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UNI T 11 Key Vocab: ashore (adv.) ئ ط ا ش ل ا ي ل اprimitive ي ئ دا بremote ي ئ ا د / ب ي ع بserious ر طي خ اد / جwhaling ان" ي ي ح ل د ا ي صarmed ح شل مcontinent " ارة" قpurpose رض غdetermined م م / عار م ص مharpoon د ي ص ل رماح ل ا ن م وع ن ان" ي ي ح ل اram (v.) ب" دة ش ب صطدم يwhenever " ق و ي ا ئ فahead ام م اabroad (adv.) ارح ح ل اabove " وق فaboard " رة ئ و طا ا" ة ن ي ف س مت ئ علremote control عد ب ن ع م " حك ت هار جremoteness(n) عدُ بseriousnes s " ورة ط خ/ " ة دي جdrown " رق غ بsin / sank / sunk ض ف خ ن ي/ " رق غ ب وض / غ بattack وم خ ه م / ج ها يdestroy ر م د بcatch / caught / caught m شك م ي د / ي ص يhunt د ي ص ل ا رض غ ب طارد يgive / gave / ئ ط ع ب1

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UNIT 11Key Vocab:ashore (adv.)

الشاطئ إلي primitive بدائي

remote نائي / بعيد serious خطير / جادwhaling الحيتان صيد armed مسلحcontinent قارة purpose غرضdetermined

عازم / مصمم harpoon لصيد الرماح من نوعالحيتان

ram (v.) بـ بشدة يصطدم whenever وقت أي فيahead أمام abroad (adv.) الخارجabove فوق aboard أو سفينة متن علي

طائرةremote control

عن تحكم جهازبعد

remoteness(n) بُعد


خطورة / جدية drown يغرق

sin / sank / sunk

يغرق / / يغوصينخفض

attack هجوم / يهاجم

destroy يدمر catch / caught / caught

يمسك / يصيد

hunt بغرض يطاردالصيد

give / gave / given


offer يعرض / يقدم crew أو الطائرة طاقمالسفينة

Vocabulary:date تاريخ scene مكان / مشهد

شيء حدوثrow يجدف motorised

boatيعمل قارب

بمحركstage مرحلة developme تنمية / / نمو تطور


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nthumans البشر humanity البشريةwhale حوت distance مسافةboredom الملل adventure مغامرةadventurous (adj.)

مغامر adventurer (n.)


navy ship للبحرية تابعة سفينة whaling ship

لصيد سفينةالحيتان

in his mid twenties

العشرينات منتصف فيالعمر من

island جزيرة

islanders الجزر سكان the pacific ocean

الهادي المحيط

strange غريب collection مجموعةpoems قصائد a serious

problemخطيرة مشكلة

sailor بحار sandcastle الرمال من قلعةbe disappointed

األمل بخيبة يشعر spear رمح

storyteller القصة راوي gold coin ذهبية عملةfloat يطفو rescue =


message رسالة ambition (n.)


ambitious (adj.)

طموح hurt يؤذي

sound (v./n.)

صوت –يبدو critic ناقد

criticize ينقد review أو لكتاب نقدي عرضمثال فيلم

reviewer أدبي ناقد details تفاصيلcharacter شخصية Incredible

(adj.)يُصدق ال

definitely بالتأكيد cave كهفpainting لوحة foreign

countryأجنبي ةدولة


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الحظ لسوء force يُجبر / قوة


توصية actions أفعال


نتائج balance توازن

alternative routes

بديلة طرق get revenge

ينتقم / يثأر

stubborn عنيد intelligent ذكيblubber الحوت شحم candles شموعextinct منقرض extinction االنقراضmarine life البحرية الحياة ecology البيئة علمecologically friendly

للبيئة صديق environmentally friendly

للبيئة صديق

multimedia room

مناهل غرفةالمعرفة

vacuum cleaner

كهربائية مكنسة

Words and their antonyms:

serious جاد funny مضحكremote بعيد near / close قريبprimitive بدائي civilized متحضرarmed مسلح unarmed غير / أعزل

