new horizons 3

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  • 8/9/2019 New Horizons 3






    This story is just for entertainment purposes, not for publishing. And so the story continues.

  • 8/9/2019 New Horizons 3


  • 8/9/2019 New Horizons 3


    Chapter One

    Nessie woke and rolling over on her back put her arms over her head clasping her

    hands together. Starting at her fingertips she stretched every muscle in her body,

    ending with her toes. She sprang out of bed and headed straight for the full length

    mirror this morning to look at her reflection. The image in the mirror was that of a

    young woman of about 21. She stood 5' 4 tall, weighed about 110, with a slender,

    athletic body. Her hair was alive with bronze curls that flowed to her waist, they

    shimmered and danced with her every move. Her skin was creamy white, almost

    translucent. Her small, heart-shaped face was pale with a dusting of strawberry

    across her cheeks. Her eyes were a warm chocolate brown framed by thick, dark

    lashes and they always seemed to crinkle into a smile. The lips were full and red.

    What made this woman truly remarkable was her smile. When she smiled her face lit

    up with an inner glow that stopped your heart for a second. Mere men would do

    whatever was necessary just to have her grace them with that smile. She was beautiful

    without being obvious.

    Today when I looked in the mirror I still saw the girl I had been yesterday, Huh, I

    thought, I still look pretty much the same as always. How can that be? I expected to

    see a woman. What had caused this change, Jacob of course. My Jake, my friend,

    playmate, protector, and now something so much more. He had been a part of my life

    even before I had been born. I was half vampire, half human and even while my mother

    struggled to keep me alive inside her I had struggled to hold onto Jake. From the

    moment our eyes met mere minutes after my birth there was no doubt we were bound

    as one. Through my childhood he had been my constant companion. I could always

    count on him for a game of tag or a ride on his shoulders whether as a wolf or a man.

    He was my guide and protector, no one would dare mess with me as long as Jake was


    I walked out to my garden and sat beside the small pool thinking back over my short,

    though be it exceptional, life. As I stared into the water I thought, Jake had always

    been there. My life had always been measured in very specific years because of my

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    erratic growth. As a baby and toddler my first year I was weighed and measured

    constantly to make sure I wasn't growing too fast too soon. Jake had held me in his

    arms, sometimes all night and watched over me. He was the one I used to bite

    whenever my meals were not promptly served. I couldn't count how many times his

    hands held my tiny teeth marks. He was there to teach me to hunt when I finallystarted to realize that I, like my parents, would exist on animal blood and not the blood

    of humans. He also got me to try different human foods, though I never really acquired

    a taste for that. Jake let me wool all over him in his wolf form. I would bite his ears,

    pull his tail, and none to gently try to pull out all his fur. He would just lie there and

    once in a while let out a wolfy yelp when I got too rough.

    After Nahual was found as my counterpart and everyone finally realized that I was not

    going to die a premature death the weighing and measuring was cut down to once a

    month. I was the size of a five year old by the time I turned two and my mind was as

    advanced as a pre-teen.

    My second year I progressed from five to ten years old. I was beyond high school in

    my knowledge and my parents and family had started working with me on college

    subjects. That was the year I found I could play the piano. One day I had a song

    running through my mind, it was a song for Jake, my friend. I walked over to dad's

    piano and set down letting the melody flow from my fingers to the keys. It started light

    with the hint of a husky laugh ringing through the notes. Then with a sudden burst of

    sound the song changed to a wild, free melody of running through the woods, picking

    up the sound of life that invaded every space. Finally the song wound down so that

    the final notes sounded like the deep rumbling of Jake when he sighed his contented

    rumbling purr. After I finished the song I looked around and found everyone staring at

    me in wonder. Jake ran to my side, hugged me fiercely and there were tears in his

    eyes. He knew that I played for him. After some urging from my dad to play more I

    started playing the lullaby my dad had crooned to me as my mother lay motionless

    behind us such a short time ago. It brought a smile to both their lips and a little tug of

    pain from dad as he remembered.

    My third year mom and dad decided I needed to see the world. They had both taken

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    flying lessons and were now qualified pilots. They had purchased a new Leer jet which

    was kept at a private airstrip in Seattle, Forks was much too small to keep our little

    secret. They decided it would be much easier for us to travel this way than to have to

    plan trips on public airlines where we would have to make sure we reached our

    destinations at night. On most trips we had some of the family with us andoccasionally we would bring along one or two of Jake's pack for company as well. We

    went to Africa that year and it had been a disaster, at least in my opinion. We were on

    safari, hunting actually, and happened too close to a pride of lions. Normally Jake

    would have sensed that they were close but he was trying to catch a zebra and his

    mind was on the hunt. A young male lion suddenly sprang at me and before Jake

    could even think twice he had jumped in front of me and ended up having his left

    shoulder mauled. He was fine soon after but I will never forget his face, his very

    human face, as he lay there in my arms while Carlisle worked on his shoulder. It was

    the first time I had seen Jake hurt and the pain it caused me was something I had never

    experienced before. It made me realize that Jake was not some super being after all

    but was, in some ways, every bit as frail as Grandpa Charlie. I didn't like that at all, to

    think that somehow he could be taken from me and our lives separated forever. I

    started to weep softly thinking how precious he was, how empty my life would be

    without him in it. Jake saw the tears and he tried to make me laugh in spite of his pain.

    He patted my shoulder and told me over and over that everything was okay, he was

    fine, really, and he was fine again in a few hours but I would never forget that moment

    when I thought of losing him.

    When I was four, mom and dad, along with Carlisle and Esme, took Jake and I to Esme

    Isle. This was where mom and dad had spent their honeymoon and where mom found

    out she was going to have me, her little nudger, as she called me. We stayed for two

    weeks, Jake and I would romp in the ocean and then go exploring in the jungle nearby.

    He took me snorkeling occasionally during the hottest part of the day. We enjoyed the

    bright colors of the fish and the lush greenest that was so different from Forks. We did

    a lot of our exploring at night because, since both Jake and I were on the warm side,

    we found the days a little too warm for our liking. It was enjoyable though and I liked

    to listen to mom talk about their time there. Next we headed for the Amazon to visit

    Kachiri and her clan. We were in need of food and hunting in the jungle offered us

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    some new sport and some new tastes. While we were there Nahual and his aunt came

    by to visit, they had heard we were in the neighborhood. Nahual, was as always, a little

    too intense for me. He watched my every move standing tensely just at the fringe of

    our group. His expression when he looked at Jake was one of barely masked hatred. I

    was very glad when we decided to leave and head home.

    At age five my growth spurt was slowing, I looked in my late teens and could easily

    pass for eighteen. I wondered sometimes if this bothered my mom, to have me look so

    close in age to her. We could easily have passed for sisters or best friends. This was

    my rebellious year. We had gone to Madrid but since it was sunny my family had to

    stay indoors all day and I was bored. Jake was sleeping on one of the sofas, mom and

    dad were standing by the window, in the shade talking with each other, and this was

    one of the few times we did not have someone else with us. I decided I was not going

    to sit in that boring hotel room for another minute. I went to our adjoining suite and

    slipped silently out the door. I made my way downstairs and walked out the front door

    but after getting this far I had no idea what to do next. Just then a young man, he

    seemed about twenty, asked if I would like a ride. I had seen him around the hotel in

    the evenings and every time I saw him he had smiled a little shy smile and then looked

    away but I could tell he was interested in me. I thought why not, I was alone and he

    seemed very nice. He introduced himself as Marco and said that he lived here in

    Madrid. He worked here in the hotel and was just getting off for the day. He asked me

    where I would like to go and with a little laugh I told him I would go anywhere he

    wished to take me. I wasn't afraid of Marco, I knew I could handle myself if need be.

    There was a little flutter in my stomach when I thought what my parents and Jake

    would think when they found out I was gone but right now I was just to pleased with

    myself to care.

    Marco took me for a ride on his motorbike through Madrid, pointing out the different

    landmarks and showing me places he liked to hang out with friends. We stopped for a

    cool drink at a little cafe and he told me about his life here and what he would like to do

    in the future. He was studying to be a doctor and working at the hotel helped to pay

    his school fees. He was easy to be with and I soon lost track of time. Next thing I

    knew it was getting dark, boy the day had flown. I told Marco I had to get back,

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    everyone was going to be furious with me. I dreaded the looks and the reprimand that I

    would get once I got back to the room. All too soon we were back at the hotel. Mom

    and dad were waiting on the curb as I pulled up, both wore scowls so black I knew I

    was in deep trouble.

