new hampshire liberty alliance liberty rating 2015 · hb315 relative to termination of tenancy. 2...

New Hampshire Liberty Alliance Liberty Rating 2015

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  • New Hampshire Liberty Alliance


  • This is the twelfth annual Liberty Rating issued by the New HampshireLiberty Alliance, based on 50 roll call votes in the House and 22 in theSenate. This year the House earned a collective grade of C and theSenate a C+. Individual grades for each representative and senatorare based on pro-liberty or anti-liberty roll call votes on bills that havebeen included in our Gold Standard liberty voting guides distributed toSenators and Representatives each session day. The Legislator of theYear is awarded to the individual with the highest score calculated fromthese votes.

    Pro-liberty votes protect individual freedom of choice and personalresponsibility; recognize the superiority of freedom over coercion;respect the citizen’s right of self-ownership; promote governance thatis transparent, accountable, and adheres to the Constitution; andrecognize the value of voluntary economic decisions.

    Anti-liberty votes replace self-governance with interventionist regulation;assume rules made by agencies backed by force are superior tovoluntary choices backed by personal accountability; and assume abetter economy can be managed by a central authority that compelspeople and businesses to pay for policies they may not willinglysupport.

    The Liberty Rating is the result of hundreds of hours of work by manyvolunteers who have read and analyzed bills, testified beforecommittees, called and written their representatives, worked on ourother signature publication, the Gold Standard, and culled extensivedata from legislative voting records.

    We encourage New Hampshire citizens to learn the facts about howtheir elected representatives are voting in Concord and to use this toolto hold them accountable. This report card serves as a valuable voterguide when these same representatives are running for re-election.

    New Hampshire Liberty Alliance

    2015 Liberty Rating

  • New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Table of Contents

    Preface ............................................................................................................................................ iScoring Key .................................................................................................................................... ii

    Legislator of the Year ...................................................................................................................... 1Activist of the Year …...................................................................................................................... 1

    The House of Representatives Bills Scored in the House................................................................................................................. 2Representatives Listed By Letter Grade …..................................................................................... 3Representatives Listed Alphabetically............................................................................................ 4Representatives Listed By District................................................................................................... 5Five Year Honor Roll ..................................................................................................................... 10Five Year Low Scores ................................................................................................................... 10

    The Senate Bills Scored in the Senate.............................................................................................................. 11Senators Listed By Letter Grade.................................................................................................... 11

    Guide to House & Senate Districts................................................................................................. 12

    Scoring Key

    Motions of Ought to Pass (“OTP”), Ought to Pass with Amendment (“OTP/A”), and to accept a Committee ofConference report (“C of C”) pass a bill. If we recommended yea on these motions, it was a pro-liberty bill; if nay,it was an anti-liberty bill. Motions of Inexpedient to Legislate (“ITL”), Table, or Inde finitely Postpone kill a bill. Ifwe recommended yea on these motions, it was an anti-liberty bill; if nay, it was a pro-liberty bill.

    A “win” or a “loss” indicates the result in the particular chamber in question. It does not mean the bill became law.

    Dereliction of Duty

    [email protected] ii

    Name District % MissedRussell, David Belknap 5 90DeLemus, Susan Strafford 11 82Baroody, Benjamin Hillsborough 43 80Flanders, Donald Belknap 3 78

    Name District % MissedRokas, Ted Hillsborough 12 78Katsiantonis, Thomas Hillsborough 15 76Mann, John Cheshire 2 74Johnsen, Gladys Cheshire 7 72

    Grade Percent Reps SensA+ 93–100% 33 1A 87–92% 27 3A- 80–86% 26 5

    B+ 73–79% 22 1B 67–72% 22 3B- 60–66% 20 1

    C+ 53–59% 23 0C 47–52% 21 0C- 40–46% 25 0

    D+ 33–39% 13 0D 27–32% 13 2D- 20–26% 44 6

    F 15–19% 49 1

    Constitutional Threat CT 37 reps, 1 senatorScore of 0–14%. Considered unfaithful to their oath to uphold the New Hampshire Constitution and the rule of law.

    Incomplete Inc 16 repsOverrides letter grade if 50–69% of scored votes were missed, or they were not in office for greater than 20% of scored votes.

    Dereliction of Duty Der 8 repsOverrides letter grade if at least 70% of scored votes were missed. These representatives should consider resigning so that a special election can allow their constituents to be properly represented in the House.

  • New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Legislator of the Year

    The Honorable Dan Itse represents the town of Fremont in RockinghamCounty's District 10. Rep. Itse, who is serving his 8th term in the House,sits on the Children & Family Law committee. During the 2011/2012 housesession, he served as Chairman of the Committee on ConstitutionalReview and Statutory Recodification.

    Rep. Itse has been an ardent voice in defense of the New HampshireConstitution at the State House. He has been an advocate for JuryNullification and has introduced many bills defending State's rights and thetenth amendment. Furthermore, Representative Itse has been a memberof the NHLA's 5 year honor roll every year since it was begun in 2010,showing his outstanding commitment to liberty in New Hampshire’slegislature.

    Rep. Itse served a two year term as the NHLA's political director, in 2007-2008 and continues to contribute to the Gold Standard. He also directed the NHLA's State House tour during this year's New Hampshire Liberty Forum.

    Rep. Itse is a chief engineer, with a master’s degree in chemical engineering, and expertise in the design of low-emissions combustion systems. He holds four patents.

    Activist of the Year

    Bill Alleman was born in Massachusetts, at an undisclosed date and time. In 1983, he moved to California, and in 1988 to New Hampshire, where he has remained. Bill is the guiding force behind the group Free Weare, and for many years was the videographer for Capitol Access, a current events show about NH politics.

    On February 22nd, 2011, on his way home from a protest supporting a local restaurant owner against the Weare Police Department, Bill was pulled over. He informed the officer that he was recording the interaction. The officer responded with a "that's fine", but later Bill was charged with felony wiretapping inState of NH vs Bill Alleman. The case resulted in a ringing victory for freedom in New Hampshire. Bill won the case and proceeded to sue the town for violating his rights under the Constitution. His case became a precedent and rallying point for freedom of the press.

    For many years, Bill has recorded hearings in the New HampshireHouse and Senate at his own expense. Often, winners of the Activistof the Year award are celebrated for their work on a single issue. Thisaward celebrates a great work spread over time, spent largely behindthe camera instead of in front of it.

    Bill Alleman is also the author of the blog, "Adventures in the FreeState, which can be found here:

    [email protected] 1

  • New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Bills Scored in the HouseBill Title Impact Motion NHLA Yeas Nays ResultHRule22 Doubling the requirement needed for roll call votes. 3 Table Yea 343 36 WinHRule63 Allowing deadly weapons in the State House. 2 Amend Rule Yea 228 149 WinHB269 Allowing a landlord to collect first and last month's rent. 3 Reconsider Yea 145 204 LossHB246 Relative to jury nullification. 3 ITL Nay 225 115 LossHB407 Prohibiting the state and towns from acquiring military-equipped vehicles. 3 ITL Nay 134 204 WinHB208 Repealing the New Hampshire regional greenhouse gas initiative program. 2 OTPA Yea 201 154 WinHB387 Relative to motor vehicle inspections. (Reducing inspection frequency) 3 ITL Nay 207 140 LossCACR1 Providing that a 3/5 vote is required to raise taxes. 3 ITL Nay 226 128 LossHB404 Relative to showing a ballot. (Allowing photos of ballots on social media) 1 ITL Nay 233 131 LossHB136 Prohibiting tanning facilities from tanning persons under 18 years of age. 2 OTP Nay 199 162 LossHB315 Relative to termination of tenancy. 2 OTPA Yea 263 95 WinHB689 Relative to adoption of a default budget. 2 OTPA Yea 203 148 WinHB543 Repealing the electric renewable portfolio standard. 2 Table Nay 253 95 LossHB228 Relative to showing or specially marking a ballot. 1 ITL Nay 253 89 LossHB426 Repealing the ban on use of mobile electronic devices while driving. 3 ITL Nay 214 136 LossHB445 Defining poker as a game of skill. 3 ITL Nay 217 150 LossHB673 Establishing a sales and use tax. 3 ITL Yea 355 13 WinHB681 Increasing the marriage license fees. 2 OTP Nay 223 146 LossHB548 Adopting the federally-facilitated health exchange in NH. 2 ITL Yea 237 131 WinHB214 Allowing for decertification of police officers found to have falsified evidence. 3 ITL Nay 233 122 LossHB618 Reducing penalties for the possession of marijuana. 3 OTPA Yea 297 67 WinHB650 Requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales. 2 ITL Yea 236 124 WinHB669 Requiring law enforcement to report acquisition of military style equipment. 3 ITL Nay 245 110 LossHB685 Prohibiting state and local agencies from enforcing federal firearm laws. 3 ITL Nay 234 119 LossHB303 Requiring parental consent for psychological services to students. 1 Table Nay 230 127 LossHB332 Requiring schools to notify parents of objectionable course material. 2 OTP Yea 217 136 WinHB578 Protecting schools from unfunded federal education mandates. 2 OTP Yea 204 136 WinHB410 Repealing the prohibition on the sale or purchase of organs 3 ITL Nay 245 54 LossHB298 Loosening restrictions on the taking game animals with the use of bait. 1 ITL Nay 222 95 LossHB593 Permitting qualifying patients to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. 3 ITL Nay 148 188 WinHB292 Absolving engineers and architects from liability in emergencies. 1 OTPA Nay 235 105 LossHB403 Repealing free speech “buffer zone” on public land around abortion facilities. 2 OTP Yea 170 159 WinHB470 Relative to jury nullification. 3 ITL Nay 233 108 LossHB606 Relative to costs for public records filed electronically. 1 OTPA Yea 321 18 WinHB365 Prohibiting an employer from using credit history in employment decisions. 2 ITL Yea 200 142 WinHB600 Relative to paid sick leave for employees. 2 ITL Yea 219 122 WinHB684 Establishing a state minimum hourly rate. 3 ITL Yea 198 145 WinHB391 Applying the E911 surcharge to prepaid cellular telephones. 1 OTPA Nay 167 152 LossSB101 Prohibiting the state from requiring use of common core standards. 2 OTP Yea 202 138 WinSB116 Repealing the license requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver. 3 OTPA Yea 212 150 WinSB113 Relative to video lottery and table gaming (creating monopolistic casinos) 2 OTP Nay 156 208 WinSB105 Restricting e-cigarette packaging, study adding e-cigs to indoor smoking act 2 ITL Yea 210 143 WinSB106 Restricting the sale or possession of synthetic drugs. 2 OTPA Nay 233 120 LossSB125 Requiring licensure for mold assessment or remediation services. 2 Table Yea 206 147 WinSB30 Allowing counties to create new taxes on unincorporated areas. 3 OTPA Nay 293 57 LossSB124 Relative to filing felonies first in the superior court. 2 OTPA Nay 212 127 LossSB135 Relative to lead poisoning in children. 2 Adopt CofC Nay 249 103 LossSB169 Relative to the use of electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards. 2 Adopt CofC Yea 213 143 WinHB681 Increasing the marriage license fee. 1 Adopt CofC Nay 203 144 LossHB122 Relative to advertising of liquor or beverages. (free speech in advertising) 2 Veto Override Yea 236 95 Win

