A new«, 1 .'.loi I vol ?. ¦ mms »? . c Hone . r not, H »a .-j » ¦· Marcarel Percerai, by ih-· euui».r ,.f An.y tlrrtert, Ac. i vola il Je, or sarei fc-?,?? uiy, er Five - ...?», y « i »PLETÓN a ? ., »dwar RECENT PrjtiLICATiOMS ity ? and Fo« f»lco #3 Ta, Au-nr«: C m-óie. ByJ. K. el tVBt, J. Peuldtr.g. One rol. ? ,s- si - Uy Philip !' I Mrs ? '«. VV«Jter »nd J. J·«·'iet«, rill . a **. Pier», B»'.cony «*·· ??????»;·, I - -.·..-¦. pert- VVltEl «.PlTNtM i.,¡ Broedwey. ? > olorae II. ol New. I- Til» I.if· of ? Holy Jie vol * MAP ?G MEXICO. J- .- ,ed »ravts- .am petroaijeii uy tu* t ni'· a le.t ??·μ of ?·? '»ni Ih· ^~KV» ? -«· .1 l'I MI.Il · VIO\»t.-FI*TH ? «? .11. MALI. A ; s ,.·.-. ·- » .. Th· Syren » tlj f.. . Lim Boat. * new ieri Mountca Boy. s beau it!-j. ?»* »>i| ¦'¦ ? » t-.e ?·?· Pain. d«rlirata »f ·« Kam Avary : io· Her. I Waa» j :. H . I >!^t.. uy Bene,iek. afte UoNNET AND OAP RIBBONS. THr' ¦»: Bail H.BK... .-»t aa*orim<OI re; »-J Oat I*"1 "" ».cord - that p«irpe»«·. M«nv t ih· »ivi·· ara af i.i* owti_ . up. end iBipor'· . .i>r hl*owra trad«. To tho*· wb-i have oarer «»emine.! hl« »uxs would lav-, tail «in«are «a «rurl· offency, ? », , .em tao« that if thejrkave the right -. ay ·· · ... r, -. ·"--.» . »1 »ma. gas ? . . ,-..-. ...-. ,- io: ? e·.· Wh. . IMlTIIÜ tr'r' TKI» mmtSBt BtT ? icy X »cover»/ « ? e 'J A by the atasiimeturer. ?. ? HAMXOMD ·. .. * ? y ai.ù Coac^-rt-ii, estH«r*"f( S^wari it" -, r. '¦' · -- ¦- -- ··. * ..· ¦- »·- . -JÜosp. t'ea»- * aaeorunetll of Oa Mer- d Crtaam, «am« djobi· dun. ,·»! C-oiorr»«. Ar. of oor ?«a-a nmr-nfa-·'¦ »- »!!.'w«t«* TO ? o>Ti: iii'..·tu*i . · eitJM04Be»or th·«·.. -port, arîtil th· le-ith Bay of Merci a -".d to Iram/iirrl. ebosri n»»n ; rrüe» Tbe the lesi of Mir-a, . : -..·'..:. *·.??. ». ¦'.·¦ *l¿ ---r · J - -.??aa of *' <'r« o»*t£i«; gtvea aa . Bnd G BliHOP k MILLER. .»¦'aal«*.»*_ 7«ÄKlM»I.K . ??? II . Todi« lUaemr < »ia an.! tgurodi of «np-rioreutilty, far aal· et dm low*«t tra.-««t prtraa «? the w«r«»aoas· of ir «e*i »..? J. . R -- I». -. Maitoa-laisa. Jl ui.__ DOOM SrKÍMW-A, aaaar iuTprZ-r* omrie · -mut Door 9p»-*B#e.tor oem, wboteeo.» e»i r-toll bv^^Navarart Itkiia sUntmr Maoufa-iarinf Ceeasmiy .W «Bmmw>«>TCs^|tmmvatw.«#»A>*4 _A-a-.CCB-B.t-B RELIEF TO THE Hi. HtANDS ?G~" ^t m ? t\n. - . e>TT£RTAi*t. O BENT wtilM»~enet be ? Morirne.·,oe MONDAY March ». Co-Mirr »· or A». B' lieo. ? ? » "ibb, " tip faMlkofl. loia Coiri-tnsra, tiewrg« PoUock. i»A JiteB-t -er. V 1 . .......... ? ROBFRT«ON Chulnt-M. M.Fki·»·'« .-·· e;»-y Ptl «ira. * tataearas Tao Ct__fuae oi Ar-artgertacls bara marca, uaeaacmg ..'-··. . ' e rr· -e« - - tawoi be»·, ta toe UnJe·, nui a»oat liberal -M-BM tootr «Tuatlloo« »er-*c«» Bra STRONG hm· FEAR-ON , TVe ALl.EOHlN.'l»«·» Mr OK«) LU.n-R. Br. AlrsTlN PHILLIP"» Mr TIMM. Mr FFAR> Mr. ? FEAR.aON Mr. WHITNEY t-nrarranaser .? the P»*u. Oraioraiod Sutesox-n ot Arne··. » Mr.CLIREHCCH. ».d «overol otear am» iati r», ,T-* _hol« aiia-gooieoi u-.u»r tie d.r*--_oe ot Ut. CLlREHc OH. ? »eia Ve »au. to be badatali Uie J . ai tM *attoM Hot»!·.ind ai tao fbi' placee ?- ? . ¿ Broedwar Mr. Fraser Art l'otot). Broei»sr Cha», S F-tnei». î5tBr_»dw»v Mettra H k B. R»»- W I Bowery. B t » · , « Dr Caat*e.3s| Broadway, U. s. Orno, Boottelier. 114 V..gaib-«v«eu·. Oeo. McNelsb r? Cedar eci John fin a i Rente-« Dr. Dodd. 8 roveri*-··. Mr. Boil. Rosi'· Hrad, Fulton-el Mr R*voolda. Marcer H rar Binom· a·.. Pa»:! Hair. Ml Mere«,-«.: Jorio Russa. Oroeer. "pnof-el Dr f'oUf ¡as, corner La:(hi an<t Urceowichste ? V Mil··, Book·», er». I Beepdwp|, Dr Bar nett, int· Bavard »?, ? Caìdwei. Haker. IV Bavard-si. .aid lsrra*ra, lohnst.; Mr. Thorburu, John et P -ler-eL; C »'k k. B'own. M s'dee· iene: John Scoti. yèrorer, Naseea M and Bf Mr. John Black. 37 L'.spras'd-·!. lo wbota all a for ¦ a supply of ticket» tray be ruado. Door» open at bali· past d u< roameaeo at half-past 7. mitt_ SOCIETY LIBRARY. ..«sta »soto»·'.% ino ? tostai· st MuSDAV RVBBlMO, March aad everv oUai CHR.a Dnsine: «n.l pop ilar R»od of MIMSrRELS Wbose recent. nocen· al th* A t.uer· gBV* wich unbound- *»1 se:;sfs»t1oii Adán - :·. Conrarl o com» inenceet"! o'· ori C-.ahg» ? programm· at each ro- pre«entaiioa. m* Iwte* AMERICAN MUSEUM· fOlIl SPLENDID Pr.RrOrlM INCF4 DAILY--IB the tnomi'i«·. at tl o'rioci, ;n the aftemooe alt. in the e-*mng at 7 o «rack, and again at 8|. Poetltvoly ? » Free Lut *xc*pt ihe Fr*«e. G·*" M ¦nap io either th· st« perform« FI s EEAL TOM THUMB. ihe sritaiisat Man in Miniature tn tM known world, weighing only KIFTHFN Pound·, who hm bran patrop- CROWNF.D HBJ of Europe, aad been seen by over S^'SiO persons .lace his ntera M Amer·-. G??ßμ??? let,· t>* »**n Et KRV MORSI Ni» FROM i! TO O'CLOCK On tb* platform In one of the main Iu «of the Museum, Iu --» tord ? ? I popular rarforaasaera, tncludtrigais CITIZEN» DRkSr», Iu whi, bowl reave Bieter-, Travel·, ke. »Ir.g a variety of Song», dance t a». Hornpipe. *' - · . . na of ?????.???, FREDERICK THE OREAT.ORECIAN STATI F.S y ».'. He »i'.laUo appear m r·;» magli KRKNCH COI ?G HIlKM wore »?'r* L.aits l'i pe h e of the French, aad all lb* principal Courte of K'irop*. After which he will ap> peai ? bia BEAl'TTFl L SCOT! H COATI MF. In which be will lenco tM H .HI.AM» ?.! VI. Ac. Ae. TMMAtlMKU'FNT THF··! M- Queen Reads at Europ» will !N THE iPTRRBOOR FROM ... ,, .. «· -' ..e,-iur» Room IB a vp· > ?eft!on with Arm in II G. in »ai» a. II >'· ¦>· k. THE GENERAI « MIM «? RF. F v. IFAG1 ¦' » < r* Uie achnan · ... sir-eu daily. GREAT WFetTF.RN dtaa. ->s « V\ HEELER snd u Llf.M. ANATOMICAL VEN - ..·. il li . »tra. M »DAME Kitt kW Fori Aitmiiu mi Ih ti» paiiiieui .. a.lroie- alon. |*^ 11.· piibile tr· reepectfully Infor.led that 0»nct»l Tt'MTIH MBwtl, termina'. ·>.» tot . ver mi - a tote· Halt tei prtn.-ipel tmerlean es, snd .·,··· al ini« lo a ?, ? «? -p parted. ______ ? T. H IHM M. ÍF 4.1. »IO*-· iM'KIt * lltll ««K.C ,;,·,?·*?·»_. ÌT'H.4" DAY EVENING Marri ?- >»i_norina C. BARILI.W , · l.iiu. BRADL Books may »bad «; ili» ?. ? offire. 1st lier une» »nd parquette.B, 'Sì 2d Iter . Private bote« tor t persons.lì ¦«, " ml ' .?» "? . Oflea tutu i" a. M. un ? ? lallv. ini Pert- , --? ?? 7 o'clock ITA I,I VN Ol'l It 1 t \l{|> 9 rill reapecifu y anno neee ? - »¦· sauf ih*Op»re, »? · 'h »a ;; lake place odayoaat. Ma Opera ol Lombardi ad Hl·'.»». ¡laU *'U- nonna ? tea. ?'e of III« greei Maestro Manna. "FoecMdaiaD lisp, " »a·, ««ton she m ... , a | ,- er.esVIo- j P»rform»r, »od Ma-.o "'¦ ?'·, al the Plano Forte._mi THF' 4\M 41. Hill « - · VVaahiuglori Brau Beul will take piece »? toa ? Balera. Ill Brood War. OB BondB] Ih» Orchestra wl 1 M full aad ette,· 1 ni »ss Bsnt «lii perfora] ¦? In'.ermission in lud uniform some select |t'*c*s of music. Por parileu.ars ara Ovalar M liercm» ?!'*»:» can b* pro il e..f ,>( »?? uisinher "f the Rand, or of M. ?. Dingle, 67 Bo»» er» Iti»' ??ß?G TAI ('HT. vVi h _u f-tHiy »rd repld ? ro«-ree«t."n. M DL MSDAY l-s.' ledi*· and geo- euien the Uul'.ar, Ulngltig, Pianoforte. Accordino .id Mollo. Terrnsree«on»hle. For ««le, » superior .·¦ U.iHsi« |r,~tllone. end Violini Apply at 42o Broadway, four doors abov» l anal·.t._ms uval TWOOKTIIK--IIK>TI._nKNsohs.e-o~eiT iBgaader« ."rr*ldewltb tbaiaaaner, who i.a*ahou*ep»asaaiiy<luiated. Addle·· ailhlsofnee. 'po t?- it mit«» . m f M-PBitotety 1 Berte»! will and loBMi a Meal d«*tr*ble ralsbliih· Bent for l.ov«, r ear o kpf ., i0 BUB ERT Al>A!is»l ?. I) Pine.? (IF Ik- eUor, ?.·,.?-?»?<1 | aCHENOK'S PULMONIC 9YR0P THIS 111. "Uifour yeart BMS I was taken wllh a , »nd of r»uiog thick aeuer. »nd j I Mlhlag, pun In the left aide, fe»-er »nd nigle »weeu. lo»· oTappetite »nd atrenctb ». . » a»te ? «*»y -,e.y Iprtnti and Fall I would ua»* an aiu, ¦ ' · I, aa Irati mild noi woik eaeh* I WOPM ^«t mueh wore«. I had :h* »i- - or four dirt-rent phy»-.ei»n» from whom I received no Mo*Dt. They all aald ihat my lung» wer· badly afTecteil. The Is»; one thai e»¡_e ¡? »e» me, »oumied in* ; he «?..., a · ti-ad and »ai d, one loa»· w»» sound, «nd ,·' wasted »w»v He prescribe) some sle> ad ? -, -nVi-t ti ali, »od he never came lo aee me again. Al Hit· I was loduced to ·.-; 'deben, k a P'ileonic Syrup. I did not receive any benefit from li un¬ 1 bad taken ihre* bottles, but apparently got woreo my cough we· t'gbt and dry it wa· wttn great difficulty thai I Could get tvreetlt. Mrftrtaods. ». *.-:r»»m/»elf. tb ??,hi mv time wa» »hort in ini» worid. But all at enee I was taken with one of my violent spells oi si/hlng, wlien something g av. way. and 1 raised, aa near aa 1 cantali, t · · ,o-ly m»u«r »nd r irruption. Ih« moti borriti.« ali.* I ever ss.v or «melt, froto that t'me I K«in*d »ery f«.· ral«'ng more or >·· iued taking - ?????? I '.«.I laaen ? eni*»n botltaa At Ll · »idered s »gain. Tblt was ·» the feilet IMA 1 '.··'- re*».ne.i flesh »nd ever »inca Thutssplsln, . ..*, and u the truth. Aay person ?*· » -si all upon me at my r-sl . New·, rk. UM HOLDER Prepared by J. H. Kill ? ? ? a »I fo* «al» at bla priu- » York ?? Bo'itli tilth at i-.d i 9i»ia-.t. ? · ?.»o tn»y b-oWlr.-' ·. » i *»y 121 and .??'. ? Emi Br u. way; 47Í Bowery ; 17» and 44? . rerawich ·;. N Y endl-Utand·· ?«, ?raer Fa.toe, »od Cranberry tu. Brooklyn .ai Moeiig >ni»ry-»i Jersey Cuy. BP of agosta ia ail parta uf tM L'nited Biete«. Fieeae remonter that P. M Beeama. u M longer aa .seel of mía*, end iM prjL>ri«t»r will not be rrapoMlb'e for sny medictM purebaseei of Ihm. m he m longer rails th« renulee Scheock'· Pu.ouMtle tyrap. M________ J H.SCHEIeCE. MON'THLV RBPOBT for Febnavy of too Be- York Medical and Surg'ee. Itunueo, f5 CbaaiMrs-si. C'swrs r»r· esefVty tmliS t Riienmails.? i Caaraof girati , D.arik-ra. ile..· ·.-: '. Pain in '.he «ida 4 Bocowd vraorral 1 Abdominal (Dop- "> Qì.i of loag .y. »r«ndt_( ti Primary rhan· 12 Sore eye·. ere«. I c«m* of iMpo- tect 'il»e»sssof' '.Primary coti-i toner. »amp. on ! J Blotch«·, ven». Cases ot wn .-axateai, reel, on »kin idling art too 1 Bid c«»»s Of] .'Dleehar-i» from won.. and; Craig lung. »ar bearing dowa| I Caee lateral eur! 2 Partial deifniss. pilo« perfectly iti.r» of the li Drs*et*ry "1 »pi·* under1 2 ·'· --.i~i » C*». - r*att»_atot. Ibr»e_ ? 'lii-tn a«, wank < I Dtoeaae of the One: 'Chror. F.«ar« . Rid ri»-· ., ? .1 'oeg : ? lion f .he » r 1 Feactur- of*· 1 Larce abacera« ] Polypoe r-??.,? tihtaaninnara neteed tinder Pract-re of toe toe ana. red.u«. : - nram sa manara -it-dt-f- j 1 Timor ressorte fruai arm r .t.rt »r, ù Sireeai.a» eu red laore- a 1 Brlstocaaos re. doced, eeverai -- ed from tao rectum. . Am.;, » ?. Mea from toe tag. î aprale« of tne «elari«- ivo·' Mkle- Ms remorad. I I eaerrai warta 1 OperteiM for ? One-ru-uae for ssjbB Phyams-k .".- .·-' ».:·... . '.· ,e HOMtA BtJMiV¡CK.e/l> .·:* Fhyaia-Mp aad Bargeop. A llOOWtlKTir* Create Dónele/ Braool, No. 441 a-.BrrjosMs-st trar Broadwey. New Csiem jnmfvrm· la». PrTT·-» taeeoru si ar.y lire., derin tM day lor "" RraowaFotoa Maioaraa. Cinq Tempe, Tarramia.W ? ttepdetará'· Ciaran en Tu«»_ty. Fi.ay or Tteri aMPimraaTPv«_ÄfroraTtailA_ _____« La-Msr Classe· « Ta-sdsy ac- Aa-trJsy fr~n 1 io PrartMtn«·!.»'.!*»· twice » neo·11- |1J 3MÉB ñsTl'atít »?"??:???.G?·.-? targo MsonrwM m eau ? (ned «ad ur-atio-j Pap. Hs-gingS, ebflteB BMtern·. by toe caso or «analtar s a astra·* mtate-w BAB-». BlCHARDaAP_ATT.a»Broo4way. I i.WTBB AM» JPO-IFTOe· Gß??GG??G? l! ire« woras. ? Saagratioe. ?. Y «ad toa Poraptoa Iron Work». F cept-re, IO. are ta full oporat-m. Order» (jr roua-, aqoare, tau band. aero'J and hoop trop wl.. M ¦WBptÎT aracela ri. oa eepAcaileM M ».-.-_ JOÎE?