nerve compressioninjury and endoneurial fluid miniature ...lundborg, myers, powell impairment of the...

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1983;46:1119-1124 Nerve compression injury and increased endoneurial fluid pressure: a "miniature compartment syndrome" GORAN LUNDBORG, ROBERT MYERS, HENRY POWELL From the Division for Hand Surgery, Department of Orthopedics, University of Lund, Departments of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and of Neurosciences, Anesthesiology and Pathology (Neuropathology), University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, La Jolla, CA., and the Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Diego, CA, USA SUMMARY An inflatable miniature cuff was used to apply local compression of 80 mm Hg or 30 mm Hg to a segment of rat sciatic nerve for time periods varying from two to eight hours. The endoneurial fluid pressure was measured by direct micropipette measurement techniques at one or 24 hours after removal of the cuff, and the nerves were subjected to histological analysis. Endoneurial oedema, associated with a four-fold increase in endoneurial fluid pressure, was observed after compression at 80 mm Hg for four hours, and a three-fold increase was found after compression at 30 or 80 mm Hg for eight hours. Such an increase in endoneurial fluid pressure may interfere with intrafascicular capillary flow, and thereby constitute an important pathophysiological mechanism in nerve compression injuries. The pathophysiological mechanisms of acute and chronic nerve compression injuries are not com- pletely understood, although considerable know- ledge has accumulated during recent years. In acute compression lesions, for example tourniquet palsy and other conditions where pressure of high mag- nitude has been directly applied to a nerve trunk, the resulting disturbances in nerve function are based mainly upon local myelin changes under the edge of the cuff. The redistribution of tissue from compressed to non-compressed levels of the nerve is associated with invagination of the myelin sheaths at the nodes of Ranvier.' 2 The resulting myelin dam- age is associated with partial or complete local con- duction block, usually reversible within weeks or months. Also a possible microvascular factor has been considered as irrelevant by Williams et al3 and we have demonstrated the occurrence of endo- neurial oedema in the transitional zones of a nerve segment, subjected to higher pressure.4 During certain circumstances this oedema may be associated with a no-reflow phenomenon in the affected nerve segment.5 Address for reprint requests: Goran Lundborg, MD. Div for Hand Surgery, Lunds University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden. Received 1 February 1983 and in revised form 7 May 1983. Accepted 28 June 1983. Chronic nerve compressions may be more compli- cated in their general pathophysiology, since the local anatomy at different common entrapment levels of the extremities may vary with respect to size and shape of extraneural tissue compartments, muscles and fascia edges, as well as the force applied to the nerve (stretch-bending-compression). It has also been suggested that in these cases the symptoms presented are based exclusively on local myelin changes in the affected nerve segment.6 However, it is a common clinical experience, that even chronic entrapments with longstanding muscle weakness and sensory disturbances sometimes show a very rapid reversibility of some or all of the symptoms after surgical decompression of the nerve. These findings suggest the existence of a local metabolic block in the compressed segment of the nerve. The rapid reversibility indicates that such a disturbance may be based upon temporary microvascular disor- der in the compressed part of the nerve in addition to local myelin changes.79 In recent investigations we have studied the effects of compression on intraneural microvascular flow.5 The present study was concerned with the microvascular factors in experimental nerve com- pression injuries, this time with special reference to the occurrence of an intrafascicular oedema with cor- responding increase in endoneurial fluid pressure at the site of injury. The study was- made possible by 1119 Protected by copyright. on May 25, 2021 by guest. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.46.12.1119 on 1 December 1983. Downloaded from

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Page 1: Nerve compressioninjury and endoneurial fluid miniature ...Lundborg, Myers, Powell impairment of the intraneural venular flow.5 The same magnitude of local pressure blocks the fast

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1983;46:1119-1124

Nerve compression injury and increased endoneurialfluid pressure: a "miniature compartment syndrome"GORAN LUNDBORG, ROBERT MYERS, HENRY POWELL

From the Division for Hand Surgery, Department of Orthopedics, University of Lund, Departments ofOrthopedics and Rehabilitation and ofNeurosciences, Anesthesiology and Pathology (Neuropathology),University of California, San Diego, School ofMedicine, La Jolla, CA., and the Veterans AdministrationMedical Center, San Diego, CA, USA