    [email protected] 2

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed by Letter Grade

    Itse, Daniel « A+Sylvia, Michael « A+Howard Jr, Raymond«A+Murphy, Keith « A+Burt, John « A+Johnson, Eric « A+Kellogg, Shem « A+Kaczynski, Jr.,Thomas A+Eastman, Eric A+Abramson, Max A+Ferreira, Elizabeth A+Aldrich, Glen A+Seaworth, Brian A+McConnell, James A+Comeau, Ed A+Brewster, Michael A+Hannon, Joseph A+Moore, Josh A+Baldasaro, Alfred A+McGuire, Carol A+Sullivan, Victoria A+Groen, Warren A+Bouldin, Amanda A+Spillane, James A+Ammon, Keith A+McGuire, Dan A+Tucker, Pamela A+Hogan, Edith A+Simmons, Tammy A+Kappler, Lawrence A+Fraser, Valerie A+Bates, David A+Lachance, Joseph A+Beaudoin, Steven ARice, Kimberly AGoulette, William AHill, Gregory AMarston, Dick AAvellani, Lino AKnowles, Robert AFrench, Harold AFromuth, Bart AO'Brien, William AHull, Robert ATrue, Chris AZaricki, Nick AIngbretson, Paul AVadney, Herbert ATurcotte, Leonard ANotter, Jeanine AHoell, JR ATasker, Kyle AHalstead, Carolyn AMarple, Richard AEdelblut, Frank ACordelli, Glenn ADuarte, Joe AWhitehouse, Joshua ARideout, Leon AHarris, Jeffrey AHodgdon, Bruce A-Christie, Rick A-Cheney, Catherine A-Kuch, Bill A-McLean, Mark A-Thomas, Douglas A-Wright, Ted A-Schroadter, Adam A-

    Estevez, Eric A-Murotake, David A-Vose, Michael A-Schleien, Eric A-Emerick, J. Tracy A-Parison, James A-Ohm, Bill A-Rice, Frederick A-Osborne, Jason A-Boehm, Ralph A-Jones, Laura A-McClarren, Donald A-Prudhomme-O'Brien,K. A-Gould, Linda A-Edwards, Elizabeth A-Martin, John A-Ober, Russell A-Hopper, Gary A-Tamburello, Daniel B+Fisher, Robert B+Twombly, Timothy B+Coffey, James B+Pitre, Joseph B+Wuelper, Kurt B+Mullen, John B+Stepanek, Stephen B+Gordon, Richard B+Rollins, Skip B+Wood, David B+Bridge, Ernest B+Gionet, Edmond B+LeBreche, Shari B+Gannon, William B+Kolodziej, Walter B+Seidel, Carl B+Cook, Allen B+McCarthy, Frank B+Sanborn, Laurie B+Dumais, Russell B+Long, Douglas B+Brown, Duane BSouza, Kathleen BHansen, Peter BBush, Carol BPotucek, John BLaware, Thomas BBickford, David BRappaport, Laurence BWeyler, Kenneth BBailey, Brad BLuther, Robert BDonovan, Daniel BChirichiello, Brian BByron, Frank BHennessey, Erin BSpanos, Peter BAdams, Christopher BGallagher, Brian BSmith, Gregory BHorn, Werner BDarrow, Stephen BUlery, Jordan BLeBrun, Donald B-Varney, Peter B-Belanger, James B-McCarthy, Peggy B-Danielson, David B-Christiansen, Lars B-

    Lundgren, David B-Biggie, Barbara B-Leeman, Don B-Rouillard, Claire B-Shackett, Jeffrey B-Belanger, Ronald B-Barnes, Arthur B-Allen, Mary B-Introne, Robert B-Katsakiores, Phyllis B-Hurt, George B-Peterson, Ken B-Ober, Lynne B-Gagne, Larry B-Scontsas, Lisa C+Griffin, Barbara C+Ward, Joanne C+Ferrante, Beverly C+Friel, William C+Griffin, Mary C+Fesh, Robert C+O'Connor, John C+Webb, James C+McMahon, Charles C+Wolf, Terry C+Woitkun, Steven C+Chandler, Gene C+Sterling, Franklin C+Barry, Richard C+Kurk, Neal C+Infantine, William C+Chase, Francis C+Welch, David C+Milz, David C+McConkey, Mark C+Walsh, Thomas C+Balcom, John C+Hunt, John CHagan, Joseph CMartel, Andre CFothergill, John CPalmer, Barry CAbrami, Patrick CGuthrie, Joseph CPackard, Sherman CChristensen, Chris CTakesian, Charlene CMcKinney, Betsy CDeSimone, Debra CGray, James CNigrello, Robert CRowe, Robert CRichardson, Herbert CTilton, Franklin CChristie, Andrew CHess, David CMajor, Norman CPellegrino, Anthony CAzarian, Gary C-Nelson, Bill C-Smith, Steven C-Hinch, Richard C-Fields, Dennis C-Kotowski, Frank C-Umberger, Karen C-Elliott, Robert C-Sytek, John C-Sanders, Elisabeth C-

    Doucette, Fred C-Parker, Harold C-Ladd, Rick C-Manning, John C-Crawford, Karel C-Gonzalez, Carlos C-Emerson, Susan C-Tilton, Benjamin C-Grenier, James C-Straight, Phillip C-Haefner, Robert C-Hoelzel, Kathleen C-Schmidt, Stephen C-Tholl, John C-Proulx, Mark C-Matthews, Carolyn D+Devine, James D+Roberts, Kris D+Gargasz, Carolyn D+Gardner, Janice D+Shaw, Barbara D+Beaulieu, Jane D+Booras, Efstathia D+Kidder, David D+Berube, Roger D+Cardon, G. Thomas D+Theberge, Robert D+Irwin, Virginia D+Pierce, David DConverse, Larry DForest, Armand DO'Hearne, Andrew DBordenet, John DPiper, Wendy DPearson, William DGuerette, C. Lee DBrown, Chris DTurcotte, Alan DSprague, Dale DDiFranco, Debbie DSmith, Marjorie DMassimilla, Linda D-Rice, Chip D-Ley, Douglas D-Oxenham, Lee D-French, Barbara D-Deloge, Helen D-Hatch, William D-Schmidt, Andrew D-Cilley, Jacalyn D-Roberts, Carol D-Vann, Ivy D-Cohen, Alan D-Saunderson, George D-Moffett, Howard D-Bennett, Travis D-Eaton, Daniel D-McNamara, Richard D-Thomas, Yvonne D-Treleaven, Susan D-Luneau, David D-Smith, Timothy D-Gidge, Kenneth D-Carson, Clyde D-Leishman, Peter D-Tatro, Bruce D-Herbert, Christopher D-Ratzki, Mario D-

