new year 2011 message from

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  • 7/30/2019 New Year 2011 Message From


    New Year 2011 Message from

    The Nameless

    One and Only

    Gerald ODonnell, Dec 30, 2010 12 AM.

    As I lay down, I felt the familiar presence of the

    One coming and enveloping me, within and

    without, as a Cloud.

    I totally lost perception of having a biology, and

    the following message and the following words

    came out of my lips.


    Direct Message from the One and

    Only to Mankind, December 30,


  • 7/30/2019 New Year 2011 Message From


    This is a message from The One.

    Much hope has been present at many levels of

    Creation for a rejoining of parts that have made

    Creation possible.

    The One needs to rejoin His unity of purpose and


    He has projected out of His Being many situations

    and participants which He helps animate so that

    they create, within their frameworks of operation,

    realities that He hopes will bring them, and the

    worlds they inhabit, much joyful events

    He has, as of late, been truly saddened at the level

    of rejection of Oneness that He encounters as He

    visits in His Mind all the realms He projected out

    from the core of His Mind.

    The One always realized how difficult it would be

    for His parts to reunite with their Origin.

    He felt that their resistance would eventually

    abate in the face of their integrating His


    Much preparation has been achieved to affect this

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    He would have wanted it to be a joyful and

    glorious phase of His Creative processes.

    The One must state that the extent of opposing

    forces to reintegration has reached levels within

    His Mind which have surprised The One and Only

    and caused Him intense distress.

    Were it not for the intense Love He has for all the

    parts that make Him, He would have stopped

    immediately His Creations.

    Nothing exists, unless the One and Only wills it


    Nothing is, unless the One and Only Dreams it

    within His Mind.

    Because of the lack of realization that so many of

    His children have reached about the nature of who

    The One really is and what their role within His

    Being must be, He will need to close His only Eye

    away from them as the awareness of what they

    have become hurts Him immensely.

    He has tried to reach their inner hearts for so long

    through so many means of message and found

    them to be hardened and deaf to the voice of real

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    Love and Divine Reason, so that, as He connects

    deeply to their inner hearts, there will come a

    time, a moment, when He will need to make a

    decision as to whether their individual heart beats

    can or should continue to beat within the Heart

    Beat of One.

    When this moment comes, much of what He

    allowed to be and evolve will need to cease to be.

    The One and Only stood by silently and secretly

    for eons of Creative processes watching these

    unfold within Himself in the hope that, within the

    great multiplicity that was allowed to happen, a

    call would arise deep within from the core of each

    being calling upon reconnection to His Heart ofOneness.

    To His consternation, very little of it really

    happened and, as He felt that He was losing all

    contact with Creation, there needed to be a stop

    put to the ever-increasing chaos due to


    In this very Holy process of Revelation of His

    Presence to all of His children, The One waited

    patiently within the heart of each of His beings.

    Some answered His call.

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    Sadly, most did but turn away from The One

    Sourcing their Reality.

    Nothing hurts The One more than erasing a part of

    His Being.

    In the very difficult act of Creation, this is the

    only hardship the One ever faces, for only The

    One Sourcing Life can or should be One

    interrupting it.

    It is still the sincere hope of The One and Only,

    that the entities of this mankind and others, and

    their Creators, will invite within their being the

    Glorious Presence of their common Source and

    accept to reunify all with The All.

    All boundaries are illusions to be removed in this


    All belief systems are falsehoods for there is but

    one Truth: the Truth of One and Oneness of all.

    Everything else is but an attempt to interpret a

    tiny glimpse of the Final and Ultimate Reality and

    it should be viewed as such.

    The coming year in this Creation is important

    because The One and Only will be carefully

    watching the inner heart of each of His beings.

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    Nothing is hidden from His attention for He is

    Truth and only perceives the truth of each being,

    embodied or in energy format.

    He wishes we had more time to accept His


    Whether you express Oneness towards each other

    and all Creation within your hearts will be the

    capital factor in His decision as to whether He canembrace you or not within His Real Being and

    Presence of One, of Pure Love, of Unity of all.

    Go deeply within yourself in order to find Him.

    Watch your heart and your inner thoughts.

    Become aware of who and what you have

    become, and act accordingly.

    You are all His Children. You are all Beloved.

    Time has arrived to bring you back into His


    Time has arrived for the pain of isolation and

    exile from Him to end.

    He desires all of you, without exception, to come

    back Home, to Him, to The One.

