national bible college 1 st 422 theology iv · pdf filest 422 theology iv study questions exam...

NATIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE ST 422 THEOLOGY IV STUDY QUESTIONS EXAM 1 1 Name:________________________________________ Date:__________________ 1. The word "dispensation" (oikonomia or other related words) comes from two words which means _____________ and _______________. p. 1 2. ___Which is not a feature of the Luke 16 usage of "dispensation"? p. 2 A. There are specific responsibilities. B. God is the One to whom men are responsible. C. There are two parties. D. Stewardship positions may be taken away because of unfaithfulness. 3. T/F There is no connection between the N.T. usage of "dispensation" and a period of time. p. 3 Name and briefly define the three parts of Ryrie's definition of a dispensation. p. 3 4. ______________________ 5. ____________________________________ 6. ______________________ 7. ____________________________________ 8. ______________________ 9. ____________________________________ 10. T/F The different dispensations show different means of salvation. p.3 11. T/F The fullness of times is a dispensation mentioned by Paul. p. 3 12. T/F Paul recognizes a previous dispensation. p. 3 13. T/F The grace of God is a dispensation mentioned by Paul. p. 3 14. One scripture which shows that the dispensations are connected with the mysteries of God is ______. p. 3 15. T/F One characteristic of "dispensation" is the responsibility of a man. p. 4 16.-17. Two chapters in the N.T. which teach progressive revelation are ___________ and ___________ p. 4 18. The recognition that God's message to man was unfolded over a period of time rather than in one single act is called ____________________________________. p. 4 19. T/F The most distinctive feature of dispensationalism is the distinction made between Israel and the Church. p. 5 20. ___Normal hermeneutics p. 5 A. does not allow for different time periods. B. does not allow for figures of speech in the Bible C. does not allow for substituting the Church in place of Israel. D. All of the above 21. ___What ends each dispensation? p. 5 A. Peace B. Judgment C. Deliverance D. Revelation 22. T/F Dispensationalism is a requirement for premillennial belief. p. 5

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Name:________________________________________ Date:__________________ 1. The word "dispensation" (oikonomia or other related words) comes from two words which means _____________ and _______________. p. 1 2. ___Which is not a feature of the Luke 16 usage of "dispensation"? p. 2 A. There are specific responsibilities. B. God is the One to whom men are responsible. C. There are two parties. D. Stewardship positions may be taken away because of unfaithfulness. 3. T/F There is no connection between the N.T. usage of "dispensation" and a period of time. p. 3 Name and briefly define the three parts of Ryrie's definition of a dispensation. p. 3 4. ______________________ 5. ____________________________________ 6. ______________________ 7. ____________________________________ 8. ______________________ 9. ____________________________________ 10. T/F The different dispensations show different means of salvation. p.3 11. T/F The fullness of times is a dispensation mentioned by Paul. p. 3 12. T/F Paul recognizes a previous dispensation. p. 3 13. T/F The grace of God is a dispensation mentioned by Paul. p. 3 14. One scripture which shows that the dispensations are connected with the mysteries of God is ______. p. 3 15. T/F One characteristic of "dispensation" is the responsibility of a man. p. 4 16.-17. Two chapters in the N.T. which teach progressive revelation are ___________ and ___________ p. 4 18. The recognition that God's message to man was unfolded over a period of time rather than in one single act is called ____________________________________. p. 4 19. T/F The most distinctive feature of dispensationalism is the distinction made between Israel and the Church. p. 5 20. ___Normal hermeneutics p. 5 A. does not allow for different time periods. B. does not allow for figures of speech in the Bible C. does not allow for substituting the Church in place of Israel. D. All of the above 21. ___What ends each dispensation? p. 5 A. Peace B. Judgment C. Deliverance D. Revelation 22. T/F Dispensationalism is a requirement for premillennial belief. p. 5

