new immigrants late 1800's – millions of immigrants migrated to america late 1800's –...

New Immigrants New Immigrants Late 1800's – Late 1800's – Millions of Millions of immigrants immigrants migrated to migrated to America America 1870–1920, about 1870–1920, about 20 million 20 million Europeans Europeans arrived in U.S. arrived in U.S. - Italians - Italians - Eastern - Eastern European Jews European Jews

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New ImmigrantsNew Immigrants

Late 1800's – Late 1800's – Millions of Millions of immigrants immigrants migrated to migrated to America America

1870–1920, about 1870–1920, about 20 million 20 million Europeans arrived Europeans arrived in U.S.- Italians- Italians- Eastern - Eastern European JewsEuropean Jews

New ImmigrantsNew Immigrants About 300,000 Chinese About 300,000 Chinese

arrive arrive - Earliest ones attracted by - Earliest ones attracted by gold rushgold rush- Worked in railroads, - Worked in railroads, farms, mines, domestic farms, mines, domestic service, businessservice, business

Japanese worked on Japanese worked on Hawaiian plantations, then Hawaiian plantations, then moved to West Coast moved to West Coast - by 1920, more than - by 1920, more than 200,000 on West Coast200,000 on West Coast

Immigrants were looking Immigrants were looking for jobs, opportunity, and for jobs, opportunity, and & freedom& freedom

Reasons for Jewish Reasons for Jewish immigrationimmigration

Had been denied rights in RussiaHad been denied rights in Russia

- Could only hold certain jobs - Could only hold certain jobs

- Education out of reach for many - Education out of reach for many 1881 - Russian Czar adopts anti - 1881 - Russian Czar adopts anti -

Jewish policies Jewish policies

- Encouraged pogroms (organized - Encouraged pogroms (organized robbery and massacre of Jews)robbery and massacre of Jews)

Steam ShipsSteam Ships

Steam ships Steam ships replaced sailing replaced sailing ships ships - Safer and faster - Safer and faster

European European companies companies competed to bring competed to bring immigrants to immigrants to America America

Steam ShipsSteam Ships

Enabled new type Enabled new type of worker to come of worker to come to Americato America

Single male worker Single male worker who came for a few who came for a few months or years months or years

- Made money then - Made money then returned to returned to homeland homeland

Ellis IslandEllis Island

Most immigrants Most immigrants arrived in New York arrived in New York City City

After 1886 - they After 1886 - they were greeted by were greeted by thethe

Ellis IslandEllis Island became 1became 1stst stop stop for most for most immigrants immigrants

Ellis IslandEllis Island Had to have medical check up Had to have medical check up Had to answer questions Had to answer questions

- Name- Name - Occupation - Occupation - Who paid your fare?- Who paid your fare? - Can you read or write - Can you read or write - Have you ever been in prison?- Have you ever been in prison?

Many immigrants received new names (Inspectors Many immigrants received new names (Inspectors had difficulty pronouncing their real names)had difficulty pronouncing their real names)- Buchenroth = Roth - Buchenroth = Roth - Stefanopoulous = Stevens- Stefanopoulous = Stevens

Most immigrants were allowed to stay Most immigrants were allowed to stay - Only 2% sent home- Only 2% sent home

Angel IslandAngel Island

Angel IslandAngel Island - -immigrant immigrant processing station processing station in San Francisco in San Francisco BayBay

Immigrants endure Immigrants endure harsh questioning, harsh questioning, long detention for long detention for admissionadmission

Cooperation for SurvivalCooperation for Survival

Immigrants had to create new lifeImmigrants had to create new life - Find work, home & learn new ways - Find work, home & learn new ways

Many sought people who shared Many sought people who shared cultural values, religion, & languagecultural values, religion, & language

- ethnic communities formed- ethnic communities formedFriction developed between Friction developed between

“hyphenated” Americans, & native-“hyphenated” Americans, & native-bornborn

Jobs of ImmigrantsJobs of Immigrants

A Immigrants that didn't know A Immigrants that didn't know anyone worked for a pardone (labor anyone worked for a pardone (labor boss) boss)

