names of allah - sistersnotes | notes from al … of allah “al mujeeb” april 25, 2017...

NAMES OF ALLAH “AL MUJEEB” APRIL 25, 2017 INTRODUCTION Allah has 99 names and whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise. This means the key to Paradise is to know Allah because if we don’t know Allah then we are not able to worship Him properly. The more we know about Allah, the more we are obedient and submitting to Allah and we will have our heart at rest.

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Allah has 99 names and whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise. This means the key to Paradise is to know Allah because if we don’t know Allah then we are not able to worship Him properly. The more we know about Allah, the more we are obedient and submitting to Allah and we will have our heart at rest.


AL MUJEEB • The names of Allah are never separated from him. • Mujeeb is from Ijaba meaning respond. This means someone is asking

and Allah responds. The opposite of Mujeeb is ignore, neglect, did not hear or did not see.

• We love to be responded to and we do not want to be ignored. Allah is Al Mujeeb so He never forsakes or neglect or not listen to us. With Allah we will always be responded. Everyone is asking Allah in his own way. Allah says in Surah Ar Rahman Ayah 29 that everyone in the heaven and earth is asking Allah.

Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.)!

• Allah’s name is Al Mujeeb as he responds to everyone at the same time. The people, Jinn, Angels, the birds, the animals, and even the ants are asking Allah. The animals and the birds are asking Allah for their provision by their action. Even the plants are asking Allah for their food and nutrition. Even the human being ask Allah without saying a word by their conditions.

• Even the messengers are asking Allah. The messengers ask Allah for the hereafter. May Allah help us to worship Allah and may Allah help us with their tasks. The messengers ask Allah for the victory.

• The angels are asking Allah to help them remember Allah and to help them to carry the commands that are given by `Allah. They are asking


for forgiveness for the son of Adam. They are asking Allah directly or by their condition.

• Even a disbeliever is asking Allah. The disbelievers ask Allah when all the doors close and they are in severe distress. When they are in the middle of the problem and has no hope.

• Everyone asks Allah either directly or when they are really distressed. • Allah is taking care of affairs every day. Allah is Al Mujeeb whether we

ask Him or even if we don’t ask him. There are so many things that we don’t even know that we need. Perhaps we did not ask Allah for guidance and He sent us to the study circle. Allah knows what is in our hearts. We did not ask Allah for our existence and we did not ask him for Islam. He is Al Mujeeb and He gives us without asking. So we got so much without asking so if we ask Him, he will never neglect us or abandon us.

• Everyone asks Allah either directly or when they are really distressed. • Allah is taking care of affairs every day. Allah is Al Mujeeb whether we

ask Him or even if we don’t ask him. There are so many things that we don’t even know that we need. Perhaps we did not ask Allah for guidance and He sent us to the study circle. Allah knows what is in our hearts. We did not ask Allah for our existence and we did not ask him for Islam. He is Al Mujeeb and He gives us without asking. So we got so much without asking so if we ask Him, he will never neglect us or abandon us.

• Some people say ‘I’ve made so much dua’a but I didn’t get what I want.’ You need to believe when you make dua then for sure He will respond to you. Allah is the All-Knower of what’s good for you or not, Allah is responding to us by protecting us from ourselves. Allah knows what you’re asking for is not good for you, but there are other things which are better for you. Our vision is narrow-minded and our mind cannot grasp everything. We feel the help is in a particular way but Allah knows best and He gives us better solutions. Sometimes we’re making dua and we’re just waiting at the one door to open, but Allah opens a bigger and better door.

• Allah responds to us at the same time. We are waiting at one door to open but Allah opens a bigger and better door which is not the one we


are waiting for. We need to believe that Allah Al Mujeeb will surely respond to us.

• We need to believe we’re calling Allah and for sure He’s responding to us at the same time. Alhamduliilah we have a Rabb Who not only listens but responds. So never stop making dua, never lose hope and never give up. Allah loves if we call Him because He loves to respond to us. Unlike human beings who get tired if you’re always calling them; they can’t handle it because they’re limited.

• Allah not only responds to those who ask Him, He loves people who insist on asking Him. Allah never gets bored from us. Not even a single call from us is neglected.

• If no one responds to you, it is enough for you that Allah responds to you. Sometimes we go through a situation when Allah closes all doors around us because Allah wants to teach us He is Al Mujeeb. We will ask and he will respond to us at the same time.

• Quraysh forsake him and Taif forsake him. Allah told him that angels and Jinn and other messengers in Isra Wal Miraj to respond to him.

• Allah tells us in Surah Furqan Ayah 77, We should never give up on Dua. Allah would not have cared for us if it was not for our dua. We must make dua to Allah at all times.

Mohsin Khan: Say (O Muhammad SAW to the disbelievers): "My Lord pays attention to you only because of your invocation to Him. But now you have indeed denied (Him). So the torment will be yours for ever (inseparable permanent punishment)."

• Sometimes we are crying and asking Allah for a needle but Allah gives us




1. Close all the doors and only ask Allah. This is Tauheed. The companions did not ask people for anything. If one was on his ride and something fell he would get down from the camel and get it himself.

2. To have hope only in Allah and think good about Him. 3. Allah responds to us countless of times and he calls us to respond to

Him five times a day. The name of Allah Al Mujeeb makes us to be quick in our response to Allah. Allah does not need us to respond to him

Mohsin Khan: O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he (SAW) calls you to that which will give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And verily to Him you shall (all) be gathered.

4. Respond to whomever is asking you according to your capability. Do not

neglect or forsake people.