nagual - issue 1


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A Journal Of Toltec Art And Science


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A Series Of Observations

Concerning The Toltec Arts Of

Stalking And Dreaming

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Introduction – The Warriors Of The New Mood

The Arts Of Stalking And Dreaming –

Practices For The 1st And 2nd Attentions

The Four Enemies Of A Man Of Knowledge

The Energetic Matrix

The Recapitulation

Not Doing Supplement –

Manifesto Of The Dreaming Cell

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Warriors Of The New Mood

Observations & Comments Concerning Sorcery The world of Sorcerers is a dream, a myth, yet it is as real as the everyday world. In order to perceive and function in the Sorcerers world we have to remove the mask that has been strapped to our faces since the day we were born and replace it with another. That Mask we have to make ourselves by Dreaming our Other Self.

Florinda Donner Grau – Being In Dreaming The Ancient Toltec Tradition has many faces at this time. This is appropriate. Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts, in making information generally available have supplied us with a description which serves as an unsurpassed blueprint. In combination with The Sorcery Passes and Tensegrity, the Apprentice and Sorcerer alike are in possession of a wealth of information and procedures to take forward into their personal practice and lives. And yet the ‘ New Mood’ beckons. What is this New Mood and how might it be pursued? We live in times where recognising the needs of the many, the comparable few offer assistance and guidelines. The excellent work facilitated by Victor Sanchez, Ken Eagle Feather and Merilyn Tunneshende, to name the prominent, bears witness to this. However, does this activity constitute the New Mood?

The New Mood beckons. At this time I offer personal opinions. This, my personal exploration, this, my folly. Yet I act with deliberation. A short time ago I sought to make a Gesture in the direction of Sorcery itself. A gesture I extend to you the reader, at this time. Being a student of this noble pursuit, one who with Intent is integrating the core principles and advancing the procedures accordingly. As a result a number of things have become known and available to me. A series of basic operational principles. These I choose to communicate at this time. This, my Controlled Folly, this my Gesture. Yes, my Intention is to stimulate curiosity, however, that curiosity should be directed towards the implications contained within

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my comments and observations. Should you be reading these words then someone has elected to publish them. The individuals in question I thank sincerely for their interest and support.

As a Perceptual Art Sorcery ‘Teaches Itself.’ As Awareness and Personal Power develop and are enhanced by the practices the impersonal force alluded to by Don Juan on several occasions makes itself known. This is a natural consequence of pursuing a path stripped of ‘human inventory.’

All practices within Sorcery have multiple level outcomes. The overt outcome, that which we are led to believe we are doing – very useful for the 1st Attention and the covert outcome, what we are actually doing – very useful for the 2nd Attention. The Doing and the Not doing of Sorcery.

We are not, in the main, Yacqui Indians and as such lack the cultural roots that underpin Sorcery. Our Not Doing in this instance is challenged. Unless we are able to address Self Importance, the Erasing Of Personal History and effectively Stop The World of western civilisation our endeavours will be at best a hybrid of Sorcery.

The time of the Nagual is past. Castaneda, the last of Don Juan’s lineage makes this clear. For this reason the information pertaining to Sorcery was made generally available in the first place.

“During my thirteen years of association with him, Don Juan taught me the basic steps toward accomplishing this feat of Seeing… … … Don Juan also left me with the certainty that I was the last link of his lineage… … … Don Juan Matus was not ever interested in teaching his Knowledge, he was interested in perpetuating his lineage… … … In the course of training me, he realised that my energetic configuration was, according to him, so vastly different from his own that it couldn’t mean anything else but the end of his line… … … I didn’t like the burden of being the last of his line, nor did I understand his reasoning.”

Magical Passes – Pages 6 & 7

Sorcery itself is a description of the world and as such there is the possibility that in pursuing its tenets and practices we simply exchange one model of the world for another. In this event having released ourselves from the mask of the everyday world we simply strap another, that of Sorcery to our faces as a replacement. This does not and cannot constitute Freedom. To function elegantly within the world of Sorcery it becomes necessary to live ‘between worlds or descriptions.’ This is made plain by Don Juan himself on several occasions. It is useful to be aware of the distinct possibility of institutionalising Sorcery and as a result committing an injustice of profound

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magnitude. It is for this reason alone that I make my Gesture in this way, at this time.

“Yesterday you believed the coyote talked to you. Any Sorcerer who doesn’t See would believe the same, but one who Sees knows that to believe that is to be pinned down in the realm of Sorcerers. By the same token, not to believe that coyotes talk is to be pinned down in the realm of ordinary men and women.”

“As I have told you before, a Warrior doesn’t need to believe, because as long as he [ or she] keeps on acting without believing he [ or she ] is Not Doing.”

Journey To Ixtlan – Pages 268 & 212

The basic premise of Sorcery is the acquisition of Personal Power for the primary purpose of its redeployment into Perceptual choices, choices which are Intended towards Freedom. In this instance the Sorcerer becomes a Hunter.

Through the process of Recapitulation he or she examines the past in order to access deployed energy contained within those contexts. This is the overt outcome of the Recapitulation. The covert outcome is the rehearsal of the ability to contain energy in present situations by not deploying it within those events and contexts. In this way the Sorcerer enters a mood of profound Recapitulation and Sobriety.

Through Setting Up Dreaming multiple descriptions of the world are Set Up and Perceptual Worlds, actualised and entered wherein a wealth of energy is accessed. It also serves as the methodology for accessing The Double.

Through Not Doing the Sorcerer begins to store Personal Power and through Gazing, Sets Up The Dream of this world, an act which effectively loosens the ‘neural grip’ set up by the ‘Agreement’ fulfilled by our connected Ring of Power – that of Reason.

As a primary filter the Four Prerequisites of Stalking : Ruthlessness – Cunning – Patience and Sweetness ensure that the active components of Sorcery, Self Importance and Controlled Folly are appropriately addressed. This is only possible in the light of having Erased Personal History and the inaccessibility it facilitates. It takes Power to even consider what this means and implies.

And what of Intent? Two Rings of Power are known to exist. All beings possess one, known as Reason. The world and its societies are upheld by Reason and its kindred ‘Thinking and Talking.’ To unhook the Ring of Reason is a Sorcerers primary endeavour to which he or she brings Dramatic Exertion. In some respects this unhooking is a higher logical level procedure of Stopping The World, which in itself ‘Sets The Stage’ for the Collapse of the world, or more

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specifically ‘the description of the world.’ The Second Ring of Power is known to Sorcerers, it is The Ring of Intent. Wishing to access this is an undertaking that is all but futile, when looked at through the filter of succeeding. The all consuming ‘Self Importance’ of an individual which is a by product of The Ring of Reason makes this so, and yet it is the duty of a Sorcerer to unravel the mystery of who and what they are. This an excellent example of Controlled Folly. It is in this way that the Sorcerer recognising the ‘equality of all things’ plans a strategic life and acts with deliberation. As a result a Man or Woman of Knowledge becomes so when the Sorcerer within him or her has unhooked the one ring and accessed the other. However, a useful reminder, the last enemy : Old Age invariably succeeds in unseating the practitioner in the final instance. Initiation is not static, powers gained may not be lost, yet in the final analysis what does much that we perform as daily activity truly amount to? This fulfils the criteria of Sorcery itself, in this instance : the Not Doing of human life. Controlled Folly taken to its logical conclusion. The Ring of Intent is Intended.

My current pursuit of Sorcery takes the form of a process I refer to as ‘The Actualisation of The Dreaming Attention.’ A year long process I have designed to facilitate transference of awareness to The Dreaming Attention. This task is accomplished in stages. Primarily, as a Sorcerer I become a Hunter of Personal Power and in applying Cunning effectively Stalk this all but inaccessible part of our nature. The first step, preparation you might say is the Intent of forming an Energetic Matrix which will serve as a template, an activated matrix for the Actualisation itself. The full range of Sorcery skills as outlined by the predilections of Stalking and Dreaming are employed with this Intent in mind.

These observations and comments are presented at this time to demonstrate what are developing characteristics of The New Mood. A Mood wherein one is Apprentice and Nagual alike. A path requiring much Sobriety and yet in truth A Path With Heart. I will conclude with a statement I have found to be of unsurpassed value. My mind always knew this – knowing things is so simple, is it not? My body, albeit unconsciously experienced this. Imagine the delight of assembling this in awareness and, what might be achieved in the light of it. It is an extremely simple statement, perhaps so simple as to be overlooked. Consider it well.

Not Doing is performed by the body

Is Set Up by Gazing

And is a method of storing Personal Power

Walk In Freedom

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The Arts Of

Stalking And Dreaming

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Practices For The 1st & 2nd Attentions

This essay arose out of an observation concerning the document ‘Meta Frames of Sorcery Practice.’ [ See Part 1 of this journal ] One of the primary aims of The Dreaming Cell is the balanced development of both 1st and 2nd Attentions. Before proceeding it is useful to define what is meant specifically by these terms. 1st Attention : The cognitive mind. The description maker. The world builder. In some respects all we consciously know is via its activity. The processes of thinking and speaking, at least in terms of what we know and can know. ‘The Ring of Reason’ draws its energy from this particular focus in order to reinforce the Map of the World we operate with and through. 2nd Attention : The Other. An almost inaccessible part of our natures. The Silent Witness. The deeper aspect of the System where non differentiation exists as a reality. The realm of The Dreaming Attention. The seat of Intent. The core Identity components of an individual, in the main inaccessible to conscious probing. The realm of Dreaming spelt with a big D. The ‘Ring of Intent’ operates here and to those who are able to access it through their Personal Power, the home of the Sorcerer and the harbinger of Freedom. The above descriptions are by no means exhaustive and serve as a useful matrix upon which to build Meaning. Meaning which in effect only applies to the 1st Attention. In designing this Working, for both myself and The Dreaming Cell [ A tailored version will be modelled out of this ongoing process for application to others. ] I began to notice how certain practices supported and in some instances facilitated each other. This became an essential aspect of my design strategy. A strategy which has proved most useful in terms of design and sequencing of the procedures in question. Allowing for the Stalking Skills of : Recapitulation supported directly by The Sorcery Passes. The Not Doings and 4 Prerequisites. The Principle of Self

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Importance and the Role of The Petty Tyrant. We can observe that The Recapitulation Process and The Sorcery Passes work directly in respect of 2nd Attention, whilst the remaining elements interact between both 1st and 2nd Attentions. Allowing for the Dreamers Art of : Setting Up Dreaming and the attendant practice of Gazing operate almost exclusively within the realm of 2nd Attention. Though each has a cognitive aspect in respect of the procedure employed. In the main what has been suggested in respect of the Arts of Stalking and Dreaming applies specifically to practices for the 2nd Attention. The province of 1st Attention has been facilitated within this working by the cognitive studies which include The Reading Program, designed to capture the attention and facilitate an almost scholastic approach within the working, this approach serves as a balance to the exercises designed for 2nd Attention. The Essays supply the outlet for this study component and minimal discussion offers another opportunity to evaluate externally some of the processes which are taking place internally. The List for The Recapitulation not only serves as an excellent 1st Attention procedure [ 3 months examination of ones life can be exacting and very rewarding in itself ] but also begins to immerse the Sorcerer into the requisite state for performing the Practice itself. It is true to say that without a list [ however that is formulated ] there is no Practice. I go one step further, if sufficient preparation is undertaken the process itself becomes effortless. The List fulfils this requirement whilst performing as it does a function without equal given the cognitive process of the 1st Attention. No systematic approach would be complete without attention being brought to bear upon the body itself. To some the Body is the most accessible aspect of the Unconscious, as such to leave it out of the equation is a little like forgetting to take the car on a touring holiday. With respect to this the exercise regime consisting of running, exercises and breathing practices, the latter drawn directly from Sorcery. Supported in Section 2 of this Working by Dietary considerations will ensure that all aspects of the System are engaged within the Working. A Working which has a magnificent outcome in mind in respect of both myself specifically and Sorcery and Ordo Templi Orientis generally. The above briefly outlines the reasoning behind the design of this Working and serves to illustrate the inter-connectedness principle contained within Sorcery.

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The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge

Fear … … Clarity … … Power … … Old Age

Challenged By

The Four Moods of Stalking

Ruthlessness … … Cunning … … Patience … … Sweetness

The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge

When a man begins to learn, he is never clear about his objectives. His purpose is faulty, his intent is vague. He hopes for rewards that will never materialise, for he knows nothing of the hardships of learning. He slowly begins to learn – bit by bit at first, then in big chunks. And hid thoughts soon clash. What he learns is never what he pictured, or imagined, and so he begins to be afraid. Learning is never what one expects. Every step of learning is a new task, and the fear the man is experiencing begins to mount mercilessly, unyieldingly. His purpose becomes a battlefield. And thus he has tumbled upon the first of his natural enemies : Fear! A terrible enemy – Treacherous, and difficult to overcome. It remains concealed at every turn of the way, prowling, waiting. And if the man, terrified in its presence, runs away, his enemy will have put an end to his quest. He must not run away. He must defy his fear, and in spite of it he must take the next step in learning, and the next, and the next. He must be fully afraid, and yet he must not stop. That is the rule! And a moment will come when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel sure of himself. His intent becomes stronger. Learning is no longer a terrifying task. When this joyful moment comes, the man can say without hesitation that he has defeated his first natural enemy.

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Once a man has vanquished fear, he is free from it for the rest of his life because, instead of fear, he has acquired clarity – a clarity of mind which erases fear. By then a man knows his desires, he knows how to satisfy those desires. He can anticipate the new steps of learning , and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is concealed. And thus he has encountered his second enemy : Clarity! That clarity of mind, which is so hard to obtain, dispels fear, but also blinds. It forces a man to never doubt himself. It gives he the assurance he can do anything he pleases, for he sees clearly into everything. And he is courageous because he is clear, and he stops at nothing because he is clear. But all that is a mistake, it is like something incomplete. If the man yields to this make – believe power, he has succumbed to his second enemy and will fumble with learning. He will rush when he should be patient, or he will be patient when he should rush. And he will fumble with learning until he winds up incapable of learning anything more. As with fear he must defy his clarity and use it only to see, and wait patiently and measure carefully before taking new steps, he must think, above all that his clarity is almost a mistake. And a moment will come when he will understand that his clarity was only a point before his eyes. And thus he will have overcome his second enemy, and will arrive at a position where nothing can harm him anymore. This will not be a mistake. It will not only be a point before his eyes. It will be true power.

He will know at this point that the power he has been pursuing for so long is finally his. He can do with it whatever he pleases. His ally is at his command. His wish is the rule. He sees all that is around him. But he has also come across his third enemy : Power! Power is the strongest of all enemies. And naturally the easiest thing to do is give in, after all, the man is truly invincible. He commands, he begins by taking calculated risks, and ends in making rules, because he is a master. A man at this stage hardly notices his third enemy closing in on him. And suddenly, without knowing, he will certainly have lost the battle. His enemy will have turned him into a cruel, capricious man. Though he will never lose his clarity or his power , a man defeated by power dies without really knowing how to handle it. Power is only a burden upon his fate. Such a man has no command over himself, and cannot tell when or how to use his power. A man is defeated only when he no longer tries, and abandons himself. Again , he has to defeat his third enemy by defying it, deliberately. He has to come to realise the power he has seemingly conquered is in reality never his. He must keep himself in line at all times, handling carefully and faithfully all that he has learned. If he can see that clarity and power, without his control over himself, are worst than mistakes, he will reach a point where everything is held in check. He will know then when and how to use his power. And thus he will have defeated his third enemy.

The man will be, by then, at the end of his journey of learning, and almost without warning he will come upon the last of his enemies : Old Age! This enemy is the cruelest of all, the one he won’t be able to defeat completely, but only fight away.

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This is the time when a man has no more fears, no more impatient clarity of mind – a time when all his power is in check, but also the time when he has the unyielding desire to rest. If he gives in totally to his desire to lie down and forget, if he soothes himself in tiredness, he will have lost his last round, and his enemy will cut him down into a feeble old creature. His desire to retreat will overrule his clarity, his power, and his knowledge. But if the man sloughs off his tiredness, and lives his fate through, he can then be called a man of knowledge, if only for the brief moment when he succeeds in fighting off his last, invincible enemy. That moment of clarity, power and knowledge is enough.

Don Juan Matus : The Teachings of Don Juan : pages 84 – 87 : Carlos Castaneda

The Four Moods of Stalking The Precepts and Principles of Stalking

1st Precept : Everything that surrounds us is an unfathomable mystery. 2nd Precept : We must endeavour to unravel these mysteries knowing our efforts are futile. 3rd precept : A Warrior takes their rightful place – A mystery amongst mysteries. 1st Principle : Warriors choose their battleground. 2nd principle : Discards all that is unnecessary. 3rd Principle : Applies full concentration to decide. For each battle is a battle for ones life. 4th Principle : Relaxes, abandons themselves, fears nothing. Only then will the powers that guide, aid. 5th Principle : Faced with greater odds, retreats for a moment. Does something else. Anything. 6th Principle : Compresses time. Even an instant is an eternity in the battle for ones life. 7th Principle : Looks and acts ordinary. Out of which arises :

Ruthlessness is not harshness. It primarily challenges Self pity. A Stalker selects the battleground, studies the surrounding area and discards everything that is unnecessary before entering battle. All the concentration of a warrior is applied to decide whether or not to enter into battle, knowing that every battle could be their last stand. Once a decision has been made, not an instant is wasted and the warrior aiming at succeeding, acts impeccably, aware that to waste even a second in a battle for their life is an eternity that may decide whether they survive or not. The primary battleground of the Stalker is the Self.

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Cunning is not cruelty but using behaviors in a secretive and furtive way. As a result, a warrior fears nothing, relaxes and totally abandons themselves, for they know that it is only then that the powers that guide them will aid them. Patience is not negligence. A warrior is patient yet active. When a Stalker is faced with great odds that cannot be dealt with immediately, they retreat for a moment and occupy their time with something totally different, anything. Patient yet alert, they wait for the right moment to initiate action. Sweetness is not foolishness. A warrior is sweet but lethal. A Stalker acquires the ability to mingle and look ordinary, working behind the scenes shielding their true power. When the need arises, however, they transform into a lethal warrior capable of either avoiding or parrying conflict.

Fear However uncertain a fear may appear it usually has its roots in something. The primary task is to discover that something and proceed from their. One of the characteristics of fear is the way it hides itself behind a multitude of masks and once exposed dissolves into the air itself. It has been stated in many traditions that fear is the first guardian the novice meets upon the path of initiation. This is understandable given that it is a protector in disguise, sorting and sifting our experience in order to determine what we can and cannot handle at any given time. In this respect it operates at the same logical level of pain. That is – as a warning. In pursuing any path of learning, in this instance, Sorcery, it is commonplace to set beliefs about what we are doing. This is understandable given the nature of 1st Attention, however these beliefs stand in the way of learning for two specific reasons. First, they code the limitless within a limited description and secondly they bring a halt to the progress we make upon the path of learning by creating the possibility of disappointments. Disappointments which are effectively contradictions to our expectations. We doubt our learning and as a result invariably leave our pursuit of knowledge behind in favour of something perceived to be of more value. In pursuing Sorcery it is wise to remember that what we are doing and what we think we are doing are invariably two different things. This awareness ensures that whilst fulfilling the overt outcomes of Sorcery we are also able to fulfil the covert outcomes. As a result, this approach and attitude dispels our fears in respect of the progress we are making for it clearly distinguishes between 1st and 2nd Attention pursuits.