Every nationality (group of people Every nationality (group of people from same nation) had afrom same nation) had a pardone pardone

He helped immigrants in exchange He helped immigrants in exchange for part of their wagesfor part of their wages

Sweatshop LaborSweatshop Labor

By 1890 - Most of By 1890 - Most of all Jewish all Jewish immigrants were immigrants were clothing workers clothing workers

Many worked in Many worked in sweatshops ( both sweatshops ( both adults and children) adults and children)

- Children began - Children began working as young working as young as age 8 years old as age 8 years old

Sweatshop LaborSweatshop Labor

1911 - Fire at the 1911 - Fire at the Triangle ShirtwaistTriangle Shirtwaist

Company killed Company killed 146 employees 146 employees

- Doors on the top - Doors on the top three stories were three stories were locked locked

- Many jumped to - Many jumped to their death their death

Sweatshop LaborSweatshop Labor

Public outrage Public outrage caused the city to caused the city to investigate investigate factories in New factories in New York CityYork City - Found that 80 - Found that 80 buildings didn't buildings didn't have fire escapes have fire escapes - State established - State established rules to protect rules to protect workerworker

The Rise of NativismThe Rise of Nativism Melting potMelting pot—in U.S. people blend by abandoning —in U.S. people blend by abandoning

native culturenative culture- immigrants don’t want to give up cultural identity- immigrants don’t want to give up cultural identity

NativismNativism - Overt favoritism toward native-born - Overt favoritism toward native-born AmericansAmericans

NativistsNativists believed Anglo-Saxons superior to other believed Anglo-Saxons superior to other ethnic groupsethnic groups

Some objected to immigrants’ religionSome objected to immigrants’ religion Many were Catholics& Jews Many were Catholics& Jews 1897 - Congress passed literacy bill for immigrants1897 - Congress passed literacy bill for immigrants President Cleveland vetoed itPresident Cleveland vetoed it 1917, similar bill passed over President Wilson’s veto1917, similar bill passed over President Wilson’s veto

Anti-Asian SentimentAnti-Asian Sentiment

Nativism found Nativism found foothold in labor foothold in labor movement, especially movement, especially in Westin West- fear Chinese - fear Chinese immigrants who work immigrants who work for lessfor less

Labor groups exerted Labor groups exerted political pressure to political pressure to restrict Asian restrict Asian immigrationimmigration

1882 - 1882 - Chinese Chinese Exclusion ActExclusion Act bannedbanned entry to most entry to most ChineseChinese

Anti-Asian SentimentAnti-Asian Sentiment

Nativist fears Nativist fears extended to Japanese, extended to Japanese, most Asians in early most Asians in early 1900s1900s

- San Francisco - San Francisco segregated Japanese segregated Japanese schoolchildrenschoolchildren

Gentlemen’s Gentlemen’s Agreement Agreement - Japan - Japan limited emigration limited emigration

- In return, U.S. - In return, U.S. repealed segregationrepealed segregation

Where the immigrants Where the immigrants settledsettled

Most settled where Most settled where they could find work they could find work (mines, mills, (mines, mills, factories) factories)

By 1900- ½ of all By 1900- ½ of all immigrants lived in 4 immigrants lived in 4 industrial states industrial states

Most immigrants had Most immigrants had way paid by relatives way paid by relatives (worked where they (worked where they worked)worked)

Urban OpportunitiesUrban Opportunities

Industrialization leads to Industrialization leads to urbanizationurbanization, or , or growth of citiesgrowth of cities

Most immigrants settle in citiesMost immigrants settle in cities- Cheap housing & factory jobs- Cheap housing & factory jobs

Americanization movementAmericanization movement - assimilate - assimilate people into main culturepeople into main culture- Schools, voluntary groups taught citizenship - Schools, voluntary groups taught citizenship skillsskills- English, American history, cooking, etiquette- English, American history, cooking, etiquette- Ethnic communities provided social support- Ethnic communities provided social support