_lT.,e.I»_L_R a-WesH- _mUtflitTH tsatU·,_ B__ JOtlAH"RICHARDt. Atrctloaaar. \ BAM:»», Kit II 4KOw 4k TlATT-*ara*t Bmaalar,. _l.¡t>«aai. C»»k AJvaac·· m*a4· ee rsiaalga- .seau ?.» Aaeo.** Saie· rORTT ??GG? Ni»» YOB* TRADE BAJLE- MONDAT Marca XX. Al · (»-elock ?. M ¦ r»Ti«»»«Y._sit», ,^ß?G fy+to taiw arlU earn- líf**·* *·*» ¦*»»*· tat, w*m teeBiailmwry Cem.»-fw». i^^ÄJJl-T* mf*mnV» "««y'·"»-rf «¦£ lath aad Aa»- caa »nil«airi, taeyty ertlflae. ¡ »té i»-·· . -.«a,, rara*, etaeamì um '.-..*.. «aa..·* a larga eaaniretaat af biaak booh*, ?aaa t-ook» »oal meat > . .»..».»« «ax s*w «ei·».. ir.»»*a4. » «? t ·» »r*miv«Arle,y. A so. . chore· am.irTata.1 rapa, Itaiurm·. lolkirlsri «.iiBed ami gaaaime«, osr«. two. thro· «ad t«»r .¦. Aleo, »? 2 .'t;.·! ? M biaaier·· kmmmt TlsWOAY.Maroh ?? Booav.Oa Taaaslay. Ml AM. ik*sateot «MdB· wai naMiissrJ oo«»rmttam «au.y al Um «am· «arW.aagifi «lag with the larf» · «a*ItmBsm tVcrn Ufa.. La* ila* « - » -eue»» e-ii etii-.*tr* lavokcaa far· Me··-» Linas ? Brown, Moaré· A tranci·. Ort·« » Co Caray k Hart. Thoaia« Cownenhwalt a Harper k Broskarr*. Aorta«*-*. Bal·· B Co. AjUri.« a toc. Prati. »Viajdforsi B W- ktao. Catar a Co. Crock·» A B**w*ter. Hogaa h Taoaapaoa. G. S. Applvtou, Lta*J«ey a B.BkistoB, Bomactoa k Ha«w«.i.Ac Be tti,iAv|i aad very «xt«e«iv« e»a»l»:«tp«et of .hoic* aad »ihmBaf« 1 ...'a* Bas» FR1DAT. Min. ai. P. M. Srti« 'Tvri Pt-trst .Thi» dey'· t·!· arci invi«.· ««v- waSl of My sets oi «Blueki· *t»r«a>tyca» piato«, le wh*«e ih· eiteoaoe ot puh:'»k«rs ¡s reepeiiuu'.'y isvitea. em- braciag maey deaireM· work* ?.«o. copper pieu·· eaA ty··. 1 .* Th· who.· forming Use meat exurtalv· «rarie«v of **¦ «trebla «tock «v«r cmaraà ai publie mm, mm to »usa w.tbvHii raamrv· *.· A^etary Caiaafc»·· 1* ta prop« rail«; ß ail »i r·· ..».·?1 on lh· tjr.i «»» of «u« (a-vie«· fer m*·» »ma mil. tm tecoivaU uotu Msmtay. lBta. ? COLTOM. Asuttla«·«». BY P. lOLTOM, Aitettoa «osât Cnmtm«ili» Ma.»he»< .ttora No· US ruiuti «t.i Vt Aaaau -Liberal mttaa ce« <aad· .»n Ooode «libati for art val· aal· or at euctloa. aal prorapt rotura* «Sade tait-doo» «alai o. »«rory AsMctpsloa of roods puociiieòy ettoedad loaad ro«r»eccfV,.lv «oak had MONDAT. Mftichl. At H Df'o-t, «i t Attor-aier·. aaot Broadway Pcaiivca« -TB* »euro fu reitero of in· txmie In» of «of«e»cb«ire, ioti··, baro··«, taabofeey rcaraasra. iiaikteg it »Met. had·irs.'t. fsmtlmr Ned». uKUreaae·. car' · . ChMaa, osti«, aad hall lamp«, g.rarKtol»·. kail «Sm. mat» .-arra*i». paloni «crow beaUiead·, cúrtela«. eàocAs. c-iin« «si giernvrer·. couatarpaaa*. Mask*'.·.·*,*»·!· ceti·· rr. »tore« aad «tinroo, Anchoa foratturo. Be. Be. TlKsDAY. Steti. At ¡"4 o'clock, ei IM Bvw*rv, ««er Bart·..·. Th· cotten'i of ¦ lir«e Tarood end Nonti· ata Vaimtg Si-ire. eooelMlag oflhreaJ. oa* ta great variety capae, M ara, capa, glove·, borery. ·»*·! casroa«, pocket books, lace*. riDine, nutioae, «hslsim«». nmty «oo«»·. log«ik«r with every artici· usual y foaad t lar«· reía!', »tor· of . '-«-??don. Ateo, glaa« ea*«·, A* £c Ar , . t*kt, · _."vl »«coed hand pieao forte, made by Dubots·. Bacca k Chamhar« Prie· lim. Al prive'« «al·. 1 vry Be· oaiomaix. LorJ on mot«. CCIt.A.»IBKMl.AIN, AICTIONEER-Bior· Ito.· . Spruce-si. L;!a»rai aslvaace· rn*,.» :. Oood* i-ooslge .d for privet« «ale, or to «old «l eacinm Hui tnor Mue· c«r»fu..y «ueriJad lo. end respectfully »oIWiunL fioatpt return« made. THIS DAY MONDAY. March 1. At lt> o'clock, at » Spru.-esL ? ?μ·? «ei ? » Su» oi New Fteairves, kc. compii·»»,« t meho««ny eofaa, 4 barwaus, « m«*o(»ay itila», ta m»r* tm top »of» lebl·*. «arerai taeho«eay ria k«r·, .¿?* deot« loi »eci>ad-h«ad furnilu»·, Ae » I·· I lai e emhor welghiM akonl 7 owi t>EUROS. W. CUKDIC.CoMStOa-l· TCESDAT Mere*». Ai lu o'ciock, M Ut Broadway. Meato»·« Sti « of eli ih· righi, lille »ad UiisrMi «Jaiuu«, R. Denteo, ot. lo end u> la· low lieg mjktat _PEO. W ClllBlC, y for MortgsA»»»)· Bk JtMt.1 Tl. vtTLe_Va--B<^a No. 78 Meld·· leo« it J.wjr to ff«. 1 laWtv-et MONDAT. Marchi. At 1.' o clock, al ih· Merehanu' 1 ·, l.« n- mama Of the carnai Mock of lb· Maryland MlnUà» ti is«< of th« I».li.I« of the Merylentt Mining Company 1er of ih· Truiioe·.The ihr*· «lory brick tona· « Il dg·««. It» .eel from lb· ?-???a? of Broom·, Loii^ k] it»',·· »Im uw lui of lind idioinlug llie euove, kuowa M Ridge-eL Lot by I'll feel Tw«oiy-fit»i »t .»» ill be *??·), that lot oferuuod Ike u r«n «Ideo! Twenty «<*t HWl*»n ih« flfih aoat ttklb ti«M ». an I known .m a atan balooglug la Mary tiriker. aisle by T.. Do i«li v. Mb. ti HJ3, by id· No. 4, bounded 1'v.etity hr*t«L «ui hi No. V north In the roar bv No «mi by No. 3. Kein»; «( front »nd rear by «J foal Is '.lcheade·!' sale posiiiv*. TI -».''ti ?«·«* ?? I") o'clock,ai the «atte Ti ?·?.1*?-?«a*. Boots. Saois and Bko«ans .loon eia·« Itoots. tao·« «nd broi(«'it, ron.istiBX at «vary variety, tutiable for «i.Miihero, »Veaiero end city ira.!«. Sel« ???a????· THI KSDAV, March II, ?? l")o. ,'ick, at 111« «lore· of lilliiiien, ttinuU k Co J Bad » Perry·». «.?«*-' siile« liomiiKk tanned soio leather, with oibn aru ette m ?!?· Ho«. AfCLAKI.IM, ml Pearl *i up tiatr». toasaaumlon . Merchsnt for th« ml· of Boots, SLoes and Broftaa E, Jt'HSÜON will «all at lb· ».??a of A. C'«7lt·, on »VK'.iN...1DAV. March 1», *i It o'rlork, A. M. «DO earn* Ikihis shoes snd lin gens. reteprlmBg a large aasorvamm of frc*h and ·«*·, uofil« goods UK Id» »VM. ti. JONE·, Aui-U.moaw. BOUT- AM) NIKIKN Hy D IVtjrRiOLLh CO »lora IQ P«i·'.-·» oa »V«.lo«».i*y. Mereh 10. el lo o'ctork. MM cesee boot*, «sto«· ani brogaae, eultablB for * hern, We«t«tn and city trate._atti ?? I.KIM 1.1t- INU ««lllt'FKII- I K.« -R' ¦- at Au-iioe-OIKARD, BKTTn k CO. will .«.. thi» .ay. Monii*y. March i, el 11 o'clock, la front of llieir Mor·, rum«» VV'eil aad Proel SU. Ri«·. lib tierce« rie·. B>«'»'ly oi ane ijuaiii) ino S'lilenl· for retelliug. Ali p*>rfsKil)i ...q'i.l ami Hi »erfeci otilar ral Ut-ai (fetale. M TO l.r-.? ON « tlUI.HKA-mUlAMJt -The home tit \»'e»l Tvraaltath-al. froalUig ou Chai*··. .qiiar«. A'.o. the boii«e mo »»'oat Nmaloautb «L Als·» su.»· »nd Jw«liiag luv Nlnth-aiwoiia, oaa/Cbasl- ire, , - *.·.·» aiWIiavl with ^AAntluiaa, koad - »¦ '"· chandail·»·, ke. »n.l I* wad »tluaiad for the roofeciloeary or feocy (<»ud» ba*laaaa. Tkw «I wailt*»« fari «erf »ps.-'.ou», rontaiulug *laie«ii rinMa». »ud wUl !«t «aparáis dur ili· »tor·. A eu, tlwadjoiulng houae and elora 1II, bow occupied hj Th'.triM R. Clerk. Apply ... m.' leti D- A. CC9HMAN, ItM Paail «I ¦ TO I.MT -Jee«r*ou Hail, N'.nil· »»'»rd.-lThe'lfir·· .tory brtek houM corner ut lludtua and Charlee »?* known e* th·" Jaffarooo lleii, «nd for many .rears pasi the o«roocratlc Head «Umrtme ia the Nairn Ward To a good and «su. ··· I, · tanaiil lb« tana* wv; hai fBVor- .'.i». The hulldtaf would he enlarged and lmpr.,*«al to becoaie on· ·? the m««t «pacioti« ta wert, tro a »«? ··..¦¦ -. I.·»,.. .id otTar. Apply to ml twtt R ||. »VINMLOW, s. Wait··» k SIS«! e AT rHIIATK WALK The ihre« slory brie« ',¦··;«« an.) leooa of lot In Cllosori pia*·, llighih ·*. oa the cornar of ,,r«ana-*i. lot ¦ foal front «at rear 'yiaif-.i. La··· from Balio,*'Huuf Herbor. w Uli tea·«·»· Aito, III« Ihr·« »tory kflth bou·· «ad la·«· of la« of, Ntntfi ti. on Ken lei peca, edioinlo« ihe ebo*-· lui oo reA roar of r.'.iehth si Poi iiariUul·.· eoaly io ANTUO.NY i. BLKECRa.Il. Aocuoasmr. «i» lw _ ? ? roed « ßTÔ I.KT -ÀWiiruitlmik»«.··. Th« edvitujâr wotipj llk«tor«i«ln itmSd »lory or noi ?,?.?? eoo«? u>u«r«i would Ilka lo !»a*· th· boa»· ta re*poa«tbla hasts, (hare «re «Igln room« who larg· peo ri·· aad a od·» col lar Croio· w«i«r ihrousli tk· bona·. rota tow and raualrad In advene·. Inqulro at ». Twaaiy-tlain-at. «oat of Llrma «lnt>e»«ama at* lw* . TO LET, IS IIMOOM.I.V*« H«e taro iterT btajseTI IIeery-n. ft mmaioa walk from il»· fwrry. A »». / dmarabl· locaiiun Larg· yard, ¦ iMarra, arafe vina, Be ke. Baal oely BBfM). latjulr« tl Vt oka·». q»· If_JOHW A. f«E»VBOULP ¦ ItIIIt WALK. G?« u,.»larn lhr«a*tory lyrtifc bvstaa «nd lot *1 Bavaa'h-«L The Lvotisa Ie foot tlreer end he« ib« Croioa wat·» la It- Kor pi/lieauAr« agv ply on the promis«·or of G i BECK, «I Ws »t ntl«r* . TO l.t-T-Helf-f e lest'eJt- I"·· »· la Lalghl* Kamt.»" «l'Imi Coaaiii, b->x ?4.6 P.^t'JiBea. _m»lf_ «mj TO LET Th· i,»^em*oi aad cellar il levee· - tpply »1 The Tri'iune oCc·, or «o ocoROP. i PR'CP- 'M r,«mBroadway TO I.KT-A part of üm w«ll known ?..«op Panati. the Towo*h,p of |4»wv,wp, L I. iw i rail·· from ihe Wllilami'iuri-h ferry oo lb· Turnptk·· R.«»U >odmg from ih· Pean» Brt.ige ui ihe vtilage of ttewuiwa. coa t»ir nisiai·« forty aeroe of lillahl· «r.d aro ihtrty KrM .codow Tm·· U oa Uba ?-oiia·· a lor«· Com - 1 willing bou··, «a .ie«li»aihara,c«i»»«4)»hosu· w r ,t !,rl.»r oerilculere Inijelr« *i tbe *(>r· of JOHN ? ^1 ¿NON Y Ita tornar », ? ?_m» >t- 2A KAMM ?? ?.?? or lo »mm. «a BAala· I«s»m*l, 'iire«',i«ri»r»ofaei.-» irosi PortRicticw-ad. Ia»s«lr· . Aaa-aK. ml lar* *i HAT«. TO »EU AU tot «1 ai MILU 3«.-·"/-.u. Howe/i li ne»..Bot a.» .tyi« (or ??? now rood* ?a r jmpiUsr« tvtlJb iSm «som, il· Nltrrlbsr lia* kfeM .»¡"odiicosi tk· temi ttaajB >r t***·,' «iiaa»'· Hei*. TU*y «r« po»!'lv«jy u tbey er· rmprmaaotmà. orné eomMnlng «lasiletiy . f aad ,r .?a,? y. BB»*MsmT* wuh ta«- fi JiL mprovemeot» iba trlamiioe·. iheir .opatr'oriiy la ·>. fcTO ??>?1????? OWÑBMst. ?.·*·! f ,,j aja will rae*tvad M th· (.»Il ·> o « York aad £r> Railr,»*4 Compaay. ? oui oi Il.v».. .iu. Tosmday, Itmlru. met, Iwr tb« .iraui'n .»i hi vie« 'or io win« oargaa tnr «em m«a ta«, c< ajoMneiBg oa ta· let of April Mil A »p«a*lncalfcOB <4 lha DAUtire of lit· eawic·, aad fad e«p.«r*ti»*o«. «ill he fb.MMd «' ÜMBlMtve oltce J. f. Clarkaoe. Agaat. ml Iwu_H C. SEYMOCR, a\ip«»rl»*iecd»i»t. m. ???? 1,1 ? ? for Albany on 1 fi troy via %tAt-to.,t\ tad Hoa»«toaat Ka .rood .Tb'oa»h by 4«y,l(tal.Cei.« . · « ai ·.. 'r.iri A M U.i¡..¿ ¡Mloal - ,.».-.¦ Ka »o·!';«·!.*·«!: reia-liarçagnoiH w!'ji hea.y H reu fro in .rM/'-nort Kttk« V»'»*i«ni Raulrasd. The aaeamooal MOLNTaIMEKR v»'- M. Pimía·. leave· Uta fool of Market-·!. K. B. fol t rvlrepor», «tally, SI «. o r.o.a. ?. M No frolsrht ta»·. la Urn Pimmgi» Urn» /» take aa tart «? ??«4»·»?-^!. acd artxhcral eaaat· oi «-a/· or bog«>«·», arrtv· la AJheat- «am Troy ai S i/r;,<| f. M. New cer» *o¿ toeomothr« .«4·«« tm·· ho. Rrorured. «oat ta· road U '-» «very rmaert «ejual to hat heat Hoglar.J raavd. ota froifai Lia· by«iiamar« NIMRODaat ECtVEKA dalfy for farJier pv-cuiar» inquire et Uvmado« A WeUefa E«r*r»M Otic·. Ito. ¦» Wali-st and »l Um otk· oa Mark·! «? ?·· i,, _n m prxav. » «*,l iiiVvmn ¦ ¦ m-!__ ? ? ¦¦ «- VALI AHI.E Oll, PAIxTIMil kr «ek, > v i>ranuaiiO.. Palcuag· roprearouag fr·*· was·» ·«·. ¡«hiag 'CKJta, W.ih eagiiug trama la th· dleastee feet" picaro« tr«auv«aeiiy fraated m the laumt litt, «a»! «' · pataiet by one of Ihe eeM («me paia«·»· la«raau) f bey wtl, sa» «·>»? low il apoitasl .< tratta Bat Iah tawM. JUktN J BROV'AI k CtJT tatiBKuio.n «t near tie·»»· Pitr.VAH f. >OK UTUy WMATMmV-TB· H«w«rt ladle ?^«»?«? *taaatk^ariM^^mta, tai« the '.araaet aad ke·» s»»aoT»m*avi of India aVabtr·» Ukaaa to bafouad In th· eoamtrr, rtraatoür.g of «»rer> vertoiy af iad.-w' tod »-eaiiJesrM«.'» Orw«muee in tiri, laamismaaraa ·>>,·>«>· G-»»" --»«AihV rmmrnt *^mB4Bt bo« U «t^ffHrTwltn :o.»i or k«s eaWud by the teat. kZ ai^rj Amttrimlam ai taxai ami «ret-», arooi , ttttV*ta?~**¡mmt\7mm letatt. Trmtar. areIr-Aaoam ca ? «md siiBkN c j lUXX tmfor· BarctmBmsJ Bimwsmr·, Wir«>«Mt»1*l«b»i _ êYl tmr A»fl.AT»t lOLOsxJUt CAJ|BaUC#-A