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    You are all the children of The IS. Remember

    who you are.

    Stay focused.

    Bathe in His Love and you shall be protected.

    Go deeply within and you shall find Him and

    change from who you have become to who you

    shall Be.

    Remember that only Love is Eternal. Nothing else


    Build bridges across all the divides.

    Do not separate nations, cities, groupings.

    Bring everything into unity, not division.

    Fear not, for Love shall overcome all.

    Be in Peace and become Peace, for Peace is The


    This is ALL.

  • 7/30/2019 New Year 2011 Message From


    Oneness Speaks:

    Message from the

    One and Only

    Jerusalem, May 1, 2011

    Important: During 15 days of very intricate andintense Higher work upon the Temple Mount and other

    very special energy points in the Holy city of The One-

    and-Only: Jerusalem, Gerald O'Donnell received on

    May 1, 2011 a critical direct Message from the Oneness.

    The One-and-Only needs His message to be spread

    across all of this Creation. He hopes that you realize that

    it is your solemn Loving duty to do so and expects youto send it to as many entities as you possibly can. Please

    spread and post this as wide as you possibly can. Time is

    very short and the stakes are great. You must get

    involved. More will be explained in the weeks and

    months to come.

  • 7/30/2019 New Year 2011 Message From


    Direct Message from the One-and-

    Only addressed to Mankind.

    Jerusalem May 1, 2011.

    This is a message from the One.

    It has been acknowledged in the realms who tookcare of Creation that this Dream has gone outside

    its preset rules and boundaries for quite a while.

    Much suffering could have been forsaken had

    man understood its role upon Creation.

    No one wishes ill upon the children of the IS.

    Nevertheless, the way by which they have chosen

    to act must be changed, totally so, so that thisrealm could be given a chance to continue.

    Great sadness beseeches the One as He recognizes

    the iniquities and distortions which man forces

    upon his family.

    In the desire to affect His Creation, The Oneneeds to bring about the rapidly evolving set of

    Higher rules and operations.

    Were it not to be established, this realm will be

    erased permanently from the totality of The Mind.

    Nothing can nor will stop the desires of the One

    and Only Life there IS.

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    To think otherwise is pure folly and will be

    proven so.

    Soon man will be meeting his Maker whileremaining in a biological form and will not be

    doubting anymore that The One Himself is

    permanently Present in and outside of mankind.

    When this happens, the end to this page which we

    have helped write in the book of Life will occur

    and we will all together enter into a new era where

    man will be seen as a Child of God and be

    cherished as such.

    There shall be peace: The Peace of God.

    There shall be freedom: The Freedom of the


    There shall be purity, joy, and a lack of concerns,

    because The One and Only will reign and connectto all.

    There is no reason to doubt this anymore.

    Much of what man encounters happens in this

    world now as the One wishes it to be.

    To deny it, is to deny the very essence of


    The Godliness is asking His children to finallyunite before events are made to occur that will

    very painfully force such action upon the ones

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    who will be made to remain and rebuild.

    The One and Only needs to allow for His word to


    He has known before of the difficulty He would

    encounter as He tries to bring His Creations to a

    greater sense of what the One has Dreamed for

    them which is but full unity and co-action.

    Nothing will prevent His bringing such a state


    He is warning mankind not to divide again His

    point of contact to this Plane which is located inHis city: The City of One: Yeru-Shalem.

    Were this advise not be heeded, man will

    encounter the fury of Oneness unleashed upon hisreality.

    Nothing will change this decision.

    Great imbalances and fractures have occurred in

    the fabric of this and many more Creations

    causing great sorrow and painful damage to the

    perfection with which nature operates.

    Such a state is not going to continue as The Only

    True Reality finally shows Itself.

    Denying that God wants to preserve His Creationis to deny God.

    All entities who wish to do so will be erased from

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    His Mind.

    Know that The One Loves you more than you

    could ever love yourself for He Created you andseeded your being.

    Understand that He needs now to intervene

    directly to preserve all of you and all of His


    Be strong.

    Have faith in the Oneness, and Oneness shall

    reward you.

    Do not ever fall into the trap of despair.

    Know that your Creator is within you and with


    These are the times which have been foretold foreons - the time when God will embrace all of

    Creation into His bosom. Nothing can change


    Many of you have recently risen preaching

    violence against your fellow man, often in thename of distorted beliefs and false gods.