Migration from Country to Migration from Country to CityCity

Farm technology decreased need for Farm technology decreased need for laborerslaborers- People move to cities- People move to cities

Many African Americans in South lost their Many African Americans in South lost their livelihoodlivelihood- 1890–1910, move to cities in North & West - 1890–1910, move to cities in North & West to escape racial violenceto escape racial violence- Found segregation & discrimination in - Found segregation & discrimination in North tooNorth too- Competition for jobs between blacks, - Competition for jobs between blacks, white immigrants causes tensionwhite immigrants causes tension

Urban ProblemsUrban Problems HousingHousing

- Working-class - Working-class families lived in houses families lived in houses on outskirts or on outskirts or boardinghousesboardinghouses- Later, row houses - Later, row houses built for single familiesbuilt for single families- Immigrants took over - Immigrants took over row houses, 2–3 row houses, 2–3 families per housefamilies per house- Tenements- Tenements——multifamily urban multifamily urban dwellings, were dwellings, were overcrowded, overcrowded, unsanitaryunsanitary

Urban ProblemsUrban Problems Tenement Living Tenement Living

- Poor people and - Poor people and immigrants lived in immigrants lived in tenements tenements - They didn't have indoor - They didn't have indoor plumbing or heating plumbing or heating - Lacked fresh air- Lacked fresh air - People slept on the fire - People slept on the fire escapes. Sidewalks, and escapes. Sidewalks, and roofs in the summer roofs in the summer - Many immigrants also - Many immigrants also worked in their tenements worked in their tenements - Did piecework - work paid - Did piecework - work paid by the number of objects by the number of objects made made - Slum – name for a - Slum – name for a neighborhood that had neighborhood that had tenements tenements

Urban ProblemsUrban Problems TransportationTransportation

- Mass transit- Mass transit - moved - moved large numbers of people large numbers of people along fixed routesalong fixed routes- By 20th century, transit - By 20th century, transit systems linked city to systems linked city to suburbssuburbs

WaterWater- 1860s - cities had - 1860s - cities had inadequate or no piped inadequate or no piped water, indoor plumbing water, indoor plumbing rarerare- Filtration introduced - Filtration introduced 1870s, chlorination in 19081870s, chlorination in 1908

Urban ProblemsUrban Problems


- Streets: manure, open gutters, - Streets: manure, open gutters, factory smoke, poor trash collectionfactory smoke, poor trash collection

- Contractors hired to sweep streets, - Contractors hired to sweep streets, collect garbage, & clean outhousecollect garbage, & clean outhouse

- often do not do job properly- often do not do job properly

- By 1900, cities develop sewer lines, - By 1900, cities develop sewer lines, create sanitation departmentscreate sanitation departments

Urban ProblemsUrban Problems CrimeCrime

- Thieves flourished as - Thieves flourished as population grewpopulation grew- Early police forces were - Early police forces were too small to be effectivetoo small to be effective

FireFire- Fire hazards: limited - Fire hazards: limited water, wood houses, water, wood houses, candles, kerosene candles, kerosene heatersheaters- Most firefighters - Most firefighters volunteers, not always volunteers, not always availableavailable- 1900 - most cities had - 1900 - most cities had full-time, professional full-time, professional fire departmentsfire departments- Fire sprinklers, non-- Fire sprinklers, non-flammable building flammable building materials make cities materials make cities safersafer

Family TensionsFamily Tensions

Immigrants often had trouble adjusting to Immigrants often had trouble adjusting to American lifeAmerican life

Tensions arose between parents and children Tensions arose between parents and children - Children learned to speak English faster than - Children learned to speak English faster than adults adults - Embarrassment to parents- Embarrassment to parents- Parents authority sometimes conflicted with - Parents authority sometimes conflicted with school teacher's authority school teacher's authority

Children were eager to adopt American ways Children were eager to adopt American ways - This sometimes went against the ideas of - This sometimes went against the ideas of immigrant parentsimmigrant parents