    Where have you been young lady?, dad started in as soon as I was off the bike. He

    scowled at Marco and Marco flinched as if he had been hit. I quickly thanked Marco for

    a wonderful day and then turned to face them. I have been out with a friend. I am fine

    so there is no need to panic. It was then that I noticed Jake was not with them. Mom,

    sensing who I was looking for said, Jake is out looking for you right now, he is sick

    with worry. Whatever possessed you to take off like that? I looked at both of them,

    suddenly filled with indignation. I just wanted to have some fun, I explained. I am

    tired of constantly being cooped up in some hotel room like a prisoner. You never let

    me go anywhere without my guard dog and I am tired of it. That was a low blow, Jake

    was not my guard, well he was but I knew it was only for my own good. Dad spoke

    then, You know Alice can't see you when you are gone and I couldn't hear you. I was

    frantic, what if someone had taken you, did you ever stop to think of that? I'm sorry,

    I never meant to make you guys worry. I just wanted some time to myself without all

    the hovering. I feel like I don't have a life of my own. Now I was starting to worry

    about Jake, he was out there looking for me and I knew he would be worried sick. Do

    you think we can go look for Jake now?', I asked. No need', my father said, Jake is

    coming around the corner now. There he was, I could see that he saw us standing

    here but he walked very slowly toward us. When he reached us his eyes were dark

    pools of worry and something else I had never seen directed at me before, anger. He

    acknowledged mom and dad but he kept his eyes on me. Nessie, walk with me. I

    looked at mom and dad but they looked away from me. Okay, so they were going to let

    Jake rake me over the coals this time. I followed silently behind him until we were a

    short ways from the hotel and out of earshot of anyone else. Did you have fun today

    with your new friend? he asked softly. Yes, was all I could say. Do you have any

    idea what your little adventure cost me? No, I suppose you don't. I imagined the

    worst, that someone had somehow taken you from me. I couldn't breath, I couldn't

    think, and it was only by sheer force of will that I did not phase and destroy everything

    around me. I wanted to kill anyone that I thought might have something to do with

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    your disappearance. Edward and Bella kept telling me that it would be alright but they

    couldn't know, they couldn't see you. I took to the streets wandering like a madman.

    Occasionally I would catch your scent for a brief moment but never long enough to

    figure out where you were. I finally caught your trail when you stopped at the cafe. I

    found you sitting there with that boy and I nearly lost it again. I wanted to hurt him sobad and just grab you and run but I held back. I watched your every move. You

    seemed to be enjoying yourself and for some reason that hurt even worse than the

    idea of you being taken against your will. I never knew you were so unhappy with my

    company. He must have heard what I said to mom and dad about my guard dog. Oh

    Jake, I never meant to hurt you and I am sorry for what I said. You are my friend but I

    never have a chance to meet anyone else, I am always shadowed by you or my family.

    I just wanted to see what it would be like to go out and be like everyone else for a

    change. His eyes softened as he took in what I said. Suddenly he held me fiercely

    against him and he was the one apologizing to me. What a strange pair we were. We

    walked back to the hotel arm in arm and after promising I would not do that to them

    again we decided it was time that we came home.

    Later mom came to me and we talked about what had happened. I remember, vaguely,

    being a teenager and wanting to get away. I can remember my dad telling me I couldn't

    do something and then I would do it to spite him, to show him I was able to take care of

    myself. I hadn't realized that you felt so strongly about your freedom. We never meant

    to keep you locked up but we thought we were doing what was best to keep you safe.

    I know mom and really I don't feel like that most of the time but I am for all intents and

    purposes eighteen, I have never had a date or even really talked to anyone other than

    family or our friends. Nahual is the only other boy I know and of course, he's 150 years

    old and has a crush on me to the point of obsession. I just wonder sometimes what it

    would be like to be normal and have friends like you had in high school. I wonder what

    it would be like to have a boy want to be with me, hold my hand like Jake does, and

    maybe want to kiss me. I could feel my cheeks flooding with color when I said this.

    Oh well, it's only a silly little dream and I promise I will behave myself. No running off

    again. Would you like to go away to school Nessie? mom asked softly. We could

    get you into college, maybe Dartmouth, if you want. You could go there by yourself if

    that is what you truly need. I can try an convince them that you would be safe. I am

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    not sure how easy it would be though, you know all to well how protective we are of

    you. To think of you alone so far away might not work out so well for Jake. Another

    option might be to let you go and stay close to campus while we stay at our house up

    there. You could be alone but we would be close if you needed us. Think it over, we

    can always find a compromise if it's what you want. I thought about it for a little whilebut I realized I could never be without my parents or Jake. In the end I decided to stay


    This last year started out pretty much like every other year. Carlisle had determined I

    had finally reached the end of my growing. We were spending this year at home and

    all the family was going to be in residence for a change. Through the years we had

    split up so we did not draw too much attention to ourselves. Carlisle and Esme had

    gone to Europe so Carlisle could practice his beloved medicine. Emmett and Rosalie

    had been in Russia doing some exploration work. Alice and Jasper had been in Alaska

    with the Denali clan. Jasper was finally getting over his aversion to being close to

    humans and he could control himself enough that he had actually been teaching a

    class of children at the local school up there. He found he liked working with children,

    their minds were simple and peaceful, most of the time. Alice had taught along side

    him. It was great having everyone together again.

    As I said everything was pretty much the same until six months ago. I was up at the

    house one afternoon when suddenly I felt the gush of something warm on my legs and

    looked down to see blood staining my pants. Mom, was all I could whisper, a feeling

    of fear creeping into my voice. Mom and dad were at my side immediately, mom took

    one look at my face and my clothes and sent dad away with a brief nod. She took me

    to their room and set me down on the bed. Silently she flitted to the closet and was

    back in moments with a blue box, the same box she had taken with her to Esme Isle

    some six years ago. I wasn't a fool, I knew exactly what was happening, it was just a

    shock because I had given up thinking it would ever happen to me. It seemed the

    vampire half of my body was not going to let that one small thing be a part of my life.

    There were no need for explanations. I simply changed clothes and we headed back

    downstairs together. Jake was at the foot of the stairs as we came down. He was

    smiling his big toothy grin one moment and then his eyes registered alarm, surprise

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    and then for just a second, happiness. Of course, I thought, he can smell me. Great,

    now everyone knows. It was embarrassing to be the center of attention. Everyone was

    watching me, Carlisle went into his doctor mode wanting to know how I was feeling.

    Esme looked at me with a combination of pity and concern, Alice and Rosalie with

    wonder. All my uncles and my dad tried to look studiously unconcerned. Jake was theonly one that looked on edge. He looked at me for a long time and then all of a sudden

    he was up and out the door. As I watched after him I saw him phase and run off in the

    woods as if the devil himself were after him. I wanted to cry, then I got mad and

    wondered what his problem was. Mom saw my expression and she warned me that I

    would probably be going through some emotional changes as well now that my

    hormones were starting to kick in.

    I found it easier to stay away from everyone when I went through this. It was at this

    time I started painting, but I hid this talent from everyone because I wanted to surprise

    them for Christmas. I would stay in the cottage and I would paint for the two days it

    took me to get over my affliction as I thought of it. The cottage had originally been

    given to my mother by the Cullen's as a birthday present seven years ago and as I got

    older my parents thought I might like a place where I could go and be by myself. I

    loved the cottage every bit as much as they did and now it became my refuge. I was

    not good company during this time, I guess you could compare it to being a young

    werewolf before they learned to control themselves. I was constantly moody and

    would snap at someone without the slightest reason one minute and then be bawling

    like a baby the next.

    Something else was changing as well. It was the way I felt about Jake. Where before I

    had always looked on him as my friend now I was seeing him in a new, different way. I

    watched the muscles on his body as he moved. They seemed to coil like snakes in his

    arms and ripple down his chest. Just to watch him set my heart pounding. His smile,

    always so dear to me before now could make me feel all wobbly inside. Being close to

    him made me feel both secure and almost afraid at the same time. I watched the way

    he spoke with others and the way he was when he was around me. I also found myself

    looking at my mother and wondering what it had been that had kept Jake at her side all

    the time she was human. Was I as pretty as she was then, what secrets did they share

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    with each other that I was never privy too. Did he still want her in some way. I did't

    think so but now I felt somehow insecure, never quite sure how I rated in Jake's mind.

    Maybe he was just staying by me to be close to her. I knew that was ridiculous, we

    were bound together but still there was that little annoying voice saying, What if?