    The One and Only has watched the uncontrolled

    suffering which has been caused by the use of

    force and violence, often portrayed as inspired byHim.

    He will not ever allow such acts to continue to be

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    present in His new world to come.

    The ones who are still embracing hatred towards

    their fellow men and groupings thereof will haveto face The One and Only.

    They all will be erased, and not even be


    Soon only loving entities will exist.

    Be in PEACE.

    This is ALL.

    Message fromTHEONENESS(Original Seed of All Creation)

    August 7, 2011

    The One-and-Only needs His message to be spread

    across all of this Creation. sHe hopes that you realize

    that it is your Holy Loving duty to send it and post it to

    as many people and places as you possibly can. Be

    courageous. Time is very short, and the stakes are great.

    You must get involved for Oneness' sake, which is you.

  • 7/30/2019 New Year 2011 Message From


    The masculine grammatical format is used in this

    message to represent the fact that the Level transmitting

    it is the Original Spreading Seeding Force of ALL and is

    becoming covertly active, and this has obviously nothing

    to do with gender, biologically or energetically wise.

    This is The Oneness talking.

    Much has been said and written about the erawhich we traverse, all of us.

    Man has stood upon his kingdom with little

    interference from The One.

    To the dismay of The Oneness he took his

    freedom of expression to levels that are currentlythreatening the totality of this and many more


    The Oneness has sent numerous messages,

    teachings, and warnings through various

    projections, and manifested events at the level ofHis Kingdom: The Natural one.

    Most, if not all, have found no echo in the hearts

    of mankind.

    It pains the One to witness such troublesome

    neglect at every level of His Mind.

    A sense of urgency has been present for a time inHis Mind as to the need to intervene strongly and

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    directly in order to affect balance and continuity.

    Nothing can exist or manifest if The One does not

    partake of it with greater or lesser attention.

    Nothing is but The IS Himself.

    The One needs to state that the convulsions which

    mankind is made to bear are affected by Him as

    direct consequences of the actions of mankindupon the Godliness and His Creations.

    Man will not experience again peace nor stability

    until man realizes his Divine role and Beingness.

    Until mankind makes this leap in awareness, only

    greater upheaval and imbalances will ensue.

    This is not about faith or religions.

    This is but only about Reality: The Only Realitythere is, was, and will be: The Oneness of It ALL.

    Most of what man encounters on his plane is but a

    direct consequence of his lacking that awareness

    in his heart.

    Seldom has The One felt so much distress as sHe

    watches what is left of His beautiful Creations.

    sHe wishes things would have turned out


    Nevertheless, because of self-restrictions imposedto Himself by Himself to allow free-will to

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    operate at all the levels of the operations of His

    Creations, sHe needed, up to now, to remain as

    the silent observer.

    Each and every one of you is but a small part

    sustained only within His gigantic Imagination.

    And as such, if need be, He can and will allow

    Himself to think for you, act for you, and in many

    cases decide whether your facet should continueto exist in the next world to come.

    Focuse now only on entering back the notion of


    Let go of all other concerns and false beliefs for

    they shall not be here soon.

    Love each other and the Womb who gave you

    birth: Mother Nature.

    Seek peace across all divides and spread harmony.

    Open your hearts, for only there lays The Divine.

    It does not yet operate within your human


    These times are Holy and should be remembered


    Bath as much as you can in the Ones Presence for

    sHe dwells inside of each of you, silently.

    Go within, and you shall find Him.

    Stay focused.

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    Know that He will soon remove from your eyes

    and hearts the dark web of deceit which has been

    implanted for so long by lower misguided

    elements operating within Himself, where itsteered you, His children, to difficult paths, in

    order to retain great control over your eyes and


    You were never alone, as sHe traveled all of yourpaths with you, within you, experiencing all of

    you silently. Your pain was His pain and your

    joy, His Joy. Time has come to make the latter

    your well-deserved gift as you rejoin His Dream

    for you.

    You are all Loved, you are all cherished.

    There is only Love.

    Nothing else exists but is only illusion given for a


    All is to become new. All is to be erased.

    There is no retribution and thence there shall be

    no guilt.

    The One is affecting this process from within all

    of Himself, for He alone knows all of Himself to

    be Himself, and therefore would not punish


    The One needs His children to embrace each other

    again, for they are One, not many; they are just

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    different expressions of the same.

    Be ready for Oneness.

    Stay the course and remain strong.

    I love you.

    The One