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1847-03-08.ogg-or,¡»tractor Be, Benjamin 1 omeri v. lor fea DiiUlct sud ofthe Revenue lor Stonington.Ct. Dtfutn Coiìtttor.U. ' V Dashiel,

Appoiatstirale by iba Ptwaipeui,?» trad srttA .As e./ri-v eat- p>*µ*? of far Sentir

i^eVo ?«"·'.(l " '"r ,ar tribes of

BBBratáoWUnpra M.-.,...??.???ß???»/Curto·»-.'ar port oí

ogg-or, Be, Benjamin 1 omeri v. lor fea DiiUlct sud¡»tractor of the Revenue lor Stonington. Ct.

Dtfutn Coiìtttor.U. ' V Dashiel, for the port ol S»·

Mm. TelB-jL.wyori im* f"*j- *.Peleg <j Phelp»,

fer too ?·** °' ,,,r ( itT '' l*A»jrateB La.; Ben «min

Wormstcad. tat the p.rtol Marbleheed Man Danielr ..sir for the port ot Beverly Mas· L:i«ba Al

g__ tor tb« pc.rt ot Newport R I John ? ' tepbensfor tt» port ol C»pttno in the Western Colloetloe Die.¡/t TeiM. rimari Harris, for tbe port of Vaiaaeo, do

Dutrirt Judge».William Marrin, for the Southerníáitnct of florida John J Dyer, for the loutxict of

S 5 Attorney*. I- »Viedsor Smith, for the SouthernRundet of Florida Isaac M. Preetcm. lor the lastrici ofIowa

Cotter cfja/mt.John P.rooks at New Or

r-kwirrr-··" aw».t.e Bvildingt.Cahrlei Doughus,of CeoBeetieut. m

if g Crai«.·.''forge Latimer. IUMsdof Fuorto R.· <· Tobta» Beehler. Pa for Stuitg«rd,M tbe Kingdom of Wurtemburg Washington tireen

to» Va for Buenos Ay ree (1 (,. .".«linee, S. G tor FernaMbaeo. la Brar.i l.dward Weld ? V for tbe Islandof TeMnfte August Furaldo. for Kayi dd*. in FranceCbrtatopber llempatead. ? Y lor Balm, in Hondura»Wiibsn. ? Pierce Mas·, t >r Macao Robert Dubs, I'»for Meracaito Borace Hawee, Ps for the Society Is!|1t_. c. Fran« Powell, N, V. lor Beat »t.

tttttttrt of f""«'· Money». Isaac I». G. Nelson (or theÍr|»tr1et of Land* (ubj· el to ta.e «t Fort Wayne. IndianaRobert Bonguere! lor ihe Districi ol land· auojert t..

MltatOprlousas. in tbe state oi Louisiana Edward K.Randolph, for tbe District ot Land» subject lo sal» el

(Rambus. Mississippig.autrrs of Land f_b*S.William H. Simmon· lor

OfM Iristriet oi Lands, subject to sale at ft. Augustine,Florida. Reuben If Booae ut Groaada, Mississippi, inMace oi Thomas B. 1res resigned; John Itartnw, at

(kraisr. Michigan.Iterate--.Joseph H. Krown··. lor the Southern

o'jtrict oi Florida, Kotiert Myers, for the Northernrj_|»f Florida.


ys_rtmaasi-/ .Captain Henry Smith, ot the Army.with tM rank OÍ Major John M. .-harp. Mis» with rack

w( Msior.Attutata tyartmriaftrr». ~l«me· V»ughn. of Tern.

with r»nk ot Captain Solomon Pender, Jr. N. C »

ruk oi Csptsir.Surfem» .John W 'Ivor. Wist Columbia Juatin 11.

-tetre», Hoot Thomas Ruth Rpaneai N Y WilliamHarry, Nd William Moth· r Mo 1 ewla \V. Jordan.

Teas Ueorge !>rry. la lohn 1. Lámar. Oa Jamea II.rie·*», Le. John H Smith. Ill Kdward H. Bortón. L».

Altittant |Mfa»M .John H Weir. Pa Jame· ClineVi. John I). Walker ? II fruncí· 1. Wheaton. R. IJohn Conger. N. Y William D Carlin. Ohio Charle»0 IfBlare, Iowa RobertU MrOinnu.Ohio. Robert r.

tllbbs Ala Fraukl.n Melone. Ala Allen i. Noe. KyEdward B Prie,· In. Leonard Randall, Texas Jose-Mm Robertson, Tom Corydon H. Abell. ky.: Shephard Laurie. Ark.

Colonel* of Infanti. .-\Vi..,am Trouadile. Temi.Oeorge W. Morgan, (ihio. John W. Tibbett» Ky AibertC Ramiey. l'erri I.oui- [) Wilion. ? '

»rt F. Tempi* ? ? BobertB 1>|,.,',». (iatir. tra ori ? Qtìomtts of /nfnuirv ÎttM li Hopping, N.

? Wil.lsro M Qrahasa, Va .lo«bua Howard. Mich.Mlllegr ? Brabant, H C Jooei M Wither«. Ala. Paultt Hebert La Henry L. Webb. 111.MtjoTt »f Inftvttru.(leorge H. Talco« K dliott T.

esili.Be., James I'.gan. Mo .lohn ¡< Wood. 111. Je*.M Talbot, la Allen (?. Johniton, Fa. Frederick IIMil-, Iowa. K-dwin W Morgan, la SainUel Wood»lesto· J MoCajty. N. Y John T Monter Vu QeorgeA. C-dw·)). Ky fowler Hamilton N .1 John C Haye.Tut* Jeremiah Ciernen». Ala. John II Savage, Tenurule»'; Nor veil I«.Jayr-y Pavmn».· ', I Cerned

Thomas J. Leslie,/«»«««lev, -siniiel S Stacy. ? II Joseph C Pat

Bide; NY. Charles BodIn« N, .1 William A SparkVa Heiilarain W Trice. Ohio Felixd Hosw...Rotiert H Reynolds TeU* Petar ? < rut.'lifield ArkWilliam Singer W,» Ni,uh Johnston. Ill

Fir·. Cd-MM Allen Wells ? .1JtihnW Leii'li V« W ? Walker Mi···

Colonel of frog tont .Kdward <ï. W ButlerLit i/iattt Cmtnol /·. . -

hvttojort of i'rag ¦¦¦·. Wlllien il Emory Lewi.Cess.

Jr MichCepietn· ot l/ragoont . Lemuel lord, la Ont- W

Csldweil. ? CTint Li".·, of '.."agnot.t .ldward ('. DpvMtM ? CSend Lieut ol Irrogo or».John h. Hsrtlson ? C¿Detenni Ct"·»'·'...aeriti. William Duerson. hy. with

tank ot Captain Thomas M Jonee Ky with tank ot

Captain_IHI F»' M· .Al.-X ? ????.??.. v.l.....

iligbt from Charl. «ton 'aomsliPis »mee. after r

mi|iicn of oertalo frauds, bit teen napleytd at Bowiias(.ireen, Ry. under an n-»iimei name, teaching a email»choo!. A gentleman who ··,»«¦ him ree<-ritly at Lnullme asyi he is a miserable I'tokiii» ject from a vary

portly, healthy looking man. be is reduced to a ahadow.Be denied bringing any money ot G??????????? away,aad ha» be··t, io almost total fgnonaa)? oi .Q th»t h_?taken place in Char ·> t.

|3r*" The Boston andksv» derided to build a wet den oridge »croi» the Bl«cketnee river, to connect the Boston »nd Proviri,tb» Boeton and Werce-ter Railroad Thu btidg·- la t"bf four hundred teet long, lour spans

? t.»» Couru.?G7???* I »il»T-Before Judge Oakley e.

BssAr*.Action fer tal»* impriionmeid end ils:reedy referred t» VesaHet for plaiatll ·

I'tiTtp tìiATB» LueriicT Cot it . heb r»· lud.eBatta.JtrAri li'mrrr, <J*o. QiUman. «nd other», ./.»men ofthe »Lip Matoka, were placed upon trial, charged withendeavoring to make a revolt ? he men. it appears, re

tosed to go to wa. alledgiog that there wee no rafeetanlwatar. tbe provisions were b»d Ac. and also as to <?.?. man

lhaihe wa» not to he held ii the ahlp was eommsnd*dby tbe présent Captain The trial will be rontlnsd thiiloreaoon

» .ii ..· p Tür .um« In lae e«».· .? ?..