    Last night he had walked me back to my cottage. We had stopped at the door and I

    had reached up as I had so many times before to give him a swift kiss on the lips

    goodnight. Instead of the the quick peck when my lips touched his it was like a bolt of

    electricity shot through me and straight into him. Without even thinking, not a

    moments hesitation, I was clinging to him and kissing him with a passion I had never

    felt before. It took Jake so by surprise that for a moment he just stood there

    speechless and then he was kissing me back matching every kiss with one of his own.

    He moaned softly in his throat the way he did when he was a wolf and he was content.

    Our bodies moved as one, his arms holding me closer and yet closer still as our

    breathing came in ragged unison. Eventually we pulled back and looked at each other.

    My cheeks were flushed and my lips felt bruised from the kisses. Jake looked at me

    cautiously with a curious glow in his eyes. Oh Nessie, he breathed, You don't know

    how long I have waited for this. He sat on the ground and pulled me closer his strong

    arms wrapping themselves around me in a safe cocoon. I always hoped someday you

    would want me too. I wrapped my arms around him and said, Silly, I wanted you

    even before I took my first breath. We kissed again and then we sat there, my head

    buried in his chest listening to his heart and him with his chin resting on my head. I

    don't know how long we sat there but finally Jake stood up and whispered in my hair,

    Alright, time for you to get to some rest. With one last lingering kiss and a smile that

    lit his entire face he was gone. I watched him run into the woods and my heartbeat

    paced itself to his steps. Funny, how one minute he was just Jake and now he was MY

    JAKE, my life, my love forever.

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    Chapter Two

    After taking careful stock of myself in the mirror I decided it was time to make mydeclaration. I was a woman and I wanted to look like one. I grabbed the scissors from

    the desk and set to work on my hair. Swiftly, expertly I cut off all my curls and left them

    lying in a pile on the floor. My face was now rimmed by tiny bronze curls cut in a

    stylish bob, not unlike Aunt Alice's. I picked up the hair and discarded it outside the

    back wall, I thought the birds or small animals might like it for a nest.

    A few days ago Aunt Alice and I had gone to do some shopping in Seattle and I had

    bought a blue mini-skirt and a matching blouse. I put these on quickly, looking myself

    over and deciding I did indeed look more mature. This was a declaration in more ways

    than one because today was my 7th birthday, I did not expect to get any older, ever.

    With one last look in the mirror I headed for the house to see what new surprises might

    be in store for me. I did wonder where Jake was, normally he was by my side as soon

    as I left the cottage. Maybe he was sleeping in since it seemed like he paced outside

    my walls pretty much all night long. A few times I had looked up and he was staring at

    me over the garden wall that big wolfy grin of his showing how pleased he was with

    himself and me.

    When I got to the house mom was standing in the backyard looking my direction. She

    smiled when she saw me coming and for a moment there was a brief look of surprise

    on her face as she took in my new hairdo. As I reached her side she hugged me and

    wished me a happy birthday. I like your hair, my don't you look grownup today, she

    said. I could tell she saw the blush in my cheeks and could feel something different

    about me though she wouldn't pry. She probably knew already knowing dad and his

    ability to read minds. Jacob was probably screaming his joy to the world at large but

    mom didn't act like she knew anything. When I asked where everyone was at she said

    that dad was getting my birthday present. Esme and Carlisle were off somewhere and

    would be back soon. Emmett and Rosalie had gone to Port Angeles for some last

    minute shopping. Alice, well Alice was being Alice and putting together my birthday

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    party. We were not allowed into the house until the party started later this evening so

    we decided to take a walk through the woods. So?, she asked quietly. Okay, mom I

    love Jake, really love him!, I said. She smiled understanding immediately. I am so

    happy for the both of you, Jake deserves to be loved unconditionally, without

    hesitation or reserve. You will be good for each other. Again I wondered where Jakecould be. A little frown crossed my face and mom told be to be patient. It was a very

    big day for him too. He has a lot to think about and right now I don't envy his pack. I

    could imagine, in wolf form the entire pack would see into his mind, I am sure he was

    keeping them entertained today. A blush crossed my cheeks as I remembered last

    night, what would they would see of that. As we walked through the woods we talked

    about the past seven years. The coming of the Volturi to kill my family because they

    thought me an immortal child. We talked about Nahual, the only other half vampire half

    human male in the world that we knew of. He had stayed with us for a year but I had to

    admit I was glad when he finally went home. He scared me the way he constantly

    watched my family, and me and Jake. It was like every time he looked at Jake he was

    measuring the competition. He also made me a little angry with his hopeful stares in

    my direction, there was never going to be anything between us, never.

    We wandered arm in arm and I enjoyed my mothers company. Mom, I asked timidly,

    would you tell me about you and Jake? What would you like to know sweetheart?

    I know you met Jake when you were human and I know that you loved each other

    though you chose dad to be your husband. Why is that? Did Jake do something

    wrong? She sighed, No, Jake never did anything wrong Nessie. To be truthful, if

    your dad had not come back into my life Jake and I might have been happy. I once saw

    a glimpse of the life we could have had. One that made sense at the time, but it was

    not enough. I could never share the kind of love your dad and I had with anyone else.

    It went beyond reason and because it was so strong it almost killed both of us. Only

    now as a vampire am I able to fully understand and appreciate that love. I'm not saying

    that the love I felt for Jake wasn't strong, it just wasn't strong enough. Jake has

    always been and will always be my best friend. Even though, when you were first born

    I hated that he had chosen you, my only daughter to imprint on, I could not begrudge

    him some happiness of his own. I have watched you both for the past several years

    and I know that Jake loves you in the purest sense of the word and I am finally glad to

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    see that you seem to love him in just the same way. Be happy with him and know that I

    mean that sincerely.

    I hadn't really noticed where we were walking until I looked up and realized we were

    back home and it was getting darker. I hugged mom and we jumped over the streamtogether. Dad was waiting on the other side and his face was glowing. I knew he had

    been remembering with us. He walked over to mom and gave her one of their long,

    lingering kisses that had made me curious before but now moved me with the

    remembrance of Jake's kiss last night. When they kissed their faces showed an

    eternal love that could never be compromised, never quenched. Would Jake and my

    love be like that, I thought it a very good chance it would be just that strong. When

    they were done dad looked at me and drew me into his arms. Be happy sweetheart,

    was all he said. He kissed my cheek and released me. My young old parents, my best

    friends, I realized as I looked at them that we would be together forever, my entire

    family and that included Jake. It was more that I deserved and all that I needed.

    As we walked toward the house I heard the sound of music and laughter coming out

    the back door. Mom, dad and I walked arm in arm through the back doors. Happy

    Birthday, everyone yelled at once. Everyone was here, my family, including Grandpa

    Charlie and Grandma Sue. Grandpa Charlie had retired from the force three years ago

    and had married Sue Clearwater. They were just right for each other, she kept him

    grounded when things got to be a little too much for him. All my friends from La Push

    was there, Seth, Leah, Sam & Emily, Quil, Paul, Jared & Kim, Embry, and Billy Black,

    Jake's dad. Jake stood back in the corner a smile playing across his face one minute

    and a look of fear the next. I could not even begin to imagine what that was about. He

    never made a move to come closer and I didn't have a chance to go to him. Why so

    shy all of a sudden, surely last night had not frightened him that badly. Oh well, I

    would find out soon enough I supposed.

    A few minutes later it was time to open my gifts. Esme and Carlisle gave me a gold

    locket that had the figures of a girl with her arms clasped around a wolf, how perfect.

    Alice and Jasper gave me a ring made of diamonds and topaz, a constant reminder of

    them she said. Em and Rosalie gave me tickets to a concert that I had been dying to

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    see. Mom came up to me and placed a charm bracelet around my wrist. It held a tiny

    wolf charm and diamond heart. My heart skipped a beat when I remembered the story

    of when she was given this very same bracelet by Jake. I hugged her fiercely with

    tears threatening to come at any minute. Next dad gave me the keys to a new Porsche,

    I had his need for speed and loved to drive the sports cars. Then I opened all the othergifts my friends had given me, cd's, clothes, etc. The only one that still hadn't moved

    was Jake, he still stood in the corner very still watching my every move. I had seen his

    face when mom had given me the bracelet and saw the smile that played at the corner

    of his lips with the remembrance.

