negative energy plane - guide

We are all just swimmers in a dark sea. However, some of us can see further into the depths than others." – Negriet, Negatai Necromancer A GUIDE TO THE NEGATIVE ENERGY PLANE A Revision by Negriet, Negatai Necromancer, and Shades Controller Chapter 1 : Destruction Extant - Physical Conditions Chapter 2 : Reavers in a Dark Sea - Inhabitants Chapter 3 : Reality in Emptiness - Sites Chapter 4 : The Nullifying Influence - Magic in Negative Energy Chapter 5 : Dark Vision - Societies of Negative Energy Chapter 6 : Swimming the Dark Sea - Planewalkers in Negative Energy Appendix I : NPCs Appendix II : Monstrous Compendium Foreword: I would like to set out that this revision was written expressly for the Shades as a compilation of notes made during the project undertaken by Eylisz the Green. Its purpose is to dispel some of the nebulousness and lack of information included in the Guide to the Inner Planes entry that supposedly covered this plane. All respect to the esteemed Tarsheva Longreach, she has visited this plane at most a few times, and never for an extended period so far as I am aware. She does not have the perspective that myself and Eylisz are heir to, having spent extensive periods within this plane. I must say that the majority of the observations made in the first entry are correct, with few falsehoods. However, the depth present in the early book is woefully lacking, and I have undertaken to provide a work that actually tells a traveler on this plane what they might find worthwhile here, and not simply how to survive. I understand that this work is to be published outside of Shade’s circulation for monetary purposes and that some of my references have been edited out. Shades members will obviously have access to the completed version. I hope that this work is able to dispel many of the myths that have grown up about regarding the Negative Energy Plane throughout history. Tarsheva Longreach, in a statement that typifies the misunderstandings about this plane, referred to it as “the most terrible place there

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A guide to the Negative Energy Plane, by Mechalich


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We are all just swimmers in a dark sea. However, some of us can see further into the depths than others." – Negriet, Negatai Necromancer

A GUIDE TO THE NEGATIVE ENERGY PLANEA Revision by Negriet, Negatai Necromancer, and Shades Controller

Chapter 1: Destruction Extant - Physical Conditions Chapter 2: Reavers in a Dark Sea - Inhabitants Chapter 3: Reality in Emptiness - Sites Chapter 4: The Nullifying Influence - Magic in Negative Energy Chapter 5: Dark Vision - Societies of Negative Energy Chapter 6: Swimming the Dark Sea - Planewalkers in Negative Energy Appendix I: NPCsAppendix II: Monstrous Compendium

Foreword: I would like to set out that this revision was written expressly for the Shades as a compilation of notes made during the project undertaken by Eylisz the Green. Its purpose is to dispel some of the nebulousness and lack of information included in the Guide to the Inner Planes entry that supposedly covered this plane. All respect to the esteemed Tarsheva Longreach, she has visited this plane at most a few times, and never for an extended period so far as I am aware. She does not have the perspective that myself and Eylisz are heir to, having spent extensive periods within this plane. I must say that the majority of the observations made in the first entry are correct, with few falsehoods. However, the depth present in the early book is woefully lacking, and I have undertaken to provide a work that actually tells a traveler on this plane what they might find worthwhile here, and not simply how to survive. I understand that this work is to be published outside of Shade’s circulation for monetary purposes and that some of my references have been edited out. Shades members will obviously have access to the completed version. I hope that this work is able to dispel many of the myths that have grown up about regarding the Negative Energy Plane throughout history. Tarsheva Longreach, in a statement that typifies the misunderstandings about this plane, referred to it as “the most terrible place there is.” It is my hope that readers of this book will understand that this is a falsehood by the time they have completed reading. Finally, I must thank Eylisz the Green, Shades Acting-Director Asgorit, and my many undead assistants for making this book a reality. Their voices resonate throughout this text, and should be taken as just as truthful as my own.

-Respectfully, Negriet, Shades Controller

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Tarsheva referred to Negative Energy as the plane of death. This is not precisely true. While Negative Energy is commonly associated with the processes of death and decay, both of those processes are far more complicated than simply Negative Energy. Ultimately this plane is the force that is opposite positive energy. Throughout the multiverse Negative and Positive Energy stand in balance to create all that is. The Negative Energy espouses the lack of existence, destruction and reduction to nothing but base energy and void. Since this Plane represents Negative Energy in an utterly pure form it can be considered antithetical to all else that is. The energy here is focused on negative Energy as absolute, with complete opposition to almost every other state of being (certain exceptions do exist, and will be covered later). The Negative Energy Plane is endless. The energy seems to be infinite, just as the elements are infinite. However the plane is not empty, nor is it a void. Eylisz perhaps termed it best when she referred to this plane as the dark sea. That energy that suffuses this plane is not solid, and cannot be felt, but it is here, and in some way provides a vague substance to what would otherwise be empty. Though there is no matter, there is some other medium, the medium of Negative Energy itself. In any case, this plane’s nature is antithetical to almost all other beings, so opposite as to be utterly uncomprehending and hostile. By its very nature the plane will try and to obliterate all creatures and matter that are standard to the reality of the rest of the multiverse. Patterns that are considered to contain “life” are most vulnerable to this effect. Their ever-shifting pattern of existence falls apart easily.

Getting Here

As noted by Tarsheva, most standard means of travel make it difficult to enter this plane. The tuned components for plane shift spells are very rare for this plane, and items such as cubic gates are almost never keyed for this location. Portals and gates from other elemental realms are also greatly uncommon. However, there are ways to get here. The creatures known as undead are often linked to this plane, particularly more powerful forms. These links provide for many possibilities of portals and entries to this plane. Powerful undead often open gates to this plane and these can become useable portals over the course of thousands of years. There are methods available for the living to enter this plane. Though no Negative Energy Vortices exist, certain other portals do. As always Sigil provides an option of entry, and I know of no less than five portals that provide access here. One is the Dustmen portal in the Mortuary. (Other portal references have been deleted; Shades members please see attached appendices, Ed.) Also a number of portals open to this place from Ethereal demiplanes, especially ones with an undead orientation, such as the Demiplanes of Shadow and Night. Certain Powers associated with death or undeath may also have portals to this plane within their realms. Most portals to this plane open to a specific site within it, usually the stronghold of some undead, liches are the most common, but others are quite possible. Such beings are rarely hospitable to visitors, though Dustmen may find this option useful because of the Dead Truce.


The principal hazard of this plane is the Negative Energy itself with its, as greybeards tend to call it, “major negative–dominant planar trait”. What this means, essentially, is that without appropriate protection the Negative Energy instantly strikes at all living essences. A normal living being here must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) each round or suffer one negative level. If a cutter’s negative levels equal his actual levels (or HD), he is instantly slain, and becomes a wraith – sometimes a spectre, or another undead, but usually a wraith. Note that some areas of the plane have what is called “minor negative–

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dominant planar trait”, where living beings automatically suffer 1d6 points of damage per round instead of having a chance of gaining negative levels. Whether in a major- or minor-negative dominant area, undead creatures are cured of 1d6 points of damage per round, up to maximum hit points.Unattended inanimate objects crumble and decay here, given time. Such matter can be considered to be eliminated at a rate of 1 pound per minute. Unattended magical items gain saving throws (Fortitude, DC 15) each minute to avoid this decay. Attended objects are considered to be protected by their wearer’s living force which takes the brunt of the negative energy influence. Large objects, such as buildings, are considerably more difficult to protect. While the Negative Energy itself is the chief hazard it can be blocked by use of a death ward spell or other similar effect. There are other, more insidious hazards, which Eylisz the Green will comment on in the segment on the senses.

Breathing and Senses

All right, cutters, listen up. My name is Eylisz the Green, and I’ve spent more time out in the Negative Energy Plane than perhaps any other live sod out there. So I know how your senses suffer when you spend time out here. Well, frankly they don’t just suffer; your senses are just gone. First things first though, you can’t breathe here. There isn’t air, in fact there’s no matter. That’s not actually a problem, since the need for breathing is somehow suspended in all living beings, and most undead don’t really care either way. Still, the lack of air is a problem in case you have wings – your physical flying ability won’t do you much good if there’s no air to beat on. You’ll just have to float around moving by thought like everybody else.Now about the senses: first, you can’t see. This place is as black as it gets and then some. Light sources last half normal time, then immediately fail, magical or otherwise. However, it is possibly to get a little light from something Negriet calls fluorescence, wherein the glow comes from the very nature of the item. This does work, but even that light won’t penetrate the dark. It’s not really light exactly, this effect, more an absence of darkness, but it’s the way to get any vision at all. You’ll be able to see what produces fluorescence, and maybe a few feet around it, but nothing else. Frankly though, there’s nothing to see anyway, so vision wouldn’t help a body all that much. Now, about those other senses you’ve got, such as smell, hearing, taste and whatnot. Tarsheva said they’re reduced here, that’s only true up to a point. You’ll be able to have a sort of echo of hearing and touch for a while, maybe half a week or a bit more, but that will fade. Eventually you loose all feeling, and you can’t here yourself scream, trust me cutters, you’ll scream out here plenty. Nothing can restore these senses to a person, save a protected area, or the influence of death ward, you simply have to go without. This is where the problem comes in. Without senses you lose yourself in the Negative Energy. I’ve almost totally lost it out here, first memory starts to go, then you forget what you’re doing out here in the dark, then you just stop. It’s really a lot like the leaching of the Gray Waste, except it’s probably twice as fast here, maybe more. It skips the dream stage too you just start losing everything. The one good part is that if you can shake the effect off for even a little while, and strong emotion or actually encountering something will do that, then you’ll be okay. At least until you have to go back out into the darkness, that is.

Moving About

Motion on this plane is not incredibly difficult, but there are effects that many people do not realize. By an exercise of will cutters move in their most normal mode of travel, I walk, Eylisz swims, and I have seen other beings fly or float. The directions such as “up” and “down” are purely subjective here. At any time, you can decide that the floor you’ve been walking on is actually the ceiling, and “fall” upwards, effectively flying. In the first round of such “flight”, you move at 150 ft. per round, and each round afterwards at 300 ft. per round. You can stop in two rounds (first slow down to 150 ft. /round, than to zero), and your maneuverability is always average. Still, most cutters decide to walk on solid surfaces as

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normal, since flying that fast while you can see only 5 feet ahead is usually not a good option, even in such desolate places as this.

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Nothing lives on the Negative Energy Plane save by defiance of the plane’s own nature. The plane is intrinsically hostile to all life, either destroying it or inevitably eliminating all its senses and facilities, as outlined in the last chapter. That being said, there is no shortage of creatures present, they are simply not “alive” in the sense understood by most people. The lines between various stages of the cycle are blurred here. For the purposes of this chapter “inhabitants” means anything that moves of its own power and accord within the bounds of this plane.

Energy Beings and Constructs

The creature known as the Xeg-Yi exists on the Negative Energy Plane. While many consider these beings to be a paradox “life” on the Negative Energy Plane, this is a falsehood. Xeg-Yi exist between the stages of “life” and “death” as understood by other planars. Xeg-Yi are distinctively intelligent, however, they are almost as hostile to life as the plane itself. They will certainly investigate any anomalies they detect while moving freely through the plane. Due to their nature this sort of investigation is likely to be interpreted as an attack by those observed. Xeg-Yi do defend themselves vehemently. It is possible to shape a golem from negative energy, and these have been encountered. Such creatures are usually created by liches, notably servants of the evil automaton power, the Mechalich.The Negative Energy Plane itself will also form creatures similar to fundamentals to attack a traveler that has been exposed in the plane too long, any period of greater than ten days in the open can cause this (30% chance each day after ten). These creatures are little more than effigies of energy given a material form, analogous to an immune response in a living mortal.


Ultimately this will be by far the largest section of this chapter, and as such shall be divided into multiple sections for each general undead category. As an overall note, we have attempted to be reasonably thorough in our investigations, but any type of undead known can be encountered in this plane, we are simply putting down the types a traveler is at all likely to encounter.

Native Undead: The creatures called Nightshades and Blackballs are believed to be native to this plane. Little is known about them. Few researchers have even managed to survive encounters with such potent creatures. It is known that they can safely exist on other planes; at least Nightshades can, having been detected on the prime material. Native undead are hostile to essentially everything on the plane, excepting only Xeg-Yi. I believe this is a territorial or patrol affect, and it does extend even to Negatai, since I myself have been attacked by a Nightwalker. It is still uncertain as to whether these creatures are truly “evil,” but they are certainly immediately hostile and should be avoided. These powerful monsters are quite rare, so avoidance of them is not difficult. There are also native the mighty creatures called Shadow of the Void, energy based undead of incredible power, with counterparts on the positive energy plane. Though these mighty beings rarely interact with anything on this plane, and are actually more commonly encountered off of it, they can exert tremendous influence. A final note regarding native undead: they do not seem to be bound by the dead truce in the same way other undead are affected by it. I mentioned having been attacked by a Nightwalker; being a Dustman, that should not have occurred, but it did. Nightshades have been found off the Negative Energy Plane,

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and the Dead Truce binds them there, but for some reason it does not here.

Incorporeal Undead: The principle members of this category are Wraiths and Spectres, but Ghosts, Shadows, Slow Shadows, Wisps, and other forms of incorporeal spirits can be found here. Wraiths and Spectres are the most common inhabitant of this plane, and account for a substantial portion of its scattered population. These creatures qualify as evil, and will attack the living to satisfy their needs. Incorporeal Undead roam the plane freely, in the vast open expanse of darkness. They are far less dangerous than many other inhabitants, but a traveler should have ready measures to deal with such beings at any time in the plane. Significantly, Incorporeal Undead are difficult to keep out of structures, and few who create such places even bother to attempt such, letting them roam relatively freely through their abodes. This should be taken into consideration when exploring a location.

Lesser Corporeal Undead: Mindless undead such as skeletons and zombies cannot survive here, dying from the surge of negative energy since they no longer have an inherent pattern to hold them together, and the lack of intelligence prevents them from adapting. Even slightly more powerful creatures like Bone Things, Meat Things, Huecuva or Ju-ju zombies are actually uncommon here. Since bodies do not persist on this plane for a lengthy period of time, animated dead are found only when some being has created them, usually for a specific purpose. If freed from their masters they wander randomly, attacking the living if they encounter them.

Greater Corporeal Undead: Wights are slightly more significant than the skeletons/zombies, as are specific guardian creatures such as Baneguards, Flameskulls, Dread, and others. Often the more potent servants of greater undead, these creatures are usually on some mission and can be ignored by a traveler. The methods for dealing with such creatures are much the same here as on any other plane. Ignoring or simply avoiding them is the best strategy, as destruction of these servants is likely to irritate greater beings. Skeleton Warriors and Battle Horrors are the choice warriors and assassins of this plane. With their near invulnerability to magic and substantial combat strength they are a threat to even a well-equipped group. The best counter is usually another Skeleton Warrior or a large group of incorporeal undead. Of course, usually it is easy to simply stand aside from the power struggles these creatures are being employed in. When mortals come to this plane they have a tendency to fall afoul of powerful undead spellcasters. Suitably powerful mortals are often transformed into choice warriors by those spellcasters. These warriors commonly take the form of Curst. Used as warriors, scouts and assassins by mighty spellcasting undead any Curst encountered on this plane will be of at least tenth level.

Liches: The liches are the lords of the Negative Energy Plane. Other powerful spellcasting undead such as Death Knights, Greater Mummies, and Vampires cannot easily exist here, and liches have stepped into the vacuum. The Negative Energy Plane is replete with Lich Lords of many varieties, though most are mages, and not priests. I will discuss liches in greater length in later chapters, for now let it be said that opposing liches is extremely unwise. They serve much better as prospective employers, so long as a protective distance can be kept. It is liches who as responsible for most structures and sites in the plane, as will also be elaborated upon later. Only those with the appropriate experience and means should even consider approaching a lich, especially here. Most liches of Negative Energy have retired here from the prime material, seeking a more suitable site of research, and have tremendous power. Liches here are often very detached compared to other realms, but this does not make them any less formidable.