مسلحashamed بالخجل يشعر unashamed شاعر غير

بالخجلexciting مثير boring مملstrong قوي weak ضعيفordinary عادي unusual معتاد غيرstrange غريب familiar مألوفdestroy يدمر build يبنيadventurous مغامر unadventur

ousمغامر غير

ahead أمام behind خلفsink يغرق float يطفوenemy عدو friend صديق


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definitely بالتأكيد possibly المحتمل منdetailed مفصل brief مختصرreal حقيقي unreal حقيقي غيرcredible يُصدق incredible يُصدق الnegative سلبي positive ايجابي

Prepositions:a sailor on a ship

سفينة علي بحار live on an island

على يعيشجزيرة

he was born into a rich family

غنية أسرة في ولد work on a farm

في يعملمزرعة

work in ordinary jobs

وظائف في يعملعادية

at the beginning

البداية في

at first أوال at last أخيراbe bored with

من بالملل يشعر look for = search for

عن يبحث

come out ) للكتب) يصدر at the time of his death

وقت فيوفاته

life at sea البحر في الحياة at the age of سن فيfall to his death

ميتا يسقط send off ) العب ) يطرد

send off بالبريد يرسل hold onto بـ يتشبثpull out يسحب pull up يتوقفon his last voyage

األخيرة رحلته فيبالسفينة

on the third day

اليوم فيالثالث

armed with بـ مسلح at the weekend

نهاية فياألسبوع

crash into بـ يصطدم collide with بـ يصطدمessential to أساسي / ضروري

لـplay a vital role in

دورا يلعبفي حيويا

work on a novel

تأليف في يعملرواية

ready for+n. لـ مستعد

ready to+inf. لـ مستعد lend شخص يساعد


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someone a hand

by accident بالصدفة


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Irregular Verbs:learn/learned/learnedlearn/learnt/learnt

يتعلم lose/lost/lost يفقد/يضيع

lend/lent/lent يسلف make/made/made يصنع/يجعل

let/let/let يسمح يدع/ mean/meant/meant


lie/lay/lain ينام يرقد/ meet/met/met يقابلlight/lit/litlight/lighted/lighted

يشعل يضيء/ mislead/misled/misled


Derivatives:Verb Noun Adjective Adverb


خطورة /جدية

serious خطير / جاد

seriouslyجادة بطريقة

خطيرة أوarm يسلح

army جيش arms أسلحة

armed مسلح

determine ممــيص / يحدد

determination / تصميم تحديد

determined عازم / مصمم

destroy يدمر

destruction تدمير

destructive مدمر

destructively مدمر بشكل

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

take all possible measures

كل يتخذ اإلجراءات

الممكنةimminent danger

وشيك خطر


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disturb the balance of nature

إلي يؤدي في خلل

توازن الطبيعة

conserving/preserving the environment

الحفاظ البيئة علي

contamination = pollution

التلوث reduction تقليل

sources مصادر nuclear waste نفايات نووية

soil pollution التربة تلوث air pollution الهواء تلوثindustrial processes

صناعية عمليات preventive measures

إجراءات وقائية

deforestation الغابات إزالة desertification التصحـرhazards / مخاطر أخطار weather

conditions الظروف

الجويةcoastal ساحلي aquatic مائي

Language Notes:Remote (adj.) (remoter / remotest) : نائي/ بعيد Some primitive people still live in the remotest parts of Africa.

I haven't the remotest idea. فكرة أدني لدي ليس In the remote past البعيد الماضي في

In the remote future البعيد المستقبل في In the near future القريب المستقبل في

Shore / ashore / coast / beach / bankcoast للخريطة( بالنسبة موقع إلى اإلشارة عند تستخدم) ساحل The ship sank three miles off the French coast.There is rain over the whole of the west coast of Britain.

beach اإلجازة( بقضاء الناس فيه يستمتع الشاطئ من جزء) البالج We spent a very nice time on the beach.

