narayana 5: the premier open source transaction manager

Narayana 5: The premier open source transaction manager JBug NCL: 12th May 2015 TOM JENKINSON

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Page 1: Narayana 5: The premier open source transaction manager

Narayana 5:The premier open source

transaction managerJBug NCL: 12th May 2015


Page 2: Narayana 5: The premier open source transaction manager

Agenda● Why you need a transaction manager● Using Narayana inside containers● New features in Narayana 5

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Why you need a transaction manager - a brief revision course

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My bank Your bank

Transactions - why?

My bank account Your bank account


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The properties of a transaction

There are many types of transaction models, they generally revolve around adherence to and relaxation of the so-called ACID properties:● Atomicity● Consistency● Isolation● Durability

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Transaction APIs

● Specifications:○ JSR-907 JTA 1.2○ OMG OTS 1.1○ OASIS WS-AT 1.2○ OASIS WS-BA 1.2○ X/Open TM○ rest-* REST-AT 2.0 draft 8

● Related:○ XA○ X/Open ATMI

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Transaction Manager


Resource Manager(PostGres,

HornetQ, etc)

Application Programs (you)



X/Open DTP

Recovery Manager

Transaction Log

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2PC protocolXAResource xar1 = . . .XAResource xar2 = . . . TM.begin();







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Narayana proprietary APIs

● TxCore● TXoJ● Compensations Framework● STM● Utilities:

○ TransactionalDriver○ Tooling to query the transaction log

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Other terms

Transaction types:● Global● Distributed● LocalRecovery:● Bottom-up● Top-down

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Using Narayana inside containers

WildFly, Undertow, Docker, Tomcat

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Fully integrated into WFLY● Provides JTA 1.2/JTS implementation● Provides REST-AT coordinator● Provides WS-AT/BA coordinator● Can be extended to provide an XATMI backend

for C applications

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REST-AT and Undertow

Start up a REST-AT coordinator in 3 lines!org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.undertow.UndertowJaxrsServer server =

new org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.undertow.UndertowJaxrsServer();

server.deploy(new, "/");

server.start(Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(8080, "localhost"));

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JTA in Tomcat

We have two approaches for this1. Tight integration into Tomcat structure2. Running within the IronJacamar embedded


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New features in Narayana 5

Compensations Framework, NoSQL, STM

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Compensations FrameworkProvides JTA 1.2. like API:● @Compensatable● @TxCompensate● @TxConfirmWorks both locally and remotelyCurrently does not support recovery

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In development● Atomic● Eventually consistent● Relaxes isolation● DurableUpdates to documents add in transactional data

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A concurrency model for editing shared stateBroadly speaking can be broken into:● Optimistic Concurrency Control● Pessimistic Concurrency ControlThe difference is when locks are checkedTypically you have relaxed durability

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Other things we are working on

We have a prototype of a data-grid transaction logWe are coming up against CAP theorum for when to elect a recovery manager

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Questions? Links!

Our site: http://narayana.ioOur code: our opinions: to us: us: