near silver creek rates high 23/jamestown ny post j… · help wanted. ma!e 22 1st class body man...

* ! I • • s « TWENTY JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-IOURNAL—Friday Erening, April 22. 19SS N. ChauL Co. ii Mayville Class Rates High Eight Seniors Given 90 Per Cent Rating MAYVILLE—More than a guar- Pmrk. Gary. Indiana. Supreme Court.' HIdea. Pun Wanted Interlocutory Divorce. 'Auction Sales Lucille House. 864 Foote Ave. I f " " «•* D*!^, P I? dact » Jamestown. NY. vs. DeLols G. House £•«»J«*? •"« p, * nt » Jamestown. New York (Street ad- Warned T°_fuy dress unknown). Supreme Court, In Lawn * Qarden Supplies terlocutory Divorce. n »,KTr\tor* Vauehan E. Atwater. 321 East Fifth MERCHANDISE. St.. Jamestown. NY. vs. Clarence Don, Cats. Pets ?i^ A W r, c Attlca S ^ te PT } %on - At !^m Stamps !lf™ r t i Y ^ upreme Court> tafcrtoculS-^clalt at the Stores W.^^r- A.,.. ,o « J Good Things to Eat St., Frewsburg N.Y.. vs. Cheste -Household Goods SILVER CREEK-A little black f: A £!E!' 8 l l c^f^W* AV «- 'wearing Apparel Dog Killed by Car Near Silver Creek short hair do* with a little white' f e r i S S S ' Di?oree Uprem * ° mu *" **»!=. S 5 3 * 2 spot on bis throat died of injuries after ii was struck by a car on Route 20, seven miles east of here at 5:15 P.M. Thursday State Police Patrol reported. The animal ran into the path of a oar operated by Anson E. Stew- ard of 617 Washington Avenue, LEGAL NOTICE ter of the 28 member graduating Dunkirk. class of the Mayville Central! .Trooper Raymond A Chdoba. A J AX FLEXIBLE COUPLING CO. INC. Westfteld, New Y«rk Xetice af Aaaeal Meeting el TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF AJAX ! §££ [ £l£J5t°%* FLEXIBLE COUPLING CO. INC.: TAKE NOTICE, that the Annual Musical Merchandise Boats and Accessories Sports Equipment Business A Ofc. Equipment Building Materials Machinery and Tools Coal. Wood Fuel Wanted To Buy 34 35 36 3. 37-A 4U 39 41 V 41 42 4i; 44 45 46 47 48 48-A 4i» netp Wanted, re male 21 YOUNG "WOMAN To learn office work. Position re- quires typing ability and good hand writing. 5 day week. Reply stating age. marital status, and previous experience to Box Y-32 Post-Jour- nal. Help Wanted, Male 22 Salesmen Sofcswonsen 24 Help Wanted. Ma!e 22 1st Class Body Man Wanted Experienced Only APPLY CHUCK'S AUTO BODY 11« W. 32ND ST. 52 53 REAL ESTATE RENT as vmldlctorian, and David Un- the owner of! me animal could not jqVcounty* coin, sahttatorian. according to be ascertained. Theodore Petersen, principal of the school. Mis* LoPresti. 17. with an aver- Centralia Chauncey Gement attended age of 93.32. is the daughter of Mr. fi JrT and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti. Hart- j £ d, 1 ctors me€tin * m Delevan field. Devid Lincoln, 18, with ejipJff'lHF'aa T , c ^ average of 93.00 is the son of M r . L ^ : g J J S j *f&ltt3fiS2 and Mrs. Robert Lincoln. 66 E a s t i lnfant da V?l? r °* Hartfield. Ohio. Chautauqua Street, Mayville. were ! we Sr id E P S ° f Ti^" The other six wifi more than 9o'P!!l nU5 ' Mr ' "^ Mrs * Earl Bre> per cent are as follows: Nancy Sandburg. 92.36; Verna Steward. 91.32; Miriam Boardman. 90.69; Barbara Harrington, 90.60; Martin voort, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brevoort were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maus at day of May 1955 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. <EDST). for the purpose of (1) elect- ing Directors of the Companv, <2) ratifying, confirming and approving all acts of the Officers and Directors of the Company glnce the last An- nual Meeting, and (3) transacting any and all other business which may properly come before such meeting. Dated at Westfleld, New York, April 20, 1955. Robert S. Cady Secretary April 22. 23 Goodrich. 90.54; und Sandra Veter- Ra £ doil 5 sen, 90.03. Mrs. Frank Weather-by left Fri- day morning for Silver Spring. Md.. to visit her son Edwin, and family. She also wui visit her daughter, Mrs. Edmund Ritzer. and family in Philadelphia before returning home. Mrs. Arthur Thum and daughter. B roc ton Brocton S-051 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis en- tertained recently at a dinner in honor of their daughter. Betty's h birthday. Guests were Mr. anal l***!* ShUsm^StTsSlT^B Mrs. Albert Btodgett and MIM!*SL "L M^ni MrT 4,,mV Nancv Chanman Sinrl»irvill#» Mr Called O" «&• and Mrs * ThumS; 0n May 4. 1955 at the Chautauqua daughter Shirley and sons Ken-' £3f^if?2LiVl"SL^ST neth and Robert. Brian Limbec i^" 1 ^-?, 1 ?*-£SLl l £^J£Z all of Frewsburg Miss Loretta uJ«*ne ™y™ PSjg. f ° r dvmeX NOTICE Bids will be received at anvtlme prior to May 4. 1955 on the following laundry equipment, delivered and In- stalled at the Chautauqua County Home. Foundations, electrical, steam and water connections wlU be pro- vided by the purchaser. 1—42 x 36 inch Washer to be pro- vided with horizontal unloading par- tition with two compartments and two doors, complete with 220-V, '3- phase. 60 cycle AC motor and all necessary safety features. 1—30 Inch Extractor with at least 80 lbs. capacity, dry weight of clothes, together with 220-V. 3-phase. 80 cycle AC motor and all necessary safety features. Bids will be opened at 7:30 P.M. vermore. Cherry Creek. Ralph and an all day meeting. Martin and sons. Clarence. Dana M r - • * , Mrs : J J V Hof ?T, r and Donald, Spartahsburg, and and daughter. Linda Lee, of SU- Miss Janice WinchelL \ v J r 92% T^JPTSL FES ° l Mrs. Robert Best and son- Fid- Mr ** l***- F r a m e s Sunday, ton, have been visiting her moth- er. Mrs. William Burnside. Mrs. Katherine Houghton is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Rawson have been entertaining their grandsons County Home. Dewlttvllle. New York F. A. Waterman. Commissioner of Public Welfare April 22 Rooms Without Board Housekeeping Rooms Wanted—Rooms. Board Apartments, Unfurnished Apartments. Furnished Houses For Rent Garages Lake Cottages Vacation Resorts Business Places Farms Acreage Rent Wanted—To Rent REAL ESTATE SALE Houses For Sale Lots Business Property Farms and Acreage Suburban Lake Property Camps A Lodges Exchange Real Estate Wanted—Real Estate AUTOMOTIVE Accessories, Tires, Parts Repairing. Reflnlshlng Motorcycles. Bicycles Wanted—Automobiles Autos For Sale Trailers and Planes EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY For* Experienced Production 54 55 56 57 n 58-A I 1 ' Local Established Manufacturer Supervisor 63 64 65 66 67 68 68-A 69 69-A 70 71 „Sr Needs Man, Age 30 to 50 ' With Demonstrated Ability In PRODUCTION. PERSONNEL AND LABOR RELATIONS Must Be Responsible For The Administration Of All Labor Management Activities Submit Detailed Resume In Writing, Including Education Age, Work and Supervisory Experience, Salary Expected Manufacturers Employment Bureau 308 PINE ST. 72 13 74 75 76 76-A Monuments, Burial Lets 4 CEMETERY MEMORIALS Markers $48 and up Double Markers 396 and up Family Monuments $2£5 Prices Include Lettering & Foundation LOSO MEMORIAL STUDIOS 935 E. 2nd St. Phone 22-385 LEGAL RECORD SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Recorded April 2*) Sager Nebral, et ai to Sebastlano Robert and Charles Dobbins the Contlnlbal and one. Jamestown—SI. past week. Roy J. Calabrese. et al to Anthony Mrs. Leslie Rossiter is conva- Antonuccto. Jameatown-^i. i ;-- .#,„ „„ :n„^.. I Ivan L Marquardt and one to Hen- lescing after an illness. ry 0 . Nae tzker and one. Dunkirk—*l. Seaman Laverne Deland. Bain- Samuel C. Alessi to Morgan c. bride. Md.. « snend'ng a 14 day [Larson and owe, Bustl-si. leave with his mother. Mrs. Rollm' ch^uuSqvS-i?M. ket to Max *"*' Deland. I Maurltz C. Swanson to Deubert Marjorie Boj-d. Violet Ferran,' Carlson and one, Eiiicott-si Uottv Porren arsA fr,,^r M»v, n « Steve R. Grobaskl and one to Orval Betty Ferran and Gary McKane Br , or and ene p omtrft _^^ attended the Eastern Regional Joseph C. Woods and one to Leon- Youth Council held April 14 « rd Joseph Conlglio and one, Pomfret t hr0Ug Siiv. at 5S >ert WeSle y anCol -j~vr„ W nt F. Aldrlch and one to Ken- lege. North Chili. I neth F. Parker and one, Pomfret— Larry and Billy Westin. sons ol, »• Mrs. Oarence Westin are ill at - i f f i S *ZTSl a PnrtT»nrtisf verne »u «- m %. ^_ * ,. , seexings ana one. portiana—si. tne home of her parents, Mr. and Stanley Kuchinski and one to Jo- Mrs. Comer Reynolds. Sherman. [ seph W. Spacht and one. Ripley—Si. Frances Mezzlo to Mary Mezzlo and LEGAL NOTICE The undersigned will sell at public auction for cash, one 1954 Chrvsler, Deluxe Newport. Motor No. C5428237- 79. Serial No. 7266198. at 10:30 A.M., April 29. 1955. at Schroeder's Public Storage. 212 Washington Street. Jamestown. New York. The under- signed reserves the right to bid. ASSOCIATES DISCOUNT CORPORATION By: D. M. Peterson, Office Manager April 22 Larry is recovering from measles and Billy has chicken-pox. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick How- ard. Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Ma- bel Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis and Mrs. Albert Blodgett. Sinclairville, attended the Niagara County Tes- timonial dinner in honor of John B. Ryan, Jr.. commander of the American Legion. Department of New York, and Mrs. Jesse Haley, president. American Legion Aux- iliary. Department of New York, held Saturday evening at the Ton- awanda Post 2S4. Tonawanda, LOOM Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Gens spent their Easter vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ahrens with Miss Esther Ahrens and Fred Ah- rens from Fredonia visited Mr. and Mrs. Myron Grisworld. Arkwright. Mrs. Mildred Francis and Mrs. George Hebard and children were guests at the Lyvenus Ellis home ! * u t 8 ,°,IL* nd J S"* Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ames and family from Poughkeepsie were in town over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Studd have one. Sheridan—11. Bernard Duchalne and one to Her- man L. Dreyer and one, Westfleld— Mortgage* Anthony Antonucclo to Roy J. Cala- brese. et al. Jamestown—$1,400. Earl Edward Ferguson and one to Antonio R. Liuzzo, Bust!