Shore الشاطئ The shores of the Mediterranean have a population of

more than 120 million people. ashore (adv.): الشاطئ إلي When the boat reached the port, we went ashore.


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bank البحيرة أو النهر ضفــة Most Egyptians live on the Nile banks.Sink / drownSink القوارب( و للسفن عادة) يُغرق/ يغرق The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. The big blue whale sank the fishing boat.Sink ينخفض/ يقل The Egyptian pound has sunk to its lowest level against the dollar.

الدوالر مقابل في له مستوي أدني إلي المصري الجنيه انخفضDrown : (لألشخاص عادة) يغرق Two boys drowned while they were swimming.Offer / GiveOffer : يعرض/ يقدم She offered a reward for the return of her lost necklace.Give : يمنح/ يعطي She gave me two apples.

Recommend: بـ ينصح/ علي يثني/ بـ يوصي The doctor recommended that he should take a rest. He recommended me a good book to read. I can recommend this film to you. It’s very exciting.Advise: tell someone what they should do He advised me to study hard. She advised me not to waste my time.Think of …as … باعتباره شخص أو شيء في يفكر .. The captain thought of the whale as his enemy.Be determined to علي عازم أو مصمم يكون .. He was determined to kill his enemy.Hunt : أسره أو قتله محاوال وحشي أو بري حيوان يطارد They hunted the deer for 5 hours before they could finally catch it.

المقطع استخدام الحظ multi - معينة كلمات مع متعدد بمعني : مثل


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األبعاد متعدد

multimedia وسائطمتعددة


اللغات متعدد

Whenever = every time or any time عندما/ حينما Whenever she comes, she brings us some presents. I can meet you whenever you like.Whoever = the person who or any person أيا/ اى كان شخص Whoever pollutes the environment should be punished.Wherever = to any place or every place حيثما/ أينما Wherever he goes, he makes friends.Whatever = anything or everything شيء اى You can eat whatever you like.Matter (v.) يهم Does it matter if I come late? It doesn't matter to me what you do.Matter (n.) مسألة/ مشكلة/ أمر What's the matter with you? = What's wrong with you? What's the problem with you?It's a matter of life and death. موت أو حياة مسألةAs a matter of fact , … الحقيقة في/ الواقع فيIt's a matter of time. وقت مسألة إنها


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Exercises on vocabulary and Language Notes:Choose the correct answer:1-1- A (honeymoon – balloon – harpoon – cartoon) is a A (honeymoon – balloon – harpoon – cartoon) is a

sharp metal used for hunting metal used for hunting whales.2-2- A (purpose – propose – dispose – compose) is what you A (purpose – propose – dispose – compose) is what you

want to achieve when you do something.want to achieve when you do something.3-3- To (jam – gram – ram – dam) means to crash into To (jam – gram – ram – dam) means to crash into

something with great force.something with great force.4-4- A (clue – crow – blue - crew) means the people that A (clue – crow – blue - crew) means the people that

work together on a ship or a together on a ship or a plane.5-5- "He is (determined – underlined – examined - "He is (determined – underlined – examined -

hesitant) to do it" means that he wants to do something hesitant) to do it" means that he wants to do something so much that he won't let anyone or anything stop much that he won't let anyone or anything stop him.

6-6- (Weeping – Creeping – Whaling - Bleeding) is the (Weeping – Creeping – Whaling - Bleeding) is the activity of hunting whales.activity of hunting whales.

7-7- This book is (furious – serious – cautious – curious) .This book is (furious – serious – cautious – curious) . It's not funny.It's not funny.

8-8- The word (effective – deceptive - primitive – The word (effective – deceptive - primitive – aggressive) means very simple or old-fashioned.aggressive) means very simple or old-fashioned.

9-9- This place is (neighbouring – remote – overlooking –This place is (neighbouring – remote – overlooking – close). This means that it is far away from other places.close). This means that it is far away from other places.

10-10- (Shore – Bank – Ashore - Coast) means onto land by(Shore – Bank – Ashore - Coast) means onto land by the side of the sea.the side of the sea.

11-11- In the storm, the ship (sank –sat – shrank – held) In the storm, the ship (sank –sat – shrank – held) and two people drowned.and two people drowned.

12-12- The sailors (left – went – boarded – headed) their The sailors (left – went – boarded – headed) their ship and went ashore in a small boat.ship and went ashore in a small boat.

13-13- The elephant (attached – attended – attempted - The elephant (attached – attended – attempted - attacked) the hunters and completely destroyed their car.attacked) the hunters and completely destroyed their car.

14-14- They (hunted – caught – held – touched) the lion for three They (hunted – caught – held – touched) the lion for three days and finally caught it while it was sleeping.days and finally caught it while it was sleeping.

15-15- He (pretended - offered – intended - denied) a gold He (pretended - offered – intended - denied) a gold coin to the first sailor to see Moby Dick. coin to the first sailor to see Moby Dick.

16-16- He has no idea of the (seriousness – carefulness – He has no idea of the (seriousness – carefulness – carelessness – awareness) of the situation.carelessness – awareness) of the situation.


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17-17- The (richness – roughness - remoteness – The (richness – roughness - remoteness – closeness) of my friend's village made me hesitate to visitcloseness) of my friend's village made me hesitate to visit him.him.

18-18- Three (harmed - armed – alarmed – reformed) men Three (harmed - armed – alarmed – reformed) men broke into the bank to rob it.broke into the bank to rob it.

19-19- You can come to visit me (whatever – wherever – You can come to visit me (whatever – wherever – whenever – whoever) you like.whenever – whoever) you like.

20-20- The passengers were asked to (broad – abroad – The passengers were asked to (broad – abroad – broaden – board) the plane immediately.broaden – board) the plane immediately.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:

1-1- Asia is the largest city in the world.Asia is the largest city in the world.2-2- He couldn't finish the book because it was too serial.He couldn't finish the book because it was too serial.3-3- Relative people inhabited this island 2000 years ago.Relative people inhabited this island 2000 years ago.4-4- He went board on business.He went board on business.5-5- Turn left and you'll see the hospital above of you.Turn left and you'll see the hospital above of you.6-6- All the passengers and chew survived the crash.All the passengers and chew survived the crash.7-7- I'll visit you wherever I have time.I'll visit you wherever I have time.8-8- He commented me a good book to read.He commented me a good book to read.9-9- The lifeguard rescued the sinking boy.The lifeguard rescued the sinking boy.10-10- He lives in a close village. It's far from the nearest town.He lives in a close village. It's far from the nearest town.


The Past Perfect Tense:had + PP من يتكون :

في آخر حدث قبل وقع حدث ليصف التام الماضي يستخدم- 1 : الماضي

When I got home, my mother had washed and ironed my clothes. = First my mother washed and ironed my clothes. Then I arrived home.Notice the difference between this pair of sentence:When I arrived at the party, Tom left.. = I arrived, then Tom left.


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When I arrived at the party, Tom had left. = Tom left before I arrived.

مثل: كلمات مع غالبا التام الماضي يستخدم -2after / before / when / as soon as / no sooner / till / until

After بسيط ماضي تام ماضي

As soon as● First he did the homework. Then he went to bed. (after) After he had done the homework, he went to bed.

الماضي من بدال البسيط الماضي استخدام أيضا يمكن أنه الحظ : after/as soon as بعد التام

After he saw / had seen the film, he went out.أن الحظ after / before / when / as soon as أن يمكن

: بدايتها أو الجملة وسط في تأتيBefore he did the shopping, he cleaned/had cleaned the room.He cleaned / had cleaned the room before he did the shopping.