Many immigrant boys joined gangs Many immigrant boys joined gangs

Reformers MobilizeReformers Mobilize Social welfare reformers work to relieve urban povertySocial welfare reformers work to relieve urban poverty Social Gospel movementSocial Gospel movement - Religious movement - Religious movement

that urged Christians to help the poorthat urged Christians to help the poor- Preached salvation through service to poor- Preached salvation through service to poor

Settlement housesSettlement houses - community centers in slums, - community centers in slums, help immigrantshelp immigrants- They supplied services such as daycare, adult - They supplied services such as daycare, adult education, and social clubs to the Southeducation, and social clubs to the South- Gave young educated women a place to do useful - Gave young educated women a place to do useful work work

Settlement houses helped change city government Settlement houses helped change city government - Encouraged them to expand their social services - Encouraged them to expand their social services (especially to the poor) (especially to the poor)

New profession born (New profession born (social workersocial worker))

Running the CitiesRunning the Cities

Most of the power belonged to a Most of the power belonged to a political political machinemachine - informal organization formed - informal organization formed to gain and keep power in city government to gain and keep power in city government (Bought votes) (Bought votes)

Head of the machine was the political boss Head of the machine was the political boss (usually Mayor) (usually Mayor) - Controlled access to city jobs, business - Controlled access to city jobs, business licenseslicenses- Influenced courts, municipal agencies- Influenced courts, municipal agencies- Arranged building projects, community - Arranged building projects, community servicesservices

Running the CitiesRunning the Cities Cities were divided into wards - often made up heavily of a Cities were divided into wards - often made up heavily of a

single ethnic groupsingle ethnic group Ward bossWard boss - in charge of each ward (1stor 2nd - in charge of each ward (1stor 2nd

generation Americans)generation Americans)- Looked out for the people in his ward (Food, jobs, - Looked out for the people in his ward (Food, jobs, housing)housing)

Only asked for votes in return Only asked for votes in return Political party machine's power resulted from spoils systemPolitical party machine's power resulted from spoils system

- City jobs - City jobs - City contracts - City contracts

Contractors had to give political machine "kickback"Contractors had to give political machine "kickback"- Graft- Graft - illegal use of political influence for personal gain - illegal use of political influence for personal gain

Big City CorruptionBig City Corruption Cities grew in the late 1800'sCities grew in the late 1800's Couldn't meet the needs of the peopleCouldn't meet the needs of the people

- Water, sewer, fire and police departments- Water, sewer, fire and police departments Political bossesPolitical bosses stepped in and provided stepped in and provided

people with things they neededpeople with things they needed- Food, housing, and loans- Food, housing, and loans

Political bosses had patronage - the power Political bosses had patronage - the power to give out Gov. contracts and jobsto give out Gov. contracts and jobs- Asked for votes in return- Asked for votes in return

Political machines stole millions of dollars Political machines stole millions of dollars from citiesfrom cities

The Tweed RingThe Tweed Ring Most famous political Most famous political

machine – machine – Tammany Tammany HallHall

Ran by Ran by William William Marcy Tweed (Boss Marcy Tweed (Boss Tweed)Tweed)- State senator and - State senator and political bosspolitical boss- Stole approximately - Stole approximately 100 million dollars 100 million dollars from New York Cityfrom New York City

The Tweed RingThe Tweed Ring

Cartoonist Cartoonist Thomas Thomas NastNast drew cartoons drew cartoons exposing Boss Tweed exposing Boss Tweed

Tweed offered him ½ Tweed offered him ½ million dollars to leave million dollars to leave the countrythe country

Tweed was finally Tweed was finally arrested and sent to arrested and sent to prisonprison

Government. Government. corruption existed at corruption existed at every levelevery level

Attacking the Spoils Attacking the Spoils SystemSystem

PatronagePatronage—government jobs to those who help —government jobs to those who help candidate get electedcandidate get elected

Many government workers were not qualifiedMany government workers were not qualified- A few could not read or write- A few could not read or write- Government. Workers were often dishonest- Government. Workers were often dishonest- Put family members on payroll (sometimes pets)- Put family members on payroll (sometimes pets)