—33,000. Robert M. Osborne and one to Jamestown Savings a Loan Associa- tion. Bustl—310.COO. Harold Crist to First National Bank of Falconer. Poland—38.600. Leonard Joseph Conigllo and one to Dunkirk Savings a Loan Associa- tion. Pomfret—36.300. William C. Stebbins and one to National Bank of Fredonia. Pomfret -38.000. Discharge »f Mortgage. . The National Bank of Fr»donla to William C. Stebbins and one. The National Bank of Fredonia to Edwin H. Case and one. Bertha R. DeLand to Albert Tim- merman and one. Silver Creek National Bank to Ef- fle F. Smith. John C. Olson and one to Joseph C. Woods and one. Lewis H. Wilson to Allen L. Bloomquist and one. New York Joint Stock Land Bank of Rochester to Julian Bell. Antonio Liuzzo to Earl Edward Fer- THE POST-JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by Carrier and Motor Routes to City and Suburban Sub scrlbers. 36c per week. $18.72 per year. Delivered by mall to R.F.D. Box- holders in Chautauqua County. Cat taraugui County, N.Y. and Warren County. Pennsylvania: One year, $8.00, six months, $4 50. three months $2.50, one month 90c. By Mail tn New York State and Pennsylvania, outside the above named Counties: One year $12.00, six months $6.50. three months $3.50. one month. $1.25. By Mail in the U.S.A. outside New York State and Pennsylvania: One year. $18.72. six months. $9.36. three months, $4.68. one month. $1.56. MISSED COPIES If you fall to receive your copy call e Post-Journal cept on Saturda; the ropy ».M. Post-Journal before 7 P.M. ex irday. On Saturdays call before 5 P.M. Dial 7-111. For rates to Foreign Countries Dial Mil. Mail Subscription Clerk. Flowers 4-A Glad's Glad Farm Offers The finest Glad bulbs obtainable. $5 a hundred—$40 a thousand. Call 77-582 after 7:30 P.M. or 548 Front St. Experienced Rip Sawyer Hollow Metal Draftsman Time Study Man Wood Machine Operator Yard Man Manufacturers Employment Bureau 308 PINE ST. * Personals DISFIGURING HAIR All facial blemishes permanently re moved by Mrs. Rena M. Davis, 4*< Fairmount Ave. Ph. 65-661. ELECTROLYSIS and short wave. Per- manent removal of unwanted hair. Mrs. Rose Cusimano. Phone 97-331 NUBONE CORSET SERVICE Alice G. Cull en. 269 S. Main St. Ph. 66-495 SMART-FORM FOUNDATIONS Now showing for Spring the most beautiful line of girdles in the cor- set industry. Dacron taffeta—Air Dae Porous and cool Nylon Mar- quisette. Some with Magic Seam. Also one piece with or without in- ner belts. Any length or size avail- able. Phone 3739. Corsetleres want- ed. Smart Form Shop, 226 Well- man Bldg. YOU'LL never know real foundation comfort until you wear a Spencer Support. Clarlbel Haines. Phone 4029. Lest and Found FOUND: Men's Jacket, while fishing. Owner may claim same for price of this ad. Phone 86-743. Instructions 8 Westfleld Savings a Loan Associa- tion to Joseph T. Holbrook and one. Asalgnmeat «t Mortgage Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. to Citizens Trust Co. Release ef Mortgage Federal Land Bank to Vincent P. sold their place here to Mr. and Aldrlch and one. Mrs. John Cave, Fredonia. Pos- n Ch« utaut >«« National Bank ft Trust *»««iAn h a , n »;,.«. Co - t0 Morgan C. Larson and one. Session has been given. Estepael Certificate Mr. and Mrs. Verland Cooner I Steve R Grobaskl and one to and sons recently spent the day citizens Trust Co «-iH, «,- #«™~—'_ tL~,u~_ •»*_!: Preof «t PablUhlag ef Change ef Name Martha Short to Helen with the former's moth>r, Mrs Guy Cooper, Cherry Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frick. Beaver. Pa. were at the home of Mr. Frick's nephew, Allan Reid, Sunday. Mrs. Pauline Hunt and family entertained several relatives and families Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Dietzen and Mrs. , Jess-e Schultz attended the Schultz- j j^e,^ Vi Y™** F °° t e AV *" I Garland wedding Saturday at An- Partnership Certificate gola. Recent guests at the Mabel Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Loveless and familv De- wittvUle; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francis and familv. Fernm Point - and Mrs. Josephine Little. May- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ruttenbur, KLEE22. 8 J1? M ' 8 U luth A * Vr * m - i .1 J.dgmeM Jamestown were Sunday callers at J. E. Hanson, inc.. 37 Forest Ave., the C. J. Ahrens home. Jamestown. N.Y. vs. James Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid at- J ? stl ^4 a> S t u e rt St J3 3 J a j me,town - N ' Y - tended the funeral of the former's j Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. aunt, Mrs. Edwin Boyes of James- 145 Silicon St.. Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs. Edwin Proper. R. No. 1. Dewittrllle, N.Y. Supreme Court. Erie Co.. $37.62. * Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. 145 Ellieott St.. Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs. Pauline Rlscllla and Salvatore Rlscll- la. 7 Clark St., Westfleld, Supreme Court. Erie Co.. $23.46. Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. 1*5 ElHcott St., Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs. Claude Brown. 44 Harrison St.. Jamestown. N.Y. Supreme Court. Erie .Co.. $2-1.80. Frontier Home Eouioment Co.. Inc Mich., will arive Friday to" spend >&• llll « 1 » St.. Buffalo, N.Y. vs. Of Helen Martha Ball Certificate *f Assisted Name Of Korwin Manufacturing Corpora- tion. Stephen Korzenlewskl. 249 Lord. Dunkirk. N.Y.. Stanley Korzenlewskl. 409 Hoyt St.. Dunkirk. N.Y.. Joseph Korzenlewskl, 65 Ocelot St.. Dunkirk. N.Y. Of Krause's Pharmacy, William T. Krause. 16 Foote Ave.. Jamestbvvn. Of V. a G. Auto Sales. Gordon L. Markell. R.D. 1. Jamestown. N.Y.. Virginia Markell, R.D. 1. Jamestown, N.Y. Dlseontlaaanee af Assaiaed Name Of Bailey Building Pharmacy by William T. • Krause. Ballding A Loan Contract First National Bank of Falconer to Harold Crist. Jamestown Savings A Loan Associa- tion to Robert M. Osborne and one. town Monday afternoon Mr. and 1 Mrs. Sandy Qnresso. Buffalo, were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoyt and Dav- id. Dewittville Mrs. J. B. Thomas. Cleveland, and Mrs. F. H. Phillips. Bay City, Classified Advertising DEADLINE 9:30 A.M. Day of Publication Classified Display 4 P.M. 2 days before publication 3 UNI MINIMUM Non Commercial Cash Rates 8 DAYS.. *2.11 3 DAYS.. '1.35 Box Reply Ads 25c If Called For 50c If Mailed Above ctsn i.t.s may b. .arn.d alio on ads which h«v. b*ea chara.d PROVIDED thif pill i on or b.for. the e'iscaunt d.t. iho*n ot your lULm.nt. Cash mutt aceom- p.ny ord.rt from outlid. tr. fost- Journal's circulation araa. All sit- uation w.rtt.d, Auction and Conv pl.t. Hous.held Solas jr. cash in advance. PIANO LESSONS Children and adults. Ph. 90-973 PIANO LESSONS In your home. Children and adults Write Box K-27. Post-Journal. NOTICI — Tlw Pwt-Jearaei is only reseeaslbte far eee day's incorrect lasfhaa. OPEN 8 A.M. - 5:15 P.M. Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Saturday The Pott-Journal 311-13 Washington St. PHONE 7-111 or 4-958 Insurance 8-A FLORIDA BOUND? Better buy acci- dent Insurance. Low cost. T. N Nelson. Phone 6934 or 52-852. MORTGAGE INS. anyone can afford See George H. Larson. 304 E. 2nd S t "Phone 8822 or 6829. Represent- ing Farm Bureau Ins. Co.. Colum bus. Ohio. WHO pays when there's no insurance or not enough. You. of course. Have Insurance protection at all times. Ralph W. Johnson, 214 N. Main St.. Ph. 8191. Help Wanted, Femde 21 EXPERIENCED tree surgeons. Apply Howard Tree Expert Co., Warren, Pa. Phone 1557J. ALERT BOY 18-21 For Interesting Job in office. Duties involve helping with mall and stock room work. Full time year around ork.Congenial surroundings. Write Box D-32 Post-Journal. BODY MAN srienced man need apply. Only experienced man Jones Motors. Inc. 1209 E. 2nd St. See Service Manager. INDUSTRIAL HNISHES SALESMEN This is not for automotive, aircraft, or trade sales. The men we want must have active experience In sell- ing industrial product finishes. There is an excellent opportunity here for one or moie men to work with us in developing added vol- ume In the Eastern area of the United States. Our organization has the service of a small fast develop- ing company, combined with the resources of a large corporation. Base salary plus overwrite. Out- standing benefit plans. Send re- sume to Mr. James J. Rush: BENJAMIN FTUNKLIN PAINT & VARNISH CO. 4820 Langdon Street Philadelphia 24, Pa. MEAT CUTTER Position open tor neat, dependable, ambitious man looking (or good steady work. Apply in person, A-l Super Market, 1314 Washington St. Meat Department Manager Exceptional opportunity for experi- enced, reliable meat man. The man we are looking for must be ener- getic, have a sincere desire to get ahead. Incentive pay plan plus sal- ary for right party. Only experi- enced man need apply. Write Box No. A-33, Post-Journal. WANTED—experienced single dairy farm hand. Must be a good milker, sober and reliable. Good wages. Apply to State Employment Ser- vice. 205 N. Main St. WANTED Experienced tire serviceman. Apply 'In person. No phone calls. Barmore- Sellstrom. 