استخدام الحظ comma الجملة بدأت إذا الجملتين بين السابقة: بالروابط

After + تام ماضي+ فاعل = Having + PPAfter he had done = Having done● He went to bed after he had done the homework.

(Having …) Having done the homework, he went to bed.● As soon as they had arrived, we phoned them.

(Having …) Having arrived, we phoned them.

بعد فاعل وجود عدم حالة في after / before / when : v.+ing نستخدم


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After Before + v.+ingWhen

بعد اسم استخدام يمكن after / before : ● After his father's death, he left the country. = After his father had died, he left the country.

استخدام الحظ by the time الماضي في : By the time + تام ماضي بسيط ماضي ● By the time my friend arrived, I had finished my homework.

مع التام الماضي ستخدام ا when الحدثين أي علي يتوقف أوال وقع

● When she arrived, we had finished our lunch. = We had finished before she arrived.● When I had finished work, I went home. = After I had finished work, I went home.

مع الفعالن يكون عندما عامة وبصفة when الماضي في أوال: حدث الذي هو بعدها الفعل فان البسيط

● When the play ended, the audience went home.● When he opened the window, the bird flew out.

تستخدم أحيانا on من بدال when الفعل بعدها ويأتي ing : له مضافا

● When she saw the robber, she called the police. On seeing the robber, she called the police.

Before + بسيط ماضي تام ماضي ● First we turned off the lights. Then we left. (Before) Before we left, we had turned off the lights.

منفى بسيط ماضي + till / until تام ماضيتأتي till/ until البسيط الماضي قبلها و الجملة وسط في

: التام الماضي بعدها (منفي) وBefore he left, I had given him permission. He didn’t leave until I had given him permission.


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After she had typed the letter, she posted it. (until) She didn’t post the letter until she had typed it.

قبل البسيط الماضي يكون ال till/until قد بل منفي دائما : مثبتة أحيانا الجملة تكون

He stayed in bed until half past nine. بعد التام الماضي يستخدم أحيانا because تكون أن بشرط

حدث الذي هو because بعد والحدث الماضي في الجملةأوال:

The teacher was pleased because all his students had passed the test. He looked tired yesterday because he had slept badly the night before. Leila was late for school because the bus had broken down.He was angry because he had lost his job.

إذا م التا المضارع علي الدالة الكلمات مع التام الماضي يستخدم بسيط: ماضي الجملة في كان

for / ever / never / already / yet / just The film has already started. (present perfect)

مع واحد فعل لوجود التام المضارع استخدمنا السابقة الجملة في already :

The film had already started when I arrived. (past perfect)

اآلتيتين: الجملتين بين أيضا الفرق والحظ The man sitting next to me on the plane is nervous. He has never flown before.The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous. He had never flown before.

More Examples: When we When we arrivedarrived at the cinema, the film at the cinema, the film had already had already startedstarted.. When I When I metmet him, he him, he hadn't finishedhadn't finished his homework yet. his homework yet. When I When I arrivedarrived home, my father home, my father had just lefthad just left.. When I When I gotgot home, I found that someone home, I found that someone had broken had broken into into my house and had stolen my house and had stolen my jewelry.


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It It waswas the best novel I the best novel I had ever read.had ever read. The house The house waswas dirty. They dirty. They hadn't cleanedhadn't cleaned it it yetyet..

المباشر: غير في أيضا التام الماضي ويستخدم She said she had seen the film the night before.

إلي وحولناه المباشر في بسيط ماضي أصال كانت الجملة وهذه المباشر: غير في التام الماضي

She said, "I saw the film last night."بعد التام الماضي استخدام الحظ By then ذلك قبل ومعناها

الوقت:He arrived at the party at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, most guests had left.

بعد التام الماضي ويستخدم wish في التمني عن للتعبير الماضي:

I wish I had seen my friends yesterday.بعد أيضا التام الماضي ويستخدم if الثالثة: الحالة في

If I had known he was ill, I would have visited him.اآلتية: التعبيرات مع التام الماضي استخدام الحظ

It was only when + تام ماضي that ماضي بسيطAs soon as they had arrived at home, they slept. (It

was only …) It was only when they had arrived at home that

they slept.