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Only the unknown strikes fear into us for once it has been faced and understood it enters the realm of the known and as such can no longer rule our emotions and thoughts the way it did previously. This is true both conceptually in respect of pursuing the path of knowledge and actually when faced with the various masks that fear presents itself through within our everyday world. Within Sorcery Fear, generally, is challenged by each of the practices, examples being : Erasing Personal History – thereby attaining inaccessibility. Stopping The World – the description or descriptions that hold the masks of Fear. The Four Moods of Stalking – by turning the context of Fear into prey for the hunter. Losing the Human Form – for only the human aspect of the apprentice knows Fear as the Sorcerer knows only Ruthlessness. Not Doing – specifically challenges Fear by performing the behavioural and conceptual actions that faces each mask squarely, thereby eradicating it. Accessing and storing Personal Power – eliminates Fear, for as a perception it can only operate at a specific energetic level, once that energetic level, which constitutes a description of the world is transcended so is the Fear or Fears that are isomorphic to it. Losing Self Importance – eradicates Fear in one step, for we can only hold Fear within us in respect of expectations and our need for a sense of security. Only when we enter the freedom of inaccessibility do we experience the place of no pity which requires that no self reflection is taking place. With no self reflection there is no evaluation taking place in respect of our personal human inventory. Fear itself can become an ally, one which serves us by indicating an area or areas which require Attention. Attention which when applied appropriately will address the issue or issues in question. For this reason it takes power to pursue Sorcery in the first place, for from the outset it challenges each and every presupposition we make in respect of our perception of the world and Sorcery itself. The important consideration is the blend of Moods that are applied. As always this is dependant upon the context. However : Ruthlessness applied here is simply a matter of proceeding in the light of ones fear. To be afraid and know that you are afraid and yet to proceed is the true nature of courage. Fears concerning a decision often occur after the decision has been made and one has regrets. It is the role of Ruthlessness to evaluate what is useful, given the context, consider the implications and once committed – act. There is no room for indecisiveness, especially in the light of the phantoms that fear often manifests through. Fear can only manifest in the instance of protecting the Self, as such it is also the role of Ruthlessness to address Self Importance / Self Reflection. Only where these exist can one hold a place for fear to make its home. Ruthlessness in addressing the issues of Self eliminates them and as such leaves no territory in which fear can take root. The concept on its way to being a reality of ‘living in the moment’ can only

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occur in the light of having faced Death and in doing so having already died, symbolically. What is their to fear in the light of this. Death as an advisor eliminates the little fears that mask it and leaves the Warrior free to go about the major issue of entering Freedom. Cunning applied here is about strategy, overt and covert. Acting in the light of ones fear or fears rehearses bravery. This is overt behavior a little like singing a song whilst being pursued by an enemy of superior strength and ability. Covertly it is about the recognition that in the light of the immensity that awaits us beyond the gates of death, what is their to fear here? Yes there are questions of survival, a future and dreams and yet what do they amount to in the light of eternity. Abandonment to the powers that aid and guide can only occur when inner silence arises, elsewise the wisdom that exists all around us is drowned by the static of our thinking and feeling natures. It is Cunning indeed that erases Personal History. Cunning that Stops The World. Cunning indeed that employs Sorcery as a 1st Attention strategy to enter upon the path of freedom. Cunning in this instance is more specifically Trickery. How else could we circumnavigate the description/s we hold that are coded with fear. In this instance it is Cunning that recognises that he or she has that fear, it is bound within that description, I am elsewhere. Patience applied here develops awareness and understanding. Challenges, masked opportunities often give rise to grounded or ungrounded fears. The lesson of Patience is to evaluate what we are able to do at a specific time clearly. If we have the resources to face a particular fear, we do. If not, retire until such a time as we have the requisite resources and then enter the arena. There is no wisdom in an untimely death, if such a thing could be said to exist. Preoccupying ourselves with something different – anything sets a new direction and with it a new Perception arises. Patience is about timing. Timing is about Perception and Perception is dependant upon energy. Evaluate clearly and rather than deploying energy into wasteful contexts one gathers energy instead which can, at the appropriate point in time be applied in the appropriate direction. This in itself gathers energy and as such the process is generative. Sweetness applied here acts and looks ordinary and in so doing studies the nature of fear. Its strategies and masks, its patterns and cycles. May even choose to act as if one has succumbed and at the vital moment – act. It is almost as if one could create a vessel for fear to inhabit, a description or world in itself, occupy it congruently and having lured and finally trapped all of ones fears there, in an instance leave and enter a description or world where fear has no place. It would take Sweetness to shield power long enough to achieve this outcome and in many respects this could only occur within dream. The question here is : How specifically do you define dream? Fear like Death is an advisor and the Sweetness contained in performing, as

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an example The Recapitulation serves to eliminate fear/s at root by disconnecting the hooks and regaining the Personal Power contained within the context. Whilst doing this what you are in effect is a simple human being facing the immensity alone and applying what little skill you have, effectively.

Clarity Clarity itself dispels fear by virtue of the perceptual insights it grants, for fear can only exist in the presence of ignorance. Learning itself dispels fear in the light of the knowledge attained. There are effectively two distinct classes of Clarity. For simplicities sake I shall write them as a large [ C ] and a small [ c ]. The large C of Clarity, I feel carries its own self monitoring system and in this respect could not be considered an enemy in any respect. Not withstanding, clarity, the small c of which Don Juan speaks, is the distinct belief of thinking one knows. It is this order of clarity that I shall address with my comments. Clarity itself banishes Fear for it is in the light of our own minds and the reason it contains that creates the ambience in which Fear has no place. Clarity which gives rise to Knowledge dispels the Ignorance that effectively serves as the vessel in which Fear manifests. Clarity in all respects is to be considered a true friend in the light of this and yet contextually, as described, a friend who can turn and become a mortal enemy. This occurs as a result of the certainty that arises and in its wake learning ceases, for one knows, or at least believes that one knows. It has been said that a wise course of action is to doubt, specifically the self that generates such limited understanding, for this understanding invariably lies within the domain of 1st Attention. And yet where is the fine line between doubt and building upon ones developing understanding? A possible answer to this is simple, it has been said that a Warrior proceeds, acts without the need of believing and in this way practices Not Doing. This almost indifference has been described as a characteristic of Sobriety and rather than being a cynical attitude of mind, demonstrates clearly and succinctly freedom. In this instance freedom is of a perceptual nature as it permits the limitations within ones own awareness to be circumnavigated to a great extent. How many times do we arrive at a point of understanding in respect of a specific only to find that with the passing of time that understanding is transcended in the light of new information and the learning that follows on from this? This is the natural flow of learning and without it we stand still just as easily as when we make no effort at all. The guideline, I feel, is to recognise this natural tendency, celebrate ones learning and yet be aware that even in the light of this, there is so much more to learn, so much

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more to explore. In this manner Sobriety is cultivated and the path of knowledge becomes a joy to pursue rather than a task which is dependant upon the ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude which is dependant upon Self Importance. It is Self Importance itself that brings us to the conclusion that we know anything, for we measure ourselves in the light of what we have, in this instance knowledge becomes a commodity. We have only to look at others in the world to see how this commodity is processed and sold by those with the means and inclination of doing so. Again the practice of Sorcery circumnavigates clarity becoming an enemy, for when applied appropriately it carries its own monitoring device, as previously stated this, I feel, is the true nature of Clarity [ large C ] and not the indulgence that is human, clarity with a small c. The practice without equal in the tempering of clarity is the Stalkers predilection of recognising the Mystery that surrounds us and the Mystery that we are, equal to all things. Along with this our duty to unravel the Mystery knowing full well the futility of our efforts in the light of the immensity that surrounds us. This is acting without the need of believing and represents, as previously stated true perceptual freedom. The rest is 1st Attention indulgence brought about in the main by human vanity and ignorance. True Clarity effectively unseats itself by monitoring itself as it develops. This is the nature of useful circumspection which is achieved by applying The Sorcerers Strategic Inventory at regular intervals. Ruthlessness applied here is recognising that however much we think we know, in the light of Mystery and the immensity that awaits us it amounts to little, if anything. This is the nature of humility and stands as our only resource when facing the onset of Clarity. It is the ability of holding the paradox, whilst knowing so much, relatively speaking, compare it to what there is to know and find yourself realistically only a little wiser, if at all. This Clarity, Certainty and Knowledge fuels Self Importance, for we are supported by our beliefs about ourselves, filtered through the expectations of societies agreement and consensus. Address Self Importance and in many ways Clarity, as an enemy is defeated. It is Ruthlessness alone that achieves the end result of facing and defeating Clarity granting the Warrior the opportunity to cast aside petty Self supporting knowledge and belief in order to enter the wider arena of all that is possible. Ruthlessness that perceives, all but dimly the direction and its attendant perceived goal and embarks, unencumbered by thinking and talking the hand maidens of Reason. To unhook the Ring of Reason is a primary requirement within the pursuit of Sorcery for only then can we even dream of what the Ring of Intent might be. To make this possible we require inner silence. This inner silence can only occur in the light of ‘all things being equal and therefore meaningless.’ It takes Clarity to perceive this and Ruthlessness to achieve this.

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Cunning applied, as always is about strategy. How does one use Clarity [ big C ] to defeat clarity [ small c ] ? Yes we know that takes Power [ more later ]. In the meantime Cunning grants us many resources, inaccessibility being the primary one. For one to be inaccessible presupposes that we do not and cannot take ourselves seriously. For this reason Sorcerers not only laugh at the antics of others but more importantly they can laugh at their own. Cunning specifically develops the strategies that address the perceived fear or fears we manifest, this itself takes Clarity. In situations where the power of Clarity is in excess of our own ability to match it we need Cunning in order to turn the tables. At this time, when we are likely to experience the inflation that knowing bring to us it is the true humility of the Warrior that comes into play. Not the narrow modesty of the average being but the white hot flame that burns away the dross exposing the pure gold of knowledge. A Knowledge which once again cannot be considered an enemy, for it guides us truly, irrespective of our ongoing perceptions of it. It is in the territory of Clarity with a large C that this takes place, the rest is sham and human Self Importance. Trickery as always with Cunning plays a vital role here in as much as one proceeds acting as if one knows whilst harbouring the insidious and useful thought that at the realistic level one is in fact a little stupid. In this way we trick the self. Yes this can be done with Cunning for as I once said : ‘Sorcery is the Cunning of the 1st Attention and serves as the interface. Gazing is the Cunning of the 2nd Attention and facilitates Active Dreaming. And Setting Up Dreaming is the Cunning of the Double, it lures the one to flesh the other, which one does what is open to conjecture for it is a matter of the ‘Dreamer and the Dreamed.’ To repeat myself usefully, holding the paradox is the key. The inaccessibility one attains in respect of ones thinking and beliefs matched by the accessibility to Power. The natural domain of Clarity with a large C. Patience as always is an ambience and relates directly to time and timing. In the presence of Clarity one can say in effect, ‘oh! yes, thank you very much, however I think I will get on with this for now’ this is the ‘do something else’ approach we adopt when faced with the inflation that arises from knowing or thinking we know. Yes we can rejoice in the knowledge, however, as is mentioned by Don Juan on many occasions if we fall to the emotional state of ‘Wow’ we are lost, caught up in the throes of a Human Inventory. Patience permits us to recognise through its relationship to time that whatever we think we know in the present will always amount to little in respect of what we can come to know once we begin to practice Sobriety. Patience and Sobriety in this respect walk hand in hand. Patience also grants the ability to recognise that overwhelmed in the short term by Clarity we can retire as indicated in the above passage and do something different, in the certainty that ‘this too will pass.’ The ability to do this takes profound Sobriety and detachment. It would be like walking through the fields of paradise and remarking ‘ that is a little interesting.’ Rather than being swept away which is a human

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tendency. This sounds a little cold, however when you consider what we have made of the ‘mould of man’ it should not be surprising that I manifest this attitude. It is strategically appropriate. Patience in a word is Timing. Timing is the recognition that to all things its season and as the Warrior walks into Freedom, nothing and I mean no thing, concrete or abstract will detain them. It takes Patience to be compassionate with oneself in the light of Clarity as it unfolds, masks the way and distracts us. Fortunately Sorcery knows this, allows for it and moves on. This is the Clarity with the large C spoken of many times. A true friend and with Patience cultivated into becoming a true ally. It takes Patience to become aware of this and Patience to make it, a dream, a reality. Intent grants this in the light of Personal Power and Personal Power arises from Clarity which is dependant upon Patience. Sweetness applied becomes : ‘and in the light of all this one is a simple human being.’ Sweetness defeats all inflation whether that inflation arises from Clarity or elsewhere. The humility to say yes, that is indeed marvelous however ‘how does it compare to a nova burning in the starlit night in the area of space containing Orion.’ Sweetness is true humility and true humility circumnavigates the pitfall that arises when the onslaught of Clarity takes place. These words are simple, short and sweet and suffice to convey my meaning, a meaning I have no Intention of burying beneath mere verbiage. Simplicity is the key to Sweetness and in this way Clarity cannot become an enemy but one more guide on the path of becoming a Man or Woman of Knowledge.

Power Nations rise, bask in the splendour of their heyday and then fall, diminish and enter the realm of obscurity from whence they came. Such is human history and such is the nature of being human, for our history is simply an extension of our nature, collectively speaking. True Power vanquishes Clarity for it takes Personal Power to see through the veil of our own sensory coding of the world to the true mystery that lies all about us. Sadly this Power also inflates our Self Importance – the blessing and curse of the Ancient Sorcerers. A blessing for it made it possible for them to explore and scale unimaginable heights, heights we in the present can only speculate upon. A curse for it bound them within descriptions that did not permit the existence of, or the entering into Freedom. It has been said that ultimate power corrupts ultimately. We have only to see how detractors act when it is there time of power. How the quiet liberal, out of necessity, becomes the despot when put in the position of being able to express what was previously, circumstantially repressed. Let Power be the Power of Wisdom, then and then alone can it truly be transcendent and of value to the Warrior.

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The Sorcerer craves Power for purposes of Perceptual redeployment. The Man or Woman of knowledge perceives it as simply a means to an end. A metaphor best illustrates this : You have a vehicle [ life itself ] you have a map [ Sorcery ] and you have the requisite skills onboard with which to undertake your journey. Yet the engine of your vehicle, has no fuel, like the petrol you would place in a cars engine, the fuel here is power. Power is invariably perceived as being power over things or people, the only thing to have power over is the pursuit itself, outlined succinctly by The Art of Stalking and the only person is the Sorcerer him or herself. The rest is human vanity, which is certainly curtailed by death. As a model of perception Sorcery is predisposed towards perceptual power, for this reason alone are most of its procedures undertaken. The Recapitulation reclaims what has been deployed into an individuals Personal History. Impeccability ensures that the optimum is achieved with minimum effort. Not Doing, effectively stores power by creating diversity and inaccessibility. Setting Up Dreaming grants the opportunity to access new and divers worlds wherein power is plentiful. The guideline lies in the recognition of what one wants power for. Power over things or people is transitory. Power over the self permits the Sorcerer to pursue their path unencumbered by the pettiness that is characteristic of the human condition. A condition which in the main is based upon fear. Fear which the Warrior defeats with Clarity and Clarity itself defeated by Power, for it follows that power or energy if you prefer is the difference that makes the difference. The distance between one perception and another might be microscopic and yet from one perspective they might as well be light years apart. Consider for a moment what a truly traumatic memory is like, at the time how close to you was joy? And if you could measure, how far apart did they seem at the time? Within Sorcery, Power is contained by the application of two of the attributes of a Warrior, namely : Control and Discipline. These are effectively supported by the Sobriety which is engendered by the pursuit of Sorcery itself. The attitude of indifference, stemming as it does from the recognition that ‘all things are equal and therefore meaningless’ enables the Sorcerer to attain Sobriety, the means of remaining sober in the light of the onslaughts of power. It takes power to know this and it takes power to resist power for the question is : How does one remain inaccessible to the indulgent aspects of power whilst remaining accessible to its useful aspects? Answer this question, and that takes power. The rest is plain sailing.