    Bradley, Paula D-Goley, Jeffrey D-Francese, Paula D-Ward, Gerald D-Verschueren, James D-Sykes, George D-Jack, Martin D-Borden, David D-Cote, David D-Gorman, Mary D-White, Andrew D-Patten, Dick D-Froburg, Alethea D-Buco, Thomas D-Ticehurst, Susan D-Porter, Marjorie D-Ward, Kenneth D-Karrick, David FSpang, Judith FChase, Cynthia FHiggins, Patricia FCushing, Robert FBrown, Pamela FSoucy, Timothy FKaen, Naida FMcBeath, Rebecca FWheeler, Deborah FStevens, Audrey FHansberry, Daniel FBixby, Peter FHennessey, Martha FButler, Edward FHirsch, Geoffrey FCloutier, John FLong, Patrick FSherman, Thomas FCornell, Patricia FSullivan, Daniel FFrazer, June FLovejoy, Patricia FPhillips, Larry FEbel, Karen FHeath, Mary FDiSilvestro, Linda FO'Neil, William FWallner, Mary Jane FMoynihan, Wayne FAlicea, Caroletta FNordgren, Sharon FBerrien, Skip FSimpson, Alexis FSchmidt, Peter FGordon, Pamela FCooney, Mary FRosenwald, Cindy FBurton, Wayne FShepardson, Marjorie FParkhurst, Henry FAbel, Richard FPantelakos, Laura FTownsend, Charles FWalsh, Robert FMyler, Mel FShattuck, Gilman FCali-Pitts, Jacqueline FMaes, Kevin FManley, Jonathan CTHorrigan, Timothy CT

    Gottling, Suzanne CTO'Brien, Michael CTGagnon, Raymond CTMangipudi, Latha CTBackus, Robert CTHarvey, Suzanne CTFreitas, Mary CTRobertson, Timothy CTSnow, Kendall CTAbbott, Michael CTWoodbury, David CTHeffron, Frank CTBartlett, Christy CTWilliams, Kermit CTWeber, Lucy CTWall, Janet CTHenle, Paul CTDoherty, David CTRollo, Deanna CTFord, Susan CTKenison, Linda CTDiSesa, Len CTSmith, Suzanne CTBerch, Paul CTGile, Mary CTSouthworth, Thomas CTSchuett, Dianne CTAlmy, Susan CTSad, Tara CTCahill, Michael CTMacKay, James CTRogers, Katherine CTAmes, Richard CTShurtleff, Stephen CTBaber, William CT

    Grade Percent A+ 93 - 100% A 87 - 92% A- 80 - 86%

    B+ 73 - 79% B 67 - 72% B- 60 - 66%

    C+ 53 - 59% C 47 - 52% C- 40 - 46%

    D+ 33 - 39% D 27 - 32% D- 20 - 26%

    F 15 - 19%

    CT 0 - 14% (Constitutional Threat)

    « Signifies Perfect Score

    Representatives in boldfaceare the top and bottom 25,respectively. Those gradedas Incomplete or Derelictionof Duty, and the Speaker of

    the House, have beenomitted.

    [email protected] 3

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed Alphabetically

    Abbott, Michael CTAbel, Richard FAbrami, Patrick CAbramson, Max A+Adams, Christopher BAldrich, Glen A+Alicea, Caroletta FAllen, Mary B-Almy, Susan CTAmes, Richard CTAmmon, Keith A+Avellani, Lino AAzarian, Gary C-Baber, William CTBackus, Robert CTBailey, Brad BBalcom, John C+Baldasaro, Alfred A+Barnes, Arthur B-Baroody, Benjamin DerBarry, Richard C+Bartlett, Christy CTBates, David A+Beaudoin, Steven ABeaulieu, Jane D+Belanger, James B-Belanger, Ronald B-Bennett, Travis D-Berch, Paul CTBerrien, Skip FBerube, Roger D+Bickford, David BBiggie, Barbara B-Bixby, Peter FBoehm, Ralph A-Booras, Efstathia D+Borden, David D-Bordenet, John DBouldin, Amanda A+Bradley, Paula D-Brewster, Michael A+Bridge, Ernest B+Brown, Chris DBrown, Duane BBrown, Pamela FBrown, Rebecca IncBuco, Thomas D-Burt, John A+Burton, Wayne FBush, Carol BButler, Edward FByron, Frank BCahill, Michael CTCali-Pitts, Jacqueline FCardon, G. Thomas D+Carson, Clyde D-Chandler, Gene C+Chase, Cynthia FChase, Francis C+Cheney, Catherine A-Chirichiello, Brian BChristensen, Chris CChristiansen, Lars B-Christie, Andrew CChristie, Rick A-Cilley, Jacalyn D-Cloutier, John FCoffey, James B+

    Cohen, Alan D-Comeau, Ed A+Comtois, Guy IncConverse, Larry DCook, Allen B+Cooney, Mary FCordelli, Glenn ACornell, Patricia FCote, David D-Crawford, Karel C-Cushing, Robert FDanielson, David B-Darrow, Stephen BDean-Bailey, Yvonne IncDeLemus, Susan DerDeloge, Helen D-DeSimone, Debra CDevine, James D+DiFranco, Debbie DDiSesa, Len CTDiSilvestro, Linda FDobson, Brian IncDoherty, David CTDonovan, Daniel BDoucette, Fred C-Duarte, Joe ADumais, Russell B+Eastman, Eric A+Eaton, Daniel D-Ebel, Karen FEdelblut, Frank AEdwards, Elizabeth A-Elliott, Robert C-Emerick, J. Tracy A-Emerson, Susan C-Estevez, Eric A-Ferrante, Beverly C+Ferreira, Elizabeth A+Fesh, Robert C+Fields, Dennis C-Fisher, Robert B+Flanagan, Jack IncFlanders, Donald DerFord, Susan CTForest, Armand DFothergill, John CFrancese, Paula D-Fraser, Valerie A+Frazer, June FFreitas, Mary CTFrench, Barbara D-French, Harold AFriel, William C+Froburg, Alethea D-Fromuth, Bart AGagne, Larry B-Gagnon, Raymond CTGallagher, Brian BGannon, William B+Gardner, Janice D+Gargasz, Carolyn D+Gidge, Kenneth D-Gile, Mary CTGionet, Edmond B+Goley, Jeffrey D-Gonzalez, Carlos C-Gordon, Pamela FGordon, Richard B+

    Gorman, Mary D-Gottling, Suzanne CTGould, Linda A-Goulette, William AGray, James CGreen, Dennis IncGrenier, James C-Griffin, Barbara C+Griffin, Mary C+Groen, Warren A+Guerette, C. Lee DGuthrie, Joseph CHaefner, Robert C-Hagan, Joseph CHalstead, Carolyn AHannon, Joseph A+Hansberry, Daniel FHansen, Peter BHarris, Jeffrey AHarvey, Suzanne CTHatch, William D-Heath, Mary FHeffron, Frank CTHenle, Paul CTHennessey, Erin BHennessey, Martha FHerbert, Christopher D-Hess, David CHiggins, Patricia FHill, Gregory AHinch, Richard C-Hirsch, Geoffrey FHodgdon, Bruce A-Hoell, JR AHoelzel, Kathleen C-Hogan, Edith A+Hopper, Gary A-Horn, Werner BHorrigan, Timothy CTHoward, Jr., Raymond A+Howe, Ann IncHull, Robert AHunt, John CHurt, George B-Infantine, William C+Ingbretson, Paul AIntrone, Robert B-Irwin, Virginia D+Itse, Daniel A+Jack, Martin D-Jasper, Shawn SpeakerJeudy, Jean IncJohnsen, Gladys DerJohnson, Eric A+Jones, Laura A-Kaczynski, Jr., Thomas A+Kaen, Naida FKappler, Lawrence A+Karrick, David FKatsakiores, Phyllis B-Katsiantonis, Thomas DerKellogg, Shem A+Kenison, Linda CTKidder, David D+Knowles, Robert AKolodziej, Walter B+Kotowski, Frank C-Kuch, Bill A-