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These creatures migrate between a number of planes at will, having been found on the Astral, Ethereal, and Negative Energy. For a long time the nature of these creatures has remained unclear, with some significant work, observation, and no less than three dissections the Shades aided my efforts to discover the true nature of these beings. (The full mystery of the Devourer is being kept by the Shades, thank you very much - Ed.) Devourers are dangerous, but seem to come here only for what are best described as religious regions, since they find no real prey here. A Devourer encountered on this plane is extremely hungry, and should be avoided.

Shadow Fiends

This race of beings is believed to hail from throughout the lower Outer Planes, yet they can also be found here, in the Negative Energy Plane. Their presence here was originally a mystery, since they seem to be more creatures of Shadow than of darkness, but also partly undead. This was a mystery we did investigate, and found a small society of Shadow Fiends here, in a place with links both to the Demiplanes of Shadow and Night. Shadow Fiends are strange beings, they are something like a combination of undead and fiends. More precisely they are not alive, but are not undead. They are simply darkness, shadow, and night combined with negative energy and pure evil. They form in all these places, but have gravitated to the lower planes for their dark purposes. However, I believe they might originally have been created when a Demiplane (possibly Shadow) split off or was absorbed into the Negative Energy Plane. Very few Shadow Fiends remain here; I believe they find it unexciting with their lack of magical power. Shadow Fiends on this plane will often follow travelers and waylay anyone who manages to survive the senses draining of the plane for a long time. Determining that these beings have a strong mind they will then attempt to capture such travelers. This makes them very dangerous because a group of Shadow Fiends will often attack precisely when their prey is weakest.


There are no known permanent mortal settlements on this plane, save for the Dustmen Fortress of the Soul. No other mortal presence exists aside from a few scattered planewalkers, searching for various purposes. Only members of the sect called Primals are found with any frequency here, I have been unable to ascertain their purpose in this plane, but they are usually found in strange spheres of protective magic and mobility, in groups of less than twenty. The only other forms of planar mortals to frequent this area are Negatai such as myself. While we are an extremely rare breed of genasi, a few such beings do exist. Most are Necromancers working toward the eventual transition toward lichdom, and there are Negatai liches. We are a very removed people, and dislike many interruptions in our work, much like the plane itself.


Shiva is the only power known to inhabit this Plane; as a deity of ultimate annihilation, he is in tune with the plane’s energies. No other power is known to inhabit this plane, considering it far too unwelcoming for their realms. Despite this, it is my belief that other powers or demi-powers do reside here, somewhere in the black reaches. It is to be suspected that the reputed “Dark Powers” of the Demiplane of Dread, of which I have heard descriptions, might reside within this mass. Certain other Powers of complete doom similar to Shiva might reside here, and there are other possibilities. I have heard whispers from the mouths of undead. They believe the Xeg-Yi and Xeg-Ya share a power that resides in the one vortex that links both energy planes. Also, dark effigies that seem to serve specific purposes are sometimes detected in this plane, and I have seen incidents involving Nightshades that lend some credence to the possibilities of those beings having

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some strange power-like being. The site known as Deathheart seems to be the focus for energies that could very well involve the influence of some Power.


Since there are few powers on the plane, there do not seem to be any proxies of significance. This area is too distant from and Power’s major influence to be worthy of a proxies presence. Though there have been mysterious rumors of a Nightwalker even mightier than others of its kind, and this creature might potentially be a proxy.

Other Beings

There are things in the dark void that defy description. Normally such beings would just be incongruities, but in this barren plane all things must be taken into account. I have seen and heard of creatures that seem out of place in the normal stages of existence through which all other beings pass. Eylisz has remarked of even stranger things, things that follow along the edge of what senses remain out in the dark sea. Of creatures such as this only the mysterious Awaiters have even been reliably named, all others remain elusive. (We actually have categorized certain other eerie void beings, but have been obligated not to mention them here - Ed.)

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Hah! This chapter’s all mine! That’s Eylisz the Green boys, your Sea King guide to places in Negative Energy. Negriet actually said I had more experience with actual places in the Dark Sea than anyone else he had ever known. That’s ‘coz he forced me to go to all the god-cursed places, but never mind that. Anyway, I have been to most of these places, and Negriet’s checked the others out or sent one of the undead to visit, you’ll hear from them in a bit. My first piece of advice: since these places all have the potential to put a body in the dead-book faster than being dumped into a Blood War battle – trust me, I’ve had to survive both – I would advise that you stay away from these places unless you’re a serious blood that knows what you’re doing. For your convenience, I’ve classified everything out into categories: “deadly”, “extremely deadly”, and “to be visited under plane-shattering circumstances only”. I’m not making a joke about those categories either; I came within a hair’s breath of getting written into the dead-book at each and every location I visited myself.

The Deadly Sites:

Fortress of the Soul

This is where the Dustmen call kip, their little contemplative spot floating in the Negative Energy. The Fortress was built at great expense, and is maintained with great difficulty, so the Dustmen keep it well staffed. They’re generally decent, and will even let you pass through on to Sigil if they’re in a good mood. The place isn’t big, really just a small monastery-like structure with a few common rooms, research areas, and contemplation cells. A Dustman Factor named Kemosal Trevant currently runs the place, though Negriet says he probably won’t stick around long. He’s got a bitter disposition so don’t irritate him. The Dustmen are a quiet bunch. After all, they believe everybody’s already dead. Here in Negative Energy though, they tend to forget what it means to be “alive” and loud and energetic people tend to irritate them. In this place irritation is all it takes to get tossed back out into the Negative Energy, or worse.

Office of the Whispered Contract

This is the Shades office in Negative Energy, where Negriet calls his kip, and I do sometimes as well. The Office was hard to build, and only continuous work by Negriet and some Shades undead keeps it from crumbling away. The Office isn’t very large, it really only has a negotiation room, some storage, and Negriet’s room. Still, Negative Energy is blocked off here, and air and light is generated magically. Shades members are the only ones freely welcome here. Anyone else entering the Office had best be prepared to make a contract with the Shades. We keep our contracts in the Shades, but we don’t come cheap – after all, we’re the best. If you end up at the Office, don’t irritate the undead, make a contract, pay our price and we’ll get you out of the plane. ‘Course, plenty of berks think they’re the Powers gift to the multiverse, and try and cheat the Shades. Frankly, it doesn’t get much closer to the definition of the word “berk” to me.

Jar of Wyrms

This thing floats out in the dark sea, having lasted unchanged for over two millennia. Some Lich coined the name long ago, and it is fitting. The Jar floats stably in the energy, unmoving. Negriet thinks it might be somehow made of Negative energy transmuted into a solid form. The Jar is massive and ominous, and contains within it the perfectly preserved skeleton of an ancient Blue Dragon. It also contains a far more

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nefarious inhabitant. The Dracowraith refuses to tell anyone its name, but it will desperately try to convince anyone that visits it to free it. The Dracowraith possesses terrible powers of fear and a sibilant voice that can act as a suggestion (DC 18) to free it upon anyone it tells its story to. However, the creature is obviously treacherous and untrustworthy, so no one has freed it in over two millennia. I barely was able to escape the creature’s dark web of lies. Apparently freeing it would not be difficult, requiring only a single solid blow through the jar’s structure. However, the wraith would almost certainly immediately attack anyone who freed it.

Garvel’s Hold

This tower is the dwelling place of the Lich called Garvel the Wraithlord is surprisingly welcoming of visitors. Of course, welcoming is a relative term. The entire tower is constructed of wraiths, wraiths, and more wraiths, so many that they have been crushed together into a mass of ectoplasm and evil that is almost solid. Garvel’s Hold has a single entrance, a gap in the walls of Wraiths that allows passage. Garvel is a strange lich, and is unlikely to destroy any visitor outright. He prefers to use geas spells and demand some service against his many lich rivals. These tasks are extremely dangerous, but Garvel will equip his pawns reasonably well. Those who Garvel does not believe suitable he will feed to his ravenous wraiths. The wraiths in the walls are mostly confined in that way, but they can and do attack the living. Anyone toughing the walls, floors or ceilings is subject to 5 attacks by wraiths per round, and most make a strength check to break free. Thankfully there is no gravity in the tower, so a body can move about without touching the Wraiths if they’re smart.

Stable Tradepoint

The Mercane are everywhere these days, aren’t they? They even managed to set up an outpost in the dark sea, though it isn’t exactly standard Mercane opulence. Stable Tradepoint is little more than a disk of force, with the occasional force wall to place items against. The Mercane have laid a constant sphere of death ward over the place, extending up to about twenty feet on the topside of the disk. They haven’t bothered with gravity, but put a network of ropes in instead, so a body can pull oneself along. Frankly, for those travelers who think a Mercane site would be nearly heaven in a place like this, they should think again. The Mercane are here to trade with the undead, meaning Lich Lords. They aren’t carrying many items of use to mortals, even food and water are reserved for themselves or for lich rituals, and if you want to buy anything you’d better be prepared to outbid the Lich Lords. This is not a very safe tactic though, since the Liches think nothing of simply obliterating those who would dare compete with them. The Mercane keep hostile, uncivilized undead out by fighting fire with fire. Stable Tradepoint is surrounded by a vanguard of watchers and patrols, which are always made up of spectral wizards. The wizards don’t hesitate to attack any approaching being. The assumption is that the liches can deal with it no problem. Still, if you’ve got a lot of jink and need a way out, it might just be possible to purchase one from the Mercane, though you’ll need a lot of jink indeed.

Blood Sea

I couldn’t get through this site myself. I’m prepared for the Negative Energy backdrop, not a sphere of blood twenty miles in diameter. Can you swim in blood? Anyway, Negriet had a Spectre do the job instead. Here’s its report:

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“Well, mortals. The Blood Sea is very strange. It’s made of mortal blood, isn’t it? An awful lot of mortal blood, too. I can’t imagine who killed so many mortals to acquire all this blood. And it must have been more once, since the sea is disintegrating. The plane is eating it, but for now it’s so big that is survives. “The sea just floats there. There’s nothing in it, just a giant mass of blood. Destruction’s Effigies float all around the edge, gorging themselves as the plane destroys the sea slowly. Within, though, within is different. There are vampires inside. Just about the only place on the whole plane that has the damn half-living bloodsuckers. Pathetic wretches, not even true undead. Have to feed to survive. Well, they can feed on the sea itself here, though they don’t ever want to leave, because they’d run out of blood. “None of the vampires knows who created the sea, or what caused it to get brought into the plane. They say most of the blood’s human though, some elf, some dwarf, but mostly human. The vamps say the damn sea hasn’t really changed sizes much in the past few decades. It shrank for a while years ago, but ever since it’s been pretty stable. They say someone’s feeding it from the other side, from the prime zzprobably. I doubt I believe the bloodsuckers, they’re pompous bastards, think they’ve got immortality and all. Ha! Walk out in the sun, why don’t you, freaks! “Whatever, the rumor in the Sea says that some great and powerful vampire lurks near the center, where the others won’t go. These rumors say that this Vampire controls the flow of blood coming in, and that he can command all the vamps in the sea. They also say he’s got some plan for the blood. Liches, they can do spells with the blood mortals, combine it with negative energy; make things out of it, and more. There’s power in the blood. So these rumors, they say this vampire plans to convert the whole Blood Sea into something once he controls it well enough. That’s just disgusting. We don’t need any more of the bloodsuckers here. I say stake ‘em all first! “

Well, obviously specters are not the most stable of reporters, but it is a rather disturbing rumor among the undead. The amount of blood needed to maintain Blood Sea given the rate of destruction boggles the mind. Where is it coming from? Anyhow, apart from the Vampires, there’s not much dangerous there.

The T.M.F. Final Piece

It’s a ship, really. T.M.F. stands for The Mechalich’s Fleet, and the Final Piece is one nasty battleship. The vessel is cylindrical, tapered at the front end, and with a wide variety of attachments that are weapons, devices that function like sails, and more. The entire ship is more than 250 yards long. Negriet has catalogued that length as being at least the size of the largest spelljamming vessels. The Final Piece is believed to be capable of technojamming, though it is not known to have done so. For now the final piece is the mobile lair of the Mechanical Lich Ulter Lustin, who claims to have designed and built it, and a powerful lair it is. Lustin garrisons the ship with a number of skeleton warriors, Negative Energy Golems, and armor horrors. The crew consists of helmed horrors and battle horrors. Precisely how the massive ship’s weaponry works is unknown, but it can create effects equivalent to powerful spells. Lustin is particularly fond of shattering defenses with an effect he calls the reality bomb, and then sending in his troops through the vessels five boarding tubes. The Final Piece is known to have destroyed the towers of at least three other liches in the past twenty-five years. The final piece is shielded against negative energy by having walls of force overlaid one inch out from the hull. These walls are anchored to the ship itself and can move with it, though they do slow the ship’s maximum speed. The ship has an internal gravity that is provided by constant rotation, though the gravity is very weak and ceases when the ship moves quickly or goes into battle. Entry to the Final Piece can be obtained through tribute of at least one permanent magical item, or metal in mass equal to those entering. However, Lustin tests any who enter by forcing them into duels with its armor horrors. Only those who are successful are allowed to speak with the lich. The lich is urbane, but only exchanges for things it wants. However, he can transport a traveler in relative safety (if not comfort) just about anywhere on the plane for an appropriate payment. Though, if anyone on board causes the crew to break one of their arcane procedural regulations, it’s going to mean a fight to escape before the

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summary execution.

The Extremely Deadly Sites:

All Shadows End

The Encampment of the small society of shadow fiends in the Negative Energy Plane is open for business, such as it is, but only with the undead. Those who are living are only prospective souls to be acquired and sold. This place is a giant globe formed of solid shadow, which has force and stability, but no mass. The globe has three access points, but anyone entering can expect to be attacked by 3d6 shadow fiends from the outset, all of whom will attempt to use their magic jar ability on victims. Additionally, latent magic in All Shadows End will force any mortal visitor to make Will saves (DC 17) each round or be subject to a magic jar spell-like effect. There are no known protective magics against this. The shadow fiends are not hostile to undead visitors however, and will sell souls in exchange for evil magic and other services, including transport off the plane. It is also possible to acquire shadow fiends as retainers here, and they are often used by other powers for their unique abilities. Alls Shadows End is artistic inside, and taking away some of the shadow art or soulstones might be quite lucrative, but the inside is a twisted maze of shadow matter that is almost impossible to navigate.

Shining Darkness

Bonds of Negative Energy hold imprisoned here a remarkable being. Within a tower made of chains of magical force, and shackled to those chains by ropes woven of negative energy itself, stands Tolew the Quesar. Tolew is more than a normal quesar; he has powers far in advance of those constructs of the Upper Planes. Sometime in the past his abilities, already quite potent, were augmented. Indeed, the energy Tolew gives off as to provide a beacon of light within the Negative Energy plane itself. Yet the concentrated Negative Energy to form those bonds holds him fast. Unshielded from the plane, and exposed to those horrid bonds, Tolew must exert his own force constantly to avoid being destroyed. He has done so without rest for eons, and is greatly tired by such exertions. The bonds could be destroyed, and Tolew freed, but the Quesar refuses to allow it, using his own power to blind anyone who approaches, for the bonds are cursed. This curse is apparently so terrible that Tolew would rather suffer for all eternity than inflict it upon anyone. Additionally, a Nightwalker has taken to guarding the tower in recent ages, unwilling to allow this prisoner to escape for its own reasons. It will attack any intruders not dark and wicked as itself.

The Waiting Hall

(As this place doesn’t precisely exist, you’ll have to listen to Negriet’s theory, sorry – Eylisz)

The Awaiters are creatures from a reality – or at least a time – beyond our own. Something that comes after this universe, which we experience, or possibly something that came before. They stand outside all cycles, all things. They are not truly present in this reality at all. Yet, Awaiters are only beings, should not the evidence of the reality they come from leave other signs? Perhaps it should, though doubtless they would be rarer than the Awaiters themselves. To draw a crude analogy, a person may get lost far more easily than a building shall. Yet, it would seem that a building has gotten lost. The Waiting Hall bears a resemblance to what might be called a temple, though who can tell. It seems to be little more than a floor with a series of pillars leading to a nonexistent ceiling. When it exists at all, that is. The Waiting Hall fluctuates in and out of our reality, not often present, and even then, only in this quasi-base we call Negative Energy. Perhaps one in ten days is it solid enough to be touched, perhaps one in a hundred to be walked on. Much of the other time it cannot even be glimpsed.