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Ruthlessness applied here takes a number of directions. Power, true Power that is, can be employed to defeat itself. For Power to defend itself is indeed weakness and simply Self Importance exerting itself. To have passed through the portals of Fear and Clarity it would be presupposed that the Warrior by this time had sufficient resources to defeat the insidious nature of Power. Sadly in the majority of instances this is not the case. Self Importance is so deeply ingrained into the human system, primarily as the means of personal survival that to circumnavigate it requires nothing short of accessing and utilising the Double or Energetic Being which is our true nature. This all but improbable task is facilitated by Sorcery, yet there are many stop over points on the way. Power is one of them, perhaps the most challenging of all? Grant a person all that they want with the opportunity of gaining more. Give them their hearts desire. Lay at their feet untold riches, abstract and concrete and who would, who could say, this is not enough. Only a fool or someone with no choice. In this respect it is the Ruthlessness of Sorcery itself that enables the Warrior to perceive the Mystery and the potential it implies and turn away from the human description. What is promised? Nothing, only the opportunity to explore the unknown. Exploration which promises no reward. How does that sit with the ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude of the average human? The average human in this instance covers the entirety of humanity, without a single exception. Ruthlessness alone handles Power by saying ‘how useful is this in the context of my present pursuit?’ As previously stated it takes Power to take the abstract flight, Power to embark upon the path of Sorcery and Power alone sets ‘The Fire From Within’ into motion. These are very different applications to inflating ones self worth or values which is the province wherein Power is truly an enemy. Applied where appropriate like the preceding cases of Fear and Clarity, rather than being an enemy it becomes a friend and ally. Ruthlessness alone sets this up for it cuts to the heart of things and dispenses with the superfluous retaining only what is vital for the journey to hand – The journey into Freedom. Cunning applied is indeed trickery. How else can one remove oneself from the all but orgiastic reality of bathing in ones sense of Personal Power? It is in the sense of ‘abandoning oneself’ that one can become sufficiently light enough to float free of human tendencies. The relaxation spoken of naturally arises as a consequence. There is an aspect of Power which is minor and purely personal. Like Fear it masks itself in a form most easily recognised by us individually. Calls to us. Seduces us. There is no fall from grace, there is no success. There is only Power. Cunning here deploys Power into appropriate contexts in order for it to become generative. A little like spending money to make money. There is an attitude prevalent within Sorcery that one has to be all but miserly with the use of ones energy. This is true after a fashion and yet the attitude is reminiscent of the miser hoarding money in fear of the day when he or she will have none. The universe may very well be predatory that is no reason to act as the hunter or the victim, for this is only a

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perception. I say only a perception knowing full well that all there is only Perception. A paradox to fathom. Cunning as always tricks the self, redeploys the Power as previously described and remains light as a consequence. It was a tendency of The Ancient Sorcerers to hoard and I suspect the case with many of their so called modern counterparts. The ‘New Mood’ beckons and what has been said in respect of Power and in this instance Cunning is an intrinsic aspect of this ‘New Mood.’ It takes lack of Fear to say this. It takes Clarity to perceive the implications of saying it and it takes Power itself to realise it. Cunning indeed. Patience in the face of Power has little difficulty for it recognises the antics of a small child calling for attention. A small child it cherishes and it promises that ‘this too will pass.’ It is only in the instance of not resisting can power be allowed to flow freely without taking on the personal aspects outlined by an individuals Personal History. In this respect only a Formless Warrior can truly handle the onset of Power. For only a Formless Warrior, by simple definition can supply a suitably neutral Energetic Matrix which is depersonalised sufficient to using Power in the appropriate way. This is an idea all but abstract, and yet concrete in time. The time in question when one has the resource of Formlessness. A time which visits us in the present as a friend and guide. This is the quality of Patience, the ambience that permits time to unfold according to its energetic requirements and level. To not interfere is all but impossible to the human being, who by their very nature is a creature of wants. Formlessness itself is the only logical application of Power, if Power is to be useful to the Warrior in their chosen pursuits. Patience here serves the role of counselor as well as guide for the Power in question is not Personal but rather the Power of Intent. For this reason the majority of individuals who succumb to this enemy are clearly seen to distort and in some respects pervert the natural flow of Power from Intent to the more personalised aspect called Will. Will in this instance is purely human and in application is demonstrated by the entirety of human history. Draw your own conclusions. Patience is the ambience that permits the child growing strong in Power to mature into the Formlessness which is its natural state. All other manifestations of Power are a sham. The ‘do something else’ in this instance refers to holding at least a Double Description, the everyday world and the world of Sorcery being sufficient to achieve the outcome of not succumbing to the seduction of Power. Multiple Description is ideal for it permits the Warrior to ‘live between descriptions thereby being inaccessible to the aspect of Power that defeats them and yet accessible to the aspect of Power that facilitates the Warrior into Formlessness. The only application of Power which is generative and hence useful given the Sorcerers pursuits. This takes Power and more importantly it takes Patience, manifesting through time, to achieve.

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Sweetness applied again returns to simplicity. In the light of this unfolding drama one is simply one human being pursuing a Mystery all but unattainable. Using whatever resources one has, and the ones that develop as a consequence. As a simple human being the humility this engenders is the only resource one has in the light of the onslaught of Power. The arch seducer. There are instances, numerous to recall of ‘burn out’ victims, individuals without sufficient ability to handle what is going on. Power in this instance inflates them to the point of implosion. They are damaged by effectively rending the veil of the everyday world which expels them, and yet, ironically they have insufficient Power to access the world of Sorcery outside of it being a 1st Attention description. This is sad indeed and yet these instances serve as examples, as lessons of what can happen. Sorcery selects its own. They are the survivors, few in number and yet for them the myth unfolds truly and in a balanced way. This is not to say that their path is easy, quite the contrary, the instances of burn out are paradoxically, easy options. Those who have succumbed to Power without even an awareness that this has occurred. The Warrior, true, is alone at this time and it is only their perception, paradoxically fuelled by Power that stands as a support and guide. The point made here is subtle and all but abstract and yet rings true. Humility is the key to facing the onset of Power, as humility truly aspects the principle that ‘one is indeed equal to all things, whether one is a mountain, an ant or a human being.’ Power here becomes a friend and is vanquished as an enemy by the gentleness that is intrinsic in maintaining such an attitude congruently. There is no place for deception or self deception for one is dealing primarily with the abstract principle of Intent and its servant The Great Spirit in the face of which humility is our natural recourse. The Shields which constitute our Path With Heart play a major role in respect of granting us the opportunity for transformation for the Warrior selects the items purposefully, fully engaging in their pursuit until such a time as it is appropriate to enter the arena of Sorcery directly. This is yet another method for off setting the onslaught of Power for once again it deploys Power into useful directions. This is the hallmark of Patience which operated primarily through time and timing.

Old Age The last of the enemies, that which unseats, even Power. Old Age need not be viewed as the accumulation of years, for there are many younger people who clearly demonstrate the onset of Old Age in as much as their attitudes, beliefs and behaviours are so set that only Death awaits them. Returning to the concept of Old Age as spoken of by Don Juan, this can only exist as a reality within the everyday world, for should the Warrior reach an ancient age, a lifetime of Impeccability circumnavigates the pitfalls presented by Old Age – the desire to rest. The accumulation of Power

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through a lifetime of practice, congruently applied leaves no place for the infirmity which invariably accompanies Old Age. Death, the natural consequence of advancing years serving as an advisor addresses how the infirmities of Old Age arise and can be circumnavigated. In our arrogance we act as if we are immortal, this Don Juan points out on numerous occasions. The truth is we have little time, faced as we are by the immensity of the Mystery that confronts and surrounds us. A lifetime of Impeccability leaves no place for the infirmities commonly associated with Old Age. In this instance Old Age, like Death becomes an advisor. And yet at times we grow tired, would seek rest from our labours and yet there is no opportunity for rest, only the Dramatic Exertion and Unbending Intent that has been cultivated over a lifetime can serve as a resource in the light of the ultimate enemy that defeats us at the end. Sorcery suggests The Abstract Flight, the means of entering Death consciously as one way of defeating, even Old Age. Time itself is the only witness to the validity of this concept or not. The rest is pure rumour. Yet throughout life, each moment, each thought, each action is a rehearsal for our impending death. We have choices : The models of spirituality assuage us with the promise of immortality. Absolute rot, designed to placate what is at root our deepest fear and to furnish the few with the power over the many, the few in this instance are called teachers. The question is : what do we wish to rehearse? Sorcery applied effectively is designed to arouse our curiosity as to the nature of what we are and are capable of becoming and the nature of the Mystery that surrounds us. This insatiable curiosity could almost keep us so preoccupied with our explorations that we forget or overlook getting old, for Old Age is part of the program that is engendered and supported by The Everyday Description of The World. Few, if any escape and yet we are driven to make the effort. This perspective alone, applied appropriately ensures that the desire to rest and take it easy never occurs and for this reason is the metaphor of the battle and the battlefield applied when speaking of the Sorcerers world and its pursuit. Others are granted the appearance of possessing immortality, for a Warrior this is nonsense for they have only the here and the now. The rest is human indulgence, meaningless and trivial in the light of the passing of time. Life itself is The Abstract Flight and for the Warrior upon the path of becoming a Man or Woman of Knowledge there is no time or inclination to be diverted by the merely entertaining. This again, is the result of attaining Sobriety and more importantly the application of the first principle of Sorcery, namely, Ruthlessness.

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Ruthlessness is Sobriety and Sobriety is Ruthlessness and in the light of the presence of such resources is Old Age defeated. This is the ultimate proof of the validity of the pursuit of Sorcery itself. All else is rumour. Ruthlessness applied recognises what is required in terms of maintaining ones youthfulness irrespective of whether one is twenty five or sixty five. The cultivation of health and well – being through a balanced approach to life can and does offset many of the consequences of living a chaotic life. Diet, exercise, environment, work, relationships, the shields we call A Path With Heart and the pursuit of Sorcery itself are significant ways of defeating the last of the enemies. We are as old or as young as we feel. This is a matter of attitude supported by the practical considerations that make it possible. Ruthlessness is the application of the strategies necessary to achieve this. The elimination of what creates and fosters harm in the life of a Warrior demands that Ruthlessness be applied at the appropriate times within the appropriate contexts. For this reason the Warrior performs regular Strategic Inventories in order to sort The Island of The Tonal on a regular basis. It is a continuous and ongoing process. Old Age can also be referred to as a loss of vitality or energy. The Ruthlessness of The Recapitulation with its outcome of reclaiming energy spread across our Personal History ensures that vitality is maintained. The practice of Controlled Folly likewise is Ruthlessness applied within the world. Sorcery itself is Ruthlessness for as the first principle it pervades every aspect of the pursuit. When faced with those occasions when one is called upon to stop, it is the Ruthlessness of Control and Discipline that remind the warrior of their pursuit and its goal – the path to Freedom. Cunning is again the application of strategies Intended to trick the 1st Attention into ‘breaking the mould of man.’ A mould which contains the concepts of Old Age and Death. Cunning here lies within the practice of The Recapitulation, offering as it does a surrogate history to the Eagle at the point of Death and thereby passing by intact. This is referred to as conscious death, where the Warrior enters Freedom as defined by their predilection. It is Cunning indeed to pursue a path without a destination, for one is always travelling, always encountering newness and difference. It is almost as if one forgets to grow old. The everyday world is set up in such a way as to fulfill the expectations of those who signed the agreement. The Warrior has broken the agreement and all that it entails. Mystery, complete and inviolate is their only quest, a quest that leaves no room for the infirmities associated with Old Age. At this time these may be simply words, fortunately there is an appropriate evidence procedure, for were I to choose to stay around until I was eighty or so, my being and state of being would serve as the evidence that corroborated or denied these words. Sorcery as described is the Cunning of the 1st Attention for in its application one ultimately ceases to be human in the mundane sense of the word, this offers the opportunity of transcending the human condition

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and evolving into new and different abilities. This evolution demands of us. With so much at stake and so little time, how could the Warrior permit Old Age to unseat them at this crucial point in time? Preparing to leave the world and all it entails, to embark upon a journey without equal is surely sufficient to maintain the energetic level this quest demands. Cunning is applied as strategy throughout the Warriors lifetime and facilitates the Impeccability which itself results from connecting to Intent which in turn arises through the pursuit of the Art and Science of Sorcery itself. Energy, Awareness and Perception being its focus points. Cunning indeed facilitates a vital approach within the Energetic matrix consisting as it does of Mind – Body and Double which maintains and sustains vitality. Within this reality there is no room for Old Age as commonly experienced within the everyday world. It is all dependant upon skill and strategy and this takes the application of Cunning. Patience is the ambience, the field through which all the above is permitted to unfold. It is time and the relationship we have to time. Sorcerers manipulate time through manipulating Perception, living entire lifetimes within what could be judged to be a relatively short time. The distortion of time also enables the Sorcerer to face the oncoming time differently. Rather than moving towards the future, an average persons approach to the continuum of time, the Sorcerer stands still, as it were and the future moves towards them. This nuance of difference facilitates Awareness unfolding in distinctly different ways compared to the norm. The application of Patience, the ambience of time unfolding, permits the development of Impeccability which calls for the sum total of ones energy being available in the instance to hand. There is nothing new in this idea accept that within Sorcery it ceases to be an idea and is made concrete simply through the practice of The Recapitulation. A process which is dependant upon time and Patience. For what commences as an abstract becomes concrete as sufficient Personal Power is released into ones Perceptual abilities. The difference between one perception and another being the amount of energy available at the time. If this were not the case we would become enlightened beings overnight simply by reading about the possibility of becoming so. Time is a man made concept which though measured objectively in days, months and years is experienced subjectively. Hence a moment can contain an eternity when experienced from a Core State perspective. Likewise years can fly by and the seduction of youth awakes one day to the horrors of Old Age and infirmity. All a dream. Old Age likewise is mans expectations being fulfilled by the consensus that reality imposes. A reality we in effect have set up as part of the socialisation process we have been educated into. Few, very few escape the inevitable and yet there are those who dream and when we consider dreaming have not all things commenced with a dream? Patience and its relationship to time is the means of unseating Old Age by never actually arriving at this Perception. For at the end of the day there is only Perception.

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Sweetness in this instance again lies in humility. Of leading a life which engenders vitality by Erasing Self Importance, Erasing Personal History and effectively Stopping The World in which time unfolds in a linear fashion. The indescribable feats spoken of in Sorcery are effectively performed with the Double, the Energy body. This aspect when actualised grants untold abilities to the Sorcerer who all but takes up permanent residence in the Double. And while all this takes place the man or woman in question simply lives in the world. As a Stalker, apparently no different from the average person, yet possessed of skills and energy that has made the inconceivable an everyday reality. This is the transformation spoken of, for it manifests in two parts. First it is the simplicity of having erased Self Importance in order to attain the Inaccessibility required to fulfill ones path uninterrupted. Secondly it is the transformation of the human into the Sorcerer. For the Sorcerer lives at least two lives. The everyday world of the man or woman and then there is the Sorcerer proper. Human beings are not Sorcerers. It is the Double that is the Sorcerer and in this way transformation is taking place continually. It is relatively easy to act and look commonplace when in effect one is just that. It is the Sorcerer that is extraordinary. There is nothing human about a Sorcerer as there is nothing Sorcerous about a human. The question of Old Age viewed in this way is simply a matter of where you place your energy. For it to be contained within the human construct leads ultimately to death, this is currently a certainty. For it to be transferred to the Double, as in Dreaming is surely the way the Abstract Flight is undertaken. A task indescribable in its implications and yet presupposed by the entire structure known as Sorcery. Old Age is unseated and defeated by Sweetness through the application of the only transformation possible. Entry into the 3rd Attention, when the Fire From Within takes place and one leaves this world total and complete. In this way Sorcerers cannot die for their energy has been transferred to an almost inaccessible aspect of our being that we call the Double. All speculation concerning spirituality is a sham and insurance against fear. There is only one form of immortality and that is, not to die. Transcending death by retaining ones consciousness is only possible in the light of the Double. This transformation lies at the very heart of Sorcery and it is through Sweetness that even Old Age is defeated.

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The Energetic Matrix

Sorcery Is First And Foremost A Perceptual Art

And as such totally dependant upon Personal Power. This term is very easily misconstrued as meaning having Power over people, things or circumstances. Within the inventory of a Sorcerer these elements mean little if anything at all.

To live and act Impeccably presupposes using to full advantage the amount of energy available in any given instance. To access the Double or Dreaming Attention requires a consummate effort on the part of the

practitioner. To operate in the world of power struggles is an unnecessary drain upon ones resources and as such constitutes an aspect of Sorcery which is degenerate and as such of no interest to the serious practitioner. Accessing and utilising the Dreaming Attention is vast in its implications, both individually and evolutionary. Stopping The World begins this process, a process breathtaking in its range and depth. Erasing Personal History, supported by loss of Self Importance and the application of Not Doing make this improbable task a possibility.

Sorcery as a model of Energetic Awareness presupposes several things :

There is Personal Power in the first instance.

This Personal Power can be deployed into Perceptual choices.

We can only Witness the effects of our practices, for in the main they remain within the realm of the 2nd Attention. And yet we are required to assemble, in awareness our learnings within the realm of the 1st Attention. As an Energetic model it can be coded, applied and refined and as a result much of the randomisation that takes place within our thinking and our acting can be eliminated.

What follows is a 1st Attention description of a series of processes that arose through the practice of Gazing. These processes were in no way consciously Intended, as such they are source material, emergent from the energetic presence of

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the practitioner in question, applying what appears to be a simple procedure. All components within the practice of Sorcery are intricate and multifaceted. There is the overt outcome : what it is you think you are doing. And there is the covert outcome : that which you are actually doing. Expressing this point is far from being original as the original texts of Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts make this abundantly clear on a number of occasions.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream


Energetic Models

The Energetic configuration of The Face A series of Sorcery Passes designed to activate the Power Centres of the Face. Specifically the Rings of Power situated within the left and Right eyes.

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Intend power into the palms and fingers by rubbing them vigorously together at the location of the navel. Intend power from the navel to enter the palms and fingers.

1. The Forehead : Draw the fingertips across the forehead from the centre outwards and off the face itself.

2. The Temples : Draw circles just above the surface of the skin. First clockwise and then anti clockwise.

3. The Eyes : Draw circles just above the surface of the skin. First clockwise and then anti clockwise.

4. The Nose and Mouth : Fingertips placed each side of the bridge of the nose. Draw downwards along the sides of the nose. Meet at the lips of the mouth. Turn the palms outwards, fingertips touching. Draw the fingertips apart and move them outwards until they leave the surface of the face.

5. Upon completion : Place the Left palm over the navel. Place the Right palm over the Left. Close the eyes and experience the Energetic Configuration Intended.

The Primary Triangulation

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The above is a graphic description of how it all began. During Gazing practice it was noticed how the hands became active. It was almost as if power were being stored within them. Not being prepared to ignore this all too obvious direction to pursue, and as a means of focussing the Attention on either the left or right sides, it was elected to place a Power Object in the palm of each hand. The Power Objects themselves were visualised and arose from the system. The Power Objects fulfilled their outcome admirably. Likewise the Spirit Animal became the third point of reference and effectively the first of the Perceptual Worlds to be explored using the methodology of Shamanic Journeying, otherwise known as Shape – Shifting.

After some time and with the beginning of familiarity the next stage suggested itself. I say suggested itself for one very simple reason. Sorcery teaches itself according to the energetic level you are operating from. Following these suggestions, which arise from the system itself is tantamount to true learning, learning that takes place at a systemic level rather than simply being a thought or an idea. This is to be directly experienced in order to understand its implications completely for it does not lie within the realm of reason. With the development of the next stage the Power Objects, having fulfilled their objectives naturally dissolved into the Perceptual Worlds that took their place.

The description that follows is the first stage of the development of the Perceptual Worlds and also serves as the primary description of what has evolved into The Energetic Matrix. A method which is now, after much primary exploration, again dissolved into the matrix of Setting Up Dreaming. This is a prime example of how Sorcery teaches itself and how the 2nd Attention communicates its Intentions to us through the reducing valve of reason otherwise known as the 1st Attention.

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The Energetic Matrix 1

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Actualisation of The Dreaming Attention

An Example

The Energetic Matrix is an Intended action with the specific outcome of supplying an energetic template upon which the Double or Dreaming Attention can hook on to. It was devised as a Hunters strategy, the quarry in this instance being the context of Dreaming. As can be appreciated, when speaking of Dreaming we are effectively using the 1st Attention to conjecture upon something that has little if anything to do with it. The nature of reason demands that we do this in order to

establish a point of reference otherwise known as meaning. Dreaming proper is the province of 2nd Attention, as such it is approached through the methodology of Stalking in this instance through the application of Cunning. In this way the Sorcerer brings to bear the skills of the Hunter and the Stalker in pursuing Dreaming. This is one way The Dreaming Attention is approached. There are of course other ways, other descriptions, however, as indicated by Don Juan Matus on many occasions, ‘there are no rules in respect of Dreaming, only broad guidelines.’ The rest is up to the individual practitioner.

The Left and Right Sides

The Eyes and Hands

Sorcery often refers to the Left and Right sides of Awareness and their relationship to the 1st and 2nd Attentions. At an earlier stage of my research, approximately 3 years ago I underwent an experiential insight in respect of the use of the eyes. As a result, in undertaking this year long practice I elected to give an emphasis to this element. In conjoining the eyes and the palms of the hands I had effectively a powerful set of

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anchors in respect of the Left and Right sides. As outlined in the Primary Triangulation this served to associate me into an awareness of the Left and Right sides.

The Left eye relates specifically to the Nagual and is figured as an outward moving spiral not unlike flashes of lightning. The Right eye relates specifically to the Tonal and is figured as an inward moving spiral not unlike the surface of a lake.

Combining the eye and palm of the respective side drew the Attention to that side specifically. At the outset this was achieved by placing a Power Object in the palm of the hand. As previously mentioned this Power Object was visualised. Latterly the Power Object dissolved and was replaced by a Perceptual World. One that could be opened, entered and explored.

Latterly the Left and Right side anchor points - the eyes and palms of the hands, began to be referred to as Rings of Power. Though simplistic in theory the foregoing in practice proved to be very useful as it consolidated awareness to the appropriate side accordingly. As a result The Energetic Matrix began, and continues to take on form. It is to be remembered that much within the pursuit of Sorcery occurs as an act of Intent. This is an example.

The Central Pillar of Convergence

The Gateway of Assemblage and The Energetic Body’s Fibres

Initially, in order to associate to the central pillar a primary set of visualisations was employed. This consisted of : placing a Solar disc upon the forehead. A Lunar disc at the site of the genitals. A point above the head that evolved into the third Perceptual World. The feet themselves and lastly and most importantly The Gateway of Assemblage, situated at a point just below the navel. The central pillar was also activated during internal Gazing, whilst bringing the Attention

to the eyes – the Left and then the Right, the Attention finally placed upon the forehead in order to re- align. Likewise in bringing the Attention to the ears – the Left and then the Right, placing the Attention at the base of the skull likewise brought about alignment.

The locations of the forehead and genitals were conceived of as one polarity whilst the locations of above the head and the feet were conceived of as a secondary polarity. The result was to be able to shift Attention not only to the left and Right but also Above and Below. The practices to fulfil this were maintained only long

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enough to install the polarities sufficient to their task, they were then dissolved into The Matrix as a whole.

The Nexus Point for both the Left and Right sides as well as Above and Below is The Gateway of Assemblage itself. Not only serving as the ingress and egress point but also, latterly serving as the anchor point for The Matrix as a whole. The fibres which the energetic body consists of form a focus point at the Gateway and as such were used to establish a series of Triangulations connecting the respective physical elements of the body to the Perceptual Worlds that equated to them. A sophisticated structure, a Matrix.

The Rings of Power / Perceptual Worlds

Shamanic Journeying or Shape Shifting

Initially three in number, they formed the Primary Triangulation, as discussed earlier. The Rings of Power situated within the eyes opened each of the worlds relevant to their side. By pulling the Attention across to that side in a very tactile way ensured full association into the process and once focussed upon the matrix formed between the eye, the palm and the Gateway of Assemblage, A Triangulation of Power formed an ingress and egress point into the Perceptual World in question.

By the process of Shape Shifting exploration then took place, sufficient, once again to the outcome of consolidation within that World or Description. Over a sufficient period of time this practice was undertaken, yielding very interesting results. The third point of the Primary Triangulation situated above the head was opened by Intent alone.

It is to be noted that as a result of opening these three worlds the Primary Triangulation consisted of sitting with the palms upturned, an energetic presence within each and above the head a third. Latterly a crystal was placed into the heart of the void which served, through the process of turning its facets and opening, a Gateway proper. This essentially formed the structure of the Dreaming procedure which evolved at the next stage of the exploration.

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The Energetic Triangulations

The Structure Of The Energetic Double Or Dreaming Attention

Forming what has been described as The Energetic Matrix – 2 it was decided to explore the geometric structure I had effectively Intended into existence. In many traditions the triangle is seen as a structure of primal power for it serves as the first of the three dimensional objects to know existence. In one tradition it is described thus : out of the void of non existence a focus point is created, this point is extended into two dimensions by the formation of a polarity, opposites, which in their existence systemically create a third

emergent property. A pressure wave that causes the line to extend itself into the third dimension. The Triangulation arises and as a result is conceived of as a vehicle of manifestation. The above serves as my reasoning for adopting the Triangulation Matrix, forming as it does the foundation of The Energetic Matrix itself. As a model of Energetic Awareness, Sorcery has at its heart the developing awareness of our energetic natures. My research is thus a natural development of what is already presupposed by such a model. To grant this structure objective existence is erroneous as it is the product of Intent itself and the means of supplying a template for the Dreaming Attention to hook on to. To consider it otherwise would not only be indulgence and association to what can only be described as a 1st Attention description but would miss the essential point by a mile. Otherwise belief systems otherwise known as dogmas are formed. When describing the inexplicable on one occasion, Don Juan states It is very comforting to render something understandable. It is preferred to keep incomprehensible things incomprehensible rather than making them part of the inventory of the 1st Attention. Thus the nature of Mystery remains inviolate.

Active Dreaming

This all important practice is personal to the individual practitioner, for it constitutes an aspect of Dreaming itself, in this instance one ‘dreams with the eyes open.’ As such what follows is a brief description of a series of Perceptual Worlds and how they have been employed. It is to be emphasised that throughout this process I have Intentionally remained within the Human Band of Awareness as it is not my Intent to enter the realm of Inorganic Beings.

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An outline of Eight Perceptual Worlds

Perceptual Worlds : 1, 2 & 3 of the preceding diagram represent the Primary Triangulation. Where it all began. They are configured upon the Left Side, the Right Side and Above the head respectively. Each side is focussed by a Ring of Power formed between the Eye and the Palm of the Hand of that side.

1 The World of the ‘Spirit Animal’ wherein nature manifests itself in tooth and claw. A jungle, golden sunlight filtered green by a vast canopy of trees.

Moisture drips from foliage causing vapour to rise from the earth, carrying rich perfumes. Arboreal splendour, primeval, untouched. Earth gives way to rock as I travel across boulders ever upwards, through mountains and reach a wide plateau. A setting Sun. A rising Moon, silver darts of light pierce eyes and skin, causing dream.

2 The World of the four elements. A mighty tree, its roots travel deep into the earth. Breeze plays upon hair, now leaves. Clouds which form and dissolve, across a rich blue sky. A golden red Sun warms the flesh causing clouds to rise precipitating moisture. Drops descend, crashing over a waterfall, tumbling over pebbles, reflecting within my body shapes and forms unknown. Seeps into the soil and nurtures the roots I cast deep within the earth. A World of Healing, Peace and Silence.

3 The World of Mystery. Opened by Intent alone. A Great Eagle flies across the sky, wings unfurled upon currents unseen, yet felt. Screeches its presence to the worlds and passes on. Opens upon the unknown. The Wings of Perception unfold as does the feathers of The Great Spirit. Herein all is Witnessed, not spoken or thought of.

Perceptual Worlds 4 & 5 support the Left Side and form one part of the Secondary Triangulation. The third point being Perceptual World 1.

4 Mountainous terrain. Snow capped peaks. A vast vista gives rise to a valley, grass covered and awash with the colour of wild flowers. In the foreground a willow sways gently in the breeze beside a murmuring mountain stream. Warm sunshine caresses skin. Air rich with life enters nostrils, electrifying and cleansing.

5 A night of tempest. Waves crash upon boulders and rock. A howling wind draws oceans foam into the air. Ozone and Salt. Black clouds travel across the Moon.

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Lightning strikes the ocean, Fire meets water. Thunder rolls across the land. Fury unleashed and cast abroad, elemental power in its rawest manifestation.

Perceptual Worlds 6 & 7 support the Right Side and form the other part of the Secondary Triangulation. The third point being Perceptual World 2.

6 A Burning Sun beats down relentlessly upon a desert plain. Waves etched by the wind form low dunes. An endless horizon for 360 degrees. Breeze lifts grains of sand into the air abrading skin, eyes and lungs. Across this desertscape a solitary figure walks. One step, then another, ever onwards.

7 A vast cavern deep beneath the earth. Cool and dank. Moisture drips down surfaces of rock. Light dim, illuminated by pools of sulphur. Stalagmites and stalactites formed over countless aeons. Cavern of cathedral like proportions at its heart a lake, ink black and still.

Perceptual World 8 is located at the Gateway of Assemblage itself, forming the anchor point of the Matrix, as well as being the operational commencement point of entry into each of the worlds.

8 ‘Standing poised at the edge of the world.’ Behind : a vast plain, desert scrub, rocks and a few stunted trees. To the left : a path wends its way upwards between vast boulders. To the right : a track winds its way downwards, a precipice beside it. Before : A vast abyss, clouds drift upwards born by currents unseen. In the distance, upon the horizon a Red Golden Sun dissolves, the last of its light sends liquid fire across the sky, blessing eyes, blessing skin. And in the void, suspended, motionless, hangs a single crystal. ‘Twilight at the edge of the world.’

The operating premise of The Energetic Matrix is simple. Each of the eight worlds exerts a pressure wave of equal power and where they meet a nexus point is formed. At this point emerges the ‘The Crack Between The Worlds.’ The application of this methodology has given rise to a number of interesting things.

It is the primary methodology I employ, as a by-product of Gazing, of ‘softening’ the Perceptual grip of ‘this’ world. It forms the template for The Double or Dreaming Attention itself to ‘hook’ on to. It is a unique way to Set Up Dreaming.

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Setting Up Dreaming

By Accessing The Third Gate

Employing Components of The Energetic Matrix

An Example

1st Level of Practice

1. Preparations – Stage 1

Present Position. Arrive at the Gazing Point.

Standing. Perception of being at the edge of the world – Setting Sun – Twilight etc.

Close eyes. Connect to Breath : Body. Eyes. Ears. Gateway of Assemblage.

Travel to the surface of the skin and to the surface of the energetic skin.

Intend opening the Left Side - Rings of Power within the left eye and palm

Intend opening the Right Side - Rings of Power within the right eye and palm

Complete opening the field by utilising the Power Stance of Intent.

Call forth the Great Spirit – The Silent Witness and Intent.

Call Intent : The Eyes : The Voice : Silence.

Open the eyes.

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2. Preparations – Stage 2

Seated. The Thunderbolt.

Close eyes. Hands palms upwards.

Open the 1st Triangulation – Left Side – Right Side and Above the Head - Develop the sense of the Triangulation formed between the palms and above the head.

Place at the centre of the Triangulation a Crystal. Open one facet – A Perceptual World - A solitary figure traverses an endless desert.

Step into and fully associate to this World and the figure within it.

3. The Journey

Consolidate sense of Self. Scan appearance. Focus the senses.

Look to the right, left and behind, consolidate the Perceptual World. Sand dunes etched into waves and undulations by the wind. Look Ahead. Look Above. The Sun beats down relentlessly. Turn 360 degrees take in the entire vista.

Take 1 step forward and then another.

4. Completion and Return

At a specified point - A rocky outcrop at the base of which the entrance to a cavern – Turn and return to the point of entrance into the Perceptual World.

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Close the eyes. Visualise the Crystal. Enter one facet exiting the Perceptual World.

Re – Associate to the figure seated in the room. Turn the head slowly Left to Right. Right to Left. Left to Right. Look directly ahead.

Stand. Consolidate the view. Turn and return to the physical body. Intend Integration.

Enter natural sleep.

2nd Level of Practice

At a specific points along the journey Anchor Sensory Modalities.

3rd Level of Practice

Having Set Up Dreaming. Enter the Cavern at the base of the rocky outcrop.

Comments concerning The Energetic Matrix

Today I began exploring the dynamics of the Double. An aspect currently being Intended in a number of ways. Setting Up Dreaming being the primary methodology, for in many respects it is Dreamed into being. I am also employing the Energetic Matrix as a template and today began to explore it. This is a development of enhancing the sensitivity within the Rings of Power within each palm. By alternating between left or right palm upon the Gateway of

Assemblage and its compliment extended I began to explore initially the location of the Gazing objects. My primary discovery is that whilst scanning the area with the right palm [ left palm over the gate ] sensations arose which can only be described

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as a field of energy emanating from the objects themselves. Upon opening the eyes my Gaze fell upon one of the objects – A small bowl of water containing a flower. The other method I employed was to scan within the Energetic Matrix itself. Again employing the previous methodology in respect of the palms. Placing all Attention within them I permitted them to ‘Trace’ the dynamics within the field itself. In a way this is akin to discovering the configuration of your own Energetic Being. A process which pertains to neither the body or the mind specifically. There is indeed an almost inaccessible part of our nature not known to either the mind or the body. The mind and the body already exist in fusion. The division, the duality if you prefer lies in the separation of the Mind – Body complex with what we call the Double. This, the task of Sorcery, to connect to the Energetic Being we are.

The Energetic Pressure brought to bear by each of the 8 Descriptions / Perceptual Worlds has generated a ‘focus point.’ Though the description used in the diagram is ‘The Crack Between The Worlds’ I use this term here in a slightly different way than the one normally applied. At one level the ‘Crack’ exists between each specific Perceptual World and is accessed through the application of a specific Sorcery pass during the time of Twilight. My Intended meaning of the use of the term is the ‘Crack’ as a point of entry pertains to ‘The Abstract Flight’ itself. I became aware of this during my Gazing practice, having energised each of the 8 Perceptual Worlds – each of them beckoning. A Triangulation what I refer to earlier as the 1st Triangulation went ‘Live.’ The result was the 2nd Triangulations fed into the 1st and through the conduit of the 8th Perceptual World, anchored at The Gateway of Assemblage, a pressure wave, A linguistic nicety, opened into a vacuum – ‘The Crack Between The Worlds’ itself. Further explorations, after some consolidation will doubtless throw much light upon what is in effect a startling discovery at this time.

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Concluding Comments

The preceding graphic illustrations and the accompanying text serves several purposes.

They outline an example of how ‘Sorcery teaches itself’ in respect of the energetic level that is brought to such a practice by the practitioner.

It also serves as a classic example of Assembling from 2nd Attention a description for cognitive appreciation – 1st attention.

The Energetic Matrix serves as an example of the innovative approach which serves as an underlying principle of the New Mood of Sorcery.

The existence of the process itself is a demonstration of a component of the Mood – Cunning, which states : ‘A Warrior fears nothing, relaxes and totally abandons themselves, for they know that only then will the powers that guide them, aid them – only then.’

Finally it is an example of the Hunters strategy of Stalking Dreaming. What began as a simple practice – Gazing, evolved into the process that will facilitate Setting Up Dreaming.

Once Silence Is Attained Everything Is Possible

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Poetic Afterword As a child she was sensitive and precocious. Given to flights of imagination which often disconnected her from the world. Her absent mindedness, more than once, was the cause of many a mishap. She was fortunate however, in being protected by her angel and latterly by parents who cared for her in their own way without really knowing who she was. Given to musing she often wondered about the world in which she found herself and the people who lived here. She knew, for example that

people were rarely happy and wondered why? In answer to her musings came the thought that they were not who they were supposed to be and as a result of becoming someone else they mourned, albeit unconsciously the demise of their true self. This she vowed would not occur in her case. No matter what. With the passing of time she gained her independence and found herself adrift in a world of ambiguous shapes and forms, appearing solid, yet so unreal. The people around her fulfilled their destiny in accordance with their needs rather than their expectations. She witnessed death in life. Given to dreams and creativity she became curious and over time found much in the way of useful guidelines as to how to proceed. She lived on the edges of life only occasionally entering fully, its embrace. Her dreams unfolded her creativity. She wrote Poetry that was instilled within her heart. Stories that described worlds of possibility. Became a beacon amidst the ever increasing shadows. Learned first one thing and then another, placing each new learning within her heart, something to cherish, something to care for. And yet the world had its own needs and through her sought to fulfil itself. To substantiate what it knew in its heart of hearts to be but a dream. It sought for her to become something and wrapped this up in the seductive words of becoming someone. One day, many years before the writing of these words she found a solution. Honour the world by honouring herself, became her clarion call. She would fulfil her curiosity, her insatiable thirst for learning and survive within this strange land. Her life would unfold a tapestry of difference. Spending time, first here, then there, moving on as she felt solidity forming around her. Thus she learned to live between things, her stability drawn from the very core of her being, no need, for her, the binding chains of meaning. No need, for her, cares and concerns about a future, a future created and unfolded by such concerns. She would do several things simultaneously thereby fulfilling the needs of the world and more importantly her own, the exploration of the richness of diversity. She became and is becoming skilled at this and with the unfolding of time will continue to live between the solid shapes that inhabit this world, dreaming as she always did of her home amidst the stars.


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The Recapitulation


Technical Procedures

The Sorcery Passes The Sorcery Passes complement the Recapitulation and involve Movement and Breathing. These techniques enable the Warrior to gather energy, to create balance and harmony in preparation for and during the practice of the Recapitulation. Sorcery Passes were devised in ancient times and one of their functions is to ‘enflesh’ what Warriors call the ‘double’, our luminous body. In this instance my methodology has been to employ one Sorcery Pass prior to performing The Recapitulation practice itself. At the outset of practice and for the following four months I practiced a series of Passes. However upon reflection, based upon ongoing experience I found several of the Passes to be redundant in my particular instance, as such they were dropped in preference to performing the one Pass I found to be of great value. This decision was arrived at after much consideration and was initiated upon the premise that I, personally do not have a predilection in the direction of the Passes themselves and as such will only employ methodologies and procedures that I am 100% congruent with. This constitutes an aspect of Impeccability and once the decision was made it was acted upon immediately and maintained throughout the duration of the practice period. The Pass employed prior to performing the Recapitulation was :

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The Pass For Erasing False dualism 1. Sit with the back straight, eyes slightly lowered, gazing at the tip of the nose. 2. Inhale deeply, bringing in the air as if breathing through the genitals. Pull in the

stomach and draw the air up along the spine, past the kidneys, to a point between the shoulder blades.

3. Hold the air there for a moment, then raise further up to the back of the head,

then over the top of the head to the point between eyebrows. 4. Hold the breath there for a moment, then exhale through the nose, mentally

guiding the air down the front of the body, first to a point just below navel, and then to the genitals, where the cycle began.

Circulating the breath in this fashion creates an impenetrable shield that prevents outside disruptive influences from piercing the body’s field of energy, it also keeps vital inner energy from dispersing outwardly. The inhalation and exhalation should be inaudible.

When Perception expands nothing is real and nothing is imaginary.

There is only Perception.

Adapted from The Sorcerers Crossing – Taisha Abelar

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The Recapitulation Process Structure and Guidelines Make a list of the people you have met during your life, starting from the present and going back to your earliest memories. The list forms a matrix for the mind to hook on to and does, in part commence the process of Recapitulation. It is useful to start the Recapitulation by focusing your attention on past sexual activities as the bulk of your energy is caught up in these events, so free those memories first. Take the first item on your list and set up the scene by experiencing all the details pertinent to the event that you are going to recall. Recall everything you experienced with that person from the moment you met them to the last time you interacted with them. Once all the elements are in place, use the Sweeping Breath. The movement of the head is like a fan that stirs everything in that experience. A Recapitulation is complete when several ‘layers’ of the experience has been accessed and ‘swept’ clean and when all emotional turmoil within the memory has been released and neutralised. It is said that with time and expertise, an event can be Recapitulated within the moment it is occurring.

