new st patrick's cathedral parramatta · 2020. 9. 18. · st patrick’s cathedral weekly mass...

St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta Cathedral Office: 1 Marist Place Parramatta NSW 2150 Telephone 02 8839 8400 Web: 20 September 2020 - TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Voicing a thought on a Sunday…. Jusce or Mercy- which comes first In the Parable of the Good Employer, (Mt.20:1-16) the landowner has pity on those who could not find work throughout the day. They had families to feed. It was not their fault that no one hired them. Therefore, he hires them, some of them even a few hours before sunset, and gives them all the same daily wage. He is not being unjust to those hired in the early morning. He is being charitable, merciful, to those hired at the end of the day. Human Resources would not have been happy with that landowner. Somemes, it seems that Human Resources does not want to come out on the side of generosity. Back in the mes of the Lord, HR did not exist. However, people had a sense of what was just and what was unjust. Day workers were given the daily wage of one denarius. The workday was sunrise to sunset. So, it would seem just that those who worked less than a full day should receive less. Jusce and mercy are compable when charity is involved. "Are you envious because I am generous," the owner says to those hired at sunrise who protested that they did not receive more. The exact translaon of this is "Do you view my acons with an evil, jealous eye?" If we do not rejoice in the benefits given to others, then we cut ourselves off from the benefits we have received. As Chrisans, we are obligated to see that none are deprived of their dues. That is jusce. But our main concern must be to care for those who have less. That is mercy. We should be happy when we realize that the poor, sick, or people hurng in any way are being helped. Are you envious because I am generous?Envy and jealousy are horrible. The jealous person looks for ways to destroy another persons life. The jealous person usually ends up destroying his or her own life. The jealous person does not appreciate his own giſts. He can only see the giſts that others have. He hates them for their giſts. And his hatred destroys him. Everybody is different. We do not have the right to compare or contrast others to ourselves. This parable should also be applied to our view of our relaonship to God. God loves the person who is faithful throughout the day. He loves cradle Catholics who pracce their faith throughout their lives. He also loves those who come to him during the day and even in the evening. Many people respond to Gods mercy at the end of their lives. God loves them for taking a huge step away from their former lives and for falling into the arms of His Mercy. It is a tremendous step of humility to turn from a sinful life and turn to the Lord. God loves those who take this step, even though they join St. Augusne in mourning, Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient ever new. Late have I loved you.What maers is that they are with him now. God loves cradle Catholics, and he loves converts. He loves those who pracce their faith throughout their lives, and he loves those who return to the faith. We rejoice in those who join the faith or return to the faith. We don't consider ourselves superior to them because we are not superior to them. At the end of the gospel reading we come upon the phrase, The first shall be last and the last shall be first.We cannot impose our ways on the Lord. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:6-9. We cannot tell God how to be God. The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard calls us to rejoice in Gods generosity to others specially the latecomersand pray we be vehicles of His Mercy. Fr Clifford Dsouza, Assistant Parish Priest. ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL WEEKLY MASS TIMETABLE SUNDAY 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am Mass 11.00am Solemn Mass with Cathedral Choir 6.00pm Mass 6.00pm - Youth led Mass (3rd Sunday) MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6.15am Morning Prayer 6.30am Mass 11.15am Exposition 11.15am Sacrament of Penance (till 12.20pm) (Mon, Wed & Fri) Rosary after Angelus at midday 12.30pm Mass SATURDAY 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am Mass in ExtraOrdinary Form 8.30am Sacrament of Penance (till 9am) 5.00pm Sacrament of Penance (till 5:30pm) PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Mass at 8.00am (No Adoration or Confession) WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS Monday 6.30pm Legion of Mary Tuesday 9.30am Christian Meditation Wednesday 7.30pm RCIA Friday 1pm Cenacle Prayers MONTHLY PRAYER GROUPS Last Thursday of the month—Novena to Mary Full of Grace 1st Friday Devotions 6.30pm OTHER CONNECT GROUPS Playgroup: Wednesdays9.30am-11.00am Facebook: Parramatta St Pat’s Playgroup Credo Youth Ministries Contact Fr Chris or find information on Facebook: credo.stpats Email: [email protected] Live Christ, Share Christ. Monthly formation nights. Contact Michael or Marietta on email [email protected] CONNECT WITH OUR PARISH Download our App: SPCPP on Android or Apple Facebook - St Patrick’s Cathedral Website:

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Page 1: New St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta · 2020. 9. 18. · ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL WEEKLY MASS TIMETABLE SUNDAY 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am

St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta Cathedral Office: 1 Marist Place Parramatta NSW 2150

Telephone 02 8839 8400 Web:



ANYTIME Ph: 0417 848 522

Voicing a thought on a Sunday….

