national inclusion project powerpoint

NATIONAL INCLUSION PROJECT By Sonjia Clemens Reading 142 March 10,2011

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By Sonjia ClemensReading 142

March 10,2011

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Inclusion or Not?

Inclusion is giving people their rightful opportunity to participate. 

Now one might ask what this has to do with anything. Well most of us take being included in something such as a college level class for granted.

There are special people be they school age or legal adults that are not included in the things that the socially normal people are.

Think for a moment on what it means to you to be included then imagine what it would be like to not be included because of their intellectual or physical disabilities and you have why thoughts of inclusion are so important to those people with such issues.

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The National Inclusion project

Mission statement: The National Inclusion Project serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with disabilities and the world around them. We partner with communities and inclusive programs creating awareness about the possibilities that inclusion can bring..

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National Inclusion Project

Grew out of a relationship between Clay Aiken, Diane Bubel, and Diane’s son Mike who had been diagnosed with autism.

They shared a vision of a world where children like Mike could be fully immersed in society. They had both witnessed children with disabilities repeatedly turned away from activities opened to typical children

As Clay pursued a degree in special education from UNC-Charlotte, he completed an independent study project where he created a foundation that focused on providing the support system for recreational and educational programs around the country to open doors to children with disabilities that had thus far remained closed.

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National Inclusion Project Cont.

This shared goal grew into reality on July 28, 2003 the National Inclusion Project has established itself

as a leading voice for inclusion working with a “Who’s who” list of youth organizations including YMCAs, Best Buddies International, Boys & Girls Clubs to name a few

as well as many other local parks and recreation departments, community centers, and privately-run programs. 

They have also formed partnerships with Johns Hopkins University’s National Center for Summer Learning, the University of Massachusetts-Boston’s Center for Social Development and Education

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National Inclusion Project Cont.

In 2008, both of the Project’s cutting edge inclusion models – Let’s ALL Play and the K-12 Inclusive Service Learning Program – were closely evaluated with overwhelmingly positive results.  Children with and without disabilities in these programs saw growth in motor skills, social skills, and self-esteem, and the impact of the friendships made will last long into the future.

The National Inclusion Project has worked with hundreds of programs, trained numerous staff members and leaders, and provided inclusive opportunities for over 20,000 children.

The National Inclusion Project is poised to continue to make an impact with thousands of children nationwide as well as raise the national consciousness about the need for and benefits of inclusion.

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National Inclusion Project Offers

Was designed to help all of us to work together with those with specials needs or needs outside of the norm of society.

Through programs such as Let’s Play which provides a program model for recreation programs seeking to improve the way they implement inclusion.

Together We Make a Difference is an effective service learning curriculum tool that teachers and program providers can use to help all children make an impact.

The national inclusion program focuses on kids and community and what they can do.

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Together We Make a Difference

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Together We Make a Difference

Brings together students with and without disabilities

Developed by a partnership of the National Inclusion Project and the Institute on Community Integration, a federally-designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities located at the University of Minnesota.

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Why Service Learning (Process)

Brings together peers with and without disabilities in collaborative, inclusive classroom and community settings.

Incorporates service into existing classroom curricula and standards.

Provides skill development for students, staff, and the community leading to increased acceptance and valuing of individuals with disabilities and a greater appreciation of their contributions to society.

Enhances community building, teamwork, leadership, communication, problem solving, benevolent attitudes and advocacy skills for ALL participants.

Meets a real community need while at the same time making learning “real” for participants.

Creates future leaders!

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Lessons for Getting to Know Everybody, Getting to Know Service Learning, Increasing Awareness of Our Abilities, Commonalities, and Diversity, How I Make a Difference,Learning About Our Community and Picking a Service Learning Project, Developing Our PlanStarting Our Project and Pausing Along the Way, Reviewing, Sharing, and Celebrating

These lessons help teacher and students become more adept in providing an inclusive environment for their special students and classmates

The curriculum package costs $59 and also includes the storybook Our Friend Mikayla and access to online resources to supplement the manual.

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Together We can Make a Difference and the Shuttleworth Foundation

I believe that the Shuttleworth foundation would find this program to be acquisition to the foundation

The Shuttleworth Foundation likes projects that promote and aggrandized education and social reform.

The National Inclusion Project which holds this program has set about making education and social reforms pertaining to the treatment of special needs children both at the community and educational level.

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Together We can Make a Difference and the Shuttleworth Foundation Cont.

Together we can make a difference creates leaders which is also people who the Shuttleworth foundation likes as well.

A partnership between the two would help the National Inclusion Project and teachers that fall under the Together we make a difference program have a support system in getting the program in school wide.

Both organizations like having closer partnerships with those that benefit from them.

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I want to help

If you want to help this organization or take a look at what you can implement in a class or your own visit the National Inclusion Project at Check out the news for the organization

to see if there is a fundraiser you can attend or read the information on Together We can Make a Difference when you click on its link.

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The End

They do not explain their logo anywhere on the site that I have found.

Pictures are taken from the site for the organization itself. The link is provided in another slide.