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Procedure 1. Place the chin on the Right shoulder and slowly inhale until you reach the Left

shoulder. Once the inhalation is complete, look forward and exhale. 2. Take the first item on the list. Whilst focusing ahead, fully re-experience the

person and event/s. See them, Hear them and Feel them. [ take time to do this effectively ]

3. When the memory has been fully recalled, inhale slowly by moving the head from

the Right to the Left shoulder, Intending to breathe in all the energy fibres left behind in the event and the person/s involved.

4. Now, exhale moving the head from the Left to the Right shoulder, Intending to

breathe out all the energy fibres left in you by others. 5. Repeat the cycle as many times as necessary so that all the emotional turmoil

within that event is released. 6. Finally move your head from Right to Left and back again without breathing to

sever all ties with that particular event.

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The Recapitulation

Introduction According to Toltec tradition, transformation is the only true purpose a human being can have. Transformation entails a total change of one’s habitual ways of thinking and behaving and is a task that must be accomplished in the Warrior’s lifetime. This task is accomplished by the Recapitulation. Once old habits, thoughts, expectations and feelings are reframed as a result of the Recapitulation, the Warrior is in a position to gather enough energy to live by new rationales and to substantiate these rationales by directly Perceiving a different reality. Recapitulation is the apex of the Art of Stalking and is the act of reclaiming the Personal Power invested in past actions, in order to redeploy and enhance the reclaimed energy for extraordinary feats of Perception. The act of recalling experiences - starting from the present, going back to the earliest memories, using the Sweeping Breath, to sweep the memories clean one by one - encapsulates the Warrior’s Recapitulation. The Recapitulation is an ancient renewal process developed thousands of years ago. It is a Magical act in which Breath and Intent play an essential role. In the Recapitulation, the Breathing gathers energy and circulates it and the Intent of the Recapitulation guides it to free Warriors from their biological and social ties. The Intent of Recapitulation is having an unbending desire to perform it, and its end result is Freedom. Imagine yourself as a giant memory warehouse. From the moment you are born, parents, teachers, the socialising and educational structures etc. have stored feelings, ideas, mental dialogues, behavioral patterns and beliefs into that warehouse: the conditioning that forms and moulds you into what you become. It is through the Recapitulation that Warriors discard items that are no longer useful from their warehouse, to reclaim the Personal Power lodged within these items and make room for different Perceptions. The human body can be transformed into a tool capable of gathering, storing and directing energy, for Warriors regard the body as a source of Power, not merely a biological organism. Through the Recapitulation, the warrior becomes aware that as the warehouse becomes empty, energy from infinity can flow through it, which in turn leads to Freedom. In Don Juan’s tradition, Freedom is to be free from

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Humanness and Freedom is not possible if the Warrior’s warehouse is filled with desires, feelings, ideas, objects that are part of a Human inventory. Through the Recapitulation the Warrior realises that there is an aspect within them that knows indisputably the outcome of any action they are about to perform. The Warrior calls this moment of direct knowing, the Seer. By undertaking the act of Recapitulation, Warriors grant the Seer the freedom to See and deliberately turn it into a force that is both mysterious and effective which eventually guides them into Freedom. Warriors sink into a state of profound Recapitulation to achieve the emptying process so that energy can flow unimpeded. Then the Seer in them has full reign enabling them to transform the energy of the universe into the force of Intent. This essay consists of observations made throughout the first nine months of the practice, the first three months consisting of forming the lists, plus of the moment comments which serve the purpose of fleshing out what was at the time simple observations. Many of the of the moment comments benefited by the passing of time and the experience accrued as a result. However, where possible and appropriate I have kept the sequence of observations intact in order to demonstrate the developing awareness of the process that unfolded. The first observation of note was the developing awareness of the multi - level outcomes concerning this process. There are three distinct ones that spring to mind.

Firstly, the overt outcome of picking up energy from contexts of the past and releasing the foreign energy deposited in the energy body at the time of the interaction/s. This energy latterly being deployed into Perceptual choices.

Secondly there is rehearsing in the present, through performing the Recapitulation the development of the attitude and skill of not allowing energy to be deployed in the present ongoing experiences that we meet on a daily basis. This is the beginning of Sobriety and leads to the Impeccability often described as : using to full advantage the sum total of ones energy at any given moment in time.

Thirdly, there is the surface Recapitulation which, however thorough can only skim across the events of ones entire life. As a partially cognitive process [ The List etc. ] it sets the direction for the system to perform its own Recapitulation, necessarily outside of conscious awareness. In this respect both 1st & 2nd Attentions are fully engaged in the process. This is elegance indeed.

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Recapitulation – 1st & 2nd Attention

Whilst the cognitive practice is taking place, 1st Attention is engaged. The system, the 2nd Attention, employs its own methodology which differs from the cognitive method. Where they combine is in the Breathing Pass itself. The 2nd Attentions methodology is to use the breath as a carrier wave. This is an example of the 1st Attention being engaged in the process, as such distracted, whilst the 2nd Attention, The Sorcerer goes about the Intended business. Much that has unfolded during the practice in respect of how it has taught itself is foundated upon a simple premise : There is the cognitive process which consists of the list of contexts to be employed, this is the normal and formal structure of the Recapitulation and consists of two phases. The first phase is lineal and sequenced in respect of time. A little like A then B then C etc. The second is random, is lateral and works with a different methodology or structure, one more in keeping with the system as a whole, a system that does not in the main code time the way we do, consciously. It was this last consideration that led me to considering that perhaps as we set up the cognitive aspect of the process through working with the itemised list, the system following this direction, one of the functions of 1st Attention is the setting of directions, the system sets up its own methodology for engaging in the Recapitulation, in its own way. A nebulous thought indeed, yet one in keeping with my overt and covert outcome perception of all Sorcery procedures. It is to be remembered that no aspect of Sorcery can be examined in isolation, however apparently insignificant all components are essential. A point infinitely more applicable when addressing something as significant as the practice of the Recapitulation.

I began by asking a simple question : What is implied by the Recapitulation and what needs to be true for it to make sense as a practice? Therefore my first step, my preparation, was to develop a personal awareness of the process, what it means to me, an ongoing process constantly updated in the light of new information. A first step took the form of a metaphor.

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Structural Metaphor of The Recapitulation The following visual metaphor and its accompanying comments concerns a little known sensory modality known as the Vestibular System. It occupies the same territory as the coded senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and the sensory system loosely referred to as feelings. As a sensory system it governs ‘orientation in time and space’ and its primary organ of reception is the inner ear, commonly connected to the sense of balance.

Concerns in the Present The I In The Present Past Experiences Future Expectations This albeit simplistic graphic representation allows for three components that impact an individual in the present moment. The above is simple and yet represents ongoing human experience and the processing that we engage in most of the time. This is acceptable within the description of the everyday world and is considered as being normal. Within Sorcery however the sum total of ones energy is consumed by holding the description of the world we have in place. To free up sufficient energy for Perceptual Diversity is a primary outcome within a model that is concerned with Awareness and Perception. The Sorcerer addresses this in many ways. The Recapitulation itself being primary. Also utilised are the Erasure of Personal History, the loss of Self Importance, the Arts of Stalking and Dreaming, Not Doing and of course Stopping The World, to name the obvious.

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The Recapitulation posits that any and all interchanges, of whatever nature perform two major functions : 1 : Energy from another is deposited within our energetic field. 2 : We leave our energy in anothers energetic field. This energy is said to be held in place by hooks [ a metaphor ] The purpose of the Recapitulation is to free the hooks left in us by others [ foreign energy ] and reclaim our energy hooked into the energetic fields of others. This is achieved by ‘fanning’ the experience with the breath whilst reliving, in an associated way the experience being Recapitulated. A practice of this kind is the only way we have of accessing Personal Power locked within the contexts of our Personal History. Then and only then can we begin to think of what acting in the moment with the totality of our being and resources might mean. This we call Impeccability. It is to be reiterated that the question of performing the Recapitulation is not to be viewed as a matter of morality or ethics. Like all Sorcery Manoeuvres it is simply a matter of strategy. Returning briefly to ‘orientation in time and space.’ ‘Where’ and for that matter ‘When’ is someone in any given instance? The Recapitulation ensures that once the Intent of the procedure has been realised, then and only then can we act continuously from and within the moment. The rest is down to one off, momentary periods of alignment which dissolve soon enough into unconsciousness, given the pressure the world exerts upon us Perceptually, continuously. It is for this reason that a Stalker primarily Stalks the self and the Recapitulation is the primary procedure of this in action. As a consequence, the Assemblage Point is continuously and gently shifted from one location to another thereby exercising its fluidity rather than reinforcing its fixity. It follows that all components of Sorcery are fully dependant upon this singular and vital practice.

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Time Coding The Recapitulation


The Erasure of Time Past Present Future Level 1 Recapitulation Level 2 Recapitulation Level 3 Recapitulation ! The List / s Items arising in the moment Expectations of Present contexts Cognitive Process Sweeping the Context Future Intimations The present moment [ Concerns ] 1st / 2nd Attention System Process Recapitulating The moment of Recapitulation –Terminates the process Recapitulating the previous day The schemata demonstrates :

Engaging the entire continuum of time within the Recapitulation practice. Thereby ensuring a thorough practice.

The opportunity to Recapitulate recognising that at the point when you Recapitulate the previous day, in some respects you begin to Erase Time.

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As a result of Erasing Time a new relationship with it arises. Rather than experiencing the future as you move towards it, you begin to experience the future moving towards you. It is a Perceptual difference that enables the Sorcerer to focus upon Intent in a way which is more appropriate to their methodology and outcomes.

The following comments are taken directly from The Witness, a journal that has been kept throughout the year long practice period. The comments are presented verbatim and sequentially in respect of time in order to demonstrate the developing awareness that arose through performing the practice itself.

Comments concerning the Recapitulation

& the Lists Comments concerning The Recapitulation Lists : To focus upon the components of ones life that ‘Bind’ the energy is essential to the process of gathering sufficient energy to perform such tasks as Setting Up Dreaming. As a model of Perception it could be said that the only difference between one Perception [ or World ] and another is simply the difference in the amount of ‘Personal Power’ operative within that world. If energy is scattered within the matrix of an individuals ‘Personal History’ it is here and here alone that ‘The New Seers’ of Sorcery seek to claim, or reclaim what was and is essentially theirs. The alternative is to access energy through the relationships formed in Transmundane dimensions. [ See The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda ] This methodology, though more than valid is far more in keeping with the methodology employed by The Ancient Toltecs and again, though valid is of absolutely no interest to The New Seers whose only interest is The Path to Freedom. Personal Power is vital in the pursuit of Sorcery and The Recapitulation is the most effective and elegant method of accessing it. The process itself is dependant upon the list [ however that is formulated ] Put briefly, No List – No Recapitulation. For Sorcery to be anything other than an intellectual pursuit it is vital to ‘unhook’ Awareness from the ‘Ring of Reason’ where it has been habitually fixed for most if not all of our life. The Recapitulation is the jewel in the crown of The Stalkers Art and the means of securing Personal Power equal to the tasks that face The Sorcerer. This Process commences with a list. What I refer to as the first pass takes the form of a detailed over view. The second pass will chunk down a level in order to identify key Anchors which will serve as mnemonic devices, this stage will be a refinement of the raw material, as it were. In the third and final pass I shall filter for priorities, the method of elimination will be

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utilised and upon completion I will have a detailed list, containing what will be the core components of experience to submit to The Recapitulation Process itself. Recognising the sensitive nature of some of the contexts explored one has to be Ruthless in not giving way to indulgence. The Recapitulation is the way Sorcerers access their Personal Power. No one is going to give you any. The universe simply stands by and witnesses. The Sorcerer reclaims what is rightfully theirs by taking it back from the places it was left, across the vast tapestry of their Personal History. The erasure of this Personal History is a primary outcome of Sorcery and without this piece in place all else is academic. The Recapitulation is designed specifically to achieve this through its simple yet powerful procedure. The implications are vast in respect of ones Perception. Perception which is effectively fuelled by Personal Power. How much one has available is dependant upon the degree of Presence one brings to the moment. Impeccability can only be applied when the sum total of ones Personal Power is available right now. The Stalkers skill of The Recapitulation facilitates reclaiming what is in effect ones own. All else is secondary given the pursuit of this path. And to think it begins with a simple examination of ones life, focussed upon those impactful experiences which still operate within the Perceptual and Experiential fields nominalised as ones energy body. The Recapitulation list now exists in three forms : 1 : Its original form. 2 : A form using the filter ‘Intensity’ [ What feels appropriate to the final list ] 3 : A form using the filter ‘Location’ [ Events listed by What occurred Where ] Rather than complicating the process it appears to break a massive amount of information into more usefully accessible pieces. Examining the information in this way can give a different perspective and as such a different evaluation of the instance/s being viewed. It is interesting to note that not only do the lists set up the practice itself, they also serve to rehearse the process and also begin Recapitulation of events occurring live in the world in the instance in which they are occurring. One of my major beliefs concerning Sorcery is that in all instances there is an overt and a covert outcome behind the practice, any practice. In respect of the Recapitulation the overt outcome is to process the Past with the Intent of reclaiming Personal Power sealed into past contexts. In this way is Power accessed

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and stored for redeployment, Perceptually. It effectively pulls into the present the sum total of ones Personal Power and in this respect is a Prerequisite for Impeccability. How can one even begin to think of what that means when ones Personal Power is scattered across time and as such, all but inaccessible? The covert outcome, one of equal importance is rehearsing in the present – Recapitulation. Instead of deploying Personal Power into ongoing experiences one stands aside and remains within the Mood of Sobriety. This is not disassociation, a common enough phenomena but rather, whilst fully engaged in an experience, totally abandoned to it as it were the Sorcerer knows they are living within the parameters of their Controlled Folly and as such go ahead with gusto. All things being equal, therefore meaningless, in the light of Death what else can a Sorcerer do but laugh? ! The time I have spent forming the lists has given me permission to look into

things I would otherwise shy away from, an understandable behaviour given the amount of indulgence that can ensue. An excellent spin off has been rehearsing the non deployment of energy into present contexts. I have explored this notion elsewhere and can only endorse the value of this prepatory process as a means of acquiring the Sobriety which arises from treating ‘all things as equal.’ The Recapitulation is essential to the pursuit of Sorcery, for Stalker and Dreamer alike for it accesses the Personal Power required for deployment into Perception.

The Sorcerers Strategic Inventory Applied at the everyday level it facilitates one into the Inaccessibility required by fulfilling the criteria of Erasing Personal History. Acting deliberately is how it begins. Filtering through The Prerequisites of The Stalker, specifically Ruthlessness achieved in a short time what might have taken much longer otherwise. Simply put, what did, and does not meet my Energetic requirements and level is simply eliminated. This I call focus. This is also a part of the procedure of ‘Ordering The Island of The Tonal.’ A Sorcerer acts strategically at all times and thereby fulfils the criteria established by and known as, practising ‘Controlled Folly.’ The result, a simple and organised personal life which creates few if any ripples within the matrix of the Practice itself. Applied to Sorcery itself the Inventory consists of the deliberate acts performed. That is the components of the Practice period employed. In its practical elements, what I might call ‘The Shadow of the Practice’ The 1st Attention becomes engaged and is kept occupied, supported and prepared for what follows. Here the Hunter applies Cunning in Stalking primarily the Self in preparation for latterly Stalking The Dreaming Attention itself. If these statements have the appearance of ambiguity I make no apology for that is the nature of Dream and Dreaming. A

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Sorcerers Strategic Inventory in this instance consists of working within the higher logical level frameworks of practice. This approach and its methodology I would call ‘The Body of the Practice.’ In this way the Sorcerer circumnavigates a fall into ‘The Conceit of Sorcery.’ A fall which in the main is unobserved, as it forms an essential part of ‘Ordering and Maintaining the Description of The World.’ The outcome of this fall is simple to describe. Rather than pursuing Sorcery as a Perceptual Art the would be Sorcerer simply succeeds in strapping a new mask to their face in the form of a new description of the world, the Sorcerers description itself. It is here, in this context that Cunning plays a crucial role. We are easily flattered, being human and often inflate ourselves out of proportion with what can best be described as realistic. We act as if we know and as a result hold close to our hearts the cherished beliefs we all but clutch in the face of our impending deaths. This, the Mask of Self Importance which, supported by speech and by thinking, in effect supported by all we can possibly ever know. The Sorcerers task, if not duty : To unravel the Mystery knowing full well the folly we execute in so Doing. This, the Sorcerers only advantage, the folly is at least Controlled Folly. This is one way in which the Sorcerer applies to Sorcery, the Sorcerers Strategic Inventory. The key is simple. Cease to talk about things. Cease to think about things. Simply Act and in so doing notice the difference that makes the difference, whatever the context. The following comments are extracts from The Witness, the journal kept throughout the year long practice. They are sequenced in respect of time and are verbatim to the original entry. These entries are included in order to demonstrate, once again, the practice in its experiential unfolding. Comments concerning the Recapitulation : Day 1 and a gentle beginning. More a matter of familiarising myself with the technique. I have made some observations. As the experience is fanned with the breath there comes a moment when the system knows it has achieved the Intent of the practice and one comes to a natural conclusion, prior to moving on to the next item on the list. This also occurs at the end of the practice period, the system knows when it is appropriate to end the session and does so in a most direct manner. I have also had further information arise from within the practice concerning the context being explored. This was then added to the list. The outcome, initially is to shift the Assemblage Point to the event and the time in which the event took place in order to perform the Recapitulation in an appropriate fashion.

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I am at this juncture acquainting myself with The Recapitulation procedure in respect of the intricacies that arise when one is practically applying something rather than viewing it and offering opinions as a detached observer. Suffice to say that I am learning the subtle procedural nuances that makes for a cohesive and sophisticated practice. I am absolutely thrilled and delighted to be undertaking this spell binding practice and recognise it for what it is – unique. Today I experienced an acute form of association [ a most desirable state given this practice. ] When engaged upon a specific context I briefly, very briefly assembled consciousness in the back of a cab travelling to a specific destination. This is clear evidence of two things. Association into the event [ 1st Position ] is preferable to simply viewing the situation from a distance [ 3rd Position ] It is an absolute requirement, how else could one gather the deployed Personal Power still locked within that context? The second point is that for a Recapitulation to be effective in respect of its outcome, a shift of the Assemblage Point takes place, a minor shift which enables the practitioner to assemble the world of the context and enter it fully. To find myself, in a manner of speaking, in the back of a cab conversing with the driver was astounding.