    Kurk, Neal C+Lachance, Joseph A+Ladd, Rick C-Laware, Thomas BLeBreche, Shari B+LeBrun, Donald B-Leeman, Don B-Leishman, Peter D-Ley, Douglas D-Long, Douglas B+Long, Patrick FLovejoy, Patricia FLundgren, David B-Luneau, David D-Luther, Robert BMacKay, James CTMaes, Kevin FMajor, Norman CMangipudi, Latha CTManley, Jonathan CTMann, John DerManning, John C-Marple, Richard AMarston, Dick AMartel, Andre CMartin, John A-Massimilla, Linda D-Matthews, Carolyn D+McBeath, Rebecca FMcCarthy, Frank B+McCarthy, Peggy B-McClarren, Donald A-McConkey, Mark C+McConnell, James A+McGuire, Carol A+McGuire, Dan A+McKinney, Betsy CMcLean, Mark A-McMahon, Charles C+McNamara, Richard D-Milz, David C+Moffett, Howard D-Moody, Marcia IncMoore, Josh A+Moynihan, Wayne FMullen, John B+Murotake, David A-Murphy, Keith A+Myler, Mel FNelson, Bill C-Nigrello, Robert CNordgren, Sharon FNotter, Jeanine AO'Brien, Michael CTO'Brien, William AO'Connor, John C+O'Hearne, Andrew DO'Neil, William FOber, Lynne B-Ober, Russell A-Ohm, Bill A-Oligny, Jeffrey IncOsborne, Jason A-Oxenham, Lee D-Packard, Sherman CPalmer, Barry CPantelakos, Laura FParent, Jason Inc

    Parison, James A-Parker, Harold C-Parkhurst, Henry FPatten, Dick D-Pearson, William DPeckham, Michele IncPellegrino, Anthony CPeterson, Ken B-Phillips, Larry FPierce, David DPiper, Wendy DPitre, Joseph B+Porter, Marjorie D-Potucek, John BPriestley, Anne IncProulx, Mark C-Prudhomme-O'Brien, K. A-Rappaport, Laurence BRatzki, Mario D-Rice, Chip D-Rice, Frederick A-Rice, Kimberly ARichardson, Herbert CRideout, Leon ARoberts, Carol D-Roberts, Kris D+Robertson, Timothy CTRogers, Katherine CTRokas, Ted DerRollins, Skip B+Rollo, Deanna CTRosenwald, Cindy FRouillard, Claire B-Rowe, Robert CRussell, David DerSad, Tara CTSanborn, Laurie B+Sanders, Elisabeth C-Saunderson, George D-Schleien, Eric A-Schmidt, Andrew D-Schmidt, Peter FSchmidt, Stephen C-Schroadter, Adam A-Schuett, Dianne CTScontsas, Lisa C+Seaworth, Brian A+Seidel, Carl B+Shackett, Jeffrey B-Shattuck, Gilman FShaw, Barbara D+Shepardson, Marjorie FSherman, Thomas FShurtleff, Stephen CTSilva, Peter IncSimmons, Tammy A+Simpson, Alexis FSmith, Gregory BSmith, Marjorie DSmith, Steven C-Smith, Suzanne CTSmith, Timothy D-Snow, Kendall CTSoucy, Timothy FSouthworth, Thomas CTSouza, Kathleen BSpang, Judith FSpanos, Peter B

    Spillane, James A+Sprague, Dale DStepanek, Stephen B+Sterling, Franklin C+Stevens, Audrey FStraight, Phillip C-Sullivan, Daniel FSullivan, Victoria A+Sweeney, Joe IncSweeney, Shawn IncSykes, George D-Sylvia, Michael A+Sytek, John C-Takesian, Charlene CTamburello, Daniel B+Tasker, Kyle ATatro, Bruce D-Theberge, Robert D+Tholl, John C-Thomas, Douglas A-Thomas, Yvonne D-Ticehurst, Susan D-Tilton, Benjamin C-Tilton, Franklin CTownsend, Charles FTreleaven, Susan D-True, Chris ATucker, Pamela A+Turcotte, Alan DTurcotte, Leonard ATwombly, Timothy B+Ulery, Jordan BUmberger, Karen C-Vadney, Herbert AVann, Ivy D-Varney, Peter B-Verschueren, James D-Vose, Michael A-Wall, Janet CTWallner, Mary Jane FWalsh, Robert FWalsh, Thomas C+Ward, Gerald D-Ward, Joanne C+Ward, Kenneth D-Webb, James C+Weber, Lucy CTWelch, David C+Weyler, Kenneth BWheeler, Deborah FWhite, Andrew D-Whitehouse, Joshua AWilliams, Kermit CTWoitkun, Steven C+Wolf, Terry C+Wood, David B+Woodbury, David CTWright, Ted A-Wuelper, Kurt B+Zaricki, Nick A

    CT = Constitutional Threat Inc = Incomplete Der = Dereliction of Duty

    [email protected] 4

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Belknap CountyBelknap 01Fraser, Valerie (R) A+

    Belknap 02Aldrich, Glen (R) A+Dumais, Russell (R) B+Hurt, George (R) B-Vadney, Herbert (R) A

    Belknap 03Flanders, Donald (R) Der Luther, Robert (R) BSpanos, Peter (R) BTilton, Franklin (R) C

    Belknap 04Fields, Dennis (R) C-Gallagher, Brian (R) B

    Belknap 05Russell, David (R) Der Varney, Peter (R) B-

    Belknap 06LeBreche, Shari (R) B+Sylvia, Michael (R) A+

    Belknap 07Comtois, Guy (R) Inc

    Belknap 08Howard, Jr., Raymond (R) A+

    Belknap 09Fisher, Robert (R) B+

    Carroll CountyCarroll 01Chandler, Gene (R) C+

    Carroll 02Buco, Thomas (D) D-McCarthy, Frank (R) B+Umberger, Karen (R) C-

    Carroll 03McConkey, Mark (R) C+Ticehurst, Susan (D) D-

    Carroll 04Cordelli, Glenn (R) ACrawford, Karel (R) C-

    Carroll 05Avellani, Lino (R) AComeau, Ed (R) A+Nelson, Bill (R) C-

    Carroll 06Parker, Harold (R) C-Schmidt, Stephen (R) C- Carroll 07Butler, Edward (D) F

    Carroll 08Wright, Ted (R) A-

    Cheshire CountyCheshire 01Abbott, Michael (D) CTBerch, Paul (D) CTSad, Tara (D) CTWeber, Lucy (D) CT

    Cheshire 02Mann, John (D) Der

    Cheshire 03Eaton, Daniel (D) D-

    Cheshire 04Pearson, William (D) D

    Cheshire 05Bordenet, John (D) D

    Cheshire 06Robertson, Timothy (D) CT

    Cheshire 07Johnsen, Gladys (D) Der

    Cheshire 08Chase, Cynthia (D) F

    Cheshire 09Ames, Richard (D) CTLey, Douglas (D) D-

    Cheshire 10Shepardson, Marjorie (D) F

    Cheshire 11Emerson, Susan (R) C-Hunt, John (R) C

    Cheshire 12McConnell, James (R) A+Tilton, Benjamin (D) C-

    Cheshire 13Parkhurst, Henry (D) F

    Cheshire 14Sterling, Franklin (R) C+

    Cheshire 15Tatro, Bruce (D) D-

    Cheshire 16Phillips, Larry (D) FRoberts, Kris (D) D+

    Coös CountyCoös 01Fothergill, John (R) CRappaport, Laurence (R) B

    Coös 02Moynihan, Wayne (D) F

    Coös 03Froburg, Alethea (D) D-Theberge, Robert (D) D+Thomas, Yvonne (D) D-

    Coös 04Richardson, Herbert (R) C

    Coös 05Tholl, John (R) C-

    Coös 06Hatch, William (D) D-

    Coös 07Rideout, Leon (R) A

    [email protected] 5

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Grafton CountyGrafton 01Hennessey, Erin (R) BMassimilla, Linda (D) D-

    Grafton 02Brown, Rebecca (D) Inc

    Grafton 03Ford, Susan (D) CT

    Grafton 04Ladd, Rick (R) C-

    Grafton 05Gionet, Edmond (R) B+

    Grafton 06Maes, Kevin (D) F

    Grafton 07Johnson, Eric (R) A+

    Grafton 08Bennett, Travis (D) D-Cooney, Mary (D) FSmith, Suzanne (D) CT

    Grafton 09Hull, Robert (R) AShackett, Jeffrey (R) B-

    Grafton 10Piper, Wendy (D) D

    Grafton 11Townsend, Charles (D) F

    Grafton 12Brown, Chris (D) DHennessey, Martha (D) FHiggins, Patricia (D) FNordgren, Sharon (D) F

    Grafton 13Abel, Richard (D) FAlmy, Susan (D) CTSykes, George (D) D-White, Andrew (D) D-

    Grafton 14Bailey, Brad (R) B

    Grafton 15Ingbretson, Paul (R) A

    Grafton 16Brown, Duane (R) B

    Grafton 17Darrow, Stephen (R) B

    Hillsborough CountyHillsborough 01Porter, Marjorie (D) D-Shattuck, Gilman (D) F

    Hillsborough 02Donovan, Daniel (R) BHopper, Gary (R) A-Kurk, Neal (R) C+

    Hillsborough 03Manley, Jonathan (D) CT

    Hillsborough 04Roberts, Carol (D) D-Williams, Kermit (D) CT

    Hillsborough 05O'Brien, William (R) AWoodbury, David (D) CT

    Hillsborough 06Christie, Rick (R) A-Griffin, Barbara (R) C+Pierce, David (R) DRouillard, Claire (R) B-Zaricki, Nick (R) A