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I call this place similar to the Awaiters base on circumstantial evidence only. For only its sheer impossibility to analyze bears resemblance to those beings, and the Awaiters themselves can be found here with some regularity. Always, at least one Awaiter watches this place. Yet, the Waiting Hall is not a safe place to wait, for at any time it may fade away again, for the intervals of its appearance are unsteady, random. Should it fade, and matter of this reality be within its structure, then that too is taken beyond this universe to whatever state awaits elsewhere. So, care to test that one out cutters? Didn’t think so. Best not stick around there unless you’ve got a real good reason.

The Circle of Void

Technically, I suppose it’s a squat cylinder, but Circle is the better term. The Circle of Void is a spot of absolute nothing within the Negative Energy Plane. It’s empty, gray, and void. It bears some resemblance to the plane of Vacuum, but things are not so simple. Entry into this circle is complex, as its borders cannot be touched by willed action. Only accident of motion, or possibly magic will allow entry. The Void thinks. It’s a mind, a sentient being. In fact, it’s an extremely powerful mind. For the Circle of Void itself literally is its thoughts. Within the Circle the Void is all, is assimilates and subsumes all other things. Takes control of them, makes them forget that they are anything else. Once entering the Void the thoughts begin to surround, within minutes the desire to leave is gone, within hours thoughts become confused with the Void, and within a day the self has all but crumbled to nothing. Only extremely strong and overriding emotion can allow escape. The Void must be exposed to thoughts of such power and foreignness that its spits out the intruder, for there is no other way to escape. I know only that great hate will allow egress, but perhaps there are other emotions that will serve, if they are written deep into the minds of those who enter.

Frozen Ends

The strangely lich being called Wind’s Death resides in this tower. It is built in the classic style, and winds rush in great cycles around it, enforcing a semblance of gravity within. The tower itself is built of ice, but not ordinary ice, the unmelting black ice of the bottom of Ocanthus instead. This ice does not suffer destruction easily, and Wind’s Death has warded it with protections as well. The lich is a being of bone, wind, and ice, and is not entirely solid, often moving about like a whirlwind, though also capable of taking on humanoid form. Wind’s Death doesn’t mind strangers, if they can fight their way through its raving guards that fly in the winds whirling about the tower it is more than willing to talk with them, considering them to have earned its respect. The Lich will sometimes offer the living aid, in exchange for participation in one of the three different squabbles it is currently involved in. It practices no such restraint upon its servants, who may attack the living at any time, even during conversation with the lich. Wind’s Death enjoys an eclectic mix of guards, including Frost Skulls, Fogwardens, Soulsphere Wraiths, Glimmerskins, and even a trio of Winterwights. Touching the Ocanthus ice seems to have no ill effects at first, but this is the frozen water of the Styx, and hides its own dangers. Anyone who is in contact with the water for more than a minute must make a Will save (DC 17) or loose all memory since entering the Negative Energy Plane. Anyone who touches the ice with bare skin for a round must also make the same save. Should they remain in contact with this ice for more than two rounds, their body heat will melt it enough for it to become water and it to leech into the skin. This requires a Will save as stated above, but failure means they lose all memory (while those who succeed lose only the past day’s memory), and another Will save is also required (same DC) to avoid being assaulted by the memories preserved within the ice itself. Failure in this save causes a storm of memory and identity to crash down onto the poor sod. The result is equivalent to a feeblemind spell, but cannot be removed short of heal.. Anyone who loses his or her memory within Frozen Ends is almost certain to become Wind’s Death’s newest minion.

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Gith Spire

Gith Spire is actually two identical towers, conical and black, covered in warding runes, and connected by a line of force exactly one thousand feet long. They are built with the cruel and bare functional architecture of the Gith races. One houses a Githyanki lich, and the other houses a Githzerai lich. The whole area around the two spires is surrounded in a potent magical field, ovular in shape. Anyone passing through this field is randomly teleported (no save) to one of the two towers, to face their lich masters. The Githyanki lich call’s himself Gith’s Champion, the Githzerai Lich Zerithimon’s Truth. The two have an utterly immutable grudge, and together they constructed this arena to prove which one is right. The two liches are precisely matched in power and creativity however, so they have not yet succeeded in over four centuries of combat. Undead that pass through the outer barrier are released, their interference is not wanted; mortals, however, are fair game. Groups of mortals are divided up evenly, and single intruder must wait in stasis until another comes to pair off the match. The two liches then offer any mortal identical choices. Survive one week’s warfare, and they may go free. Surviving a week’s warfare is all but impossible. The liches war rages fast and furious, with minions of titanic power and spells to shake worlds being launched regularly. Mortals usually don’t survive long enough to make any impact, and as yet, none has managed to turn the tide by their actions. I don’t know if you actually could survive a week of this, I’ve heard no one ever has. I observed from outside the barrier for two weeks, and though the liches glowered at me, they spared me no energy. Other undead occasionally do the same sort of watching, for many find the feud greatly amusing. Anyone trying to see the liches’ awesome magic in action had best realize other dangers are present.

The Sites to Be Visited Under Plane Shattering Circumstances Only!

Embryonite Spawn

They say there’s a giant insect on the Ethereal, a thing that’s as big as a demiplane. Well, this thing, it must be its offspring. It’s a single bug, a beetle, over ten miles long! It can’t move, because it’s asleep, but it hasn’t been destroyed either. No, instead the creature has locked solidified Negative Energy into its chitin! It’s armored with Negative Energy itself. The Embryonite Spawn is held here, because, supposedly if released into the Ethereal it would destroy demiplanes uncountable, and now, clad in Negative Energy itself, it would literally begin to rip that plane apart should it ever break free from sleep and the mystic bond which hold it in Negative Energy. I have no idea what it would take the wake the creature up, but that’s not the problem. The thing that put the Spawn here is unknown, but it left something to guard it. I know not what that something is, but it spoke into my mind, and told me that the spawn must never wake, and then attempted to destroy me. I know not how, but the mind flung me forth from Negative Energy, far, far beyond anywhere I know. It did not kill me, but it wiped all memory from my mind. When I awoke at last, Negriet told me he had restored my memory, but had only found me again through the use of a wish, and a search by several dozen undead. I had lain comatose in a space between the planes of Radiance and Fire for twenty days. Other undead, mind-linked to lost minions, confirm the existence of the Spawn, but no creature has ever reached it.


Deathheart is a great sphere floating in the plane. It is protected from the plane’s effects on the inside, but it is evil. When people think about the Negative Energy Plane, Deathheart is the kind of thing they are imagining, except it’s far, far, worse than that. I went into Deathheart for all of five minutes, and could barely stand the terrible thoughts and evil pressing into my mind. Deathheart is where the undead live enslaved in fear, to terrified even to leave, and serving some hidden purpose. Negriet had this to say regarding Deathheart:

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Deep in the quiet darkness of this plane resides a place, a place tinged with a darkness more terrible than anything else known. A place that is aptly named: Deathheart. I have been there only once, a foolish choice even so. My knowledge of this plane is greater than that of perhaps anyone other has ever known, save the powers, and yet in Deathheart I knew nothing. Something looks with Deathheart, something greater than the mighty undead lords who make their home in its vastness, some more powerful than the rogue demon lord I found within. There is some hidden power in Deathheart, and though it may not be a Power as we call them, it is mightier than anything I have ever known. Something that I sensed, and it made it known that I must not stay there. Few records are kept of this plane, given the scarcity of living inhabitants, but a few chronicles of history do exist. The Dustmen hold the most complete one known, and I have read it in its entirety. I know now that I am the first being that can be termed “alive” to have visited Deathheart and returned in over three hundred years. A more frightening finding have I rarely glimpsed. There is an influence spread by Deathheart, a malevolence that seeps out into the plane. I fear this malevolence, for it affects those who voyage here, and corrupts the pure nature of this energy. So far I have sensed this malevolence only in those few sites near Deathheart, still far from almost anything else. But the essence is spreading. I am not the only one to have noticed it, Eylisz has mentioned this dark menace to me as well, and she calls it a ‘current of evil in the dark sea’. Others have told me of it as well, for even the undead can feel this malevolence, and they fear it. Undead have told be that their brethren in Deathheart live in fear, all swore in their hearts to servitude should the sphere demand it of them. This thought is greatly disturbing, for what could inspire fear in the undead in this place, their greatest stronghold?This essence that leaks from Deathheart, a corruption of this plane, is something that I feel I must learn more of. In part, it is why I required Eylisz, for it is necessary to learn of this plane and its secret places before the nature of Deathheart can be known. So I have sent her out to plumb the secrets of this ‘dark sea’, the Negative Energy Plane. I myself have done work toward this, explorations, questions, searches of history, even daring plumbing of the depths with magic, but the secrets remain elusive. I know that I cannot visit Deathheart again, that presence is far too watchful. I can think only that perhaps in time a solution may be grasped, or Eylisz will find the key, that is all we can hope for. Of course, the secret of Deathheart might already be known, for I doubt it is possible to hide anything on this plane from the watchful eyes of the Xeg-Yi. Surely there is one that knows the eerie secret I seek, but I cannot speak to them, there is no way to know such creatures. Xeg-Yi are a unique form, life brought forth from naught but death. Even I, a Negatai, am only half so close to Negative Energy as they, the Xeg-Yi that which lives formed only of the energy of death. They are the key to so many things, the final piece of the puzzle, but one whose shape cannot be known. One day I shall speak to one. One day. Until the Xeg-Yi yield up their elusive secret I must continue to work as I do, serving the Shades and working toward the hidden mysteries of the Negative Energy Plane. I think I seek some of the last true mysteries remaining in the multiverse.

That was a while ago, but things have only gotten worse since, Deathheart’s current is spreading, and whatever it touches seems to become infected by evil. If someone is given a task that involves visiting Deathheart DO NOT CARRY IT OUT! This cannot be stressed enough, better to turn stag on the Lady herself than visit this place.

The Reversed City

The power that flows from Deathheart corrupts, and the Reversed City is evidence of this. Negative Energy espouses purity in destruction. It just destroys things, but that’s not what happened to the Reversed City. No, instead of being obliterated when it passed into the plane, this ancient prime necropolis has been reversed.

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Every building has been turned from crumbling stone to shining black adamantine, the walls have reformed, the powdered wooden doors turned to solid ones of stone, the shattered stained glass of the temples reborn into tormented scenes that reflect the lurid blackness. Worst of all, the dead, once lying peacefully in their graves, are all reborn into twisted unlife. There are several thousand beings residing in the twisted expanse that is the Reversed City. The city possesses gravity to at least some extent, though its warped buildings defy it, and the gravity pulls perpendicular to the cobbled streets, making every passage a vertical climb. Every one of the inhabitants is an undead creature, though I don’t really know what to call them. They seem to resemble Nightshades in the shape of cloaked and cowled humans, but they have no free will of their own. These inhabitants are a manifestation of Deathheart’s corruption of Negative Energy, not free-willed undead. They move about the city as if gravity was normal, not stilted, though they can fly freely should the City choose to move them in that fashion. While most of these undead have only the powers normal for Nightshades of their size, some were apparently spellcasters in life, and retain those abilities in death, though they cast their spells in reverse now. The Reversed City exists in a hideous parody of a real one, food appear on tables, but does not get eaten, only grows swiftly tainted and diseased, until eventually it bursts into new, clean foodstuffs once more. Furniture materializes from the dust it once was, grows as if it was a living tree, and then dies, leaving more dust about. Negative Energy is not in any way subdued here, and travelers who are unprotected suffer the full effects of it. However, protected or not, the corrupt current of Deathheart flows through here, and it reverses those who enter. Depending on the strength of the current in part of the city (and this extends to over two hundred feet to both sides of its "ground") people grow backward. This not an anti-aging effect, the body simply devours itself at an extreme rate. Depending on the strength of the current a year’s growth may be lost in an as much as an hour or as little as ten seconds. Given that most humans only grow for fifteen to twenty years, this is not much time. If the body grows down to infancy, it then reverts into the fetal stage, and eventually to nothing. Once this happens, a new undead inhabitant walks the city. The mind is aware throughout this process and having suffered limited reversal, it is a horrible process to undergo, I cannot speak of it more. Only restoration can cure the damage, and then only one year of reversal per casting. The undead inhabitants rarely attack interlopers until they realize the reversal is occurring; otherwise they may try and talk or otherwise occupy the visitors to hold them there. Failing that, they will try and capture visitors and hold them until the reversal takes full effect. No one who has been completely reversed has ever been brought back, not even a wish serves.

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I have studied the effects of magic on spellcasting extensively as a result of my researches here in Negative Energy. While most of my personal research has been wizardous in nature, I believe I can shed light on some aspects of priestly magic here. Magic is more normal within Negative energy than most planewalkers would expect, but there are numerous key considerations to be made. During this chapter I will also explain some of the unique spells and magical effects of the plane function. (Editor’s Note: Let’s be fair here people, we’re not in business to reveal all our secrets, so, while this chapter is still very informative, most of the more potent effects have been edited out.)

School Alterations

Elemental fusion has an odd effect on this plane, as Negative energy is a rather unusual substance to fuse with material. Spells seem to go off in a significant state of decay. While this often doesn’t matter, most magic doesn’t precisely fall under the effect of such decay, it does have notable effects on certain schools of magic. Healing spells and other positive energy spell-like abilities have reduced effectiveness. To cast a spell that uses positive energy, such as cure light wounds, a mage must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + level of the spell). In addition, all living beings suffer a –10 penalty on Fortitude saves to regain negative levels bestowed through energy drain. This occurs because all spells cast here become heavily infused with an imbalance of Negative Energy, which results in such changes. Additionally, negative energy spells are highly improved here. Spells that draw upon negative energy in a direct form, such as enervation, inflict light wounds, or harm, are more potent on this plane – they act as if they had been affected by the Maximize Spell metamagic feat (but they don’t require higher-level slots). Abilities that use negative energy indirectly are also improved – attempts of rebuking or controlling undead receive a +10 bonus on the roll to determine HD affected.

Spell Keys and Power Keys

- Elemental Spell Keys: These keys enable the use of Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, or Quicken Spell metamagic feats on spells with an elemental descriptor (either [air], [earth], [fire], or [water]). They require nothing more than a piece of an undead creature of power that had a spell from the appropriate school cast upon it. The required HD of the undead is equal to the level of the spell.

- Wild Magic Spell Keys: These keys are required in order to produce any wild magic effect (either a spell with the [wild] descriptor, or an effect of one of the wild magic-related feats). They require negative energy contained in some fashion and then exposed to an effect similar to, or the opposite of, what the caster is trying to create. Wild mages will be encouraged to know that this spell key does not use up the Negative Energy.

- Power Keys: These may be impossible to find on this plane. Undead powers might grant such keys, but the only power of this plane truly known is Shiva, and he is said to have never granted a power key in his entire existence.

There are no spell keys to block the effects on positive and negative spells described above, it simply is not possible to block out the all-pervasive negative energy in such a way.

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Summoning Creatures

While the usual summoning restrictions apply, allowing summoning only of creatures from adjacent planes, meaning the four elemental planes, four negative quasiplanes, and the negative energy itself, there are some alterations worth noting. First, creatures summoned from other planes are not protected against negative energy in any way, and often are unable to breathe or see here. Such creatures are generally of minimal use. Second, there is no known method to control a summoned Xeg-Yi on this plane, with any magic whatsoever.