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List (in order) the seven dispensations as popularized by Scofield. p. 6/8 23. ________________________________ 24. ________________________________ 25. _________________________________ 26. _________________________________ 27. _________________________________ 28. _________________________________ 29. _________________________________ 30.- 32. Name three men who show some dispensational teaching prior to its main formulator. p.6-7 _________________________, __________________________, ________________________. 33. The main formulator of dispensationalism was ____________________ p. 7 34. The main formulator of dispensationalism recognized how many dispensations? p. 7 A. 7 B. 3 C. 12 D. 5 35.___ Which is not true of dispensationalism? p. 9 A It is accused of causing divisions. B It got many people studying the Bible. C. It is relatively recent. D. It uses allegorical interpretations. 36. _____________________ is the science of interpretation. p. 9 Match each explanation with the proper reason for using normal Biblical interpretation p. 10 37. ____ If there is no normal interpretaion there is no objectivity. A. Logical 38. ____ Fulfillment of O.T. prophecy has been literal. B. Philosophical 39. ____ In communicating His purpose to man, God naturally C. Biblical intends to reveal, not conceal. D. Not a good explanation 40. ____ If normal interpretation is used for some parts of the Bible, it should be used for eschatology. 41. T/F The unity of the Bible is broken when it is divided into dispensations. p. 11 42. T/F The relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Church is different from His relationship to Israel. p. 11 43. T/F According to dispensational teachings, the mystery of the Church was revealed in the O.T. p. 11 44. T/F The N.T. distinguishes between believing Jews and natural Israel. p. 11 45. The simple name for the Church is the __________________. p.100 Name the three groups or persons who are called Abraham's seed. 46-48 ___________________, __________________, ___________________ p. 12 49. T/F Noah was a part of Israel. p. 12 50. T/F Amillennialism is a part of normal hermeneutics. (Hermeneutic Choo-Choo) 51.___ According to dispensational teaching the Church began at p.11 A. Christ's birth C. The start of Jesus' ministry B. The H.S. baptism at Pentecost D. Christ's death

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52. T/F One must be Jewish to be part of Abraham's spiritual seed. p. 14 53. T/F In the O.T., more Jews than Gentiles are Abraham's spiritual seed. p. 14 54. T/F In the N.T., more Jews than Gentiles are Abraham's spiritual seed. p. 14 55. The two main theological systems are ________________ and __________________. p. 1/15 56. Name one mainline denomination adhering to covenant theology. _________________. p. 15 57. T/F According to covenant theology, everyone saved from the time of Adam to the present is part of the covenant community p. 15 Name the three covenants of covenant theology, and next to each write the parties of the covenant. p. 15 58. _____________________ 59. _________________________________

60. _____________________ 61. _________________________________

62. _____________________ 63. _________________________________ 64. T/F Covenant theology was developed before the Reformation p. 15 65.___ Double predestination was not popular following the Synod of A. Westminster B. Calvin C. Dordt D. Witsius 66. Who came first, Cocceius or Witsius? (circle one) p.16-17 67. ___The covenant of Grace was developed p. 16 A. in 1602 B. after the covenant of redemption C. long before Calvin D. in the 1500's 68. What man was principally responsible for developing the covenant of Redemption?_________________ p. 16 69. Which two covenants did Cocceius advance? _________________and ______________ p. 16 List the four characteristics of a Biblical covenant. p. 18- 70. 70._____________________________________________

71. _____________________________________________

72. _____________________________________________

73. _____________________________________________ 74. ___Which of these is a problem of Covenant Theology? p.18 A. It denies or weakens Biblical distinctions. B. It uses very literal interpretations. C. It emphasizes a broad historical goal. D. It makes definite distinctions between Grace and the other covenants. 75. T/F The Church is those people who are born again through faith in Jesus Christ during p.19 the period from the Reformation to the Second Coming.

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76. ___The partial rapture theory is similar to _________-trib thinking, but only those who are ready will be taken. A. post B. mid C. pre D. 20 Choose from these words for the next three questions: p. 20 A. pre-trib. B. eschatology C. prophecy D. rapture E. millennium F. tribulation

77. ____ The study of last things 78. ____ The 1000 period during which Christ reigns personally on the earth 79. ____ The "taking out" of the Church prior to Christ's return to the earth 80. The Day of the Lord totals ________ years. p. 20 81. T/F Both judgments and blessing are part of the Day of the Lord. p. 20 82. T/F The Biblical covenants are the basis of the study of eschatology. p. 20 83. ___Which is not true of the Abrahamic covenant? p.22 A. Blessing was promised to all families of the earth. B. Abraham's name was to be made great. C. There are several conditions involved. D. Land was promised. 84. T/F The entire Abrahamic covenant has been fulfilled. p. 22 85. ___The New covenant replaces the ______________ covenant. p. 22-25 A. Mosaic B. Palestinian C. Davidic 86. One chapter of the Bible which speaks of the Davidic covenant is _______________. p. 22 87. ___The Palestinian covenant dealt with the ______ portion of the Abrahamic covenant. p. 22 A. land B. blessing C. nation 88. T/F In the future, Israelites must repossess their land. p. 23 89. ___Which is not part of the Davidic covenant? p. 24 A. Solomon's building of the temple B. The continuation of one ruling family in the Southern Kingdom C. The throne given to another because of his son's sins D. Fulfillment by Christ 90. ___Pre-millennialists view Christ's fulfillment of the Davidic covenant as occuring p.24 A. by the church militant (on earth) B. when Christ comes back and "makes things right." C. by the church triumphant (in heaven) D. after the church has made conditions on earth good 91. Circle one: The New covenant is Israel's/the Church's covenant. p. 25

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92. Just as Gentiles share in the benefits of Abraham's covenant, so ___________ shares in the benefits of the New covenant. p.23 93. ___Which is not promised in the New covenant? p.25 A. Gift of Holy Spirit B. Salvation of all Israelites C. Being over all nations D. Everlasting blessing 94. The ______________ covenant is commemorated in the Lord's Supper. p. 26 95. T/F All the promises made to Israel have been fulfilled. p. 26 96. List two scriptures which confirm that Israel will possess the land promised them. ________________ _________________ p. 26-27 97. T/F Obedience is necessary for blessing. p. 28 98. ___The scripture which tells the time of Israel's restoration is p.27 A. Isaiah 59:20 B. Matthew 24:30 C. Revelation 21:1 D. Romans 11:25 99. T/F The covenants are dependent upon Christ's obedience. p. 29 100. ___ Which is not an objection to the use of the covenants? p. 28-30 A. Conditions may be involved C. Israel did not remain in the land B. The blessing included Esau D. The covenant has been fulfilled

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PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION/ESSAY QUESTIONS ON THE BACK OF THESE PAGES. REMEMBER THAT THE WORDS "ESSAY" AND "DISCUSSION" NORMALLY INDICATE THAT AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR THE ANSWER. 1. When did dispensationalism begin? Give dates and support. p.6ff 2. What are two basic charges against dispensationalism? How can they be answered? p. 9 3. Discuss the seed of Abraham in relation to the Church. Is the church ever called Israel? p. 12-14 4. What are the historic beginnings of the covenants of Redemption, Works, and Grace? p. 15-17 5. What scriptural evidence is there for the biblical covenants? Use three-pronged chart. p. 24 6. What are five problem areas with Covenant Theology? p. 20 7. Define: eschatology, millennium, tribulation, rapture, Day of the Lord. p. 22-23 8. What are five views of the New Covenant? p. 27 9. What three things do we believe about Israel? p. 29 10. T/F I have completed the assigned reading. (minus 10 points for false answer)

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NAME ____________________________________________ DATE __________________ 1. ___Which is not a purpose of the incarnation? p. 31 A. to reveal the Father C. to offer the promised kingdom. B. to provide an example D. to proclaim repentance 2. T/F When Christ lived on earth He was offering the Kingdom to Israel. p. 31 3. T/F The entire O.T. is only for the nation of Israel. p. 31 4.-5. The animal which is a picture of the offering of the promised kingdom to Israel is Christ the ______________________. This is contrasted with Christ the _________________, offering Himself on the cross to redeem the world. p. 31 6. T/F The epistles have no national aspect. p. 32 7. T/F The epistles are the record of a transitional period. p. 32 8. T/F Even when offering the kingdom to Israel, Christ had His Church in view. p. 32 9. T/F Teaching recorded in the Gospels and Acts is exclusively for the Church. p. 32 10. T/F The beginning of Christ's ministry was directed toward Israel, but He later abandoned His initial purpose. 11-13 List three chapters in Genesis which give the Abrahamic covenant. p. 32 14-16 Name three O.T. men (other than Abraham) to whom Kingdom promises were given. p. 32-33 __________________ _________________ ________________ 17. T/F Though most Israelites didn't understand how kingship and suffering would fit together in regard to the Messiah, God revealed this to the O.T. prophets. p. 34 18. T/F Christ obeyed the Law. p. 34 19. T/F Jesus' disciples were instructed to go only to Israelites until after His resurrection. p. 34 Use a,b,c or d to show where in the book of Matthew the following can be found: p.35-37 20. ____ transfiguration shows coming kingdom to Jesus disciple’s A. Chap. 1-10 21. ____ kingdom offered only to Israel B Chap. 11-12 22. ____ kingdom seen as rejected C. Chap. 13 23. ____ mention of Gentiles, implying a widening sphere of blessing D Chap. 14-28 24. ____ first glimpse of the Church 25. ____ warning to Gentiles about their treatment of Israel 26. ____ setting forth of what the subjects of the kingdom should be 27. ____ mysteries of the Kingdom explained but not realized physically 28. T/F The earthly kingdom was offered, rejected and postponed. p. 38 29. T/F After Christ's resurrection the disciples preached that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. p. 38