    After all the other gifts were done Jake finally walked over to my side. In his hand was

    a small, square black box. Ever so slowly he opened the box to show me a ring. It was

    beautiful, shaped like a heart it was made of cat's eye and glowed the color of Jacob's

    skin, surrounding the stone were small diamonds. He removed the ring from it's case

    and slowly held my left hand. Very carefully he placed the ring on my ring finger and

    held it there while he asked me with awe, reverence and a little quiver of excitement,

    Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I love you with all of my life, will you marry me? The room

    had grown so quiet I could hear nothing but the beat of Jake and my heart as he waited

    for my reply. I have loved you before my life even began and will love you for the rest

    of eternity Jake, yes, I replied with a smile. The next thing I knew he had me in one of

    his bear hugs and the whole room erupted in cheers. When he finally set me down

    everyone was congratulating us. I looked over to my mom and dad and they stood

    apart smiling their silent confirmation of our love. Mom was always talking about

    balance and finally it seemed ours was complete.

    Dad walked over to the piano and started playing the song I had composed for Jake

    and then he added in the lullaby he used to croon for me, it then morphed into a new

    melody one of happiness, contentment, fulfillment and love. It brought tears to my

    eyes and when I turned to Jake I saw a lone tear shining on his cheek as well. This

    was our night. I would never again have any qualms that he loved me.

    Someone turned on the music and Jake took my hand and led me to the center of the

    room to dance. His arms around me we swayed to the music lost in each other. I

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    hardly noticed anyone else for the rest of the evening and they gave us our space.

    Soon everyone was telling us goodnight. I looked up a little sheepishly, I hadn't been a

    very good hostess I'm afraid but no one seemed to care.

    Jake walked me back to the cottage. We stood arm in arm looking at the moon thatwas just peeking out from the cloud cover for a few minutes. Jake finally turned me

    around and put his arms around me. He bent his head so he could look in my eyes and

    asked me what I was thinking. I am thinking that there cannot be anyone on this

    planet as happy as I am right now!, I exclaimed. He laughed, his voice hoarse, I can

    second that. Do you know how happy you have made me? How long I have waited for

    you to say those words. I have always loved you but there was a time last year when I

    began to wonder if you might not want to have someone else. Do you remember in

    Madrid when you went out with that stupid boy, Marco? When I heard you tell your

    mom and dad that you were tired of the watch dog you have no idea of the pain that

    caused me. I imagined that you were tired of my attention and you wanted to see other

    people, maybe even fall for someone who had not become your keeper. I would have

    died before I would have stopped you from finding happiness. I know just because I

    imprinted on you that it did not necessarily mean that you would choose me to love. I

    have waited patiently and then last night when you kissed me, okay so I kissed you

    back, but I finally had my answer. But I knew I had better strike while the fire was hot. I

    was not going to give you a second chance to find someone else. As if I would want

    anyone else, I murmured into his chest.

    Jake lifted me up so he could kiss me and I threw my arms around him and clung to

    him as he were a life preserver and I needed saving. Our kisses were soft and gentle at

    first and then as the passion consumed us each kiss became harder and more

    demanding. Our bodies moved in some secret dance that only lovers can discover.

    Our minds melted into one and we could only think about each other and nothing else.

    Jake finally broke the moment and set me down. I was dizzy and a tad disgruntled that

    it was over, I wanted more, so much more, but he was right enough was enough. There

    would be time soon when we would consummate what our bodies wanted so badly but

    this was not the time. Soon, my heart whispered, soon.

    Jake left me then but I knew he would be checking on me. With a sigh I went inside

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    and got ready for bed.

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    Chapter Three

    Wow. I thought when I woke up the next morning, I'm getting married. I looked

    toward the back wall of the garden and had to grin when I saw Jake's very human facestaring over the wall at me. He saw my face and smiled at me, Good morning

    sleepyhead, changed your mind yet? Nope I answered looking at the ring, I think

    I'll keep you both. His grin got even wider. I love you he bellowed to the wind,

    forever and ever. Okay, mellow out you big mutt I said, I love you too, now let me

    get dressed. I dressed quickly and was out the door in no time. Jake was at my side

    as soon as I closed the door. We walked hand in hand toward the house. I noticed that

    Jake was wearing a woven bracelet on his left arm. I asked him about it and he told me

    that he had taken my hair and braided it into the bracelet so he could keep me near

    him. I loved your hair and it looks cute this way but I do miss not being able to run

    my fingers through your curls. This way I have a reminder. he said. I decided then

    long hair wasn't so bad and I would let it grow out again for him.

    When we got to the house I could see Aunt Alice pacing impatiently on the patio. Uh

    oh, I remembered mom' stories about her wedding and how Aunt Alice had made her

    feel guilty until she finally agreed to let her set up the entire wedding celebration. It

    looked like today was my turn. I didn't care, let her have her fun. I didn't mind the idea

    of a wedding as long as being with Jake forever was the end result. I looked over at

    Jake and he shrugged his shoulders and grinned, he knew the story every bit as well

    as I did. As soon as we were in the door she pounced but it was from excitement, she

    had seen we were ready to agree with her. Mom might want some say in this you

    know. Mom just looked at Alice and she knew that no one would deter the little

    dynamo once she got started. The only thing I was going to be adamant about was

    that I wanted the wedding outdoors. It was September now so we decided we would

    wait until spring. Our wedding date was set for April 10th. I looked over at Jake and

    asked if there were any tribal customs that he would like us to participate in but as far

    as he knew there was nothing in their customs regarding marriage.

    Everything was happening so fast but I knew it could not be fast enough. Jake and I

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    wandered off after talking with Mom, Esme, Rosalie and Alice for what seemed like

    hours about the wedding and the honeymoon. Grandma Esme had offered us her

    island as she had mom and dad. It was very sweet of her but Jake and I tended to run

    on the hot blooded side and we decided the island wasn't really for us. I think we were

    going to lean toward the frozen north somewhere, it didn't matter where as long as wewere together.

    After grabbing some breakfast Jake asked if I would like to take a walk with him. We

    started walking the same path Mom and I had walked yesterday. After a while he

    stopped and looked at me. Are you scared, I mean all this is happening so quickly. I

    never imagined, well I guess I did imagine or hope anyway, that you would say yes and

    we would be on our way to being married. I like the sounds of that but are you okay

    with all of this? I walked towards him slowly and reached my arms around his neck,

    I am more than okay with this. You can't get rid of me now even if you tried. Jake's

    arms went around me and he kissed me softly and slowly murmuring my name

    between kisses.

    We finally broke apart and started walking again. As we rounded the bend Leah and

    Seth were waiting for us. Seth beamed at us and said, Congratulations, man! Leah

    surprised me by giving me a big hug, very rare for her since she didn't like my family

    much. She did, however, love Jake like a brother and she was happy to see he was

    finally getting a chance at being happy too. Leah had met a man in Forks last year

    while she was working as a secretary for an auto shop. He made her happy and she

    was no longer alone. I imagined some day soon she would stop phasing and let

    herself settle down into a normal human life. They had come to tell us that the pack

    wanted to put on a little party in our honor. It was going to be held at the beach this

    coming Saturday and everyone was invited. Since the treaty had been renewed

    between my family and Jake's tribe there were no restrictions on the reservation any

    longer. I told Leah we would be there and that I would let my family know.

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    Chapter Four

    Saturday broke bright and clear. We all went to the beach just as the sun was starting

    to set. It wouldn't do for humans to see the games we would be playing tonight. Ahuge bonfire had been set so we started out just sitting and visiting with everyone.

    Quil and Embry passed out plastic cups with champagne in them. After the cups were

    distributed Sam stood up and gave a toast. May your love be as strong in a hundred

    years as it is today. Everyone stood up and raised their glasses to us in toast.

    It seemed strange to have my family and Jake's sitting around the fire when in the past

    they had been sworn enemies. If it hadn't of been for my mother and Victoria this

    would not be happening now. When Victoria tried to kill mom she had joined our

    families together as allies to defeat her. Then when I was born and Jake imprinted on

    me the pact was sealed irrevocably. Everyone sat now in companionable silence. All

    of a sudden Sam jumped up and decided it was time for some games. The wolves

    were all ready to do some racing and dad and his brothers were ready as well. It

    started out with one on one with the werewolves. Embry raced Quil and won. Then it

    was time for Seth to race Collin and Seth won. So on and so on until it came time for

    Jake to race Sam. Both Sam and Jake were Alphas and there was always a little

    competition between them, tonight was no different. They ran as wild and free wolves

    their feet barely touching the ground. It was neck and neck for a quite a while then all

    of a sudden Jake leaped ahead and won by a nose. Then it was dad and Jake's turn. I

    had never watched a vampire run against a wolf and it was fascinating. Jake ran with

    long strides but dad moved like a blur. In the end dad won but to be honest I think

    Jake let him. Maybe I was a little prejudiced. This went on for hours and then it was

    time to eat. My family and I sat in quiet while Jake and his friends ate everything in

    sight. Boy do those wolves have a hearty appetite. It was around midnight when my

    family decided it was time for them to go home for the evening and with farewells to

    everyone they were gone. Jake and I sat with the others for a while longer but I was

    getting tired so we finally said our goodbyes as well. Jake surprised me by pulling me

    up in his arms and running me all the way to the cottage. He set me down at the door

    and bent to kiss me goodnight. His breath was warm, his body warmer and his heart

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    beat out a crazy little beat that had nothing to do with his running. He pulled me to him

    and lifted me up once more so I could be closer to him. Our lips touched and then

    there was nothing in the world but the two of us. Each kiss brought us a little closer to

    the brink of no return but Jake was strong and we finally stopped before we went too

    far. It was not going to happen for us tonight and we both knew it. We had sworn thatwe would take our love no further until we were married and we would abide by that

    oath. It meant so much to both of us. Unsteadily Jake sat me down and I walked alone

    into my room. I knew he would be outside my wall later and I was glad.