It wasn't until + تام ماضي that بسيط ماضيShe didn't laugh until she had heard the joke. (It

wasn't…) It wasn't until she had heard the joke that she

laughed.مع: التام الماضي استخدام الحظ

no sooner thanhad + hardly + فاعل + PP when

بسيط ماضي +


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Scarcely when She left the house. She was run over by a car. (no sooner) She had no sooner left the house than she was run over by a car. He entered the office. His boss shouted at him.

(hardly) He had hardly entered the office when his boss shouted at him.

الجملة تكون ، السابقة الكلمات بإحدى الجملة بدأت إذاسؤال شكل : علي

She left the house. She was run over by a car. (No sooner..) No sooner had she left the house than she was run over by a car.

نستخدم للمجهول المبني حالة وفي :Had been + PP

He said that he had cleaned the room. He said that the room had been cleaned.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tenseمن: ويتكون

Had been + v+ingاستمر حدث عن ليعبر المستمر التام الماضي ويستخدم

مع عادة ويستخدم آخر حدث وقوع قبل الماضي في لفترةwhen/since / for/ all day / all weekend :

مثل طويلة فترة تستغرق أن يمكن أفعال مع عادة ويأتي wait / do / study / live / work / stay / play / watch / sleep / paint / read / write / talk / run / walk / travel, ..etc :

When I When I arrivedarrived home, he home, he had been cleaninghad been cleaning the room the room for two hoursfor two hours.They They had been waitinghad been waiting for an hour for an hour beforebefore the train the train arrivedarrived..What What hadhad he he been doingbeen doing when the accident happened? when the accident happened?


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There There werewere floods because it floods because it had been raininghad been raining for three for three days.days.He He waswas tired because he tired because he had been workinghad been working since dawn. since dawn.He He was coveredwas covered in paint. He in paint. He had been paintinghad been painting the the room since we since we left.Our game of tennis Our game of tennis waswas interrupted. We interrupted. We had been had been playingplaying for an hour when it started to rain. for an hour when it started to rain.

المستمرة األزمنة في تستخدم ال أفعال هناك أن الحظ األولي(: الوحدة راجع) المستمر التام الماضي ومنها عموما

We were good friends. We had known each other for 10 years.

الجملة في المستمر التام الماضي استخدام الخطأ ومن .السابقة

ال التي األفعال مع المستمر التام الماضي يستخدم ال كما / break down مثل حدوثها في طويلة فترة عادة تستغرق

stop / close / open/ end / finish الحالة هذه وفي التام: الماضي نستخدم

She was late for the meeting because her car had broken down.

المستمر التام الماضي يستخدم ال الفعل حدوث مرات ذكرنا إذا : التام الماضي نستخدم بل

When I met Ahmed, he had finished typing 3 reports.Exercises on Grammar:Choose the correct answer:1. When Ali went to university, he (had been studying –

has been studying – studies – was studying) English for ten years.

2. I was tired yesterday morning because I (was reading - had been reading – have been reading – read) until late the night before.

3. By the time I went to sleep, I (have read – had been reading - had read – reading) a hundred pages.

4. The manager decided to change the date of the conference, even though she (had been sending – has been sending – has already sent - had already sent) out 20 invitations.


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5. Unfortunately, even though he (had been training – has been training – has trained – was training) for six months, Ali didn't win the race.

6. We (are thinking – think – will think - had been thinking) about staying in Alexandria for our holiday, but finally decided to go to the Red Sea, even though we (had gone – would go – are going – go) there twice already.

7. My friend and I (had been talking – talk – will be talking – are talking) for more than an hour before I put the phone down.

8. Ali wasn't feeling well yesterday. He (studies – has studied - had been studying – has been studying) hard all weekend. He had been trying to finish an essay the teacher had given him last week.