    Hillsborough 07Danielson, David (R) B-Fromuth, Bart (R) AGould, Linda (R) A-Murphy, Keith (R) A+Peterson, Ken (R) B-Wolf, Terry (R) C+

    Hillsborough 08Goley, Jeffrey (D) D-Lachance, Joseph (R) A+

    Hillsborough 09DiSilvestro, Linda (D) FO'Neil, William (D) F

    Hillsborough 10Jeudy, Jean (D) Inc Long, Patrick (D) F

    Hillsborough 11Edwards, Elizabeth (D) A-Walsh, Robert (D) F

    Hillsborough 12Bouldin, Amanda (D) A+Rokas, Ted (D) Der

    Hillsborough 13Gagne, Larry (R) B-Infantine, William (R) C+

    Hillsborough 14Freitas, Mary (D) CTHeath, Mary (D) F

    Hillsborough 15Katsiantonis, Thomas (D) DerMcLean, Mark (R) A-

    Hillsborough 16Shaw, Barbara (D) D+Sullivan, Victoria (R) A+

    Hillsborough 17Simmons, Tammy (R) A+Smith, Timothy (D) D-

    Hillsborough 18Cornell, Patricia (D) FForest, Armand (D) D

    Hillsborough 19Backus, Robert (D) CTMarston, Dick (R) A

    Hillsborough 20Boehm, Ralph (R) A-Byron, Frank (R) B

    Hillsborough 21Balcom, John (R) C+Barry, Richard (R) C+Christensen, Chris (R) CHinch, Richard (R) C-Moore, Josh (R) A+Notter, Jeanine (R) APellegrino, Anthony (R) CStraight, Phillip (R) C-

    [email protected] 6

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Hillsborough County cont’d.Hillsborough 22Hansen, Peter (R) BRowe, Robert (R) CStepanek, Stephen (R) B+

    Hillsborough 23Biggie, Barbara (R) B-Goulette, William (R) AHalstead, Carolyn (R) ASweeney, Shawn (R) Inc

    Hillsborough 24Leishman, Peter (D) D-Vann, Ivy (D) D-

    Hillsborough 25Coffey, James (R) B+Parison, James (R) A-

    Hillsborough 26Adams, Christopher (R) BFlanagan, Jack (R) Inc

    Hillsborough 27Belanger, James (R) B-Gargasz, Carolyn (R) D+

    Hillsborough 28Eastman, Eric (R) A+Ferreira, Elizabeth (R) A+Seidel, Carl (R) B+

    Hillsborough 29Harvey, Suzanne (D) CTMcCarthy, Peggy (R) B-McClarren, Donald (R) A-

    Hillsborough 30Cohen, Alan (D) D-Rosenwald, Cindy (D) FScontsas, Lisa (R) C+

    Hillsborough 31Brown, Pamela (D) FCote, David (D) D-Gorman, Mary (D) D-

    Hillsborough 32LeBrun, Donald (R) B-Murotake, David (R) A-Palmer, Barry (R) C

    Hillsborough 33Booras, Efstathia (D) D+Gidge, Kenneth (D) D-Guerette, C. Lee (D) D

    Hillsborough 34Hogan, Edith (R) A+Soucy, Timothy (D) FTwombly, Timothy (R) B+

    Hillsborough 35Hansberry, Daniel (D) FMangipudi, Latha (D) CTSilva, Peter (R) Inc

    Hillsborough 36Jack, Martin (D) D-O'Brien, Michael (D) CTOhm, Bill (R) A-

    Hillsborough 37Christiansen, Lars (R) B-Estevez, Eric (R) A-Haefner, Robert (R) C-Jasper, Shawn (R) SpeakerOber, Lynne (R) B-Ober, Russell (R) A-Rice, Kimberly (R) ASchleien, Eric (R) A-Smith, Gregory (R) BTakesian, Charlene (R) CUlery, Jordan (R) B

    Hillsborough 38Edelblut, Frank (R) AMcNamara, Richard (D) D-

    Hillsborough 39Burt, John (R) A+

    Hillsborough 40Ammon, Keith (R) A+

    Hillsborough 41Sanborn, Laurie (R) B+

    Hillsborough 42Snow, Kendall (D) CTSullivan, Daniel (D) F

    Hillsborough 43Baroody, Benjamin (D) Der Herbert, Christopher (D) D-Souza, Kathleen (R) B

    Hillsborough 44Martel, Andre (R) CProulx, Mark (R) C-

    Hillsborough 45Beaulieu, Jane (D) D+Gonzalez, Carlos (R) C-

    Merrimack CountyMerrimack 01Ratzki, Mario (D) D-

    Merrimack 02French, Harold (R) AHorn, Werner (R) B

    Merrimack 03Hill, Gregory (R) AWheeler, Deborah (D) F

    Merrimack 04Long, Douglas (R) B+

    Merrimack 05Ebel, Karen (D) FKidder, David (R) D+

    Merrimack 06French, Barbara (D) D-Hirsch, Geoffrey (D) F

    Merrimack 07Carson, Clyde (D) D-

    Merrimack 08Alicea, Caroletta (D) F

    Merrimack 09Moffett, Howard (D) D-Saunderson, George (D) D-

    Merrimack 10Luneau, David (I) D-Myler, Mel (D) FWallner, Mary Jane (D) F

    Merrimack 11Shurtleff, Stephen (D) CT

    Merrimack 12Henle, Paul (D) CT

    [email protected] 7

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Merrimack County cont’d.Merrimack 13Frazer, June (D) F

    Merrimack 14MacKay, James (D) CT

    Merrimack 15Kenison, Linda (D) CT

    Merrimack 16Deloge, Helen (D) D-

    Merrimack 17Patten, Dick (D) D-

    Merrimack 18Bradley, Paula (D) D-

    Merrimack 19Bartlett, Christy (D) CT

    Merrimack 20Doherty, David (D) CTSchuett, Dianne (D) CTSeaworth, Brian (R) A+

    Merrimack 21Brewster, Michael (R) A+McGuire, Dan (R) A+

    Merrimack 22Turcotte, Alan (D) D

    Merrimack 23Hoell, JR (R) AKuch, Bill (R) A-Martin, John (R) A-

    Merrimack 24Hess, David (R) CKotowski, Frank (R) C-Marple, Richard (R) AWalsh, Thomas (R) C+

    Merrimack 25Karrick, David (D) F

    Merrimack 26Parent, Jason (R) Inc

    Merrimack 27Gile, Mary (D) CTRice, Chip (D) D-

    Merrimack 28Rogers, Katherine (D) CT

    Merrimack 29McGuire, Carol (R) A+

    Rockingham CountyRockingham 01Hodgdon, Bruce (R) A-

    Rockingham 02Duarte, Joe (R) ASpillane, James (R) A+Tasker, Kyle (R) A

    Rockingham 03Hoelzel, Kathleen (R) C-Kappler, Lawrence (R) A+Matthews, Carolyn (R) D+

    Rockingham 04Devine, James (R) D+Gannon, William (R) B+Hagan, Joseph (R) COsborne, Jason (R) A-True, Chris (R) A

    Rockingham 05Baldasaro, Alfred (R) A+Introne, Robert (R) B-Lundgren, David (R) B-McKinney, Betsy (R) CPackard, Sherman (R) CTamburello, Daniel (R) B+Thomas, Douglas (R) A-

    Rockingham 06Cardon, G. Thomas (R) D+Chirichiello, Brian (R) BFerrante, Beverly (R) C+Fesh, Robert (R) C+Katsakiores, Phyllis (R) B-Milz, David (R) C+O'Connor, John (R) C+Potucek, John (R) BPrudhomme-O'Brien, Katherine (R) A-Webb, James (R) C+

    Rockingham 07Bates, David (R) A+Griffin, Mary (R) C+Kolodziej, Walter (R) B+McMahon, Charles (R) C+

    Rockingham 08Azarian, Gary (R) C-Barnes, Arthur (R) B-Belanger, Ronald (R) B-Doucette, Fred (R) C-Elliott, Robert (R) C-Manning, John (R) C-Priestley, Anne (R) Inc Sweeney, Joe (R) Inc Sytek, John (R) C-

    Rockingham 09Harris, Jeffrey (R) AVose, Michael (R) A-

    Rockingham 10Itse, Daniel (R) A+

    Rockingham 11Cook, Allen (R) B+

    Rockingham 12Sanders, Elisabeth (R) C-

    Rockingham 13Green, Dennis (R) Inc Guthrie, Joseph (R) CHowe, Ann (R) Inc Welch, David (R) C+Weyler, Kenneth (R) B

    Rockingham 14DeSimone, Debra (R) CFriel, William (R) C+Kellogg, Shem (R) A+Major, Norman (R) C

    Rockingham 15Allen, Mary (R) B-

    Rockingham 16Nigrello, Robert (R) C

    Rockingham 17Cahill, Michael (D) CTMoody, Marcia (D) Inc Schroadter, Adam (R) A-

    [email protected] 8

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Rockingham County cont’d.Rockingham 18Berrien, Skip (D) FFrancese, Paula (D) D-Heffron, Frank (D) CTSimpson, Alexis (D) F