SUMMARY An inflatable miniature cuff was used to apply local compression of 80 mm Hg or30 mm Hg to a segment of rat sciatic nerve for time periods varying from two to eight hours. Theendoneurial fluid pressure was measured by direct micropipette measurement techniques at oneor 24 hours after removal of the cuff, and the nerves were subjected to histological analysis.Endoneurial oedema, associated with a four-fold increase in endoneurial fluid pressure, wasobserved after compression at 80 mm Hg for four hours, and a three-fold increase was foundafter compression at 30 or 80 mm Hg for eight hours. Such an increase in endoneurial fluidpressure may interfere with intrafascicular capillary flow, and thereby constitute an importantpathophysiological mechanism in nerve compression injuries.

The pathophysiological mechanisms of acute andchronic nerve compression injuries are not com-pletely understood, although considerable know-ledge has accumulated during recent years. In acutecompression lesions, for example tourniquet palsyand other conditions where pressure of high mag-nitude has been directly applied to a nerve trunk,the resulting disturbances in nerve function arebased mainly upon local myelin changes under theedge of the cuff. The redistribution of tissue fromcompressed to non-compressed levels of the nerve isassociated with invagination of the myelin sheaths atthe nodes of Ranvier.' 2 The resulting myelin dam-age is associated with partial or complete local con-duction block, usually reversible within weeks ormonths. Also a possible microvascular factor hasbeen considered as irrelevant by Williams et al3 andwe have demonstrated the occurrence of endo-neurial oedema in the transitional zones of a nervesegment, subjected to higher pressure.4 Duringcertain circumstances this oedema maybe associated with a no-reflow phenomenon in theaffected nerve segment.5

Address for reprint requests: Goran Lundborg, MD. Div for HandSurgery, Lunds University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden.

Received 1 February 1983 and in revised form 7 May 1983.Accepted 28 June 1983.

Chronic nerve compressions may be more compli-cated in their general pathophysiology, since thelocal anatomy at different common entrapmentlevels of the extremities may vary with respect tosize and shape of extraneural tissue compartments,muscles and fascia edges, as well as the force appliedto the nerve (stretch-bending-compression). It hasalso been suggested that in these cases the symptomspresented are based exclusively on local myelinchanges in the affected nerve segment.6 However, itis a common clinical experience, that even chronicentrapments with longstanding muscle weaknessand sensory disturbances sometimes show a veryrapid reversibility of some or all of the symptomsafter surgical decompression of the nerve. Thesefindings suggest the existence of a local metabolicblock in the compressed segment of the nerve. Therapid reversibility indicates that such a disturbancemay be based upon temporary microvascular disor-der in the compressed part of the nerve in additionto local myelin changes.79

In recent investigations we have studied theeffects of compression on intraneural microvascularflow.5 The present study was concerned with themicrovascular factors in experimental nerve com-pression injuries, this time with special reference tothe occurrence of an intrafascicular oedema with cor-responding increase in endoneurial fluid pressure atthe site of injury. The study was- made possible by


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the use of micropipette techniques for direct meas-urements of the endoneurial fluid pressure.'"Material and methods

Adult Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250-300 grams wereanaesthetised by intraperitoneal injection of a solutioncomposed of Nembutal (50 mg/ml), saline and diazepam(5 mg/ml) in volume proportions of 1:1:2.

Compression procedureThe sciatic nerve of the left midthigh was exposed by alateral incision. The nerve was compressed by a specialcompression chamber constituting a smaller modificationof the chamber described in detail by Rydevik and Lund-borg.4 This compression device consists of two symmetricalhalves of plexi-glass into which thin rubber membranes areglued. The two halves were placed around the nerve trunkand joined by four small screws. The chamber was con-nected to a servo pressure system (AB Stille-Werner,Stockholm) allowing inflation of the rubber cuffs in thechamber to a desired pressure. The system automaticallycompensated for any leakage of air, thus maintaining thepressure of the system at a constant level. The length of thecompressed nerve segment was approximately 3 mm.After the compression chamber was secure, the skin wassutured, thereby allowing only the connecting tubes topenetrate the skin into the wound.