9. By the time he arrived at the station, the train (had left – leaves – was leaving – was left), so he missed it.

10. When I met her, she (already reads – has already read – had already read – was being read) two short stories.

11. When his novel Moby Dick came out in 1851, Melville (had written – had been writing – wrote – has written) for five years.

12. When I arrived at the airport, my plane (had just taken off – has just taken off – will just take off – just takes off).

13. They (weren't – didn't – couldn't – wouldn't) released until they had paid the bail. كفالة

14. By the age of 20, Melville was bored with the jobs he (does – has done – had been doing – is doing) and decided to look for adventure.

15. He (hadn't finished – hasn't finished – wasn't finishing – hadn't finished) his final novel about life at sea at the time of his death.

16. He felt ill because he (has eaten – had eaten – is eating – will eat) too much junk food.

17. By the time he arrived yesterday, the meeting (is – was – had been – has been) over.

18. After I had written the letter, I put a stamp on it and (taken – take – was taking – took) it to the post office.


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19. After (read – had read – reading – reads) the instructions, I was able to use the machine.

20. There was some broken glass on the floor because someone (had broken – has broken – was breaking – is breaking) the window.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:1- He started writing in his mid twenties. By then, he

travels all over the world.2- Before he went back to America, he has been living with a

group of primitive people for 4 months.3- As soon as he received the phone call, he has gone to

the airport.4- He looked very tired. He works so hard all weekend.5- She seemed to be very happy. Perhaps she is receiving

some good news.6- I am seeing a good film last night.7- He sounded very angry when I spoke to him this

morning. Perhaps he loses his job.8- She wasn't helping her mother until she had done the

homework.9- She was excited about going to London. She has never

been there before.10-Nobody leaves until the meeting had ended.

Communication Skills

Making Recommendation ReasonsI'm sure you'd enjoy/love (this book).

It's a very exciting/interesting (story).

You really should (read this book).

The characters are so real.

I can really recommend (this book) to you.

You won't be able to put it down.


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: مثال فيلم أو قصة أو كتاب في رأيا نبدي عندما تستخدم عبارات(The book / film) is too long and slow.It's not really my kind of (book/film). النوعية ليس انه

من أفضلها . التيI know it's long, but I couldn't put it down. I have read other (novels) by…,but this one is the most exciting.It's too serious. الالزم من أكثر جاد انهIt's too hard to understand.

Test on Unit 111- Respond to the following situations:1-You see a friend reading a book. Ask your friend what the

book is called and who wrote it.2-A friend asks if you are enjoying your book. Say that you

are and recommend it to your friend.3-Your friend asks why you would recommend the book. Say the

main reason is that it is easy to read.4-You have just bought a new CD by your favourite singer.

Recommend it to a friend.

2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are: 1- A: How much is this vacuum cleaner, please?

B: It's 1200 pounds.A: O.K. I'll buy it.

2- A: You are too late, Hala. B: I'm so sorry sir. I missed the bus. A: O.K. Type this letter for me, please.

B- Vocabulary and Structure 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d1- The two boys looked very tired. They (have been

playing – had been playing – play – would play) football for two hours.


Place : -----------Speaker A:

Place : -----------Speaker A:

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2- Ann woke in the middle of the night. She looked very frightened. Perhaps she (is dreaming – dreams – had been dreaming – has dreamt).

3- Mother looked exhausted. She (cooks – has cooked – is cooking – had been cooking) for 2 hours.

4- When I arrived at the meeting, I found that it (has just ended – had just ended – was just ending – just ends).

5- Before he operated the machine, he (has read – read – reads – is reading) the instructions carefully.

6- I didn't know about the accident until I (have read – was reading – read – had read) the papers.

7- When I arrived at the station, the train (left – had left – leaves – was left) so I missed it.

8- After (see – had seen – had been seeing – seeing) the robbers, I phoned the police.

