
N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I :'TwiK P A ii^'iD M b;;ii^^ pBOian^viiiviMT' T= ''-; 4 r ..,.A '& ^m ............ Passed by House J It, the'^WU > i of; moner'x^mmu mlttee;' I passed without ehiu^ in the amotmt led by the hoose foreign affairs lirisenato h^. objected in advance, to house changM U^^ appoints a'committee to work with house members; on a compromise acceptable to both branches. The blll^ as p a s ^ by the' house; provides $630^ --------------- —-^-r -------- —^ 000,000 lor Fxnnce, Italy And Austria'and 160,000,000 for China to tide those countries o v ff the. winter months, l^ s senate' bill authorized the full 1597,000.000 fiak^ by the ad- jnlnistration as aid for only the three European countries. <nu boute trimmed tba ew n ll toUI 1)7 $7,000,000 Bad in Addition .^Mrmwkfld « portion ot Iht Xuadi JlroT'China. W Martin •WIWD tlM ---- ---------- ----- ------ - Speaker Martin gaveled the tdll to voice Tot« pauase. Membcra wbo ■houted for a roll caQ set In tbelr bid too lat«.. Bran after a the senat« and b o u M --------------- reached, a separate bU win be need- ed to BK>roprt»te the actual c u & Before paalsg the mearaza the boUM cot Into a rouilss pqlltleal xem between RepttbUeana and SemocratA. I iMhea at Demee Hie bproar began when Titn<ifT imL, i In n ^ o r t o f the |8»0,O0O,06b xaea< SSiflSSSSS manaied the forel«n affaba of thla BfHiHl ♦*<»* the m oney is neeestatT only becaose of wbat he called the admlnlftratton'a ' mls> manaffVnatTHe spoke shortly after hoiM adcptiHl an amend* mentbySep. Jack Z. .ftnderaon, R,' Calif; direettDS-somsment agjra- " '■ credit Plan Made to ; J6in2Driv^ ToAidPi^dy Plans to coordinate Usdo-Tal* ley^ xchrlstmas ship” food drive for the needy in Borope with the Jajcees* “friendship, t r ^ * fbr the needy 1 b Twin n o is were made «tunday at a meetlns- of drive Mayor B. O. Iiauter* bach. '‘Ihls wiQ slve perMns a chance to help the needy at home and away in one seneral food drive.” p . J. Bothne. *Chrktmai ihlp~ ^ v e Perishable food and '«naH dooa> Uons -meh are not' saltabla for shipment abroad wUl beitamMl over to Uie Jaycees for tootiL'bMkats at Christmas for the local needy. Cash donations aa'well u food, tcludlns wheat, flour,' angar. can* ed mUk. dried beans.-and clean, jrrtceahle clothing win ber accepted for the drives. Cash donations may be made at either of the local banks may eamtark' tbelr ________ for the . •Christmas shlp'’'or Uie “frlendsblp tzaln.? SUplead Sensbi. __ Lauterbacb /pctoted out that uia' Suropean proeram'hai.been the • .‘‘FwdAo aorttyweit ------ ----------------------- as a trial effort to reUeve traffle cengtetlen. ______ Cblef Howard W.'OUlette is shown ber* standbig near tfw staBebloa-at'tbe BbMlfene and'Seeond avense north IntcrsecUon. Bm ~ ' for molertsU wbo don't see the stgids. Drivers Warned TaOBserveNew Triffic Mantcrs . ay, 8 a n _________ ' Acoordlng to Associated Press and TJnUied Press dispatches tram- Bfi- mon, the fire is bdleved to Itave started from a boUer Only five cr six men were worktag In the ore separaUng mill at the time the fire started, according to Tillery. B e said no one was Injured in the whlcb levded the separaUng The United Press said one worit- man. Charles Andenon. — bions on his face and hands. One gamploye at the pUnt was Alfred 9Stewls. brother of Mrs. OlUford Johnson. BuhL Included in the estimate of loes Is « 180,000 worth of tungsten ore eoneentrates stored tn the.mill, the United £ress said. TlUeiT u ld the -losa wss covered only partially by insurance. ' Failure at telephone cocnmualca- tlons to the mine, located In an is»^ lated area aboit 70 miles southeast of Sshnon, resulted ta delays tn re* porting damage c a ^ by the flra. Sheriff Claytohls Named New Head Of-Officer Group RUPERT, Dee. ll-8herUf Sari Clayton of Unooln county was elected presldsnt ef the Maglo Val- ley Peace Officers here last night to replace tbe retlrlnc president. Sheriff Son Bawkea. of Ulnldoka county. Only other offlee fined at the election meeting attended by of- ficers from the entire valley was «nt.atH>nns. Fred Abrams, of police at 'Jerene, was 1 to fill' this offiee, vacated _j1 months ago. J1 other oUlcers of the organlza- Harmony In GOP POCATELLO, Dea 11 (ff)—Har« mony.has .been restored In Repub- lican state oirclea, and party lead- en are looting to the ftttura . with confidence. Tom Repoblloan . ^ t « chalman, stated Wednesday : Ttie'meeting of RspnbUm'eoimtr 'oentral commtttee ebalimen.^beld . at; Boise. Dee. s: and'S-ureed ROUB; Dec. it . general strike directed by. lefttsta iolosed an but vital publlo . services and rail- roads in Bcme today, but g6veni- ment and,labor leaden were re- ported to have agreed on broad gen- eral Un« which tnlghi end the multlpie walkout. The dumber of labor, wfaloh called tbe strike in protest against unemployment, estimated 600,000 worken were made Idle. It was the first general' strike In Rome In a quarter century. To Qlve Report ^the govemment-lalMr conference at the treasury ministry lasted five hours. Later today Olusepp ........ torto, secretary of the I t ^ _______ eral Confederation of Babor, w u to report on the meeting to ihe aecntlve .committee of the Rome I provincial chamber of labor, which' would have to approve shy agree- tent. miotmaats ^ an agreement would return strlken In Rone and Wetkeia Stand by iny workerB reported for and stood by hoping the strike 1 be called off before darlmess. 6 police and military fozteiw ei ____ patrol and at' sUtlons to prevent disorders. Light, gas and water services con- tinued Hnintemipted, as did Inter- national telephone and telegraph servloes. Workers in those were enmpted from the strike call, klong wlth hoQJltal workers, milk And food haulers. Food stores were given permission to rtmaln open until 1 pjn.‘ ' mUdle ot horizontal .... light poets j^tMn installed tsv determine _ _ -Xet W t turns wUl spewtttiltoitiH movement and i«Uerv,ipS|StieB:f^« m^tersec- tlon, now-ai«’flIeg4'^Maln avenue anil Second street wtst^M&ln avenue and: Secodd'street east, Shoshone street and ' Second . avenues north and-soatb. u well as at the Maln- Shoshone Junction. Wortam Flier Sets Record For Aircraft tion's leading woman flier, today held a world's speed record for pro- pellor-drtven 'planes which she said as set **iuit for ths fnn of It” "I wanted to see whst was the top speed I <^uM get out ot.the Mustang.” Miss Cochran explained. The top speed was M9349 miles _n' hour. a'.'new worlds record for therlOO-fcllometer ekoed course and also a new women's record for the distance. The jet plane record for tbe course Is only 3S' miles an hour faster. The flight over the CoacheUa desert^.yesterday was supervised by Charles & Log^on; National . Aero- nautical -association timer. Mis Cochran-llew the same earl; model p^r>- ................................................ second ______ to develandv Mlsa : Oodiran also holds four wpmen’a.; Intematlonal and five women'* national, speed records and the'U . S.- womens alUCude mark. ^ ,U v e s ..o B .t h » desert here with her husband. New Vork Financier Floyd Odium. • Santa Claus to Cpll<i^t It^tters From Chil^£|i Here S^ to aee'and talk. to . Santa. He ex- In the latest BanU . Claus at the north ____ dated 14 OBC (14 days before Christmas), he tells the kids of Twin Ftos td get t ^ l e t ^ ready for A specisi «Sontianer tat the letters win be plaoed at the city park at U(30 'P.' ffi."B fcta^ wb«n Santo m«to tb«.ohad?w. .. . ...... ^Boy-Scouts trcB Twin Falls and >Uer. w Q n N t m t n S - p . m . FHday a brieflng jMcta.abeut.1000 to be greet th« visitor from the nortb pole: ^Plans for 8adU:to land at the ruw T ito m is airport are being ar- ranged by Crane Wbo has been in constant touch with him. . . Santa'met at Uie airport by a-ddegaUoa beaded by-Chlef'of Polto0.Bowatd.SV. OUtstte who will n h ^ t o .t o town for a parade down ufBiq ^venoa'' and up Shosbbne 5 2 ( 0 the'city paric.' - , a r-sbow. Is,planned' ior the abOdrsa-afe^tba'ttoee loeal-iheatar» were turned on Battles Rage ; In ‘Old Gty’ Of Jeru^^^em mamsxu, Dec. ai vn^m iAd Arabif^baMtedHtoQay In Jeru- aalem'r^old ;w*U^- elly In a"«on- tifitf Mftif. o f‘ tftiU>o]y Jand at^e' whlcb. has taken'Sss^lives te;ria- . ‘Ibe d e ^ or 90 Arabs a ^ tw(x Jews were'xeported in sporadic out- bursts tbrodghout .Palestine, prin- cipally. ln>Jtrxtsalem and the port city of>Halfa. . Tnepa Block Oates British troops blocked the gates . otijerusalem's walled city, barrlne -■ -------- age of both Jews and Arabs Blo-strieken by the violence ........ by the United NsUons decision to. partition Palestine, were movtag: out tbelr poaessions In army trucks. The death toll In the whole middle ut was-300. Five' Arabs were killed and about 30 were Injured In Haifa by ah anti- pdvonnel bomb buried from a s truck at a Lebanese bus and a ___ oa Klngsway highway. The ex- plosion waafoUoi^ed by bursts of shots. > ' . > B ^ .Attack Told A Jew-was killed and another was wounded'tn a bomb attack on a Tel- Aviv-Jerusalem bua convoy near Beltih Dagan.-Several Arabs werp believed to have been wounded when the convoy's eseort fired on a coffee- shop believed to have been the source of-the bomb. Four Arabs armed with pistols broke 'into'-the magutrate's court In the Arab dty of Jaffa, held up the watchman and left with, four zlflee. gmfiitinmMi other articles which were court exhibits, ficlal source said. In the .old' dty of Jerusalem an Arab was slain by bullets andy bis .mother was killed when the ruwed to his ^ offlclid re- port said. Test Case on ‘Slot’ LegaUty Set atC^apil^ BOISE, Dec. 11 OU^-A .test ease, designed to bring about a supreme court determination ot consUtutlon- allty of actual operatlott of slot ma- chines in Idaho, waa fUed In Ada county district court late yuterday. A complaint charging three Bolse>, ~ ' ' ' J. Rutten. Frank Mar- Area Trio Hikes Polio toll to 279; Two Get Release BOISE, Dec. 11 (ff>—After a.lufl with only one .new case of pcdlo- myelltis reported In five dajs. the Idaho total was pushed to 379 to- day when three new vlcUms were reported, to the state health depart- ment.. Added to the list were two from Wendell, one S and the o___ IS years -old.- and- a fi>year>old bqy from Twin FaUs. The 14th polio death certificate for the year also was received by the healtb-department today, Shlt»- ley Virginia Wren, S-yeor-old dau^- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oren WTen,' Payette. She died Dec. 3. , A 84-year-old Caldwell wo and- a 3K-year-old Lewlstcn bcgr were released to their bomes today from .the health department < descent center. REP0BT8 TBSEE CASES -nvee Magic VaUey poUo cas^ In three days have been reported to the eouthcentral Idaho-dlst^ health unit. Dr. F. L. Murray, di- rector, said Thunday. Be reported a 9-jrcar-old.' FWls b o r v u taken V s o l s e twin«i treatment a t 't ^ IW a B-weeks>oId boy from. Jerome waa taken'to Boise Tueadiiy; D r.' ' ... . .. GOPs Bru^h Off Direction to Panel Gives WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (ffV~Republican leaders t o ^ bhished aside'-Fi^dent''TrQiaan*8-iiew:.eaU''3 ---------------------------------------- ... - - ------------------ --- i.todaytt ‘‘M tlie!;! anti-inflation program and the house banklna^Minmittee approved the GOP four-polnir.i^ 1; Chairman WolMt^'R.,' M Ic^ ha^ predicted approvals b y hta;wminlttee Md iold rr~ ' ", he doesn't have to talce It Enforcement of-the pro grain we ^propose, lip.uuv At.his news conference, Mr. Truman s^d anything uiortof the.programhehas; — inadeauate.' ' the letter. ThW I______ ratlbn^ authorltr; '> Carl Irwin Renamed Bean Growers’ Head An estimated 300 members of the Bean Growers. War&> house association attended the annual meeting o f :the. coop- erative l^eld Wednesday In Twin Falla. PrlQclpal busint^ was the reelectlon .of three directors to the cooperflt*~^^ board. Renamed were R. K. Anderson. Ti?in Falls; J. Feldhusen, Kimberly, and Edward Reichert, Filer. At a b ^ d meeting following the general membership* meeting Carl D. Irwin waa.reelected president ' Association M ana^-Jack P. Smith, Twin Falls, said a 19-cent refund on every bag of beans handled by the coop- erative In 1946. had been re- tained ^ the association for ...................................that the 1047 crop sbffnd an Increase of --------• 0*9. ................. - ... . Wash, president of tbe. Bank for Coopera>. Uvea announced.plans by>tb«. bank fbr the* various eooperattves uslnr Its serrlees to own Uie stock In the bank, now owned by the.federal cum and Ira WUllamson—with gambling in' operation of slot ma- chines at . tbe Bar -3T club here, was filed by Ada County Prosecutor James Blaine before Third District Judge Charles F. Koelseh. Test of Legality •This simply Is a test of the con- stitutional .provislooa; prohibiting lotteries.*' saG Blaine. *71 tiu jna^ chlnu are l»tt« ............................... nnd.'out before me«U> TbenJf slotniachlassaL-^......... .. to uifl' oonstltutlon." About two montha jg o . District .udge D. H.-8utphen^6oo^, held In the soHxlIedwSser case that Blot machines were. lotteries and their operation absolutely Illegal " the 1»47 law legaiumg them ____ (jia Incorpor- ated dUes arid vlUagk ’ However. Sutphen's option was voided when to prevent Ita appeal to the supreme court. ACF Man CompUlaa ^Djo 'T*frnplf witness In the Boise case was a W. Crandell. Boise. Harry Kessler, legal counsel for the the Idaho AUled Civic forces, .aald Crandell was associated with hla or- ganisation. . Blaine, said, tbe complaint was filed In district court to "save time.*' Usually such can'plalnU are filed In lower., courts. The charge of .............. dlrecUy at the lottery provision of the consUtuUoe. for the 1047 slot machine Uw exempts slot ^ gambling devleea. All-Time Top Price Paid fori, Local Steers nearly. «1MIO,000 In livestock wimt through the ring at theTwln Falls Livestock Commission company du> Ing November, Tom Callen. eo-own- er of tbe company, said Wednesday night. CaUen also reported that price In the company's history for a carload of prime steera wss paid Wednesday at tbe eompanyli w ^ - ly sale for a carload oentfrwd by Kurt Westendotf, Twin Falls. The earload sold for taTJO a hundred pounds. Bteera werejold by O. D.'. Buhl, for t384S a.bundred. Three cars of short fed steerr brought I38M. »28S0 and «3SJ0 per hundred pounds. They were 'Con- signed by L. 0. Pace.. Ilrln Falls. Another ear ot prime steera consign- ed by Harlan See, Buhl, brougbt' H. O. Jonea, Bden. sold two ca> loads of cows for 41840 and $1S40, a car of heifers for $3340 and a car ot'ceWB that have had one calf for •U.78. A-single HoUtein bull oooslgned by tbe .Twin FUls dairy brought •41340. Tbe bun weighed 3470 pCBmds.aad brought 10 cents a poond at the sale. . Callen . reported that the 1.100 head sold at Uie Wednesday sale •— ibt a total amount in exeeenof .-...000. He said-the market, wu fr o m '60 tfl >-70 . eenta stranger on alcM.cUssea 'and steady for cows. tSSJS..Gommea.steers down t» $10, obotoe^wn..glT to »U .7 6 ,,^ .con .IIBSO;'G» 116.78, eaaner and^eatter ' ;«lMftm<ra,rfeodereawi«U40- i^^.«bolet.;b^m isuo,' ,««40-to 633.75, eom- operating capital ' Smith also i how plans were underway .. buUd the.cooperaUve system In the Padfle northwest W. X..'Beet4r, Ogden, presented an audttm^.report to the assembled ......U.M.....'’ A. H.^Jagels. Buhl, rt * » rep^ on the Wcatem States .'Beiin eo- (C«aU»«»4 «a f w 1) French 'near Oooee bay, Labrador. TQSidar midnight, U .w u annmmeed today.. R««eM wericezs and'doeton; wha reached the craih scene in. an lev wilderness tor helicopter cr dot team- reported the penons .who survived. Ceeperal IB Seeead crash- CpL O. L. Mtrter. 'FOrt 'Wsyne. md.. was being- rescued J or tbe secood time la sU weeks, pre- vious inddeat'occuz^ wtaDe be waa on duty tat the rmnota -*— arM>ot Baffin laad.-8u troA'a-Sadly-tDfeetad. takantpa' ptaMl^'- Red Activities to tomorrow on his attack against hU own gov- ernment. ............ was announced by Francois Mitterand, minister of war yeterans, who said he hsd received a message on the case from tbe French charge d'affaires at Moscow Marqule's attack “Inadmiss- ible.* TeBeEipeUed A member ot Ultterand's staff jf tjie statemente attributed to Marqule in Moscow, are confirmed, the ftiiff • ‘will be dismissed and expelled from the army as soon, as he gets badt” Maniuie was Quoted as ssiBllIng bis government itUtude'* toward Russia. Bis statement grew out ot France's and Ruisla's expulsion of others repatriation . . . identified as a eommu- nlst of standing wbo wanta to stay in RussU, w u accused by tbe war veterans ministry of providing . ---------- . .. ------- ^ repatriation of R ra ch citlsens. Appointed rear Ago The veterana ministry, said Mar- quie w u appointed to his post more than a year ago when C< iLaurent Casanova ' SS'“ the 1 tbe r ....... .. . Expulsion of Uie French mission was reported In a Soviet note wblch the French government yesterday refused to accept because of lU strong languw and tbe fact It bad l%e foreign ministry. said ths French charge d'affaires In Moscow. gSSS‘'* ? r 'S S * 1 S 5 £ authorities. *Ihe f protested tbe treatment.of Soviet dUsens ia France. to curbTIving e ii(^:8 aid. should be c .for-8tan^.]l Mr; Truman Bhi^ly crltld^^ a BepuhUcan-spoifi^ p p ^ 'to relax the ^ti-trost laws'sntticlentiy to d u s ^ to^reach voluntary Agreements to allocate.ivp Bibly to r^uce ^ c e s . . . .. ............. . ____ j.will Telaxationof the anU-tru8 tlaws;.l so. ;](^ as he la Preddeab ^Chis brought mi 2^ Die, 6 Are Rescued After Plilne’s Crash tianifer tba s _____ bay:a^ hosid^'..'^rs recelvM her^ from Cel. Paal 'iu Zartman, oommandtaig ofdeer e( the air transport cwmmssid ofc.rOcaee bay at>10:4S a. m. A short time prevlotuly, Zartmsn had Informed the ATO here that tba reseue party “Is at the soena of tba accident . . . and we believe.-theie are some survlvora." : - •'Extreme difficulty In eommun- loaUcDS Is being eneoantered.*^ the colonel'* message said,.*’dDe-to'tbk rough terrain. ; ' - - • •Ohe b e U c t ^ -(wbieh ______ sembled at Qoou bay after bstng flown in a dlsmanUed in Camas. ____________ nlZea NUth' ei^btce, the leo stadclns ,«>top ef<e^.iM srs5ito?Af‘~^‘” ' Bailroad tfOdals-s. abeerdtbe Ira bL l^ bi_^ for.'.s-'" ..- ' ••■■■ from- Westover field) has'-______ wlUi addlUonal doctors-oM^haU mils trom tbe wrecit’' Driver XJnhnrt s ^ AsHugel^i^ Flattens Atito OOODINO, Deo. 11—Pblllp B. Cole. Boise, doesn't know , bow be did it but. Hoodlnl-Uke, be eame oat without a scratch Wednesday night when his automobile was (tattene" like a pancake jrhUe he was Cole had Just given a stallsd motorist a near the IT junistlan In BUM and was. turning aroD-' when it happened. - A tractor-tniUr track omutt Safeway and driven, by Woley; Sky. Salt Take Citgr,' la attemptL. to avoid a eolUsloii wlUi-Otie'B ear at the Jtmetlon. skidded .— r-direet»y on top ot tbe According to Bliss Batrdman Taa W<dff. an of Cole's car except U u W where cole w u sitting, w u oompressed togettier tightly,'. Couple Preserved by ^ Icebox’ for Over 2^0Q6/Ye^^ MOSCOW. Dee.' 11 Soviet In ^t£tba^'Tt‘^ that could be e a t e n .‘-'.."-' t.. V-. they ha d the afanoet per- fectly preserved bodies of a young gitl and ber-slaln eHo were bm til 3»00 yeara ag» -• The bodlea were locsited tn a Joot-. ed tomb in tb4 ^ tal- district of souUiwestem Siberia, where tbe. In- tense cold kept tbe bodies fram de- caying., .i, . - Archaeologist S. L Rudenko aald the 4omb w u sealad wbsn tbe bodlea yifn btuM. but.tbat.thieveaiiap- parently .bnke'into "K aoon.after- ward. ;Thi« opened tbe burial palan to siberUii^.wiada.^'aad erAtMi an.*1ee boxT that would preeerre i ; Alafai with’ tbe'bodies,'t^Usta found cheese and oUwr foodt;!^ the'boy aod.“tlti. m^tbB.lattec-«o;id. 'T t e '^ r w a s MJU US VMOU.' .,1' V. Rodenko said tbai: the girt, dee^ cribCd. u .“bea«tlfut*'.*app»« died from natmral caiises..aad- the rbcQT with- bar-wu.idata'sc bould-a«ompanyb«_on.ber,J nsya after ;deatb.:.^Se-tE • toridei.a _____ _ dfed',»tt::a';;^;;flt isassp t<io ••'aharlff-'w;- ____ and X mu AatoaJoT-Tht^'ill.. M-K-Titrala-Bck 4-e isllsted-uNdfl.*-*- ' ... \.'.v.9tt*!BNak»'4)tt<"-> nre'br^.oae'aei^tt" nmedlatelrstter-.tbe^m. of tbe'>lO;eaareB.-ttafa'.x ? arrival;'— «t«d by a.inter.iL- ___koB said be had-‘‘avp Ideanthow.tbewi ' did not care toVl eoeelD't tart.-:Bod Tba taab.-J>e-:i id«ii