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30. T/F Christ's primary mission on earth was to the whole world. p. 38 31. ___Which prophecy has been fulfilled? p.39-42 A. a partial restoration C the present age B. completion of first resurrection D. the descent of Christ to Mt. Olivet 32.___Which prophecy has not been fulfilled? p. 39-42 A. Battle of Armageddon C. Israel's bondages B. destruction of Jerusalem D. judgment on Moab and Syria 33. ___Which is not an office of Christ? p. 40 A. king B. brother C. prophet D. priest Put the following in chronological order (number 1-5). p. 38-42 34. ____ Jerusalem's destruction 35. ____ The Day of the Lord 36. ____ Christ's birth 37. ____ Israel's partial restoration under Ezra 38. ____ Christ's ascension 39. T/F "The Beginning of Sorrows (birth pangs)" refers to the movement of the armies in preparation for the Battle of Armageddon. p. 41 40. T/F The Great Tribulation is equivalent to the first half of the "Seventieth Week" of Daniel. p. 41 41. T/F Both Jews and Gentiles will take part in Christ's 1000-year reign. p. 42 42. ___At the return of Christ, the first resurrection will include p.44 A. resurrection of dead saints of the 70th week B. resurrection of Old Testament saints C. judgment of those alive at the end of the tribulation D. all of the above E. none of the above 43. What event marks the division between the two halves of the tribulation? p. 45 44. T/F The Church is a parenthesis in the "70 weeks". p. 46 45. What event marks the beginning of the 70th week? p. 46 46. Name one chapter outside the book of Daniel which supports the fact that "weeks" actually means "years" in Daniel's prophecy. _____________________________ p. 47 47. In what year did the "70 weeks of Daniel" begin? ___________ p. 48 48. ___The beginning decree of Dan. 9:25 is understood to be the 20th year of ___________reign. p. 48 A. Artaxerxes' B. Darius' C. Cyrus' D. Nehemiah's

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49. T/F The "reconciliation for iniquity" which was to be fulfilled during the 70 weeks took place in Christ's death on the cross. p. 50 50. ___Which is not a name for Daniel's 70th week? p. 51 A. great and terrible Day of the Lord C. Day of Jehovah B. time of Jacob's trouble D. hour of destruction 51. T/F Salvation will be preached and obtained during the tribulation. p. 52 52. ___Everyone on earth at the time of its occurrence will be involved in p. 52 A. the tribulation C. the worship of the Beast B. the rapture D. none of the above 53. ___Which is not a characteristic of the 70th week? p.51 A. political ambition/anarchy C. great influence of the Holy Spirit B. special trouble for Israel D. direct judgments of God Match each statement with one of the following millennial views: p. 53-62 A. pre-mill. B. amill. C. post-mill. D. non-literal 54. ____ Christ comes at a life crisis 55. ____ Daniel Whitby 56. ____ Church will bring in the kingdom 57. ____ The church is spiritual Israel, over which Christ now reigns 58. ____ Augustine 59. ____ Normal interpretation of millennial scriptures 60. Which millennial view is most optimistic in its view of history? _____________ p. 54 61. The great missionary efforts of the 18th-19th centuries were influenced most by which millennial view? p. 54 62. The main view opposing premillennialism in today's society is _________________. p. 55 63. ___Which of these men is not an amillennialist? p. 55 A. Warfield B. Walvoord. C. Allis D. Berkhof 64. T/F According to amillennialism, the binding of Satan took place in Christ's time. p. 56 65. In modern amillennialism, two views hold that Christ is ruling over the Church into different places. These places are _____________________ and ______________________ p. 57 66. ___Which is not a problem with amillennialism? p. 58 A. hermeneutics C. combining things the Bible separates B. disbelief in a millennium D. all of these are problems 67. Name two proponents of premillennialism. ________________ and ________________ p. 60 68. According to pre-mill, what event ushers in the millennium? p. 60 69. T/F All premillennialist is pretribulationists. p. 61

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70. ___Which is not true of dispensational pre-mill.? p. 61-62 A. A literal 1000-yr. earthly reign is expected. B. A distinction is made between the 1st and 2nd resurrections C. It is also called covenant pre-mill. D. A pretrib. rapture is normally anticipated. As explained by Walvoord, write "rapture", "second coming" or "both" next to each description. p. 63 71. ____________________ sin is judged and righteousness reigns 72. ____________________ revealed only in New Testament 73. ____________________ affects only those "in Christ" 74. ____________________ living saints are translated 75. ____________________ follows definite signs 76. T/F When Christ comes to the Mt. of Olives, saints will meet Him in the air. p. 63 77. Circle one: I Thessalonians 4 deals with A. Christ's second coming B. the Rapture p.67 Give the four views of the rapture held by post-tribulationists. State the name, one proponent, whether a literal or allegorical tribulation is understood, and the position on imminence. Each portion is worth 1/2 point. p. 66

78. Name _________________________ 79. Type of Trib. ________________ Proponent ______________________ Imminence? Yes ___ No ___ 80. Name _________________________ 81. Type of Trib. ____________ Proponent ______________________ Imminence? Yes ___ No ___ 82. Name _________________________ 83. Type of Trib. ________________ Proponent ______________________ Imminence? Yes ___ No ___ 84. Name _________________________ 85. Type of Trib. ____________ Proponent ______________________ Imminence? Yes ___ No ___ 86. T/F Post-tribulationists say that their view is the view held by the early Church. p. 67 87. T/F The early Church held to imminency of the rapture. p. 68 88. ___The post-trib. argument that the Bible places the resurrection at the end of the tribulation can be answered by p. 68 A. viewing the resurrection as having more than one part B. showing that "tribulation" has various meanings. C. showing that there is no connection between resurrection and rapture. D. demonstrating that members of the early Church thought they were in the tribulation 89. ___The fact that Christ's coming (singular) was prophesied in the O.T. but is actually two events can be used to show something similar in regard to: p. 69 A. our Lord's earthly ministry C. the rapture B. the Great White Throne judgment D. the resurrection 90. T/F The Church has been promised tribulation while it is on earth. p. 70 91. T/F The words apokalupsis (revelation), parousia (coming) and epyphaneia (appearing) are used for both the rapture and the Second Coming. p.70 92. T/F The words "saints" and "elect" are found in reference to the tribulation period. p. 71

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93. T/F The word "church" is found in reference to the tribulation period. p. 71 94. The Bible chapter which indicates that God works with one group at a time is ____________________. p. 71 95. ___According to post-tribulationists, which of these does not have to occur before Christ's return? p. 72 A. judgment of sin C. apostasy B. fulfillment of the Great Commission D. destruction of Jerusalem 96. T/F If imminency is true, pre-tribulationism is true. p. 72 97. The chapter giving the parable of the wheat and tares is _________________. p. 72 98. In the parables of wheat and tares, what is taken out first--wheat or tares? ________________ p. 73 99. T/F Post-tribulationists use the parable of wheat and tares to show that the Church will continue until the end of the age. p. 73 100. T/F The point of the parable of the wheat and tares is to show an order of events. p. 73 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION/ESSAY QUESTIONS ON THE BACK OF THESE PAGES. REMEMBER THAT THE WORDS "ESSAY" AND "DISCUSSION" NORMALLY INDICATE THAT AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR THE ANSWER. 1. State and answer the question which comes from the transitional character of the Lord's ministry. p.33-34 2. Trace the Kingdom through the gospel of Matthew. p. 37-40 3. Draw the chart of unfilled prophecies with numbers in the proper places. Then list the events with the corresponding number (all on the same page would be helpful). p. 46 4. Give the history of the ammillennial position. p. 57-59 5. Give four arguments for premillennialism. p. 64 6. Give five contrasts between the rapture and the 2nd coming. p. 65 7. State, explain and refute five arguments for the post-tribulation rapture. p. 70-76 8. Draw the chart on the 70 weeks of Daniel and briefly summarize Sir Robert Anderson's view. p. 46-47 9. State and distinguish between the 4 post-trib. views. p. 67-68

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10. T/F I have completed the assigned reading. (minus 10 points for false answer)

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NAME _________________________________________________ DATE ____________________ 1. ___Which is not a belief of midtribulationists? p. 75-76 A. The wrath of God will occur after the church is raptured. B. The Church Age and Jewish Age overlap. C. The church must experience some tribulation. D. The rapture is imminent. 2. T/F Just as there was a transition period in Acts, there will be one in the first half of the tribulation p. 75 3. T/F The tribulation will begin at a definite time. p. 75 4. T/F Apostate "Christians" will enter the tribulation. p. 75 5. Circle one: The wrath of God is related to the "Great Tribulation" "Seventh Trumpet" argument. p. 76 6. ___Which is not an appropriate rebuttal of the "Great Tribulation" argument of mid-tribulationist? p. 76 A. The tribulation is one unit. B. The tribulation is primarily Jewish. C. I Thess. 5:9-10 D. The six seals are disasters such as wars and communistic government. 7. T/F The seventh trumpet equals the last trumpet. p. 77 8-9. Which two tribulation positions do not recognize a distinct, national, Jewish kingdom? p. 77 ____________________________ and __________________________ 10-13 God's wrath in the 70th week is called "wrath" in Rev. 6:17 and 11:18. Give three other terms which show His wrath. ___________________, _________________, ________________ p. 78 13. Give one reference showing that Israel will be part of the 70th week. _______________ p. 78 14. T/F The 70th week is made up of two unrelated 3 1/2-yr. periods. p. 79 15. ___Which is not true concerning the church? p. 79 A. It is called a mystery. B. Its true members will be translated at the rapture. C. God apparantly doesn't work through it at the same time that He's working through Israel as a people. D. All are true. 16. What event closes the church age? ______________________ p. 79 17-18 What two events must take place in heaven between the rapture and the church's return to earth with Christ? ___________________________ ____________________________ p. 80 19. T/F Glorified saints (with changed bodies) are the only ones who will enter the millennium. p. 80