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    Chapter Five

    The months were flying by and soon it was Christmas. After my first uncertain

    Christmas, when mom gave me the little locket, terrified that she would soon be deadand I would be on the run with Jake, they made sure every Christmas was something

    to remember. Last year we had spent Christmas in Switzerland, the whole family. It

    was fantastic. This year we decided to have Christmas here at home. In the living

    room was an enormous spruce towering up all three stories. The mantel was

    decorated with garlands of holly and stockings of all things. Mom always had to have

    stockings for Santa to put gifts in. There was even mistletoe hung at in every

    doorway. Christmas music played softly in the background constantly. Of course

    there would be no Christmas dinner but we went out as a family Christmas eve and

    enjoyed the camaraderie as we hunted.

    Jake was at my cottage at dawn and we walked to the house. It was snowing and the

    ground was covered in a white blanket. Our steps were the only sound you could hear

    as our feet crunched the new powder. Everyone was waiting patiently for us to

    appear. One thing about my family they knew how to wait patiently, they were all

    frozen as statues until we entered the house. It was my turn to surprise my family this

    year. After the usual exchange of presents by everyone I had Jake run back to the

    cottage and get my gifts. I had worked on my projects whenever I could and did not let

    anyone know that I was painting. When he was back I presented Em and Rosalie with

    a portrait of themselves, and did the same for Alice and Jasper. Next I gave one to

    mom and dad. I was able to capture the love that shone in their eyes to perfection and

    I thought mom was going to cry, if she had been able to of course. Then it was Esme

    and Carlisle's turn. I had Jasper and Emmett go into the garage and bring out a life

    sized portrait of the entire Cullen family, Jake included. Esme and Carlisle were in the

    center surrounded by their family. Never had there been a family so strong, so vital, so

    full of love. It shone from every face. Esme ran to me and hugged me until I thought

    she would squeeze all the breath out of me. Carlisle looked at me with a look that

    made it plain he loved it too. They immediately had the boys put it above the fireplace.

    It made me feel wonderful to be giving something back to my wonderful family.

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    Later we went to Grandpa Charlie's and I gave him a family portrait that included Sue,

    Seth, Leah, mom and dad, and me with Jake. He teared up, harrumphed and told me it

    was very nice. I wished I could see my Grandmother Renee, but she didn't even know I

    existed. Our life was not something that could be explained to her like it had been to

    Charlie. Mom only talked to her very occasionally and she was under the impressionthat mom and dad lived overseas and were unable to get back to the states very often.

    I could tell by mom's expression as she watched Charlie that she wished she could

    somehow have her mom with her too. It always made her sad when she thought of her.

    They had been the best of friends and it hurt mom not to have her near. Dad put his

    arm around her knowing without being able to read her mind how sad she was.

    Feeling a little selfish I wondered if mom could let Renee know about me, very subtly of

    course. by sending her pictures of me. Everyone had taken pictures of me growing up

    and mom could start by telling her she was pregnant and then afterward start sending

    her my pictures to make it look like I was growing up like a normal child. I would

    probably never be able to meet her but she could get to know me. It was a thought and

    maybe sometime I would bring it up to mom.

    Later still Jake and I took Billy a portrait as well. Billy was a little quieter these days.

    He did not see Grandpa Charlie much since him and Sue had been married. I found out

    from Jake that his dad had wanted to marry Sue as well but she had chosen Charlie. It

    had put a strain on the friendship. They were just starting to talk with each other again

    and I was happy to hear that they were going fishing the next weekend.

    I gave Jake a portrait of his pack family. When viewed just right you could see the wolf

    portrayed behind each face. He loved it and had to take it to show Sam and Emily.

    Jake's gift to me was a small hand carved box detailed with intricate symbols of the

    Quileute tribe. He had made it for me to put my jewelry in. I knew it had taken him a

    very long time to get it just right. I could imagine him sitting at his table working with

    a little frown of concentration on his face as he carved each design. The wood was a

    soft brown that matched Jake's skin and shone with a light delicate glow in the light.

    Inside he had carved in the Quileute language, I love you.

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    Chapter Six

    Spring was here and so was my impending wedding. Alice had stuck to my plans for

    an outdoor wedding and she had incorporated the magical fairy world into our theme.This seemed very natural since we lived in a world of fantasy and make believe every

    day. The back yard was being transformed into a fairyland. A giant pole had been

    placed in the middle of the yard and gossamer veils the colors of the rainbow would

    drape from the pole and be attached to the giant hemlocks surrounding the yard.

    Miniature lights, like fireflies would be wrapped in each veil to create the lighting

    overhead. There would be flowers in the same rainbow hues placed throughout the

    yard turning the grounds into a huge flower garden. Our wedding music was not the

    customary music either, Alice would have Indian pipes playing their enchanting tunes

    throughout the ceremony.

    My wedding gown was designed in such a way that I would almost look like a water

    sprite floating down the aisle. The gown itself was sleeveless and long. It was very

    close fitting and flowed over my body like water. The material was white but almost

    translucent, it shimmered like a bubble with all the colors of the rainbow as I moved. I

    would be wearing a wreath of flowers in my hair instead of the usual veil and I would

    be carrying a bouquet of wild flowers. Aunt Rosalie was to be my maid of honor and

    her short gown was a shimmering light blue that reflected the same rainbow colors as

    my dress. Leah and Emily would be my bridesmaids. Their gowns were a darker blue

    with the same strange rainbow effects. Jake would have Billy standing with him and

    his groomsmen were Sam, Quil and Embry. Jake and his friends would not be wearing

    suits instead they would be wearing gray dress pants. Jake's shirt was long sleeved,

    open at the neck and made of the same material as mine. All the others wore shirts to

    match their partner in the ceremony. Our clothes, like us were meant to show magic.

    Carlisle had gone online and obtained a license to marry us. We didn't know of any

    ministers that did weird and that was certainly what our wedding would be.

    I knew for a fact there would never be another ceremony like ours. Never had a

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    werewolf married a half vampire half human. We were truly one of a kind.

    Our guest list included our friends from La Push, our extended Denali family, and

    everyone that had stood by us when the Volturi came to claim my family. Everyone had

    accepted. Even our South American friends were coming. It was surely going to be a

    time to remember.

    Mom and I talked about the wedding and the future. I had to admit I was nervous about

    the honeymoon and Jake and my life together. One thing really bothered me and that

    was the fact that I didn't know what to expect from my body. My vampire half would

    keep me forever young, my human half was keeping me forever human. I knew my

    chromosome make-up was the same as Jake, we each shared 24 chromosomes. That

    made us compatible, we hoped. I just wasn't sure that I would be able to have children.

    I knew it had nearly killed mom to carry me but that had been different. I knew my

    body went through the normal cycle every month just like any human female but I

    didn't know if I would be able to have children, if the vampire part of me would prevent

    it. I would give anything to be able to give Jake a family. Mom tried to reassure me but

    as yet we had no answers. Carlisle and dad were studying constantly to find out what

    our future had in store. For right now we would be careful and we would wait until

    things were more certain for us, after all we had forever right. Our lives were filled with

    magic all the time so it wasn't unreasonable to think that we might have a little more

    left when the time came. Jake and I would know when we were ready.

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    Chapter Seven

    Tomorrow I would be Mrs. Jacob Black. My heart skipped a beat just thinking about it.