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Page 1: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk

'- ," : ',15 i /s I : 'T w iK P A i i ^ ' i D M b ; ; i i ^ ^ p B O i a n ^ v i i i v i M T 'T = ' ' - ; 4 r

..,.A '& ^m ............

Passed by House

J It, the' WU > i of; m oner'x^m m u m ltte e ;'

I passed without e h iu ^ in the amotmt led by the hoose foreign affairs

lirisenato h ^ . objected in advance, to house changM U^ appoints a'committee to work with house members; on a compromise acceptable to both branches. The blll as p a s ^ by the' house; provides $630^ --------------- — -^ -r -------- — ^000,000 lor Fxnnce, Italy And Austria'and 160,000,000 for China to tide those countries o v ff the. winter months, l^ s senate' bill authorized the full 1597,000.000 fiak^ by the ad- jnlnistration as aid for only the three European countries.

<nu boute trimmed tba e w n ll toUI 1)7 $7,000,000 Bad in Addition

.^Mrmwkfld « portion ot Iht Xuadi JlroT 'C hina.W Martin

•WIWD t l M ---- --------------- ------ -Speaker Martin gaveled the tdll to voice Tot« pauase. Membcra wbo ■houted for a roll caQ set In tbelr bid too la t« ..

Bran after athe senat« and b o u M ---------------reached, a separate bU win be need­ed to BK>roprt»te the actual c u &

Before paa lsg the mearaza the boUM cot Into a rouilss pqlltleal xem between RepttbUeana a n d SemocratA.

I iM hea at Demee H ie bproar began when

Titn<ifT imL, iIn n ^ o r t o f the |8»0,O0O,06b xaea<

SSiflSSSSSmanaied the forel«n affaba o f thla

BfHiHl ♦*<»* the money is neeestatT only becaose o f wbat he called the admlnlftratton'a ' mls> manaffVnatTHe spoke shortly after

h oiM adcptiHl an amend* m en tb yS ep . Jack Z. .ftnderaon, R,' Calif; direettDS-somsment agjra-

" '■ credit

Plan Made to ; J6in2Driv^

T o A id P i^ d yPlans to coordinate U sdo-Ta l*

ley^ xchrlstmas ship” food drive for the needy in Borope with the Jajcees* “friendship, t r ^ * fbr the needy 1b Twin n o is were made «tu n day at a meetlns- o f drive

Mayor B . O . Iiauter*bach.

' ‘Ihls wiQ slve perMns a chance to help the needy at home and away in one seneral food drive.” p . J. Bothne. *Chrktmai ihlp~ ^ v e

Perishable food and '«naH dooa> Uons -m eh are n o t ' saltabla for shipment abroad wUl beitamMl over to Uie Jaycees for tootiL'bMkats at Christmas for the local needy.

Cash donations aa'w ell u food, tcludlns wheat, flour,' angar. can* ed mUk. dried beans.-and clean, jrrtceahle clothing win ber accepted

for the drives. Cash donations may be made at either o f the local banks

may eamtark' tbelr________ for the . •Christmas

shlp'’ 'or Uie “frlendsblp tzaln.? SUplead Sensbi.

__ Lauterbacb /pctoted outthat uia' Suropean proeram'hai.been

t h e •.‘‘FwdAo aorttyweit

------ ----------------------- as a trial effort to reUeve traffle cengtetlen.______ Cblef Howard W.'OUlette is shown ber* standbig near tfwstaBebloa-at'tbe BbMlfene and'Seeond avense north IntcrsecUon. Bm

~ ' for molertsU wbo don't see the stgids.

Drivers Warned TaOBserveNew Triffic Mantcrs

. ay, 8 a n _________' Acoordlng to Associated Press and TJnUied Press dispatches tram- B fi- mon, the fire is bdleved to Itave started from a boUer Onlyfive cr six men were worktag In the ore separaUng mill at the time the fire started, according to Tillery. B e said no one was Injured in the

whlcb levded the separaUng

The United Press said one worit- man. Charles Andenon.

— bions on his face and hands. One gam ploye at the pUnt was Alfred 9Stewls. brother of Mrs. OlUford

Johnson. BuhLIncluded in the estimate o f loes

Is « 180,000 worth of tungsten ore eoneentrates stored tn the.mill, the United £ress said. TlUeiT u ld the

-losa wss covered only partially by insurance. '

Failure at telephone cocnmualca- tlons to the mine, located In a n is»^ lated area ab o it 70 miles southeast o f Sshnon, resulted ta delays tn re* porting damage c a ^ by the flra.

Sheriff Claytohls Named New Head Of-Officer Group

RUPERT, Dee. ll-8 h erU f Sari Clayton o f Unooln county was elected presldsnt ef the Maglo Val­ley Peace Officers here last night to replace tbe retlrlnc president. Sheriff Son Bawkea. o f Ulnldoka county.

Only other offlee fined at the election meeting attended by of­ficers from the entire valley was

«nt.atH>nns. Fred Abrams, o f police at 'J eren e , was

1 to fill ' this offiee, vacated _j1 months ago.

J1 other oUlcers of the organlza-

Harmony In GOP

POCATELLO, Dea 11 (ff)—Har« mony.has .been restored In Repub­lican state oirclea, and party lead­e n are looting to the ftttura . with confidence. Tom Repoblloan

. ^ t « chalm an, stated Wednesday

: Ttie'meeting o f RspnbUm 'eoim tr 'oentral commtttee ebalimen.^beld . at; Boise. Dee. s : a n d 'S - u r e e d

ROUB; Dec. i t . generalstrike directed by. lefttsta iolosed an but vital publlo . services and rail­roads in Bcme today, but g6veni- ment and,labor leaden were re­ported to have agreed on broad gen­eral U n « which tnlghi end the multlpie walkout.

The dumber o f labor, wfaloh called tbe strike in protest against unemployment, estimated 600,000 worken were made Idle. I t was the first general' strike In Rome In a quarter century.

To Qlve Report ^the govemment-lalMr conference

at the treasury ministry lasted fivehours. Later today Olusepp ........torto, secretary o f the I t ^ _______eral Confederation o f Babor, w u to report on the meeting to ihe aecntlve .committee o f the Rome I provincial chamber o f labor, which' would have to approve shy agree-

tent.miotmaats ^ an agreement

would return strlken In R on e and

Wetkeia Stand by iny workerB reported for

and stood by hoping the strike 1 be called o ff before darlmess. 6police and military fozte iw e i____patrol and at' sUtlons to prevent disorders.

Light, gas and water services con­tinued Hnintemipted, as did Inter­national telephone and telegraph servloes. Workers in those were enmpted from the strike call, klong wlth hoQJltal workers, milk And food haulers. Food stores were given permission to rtmaln open until 1 pjn.‘ '

mUdle ot horizontal

. . . . light poets j^tMn installed

tsv determine „ _ _ - X e t W t turns

wUl spewtttiltoitiH movement and i«Uerv,ipS|StieB:f^«

m ^ t e r s e c - tlon, now -ai«’flIeg4 '^M aln avenue anil Second street wtst^M&ln avenue and: Secodd'street east, Shoshone street and ' Second . avenues north and-soatb. u well as at the Maln- Shoshone Junction.

Wortam Flier Sets Record For Aircraft

tion's leading woman flier, today held a world's speed record for pro- pellor-drtven 'planes which she said

as set **iuit for ths fnn of I t”"I wanted to see whst was the

top speed I <^uM get out ot.the Mustang.” Miss Cochran explained.

The top speed was M9349 miles _n' hour. a'.'new worlds record for therlOO-fcllometer ekoed course and also a new women's record for the distance.

The je t plane record for tbe course Is only 3S' miles an hour faster.

The flight over the CoacheUa desert^.yesterday was supervised by Charles & Log^on; National . Aero­nautical -association timer. M is Cochran-llew the same earl; modelp ^ r > - ................................................second ______to develandv

Mlsa : Oodiran also holds four wpmen’a.; Intematlonal and five women'* national, speed records and th e 'U . S.- womens alUCude mark. ^ ,U v e s ..o B .th » desert here with her husband. New Vork Financier Floyd Odium. •

Santa Claus to Cpll<i t It tters From Chil^£|i Here S

to aee 'and talk. to . Santa. He ex-In the latestBanU . Claus at the north ____dated 14 OBC (14 days before Christmas), he tells the kids o f Twin Ftos td get t ^ l e t ^ ready for

A specisi «Sontianer tat the letters win be plaoed at the city park at U(30 'P.' f f i . " B fc t a ^ wb«n Santom «to tb«.ohad?w . .. . ......^Boy-Scouts trcB Twin Falls and >Uer. wQ n N t m t n S -p . m. FHday

a brieflng

jMcta.abeut.1000 to be greet th « visitor from the nortb pole:

^Plans fo r 8adU:to land at the ruw T i t o m i s airport are being ar- ranged by Crane Wbo has been in constant touch with him. . .