Justice or Mercy- which comes first

In the Parable of the Good Employer, (Mt.20:1-16) the landowner has pity on those who could not find work throughout the day. They had families to feed. It was not their fault that no one hired them. Therefore, he hires them, some of them even a few hours before sunset, and gives them all the same daily wage. He is not being unjust to those hired in the early morning. He is being charitable, merciful, to those hired at the end of the day.

Human Resources would not have been happy with that landowner. Sometimes, it seems that Human Resources does not want to come out on the side of generosity. Back in the times of the Lord, HR did not exist. However, people had a sense of what was just and what was unjust. Day workers were given the daily wage of one denarius. The workday was sunrise to sunset. So, it would seem just that those who worked less than a full day should receive less.

Justice and mercy are compatible when charity is involved. "Are you envious because I am generous," the owner says to those hired at sunrise who protested that they did not receive more. The exact translation of this is "Do you view my actions with an evil, jealous eye?" If we do not rejoice in the benefits given to others, then we cut ourselves off from the benefits we have received. As Christians, we are obligated to see that none are deprived of their dues. That is justice. But our main concern must be to care for those who have less. That is mercy. We should be happy when we realize that the poor, sick, or people hurting in any way are being helped.

“Are you envious because I am generous?” Envy and jealousy are horrible. The jealous person looks for ways to destroy another person’s life. The jealous person usually ends up destroying his or her own life. The jealous person does not appreciate his own gifts. He can only see the gifts that others have. He hates them for their gifts. And his hatred destroys him. Everybody is different. We do not have the right to compare or contrast others to ourselves.

This parable should also be applied to our view of our relationship to God. God loves the person who is faithful throughout the day. He loves cradle Catholics who practice their faith throughout their lives. He also loves those who come to him during the day and even in the evening. Many people respond to God’s mercy at the end of their lives. God loves them for taking a huge step away from their former lives and for falling into the arms of His Mercy. It is a tremendous step of humility to turn from a sinful life and turn to the Lord. God loves those who take this step, even though they join St. Augustine in mourning, “Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient ever new. Late have I loved you.” What matters is that they are with him now. God loves cradle Catholics, and he loves converts. He loves those who practice their faith throughout their lives, and he loves those who return to the faith. We rejoice in those who join the faith or return to the faith. We don't consider ourselves superior to them because we are not superior to them.

At the end of the gospel reading we come upon the phrase, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” We cannot impose our ways on the Lord. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.” Isaiah 55:6-9. We cannot tell God how to be God.

The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard calls us to rejoice in God’s generosity to others specially the ‘latecomers’ and pray we be vehicles of His Mercy.

Fr Clifford D’souza, Assistant Parish Priest.




6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass

7.30am Morning Prayer

8.00am Mass

9.30am Mass

11.00am Solemn Mass with Cathedral Choir

6.00pm Mass

6.00pm - Youth led Mass (3rd Sunday)


6.15am Morning Prayer

6.30am Mass

11.15am Exposition

11.15am Sacrament of Penance (till 12.20pm)

(Mon, Wed & Fri)

Rosary after Angelus at midday

12.30pm Mass


7.30am Morning Prayer

8.00am Mass

9.30am Mass in ExtraOrdinary Form

8.30am Sacrament of Penance (till 9am)

5.00pm Sacrament of Penance (till



Mass at 8.00am (No Adoration or Confession)


Monday 6.30pm Legion of Mary

Tuesday 9.30am Christian Meditation

Wednesday 7.30pm RCIA

Friday 1pm Cenacle Prayers


Last Thursday of the month—Novena to

Mary Full of Grace

1st Friday Devotions 6.30pm


Playgroup: Wednesdays9.30am-11.00am

Facebook: Parramatta St Pat’s Playgroup

Credo Youth Ministries

Contact Fr Chris or find information on

Facebook: credo.stpats

Email: [email protected]

Live Christ, Share Christ.