Spells and Experience

Any spell that is powerful enough to require a caster’s life force in exchange for its power has a most harmful effect on this plane. Not only is the resulting life force lost, but also negative energy rushes in to fill the sudden gap. The caster gains a number of negative levels equal to 1% the number of experience points spent through casting the spell. This effect does not influence those under the protection of a death ward spell, or undead spellcasters, but many a mage that suddenly found himself on the Negative Energy Plane discovered that the wish he used to escape had very deleterious effects.

Magical Items

While magical items are of course subject to all standard rules here, there are some other interesting features of magical items on this plane. Here, and I believe on positive energy as well, it is possible to build items that function primarily powered by ambient Negative Energy, as opposed to normal magic. Magical items crafted here can be imbued with negativity; as a result, the magical qualities of such items cannot be used off the plane or by any character shielded by death ward. It is an extremely effective method to prevent thieves from escaping. Liches make use of this effect extensively.

Spells of Use in Negative Energy

- Abjuration: Spells that protect against Negative Energy are extremely important, as are the few specialized spells that protect the senses, since they help to prevent the losing your mind. A spell that provides protection from undead is almost essential for a planewalker that does not want to fight an endless series of combats while in this plane.

- Conjuration: Summon undead spells are essential for any serious attempts to summon servants in this plane. Teleportation spells are also required for safe travel. Calling spells are not particularly practical, since few called creatures can resist the negative energies of the plane.

- Divination: Spells that detect undead are of utmost importance for most planewalkers.

- Enchantment: Enchantments are almost completely useless, with most beings found on the plane immune.

- Evocation: Force based spells can be used to create solid material, even if not matter; wall of force can be put to particularly good use. Combined with permanency it can actually create something resembling solid structures.

- Illusion: The highly visual nature of many illusions makes them nearly useless in a plane with next to no vision for mortals. Audible glamour, however, can be used to provide some much needed mental loss

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countering noise.

- Necromancy: Hold undead and control undead will be particularly useful to planewalkers, but all spells of this school function well here.

- Transmutation: Given the scarcity of matter, spells of this school is often of limited use here. Specialized transmutations which alter the state of souls or negative energy itself have been developed by many spellcasters, including myself. Several are listed at the end of this chapter.

New Spells

These are spells that were developed in the Negative Energy Plane, some by myself, some by other Shades members, some that I received as contract payments from undead. Descriptions follow, but not the actual spells themselves. Most of these spells are quite powerful, and only a learned spellcaster could wield them. (Editor’s Note: If you are interested in receiving copies of these spells for your own use please come to a Shades office with your request, a proper exchange will be considered. Also, I have removed the descriptions of many spells, both for the sake of space and for protection of Shades’ interests.)

Call Xeg-Yi. A Xeg-Yi approaches the caster.Destruction Sink. Negate damaging spells within 20 ft. from the caster.Life-Eater Blade. Floating blade inflicts negative energy damage on strike.Mystic Fluorescence. Target sheds radiance in darkness.Negatai Aura. Target immune to positive and negative energy.Negative Energy Burst. Deals 2d6 +1/caster level negative energy damage in a 20 ft. radius.Negative Energy Burst, Greater. Deals 1d6 per caster level (maximum 15d6) negative energy damage in a 30 ft. radius.Negative Ward, Greater. Protects an object from the detrimental effects of the Negative Energy Plane for 1 hour/level.Negative Ward, Lesser. Protects an object from the detrimental effects of the Negative Energy Plane for 1 minute/level.Reality Bomb. Disruption in the space-time continuum inflict 1d6 per caster level (maximum 15d6) physical damage in a 20 ft. radius.Spectral Guise. Assume the appearance of a specter.Sphere of Translocation. Create a mobile protective bubble that shields against negative energies.Spirit Screecher. Bind spirits to answer your questions.Transmute Negativity. Create a voidstone.Weight of the Dark Sea. Target loses all five senses.Wraith Swarm. Destroy a wraith, creating a wraith swarm under your control.

Call Xeg-Yi School: Conjuration (calling)Level: Sor/Wiz 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: 100 milesEffect: one Xeg-YiDuration: See textSaving Throw: noneSpell Resistance: no

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This spell calls a Xeg-Yi to the caster’s location. It is somewhat unclear what makes the Xeg-Yi come, but the creature will always appear within 1 minute from the casting. However, Xeg-Yi don’t seem to particularly care about being compelled, and will do whatever pleases them in the situation unless beaten in an opposed Charisma check by the caster. If so beaten, the Xeg-Yi will serve for 4 hours (or until dismissed) at which time it departs to where it had been before the calling, unable to do any immediate harm to the caster or his allies.Note: this spell works only if a Xeg-Yi is within the given radius. Since Xeg-Yi almost never travel beyond the Negative Energy Plane, it is unlikely to work anywhere else and very likely to work every time when cast there.

Destruction SinkAbjurationLevel: Sor/Wiz 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 10 ft.Area: A 20-ft. emanation, centered on the casterDuration: 1 round/3 levelsSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

The Negative Energy Plane is the seat of ultimate destruction, literally the energy of absolute destruction swarms about. A skilled mage can meddle with that destruction so that it absorbs all other destructive effects into it, canceling them out for a short time. By the means of this spell an invisible 20-ft. radius sphere of entropy surrounds you; all creatures and objects within that sphere gain an unbeatable Spell Resistance score against spells that deal hit point damage. The only exceptions are spells that rely on Negative Energy directly to do their damage (such as inflict wounds or harm), which function normally. The entropic energies of the plane snap back quickly, so the effect lasts only a few rounds.

Life-Eater Blade Conjuration (Creation)Level: Sor/Wiz 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)Effect: One sword-shaped planar riftDuration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)Saving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: Yes

You create a black blade-shaped planar rift about 3 feet long. You can direct the blade to strike at any opponent within its range, as you desire, starting in the round that you cast the spell. The blade attacks its designated target once each round on your turn. Its attack bonus is equal to your caster level + your Int bonus or your Cha bonus (for wizards or sorcerers, respectively). It deals 4d6 points of negative energy damage (undead targets are instead healed the same amount), with a threat range of 19–20 and a critical multiplier of x2.The blade always strikes from your direction. It does not get a bonus for flanking or help a combatant get one. If you stop concentrating on directing the blade, the spell ends. If an attacked creature has spell resistance, the resistance is checked the first time life-eater blade strikes it. If the blade is successfully

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resisted, the spell is dispelled. If not, the blade has its normal full effect on that creature for the duration of the spell.A dimensional anchor or gate spells can be used to automatically counterspell or dispel a life-eater blade. The blade cannot be harmed by physical attacks, but a dispel magic spell, a sphere of annihilation, or a rod of cancellation can affect it. Its touch attack AC is 13.This spell does not work on the Negative Energy Plane.

Mystic FluorescenceTransmutationLevel: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: TouchTarget: One creature or object of up to Medium sizeDuration: 1 hour/level (D)Saving Throw: Fort negates (Object)Spell Resistance: Yes (Object)

This spell causes the inner essence of a creature or object to constantly shine forth. Generally, only objects of Medium or lesser size can be so affected; larger items simply have their fluorescence lost within their mass.The mystic fluorescence creates a soft glow from the item, a glow almost completely invisible in the presence of any normal light source. Only in complete blackness does the fluorescence, which cannot be blocked out, become apparent. This provides shadowy illumination in a 20-ft. radius, which allows for at least some sight in the Negative Energy Plane.The fluorescence created by this spell can easily be covered or concealed, if so desired. Any covering, no matter how thin, that covers over 80% of its surface will block the light.

Negatai Aura NecromancyLevel: Sor/Wiz 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 round/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

This spell confers the mixed essence of a Negatai over you for a short time. You are granted a Negatai’s immunity to negative energy and ability to be ignored by undead. This spell also afflicts you with a Negatai’s weakness – positive energy spells (such as cure wounds or heal) do not heal you. Material component: Some fragment of flesh or other body material from a Negatai is required for this spell.

Negative Energy BurstNecromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. /level)

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Area: 20-ft.-radius spreadDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Will half (see text)Spell Resistance: Yes

You release a silent burst of negative energy from a point you indicate. The burst deals 2d6 points of damage to living creatures in the area +1 point per caster level (maximum 2d6+10). A successful Will save reduces damage by half. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather than harming them.

Negative Energy Burst, GreaterNecromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 5Area: 30-ft.-radius spread

As negative energy burst, except the spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level to living creatures in the area (maximum 15d6). A successful Will save reduces damage by half. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather than harming them.(This spell was developed by Negriet and is one of his trademark attack spells - Ed.)

Negative Ward, LesserAbjurationLevel: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: TouchTarget: One object of up to Medium sizeDuration: 1 minute/level (D)Saving Throw: Fort negates (Harmless, object)Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless, object)

When a lesser negative ward is inscribed on a single object of Medium size or smaller, it blocks out the effects of the Negative-dominant planar trait for the duration. This spell cannot protect living beings, and if the duration expires while the object is still exposed, it suffers all the degradation it would have accumulated over that time immediately. Lesser negative ward is best used as a stopgap to remove critical items to safe locations or off the plane entirely. Material Component: A piece of chalk to make the warding symbol with.

Negative Ward, GreaterAbjurationLevel: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 minuteTarget: One object of up to Huge size, or up to 100 cu. ft. of raw materialsDuration: 1 hour/level (D)

This spell functions as lesser negative ward, except as stated above. Note: Unlike the lesser version of the spell, greater negative ward can be used in conjunction with permanency. The XP cost to make a greater negative ward permanent is 2,000 XP.

Reality Bomb

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EvocationLevel: Sor/Wiz 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: LongEffect: 20-ft. burstDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Fort halves (Object)Spell Resistance: Yes (Object)

A lesser duplication of the reality bomb weapon used by the T.M.F. Final Piece, this spell rips at the very fabric of reality itself, and the whipping cords of freed energy and matter deal damage to anything within. The spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to all creatures and objects within the area. Also, the hardness of all objects within the area is halved; this applies for the damage done by this spell, and remains permanently if the objects survive. Material Component: A tiny spherical model of a world, usually a tiny globe, which must be crushed as the spell is cast.

Spectral GuiseNecromancyLevel: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 minute/level

This spell calls a cloud negative energy over the caster, providing him with the image of a spectre. This disguise can be negated only by a DC 20 Spot check, and it even fools undead immune to illusions. However, it does not confer a spectre’s incorporeality or flight, which often reveals those hiding underneath it – the DM may choose to allow a new Spot check (with a +5 bonus) every time the disguised caster displays a lack of these abilities.Material component: A piece of spectre essence.

Sphere of TranslocationAbjurationLevel: Sor/Wiz 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 minuteRange: 10 ft.Area: a 10-ft. burst centered on the caster.Duration: 1 hour/levelSaving Throw: None (Harmless)Spell Resistance: No (Harmless)

This spell is an adaptation of the spheres used by Primals to explore the Negative Energy Plane. It provides illumination, air supply, protection from negative energy, and a ward against undead. The sphere cannot form in an area with a negative-dominant planar trait, so the spell must be cast either within a protected area on the Negative Energy Plane, or off the plane entirely.The interior of the sphere is illuminated as by full daylight, and the sphere provides shadowy illumination to a range of 30 ft. beyond its borders. It has an internal air supply that cannot be exhausted as long as the

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spell is in effect.Negative-dominant trait of a plane doesn't deal damage (or cure damage, in case of undead) or bestow negative levels to characters within the sphere. Undead creatures attempting to penetrate the sphere in any way must make a Will save against the DC of the spell or be unable to do so. Anyone else can pass in and out normally.The sphere can be moved 30 ft. per round if the caster concentrates on this. Any additional creature that concentrates on moving the sphere in the same round as the caster does adds +10 ft. to the spheres speed, but only the caster can determine direction. All creatures within the sphere are moved along, but unattended objects are not. For unknown reasons this sphere has a high chance of attracting attention of Xeg-Yi, with a 25% chance per hour of the duration that one will appear.Material component: A spherical phosphorescent rock.

Spirit ScreecherDivinationLevel: Clr 4, Drd 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 minuteRange: UnlimitedEffect: A globe of bound spiritsDuration: Concentration, up to 5 roundsSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

There are many raving, formless spirits throughout the Negative Energy Plane. Usually they do nothing, but that does not mean they do not see what happens around them. By this spell the caster may call 1d4+1 of those spirits into a globe of glass or crystal and force them to each answer a single question. Each spirit can only answer one question before returning to its half-existence, and it replies telepathically. The spirits are not truly intelligent, and give only brief answers to your questions. All questions are answered with “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” “irrelevant,” or some other one-word answer. Questions regarding other planes than Negative Energy are not answered. You must concentrate on maintaining the spell (a standard action) in order to ask questions at the rate of one per round (a maximum of 5 questions, if 5 spirits are called). A question is answered by the spirit during the same round. For each question, there is a 60% chance that you will receive a correct answer, a 20% chance that the spirit will answer that it does not know (still counts as an answer), and a 20% chance the spirit will give the wrong answer, either intentionally or accidentally. This spell is only functional on the Negative Energy Plane. Focus: A globe of glass or crystal into which the spirits are called.

Transmute Negativity TransmutationLevel: Sor/Wiz 8Components: V, S, XPCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: 10 ft.Effect: One voidstone (see text)Duration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: See textSpell Resistance: No

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This spell solidifies negative energy into a concentrated form, creating a voidstone. The created voidstone can have a radius of up to 1 inch per caster level. Alternatively, the spell can be cast in reverse, targeting a voidstone and dispersing it into raw negative energy. To succeed at this, you must make a caster level check against DC 25.This spell functions only on the negative Energy Plane. XP cost: 1,000 experience points.

Weight of the Dark SeaIllusionLevel: Sor/Wiz 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard actionRange: CloseTarget: 1 creatureDuration: 1 minute/level (D)Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell causes the sweltering effect of the Negative Energy Plane to bury a person, making them temporarily loose all five senses. A target that fails its Will save is effectively blind, deaf, unable to feel taste, smell (cannot use the Scent special quality), or feel anything by touch (immune to pain-based effects).Additionally, a target under the effect for ten minutes or of more must make a second Will save, or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. Dispel magic ends the effect, but remove blindness/deafness and remove curse have no effect. This spell has no effect on undead or on creatures native to the Negative Energy Plane. This spell does not function on the Negative Energy Plane.

Wraith Swarm NecromancyLevel: Sor/Wiz 4 Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 full-round actionRange: ShortTarget: One wraithDuration: Instantaneous (see text)Saving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

This spell, originally developed by Garvel the Wraithlord, tears apart a single wraith and forms a swarm of diminutive wraith-like creatures from its remains. The swarm obeys the caster to the best of its abilities for as long as he maintains concentration; the caster must be able to relay his orders to it (the swarm understands Infernal), but after he stops concentrating, the swarm dissipates. There is a 1% chance that the swarm will reform one hour later as an autonomous creature. See Appendix II for Wraith Swarm stats.(It is said that Garvel has developed an improved version of this spell that creates a huge swarm by merging dozens of normal wraiths into a nightcrawler-like monstrosity- Ed.)

Magical Items

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While the undead of the Negative Energy Plane have developed myriad magical items, it is beyond us to categorize such devices here. Instead, I would present a small number of magical items, mostly ones I developed myself, that make planewalking in Negative Energy much easier.