Santa .w in .be 'met at Uie airport by a-ddegaUoa beaded by-Chlef'of Polto0.Bowatd.SV. OUtstte who will n h ^ t o . t o town for a parade down ufBiq ^ ven oa '' and up Shosbbne 5 2 ( 0 the'city paric.' - ,JL .tn a r-sbow. I s , planned' io r the

abOdrsa-afe^tba'ttoee loeal-iheatar»

were turned on

Battles Rage ; In ‘Old Gty’ Of Jeru ^ em

m a m s x u , Dec. a i v n ^ m iAd Arabif^baMtedHtoQay In Jeru- aalem'r^old ;w*U^- elly In a"«on- tifitf Mftif. o f ‘ tftiU>o]y Jand at^e ' w hlcb. has taken'Sss^lives te;ria-

. ‘Ibe d e ^ o r 90 Arabs a ^ tw(x Jews were'xeported in sporadic out­bursts tbrodghout .Palestine, prin­cipally. ln>Jtrxtsalem and the port city of>Halfa.

. Tnepa Block Oates British troops blocked the gates .

otijerusalem's walled city, barrlne-■ -------- age o f both Jews and Arabs

Blo-strieken by the violence........ - ...o f f by the United NsUonsdecision to. partition Palestine, were movtag: out tbelr poaessions In army trucks.

The death toll In the whole middle u t was-300.Five' Arabs were killed and about

30 were Injured In Haifa by ah anti- pdvonnel bomb buried from a s “truck at a Lebanese bus and a ___oa Klngsway highway. The ex­plosion waafoUoi^ed by bursts of shots. > '

. > B ^ .Attack Told A Jew-was killed and another was

wounded'tn a bomb attack on a Tel- Aviv-Jerusalem bua convoy near Beltih Dagan.-Several Arabs werp believed to have been wounded when the convoy's eseort fired on a coffee- shop believed to have been the source of-the bomb.

Four Arabs armed with pistols broke 'into '-the magutrate's court In the Arab d ty of Jaffa, held up the watchman and left with, four zlflee. gmfiitinmMi other articles which were court exhibits, ficlal source said.

In the .old' d ty o f Jerusalem an Arab was slain by bullets andy bis

.mother was killed when the ruwed to his ^ offlclid re­port said.

Test Case on‘Slot’ LegaUty

Set atC apilBOISE, Dec. 11 OU^-A .test ease,

designed to bring about a supreme court determination ot consUtutlon- allty of actual operatlott o f slot ma­chines in Idaho, waa fUed In Ada county district court late yuterday.

A complaint charging three Bolse>, ~ ' ' ' J. Rutten. Frank Mar-

Area Trio Hikes Polio to ll to 279;

Two Get ReleaseBOISE, Dec. 11 (ff>—After a.lufl

with only one .new case of pcdlo- myelltis reported In five dajs. the Idaho total was pushed to 379 to­day when three new vlcUms were reported, to the state health depart­ment..

Added to the list were twofrom Wendell, one S and the o___IS years -old.- and- a fi>year>old bqy from Twin FaUs.

The 14th polio death certificate for the year also was received by the healtb-department today, Shlt»- ley Virginia Wren, S-yeor-old dau ^ - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oren WTen,' Payette. She died Dec. 3.

, A 84-year-old Caldwell wo and- a 3K-year-old Lewlstcn bcgr were released to their bomes today from .the health department < d e s ce n t center.

REP0BT8 TBSEE CASES -nvee Magic VaUey poUo cas^

In three days have been reported to the eouthcentral Id a h o -d ls t^ health unit. Dr. F. L. Murray, di­rector, said Thunday.

Be reported a 9-jrcar-old.'FWls b o r v u taken V s o l s e twin«i treatment a t 't ^ I W a

B-weeks>oId boy from. Jerome waa taken'to Boise Tueadiiy; D r .' '. . . . ..

GOPs Bru^h Off Direction to Panel GivesWASHINGTON, Dec. 11 (ffV~Republican leaders t o ^ bhished aside'-Fi^dent''TrQiaan*8-iiew:.eaU''3

---------------------------------------- . . . - - --------------------- — i.t o d a y t t‘ ‘M t lie ! ;!

anti-inflation program and the house banklna^Minmittee approved the GOP four-polnir.i^ 1; Chairman WolMt^'R.,' M Ic^ ha^ predicted approvals b y hta;wminlttee M d iold rr~ ' ■ ", he doesn't have to talce I t Enforcement of-the pro grain we ^propose, lip.uuv At.his news conference, Mr. Truman s^d anything u iorto f the.programhehas;

— inadeauate.' 'the letter. ThW I______ra tlb n ^ authorltr; '>Carl Irwin Renamed Bean Growers’ Head

An estimated 300 members o f the Bean Growers. War&> house association attended the annual meeting o f :the. coop­erative l eld Wednesday In Twin Falla. PrlQclpal busint^ was the reelectlon .of three directors to the cooperflt*~ board. Renamed were R. K. Anderson. Ti?in Falls; J. Feldhusen, Kimberly, and Edward Reichert, Filer.

At a b ^ d meeting following the general membership* meeting Carl D. Irwin waa.reelected president '

Association M ana^-Jack P. Smith, Twin Falls, said a 19-cent refund on every bag o f beans handled by the coop­

erative In 1946. had been re­tained ^ the association for

— ...................................that the1047 crop sbffnd an Increase of--------• ‘ 0 *9 .

................. - . . . . W ash,president of tbe. Bank for Coopera>. Uvea announced.plans by>tb«. bank fb r the* various eooperattves uslnr Its serrlees to own Uie stock In the bank, now owned by the.federal

cum and Ira WUllamson—with gambling in' operation of slot ma­chines at . tbe Bar -3 T club here, was filed by Ada County Prosecutor James Blaine before Third District Judge Charles F. Koelseh.

Test of Legality•This simply Is a test o f the con­

stitutional .provislooa; prohibiting lotteries.*' saG Blaine. *71 tiu jna^chlnu are l» t t « ...............................nnd.'out before me«U> TbenJfslotn iach lassaL -^ ......... uifl' oonstltutlon."

About two montha j g o . District .udge D . H .-8u tp h en ^ 6 oo^ , held In the soH xlIedw Sser case that Blot machines w ere. lotteries and their operation absolutely Illegal

" the 1»47 law legaiumg them ____ (jia Incorpor­

ated dUes arid vlUagk ’ However. Sutphen's op tion was voided when

to prevent Ita appeal to the supreme court.

ACF Man CompUlaaDjo 'T*frnplf witness In the

Boise case was a W. Crandell. Boise. Harry Kessler, legal counsel for the the Idaho AUled Civic forces, .aald Crandell was associated with hla or­ganisation.. Blaine, said, tbe complaint was filed In district court to "save time.*' Usually such can'plalnU are filed In lower., courts. The charge of

.............. dlrecUy at the lotteryprovision of the consUtuUoe. for the 1047 slot machine Uw exempts slot ^ gambling devleea.

All-Time Top Price Paid fori,

Local Steersnearly. «1MIO,000 In livestock wimt

through the ring at theTwln Falls Livestock Commission company du> Ing November, Tom Callen. eo-own- er of tbe company, said Wednesday night.

CaUen also reported that price In the company's history for a carload of prime steera wss paid Wednesday at tbe eompanyli w ^ - ly sale for a carload oentfrwd by Kurt Westendotf, Twin Falls. The earload sold for taTJO a hundred pounds.

Bteera w erejold by O. D.'.Buhl, for t384S a.bundred.

Three cars of short fed steerr brought I38M. »28S0 and «3SJ0 per hundred pounds. They were 'Con­signed by L. 0 . Pace.. I lrln Falls. Another ear ot prime steera consign­ed by Harlan See, Buhl, brougbt'

H. O. Jonea, Bden. sold two ca> loads of cows for 41840 and $1S40, a car o f heifers for $3340 and a car ot'ceWB that have h ad one calf for •U.78.

A-single HoUtein bull oooslgned by tbe .Twin FUls dairy brought •41340. Tbe bun weighed 3470 pCBmds.aad brought 10 cents a poond at the sale.. Callen . reported that the 1.100

head sold at Uie Wednesday sale •— ib t a total amount in exeeenof .-...000. He said-the market, w u fro m '60 tfl >-70 . eenta stranger on alcM.cUssea 'and steady for cows.

tSSJS..Gommea.steers down t » $10, obotoe^wn..glT to » U .7 6 , ,^ .c o n .IIBSO;'G» 116.78, eaaner and^eatter

' ;«lM ftm<ra,rfeodereawi«U40-i^^.«bolet.;b^m isuo,'

,« «4 0 -to 633.75, eom-

operating capital ' Smith also i

how plans were underway . . buUd the.cooperaUve system In the Padfle northwest

W. X..'Beet4r, Ogden, presented an audttm^.report to the assembled......U.M.....'’

A . H.^Jagels. Buhl, r t * » r e p ^ on the Wcatem States .'Beiin eo -

(C«aU»«»4 «a f w 1)

F re n ch

'near Oooee bay, Labrador. TQSidar midnight, U .w u annmmeed today..

R ««eM wericezs and'doeton; wha reached the craih scene in. an lev wilderness tor helicopter cr dot team- reported the penons .who survived.

Ceeperal IB Seeead crash- CpL O . L. Mtrter. 'FOrt 'Wsyne.

md.. was being- rescued J o r tbe secood time la sU weeks, pre­vious in d d eat 'occu z^ wtaDe be waa on duty tat the rmnota -*— arM>ot Baffin laad.-8u troA'a-Sadly-tDfeetad. ta k a n t p a ' p t a M l^ '-

Red Activities

to tomorrowon his attack against hU own gov­ernment.

............ was announced byFrancois Mitterand, minister o f war yeterans, who said he hsd received a message on the case from tbe French charge d'affaires at Moscow

Marqule's attack “Inadmiss­ible.*

T eB eE ipeU edA member ot Ultterand's staff

j f tjie statemente attributed to Marqule in Moscow, are confirmed, the ftiiff •‘will be dismissedand expelled from the army as soon, as he gets badt” Maniuie was Quoted as ssiBllIng bis government

itUtude'* toward Russia. Bis statement grew out ot France's and Ruisla's expulsion o f — others repatriation

. . . identified as a eommu- nlst o f standing wbo wanta to stay in RussU, w u accused by tbe war veterans ministry o f providing .---------- . . . ------- ^ repatriation ofR ra ch citlsens.

Appointed rear Ago The veterana ministry, said M ar-

quie w u appointed to his post more than a year ago when C<

iLaurent Casanova '

SS'“the 1tbe r ....... .. .• Expulsion of Uie French mission was reported In a Soviet note wblch the French government yesterday refused to accept because o f lU strong la n g u w and tbe fact It bad

l% e foreign ministry. said ths French charge d'affaires In Moscow.

gSSS‘'*?r'SS*1S5£authorities. *Ihe f protested tbe treatment.of Soviet dUsens ia France.

to curbTIving e ii( :8aid. should be c

. f o r - 8 t a n ^ . ] l

Mr; Truman Bhi^ly crltld^^ a BepuhUcan-spoifi^ p p ^ 't o relax the ^ti-trost laws'sntticlentiy to d u s ^ to^reach voluntary Agreements to allocate.ivp

Bibly to r^uce ^ c e s . . . .. .............. ____j.will Telaxationof the anU-tru8tlaws;.l

so. ; ] ( ^ as he la Preddeab ^Chis brought m i

2^ Die, 6 Are Rescued After Plilne’s Crash

tianifer tba s _____b a y : a ^ h o s i d ^ ' . . '^ r s

recelvM h er^ from Cel. Paal 'iu Zartman, oommandtaig ofdeer e( the air transport cwmmssid ofc.rOcaee bay at>10:4S a. m.

A short time prevlotuly, Zartmsn had Informed the ATO here that tba reseue party “Is at the soena of tba accident . . . and we believe.-theie are some survlvora." : -

•'Extreme difficulty In eommun- loaUcDS Is being eneoantered.* the colonel'* message said,.*’dDe-to'tbk rough terrain. ; ' - - •

•Ohe b e U c t ^ -(wbieh ______sembled at Q oou bay after bstng flown in a dlsmanUed

in Camas.

____________nlZea NUth' ei^btce, the leo stadclns ,«> to p ef<e^ .iM

s r s 5 i t o ? A f ‘~ ^ ‘”' Bailroad tfOdals-s. abeerdtbe Ira b L l^ b i _ ^for.'.s-'" ..- ' ••■■■

from- Westover field) has'-______wlUi addlUonal doctors-oM^haU mils trom tbe wrecit’'

Driver XJnhnrt s A sH u ge l^ i^

Flattens AtitoOOODINO, Deo. 11— Pblllp B.

Cole. Boise, doesn't know , bow be did it but. Hoodlnl-Uke, be eame oat without a scratch Wednesday night when his automobile was (tattene" like a pancake jrhUe he was

Cole had Just given a stallsd motorist a near the IT junistlan In BUM and was. turning aroD-' when it happened. -

A tractor-tniUr track omutt Safeway and driven, by W oley; Sky. Salt Take Citgr,' la attemptL. to avoid a eolUsloii wlUi-Otie'B ear at the Jtmetlon. skidded . — — r-direet»y on top ot tbe

According to Bliss Batrdman T a a W<dff. an of Cole's car except U u W where cole w u sitting, w u oompressed togettier tightly,'.

Couple Preserved by ^Icebox’ for Over 2 0Q6/Ye^^

MOSCOW. Dee.' 11 Soviet I n ^ t £ t b a ^ 'T t ‘^“ ■ ■ that could be e a t e n . ‘ -'.."-' t.. V-.

they ha d the afanoet per­fectly preserved bodies of a young gitl and ber-slaln eH owere b m til 3»00 yeara a g » -•

The bodlea were locsited tn a Joot-. ed tomb in tb4 ^ t a l - district o f souUiwestem Siberia, where tbe. In­tense cold kept tbe bodies fram de­caying., .i, . -

Arc haeologist S. L Rudenko aald the 4omb w u sealad wbsn tbe bodlea y ifn btuM . but.tbat.thieveaiiap- parently .bnke'into "K aoon.after- ward. ;Thi« opened tbe burial palan to siberUii^.w iada.^ 'aad erAtM i an.*1ee boxT that would preeerre

i ; Alafai with’ tb e 'b od ies ,'t^ U sta found cheese and oUwr fo o d t ;!^

the'boy aod.“tlti. m^tbB.lattec-«o;id. 'T t e '^ r w a s

MJU US VMOU.' .,1' V.Rodenko said tbai: the girt, dee^

cribCd. u .“ bea«tlfut*'.*app»« died from natmral caiises..aad- the rbcQT with- bar-wu.idata'sc bou ld-a«om panyb«_on .ber,Jnsya after ;deatb.:.^Se-tE

• to r id e i.a_____ _d f e d ',» t t : :a ' ; ;^ ; ; f l t



____and X muAatoaJoT-Tht^'ill.. M -K-Titrala-Bck 4-e isllsted-uN dfl.*-*-

' ... \.'.v.9tt*!BNak»'4)tt<"-> n r e 'b r ^ .o a e 'a e i ^ t t " nmedlatelrstter-.tbe^m.

o f tbe'>lO;eaareB.-ttafa'.x

? arrival;'—«t«d by a .in ter.iL -

___koB said be had-‘‘avpIdeanthow .tbew i ' did n ot care toVl

e o e e lD 't tart.-:Bod

Tba taab.-J>e-:i


Page 2: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

;.iopwti<«?^iJp!aw,.:j*J« : » t w J o r ttw «c w n tn > .;iw m W y . ^ c x p u r

'..Mother ceepwiUTN^to Id«be,.Uon> :- -; taa» stia IvyenlniM t « u flxpUtn«l • ; ' t h u loetf p o w m p w tW p ^ to tte. : ..n iM a c m r »• ttoey do to Ujb » » « •

^ ' linBlden^ Uukt ». refuirti, •mmmUn* ‘ -----------------

'■■ ;tU ,000, «oa l(l> « mad* o o M , !tt7« S8 en p i. Ht pointed out Uut about

■ ca*-b*U - « o t a bushd ,w a ’ ^ : rrom tii« groven*. profit 1& U3? In

: . 'flrder for the avod a ttos . t o . bur . new wartbouttfMMJ equipment'Th#

anodaUon:U,oov,;in a poslUoato ■ -reftwdtUem oney.',-.