1403 E. 2nd St. WANTED: Experienced plumbing and heating man. Sheet metal experience perferred. Dudley Waters. Plumbing and Heating, 56 Main St., Ran- dolph. N.Y. Ph. 32-015. WANTED: Man with ambition to learn cabinet making. Some experi- ence necessary. Inquire 110 W. 22nd St. DO you want outside work? Good locality available in South Chau- tauqua County. Selling Rawleigh Products is a pleasant, healthful, independent business of your own. Let me explain how you can start. Write R. R. Swanson, Kennedy, N.Y. Ph. 2143. INTERESTED in a pleasant healthful, out-door business of your own? A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat — permanent and profitable. Dealer needed at once for South Chautauqua County. Over 3200 Rur- al families. Write, giving phone number, Rawlelgh's. Dept. NYD- 373-RD. Albany. N.Y. NEED several men immediately. Must be able to pass physical ex- amination. Apply to personnel man- ager. 6 W. 1st St. ^_____ Situations Wanted 25 lattnesa Oapactaeitiee 24 BEAUTY SH0PPE For tale, with * all equipment com- plete. Excellent location. Low ©ver- head. Write Box K-32. Post-Journal. Corner neighborhood grocery store. Connected with desirable 2-family. 5 up and 5 down house. For Infor- mation— Ask For Mr. Malta Cotter Real Estate. Phone Eves 21-185 DINER for sale In Southwestern New York. Doing good business. Fully equipped. Write Box Y-31 Post- Journal. FOR RENT—new modern service sta- tion. Major oil company. Reasonable rental. Write Box P-31 Post- Journal. BEST OF CARE For Children in My Home Call 95-982 BOB AND DON'S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE W e clean from attic to cellar—paint- ing interior and exterior and win- dows. Ph. 87-504 or 93-907. HANDY man—all kinds minor re- pairs. Wife—housework, etc. Will work separately. 63-082 before Sun- day. INTERIOR and exterior. Painting and wall washing. Phone 73-165. John Thompson, Jr. LADY experienced In rooming house business would like to manage or rent apartment. or rooming house. Can give reference. Write Box P-32. Post-Journal. PAPERHANGING—PAINTING Call Mario Glola. 14 Scott ROOFING. PAINTING Repair Work. Odd Jobs Reasonable, Phone 87-825 Baby Sitters 25-A Dance Hall For Rent 60 x 40 complete with refreshment stand and rest rooms. 10 sleeping rooms furnished completely with showers. Also 60 x 40 floor space, (first floor), ideal for small shop or garage. Located rear of Bernard's Restaurant. French Creek, N.Y. LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN AT JAMESTOWN DAY CARE NURSERY Ph. .74-233 or 63-441 WILL TAKE CARE OF BABY Or Small Children In my Home Phone 90-363 CHILD WILL CARE FOR A IN MY HOME DAYS 93-854. PHONE Worried While You Work> Give your child the best of care in my home. Will pickup and return if you wish. Ph. 56-414. A GOOD USED CAR?? LOOK IN THE WANT ADS Outstanding Opportunity Here's your chance to own your own profitable business as a WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE DEAL- ER! You'll retail nationally accept- ed, popular lines of auto supplies, home appliances, bicycles, radios. TV, sporting goods, tools, etc. Mer- chandise delivered by our own com- panv operated delivery service from our newlv located. Butler, Pennsyl- vania. Wholesale House. No retail experience necessary—we train you. Minimum cash capital of 18,500 needed. See. write, or phone: D. W. Brown Western Auto Supply Co* Butler. Pennsylvania H. Koren 13506 Garden Rd. East Cleveland. Ohio REFRIGERATED STORAGE SPACE App. 13.000 eu. ft. Available Immediately For Rent or Long Terra Lease 620 W. 8th S t Ph. 8933 RESTAURAM" With most unique rental lease. Over- head at absolute minimum creates opportunity for wide margin of profit. This well-equipped restau- rant priced at little more than the value of the equipment. NYPENN REALTY CORP. Rm. 308. Hotel Jamestown BIO*. REALTOR PH. 4-736 STORE FOR SALE Good location, doing nice annual eol- dime. can be had at very low cost. Owner's age forces him to sell. Con- tact: S. M. Fllcklnger Co., Inc.. 27 Taylor Street, Jamestown, N.Y. Reach the Masses Reach all Classes Phone 7-111 or 4-958 BUSINESS DIRECTORY SERVICES-REPAIRS-BUSINESS NOTICES Alterations MEN'S alterations and repairing. Aft- ernoons. Evenings by appointment. Phone 93-412. Oscar E. Erlckson, Tailor. 16 Bricfcel Place. trick end Stone Work JHIMNEYS. STEPS, FIREPLACES. AND HOUSES, MASONRY. FREE ESTIMATES PH. 96-578 OR 42-361 CHIMNEY BAD Call Bentley first for quality work. Prompt service. Low, low price. Phone 94-536. Corp—try Work All Kinds of Carpenter Work Remodeling, also new buildings TeL 5-893 L1NDQUIST. 36 MEADOW LANE BIRCH KITCHEN CABINETS Woodcraft. 110 22nd St. Complete kitchen remodeling. Free estimate. Formica tops. Restaurant counters. Ph. 74-342, 86-841. A GOOD DEPENDABLE GIRL FOR General Office Work. Must Take Dictation And Be Accurate. Apply to Mrs. Mary Garfield N.Y. STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 205 N. MAIN ST. Accounts Receivable Clerk Experience required. Knowledge of machine accounting helpful but not essential. Some typing. An excellent opportunity. All applications MUST BE MADE IN WRITING and will be held confl- den'ial. EASTERN PLYWOOD & DOOR C0. t INC. 831 CLINTON ST. JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK B00THCRAFT KITCHENS Have Boothcraft's well known ior- mlca tops and birch kitchen cab- inets to fit and last. BUY ONLY THE BEST E. Linus Johnson. Owner 150 East 2nd St. Ph. 6-080 Carpentry Repairs, remodeling, roofing — also new work. Call Howard Andree— 19 Maple St.. Celoron. FLOOR raising and bracing. Foun- dation repair. Painting and carpen- try. Phone Frewsburg 3053. Cement Work Heotino & Numbing Before Buying Your Fuel For Next Winter Investigate the Winkler Low-Pres- sure Gas or Oil Burners. The Wink ler L. P. burners heat for % the cost of coal, or high pressure oil burners and at lower cost than stokers. See the Winkler burner demonstrated at our office, or at your home. Furnaces for Gaa. OH and Coal. All makes cleaned and re paired. Call day oi night 3-705 tor free es- timate. MAXWELL HEATING CO. 508 N. MAIN ST. COMPLBTE LINE OF FURNACES Air Conditioners—Conversion Burners SHEET METAL WORK AFC0 AMERICAN FURNACE CO, Authorized Dealers SPRINCHORN & CO. 501 West 3rd. Ph. 4-116 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ON ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING NEEDS Sharp Heating & Plumbing Co., Inc. Cor. 4th & Nights 3-835 Clinton Sts. Ph. 6-042. B-D CEMENT CONTRACTORS Specialize In walks, driveways, cellar floors. No job Is too small. Ph. 33-714 free estimate. WE specialize lii poured cellar walls, using steel forms. Fully experienced men. Free estimates. Ph. 84-282 after 5 P.M. Electrical Services All Kinds of Electrical Contracting CALL US FIRST B & E ELECTRIC CO., INC. 106 E 1ST ST PHONE 3-063 Bookkeeper Stenographer Typist (General) Manufacturers Employment Bureau 308 PINE ST. til COLE ELECTRIC Electric Contractors Fluvanna Ave. Ph 84605 I the weeftend with their father. J ^ er N^Suprem? 1 O o r s e S. Griffith, who Is cele- N.Y., S29.54. Jadgawtti Court, Erie. brating his 83rd birthday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowier Pauline Carlson. 805 South Work It.. Falconer. N.Y. vs. Paul E. Carl- and children who have spent the sm^. address unknown. Supreme winter in St. Petersburg, Fla., ar- rived home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Ander- son, Silver Greek, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gal- loway. A. E. Toner who has been In Veterans Hospital. Erie, for treat- ment, has returned home. Ed Powis was In Toronto on business Monday. His brother, Jtm, who has been visiting here, returned with him to bis home in Toronto. A Directory Of Post-Journal Classifications ANNOUNCEMENTS Liquor Licenses Posting Notices Monuments, Burial Lots Court. Dissolution of a Marriage. Barbara Nelson, by Guardian ad Flowers litem. Falconer. N.Y., R.D. vs. Frank | Personals Nelson. Frewsburg. N.Y.. Supreme i Where to Dine Court. Interlocutory Annulment. Lost and Found Lawrence R. Grundstrom. 8 Howard Instructions St.. Frewsbure. N.Y. vs. Joan M Insurance Grundstrom. 8U Prendergast Ave.. Business Directory Jamestown, N.Y.. Supreme Court, In- riant nvitrirr terlocutory u Divorce EMPLOYMENT Lena Milltello. 6 Hickory St.. Sll- H . i - «•-„,-<« s>m«u ver Creek. N.Y. vs. Salvatore * l " tlp "* nte< ?' ?«"«• 1 2 4 4-A 6 S-A 7 8 a-A 9 GIRL WANTED FOR WORK IN ORDER DrJPARTMENT. Typing Essential. 5 DAY WEEK. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Apply Jamestown Table Co. 145 FAIRMOUNT AVE. HOUSEKEEPER to live in. Father and 4 children. Write Box 283. Lakewood stating age and exper- ience. LICENSED practical nurse wanted In ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW AND USED BOUGHT. SOLD AND REPAIRED GATES V-BELT DRIVE METALIZED AND MACHINE WORN SHAFTS TO SIZE Westburgh Electric, Inc. 91-100 E. 1st St. Ph 3»T22 or 3-922 Electric Motor Service Co. E New and Used Motors Sales—Parts—Service M S 347 Crescent Street Ph. Days 4024 Nlphts 56213 FURNACES Coal, Oil or Gas Free Estimates KALAMAZOO 107 N Main St Phone 99-085 Overhead Door OVERHEAD DOORS 8 x 7—4 sections S65 9 x 7—4 sections S69 SALES—SERVICE—INSTALLATION CONN BUILDING SUPPLY 1292 E. 2ND ST. OVERHEAD DOOR SALES CO. D. S. Hynes—Factory Distributor, 99 Institute St. Phone 95-366. rhe original "OVERHEAD DOOR" Sales—Installations—Service Po'nting, Papering ALBIN R. CARLSON Interior and exterior painting, paper hanging. Ph. 75-861 or 6-703. CARL 0. ROSE Painting Contractor Retailing Devoe Paints 211 E. 3rd St. Ph 42-385 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Painting. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Ph. 96-143. PAINTING, papering, floor sanders for rent Art Whitman, Frewsburg 4783. .PAINTING AND PAPERING An honest Job. 72-493 after 6 PAPER HANGING INTERIOR PAINTING Dorothy Larson Lakewood numbing Repairs LOW OVERHEAD MAKES LOW MARK UP MAKES OUR PRICES LOWER SPACE SAVER SET FOR SECOND BATH ROOM LAVATORY & CLOSET $51.95 DUDLEY D. WATERS REVERSE THE CHARGE 56 Main St.. Randolph 32-015 OLSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 304 Pine St. Ph 3-751 Nights 84-278 PENNSYLVANIA GAS FURNACES SERVEL HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING UNITS HKA11NG AND VENTILATING JAMESTOWN BLOWER CO. 127 E. 2nd St Ph. 6-064 RURAL PLUMBING Septic tanks Disposal Systems Budget Priced Automatic} Hot Water Tanks Sold-Installed Water Pumps Sold Installed Repaired Automatic Washing Machines installed Phone 97-529 Jamestown Sow Skarpenmq FOR A keen cutting Hand or Power Lawn Mower. A Hand Saw that cuts straight. A Circle Saw that you will enjoy using. OR The Helncmann Line of Hard Tip Saws. IT IS ALWAYS FILEGARS SAW SERVICE Phone 99-350 Strunk Rd. SAWS "all kinds" filed and condi- tioned. Lawn mowers sharpened, oiled and adjusted. All work guar- anteed. 856 N. Main. Saw, Lawn mower Shop. Phone 75-922. Septic Tanks SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and installed. Waterman's Septic Tank Service. Phone Stedman 2005. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Sold A Installed. Free estimates FRANTZ A RUSSELL TEL FREWSBURG 4431 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Call Stanley Mlkula—Cassadaga 106F2 Shoe | Zipper Repair ALL ZIPPER SERVICE Luggage and purses repaired. Cut your shoe cost in half with Pilate's Shoe Repair. 588 E. 2nd St. Tractor—Mower Service RURAL wiring & Plumbing appliance dealer. Wasslnk Bros. Phone 2333 Panama. N.Y. Radio, Television Repair FRANK'S T.V. A VARIETY Radio; Raytheon T.V. sales A ser- vice. Other brands available. Some used sets. Reasonable. Call at 31 W. Main St., Falconer or phone 36-373 or 44-385 or 93-518. HILLER RADIO HOSPITAL TV. Radio, Antenna Service 915 E. 2nd S t Ph. 4996 KERM JOHNSON T.V. Television and radio service my pro- fession—not a sideline. PHONE 24-745 Latona TV & Appliance ELECfRIC WIRING FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES Linquest Electric Co., Inc. 209 Pine St. Ph. 7-159 HOUSE WIRING INDUSTRIAL WIRING Royal Electric & Appliance 10 E. MAW ST.. FALCONER PH 3-027 * LAKEWOOD ELECTRIC All types wiring Jamestown city li- cense. 234 W. Summit. Lakewood Ph. Till or 81-802. Furs Reooired— Restyled SAXE FURS i! me, J 0 « n »l\r lt , e ...^!! incati0n * t0 STORAGE-RBBTYUNG-CLEANING SHEET METAL WORK G. M. THORPE AND CO. Phone 6-823 We are Authorized Dealers for NIAGARA FURNACE Free Estimates oa Coal. Gas, Oil General Sheet Metal Work THORPE & KING Sheet Metal Work Falconer. N.Y. Ph. 63-391 Income Tax Consultant ACME TAX SERVICE Federal A State Taxes Prepared Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. And All Day Saturday 408 Wellman Bldg. Ph. &Q71 Moving, Trucking, Storage HOUSEHOLD MOVING Done by dependable and experienced men. 56 Pennsylvania Ave Ph. 82- 862. Exclusive dealer for STROMBERG CARLSON DUMONT APEX WASHERS Factory authorized TV service. An- , tenna installations. Ph. 95-356. 880i Br RS *"4 0 . s 1 t , r * tt ° n - . c,,! Foote Ave. Lawson (,asoilne Engines. FREWSBURG LAWN MOWER SERVICE Authorized dealers tor Brlggs Strat- ton and Clinton. We parts and service all engines. We sharpen, re- pair power and hand lawn mowers and cycles, all types of saw filing, etc. Free pick up and delivery 'til April. 102 Falconer St or phone Frews. 4644. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Be ready for the season. We repair everything, Custom cabinet work. HOWARD'S REPAIR SHOP 595 Fairmount Ave. Entrance Howard Ave. Open evenings 5-9 P.M., Sat. 9-5:30. Ph. Lkwd. 4-884. RUSHING THE SEASON? No sir, spring will be here before you know it. Why not let us put your mower or garden tractor in first class con- dition now before the spring rush. Free pick up and delivery service until April 1st JAMESTOWN UNIT PARTS CO. 208 W. Fourth Street Phone 7-195 Authorized sales A service Clinton and LOU'S RADIO AND T.V. Open untlI 9 PM Fh 85-703 SEE US FIRST FOR THE BEST REPAIR SERVICE ON Televisions, radios, phonographs, automatic washers, refrigerators. dish washers and disposals. THE TRADING POST HARDWARE STORES Lakewood. Phone Lakewood 7-525— "T.V. SALES AND SERVICE Authorized G.E. Dealer CRAMERS ELECTRIC 122 Chautuaoua Ave. Lakewood 17-5555 PHIL'S RADIO-TV 823 E. 2nd St. Ph. 98-935 Rugs, Carpet Oeoning Box K-31. Post-Journal SALESLADY, neat and aggressive. 5 day week. Paid vacation. Insurance f ieneflts. Must have knowledge of ewlng. We will train you. Singer Sewing Center. 14 East Third St. Milltello. v Help Wanted. Male Famham. N.Y.. Supreme CI £ M.U ,„H r:«,.i. Court. Interlocutory Divorce. g*J»..¥»K.g i r —W Wayland W. Slmmes. R.F.D. 1. Salesmen—Saleswomen Situations Wanted Ashvllle. N.Y. vs. Mabel Chapman,. Slmmes. at the comer of Fifth St ' FREDONIA DRIVER FINED MAYVnXE-SherirT Charles C McOoakey. Jr., reported that Qif- preme Court. Interlocutory Divorce Jamestown. N.Y.. Supreme Court. Interlocutory Divorce. Ann Pedersen. of Si Hatzard St.. Jamestown. N.Y. vs. J. Rocky Peder sen. latt known address. Ave.. Daytona Beach. Florida. Su 21 22 23 24 25 25-A TYPISTS FINANCIAL Business Opportunities Securl , Mortgages. 331 Valusla Money To Loan -ities ford H. JCarin. 33.0* 214 Buckner *-* *-*T., V^uTd' FARMERS MARKET Wanted To Borrow 20 Van Buren Street. Fredonia, wan fined $10 on rV'stande7 w (^ngers.'*Rockiand Coun-,Garden Tools a speeding charge at his arraign-, ty. N.Y. Supreme Court Interlocu- Livestock mmnt h*far» T » r » JtarHre Geofee *«T Divorce. Livestock Wanted rne^before ^C*-"*?** ^ " r rtarry A. DeVlleger. 293 East Fair- Poultry and Supplies Foster, town Of Sheridan, Thura- mo «nt Ave. LakeVood N.Y. vs. Farm Equipment day. Vivian L. DeVlleger, Ted'e Trailer Farmers Servlcea Transform news copy into type by teletype perforator. Fascinating work. Hours 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., 5-day week. Phone 7-111. Ex. 28. WAITRESS 26 6:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. Must have pleas- 27 ant personality. Apply in person. 281 Alden's. 28 , WAITRESS wanted for part tlm work. Apply In person. Lakevlew Hotel. Celoron. N.Y. We Pick Up Furs. Call 5-933 110 GOKEY BLDG Furn'ture Upkolstery Call Lakeland Upholstery H4 NORTH MAIN ST PH 32-175 & Plumbing 29-A 30 m 32 33 S3-A WAITRESS WANTED Must Be Over 21 Phone 84-491 WANTED woman to care for 2 chli- dren In return for room and board. Phone 42-912 after 5 P.M. FREE estimates on either gas or oil and Coal furnaces given free, terms can be arranged up to 38 months to pay. Expert workman- ship BYRON F0ULKR0D 641 l-oote Ave Phnne 5^-783 McGINTTY JOFKSON & CO. PLUMBING HEATING 302 E. 2nd S t Ph. 6-842 LIGHT TRUCKING Moving. Reasonable. Walter Shearer. 41 Fiagg Ave. Ph. 83-234 mornings. LIGHT TRUCKING Cinders, ashes, and rubbish hauled. Phone 6810. LIGHT trucking, rubbish, ashes haul- ed. Charges reasonable. Ph. Lake- wood 5755. LIGHT trucking. Yards cleaned, aih- OAJtfTELD RUG CLEANING Rug cleaning a speciality not a side line. 31 Linden Ave. Ph. 6-787. es hauled. 52-595. Reasonable rates. Phone TRUCKING AND HAULING Done reasonably. Ph. 78-508 YOU NEEDNT LOOK FURTHER! For that House. Car. Job or Anything Else You W r ant Check the Want Ads FIRST 1 1 Peterson Overhead Door Co. 797 Foote Ave.. Jamestown. N.Y. FOR THE BEST IN DOORS AND SERVICE. PHONE 63-765. 4-080 OR Looking for a Musical Instrument Re/.d Musical Merchandise i Roofing, Insulation BE READY For Seasonal Showers R00FING-SDING Installed by experts, materials and labor guaranteed 10 years. Easy terms, call for free estimate. SEARS...PH. 8-181. FREE ESTIMATES FOR All Kinds Of ROOFING-SIDING REPAIR WORK DAVIS ROOFING CO. 84 W. 17th St. Ph. 98-120 "ROOFING. SIDING. REPAIRING a JOHNSON, 127 ELAM AVE. PH 86-881 TTLARO—SEARSONE Roofing. Siding, Repairs White's Lawnmower Service FREWSBURG. N.Y. The 15th Year to Serve Yon Power and Hand Mowers Sharpened and Repaired Our Experience Guarantees Your Satisfaction WARD G. WHITE 142 FALCONER ST. Frewsburg. N.Y. Tel. 2645 Tree Surgeon—-Wanting TREE PLANTING SERVICE" Trained and. fully insured crew. Ready to plant your seedlings tor forest plantations or Christmas trees. Machine and hand planting. Curtis Bower, 46 Liberty St Ph. 23-943. Washing Machine Repair C0LBURN Washing Machine Repair Open 7 Days Per Week CALL ANY TIME All Makes Washing Machines All Work Guaranteed for 6 Months complete overhaul all the way through Easy Paymests Arranged Also Sell New Automatic Washers 201 Southland St Lakewood, N.X. Phone 17-81-505 DICK & BOB'S WASHER REPAIR ALL MAKES PHONE 21-225 WA§rT 7A§HERS7 pairs. Mc wringers, sweepers, re- orrie's Repair Shop. S09 Monroe St Ph. 62-261. WoR Prilung EL Scherrnerhorn, Lkwd. 3 7 6 8 WATER WELL DRILLING EHMKE WELL DRILLERS WATER—GAS HOME—FARM—INDUSTRIAL Ph. 65-574 and 95-828 Free estimates j Phone collect 383 Silver Creek. N.Y. SEEKING A HARD TO FTND ARTICLE A WANTED TO BUY MACHINERY MOVES FAST through Classified ads! To Sell Anything. Dial 7-111 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Near Silver Creek Rates High 23/Jamestown NY Post J… · Help Wanted. Ma!e 22 1st Class Body Man Wanted Experienced Only APPLY CHUCK'S AUTO BODY 11« W. 32ND ST. 52 53 REAL ESTATE