Weapon Property: Soul Stealing. This property can only be placed on melee weapons. A living creature struck by a soul stealing weapon gains 1d4 negative levels (2d4 on a critical hit). For each negative level inflicted, the wielder of the soul stealing weapon gains +5 temporary hit points. If the number of negative levels inflicted onto a creature becomes equal to or higher than its actual level or HD, the creature is slain and its soul is devoured by the weapon. Such a creature cannot be returned from the dead by any means short of a direct divine intervention. Strong necromancy; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, energy drain; Price +5 bonus

Wondrous Item: Planewalker’s Amulet (Negative Energy): This amulet, while worn, provides complete and total protection against the Negative-dominant planar trait. The Negative Energy Plane does not deal damage or bestow negative levels to the characters wearing this amulet. Note that the amulet provides no protection from negative levels from sources other than the plane itself. Eylisz wears one such amulet constantly while on the plane.Moderate Abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, avoid planar effects; Price 2,500 gp

Wondrous Item: Durable Journal. An essential device for recording travels in the plane, the journal is a magical book enchanted so that it is permanently protected from Negative Energy and so that its pages fluoresce. It pen never runs out of ink, and it never runs out of pages to write in. Therefore, it is the perfect journal for this plane. The durable journal cannot serve as a spellbook, as it is unable to store spells of any kind.Fain Abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, amanuensis, avoid planar effects; Price 1,000 gp

Wondrous Item: Undead Command Glyph. These single-use glyphs, made of a circle of bone, and inscribed with necromantic symbol, have the power to affect a single undead with the control undead spell. They essentially function as scrolls of control undead, except any character can activate them simply by breaking them physically in the presence of an undead creature. These glyphs only function in Negative Energy, only work once, and have no effect on undead of 9 HD or more. Strong Necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, control undead; Price 2,200 gp

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Editor’s note: Negriet originally wrote this chapter, but his commentary was so based upon theories of life, death, and undeath that anyone not a Dustmen philosopher would have found it almost impossible to understand. So I have chosen to substitute his chapter with own of my own, based upon discussions with Spectres and Wraiths that we had stationed on the Negative Energy Plane. To begin, I am Asgorit, Acting-Director of the Shades. For the information of those of you who are reading this, Negriet is one of our controllers, a full fledged member responsible for control of undead and fulfillment of contracts. Eylisz the Green has recently reached the status of information gatherer, the more active and mobile branch of the Shades. Both of Negriet and Eylisz operate almost solely in the Negative Energy Plane. This is the source of the knowledge that made this book possible and where this chapter begins.

The Early Mysteries

The Dustmen have long been present in the Negative Energy Plane, many millennia at least the Fortress of the Floating Soul has existed. However, in all that time they have essentially ignored the plane around them. They are more interested in Negative Energy itself than any inhabitants of the plane. The presence of the mighty Factol Skall has long prevented any interaction with them by the inhabitants of Negative Energy. So, when the Shades Director, Shardon of Shades, determined that we should build a base upon the Negative Energy Plane, we discovered that there was almost no information at all upon what we might encounter there. The Office of the Whispered Contract was originally built for the convenience of many prime Liches, whom we had learned had reasons to avoid the outer planes. However, it was soon discovered that the Office was garnering far stranger visitors. Prior to Negriet’s joining the Shades a spectral wizard named Fretij was in charge of the Office. Less than ideal for the task at hand, Fretij found himself constantly threatened and eventually attacked by a strange Lich called Garvel. The spectral wizard was unable to handle the situation and could do little more to stop Garvel than send off a message saying he would soon be captured. Director Shardon of Shades refused to tolerate such an event. He shifted to the Negative Energy Plane and laid siege to Garvel’s Hold, humbling the strange lich. Fretij was returned to us, but Garvel claimed that he had attacked because he believed the Office to be an intrusion upon our territory by one of his rivals. What rivals? Shardon demanded, how can one claim territory within a matter-less expanse? Garvel explained that his rivals were other liches, and that many areas of Negative Energy were nominally claimed as territory, centered on distances between recognized landmarks. This was our first glimpse into the presence of myriad hierarchy and the hidden wars of the Lich Lords.

The Contracts Begin

Dissatisfied with Fretij’s custodianship of the Office Shardon had him replaced with a true controller. However, no Controller was happy with service in the barren Negative Energy Plane, and few were comfortable with the environment. After some deliberation, Fretij was restored to the office, assisted by the cunning Shadow Fiend Ssissov. This state of affairs would last for eight months. Not less than three weeks after Shardon had struck Garvel low and made him submit punitive payments to the Shades, the strange lich came back to us. Though he demanded utter respect from Ssissov, and went by the grand title of Wraithlord, surprisingly, it was he who wished to hire us. Garvel wished to have Shades forces destroy one of his rivals, a mysterious being named of Ilisp. When Ssissov explained that the Shades undertook contracts only of intelligence and courier duty, not direct battle, Garvel was

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disappointed, but still asked us to serve as spies. With little knowledge of how the Negative Energy Plane functioned Ssissov asked for aid, resulting in a group of three controllers and twenty undead serving a contract that really only required one controller and a few specters. Still, we fulfilled that contract successfully, and the strange magic Garvel paid us in return was well worth the difficulty. Sssissov coordinated several contracts with prime liches, which were fulfilled in more normal fashion, before we received any more contracts in Negative Energy. Then we received a new contract from a cabal of liches. Then more came, almost once a month. Garvel, it seemed, had spread the word. It remained very difficult for the Shades to fulfill these contracts, we still had no one truly comfortable with the Negative Energy Plane, but we fulfilled them all the same. Unknown to us at the time, our reputation was growing in the secret whispers of the undead deep in the nether reaches of the Negative Energy Plane.

A Change in Tenure

Following Golaime’s Wrath the Shades changed focus slightly. I took the position of Acting-Director to fulfill the area left open by Shardon’s enforced absence. Two months prior to Golaime’s Wrath Negriet had joined the Shades, but being a quiet and withdrawn person he had gotten to know few of us, especially as he was not involved in the Golaime’s Wrath contract. I got to know Negriet shortly after, and when Ssissov requested to leave the Office of the Whispered contract Negriet became the ideal candidate for tenure of the position. He accepted the offer willingly. Negriet fit the Office perfectly, and he was more suited to the Negative Energy Plane than anyone else we had available. Contracts there became much easier to fulfill, and the number of them increased, Negriet received such a contract perhaps once every two weeks, and usually fulfilled them easily. Negriet began to take a deeper look at what the beings he took contracts from really wanted, and began to look at how these beings interacted. With the aid of explorations by some of his servitor undead, and later by Eylisz the Green, he compiled a study of the society of Negative Energy.

The Lich Lords

When we speak of society on the Negative Energy plane we mean the interactions of powerful spellcasting undead, and also Negatai. All others creatures of this plane, numerous though they may be, do nothing but rove and destroy without any order. The Xeg-Yi might have a society, but they seem to be completely solitary. Liches are by far the most common spellcasters of Negative Energy, and it is on them that we focus. The power of a lich on this plane is unquestioned, even by such mighty creatures as Nightshades and Shadows of the Void. Those powerful wanderers ignore liches, not wishing to become targets of the servants and magic of such beings. So liches remain unchallenged here by anything but other liches. There is a surprising diversity to types of liches. It seems that many races have achieved sufficient magical mastery to reach the state of lichdom. These variants are usually uncommon. The average prime world apparently contains over 80% percent human liches, with the remaining 20% being divided almost completely between elven Baelnorn, drow liches, and dracoliches. All other forms of lichdom are likely to present in nothing more than one or two examples. This is not the case on the Negative Energy Plane. Here, diversity is apparently the rule, not the exception. Negriet and other charters in the Negative Energy Plane have met and catalogued at least four hundred different liches within the plane. They have found over one hundred different types of lich within the plane. The distributing is not even, with perhaps 40% of the liches here being former human mages. Priestly liches do not reside within this plane, since they feel that they would be distinctively removed from their powers and so choose not to deal with negative energy directly. Psionic liches, also, are rarely found upon this plane. Some 15% of the liches are drow, another 5% are dracoliches, 5% are Githyanki, 5% are Githzerai, 3% are genasi of various types (mostly Negatai), 2% are human mechanical liches, and the staggering 25% remaining are unique types. It is against this background of many species backdrop that the interplay begins. Each lich collects servants of his or her personal inclination and claims a territory for their own, generally centered on a

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single personal abode and a relative outer expanse. It would seem odd that the liches should be territorial, given the limitless emptiness of the plane, but the answer to this lies in the strange mindset that liches possess. They apparently wish to be near enough to counterparts to interact with them, but far enough away for personal protection. The problems arise because each lich has a different definition of what this means, and they are far too obstinate to move once established. So the liches begin to engage in conflicts. The conflicts between liches of the Negative Energy Plane are truly strange things, beyond my experience to describe properly. Negriet did a superior job of doing so, but even I had difficulty figuring out what he was talking about. Frankly, I’m sure our readers are pragmatic enough not begrudge trading the why of such conflicts in for reasonable understanding of the how. For the description of the conflicts and other interactions of the Lich Lords, I must defer to the specter Hallowglass, who has served for six years on the Negative Energy Plane.

Lich Conflicts

I am Hallowglass, a slave of the Shades. Acting-Director Asgorit has demanded that I reveal here all my secrets and observations regarding the conflicts of the liches of the Negative Energy Plane. I am forced to obey by the powers of Shades magic. I cannot even lie to you disgusting mortals who read this. So know only that one day – one day – I will be free. And then I swear I will hunt every last one of you creatures down and drink in your life force for blissful revenge. Until that day, you can read my words, but remember, someday you will die, and perhaps then you will become prey for one of my kind when you repeat life’s cycles. If I have to kill every last one you mortals, I swear you will all die, you who read the words forced from me. (I apologize for this ranting, there is nothing to fear from Hallowglass, the spells the bind him are most secure. Unfortunately, it is impossible to separate a spectre’s hate for the living for something that he does. I curtailed his ranting at this point, and he proceeds more coherently – Ed.) The Lich Lords rule this plane, claiming whatever they wish as territory, so long as no other lich has claimed it first. Other might ignore this prohibition, and generally the liches are too busy to care, or to bother destroying a trespasser, but only until they perceive a threat from such a being. Then their response will be quite terrible. Lich Lords rarely keep track of all that transpires in their empty realms, but they do protect the immediate areas around their fortresses, and a lich will not be taken unawares here. Just try it mortals, I will enjoy the sound of your silent screams. Liches often consider the territory of another lich to overlap with their own, and they will seek to remove the trespasser. Their combats rage long and with fierce magic and the use of many servants, but you mortals might not recognize such things as fierce. Mortals are fettered by time, which will soon slay you all, ha! Liches have escaped times grasp; they wage war over the course of decades or more. A single move could take years to complete. Even the fraction of a move is intricately planned and complex. Once, Negriet ordered me to serve three separate contracts with a lich, in what I eventually discovered was merely a single maneuver to destroy a rival’s servant. Such are the ploys of the undead, far superior to anything spawned of the much-hated mortals. These complex conflicts might seem to be all consuming and matters of great import to the Lich Lords, but they are not. Such fleeting things are the concept of idiot mortals. Liches spend only a tiny fraction of their time working on a conflict; their other pursuits are far more consuming of their energy. Conflicts simply represent a chance to test new creations and options. Liches almost never pursue a conflict between each other to ultimate, eternal destruction, though certain races provide exceptions. Most liches engage each other only until one suffers a significant setback. That lich will then withdraw from the disputed region; these immortal undead see little reason to destroy each other.

Allies in Conflicts

On the subject of forming alliances I can say only the Liches exercise far more sense in their own than any mortal agency, you mortals engage in so many idiotic pacts and agreements … Ah, well, we shall

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destroy you in time, so it’s of no matter. Liches, in contrast to mortals, are completely pragmatic in their alliances, making them and breaking them as need arises. Each lich may have its preference for the nature of alliances, but all understand the base pragmatism of such things. Each lich will enter an alliance only if it possesses something to gain from such an arrangement.

Servants in Conflicts

Obviously Liches have the ability to command the lesser undead, and sometimes the greater ones. They do this often, and most liches have hundreds of servant undead of whichever type they prefer. Liches can even command undead of tremendous might, especially those that used to belong to the Dustmen faction. I myself am a slave of similar beings, and only the might of Shades magic prevents my enslavement by other liches. I have seen liches enslave creatures of power as great as a Winterwright. They will even force other liches into service under them if they have the power. On the Negative Energy plane only two creatures seem immune to this servitude. Shadows of the Void are beyond anything as simple as enslavement, and Xeg-Yi are different from all other beings. They live, I think, but I see no reason to kill them. I cannot explain why this is so.

Roles in Conflicts by Lich Type

- Human Wizard Liches: The most common type of lich, these former humans had cast off the pathetic fetters of life, but they remain unpredictable. Humans are deceitfully varied, so strangely versatile in comparison to almost any other race. Each human wizard lich is different, having different goals and pursuits. Their concept of territory varies; so some may end up in many a conflict and some in none at all. Liches of this type are slightly less patient than those of other races, due to the short lives of humans, and they may come to hate a rival enough to thirst for the complete destruction of that being. A fallacy, mortals are so much worthier targets for undead lords of this power. They could cast down mortals for all time, but they do not, instead living here. I cannot know why they make such a choice. (Negriet had a theory about this, but I’m still working on what it was - Ed.)

- Drow Liches: These dark wizards are almost entirely bitter villainous elven men. They are ambitious and emotional, and will often blow apart any visitor just for the irritation of being interrupted. Quick to snap at others, the plans of these liches are nevertheless intricate and usually unfold only after centuries of scheming. Drow liches generally consider a large territory as the exclusive property of their “superior” race. This brings them into many conflicts, which they seem to thrive upon. These wizards favor use of servitor pawns to put forth their schemes, and ultimately the work against all others not of their race, and care nothing for any creature not drow, not even their own servants, such a despicable betrayal of other undead is not worthy of a lich. They make worst type of masters, worse than even these mortal Shades slavers.

- Dracoliches: Dragons do not achieve lichdom of their own accord, but are enslaved to it. A paradox that is, to achieve a greater state but to be ruled by a lesser still. Only magic is so twisted as to do such a thing. Many Dracoliches on this plane have come here to outdistance the reach of their masters, who cannot find them to call them back. These creatures have truly draconic pretensions and claim massive territories for there own. They are patient, but generally uninterested in conflict with what they consider lesser beings. Dracoliches generally destroy probing servants outright, and simply ignore enemy liches until sufficiently offended to take action. Since these creatures depend more on physical prowess than spells, they often find themselves outmatched, and willingly employ aid from other interested beings if it will bring them satisfaction.

- Githyanki Liches: Most likely you foolish mortals believed that creatures of this nature did not exist, that the Githyanki’s vicious Queen prevented any of that race from gaining the power to achieve lichdom.

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Stupid, mortals, there are indeed Githyanki that have achieved the mighty state of lichdom. To do so they must have spent much time beyond the reach of their horrible lich queen, usually on the inner planes. By achieving lichdom they become an even greater threat to the lich queen, and retreat to Negative Energy, where she has not the resources to attempt to seek them out. Such liches are all but trapped within this plane, anything more than short excursions beyond will draw the wrath of Githyanki hunting parties. They do not mind much, why should they, this plane is perfect for liches to reside in. Githyanki liches are almost as unpredictable as human liches in their actions, but they prefer to use many ordered groups of servants. They also will always seek to work toward the utter obliteration of any Githzerai liches even remotely near them, a feeling which is sincerely returned.

- Githzerai Liches: Similar in many respects to Githyanki liches, Githzerai liches manage to reach creation by similar means of avoidance. However, the wizard-king is not nearly as strict as the lich queen, and while they needs reside on the Negative Energy Plane then may move about relatively at will as far as the astral plane. Many take advantage of this power to go hunting illithids on the prime, which their new abilities allow with great potency. They hate Githyanki liches and work toward their destruction, though with less fervor and more patience, though perhaps less diligence. These liches create a smaller number of servants, but generally chose more cunning and deadly ones. They claim only small territories, but defend them fiercely. Githzerai liches always halt all pursuits to investigate and destroy any rumors of Alhoons (Illithiliches).

- Genasi Liches: the only Genasi types that reside here are the few negative quasi-types and the Negatai. Quasi liches tend to be destructive and irritable, pursuing devious goals of obliteration. They are curious and often seek out into unclaimed stretches of the plane to discover what is present there, and then to conquer it. They claim vast territories and often fight other liches aggressively. They are among the few kinds of liches likely to go forth themselves and unleash spell barrages. Negatai liches are generally more contemplative, though they believe themselves the rightful lords of Negative Energy, and therefore also claim large tracts of the plane. Negatai liches, curse their hearts, are partial to incorporeal undead as servants. One day they will be made to suffer for such a travesty, for they treat such servants callously, and enforce restraint upon attacks against mortals.

- Mechanical Liches: These strange creatures have melded their undeath with the essence of constructs. This is an intolerable corruption of our natures, and they create foul servants similar to themselves. These disgusting liches claim whatever territory they deem fitting and then defend it zealously. They use all forms of strange creations in battle. Most mechanical liches follow the single dark power called the Mechalich, and are therefore disposed to cooperate together. These creatures view combat as a giant experiment to be controlled, and are therefore orderly, but still unpredictable.

- Unique Liches: These creatures are as varied as the forms they come in; each is different and must be approached as an unknown. All are better than despicable mortals, but they make take all sorts of actions. Generally they play the sort of game like conflicts that other liches engage in. Many of these beings were once human, and react similar to human liches, but others were of strange and eerie races, and their motives cannot be guessed.

Whispered Secrets

As liches engage in their conflicts they explore throughout the Negative Energy plane, and their servants travel long distances. They see many strange things, and brag of odd news and developments to each other through servants. These strange whispers collect, and are added to by the Nightshades and other freely wandering undead. They take on a life of their own and spirits pass them between each other as they meet in the blackness. These secrets get passed on and form a sort of strange news on the plane. They are not for mortal ears to hear, but Negriet has ripped this knowledge forth from me many times,

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and for some reason other liches will tell him such secrets. I know that these whispered secrets hide the true nature of this plane. A nature beyond the comprehension of mortals, in their words is a cry for the destruction of all life, and the means to see it done. No one knows whence such secrets come, but they are acted upon, and the societies of the plane change. These secrets are the network that binds the undead together, that keeps us united here, against all the living, disgusting things that offend our existence. Someday the answer will be ours, unless the Shades enslavers steal it.

The Mystery of the Xeg-Yi

We’ll leave off with Hallowglass for now, and confront another mystery of the Negative Energy Plane, the Xeg-Yi. These creatures have never been known to interact with each other, and as far as anyone knows they do not produce offspring or anything else, but they seem far too intelligent not to some method of interacting with their kind. Every one of our Negative Energy Plane operatives has found traces of strange sites either guarded by Xeg-Yi, or apparently created by them. There seems to be evidence that the creatures have some sort of language as well. Negriet’s mystic divinations and probes have detected possible evidence for the mysterious vortex to the Positive Energy Plane, where the power of both races of energy beings in held by legend to reside. For now this mystery remains unsolved, and frankly even should we solve it we are unlikely to reveal any secrets of Xeg-Yi communication to those who have not earned it. Since the very nature of Xeg-Yi existence remains hidden from all mortals and undead alike, it would seem that we have very far to go in this regard.

Future Endeavors

Strange things are happening on the Negative Energy Plane. Negriet reports that conflicts have accelerated, and Eylisz has barely survived a number of cases of increased antagonism. The Wraithlord Lich Garvel has employed us with increasing frequency, fortifying his holdings for reasons that have not been revealed. Hallowglass has watched strange movements of Xeg-Yi through the plane. Most worrying of all is the spread of the current of Deathheart, as it is accelerating rapidly. It is not the place of the Shades to interfere in the Negative Energy Plane – after all, we are mercenaries – but I cannot help but wonder how a change in the plane which epitomizes death impacts all the multiverse. For now I will order continued investigations, but beyond that I will take no additional actions. Negriet has his theories for all of this, Eylisz has her own insights, perhaps in time they, with the Shades’ aid and the undead’s assistance, will solve the puzzle of this plane.

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The Dustmen possess serious advantages over other planewalkers in this plane. It is my recommendation that any group coming here contain at least one Dustman member. Otherwise almost all beings here will attack on general principle. The Dustmen, due to the protection of the Dead Truce, receive immunity from undead attack here, and from any other beings in the service of the Lich Lords. Dustmen can therefore actually treat with the inhabitants to this plane with legitimate productive purpose. Anyone else is not going to affectively accomplish something unless they can match a lich in power.

General Planewalking aids

The essentials for any traveler here are some means of protection against Negative Energy, some means of providing air, a means of protecting the senses, and a way to avoid undead attention. There are appropriate spells and items for this purpose described earlier. It would also be useful to have some means of location and direction in the plane. I have developed a map of sights in relation to the Office of the Whispered contract, but it remains vastly incomplete. (Planewalkers interested in navigating Negative Energy can make their own maps, ours are for Shades use alone - Ed.) With these methods secured exploration should be relatively easy, if a planewalker does not mind attracting attention of both the plane’s inhabitants and the plane itself. Negative Energy was not meant to be explored by the living, they do not belong here. Use of enough magic to travel relatively protected seems to always result in the loss of that planewalker’s life, and Xeg-Yi or Nightshades are commonly believed responsible. Eylisz has suffered long and hard for her explorations, having gone with senses unprotected and open to the attacks of the undead, yet she has survived longer and seen more than any other explorer of the plane known, including undead. It would seem there is a paradox to residing here. (Negriet possibly underrates his own contributions to Eylisz’s survival, and his own capabilities. They are a rather unique pair - Ed.) While travel in this plane is not impossible, precautions should be taken. Tarsheva’s warnings about coming here were somewhat legitimate.


It is my hope that this volume has shed some light on the nature of the Negative Energy Plane, a plane that is displayed quite wrongly to the multiverse in the minds of most beings. It is a site of natural forces, not of evil as is commonly believed. It is hostile to life, but not inaccessible to visitation. The Negative Energy Plane is a plane filled with great heights of magical enterprise, and with strange achievements found nowhere else. The Negative Energy Plane is often ignored among the inner planes. This should not be the case, as it has its own interests and dynamics, which are equal to the changes of any plane. I believe that this ignorance of the nature of Negative Energy is one of the greater deficiencies of the planar community, and one that may come to haunt the multiverse in times to come. Ignore Negative Energy at your own peril.

A final note from the Editor: In case anyone’s been wondering, I probably should state that I’m the editor, Asgorit, Acting-Director of the Shades. For those of you complaining about anything left out of this book, like those spells and maps I had removed, you can blame me, Negriet left all sorts of dangerous stuff in here. He wrote the book for Shades members first, he’s never even bothered to read the edited copy. I’m aware that many of the readers of this text will suspect us for manipulation of this book. Now, I

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would like to state that everything we included here is fact to the best of my knowledge and ability to confirm. For those of you who are prejudiced against the various authors because their origins, especially Negriet’s identity as a Negatai, I would challenge you to last so much as a week in Negative Energy without the knowledge of this book. Negriet’s conduct with us has always been incredible, and his relationship with Eylisz has sparked some of the greatest discoveries the Shades have ever made. At the time this book was completed the Awaiters had not shared their knowledge of Negative Energy with us, in light of those recent revelations we have begun to reach new levels of understanding regarding a few key mysteries. Hopefully the great remaining puzzle of the plane, the Xeg-Yi, is within our reach of solving.

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The people of the Negative Energy Plane are a rare bunch, and rarely counted among the living. A few of the more interesting beings known to us have been detailed here, including our fine authors.

- ARGELN CENTRUS, male human (prime/primal) Enchanter 10; HD 10d4+10 (35 hp); Mas 12; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; Def 20 (+2 deflection, +3 level, +5 armor); BAB/Grap +5/+5; Atk +6 melee (1d6, masterwork staff), or +5 ranged; SQ spells; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9; AL LE; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 9.Skills & Feats: Bluff +2, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +3, Craft (alchemy +11), Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcana +15, NEP local +15, the planes +15), Listen +7, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +15; Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Mastery.Equipment: bracers of armor +5, cubic gate (keyed to six Inner Planes, including both energy planes), ring of teleportation, ring of protection +2, miscellaneous scrolls, spellbook, masterwork staff. Spells per day: 5/6/6/5/5/4, base DC 15, 16 for enchantments; barred Evocation, TransmutationSpellbook: Argeln uses a wide variety of protective and movement spells; this includes the little-known wizardly equivalent of death ward, and the Primal’s secret translocational sphere spell. He usually has several powerful enchantments memorized, and several spells to allow escape. He never prepares damaging spells. It’s not his way. Physical Description: A tall, dark skinned, cowled man with an unnaturally harsh expression, Argeln seems to never do anything but scowl. Indeed, scowling lines are creased into his face. His robes are simple black wool, coarse and often quite threadbare, as if he can’t remember to take care of them. His is thin-boned and small, and tends to look half starved. Background: The Primals are possibly the most cloistered and secretive of all sects. They believe they have grasped some ultimate secret, but tell no one who is not a member. In fact they rarely even speak to outsiders at all. They are freely dispersed throughout the Inner Planes, traveling alone or in groups. No one has ever quite managed to discover their purpose in these strange voyages. Argeln Centrus is a brilliant Primal who spends the majority of his time floating about in the Negative Energy Plane. He is harsh and biting, but seems to understand the plane quite well. He’s been wandering about on it for over thirty years. The grim scowl Argeln perpetually wears can be traced to a general hatred of the undead presence in the Negative Energy Plane. He constantly mutters of them polluting and corrupting in. He’ll even extend such descriptions to Xeg-Yi, on occasion. In the past thirty years the Primal seems to have done very little, but in his passing anger flares, and conflicts burn hot. He seems to somehow instigate such things through his occasional conversations and meetings with guards, wanders and other presences. Role-Playing Hints: Argeln considers almost everyone around him, except other Primals, to be inferior. His intellect is so great that he can often pull this off, and tends to speak in highly verbose and lengthy vocabulary, and talks around people with great skill. He has a way of setting out an argument, and leading people to exactly the view they originally wished to take, usually one that good sense cautions against, all while seeming to be the voice of reason. Argeln dislikes fighting, and will generally just teleport away if threatened with violence. Though he usually keeps powerful dispel effects to use before doing so, letting the plane itself do he dirty work for them.

- EYLISZ THE GREEN, Shades Information Gatherer; female water genasi (planar/shades) Fighter 10/Sorcerer 2; HD 10d10+2d4+24 (88 hp); Init +2; Spd 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; Def 23 (+7 level, +2 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield); DR 2/– ; BAB/Grap +6/+9; Atk +13/+8 melee (1d6+8/18, +3 scimitar), or +8 ranged; SQ water genasi traits, spells; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +6; AL N; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 14, Wis

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10, Cha 15.Skills & Feats: Bluff +4, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +5, Gather Information +6, Handle Animal +6, Jump +7, Knowledge (NEP local +12, the planes +8), Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5; Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Education, Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Gather Information), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Focus (scimitar), Weapon Specialization (scimitar).Equipment: +3 scimitar, +1 light shield, planewalkers amulet (negative energy), bottle of air, durable journal, mwk chain shirt.Spells per day: 6/5, base DC 12Spells known: 0 – arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, ray of frost, resistance; 1 – detect undead, disguise self.Water Genasi Traits: breathe water, cold resistance 10, darkvision 60 ft., drench, fog cloud 1/day, +3 save vs. [water] spells and effects. Physical Description: A short, slender woman with light blue-green skin and bright blue green hair, Eylisz bears a cool prettiness that could easily be called true beauty. See bears herself with prideful poise and lithe, fluid movements. Eylisz constantly wears a band of brilliant emerald green cloth around her head. She wears her armor and carries her scimitar nearly constantly. She is still a young woman, being in her mid-twenties. Eylisz has a harsh and biting voice that tends to offset her natural beauty. Background: Eylisz was born on the Elemental Plane of Water, where she was raised by the brutal Sahuagin. Eventually leaving them she resolved to travel the planes and amass great wealth and power. Instead, the multiverse hit back against her hard, and Eylisz lost nearly everything in her first trip to Sigil. To survive, she became one of the impoverished and embittered bloodblades of the Hive. An adventurer would then kill Eylisz some years later while she was involved in a mission for a Cambion priest. As an unremarkable bloodblade of the Hive, Eylisz’s death ought to have been permanent. Instead, she awoke in the Office of the Whispered Contract, having been restored to life by the mysterious Negriet. Negriet then practically enslaved Eylisz as the “price” of her resurrection. He forced her to explore the Negative Energy Plane, and record all she found. Negriet also refused to reveal why he had chosen Eylisz for this purpose. Over the course of several months in service to Negriet Eylisz’s attitudes moderated, and she began to train for full-fledged Shades membership (which she would later receive, though her magical skills are still minimal). Eylisz quickly became one of the most knowledgeable people as regards places in Negative Energy, visiting scores of them, many of which had not been visited for centuries or millennia. Then a major conflict began in the Negative Energy Plane that threatened both Eylisz and Negriet. In the near war that followed, Eylisz’s feelings completed their change, and her early hatred for Negriet somehow became love. Barely avoiding destruction in that conflict the two were married at its successful conclusion, and Eylisz now serves as a Shades information gatherer. She works closely with Negriet and is an intrepid explorer of the plane. Role-playing Hints: Eylisz is an explorer, one who explores perhaps the harshest environment in the multiverse, and is bitterly proud of everything she has gone through. She wanders widely throughout the Negative Energy plane, protected from the energy itself but open to its sense-destroying effects. Her strong feelings toward Negriet have long protected her and she now has a virtual immunity to sensory deprivation. She is proud and biting, being intolerant of foolishness. Eylisz is fiercely loyal both to Negriet and the Shades, and will respond harshly to any threats or hostile actions against them. Eylisz fights with her scimitar in combat, a blade forged by a Lich Lord of the Negative Energy Plane by Negriet’s request. She uses her very limited magical skills only at extreme need. In the open void of the plane she is incredibly skilled, and her familiarity in the environment often grants her the upper hand.

- NEGRIET, Shades Controller: Male Negatai Necromancer 16; CR 16; Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar, Negative); HD 16d4+16 (58 hp); Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 mage armor); BAB +8; Grap +10; Atk +12 melee (1d4+4/19-20, +2 dagger), or +9 ranged; Full Atk +12/+7 melee (1d4+4/19, +2 dagger); SA chill touch; SQ darkvision 60 ft., immunities (death effects, ability damage, ability drain,

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energy drain), permanency; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +15; AL N; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 13.Skills: Concentration +18, Diplomacy +4 (+8 with undead), Gather Information +4, Hide +11, Knowledge (arcana +20, local – Negative Energy Plane +17, the planes +17, religion +13), Spellcraft +20.Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Penetration, Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Mastery, Spell Focus (Necromancy, Transmutation), Spell Penetration, Still Spell.Possessions: +2 dagger, blessed spellbook, necklace of memory enhancement (+5 Knowledge checks to recall memorized information), ring of fire resistance (15), robe of blending, skullcap of comprehending languages and reading magic, scrolls (miscellaneous), journals.Permanency: telepathic bond; caster level 14th.Spells Prepared (5/6/6/6/6/5/4/4/3, per day, save DC 14 + spell level [+1 necro and trans]): 0 – detect magic, disrupt undead, mage hand, mending (x2); 1st – cause fear, identify, mage armor, negative energy ray, protection from evil, ray of enfeeblement; 2nd – command undead, false life, invisibility, mirror image, misdirection, spectral hand; 3rd – arcane sight, dispel magic, gentle repose, summon undead III, ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch; 4th –dimensional anchor, enervation, fear ,lesser globe of invulnerability, scrying, stoneskin; 5th – baleful polymorph, break enchantment, dismissal, teleport, waves of fatigue; 6th – antimagic field, circle of death, disintegrate, greater dispel magic; 7th – finger of death, negative energy burst [quickened], spell turning, summon undead VII; 8th – discern location, horrid wilting, moment of prescience; caster level 16th (20th vs. spell resistance).Spellbook: Negriet chooses a wide mix of spells, favoring defensive and offensive spells in combination, but also investigational and location spells. When preparing for combat Negriet selects special spells designed to make opponents vulnerable to negative energy, so that he can strike with his negative energy burst to eliminate them Physical Description: Negriet is a slim, fit Negatai in his thirties. His appearance is terribly daunting, with utterly black skin, totally black orbs for eyes, and lacking any hair. Negriet appears as nothing so much as a man-shaped blot of blackness. Negriet carries himself with an almost unshakable calm and detachment. Negriet’s voice is soft and whispering, and seems far too toneless to emanate from his dark visage. Background: Negriet is a Negatai, a scion of the Negative Energy Plane, and this has colored almost every aspect of his existence. He was born on the Elemental Plane of Water, and almost immediately abandoned by his parents, who he has no memory off. Negriet was taken in by an orphanage of somewhat more charitable Bleakers, but did not remain with them past his early childhood. Negriet set out to explore the planes, having begun to learn magic from a very early age. Negriet traveled throughout the inner planes, almost always by himself. He came quickly to become dissatisfied with the planes and their pointless bustle, and joined the Dustmen soon after an excursion to several outer planes. While Negriet accepted Dustmen philosophy he came to look beyond even it as regards life and death, and began to research the deeper underpinning of such states. At some point Negriet had a very bad experience on the Elemental Plane of Fire, and he great dislikes, but does not fear, fire to this day. He uses it only minimally and has items to counteract it. After this, Negriet eventually retired to the Astral Plane to conduct some mundane necromantic work with the Githyanki, simply for the sake of employment. It was there that he met the Shades. Fascinated by the organization, Negriet undertook to join. The tiefling mage/thief Asgorit welcomed him into the group, and Negriet was instrumental in guarding the Shades’ headquarters during the massive employment of Golaime’s Wrath. Following the conclusion of that conflict Asgorit became acting director of the Shades, and he offered Negriet a position as Controller of the Office of the Whispered Contract on the Negative Energy Plane. Negriet accepted willingly, and has remained ever since. Negriet recently undertook to raise Eylisz the Green (see entry above) and use her to explore the Negative Energy Plane. In a convoluted turn of events the two, who began hating each other, fell in love and married. Eylisz’s work with Negriet has greatly advanced his research and made possible the publication of his Guide to the Negative Energy Plane, a tremendous work of planar knowledge.