Wlnnen of » a a irawlng c on t«t ;«ponnre<I br the orvanlntlon

’ :vmoaBoed a t tbe termination el -■ ''ui? i ^ t t o f . ' . . . ' , : .

o T ________vaa Astes Btutsnan, PUer. I*V pm

. TbceiMoa,' Jeremt.- v u . naaud nmoer«up^ ... ..i;:- ' .. County W A , jrtaaer*. ir»re ,-B ^ Holloway. Twin Valla. flret,< and Saymond Bennett. .Suhi. MObnd. Tor Twin raUa county, add BUIy Rlgnesr and BUly Barva. tin t, and

: aeoond. respocUtely, 'for Jerome ' counw.

V aU ^ wlnnen In (be 4-H dub . lUvWon were BUI Brown, tint, and ' > m n Barr, aeoond. Bolb vlnneh

-are trom Buelton.. ' Ooodlcg county winners ' were

. Itulon Obandler and Ralph Preo> .tlee. to (hat order. V>p: Jerome eeunty 'bean srowen were Harold

I : .Brooke, tin t, and John HaUneon, ' - f b ^ ' ot BaaelUm. p|»y B itso ft,

■BuDejr. waa the only wlnner.named "'-In Oaeala ooBsty. , '^ Beeauee of Interest ehown in thli 'jrett'a contest. Prealdent Irwlh'an* ;aouBeed 'tlut a MaglorvaUey 4-H

i'-!: .elub member next year wU libeitet tbo naUooal i - n dub

jA',; ja-ohJca«o and abo wlU a .............— tersatloBal Ureetock expeeltlon

gi'-v 'tihU i there,''W ton w to the PPA dlvUlon.wUl

-i attend the PVA satlooal convention K am a! City. Uo^ and wfU aee

..tbe KansH Olty Boyal stodc ahbw.

i l^ Ip to T Is Faced ,; 3 y U. S. Demandy Deo. U ( « — A O m V a U ti State*, demand upon RunU :to halt the m nora! of reparaUoni

'-S O B aaftcre Oermany'eonfronted eorlet' Poral»n ------------ " **

JCelotOT todar and upon hla anawer f r aajr-hlnt* ttie aueceea or failure o f

the big io o r coofereaee hare.• ‘ Hbntanm reply may be made at

■v: todays meetlnt at vhleh tha«oun>

k--: tlei»-«.m att«r:wblolifliaa.atym led: [Or\-: aireement for a week on a docen

:o t b v iMuee related to OermaBy'a unltlcatlos.

A W holU tlre goremment eourcee •aM that. Molotov waa aleo ex< M et«d to | ln hie . m otion to re>

. fc ita that the V. ,& .an d Srltato E*Te reached « tm U “ -----------------------------1 laet.year^ -pact for ecoao-^ Aidon o f the American and

, S r lt to arnei o f Oennany ao aa to •iTa tba U. 0 . control I

,K «9 p th « W M U Flag ■ o f S a fe ty f ly in g

Noto 36 da\lt without a traffie d9ath tn our UagiavaUeV-

Plan Made to Join 2 Drives

ToAidNeedy<rr*M Tw* Oat)

that donated to the **lrlendih]p train."

Oovemon or Oreion. Washlntton, Montane, Aluka end Idaho have appiwed and endorsed the “ Ohrlat* mat ship drive. Oov. 0 . A.. Robins said “the Ohrlstmu sh ip . project provides the tangible evidence ot the true Ohrlstoas iplrlt and-wlU cer- u ln ^ meet'With general coopen*

Lqu bltmotu. viiQ Is handling the Jaycee -friendship train" pelnU out' that donaUoat may be msde for the drlvM at the Union motor ahowrooms.or at any o f the three local theaters. The Jaycees are working with the Salvation Army andrthe^Red Gross in preparing Ohrlftmaa boxes lor local families.

Riay yanderpool,51, Dies in Cab Of Triick on Job

nay a Vanderpool. 61. 31B Third avenue west, died suddenly at 3;10 p. m. Wednesday while sitting In the cab of a truck, on the u S. Stapp ranch. twO: and one>haU thllee south of Kimberly.

Mr. Vwderpool complained e!sisin In the left side of hU chut as be^and touls Otllon. 518 Quincy straet, driver ot the truck, were un« loading salt >t the ripmeh. DlUon said. He tested on tome o f the aacks o( aalt for. about 10 minutes while DU* Ion continued unloading, then climbed Into the cab, where he wu found dead by Dillon about one«balf hour Uter after he bad finished un­loading the truck.

He was bom June 4, IBM, In Wsu- pontee. V L and.had been a resident o f Twin Tails slnca lOOO. He v u engaged. In the tnieklng business up to the time of his death.

2n addition to hU widow, Msry Vandetpcol, he Is survived by two eooa. BueO and Dewey Vanderpool. both Twin m is , and on* grandson.

Puneral aervleee for Mr. Vandtr* pool win, be held at a :SO > m. Sat* urdajr at tfcr.Twln Falla mortuary e h ^ l . The Rev.- Oeorge Rcee« berry, district superintendent of the Jttthodlst church. wUl offlclau. Burial wiu be at the Twin Tails cemetery,

Death Oaimd Early Settler \At Age of 85

RDPBRT. Dee. tl-M lf.-iU )blk X*. Montgcmei*..S5, Aoe«ula;HOB« o f the earUeit setUen on ' the.'H>ntdoka project, died at 11:40 a:.- to. Wed* nesday at the home o f U n . Loren Allen In Rupert She bad been 111 for some tune.

Mrs. Mantgomery was boni — North Hero. Grand lale, Vt., Marsh 10. ISO. She was educated In Winona. Za, and moved to Snoho* mlsh. Wasb^ v lth Her family In 1887.

On Dec. 14, IWO. she was married to Michael ,D. Montgomery at Sno­homish. They moved to the Mini* doU project In August,.l»08.

Mrs. Montgomery was active In clvlo work and helped to droulate the petition for the f in t echool In Acequla. She aerved on the acbool board (or three years and was in* strumental In aecurlng construction of the first aebeol. la ter she taught at Jackson. Rlrerslde. Sunrtydell and Oreenwood and until a few years ago was a teacher to A c e ^ achools. She alao helped to o r g a ^ the Vnlen church and waa an ac* ttve church'worker until two yean ago when abe had a stroke.. She also was a charter member of the Olvlo club, the Uteraiy club, the Old Bettlen association and thep t a ;

Her husband died In April, IfllS. She also w A preceded to death by one daughter and one aon. Mrs. Montgomery Is survived by

two sons, wm Montgomery. Boise, and S s 7ld 'Montgomery, Poulson. Mont.: one daughter, Mra. Cora R oa, Aberdeen! two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Requa, Pacific Grove, Oallf., and Mrs. Genevieve Keith. Oltaton. Wash.: one brother. Hardy Hutchins, Snohomish: 13 grandchll* dren and. four grgat grandchildren.

The body la at the Goodman ry here. Funeral arrange<

Two yalley Men Join Army Here

Meryl J. ManwUl, ralrtleld. and James E. Sutton, Gooding, have en­listed for three years to the army through the Twin Palls army re­cruiting sUUon, First Ueut. George P. aaxton, officer in charge, an­nounced Thursday.

ManwUl, vrho entered the corps of engtooen, wm receive basic train­ing at n . Ord, ca m . He U a gradu­ate of Talrfldd high school, where he earned a letter in football.

Sutton, a veteran of World war II, entered the paratrooper*. He will receive baslo training at P t Ord, Odlf.. and airborne tralntog at Pt. Banning, Ga.. Claxton said.

Olaxton pointed out that direct enllstmenta are being accepted for Pt DU. N. J.; Pine Csmp; N. Y.; Sacramento, CaUf.:: P t Worden, Wash.:-pt Ord, Calif., and F t Lewis, Wash.

Wi ■ ..T—= ^ —^ -r-J 'bn ly were avail- ..abla Tliuiaday at the. Twin Falla

: eountr. genetsu, bosplUL visiting - 'h o m .s t fv tr a m 's to 4 and 7 to a •p. m.

;A D K X m D _Forre«t Xieonard. K ank OAadlaga.

I ;.’ JBlen Jean Z«U, Mra. George KlnUl * ; and M n, -Jean Rousseau; Twin

MTS.-A. R . Blrdwdl. n a n k imudasv Henry'Jess'and .Mra.-Ken-

' Bttb Oramer, Buhl: Mrs. San' Tsy- • lc ra n dM rt.w n iU m T 4n e o ln .F to ;

«nd Mrs. n e d .Jotmaan. H----------P ISMTgig D

lUebard Sebmoger,^o«a eburtlltf, a jcla Irwln and • Mrs. . Carolyn BiunwUU. Twin Falls, and Roy ClJBkston, Kimberly. . ’

Weather, Twtn Falle and vW alty-Cloody irtlh nntiesltinsl Ugbt n o w taaltbt

Magric Valley Fonerals

FXLBR—Funeral'servloes for Itoy Alexander Rector will be held at 8 :U p. m. Friday at the Twin Palls mortuary. The Rev. F. W . Ruddle o f the Seventh Day Adventist church will officiate. Burial wUl b« In Sun­set Memorial park.

9:30 & m. Friday at the MetbodUt oburta at Kuna. Sastem Star rltu- alUUo tarvloca wUl 'b e eoodueted by M n. Jease Wilson, worthy mat* ron. Interment irlU be beside her husband to the Kuna cemetery.

B tm L B Y -F toera l services for Charlca Gilbert Loveless will be held at 3 p. m. Friday at the Burley LOS third ward church with Bishop Lawrence Tolman to obarga. Burial will be made to the Burley ceme- tery.

T W m FALLS-Ftoal rltca for Ray H. Vanderpool wlU be held at a:ao pjn. Saturday at th e Twin Falls mortuary ohapel with the Rev. George Roseberry, district sup< ' tendent of the MetbodUt churob Delating. Interment will b « at the Twto Falls cemetery.

Britain to Leave .Palestine May 15

LO lboN , d n . 11 (iUQ_ Great Britato announced today that It plans to end Its 30-year rule of Palestine on May is . and asked the

............ United NationsFaleettoa commission not to enter the holy land untU shortly before that date. ,

Colonial Secy. Arthur Creech- Jones, to outlining Britato’s to the house of commons, clearly feared that arrival o f the U. N. com- mlsdon in Palestine would be the signal for new dl«order»-aod Brit* Ish troops there would be to the line of flra.

Creech-Jonea u ld that Great Britato would not use Its troopa to enfoect the parUUon of PalesUne, and would not share responsibility with U.N. untU Britato's mandate ends.'

Navy’s Recruiters Set Friday Jaunt

'WlU be In flva

to the*TegSSrPalmer, who U :Twin 1____n a v y ____aimounced Thursday.

ACMM Robert VarrUl and C M 1/C O. W. Whitaker will be at postoffices to the following communities at times Indicated: Burley 0:4S am., Rupert l l: lS ajn.. Paul 13:16 p m . Haselton 1:1S p jn . and Eden 3 pjOn Chief Pahner said; '

There were e.000 fewer motor va- hlcle dealers to the United BUtes to 1848 than to IMl. .

Gaesto Frem Hawnll / . v ; T’r^ Mr. and Mrs. Japtes n m a A Hmwk

lulu, Hawaii. ars.Tlalttog wltb Mr. and Mrs. David FlK M n, » l ' | g '« former resldent.or2 sinU,.--r.-^

The Twto Falls Homs'le(mamiM assodatlon wlU meet at I am . r H - day Wltb Mrs. H. H. Balli m ^ * lar avenue.’ A igUt e^tebang*. vlU be held. •'

Blriba 'A daugbtar was bccB Iburaday

Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth . Cramer and a son was bom to Mr. and' Mrs. A. R. Blrdwell. aO Buhl, and Wednea* day a son waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, Filer. All Urtbs'ware at the Twto 'VUls oountgr geneiU hospital matcmltjr home.. -

Lions Club Here Conducts Annual

Fete for LadiesKent Tktlock told memberg o t the

Lions club at their annual ladles* night dinner Wednesday at tba Park hotel that, the Lions 'du b totar- natlonal w tha largest dvlo aer- vice dub to the world, wltb over 300,000 members. - > '

He pointed. out that while the Lions were not the oldest service dub they were tha first to aet def­inite service for their communities.

About 100 couplea' attended the dinner program which Induded.a colored film on the “Pueblo In ­dians.” Mrs. Robert Cctless, Rupert, presented two. Vocal solc« aecom- 'Panied by Betty Jenkins, Twto Falls. Victor FUflet waa program chair* man.

Olsrk Kostenbader. L e w is t o n . Penn., waa the only guest;

Hagerman Valley Rancher, 48, Dies

HAGERMAN. Dec. 11— A Douglas Gedney, 4g, owner o f .... Bar P ranch here, died at his home to Boise Wednesday.

A promtoent stato stockman, Mr.

and left the ranch here to the care o f a manager. Prior to U49 he oper­ated his own livestock company that tocluded holdings to both Idaho and Nevada. Most o f his life was spent to the vicinity of Riddle, Idaho, and Sko, Nev.

Mr. Gedney vras bom Aug. 10.18W, at Elko and was a graduato of the University of CalUomla. He married Msiy SeweU at Elko to 1934.

Besides his widow, he U'survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gedney. Boise, two daughters. Cora- bell and Mary Alice, also Boise, and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Gallagher, Blko.

Funeral arrangonenu hava been set tentatively for. Saturday at Boise.

‘Christmas Ship’ Plan Is Started

BOISE, Dec. 11 C «-M syor H. Ol Lauterbacb. Twto Falls, yeeterday Informed Gov. c . A. Robins that Magie Valley is being organ ' for contributions to the Pa northwest Christmas ship.

Robins sild the mayor did not todlcato wbat would be Induded to the donatlona.

TO HAUL ODTTS FREE ^ BOISE. Dac. 11 WV-Oov. C. A. ^ b ln s said today ha had been to- formed that railroads serving Idaho, Montana, Oregco and Washington have agreed to transportcaiload lots free to Portland. 'Aeoma and Beattie for the Pacific northwest Christmas «Mp i

Firm IncorporatesBOUE, Dec. 11 (4>-Artlclw of

tocorporatlon wera filed with tha secretary of stata today by J. zm - melt Smltb, Inc , Jerome to engage to the bostoess of drilling for water, oU. gas or other . products.. I t 1 - Itallsed at U0,000.

ra are J. Emmettca^to

.HMerials ftalen Icntea ^A&denott, 405 Baybum

._.,'U ooa« lodge and W cocn of tha Vbosa win msM at 140 p A d iv At UM BCoos* ban. n ta Bsn wU b t to ebatta o f the p cogna , sad » (reshsMBta-wm ba sarrad I9

tMUMaNO.1 ...-----Twto VUls couaon. No. .T, R o ^

and Sslset Uaftaia. wlU meet at gpjn. Friday at tba Uaaoca ---------- tba annual alaetien a n d ----------„ j t o t otfloen. aeoordtos to Master Frank O. Fonda.