    Rockingham 19Abrami, Patrick (R) CWard, Joanne (R) C+

    Rockingham 20Abramson, Max (R) A+Chase, Francis (R) C+

    Rockingham 21Cushing, Robert (D) FEmerick, J. Tracy (R) A-Rice, Frederick (R) A-Wood, David (R) B+

    Rockingham 22Peckham, Michele (R) Inc

    Rockingham 23Tucker, Pamela (R) A+

    Rockingham 24Borden, David (D) D-Sherman, Thomas (D) F

    Rockingham 25Pantelakos, Laura (D) F

    Rockingham 26McBeath, Rebecca (D) F

    Rockingham 27DiFranco, Debbie (D) D

    Rockingham 28Ward, Gerald (D) D-

    Rockingham 29Gordon, Pamela (D) F

    Rockingham 30Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline (D) F

    Rockingham 31Bush, Carol (R) B

    Rockingham 32Dean-Bailey, Yvonne (R) Inc Dobson, Brian (R) Inc

    Rockingham 33Woitkun, Steven (R) C+

    Rockingham 34Oligny, Jeffrey (R) Inc

    Rockingham 35Gordon, Richard (R) B+

    Rockingham 36Lovejoy, Patricia (D) F

    Rockingham 37Christie, Andrew (R) C

    Strafford CountyStrafford 01Mullen, John (R) B+

    Strafford 02Pitre, Joseph (R) B+Whitehouse, Joshua (R) A

    Strafford 03Bickford, David (R) BWuelper, Kurt (R) B+

    Strafford 04Cilley, Jacalyn (D) D-Turcotte, Leonard (R) A

    Strafford 05Kaen, Naida (D) F

    Strafford 06Burton, Wayne (D) FHorrigan, Timothy (D) CTSmith, Marjorie (D) DSpang, Judith (D) FWall, Janet (D) CT

    Strafford 07Stevens, Audrey (D) F

    Strafford 08Gray, James (R) C

    Strafford 09Beaudoin, Steven (R) A

    Strafford 10Groen, Warren (R) A+

    Strafford 11DeLemus, Susan (R) Der

    Strafford 12Knowles, Robert (R) A

    Strafford 13Verschueren, James (D) D-

    Strafford 14Baber, William (D) CT

    Strafford 15Gardner, Janice (D) D+

    Strafford 16DiSesa, Len (D) CT

    Strafford 17Bixby, Peter (D) FCheney, Catherine (R) A-Treleaven, Susan (D) D-

    Strafford 18Berube, Roger (D) D+Rollo, Deanna (D) CTSprague, Dale (D) D

    Strafford 19Schmidt, Peter (D) F

    Strafford 20Southworth, Thomas (D) CT

    Strafford 21Ward, Kenneth (D) D-

    Strafford 22Kaczynski, Jr., Thomas (R) A+

    Strafford 23Leeman, Don (R) B-

    Strafford 24Jones, Laura (R) A-

    Strafford 25Hannon, Joseph (R) A+

    [email protected] 9

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Representatives Listed By District

    Sullivan CountySullivan 01Oxenham, Lee (D) D-Schmidt, Andrew (D) D-

    Sullivan 02Gottling, Suzanne (D) CT

    Sullivan 03O'Hearne, Andrew (D) D

    Sullivan 04Converse, Larry (D) D

    Sullivan 05Gagnon, Raymond (D) CT

    Sullivan 06Bridge, Ernest (R) B+Rollins, Skip (R) B+

    Sullivan 07Grenier, James (R) C-

    Sullivan 08Laware, Thomas (R) B

    Sullivan 09Irwin, Virginia (D) D+

    Sullivan 10Cloutier, John (D) F

    Sullivan 11Smith, Steven (R) C-

    Five Year Honor Roll

    The NHLA would like to recognize the following state representatives for their outstanding commitment to liberty, demonstrated by consistently scoring a B- or better for the past five years. No state senator made the honor roll.


    Name: '15 '14 '13 '12 '11Itse, Daniel A+ A A+ A- A-Murphy, Keith A+ B+ A A ABurt, John A+ A A A A-Baldasaro, Alfred A+ A- A- B+ A-McGuire, Carol A+ A+ A A A-Groen, Warren A+ B A- B+ A-McGuire, Dan A+ A A A ATucker, Pamela A+ A B+ B B+Kappler, Lawrence A+ B B+ B A-Notter, Jeanine A A- A A- B+Hoell, JR A A A- A A-Tasker, Kyle A B+ B+ A- ADuarte, Joe A A- A B+ A-Schroadter, Adam A- B+ A- A- B-Parison, James A- A- A A- A-Rice, Frederick A- B B+ B+ B+Boehm, Ralph A- A- A- B- B+Jones, Laura A- A- A A AOber, Russell A- B+ A B+ B+Pitre, Joseph B+ A- A- B+ A-Gionet, Edmond B+ B B+ B+ A-Kolodziej, Walter B+ B B+ B+ BSanborn, Laurie B+ A- A- B AHansen, Peter B B+ B+ B+ B+Rappaport, Laurence B B+ A- B B+Weyler, Kenneth B B+ B+ B B+Luther, Robert B B B B- B+Chirichiello, Brian B B B+ B- A-Ulery, Jordan B A- B+ B+ B+Belanger, James B- B- B+ B+ B-Ober, Lynne B- B+ A- B+ B-Gagne, Larry B- B B+ B A-

    Five Year Low Scores

    These representatives, and one senator,have demonstrated a continued disregard for the principles of liberty, by scoring a D or worse in each of the last five years.


    Name: '15 '14 '13 '12 '11Rice, Chip D- D D D D-Schmidt, Andrew D- D D D- D-Thomas, Yvonne D- D- D F D-Tatro, Bruce D- D- D D DGoley, Jeffrey D- D- D F D-Porter, Marjorie D- F D D- D-White, Andrew D- D- D D- D-Frazer, June F D- D- D- FLong, Patrick F F D D D-Lovejoy, Patricia F F D D- DWallner, Mary Jane F D- D- D- FCooney, Mary F F D- D- D-Nordgren, Sharon F D- D- F FRosenwald, Cindy F F D D- D-Schmidt, Peter F CT D F FCali-Pitts, Jacqueline F D- D D- DPantelakos, Laura F D- D- D- D-Parkhurst, Henry F D- D D- DTownsend, Charles F D- D F D-Gagnon, Raymond CT D- D F FSmith, Suzanne CT CT D D- DWall, Janet CT F D D- FWeber, Lucy CT CT D D- FAlmy, Susan CT D- D D- DGile, Mary CT F D F FSad, Tara CT CT D D CTMacKay, James CT F D- D- D-Shurtleff, Stephen CT F D- F D-


    Kelly, Molly CT D- D- F D

    [email protected] 10

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Bills Scored in the Senate

    Bill Description Impact Motion NHLA Yeas Nays ResultSB106 Restricting the sale or possession of synthetic drugs. 2 OTPA Nay 23 0 LossSB116 Repealing the license requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver. 3 OTP Yea 14 9 WinSB204 Repealing the education tax credit program. 3 ITL Yea 14 10 WinSB1 Reducing the rate of the business profits tax. 2 OTPA Yea 14 10 WinSB2 Reducing the rate of the business enterprise tax. 2 OTPA Yea 14 10 WinSB199 Taxing prepaid communications services 1 ITL Yea 17 6 WinSB32 Relative to state agency budgetary reporting requirements. 1 OTPA Yea 24 0 WinSB261 Establishing a state minimum wage. 3 ITL Yea 14 10 WinSB262 Relative to the form of drivers' licenses and identification cards. 3 ITL Yea 14 10 WinCACR5 Providing that taxpayers have standing to bring actions against the government. 2 OTPA Yea 24 0 WinSB169 Relative to permissible uses of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards. 2 OTP Yea 19 4 WinHB258 Relative to fees for preparing motor vehicle registration documents. 1 OTPA Nay 17 7 LossHB332 Requiring schools to notify parents of objectionable course material. 2 OTPA Yea 14 10 WinHB603 Relative to student exemption from the statewide assessment. 1 ITL Nay 11 13 WinHB216 Allowing regulatory boards to charge costs of investigations to subjects 3 OTPA Nay 16 8 LossHB403 Repealing “buffer zone” on public property surrounding abortion clinics. 2 OTP Yea 12 12 LossHB681 Increasing the marriage license fee. 1 Sections 2 and 3 Nay 21 3 LossHB290 Relative to the acceptance of risk in outdoor recreational activities. 2 OTP Yea 18 4 WinHB208 Reducing charges for the New Hampshire greenhouse gas initiative program. 2 Committee Amend-

    ment 1970sNay 14 10 Loss

    HB618 Reducing penalties for the possession of marijuana. 3 ITL Nay 9 15 WinHB572 Restricting use of eminent domain for high pressure gas pipelines 2 Sen. Sanborn Floor

