naple presentation danish digital library

The Danish Digital Library Jakob Heide Petersen Head of division, Danish Agency of Culture NAPLE Assembly Copenhagen 2012

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Presentation of the Danish Digital Library at the NAPLE Assembly may 10th 2012


  • 1. The Danish Digital Library Jakob Heide Petersen Head of division, Danish Agency of CultureNAPLE AssemblyCopenhagen 2012

2. Contents The Danish library sector Library developments The Danish Digital Library The challenge The Ting project The solution Implementation Related developments Issues 3. Some Danish public library key figures Population 5.56 million Local authorities 98, 500 public libraries (main andbranches) Total budget: 355 million euro(64 euro per. capita) Staff: 4.500 (2.100 librarians) 36 million visits, 45 millionloans (8,2 loans per capita) Population library usage: 1/3 frequent users (several times a moth) 1/3 occasional users (several times a year) 1/3 non-users 4. Act regarding library services Cooperation between researchand public libraries The extended library concept(all media) Free access to all primaryservices Few services at a charge Framework for the librarystructure: regionalisation, inter-municipal payment 5. Recent library developments Reform of municipalities in 2006 from 275 to 98municipalities 300 service points closed from 2000 to 2008 130 service points closed in 2007 following reform ofmunicipalities Report on the public libraries after the reform of themunicipalities in the fall of 2008 Debate in parliament on the development of libraries Commission on the Public Libraries in the KnowledgeSociety 5 6. Commission report April 2010Recommendations withfive action lines:1. Open libraries2. Inspiration and learning3. The Danish DigitalLibrary4. Partnerships5. Professionaldevelopment 6 7. Awareness of web-based library materials Use of library e-resources (20 public libaries 2011)Games and media MoviesE-booksMusic ArticlesAudio books0%20%40% 60% 80%100%Not relevant Dont know Know but dont use Know and use 8. The Danish Digital Library The challenges Competitive web-based library services. Highly visible web-based materials. Consolidated it-solutions Collaboration The solution A joint solution for digital presentation that can be used by all municipallibraries and libraries in other sectors Collaboration between Ministry of Culture and Local GovernmentDenmark (LGDK) Work started in spring 2011 and report published in March 2012 Use of it consultants to evaluate existing library collaboration 8 9. Approach Focus on infrastructure (not portals) Modular and open source Evaluation of existing initiative TING Focus on public libraries Use of it consultants to evaluate existing librarycollaboration Negotiation with municipalities 9 10. The TING project Open source collaboration with additional focus on opendata and innovation Modular service oriented infrastructure Collaboration between DBC (Public limited company owned by government and local government) Aarhus municipal library Copenhagen municipal library DBC technical partner (infrastructure, data well) Started in fall 2008 Used by a number of large public libraries 10 11. Service Oriented Architecture 12. Many user interfaces 13. Assessment by it-consultants(Devoteam)Assessment of TINGThe Danish Digital Library Favourable assessment Presentation + access to Open source, scalablematerials Best practise architecture Additional technical Good experiences withcomponents practical use Purchasing National solution means Consortiaincreased need for: Joint negotiations Organisation Administration of the Governancepurchasing process Technical integration 14. The technical solutionCMSCMS CMSAccessmanagement Webservices ERMSAcquisitionPaymentAccessAdministration Data wellStatistics 15. The Danish Digital Library Organisation Multiple vendors, use of tenders Contract management and purchaser/supplier models Coherent infrastructure Technical elements Data well that handles enriched data (user generated content, recommendations, book covers) Search National and local presentation on the internet ERMS Access and rights management 16. Organisation Steering Committee Coordination group SecretariatPurchasingIt-developmentDevelopment andpresentation 17. Implementation Budget National government: 2,3 million euro Local government: max. 3,7 million euro (max. 0,69 euro pr.capita) Membership Implementation costs estimated at 3,75 million euro in 2-3 years Voluntary for the individual municipality Goal: within three years 80-90 % of the population should becovered by the solution The implementation should result in net savings for the individuallibrary (positive business case) 18. Related developments National tender of library system Not an OPAC Open modular service oriented system Focus on transactions and administration Mediation and user interface to be handled by CMS Almost all municipalities participating E-books National service started in November 2011 Huge success Mobile platforms A lot of projects on apps and mobile solutions 19. Issues Opportunities New service delivery strategies (channel migration) from printed books to e-books Joint thematic presentations Other sectors school libraries, research libraries Partnerships and international collaboration Library advocacy Mandate to act as representative for all public libraries Challenges Equal access Transaction based or relation based services Free commercial services (e.g. music, YouTube, Google Books) 20. Questions? [email protected] Presentation available on The Ting project: and