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20. ___According to Matthew 25, p. 80 A. all saints in the millennium will be in physical bodies. B. judgment after the tribulation will be based on works. C. those who see Christ coming may believe and immediately enter the millennium. D. All of the above E. None of the above 21-22. Give two references (chap. and verse) which are used to indicate imminency in connection with the rapture: _____________________ and _____________________ p. 80 23. Which of the seven churches of Revelation most likely corresponds to the Church today? __________ p. 81 24. Give two references (chap. and verse) which are used to indicate that the church will be delivered from the great tribulation. _____________________________ _____________________________ p. 81 25. The "restrainer" of II Thess. 2:6-7 is believed by the pre-trib. to be whom? _______________________ p. 81 26. T/F According to the Pre-trib, because the church is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, the church cannot be on earth if the Holy Spirit is removed. p. 81 27. How many elders are pictured in Rev. 4 and 5? __________ p. 82 28-30. There are three different views of who is represented by the elders of Rev. 4 and 5. The three possible groups are: ________________, _________________, _______________ p. 82 31. T/F Israel and the Church make up the redeemed of all ages. p. 83 32. ___The scene of the elders in heaven takes place p. 83 A. before the rapture C. during the millennium B. during the tribulation D. after the Great White Throne judgment 33. ___Which group is said to be a priesthood? p. 83 A. angels C. Jews B. the Church D. the apostles 34-36. Name three things offered to overcomers in the churches of Rev. _______________________, _______________________, ________________________ 37. T/F In visions of Old Testament prophets, elders were absent from heavenly scenes. p. 84 38. Name two Old Testament characters who were "taken out" of situations before judgment came. p. 84 Name the four future judgments and next to each write the result. p. 85-86 39. ______________________________ 40. _____________________________ 41. ______________________________ 42. _____________________________ 43. ______________________________ 44. _____________________________ 45. ______________________________ 46. ______________________________ 47. The parables of the 10 virgins and 10 talents of Matt. 25 are illustrations of which judgment? p. 85 48. Judgment of believers' works occurs at which judgment? p. 85

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________________________________ For each of the following groups of participants, tell which judgment is indicated. p. 85-87 49. Israel, in physical bodies ____________________________ 50. Church only _____________________________ 51. Unbelievers of all time _____________________________ 52. Living persons of Gentile Nations _____________________________ 53. Separation of believers from unbelievers is the purpose of which two judgments? p. 85-87 ________________ and _______________ 54. I Cor. 3 speaks of the ________________ judgment. p. 85-87 55. ___ The basis for judgment for believers is p. 85-87 A. treatment of Israelites B. faithfulness C. works D. salvation The two judgments based on works whose purpose are to determine degrees of reward or punishment are p. 85-87 56. ______________________________ (reward) and 57. ______________________________ (punishment). 58. Name one judgment which will take place on earth. ___________________________ p. 85-87 Next to these scriptures, write the judgment which is indicated. p. 85-87 59. Rev. 20:11-15 ________________________ 60. Matt. 25:31 ___________________________ 61. Which judgment takes place during the tribulation?______________________________ p. 85-87 62. Which judgment takes place after the millennium? _______________________________ p. 85-87 63. What is the purpose of the judgment of the nation Israel?____________________________ p. 86 64. T/F Luke 12 shows that all unbelievers will be punished equally. p. 87 Match the following with their present locations. p. 88 ____65. Believers' bodies A. in Hades ____66. Believers' spirits B. with Christ ____67. Unbelievers' bodies C. in purgatory ____68. Unbelievers' spirits D. in the grave 69. T/F Some resurrections are spiritual resurrections. p. 88 70. Give two scriptures related to resurrections in general. p. 88 ______________________________, ___________________________ Use an "a" (first) or a "b" (second) to indicate which resurrection the following statements apply.. p. 88 ____71. Believers ____72. Unbelievers ____73. Has more than one part ____74. Occurs after the millennium ____75. Rev. 20:11-14 ____76. I Thess. 4 77. T/F Christ was the first fruit of the first resurrection. p. 88

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78. ___Dan. 12:2 refers to p. 85 A. the resurrections B. the second coming C. the rapture D. none of the above Give two other names, with scripture, for the first resurrection. p. 88 79. _______________________ _________________________ 80. _______________________ _________________________ 81. ___The Great White Throne Judgment occurs p. 89 A. between the 1st and 2nd resurrections B. at the second resurrection C. at the first resurrections Match the time period with each statement. ____82. Scattered kingdom nation A. past kingdom ____83. Millennium B. present kingdom ____84. Satan bound C. future kingdom ____85. Spiritual kingdom ____86. Christ on earth; kingdom "in your midst" Mark each statement with an M or an H to indicate whether it is a description of the millennial or heavenly city. p. 91 ____87. Sacrifices ____88. No sun, moon or stars ____89. Spoken of mainly by Ezekiel ____90. Spoken of mainly by John in Revelation List five ways in which Christ will be manifested in the millennium. p. 92 91. ______________________________________ 92. ______________________________________ 93. ______________________________________ 94. ______________________________________ 95. ______________________________________ 96. T/F During the millennium, Israel will be blessed and made head of all nations. p. 91-93 97. T/F The forms of government in the millennium will be a democracy. 98. ___Which is not a characteristic of the millennium? p. 93 A. peace and prosperity C. increased light B. longer life for humans D. all are characteristics 99. T/F During the millennium, all will know God. p. 93 100. T/F Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 20 both speak of Satan's loosing and last revolt. p. 94 101. ___What is the final doom of Satan? p. 94 A. thrown into bottomless pit B. confined in the lake of fire C. bound in Hades D. annihilated PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION/ESSAY QUESTIONS ON THE BACK OF THESE PAGES. REMEMBER THAT THE WORDS "ESSAY" AND "DISCUSSION" NORMALLY INDICATE