Reformers demanded changes in the system to Reformers demanded changes in the system to select civil serviceselect civil service- - Civil serviceCivil service - Gov. jobs where people are - Gov. jobs where people are appointed rather than electedappointed rather than elected

Reformers wanted civil service workers to be Reformers wanted civil service workers to be chosen on merit rather than spoils systemchosen on merit rather than spoils system

Civil Service ReformCivil Service Reform President Hayes decided to President Hayes decided to

clean up the Custom House in clean up the Custom House in New York CityNew York City

Named independents to Named independents to cabinetcabinet- Created commission to - Created commission to investigate corruption investigate corruption

Taxes on all goods imported Taxes on all goods imported through New York were through New York were collected at the custom housecollected at the custom house- - Chester A. AuthurChester A. Authur held job held job as collector (very powerful as collector (very powerful position)position)- Aurthur was also head of - Aurthur was also head of New York's political partyNew York's political party

Hayes fired ArthurHayes fired Arthur- Angry Republicans dumped - Angry Republicans dumped Hayes in next electionHayes in next election

Civil Service ReformCivil Service Reform James GarfieldJames Garfield elected elected

presidentpresident- - Chester ArthurChester Arthur elected elected Vice-presidentVice-president

Garfield assassinated by Garfield assassinated by disappointed office seekerdisappointed office seeker- Arthur became president- Arthur became president

Pressure forced Arthur to Pressure forced Arthur to back the Pendleton Civil back the Pendleton Civil Service Act Service Act

Pendleton Civil Service Pendleton Civil Service ActAct - required people to - required people to take civil service exams for take civil service exams for certain jobscertain jobs- Also forbid elected officials - Also forbid elected officials from firing civil servants from firing civil servants based upon their political based upon their political viewsviews

National DeadlockNational Deadlock

Federal Gov. stuckFederal Gov. stuck- One party controlled - One party controlled Executive Branch and Executive Branch and other party controlled other party controlled the Legislaturethe Legislature

1884 - 1884 - Grover Grover ClevelandCleveland elected elected presidentpresident- He had stopped - He had stopped corruption as New corruption as New York's GovernorYork's Governor

National DeadlockNational Deadlock

Cleveland wanted to lower tariffs on Cleveland wanted to lower tariffs on foreign goodsforeign goods

- - Protectionist tariffProtectionist tariff - protected U.S. - protected U.S. companies from foreign competitioncompanies from foreign competition

- Said that the U.S. brought in millions - Said that the U.S. brought in millions of dollars a year that it didn't spendof dollars a year that it didn't spend

- Congress split on the issue.- Congress split on the issue.

The "Billion-Dollar The "Billion-Dollar Congress"Congress"

1888 - Benjamin 1888 - Benjamin Harrison elected Harrison elected PresidentPresident- Republicans - Republicans controlled both controlled both executive and executive and legislative brancheslegislative branches- Ended Government - Ended Government deadlock deadlock

Congress spent so Congress spent so much money that it much money that it became known as became known as thethe" Billion Dollar " Billion Dollar Congress"Congress"

The "Billion-Dollar The "Billion-Dollar Congress"Congress"

Congress passed the McKinley Act - It Congress passed the McKinley Act - It set up new a new protectionist tariff set up new a new protectionist tariff that raised taxes on most foreign that raised taxes on most foreign goodsgoods

Caused the federal income to drop Caused the federal income to drop because imports droppedbecause imports dropped- Every product became higher - Every product became higher because American companies were because American companies were protected by the tariffprotected by the tariff. .

The "Billion-Dollar The "Billion-Dollar Congress"Congress"

1892 - Grover 1892 - Grover Cleveland elected Cleveland elected president for 2president for 2ndnd timetime

- Supported bill - Supported bill that lowered that lowered McKinley Tariff McKinley Tariff

- Rejected bill that - Rejected bill that also created also created income taxincome tax

The "Billion-Dollar The "Billion-Dollar Congress"Congress"

1897 - 1897 - William William McKinleyMcKinley became became presidentpresident

Raised tariffs againRaised tariffs again