    Amendment 2063sYea 5 19 Loss

    HB122 Relative to advertising of liquor or beverages. 2 Veto Override Yea 18 6 Win

    Senators Listed By Letter Grade

    [email protected] 11

    Name District GradeSanborn, Andy (R) 09 A+Avard, Kevin (R) 12 ADaniels, Gary (R) 11 ABirdsell, Regina (R) 19 AMorse, Chuck (R) 22 A-Reagan, John (R) 17 A-Prescott, Russell (R) 23 A-Bradley, Jeb (R) 03 A-Forrester, Jeanie (R) 02 A-Carson, Sharon (R) 14 B+Cataldo, Sam (R) 06 BStiles, Nancy (R) 24 B

    Name District GradeBoutin, David (R) 16 BLittle, Gerald (R) 08 B-Pierce, David (D) 05 DWoodburn, Jeff (D) 01 DD'Allesandro, Lou (D) 20 D-Watters, David (D) 04 D-Hosmer, Andrew (D) 07 D-Soucy, Donna (D) 18 D-Feltes, Dan (D) 15 D-Lasky, Bette (D) 13 D-Fuller Clark, Martha (D) 21 FKelly, Molly (D) 10 CT

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Guide to House & Senate Districts

    Use this section of the Liberty Rating to find your House and Senate districts based on your town. Each House district is the name of your county followed by a number. Senate districts are simply a number, 01–24. Many towns are covered by two overlapping House districts, the second of which is known as a “floterial district.” If your town is in a floterial district,the floterial is listed second.

    Acworth Sullivan 07 & 11Senate District 08

    Albany Carroll 03 & 07Senate District 03

    Alexandria Grafton 09 & 17Senate District 02

    Allenstown Merrimack 22 & 29Senate District 17

    Alstead Cheshire 02Senate District 10

    Alton Belknap 05 & 08Senate District 06

    Amherst Hillsborough 22 & 41Senate District 11

    Andover Merrimack 01 & 25Senate District 07

    Antrim Hillsborough 01 & 38Senate District 08

    Ashland Grafton 09 & 17Senate District 02

    Atkinson Rockingham 14 & 34Senate District 22

    Auburn Rockingham 04Senate District 14

    Barnstead Belknap 07 & 08Senate District 06

    Barrington Strafford 04 & 25Senate District 04

    Bartlett Carroll 01 & 07Senate District 03

    Bath Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 01

    Bedford Hillsborough 07 & 41Senate District 09

    Belmont Belknap 06 & 09Senate District 07

    Bennington Hillsborough 03 & 38Senate District 08

    Benton Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 01

    Berlin Coös 03Senate District 01

    Bethlehem Grafton 01 & 14Senate District 01

    Boscawen Merrimack 08 & 26Senate District 07

    Bow Merrimack 23Senate District 16

    Bradford Merrimack 06Senate District 08

    Brentwood Rockingham 11 & 33Senate District 23

    Bridgewater Grafton 09 & 17Senate District 02

    Bristol Grafton 09 & 17Senate District 02

    Brookfield Carroll 05 & 08Senate District 03

    Brookline Hillsborough 26

    Senate District 12

    Campton Grafton 07Senate District 02

    Canaan Grafton 11 & 16Senate District 05

    Candia Rockingham 02 & 32Senate District 16

    Canterbury Merrimack 09 & 26Senate District 07

    Carroll Coös 05 & 07Senate District 01

    Center Harbor Belknap 01Senate District 02

    Charlestown Sullivan 08 & 11Senate District 05

    Chatham Carroll 02 & 07Senate District 03

    Chester Rockingham 04Senate District 23

    Chesterfield Cheshire 01Senate District 10

    Chichester Merrimack 20Senate District 17

    Claremont Ward 1 Sullivan 03 & 10Senate District 05

    Claremont Ward 2 Sullivan 04 & 10Senate District 05

    Claremont Ward 3 Sullivan 05 & 10Senate District 05

    Clarksville Coös 01Senate District 01

    Colebrook Coös 01Senate District 01

    Columbia Coös 01Senate District 01

    Concord Ward 1 Merrimack 11 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 2 Merrimack 12 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 3 Merrimack 13 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 4 Merrimack 14 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 5 Merrimack 10Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 6 Merrimack 15 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 7 Merrimack 16 & 27Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 8 Merrimack 17 & 28Senate District 15

    Concord Ward 9 Merrimack 18 & 28Senate District 15

    [email protected] 12

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Guide to House & Senate Districts

    Concord Ward 10 Merrimack 19 & 28Senate District 15

    Conway Carroll 02 & 07Senate District 03

    Cornish Sullivan 01 & 09Senate District 05

    Croydon Sullivan 02 & 09Senate District 08

    Dalton Coös 04 & 07Senate District 01

    Danbury Merrimack 01 & 25Senate District 02

    Danville Rockingham 12 & 33Senate District 23

    Deerfield Rockingham 02 & 32Senate District 17

    Deering Hillsborough 02 & 39Senate District 08

    Derry Rockingham 06Senate District 19

    Dixville Coös 01Senate District 01

    Dorchester Grafton 11 & 16Senate District 02

    Dover Ward 1 Strafford 13 & 19Senate District 04

    Dover Ward 2 Strafford 14 & 19Senate District 04

    Dover Ward 3 Strafford 15 & 20Senate District 04

    Dover Ward 4 Strafford 16 & 20Senate District 04

    Dover Wards 5 & 6 Strafford 17 & 21Senate District 04

    Dublin Cheshire 09 & 14Senate District 09

    Dummer Coös 02 & 07Senate District 01

    Dunbarton Merrimack 23Senate District 16

    Durham Strafford 06Senate District 21

    East Kingston Rockingham 16 & 35Senate District 23

    Easton Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 01

    Eaton Carroll 02 & 07Senate District 03

    Effingham Carroll 05 & 08Senate District 03

    Ellsworth Grafton 06 & 16Senate District 02

    Enfield Grafton 10 & 17Senate District 05

    Epping Rockingham 09Senate District 23

    Epsom Merrimack 21 & 29Senate District 17

    Errol Coös 01Senate District 01

    Exeter Rockingham 18 & 36Senate District 23

    Farmington Strafford 02Senate District 06

    Fitzwilliam Cheshire 11 & 14Senate District 09

    Francestown Hillsborough 04 & 38Senate District 08

    Franconia Grafton 02 & 14Senate District 01

    Franklin Wards 1 & 2 Merrimack 02Senate District 07

    Franklin Ward 3 Merrimack 23 & 26Senate District 07

    Freedom Carroll 03 & 07Senate District 03

    Fremont Rockingham 10 & 33Senate District 23

    Gilford Belknap 02Senate District 07

    Gilmanton Belknap 05 & 08Senate District 06

    Gilsum Cheshire 03Senate District 10

    Goffstown Hillsborough 06 & 39Senate District 20

    Gorham Coös 06Senate District 01

    Goshen Sullivan 07 & 11Senate District 08

    Grafton Grafton 09 & 17Senate District 02

    Grantham Sullivan 01 & 09Senate District 08

    Greenfield Hillsborough 03 & 38Senate District 09

    Greenland Rockingham 23 & 31Senate District 24

    Greenville Hillsborough 04 & 38Senate District 12

    Groton Grafton 06 & 16Senate District 02

    Hampstead Rockingham 13 & 34Senate District 19

    Hampton Rockingham 21 & 37Senate District 24

    Hampton Falls Rockingham 20 & 37Senate District 24

    Hancock Hillsborough 03 & 38Senate District 09

    Hanover Grafton 12Senate District 05

    Harrisville Cheshire 09 & 14Senate District 10

    Hart’s Location Carroll 01 & 07Senate District 03

    Haverhill Grafton 04 & 15Senate District 02

    Hebron Grafton 08Senate District 02

    [email protected] 13

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Guide to House & Senate Districts