8aata% Oeariag Hmm'M n.'Balca-Ballsy. Rad'Oross dl>

ractar. raqnasto thatUM aaasa ot tamUlss’ to need o f bdp.*at ObrlsU maa ba sant to t ^ c la a i^ bouse, at Radcroashi ' tH c n -H r . The addrass and namas,'ages and clothing slaaa.of tt)a chlldrftt to the family should, ba gtvan..

Motorist Kicks To Court Over Tift With Mule

Although be had to shoot tba mule after tha accident. Parry Young^norr U being askad to pay for the damage the mule-allegadly did to. an auto­mobile.

Young is.bdng sued by R. Raynolds for damages done

last O ct 11. whan tha mule and Raynold's car ooUlded atBlus Lakes boulevard and Falls avenue.

Tha complaint tUed with Judge J. O. Pumpbxey contends the unat- tanded mule waa to vloUUon of.the taw. m e complaint w u fUad by At­torney J. H. Barnes.

Job Openings in Twin Falls Area Drop toNew Low

Only 15 Job openings are listed at the Idaho stato employment service's Twto FaUs office. A, J. Meeks, manager, said Thursday.

Meeks pQtoted out that this was 10 smallest number of available lbs stoce tha office opened to 1933. Among the avail^le Jobs an

positions for auto body and patot

and a housekeeper,' Meeks, laid.

Traffic FinesXtourteen more persons ^ v e paid

A total o f 479 forvloUtlan o f (raffle regulation*.

W. F. WardeU paid a toUl of «3ft whUe David Priest and Hany B. Brady each paid a total of lie for failure to halt at stop signs.

Mrs. Marehall Chapman paid 13 . ) r improper parking and Jim Rhodca p dd 13 for parking to an alley.

Duffy Raed paid 13 for overtime parking. The others, u eb of whom paid II for the same offense, are O. W. Quigley, Carl Yearington, Clarence Shockey, L. G. Maugham, Harry Hamasakl. Grey Ryman, Den Alger and Vem Monaeu.




GLAMOUR vs. a K H X E R 's c m i i


f^ N O W !ENDS




L O U IS -W A L C O T Tfight

BusinesBinan’s Specif Dally at 12:00 Noon KEEP THIS Sc h e d u l e .........Fight Pictwes Shown at

12:16.1:61, 8:45, 6:65. 8:06. 10:17



Tba maetint. iot: accBtata tbalr ladlai. m u teatnra taika by V. L. Strang, Scoot .ezaeotlvt te r tba m a n Peak.'eeondl,. and^Bobert Breeding.'txoop. 10U < IT ' ' the toUmatlQial Boy —boret.beld ta.Franea Jagt-l._____

•«lver baavarf avarda will ba pio*- sentad to .aoont«Er «bo bcva eeD> titbotad to the advaoHOfflHwy bln en will i

fflaetlnf.‘ Oookaald.'.Arrangemanta tor UU banquet ara

being mada' b r IX-lt. .To«ng,i<r>to Fans: u v d - aa ltb . Oakley.-.amt

Trio Enlist for Service in Navy

Tbrae Maglo Valley m in iunra esr listed to the regular jn«vy ttoougb tba Twto Falls navy reenilUac sta* tun,. aoM rdtot t o OQU idgar Val-

W. Worley, son ot EBRlsoa.L.-Wor>Uy. Twto Falls: Calvto L.;.--------■CTDt.Mr. y>a ^ o w 1 . -------- -Rupert, and Floyd A, Warren.' sea of Mr. and Mrs. C barM W, Warren. BubL

H ie new navy, men will be sent, to San Diego,. Calif,' for reerult tratolng. Palmar said; -

> 3/0 Oarald F . West, _ . home on a » - d w Jeave. ifter — pletlng training at* munlcatlons school. Port Beueneme, Calif., according to' COM Bdgar Palmer, who is to charge of tba Twto Falls navy recruiting station. '

West expects to b< sent ovtiwas for duty.


aMBfe atar^'.-. .~ ]tas9'^Sttn)c.«nrln » e o t n atera wits gaytMUBppad ‘~"~‘ ‘naa:patitact nodsr ana . .

SS3iSW.*rP.Sn5!iS;r tusallng with. Ug str ^ - aadmaU lacksDackat

_____ ng . i; .:Dot earefttttr i — __scHqw c ( 'meat‘ out'O f -veffetabla scrmpa to allay. .'.School bus skld« dtot'areond.ooraer after/dlscbsrg'>' to t g ta d a o ta ^ .‘ Hardy tourist get>:

------------- CO bow i o reachOregon Ucensa

p ra m ., DwL' l l r ^ .y o fr . Itey aoeut drtve, wnder tba .djiwtlon of J. C. 'iftSrmTt,

C M W l i l l

QUICKER....... I 'ls f s t s r 'F0LEY'SS3£!:;i^

But that’s only part of the BIG NEWS with

^ ^ d m i r a i


S i o n a p ( o 70 lbs. o f F r o z « n F ood Oual-Temp's home tiwaer provides ample stoiige space and correct temperatures tor keeptog a large supp'ly ot commercially packaged, froeen foods alwaja on hand, ready tor immediate use. I f you ara « locker pUnt petron. you wlQ' make lass trips there, because o f tba te r n <roiMn food, storage space to your bud-Tsm p.

SLID lNa DBAWCSt Convenient eliding drawer for fruits and v e g e ta l^ (Bydratorg are not necessary'to Dual-Temp’s moist coIdJ 'Embossed pUstle front STEBILAHFS Acts like sunshlna . . . retards meld growth, reduces spoUsge due to bao* tatla and combats offsnslva odoia.m trS T O B A O S B tK : Convenient, extra lariabto adds weleome steraga spao« to crowded' kltcbcDS. Ideal for bottles, canned dry vegftables. Easily removed tor cleaning.

O tbtf features ot the » cubic foot sUft todude IM eg. f t shelf axea->Bome f r a ^ _ by Toloma TO lbs. fay weight—Vegetable draw er-^ ry storage bto and many ether new

Qalek F rten Food at 16o below Zerolw ith temperatures as low as U* below sero, your Z>ual-Temp home fieessr Is Ideal for last fieeitog. I b is not only opens up nsw waya to preserve foods, but adds stotpUdty and eonvenlmoe to meal prep* . aratlon. A teal money saver, tool Buy foods when thay are plentiful and prices are low. treesa them tor use when tbiy ar* scaree and prlcea are bigb.

P-S-t! See the New Admiral ^ o b Several o f the console models have F U . . . AU port­ables. table models, combinations have a beauty and tone quality «U tbelr owil See ihem before you buy I

We can guarantee delivery on Admird Ranses before Chrlst>

ROBERT E. LEE SALES CO.'lizrMiWS'idOTB'”"''" ■■

Page 3: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

FRIDAY, DEC. 12 7 P. M. — 9 P. M.

You*re in for a new experience this Friday evening when you Join the happy couples at C, C. Anderaon’a Sweetheart M ght, I t wiU be a gala everdng with fun and surprises for everyone* Get your best guy or girl and be here promptly at 7:00 when the excitement starts. Shop all three o f our stores for new arrivals and outstanding values.

I '-.1'

Exceptional Gift Values in Every Dept. . . Expert Shopping Hosts and Hostesses. . . Free Gift Wrapping Coke and Cookies (on the House of Course) •.. Lots o f Surprises. • r

C o u p le s O n ly W ill B e A d m itte



; . J,’ Vv , Positively,No Stags. . . (You Had Your Chance)I P it t c h a s e s M a d e B e t w e e n 7 P .M ^ ^ P.M. On Sweetheart Night

-V . Opi n a Christmas

Page 4: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^


SELLING AMERICAN POUCY . Tliejob of t«lUng the world aboat America,

i' ; tbe, jeal America, and celling the world . 4 on ;OUr good Intendbns baa been aadl; neg-

lected. And what haa been done about it, ■ ■i hasn’t.. been deine very well. Almost any . i American wUl admit that, but few have come

. ; tip with any. new ideaa.\ 3 rAn exception la Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge,

1 Jr. Mr. Lodge saw aenrtoe with the army In ; 9 Surope daring the war. He has been back . ; ,there twice In the last year, so he has a good .. I idea of. the: before-and-after atUtudes of ' S public opinion In those countries.

: S' !Kot surprisingly, Jthe senator found that2 Europeans are being fed a pack of lies about

our . policies. Intentions, , and llfe .ln'generaL-In.,the absence of effective rebuttal,-those lies are being believed. He tells about them in Mm'e detail ih the current issue of Collier's magazine, and .also offers' his suggestions

' for doing a better Job.J ^ e f ly , Mr. Lodge thinks that our salva*

. to send abroad more men w}th ex> ' perlence in such fields as Journalism and . :politic8 —"really poUtical-mlnded" men fam> .lUar with conditlens overseas and fluent in

His suggestions Include 19 specific steps. Slrst he would make certain that the Presl-

Vdent and secretary of state coordinated their activities. As an.example'of uncoordinationi be cites Mr. 'ZVuman's interview on Russlaa

' ''outrages’* In Hungary the same day that Mr.- announced ^ e plan,

-which stole the front page from the secretary o f state.

He would have Hollywood block-book goV' einment films into Europe with its own pro- duets. Every time the BusBians.Ue-about us, be would .have .some official American spokesman counter it with a truth. He also s ^ s that the Ftwch government agencyi which allocates newsprint to French papers, is anti-American, and suggests that we pro­vide some newsprint to the French press in the hope of getting a fairw deal.

There may be^some merit to all .of Mr. IiOdi^’s. suggestions, but Jusi'how'far, for lttstanee.. cou2d: go -l^. coiintering. each Bussian^Ue with a truth? Would some. American .official or prominent citizen have

, ' f fo rebut every Russian untruth printed in > : publications or. spoken by publicized spokes-

-men, major or minor?. That would be a complieat^, Job that might degenerate into petty' name'-eaUing and prove Ineffectual in the end.'- . .

Oiie hiuio task, it would seem. Is to create, good will and. a receptive audience by telling the-trath about AmMca more skillfully than the opposition lies about It A govemment-

: called conference of leading American pub* ;.'t consider that task might not be

“ si bad idea^if it isn’t too late.

^’Washlngton Callingr" ByMarquis Ghilds11XW oiU2Atni<-Ttw B c v le e k ^ tiu im r MMb

arldtat In UUt otd d ts . I fn M O titu u to talcAl of Uie ehkac« (U t- b .tm uferm kis a vbei« xtgioii. melody i io s m e cw -m itae aug* noUu uui Uw crlDoUaM sre'todtjr. ' strleUjr s tourUt attncUcu. \ ff

T lu BMd to to nuke New Ortoaw I ^^1 focus o( Uu eonunsm and la - I dtutnrof Uiewbolali Taller, ‘n u dty to t Uia p eat port that It « aco. Soma big itrldet bave beta I made alm dr. AlUuufH tbe aec«6l I l i anmlitalc»bty aouUiem, the booit* I e n talk irltb the line ardor c( « I

Obamber of Ooinmcne. IThey are JuiUftobly proud .

tbelr IntenuUooal bouae. Beveral n oon o f a dowatawn offlca buUdlag hare bees ecnverftd Into a handwme club vbieh 'U s center for trade with Latin Amertea. Special «m- phaito hae been put OD tba llnk v ltb Mew Orleans’ nextfloor nelghbon In Central America.

ReDreMnUtl?e« of Uie port o f Mew Orleane, laelud* ins t^e dty'a assresUve young>Uajrar Oe teaaepe B. Motrtooa. tuva made goodviu tours to O m tn l Amtrl- c a ^ itlr up bueUieae. Znt«matlaoat booa* bas lio o membert Initead of Uxe anUclpatad SCO. Zt la head- quarten for Central 'American Tldtdrs, who a n rt- celTid wlUt fUtterInf eerdlaUty. ‘lU e'target U not

The ehincei occurring througbout the aoutb are less obrlous but no leaa ilsnlflcant. Tbey were speed­ed up by World War n and the tast upheaval In tba

Sttem of living that came wlUi It. The nirml aouth It population to the north and:to new Ihdustn’ In

the south. Vomer iharecroppen and tenant farmers are oa-the assembly line, and It U not likely they will ever go back to the farm.

As a result of tW s-------------

f, so Julit a bad C M of -— 10) we aren't apt t6 forget about that UtUe Jaunt.

' . great sport 'of you c f ......

agriotdture to belog m e c h a n ic at an tmpn

dally by diyera tautalled In recent years.Thto to bringing changes In the sutua of the share-

cropper. With attrscUve employment avaUable In the oUles, ho eumot be persuaded to stay on the farm without some real Inducements, It means a general rtoa In the level of Uvlng. What to more, the Jeeter t«sters of tobacco road are not iip to operating the costly machines of modem agriculture.

Most significant of all, Industry Is locating plants In small communities throughout the south—close to raw materials. Often these are amall branch plants of northern flmis, but many are new vmtures financed In Uie aouUs.. <nese changes are Inerltahly. rifleoted In the poU- ties of the soum. Compared region by region. Uie •oath has one of the ablest representaUves In eon- greis. It w u no aocldent that BUbotom was defeated in Mtoslsclppl.

John 0 . StennU—who defested^Rfcp. E. Ran­kin for the tota Bilbo's eenat« an able clUscn

.w b» beUeres that the south win more forward in lu own way. That does not mean he to a flaming radical. Var from It. It does mean, however, that change to possible and that the south la not forever condemned to sowbelly and to moonlight on thp crepe myrtles.

In the new souUi such relics as Tennessee's anclmt Ben. KenneUi UcKellar seem out o f place. Again, It was not accident that BCcKellar was one o f the half docen senators to vote against the European stop-gap aid program. The leadera o f the new south know that America cannot elam the door on the rest of the world. They know Uut world trade Is esKntlal future development of their region.

In the great men and e

: . AMEN, MR. WARRENWe like ^ e way Gov. Earl Warren of Call>

‘ 1 fomla looks upon communism;I The candidate for- the Hepublican presl- : dentlal nomination has called on the Amerl- ; .can people to fight communism by "sticking

J .to our democratic principles as the commu- .nlst sticks to his objectives.”