*! I • •



TWENTY • JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-IOURNAL—Friday Erening, April 22. 19SS •

N. ChauL Co. ii

Mayville Class Rates High

Eight Seniors Given 90 Per Cent Rating

MAYVILLE—More than a guar-

Pmrk. Gary. Indiana. Supreme Court.' HIdea. P u n Wanted Interlocutory Divorce. 'Auction Sales

Lucille House. 864 Foote Ave. I f " " « • * D * ! ^ , P I ? d a c t » Jamestown. N Y . vs. DeLols G. House £ • « » J « * ? •"« p , * n t » Jamestown. New York (Street ad- Warned T ° _ f u y • dress unknown). Supreme Court, In Lawn * Qarden Supplies terlocutory Divorce. n »,KTr\tor*

Vauehan E. Atwater. 321 East Fifth M E R C H A N D I S E . St.. Jamestown. N Y . vs. Clarence D o n , Cats. Pets ? i ^ A W r , c A t t l c a S ^ t e PT}%on- A t ! ^ m Stamps !lf™ r t i Y ^ u p r e m e C o u r t > tafcrtoculS-^clalt at the Stores

W . ^ ^ r - A. , . . , o « J Good Things to Eat St., Frewsburg N.Y.. vs. Cheste -Household Goods

SILVER C R E E K - A little black f: A £ ! E ! ' „ 8 l l c ^ f ^ W * A V « - 'wearing Apparel

Dog Killed by Car Near Silver Creek

short hair do* with a little white' fer iSSS' Di?oreeUprem* °mu *" **»!=. S 5 3 * 2 spot on bis throat died of injuries after ii was struck by a car on Route 20, seven miles east of here at 5:15 P.M. Thursday State Police Patrol reported.

The animal ran into the path of a oar operated by Anson E. Stew­ard of 617 Washington Avenue,


ter of the 28 member graduating Dunkirk. class of the Mayville Central! .Trooper Raymond A Chdoba.


Westfteld, New Y«rk Xetice af Aaaeal Meeting e l


TAKE NOTICE, that the Annual

Musical Merchandise Boats and Accessories Sports Equipment Business A Ofc. Equipment Building Materials Machinery and Tools Coal. Wood Fuel Wanted To Buy

34 35 36 3 .

37-A 4U

39 41 V

41 42 4i; 44 45 46 47 48

48-A 4i»

netp Wanted, re male 21

YOUNG "WOMAN To learn office work. Position re­

quires typing ability and good hand writing. 5 day week. Reply stating age. marital status, and previous experience to Box Y-32 Post-Jour­nal.

Help Wanted, Male 22 Salesmen Sofcswonsen 24

Help Wanted. Ma!e 22 1st Class Body Man Wanted


11« W. 32ND ST.

52 53


as vmldlctorian, and David Un- the owner of! me animal could not jqVcounty* coin, sahttatorian. according to be ascertained. Theodore Petersen, principal of the school.

Mis* LoPresti. 17. with an aver- Centralia Chauncey Gement attended age of 93.32. is the daughter of Mr. fiJrT

and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti. Hart- j £ d , 1 c t o r s m e € t i n * m D e l e v a n

field. Devid Lincoln, 18, with ejipJff'lHF'aa T , c ^ average of 93.00 is the son of M r . L ^ : g J J S j *f&ltt3fiS2 and Mrs. Robert Lincoln. 66 Easti ln fant d a V?l? r °* Hartfield. Ohio. Chautauqua Street, Mayville. w e r e ! w e S r i d E P S ° f T i ^ "

The other six wifi more than 9o'P!!lnU5' Mr' " ^ Mrs* E a r l Bre>

per cent are as follows: Nancy Sandburg. 92.36; Verna Steward. 91.32; Miriam Boardman. 90.69; Barbara Harrington, 90.60; Martin

voort, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brevoort were

Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maus at

day of May 1955 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. <EDST). for the purpose of (1) elect-ing Directors of the Companv, <2) ratifying, confirming and approving all acts of the Officers and Directors of the Company glnce the last An­nual Meeting, and (3) transacting any and all other business which may properly come before such meeting.

Dated at Westfleld, New York, April 20, 1955.

Robert S. Cady Secretary

April 22. 23

Goodrich. 90.54; und Sandra Veter- R a £ d o i l 5 sen, 90.03. Mrs. Frank Weather-by left Fri­

day morning for Silver Spring. Md.. to visit her son Edwin, and family. She also wui visit her daughter, Mrs. Edmund Ritzer. and family in Philadelphia before returning home.

Mrs. Arthur Thum and daughter.

B roc ton Brocton S-051

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis en­tertained recently at a dinner in honor of their daughter. Betty's h birthday. Guests were Mr. anal l * * * ! * S h U s m ^ S t T s S l T ^ B Mrs. Albert Btodgett and M I M ! * S L "L M ^ n i MrT 4 , , m V N a n c v Chanman Sinrl»irvill#» Mr Called O" «&• a n d M r s * T h u m S ; 0 n May 4. 1955 at the Chautauqua

daughter Shirley and sons Ken-' £ 3 f ^ i f ? 2 L i V l " S L ^ S T neth and Robert. Brian Limbec i^"1^-?,1 ? * - £ S L l l £ ^ J £ Z all of Frewsburg Miss Loretta uJ«*ne ™y™ P S j g . f ° r dvmeX

NOTICE Bids will be received at anvtlme

prior to May 4. 1955 on the following laundry equipment, delivered and In­stalled at the Chautauqua County Home. Foundations, electrical, steam and water connections wlU be pro­vided by the purchaser.

1—42 x 36 inch Washer to be pro­vided with horizontal unloading par­tition with two compartments and two doors, complete with 220-V, '3-phase. 60 cycle AC motor and all necessary safety features.

1—30 Inch Extractor with at least 80 lbs. capacity, dry weight of clothes, together with 220-V. 3-phase. 80 cycle AC motor and all necessary safety features.

Bids will be opened at 7:30 P.M.

vermore. Cherry Creek. Ralph and an all day meeting. Martin and sons. Clarence. Dana Mr- • * , M r s : J J V H o f ? T , r

and Donald, Spartahsburg, and and daughter. Linda Lee, of SU-Miss Janice WinchelL \vJr 9 2 % T^JPTSL F E S °l

Mrs. Robert Best and son- Fid- M r ** l***- Frames Sunday, ton, have been visiting her moth­er. Mrs. William Burnside.

Mrs. Katherine Houghton is ill at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rawson have been entertaining their grandsons

County Home. Dewlttvllle. New York F. A. Waterman. Commissioner of Public

Welfare April 22

Rooms Without Board Housekeeping Rooms Wanted—Rooms. Board Apartments, Unfurnished Apartments. Furnished Houses For Rent Garages Lake Cottages Vacation Resorts Business Places Farms Acreage Rent Wanted—To Rent

REAL ESTATE SALE Houses For Sale Lots Business Property Farms and Acreage Suburban Lake Property Camps A Lodges Exchange Real Estate Wanted—Real Estate

AUTOMOTIVE Accessories, Tires, Parts Repairing. Reflnlshlng Motorcycles. Bicycles Wanted—Automobiles Autos For Sale Trailers and Planes


Experienced Production 54

55 56 57

n 58-A

I1' Local Established Manufacturer


63 64

65 66 67 68

68-A 69

69-A 70 71

„ S r Needs Man, Age 30 to 5 0 ' With Demonstrated Ability In


Must Be Responsible For The Administration Of All Labor

Management Activities Submit Detailed Resume In

Writing, Including Education Age, Work and Supervisory Experience, Salary Expected

Manufacturers Employment Bureau

308 PINE ST.

72 13 74 75 76


Monuments, Burial Lets 4 CEMETERY MEMORIALS

Markers $48 and up Double Markers 396 and up

Family Monuments $2£5 Prices Include Lettering & Foundation

LOSO MEMORIAL STUDIOS 935 E. 2nd St. Phone 22-385


(Recorded April 2*) Sager Nebral, et ai to Sebastlano

Robert and Charles Dobbins the Contlnlbal and one. Jamestown—SI. past week . Roy J. Calabrese. et al to Anthony

Mrs. Leslie Rossiter is conva- Antonuccto. Jameatown-^i. i ; - - . # , „ „„ : n „ ^ . . I Ivan L Marquardt and one to Hen-l e sc ing after an i l lness . ry 0 . N a e t zker and one. Dunkirk—*l.

Seaman Laverne Deland. Bain- Samuel C. Alessi to Morgan c. bride. Md.. « snend'ng a 14 day [Larson and owe, Bustl-si. leave with his mother. Mrs. Rollm' ch^uuSqvS-i?M.ket to M a x *"*' Deland . I Maurltz C. Swanson to Deubert

Marjorie Boj-d. Violet Ferran,' Carlson and one, Eiiicott-si Uottv Porren arsA fr,,^r M » v , n « Steve R. Grobaskl and one to Orval Betty Ferran and Gary McKane Br,or a n d e n e pomtrft_^^ attended the Eastern Regional Joseph C. Woods and one to Leon-Youth Council held April 14 « r d Joseph Conlglio and one, Pomfret

t h r 0 U g S i i v . a t 5 S > e r t W e S l e y a n C o l - j ~ v r „ W n t F. Aldrlch and one to Ken-lege . North Chili. I neth F. Parker and one, Pomfret—

Larry and Billy Westin. sons ol, »• Mrs. Oarence Westin are ill at - i f f i S *ZTSl aPnrtT»nrtisfverne »u «- m %. _̂ * , . , seexings ana one. portiana—si. tne h o m e of her parents , Mr. and Stanley Kuchinski and one to Jo-Mrs. Comer Reynolds . Sherman. [ seph W. Spacht and one. Ripley—Si.