ß King, charged with obtainiug money under t»lse preiraee. the Court ordered a nolle pro»e«>nii In relationto Walter Mead*, charged with a similar ottener tbe In.ciment waa quashed aa being uV:

Cuciti dova* In Chambi'rt.Betöre .Hi.'.mondi. ¡Vkhol'tt / Mrttéjrr. recently a Notary inInnre claimed by the Fr, neh tiovernmenl under thettaatv ti.,1 erJin il » the Ir.-,' ? up. thecharge of totgrry attaind him liavina.· beOP · xamtn··.!utobytiie G s Murtal Jndgn, wm hrougln¦ludg» l.ilnioiid» tnawtitot h*beM eofpm. med out

by ora of hli rounie!. Mr Hlunt and his discharged*,manded principally on tb·· ground that Conferai has notpaaeed an act by »'hielt the treaty could have oilthat no judicial or exe» utiv.- ,.trie, r ot the United St»te«il authorised to pad upon or lurrender a pern·.? ?..·»'

residing tn thi« country, under the treaty The fartbeitearing h se i. .o postponed to Tuesdayturnt for the ..tlrnee In Krarce I· condeuiiiatnii t·· tn.·

r»U*y· lor lil.- .Mesar«. Hlunt and Hottnian appear l,>rthepriaouer and Mesar». Tillou. Cutting and Butler, on

the other »id*_

CoisT or CoiistoN l'LkA.s.Ilei, re Judge« I'Uhoeftrr«ad Daly I>ec l il on· .Iattouu Yrremein atul ??in« ? Ho' ?- Af · f Amimi.The piai· llfoi_«,l work and ftirnuhetl material· for three houaeaon 1 ourteentb »t »nd ne on .-evet.tecnthut on a con

tract with Mr. Arment, and filed Hie ppeaaatlfcr balance under the lien law The County Clerk en

terad the notice a« to toe foaitapntb-M property, butratitted to do »o aa to th* S<>»enteenth it hoiue MrJaenbCram. alter a aesrt h for lien·, but finding none,pnrcbaiett the Seventeenth »t house Mr Arment wa«

snedby plaint:·4» under the lien law for the amount ofsaota. and an evecution wa» issued again·! th·leeathat properly. Mr. CrMB uiove· that it .'· »» t

sBde. The Court cooiidtretl Hie BOOM tagtand although Mr Cram might bring action agliuit tbe»'osioiy Clerk lor damane» in not making an entry ofit on th« books, the lieu i· not with»tending good Inihurase however, the execution wa· not luued tillmors tose a year alter the notice v» *» i.'ed. and it was.

toSltfore.tiH) late There wet·- »'ther pointe Hxerutoo set »sole without costaO-terf Bar-irr vt h^ankhn 8 hmnry. et al .Action

.1 trespass lo recover toe value of a borra and wagon»k.cb had been sold by Mr II. in bia washing business,bat distressed npon for rent. The ;ury gave a verdictfor plainer: for $!'¦->¦ Motion is made to set it MideTbe Court rounder« tint a horse and wagon io usedcam* within the de>n,»minati»<ii ot a team." and la ex·.mil but it devolved upon the platntifl to show thatBlt-i worth ot property had not been lelt to tilm Newtrial allow, ,1 aale« the plaintid consent» to reduce the'srdiet to |tv,Jootp» o jjàmmtâ '·>·> ¡f ñsABsa «? G??? .?.

*«dT»áiiaa»(i'j »u.. .'.urn dutie» receivedby defendants troni the dutom BoPBA on a «ale of ra;**aa.iad a verdict givrai tor pltiiii: 1 of ff.¦rasto let ui.Ih Tiie ? ourt »aid where, upon a sale**frate, toe broker u employed by buyer and »eller. byfesraolopurcha·» »nd lb* other t· »»-?!. >n negotiatingJM sale, he ?» to be receded as the lgr*t of both partie·,but lucb w«» t,.,t ii.. _,. |;.r,. TfVjaioB Schryraserwvrvea^iioyrd by tne del>:»l»tiU t" in»».· »ale of tb»*·.<IPS bet boi by the plain'.i'l U> pu-ch·»*. Tee testi

¦*'·?eomplaiBeii nf wm pronerly i.lmiit· d Veniictcraermed MB ,·,,..

<Je*ver sal /'rta.jr ) Urr, v4 _l,su S\tfr:iheck of §4Ji p* t.,, . _, ,._.|, Ka'port ol referee·mMa_ro'r",».'Äeonhrmed.-,.^*_l *· rT<¡aer>i<ov Jame* Co'Otrrman.? heg**_y obtaiMd a s»rdi.-i «_».mt Mr t tor damages_-_*_*· *f ,hr "»·*· ·" ***v **· in er-C'1"* * bual·

rSmV.i ****-w bMween Joba and the Mruih rtapUstKBareh An order waa entered in Chamber« and an

"made. The Jury It w*s said, gave a verdi-1 lorOn on the grouBd that the détendant had obetr ;ct-

____* »"*¦ »l<lew_k [edjoiuiiia tl.t ol plaintJnd »!stMir toan was cecearary or proper. Appea! dumusedJMaAeMiTs florntre WcCerrAa clad 7>??*» Mtbe

gen .y, a »vo,^ ,or |)u0 :ljti, yj. M wouM -,- tDe'rt.l ol prenoh» :tsi| C.reenwi,h at corner ol rteoeh alter aa order ot rJPtB-MM lor BOP p-tytnent ,.| rent A0».o-.r i, pjt .. j_ .,.. -lUrrer

("-: - -._ --_


-pria« ?.Ir-,I *» I


OaOf for .» e hj inr rie- r ? ,.-kafe,?ßG AOOt ASLáPRIÑrtÜCl. · -

5¡¡m· ___ahie MW slYiesfa large proportion ot whu-b

_**,nC J*ra coatraced for betoe the iate riw tn the tner-

"JrJ*1" be »old at 1»m than tnanufatiorcr·' presesi pri. esrriBied i-st» .4 prices are put into the bands o«* boyera? ? -B F LKE, ?·>. »oelor ?ß'«*·' '» '. firm

« Loe ·? Brew»!«,, ,fron, whlc_ _. mümá ta IMV) ha»¡° nee ,be 8r_ of Lee k Judión, and »«licit· iM palron-aseof bl» old frionda Tbe budoMB U conducted under».ifmof ¿Eg JL'DBON k LEE.fM-tary J, ll|7.


t OU »If Kl I Al, AND HOlvatT ??????*.FjT .tau' of ? -t tit Tovr'A Prgt,

.-ATr»Dsr, P. If.'Ihe §ttM « Market was ratiitr active to lay, aid

the pnce» uí Isiicie« wei,· generally Utter At theSecond Board »orne Stock« had ? downward tendencyMoiri» went up to 12« Por Inrettmerit Sloe«-1« a fair lni'iiry. and ratee are vit,! mnintainedThe rrteriii.j Marhet is verj mjf. ,ie- tanking honte hu Wn buying lari» >to-day «t 4 per cent, for the purpose ot ¡ .-p..»ie .- .tne »ale» of little known MB» »re r» ported a*

low a» )| per cent. The»e rata* pay e larj« prest ?*the import ot Bullion, and an inaui of mat»,must take place, while the btlince of trade remains Blmuch against Great Britain a« at preeent. A large portion of the html now being purchased «re paid in s.vtyday paper which i« thrown into tbe market for nego¬tiation at r a I p, r rent Were the Money Matk« t more

eaay. the Note« of Lxcbinge would probably improveas other BtmtM would ? into the purchase of i

Th« Yri\ah: Market ,* eoi rat] I'-tue ir, con»«

qnenee of the holding tick of ibippers. who ire makingt to obtain lower term». Ves«*!« how.y ».-Jibe t'. gu re» are little or r.o lower Tbe

Relief Committee took up the brig Doñeen tt "e d IHCork and e merket, and ihreo or four »mail veiae!» wer«eharterej lor Irel»nd at !».".. i". and VA lor drain. TtLiverpool '/Id wa» paid In bag*, «nd a »hip on her wayto a Southern corn port wn» taken at i."»d Cotton to

Liverpool i» laid.The I1JJM ami |90 Certificate» of Stati, under

the Twenty three Million fiovernin» nt fi:!! «re now

resdy end l*eing i»»u«d in exchange !or Trceeury Note»1 he ii>··*· Not,» »re selling at »' per rent. The old iunesarc quit·· plenty in »Veil »t. end a considerable binine·«1» doing at i â ! per cent» premium.The bill now before our Leriilatir·- I

the Controller to receive the Stock of the ileneriJ Geeernment a» »ernrity from Banke under the Free Bankine Law, i* celculeted to injure tl.r· »ecuritie» ct (ml

own State, and it· passage would tie an impolitic end

unnecessary act. The banking intereit of the -tete itnow Interested in »ustainirnt the credit of the .-ta·« ;.

larice portion of their fund· beinir invested in tbeie ie.

curitiei. and beir. so absorbed, the Stock· are ».

of the mirkct and do not .' .., .., every veci!»·tlon ol the Stock Market. ? his steadiness of courte

gives tlii'in en »dditioi »1 value in the eyee of eipitiiitts.i.'. ci taking other Slock* then I

New-York wee fully test, d when tbe Free Act fint

pitted, and entirely MM. snd tbe amendment restrictIng the Controller to V-w·^ ork Stceki we* dictated bythe eotiodeit policy Throwing off this rottrlct.on in

favor of (Îovernnient Stockt will In· e bsd precedent.and will l« nd to weaken th« security the public at pre»ent hold taf the itmffl , Ita Bank Not«» With

tiie rt niitry in a state of war, it it of courte doubtfulhow low (lie ernm« nt Sleeks m»y ttll. Thi« in

is unnecessary, »« the supply til New-York Stock» !« as

yet ample for banking purpo»e». and it will be time

enough to take the restriction o1 when the supplyfails. We have now the best banking system in the

and thi« continued tinkering it not eeleuletf d to

improve It.Tim- hiiioiitit nl exports »n.iti thi» port from l»t to

.'th M»rtli. InehUiVe «at $.V".:.-l. 'i lie arrival» were

4' Hid .»'»"' NumLor ol p»»»enger» IU04 Ihn p-.'porl« Irom^Tlli f < brimry t., Ill: March. Incili.iw. ihere were.

¦,nt Brita,n < "..»«-. 178.351 bu.h Hoi,I Coti

I, buiButter ! '!> do bust.

Wl.i-at, t» 44t. both l.«ri?'??? du ttve

1bbls ??t-?,???. :i.]4<t lb« ; Cheese. 160.W1.·, do ¡Tallow 88,191 do? traii.t. flnur. HO i bl· Hin 100 It« tm

bag», Bom·. ?4.?1. lb» Co'too II"The exporto! itr.rnoitl· ?..tti ?.·. I

toi. on.ifii· tin inth of lebli.ary «? a» 44" ¡iftle.irdCases.

The iiiiiuwi.,!' rvtlon ot the Huston it.d Albany K«i!ro«d. Tbe

are upon lrpikht slopped ul lie Last Albtny dep^ttarn·. 1844. 184i 184' 1847.

Jin ·0<·-'? 72 13,076 03 90,310 8tFeb. 5,ivi3.T 11.0»'- nM*X 1

'iTie »nv unt received ,n the monlh ol January alón«equal to that rereivtd tluiing Januir ?

ruary litt year. Tbe increata this «oar over l»»t i*

*44,:w·-Vmt Marshall Blttataata id Fab Mat*·

'titr.-.t· for ¡trading ihe first fourt«en milesthe Centrsl iMielngaii' R«i!ro«d. »»'est ot Ke!*ma;,..ihavei been let Farther eontrseti tor greding about 80mile» more ere ti· te la* ui"i tnontli. »\'e believe ,t istheir Intention to have the road '.niilied through tolake Miclii»an «nd In irnpieto running nrdt"Fill of Mil ihe lor relaying the t.»«t t.livmiicä ot tiie road We»t ot lietroit. it we »re Inform· d

already on the i-round and the iron ror/ ere to p*j tin- heaviest tind rao»t durable kind «ndthe relaying will be commenced soon at

ol nevijtetion ihe Company have purchased new o>

pot ground* at Detroit, and ere forthwith to commencethe erection ol a «paciou* cer and «tore hou*e. it* propot··.! dimension* are enormoui en.l when completedit will probably be the most retentive building a» thekind In the I'nited Stetes

t Baltimore there it an IttcrtaBtd mttMmoney, but thu» l«r it ha* been met tv the Pan» »

Good paper i» diteounted it the legtl rite ind Done .it

thtt ria»« find» it· w*y to the it reel

At Char'.eitou ?! -hare» ot the OrtiKtilrokd were «ubscribed tor.

In the \ irt-uiia swttBtt Oi lieleirste«. a

n.'sJsy th:· bill giving the guaranty ol the

?4l>Jt»«J worth ol the Bonds it the Che»»paake an.)

IB·] ( ntupai.y «·. «s to in.ur.- the completion ul

the work to the ci al luinej us· pas-ed by tbe decided

vote ol '. to 50.Th« »'ickiburc- Sentinel 1. ani» that the *e\ ere

the .th ultimo caused con»iderab!e damage to

th« licktburg md Jiekion ?,???») Railroad It is seid

the whole bottom of Raker'· Creek lie» been over

«mi il Ie feared that the biij.e or part of thecauseway ba* been destroyed.At New iMparn the Muin-v Market »tei

uea tight the premure being reused by the dithVulty ol

moving torwerd produce, in consequence of the acarrityof »hipping and the coaitently declining rate» ut F.x-

change. The ottering· in Kenk «rr to much larger thenthoie inttitutioni can take, that e ;'ta>d deal t papernecetearily linde itt way into the ttreet. when· it is ne¬

gotiated et 1 u 1} l>er cent per mouth Hut litt'.

in Texas Securltiee Treasury Nut.·« Interest1Note« !·· SJM percent Honds 11' p 1-

percent Hond« tmt#aQ|« on the doilar Foreign end

Doamtwm· F-aehange« ..y.and draw, r» »<·

.Sain teen compelled to eubmit

s]j 1'rencs ? I mam m NiW

York, at tal dey», m) d'I l»rr cent, discount ? hecks 11cent ducoun t.


.««ALKS Off KfiAI. un? Morgan lot Cm Scuth »lúe Albany

near We"»t»t. U ty 40. imJOB..Marheu-tVijVly nf»rudj*r ??« 7v»»a*u. anv. MerelitfllEfl Tat market i» «^iet at B6.:r:i and BJJ|| (or

Pearl* and .'oliH.'ii'R AND MKA1.There wss very little

day. aud quotalione are a* before Genesee »with nothing doing toi »hpment \»'nL,;n the week

'· Michigan have boen bouglit to s

June, et a.V7.'. In Southern there is n'thlng of impor¬tent*· doing For Meal there ¡« ¦ lair enquiry aad 3 ???bble Jeroey and lltmflBlai «old at |o»»»M¿|. · portionto the Irish Keilel Commitu-e.CtKAlN.The lr*n»actions in Corn were moderate to-

day, shipper» holdina o«1 for « docllae. Soutl..·-but iel!ow we« «trady «

Southern and Jersey. Sale« -Äl.Otal buth at the*.and Uf· for White Jersey There were al»o sale* H sMbtilbel». to arrive in .'une. et :."«»7·~. ct» »»'hite we* offerrad at the elosw at S71 eta. la Wheat we iMatf ol no-

thing doiu»,'. Ba - lu »hele G anal Oat« al Vele.A etnei piarcei ol Kye »<>id at ?*4 ? ta. on Uns »potT\l!i)W-We a«mia*mmSa'laVMl \»e»teni at

..1 ct« ca»hHim- s-»

« ·': «t líí.¿". an.!»with ia!··«'.*.«

?* ? t much doti» ¿in IM io es at I · i i.-k ed

Meat» »? · '·" pen» H«m» at It and ¦ J? try Ham» told at Hi. cts

a. mm·· MM smmMTlaV Bl Bafpotrai II ct* u*ua! lita·FKtTHtHS-A sale ol 1000* fair »Veeterninei

^t ¦ cent«, ruh.

HSH-Dry Cod ire without r-un*···. Mie».linn at highest -juotationt «ales have oet-D smta·

,* - ibbed Herring aild

Ui »rnve at ?'< M, «nd MO t>x« feaied. M cent» Se in

on erv firm.?? bbls Mtramichi brt.U|hl |13«?? t, m«»».

I Rl'IT.t*»le» of '.' N.X) b<» Bunch Kaielu* at »

Ml hf do M ceni» 6H0 qr d

OROCRRJEl?.far it'rt Jo*·,-The merke; Itas» settlement m th< «i^'T queation «dverae to the

1er* havin» inilnced ¡en» frraaesi end tb,

'.ale* h»vt* teen too '" («erticulerThere has bee.·.lut tbe advantage h*i f»«i. m tavir 0(J th··

eaareegaio a Utile lower 'ihe «eie«4oo hhd» New llrieenset 7 j ri ce: tt '.rVnew r

to Rico. Tiu-i 10new it Croix »I and smina Bavana at 6» 4»M tor brown, end m *-«. 4 boi lor Whita

Tbe market tor Mola»*es has been rather dull, but

beln« relie real by th· transaction« noticed helow. has ar-

quired · little mur» nrmoe··.they .nclude loar cargoest'utm on eri vate terms. SO hhdi in lota ?.? eta 2?0 Porto»lie,, j» #.·« »o Trinidad Cuba ia deck load. ?0 aad 500bble New-urleaas and New-Iberia 35 ·3ß. 4 ino·.

????-??? bales Drestm«. Dew rotted broagfat 115».aad .jo do Itauan. from secood haada. MM f «Bea

IRON-Ahottt lûOtrô I«»Mm· Sooteh hgbav»chaagedb«nd« thi. wee« pris , ... y from «hip. et ItVltt for

ie» bronrht ?-?;»·** ''-1 UMI ?eeattosco.nt tor caah.

fall». Country.7 havine be^n «,,d et 7.", eta. English to arrive

can be bought s· '.'l'iblea.neid »\'.r·. r .-perm commands %'

Bleached. |1 ;; 4 month». Chive remitns very tcarce100 half cheat« re. ivanee en the leet «al*« * few moot b« «Ine»

- tr»o»aet,on· ot the w«*k mata Leen extremely light »r.tir?'.y lo tt, j«».fbey i'C.jí» \M tre» and

pnce for a retail parcel of the heaides- nption Holder» «re firm at our quoted r»t»>sTIN.Sale« ot one third X ber»· oeen made In lot» at

*y watTOP. I hhd· Kentucky at st «5»

cent*. MO do Virticia and Kentucky, 4 3· 2·* cesesBedM Battei Tara ad 4 ¦ « ß r auc¬

tion. :- hhdt common Viritela to 14 al i|3.Ji ceotl. 4month· end le cases ,·

DIEDOn Stti-niay smemat afra MAhY LI NCH. in the ?BtJt

year of her age.H«r friend» and erqueintance» ire resp-*»-tfu!:v invited

t, «'tend l-er 'unersl·. this Mom 1. «t to clock, from her'.ate reside] 0On the T-h ¡nit WlLLlt.M MePHERKlM «·,

.notiiht and 4 daysTn» friends of tbe dec«·»- - , .

MrPheraott, «nd of hi* brothar-In¦'.«»· Ch«r¡««Aikmtn. »re invited to sttend bis tuneral thi« day at 40 clock, from No 2S* Rutg«r at

m Saturday Bth mat af infiammano:1 h«r,e» Ht'i«rt. » native of Kdinburgti Si.tend in the40th y««r ot hi» age


.UHI AT CRI 4 MIA«*C.THU DArth« am. thi Moot». rrxt sia.

Kl»e».. ? or; Bet»....», 57 Morn .. Eveo.. S.i^att-st datx··

LoedoB..Feb. .1 Havre.Feb Î?. ?·». 4 Bew-Orleen».


Picket ship »»eüington Chad·Plymouth Jan iti in ' Meli Mistan A Co,

wt» in company w.·itward

pass««.· tn I.. -, .oard James Pores, seamanTne

W I·,« had s, -.ere g»;»* from NU" lay»Bremen ship XV· «tplielie. Weseeis "1 d» fm mTBSJmm,

mdse. tn ((..'.rich at 1 till 24.'«»neri bar* .1-»»aron Ir'«? Kremen fo; ?

Bn«A!miitiH. Smith.»! d« tin Cuneo« «oetekin». Ac.? J r,.·.'«-.· A- s «µ ?.«·? si Mary Bum· «nd «ehrFoetal K'nsí 1er ? »'nrk

Brig Triumph, (ol Bllh.t Iielano co····».· and lifwooi,to Buck ? P«»>-r«

» Van¬i-rum. iug»r «Ve t· 1 W Uewm I elt »t St. hip r.mily. ?»??». tinct brig Her

«Of St Thiima« »il .iay previous bric Arc.»rw*c. Tre«,l.i-he.l st S: (? »'id s d for N Orie«n» tarudeysbrig und'iii ally,fmNeri k 4··

- hr kmsTBmm, Cost«, 4 ds fm »Vilmington, NC. navalstmes, to rnasler

Si hr W f Anderioii Houttman I d« Im \ irgmi» fis¬

terà to ma«ter.Sehr rxr-hange. AI

d». 9350 btiihel« sa.t. to Cropeey A (iilmartini"i«ri««a 1-nher. Mamforv), for Newbern Ni' Feb 7.

»ebr l.srk. rollio» for


»iî»».neral Ncticre..rund Teiniilr ol Honni ( t iebrnllon.


?..· ? ·..

TeUernu e on Wi , st :: ? M

»»'·1. A U. VVtleua.M »V T ··» «-> '·'¦

T. M Md otti » »,d O. »»'. V T J o < m2. Sinpiiiï by Ihe |

i" *·. -· . Her tir Oue by lb« Ailerhanleri».

M ·'

I kers»se

S.n/ir.»· by M»<- :lüLlliTI *

lta| ,-«r·.\ l'es» bj I KockWaill, ol « -

. .

kit·, et ra ?.

? ?? n. ? M t lai

Jsi'.es Fielst, I H NotTla .1 ?.


«-<..» ork Triupli- ol Honor. >o. J, *». «'¦ meratrersof tt,i«Te-i.p « »¦·

ed io b« punrtii»! lath« r attend« ·|.M? ita, ttûr ilio purpos«? · maklna arraagetaaeis for

held »t ic Bri..»div»y T»b»/uac;e.V.»rch 10 I. C DU Kl 14SON t» C T.

> Itti V» H^^^

le" Kellel lor Irelas.llin T-rte, »ili buM ? riieriiug ai ir.elr Si rj»»-o<ueby-si iietwaen Bprlag aad B

n aidAddre«»e» wl - ....'·,?- »1- 'r. « »I M

Noah, E.c, Jwne. B. ?? V Heotiatnen.

Tt.e t»·« itiViied |o


tV Aid io ir. iHiiil \Mr Jimnlu.f el Ihe Merbaiiic. »

Broom· and Ursnu »Is. on »»'edoesiayMerrh in. el t alf pest o'eiOCB. The [ r leeeds of wLien¦·» <· ,??,·? to lb·- Inu. Ren··: F .nd.

g Bitent will, the irai Uri »¦ Profe»«.mot th»Present Age pro«e.l by * Re-· iew ut tts \\ t.rklD|f flRriorro»'! jo tu Iba Un·» of the ».vanfeliCL

. cent»._

Ut 1"

CW Tee Pariv. -%nion»l«. perenni e bo

were Ln.-d^r".! ·:!»: 1 .. liera deter-Pel

rh ··.»>.'. ywrr»hlpi « »

I»BagT of ire ? art)



G?' Ni ni h l.srtl Kelîëf lor Irei .ml..d r«i¡ue*t \

»»'er.r.orj M<>r«Jev e s. »? ILLuke'· I ·«··!¦· --« 'o co¬

operale with um Catktral t -< ei ttw»uivtac voor of ir· >

? \'·t? I Charle» Fil w«rJ», David E. Wh«?.] ?· »? Vi eg, ? ? Irf.mi-a.

?. ?Ilex. LMcDonild, B »Mf. DU'illlwn Hurrv. Edw'd D Nelsoe, ».K.riy.Kdw'd a J^rtrii·. G- ?>. ·-. v Biranr,

... »s A Repelle.A.L. McDiaisid.jr. Oh.. !' Nalsma, Jes KP'·Joiin T. 0,'vìc, Je« Uaackeohoee, lim. ? ("J.ilinO. »Vm ?. Morti», OiargonR·, o'rl P. Koodlrk. Henrv J. Knni«. JinieeO Dwyer.I'iia» M CooDolly, Charlo* Harri«, Johl t\» .1 Haakeu, Lambert «oydem, He-rv Teppen.

elee Abra '· Oreoem,R t» i'harie* Htrr.· Ja» ii. M.'Adiro.

r' '...ah. : svene.

Abs..? P. Bete«, hn Randall,T. ? »G? ie, Jame* O. 1 ·


Cf t/oiiiireHih Unrd Aiti io Irelaet.-At *.?¦ Wl

? og neil. Ms ' s · flockBroaJ-

Sd'.iiníuut^i »|a al···

TI OS J. »VLHJDa' ¥r. t'helfme-lkm -l

Gt*~ To ihe l.a»tlea ol >ew-\erlt.- The Com-mille* ippolnlOdle tat -· r the -eilet m.

f.··.-V rxHir of lrei»nd, e»a for cemwmmtmml iciiHhlng ?<·

irdeti by te· «hip ».- - ? tor ih»

«arnieeu »?-ik thet tljje· very ¡ow prie« al

lh«y are a«;d mtv indice m»ry te t-ecurri« ivi »e fiaterà

Tliéy fan tmobuined at Mr*. ?? icets't, IH B.»«»cke»-»i.or ai Mr» Chitti »o » ». ??»--. » ·» · ?

eiaive Kourlh »L^^ítfÍ** ·

147-To .»leelianii-a nnd W orklaimeii. U

creiti, ¡uc.udim tbeir Auils^ii ·-·. Ir kc in e: 1 ci the i.r«-

«eat movement il Me,-hauic. « . paaa Sir J U. ··

it^ Hl»u,ry. CuMorfl». »I»· nrr. A»Tic«Mtnersi Resou'· e*

·,-a \i «ite» acii the route «·? i.'te.

.aeirk-Oceaa, al meli*, itf th· Mechamce end Trade·meu » Sia-ietv, 1". Bt. . ."i-**d»y »ver..-.

.?» ina» ¦ ' «vaerei tre

tui'v inrttlM IO eilen«! · -.eaaaot carry-in* forward Ih« irrealre»»«* Ti. «-

nianaa-l.eJi Tick..- »«¦ 3» real«. ass

FEBBÜAI-? REPORTG?7" The ìlulual Hencfl! I.ile lo-urim, , I'·.ill»»..."

'.? ?«* GTo ttercbeiiis !» Tf» .

MuiutW-turer». 13 ?<« »

Agen». ^' ·' ·

? ? .. . ll¡ tea Captain»...Mechanic·. ··. tteru-»-»».T»*>er*»r» . »>. aVe-aaior«. λ ksttm... » -.

.... ?Laaie*. 11 Oilier occupatine*.... a

? a-r of e«w po.ii ea .«sued in f .i«*S 4 Prsmtmet.

B(Hj. C. Mn.ikk.Sc.a L. LokD Agent.

J»me«Si.v.»r· M '». Metical Kitiruimr, at th· «¡teadei.y fr «u, : ? I oBmtt,_ml ImisMa»»

?3G Truih t» «rd ¦*: · .*

end all - .a favor of a frre eoli for e fr»i«p«o-- J t ·?«*»G.?*· a

beale Rooms, coraer oi Ualaacy eud e: haif pa·;

.· .eo Mr toorfanii«Dr. LAPHAM. iH'H\ MiCAFF!l.L.«>»e.JCl«aw>11liS.

f rttUKO ·

rrwrrmem Lm-jmeteBroadara) '-rro'e«««,r Li Chi-« w. ^tJ*m\mE¡·"'parüeaiar re«¡ua»l. » new evening «jmr.»

. »ul (tent em«o. on ?·?»1·? next. f«twe*>o

ike hoar* ol i aad it' o'clock. __.

EvW.M»-M-«»«i.v*. »» oJamsday«. Filsteya Tal<»«xi*i, »¿Gm· -mJa»î~aV»· U U »s*-*-·. .·»· ^"¡g^àXra1a\otZaom, wlU al" J**»'·· *· **· llTgol ta»* sa»*· d»j». ficea 4 w » *- clock._ ^^N B^Tkeam· wtU Sm d«-rvar·· «very day froa» » A M.

roTs F M «*· Frormwor. r»»o«-* «U * ae4«¦ tji¡Beabove tNiJidlan- ¦¦ ¦

®·???ta? îioticetî.


?*? Aid for Irr'and.

'itn'-ír of te«idee ta ef to*

M« ?."

¦ti- .'·.'·: -'.:-· ,· j- à».. ,

-.-:·-¦ .'¦


G_G Her.-»rtlle f ,?.?p?« pad ? rati iar Room.« o-er ?-»taut s: : Sisean rat.?

. .

r-YTftrr.ISf In .Mil a r F-«.^deni »;.

WIOS AND TOUPEEStr-inii. lat.r's now invented U I«.aad «scalpe

«·- .» ..-..; poi -·: »' -»·--» ·t-. fute art '

W<.;maktnr- TM publie ir· hrtdtad to t_«p»«i_ A iarg·htoot tamii ma- - ? hr WM BATCH·

. · -- ? I _«ddfo·» ¡If

G_G Are Vea Ulf-le* liver's Pilla i.One ofthe boM mediare! ????»?t???'? ? know-! ». » fOMr*cöve of t>M »t»*»?. I


' ? '.? k Fi·

LIQUID ?-IR OTEG?" ßatrbelor'· Inatanrnneou» Liquid Hair

live eierte*· .-.· r--rrap »ni r»;-.-·


. - ? i»o4

G»-" '* Kaele lor the Prople."'

poenloa or ppo ¦ - see-* of in*irta mot ' ?rae»

..«»t Coeiivr- ¦ Moftee r*re-of t War eauui. freere th» »yttem of all oMlruct n. al.ay-


PiH'SD S. rU ? Ijl TAR AND v> ITHA.