I We have too many of these so-called “lib- \ «rals” nowadays who take the American way ^of Ufe for granted, but spend most of their

.. time trying to pick It to pieces. They’re aU I for changing this or that which is iunda-

mentally American.Instead of being atrong-minded in support

of their own country, thoy try to make them­selves appear‘'open-minded” in conslderaUon

, o f . other nations with different types of i j government

£ ‘^Nothing but firm adherence to those g principles to which we have subscribed will

. S mobilize the sufficient world Intelligence and ' 3 cooperative action that are necessary to pre-

' • ' yent war,’'said Governor Warren. “ CohfUcts with communism cannot be avoided by .vacillation or appeasemenf*

.niat’s the kind of Americanism we like. It's 'go^-enough for u l

;■ - FOR TODTH X c n v m E S . V As one.'of its spokesmen ptit i t the Junior fOhamber iof Commerce is "fU nj as the quar- -terbM k;for the team composed of all civic joxgMitettaas Wrxalse funds for youth actlvi-

A l w ^ a leader in youth aeUvlUes and in the flyit'gigainst juvenile delinquency; the

, JoolflfiCbsiphetda sow conducting a drive to raise 180,000 lor that purpose.,.; >Vo otiz.way'bf thinking, the organization’s e fforts: could not be chaxmeled into more

„ e m tr a ^ v e Jln^, u d money could not be • .raised .fo?-i^ better, purpose.'t:,-''I«t’s fdve^th'^ young men our whole-

WATTS orelgn ministers have ^thelr peace - confer- — old copfroversies

them: In Paris


P»opte are stni wonjerlng whjl Idaho has mob.a;KUUar abspe. Earl W. Uurphy, aeeretary o f the

-Jaho sUte Chamber o f Commerce, said at Botoe thto week. RecenUy. Murphy said, he had received both letters and telephone calls asking bow Idaho- got lU peculiar boundarlea. especially Uie narrow northern "panhandle.** He asked hla staff to do a little research on the question, and UUs to what they found:

Idaho, or what to now Idaho, waa originally ao f Oregon Territory which ccmpilsed aU t h e ____west of the continental divide north of Utah and Nevada. When the Waahlngton Territory was carved out, Idaho w u a part o f It. Later, when WaahlngtcD became a etaU. the present western boundary o f Idaho was determined. It waa generally believed that thk Territory o f Idaho would Include all the land between the western boundary as established and the conU- nental divide on the east, which would have taken In a part of western Wyoziang and a part o f western Montana.

Just where or why the surveyors went w roof may never be known, but a story p r ^ U thai a group of shrewd Helena business men decided that tba new Idaho territory should not include Butte. *ths rich­est hill on earth.** Anaconda, and other landa known to contaln'rlch ores. Had the continental divide been followed, the loth and fertUe fatmk of the Bitter Boot valley, the city of MUboula, tha nathead Uka territo^ and most‘of what Is now Olader National park would have been In Idaho.

T ilt Helena men are said to have met with others In Butte and decided to get acquainted with'the t t tm r - ors. The program was w ork ^ out, and the surveyors were greeted with the utmost hospitality. T tu Mon­tana group accompanied the surveyors from th« point’ where Montana. Idaho and Wyoming Joln..7ar a time the sunfeyom followed tha eontlnental divide, but when they came to Gibbons pass, In Lemhi county, they took off along Uie Bitterroot range. *nia result Is that by following the BItterrooU the panhandle'of Idaho waa narrowed untU it would have come to a

TATLOa'S NEOATIVt TOTE» no more occasion to feel prood o(

Senator Glen Taylor's vote against the i

o f whom like Langer hav«. a die-hard toolaUonlst complex. z*

Boiled down to lU essmtlato the gS07.QOO.000 w u voted to feed the hungry and warm the One mieht ifrgue by the hour abOBt minor points, bat tha project to humanitarian, deaigned to rellers human suffering, wlUi a few safeguards designed to prevent Uiat purpose being by-passed. •

Why anyone with a spark o f kindness In hto heart should vote against It to beyond our oomprehenslco. and we have no more sympathy with eertain house

' a r e trylns- to delay and whltUadown the blU than we have for T ^ lo r . n u l r Ideas may be different, but the effect of what Uiey do to the same, to deny aid to lufferers.

Ttiere will be ample ground for debate « tha loeg range MarshaU plan, and time fo^ it before actloa st the regular session. But there should be no hiovef emergency relief thto winter. The world's______nation just cant afford to be cheap and petty a^out th a t .AH we can spare o f food, fuel and oUur easca- tlala-should be sent.i^NBmpa T n t Pnas.

NO EXCKrnON lliere were four Inquisitive brothera.Walter stej^ed on the gas t o see if he could beat ths

train to the croaslng. He couldn’t.Oeoiga struck a match to see If th* gasoUss tank

on hto automobile was empty. Xt wasn't.Henry patted a atnnge bulldog on the head to see If

tha critter w u affectionate. A i wasn’t New tha leoa survlvlns brother swore ha weold never

___ __ a snowdrift far a oouidahours. Noihing Ilk* It- . . ^ 7

tAJTXA WZDOWt Dear Potsy:

ftom reading Uw Tlmes*News ao- cial page; 1 gaUter that there are quite a large number o f widows in Msglc V « ^ .

It has always been m y knpressloo that the oorrect fonn o f a married woman's name U *UrS. J c ^ Smith,” while the correct procedure for a widow Is to use her own first name, thusi)'; "Mrs. Mary eo lth .”

Or maybe aU Uie gaU are ashamed of Uiclr husbanda' first names. huhT

^ John Smith

HE BAB AN gM NICKEL Dear Pot Shou:

I hare a U38 Indian head nickel and would like to k n ow -u they really are worth gSO. *

If so, I would like to know where to send the nickel so I can collect Uist tto.

Vleyd Xing (Oontaet, Nev.)

FAMOU» LAST UNE - . . . ShsU wa sw v* er aak Iha

laaSlerd to le w « the restrOENTLEBtAN IN TOE

rom tTs Kow'

on tbe daogeroua ,Muxmansk run o t go out. as a driver with aom* Jtench or BriUsh ambu­lance outfit In the war., •

I know o t an old feUenr, nearly SO, retired fro n the sea, who. went

- k supper of a tanker. Be lost, but he woukl snort

at anyone wlw said today that ha gavT h ia Ufa for h m s u trM dco. Ba had read soma Usten' and he waa » t t r r pnMtteal'Aaa and hto idea was that i f our skte won. as be waa confidant wa would, hto money would keep him through a comfort­able old age.

The pay was high. He gambled and laet NoUilng eould be more idioUb than to suggest that he left hto home and Ued looee Into the danger* that aoon kUled him to rtfnike cal­lous Amgrican Anglos for calling American Italos mde names, which seems to be Blnatn'a venlcn of our

____ I know, a young .musicianrin one eye. Joined up wlUi the

field aerrlea and got a medal from for swimming seme

but t>eMUAe he to a young man. not for fear that Bliuktra might alug him when hto head was turned.

Bftwy n musician, he Italians' and he thinks Sljiatra to neither a good musician nor a representative Italo-AmerteatL HU reasons for crowding into the war \mneeessarily w ere'm ore -eplritual than Uie old aaUcr’s. B e was-young and strong, hla country waa In a fight and ao he went, half bUnd though be was.

einatra' -wiia strong, even aUiletlo

for hto fourth t e n a 'ln 'U it .______company o f onon waQaa and eth­ers ha toured thg.eliealt Of anenslva New Torfc sstoons k a e ta a a lS m llk route and spent acot t ^ at-the

Be s o t ahrlaktng: /drunk, . u a kicked uit soeh a few la the Waktoft that a house polteemaa wu s a top to subdue______________________aeems to have hadfor he told a broadcastar Uiat he had banged on ths door o f oae who had opposed B ooam lt, I n t e a d la g ^ beat.hlm up, but not finding him in. beat up hto fumitore, hutead.

I tu t was hto first rcatur* and strloUy Imaginary Into physlcU ter- rarlipL B e M «au to, have eaM edUie fantasy for the dream o f li

Welles, though he too to young, so waa enUUed to

D annyS w U lb e r e m e m b ^ a third furious theoretical defender of human liberty, i u denied per­mission to go abroad as an enter­tainer when hto draft board held that hto physical condlUon and men-

themselves difficult t o _____ ..They seem also franUo In their

hatred o f inJusUce and yet they let mUlloos of others, 18*year old bo;n and old men of family, do Ute act­ual flghUng/- How couU men ao ferocious reet '

.. _____ thafesUTolBneh.eo^eUvult..'

fiiM tor: a m tor t a w vrda o f vohEptoens-mlsa for tha

Oanaen boys was ' ly ltk the war bco (^wboooaltfnt

fU U b tha TteUad Stataa.B e Ukas tilca thing*,' altboi«t

may not have ttu n long for h . . m e n a aalesmah.than a irilter and noently be was down to oorMng tbs bearings o f tha eomnlttaa .bn un- American actlvltlaa as a itportar fer Uarahall yields thing.-

That Uilng ton’t the gravy train. There have been reports in Box­wood Uiat Welles bas a flottot . hla flowers out all the way from souUiem Vranca. That probably to.a distortion of.tha actual truUi which to that he does prefer and does enjoy beef steaks which ate flown to HoUy> wood fn m Uie east. Bto asUuna to such that he requires a iarge amount

* roteln. Western eteaks ccQtaln _ . . j i n o f a sort but not enough or the right eort. The eaitem steaks a n Just right

Now some Ignorant pereons believe a man with lots of money should give UberaQy to Use poor as the price o f a volce on the subjeot of p o v ^ . Wellee dlsagreee. ‘That would be a denial of freedom of speech. A mil­lionaire should be allowed to feast on eastern steaks flown west while ttie poor live on huske outside hto

^ rtch'm an should be allowed to deciy . poverty aloud, though he never gives a dime to charity. That.

thau. hBBMir, atad* Uw rstpMSt. B* . agreed only ea CBHdiUaii th a t 'a a aaoorti'of s t^ '.-M n iM agent*: bo' m t .to tUtKhba* there, and se* Urn

Itu re weren't eiwagb ageata ea hand, and Uie sltoaUeo H aaQ ^m s ' saved 'onfer when a number o f Loa Angetoa police who were o ff duty, agreed to give up tbelr botm of r n t to grease Uie vanity of Orsoa wanes. KldUcal Fees to Be Asked

---------- - u w j - l h * IdahoIndustrial' acddent board vOl cco-' slder an.appllcauon for revtolon of lU medical fee sohedule at a puMlo hearing In-Uie seaata chamben at ao a. m. Dee.

A genetil increase to being asked In charge* for medical surgical and hosplUl treatment of Injured, wotfc-

Members of Uie board conducUng ths hearing are S . W. Oi^ienhelm. chairman; Leo A. Bouts and a R . ’

Face Pushed iii Mnd, Man Saved

TACOMA. Wash, Dec. H Ohria eorenson, 60, a park e m p lo y ^ g o ^ J a c e pushed in Uie mud. an(f“

Soransea was ^ d l n g behind a tractor which was. uprooting trees when a cable gave way. The tractor lurched backward, running over him. PWow workers dug him out of tha soft mud and rushed him to Qie hospital.

Doctors.sald be was only scratch-1 and brutoed-thanks to the mud.


MEN’S SKI BOOTSAn outstrading ski boot for men who appreciate quality. I f you don't know his size-— use our jrift certificate.

, $24.95

FLYWEIGHT BOOTSfor Hunting or Fishingr

A Gift He iWill Epjoy!


“WAIST WADERS”Extra llg^w elght Olive Drab for Uie deep stream fisherman—



fo r A ny Shoe or Slipper in the Store


‘ $12.95A new shipment just in at a special Christmas price. Kote these features: Oil tanned up pcrs, 2 full oiled oak soles, logger heel with rubber cap, steel arch, outside counters.

“Ciuistni^ SOX” 'Hq’11 like sox from Hudson’s. Plbin or fancy—all wool—part wool or lisle.

50c to $1.95

Just II Shopping' Days


“GIFT SUPPERS”Select his choice from our large a r r a y .of i . .

Styles In leather, fe l... . .woolies or puUman slipper

Page 5: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

MOUa. abOjh - <'zed '..itasde '.-.wrmywlwi

. < naaiim..UM V .& M B S to^ -----------.............. - .i»w -w .:w w »»

nwBtotiBilo ■■eurtty, aad een«

3 ”51SS£5a*!'iJSS£tn tX r whSA w u ta m ed U at waa^ m tr ttJ U o to J u w lio .'

triM o ( Um a«wtoceUwr to f l i b t ^ Kl_________Miy doe of Uwm. Sen. Oob> wa]7. ose o( tb e -tr u a e n .o f the aim m ent, detcrlbte U u ,*% Ions •tep lo the dlrecUoo o f tww>tee> log Uio afetjr aad McuzUar c t the Amerieea npubUes from M P Wrion or ettadb b f u jr pom r thle

This •creeuunt'ia't afaiiietf e t i a j ptrUcular u tioa . I t If atmad ftt •nreMkm.' (ran v b a t e w eooree. Boweverr It U al«nm ctnt,tb«t tbe Afflettemn nlUicftUon comes et • tcoM moment la the Ufht Mpelrrt commualtt . M inMion. It comee alter muuroui eotmWee of the two Amerieu bAve been fo m d to tUu> MtloD w t B i t TtA m th eolumnlsta,■ Mftwy *>!»«» wH/<w« .

d states. "»"»■*« oblle, BnsU, 17. c o te and tbe Somlnleas

H w treat— j treatr mort be ratified br two>tblrdi of the U natlone which •ifsed It at R1& Three already bare approred and the rest, meet of whom nare beea waiting to see what actloo Washington, would take, are expected to foUow quickly.

O f coune the chief strength of thU treaty lies In the solidarity which It creates, rather inthe material resources which caa be eoatrtbnted by the smaller aa<

A Uttle sute might proTlde 0 aggresMr with a TltAl base for operations sgalnst the. hemisphere as a whole. With solidarity, the Vnltcd States U capable o f pro* Tiding the wherewithal fpr defense.


Fihal Rites Held Per Jerome Miui

JBROMS. IMe. H -V laal rites tor OurtU Wflsop Poller ware btid at a:SO p. m. Monday at the Ttttfer mortuary. .The Her. Harvey Euper of the Presbytcriaa church «fdel« ated.'

newer ladlM were Mrs. W. W. Welgto and M rs. oharies WeUoroth. PaUbearen were William Spaeth, sTh “ y Fortes, U H. Vsn Riper, AJ

dhead, Joe Shirley and W. W. Weigle.

Vocal seleetiona were by W. S. Slrcher, accompanied st the piano by Charlotte Beary.

A Masonlo rtcdlcatloD o f the grave was made by 6 . H. Albertson. Burial was In the Jerome cemetery.

Unity Boy Bruised In Fall From Car

UNm r, Dec. ll-B e n ry Baker. smaU son o f M r: and Mrs. Wallace Baker, sustained ouU ahd bruises about the bead aad fs«« wtien he fe^ftom his

The b ^ opened the door to throw out a p ik e o f paper wheil the ve> hide was travelling at a high rate of speed. Be lost his balance and fell, out of the machine.