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Role-Playing Hints: Negriet is serene and philosophical, with great patience and detachment. He is a genius and has explored the philosophy of life, death, and undeath perhaps more fully than any other in centuries. He makes contracts and fulfills contracts as a Shades controller, and has learned to bargain easily with creatures such as liches and nightshades. Negriet is not quick to take offense, but he always makes his decisions fully and pursues them to final conclusion. He relates to people very coldly, and with little caring. Only an attack against the Shades or Eylisz can truly make him angry. In battle Negriet will shield himself securely, usually with stoneskin and globe of invulnerability, and then retaliate potently. He usually keeps a disintegrate spell available, and also favors his greater negative energy burst to attack with. Negriet has Shades undead with him at almost all times, and they will fight intelligently to his commands. Negriet also summons additional undead aid using summon undead spells. He is willing to flee if necessary and return with a tremendous amount of Shades forces.

- REX BEAREN the Dragon Slayer: unique undead (prime/–) Fighter 11; HD 11d12 (72 hp); Mas – ; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Def 21 (+1 Dex, +7 level, +3 armor); DR 2/– ; BAB/Grap +11/+18; Atk +21/+16/+11 melee (2d6+14/17, +2 dragonbane greatsword), or +12 ranged; SQ undead traits, improved evasion, SR 21; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2; AL LE; Str 24, Dex 13, Con – , Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 6.Skills & Feats: Appraise +3, Gather Information +2, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana +5), Ride +8, Sense Motive +4, Survival +3; Cleave, Dodge, Far Shot, Foehunter (dragons +2), Improved Critical (greatsword), Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword).Equipment: +2 dragonbane greatsword, spiked breastplate armor.Physical Description: A hulking man clad in beaten spiked plate armor with a burning blue glow, and capped with a dragon-shaped helm. Rotten flesh, exposed bones and hollow eyes reside within the armor. Rex’s voice is bitterly cold and dead, and seems permanently angry. Background: Dragon Slayer Cults are common on many Prime Material worlds, and Rex Bearen was a member of one such cult from the beginning of his life onward. He grew up with a passionate hatred of all things draconic, and he took that knowledge into the field. A successful dragon slayer and a powerful warrior, Rex led an expedition against what was supposed to be a normal blue dragon, but was in fact a Dracolich. When the creature was slain, it rose up once more in a surrogate body and slew all Rex’s men. Rex however, held the creature off long enough for his mage advisor to find the phylactery and destroy it. From that day forward Rex found undead dragons even more hateful than all other dragons, and sought them out throughout his world. He became one of the most formidable Slayers of such creatures ever known, and Dracoliches fled from him in fear. Unfortunately for Rex, the places such creatures flee to are often not for mortals to tread. While pursuing a Dracolich, Rex was sucked into a portal to the Negative Energy Plane. He fought the beast there, but was slain by exposure to Negative Energy while it fled from him. Lying cold in the Negative energy plane Rex’s body started to crumble to dust inside his armor. The Dragon Slayer’s spirit refused to accept that fate, and his armor rose up again, sword raised. Rotten eyes fell out of fleshy sockets, but Rex no longer cared, and black orifices erupted with the new senses of the undead. Rex could feel the presence of the fleeing Dracolich, and he set out in pursuit. He had soon tracked down the creature, and the astonished Dracolich discovered that he was facing an opponent even more deadly than before. The Rex gave the creature little time to contemplate this before breaking it apart with his blade. That deed done, Rex was able to sense another dragon near him and set out across the expanse of the Negative Energy Plane. This Dracolich, however, was far more potent than any he had previously encountered, and Rex was force to retreat. As he contemplated a new attack, a nameless lich found him. That lich attempted to control Rex, but found that the driven Dragon Slayer was beyond any easy methods of control. Rex asked the lich for assistance against the Dracolich, saying he would pay any price to destroy such creatures. The lich required only that the Dragon Slayer return all the Dracolich’s treasure and magic to it, and then outfitted him with a squadron of skeleton warriors. The ancient and powerful Dracolich ceased to exist mere hours later.

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From that point onward Rex Bearen became a Dragon Slayer for hire, for the price of targets and aid he would destroy Dracoliches, Dracowraiths, and anything else Draconic and undead. No lich would willingly associate with him for too long, for fear of becoming a target for a unified coalition of Dracoliches, so Rex kept his freedom. So far the undead Dragon Slayer has amassed an impressive kill record, and ridiculous rewards are offered from various Dracoliches for his destruction. Still, no one seems interested in collecting, and it looks like Rex will continue his crusade for some time to come. Role-playing Hints: Rex Bearen has only one goal, to destroy undead dragons. Assistance in achieving that goal will be welcomed, and opposition will be eliminated. It’s very simple to him. Those who request kills in exchange for the location of dragons will be approached, all others will be ignored. Allies are to be welcomed, but are always suspected for treachery, for they cannot be totally loyal to the cause.

- GARVEL WRAITHLORD: unique lich (prime/–) Conjurer 20/Archmage 1; CR 24; HD 21d12 (136 hp); Mas – ; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; Def 23 (+6 level, +5 armor, +3 deflection, -1 Dex); BAB/Grap +10/–; EAB +1; Atk +11/+6 melee (1d8+5 plus paralyzation, incorporeal touch), or +10 ranged; SQ undead traits, unique lich traits, spells, high arcana (arcane reach); SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +19; AL NE; Str – , Dex 9, Con – , Int 24, Wis 17, Cha 16.Skills & Feats: Concentration +27, Craft (alchemy +31), Intimidate +8, Hide +7, Knowledge (arcana +31, NEP local +21, the planes +17, religion +17), Listen +11, Search +15, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +34, Spot +11; Craft Staff, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Evocation, Necromancy), Spell Knowledge, Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration.Equipment: black robe of the archmagi, staff of necromancy, ring of spell turning, ring of telekinesis. As a 21st-level character, Garvel has access to a practically unlimited amount of other items, most of which are held within his keep.Spells per day: 5/7/7/7/6/6/6/5/5/5/1; base DC 17, 18 for Evocation, 19 for Necromancy, CL 23 vs. SR; barred Enchantment & IllusionSpellbook: Garvel prefers a wide variety of spell schools at high levels, since he often chooses to counterspell his foolish opponent until the poor sod fall back to magic missiles, and then dispel all his protections. He favors touch spells, including several of his own design, delivered from a distance through his arcane reach ability. Garvel is always shrouded in energy-warding abjurations to counter the fire vulnerability of his ectoplasmic body.Unique Lich Traits: Incorporeal, fear aura (DC 23), paralyzing touch (DC 23), turn resistance +6, immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind-affecting attacks; command wraiths (as an evil cleric of his character level) at will, unstable form (-6 penalty on saves vs. fire effects), phylactery (located somewhere within Garvel’s Hold); +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, & Spot.Physical Description: Garvel Wraithlord is one of the many unique liches that haunt the Negative Energy Plane. An eerie and ancient creature that seems more something out of dreadful spiritual memories than any existing undead, Garvel is a creature composed of an ectoplasmic skeleton about which are wrapped cords of black energy with the faces of wraiths twisted in pain. His own skull has both a skeletal face and the shrunken, tormented, and howling face of a wraith located where his mouth is. Whenever Garvel speaks his voice rises over the top of a barely audible howling agony from the wraith face that covers his mouth.Background: Some 1,500 years in the past, on a now forgotten Prime Material world, a powerful necromancer with an affinity for wraiths combined the transformation to lichdom with transformation into a wraith. Garvel has never said how this was done, or whether it might not be an accident. Sometime after that he was driven from his prime material holdings due to political squabbles with might mortal wizards, whose motives he had difficulty comprehending. He retreated (or relocated depending on who you ask) to the Negative Energy Plane, their building a tower formed almost entirely of enslaved wraiths. Garvel has since pursued his researches intently, and is credited with first learning to tame Soulsphere Wraiths and learning to communicate with Shadows of the Void. The lich has mellowed in anger over the long centuries, and though he still maintains sporting feuds with a few rivals, he has taken more and more

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to trying to permanently secure his position against them. In pursuit of that goal Garvel, who had no objections to using mortal surrogates, became the first lich to hire the shades for a mission on the Negative Energy Plane. With the group’s growing fame there he has done so several additional times, and might be considered the closest thing the Shades have to an ally on the plane. Most recently Garvel has been fortifying his borders, as if expecting some great calamity to come. Since he considers still living mortals uncorrupted by this, he may offer them a chance to serve him should they encounter the strange lich.

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ARMOR HORRORMedium Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 12d10+20 (86 hp)Initiative: +1Speed: 30 ft., air walk 40 ft.Armor Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 19Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: +1 greatsword +13 melee (2d6+7/19-20 plus energy drain), or slam +12 melee (1d10+4 plus 1d6 fire)

Full Attack: +1 greatsword +13/+8 melee (2d6+7/19-20 plus energy drain), or 2 slams +12 melee (1d10+4 plus 1d6 fire)

Space/Reach: 5 ft,/5 ft.Special Attacks: Aura of fear, energy drainSpecial Qualities: Spell resistanceSaves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +8Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con – , Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 6Skills:Feats:Environment:Organization: Solitary or team (2-8)Challenge Rating:Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always lawful evilAdvancement: 13-24 HD (Medium); 25-36 (Large)Level Adjustment: –

Armor Horror

Climate/Terrain: Negative Energy Plane Frequency: Rare Organization: Special Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Nil Intelligence: High (13-14) Treasure: Nil Alignment:_Lawful Evil ___________________ No. Appearing: 1 or 2d4 Armor Class: 0 Movement: 12 FL 12 (C) Hit Dice: 6+18

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THAC0: 9 No. Of Attacks: 2 Damage/Attack: 1d10+3+1d6 fire Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Fear, innate spells Special Defenses: See Below Magic Resistance: 30% Size: M (6'-7' tall) Morale: Fearless (20) XP Value:

An Armor Horror is an improved form of the Battle horror, considered to be among the ultimate steps in the evolution of the animated armor. However, Armor Horrors are not simply animated, but are in fact also a form of undead, the twisted creations of Mechanical Liches. Found almost solely as a guardian or soldier, the Armor Horror appears to be a suit of full plate mail carrying a two-handed sword that burns with black flame. An ghostly visage appears within the armor.

COMBATArmor horrors are direct in combat, they attack twice per round with their deadly two-handed swords, for 1d10+3 damage (Str bonus), additionally the black flames burn the victim for 1d6 points of fire damage. Each strike also drains a life energy level from the victim. Armor Horrors can employ all weapons usable by humanoids that do not require contact with flesh. Any being of less than 5 hit dice that sees a Armor Horror must save vs. spell at -4 or be affected by fear and flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Creatures with greater than 5 hit dice save normally and only flee for 1d4 rounds if they fail. Armor Horrors can see invisible creatures and objects within 120 feet, and can also discern the true image of a mirror image or projected image spell. Its senses permeate its entire form, decapitating the horror will not affect its senses in any way. Separated appendages are not destroyed, but will cease to move. The horror will regenerate hit points at the same rate as a living, resting human. Armor Horrors are able to move about and stand through innate levitation. Thus they can "fly" as necessary, though it can carry only 100 pounds while flying, and 300 pounds "walking." In the Negative Energy Plane the difference is generally irrelevant in any case. Like most undead and constructs Armor horrors are completely immune to mind-affecting spells. They are also immune to cold, death, and electrical magics, they are immune to fireball, heat metal, and flame arrow spells. They have an innate ability for ESP, which allows them to sense the presence and thoughts of nearby creatures. Magic Missile spells cast at the Horror actually restore it by replenishing its bonding energy, and it gains back hit points accordingly. The Armor Horror can even accumulate additional hit points for a short time. These fade after 1 hour. Armor Horrors may dimension door up to 180 feet twice per day, blink for up to 1 turn twice per day, and cast a level 3 magic missile every other round (often designating themselves as the target).

Habitat/Society: Armor Horrors are an advancement of Battle Horrors, but combine undeath with the simple construct enchantments used in those creations. They are made chiefly by Mechanical Liches on the Negative Energy Plane, and are almost never encountered elsewhere. Armor Horrors make excellent warriors, dispatched singly or in small warbands to kill their master's enemies. Armor Horrors usually have some degree of autonomy in fulfilling their orders, but they must obey their masters absolutely.

Ecology: The exact ritual to create Armor Horrors apparently varies in form, but is known to require a wizard or priest of at least 16th level, a suit of full plate mail worn for at least one year by a warrior of at least 6th level, a two-handed sword used for a similar period of time (though not necessarily by the same person), and the sacrifice of a warrior of at least 8th level, or the trapped soul thereof. Most commonly this warrior is the one who was wearing the armor.

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This ritual apparently only functions on the Negative Energy Plane, and is practiced almost exclusively by Mechanical Liches there. Others creating Armor Horrors should be aware that those liches don't take kindly to the subordination of their creations. Armor Horrors don't sleep, eat, or speak, and they cannot feel pain. They are ideal guardians, assassins, or shock troops, for their loyalty is total and devoid of emotion or ambition. If ordered by their master telepathically they can be organized into brutally formidable fighting forces.

DESTRUCTION’S EFFIGYTiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Negative)

Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)Initiative: +3Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 12Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Ray +9 ranged touch (1d8 force)Full Attack: Ray +9 ranged touch (1d8 force)Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.Special Attacks: Redirect destructionSpecial Qualities: Damage reduction 5/ – , darkvision 90 ft.Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5Abilities: Str 5, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6Skills: Hide +18, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Spot +10Feats: Alertness, DodgeEnvironment: Negative Energy PlaneOrganization: Swarm (6-60)Challenge Rating: 2Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always neutralAdvancement: NoneLevel Adjustment: –

These tiny creatures have a vague resemblance to mephits or magmins. They seem to be constantly burning in flames that range from white to black all across the spectrum of gray. Somehow these shades slowly balance out at a perfectly colorless gray.

Manifestations of Destruction itself, destruction's effigies are a breed of tiny creatures that may or may not be alive and yet can be found roaming the Negative Energy Plane. A destruction's effigy wishes nothing more than to observe and somehow feed off of destructive processes. They are commonly found when a vast amount of physical matter or life has been pulled into the Negative Energy Plane to crumble into nothing. A destruction’s effigy is about 1 foot tall, and of negligible weight. It does not speak, but may understand Planar Trade.