Animal experimentsIn one series of animals (n = 4), a pressure of 30 mm Hgwas applied to the nerves for 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours. Inanother series (n = 4), a pressure of 80 mm Hg wasapplied for the same time periods. In four animals, shamexperiments were performed so that only the chamber wasapplied around the nerve for 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours withoutbeing inflated. The pressure levels of 30 and 80 mm Hgwere chosen because it is known from previous experi-ments- that these pressures will interfere with intraneuralvenular flow (30 mm Hg) or cause a circulatory arrest inthe nerve (80 mm Hg).

After the compression periods, the skin was opened andthe compression device removed. One hour or 24 hourslater a direct measurement of the endoneurial fluid pres-sure was performed as described below. The animal wasthen killed by an overdose of Nembutal, and the nerve wasremoved for histological analysis.

Measurement of endoneurial fluid pressureEndoneurial fluid pressure was measured directly with aservo-null micropipette system by inserting the tip of aglass micropipette (4 microns diameter) through theperineurial membrane into the endoneurium, a methodwhich has been described in detail elsewhere by Myers etal.'0 The measurements were made in the transitional zonebetween compressed and non-compressed parts of thenerve, under the edge of the cuff, since we know fromprevious experiments4 '° that the maximal structural andfunctional injury is induced in the nerve at this level. Foreach animal, three or more recordings were taken andaveraged together. The nerve was surrounded and irri-gated with a physiological salt solution which was

Lundborg, Myers, Powell

bicarbonate-buffered and temperature controlled. Allendoneurial fluid pressure measurements were referencedto atmospheric pressure by establishing a baseline pressurefrom the fluid bath surrounding the nerve.

Histological analysisAfter measurement of endoneurial fluid pressure, the scia-tic nerve was removed and processed for light microscopyby fixation in 2-5% phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde,post-fixation in osmium tetroxide, dehydration in serialalcohols and embedded in araldite. One-micron-thick sec-tions were stained with paraphenylenediamine for lightmicroscopic analysis.


Endoneurial fluid pressureThe results from the pressure measurements arepresented in fig 1.

80 mm HgAfter compression periods up to 4 hours there was acontinuous increase in endoneurial fluid pressure asrevealed by measurements one hour as well as 24hours after release of the compression. The maximalendoneurial fluid pressure was recorded 24 hoursafter compression for 4 hours when the endoneurialfluid pressure was 8-5 cm H2O, that is more thanfour times the normal pressure. Extending theperiod of compression more than 4 hours did notincrease the endoneurial fluid pressure; on the con-Vary, there was a tendency to decrease endoneurialfluid pressure with longer periods of compression.Following 8 hours compression, endoneurial fluidpressure was 5*8 cm H2O, at one-hour as well as 24hours after release of the compression cuff.




c_ 6ILw

80mmHg- 30 mmHgO 1 h atteroperation* 24 h after operation



Normal EFP


2 4. 6Duration of compression ( hours)


Fig 1 Graphical results ofchanges in endoneurial fluidpressure associated with nerve compression at differentpressure levels for various periods of time. Normalendoneurial fluid pressure is 2-0 + 1 0 cm H,O; elevation ofendoneurial fluid pressure beyond normal levels is plotted.

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Nerve compression injury and increased endoneurial fluid pressure

30 mm HgTwo hours of compression was not followed by adetectable increase in endoneurial fluid pressure,while longer periods of compression induced a con-tinuous increase in endoneurial fluid pressure lastingat least 24 hours. The maximal increase ofendoneurial fluid pressure was observed following 8hours compression. Endoneurial fluid pressure wasfound to be approximately 6-0 cm H2O, that isnearly the same as after compression at 80 mm Hgfor 8 hours.

Sham experimentsApplication of the chamber around the nerve for2-8 hours without inflating it did not result in anyincrease of endoneurial fluid pressure above normalvalues (2.0 + 1-0 cm H20).