The Hinge of Sorcery is the Mystery of The Assemblage Point The process, now into its second week has been a revelation in many respects. Firstly, the list I am currently working with is equal to the task and yet it is interesting to note that once engaged within the process itself the list is actively updated. The list, sequenced in terms of time can be superseded by what I can only refer to as ‘Intensity.’ The experience is one of being swept from the item being Recapitulated to an item, within the same context, that calls to the Attention. There are also instances where an item outside of the context calls upon the Attention. Sometimes this is a wandering mind, sometimes it isn’t. Knowing when the item being Recapitulated is complete or when it is time to complete the session is another element I have noted. Previous mention has been made of this, yet over the past few days I have noticed that it is the breath itself that controls the practice and at the appropriate time it softens and detaches itself either from the item or from the context itself. I have all but completed the first context of the first list and now will address the context using the secondary methodology. The first is strict lineal experience, the second is random. The second pass picks up any residue energy that the first pass has left behind or within oneself. The random list is formed by entering a relaxed state, focussing on the context and noticing what arises, what does is then Recapitulated in turn. This is a systemic approach unlike the first pass which is purely cognitive. I am of course referring to the list and not to the process.

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As a result of describing to someone some of the content of my last Recapitulation context, I feel that I generated some history in the present. This morning I Recapitulated this in order to be thorough. It may be a small detail, however I feel the nature of the Recapitulation merits and demands a detailed approach. I work on the premise that cognitively it is all but impossible to form an appropriate list. This is corroborated by items coming up during the practice itself. As such I do what I can in order to be as complete as is possible. A previously Recapitulated context is generating content in the present, as such I have to Recapitulate on an ongoing live basis. This will eventually cease, however at present I must become even more aware of how the everyday world uses the contexts of ones life to alert you to its presence. Challenging to say the least. To be expected. There is a fine line between performing the Recapitulation and simply indulging in reveries that stem from the past, be those memories pleasant or not. The present calls for much in the way of Sobriety. I have begun to employ an interesting strategy. Whilst working in the present context, as much as I choose to chunk the items into blocks there is a tendency, because of the intensity of the context, to experience residual energy in the system. This comes from items in the list not yet Recapitulated. Rather than continuing I need to complete the process cleanly. How I have facilitated this for myself is simple, upon completion I take the present moment in time and what is present within the system and briefly Recapitulate, thereby clearing the residual energy so that it does not attach itself to me throughout the rest of the day. This has proven to be most effective so far and as such I will continue to employ this closing procedure. I view it as a development within the practice, one of refinement and sensitivity. It works, that is sufficient. Tomorrow I complete the first phase of the Recapitulation having worked my way through List 1 [ 3 contexts ] and Lists 2, 3 and 4 which covered the same context. I shall complete by sweeping the entire context, certain in the knowledge that there will be residual energy left to collect. With the completion of Phase 1 complete with its final sweep I perform the last step, which is to burn the lists and tomorrow immerse them in river water as a final act of purification and severance. I have also deleted the lists from my computer C and A drives, as such nothing remains of the original lists and once the ashes have been purified that will be the completion of Phase 1. I will monitor for any item or items that surface and treat them as an ongoing aspect of the Recapitulation. This morning I commenced Phase 2.

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I am engaged upon Phase 2, a phase I take relatively slowly as the items on the list cover a span of time. It is fascinating to set up the practice with the breath, travel to the beginning of the context and then proceed to sweep what in some instances covered weeks if not months. I am also Recapitulating the events of the previous day, the moment in time and also the Recapitulation itself as previously outlined. This strategy certainly develops a depth and richness within the practice that I suspected and I am now gratified that the System released this information to me. An observation, a pattern if you like. My primary context for the Recapitulation has surfaced in an interesting way. It began last Monday. At an NLP practice group I met someone who sky dives. Yes, he goes to Headcorn. Tuesday the context came up in conversation twice, an unusual event. Wednesday on my way back from Fulham a car turned into the road I was crossing along Dawes Road. This was at approximately 3.15 pm. It was a dark blue Audi with the registration plate : L669 LRH. There was a time when I was obsessed with finding this plate for I considered at the time that it would be an omen of our meeting again. Many weeks if not months went into this to the point where, when out I was constantly aware of looking for the number. This was Recapitulated, and then as part of a sequence this arises today. A day of high energy. I record this as a curiosity realising that Sorcerers are acutely aware of omens. The only question that exists lies in how you interpret them. This event I shall Recapitulate in the morning along with its network of possible connections. It is curious. [ The preceding entry is highly personal and as such its details are ambiguous. ] I find Recapitulating the previous days events very useful and in the time that I have spent doing it, a few sessions, I note that next to nothing has hooked me and as such conclude that rehearsing Recapitulating in the moment is coming about. At least in this way creating present Personal History is addressed appropriately. I am currently Recapitulating the dreams of the night before. I have now practised The Recapitulation for three moths plus and find myself satisfied with its development. I have been taught much in respect of its conceptual basis and its applications and this has certainly fulfilled the criteria and outcomes of the practice itself. I am delighted with the amount of work I have done and the insights and learnings gained. The first section was formal and for three months I compiled lists. The second section saw me complete those lists over the prescribed three months. The third section finds me having completed this and working in a less lineal way. By Recapitulating the previous day I begin to erase time in its lineal flow. By Recapitulating the moment I enter more congruently into the heart of the practice and by Recapitulating the

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Recapitulation, I ensure that the practice is performed across all aspects of time and completed appropriately.

Once Silence Is Attained Everything Is Possible I notice that at present I am spending much time Recapitulating dreams. This I find very useful as in dreaming content arises from deeper in the system and to Recapitulate this is very beneficial. Throughout the remainder of this section I shall focus on dream activity as the main context for Recapitulation.



The preceding text was written within the first eight months of the practice period and what follows is written during the concluding month of Section 3, that is month nine. It is to be recognised that at this time, with three further months of practice and experience to unfold that what is written now is part of a continuing process. One that will continue beyond the confines of this year long practice. However for the record it is appropriate to write a summary at this time. It has been reported by individuals who have experienced ‘near death’ that ‘their life has flashed before them.’ Whether this is true in all cases is debatable and yet if it were true it would give the Recapitulation a nuance of meaning that not only validates its procedure but would also make sense of ‘The Eagle devouring awareness at the point of death’ often alluded to in the texts of Castaneda. By Recapitulating ones entire life whilst living, perhaps, has some bearing upon the experience one has or might have at the point of death. It has also been said that ‘what we forget we are condemned to repeat.’ The evidence is clear enough when we begin to notice the cyclic nature of some of the experiences we undergo during life. Again by performing The Recapitulation it is possible to break the repetitive patterns we run in respect of our behaviour and as a result run more useful alternatives.

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These two reasons alone would make performing The Recapitulation vital to our ongoing and developing being. Yet we are aware of the place of The Recapitulation within The Toltec Tradition itself. Described as ‘The Jewel In The Crown of Stalkers’ it is to be realised that The Recapitulation is vital given any of the specific predilections we encounter during our pursuit. At the outset of this essay I listed a number of overt and covert outcomes in respect of the practice. At this time, upon reflection, the truth of this has been fully experienced as also has the idea of ‘The Process Teaching Itself.’ Each successive pass of The Recapitulation has released sufficient energy, energy which has been deployed into developing an awareness of the next stage and steps within the process itself. Taisha Abelar, whose experience of The Recapitulation, succinctly described in ‘The Sorcerers Crossing’ states that she has, to date, completed four Recapitulations of her life. Given that her initial description implies that she sank into a profound state of Recapitulation by practising several hours a day. Along with this she had the ongoing support of skilled beings and secondary practices, such as The Sorcery Passes to support her. These facts are stated in order that we, operating from a radically different position, in all respects are profoundly challenged when we undertake a practice of this nature, for we have our everyday lives to live, the absence of initiated beings and of course, The New Mood which permits of no Nagual. In short we are Apprentice and Nagual alike. A challenge beyond challenges. And yet we proceed armed with the Personal Power at our disposal, with Unbending Intent and the desire to enter Freedom. We may, as is our tendency as human beings intellectualise the practice, its value and what it means to us conceptually. We may even convince ourselves and others that we have sufficient Personal Power to recall our energy, scattered as it is across our Personal History. This is conceit, for nothing compares to performing The Recapitulation in all its aspects. The act of forming the List grants us the opportunity, albeit superficially, to connect to our lives in a way that was previously and possibly unheard of. This aspect of The Recapitulation has a profound effect in itself. To spend several months cognitively examining ones life sets up the process and in this respect the importance of the List cannot be overstated. As to the process itself, it is a unique experience and what unfolds is therefore unique. We have procedural guidelines, we have the technique, the only other thing we require is the Intent to perform The Recapitulation. Having arrived at this decision and consequently commenced the practice, Sorcery begins to unfold in a way inconceivable to us at times, and at others simplistic and clear. This is our nature, to seek complexity where, in truth, simplicity is the order of the day.

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The pursuit of Sorcery itself is dependant totally upon the performance of this practice and anyone entertaining the thought of undertaking this pursuit is advised to bear this in mind. The Recapitulation facilitates all other processes, supplies the Personal Power we need to pursue this path and grants us insights beyond the current description we have of the world and Sorcery itself. In closing Sorcery is a Perceptual Art, totally dependant upon the amount of Personal Power we have available to us at any given time. The entire process of Sorcery is geared to shifting awareness from the concrete world of things to the abstract world of energy. All its processes move in this direction. Stopping The World, a prerequisite, sets the wheels in motion. Erasing Personal History and losing Self Importance accelerate this process. The Arts of Stalking and Dreaming flesh out the Double. Not Doing creates the Perceptual Diversity demanded by this pursuit and finally and most importantly The Recapitulation supplies the energy with which to do this. Whilst we possess Personal History we remain accessible to the world and those within it. To erase our history and make our Personal Power available for Perceptual redeployment is the outcome of The Toltec Tradition. This can only occur in the light of commencing the process of Recapitulation for to pursue the path of Sorcery having not done so is like wishing to swim without the presence of water.

The essence of Sorcery is the mystery of the Assemblage Point

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper : 4

The Recapitulation


Theoretically and in practice The Recapitulation is completed when all events and persons encountered during ones entire life have passed through The Recapitulation Process. This involves accessing all memories which begin with commencing The Recapitulation Process itself and travel back to ones earliest memories. However insignificant events may seem they none the less are an intrinsic aspect of ones Personal History. To commence the process items which appear significant are chosen to commence the process. This is a lineal sequenced approach, the purpose of which is to free sufficient energy for further information to make itself known. The first pass of the Recapitulation involves a sequence of selected contexts. Upon completion of this sequence further strategies are then employed. Such as :

The random approach – The items that ones intuition makes known. This represents something of a jigsaw approach and yet it gives the system as a whole the opportunity to make information available.

Recapitulating the events of the previous day – The process of the Recapitulation is far from being static and as one is engaged within contexts that concern the past, history is being created in the present. For this reason it is useful to begin with the present also. This also rehearses Recapitulating events in the moment in which they are occurring. Scanning the previous day as an aspect of practice throws much light upon what we are creating in the present.

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Recapitulating dreams – The system releases information which cognitively appears irrational at times and yet coded into these dreams can be meaning of a profound nature. The unconscious speaks to us in symbols and metaphor and irrespective of whether we do or do not understand its meaning initially, it represents fertile territory for the Recapitulation.

Recapitulating future expectations – Future events and our expectations of them contain, at times Personal Power out of proportion with what is to be deemed appropriate. By practicing in this way we not only Recapitulate the past, as in the formal approach but also the future by employing this strategy.

Recapitulating the moment – Upon completing a practice period it has been found useful to Recapitulate the moment in which the practice has been performed. This is done by performing three sweeping breaths, as outlined in the practice procedure. Breathing in all residual energy left in ones perceptual space and breathing out all residual connections. This is also a way of formally completing a practice period and fulfils the outcome of practicing The Recapitulation across the entire matrix of time, that is, Past – Present and Future.

It is appropriate to repeat an important point, one which cannot be over emphasised. This concerns the List or Lists themselves. How one organises the List/s is a matter of personally preference, however as the list/s form the matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to it is most important that the List/s are constructed with due thought and consideration as it/they commence the process itself. It is arguable what is the most important aspect of The Recapitulation : The List/s – The matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to. The Reliving in memory of past, present and future events – Minute shifts of The Assemblage Point occur as a result of accessing in an associated way memories. The Sweeping Breath – The means by which foreign energy is expelled and ones own energy reclaimed. The Environment in which one performs The Recapitulation – Minimal stimulus from the environment assures little distraction. The nature of ones life during the practice of Recapitulation – Setting up ones life in order to perform The Recapitulation and pursue the practice of Sorcery itself can be the difference between a shallow cognitive pursuit and one that fulfils the Intent of all the practices generally and The Recapitulation specifically.

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Addressing all the foregoing elements in an appropriate way makes for a thorough and complete Recapitulation. However it is to be remembered that each of us has different criteria, what is of importance to one person is not necessarily the case with another. It is the individual themselves that sets up their own criteria. All else is simple generalised guidelines, some useful some not so. As with all Sorcery procedures, the process teaches itself as a result of energy being released into the system for Perceptual choices. This begins in small and apparently insignificant ways and yet clearly demonstrates the nature of the pursuit one is engaged within. The rest is purely theoretical and as such rumour.

Extracted from A Toltec Witness

Volume I. The Actualisation Of The Dreaming Attention

Damian Sinclair – NemesisPublications – 1999

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Not Doing

Is performed by the body, Set Up by Gazing and is a method of storing Personal Power.

Over the course of the Working which has now been close on six months the role of Not Doing has changed accordingly, as such this Essay will approach the subject from various viewpoints. In opening I shall let the words of Don Juan himself serve as an introduction. Throughout the text of Journey To Ixtlan Don Juan has occasion to speak about Not Doing specifically. What follows are several quotations “I am going to speak to you about Not Doing, in spite of the fact that there is no way to talk about it, because it is the body that does it.” “Take that rock for instance. To look at it is Doing, but to See it is Not Doing.” “The world is the world because you know the Doing involved in making it so. If you didn’t know its Doing, the world would be different.” “You are making this into a pebble because you know the Doing involved in it. Now, in order to Stop The World you must stop Doing. “As I have said before, a Warrior doesn’t need to believe, because as long as he keeps on acting without believing he is Not Doing.” “Dreaming is the Not Doing of dreams.” “From now on and for a period of eight days lie to yourself. Instead of telling yourself the truth that you are as you are, tell yourself the opposite, knowing that you are lying and absolutely beyond hope. This may hook you to another doing and then you may realise that both doings are lies, unreal, and that to hinge yourself to either one is a waste of time, because the only thing that is real is the being in you that is going to die. To arrive at that being is the Not Doing of the self. The trick is

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in what is emphasised. We either make ourselves weak or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”

Don Juan Matus In respect of the above it is the ‘acting without believing’ that I have consolidated specifically. Without being disassociated I have succeeded in practicing the indifference spoken of on several occasions, which facilitates the ‘equality of all things.’

Internal strength meant a sense of equanimity, almost a sense of indifference,

a feeling of being at ease, but, above all,

it meant a natural and profound bent for examination, for understanding.

The New Seers called these traits of character Sobriety I have also fulfilled the last quotation by generating and maintaining the myth of Damian Sinclair which I include here in a slightly shortened form in order to set the stage for this Essay and to create a sense of wholeness given the Working thus far completed.

The Not Doing of Damian Sinclair “The world of Sorcerers is a dream, a myth, yet it is as real as the everyday world.

In order to perceive and function in the Sorcerers world we have to remove the mask that has been strapped to our face since

the day we were born and replace it with another. That mask we have to make ourselves by

Dreaming our Other Self.”

Florinda Donner Grau : Being In Dreaming Beginnings are all important, more so when in the process of creating and realising a myth. It is vital at this point, within both the practice and the journal that acts as its witness to define essential components of the Myth.

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It is an essential component within the model of Sorcery to explore and in some respects ‘Erase Personal History’ The purpose of doing so is clearly defined when you begin to consider the ‘Social Agreement’ that defines us. To break this agreement is challenging enough, and is made more so by the innocent actions of others, those who seek to constantly define us. For this reason it is a Sorcerer’s manoeuvre to change identity labels. Affectation is powerless and meaningless except that the Sorcerer performs this act with ‘Intent.’ A new identity ideally contains components of new environments, behaviours and skills. New Beliefs and at least the ability to act ‘As If’ one had a new Identity. Much of this activity could easily fall into the area of simple drama and histrionics, except, to repeat a most important statement, the Gesture is accompanied and empowered by ‘Intent.’ Parts of my personal history are relevant at this juncture. During the last three years or so I have been developing in areas that have both a personal and professional application. The zenith of my career saw me a respected trainer within a professional training company. The world lay before me and I in my exhilaration reached out and took hold tightly. A personal decision wiped all this away overnight and the ensuing chaos that spanned a year erased much of my life and world. In some respects I had, albeit traumatically, ‘Stopped’ and finally ‘Collapsed the world.’ An essential undertaking in Sorcery. Upon returning, after a fashion, to the world I made the observation that in part much of me and what I had achieved thus far was now redundant. A strategy was required, for I saw no way forward and certainly no way back. Synthesis is a skill, pulling divers elements towards cohesion, finding the golden thread woven through the diversity. I spent most of a year wandering around in territory unfamiliar yet commonplace. Then the myth began to unfold. On June 9th 1997 I visited a location in London [ the site of a specific beginning ] with the Intention of ‘completing a cycle.’ This was done. Effectively at that time, the character known as [ P.L.] died and was ritually buried. His time was done, his purpose achieved and now redundant. And yet ‘I’ survived. People could see me, touch me and for all intents and purposes nothing had changed. Except by the Power of ‘Intent.’ At that time I entered a form of Magickal hibernation, prefigured in the world as a period of Conception. As the human female gestates for a period of nine months I elected to be conventional. A calculation of nine months from June 9th brought me to a birth date of March 9th 1998. The name Damian Sinclair was selected, arbitrarily. Sinclair appears on my original birth certificate as a christian name. I kept it and made of it a surname. Damian is the title of my favourite Herman Hesse novel. Damian being one of the

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central characters, coincidentally Sinclair is the other central character. So the Poetry, the Golden thread was intact. Damian Sinclair is a Being of Sorcery and is assumed with the sole intention of manifesting the process as outlined by this working. These core principles and the assumption of the Sorcerers identity of Damian Sinclair form the heart of what has been called ‘The Not Doings of Damian Sinclair.’ Sorcery itself, is a profound Not Doing in respect of ‘Everyday Perception’ each concept and practical skill effectively constitutes a Not Doing of ‘Everyday Life.’ It is stated within Sorcery that Awareness is Assembled in a specific way and is habituated into patterns of familiarity. Magickal ritual, Intoxication, Intense emotional states and Trauma generally are methods of ‘shifting’ Awareness from its habitual locations and locating it on new sites, sometimes called ‘Worlds.’ Yet the challenge remains, in order to transcend a purely intellectual model of Perception it is demanded that we effectively ‘Stop The World’ of human endeavour and all that entails, and having done so redeploy the released ‘Personal Power’ into the direction we take as Sorcerers, namely: to enter Freedom. All other purposes, though entertaining are effectively redundant and constitute an aspect of indulgence. This is how the Sorcerer begins to develop his or her Impeccability. Impeccability, which in this specific instance is supported and upheld by The Four Prerequisites of Stalking.’ Who would undertake such a task. To answer personally and truthfully, only someone who has no choice. Inflexibility in this instance being a resource of great value. To reiterate Sorcery is the Not Doing of human life and the pursuit of Sorcery, as outlined here and elsewhere constitutes The Not Doing of Damian Sinclair.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream The preceding section fulfils one major component that has maintained the presence of Not Doing throughout the past five months plus. It was setting this up in the first place that enabled me to embark upon the design and implementation of this Working, aided of course by Ruthlessness. Occupying as it does one of the higher logical levels of the practice, serving as a Meta frame, Not Doing permeates the entire Working in the same way as the Moods of Stalking. I Have outlined the foundation and preparations in the previous section and now proceed to explore Not Doing directly in some of its more accessible aspects.