    Everything was ready, our guests had started to arrive. Everyone who had beeninvited was going to be here. Most of our guests I had not seen seen I was a toddler. It

    was fun to watch their faces when they saw me now fully grown. Everyone commented

    on my beauty, which made me blush of course. A few asked to share my memories so

    they could see my journey through my eyes. There was an excited hum in the air

    whenever you stopped to listen. I spent a great deal of time in the cottage right now

    because, quite frankly, everything was just a little overwhelming. Jake checked on me

    regularly but he was also keeping a low profile preferring to spend more of his time in

    La Push when his presence was not absolutely required. I didn't blame him, he was

    still uncomfortable around so many vampires.

    It had been a long day and I was ready to go to bed and try to get some sleep. Kachiri

    was helping me try to learn to control my gift for letting others see what I saw through

    my eyes. We were trying to project it out like mom's shield so I could touch a group of

    people all at once and not just one on one. We'd had a little success. I was able to

    include a couple of people at once but that was it so far and with so much other stuff

    going on I guess I wouldn't be able to practice more until after Jake and got back from

    our honeymoon.

    There had been a party tonight in our honor and everyone had toasted our nuptials.

    Rosalie told us about when she had found Emmett and about their love. Alice followed

    suit. Soon everyone that had found their love had to have a say. I watched mom and

    dad while everyone was talking. They seemed in their own world, mom had her hands

    on dads face and I could see his eyes gleaming with emotion. I knew mom had opened

    her mind to him to share some secret too personal for everyone else. After a few

    minutes they both sighed and smiled. I envied them the power to be so close to each


    I had just turned out the light and was getting ready to crawl into bed when Jake poked

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    his head over the wall. I ran to him giving him a swift kiss and told him to go away, all

    be it reluctantly. He would not be allowed to come over anymore tonight, bad look

    seeing the bride and all that. I sighed and went to lay down on the bed, I really was


    I don't know how long I had been asleep when some small noise in the garden woke

    me. Jake?, I mumbled. There was no response. All of a sudden something was over

    my face and I could smell a strong stench of some kind of chemical. I tried to struggle

    free but could not shake off my attacker. Then there was nothing but blackness.

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    Chapter Eight

    Jake had made his rounds, staying clear of any of the wedding guests. He knew some

    might be out hunting this evening and he did not want to disturb them. He was stilluneasy with the thought there were people in his soon to be family that preferred

    human to animal blood and though they never hunted in the local vicinity they still

    hunted. He was not allowed to check on Nessie anymore this evening so he stayed as

    far away as he could. How strange it was, he could remember the love he had for

    Bella, but only faintly. Since Nessie had been born it had only been her. He had

    endured her growth spurt, first in fear that her life would be over before it began and

    then with some impatience when he knew that in a few short years she would be fully

    grown. He had always hoped that she would choose him but even though he had

    imprinted it did not mean that she would want him to love. It worried him but he never

    let it show. The night she finally went from being the child to the woman he had always

    dreamed of made him feel like a man who had been starved for so long and was finally

    given a feast. He could not get enough of her. Now in a few short hours he would no

    longer have to wait. They would become one, one soul, one life forever.

    He didn't think morning could come fast enough. He had caught a few hours of sleep

    on the couch earlier but he was wide awake now and very much wanted to see Nessie.

    He knew he was not going to be let anywhere near her until the ceremony and this

    made him anxious.

    Jake had thought about going for a run when he heard the phone ringing. Running

    lightly he got to the phone before Billy, hoping that Nessie had taken pity on him and

    decided to call. It was Edward, he wanted to know if Nessie was with Jake or if he had

    seen her. Fear coiled into the pit of his stomach. Edward told him that Bella and Alice

    had gone down to the cottage to get Nessie so she could get dressed for the

    ceremony. The front door had been open and Nessie was nowhere to be found. Alice

    immediately summoned Edward with her mind. Edward and Bella sniffed the strange

    scent and both exclaimed at once, Nahual. They had picked up a scent and Emmett

    and Jasper were following it now. Jake phased and ran to the cottage as quickly as his

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    legs would take him. He looked over the garden wall first. She wasn't there, the

    covers lay on the floor and she was nowhere to be seen. He phased back to human

    instantly and called her name. There was no response so he ran around to the front

    door and walked in, searching every room, of which there were only three, if you didn't

    include the closet. There was a faint smell of some chemical in her room and anotherscent that he thought he should recognize but couldn't quite place. With a ripple of

    fear he searched again. She was nowhere to be seen. Jake knew the others had

    already searched but his mind would not, could not accept the fact that she was not

    here. Edward and Bella stood outside the cottage waiting for him to finish his

    inspection. Edward had read Jake's mind and could not offer an explanation, Nessie

    was not here and Nahual's scent was strong. Jacob phased back to a wolf and called

    on his pack to come to the cottage. They responded immediately.

    Nahual, the half vampire half human male that had been the reason the Volturi had let

    Nessie live. He had been here, he had taken Nessie? With a howl of rage and pain so

    acute it even made the vampires back up Jake searched his mind for what to do next.

    He had to find her and he had to kill the creature that dared to take his life from him. It

    was that simple but where to start. Edward walked up to him then and taking his

    muzzle gently he lifted up Jake's head. Jacob, we will find her.

    It was decided that Edward, Bella, Alice and Jasper would accompany Jake and his

    pack to search for Nessie. They had traced the scent to the coastline where a boat had

    been tethered. They were going to run the coastline south and wait for the boat to stop

    for fuel. It would have to stop eventually and they would be there when it did. Jake

    was only half aware of what was going on, his mind was dead, all he could think about

    was that Nessie was gone, his whole world seemed to be crashing down on him and he

    didn't know if he could go on. His rage was secondary to the sense of loss he was

    feeling right now. The only thing that was keeping him going was the fact that Nessie

    needed him. He let Edward lead the way. Bella ran beside Jake and every once in a

    while she would lean in and very softly tell him that everything was going to be okay,

    that they would find her. She tried to sound brave but Jake could hear the fear in her

    voice as well.

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    No one was afraid that the boy would hurt Nessie, on the contrary, he was only too

    happy to take her for himself. To make her his mate. That was never going to happen.

    It was a very grim, determined and somewhat strange group that followed the shoreline


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    Chapter Nine

    Nessie woke up and tried to remember where she was. The last thing she remembered

    was someone putting something over her face and then her blacking out. She lookedaround her and realized she was in a what, a warehouse? Someone with an iron grip

    was holding her closely to their chest. Who? She looked up and with surprise saw it

    was Nahual. She would never forget that face, he had stared at her so often that first

    year that it was engraved in her brain. What was he doing here, where was he taking

    her? Nessie felt movement, a very fast movement and realized they were on a plane.

    Where was he taking her, where was her family, where was Jake? Anger started to

    replace the fear and she started to struggle against Nahual. Again something was

    placed firmly on her face and all went black.

    When she woke again she was being carried across Nahual's shoulders and he was

    heading into a lush jungle. Nessie realized they must be in South America and he was

    taking her deep into the Amazon. She realized with horror that no one would know

    where she was. Aunt Alice could not see either of them, it was the same with the

    werewolves. She was totally blind. Her dad could not read her mind from so far away.

    She would have to be calm and try to figure out a way to escape from him. She would

    bide her time, it would come.

    He carried her swiftly through the jungle and into a clearing where a boat was tethered.

    He jumped into the boat quickly never letting Nessie go. He started the motor and they

    set swiftly out to sea.

    Just when Nessie was about to give up hope of ever seeing land she saw a small

    island appear in front of them. Nahual edged the boat closer to shore. He pulled the

    boat up to the rocks, never releasing his hold and tethered the boat. He walked for a

    few minutes in silence and then sighing once he let go of her.

    Nessie looked at him in silence for a minute and then got ready pounce. She was not

    going without a fight. She was so intent on what she was going to do next that it

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    startled her when he said very quietly, I'm sorry. She looked up to see him try to

    smile timidly at her and then looked down embarrassment showing in his face. It so

    disarmed her that she sat down with a thud. Why did you kidnap me Nahual? You

    know my family and Jake will be looking for me. What were you thinking?

    Nahual looked at me very tenderly. I had to take a chance and see if I could get you to

    change your mind before you married Jacob. You were never alone up there so I

    grabbed the only chance I saw and brought you here so I could talk with you alone. I

    know it was reckless but I had to have my say. I have waited over a hundred and fifty

    years for someone like you, someone like me. I have been so alone with no one but my

    sisters and my aunt to talk to. You and I belong together, we are the same. I can offer

    you a life of freedom. We could live in the jungle as gods, every day would be a new

    adventure. I would be your teacher, your lover and your friend. We would not need

    others, we would be immortal. Can't you see what that would be like. I give you my

    heart willingly, there is no one else to claim it. Throw off the shackles of your ordinary

    life and live free with me.