Monthly formation nights. Contact Michael or

Marietta on email [email protected]


Download our App: SPCPP on Android or


Facebook - St Patrick’s Cathedral


Page 2: New St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta · 2020. 9. 18. · ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL WEEKLY MASS TIMETABLE SUNDAY 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am


Dean & Administrator

Very Rev Fr Peter Williams VG

8838 3400 or [email protected]

Assistant Priests: Rev Chris del Rosario

8839 8423 or [email protected]

Rev Clifford D’souza

8839 8419 or [email protected]


Rev Roderick Pirotta

[email protected]

Office Hours 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Receptionist: Donna Missio (M,T,Th,F) 8839 8400 or [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Pat Preca (Mon-Fri)

8839 8412 or [email protected]

Cathedral Parish Manager: Mili Lee (Tu-Fri)

8839 8419 or [email protected]

Sacramental Coordinator: Meg Gale (Tue only)

8839 8415 or [email protected]

Director of Music: Bernard Kirkpatrick

8839 8400 [email protected]

Liturgy Coordinator/Sacristan Fr Chris del Rosario

Youth Coordinator Fr Chris del Rosario

8839 8416 or [email protected]


Baptisms are celebrated in the Cathedral on most

Sundays. Check for exceptions. Family members and

guests must be present at the Cathedral at least 15

minutes before the usual time of 12.45pm.

Weddings are by appointment only.

Contact the Parish Secretary.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation:

Please contact the Sacramental Coordinator.

To hire the Cloister Function rooms please call

8839 8400 or email [email protected]

Hire Cloister Function rooms call 8839 8400 or

e:[email protected]



Sun 20 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (green)

Readings: Is 55:6-9; Phil 1:20-24, 27; Mt 20:1-16

Mon 21 Feast of St Matthew, apostle, evangelist (red)

Tue 22 Tuesday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time

School Mass – Catherine McAuley High School

Wed 23 Memorial, St Pius of Pietrelcina, priest (white)

Thur 24 Thursday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time

Sacrament of Confirmation 7.30pm

Fri 25 Friday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time

Sacrament of Confirmation 7.30pm

Sat 26 Saturday of the twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time

Baptism—Baby Mason Saad

Wedding; Raquel and Lopeti

Sun 27 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (green)

Readings: Ezek 18:25-28; Phil 2:1-11; Mt 21:28-32

Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation All children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are asked to attend a practice session on Monday 21st September at 7.30pm Please note that all preparation sessions are mandatory if your child is to participate in the sacrament.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions there will be two Confirmation ceremonies. These

are scheduled for:

7.30pm Thursday 24th September & 7.30pm Friday 25 September 2020.

For any other information regarding the Sacramental Program please contact

Meg Gale: [email protected]


Please Pray For... Sick: Anita, Anil D’Silva, Susana Evening, June Barrett, John & Joan McDermott, Elizabeth Clarke, Khush Jilla, Josephine Francis, Mana Tet Jalal, Doris Laguda, Beverly Horne, Peter Horne, Danny Dingle, Sharon Webb (Patti M’s daughter) Rec Dec: Cesar Deverossr, Aurea Assegan, June Farringdon, Sebastian Lobo, Brian O'Brien (Terry O’Brien’s brother), Noel Arranz, Koopelian & Samuel families, Cyril D’souza, Fr Bernadino Bucci, Arlene Rentuza, Vittoria Teuma (Pauline Pace’s mother), Louise Nikolakopoulos Deceased: Christopher Michel, Alex Garcia, Alex D’Costa, Luigi Shyti, Locke, Cocksedge, Scully & Tangye families, Fr Patrick Saldavla, Sr Domitilla, Nazar & Lewis Nissan, Sr P Linder, Sr C McIntosh, Judith Soso, Michael & Isabella D’Souza, Kevin Taylor, Wrek & Taylor families Anniversary: Cahal Rowan, Maximo Salazar, Mike Harris, Sofia Ron, Uy Ka Si, Courtney Jones, Keesan Hui, Conchita Aguilera, Francis Haldar, Thomas Davoren, Joseph Tinh Yu, Anges Nethercott, John Yulo, Norm Hector, Rod Leon, Augustine Thayyil, Maria Soi Special Intentions: Susan Evening, People of Lebanon, Abdullah family, Mary Rose Tito, Franz Tito, Michael Perez, Nikola Senjak, Perpetuals: Bokeyar Family, David Family, Japour Family, Paula Loto’aniu, Peter Van Tilburg, Margaret Angela Roberts, Norm Hector, Sally & Frank Martlew, Sherwood Family, Pat & Jim Hartman, Royan & Andrews families, Don Andrews, Juliet Noronha, Dr Joseph Malouf, Abel Moses, Jimmy & Anna & Frank Grainda, Frank Agostino, Bernadette Melhen and Sally Boujandy, Jack Barrett, Ann O’Brien, Ian & Pat Sanders, Bill & Alice Kendall , Allan Kendall, Maria Patterson & Ellen Bancan, Giuseppina & Giovanni Rechichi, Mary Coady, Mary & Jack White, Vincent & Rebecca Vella, Walter Townsend, Watson Lee, Ferris Grugeon, McInherny, White, McWilliam and McGuckin families, Mary Abela, Robert Andrews, Sylvester Family, Rogan Family, Adcock, McMillan families, Love family, Hooper family, Gabrielle Baker, Paula Cowling, McDermott & Starr families, Repose of the Souls in Purgatory, Deceased Parishioners of St Patrick’s and St Monica’s. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Monthly First Friday Adoration will take place as usual in the Cathedral on

Friday October 2 starting at 6.30pm.