___ wsvr tss fe'-KMTCKAtTORy) LOT THREE (I) Or

SffKSiEMfffa.iScOP Bucii pnorasED u iP itc .-

rROVIDtNG A MANNER. OP TAXiNO4?S,.r.S5'”B«^r K'’Sv"K avvo”vs is,“ /s ‘v'!afo' viis sssa5f„'?s..s'm.‘sgs tSS»REPASATJON OP AM ABSESSUENT ItOLL.WHEAEAS, tbm ««• h«rrtofor« vr

•tnM b) th« Mtror •»] Ceundl of Twl„ rUU. 8I4U e( liUhe. • {Mtlltoa wbkb tkt ■■M U »«r *04 CeCMlI dl4 u d d« htnbr «ad « u and U •Ecntd br mar* thi 9n «*Bt (H%) et th* TMtdrnt mt pn»wt)r labjHi i« «M«wmral

Wf"«WHERE.... ______... .. . . .......... „lh« CItf or Twin P.ll.. Idtbo. h>*« tb«r* Ufor* ijf nMluUoa dulx and ncvLttIr VWMd «E>d kdssrttd, dMUnd thtir tlon of cmtlnc Local lUwtrM* Impror*. n n t ObUMt No. IX'/or ib. nurpaM •(oeiulnctlBi UUral M««r Ilna, »UmU•Bd wilhln mtalo Urrltor)' vltiilBtb* «or»orau llmlu of itM city hrrjnatur

aad flud Honday. Uit tih dar wbkb' pratMU antut add prepoatd Im. S tom n u or tha cmlloa o* aaM lapror^ Biaat ditlriet auil b» tiitd In ihi oKlo «r tbt cllr ckrk at uM city.- aad fUtd Moadar. Ih* lib day e( DM«mb«r. I«I7. al tlx bmr of TJO, p. U- e( aaU day. at

or th* <[» Clark in Uia cIV ball ta TwIb PalU, Idaho. ai tha Uma a&d pUm tor the haarlB* aad •SMldanUoa <rf aald »rataata by tk« clly (SBMlI. and

WHEMAB, Iba Cltr Ckrk la n MlUa •( U)« paiiaft o( aald naelatlon of InUa- tloB 10 cnau Lotal 8«irna«* Improvmmt DUUkI No. It hr lb* eoulneUoa et UUral_i(>n jl.nn, .allan aad

nnlka docrlbad (lit rniral «hawl*r .. th« ImprormcAU prapotad to bo mad* «nd Iba aaUmaiad laul cot Uimof and r*(«rr«d to th* rraelullon on flla la U>*

of U>» mM «lvr tUtk for furthar ■•Bprmatloa In rward Uarato. by caualatiwsin S.V.M-J.ssit’sz

M drnltrio uid p>nonTt*^7 *pMlVr7ica •ddrtaa ir known, ar if nakaown, lo thaS ’ ldih? ind**" *** WHEREAS, proof of pvUkalloa of aald noUca hat b«a fIM with tha aald Cllr Clark aad tha uU Cllr Clark kaa »ada •nd fllad la her a((le< »u ftfflda*il ahoolns tha Btlllne of aald aellaaa and haa {Ikd preof lhal Iht data of lb* laat Mbll«all«n of aald nallca and tba data e( ■millln* •I tfea aald n«llcn «aa mara tlun fir* (ij ‘ n bafor* l)i« llh day of Daaanbar, tltr,

' ' I and la«Cal Bolka aa l» ajl thaaa, .. and iblnit and In tba naaait i hr law barlnt ba«a ilraai and

----- IREAS. no protaala acalnit th*taalilac of laU inpronnant or tha eraa*Statriat Na. tl for Iba aoaalruetioB of lalaral aamr Haa*. itmtt aad allari w«(*

■'SK£U“S."2S.'a‘S»he MS aftar aiaailaatlaa af aaU paltUaaW s is ;5 “„'i!‘ajrinra;

S££$rttS£*A &m.vrT1WS.'£1S*,4!SSS--S

tba .reinstatement rvlc* and

’ the'idedigift


FLO O R LA M P Slamps. Burr


for Iba. hmX latowt of tha dtr aal ttoj?. a ssaftSi;aald diatrlet aad haTiai tenad that Uwra la

a naicniMi BrobabuTtr Ibat tha aUlsa* tiaai at nah 4l8ttk» ahall U aaU, aU at «fckh ftadlasa vara,raMta< br tto

5o ra'?BEpiKS**BB rr otoAtNms!E’?&r“s°w!!"Targii.°o':Saetlaa I. That thara ba aad thara la ^ y^ «rj«tod wittin tba OW a< T»taOlilrkt He. n ter Ib * ___________ifffi ,Krulir-«"n“cSl,«5;PalU. tdah wlw** a^l/lad - -- i-

•a tha naoidS pUta tbwaot,

7ia..?r..i’d.fo5rr.'raralb^Coaatr t»-wlls

...J It) l» T«raatr>tw9 (U ).__ _____

« 6Hr aad Coaaly o( abaO ka con

« .M . H iiiSI A-fanlib'and pmtda aa adaqsala

estki far aawan for aaab lei. Met aad partal of'Uad b aock dWriat aad to baao UId aad --------auffkWnt a r a . . . ,__ __ ____________flew of Mwa«a Into the tnak aawar hai»_____ . . . _____ . . ,../ldad vllb piv>*rand »*e**aarr fluafa (aaka, naa-bolaa and

la* to fumlafa a «ea>pi*U aawar fer an. Ih. ^braead

wllhin th*e( aald Im pfw w ^t^ ^*

..... — ___________ ____ dkukl.SKtlw L T l»t ^ m t a ^ c v a M

Bumbtr . . _____ ____ __Iota abulUat. adiolalac. adjac*nt to aald ImpremM In aald ---------------- aad Inchidad

" JSpetUen ta Um baaafila 4irt*«« to aoak

and aipawaa «l aaM iaipNVMMat and aTsuv„“„'s'.'=:i ro,5

hUror aad CaeaaU et

w. taeaUw

, ___ Palk.___ _SKlIon I. That npen Iko paaaata M

. 11* otdlnaM* th* Uaror aad C*«mU et Ui* city of Twin PaUi. - - lb* Commltto* - ____ It** on atrvata.of aald «ltr, ahall niaka eat an a««aaBMa» nil aeeerdlnt to Uw pnrrtalen ef thia erdlaane* wbkh ahaU *ontal:|. aaMif elhnr tblnn, tha atnnbar o( tba!;s„“.s: _________

m«nt nil hr tha ptepartr ewsara la aatd dklrlct ahalt h« bawd aad ahall aanaa tcuh aaa«imant roll to h* fllad la Um

“'M rssgrw.rws.,of Ih* Cllr ef TwiB Palk. Idaho, auy ..

“■‘• m i s s i siae»ef toprcrraaat bondt et asch!Tum aUlataTalS flalalataa'

BKOn 1. That tba Uayer aad CoaacO t aald Cltr ahall do. er «aa*a to b« d«)a.prerU*d fer hr tha atalaUa

e( Idaho fea ib* eanrlni---------blu th*

fer tb*aft*|?Bn^ U it

OmNOS /. LBtm pS mi Oaa. II. mr.


Just 4 left to go at this price. WhlU

china base with gold designs and lovely r iy oo shades.

Regular $9.60


Tireplace SetsHere are gifta with a real homey atmoaphere. We have just received a new ahipmcnt o f the new slld- in? curtain type fire acreena, andirons' and fireplace seta. Beautiful workmanahlp in solid brass.

25% OFF

MIRRORSAn I t o tli»t mort m r y hogu e « u h . W« l » n • eomp!«t« HlKtlon o f mlitoti o f m i y typt, round. M u n and oblonz. In Irtmtd u d tn w . U n * i i m <ip to 48x60", >Iio M xli", ISxM " u d e& ailtr.

25% OFF

PICTURESGifts to'brighten someone's home—«nd to be remem* bsrsd for years to come, A grand selection o f western scenes, sorgeous florals, religious Subjects and novel* ties.

25% to 50% offSPECIAL

Here Is s Special value. Just-s few lef^ bssQtifnl oilette ; .plctnras in good heavy frames, without glass.

Recently the itbaali>aQ^ ^ m l ^ has be«i tontHoM

natural tbortua -lnstsad^

thorium U tht«,p(___ _______as plenUful as nrantUB. ^

3. Science CIO m S keklM nbilj times more p em lta thatf tb»'.9Um, y used against Japm ,. n w M l tenktM were vqual lo eBtrsr ootpnt tothan 30,000 ton* of TMT.-sand times wm to » « 0,000. ^

Atonto KBcfaMT' > ^8 Devdopnunt o t a last B eott«

, lutonlum' reselor at Lea 'Alaaofc' > N.M., meana it u poeslblt te aalc*:; a "rest poctol- itontlo ea«li»M ayw way, an eaghis moeh smaller tftsa the M'teeners now eBTlsaigsd^

4. Vast new ttranlum strikes b a n been made la Canada,'.mah.'ibl.': wna, Colorado, e t c . , ' . ‘

B; TUs woBtrr baa a n tttv r ' radlaUon deteeUoa oentcra bsra s o l there—In JapsB, aaiT. th* Aleotkub":

— Item O m n a a y - ir t i l s h i^ ’ - . , , an at«nlf» eiQladoo

Page 6: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

i u>mS£%l»SwW3><uo>

mm1' J.V Suto •« IU *r~>: . r 'j r u« MoUL__________k s r '-'■■■ 3is


«ti itoiM aoMt.tENTATim

SELLING AMERICAN POUCY m e Job ol telling the world alwut Amtrlca,

■ rv ; tbe-laal .Ainerlcft. and calling the world on.bur good IntcnUosA >*m been neS”

p v;2 lected. And wbat has been done about it, bajm’t.been done Tery wslL Almcut any

• American w}ll admit that, but few have come t up With any new Idea*.

- ;An exception Is Sen. Benry Cabot Lodge, j Jr. 'Mr. L od^ saw service with the army in

|. J Europe during the war. Ho has been back W'Z there twice In thcl last year,so he has a good

r i Idea of. the be/ore>aad<arter attitudes ot ' -t public opinion in .those countries.

. 'Mot surprisingly, ihe senator: found that Buropeans are being fed a pack ot lies about our.policies. Intentions, and life,in-generaL 'In ^ e absence of effective rebuttal#-those lies'are being believed. Be tells about-them In some detail In the current issue of Collier's xnagasine, and also offers his suggestions lor. doing a better Job.' ^Briefly, Mr. Lodge thinks that our salva- to send abroad more men wtth ex> perience in such fields as Journalism and politics —‘'really poUtlcal*mlnded'' men fam­iliar with conditions overseas and fluent in languages.

Els suggestions include IS s p ^ l c steps. Tiist he would make certain that the Presl> dent and secretary of state coordinated their activities. As an.example of he cites Mr. Truman’s Interview on Russian .‘ 'outrages" in Hungary the same day that Mr. Marshall announced the vafvTaii plan, which stole the front page from the secretary o f state.

.He .would have Bollywood block-book gov­ernment films into Europe with its own pro­ducts. Svery time the Russians, lie about us, he would have ..some official American spokesman counter it with a truth. He also says that the French government agency; wUch allocates newsprint to French papers, Is imti-Amerlcan, and suggests that we pro­vide soine newsprint to the French press in the hope ot getting a fairer deal

There may be some merit: to all of Mr. Lodge’s suggesUdhs, but Just'bow far,' for instance, could^we go -in countering, each Susslan'lie' w ith -a truth? ' Would some American pffidal or prominent citizen have fo ’ rebut every Russian imtruth printed in publications or spoken by publicised spokes-

„ men, nmjor or minor?. That would be a f compUoated. Job that might degenerate into petty name-calUng and prove ineffeetiul in

C the end.'-I Tb9 basic iask, it would seem^is to create

good will and a receptive audience by telling T the truth about An^erlca more <iifnif»n y than ■ t the Tipposition lies about it. A govemment- 3 called conference of leading American pub-

■ llclsts ■ to ■ consider that task might not be ? a bad idear-if it isn’t too late.

; : . AMEN» MR. WARREN r We like the way Oov. Earl Warren o f Call- : Xomla looks upon communism; i The candidate for the Republican presl- ' dentlal nomination has called on the Amerl- : .can people to fight communism by “ sticking ' to our democratic principles as the commu- ' nlst sticks to his objectives.”I We have too many of these so-called "Ubr I erals" nowadays who take the American way f ot life for granted, but spend most o f their j: time trying to pick it to pieces. They’re all r for changing this or that which is ftmda- • mentally AmerlcazL' Instead ot being strong-minded In support

of their own country, they try to make them- -■ • selves appear “ open-minded” in consideration

v: I o t . other nations with different types of " ; government..C '*lfothlng but firm adherence to those 9 principles to which we have subscribed

' mobilise the sufficient world InteUlgence and -S cooperative action that are necessary to pre- r vent war," said Governor Wsrren. “ Conflicts ; with , communism cannot be avoided by

•„ I vacillation'or appeasement."■ ; That’s the kind of Americanism we like.

I It’s go^-enough for usl

c FOR TODTB ACTIVITIES; ' As one'of its spokesmen put it, the Junior

Chamber o f Commerce is acting as the quar- ' 3 terbiaok for the team composed of all civic ' s orgnnlgatlons td-zalse funds for youth actlvl- 'J ties.:-'';,.-VvV7' Alwayp a leader in youth activities and in

the flflSit .against Juvenile delinquency, the --y-JunJor,Chamber%is now conducting a drive to

) raise ^ 0,000 fo r that purpose.■] To our.way o f thinking, the organization's

- efforts could not be channeled into more ; eonstraetlve iln ^ , and money could not be ;,ialsed fop-a'better purpose.

.'Let’s gnve'^thi^ young men our whole-.hearted s u p j^ l

THE CDIENCE WAITS:iorelg»jBlnlsters have ‘ ';thelr'peace conter-'

old e 'kt^deadlocked them in..ParlsS S f t 'S : ' , ' . 'm m ie im irata d 'don iitia k '

n d u m i n b l ■ c e n e ry , U 4“ ■ 'l U 'K l t p t ; r ,

"Waahingrton Calling” By

M a rq u is ^ h i ld s' NSW ORLEAMa-Tba M v look jof ihs lunr w«Ua.l«

n U n t in thU old d tf . W bU li^happwlnff .in N «« — .• jjjjgjigj Is.'tiutfonnlnsIOrlMDi If tjrpleal o f U » fi

«trloU)r ft tourlft KtlnoUoo.Tii« so«11< to mtke New OrJaqii

the foeui ot Uie commwe* «iul ta> diutiy of Use wbola lower Mlul ' tiU«r> ‘n u d t j U to become the ETCAt port tbst It w u • c e o t ^ICO. Some big ftrlde* have b e n made already. AlUuuch tbe h c^ i i unmletakuly foulbero, tbe boost- en talk with Uw fine enlor o f • mld-WMtoo Obunber of Oomzaaree.

Thcr are JiutUUbljr proud o t . . tbelr tatemaUonal houM. S m ta l

have been oonTcrtcd Into a handeome d ob vhleh U a ecnter (or tr»de with U tin America. Spedal em- phu lf h u beeo put CO tbe link vtUi Kew Orleau* BsxtHloor oelfhbora In Central America. ■

RepreMntaUvei of the port o f Nev Orleani, Include ins Uie dty*! nfgreaclTe young* Uaror Oe Leeeepe S. KotTlion. haye made soodwUi t « u » to Oentral Ameil« e a ^ lUr up btulneei. intenaUaoal booM baa 1,000 membera )a r t«d ot tha anUdpat«d 600. zt le head* quarters for Oentral 'Amerlon vliStfln, v tio a n r«- celTed wlUt (latterloff oordlaUtr. m e 'ta r s e i la not lAtln America alone. Tbe booetm. point (o a new

uae Uoktng Manila W New Ortoan*.

population to the north and to new (he eouth. Fonner ahvecroppers and tenant farmen ■re ea the'auemblj' Une, and it U not Itkeljr tber »U1 era* r> beck to the /arm.

Aa a reiult o f thle population morement. aouthem a^oulture la being mechanited at an unprecedented rate. Tat example, rice in Louldaca and Aikanau la now largelr harveited by combines end la dritd artin* elally by dryen Initelled In recent years.

Tbia ia bringtns chantca In the autua o f the ahart- cropper. With attracUve employment aTaUable In the dUea, be cannot be persueded to atay on the farm without aome real Inducementa. I t meana a general liie In the level of liTing. Wbat la more, the Jeeter Leetera of tobacco road are not up to operaUng the ooiUy machlnu of modem agriculture.

Uoet algnlflcant of all, Induatry la locaUng planta In «wi«n eommunlUea throughout the aouth—cloae to raw materUia. Often theM a n onaU branch planta of Bortbem flmu. but many are new venturea financed in Uie aouUi.. n i e u changes are Inevttebly. raflected In tha poU-. tlca of the-aouth. Compared region by region, the aouth has one of the ablest representaUrea In con­gress. It was no aoddent that BUboiim was defeated In Missltsippl.

.wb» b eliem that the m t h will more forward in Its own way. That does not mean he la a flaming radical. Var from it. It does mean, however, that change Is possible and Uiat Uie soum la not forevttto sowbelly and to moonlight on th^ crepe my^es.