    I didn't know what to say to his impassioned plea. For a moment as I looked in his

    eyes I saw the life he envisioned. Me with him living a simple carefree life in his jungle.

    What would our life be like? I would never know my life belonged with Jake for always.

    How could I explain this to him. Without thinking I placed my hand on his face and I

    showed him my life with Jake. He saw through my eyes the depths of our love and our

    commitment to each other.

    He growled deep in his throat. I will not give up on you Nessie. We have all the time

    in the world here. No one but me knows where you are. You will grow to love me, we

    are so much alike. Just give me time and I will show you. I have to leave now but I'll

    be back in the morning. There are small animals here on the island that you can hunt

    and there is fruit on the trees. With that he ran down to the beach and took off in the

    boat before I could even respond. I was marooned here on this island and what was

    worse is no one knew where I was.

    My heart ached for Jake, where was he now, what was he thinking? I knew that they

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    would be looking for me but I also knew they didn't have any idea where to look. I sat

    on the warm sand and the tears started to fall. What was I going to do? After

    wallowing in pity for a few minutes I decided I would have to find a way to get home. I

    could do it, I would find a way back to Jake, to my family. It wasn't going to be easy

    but I would do it.

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    Chapter Ten

    As they raced along the shore line Edward cast his mind out every so often hoping to

    catch a glimpse of his daughter's thoughts. Nothing, where could she be? They ranthe coastline for several hours before the scent of Nahual wafted on the wind.

    Everyone headed straight as arrows toward the scent. They found the boat drifting

    along the shore. It was empty and without any scent of Nessie. It had been a decoy.

    Jake howled his rage and pain and then slumped to the ground. His pain was so

    intense it made the pack and Edward wince and cry out too. Their minds were filled

    with a black fury so strong that they had to control themselves before they lashed out

    and hurt anything and anyone near them. At the same time there was a pain so deep it

    almost immobilized them. How could anyone stand to be in that much pain and still


    Slowly Edward came out of the pain and looked around him. They had to get back to

    the house and coordinate. They had to find Nessie and they had to do it soon. He

    walked over to Jake and putting his hands on his face made him look at him. Jake,

    you have got to get a hold of yourself. Nessie needs you and we have got to get back

    home so we can figure out where Nahual has taken her. Please Jake, get control of

    yourself. We need you, Nessie needs you. With an effort Jake stood up shaking his

    head as if to clear it. Alright, lets go., he said. Without another thought they raced

    back toward home.

    When they got there everyone was ready for them. Edward asked Kachiri where

    Nahual might have taken Nessie. After thinking on this for several minutes she

    concluded that he would take her home to the Amazon. He was comfortable there and

    knew how to hide from others. Plans were made to leave immediately to South


    Jake, Edward, Bella, Embry, Quil, Seth, Carlisle, Emmett and Rosalie, along with

    Kachiri were going to search for Nessie. Everyone else would stay here. Alice would

    keep searching in hope of seeing something, anything about where they had gone.

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    She would keep searching and report anything she found to Edward.

    Once on the plane everyone settled back and let Edward take them to their destination.

    They were going to Rio de Janiero and would start their search there.

    Jake sat in the back of the plane his head in his hands. Bella walked back and satdown beside him. Jake, I am so sorry. We will find her you know we will. I know how

    hard this is for you, it's hard for me. I miss her so much. All of a sudden Jake

    reached for Bella and laying his head on her shoulder started to cry. The tears fell

    ashamedly. Bella held him in her arms, wishing she could add her tears to his. Her

    friend was once more in pain. Would this never stop, why did this always seem to

    happen to Jake. He deserved happiness more than anyone she knew. Finally the tears

    stopped. Jake looked at her and tried to smile but it only came out as a grimace. He

    buried his head again and murmured, I love you. I know we will find Nessie, I will

    never give up. I just feel so helpless right now. I wish I had some super power like

    Edward or Alice, not that it is helping them right now, but if I did it would find her, I

    swear I would. How much longer till we touch down? It will be a few more hours

    Jake, just rest for a while. Oh and by the way, I love you too.

    Jake leaned his head back on the back of the seat and fell into an uneasy sleep, no

    doubt dreaming of Nessie. Every once in a while his hands would clench like he was

    holding someone, whether it was Nessie or Nahual, it was hard to tell. Occasionally a

    whimper would escape his lips and a tear would glisten on his cheek.

    Just after dark the plane touched down at the tiny airport. The rest of the trip would be

    by truck. Everyone loaded into the truck quickly and Kachiri started leading them into

    the jungle. Jake seemed better after resting and was eager and alert. He kept testing

    the air looking for for any sign of Nessie or Nahual, it was too soon but he still had to


    A few hours later they came to a clearing in a village. Kachiri asked the people of the

    village if they had seen a young man with a girl come through. An older man said that

    he had seen a young couple traveling in the forest toward the coast a day earlier but he

    did not know where they had gone. It was a start and so they pressed onward.

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    Chapter Eleven

    I was ready the next morning when Nahual showed up again. What I was not prepared

    for was the fact he had brought others with him. His aunt sat in the back of the boat,she guided the boat gently into shore. There were also two women in the boat. I

    wondered, did Nahual think he was bringing me food? He stood and helped the

    women out of the boat and then walked to me. Nessie, these are my sisters, Luata

    and Chachini. They have come to keep you company when I am not around. You will

    never be alone. Now, what would you like to do today? I shook my head slowly, so he

    had brought others to keep watch of me. I had to find a way to get out of here. I

    noticed that Nahual's aunt was heading back out to sea so he was going to stay as

    well. I wondered when she was going to be back.

    I had searched the island was unable to discover another way off the island other than

    by boat. There was nothing I could use as a weapon, I knew Nahual was as protected

    as I was. Now that he had brought others to guard me I knew I might never get a

    chance to escape.

    We spent our first day looking over the island, I didn't tell him that I had already looked

    the entire island over. He showed where to hunt the small herd of wild boar. There

    were no larger predators, other than ourselves here. Nahual and his sisters would not

    touch the boar, they were for my food only. They would go to the mainland for their

    hunting as needed. He also showed me the banana trees and coconuts that were

    plentiful as well.

    Running through the jungle would have been fascinating if Jake had been here to

    share it with me. How I wished he was here now but I knew he was searching for me

    and my heart gave a little leap when I thought of that. I knew Alice could not see

    Nahual or myself but I wondered if she could see Nahual's aunt now that she was

    involved. If so, then Jake would be here even sooner.

    The days started blending into each other. The only variation was when Nahual or his

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    sisters were picked up and taken to the mainland by his aunt. There did not seem to

    be any set schedule she just appeared and they were gone. He always left one of his

    sisters behind, like I was going anywhere. I was not that good a swimmer and I had no

    idea where I was.

    When I was alone I talked with Luata and Chachini trying to make them my ally and

    help me escape. They wouldn't listen of course. They loved their brother very much.

    Luata told me about the Volturi coming to look for their father. They had destroyed

    Joham but Nahual had stood up to them when they talked of killing his sisters and Aro

    had let them live. Nahual watched over them and they would do anything for him.

    They tried to make me see how much he loved me and how good my life with them

    could be.

    The sisters were nice and Nahual tried to be everything he thought I wanted but they

    were savage and lived for the hunt and the pleasure it would bring them. I was not able

    to talk with them like I talked to Jake and my family. I missed them all so much each

    day just seemed to get longer and longer.

    My nights were mine alone. Nahual had built a tree house right in the very middle of

    the jungle and I slept there fitfully every night. I would dream of Jake and his finding

    me. Sometimes I would see him rushing to me through the jungle. He would grab me

    up and kiss me so hard it would set my senses reeling. Just then Nahual would come

    out of the jungle and with a snarl of rage rush Jake. In my dreams some nights Jake

    won and in others, my nightmares then, Nahual would bite Jake and Jake would fall to

    the ground writhing with the venom. When he was down Nahual would destroy him. I

    always awoke screaming Jake's name and sobbing violently. On those nights one of

    the sisters would look in on me with a soft expression and then would disappear again.

    I tried to think of ways I could get away, maybe try to jump in the boat before Nahual

    could and if I could throw his aunt out of the boat I could escape. That could never

    happen since I never knew when she was coming and they never let me near the shore

    without supervision.

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    We went on this way for two weeks and then everything changed.

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    Chapter Twelve

    Jake was getting more desperate every day. It had been two weeks and still nothing.