9- This is a (whaling – waking – waiting – willing) ship. It hunts whales.

10- My cousin and his family live in a (near – close – remote – route) part of the country, 50 kilometres from the nearest town.

11- As soon as their ship arrived in the port, all the passengers went (shore – seashore – ashore – beach).

12- I don't really like funny films or books. I prefer (ridiculous – silly – serious – boring) ones.

13- The cave painting was painted by (limited – printed – preventive – primitive) people thousands of years ago.

14- Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped for lunch, he (had made – made – had been making – has made) 17 phone calls.

15- How long (had you wait – have you been waiting – had you been waiting – have you waited) before your train arrived.

16- Turn left at the traffic lights, and you'll see the hospital straight (head – heads – ahead – heading).

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:


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1- We always go aboard in summer.2- Africa is the second largest of the world's countries.3- We all went assure when our ship came to port.4- She was tired when she arrived home. She is

working all day.5- By the time he reached the bus stop, the bus has

already been leaving.6- Before he is sending the e-mail, he made two

phone calls.C- Reading Comprehension

5- Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Charles was a professor with a huge house and a fortune. Today he lives in a small caravan where there is only second hand furniture. He gets his clothes and other things from charity shops.

This change is not a tragedy. Charles was happy to give the lifestyle of a rich man. He was tired of being a person who had everything and many people have nothing. He made the choice to give all his money away. He says it has brought him happiness. “A few years ago,” says Charles, “I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world.” So, he gave away all his money to charities. He even gave away small banknotes in the streets of local poor areas.

Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money. However, most people never make much money. He decided to drop out and discovered that having only a little money makes you free. Are there any things he misses? “No, I’m much happier now. I wouldn’t go back to being rich for anything – no way.”A. Answer the following questions:1. Compare Charles’ life in the past to his life now.2. What does the underlined word it refer to?


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3. “I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world.” According to the passage, what is the role of the rich towards the poor?

B. Choose the correct answer:4. According to the text, Charles has ----------------------------- a) a family b) a huge house c) everything in the world d) only a little money5. Now Charles is very happy

because----------------------------. a) he is a millionaire b) he has no money c) he misses nothing d) he lives in a small caravan6- Read the following passage and then answer the

questionsIt must be said that the majority of those who are

against Genetically Modified (GM) foods are neither living in countries which suffer from food shortages, nor facing starvation. Many scientists believe that without GM foods, the Third World will never overcome its food problems.At present, over one billion people live on less than one dollar a day. The United Nations hopes this number will be cut in half within fifteen years. This will not happen if food continues to be produced in the conventional manner. Foods produced by traditional farming methods do not last very long and often spoil during transport. Now scientists have found ways to preserve foods for much longer time. For example, they have developed a preservative made from vitamins and minerals which keeps even cut fruit fresh for up to ten days if refrigerated. They believe that it is necessary to find longer lasting and natural means to solve the world's food problems.A. Answer the following questions1- How do scientists preserve foods for a long time?2- Give an appropriate title to this passage.


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3- Do you agree with the scientists who believe that without GM foods, the Third World will never overcome its food problem? Why?

B. Choose the correct answer:4- The expression "cut in half" means--------------------. a) cut into pieces b) add one half c) decrease by half d) become one and a half5- Most of the food sent to starving

countries-----------------. a) never decays b) decays after it reaches them c) decays on the way d) does not decay until it is

eaten by themD- Writing

8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words on the following subject:

“The Problem of Pollution” You may include the following points:

- Air pollution - Noise is a sort of pollution- water pollution - Reducing pollution

9- A)Translate into Arabic:Is our planet a safe place for animals? Unfortunately, it

doesn't seem like it. Thousands of species have become extinct and many more are now endangered. We need to do something fast before it is too late for them. B) Translate into English:

1-. اليومية حياتنا من هاما جزءا اإلعالنات أصبحتعلي -2 خطيرة تأثيرات له تكون أن يمكن الغابات قطع إن
