new team pledge to serve business community - … · new team pledge...

September 2017 Issue No. 09 New team pledge to serve business community Malik Tahir Javaid PRESIDENT Khawaja Khawar Rashid SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Zeeshan Khalil VICE PRESIDENT

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March 2017 Issue No. 03

September 2017Issue No. 09

New team pledge to serve business community

Malik Tahir JavaidPresident

Khawaja Khawar Rashidsenior Vice President

Zeeshan KhalilVice President





Malik Tahir Javaid Khawaja Khawar Rashid

Zeeshan Khalil


CONTENTSLahore Chamber NewsSeptember 2017Issue No. 9

8LCCI President for withdrawal of RegulatoryDuty on import of steel by Auto Parts Manufacturers

Newly Elected EC Members 2017-18 7

Punjab Finance Minister supports LCCI demands 11

Election 2017-18 15

AGM 21

9LCCI Pictorial

8LCCI demands withdrawal in fuel prices for the sake of trade, industry & agriculture

Lahore Chamber 2nd Export Trophy 2017 in Focus 12

24Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers

20Annual General Meeting - 2017 LCCI new office-bearers set milestones for economic prosperity


Newly Elected EC Members 2017-18

Khawaja Khawar rashidMian tariq rehman Muhammad Wasim M. Khaleeque Arshadshahbaz Aslam

Javed iqbal BhattiAdeeb iqbal sheikhMuhammad Bashir nabila intisar

Faheem ur rehman saigol M. naeem Hanif Muhammad chaudhry

sheikh Zafar iqbal

ch. Aurangzeb Aslam

dr. shahid razaMalik Kaleem Ahmed

corporate class

Associate class


The Lahore Chamber of Commerce of Commerce & Industry has urged the gov-ernment to bring down the fuel prices for the sake of trade, industry and agriculture sector that are already working in chal-lenging circumstances. The LCCI President Malik Tahir Javed, Senior Vice President Khawaja Khawar Rasheed and Vice President Zeeshan Khalil said that recent hikes in the prices of petroleum products, electricity and gas should be withdrawn as these are bound to jack up the cost of doing business that is already high. They said that government should cut the number of taxes on petro-leum products as the fuel is the engine of growth and no industry can run without it. They said that if the fuel would be heavily taxed the entire economy would suffer and the same happened in Pakistan due to re-peated increases in the fuel prices.The LCCI office-bearers said that only be-

cause of high cost of doing business in Pakistan, a large number of industrial units had shifted their operations to other countries in recent past while recent decision would further discourage the business community. They said that it is not the industrial sector alone but the agriculture sector would also badly suffer. They said that Pakistan agriculture sector is engine of growth. The increase in petroleum prices would increase the input cost of agriculture pro-duction as petroleum products are being used in tractors, tube-wells, harvesters, thrashers and other agriculture machinery. They said that the cost of thermal gener-ation by private sector would also go up. They said that Government is producing huge amount of electricity through thermal means and after increase in petroleum prices, prices of electricity would touch new highs.The LCCI office-bearers said that the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry had for the last many years been calling on the concerned government circles to take measures for the promotion of alternate fuels as trade deficit is fast widening due to heavy imports under the head of petroleum products.They were of the view that the timeline for the increase in the prices of petroleum products is also raising questions because at a time when the whole industry is suffering and exports are showing declining trend, the rise in POL prices is bound to give a big blow to the industry. The LCCI office-bearers hoped that increases in fuel prices would be withdrawn by keeping in view the ground realities.

LCCI demands withdrawal in fuel prices for the sake of trade, industry & agriculture

Malik Tahir JavaidPresident LCCI

LCCI President Malik Tahir Javed has urged the government to save the auto parts manufacturers of Pakistan who are in deep trouble because of adverse con-ditions.In a statement, Malik Tahir Javed said that auto parts manufacturers are one of the largest job and revenue providers in the country but various challenges in-cluding high input cost and duties & tax-es on import of raw materials have put its survival on stake. He demanded that Regulatory Duty on import of industrial steel materials by the Auto Parts sector should be withdrawn immediately as these are not being pro-duced or manufactured domestically. He

said that regulatory duty at the rates of 5 % to 15% on steel import was first im-posed in January 2015. Next year, Regulatory Duty was increased from15% to 35% which heavily increased the input cost of the value added sectors producing fine quality auto parts and engineering products. The President-elect said that though plea is being taken that regulatory duty has been imposed on the import of industrial steel materials to protect the local steel industry but outcomes are terrible as local steel industry mainly produces construc-tion steel. Resultantly large scale manufacturing sectors like Auto Parts have been pushed to the wall. “However, the affected PCT codes were common for raw materials allowed to be imported by the auto parts industry at concessionary duty, because these materials were not produced by the local steel industry (who have been protected through levy of RD). This fact has also been duly recognized in the new Auto Development Plan(ADP) document, where no regulatory duty has been imposed on raw materi-als imported by auto industry, provided they are not manufactured locally”, Malik Tahir Javed added. The LCCI newly-elected President urged the government to immediately withdraw regulatory duty on import of industrial steel materials by the Auto Parts sector as it is nothing else but to discourage the auto parts manufacturers and to encourage the smuggling. He said that if these regulatory duty on import of steel by the man-ufacturers of auto parts vendors is not withdrawn, this will causing increase in cost of manufacturing auto parts and auto parts vendors will not be able to supply parts and other material to the Original Equipment Manufacturers.