    Henniker Merrimack 06Senate District 15

    Hill Merrimack 02Senate District 02

    Hillsborough Hillsborough 01 & 38Senate District 08

    Hinsdale Cheshire 01Senate District 10

    Holderness Grafton 08Senate District 02

    Hollis Hillsborough 27 & 40Senate District 12

    Hooksett Merrimack 24Senate District 16

    Hopkinton Merrimack 10Senate District 15

    Hudson Hillsborough 37Senate District 14

    Jackson Carroll 01 & 07Senate District 03

    Jaffrey Cheshire 09 & 14Senate District 09

    Jefferson Coös 05 & 07Senate District 01

    Keene Ward 1 Cheshire 04 & 16Senate District 10

    Keene Ward 2 Cheshire 05 & 16Senate District 10

    Keene Ward 3 Cheshire 06 & 16Senate District 10

    Keene Ward 4 Cheshire 07 & 16Senate District 10

    Keene Ward 5 Cheshire 08 & 16Senate District 10

    Kensington Rockingham 16 & 35Senate District 24

    Kingston Rockingham 13 & 34Senate District 23

    Laconia Wards 1–6 Belknap 03 & 09Senate District 07

    Lancaster Coös 04 & 07Senate District 01

    Landaff Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 01

    Langdon Sullivan 07 & 11Senate District 08

    Lebanon Wards 1–3 Grafton 13Senate District 05

    Lee Strafford 05 & 25Senate District 21

    Lempster Sullivan 07 & 11Senate District 08

    Lincoln Grafton 05Senate District 01

    Lisbon Grafton 02 & 14Senate District 01

    Litchfield Hillsborough 20 & 44Senate District 18

    Littleton Grafton 01 & 14Senate District 01

    Londonderry Rockingham 05Senate District 14

    Loudon Merrimack 09 & 26Senate District 17

    Lyman Grafton 02 & 14Senate District 01

    Lyme Grafton 12Senate District 05

    Lyndeborough Hillsborough 04 & 38Senate District 09

    Madbury Strafford 06Senate District 21

    Madison Carroll 03 & 07Senate District 03

    Manchester Ward 1 Hillsborough 08 & 42Senate District 16

    Manchester Ward 2 Hillsborough 09 & 42Senate District 16

    Manchester Ward 3 Hillsborough 10 & 42Senate District 20

    Manchester Ward 4 Hillsborough 11 & 43Senate District 20

    Manchester Ward 5 Hillsborough 12 & 43Senate District 18

    Manchester Ward 6 Hillsborough 13 & 43Senate District 18

    Manchester Ward 7 Hillsborough 14 & 43Senate District 18

    Manchester Ward 8 Hillsborough 15 & 44Senate District 18

    Manchester Ward 9 Hillsborough 16 & 44Senate District 18

    Manchester Ward 10 Hillsborough 17 & 45Senate District 20

    Manchester Ward 11 Hillsborough 18 & 45Senate District 20

    Manchester Ward 12 Hillsborough 19 & 45Senate District 16

    Marlborough Cheshire 10 & 15Senate District 10

    Marlow Cheshire 02Senate District 08

    Mason Hillsborough 26Senate District 12

    Meredith Belknap 02Senate District 02

    Merrimack Hillsborough 21Senate District 11

    Middleton Strafford 01Senate District 03

    Milan Coös 02 & 07Senate District 01

    Milford Hillsborough 23 & 40Senate District 11

    Millsfield Coös 01Senate District 01

    Milton Strafford 01Senate District 03

    Monroe Grafton 02 & 14Senate District 01

    [email protected] 14

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Guide to House & Senate Districts

    Mont Vernon Hillsborough 05 & 40Senate District 09

    Moultonborough Carroll 04 & 08Senate District 03

    Nashua Ward 1 Hillsborough 28Senate District 12

    Nashua Ward 2 Hillsborough 29Senate District 12

    Nashua Ward 3 Hillsborough 30Senate District 13

    Nashua Ward 4 Hillsborough 31Senate District 13

    Nashua Ward 5 Hillsborough 32Senate District 12

    Nashua Ward 6 Hillsborough 33Senate District 13

    Nashua Ward 7 Hillsborough 34Senate District 13

    Nashua Ward 8 Hillsborough 35Senate District 13

    Nashua Ward 9 Hillsborough 36Senate District 13

    Nelson Cheshire 03Senate District 10

    New Boston Hillsborough 05 & 40Senate District 09

    New Castle Rockingham 24Senate District 24

    New Durham Strafford 03Senate District 06

    New Hampton Belknap 01Senate District 02

    New Ipswich Hillsborough 25Senate District 12

    New London Merrimack 05Senate District 08

    Newbury Merrimack 05Senate District 08

    Newfields Rockingham 17 & 36Senate District 21

    Newington Rockingham 23 & 31Senate District 21

    Newmarket Rockingham 17 & 36Senate District 21

    Newport Sullivan 06 & 09Senate District 08

    Newton Rockingham 15 & 35Senate District 24

    North Hampton Rockingham 22 & 31Senate District 24

    Northfield Merrimack 03 & 26Senate District 07

    Northumberland Coös 02 & 07Senate District 01

    Northwood Rockingham 01 & 32Senate District 17

    Nottingham Rockingham 02 & 32Senate District 17

    Orange Grafton 06 & 16Senate District 02

    Orford Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 02

    Ossipee Carroll 05 & 08Senate District 03

    Pelham Hillsborough 37Senate District 22

    Pembroke Merrimack 20Senate District 17

    Peterborough Hillsborough 24Senate District 09

    Piermont Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 02

    Pittsburg Coös 01Senate District 01

    Pittsfield Merrimack 21 & 29Senate District 17

    Plainfield Sullivan 01 & 09Senate District 05

    Plaistow Rockingham 14 & 34Senate District 22

    Plymouth Grafton 08Senate District 02

    Portsmouth Ward 1 Rockingham 25 & 30Senate District 21

    Portsmouth Ward 2 Rockingham 26 & 30Senate District 21

    Portsmouth Ward 3 Rockingham 27 & 31Senate District 21

    Portsmouth Ward 4 Rockingham 28 & 30Senate District 21

    Portsmouth Ward 5 Rockingham 29 & 30Senate District 21

    Randolph Coös 05 & 07Senate District 01

    Raymond Rockingham 03Senate District 17

    Richmond Cheshire 12 & 15Senate District 09

    Rindge Cheshire 11 & 14Senate District 12

    Rochester Ward 1 Strafford 07 & 22Senate District 06

    Rochester Ward 2 Strafford 09 & 24Senate District 06

    Rochester Ward 3 Strafford 10 & 23Senate District 06

    Rochester Ward 4 Strafford 11 & 24Senate District 06

    Rochester Ward 5 Strafford 12 & 24Senate District 06

    Rochester Ward 6 Strafford 08 & 22Senate District 06

    Rollinsford Strafford 18 & 21Senate District 04

    Roxbury Cheshire 09 & 14Senate District 10

    Rumney Grafton 06 & 16Senate District 02

    Rye Rockingham 24Senate District 24

    [email protected] 15

  • The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance 2015 New Hampshire Liberty Rating

    Guide to House & Senate Districts

    Salem Rockingham 08Senate District 22

    Salisbury Merrimack 01 & 25Senate District 07

    Sanbornton Belknap 04Senate District 02

    Sandown Rockingham 04Senate District 23

    Sandwich Carroll 04 & 08Senate District 03

    Seabrook Rockingham 20 & 37Senate District 24

    Sharon Hillsborough 25Senate District 09

    Shelburne Coös 06Senate District 01

    Somersworth Ward 1 Strafford 18 & 21Senate District 04

    Somersworth Ward 2 Strafford 17 & 21Senate District 04

    Somersworth Wards 3–5 Strafford 18 & 21Senate District 04

    South Hampton Rockingham 16 & 35Senate District 24

    Springfield Sullivan 01 & 09Senate District 08

    Stark Coös 02 & 07Senate District 01

    Stewartstown Coös 01Senate District 01

    Stoddard Cheshire 03Senate District 08

    Strafford Strafford 03Senate District 17

    Stratford Coös 01Senate District 01

    Stratham Rockingham 19 & 36Senate District 24

    Sugar Hill Grafton 02 & 14Senate District 01

    Sullivan Cheshire 03Senate District 10

    Sunapee Sullivan 02 & 09Senate District 08

    Surry Cheshire 02Senate District 10

    Sutton Merrimack 04Senate District 08

    Swanzey Cheshire 12 & 15Senate District 10

    Tamworth Carroll 03 & 07Senate District 03

    Temple Hillsborough 25Senate District 09

    Thornton Grafton 6 & 16Senate District 01

    Tilton Belknap 04Senate District 02

    Troy Cheshire 10 & 15Senate District 09

    Tuftonboro Carroll 04 & 08Senate District 03

    Unity Sullivan 06 & 09Senate District 08

    Wakefield Carroll 05 & 08Senate District 03

    Walpole Cheshire 01Senate District 10

    Warner Merrimack 07 & 25Senate District 15

    Warren Grafton 03 & 15Senate District 02

    Washington Sullivan 07 & 11Senate District 08

    Waterville Valley Grafton 05Senate District 03

    Weare Hillsborough 02 & 39Senate District 08

    Webster Merrimack 07 & 25Senate District 07

    Wentworth Grafton 11 & 16Senate District 02

    Westmoreland Cheshire 01Senate District 10

    Whitefield Coös 05 & 07Senate District 01

    Wilmont Merrimack 04Senate District 02

    Wilton Hillsborough 04 & 38Senate District 11

    Winchester Cheshire 02 & 15Senate District 10

    Windham Rockingham 07Senate District 19

    Windsor Hillsborough 01 & 38Senate District 08

    Wolfeboro Carroll 06Senate District 03

    Woodstock Grafton 05Senate District 01

    [email protected] 16

  • [email protected]+1.603.513.7180

    PO Box 4241Manchester, NH03108-4241