COMBATThe destruction's effigy wishes little more than to feed peacefully and watch destruction occur, it is almost animalistic in that fashion, though it is a being of pure destruction and not truly alive. If forced into combat the effigy can strike with a bolt of pure destruction. This attack has an effective range of 60 ft., with no range increment.

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Negative Subtype: Immune to death effects, ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain; negative energy effects (such as an inflict wounds spell) heal them and positive energy effects (such as a cure wounds spell) harm them. Non-intelligent undead will attack a creature with the negative subtype only in self defense.

Redirect Destruction (Su): The destruction’s effigy redirects minor destructive processes around it when threatened. It automatically creates a supernatural connection between itself and an attacker so that some of the effigy’s wounds are transferred to the attacker. The attacker takes half damage from all attacks that deal hit point damage to the effigy, and the effigy takes the remainder. This effect is applied before the effigy’s damage reduction comes into play. Any attack form that deals hit points can be affected by this ability – physical attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, psionics, etc. However, attacks originated from more than 50 feet are not affected.

HABITATDestruction’s effigies gather in swarms whenever the Negative Energy Plane swallows a large amount of matter or life and proceeds to destroy it. These are usually planar breaches and other extraplanar “pockets”, and often represent the only solid material entering Negative Energy. Beings wishing to utilize such material often have to drive off the effigies before they stabilize the material. Effigies usually flee if severely threatened or if the destruction has ceased in the area. Many of the undead inhabitants of Negative Energy possess a severe dislike of these creatures, and destroy them out of hand. However, this doesn't stop the effigies from appearing whenever there is a major destruction event. This fact, and the fact they are not believed to reproduce in any way, leads many to believe that the destruction's effigy is simply a manifestation of the Negative Energy Plane's ultimate purpose in absolute annihilation.

ECOLOGYThe destruction's effigy appears to feed of the destruction it observes. They are almost never encountered away from major destructive events on the Negative Energy Plane. Either the effigies mystically appear in response to such events, or they have some unknown ability to find them.

NEGATAINegative Energy Genasi, 1st-level WarriorMedium Humanoid (Extraplanar, Negative)

Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (7 hp)Initiative: +0Speed: 30 ft.Armor Class: 14 (+4 chain shirt), touch 10, flat-footed 14Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Scythe +2 melee (2d4+1/x4)Full Attack: Scythe +2 melee (2d4+1/x4)Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Chill touchSpecial Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., negative subtype traitsSaves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0Abilities: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 8Skills: Diplomacy -1 (+3 with undead), Hide +0, Intimidate +3, Spot +2

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Feats: ToughnessEnvironment: Negative PlanesOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: ½Treasure: StandardAlignment: Usually neutral evilAdvancement: By character classLevel Adjustment: +1

This pale, dark-robed creature is holding an oversized scythe like it’s doing a bad impression of the Grim Reaper. Its humanoid facial features are almost skull-like, and its eyes – fully black orbs. Its hoarse, dry voice is barely audible.

A negative energy genasi, more commonly referred to as “negatai”, is the product of a union between a mortal humanoid and a creature powered by negative energy. Since creatures of unlife that have the ability to breed are rare to say the least, negatai are among the least prolific of the planetouched.Most negatai speak Planar Trade. A typical negatai is as tall as a human, but weighs noticeably less.

COMBATNegatai warriors are a particularly rare sort, since their lack of physical prowess and healing potential presents a major problem. Those few that choose the path of the blade usually try to employ all combat tricks available to hinder the opponent and protect their own feeble health.

Chill Touch (Sp): A negatai can use chill touch (DC 10) once per day as a 1st-level caster or a caster of his character level, whichever is higher. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Negative Subtype Traits: Those few creatures that call the Negative Energy Plane home have this subtype. A creature with the negative subtype is immune to death effects, ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain; negative energy effects (such as an inflict wounds spell) heal them and positive energy effects (such as a cure wounds spell) harm them. Non-intelligent undead will attack a creature with the negative subtype only in self defense.

Skills: A negatai has a +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks with undead creatures.

HABITAT/SOCIETYOften attributed with an unhealthy fascination with death and undeath, or even irrational murderous intent, the negatai prefer to keep their background a secret, and few ever choose to leave the Negative Energy Plane. Those that do travel typically keep a low profile and strive to make their way through life as quietly as possible.A rare few communities consisting primarily of negatai have been known to exist – one such site is the little known Deep Ethereal burg of Whether-There.

ECOLOGYAs one might expect, negatai birth rate is extremely low, due to their social practices (or lack thereof), and to their attunement to the forces of unlife. Most negatai eat little, sleep a lot, and are quite resilient to common diseases. They usually mature slowly but age quickly, and as circumstances dictate, many turn to necromancy to hold off the onslaught of years.

NEGATIVE ENERGY GENASI AS CHARACTERSNegatai characters possess the following racial traits:

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- +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom -2 Constitution. A negatai’s life force is noticeably weaker, but its mind is powerful.

- Medium Humanoid (negative). Negatai are usually native to the Negative Energy Plane, and have the extraplanar subtype when not on their home plane. See above for negative subtype traits.

- Negatai base speed is 30 feet. - Darkvision up to 60 feet. - Special Attack (see above): Chill touch. - Skills: A negatai has a +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks with undead creatures.- Automatic Languages: Planar Trade. Bonus Languages: Any.- Favored class: Wizard (necromancer).- Level Adjustment: +1

ESSENCE PHANTOMSmall Outsider (Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Negative)

Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp)Initiative: +4Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect)Armor Class: 20 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +5 deflection), touch 20, flat-footed 16Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Incorporeal touch +10 ranged (1d10 cold plus essence theft)

Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +10 ranged (1d10 cold plus essence theft)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Essence theftSpecial Qualities: Darkvision 90 ft., immunity to cold, incorporeal traitsSaves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +4Abilities: Str – , Dex 19, Con 12, Int – , Wis 11, Cha 20Skills: –Feats: –Environment: Negative Energy PlaneOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: 3Treasure: NoneAlignment: Usually neutralAdvancement: 6-10 HD (Small); 11-15 HD (Medium); 16-20 HD (Large)Level Adjustment: –

This glowing white sphere is about three feet in diameter. Dissipating images of countless undead seem to be pressing out from within.

Men fear the undead, but what do the undead fear? On the Negative Energy Plane, a realm where the undead rule, the answer is simple: essence phantoms. The essence phantom is the preserved essence on an intelligent undead being, sort of an “undead undead”. The origin of essence phantoms is unknown, but they are among the most feared beings on the Negative Energy plane, and the one thing that undead hate more than life itself

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As mindless creatures, essence phantoms do not communicate in any way.

COMBATAn essence phantom is of little threat to the living, and will not attack unless directly threatened. Any undead creatures it meets, however, are likely to be targeted by its weird bolts of energy that drain their corrupted souls. This attack has an effective range of 60 ft., with no range increment.

Essence Theft (Su): The incorporeal ranged touch of an essence phantom deals cold damage, but does not further harm living targets. Undead targets struck by this ray, however, must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or effectively gain 1d4 negative levels. (This is a special exception to the fact that undead creatures are immune to energy drain.)Like living creatures suffering from energy drain, the undead are also allowed a second save 24 hours later to remove accumulated negative levels; this is also a DC 17 Will save. If an undead is reduced to effective zero Hit Dice, it is absorbed into the essence phantom and becomes one of the images inside the sphere.For each negative level bestowed, the essence phantom heals 5 hit points of damage, gaining any excess healing as temporary hit points. If an essence phantom doubles its hit points this way, it buds off a new phantom of the exact same size and strength, but with no images in the sphere.

Incorporeal Traits: Cannot be harmed by nonmagical weapons, and has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from any corporeal source (including magical weapons), except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. Can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its natural attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. Always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be.

Negative Subtype: Immune to death effects, ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain; negative energy effects (such as an inflict wounds spell) heal them and positive energy effects (such as a cure wounds spell) harm them. Non-intelligent undead will attack a creature with the negative subtype only in self defense.

Undead Traits: Immunity to all mind-affecting effects, to poison, sleep effects, to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless), paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects; not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain; negative energy heals it, and positive harms it. Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.

HABITATThe essence phantom is one of the few creatures in existence that preys upon the undead, and the undead of the Dark Sea regard it with a horror that mortals usually reserve for them. Those that cannot defeat an essence phantom flee from one, and those that can will stop at nothing to destroy one. Essence phantoms usually prey on wandering wraiths and spectres until they are discovered and eliminated by a creature of greater power. However, some liches have found ways to control these creatures and study them with a macabre fascination, usually planning to set up a nasty surprise for a rival. Some of the bitterest lich conflicts have begun over the possession of an essence phantom.

ECOLOGYAlongside the xeg-yi energon, the essence phantom is one of the few non-undead creatures native to the Negative Energy Plane. These mindless beings live to feed, and they feed exclusively on the undead, particularly incorporeal ones.

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It is thought that essence phantoms reproduce by budding. When one has absorbed enough undead beings, nearly doubling in size, it splits into two essence phantoms of identical proportions. The only way to tell a parent from its offspring is the noticeably smaller number of spectral images crawling under its incorporeal membrane.The population of essence phantoms in a given area is usually kept in check by the undead, who periodically hunt them down and destroy them.

WRAITH SWARMDiminutive Undead (Incorporeal, Swarm)

Hit Dice: 6d12 (39 hp)Initiative: +7Speed; Fly 30 ft. (average)Armor Class: 21 (+4 size, +6 Dex, +1 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 12BAB/Grapple: +3/–Full Attack: Swarm (2d6 plus 1d6 Constitution drain)Damage: Swarm (2d6 plus 1d6 Constitution drain)Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.Special Attacks: Constitution drain, distractionSpecial Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft., daylight powerlessness, immune to weapon damage, life sense, incorporeal traits, swarm traits, undead traits, unnatural aura, +2 turn resistance

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +10, Will +7Abilities: Str – , Dex 22, Con – , Int 1 , Wis 14, Cha 13Skills: Hide +20, Listen +6, Spot +9Feats: Alertness (B), Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative (B),

Lightning ReflexesEnvironment: Negative Energy PlaneOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating:


Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always neutral evilAdvancement: NoneLevel Adjustment:

This swirling mist of pale smoke seems to possess a malevolent consciousness. As it floats toward you, minuscule reaching hands and screaming faces briefly arise and fall back into the chaotic mass.

Wraith swarms are created from “normal” undead wraiths by means of the wraith swarm spell. They behave in all aspects as standard wraiths, although each swarm acts entirely on instinct.

COMBATA wraith swarm has only one combat strategy – engulf an opponent until it dies from Constitution drain. Due to its immunity to weapon damage, non-spellcasting opponents have severely reduced options, and typically choose to flee.

Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wraith swarm’s swarm attack must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of permanent Constitution drain. The save DC is Charisma-based. On each such successful attack, the wraith swarm gains 5 temporary hit points.

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Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a wraith swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Life Sense (Su): A dread wraith can always notice and locate living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. It also senses the strength of their life force automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith swarm at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraith swarms are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.

ZOMBIE MEMORYHuman Warrior Zombie MemoryMedium Undead (Extraplanar, Incorporeal)

Hit Dice: 2d12+3 (16 hp)Initiative: -1Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)Armor Class: 11 (+1 deflection), touch 11, flat-footed 11Base Attack/Grapple:


Attack: Incorporeal touch +1 melee (1d6 plus memory drain)Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +1 melee (1d6 plus memory drain)Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Memory drainSpecial Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. , incorporeal traits, single actions only, undead

traitsSaves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3Abilities: Str – , Dex 10, Con – , Int – , Wis 10, Cha 1Skills: –Feats: Toughness (B)

Environment: Negative Energy PlaneOrganization: Solitary or pack (2-6)Challenge Rating: 1Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always neutral evilAdvancement: NoneLevel Adjustment: –

This crudely animated undead humanoid appears somewhat translucent and immaterial. Even though it looks like its shambling slowly towards you, it is actually floating effortlessly.

There are places on the planes where memories can live and walk. In such places memories can also die, and therefore some have learned to animate them. Zombie memories are memories that have been killed and reborn into some strange form of unlife, a process that can occur only on the Negative Energy Plane.

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Zombie memories have the general body shape of whatever creature they were in life. As mindless undead, they do not speak.

COMBATZombie Memories attack any sentient being they encounter with their immaterial claws. In groups, they tend to gang up onto an opponent whose memories have been successfully drained.

Incorporeal Traits: Cannot be harmed by nonmagical weapons, and has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from any corporeal source (including magical weapons), except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. Can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. Its natural attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. Always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be.

Memory Drain (Su): Each time a creature is struck by a zombie memory’s incorporeal touch attack, it must make a DC 12 Will save. If the save fails, the zombie absorbs some of its memories; this functions like the modify memory spell, except only the “eliminate memory” option is possible (see spell description). If the victim rolls a natural 1 on the Will save, it must attempt a new Will save (same DC) to avoid becoming permanently confused, as the insanity spell. The save DC is Charisma-based and has a +6 racial bonus. Memory drain is not considered a mind-affecting effect because the zombie somehow removes the memory from its victim’s body and soul, and not just its mind.

Single Actions Only (Ex): Zombie memories can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A zombie memory can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Undead Traits: Immunity to all mind-affecting effects, to poison, sleep effects, to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless), paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects; not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain; negative energy heals it, and positive harms it. Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed.

HABITAT/SOCIETYTo create a zombie memory, a living memory must be found, slain, and reanimated. The reanimation can only occur in the Negative Energy Plane, as some property of that plane allows the concept of undead memory. These creatures are most commonly created by liches who have devised methods of extracting stolen memories from mortals, and use this process for interrogation and torture. Field encounters with a zombie memory possessed by a lich will almost certainly include other creatures to escort it and protect it, Wraiths and spectres are the most common found in this sort of situation. An autonomous zombie memory will wander aimlessly and attack any being with a mind and memories to drain. It can feel little more than the endless need to consume more and more memories.

ECOLOGYZombie memories are tormented creatures that are most often used to torment others. They are much feared on the Negative Energy Plane because they have the power to steal something that most residents of that plane actually have to lose – their memories (as opposed to their lives). The creatures rarely survive long without a master to protect them.It is believed that a zombie memory must regularly drain memories from living sentients in order to sustain itself. Isolating a zombie memory from its source of sustenance will result in a relatively quick destruction of the undead.

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CREATING A ZOMBIE MEMORY“Zombie” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal, living, intelligent creature that has a skeletal system (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Use the zombie template as detailed in the Monster Manual, applying the following modifications. The sample zombie memory above uses a 2nd-level human Warrior as the base creature.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead, with the extraplanar and incorporeal subtypes. It retains any subtypes except alignment subtypes and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype.

Speed: A zombie memory gains a fly speed equal to its base land speed. Its maneuverability rating is perfect.

Armor Class: A zombie memory loses all natural armor bonuses, but it gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +1, whichever is higher.

Attacks: A zombie memory loses all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature. It gains an incorporeal touch attack. The damage values are as shown in the table in the Monster Manual, except the zombie memory does not add its Strength modifier to the damage.

Special Attacks: A zombie memory loses all special attacks of the base creature. It gains the following:

Memory Drain (Su): Each time a creature is struck by a zombie memory’s incorporeal touch attack, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the zombie memory’s Hit Dice + the zombie memory’s Charisma modifier). If the save fails, the zombie absorbs some of its memories; this functions like the modify memory spell, except only the “eliminate memory” option is possible (see spell description). If the victim rolls a natural 1 on the Will save, it must attempt a new Will save (same DC) to avoid becoming permanently confused, as the insanity spell. The save DC is Charisma-based and has a +6 racial bonus. Memory drain is not considered a mind-affecting effect because the zombie somehow removes the memory from its victim’s body and soul, and not just its mind.

Ability Scores: As the zombie in the Monster Manual, except there is no Strength score.

Challenge Rating: As the zombie in the Monster Manual +1 (round down).