LCCI President for withdrawalof Regulatory Duty onimport of steel by Auto PartsManufacturers


LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid is Presenting LCCI Souviner to Mr. Dan Petrescu PhD, who called on LCCI President to Discuss some issues on behalf of Planning and Development Department.

LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid in a meeting with Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Mr. Sartaj Aziz. LCCI Former President Senator Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry is also present.

LCCI Pictorial

LCCI Senior Vice President Khawaja Khawar Rashid in a meeting with Trade Development Officer Consulate General of Pakistan Hong Kong Mr. Ali Awan.


LCCI Pictorial

LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid in a meeting with Chairman EOBI Ghulam Murtaza at Islamabad.

LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid is Presenting LCCI Souviner to Ambassador of France H.E. Marc Barety.

LCCI President Malik Tahir Javaid is Presenting LCCI Magazine to Head of the Economic Department France

H.E. Philippe Fouet

LCCI Senior Vice President Khawaja Khawar Rashid at American Business Forum meeting.


The LCCI President Abdul Basit said while highlighting the aims and objec-tives of the event of LCCI 2nd Export Trophy, said that business community deserves appreciation as they are doing well despite unfavorable circumstances. They are competing their rivals in the international market despite facing chal-lenges like high cost of doing business etc. He said that government’s facilita-tion can enable them to win huge part of global market. He said that government has set the export target of $ 35 billion by the end of 2018 that is not impossible. He said that government should give zero-rated facility to the food sector so that it can get due share in the international halal food trade. He said that Pakistan can

Punjab Finance Minister Dr. Ayesha Ghaus Pasha has announced her fully support to the LCCI and ensured to take up its demands with the federal govern-ment aimed at boosting of exports.She was speaking at LCCI 2nd Export Trophy function. The LCCI President Abdul Basit, Senior Vice President Am-jad Ali Jawa and Vice President Muhm-mad Nasir Hameed Khan also spoke on the occasion. “I am standing with the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry and endorse its demands for enhancement of nation-al exports. Government is responsible

also obtain huge benefits by promoting export of basmati rice, fisheries, cement, marble, pharmaceutical and light engi-neering. The LCCI Senior Vice President Am-jad Ali Jawa called for introducing new tradable items and said that attention should be given to the modern technol-ogy, branding and marketing to give a considerable boost to the exports. The LCCI Vice President Muhammad Nasir Hameed Khan presented vote of thanks. Zafar Ahmed Khan of Mithcell’s Fruit Farms, Akhlaq Ahmad of Epesol (Pvt) Ltd, Qais Rehman of Kalamkaar re-ceived Best Export Brand Awards, Salman Basit of Big Bird, Ali Hussam Asghar of Ali Commercial Corporation, Syed Muhammad Irfan Auqeel of Millat

to support business community as they have most vital role for improvement of foreign exchange reserves, balance of payments and trade deficit”, Provincial Finance Minister said and added that not only food but all export-oriented sectors should have zero-rated facility. She said that Free Trade Agreements should be signed on win-win basis to maintain bal-ance in trade with other countries. She said that process of refunds has been ex-pedited while some tax exemptions have been given to the export-oriented indus-tries. She said that system is needed to be improved for expediting refunds pro-

Tractor, Munir Alam of Azgard Nine, Nasib Ahmed Saifi of Anis Associate, Faisal Iqbal of 12 C Pakistan, Shafiq Ahmed Abbasi of Novamed Pharma-ceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Rana Abdul Mannan of Atlas Exports (Pvt) Ltd, Tariq Mah-mood of Sarwar Foods, Mian Kaleem of Al-Tech Engineering & Manufacturers and Zafar Iqbal of Nobel Foods (Pvt) Ltd received Best Export Performance Trophy. Shahid Hassan Sheikh, Farooq Iftikhar, Mian Misbah-ur-Rehman, Tahir Javed Malik, Awais Saeed Piracha, Shahrukh Jamal, Hassam Ali Asghar, Mian Zahid Javed, Tariq Misbah, Syed Mahmood Ghaznavi and Mian Muhammad Nawaz were also present on the occasion.

cess. She said that though exports are subject of the federal government but Punjab is doing a lot in this regard. She said that Punjab government has taken major ini-tiative to increase power generation and major developments have been made on the cost of doing business while busi-ness community is being taken on board on trade and industry related issues. “We have to learn from those countries that are enhancing their exports speedily. Federal government and LCCI should sit together to resolve the issues of refunds and rebate etc”, she concluded.

Punjab Finance Minister supports LCCI demands


Mr. Zafar Ahmed Khan(Export Manager), Mitchell’s Fruit Farms Ltd is receiving

LCCI Best Export Brand Trophy.

Mr. Akhlaq Ahmad (CEO), Epesol (Pvt) Ltd is receiving LCCI Best Export Brand Trophy.

Lahore Chamber 2nd Export Trophy 2017 in Focus


Mr. Qais Rehman (CEO), Kalamkaar is receiving LCCI Best Export Brand Trophy.

Mr. Salman Basit (Director), Big Bird Group is receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. Ali Hussam Asghar (CEO), Ali Commercial Corporation is receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Syed M. Irfan Aqeel (CEO), Millat Tractors Ltd is receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. Munir Alam (COO), AZGARD-9 Ltd, is receivingLCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. Nasib Ahmed Saifi (CEO), Anis Associates (Pvt) receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Lahore Chamber 2nd Export Trophy 2017 in Focus


Mr. Faisal Iqbal (Director), i2c Pakistan is receivingLCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mian Kaleem (Derey Walay) (Director), Al Tech Engineers & Manufacturers is receiving LCCI Best

Export Performance Trophy.

Rana Abdul Manan (CEO), Atlas Exports (Pvt) Ltdis receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. Tariq Mehmood (CEO), Sarwar Foods is receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. M. Omer Tahir (Director), Novamed Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd. is receiving LCCI Best Export Performance Trophy.

Mr. Zafar Iqbal (CEO), Nobal Foods is receiving LCCIBest Export Performance Trophy.

Lahore Chamber 2nd Export Trophy 2017 in Focus


Election 2017-18


Election 2017-18


Election 2017-18


Election 2017-18


Election 2017-18


Exploration of new markets for Paki-stani merchandise, reduction in cost of doing business, water scarcity and strong liaison between public and pri-vate sector would be the priority areas for the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the year to come. This was stated by the newly elect-ed President of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry Malik Tahir Javed, Senior Vice President Khawa-ja Khawar Rasheed and Vice President

people but to give raw materials, like cotton, to the industry. He said that country has no dearth of water but con-fronting lack of storage issue. He said that 35 millions acre foot of water wast-ed to the sea annually. He said that crops always face shortage of water during Rabee and Kharif seasons therefore gov-ernment should ensure early building of new water reservoirs for multi purposes. Malik Tahir Javed said that huge imbal-ance between exports and imports, has given birth to the historic trade deficit that is a bad economic signal. He quot-ed a report which says that Pakistan’s trade deficit has widened to $6.29 billion during first two months of the ongoing financial year as compared to the deficit

Muhammad Nasir Hameed Khan while speaking at the LCCI Annual General Meeting (AGM). LCCI outgoing Pres-ident Abdul Basit, Senior Vice President Amjad Ali Jawa, Vice President Mu-hammad Nasir Hameed Khan, former LCCI Presidents, outgoing and incom-ing Executive Committee and a large number of LCCI members were present on the occasion. The LCCI newly elected President Ma-lik Tahir Javed said that some areas are

of $ 4.711 billion in the same period of last year. He said that the growing trade deficit, led by sharp slow down in ex-ports growth, is posing a key challenge to the macroeconomic stability of the country. He said that to give a relief to the export-oriented sectors, its major is-sues should be resolved. The LCCI newly elected Senior Vice President Khawaja Khawar Rasheed said that Pakistani Missions abroad should be given task to explore new mar-kets and new buyers for Pakistani goods. He said that branding and marketing can help Pakistani products to show their existence in the international market. He said that regional trade should also be maintained with the aimed at boosting

needed to be focused particularly to boost the economy of the country. He said that the Lahore chamber of Com-merce & Industry will play a proactive role as a think tank and will give reali-ty-based suggestion to the government. He said that water scarcity is one of the most concerning areas that must be fo-cused on war footing. Water is directly linked to the national economy as it gen-erates cheaper electricity and enhances agri-production, not only to feed the

exports.Newly elected Vice President Zee-shan Khalil pledged to bridge liaison gap between government and the busi-ness community. He said that relations should be based on mutual honor so that government and business community can make collective efforts for the na-tional interests. The LCCI outgoing President Abdul Basit, Senior Vice President Amjad Ali Jawa and Vice President Muhammad Nasir Hameed Khan threw light on their one-year performance and assured their full cooperation to the new office-bear-ers and Executive Committee Members. At the end, the Election Commissioners announced the formal results.

Annual General Meeting - 2017LCCI new office-bearers set milestones for

economic prosperity








Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers


Business Leaders Congratulate LCCI Office Bearers




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Muhammad AhmadB.COM & Graphics Designer