nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Enhancing adaptive capacity of farming communities through community based adaptation in Nepal South Asia Regional Consultation through community based adaptation in Nepal South Asia Regional Consultation Disaster Risk Reduction: The Climate Dimensions / Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management 14 – 16 June, 2010 F id b d D lhiNCR I di Faridabad, Delhi NCR, India Keshab Thapa Keshab Thapa Programme Officer

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Page 1: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Enhancing adaptive capacity of farming communities through community based adaptation in Nepal

South Asia Regional Consultation

through community based adaptation in Nepal

South Asia Regional Consultation Disaster Risk Reduction:

The Climate Dimensions / Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management14 – 16 June, 2010

F id b d D lhi NCR I diFaridabad, Delhi NCR, India

Keshab ThapaKeshab ThapaProgramme Officer

Page 2: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Project / Policy Beneficiaries: Farming communities and government of NepalProject / Policy Beneficiaries: Farming communities and government of Nepal

Location: Various districts of Nepal

Organization: Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD)

Funders: LI-BIRD’s ongoing programme and projects (DF, IDRC, SDC)

Page 3: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Challenge Seeking to Address

1.The neglected and underutilized species (NUS) in the home gardens are potential for promotion in the changing climatic context of Nepalese farming system. -------Home Gardens and NUS

2. Promotion of eco-friendly technologies is the only option to manage sloppy and shifting cultivation lands and make the communities resilient from the climate

S S f Chazards.-------Sloppy Shifting Cultivation Lands and the community

3. Seed banks and the promotion of traditional crop varieties are important to our3. Seed banks and the promotion of traditional crop varieties are important to our farming system having less impacted from climate change.------Seed Banks and The Participatory Technology Development (such as PPB)

4. Lack of awareness on the concept and issues of climate change in the development workers/civil society organizations in Nepal-----Networking and awareness raisingg

Page 4: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

LIBIRD’s strategies and their impacts

Community Resilience

in the impacts ofof

Climate Change

Reduction in the vulnerability of farming community

Neglected and underutilized species

Community based seed banks and agro-biodiversity

Organic farming


Conservation agroforestry


Indigenous practices and technologies

Awareness on climate change concept, mitigation and adaptationand adaptation

Page 5: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Enabling factors to integrate climate change in the projects

LI-BIRD Goal:Contribute to reducing poverty and improving social justice by empowering poor, vulnerable and marginalized people, and by creating opportunities to improve quality of life through partnership and participatory approaches to research and

Strategic Direction 2:

of life through partnership and participatory approaches to research and development on natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

LIBIRD would like to capitalize on its strengths and comparative advantages in addressing emerging issues caused by changes in climate and ecology, technological Innovation and livelihoods systems

Besides, It is

1. Our common responsibility.2. An unavoidable factor in the farming system.3. Global issue but impacts more to the developing countries like Nepal. It is the time to aware people, research on climate adaptive technologies, and promote collective action on itcollective action on it.

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The Aims & Key Activities of the Project

1.Neglected and underutilized species (NUS) in the home gardens are identified that perform and contribute to family nutrition in the harsh climateperform and contribute to family nutrition in the harsh climate.

2. Home gardens of the vulnerable communities are made resilient through crop diversification, use of local resources, distribution of diversity kits and trainings for better utilization of local resources.

3. Integrated hedgerow technology has been promoted to minimize the loss of top soil and make the slope land productive to secure the livelihood of Chepang communityand make the slope land productive to secure the livelihood of Chepang community.

4. Seed banks are promoted to conserve the traditional and local seeds that possess special characteristics and are associated with the local culture.

5. Action research on crop landraces that tolerate drought.

6. Network of NGOs on climate change is established and is functioning.g g

Page 7: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

How climate smart approach to DRM?

1.Reduced risk of the farming communities from the climatic hazards. These reduce the exposure of livelihood strategies to changing risks.

2. Increased adaptive capacity of the farming communities. The promotion of technologies in the context of climate change enhances the farmers’ knowledge astechnologies in the context of climate change enhances the farmers knowledge as well as incorporates the experiences of farmers in technology development process.

3 Th i t ti t t t dd t l bilit d th i th h3. The interventions target to address poverty, vulnerability and their causes through product diversification in the home gardens, conservation of local species in seed banks, and promotion of ecofriendly technology to manage the slope land.

Page 8: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Home gardens and NUS

Air potato Water SpinachWinter Bean

YamFit weed or Culantro Rosella or Sorrell

Page 9: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

NUS richness in home gardens

Place Total no of

No. of species having environment stress tolerant traits

Number of species identified having environmental stress tolerant characters


Pest Drought Heat Water Logging

Cold marginal land

Low Manage

mentGulmi 48 23 19 24 3 19 8 28Gulmi 48 23 19 24 3 19 8 28


64 29 33 31 8 14 19 36

Jhapa 50 23 26 16 5 10 3 20

Ilam 76 50 44 70 7 53 33 63Total 238 125 122 141 23 96 63 147Total 238 125 122 141 23 96 63 147

Species category includes: Cereal/Pseudo cereal, legumes, vegetables fruits Underground crops and medicinal plantsvegetables, fruits Underground crops and medicinal plants

Page 10: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Distribution of stress tolerant NUS in the home gardens of Gorkhe, Ilam in 2009 (n=76)

Low Management

Cold tolerant

Marginal land tolerant



Water logging tolerant

Cold tolerant

t cha



Number of Species

Drought Resistant

Heat tolerant

s to


nt Species

Pest/Disease Resistant




0 20 40 60 80

Page 11: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Distribution of stress tolerant NUS in the home gardens of Gorkhe, Ilam in 2009 (n=76)







of s



Cereals/pseudo cerealsOilseeds











Underground crops

Medicinal plants

Stress tolerant characteristics

Page 12: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Diet value of NUS (n=76) as utilized by the communities of Gorkhe, Ilam in 2009



L di t l (1



of s



Low diet value (1-10%)

Medium diet value




ber o

Medium diet value (11-40%)

High diet value


2 (41% and above)

Types of crops

Page 13: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Home garden management technology adoption

1. Waste water management

2. Multi layer managementy g

3. Use of local bio-pesticides

4 Marketing management of HG produce4. Marketing management of HG produce

5. Rain water harvesting

6. Local seed production technology

7. Jute/Sac farming

8. Crop synergy management

9. Vermi composting

10.Urine collection

Page 14: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Species diversity as a response to build resiliency after HG interventions










Percent HHs before interventionPercent HHs after



00 to 10 11 to 25 26 to 50 Above 50

Number of species in home gardensNumber of species in home gardens

Page 15: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Sloppy and Shifting Cultivation Lands Sustainable Land Management Approaches

Page 16: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Food sufficiency in the Shifting Cultivation Communities

Food sufficiency level Dhading Gorkha Tanahun Total

>12 months2 (9.5)* 3 (10.7) 6 (18.2) 11 (13.4)

Up to 6 months18 (85.7) 24 (85.7) 21 (63.6) 63 (76.8)

<6 month<6 month2 (4.8) 1 (3.6) 6 (18.2) 8 (9.8)

Total22 (100) 28 (100) 33 (100) 83 (100)22 (100) 28 (100) 33 (100) 83 (100)

* Figures in the parentheses indicates the column percentageg p p g

Page 17: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Reasons for changing agriculture land productivity










of H





First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank


Sloppy land Soil erosion Lack of manuringSloppy land Soil erosion Lack of manuringWater flow Lack of irrigation Chemical fertilizer

Page 18: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Interventions in the sloppy and shifting cultivation lands

Improved production from shifting cultivation lands through integrated soil and nutrient management

Promotion of livelihood diversification technologies-home garden practicesfruit promotion-fruit promotion

-livestock integration-seed production (pulses)

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Seed Banks

Conservation of local landraces and Stress tolerant varieties

Page 20: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Participatory Plant Breeding

PPB for increased varietals choice of preferred traits for food security, income and on-farm agro-biodiveristy management

Selecting from segregating lines Mansara x Khumal 4g g g gMansara:

Mansara: drought tolerance, early ripening, require low fertilizer and suitable for delayed monsoon Crossing- improve taste of mansara and productivity -local adaptation in marginal conditions