TV-.· .»¦-.--·«- .

? -- » fft'i«And erentb* premale* of P' bi - -·?_**?


iri"··'.">nmnk4ré »

Prepared only a ?-

wboleeai* art r-·« by wyatt t. KÌr · and si reu by B. bneoo, 2H Bro»..-»y.Re V"re Pr a '. -enti » ? «

,-·,.- *»?

C**r Ilr. WeM'a Sarai-« lia M \ t H.1 ·»»«


-1,-ated üarsa--«- « and e H«-r ¦' '

| a -,. , , .

' these arti»·-?-

irar«·.·! . .¦ -ip»-;rnre a, , .

.i trial., remedy for imera-


? a bra · a

and »trenriher .. !B*M


. tiara

medy for headache. ?«. y.inn ?:

, -. . s' s li·· -· ti-y lo ih* leslrerl *nd. hy

a «leedy. regu »r, »r,d e»ay IniHold who;eaaleand t-tall hy WYATT i. RFTCHl'M.

g*n*mi ?ß*??·. ¡il Fuiior-tt at reía:, ? ·; Broadway; illBleoeker at B. T.¡ J. W. Bmltk ? PaRop aad Crai ar·.veta ?- ¦« - e- -Al 1»-/-'. .,

tìnte.VT ?p.Mulinine lini·

. »«Mona·Hau

.;· are loe Mi ¦


«I a ll». ir.lee« it

. H»uila ih.» ibst lus esose 1 ihetn Ut te

«' H»ta P»ru- ir »ile· ..

nev,a - rei |wl»

G?*" A l.eaaoti ? ? ? ? rtiini.n

-, a





.ntratti lo e· ? of li» (.air.«?

? . . -



In Kintrenti nIful arti-«eep» ori hand «p a·- - troni et»!*·

prep»·. rdar, M abort notice, Uau, I - I_ri_




»r.d «re I îenelve «Mort-met.l ot French, Ine - which»re

I_)«l>» Bu a-- t. eck

. ¿1 su'.·»·. _-.

sreges, lawns,finghims and gi-gbani lawn·, color·-! aed half inourn-

inr.bomba_in*».t..aek bareges, and every variety of Jr«»t¦ ft

»roi Je Rliiu·, sud

, ·

M < _s LiRut .y a

LaiV »jder for »»le «· li - ...west tr.nri-.

Merr . a rese· lisi t rltsd loSl¬at

Wll.l.l \ U«»HI HI.II UHI air\ u

A. T. Van BosAeeck,Tho» MeK.I'r.

ktHINOTON PuST. ? -«Ideai.A ? : ;»ry.17* ? <npany roo'.tnuea to Insùre M

? ?,??».·« and Furali .-e. at.? ? aera byfwp an termeMfa - ,·>_ubi» Com-pmy.

y .. e


VI «4 -ClllM. « »UFI TINI'».LlHCRhare roce ed, bvrirh e»» '

. - e ·


a .- » »



NtMtu-al. '

l> faTKA.tlHl'.T li\\ M H-. ' G- «a a


imi last, for *. Mr».? boat ser·-, e. for iu* io« '.ergee for I - [»p»-'~it- ef tM BPBBfPOf lb* »·'


(Il ? ?» Ml '¦ HANTS··oe -



ml_Bs\_1V t'Otl - '

L W Uft l reer-i-¦


mi .

.. . r

C· t» I. !»N' '·-I

borner be- uig b**'J*}Stl*S ^A-joVrn** rn __¦»__

.oe». «? Met.MM ae»T*e ¦"·«"»Bo«ta»ao-». I*» ¦ '«'?- G"**^??-?> *'**

^?«??G???-?·*·'?1>*» ».'BAVAI-__s Biimsir" C«m»»i*eaw, leaega ape DrUonga, P

.ree-venetv. M WM I JENSINOá a CU. *.¦ _T»wM Si Broteway. A_»riceB Bouci.

«jjtiîaatu.*:t. ·#{. ?ß?;.'.r~··-»a.? «eoi »t -ASfif ·»·»

arni paté, or tV» srs»! law e» taavst «m «/te» «Jit·.»\ »ST! ? ?

' · ·. SI

V»,· » NTr. I»y "

-· ·. '? the w«*/- ·

...e gsmeral nous··«»»»« «je ae caaaataartct i i>o»«j. i- N -« , . > J .

:·.. taBssmtem ». 1 Broadway, a - -,»_-

\\"*>TBI>-A '·*?·.?*?>!« »xpe*»«»»»e»l. " -·· fo tn rafani. Ska mm* anag good cuyama«*el»?ru Onew-·

-1 Dde permen*nts,.tti*ii,.rt «ad rece'»·at · I ni.m Plac· before ¡2 o'claek.


W» NTt II * ai* by two r**t>ec:»r«i» yoang »»? -aanbenaaid-

ie txher io 4o generai hoe»·-I h*» no ob»»· toa« io town m corta-

- Pieao» lEqalrem«G

w* \ > ?11 ' *

. g-anda «in. y.

. - ai..»g esta of


ti »NTEII-!-. · mareEe « ekwk «ho em» write ·? v g , -,

' »per.'? haarfwrinng of erp'icaci.wilk rmm« »»· »mi -»lerooce« m« 11*

\t." INTtifi-S » -, by two »»eich your.» women.** · -o c^ok. w»»h»nj .ron. i-e ether »» nurse or c'iam-bennei.i rvferene·· ? ease

-iroedwey _ran it*IVAÑTll> -d oechmen. who. V 4|

· ,.- - ».

ai3 It'

???????-? * .: lor li* vert .·. t a.kltn.iervOr·- · ts pre-

?>A VI.ORI» k ALF.X ANDG? ' 8} ru.-e-e;

\\ INTKD.Tn *e'l «r > ,1 ri.,? ? , ,

noti .¦1 |fe

TO Ml.lì! II »NT**. - tat* an. huatne··

,IS ? su - tVaot.¦e. A imall «alary will

? · s -

\ POtt -i ir» r\ OHM ,·"??·p.

?« of ¦¦?

.. \ ·* .·*


OoaròmpRI NT Hilt HOAKI) -Th·« »«eras « gj»*i houte

livery ? ettari ? - ¦» »realtà·ita« to« »ma

« , (µ 'ta-snil i-sr

¦. ? > · Ceu»· ».»Tie »??? t»·· J>-nce. wi',1 b· »1-

1 ·

" 1 h«n lib the,ar¡er«

rr · lw

????? \» ????- ?»« r · r.Hjtii for «" »

«? minute·' wilk of ??· City H»!' AJJr··« R»nd R. ih« office N.B. Th« faintly ioti»t not be moving

Mai ??» ir

BOA It O 1 ? .? .-.» tentura«· etn bete.-ouiir.'dsisvi with p¡»e»sr: re re» »mi board at 201

? ·¦ -? «. _. * -.

í'oohe.BUFF AiVD Bf

O- THE li.'NtM.l Ti·????.

lloaarj *

» » , . I'a·

¦ |j'Xl paper Prtca-


. Count'¦


« ¦· ol Irtíii Famlni.11«.

<i'» Fi '« ··

. .ell, a

?-t' « ? lib ? Ulm ratttma

Allem», withMlhor, ? ihe«. »v.

?Taie* of W ..mer. »Trial« · -

i? ? LIRAI! IM.lE.V WOHKl»

^rlA.ll ? NtttIV The |!·»?.G·. Df Um Routan Ra-- lattasi· or

.? Lue LaiSmT, Tl>*< Pimpi·. kr. Ac.Tren*.a' i ? w m Hasllu .-·

?. The Hltlorr of Fraac· trois ta« Earlioat Faruil SiiiIUi, r U 9 Complota

.»¿.I ' Ml |||...irale.i

1 A'ini Kitu (Tal·· ?¦-,- Maria J. Mclnuwli, author ofT«*o Live*. Le. Aneweuitli.'

' ·.· * fc «ruenteryPrinciple« ,t ??« ism; llntatralat wilk ntmerouidta

I»·· K«i.v. t-Jmail p." »el -oum-.?

UJ »nd D' mg, ·»!::. Pr·) er«, ihe.fe rbrlstieu By Jeremy T«v!or DD A

new«, 1 .'.loi I vol ?.¦ mms

»? . c Hone . r not, H »a .-j»¦·

Marcarel Percerai, by ih-· euui».r ,.f An.y tlrrtert, Ac. ivola il Je, or ?»

sarei fc-?,?? uiy, er

Five - ...?», y«

i »PLETÓN a ? ., »dwar


? and Fo«f»lco #3 Ta,

Au-nr«: C m-óie. ByJ. K. el tVBt, J. Peuldtr.g.One rol.

? ,s- si - B« Uy Philip !'I

Mrs ?

'«. VV«Jter »nd J. J·«·'iet«, rill. a **. Pier», B»'.cony

«*·· ??????»;·,I --.·..-¦. pert-

VVltEl «.PlTNtM i.,¡ Broedwey.? > olorae II. olNew. I- Til» I.if· of

? Holy Jie vol*


J- .- ,ed »ravts-

.am petroaijeii uy tu* t ni'·a le.t ??·µ of ?·?

'»ni Ih·

^~KV» ? -«· .1 l'I MI.Il · VIO\»t.-FI*TH? «? .11. MALI. A

; s,.·.-. ·-

» .. Th· Syren» tlj f..


Lim Boat. * new ieriMountca Boy. s beau it!-j. ?»* »>i| ¦'¦ ? ?« » t-.e ?·?·Pain. d«rlirata »f ·« Kam Avary : io· Her. I Waa»j :. H . I >!^t.. uy Bene,iek. afte AND OAP RIBBONS.

THr' ¦»: Bail H.BK... .-»t aa*orim<OIre; »-J Oat I*"1 ""

».cord -

that p«irpe»«·. M«nv t ih· »ivi·· ara af i.i* owti_ .

up. end iBipor'· . .i>r hl*owra trad«. To tho*·wb-i have oarer «»emine.! hl« »uxs a· would lav-, tail

«in«are «a «rurl· offency,? », , .em tao« that if thejrkave the right

-. ay

·· ·

... r, -. ·"--.» . »1

»ma. gas? . .

,-..-. ...-. ,- io: t» ? e·.· Wh. . -»

IMlTIIÜ tr'r' TKI» mmtSBt BtT ?icy X»cover»/

« ? e 'J Aby the atasiimeturer. ?. ? HAMXOMD ·.

.. * ? y ai.ù Coac^-rt-ii,estH«r*"f( S^wari it"

-, r. '¦' · -- ¦- -- ··. * ..· ¦- »·-

. -JÜosp. t'ea»-* aaeorunetll of Oa Mer-

d Crtaam, «am« djobi· dun. ,·»! C-oiorr»«. Ar. ofoor ?«a-a nmr-nfa-·'¦ »- »!!.'w«t«*

TO ? o>Ti: iii'..·tu*i. · eitJM04Be»or th·«·..

-port, arîtil th· le-ith Bay of Mercia

-".d to Iram/iirrl. ebosri n»»n ; /« rrüe» Tbethe lesi of Mir-a,

. : -..·'..:. *·.??. ». ¦'.·¦ *l¿ ---r · J -

-.??aa of*' <'r« o»*t£i«; gtvea aa


Bnd G BliHOP k MILLER..»¦'aal«*.»*_

7«ÄKlM»I.K . ??? II . Todi« lUaemr< »ia an.! tgurodi of «np-rioreutilty,

far aal· et dm low*«t tra.-««t prtraa «? the w«r«»aoas· ofir «e*i »..? J. . R -- I». -. Maitoa-laisa.Jl ui.__DOOM SrKÍMW-A, aaaar s« iuTprZ-r* omrie ·

-mut Door 9p»-*B#e.tor oem, wboteeo.» e»i r-tollbv^^Navarart Itkiia sUntmr Maoufa-iarinf Ceeasmiy.W «Bmmw>«>TCs^|tmmvatw.«#i» »A>*4


^t m ? t\n. - . e>TT£RTAi*t.O BENT wtilM»~enet be ?Morirne.·,oe MONDAYMarch ».

Co-Mirr »· or A».B' lieo. ? ? » "ibb, " tip faMlkofl.

loia Coiri-tnsra, tiewrg« PoUock.i»A JiteB-t

M» -er. V 1.


? ROBFRT«ON Chulnt-M.M.Fki·»·'« .-·· e;»-y

Ptl «ira. *

tataearasTao Ct__fuae oi Ar-artgertacls bara marca,

uaeaacmg ..'-··. .' e rr· -e« -


tawoi be»·, ta toe UnJe·, nui a»oat liberal -M-BMtootr «Tuatlloo« »er-*c«»


TVe ALl.EOHlN.'l»«·»Mr OK«) LU.n-R.



Mr. WHITNEYt-nrarranaser

.? the P»*u. Oraioraiod Sutesox-n ot Arne··. »Mr.CLIREHCCH.

».d «overol otear am» iati r»,,T-* _hol« aiia-gooieoi u-.u»r tie d.r*--_oe ot Ut.CLlREHc OH.? .· »eia Ve »au. to be badatali Uie J . ai tM

*attoM Hot»!·.ind ai tao fbi' placee ?- ?. .· ¿ Broedwar Mr. Fraser Art l'otot). Broei»sr

Cha», S F-tnei». î5tBr_»dw»v Mettra H k B. R»»- WI Bowery. B t » .· · , «

Dr Caat*e.3s| Broadway, U. s. Orno, Boottelier. 114V..gaib-«v«eu·. Oeo. McNelsb r? Cedar eci John fina i Rente-« Dr. Dodd. 8 roveri*-··. Mr. Boil. Rosi'·

Hrad, Fulton-el Mr R*voolda. Marcer H rar Binom·a·.. Pa»:! Hair. Ml Mere«,-«.: Jorio Russa. Oroeer."pnof-el Dr f'oUf ¡as, corner La:(hi an<t Urceowichste ?

V Mil··, Book·», er». J» I Beepdwp|, Dr Barnett, int· Bavard »?, ? Caìdwei. Haker. IV Bavard-si.

.aid lsrra*ra,lohnst.; Mr. Thorburu, John et P -ler-eL;C »'k k. B'own. M s'dee· iene: John Scoti. yèrorer, NaseeaM and Bf Mr. John Black. 37 L'.spras'd-·!. lo wbota all

a for ¦ a supply of ticket» tray be ruado.Door» open at bali· past d u< roameaeo at half-past 7.