    Everywhere they went it was the same story, no one had seen anything since that firstday when Nahual had flown through the jungle with Nessie on his back. There was no

    new scent to follow and no one had seen Nahual's aunt lately. Where could they be.

    Today it was decided that we would try along the coast and see if anyone had seen

    anything since the jungle was offering no answers.

    Just about twilight we came upon a fishing village. Again the questions started as

    usual with, Have you seen a young man with a girl come through here/ In some of

    the villages the people knew of a wild young man with flaming eyes that the village

    people feared. He was the stuff of their nightmares and they refused to say anymore.

    In this village an older man came forward and said he had seen the young monster and

    his women. He said they came in the evenings by boat and left again before the

    morning. He did not speak to them, he hid in the bushes when they came because he

    knew their taste for blood. When Edward described Nessie to him the old man shook

    his head and said he had never seen her with them. This was something at least.

    Where was Nessie, where could he be keeping her if she was never with him? Now we

    knew that Nahual was nearby. We would wait, all be it impatiently for his return. When

    the old man was asked he said the monster came to shore about twice a week and that

    he had been there just three days ago so it seemed we might not have a long wait after

    all. After talking with the man it was decided that Edward and his family would go into

    the jungle and hunt so they could make themselves strong. Jake and his pack caught

    a wild boar and cooked it over an open fire, gorging themselves as well for the coming


    It was four days later when Nahual came to shore with his aunt and two other females.

    We were ready for them. As they stepped out of the boat Edward grabbed Nahual and

    the others grabbed the females. Jake came to stand in front of Nahual, his face a black

    mask of fury. He was ready to kill Nahual immediately but he restrained himself long

    enough to let Edward search Nahual's mind for Nessie. He was surprised when

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    Edward looked up with so much pain in his face and said, Nessie's dead.

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    Chapter Thirteen

    It all started out just like any other day. Nahual had taken me to look at the waterfall

    that flowed on the other side of the island in a little cove. It was a beautiful spot, one Iwould have loved to share with Jake. We were talking for the hundredth time about

    why I could never be with him and that I needed to get back to Jake. He still refused.

    Nessie, we could be so good together, please stay with me.

    At the same time that this exchange was going on something else happened. I had not

    been keeping track of the weeks and now all of a sudden I felt the warm release of my

    blood. Nahual's head flew up, his nostrils flared to the new scent and without even

    thinking he let out a growl and dove straight for my throat. At the last minute I was

    able to twist away and he sank his teeth deep into my shoulder. As soon as his teeth

    sank in Nahual realized what he was doing and he shuddered once and then bolted

    into the jungle. It was over in a second and I was left alone.

    At first I was stunned and then I cringed as I felt the fiery spread of pain down my

    shoulder. I was terrified, I have never felt pain, I had no idea something could hurt this

    badly. It felt like my entire shoulder was in flames. Being half vampire my skin was

    always so much tougher than humans that I had never even had a scratch and now I

    felt consumed with pain. Once, when I was little, I remember dad and Carlisle talking

    about the fact that my growing was out of control and they wondered if, as a last

    measure, they might have to bite me to make me completely vampire and stop the

    aging. They were unsure what effect this would have on me and they did not want to

    do something that might hurt me unnecessarily. Now I wondered if that was what was

    happening to me, was I going to become a full vampire. Nahual carried the venom so I

    guess it was a possibility. I remember mom talking about the pain that had kept her

    frozen for two days. She talked about how her heart had raced and it had felt as if her

    whole body was on fire. I couldn't be sure but it seemed this pain might be different. I

    felt pain and heat but it was not all consuming and though my heart was beating faster

    it did not seem unduly so.

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    I started to walk back to camp but the pain became so intense I fell to the jungle floor

    and couldn't move. A short time later Nahual's sisters came looking for me and they

    carried me back to the tree house. Nahual was nowhere in sight and I wondered where

    he was and what he must be thinking. I was a little surprised that my blood did not

    excite his sisters as it did him. They tried to take care of me as best they could butthey did not know how to stop pain from spreading any more than I did.

    The pain was becoming more intense by the minute but I did not hear my heart speed

    up. The pain was the most intense in my shoulder and when I looked at the wound I

    could see the bite marks standing out in vivid relief against my skin. The area around

    the bite was a dark red, almost purple. The bite itself had started oozing a yellowish

    red pus that bore the sickly sweet smell of infection. As the day wore on I started to

    become disoriented and during the periods where I could think I could see the

    infection was spreading down my body. I didn't know how much longer I could go on.

    I was becoming very tired and I ached in such a way I knew it couldn't be good. I could

    see the worry in Luata and Chachini's eyes as they watched me.

    Just before sunset Nahual came to me and whispered softly, I'm sorry, so sorry. I

    never meant for this to happen. I don't know of anything I can do. I'm sorry, goodbye.

    He was just going to leave me here to die. I watched as he left with his sisters and he

    never looked back. So much for his professed love, Jake would never do that to me,

    never. He would fight to keep me.

    Before I slipped into unconsciousness I thought of Jake, my love, and then I was gone.

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    Chapter Fourteen

    Nahual, where is my daughter?, I heard Edward ask. All I could see was a red haze

    that clouded my mind with rage. I was dimly aware that Nahual was saying somethingabout an island and that the thought Nessie was dead. That was it, I snapped and

    phased. I was on Nahual in an instant. I reached for his throat intending to end his life

    with one swift bite. No one stopped me, no one dared. It was my right to take out this

    monster who had just told everyone he had taken the only thing in my world that

    mattered. Edward released Nahual to his fate and my pack stood back watching warily

    as I took the life of the creature that had taken my life from me.

    When I looked up everyone was staring at me. A bonfire was already started and my

    pack was slowly dismembering Nahual and throwing his body in the fire. Edward and

    Bella just looked at me with concern. No one else moved. Out of the corner of my eye

    I saw the other women standing there. Where is Nessie?, I demanded. The shorter

    woman, Nahual's aunt I remembered looked at me then Edward. She started

    stammering that Nessie was on an island about an hour away. She told us how Nessie

    had been bitten by Nahual and that when they had left she was just barely conscious. I

    remembered back to the time Edward had thought they might have to bite Nessie to

    save her life. Was that what was happening now, was she becoming a vampire? I

    could live with that if that was what it would take to keep her. I had been through

    worse and it had worked out okay. I just needed to get to her as quickly as possible.

    Edward asked the villagers if we could borrow a few of their boats. Once we had the

    boats we set out with Edward and the other females leading the way.

    It was a very long trip, I never took my eyes off the horizon searching constantly for the

    little island. At last it came into view and we were heading for the beach. I couldn't

    wait till we touched shore, I was out and running toward the forest. I immediately

    picked up Nessie's scent and I flew to her like an arrow, the others following behind.

    As I got closer I noticed her scent taking on a peculiar odor. It smelled of sickness and

    death. I flew through the night never stopping once.

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    I found her laying on a bed of grass in a tree house. She was deathly pale and there

    was a large wound on her shoulder that was almost black with infection. Dark bloody

    fluid drained from the sore spreading down her shirt. Her breathing was shallow and it

    hitched every so often like she was having trouble breathing. I picked her up as gently

    as I could but I heard her moan in pain so I set her gently back on the mat. I watchedher face and I could see the pain but I also saw a tiny smile touch her face just briefly.

    The next minute Carlisle was beside me and he was examining Nessie, taking her

    pulse, listening to her heart and checking the oozing sore. After a few minutes he sat

    back anguish on his face. He didn't know what to do. Nessie was dying and he didn't

    know how to stop it.

    Carlisle turned to Edward and they started to discuss Nessie's condition. Her

    heartbeat is very unstable and she is having trouble breathing. I guess we have our

    answer on whether or not the venom would keep her alive. It is poisoning her system

    and I am not sure how to stop it. It has to be stopped soon, she has only hours left.

    Jake thought, Hours, did he say hours, no this is not happening. I will not let Nessie

    die but how could I help? Carlisle, you said that Nessie and I have the same

    chromosome makeup right? Do you think, since I heal so quickly, that if you were to

    transfuse my blood with hers that it might stop the infection? Mmm, Carlisle said,

    It might be a possibility, what do you think Edward? Edward looked at him

    helplessly but all he could do was shrug. At this point no one had any better answers.

    This was going to be a very crude procedure. We were in the middle of the jungle with

    no sterile hospital room and no medical equipment but what Carlisle had brought with

    him. I sat on the floor next to Nessie and Carlisle ran a rubber tube from my arm to

    Nessie's. He put the needle in my arm and started the blood flowing between us. On

    an interesting note it was discover