The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for

us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet

Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make repa-

ration for the great faults and crimes of the world. May our adoration never cease

Pope John Paul II

Page 3: New St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta · 2020. 9. 18. · ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL WEEKLY MASS TIMETABLE SUNDAY 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am

LIVE CHRIST SHARE CHRIST The next formation session will be held in the Chapel on Friday October 2. Topic: Faithfulness & Order

Speaker: Annette Hartman

Time: 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Venue: Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Catherine McAuley - Enrolments 2022 Catherine McAuley is now accepting enrolments for Year 7 2022. Contact the school on 9849 9100 or visit our website for an enrolment pack. Applications close end of March 2021. For enrolment criteria please refer to our school website. Tours of the school campus will be held in Term 4 - Tuesday 10th November & Friday 4th December 2020.

The Catholic Toolbox, Radio Show and Podcast

Please see schedule for the month of September below. Sep 22 Live Christ,Share Christ Series 4 Sep 29 Marriage Preparation in the Church CatholicCare is still open and operational CatholicCare Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains services remain open and operational during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Individual offices have been closed to clients, but the service continues to operate with care and support offered via phone, video conferencing/telehealth and online. Some programs are continuing to run groups via video conference. To make a referral, call (02) 8843 2500 (Mon-Thu 8.30am-8pm, Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm), email – [email protected] or visit

New Rector for Holy Spirit Seminary Bishop Vincent has announced the appointment of Fr Paul Marshall as the new Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary . Fr Paul is currently the parish priest of Our Lady of Queen of Peace Parish, Greystanes and will take up his new appointment from January 1 2022. Fr Paul will take over from Fr John Hogan.

Thought about learning an instrument? Prefer to learn from home? Singing, Flute and Piano lessons available, in person or online. Professional performer and teacher. Enquiries: Jessica (BMus:Voice; BCA:Drama) - 0448 831 627.

Diocese of Parramatta celebrates the Season of Creation The Diocese of Parramatta is celebrating the Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October) by creating a video to be released on 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. We invite all parishioners to be involved. Send your photograph, video, art or poetry of your favourite nature spot in the Diocese to [email protected] by 25 September. Details can be found at

The Well Everyone is invited to visit the Well – “a new online platform that provides free, ‘on-demand’ inspiration for families, children, young people and faith communities.”

Visit the Well at use the resources and share it amongst your family and friends. We encourage your feedback and any ideas of what you might like to see on the Well to support growth in faith for you, your families and your communities.

Social Justice COVID-19 Food and Toiletries Drive Jesuit Refugee Service and House of Welcome are dealing with a 400% increase in emergency assistance calls and are needing to feed over 1,000 people facing destitution each week. You can help by running a food and toiletry drive or donating yourself. For more information, contact Patrice Moriarty 0409 399 505 or, House of Welcome [email protected] or JRS [email protected]

Out of School Hours Care accepting enrolments The Diocese’s network of 27 Catholic Out of School Hours Care services are all open and accepting enrolments for children in Years K-6 for Term 3. Significant subsidies on child care fees are available depending on your family circumstances. For more information and bookings, please contact [email protected]

Life, Marriage and Family Office Pre-Marriage Weekends: 18 and 20 September The Life, Marriage and Family Office will host another pre-marriage education course on the weekend of the 18 and 20 September 2020. Social distancing and hygiene measures will be in place, with other arrangements to be made if government requirements change. To view course dates for the remainder of 2020 and to book and pay for your preferred pre-marriage course, visit or call (02) 8838 3460.

St Patrick’s Gift Shop Mobile 0419 153 195 / 8839 8430

[email protected] Feel free to come in and have a browse. We stock Religious goods, Ethical products, Sacramental

gifts and many more items to celebrate a time in your life or someone special. The Gift Shop is open

to a maximum of three customers at a time.

Please note varied shop days & hours till further notice.


Tuesday to Friday 10am – 3pm & Sunday 9am –1pm.


Page 4: New St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta · 2020. 9. 18. · ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL WEEKLY MASS TIMETABLE SUNDAY 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Mass 9.30am

School Readiness (3-5 year olds) &

Primary School Tuition (K-6) specialists.

Contact Michelle 0402 335 527

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