..«sta »soto»·'.% ino ? tostai· st

MuSDAV RVBBlMO, March aad everv oUai

CHR.aDnsine: «n.l pop ilar R»od of

MIMSrRELSWbose recent. nocen· al th* A t.uer· gBV* wich unbound-*»1 se:;sfs»t1oii Adán - :·. Conrarl o com»inenceet"! o'· ori C-.ahg» ? programm· at each ro-

pre«entaiioa. m* Iwte*AMERICAN MUSEUM·

fOlIl SPLENDID Pr.RrOrlM INCF4 DAILY--IBthe tnomi'i«·. at tl o'rioci, ;n the aftemooe alt. in the

e-*mng at 7 o «rack, and again at 8|.Poetltvoly ? » Free Lut *xc*pt ihe Fr*«e.

G·*" M ¦nap io either th·« perform«FI s EEAL TOM THUMB.

ihe sritaiisat Man in Miniature tn tM known world,weighing only KIFTHFN Pound·, who hm bran patrop-

CROWNF.D HBJof Europe, aad been seen by over S^'SiO persons .lace hisntera M Amer·-. G??ßµ??? let,· t>* »**n

Et KRV MORSI Ni» FROM i! TO Uè O'CLOCKOn tb* platform In one of the main Iu «of the Museum, Iu--» tord ? ? I popular rarforaasaera, tncludtrigais

CITIZEN» DRkSr», Iu whi, bowl reave M» Bieter-,Travel·, ke. »Ir.g a variety of Song», dance t a».

Hornpipe. *' - · . . na of ?????.???,FREDERICK THE OREAT.ORECIAN STATI F.S y».'. He »i'.laUo appear m r·;» magli

KRKNCH COI ?G HIlKMwore »?'r* L.aits l'i pe h e of the French, aad alllb* principal Courte of K'irop*. After which he will ap>peai ? bia

BEAl'TTFl L SCOT! H COATI MF.In which be will lenco tM H .HI.AM» ?.! VI. Ac. Ae.TMMAtlMKU'FNT THF··! M- Queen

Reads at Europ» will


.. «· -' ..e,-iur» Room IB a vp·> ?eft!on with

Arm inII G. in »ai» a. II >'· ¦>· k.THE GENERAI « MIM «? RF. F v. IFAG1

¦' » < r* Uie

achnan · ... sir-eu

daily.GREAT WFetTF.RN dtaa.

->s « V\ HEELER snd u Llf.M.ANATOMICAL VEN - ..·. il li . »tra.

M »DAME Kitt kW ForiAitmiiu mi Ih

ti» paiiiieui .. a.lroie-alon.|*^ 11.· piibile tr· reepectfully Infor.led that 0»nct»l

Tt'MTIH MBwtl, termina'. ·>.» tot. vermi - t» a tote· Halt tei .» prtn.-ipeltmerlean es, snd .·,··· al ini«

lo a ?, ? «? -p parted.______

? T. H IHM M.

ÍF 4.1. »IO*-· iM'KIt * lltll ««K.C ,;,·,?·*?·»_. ÌT'H.4"DAY EVENING Marri ?- >»i_norina C.

BARILI.W , · l.iiu.BRADL

Books may »bad «; ili» ?. ? offire.1st lier une» »nd parquette.B, 'Sì2d Iter .

Private bote« tor t persons.lì ¦«," ml ' .?» "?

. Oflea tutu i" a. M. un? ? lallv. ini

Pert- , --? ?? 7 o'clock

ITA I,I VN Ol'l It 1 t \l{|> 9rill reapecifu y anno neee ? - »¦· sauf ih*Op»re,

»? · 'h »a ;; lake placeodayoaat. Ma Opera ol Lombardi

ad Hl·'.»». ¡laU *'U-nonna ? tea. ?'e of III«

greei Maestro Manna. "FoecMdaiaD lisp, "»a·, ««ton she m ... , a | ,- er.esVIo-

j P»rform»r, »od Ma-.o "'¦ ?'·, al the PlanoForte._miTHF' 4\M 41. Hill « - · VVaahiuglori

Brau Beul will take piece »? toa ? Balera. IllBroodWar. OB BondB] Ih» Orchestrawl 1 M full aad ette,· 1 ni »ss Bsnt «lii perfora]¦? In'.ermission in lud uniform some select |t'*c*s of music.Por parileu.ars ara Ovalar M liercm» ?!'*»:» can b* proil e..f ,>( »?? uisinher "f the Rand, or of M. ?. Dingle, 67Bo»»er» m« Iti»'

??ß?G TAI ('HT. vVi h _u f-tHiy »rd repld? ro«-ree«t."n. M DL MSDAY l-s.' ledi*· and geo-

euien the Uul'.ar, Ulngltig, Pianoforte. Accordino .idMollo. Terrnsree«on»hle.For ««le, » superior .·¦ U.iHsi« |r,~tllone.

end Violini Apply at 42o Broadway, four doors abov»l anal·.t._ms uval U«

TWOOKTIIK--IIK>TI._nKNsohs.e-o~eiTiBgaader« ."rr*ldewltbtbaiaaaner, who i.a*ahou*ep»asaaiiy<luiated. Addle··


'po t?- it mit«» . m f M-PBitotety1 Berte»! will and loBMi a Meal d«*tr*ble ralsbliih·Bent for l.ov«, r ear o kpf ., i0 BUBERT Al>A!is»l ?. I) Pine.? (IF Ik- eUor, ?.·,.?-?»?<1 |


THIS 111. "Uifour yeart BMS Iwas taken wllh a , »nd of r»uiog thick

aeuer. »nd j I Mlhlag, pun In the leftaide, fe»-er »nd nigle »weeu. lo»· oTappetite »nd atrenctb

». . » a»te ? «*»y -,e.y Iprtnti and FallI would ua»* an aiu, ¦ '

· I, aa Irati mild noiwoik eaeh* I WOPM ^«t mueh wore«. I had :h* »i-

- or four dirt-rent phy»-.ei»n» from whomI received no Mo*Dt. They all aald ihat my lung» wer·

badly afTecteil. The Is»; one thai e»¡_e ¡? »e» me, »oumiedin* ; he «?..., a · ti-ad and »ai d, one loa»· w»» sound, «nd

,·' wasted »w»v He prescribe) some sle>ad ? -, -nVi-t ti ali, »od he never came

lo aee me again. Al Hit· I was loduced to ·.-; 'deben, k a

P'ileonic Syrup. I did not receive any benefit from li un¬

cí 1 bad taken ihre* bottles, but apparently got woreo mycough we· t'gbt and dry it wa· wttn great difficulty thaiI Could get tvreetlt. Mrftrtaods. ». *.-:r»»m/»elf. tb ??,himv time wa» »hort in ini» worid. But all at enee I wastaken with one of my violent spells oi si/hlng, wliensomething gav. way. and 1 raised, aa near aa 1 cantali,

t · · ,o-ly m»u«r »nd r irruption.Ih« moti borriti.« ali.* I ever ss.v or «melt, froto thatt'me I K«in*d »ery f«.· -· ral«'ng more or >··

iued taking - ?????? I'.«.I laaen ? eni*»n botltaa At Ll · »idered

s »gain. Tblt was ·» thefeilet IMA 1 '.··'- re*».ne.i flesh »nd

ever »inca Thutssplsln,. ..*, and u the truth. Aay person ?*·

» -si all upon me at my r-sl. New·, rk. UM HOLDER

Prepared by J. H. Kill ? ? ? a »I fo* «al» at bla priu-» York ?? Bo'itli tilth at

i-.d i 9i»ia-.t. ? ·

?.»o tn»y b-oWlr.-' ·. » i *»y 121 and.??'. ? Emi Br u. way; 47Í Bowery ; 17» and 44?

. rerawich ·;. N Y endl-Utand·· ?«,?raer Fa.toe, »od Cranberry tu. Brooklyn

.ai Moeiig >ni»ry-»i Jersey Cuy. BP of agosta ia ail partauf tM L'nited Biete«.Fieeae remonter that P. M Beeama. u M longer aa

.seel of mía*, end iM prjL>ri«t»r will not be rrapoMlb'efor sny medictM purebaseei of Ihm. m he m longer railsth« renulee Scheock'· Pu.ouMtle tyrap.

M________ J H.SCHEIeCE.

MON'THLV RBPOBT for Febnavy of too Be-York Medical and Surg'ee. Itunueo, f5 CbaaiMrs-si.

C'swrs r»r· esefVty tmliSt Riienmails.?i Caaraof girati, D.arik-ra.ile..· ·.-:

'. Pain in '.he «ida 4 Bocowd vraorral1 Abdominal (Dop- "> Qì.i of loag.y. »r«ndt_(

ti Primary rhan· 12 Sore eye·.ere«. I c«m* of iMpo-

tect 'il»e»sssof' '.Primary coti-i toner.»amp. on ! J Blotch«·, ven».

Cases ot wn .-axateai, reel, on »kinidling art too 1 Bid c«»»s Of] .'Dleehar-i» fromwon.. and; Craig lung. »ar

bearing dowa| I Caee lateral eur! 2 Partial deifniss.pilo« perfectly iti.r» of the li Drs*et*ry

"1 »pi·* under1 2 ·'· --.i~i» C*». - r*att»_atot. Ibr»e_

? 'lii-tn a«, wank < I Dtoeaae of theOne:

'Chror. F.«ar«. Rid ri»-· ., ?

.1 'oeg : ?» ? lion f .he»


1 Feactur- of*· 1 Larce abacera« ] Polypoe r-??.,?tihtaaninnara neteed tinder

Pract-re of toe toe«. : - nram sa té

manara-it-dt-f- j 1 Timor ressorte

fruai armr .t.rt »r,

ù Sireeai.a» eu redlaore- a

1 Brlstocaaos re.doced, eeverai


ed from taorectum.

. Am.;, » ?.

Mea from toetag.

î aprale« of tne«elari«- ivo·' Mkle-Ms remorad. I I eaerrai warta

1 OperteiM for ? One-ru-uae forssjbB Phyams-k

.".- .·-' ».:·... . '.· ,eHOMtA BtJMiV¡CK.e/l>

.·:* Fhyaia-Mp aad Bargeop.A llOOWtlKTir* Create Dónele/ Braool, No. 441a-.BrrjosMs-st trar Broadwey. New Csiem jnmfvrm·la». PrTT·-» taeeoru si ar.y lire., derin tM day lor ""

RraowaFotoa Maioaraa. Cinq Tempe, Tarramia.W ?

ttepdetará'· Ciaran en Tu«»_ty. Fi.ay or TteriaMPimraaTPv«_ÄfroraTtailA_ _____«La-Msr Classe·« Ta-sdsy ac- Aa-trJsy fr~n 1 io

PrartMtn«·!.»'.!*»· twice » neo·11- |1J 3MÉB

ñsTl'atít »?"??:???.G?·.-? targo MsonrwM m eau? (ned «ad ur-atio-j Pap. Hs-gingS, ebflteB BMtern·.by toe caso or «analtar s a astra·*mtate-w BAB-». BlCHARDaAP_ATT.a»Broo4way.I i.WTBB AM» JPO-IFTOe· Gß??GG??G?l! ire« woras.?Saagratioe. ?. Y «ad toa Poraptoa IronWork». F cept-re, IO. are ta full oporat-m. Order» (jrroua-, aqoare, tau band. aero'J and hoop trop wl.. M¦WBptÎT aracela ri. oa eepAcaileM M».-.-_ JOÎE?_lT.,e.I»_L_R a-WesH-

_mUtflitTH tsatU·,_B__

JOtlAH"RICHARDt. Atrctloaaar.\ BAM:»», Kit II 4KOw 4k TlATT-*ara*tBmaalar,. _l.¡t>«aai. C»»k AJvaac·· m*a4· ee rsiaalga-

.seau ?.» Aaeo.** Saie·rORTT ??GG? Ni»» YOB* TRADE BAJLE-

MONDAT Marca XX.Al · (»-elock ?. M

¦ r»Ti«»»«Y._sit», ^« ,^ß?G fy+to taiw arlU earn-líf**·* *·*» ¦*»»*· tat, w*m teeBiailmwry Cem.»-fw».i^^ÄJJl-T*mf*mnV» "««y'·"»-rf «¦£lath aad Aa»- caa »nil«airi, taeyty ertlflae. ¡ »té

i»-·· . -.«a,, rara*, etaeamì um '.-..*.. «aa..·*a larga eaaniretaat af biaak booh*, ?aaa t-ook» »oal meat >

. .»..».»« «ax s*w «ei·».. ir.»»*a4. » «? t·» »r*miv«Arle,y.A so. . chore· am.irTata.1 oí rapa, Itaiurm·. lolkirlsri

«.iiBed ami gaaaime«, osr«. two. thro· «ad t«»r .¦.Aleo, »? 2 .'t;.·! ? M biaaier·· kmmmt

TlsWOAY.Maroh ??Booav.Oa Taaaslay. Ml AM. ik*sateot «MdB· wai

naMiissrJ b· oo«»rmttam «au.y al Um «am· «arW.aagifi«lag with the larf» · «a*ItmBsm tVcrn Ufa.. La* ila*

« - » -eue»» e-ii etii-.*tr* lavokcaafar· Me··-» Linas ? Brown, Moaré· A tranci·. Ort·«

» Co Caray k Hart. Thoaia« Cownenhwalt a C«Harper k Broskarr*. Aorta«*-*. Bal·· B Co. AjUri.« a toc.Prati. »Viajdforsi B C« W- ktao. Catar a Co. Crock·» AB**w*ter. Hogaa h Taoaapaoa. G. S. Applvtou, Lta*J«ey aB.BkistoB, Bomactoa k Ha«w«.i.Ac Be tti,iAv|iaad very «xt«e«iv« e»a»l»:«tp«et of .hoic* aad »ihmBaf«1 ...'a* Bas»

FR1DAT. Min. ai. P. M.Srti« 'Tvri Pt-trst .Thi» dey'· t·!· arci invi«.· ««v-

waSl of My sets oi «Blueki· *t»r«a>tyca» piato«, le wh*«eih· eiteoaoe ot puh:'»k«rs ¡s reepeiiuu'.'y isvitea. em-braciag maey deaireM· work* ?.«o. copper pieu·· eaAty··.1 .* Th· who.· forming Use meat exurtalv· «rarie«v of **¦«trebla «tock «v«r cmaraà ai publie mm, mm to b· »usaw.tbvHii raamrv·

*.· A^etary Caiaafc»·· 1* ta prop« rail«;ß ail»i r·· ..».·?1 on lh· tjr.i «»» of «u« (a-vie«· fer m*·»»ma mil. tm tecoivaU uotu Msmtay. lBta.

? COLTOM. Asuttla«·«».

BY P. lOLTOM, Aitettoa «osât Cnmtm«ili» Ma.»he»<.ttora No· US ruiuti «t.i Vt Aaaau -Liberal mttaa

ce« <aad· .»n Ooode «libati for artval· aal· or at euctloa. aalprorapt rotura* «Sade tait-doo» «alai o. »«rory AsMctpsloaof roods puociiieòy ettoedad loaad ro«r»eccfV,.lv «oak had

MONDAT. Mftichl.At H Df'o-t, «i t Attor-aier·. aaot Broadway

Pcaiivca« -TB* »euro fu reitero of in· txmieIn» of «of«e»cb«ire, ioti··, baro··«, taabofeey rcaraasra.iiaikteg it »Met. had·irs.'t. fsmtlmr Ned». uKUreaae·. car'· . ChMaa, osti«, aad hall lamp«, g.rarKtol»·. kail «Sm.

mat» .-arra*i». paloni «crow beaUiead·, cúrtela«. eàocAs.c-iin« «si giernvrer·. couatarpaaa*. Mask*'.·.·*,*»·!· ceti··rr. »tore« aad «tinroo, Anchoa foratturo. Be. Be.