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Sorcery – The Not Doing of Human life

Since commencing the Working on March 9th 1998 my entire life has been filled with Not Doing. The Working itself contains elements that were introduced at the time. Running and exercising were new. All the practical and theoretical aspects of the Working were new. Damian Sinclair, himself was new. In short everything pertaining to the Working is a Doing of difference. When approaching Sorcery it is all too easy to be human and integrate its activities into the ongoing life one has. Due to the amount of time and focus I have brought to bear this tendency has, in the main been circumnavigated. The essence of Sorcery is the development of the energy equal to making the appropriate shifts from the everyday world to that of the world of Sorcery. Within the Working this has been approached via the Rings of Power, namely unhooking that of Reason and connecting to that of Intent. This is the primary purpose, for Actualisation of The Dreaming Attention is brought about in this way. To be human means to have a life, full as it is with the folly we all individually generate and sustain in regard of the agreement we share as to the nature of reality. This is the Doing of human life. Who would not seek the comfort and rewards of such? Only someone who has no choice and for this reason Sorcery tricks those worthy of pursuing it. The Not Doing of human life, of the human inventory is fulfilled when Sorcery itself is undertaken as a pursuit congruently. And yet Sorcery is a Perceptual Art and the level of Perception is dependant upon Personal Power and Personal Power is dependant upon the elements outlined within the practice of Sorcery itself. A very neat system indeed, teaching itself, as it does by virtue of the amount of energy one can deploy into Perception. Erasing Personal History is the Not Doing of who you believe, and have been told, you are. This is prefigured by Stopping The World. Not simply the world of internal representations but also the world itself, this is how a Sorcerer effectively collapses the world and as a result breaks the mould of man by becoming a formless warrior. Only then has one entered the world of Sorcery as all that precedes it is prepatory. Losing Self Importance is an essential aspect of this process for along with the Self Reflection that accompanies it, represents the main stay of maintaining the description of human life. And yet even Not Doing becomes a Doing at some point in time. The pursuit of Sorcery itself can become a Doing. How to allow for this is the major challenge the apprentice faces initially for 1st Attention rules the day. An entire lifetime of pursuing this path could mean little except formulating a new mask, a new description. Again it is all a matter of energy and its resultant perception. To break the mask of the everyday world is challenging enough. To break the mask of Sorcery

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is a challenge almost beyond contemplating for we are indeed caught within the thrall of The Ring of Reason. As such the Not Doing of Sorcery is a necessary stage of development. This is a subtle point and as such requires a sophistication of perception, rare, if indeed present at all. Multiple Description fulfils this in part, plus the inaccessibility often spoken of. Inaccessibility attained primarily by ‘Acting without Believing.’ This is the fulcrum that overthrows the tendency to fixate and whilst holding the double description of the world and of Sorcery itself, the Sorcerer slips between descriptions and begins to rehearse the Freedom often spoken of. Not the Freedom that arises by pursuing this path and entering the abstract but that of exercising perceptual freedom here and now which presupposes the presence of the abstract. As Don Juan has indicated on many occasions the Sorcerers task lies in transforming the apparently concrete into the abstract. Only when the transference of consciousness to the Double has been attained can one even begin to contemplate the world of Sorcery beyond it being a description. Hence the practice of Not Doing at every conceivable level is implicit in the tenets of Sorcery, elsewise one simply maintains a new description of the world and little else. This is one aspect of the ‘millimetre of chance’ sometimes spoken of, for in truth the universe does indeed stare back at us indifferently. Impeccability, preceded and set up by unbending Intent, the erasure of Human History, the loss of Self Importance and finally the human form, enables us to enter the world of Sorcery proper. The rest is rumour.

Behavioural Not Doing

Pattern interruption is the primary outcome to this aspect of Not Doing. Pattern interruption involves taking an inventory of ones habits and the ways in which things are done and doing them differently. This has two primary outcomes. Firstly, becoming conscious of ‘how you do who you are’ and secondly, by doing things differently one establishes new behaviors in order to connect neurology in different ways, thereby exploring new choices, Examples would be :

The breaking of routines.

Changing your way of dressing or speaking.

If you have a tendency to speak much, practice silence and vice versa.

As you notice elements of character that define you, to yourself and others, change them.

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Assume the characteristics and manner of someone for a period of time.

Do five things that you regularly do, differently.

Do five unique things which you would not usually do. The list is inexhaustible, covering as it does all aspects of an individuals actions. Energy is locked within the patterns of our behavior and as such to practice Not Doing frees this energy by the breaking of established patterns. This effectively generates the flexibility required to pursue this path, opens the possibility of entering Multiple Description and of course begins the practice of becoming inaccessible. The hunter becomes unpredictable thereby becoming free to perform actions which are both unique and unknown to all but themselves. Not Doing in this respect is a primary skill of The Stalker, whose primary context is themselves. When explored at a deeper level the actions we perform and how we perform them defines us both to ourselves and others, this effectively is what maintains Personal History and the Self Importance generated by evaluating our actions as being important. The selection of one thing above another is a clear demonstration of how we effectively evaluate ourselves through the things we do and the way we do them. An example would be : ‘it is important to me to do this in this fashion because … … …’ By breaking the established patterns, which begins the process of Personal History we rearrange the items within our Personal Inventory and as such not only become inaccessible to others but more importantly to ourselves. This is what underpins ‘relaxing and abandoning oneself ‘ … … … ‘acting without believing’ and ‘Stopping The World’ of our previous description.

Perceptual Not Doing

Also Known As The Art of Seeing “Take that rock for instance. To look at it is Doing, but to See it is Not Doing.” “The world is the world because you know the Doing involved in making it so. If you didn’t know its Doing, the world would be different.” “You are making this into a pebble because you know the Doing involved in it. Now, in order to Stop The World you must stop Doing.

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Not Doing in this instance, I shall explore through the description known as Seeing, forming as it does one of the primary outcomes concerning the pursuit of Sorcery. The description known as the everyday world is formed by components of the human inventory. Self Importance and Self Reflection are totally dependant upon it. Personal History is formed by it. Perception itself is molded by it. The question is : How do we go about performing Perceptual Not Doings which in effect facilitate Seeing? That has been outlined clearly within the practices of Sorcery, Stopping The World is the starting point which in turn is facilitated by addressing the foregoing aspects of the human inventory. It takes energy to do this, energy which is, in the main accessed through the procedures undertaken upon the Warriors path. For this reason, the Warriors path and primarily living Impeccably was conceived of as a strategy by The New Seers. In the opening to this section of the Essay Don Juan clearly demonstrates and is very specific concerning how we assemble the world perceptually and how it is maintained by both ourselves and others. This is the power of The Ring of Reason, absolute monarch within its world. Discarding reason is suicidal, it is wiser to hone and shine it into what it can be, effectively a guardian, a 1st Attention which is in and of itself Impeccable, only then can we refine the connecting link to The Second ring of Power – Intent. Perceptual Not Doing is not dissimilar to its behavioral counterpart. In some respects it could be said that the behavioral aspect of Not Doing pertains to Stalkers and the Art of Stalking, whilst Perceptual Not Doing rightly applies to Dreamers and The Art of Dreaming. This is of course theoretical and yet it rings with a certain sense of truth. It is in the holding of Multiple Description that we primarily begin to loosen the neural grip that one perspective tends to create, as a result we gather information from different vantage points and begin to shift our viewpoint accordingly. Gazing as a practice begins the process of Seeing for it engages the total system, the larger unit of mind in perceiving objects directly. This is brought about, by employing the components of the practice known as Stopping The World in its primary aspect, that is, the modelling state. Assembling different Perceptual Worlds is, in effect the Not Doing of this world, as is, as previously stated, holding Multiple Description. The fluidity of travelling from one description to the next exercises the Assemblage Point by moving it from its habitual location to others. It is in gaining the ability of living between descriptions that the Sorcerer begins to perceive what lies within and beyond appearances and as a result begins to fulfill the criteria of Seeing, namely, to

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perceive and experience the energetic aspect of the world directly. This takes energy, energy which is accessed by performing the Recapitulation, Erasing Personal History, losing Self Importance and the Self Reflection that attends it, becoming inaccessible to the human inventory and as a result becoming accessible to the aspects of power that are useful. All this commences with Stopping The World, which leads to Collapsing The World and finally the attainment of the state of being a Formless Warrior.

Summary In conclusion, having explored Not Doing from the perspectives of : Damian Sinclair. Sorcery itself and finally its behavioral and perceptual aspects I close with a simple thought. Whilst engaged upon a series of activities outlined by the Arts of Dreaming and Stalking the Sorcerer is effectively performing the act of shifting awareness from the everyday world to that of the Sorcerers world, by this act, and all that it takes to achieve it, the Sorcerer brings into awareness and finally into existence the energetic counterpart of a human being known as the Double or Dreaming Attention. All procedures are aimed at this result and it is through Not Doing that the path is accessed, traversed and fulfilled.

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Manifesto Of

The Dreaming Cell


The only Important question is, does this Path have Heart? All paths are the same. They lead nowhere.

They are paths Going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say that I have traversed long,

Long paths, but I am not anywhere. My benefactors question has meaning now. If the path has a Heart, the path is good.

If it doesn’t it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere

But one has Heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey, as long as you follow it,

You are one with it. The other will make you curse your life.

One makes you strong, the other weakens you.

Don Juan Matus

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Intention Of The Dreaming Cell

The Intention of The Dreaming Cell and its co ordinator is the cultivation and development of ‘The New Mood of Sorcery.’ This is encapsulated in the methodologies employed by ‘The Toltec New Seers’ of whom Carlos Castaneda was the last Nagual. ‘The New Mood’ consists of those capable of employing their Personal Power in the direction of the task of entering upon and pursuing to its ultimate conclusion ‘The Path Into Freedom.’ This path is clearly outlined by the Sorcery practices of Stalking and Dreaming. In the instance of The Dreaming Cell, employing Models of Excellence a structure equal to this magnificent undertaking has been conceived, designed and activated. It now awaits those who will respond to the call to explore, to walk with Impeccability and Power and enter Freedom.

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Daily Practice There will be a two month prepatory period in respect of The Recapitulation Practice and Setting Up Dreaming. In the instance of the former, this time will be employed in ‘forming the list.’ In the instance of the latter, this time will be spent : Studying the guideline sheet and the journey you intend to employ during the practice period.

See Guideline sheet for details.

During the prepatory period of two months and for the duration of the nine month practice period, on a daily basis it is a requirement to – Engage upon a Reading Program consisting of The Eagle’s Gift & The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda. The Sorcerers Crossing by Taisha Abelar and Being In Dreaming by Florinda Donner.

Study and Apply within Appropriate Contexts

The 4 Moods of Stalking The 4 Enemies of A Man of Knowledge Not Doing

Prepare material for the writing of 3 essays

The Recapitulation Setting Up Dreaming Synopsis of Practice

Practice Gazing as outlined Practice The Sorcery Passes as outlined Begin and maintain a daily record of practice

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Logistics Of Practice The structure of practice has been designed to fulfil three major criteria.

1. To ensure that a balanced program of 1st & 2nd Attention activities is undertaken.

2. That The Sorcerers predilections of Stalking & Dreaming have been equally addressed.

3. The essential components are ‘in place’ prior to active participation in the Cell itself.

The above can be outlined thus

Essential to 1st Attention

The Reading Program Essay Papers Recapitulation List The Journal

Essential to 2nd Attention

The Breathing Passes Gazing Practice The Recapitulation Practice Setting Up Dreaming

Essential to Stalking

Study and application of The Four Prerequisites & The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge Not Doing The Recapitulation List & Practice

Essential to Dreaming

Setting Up Dreaming Gazing

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Visual Structure of Practice

Participation in The Dreaming Cell

Section 3

Completion & Criteria fulfilled

The Recapitulation Practice Setting Up Dreaming

Section 2

Months 3 - 9

The Recapitulation List Gazing

Section 1

Months 1 & 2

Practices for 1st Attention Reading. Essays. The Recapitulation List. The Journal.

Practices for 1st & 2nd Attention Not Doing. The Four Prerequisites of Stalking. The Four Enemies of a man of knowledge. The Journal.

Practices for 2nd Attention

Gazing. The Sorcery Passes. Setting Up Dreaming. The Journal.

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Procedures & Guidelines Much time and consideration has gone into the design of The Guideline Papers which support the practice period. We request that each is read carefully prior to implementing the procedure. Each element contained therein is to be considered crucial to practice. And as such suggest that a thorough study be made of each section and paper.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 000


The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge Dreaming Cell comment : The above title and the description that follows are quoted verbatim. It is not the Intention of The Dreaming Cell or its co – ordinator to employ language of a gender bias. Do remember that the words were directed towards a male and as such constituted, at the time a personal communication between two individuals, both being male. Likewise throughout these papers the term Sorcerer itself is to be considered applicable to both male and female practitioners. We trust we have demonstrated our respect and neutrality in regard of this matter.

When a man begins to learn, he is never clear about his objectives. His purpose is faulty, his intent is vague. He hopes for rewards that will never materialise, for he knows nothing of the hardships of learning. He slowly begins to learn – bit by bit at first, then in big chunks. And his thoughts soon clash. What he learns is never what he pictured, or imagined, and so he begins to be afraid. Learning is never what one expects. Every step of learning is a new task, and the fear the man is experiencing begins to mount mercilessly, unyieldingly. His purpose becomes a battlefield. And thus he has tumbled upon the first of his natural enemies : Fear! A terrible enemy – Treacherous, and difficult to overcome. It remains concealed at every turn of the way, prowling, waiting. And if the man, terrified in its presence, runs away, his enemy will have put an end to his quest. He must not run away. He must defy his fear, and in spite of it he must take the next step in learning, and the next, and the next. He must be fully afraid, and yet he must not stop. That is the rule! And a moment will come when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel sure of himself. His intent becomes stronger. Learning is no longer a terrifying task. When this joyful moment comes, the man can say without hesitation that he has defeated his first natural enemy.

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Once a man has vanquished fear, he is free from it for the rest of his life because, instead of fear, he has acquired clarity – a clarity of mind which erases fear. By then a man knows his desires, he knows how to satisfy those desires. He can anticipate the new steps of learning, and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is concealed. And thus he has encountered his second enemy, Clarity! That clarity of mind, which is so hard to obtain, dispels fear, but also blinds. It forces a man to never doubt himself. It gives him the assurance he can do anything he pleases, for he sees clearly into everything. And he is courageous because he is clear, and he stops at nothing because he is clear. But all that is a mistake, it is like something incomplete. If the man yields to this make believe power, he has succumbed to his second enemy and will fumble with learning. He will rush when he should be patient, or he will be patient when he should rush. And he will fumble with learning until he winds up incapable of learning anything more. As with fear he must defy his clarity and use it only to see, and wait patiently and measure carefully before taking new steps, he must think, above all that his clarity is almost a mistake. And a moment will come when he will understand that his clarity was only a point before his eyes. And thus he will have overcome his second enemy, and will arrive at a position where nothing can harm him anymore. This will not be a mistake. It will not only be a point before his eyes. It will be true power.

He will know at this point that the power he has been pursuing for so long is finally his. He can do with it whatever he pleases. His ally is at his command. His wish is the rule. He sees all that is around him. But he has also come across his third enemy : Power! Power is the strongest of all enemies. And naturally the easiest thing to do is give in, after all, the man is truly invincible. He commands, he begins by taking calculated risks, and ends in making rules, because he is a master. A man at this stage hardly notices his third enemy closing in on him. And suddenly, without knowing, he will certainly have lost the battle. His enemy will have turned him into a cruel, capricious man. Though he will never lose his clarity or his power , a man defeated by power dies without really knowing how to handle it. Power is only a burden upon his fate. Such a man has no command over himself, and cannot tell when or how to use his power. A man is defeated only when he no longer tries, and abandons himself. Again, he has to defeat his third enemy by defying it, deliberately. He has to come to realise the power he has seemingly conquered is in reality never his. He must keep himself in line at all times, handling carefully and faithfully all that he has learned. If he can see that clarity and power, without his control over himself, are worst than mistakes, he will reach a point where everything is held in check. He will know then when and how to use his power. And thus he will have defeated his third enemy.

The man will be, by then, at the end of his journey of learning, and almost without warning he will come upon the last of his enemies : Old Age! This enemy is the

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cruellest of all, the one he won’t be able to defeat completely, but only fight away. This is the time when a man has no more fears, no more impatient clarity of mind – a time when all his power is in check, but also the time when he has the unyielding desire to rest. If he gives in totally to his desire to lie down and forget, if he soothes himself in tiredness, he will have lost his last round, and his enemy will cut him down into a feeble old creature. His desire to retreat will overrule his clarity, his power, and his knowledge. But if the man sloughs off his tiredness, and lives his fate through, he can then be called a man of knowledge, if only for the brief moment when he succeeds in fighting off his last, invincible enemy. That moment of clarity, power and knowledge is enough.

Don Juan Matus

Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Four Enemies of a Man of Knowledge be considered on a daily basis and that you record your observations and comments in the journal as and when appropriate.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 00

The Four Prerequisites ‘ Moods’ of Stalking Ruthlessness is not harshness. It primarily challenges Self pity. A Stalker selects the battleground, studies the surrounding area and discards everything that is unnecessary before entering battle. All the concentration of a warrior is applied to decide whether or not to enter into battle, knowing that every battle could be their last stand. Once a decision has been made, not an instant is wasted and the warrior aiming at succeeding, acts impeccably, aware that to waste even a second in a battle for their life is an eternity that may decide whether they survive or not. The primary battleground of the Stalker is the Self.

Cunning is not cruelty but using behaviors in a secretive and furtive way. As a result, a warrior fears nothing, relaxes and totally abandons themselves, for they know that it is only then that the powers that guide them will aid them.