Frances Mezzlo to Mary Mezzlo and

LEGAL NOTICE The undersigned will sell at public auction for cash, one 1954 Chrvsler, Deluxe Newport. Motor No. C5428237-79. Serial No. 7266198. at 10:30 A.M., April 29. 1955. at Schroeder's Public Storage. 212 Washington Street. Jamestown. New York. The under­signed reserves the right to bid.


By: D. M. Peterson, Office Manager

April 22

Larry is recovering from measles and Billy has chicken-pox.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick How­ard. Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. Ma­bel Howard.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis and Mrs. Albert Blodgett. Sinclairville, attended the Niagara County Tes­timonial dinner in honor of John B. Ryan, Jr.. commander of the American Legion. Department of New York, and Mrs. Jesse Haley, president. American Legion Aux­iliary. Department of New York, held Saturday evening at the Ton-awanda Post 2S4. Tonawanda,

LOOM Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Gens spent

their Easter vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ahrens with

Miss Esther Ahrens and Fred Ah­rens from Fredonia visited Mr. and Mrs. Myron Grisworld. Arkwright.

Mrs. Mildred Francis and Mrs. George Hebard and children were guests at the Lyvenus Ellis home ! *u


J S"* Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ames and family from Poughkeepsie were in town over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Studd have

one. Sheridan—11. Bernard Duchalne and one to Her­

man L. Dreyer and one, Westfleld—

Mortgage* Anthony Antonucclo to Roy J. Cala­

brese. et al. Jamestown—$1,400. Earl Edward Ferguson and one to

Antonio R. Liuzzo, Bust!—33,000. Robert M. Osborne and one to

Jamestown Savings a Loan Associa­tion. Bustl—310.COO.

Harold Crist to First National Bank of Falconer. Poland—38.600.

Leonard Joseph Conigllo and one to Dunkirk Savings a Loan Associa­tion. Pomfret—36.300.

William C. Stebbins and one to National Bank of Fredonia. Pomfret -38.000.

Discharge »f Mortgage. . The National Bank of Fr»donla to William C. Stebbins and one.

The National Bank of Fredonia to Edwin H. Case and one.

Bertha R. DeLand to Albert Tim-merman and one.

Silver Creek National Bank to Ef-fle F. Smith.

John C. Olson and one to Joseph C. Woods and one.

Lewis H. Wilson to Allen L. Bloomquist and one.

New York Joint Stock Land Bank of Rochester to Julian Bell.

Antonio Liuzzo to Earl Edward Fer-


Delivered by Carrier and Motor Routes to City and Suburban Sub scrlbers. 36c per week. $18.72 per year.

Delivered by mall to R.F.D. Box-holders in Chautauqua County. Cat taraugui County, N.Y. and Warren County. Pennsylvania: One year, $8.00, six months, $4 50. three months $2.50, one month 90c.

By Mail tn New York State and Pennsylvania, outside the above named Counties: One year $12.00, six months $6.50. three months $3.50. one month. $1.25.

By Mail in the U.S.A. outside New York State and Pennsylvania: One year. $18.72. six months. $9.36. three months, $4.68. one month. $1.56.

MISSED COPIES If you fall to receive your copy call e Post-Journal

cept on Saturda; the

ropy ».M. Post-Journal before 7 P.M. ex

irday. On Saturdays call before 5 P.M. Dial 7-111.

For rates to Foreign Countries Dial M i l . Mail Subscription Clerk.

Flowers 4-A

Glad's Glad Farm Offers The finest Glad bulbs obtainable. $5

a hundred—$40 a thousand. Call 77-582 after 7:30 P.M. or 548 Front St.

Experienced Rip Sawyer Hollow Metal Draftsman

Time Study Man Wood Machine Operator

Yard Man

Manufacturers Employment Bureau

308 PINE ST. *


All facial blemishes permanently re moved by Mrs. Rena M. Davis, 4*< Fairmount Ave. Ph. 65-661.

ELECTROLYSIS and short wave. Per­manent removal of unwanted hair. Mrs. Rose Cusimano. Phone 97-331

NUBONE CORSET SERVICE Alice G. Cull en. 269 S. Main St.

Ph. 66-495

SMART-FORM FOUNDATIONS Now showing for Spring the most

beautiful line of girdles in the cor­set industry. Dacron taffeta—Air Dae Porous and cool Nylon Mar­quisette. Some with Magic Seam. Also one piece with or without in­ner belts. Any length or size avail­able. Phone 3739. Corsetleres want­ed. Smart Form Shop, 226 Well-man Bldg.

YOU'LL never know real foundation comfort until you wear a Spencer Support. Clarlbel Haines. Phone 4029.

Lest and Found FOUND: Men's Jacket, while fishing.

Owner may claim same for price of this ad. Phone 86-743.

Instructions 8

Westfleld Savings a Loan Associa­tion to Joseph T. Holbrook and one.

Asalgnmeat «t Mortgage Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co.

to Citizens Trust Co. Release ef Mortgage

Federal Land Bank to Vincent P. sold their place here to Mr. and Aldrlch and one. Mrs . John Cave, Fredonia . P o s - n Ch«utaut>«« National Bank ft Trust *»««iAn h a , K » n » ; , . « . Co- t 0 Morgan C. Larson and one. Session has been g iven . Estepael Certificate

Mr. and Mrs . Verland Cooner I Steve R Grobaskl and one to and sons recent ly spent the day citizens Trust Co «-iH, « , - #«™~—'_ tL~,u~_ •»*_!: Preof «t PablUhlag ef Change ef

Name Martha Short to Helen

with the former's moth>r, Mrs Guy Cooper, Cherry Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frick. Beaver. Pa. were at the home of Mr. Frick's nephew, Allan Reid, Sunday.

Mrs. Pauline Hunt and family entertained several relatives and families Sunday.

Mrs. Bertha Dietzen and Mrs. , Jess-e Schultz attended the Schultz- j j ^ e , ^ Vi Y ™ * *

F°° t e AV*" I Garland wedding Saturday at An- Partnership Certificate gola.

Recent guests at the Mabel Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Loveless and familv De-wittvUle; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francis and familv. Fernm Point-

and Mrs. Josephine Little. May­ville.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ruttenbur, K L E E 2 2 . 8J1? M ' 8 U l u t h A * V r * m - i . 1 J .dgmeM Jamestown were Sunday callers at J. E. Hanson, inc.. 37 Forest Ave., the C. J. Ahrens home. Jamestown. N.Y. vs. James Hayes.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid at- J?stl^4a>Stu


StJ33Jajme,town- N 'Y-tended the funeral of the former's j Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. aunt, Mrs. Edwin Boyes of James- 145 Silicon St.. Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs.

Edwin Proper. R. No. 1. Dewittrllle, N.Y. Supreme Court. Erie Co.. $37.62. * Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. 145 Ellieott St.. Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs. Pauline Rlscllla and Salvatore Rlscll-la. 7 Clark St., Westfleld, Supreme Court. Erie Co.. $23.46.

Frontier Home Equipment Co.. Inc.. 1*5 ElHcott St., Buffalo 3. N.Y. vs. Claude Brown. 44 Harrison St.. Jamestown. N.Y. Supreme Court. Erie

.Co.. $2-1.80. Frontier Home Eouioment Co.. Inc

Mich., will arive Friday to" spend >&• l l l l«1» St.. Buffalo, N.Y. vs.

Of Helen Martha Ball

Certificate *f Assisted Name Of Korwin Manufacturing Corpora­

tion. Stephen Korzenlewskl. 249 Lord. Dunkirk. N.Y.. Stanley Korzenlewskl. 409 Hoyt St.. Dunkirk. N.Y.. Joseph Korzenlewskl, 65 Ocelot St.. Dunkirk. N.Y.

Of Krause's Pharmacy, William T. Krause. 16 Foote Ave.. Jamestbvvn.

Of V. a G. Auto Sales. Gordon L. Markell. R.D. 1. Jamestown. N.Y.. Virginia Markell, R.D. 1. Jamestown, N.Y.

Dlseontlaaanee af Assaiaed Name Of Bailey Building Pharmacy by

William T. • Krause. Ballding A Loan Contract

First National Bank of Falconer to Harold Crist.

Jamestown Savings A Loan Associa­tion to Robert M. Osborne and one.

town Monday afternoon Mr. and1 Mrs. Sandy Qnresso.

Buffalo, were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoyt and Dav­id.

Dewittville Mrs. J. B. Thomas. Cleveland,

and Mrs. F. H. Phillips. Bay City,

Classified Advertising DEADLINE 9:30 A.M.

Day of Publication

Classified Display 4 P.M.

2 days before publication

3 U N I MINIMUM Non Commercial Cash Rates

8 DAYS.. *2.11 3 DAYS.. '1.35

Box Reply A d s 25c If Called For

50c If Mailed Above ctsn i . t . s may b . .arn.d alio

on ads which h«v. b*ea chara.d PROVIDED thif pill i on or b.for. the e'iscaunt d.t . iho*n ot your lULm.nt. Cash mutt aceom-p.ny ord.rt from outlid. tr . fost-Journal's circulation araa. All sit­uation w.rtt.d, Auction and Conv pl . t . Hous.held Solas jr . cash in advance.

PIANO LESSONS Children and adults. Ph. 90-973

PIANO LESSONS In your home. Children and adults

Write Box K-27. Post-Journal.

NOTICI — Tlw Pwt-Jearaei is only reseeaslbte far eee day's incorrect lasfhaa.

OPEN 8 A .M. - 5 :15 P.M.

M o n d a y thru Friday 8 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.


The Pott-Journal 311-13 Washington St.

PHONE 7-111 or 4-958

Insurance 8-A FLORIDA BOUND? Better buy acci-

dent Insurance. Low cost. T. N Nelson. Phone 6934 or 52-852.

MORTGAGE INS. anyone can afford See George H. Larson. 304 E. 2nd S t "Phone 8822 or 6829. Represent­ing Farm Bureau Ins. Co.. Colum bus. Ohio.

WHO pays when there's no insurance or not enough. You. of course. Have Insurance protection at all times. Ralph W. Johnson, 214 N. Main St.. Ph. 8191.

Help Wanted, Femde 21

EXPERIENCED tree surgeons. Apply Howard Tree Expert Co., Warren, Pa. Phone 1557J.

ALERT BOY 18-21 For Interesting Job in office. Duties

involve helping with mall and stock room work. Full time year around \« ork.Congenial surroundings. Write Box D-32 Post-Journal.

BODY MAN srienced man need apply. Only experienced man

Jones Motors. Inc. 1209 E. 2nd St. See Service Manager.


SALESMEN This is not for automotive, aircraft,

or trade sales. The men we want must have active experience In sell­ing industrial product finishes. There is an excellent opportunity here for one or moie men to work with us in developing added vol­ume In the Eastern area of the United States. Our organization has the service of a small fast develop­ing company, combined with the resources of a large corporation. Base salary plus overwrite. Out­standing benefit plans. Send re­sume to Mr. James J. Rush:


4 8 2 0 Langdon Street Philadelphia 24 , Pa.

MEAT CUTTER Position open tor neat, dependable,

ambitious man looking (or good steady work. Apply in person, A-l Super Market, 1314 Washington St.

Meat Department Manager Exceptional opportunity for experi­

enced, reliable meat man. The man we are looking for must be ener­getic, have a sincere desire to get ahead. Incentive pay plan plus sal­ary for right party. Only experi­enced man need apply. Write Box No. A-33, Post-Journal.

WANTED—experienced single dairy farm hand. Must be a good milker, sober and reliable. Good wages. Apply to State Employment Ser­vice. 205 N. Main St.

WANTED Experienced tire serviceman. Apply

'In person. No phone calls. Barmore-Sellstrom. 1403 E. 2nd St.

WANTED: Experienced plumbing and heating man. Sheet metal experience perferred. Dudley Waters. Plumbing and Heating, 56 Main St., Ran­dolph. N.Y. Ph. 32-015.

WANTED: Man with ambition to learn cabinet making. Some experi­ence necessary. Inquire 110 W. 22nd St.

DO you want outside work? Good locality available in South Chau­tauqua County. Selling Rawleigh Products is a pleasant, healthful, independent business of your own. Let me explain how you can start. Write R. R. Swanson, Kennedy, N.Y. Ph. 2143.

INTERESTED in a pleasant healthful, out-door business of your own? A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat — permanent and profitable. Dealer needed at once for South Chautauqua County. Over 3200 Rur­al families. Write, giving phone number, Rawlelgh's. Dept. NYD-373-RD. Albany. N.Y.

NEED several men immediately. Must be able to pass physical ex­amination. Apply to personnel man-ager. 6 W. 1st St. ^_____

Situations Wanted 25

lattnesa Oapactaeitiee 24

BEAUTY SH0PPE For tale, with * all equipment com­

plete. Excellent location. Low ©ver-head. Write Box K-32. Post-Journal.

Corner neighborhood grocery store. Connected with desirable 2-family. 5 up and 5 down house. For Infor­mation—

Ask For Mr. Malta Cotter Real Estate. Phone Eves 21-185 DINER for sale In Southwestern New

York. Doing good business. Fully equipped. Write Box Y-31 Post-Journal.

FOR RENT—new modern service sta­tion. Major oil company. Reasonable rental. Write Box P-31 Post-Journal.

BEST OF CARE For Children in My Home

Call 95-982


W e clean from attic to cellar—paint­ing interior and exterior and win­dows. Ph. 87-504 or 93-907.

HANDY man—all kinds minor re­pairs. Wife—housework, etc. Will work separately. 63-082 before Sun-day.

INTERIOR and exterior. Painting and wall washing. Phone 73-165. John Thompson, Jr.

LADY experienced In rooming house business would like to manage or rent apartment. or rooming house. Can give reference. Write Box P-32. Post-Journal.

PAPERHANGING—PAINTING Call Mario Glola. 14 Scott

ROOFING. PAINTING Repair Work. Odd Jobs

Reasonable, Phone 87-825

Baby Sitters 25-A Dance Hall For Rent

60 x 40 complete with refreshment stand and rest rooms. 10 sleeping rooms furnished completely with showers. Also 60 x 40 floor space, (first floor), ideal for small shop or garage. Located rear of Bernard's Restaurant. French Creek, N.Y. LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN AT

JAMESTOWN DAY CARE NURSERY Ph. .74-233 or 63-441

WILL TAKE CARE OF BABY Or Small Children In my Home

Phone 90-363 C H I L D WILL CARE FOR A



Worried While You Work> Give your child the best of care in

my home. Will pickup and return if you wish. Ph. 56-414.


Outstanding Opportunity Here's your chance to own your own

profitable business as a WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE DEAL­ER! You'll retail nationally accept­ed, popular lines of auto supplies, home appliances, bicycles, radios. TV, sporting goods, tools, etc. Mer­chandise delivered by our own com­panv operated delivery service from our newlv located. Butler, Pennsyl­vania. Wholesale House. No retail experience necessary—we train you. Minimum cash capital of 18,500 needed. See. write, or phone: D. W. Brown Western Auto Supply Co* Butler. Pennsylvania H. Koren 13506 Garden Rd. East Cleveland. Ohio


App. 13.000 eu. ft. Available Immediately For Rent or Long Terra Lease

620 W. 8th S t Ph. 8933

RESTAURAM" With most unique rental lease. Over­

head at absolute minimum creates opportunity for wide margin of profit. This well-equipped restau­rant priced at little more than the value of the equipment.

NYPENN REALTY CORP. Rm. 308. Hotel Jamestown BIO*.


STORE FOR SALE Good location, doing nice annual eol-

dime. can be had at very low cost. Owner's age forces him to sell. Con­tact: S. M. Fllcklnger Co., Inc.. 27 Taylor Street, Jamestown, N.Y.

Reach the Masses Reach all Classes Phone 7-111 or 4-958


Alterations MEN'S alterations and repairing. Aft­

ernoons. Evenings by appointment. Phone 93-412. Oscar E. Erlckson, Tailor. 16 Bricfcel Place.



CHIMNEY BAD Call Bentley first for quality work.

Prompt service. Low, low price. Phone 94-536.

Corp—try Work

All Kinds of Carpenter Work

Remodeling, also new buildings TeL 5-893


Woodcraft. 110 22nd St. Complete kitchen remodeling. Free

estimate. Formica tops. Restaurant counters. Ph. 74-342, 86-841.



General Office Work.

Must Take Dictation And Be Accurate.

Apply to Mrs. Mary Garfield N.Y. STATE EMPLOYMENT


205 N. MAIN ST.

Accounts Receivable Clerk Experience required. Knowledge of

machine accounting helpful but not essential. Some typing. An excellent opportunity.

All applications MUST BE MADE IN WRITING and will be held confl-den'ial.



B00THCRAFT KITCHENS Have Boothcraft's well known ior-

mlca tops and birch kitchen cab­inets to fit and last.

BUY ONLY THE BEST E. Linus Johnson. Owner

150 East 2nd St. Ph. 6-080

Carpentry Repairs, remodeling, roofing — also

new work. Call Howard Andree— 19 Maple St.. Celoron.

FLOOR raising and bracing. Foun­dation repair. Painting and carpen-try. Phone Frewsburg 3053.

Cement Work

Heotino & Numbing

Before Buying Your Fuel For Next Winter

Investigate the Winkler Low-Pres-sure Gas or Oil Burners. The Wink ler L. P. burners heat for % the cost of coal, or high pressure oil burners and at lower cost than stokers. See the Winkler burner demonstrated at our office, or at your home. Furnaces for Gaa. OH and Coal. All makes cleaned and r e paired.

Call day oi night 3-705 tor free es­timate.


COMPLBTE LINE OF FURNACES Air Conditioners—Conversion Burners



Authorized Dealers

SPRINCHORN & CO. 501 West 3rd. Ph. 4-116



Sharp Heating & Plumbing Co., Inc.

Cor. 4th & Nights 3-835 Clinton Sts. Ph. 6-042.

B-D CEMENT CONTRACTORS Specialize In walks, driveways, cellar

floors. No job Is too small. Ph. 33-714 free estimate.

WE specialize lii poured cellar walls, using steel forms. Fully experienced men. Free estimates. Ph. 84-282 after 5 P.M.

Electrical Services

All Kinds of Electrical Contracting



Bookkeeper Stenographer

Typist (General)

Manufacturers Employment Bureau

308 PINE ST.

t i l

COLE ELECTRIC Electric Contractors

Fluvanna Ave. Ph 84605


the weeftend with their father. J ^ e r N^Suprem? 1

Oorse S. Griffith, who Is cele- N.Y., S29.54. Jadgawtt i

Court, Erie.

brating his 83rd birthday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowier Pauline Carlson. 805 South Work

It.. Falconer. N.Y. vs. Paul E. Carl-and children who have spent the sm̂ . address unknown. Supreme winter in St. Petersburg, Fla., ar­rived home this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Furman Ander­son, Silver Greek, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gal­loway.

A. E. Toner who has been In Veterans Hospital. Erie, for treat­ment, has returned home.

Ed Powis was In Toronto on business Monday. His brother, Jtm, who has been visiting here, returned with him to bis home in Toronto.

A Directory Of Post-Journal Classifications

ANNOUNCEMENTS Liquor Licenses Posting Notices Monuments, Burial Lots Court. Dissolution of a Marriage.

Barbara Nelson, by Guardian ad Flowers litem. Falconer. N.Y., R.D. vs. Frank | Personals Nelson. Frewsburg. N.Y.. Supreme i Where to Dine Court. Interlocutory Annulment. Lost and Found

Lawrence R. Grundstrom. 8 Howard Instructions St.. Frewsbure. N.Y. vs. Joan M Insurance Grundstrom. 8U Prendergast Ave.. Business Directory Jamestown, N.Y.. Supreme Court, In- r i a n t n v i t r i r r terlocutoryu Divorce E M P L O Y M E N T

Lena Milltello. 6 Hickory St.. Sll- H . i - «•-„,-<« s>m«u ver Creek. N.Y. vs. Salvatore * l " t l p " * n t e < ? ' ? « " « •

1 2 4

4-A 6

S-A 7 8

a-A 9


Typing Essential. 5 DAY WEEK.


Apply Jamestown Table Co. 145 FAIRMOUNT AVE.

HOUSEKEEPER to live in. Father and 4 children. Write Box 283. Lakewood stating age and exper­ience.

LICENSED practical nurse wanted In




Westburgh Electric, Inc. 91-100 E. 1st St.

Ph 3»T22 or 3-922

Electric Motor Service Co. E New and Used Motors

Sales—Parts—Service M S 347 Crescent Street

Ph. Days 4024 Nlphts 56213

FURNACES Coal, Oil or Gas

Free Estimates

KALAMAZOO 107 N Main St Phone 99-085


8 x 7—4 sections S65 9 x 7—4 sections S69



1292 E. 2ND ST.

OVERHEAD DOOR SALES CO. D. S. Hynes—Factory Distributor, 99

Institute St. Phone 95-366. rhe original "OVERHEAD DOOR"


Po'nting, Papering ALBIN R. CARLSON

Interior and exterior painting, paper hanging. Ph. 75-861 or 6-703.

CARL 0 . ROSE Painting Contractor

Retailing Devoe Paints 211 E. 3rd St. Ph 42-385

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Painting. Free estimates. Reasonable

rates. Ph. 96-143. PAINTING, papering, floor sanders

for rent Art Whitman, Frewsburg 4783.

.PAINTING AND PAPERING An honest Job. 72-493 after 6


Dorothy Larson Lakewood

numbing • Repairs








& HEATING CO. 304 Pine St. Ph 3-751 Nights 84-278




JAMESTOWN BLOWER CO. 127 E. 2nd St Ph. 6-064

RURAL PLUMBING Septic tanks Disposal Systems

Budget Priced Automatic} Hot Water Tanks

Sold-Installed Water Pumps Sold Installed Repaired Automatic Washing Machines installed

Phone 97-529 Jamestown

Sow Skarpenmq

FOR A keen cutting Hand or Power Lawn

Mower. A

Hand Saw that cuts straight. A

Circle Saw that you will enjoy using.

OR The Helncmann Line of Hard Tip


FILEGARS SAW SERVICE Phone 99-350 Strunk Rd.

SAWS "all kinds" filed and condi­tioned. Lawn mowers sharpened, oiled and adjusted. All work guar­anteed. 856 N. Main. Saw, Lawn mower Shop. Phone 75-922.


and installed. Waterman's Septic Tank Service. Phone Stedman 2005.

SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Sold A Installed. Free estimates


SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Call Stanley Mlkula—Cassadaga 106F2

Shoe | Zipper Repair ALL ZIPPER SERVICE

Luggage and purses repaired. Cut your shoe cost in half with Pilate's Shoe Repair. 588 E. 2nd St.

Tractor—Mower Service

RURAL wiring & Plumbing appliance dealer. Wasslnk Bros. Phone 2333 Panama. N.Y.

Radio, Television Repair FRANK'S T.V. A VARIETY

Radio; Raytheon T.V. sales A ser­vice. Other brands available. Some used sets. Reasonable. Call at 31 W. Main St., Falconer or phone 36-373 or 44-385 or 93-518.

HILLER RADIO HOSPITAL TV. Radio, Antenna Service

915 E. 2nd S t Ph. 4996

KERM JOHNSON T.V. Television and radio service my pro­

fession—not a sideline. PHONE 24-745

Latona TV & Appliance


Linquest Electric Co., Inc. 209 Pine St. Ph. 7-159


Royal Electric & Appliance 10 E. MAW ST.. FALCONER

PH 3-027 *

LAKEWOOD ELECTRIC All types wiring Jamestown city li­

cense. 234 W. Summit. Lakewood Ph. Til l or 81-802.

Furs Reooired— Restyled SAXE FURS

i ! m e , J 0 « n » l \ r l t , e . . . ^ ! ! i n c a t i 0 n * t 0 STORAGE-RBBTYUNG-CLEANING


G. M. THORPE AND CO. Phone 6-823

We are Authorized Dealers for

NIAGARA FURNACE Free Estimates oa

Coal. Gas, Oil

General Sheet Metal Work THORPE & KING

Sheet Metal Work Falconer. N.Y. Ph. 63-391

Income Tax Consultant ACME TAX SERVICE

Federal A State Taxes Prepared Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. And All Day Saturday

408 Wellman Bldg. Ph. &Q71

Moving, Trucking, Storage HOUSEHOLD MOVING

Done by dependable and experienced men. 56 Pennsylvania Ave Ph. 82-862.

Exclusive dealer for STROMBERG CARLSON


Factory authorized TV service. An- , tenna installations. Ph. 95-356. 880i B r ' « R S *"4 0 . s

1t , r * t t ° n - . c , , !

Foote Ave. Lawson (,asoilne Engines.


Authorized dealers tor Brlggs Strat-ton and Clinton. We parts and service all engines. We sharpen, re­pair power and hand lawn mowers and cycles, all types of saw filing, etc. Free pick up and delivery 'til April. 102 Falconer S t or phone Frews. 4644.

LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Be ready for the season. We repair

everything, Custom cabinet work.

HOWARD'S REPAIR SHOP 595 Fairmount Ave. Entrance Howard

Ave. Open evenings 5-9 P.M., Sat. 9-5:30. Ph. Lkwd. 4-884.

RUSHING THE SEASON? No sir, spring will be here before

you know it. Why not let us put your mower or

garden tractor in first class con­dition now before the spring rush.

Free pick up and delivery service until April 1st


208 W. Fourth Street Phone 7-195 Authorized sales A service

Clinton and

LOU'S RADIO AND T.V. Open untlI 9 P M Fh 85-703


REPAIR SERVICE ON Televisions, radios, phonographs,

automatic washers, refrigerators. dish washers and disposals.


Lakewood. Phone Lakewood 7-525—


122 Chautuaoua Ave. Lakewood 17-5555 PHIL'S RADIO-TV 823 E. 2nd St. Ph. 98-935

Rugs, Carpet Oeoning

Box K-31. Post-Journal SALESLADY, neat and aggressive. 5

day week. Paid vacation. Insurance

fieneflts. Must have knowledge of ewlng. We will train you. Singer

Sewing Center. 14 East Third St.

Milltello. v Help Wanted. Male Famham. N.Y.. Supreme CI £ M . U , „ H r : « , . i .

Court. Interlocutory Divorce. g * J » . . ¥ » K . g i r — W Wayland W. Slmmes. R.F.D. 1. Salesmen—Saleswomen

Situations Wanted Ashvllle. N.Y. vs. Mabel Chapman,. Slmmes. at the comer of Fifth St '

F R E D O N I A D R I V E R F I N E D MAYVnXE-SherirT Charles C

McOoakey . Jr . , reported that Qif- preme Court. Interlocutory Divorce

Jamestown. N.Y.. Supreme Court. Interlocutory Divorce.

Ann Pedersen. of Si Hatzard St.. Jamestown. N.Y. vs. J. Rocky Peder sen. latt known address. Ave.. Daytona Beach. Florida. Su

21 22 23 24 25



FINANCIAL Business Opportunities

Securl , Mortgages. 331 Valusla Money To Loan


ford H. JCarin. 33.0* 214 Buckner *-* * » *-*T., V ^ u T d ' FARMERS MARKET

Wanted To Borrow

20 Van Buren

Street. Fredonia, wan fined $10 on rV'stande7w(^ngers.'*Rockiand Coun-,Garden Tools a speeding charge at his arraign- , ty. N.Y. Supreme Court Interlocu- Livestock mmnt h*far» T » r » JtarHre G e o f e e *«T Divorce. Livestock Wanted r n e ^ b e f o r e ^ C * - " * ? * * ^ " r rtarry A. DeVlleger. 293 East Fair- Poultry and Supplies Foster, town Of Sheridan, Thura- m o « n t Ave. LakeVood N.Y. vs. Farm Equipment day . Vivian L. DeVlleger, Ted'e Trailer Farmers Servlcea

Transform news copy into type by teletype perforator. Fascinating work. Hours 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., 5-day week. Phone 7-111. Ex. 28.

WAITRESS 26 6:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. Must have pleas-27 ant personality. Apply in person. 281 Alden's. 2 8 , WAITRESS wanted for part tlm

work. Apply In person. Lakevlew Hotel. Celoron. N.Y.

We Pick Up Furs. Call 5-933 110 GOKEY BLDG

Furn'ture Upkolstery Call Lakeland Upholstery


& Plumbing

29-A 30 m 32 33



Phone 84-491 WANTED woman to care for 2 chli-

dren In return for room and board. Phone 42-912 after 5 P.M.

FREE estimates on either gas or oil and Coal furnaces given free, terms can be arranged up to 38 months to pay. Expert workman­ship

BYRON F0ULKR0D 641 l-oote Ave Phnne 5^-783


302 E. 2nd S t Ph. 6-842 i »

LIGHT TRUCKING Moving. Reasonable. Walter Shearer.

41 Fiagg Ave. Ph. 83-234 mornings.

LIGHT TRUCKING Cinders, ashes, and rubbish hauled.

Phone 6810. LIGHT trucking, rubbish, ashes haul-

ed. Charges reasonable. Ph. Lake-wood 5755.

LIGHT trucking. Yards cleaned, aih-

OAJtfTELD RUG CLEANING Rug cleaning a speciality not a s ide

line. 31 Linden Ave. Ph. 6-787.

e s hauled. 52-595.

Reasonable rates. Phone

TRUCKING AND HAULING Done reasonably. Ph. 78-508

YOU NEEDNT LOOK FURTHER! For that House. Car. Job

or Anything Else You Wrant Check the Want Ads FIRST

1 1

Peterson Overhead Door Co. 797 Foote Ave.. Jamestown. N.Y.


Looking for a Musical Instrument Re/.d Musical Merchandise


Roofing, Insulation BE READY For Seasonal Showers

R00FING-SDING Installed by experts, materials and

labor guaranteed 10 years. Easy terms, call for free estimate.


All Kinds Of


DAVIS ROOFING CO. 84 W. 17th St. Ph. 98-120



Roofing. Siding, Repairs

White's Lawnmower Service FREWSBURG. N.Y.

The 15th Year to Serve Yon Power and Hand Mowers Sharpened and Repaired

Our Experience Guarantees Your Satisfaction


Frewsburg. N.Y. Tel. 2645

Tree Surgeon—-Wanting TREE PLANTING SERVICE"

Trained and. fully insured crew. Ready to plant your seedlings tor forest plantations or Christmas trees. Machine and hand planting. Curtis Bower, 46 Liberty S t Ph. 23-943.

Washing Machine Repair C0LBURN

Washing Machine Repair Open 7 Days Per Week

CALL ANY TIME All Makes Washing Machines

All Work Guaranteed for 6 Months complete overhaul all the way through

Easy Paymests Arranged Also Sell New Automatic Washers 201 Southland S t Lakewood, N.X.

Phone 17-81-505


PHONE 21-225 WA§rT 7A§HERS7

pairs. Mc wringers, sweepers, re-

orrie's Repair Shop. S09 Monroe St Ph. 62-261.

WoR Prilung EL Scherrnerhorn, Lkwd. 3 7 6 8



HOME—FARM—INDUSTRIAL Ph. 65-574 and 95-828 Free estimates j Phone collect 383 Silver Creek. N.Y.



MACHINERY MOVES FAST through Classified ads!

To Sell Anything. Dial 7-111

Untitled Document

file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/hello.html2/18/2007 11:01:03 AM

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069