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THAT AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR THE ANSWER. 1. State, explain and refute 4 arguments for the mid-trib. rapture. p. 74-77 2. State, explain and refute (if possible) 5 arguments for the pre-trib. rapture. p. 78-84 3. Know the future judgments--all aspects. p. 85-87 4. Explain and distinguish the future resurrections. (Include chart) p. 88-89 5. Give 5 indications that the millennium will not be a reality until Christ returns. p. 90 6. Give 4 contrasts between the millennial city and the heavenly city. p. 91 7. List 5 ways in which Christ will be manifested (no texts necessary). p. 92 8. Give characteristics of the millennial age with texts. p. 93 9. T/F I have completed the assigned reading. (minus 10 points for false answer)

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NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _____________________ 1. The word church in Greek is composed of two words which mean a ____________________________ group. p. 95 The word ekklesia is used in a secular way in p. 95 2. _____________________ (book and chapter) to refer to 3. _____________________. 4-6 The Old Testament passage _______________ is quoted in _____________ (New Testament passage), where the term ekklesia is used to refer to __________________. p. 95 7-8 Two texts which refer to the local church are ________________ and ______________ p. 95 9-10 Two texts which refer to the universal church are ___________ and ______________ p. 95 11. ___ Which is not a modern usage of "church"? p. 95 A. denominational affiliation B . churches of one locality C. the building where Christians meet D. members of a particular group E. all are current uses Four figures of speech for the church are TEXT p. 95-96 12. _________________ and __________________ 13. ___________________

14. ________________ and __________________ 15. ___________________

16. ________________ and __________________ 17. ___________________

18. _________________ and __________________ 19. ___________________ 20.___ T/F Israel and the Church both have covenant relations. p. 96 21.___ T/F Israel was related to God by blood redemption centered in animal sacrifices. p. 96 22.___ T/F The Church is Abraham's seed. p. 96 23.___ T/F Both Israel and the Church are called to be God's witnesses to the world. p. 96 24.___ T/F The Church and Israel have very few common doctrines. p. 96 25. ___Which is not a true comparison between the Church and Israel? p. 96 A. Both have the same dispensation. C. Both are elect. B. Both are given individual privileges in heaven. D. Both are called to separation. 26-27 As marriage illustrations showing a vital relationship, the term __________________ is applied to the church and the term __________________ is applied to Israel. p. 96 28.___ T/F A distinction between the Church and Israel makes the millennium necessary. p. 96

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Six ways in which Israel and the Church can be contrasted are: (1/2 point for each item) p. 97-99 Area Israel Church 29. _____________________ __________________ 30. _____________________

31. _____________________ __________________ 32. _____________________

33. _____________________ __________________ 34. _____________________

35. _____________________ __________________ 36. _____________________

37. _____________________ __________________ 38. _____________________

39. _____________________ __________________ 40. _____________________ 41.___ T/F Both Israel and the Church will share Christ's throne in reigning over the earth. p. 99 42. A scripture which shows that the Church is called the body is _________________________. 43. A scripture which shows the means of entrance into the body is _________________________. 44. Therefore, entrance into the Church is by __________________ p. 100 45. The record of the first Holy Spirit baptism is in ______________ (chapter and verses). p. 100 46. A text which is used to show that the Church was not in the Old Testament is ___________________. p. 100 47. A text which shows that baptism into the Church had not started before Christ's ascension is _____________ p.100 48.___ T/F The purpose of the Church is to bring peace and righteousness to the world. p. 101 49.___Which is not related to the purpose of the Church? p. 101-102 A. to give ministry gifts and service opportunities to members B . to call out a people for His name C. to unite God's called out people into a body D. to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom 50.___ Which is not a means of fulfilling God's plan for the Church? p. 102 A. preaching the Word B. a separated people C. the instrumentality of local churches D. the power of the Holy Spirit E. all are means 51.___ T/F Evangelism, preaching the word, and missionary effort all mean the same thing. p. 102 Name the four forms of church government. p. 103-106 52. ____________________________ 53. __________________________

54. ____________________________ 55. __________________________

Name the type of church government described in each statement. p. 103-106 56. ______________________ Rule by bishops 57. ______________________ Rule by Roman pope 58. ______________________ Pastors of local churches grouped together 59. ______________________ Each group is autonomous

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Name two problems with rule by bishops. p. 104 60. ________________________________________________

61. ________________________________________________ 62. ___Which is an argument for rule by the presbytery? p. 105 A. In Acts 15, representatives were sent to Jerusalem. B . Elders are never told to rule. C. Timothy and Titus were over more than one church.

D. There is no N.T. teaching of any organization larger than the local church.

63. In the early church, elders were ordained by ___________________ p. 106 64. However, some scriptures such as _______________________ and 65. ______________________ indicate prior selection. Fill in the function of leadership related to each of the following. p. 109 66. ___________________ Administration 67. ___________________ Care of the church 68. ___________________ Instruction 69. ___Which is not a qualification for an elder? p. 110-112 A. not greedy C. not wealthy B. peaceable D. self-controlled 70.___ T/F In determining church officers, a congregation should not let an individual's home life sway its decision. p. 113 71. "The husband of one wife"(K.J.V) could better be translated ___________________________________.p. 110 72.___ T/F I Tim. 3 and Titus 1 prohibit single men from being elders. p. 110-111 73.___ T/F An elder should have a good reputation and have been a Christian for a number of years. p. 113 74. ___Laying on of hands symbolizes p. 113 A. recognition of certain gifts D. all of the above B. the setting apart of certain people E. none of the above C. association/identification 75. ___Acts 6 is important to our knowledge of the office of p. 114 A. deacon B . pastor C. deaconess D. elder 76.___ T/F Since deacons are subordinate to elders, their moral requirements are not as great. 77.___ T/F Deaconesses have no leadership office in the church. p. 114 Answer with either "ordinance", "sacrament", or "both". p. 115 78. __________________________ Meant to convey grace 79. __________________________ A visible (outward) sign 80. __________________________ Not meant to convey grace

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List three reasons for the ordinance of baptism. p. 115 81. _______________________________ 82. _______________________________ 83. _______________________________ 84. ___Water Baptism A. identifies one with a message, messenger or group B. brings new life C. is a private ordinance D. all of the above E. none of the above In each of the following, with what is the baptized one associating? p. 116 85. Christ's baptism _______________________________________ 86. Proselyte baptism _______________________________________ 87. Christian baptism _______________________________________ 88. Spirit baptism _______________________________________ 89.___ T/F In every recorded New Testament baptism, immersion was possible. p. 117 90. ___ The purpose of sprinkling is to picture p. 118 A. death and resurrection with Christ B the Spirit's coming C. entrance into the Church D. cleansing 91.___ T/F Water baptism washes away sins. p. 119 92.___ T/F Water baptism is for believers only. p. 119 93.___ T/F Since entire households were baptized in the early church, infant baptism must have been practiced.. p. 121 94.___ T/F God's word tells us that children who die before the "age of accountability" are saved. p. 122 95.___ T/F Water baptism is proper only when done with Jesus' authority in mind. p. 123 Write the name applied to each view of the elements of the Lord's Supper, then circle yes or no to indicate whether or not grace is thought to be conveyed in each instance. (1/2 pt. each) p. 124 96. Roman Catholic ______________________ yes no 97. Lutheran ______________________ yes no 98. Reformed ______________________ yes no 99. Zwingli ______________________ yes no 100. ___Which is not a purpose of the Lord's Supper? p. 124 A. remembrance B. showing Christ continually crucified C. self-examination D. looking forward to Christ's return 101. Which view of the elements maintains that they change to the body and blood of Christ? ___________________________ p. 124

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102. ___The Lord's Supper p. 125-126 A. involves members coming to the front of the church B .should be observed only by believers C. should be observed once each week D. includes footwashing E. all of the above 103.___ T/F Footwashing is commanded by Paul. p. 126 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION/ESSAY QUESTIONS ON THE BACK OF THESE PAGES. REMEMBER THAT THE WORDS "ESSAY" AND "DISCUSSION" NORMALLY INDICATE THAT AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT FOR THE ANSWER. 1. Define ekklesia (all 3 parts). p. 95 2. When did the Church begin, what is the Scriptural basis? p. 100 3. How does God use the local church to fulfill His purposes? (five ways) "means" p. 102 4. Discuss the relationship between bishop, elder and pastor. p. 107-108 5. Explain and give possible interpretations for the requirement that certain officers "be the husband of one wife." p. 110-111 6. What is involved in ordination? p. 113 7. Discuss pros and cons of infant baptism. p. 121-122 8. Defend immersion as a mode of baptism. p. 116-117 9. Discuss the formula for baptism. p. 123 10. Name and explain the four most common views of the Lord's supper. p. 124 11. T/F I have completed the assigned reading. (minus 10 points for false answer)