Patience is not negligence. A warrior is patient yet active. When a Stalker is faced with great odds that cannot be dealt with immediately, they retreat for a moment and occupy their time with something totally different, anything. Patient yet alert, they wait for the right moment to initiate action. Sweetness is not foolishness. A warrior is sweet but lethal. A Stalker acquires the ability to mingle and look ordinary, working behind the scenes shielding their true power. When the need arises, however, they transform into a lethal warrior capable of either avoiding or parrying conflict.

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Four Prerequisites be applied in respect of both the practice itself and generally on a daily basis and that you record your observations in the journal.

It is useful to focus on each Prerequisite individually. An example would be to focus on one Prerequisite per month, using it as a filter for ongoing experience. Having spent the first four months in this way, bring all four on line and notice their inter – connections.

The Prerequisites or Moods of Stalking are operational principles within the practice of Sorcery and as such are to be considered essential as they form the foundation upon which all other practices are based.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 0

Not Doing A Sorcerer practices the Art of 'Not Doing'. Actions - the doings - determine who you are in respect of both yourself and others. A Sorcerer employs what is essentially a Stalking skill in order to develop flexibility, taking everyday acts [ habits ] and doing them differently.


The breaking of routines.

Changing your way of dressing or speaking.

If you have a tendency to speak much, practice silence and vice versa.

As you notice elements of character that define you, to yourself and others, change them.

Assume the characteristics and manner of someone for a period of time.

Each day

Do five things that you regularly do, differently.

Do five unique things which you would not usually do.

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Not Doing be applied on a daily basis.

The pursuit of Sorcery itself is to be considered a profound Not Doing and has been described as ‘The Not Doing of human life.’

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 1

Gazing The practice of Gazing is Preparation for and Supports ‘Setting Up Dreaming,’ plays a key part in ‘Stopping the World’ and is a precursor to ‘Seeing.’

Setting Up State

Seated comfortably in a favoured location. Close the eyes and become conscious of your breathing.

Breathe relaxation into the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingertips. Chest, abdomen, groin and back. Thighs, knees, calves, feet and toes. Take time to do this well.

Now Bring your Attention to The Eyes [ As if you were breathing through them ]

To The Ears [ As Above ]

To the Surface of the Skin [ As if you were breathing through the entire surface of the skin. ]

Opening the eyes, rest your gaze on a distant point, and as you do so, without moving the eyes, become aware of what is within your field of vision. Above you / below you / to your right and to your left. [ This develops and opens peripheral vision. ] Gazing [ examples ]

Having set up state : gaze at the spaces between the leaves of trees : bodies of water : clouds : living trees : shadows : rocks : the play of light on water etc. Find examples of your own.

Having gained some experience in the previous practice. Set up state.

Gaze at someone's face, not directly, but at a point two inches from the surface of their skin. [ with practice you will begin to know the difference ]

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Gaze at the space two inches to the left of their face. Then two inches to the right.

Begin to practice Gazing : first out of the left eye, and then out of the right eye. [ Do This by 'Intending' your Attention into the appropriate eye. ]

Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Gazing be practised on a daily basis for 30 minutes and your observations are to be recorded in the journal. It is a personal decision as to whether Gazing be practised in one session or a series of shorter ones.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 2

Setting Up Dreaming

Accessing the Third Gate

Operating Premise : Along the continuum between being ‘awake’ and being ‘asleep’ there is a critical point at which, if sufficient consciousness be present acceleration into Dreaming takes place. The alternative is de-acceleration into normal sleep and dreams.

Accelerating into and entering Dreaming. Awake Falling asleep and entering dreams.

Critical Point

The following methodology is designed to maintain Conscious Attention, up to and inclusive of the critical point of transference from one mode of consciousness to another.


Stage 1 Study the Structure of Practice.

Stage 2 In the world study a short journey you enjoy [ there and back ] Go over it again and again, noticing as much detail as possible. Commit it thoroughly to memory. The more detail you can recall the better. Stage 3 Ensure that the structure of practice is clear to you. Ensure that the study of the journey is complete. Ensure that the Gazing practice has been maintained prior to the Dreaming practice and that it is continued during the practice itself.

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1. From the point of leaving the room - house etc. Using memory and imagination travel the route of your journey [ If the journey has been set up at night make it so etc. ] Travel your journey step by step, as if you were walking it in your body, in the world. Upon arriving at your destination turn around and return. Entering the house - room you are situated in, integrate the imaginary body you have been travelling in with the physical. [ It is most important that this is done as an act of ‘Intent’ ]

2. Continuing the above methodology. After some time, and familiarity with the journey arises, place at a specific point a visual marker or symbol. At another location place a specific sound or word that you hear. At another location touch something and feel it. Do the same with a specific smell and a specific taste at other locations.

There are no further guidelines within this process, as What it leads to is highly individualistic. As such any comment at this point is considered inappropriate.


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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that Setting Up Dreaming [ See description of Stages ] be practised on a daily basis and that you record your observations in the journal in preparation for writing the essay on Setting Up Dreaming.

A suggested approach would be to : Spend 2 months familiarising yourself with the Practice structure and the journey you intend to use within the practice.

Dreaming is a highly personalised procedure, in many respects there are no ‘rules’ only guidelines which serve to indicate what is useful and what is not. Setting Up Dreaming can be regarded as ‘Stalking The Double or Energetic Body’ bearing this in mind it is useful to bring the entirety of Sorcery practice to bear upon this exquisite pursuit.

In regard of the contents of the book ‘The Art of Dreaming’ specifically the elements touching upon the third and fourth gates. Our position is that shared by the Toltec New Seers as described by Don Juan Matus. Whilst finding the concept of the Inorganic Beings Realm fascinating in itself, it is not part of our ongoing endeavor to explore such a realm and its denizens. It is important that we make this point clear at the outset. Whilst respecting your rights to believe otherwise we request that you respect ours in turn. There is a most important distinction here in regard to the approach to Sorcery itself.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 3

Sorcery Passes & Breaths Sorcery Passes complement the Recapitulation and involve Movement and Breathing. These techniques enable the Warrior to gather energy, to create balance and harmony in preparation for and during the practice of the Recapitulation. Sorcery Passes were devised in ancient times and one of their functions is to ‘enflesh’ what Warriors call the ‘double’, our luminous body, The Dreaming Attention.

Breath crucial for erasing false dualism 5. Sit with the back straight, eyes slightly lowered, gazing at the tip of the nose.

6. Inhale deeply, bringing in the air as if breathing through the genitals. Pull in the stomach and draw the air up along the spine, past the kidneys, to a point between the shoulder blades.

7. Hold the air there for a moment, then raise it even further up to the back of the head, then over the top of the head to the point between eyebrows.

8. Hold the breath there for a moment, then exhale through the nose, mentally guiding the air down the front of the body, first to a point just below navel, and then to the genitals, where the cycle began.

Circulating the breath in this fashion creates an impenetrable shield that prevents outside disruptive influences from piercing the body’s field of energy, it also keeps vital inner energy from dispersing outwardly. The inhalation and exhalation should be inaudible.

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Sorcery Pass to open the crack between the worlds 1. Feet together, looking straight ahead as if facing a door that you are going to

open. Raise the hands to eye level and curl the fingers as if you were placing them inside the recessed handles of sliding doors that open in the middle. You are going to open a crack in the energy lines of the world. Imagine those lines as rigid vertical cords that make a screen in front of you. Now grab a bunch of these fibres and pull them apart with all your might. Pull them apart until the opening is big enough for you to step through.

2. Once the crack has been opened, step forward with the left leg, exhaling sharply to expel stale air and pull the stomach in as you lunge forward through the opening, and quickly using the left foot as a pivot, rotate 180 degrees counter clockwise to face the direction you have come from. By turning in this manner, the energy lines you have pushed apart will wrap around you.

3. Once through the opening, inhale slowly and deeply, filling the lungs completely with the energy. Breathe as many times as you can and be on the alert : stay only as long as you need to.

4. To return, open the lines again by pulling them apart in the same way as before, then step out with the right foot and quickly turn 180 degrees clockwise as soon as you have taken the step. In this way, you will unwrap yourself and will be facing the direction in which you began.

This is one of the most powerful and mysterious of Sorcery Passes. With it we can open doors to different worlds, provided of course that we have stored a surplus of internal energy and are able to realise the Intent of the Pass.

When Perception expands nothing is real

And nothing is imaginary

There is only Perception

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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that The Sorcery Passes be practised daily.

Practice whilst forming The Recapitulation List. Apply prior to performing The Recapitulation practice itself, as The Sorcery Passes support and are essential to

The Recapitulation.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 4

The Recapitulation

Introduction According to Toltec tradition, transformation is the only true purpose a human being can have. Transformation entails a total change of one’s habitual ways of thinking and behaving and is a task that must be accomplished in the Warrior’s lifetime. This task is accomplished by the Recapitulation. Once old habits, thoughts, expectations and feelings are reframed as a result of the Recapitulation, the Warrior is in a position to gather enough energy to live by new rationales and to substantiate these rationales by directly Perceiving a different reality.

Recapitulation is the apex of the Art of Stalking and is the act of reclaiming the Personal Power invested in past actions, in order to redeploy and enhance the reclaimed energy for extraordinary feats of Perception. The act of recalling experiences - starting from the present, going back to the earliest memories, using the Sweeping Breath, to sweep the memories clean one by one - encapsulates the Warrior’s Recapitulation.

The Recapitulation is an ancient renewal process developed thousands of years ago. It is a Magical act in which Breath and Intent play an essential role. In the Recapitulation, the Breathing gathers energy and circulates it and the Intent of the Recapitulation guides it to free Warriors from their biological and social ties. The Intent of Recapitulation is having an unbending desire to perform it, and its end result is Freedom.

Imagine yourself as a giant memory warehouse. From the moment you are born, parents, teachers, the socialising and educational structures etc. have stored feelings, ideas, mental dialogues, behavioral patterns and beliefs into that warehouse: the conditioning that forms and moulds you into what you become. It is through the Recapitulation that Warriors discard items that are no longer useful

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from their warehouse, to reclaim the Personal Power lodged within these items and make room for different Perceptions.

The human body can be transformed into a tool capable of gathering, storing and directing energy, for Warriors regard the body as a source of Power, not merely a biological organism. Through the Recapitulation, the warrior becomes aware that as the warehouse becomes empty, energy from infinity can flow through it, which in turn leads to Freedom. In Don Juan’s tradition, Freedom is to be free from Humanness and Freedom is not possible if the Warrior’s warehouse is filled with desires, feelings, ideas, objects that are part of a Human inventory.

Through the Recapitulation the Warrior realises that there is an aspect within them that knows indisputably the outcome of any action they are about to perform. The Warrior calls this moment of direct knowing, the Seer. By undertaking the act of Recapitulation, Warriors grant the Seer the freedom to See and deliberately turn it into a force that is both mysterious and effective which eventually guides them into Freedom. Warriors sink into a state of profound Recapitulation to achieve the emptying process so that energy can flow unimpeded. Then the Seer in them has full reign enabling them to transform the energy of the universe into the force of Intent.


The Recapitulation Process

Structure and Guidelines Make a list of the people you have met during your life, starting from the present and going back to your earliest memories. The list forms a matrix for the mind to hook on to and does, in part commence the process of Recapitulation.

It is useful to start the Recapitulation by focusing your attention on past sexual activities as the bulk of your energy is caught up in these events, so free those memories first.

Take the first item on your list and set up the scene by experiencing all the details pertinent to the event that you are going to recall. Recall everything you experienced with that person from the moment you met them to the last time you interacted with them.

Once all the elements are in place, use the Sweeping Breath. The movement of the head is like a fan that stirs everything in that experience.

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A Recapitulation is complete when several ‘layers’ of the experience have been accessed and ‘swept’ clean and when all emotional turmoil within the memory has been released and neutralised. It is said that with time and expertise, an event can be Recapitulated within the moment it is occurring.


Procedure 1. Place the chin on the Right shoulder and slowly inhale until you reach the Left

shoulder. Once the inhalation is complete, look forward and exhale.

2. Take the first item on the list. Whilst focusing ahead, fully re-experience the person and event/s. See them, Hear them and Feel them. [ take time to do this effectively ]

3. When the memory has been fully recalled, inhale slowly by moving the head from the Right to the Left shoulder, Intending to breathe in all the energy fibres left behind in the event and the person/s involved.

4. Now, exhale moving the head from the Left to the Right shoulder, Intending to breathe out all the energy fibres left in you by others.

5. Repeat the cycle as many times as necessary so that all the emotional turmoil within that event is released.

6. Finally move your head from Right to Left and back again without breathing to sever all ties with that particular event.


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Guideline Paper 4

Supplement Theoretically and in practice The Recapitulation is completed when all events and persons encountered during ones entire life have passed through The Recapitulation Process. This involves accessing all memories which begin with commencing The Recapitulation Process itself and travel back to ones earliest memories. However insignificant events may seem they none the less are an intrinsic aspect of ones Personal History.

To commence the process items which appear significant are chosen to commence the process. This is a lineal sequenced approach, the purpose of which is to free sufficient energy for further information to make itself known. The first pass of the Recapitulation involves a sequence of selected contexts. Upon completion of this sequence further strategies are then employed. Such as,

The random approach – The items that ones intuition makes known. This represents something of a jigsaw approach and yet it gives the system as a whole the opportunity to make information available.

Recapitulating the events of the previous day – The process of the Recapitulation is far from being static and as one is engaged within contexts that concern the past, history is being created in the present. For this reason it is useful to begin with the present also. This also rehearses Recapitulating events in the moment in which they are occurring. Scanning the previous day as an aspect of practice throws much light upon what we are creating in the present.

Recapitulating dreams – The system releases information which cognitively appears irrational at times and yet coded into these dreams can be meaning of a profound nature. The unconscious speaks to us in symbols and metaphor and irrespective of whether we do or do not understand its meaning initially, it represents fertile territory for the Recapitulation.

Recapitulating future expectations – Future events and our expectations of them contain, at times Personal Power out of proportion with what is to be deemed appropriate. By practicing in this way we not only Recapitulate the past, as in the formal approach but also the future by employing this strategy.

Recapitulating the moment – Upon completing a practice period it has been found useful to Recapitulate the moment in which the practice has been performed. This is done by performing three sweeping breaths, as outlined in the practice procedure. Breathing in all residual energy left in ones perceptual

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space and breathing out all residual connections. This is also a way of formally completing a practice period and fulfils the outcome of practicing The Recapitulation across the entire matrix of time, that is, Past – Present and Future.

It is appropriate to repeat an important point, one which cannot be over emphasised. This concerns the List or Lists themselves. How one organises the List/s is a matter of personally preference, however as the list/s form the matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to it is most important that the List/s are constructed with due thought and consideration as it/they commence the process itself. It is arguable what is the most important aspect of The Recapitulation :

The List/s – The matrix for the mind to ‘hook’ on to.

The Reliving in memory of past, present and future events – Minute shifts of The Assemblage Point occur as a result of accessing in an associated way memories.

The Sweeping Breath – The means by which foreign energy is expelled and ones own energy reclaimed.

The Environment in which one performs The Recapitulation – Minimal stimulus from the environment assures little distraction.

The nature of ones life during the practice of Recapitulation – Setting up ones life in order to perform The Recapitulation and pursue the practice of Sorcery itself can be the difference between a shallow cognitive pursuit and one that fulfils the Intent of all the practices generally and The Recapitulation specifically.

Addressing all the foregoing elements in an appropriate way makes for a thorough and complete Recapitulation. However it is to be remembered that each of us has different criteria, what is of importance to one person is not necessarily the case with another. It is the individual themselves that sets up their own criteria. All else is simple generalised guidelines, some useful some not so.

As with all Sorcery procedures, the process teaches itself as a result of energy being released into the system for Perceptual choices. This begins in small and apparently insignificant ways and yet clearly demonstrates the nature of the pursuit one is engaged within. The rest is purely theoretical and as such rumour.


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Dreaming Cell Criteria : It is a requirement that the Recapitulation Process be performed on a daily basis, and that you record your observations in the journal and prepare for the written essay on this subject.

The whole of Sorcery, its practices and directions, is based upon the performance of this practice whether ones predilections are towards Stalking or Dreaming.

During the two month period of working on ‘The List’ spend time each day creating an over view list. Then apply a second, more detailed stage, examining in detail each component of the list. Upon completion of this stage begin a third and final stage consisting of : appropriate time sequencing and prioritisation. Which events are appropriate to The Recapitulation? You will know this by how intensely you are still ‘hooked’ to the experience. Sexual encounters have been said to be an excellent context to begin a list with. So called Positive and negative experiences are to be treated in a similar fashion.

The formation of an appropriate list is crucial. The list itself is highly personal and under no circumstances is its contents to be divulged to another. In the journal refer only generally to the list and its contents. Keep a separate journal if you wish, in order to record personal details. The list itself does not constitute an aspect of the journal. The foregoing is most important and constitutes an aspect of the practice itself.

At the outset practice for 30 minutes per day and using discretion build this up in stages You will also discover that some sessions will be naturally longer than others. Allow the process to guide itself rather than using the approach set by a clock.

The Recapitulation Practice is always to be preceded by The Sorcery Passes.


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We trust that the foregoing has been useful in respect of questions arising concerning The Dreaming Cell and the nine month practice period prior to participating actively within it.

The Introductory papers supply relevant information concerning our requirements.

Whilst the Guideline papers outline the practices, their duration and useful procedural steps.

It is believed that all matters arising concerning what amounts to being an extensive undertaking have been catered for. However we will be pleased to address any short comings brought to our Attention.

The Dreaming Cell and its co – ordinator congratulate you in advance for demonstrating the curiosity and commitment that such an undertaking requires. The key to Sorcery practice, in a word is Intent. A few words are appropriate :

Two Rings of Power are known to exist. All beings possess the one known as Reason. The world, its societies and ambitions are upheld by the Ring of Reason and its kindred characteristics of ‘Thinking and Talking.’ To unhook the Ring of Reason is a Sorcerers primary endeavour to which he or she brings Dramatic Exertion. In some respects this unhooking is the higher logical level procedure of Stopping The World, which in itself ‘sets the stage.’ The Second Ring of Power is known to Sorcerers, it is The Ring of Intent, to access this is an undertaking that is all but futile, when looked at through the filter of success. The all consuming ‘Self Importance’ of an individual, which is a by product of The Ring of Reason makes this so. Hence a Man or Woman of Knowledge only becomes so when the Sorcerer has unhooked one ring, accessing and utilising the other. However, the last enemy : Old Age invariably succeeds in unseating the practitioner in the final instance. Initiation is not static, powers gained may not be lost, yet in the final analysis what does much that we perform as daily activity truly amount to? It is a Sorcerers task to proceed in the light of this, overcoming the inertia by acting with Impeccability and Power. The key to accessing and utilising The Ring of Intent is Intending to do so. A simple first step that unfolds into the magnificent goal of Freedom which is The New Seers only concern.

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We wish you well on your journey of discovery and look forward to the time when Power unites our purpose.

May the Great Spirit guide and protect you throughout eternity