Page 21: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

Genot pes Mean Yield (Kg/ha) Total (Mean % red ction in DTE % DSI %

Field Screening of the Rice Genotypes for Drought Tolerance

Genotypes Mean Yield (Kg/ha) Total (Mean I0JL+Mean I1JK)

% reduction in yield

DTE % DSI %Mean I0JK Mean I1JK

Anjana 2000 2333.33 4333.33 7.69 85.71 0.13Bagari 1583.33 2750 4333.33 26.92 57.58 0.4Bagari 2 1750 2250 4000 12.5 77.78 0.21Bhelasaro 2250 1916.67 4166.67 -8 117.39 -0.16Dhunmuniya seto 1750 2166.67 3916.67 10.64 80.77 0.18

Dudhisaro 2583.33 2666.67 5250 1.59 96.88 0.03Gajargaul 2083.33 2583.33 4666.67 10.71 80.65 0.18Guthanisaro 2416.67 1333.33 3750 -28.89 181.25 -0.77Jharlajhi 2583.33 2750 5333.33 3.13 93.94 0.06Karangi 2333.33 2333.33 4666.67 0 100 0Kataush 2250 1166.67 3416.67 -31.71 192.86 -0.88Mutmur 1750 1416.67 3166.67 -10.53 123.53 -0.22Nakkhisaro 2750 1666.67 4416.67 -24.53 165 -0.61Nimow 2583.33 2583.33 5166.67 0 100 0Rango 2666.67 2250 4916.67 -8.47 118.52 -0.17Satha kalo 1166.67 750 1916.67 -21.74 155.56 -0.52Satha seto 1083.33 916.67 2000 -8.33 118.18 -0.17Sathi 2000 1916.67 3916.67 -2.13 104.35 -0.04

[1] Grain yield (kg/hac) in drought condition for Jhapa

Seto dalle 3083.33 2333.33 5416.67 -13.85 132.14 -0.3Sikichan 2333.33 2000 4333.33 -7.69 116.67 -0.16Sotwa 2083.33 3000 5083.33 18.03 69.44 0.29Southyari 2750 1666.67 4416.67 -24.53 165 -0.61

[2] Grain yield (kg/hac) in drought condition for Kailali[3] Grain yield (kg/hac) in normal condition for Jhapa[4] Grain yield (kg/hac) in normal condition for Kailali

Page 22: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation


Sectoral development plans and policies

Subset population

AIM: Positive impact with a long term commitment to overcome poverty socialp p

Vulnerable communities due to climatic variability

overcome poverty, socialinjustice and environmentalrisks

TargetGroup Ci il


Donors Group Civil Societies-

NGO Actors

DonorsGovernment:Policy makersPlannerPractioners

Group of People who areengaged in thed l t

PractionersScientific communityUniversitiesResearch institutesOthers development programOthers……

Page 23: Nepal enhancing adaptive capacity of faming communities through community-based adaptation

The Future Priorities…

Priorities Short Term Long Term

Establishment of adaptation fund/insurance fund at local level to sustain the livelihood of

* *fund at local level to sustain the livelihood of poor during disasters/hazards

Development of infrastructure in the hazard *Development of infrastructure in the hazard sensitive zones to protect the people and their lands

Implement and promote Payment for * *Implement and promote Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) to improve livelihood of poor. The concept will integrate wider inclusion of poor in the management of naturalinclusion of poor in the management of natural resources

The concept of fair trade and access to and benefit from the market should be promoted

* *benefit from the market should be promoted for pro‐poor community

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The Future Priorities…

Priorities Short Term Long TermPriorities Short Term Long Term

Promote and research on conservation farming (including sustainable soil and nutrient management and slope farming) organic agriculture which are

* *

and slope farming), organic agriculture which are effective from cost, time, resource, and threat reduction point of view

Schemes to promote small farm animals among the *Schemes to promote small farm animals  among the poor as a way to reduce climate vulnerability

Promotion and improvement of local animal breeds that have climate stress (more specifically drought

*that have climate stress (more specifically drought and disease resistant) resistant traits

Increase access of poor to irrigation water * *

Promotion of water efficient irrigation technology (drip, sprinkle, water harvesting, etc) among poor


Capacity building of poor on climate change issue  * *p y g p g(concept, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, and their roles)

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