HistologyNo histologic changes were observed in sham-operated rat nerves (fig 2). There was a strong corre-lation between the recorded endoneurial fluid pres-sure and the histological appearance of the corres-ponding nerve segment. Endoneurial oedema wasmost prominent in nerves compressed for 4 hours ata pressure of 80 mm Hg. The sections showedwidely separated nerve fibres with extensive oedemamost prominent in the subperineurial space (fig 3).This was observed in nerves subjected to a pressure


*.0 ZF<i0i. 9

Fig 2 Light micrograph ofmajor fascicle from sciaticnerve ofSprague-Dawley rat after sham experiment inwhich the pressure cuff was placed around the nerve but notinflated. Fascicle appears normal with tightly packed axonsin close association with perineurium. (x 500)

Fig 3 Light micrograph ofmajor fascicle from sciaticnerve of rat which was compressed at a pressure of80 mmHg for 4 hours. Note extensive oedema in sub-perineurialand perivascular spaces. Oedema also separates nerve

fibres. (x 500)

Fig 4 Higher power light micrograph of degeneratingnerve fibres 24 hours after compression at 80 mm Hg for 4

hours. Note extensive endoneuial oedema. (x 1000)

of 80 mm Hg for 2 and 6 hours, while the oedemawas less advanced following 8 hours compression.Severe nerve damage was observed in some nerves(fig 4). The nerves compressed at 30 mm Hg


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showed moderate oedema only after 8 hours com-pression while shorter compression periods did notinduce any visible oedema.


The peripheral nerve trunk is a well vascularised andcomposite structure with numerous tissue compo-nents, each of which could suffer individually from acompression lesion. The nerve fibres and theintraneural microvessels should be considered sepa-rately in this respect. As in other tissues of the body,trauma may alter vascular permeability, andendoneurial oedema may occur.4 "'-,s In theepineurium, the vessels are comparatively vulner-able to compression trauma, and respond with per-meability changes. The endoneurial vessels, how-ever, are more resistant to change. Due to theblood-nerve-barrier located in the endothelium ofthese vessels'6 17 and the protective function of theperineurium,'8 19 oedema is not induced as easilyintrafascicularly as extrafascicularly.

However, certain neurological disorders areknown to be associated with an endoneurial oedemaand an increase in the endoneurial fluid pressure.20Normally, the pressure inside fascicles is2-0 cm H20 as revealed in experimental animals bydirect measurement techniques'0 or techniquesinvolving implantation of small polyethylene matrixcapsules intrafascicularly.2' An increase in this pres-sure has been observed in association with toxicinjuries (hexachlorophene and lead neuropathy),metabolic disorders (galactosaemia andstreptozotocin-induced diabetes), nerve trauma(crush with associated Wallerian degeneration) andcryogenic lesions.'5 20 Endoneurial oedema may notbe drained easily since the endoneurial space lackslymphatic channels, and the selective diffusion bar-rier, formed by the perineurium, makes it impossibleto drain the oedema through the perineurialmembrane.From animal experiments and clinical experience

it is clear that even moderately increased pressuremay significantly affect a peripheral nerve. Theimpulse transmission is dependent on a local energysupply as well as preserved functional and structuralintegrity of the axoplasma membrane. Thus, itwould seem that any disturbance of the intraneuralmicrocirculation or the axoplasmic flow would havesecondary effects on the impulse transmission. Thedata available on "critical pressure levels" in thiscontext are important for our understanding of thepathophysiology of compression neuropathies. Inanimal experiments it has already been demon-strated that a pressure of 30 mm Hg will cause

Lundborg, Myers, Powell

impairment of the intraneural venular flow.5 Thesame magnitude of local pressure blocks the fastaxoplasmic flow, as observed in the vagus nerve ofrabbits.22 Clinically, measurements have been per-formed on the extraneurial tissue pressure in thecarpal tunnel in patients with carpal tunnel syn-drome.23 The mean pressure was found to be32 mm Hg. Also, in experiments where externalpressure was applied to the carpal tunnel of volun-teers, the first neurophysiological and clinical signsof nerve dysfunction, including paraesthesia of thehand, occurred at a tissue pressure of 30 mm Hg inthe carpal canal.24 The same pressure level, experi-mentally induced to create compartment syndromesin dogs, was found to induce the first signs of nervedysfunction.25

In the present study a pressure of 30 mm Hg,applied for eight hours, was followed by a three-foldincrease in endoneurial fluid pressure. This increasein endoneurial fluid pressure has to be consideredwhen discussing the pathophysiology of nerveentrapment, for example, the carpal tunnel syn-drome. The early phase of this condition is charac-terised by intermittent paraesthesiae of the hand,most prominent during night time and often com-pletely reversible during day time. The horizontalposition of the body in combination with muscleinactivity during sleep may normally result in anincrease of tissue pressure in the carpal canal. Thecarpal tunnel patient has a poor tolerance for anyincrease in carpal tunnel pressure. When such apatient wakes up early in the morning, the paraes-thesiae may well be based upon an impaired mic-rocirculation in the median nerve in combinationwith an increase in endoneurial fluid pressure. Reliefof the symptoms may parallel restoration of normalintraneurial microvascular flow, disappearance ofthe endoneurial oedema and normalisation ofendoneurial fluid pressure.The maximal increase in endoneurial fluid pressure

in our series of experiments was seen followingcompression at 80 mm Hg for 4 hours. This mag-nitude of pressure is known to induce completeischaemia in the nerve,5 and the subsequentendoneurial oedema might be considered a result ofincreased vascular permeability based upon directinjury to the capillary walls. The diffusion barrier ofthe perineurium is known to be comparatively resis-tant to ischaemia.26 Thus, the oedema cannot bedrained through the perineurial membrane but isaccumulated inside the fascicles; a "compartmentsyndrome in miniature" is constituted. An unex-pected finding was a decrease in endoneurial fluidpressure when the compression was applied for timeperiods exceeding 4 hours. This may be due to ananoxic injury to the perineurium which increases

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Nerve compression injury and increased endoneurial fluid pressure

with duration of ischaemia, resulting in deteriora-tion of barrier function. One should also considerthe possibility of a no-reflow phenomenon in thecompressed nerve segment as described by Rydeviket al,5 probably based upon severe vascular injury atthe edges of the compressed nerve.

Endoneurial oedema may affect nerve function invarious ways. A sustained increase in endoneurialfluid pressure may injure nerve fibres.2' 27 A changein the electrolyte composition of the endoneurialfluid in association with oedema may impair nervefunction.28 29 Another important factor is possibleinterference with capillary flow induced by increasedtissue pressure. Such a reduction in nerve blood flowin association with increased endoneurial fluid pres-sure has recently been demonstrated by Myers etal.30 In these experiments, isotope-tracer techniqueswere used to measure the blood flow in the sciaticnerve of rats suffering from experimental hexach-lorophene neuropathy. It was demonstrated thatincrease of endoneurial fluid pressure from controlvalues around 20 + 1-0 cm H20 to over ap-proximately 6-0 cm H20 was associated with asignificant reduction in nerve blood flow to about50% of control values. Such a reduction of intrafas-cicular blood flow may be explained by the specialmicrovascular architecture of peripheral nerves. Inanimal-as well as in human-nerves, anastomosingvessels between the epineurium and endoneuriumpass obliquely through openings in the perineurialmembrane,'2 4, thereby constituting a "valvemechanism." An increase in endoneurial fluid pres-sure may occlude these openings in the perineurium.

It is apparent that the pathophysiology of nervecompression lesions should not be over-simplifiedand expressed only in terms of mechanical injurywith structural changes of myelin and axons. On thecontrary, there are reasons to believe that there areimportant haemodynamic factors involved, and thata local disturbance in the nerve may be based uponmicrovascular dysfunction and endoneurial oedemawith an increase in endoneurial fluid pressure. It isa common surgical experience that rapid decom-pression of an entrapped nerve sometimes may re-sult in an almost immediate relief of symptoms, anobservation which is consistent with neurophysiolog-ical measurements performed intraoperatively.3' 32This immediate relief is probably based upon a rapidimprovement of intraneural microvascular flow.Slower resolution of symptoms over days or weeksmay be related to gradual disappearance of endo-neurial oedema with corresponding reduction inendoneurial fluid pressure, while functional recov-ery over longer time intervals should be explained interms of local myelin repair within the compressedsegment and/or outgrowth of regenerating nerve


Supported by grants from the Swedish MedicalResearch Council No. 5188, The Swedish WorkEnvironment Fund, The Swedish Society for Medi-cal Sciences, The Veterans Administration, TheAmerican Heart Association 82-650, NIH GrantNS 14162.


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Lundborg, Myers, Powell

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