TlKsDAY. Steti.At ¡"4 o'clock, ei IM Bvw*rv, ««er Bart·..·.

Th· cotten'i of ¦ lir«e Tarood end Nonti· ata VaimtgSi-ire. eooelMlag oflhreaJ. oa* ta great variety capae,M ara, capa, glove·, borery. ·»*·! casroa«, pocket books,

lace*. riDine, nutioae, «hslsim«». nmty «oo«»·. log«ik«rwith every artici· usual y foaad I· t lar«· reía!', »tor· of

. '-«-??don. Ateo, glaa« ea*«·, A* £cAr c» , . t*kt, · _."vl »«coed hand pieao forte,

made by Dubots·. Bacca k Chamhar« Prie· lim.Al prive'« «al·. 1 vry Be· oaiomaix. LorJon mot«.

CCIt.A.»IBKMl.AIN, AICTIONEER-Bior· Ito.·. Spruce-si. L;!a»rai aslvaace· rn*,.» :. Oood* i-ooslge

.d for privet« «ale, or to b« «old «l eacinm Hui tnor Mue·c«r»fu..y «ueriJad lo. end respectfully »oIWiunL fioatptreturn« made.

THIS DAY MONDAY. March 1.At lt> o'clock, at » Spru.-esL

? ?µ·? «ei ? » Su» oi New Fteairves, kc. compii·»»,«t meho««ny eofaa, 4 barwaus, « m«*o(»ay itila», ta m»r*tm top »of» lebl·*. «arerai taeho«eay ria k«r·, .¿?* deot«loi »eci>ad-h«ad furnilu»·, Ae

» I·· I lai e emhor welghiM akonl 7 owit>EUROS. W. CUKDIC.CoMStOa-l·TCESDAT Mere*».

Ai lu o'ciock, M Ut Broadway.Meato»·« Sti « of eli ih· righi, lille »ad UiisrMi

«Jaiuu«, R. Denteo, ot. lo end u> la· low lieg mjktat_PEO. W ClllBlC, A» y for MortgsA»»»)·

Bk JtMt.1 Tl. vtTLe_Va--B<^a No. 78 Meld··leo« ?« it J.wjr to ff«. 1 laWtv-et

MONDAT. Marchi.At 1.' o clock, al ih· Merehanu' 1 ·, l.« n-

1· mama Of the carnai Mock of lb· Maryland MlnUà»ti is«< of th« I».li.I« of the Merylentt Mining Company

1er of ih· Truiioe·.The ihr*· «lory brick tona·« Il dg·««. It» .eel from lb· ?-???a? of Broom·,Loii^ k] it»',··»Im uw lui of lind idioinlug llie euove, kuowa a« M

Ridge-eL Lot 1» by I'll feelTw«oiy-fit»i »t .»» ill be *??·), that lot oferuuod o« Ike

u r«n «Ideo! Twenty «<*t HWl*»n ih« flfih aoat ttklbti«M ». an I known .m a atan balooglug la Mary tiriker.aisle by T.. Do i«li v. Mb. ti HJ3, by id· No. 4, bounded

1'v.etity hr*t«L «ui hi No. V north In the roar bvNo I« «mi by No. 3. Kein»; «( front »nd rear by «J foal Is'.lcheade·!' sale posiiiv*.

TI -».''ti ?«·«*?? I") o'clock,ai the «atte Ti ?·?.1*?-?«a*.

Boots. Saois and Bko«ans .loon eia·« Itoots. tao·««nd broi(«'it, ron.istiBX at «vary variety, tutiable for«i.Miihero, »Veaiero end city ira.!«. Sel« ???a????·

THI KSDAV, March II,?? l")o. ,'ick, at 111« «lore· of lilliiiien, ttinuU k Co J Bad

» Perry·».«.?«*-' siile« liomiiKk tanned soio leather, with oibn aru

ette m ?!?· Ho«.

AfCLAKI.IM, ml Pearl *i up tiatr». toasaaumlon. Merchsnt for th« ml· of Boots, SLoes and Broftaa

E, Jt'HSÜON will «all at lb· ».??a of A. C'«7lt·, on»VK'.iN...1DAV. March 1», *i It o'rlork, A. M. «DO earn*Ikihis shoes snd lin gens. reteprlmBg a large aasorvammof frc*h and ·«*·, uofil« goods UK Id»

»VM. ti. JONE·, Aui-U.moaw.

BOUT- AM) NIKIKN Hy D IVtjrRiOLLhCO »lora IQ P«i·'.-·» oa »V«.lo«».i*y. Mereh 10. el lo

o'ctork. MM cesee boot*, «sto«· ani brogaae, eultablB for* hern, We«t«tn and city trate._atti

?? I.KIM 1.1t- INU ««lllt'FKII- I K.« -R' ¦-at Au-iioe-OIKARD, BKTTn k CO. will .«.. thi»

.ay. Monii*y. March i, el 11 o'clock, la front of llieir Mor·,rum«» VV'eil aad Proel SU. Ri«·. lib tierce« rie·. B>«'»'lyoi ane ijuaiii) ino S'lilenl· for retelliug. Ali p*>rfsKil)i...q'i.l ami Hi »erfeci otilar ral U«

Ut-ai (fetale.

MTO l.r-.? ON « tlUI.HKA-mUlAMJt -Thehome tit \»'e»l Tvraaltath-al. froalUig ou Chai*··..qiiar«.

A'.o. the boii«e mo »»'oat Nmaloautb «L

Als·» n» su.»· »nd Jw«liiag luv Nlnth-aiwoiia, oaa/Cbasl-ire, , - *.·.·» '» ?· aiWIiavl with ^AAntluiaa, koad

- m» »¦ '"· chandail·»·, ke. »n.l I* wad »tluaiad for theroofeciloeary or feocy (<»ud» ba*laaaa. Tkw «I wailt*»« fariI» «erf »ps.-'.ou», rontaiulug *laie«ii rinMa». »ud wUl n· !«t«aparáis dur ili· »tor·.A eu, tlwadjoiulng houae and elora 1II, bow occupied hj

Th'.triM R. Clerk. Apply ...

m.' leti D- A. CC9HMAN, ItM Paail «I

¦TO I.MT -Jee«r*ou Hail, N'.nil· »»'»rd.-lThe'lfir··.tory brtek houM corner ut lludtua and Charlee »?*known e* th·" Jaffarooo lleii, «nd for many .rears

pasi a« the o«roocratlc Head «Umrtme ia the Nairn WardTo a good and «su. ··· I, · tanaiil lb« tana* wv; hai fBVor-.'.i». The hulldtaf would he enlarged and lmpr.,*«al .»

a« to becoaie on· ·? the m««t «pacioti« ta m« wert, tro1· a »«? ··..¦¦ -. I.·»,.. .id otTar. Apply to

ml twtt R ||. »VINMLOW, s. Wait··» k SIS«!

e AT rHIIATK WALK The ihre« slory brie«',¦··;«« an.) leooa of lot In Cllosori pia*·, llighih ·*. oa

the cornar of ,,r«ana-*i. lot ¦ foal front «at rear'yiaif-.i. La··· from Balio,*'Huuf Herbor. w Uli tea·«·»·

Aito, III« Ihr·« »tory kflth bou·· «ad la·«· of la« of,Ntntfi ti. on Ken lei peca, edioinlo« ihe ebo*-· lui oo reAroar of r.'.iehth si Poi iiariUul·.· eoaly io

ANTUO.NY i. BLKECRa.Il. Aocuoasmr.«i» lw


? ? roed «

ßTÔ I.KT -ÀWiiruitlmik»«.··. Th« edvitujâr wotipjllk«tor«i«ln itmSd »lory or noi ?,?.?? eoo«? u>u«r«iwould Ilka lo !»a*· th· boa»· ta re*poa«tbla hasts,

(hare «re «Igln room« who larg· peo ri·· aad a od·» collar Croio· w«i«r ihrousli tk· bona·. rota tow and raualradIn advene·. Inqulro at ». Twaaiy-tlain-at. «oat of Llrma«lnt>e»«ama at* lw*.TO LET, IS IIMOOM.I.V*« H«e taro iterT

btajseTI IIeery-n. ft mmaioa walk from il»· fwrry. A»». / dmarabl· locaiiun Larg· yard, ¦ iMarra, arafe

vina, Be ke. Baal oely BBfM). latjulr« tl Vt oka·».q»·If_JOHW A. f«E»VBOULP¦ ItIIIt WALK. G?« u,.»larn lhr«a*tory lyrtifc bvstaa

«nd lot *1 Bavaa'h-«L The Lvotisa I« Ie foot tlreerend he« ib« Croioa wat·» la It- Kor pi/lieauAr« agv

ply on the promis«·or of G i BECK, «I Ws »t ntl«r*.TO l.t-T-Helf-f e lest'eJt- I"·· »· la Lalghl*

Kamt.»" «l'Imi Coaaiii, b->x ?4.6 P.^t'JiBea.

_m»lf_«mj TO LET Th· i,»^em*oi aad cellar il levee· -

tpply »1 The Tri'iune oCc·, or « ocoROP. i PR'CP- 'M r,«mBroadwayTO I.KT-A part of üm w«ll known ?..«op Panati.the Towo*h,p of |4»wv,wp, L I. iw i rail·· from iheWllilami'iuri-h ferry oo lb· Turnptk·· R.«»U >odmg

from ih· Pean» Brt.ige ui ihe vtilage of ttewuiwa. coat»ir nisiai·« forty aeroe of lillahl· «r.d aro ihtrty KrM

.codow Tm·· U oa Uba ?-oiia·· a lor«· Com- 1 willing bou··, «a .ie«li»aihara,c«i»»«4)»hosu·

w r ,t !,rl.»r oerilculere Inijelr« *i tbe *(>r· of JOHN? ^1 ¿NON Y Ita tornar », ? ?_m» >t-

2A KAMM ?? ?.?? or lo »mm. «a BAala· I«s»m*l,'iire«',i«ri»r»ofaei.-» irosi PortRicticw-ad. Ia»s«lr·. Aaa-aK. ml lar*

*i HAT«. TO »EUAU tot «1 ?· ai MILU3«.-·"/-.u. Howe/i li ne»..Bot a.».tyi« (or ??? now rood* ?a r jmpiUsr« tvtlJb iSm

«som, il· Nltrrlbsr lia* kfeM .»¡"odiicosi tk· temittaajB >r t***·,' «iiaa»'· Hei*. TU*y «r« po»!'lv«jyu tbey er· rmprmaaotmà. orné eomMnlng «lasiletiy. f aad ,r .?a,? y. BB»*MsmT* wuh ta«-



mprovemeot» I« iba trlamiioe·. iheir .opatr'oriiy la ·>.

fcTO ??>?1????? OWÑBMst.?.·*·! f ,,j aja will h« rae*tvad M th·(.»Il ·> o « York aad £r> Railr,»*4

Compaay. ? oui oi Il.v».. .iu. Tosmday, Itmlru. met, Iwrtb« .iraui'n .»i hi vie« 'or io win« oargaa tnr «em m«a ta«,c< ajoMneiBg oa ta· let of April Mil A »p«a*lncalfcOB <4lha DAUtire of lit· eawic·, aad fad e«p.«r*ti»*o«. «ill he fu»b.MMd «' ÜMBlMtve oltce J. f. Clarkaoe. Agaat.mlIwu_H C. SEYMOCR, a\ip«»rl»*iecd»i»t.

m. ???? I· 1,1 ?? for Albany on 1fi troy via %tAt-to.,t\ tad Hoa»«toaatKa .rood .Tb'oa»h by 4«y,l(tal.Cei.«

. · « ai ·.. 'r.iri A M U.i¡..¿ ¡Mloal- ,.».-.¦ Ka »o·!';«·!.*·«!: reia-liarçagnoiH

w!'ji hea.y H reu fro in .rM/'-nort Kttk« V»'»*i«ni Raulrasd.The aaeamooal MOLNTaIMEKR v»'- M. Pimía·.leave· Uta fool of Market-·!. K. B. fol t rvlrepor», «tally, SI«. o r.o.a. ?. M No frolsrht ta»·. la Urn Pimmgi» Urn»/» take aa tart «? ??«4»·»?-^!. acd artxhcraleaaat· oi «-a/· or bog«>«·», arrtv· la AJheat- «am Troy ai Si/r;,<| f. M. New cer» *o¿ toeomothr«.«4·«« tm··ho.

Rrorured. «oat ta· road U '-» «very rmaert «ejual to hat heat-· Hoglar.J raavd.ota froifai Lia· by«iiamar« NIMRODaat ECtVEKA

dalfyfor farJier pv-cuiar» inquire et Uvmado« A WeUefa

E«r*r»M Otic·. Ito. ¦» Wali-st and »l Um otk· oa Mark·!«? ?·· i,, _n m prxav. » «*,l iiiVvmn

¦ ¦m-!__ ? ? ¦¦ «-

VALI AHI.E Oll, PAIxTIMil kr «ek, ?» >v i>ranuaiiO.. Palcuag· roprearouag fr·*· was·» ·«·.¡«hiag 'CKJta, W.ih eagiiug trama la th· dleastee feet"picaro« tr«auv«aeiiy fraated m the laumt litt, «a»! «' ·

pataiet by one of Ihe eeM («me paia«·»· la«raau)fbey wtl, sa» «·>»? low il apoitasl .< tratta Bat Iah tawM.

JUktN J BROV'AI k CtJTtatiBKuio.n «t near tie·»»·

Pitr.VAH f. >OK UTUy WMATMmV-TB·H«w«rt ladle ?^«»?«? *taaatk^ariM^^mta,

tai« the '.araaet aad ke·» s»»aoT»m*avi of India aVabtr·» Ukaaato bafouad In th· eoamtrr, rtraatoür.g of «»rer> vertoiy afiad.-w' tod »-eaiiJesrM«.'» Orw«muee in tiri, laamismaaraaG« ·>>,·>«>· G-»»" --»«AihV rmmrnt *^mB4Bt bo«U «t^ffHrTwltn *· :o.»i or k«s eaWud by the teat.kZ ai^rj Amttrimlam ai mû taxai ami «ret-», arooi

, ttttV*ta?~**¡mmt\7mm letatt. Trmtar. areIr-Aaoamca ? «md siiBkN cj lUXX tmfor· BarctmBmsJ Bimwsmr·,Wir«>«Mt»1*l«b»i _

êYl tmr

A»fl.AT»t lOLOsxJUt CAJ|BaUC#-A