In the new south such relics aa Tennessee's anelfst Sen. Kenneth MeKeUar seem out ot place. Agsi- “ was not accident that McKellar was one of the dceea senators to vote against the Suropean step>gap aid program. The leaders of (tie new souUi know that America cannot slam the door on the rest of the world. They know that world trade la essential to t2se

. In U>e paat..great men and great aUteamen < out of the souUl There are potentialltisi of greatness In the new currents that are now atirring this region.

I tha queeUon, u d this la wbat


Paople ara aUn wondering why Idaho has sooh ia peculiar ahape. Bari W. Uiirphy, aecretary o f the Idaho state Chamber of Oonunerce, at Bolaa this week. Recently, Murphy said, he had recdved both letters and telephone calla asking how IdahO' got lie peculiar * northern “pan" little research they found:

Idaho, or wbat is now Idaho, waa originally a part o f Oregon Territory which comprised all tha land west of the conUnental divide north of Utah and Nevada. When the Washington Territory was catved out. Idaho was a part o f It. Later, when Washington became a state, Uie present western boundary of Idaho was determined, zt was generally beUeved that thk TenltOTT of Idaho would Include all the land betwaaa the weaten boundary aa esUbllshed and the ccnU« nental divide on Uie east, which would have taken in a part of western Wyorolng and a part o f wastam Montana.

Just where or why the surveyora went wrong may never be known, but a atory prevalla that a group o f ahrtwd Bdena business men decided that' the new Idaho territory should not include Butte, “the rich­est hill on earth.** Anaconda, and oUier lands known to contain rich ores. Rad the continental divide bean followed, the lush and fertile farmk of the Bitter Root vaUey, the city of Mlateula, Uie naUiead lake territory and most’ of what Is now Glacier National park would have been in Idaho.

The Helena men are said to have met with others la Butte and dedded to get acquainted with’ the survey­ora. The program waa ym tkti out. and the aurveyora were greeted wlUx Uie utmost hospitality. Ttia Mon­tana group accompanied the surveyors from tha point where Montana. Idaho and Wyoming Joln.,mr a tlma the aurVeyore followed the oontlnental divide, but when they came to Oibbona paaa. In Lemhi county, they took off along the Bitterroot range. Tha result la

-that by following the Bltterroott the • •• -

for the Canadian border/-Focateno Tribuna.

TATLOB'S NEOATITS VOTE Idahoana have no more occasion to feel proud of

Senator Oten Taylor’s vote against the emergaacx aid to Europe bill than they tisually do with hla acUons. He was joined wltb five other senaton, acme o f whom like Langer hava a die-hard IsdaUonlrt complex.

Boiled down to Its essenUals the «SOT.QOO.(IOO vaa

the project Is h 1, d e s l i ^ to relieve humansufferii^. with a few safeguards designed to prevent that purpose being by-passed.

anyone with a spark of kindness In his heart should voU against It Is beyond our

down the bUl than wa have for T ^ icr . ‘nieir Ideas may be different, but Uia effect o f whst Uisy do la tha same, to deny aid .to cufferera.

There will be ample ground for debate on tha <««f range Marshall plan, and time toe U before acttca-aS the regular aession. But there should be no hagg" ove» emergency relief this winter. The world'a r id . . . . naUon just cant afford to be cheap and petty a ) ^ that. An we can apare of food, fuel and other «ai tlala should be sentv-'Nampa Ttee Press.

NO EXCEFnON T%ere were four InqulslUve brothers.Walter stenMd on Use g u to sea U he could beat tht

train to the^croaslng. He couldn't.Oeorge struck a match to see if tha gaaoUna-taak

on hia automobile w u c a p tj. I t wasnX'Henrjr patted a atrange bulldog on the head to aaa i f

Oie critter wSa affecUonate. f ie waanX.Nov the surviving brother fwore ha would aaver

let hU curiosity get the beUer o f h lm -bu t h t ^ Ha aak«! a.giri to marir Urn iuat to'aea If a&a waa aa -;

BVNTINa FDtShoU'dustad

gun and aneakad a . _______for a litUe tooaa httnUng en A&iar* lean ?aua . r e a a W . .Thara'vLsta plenty of gaaaa left la tba vKtalt]’of tha reaervolr. w r ------- - ------------In fact, there arathere were prior i t --------- ---

Wa had beUar luck wttti Uaa

There la ao limit on their ambiUon.

lass obvious but no lees algnlflcaat. They were apeed- ed up ^ World War ZZ and the vaat upheaval In the------ ------------ — ------------------- “ — ------------ aouUi

POT; S h o t ^

artoOBTU tUtlSnv;

• long aa weM',<wiUs Uiis case ««ttmeala

- y, so It^ jia t a bad caaa of___.5es) we arant ajK .to fortttabout mat little jaonk «. .

«■» great aport. tbeugh. aoms of you eooautuanta know why

x.onA wn>owinear Potay:

prom reading the Tlmaa>News so­cial page.. I gaUicr tbat .Jhare ara quite a large number o f wldowa is Magic V tfl^ ,

It baa always been my kapreaslcn that Use eotrect form o f a diatrled woman's name U * « ia . John SmlUs,’* while the oorreet prooaduTa for a widow is to use her own tost name, Uiusly; "Mra. Maiy emlth."

Or maybe aU Uie gaU ara ashamed o f Uielr iiuabanda' i ln t names, huhr

Kre. Je m Sffllth

BE HAS AN m NICKEL Dear Pot Sboti:

I have a 1»38 Indian head nickel and would Uke to know -If they really are vrorth «80. *

If so. I would like to know where to aend the nickel ao-1 can collect Usat MO.

Pleyd King , (Oootaot, Nev.)

rA M O D » LAST UNE - . . , Shan wa meva er aak tba laaSlerd to tower Use reatf


______ d id

_Uurmasak run or |o otsi as a driver wlUt aoma ytench or BriUlh ambu- lanca outnt In the war.;

I know o f aa old feUow, nearly 00. retlrad from tba aea, who. went bw k aa tha aUpper o f a tanker. Ha waa soon lost, but ba would anort at aavena-who aald today that ba g a v T ^ Ufa for htmiaa t m i m . Ha had raad soma history and ha

a . w y praoucal’.maa and hla___ v a a that if our tlda won. aa bawaa coondant wa would, hla moaey would kaep him through a eomforU able old ate. ‘ ^


th a n 'to lu n M t '" th a t .h e left hla home and Ued looee into the dangerp that aoon killed him to rebuke cal­lous Antrican Anglos for calUng American Italoa rude names, which aeema to be Slnatra'a version of our

Another I 9 ^ In one

the AuaUailana for.awlmmlng aome of their wounded across-a oold river In Italy. He sharsa Sinatra’s feelings about the words “dago” and “ wop," but because he Is a young gentle­man. not for fear that Sinatra might slug him wben his head was turned.

Being a musician, he Italians and h e thinks Slpatra Is neither a good musician nor a representaUv^ Italo-American. His resaons for crowding Into the war unnecessarily weft 'm ore spiritual than the old saUor’s. 'H e wu-young and strong, hia country waa In a fight and ao he want, half blind though he waa.

Sinatra' was strong, even athletic


idaaa on stno|«aRa p o l i l l ^ ^eU »ds.

ccsnpany of OtNa weliaa and bih .ars he toured tbt.VMew Tork aalooni rouu and 9 « a t

: unon wauaa ana oia«sjssi«.'i.‘sg3s9 « a t aona t ^ . a t -tha

alst headqoartcta, too.He <ot ahriaUog . druak, . and

kicked vfi aaeh a lo v tetba .waMert that a bouae poUwiaatip to subdua bSa. n A ____________aeema to hava bad h«0u01natleaa for be told a broadoaatar that ba had banged on tha door o f eaa who had opposed Roosevdt, Intasdlag. to beat him up, but not finding him la, beat up hU furniture, Instaad.

That w u his f im ventura and atrleUy Imaglnaty Into^jdsjBleal tar- rorlam. Be aeema to have anjoyad the fantsay for tha draam o t lead­ing girlish shock>U«opa daralopad Uter. It seems significant that Sin­atra's companion on thU nlgbt waa Oraoh WcUea.

Welles, Uiough he too la young, also wss enUtled to axampUon. Danny Kaye, It wiU ba rememberad. a third furious theoraUeal defender o f human liberty, <iraa denied par- mission to go abroad as aa antar- talner when his draft board held U ut hU physical condition and men- t&l. attitude were InaRsroprtata:

These very Important i>eople maka themselves difficult to uaderatasd.

They seem also frantic la their hatred of injusUce and yet they let millions of others, IS-year old boys and old men of family, do tba aot- ual fighting/- Bow could men ao ferodous resteaUs Uiemsdvea?

Saysokk eovarad tba.i^r rakbi m Leofloa aad eaihad la c o tba Oeur* aga o f .tb a oodquy la BQQywood aad ta .orM oos for eaab^.at.Uia

■iTOaabif beard on tba feaUva luncb*

- aia ebaoic' for'«3j00O far a lev

IV tba war bonds bousbt by sol< dlait wbe eeoldat oona badt miii. lt ‘ waa'. o w r .. over tbara. » ■ Haw TM c, Xayaolda Uvaa at. tba:3tfver bauae, tba most prataatlooi flats In tha Itolted'Sbitae.■ Ha Ukaa alea tblaga;- alUioagh be

laotntly ba wu down to ooTMng ma baarlnga of * eommlttaa on ua- Amerlcan aotMtlea as a reporter tor Maraban naldli Uilng.

aoutbam Ptanca. 'Xbat probably la. a dlftortion of. tba actual truth which la that badoea prefer and does e ' beef ataaka which are flown to R c _ wood from the east Hla asthma la such that ha requires a large amount

'tin. Weatam.ateaks contam_______o f a aort but not enoughor the right aort. The aastem ataaka are Just right.

Now aome Ignorant persons believe a man with lota of money ahould give liberally to tba poor aa the price o t a voice on ttia ^ J e c t of p o v e ^ . Wellea disagrees. Tisat would be a denial of freedom of speech. A mH- Uonalre should be allowed to feast on eastern ataaka flown weat while the poor live oa husks outalda hla very door.

A rich man aboold be allowed to rtgr aloud, though he a dime to charity. That.

tbat'at^a u ^ td ea '.h ba '^ rea n a^

Tbeta w ertat enough agrats on hand, aad tba altoaUoa Uaall^vaa aavcd on^ whm a number o f Lea - Angdea 'police wbe were oft dUty.

0 . 1, h ™ Of l i l vanity o f Oraoa WeQea.

togtvaM thev

Raise jnM edicd Fees to Be Asked

BOISE. i> eo.-u (iFH nia Idaho, laduitrlal' ucldant board wlU con- alder aa ap^catlcn for revision Ita medical fea.aohedula at a pubUo

la , senate ehambem at 10 a. m. Dec. IS.

A general 4ncrease Is being asked tojasy e a tw m edl^ljw ^ ils ^

Members of Un board conducUng ara B . W. oppenhelm;

’ A. Houta aad a R.

Face Pushed in Mud, Man Saved

TACOMA. W ash, Dec. 11 (ff) - Ohrls Sorenson, eo. a park emplo- got hla face pushed In Use mud, a liked It.

Sorenson w u standing iltractor which w u , uprooting trees whan a cable gave way. The tractor lurched backward, running over him. l^ o w workera dug him out of tha soft mud and ■ rushed to Qsa


-rxJir "fX'i/y.I '

MEN’S SKI BOOTSAji outstuidlng ski boot for men who appreciate quality. I f you'don't know his slz^— use our gift certificate.

FLYWEIGHT BOOTSfor Hunting or FishinK



“WAIST WADERS”Extra l^ tw e lg h t OUve Drab for the dee


A new shipment just In at a special'Christmas price. Note these features: Oil tanned up* pers, 2 full oiled oak soles,, logger heel with rubber cap, steel arch, outside counters.

“Christm^ SOX” ’He'll like sox from Hudson's. Plain or fancy—all wool—part wool or lisle.

50c 1. S1.95

Just 11 Shbppingr Days



_ W s ’ve a CleTcrGIFT GERTMCATE

fo r Any Shoe or Slipper in the Store

Solect his choice fEom our larse a r r a y .of slippers.

Styles In leather, fe lt,. , .wooiies or puUman s t ip ^


‘Foohvear fo r the E ntire Family'

Page 7: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^


9 -X b til. .


5 S ^ ^ '« = ______________^ T ^ y k r w p t w

. mittM ttw U og hm^ «ouU t r ^ t i ' ;U 0 04 W « « • K«1

: Mlowitta. of; power,, m d aedT otbv

SffiSfw Srr to flib nSm nuS!• .. &. X n«weU. BoUe, d ls irm Z re i

ttw committee, u U t t o S S S i i ^ Uea tteoeiu iy to t^Uere thoe ^ would oort IMO^/WO • yeur.

'T ba monqr would be repaid UudoA ■ tale ot power and water, and tax

B e Uited the Veonitnotioa work . w h ]ob ib ou }db e eomptetedbr -U «

u fdlows:OolombU Basin prajeet In. Wash*

Inston. . •Hungry B one projbet’ln Another U x f - upstream « t< n n

and power dam. In tbt '.nortbeza . part or tbe region. '

A large upstream atonge and power dam in tbe Bnake caaroa.

Willamette valley baalo project (water etorage, flood eontro], navi* gatloa. power).

Mountain Hone jRigatlon p n jed . P a u s e s nwnrctr project, idabo-

Wyoming.A number of siqaller IrrinUoa

projects. VHe said at least' “lUbetantUl

progress'* should be made on these other, projects:

Four lower Snake river dams; The Dalles dam; supplemenUI Irrl- gaUoQ In the Willamette aod other vaUeya west o f ; the Cascades, and mld*Oolumbla-lower So alee irrlga* Uon project*. ' '

' Speakers from tbe bureau of rec- lamaUon and.tbe army engineers •aid their groups favor a high dam at Hell's caiu'on on tbe Snake river as one o f the pqwer projecte In tbe northwest developpje^-----------

A 743-foot (truetbe worId~U tenUUvely planned. B; N. Torbert, planntng director of tbe bureau o f reclamation, told tbe meeting.

T# Provide Ptmds Torbert said the dam would have

............... 'O f 900,.t sale of

eiecinciKy—wouia provioe funds for irrigation projects, n o b aa tbe Baker project; Orande Bonde pro-

: Ject; Mountain Home project, f t y . ette nnlt: Crooked river project; WeUer river proJeeU. and Avle

•Bully creek projects.TUe dam, lU proposed locaUon ly­

ing about 104 miles 'from Welaer, Idaho, near tbe upper

■ end o f tbe Grand Canyon of the ■Snake river, would be 1,740 feet long at tbe crest, an arcb-gravlty

. type like tbe Hoover dam,’ with a s t o ^ capacity o f nearly m 0.000

Col. Theora D. Weaver, nortb ' - Padflo division engineer, said tbe

engineers favored the Hell'tt canyeo but were also considering lower

dams which could be built one by one at ft lower cost. They would not. however, XUmlsb as much power. Weaver said.

Tbe department of bitcrior's ov«> an progxmm, released by Newen and described personally by Roy Bntnftr Is based on the belief that (be Pa-< elflo northwest will gain 600,000 toM JO O W more Inhabitants by

Bessey< eiecuUve^ director of the Padflo Bortbwest'CoordlnaUng com­mittee on ' InterHlepartment agen­cies. said -the nortbvest win need ewo,000 kilowatts of power by 1953 and more than 6,000,000 by lo«x Ib e present peak Is o v y 3/K»,000.

Unionists Shelve a O Resolution

WASBINOTOK, Dec. U. (« ). <:- , State labor oomnila»kmet» and union,

leaden representing more than 40 sUtes sbdved a OIO resolutlaq pre^ i posing endorsement by the group o f '

' recommendations recently made by the president's committee on civil

• rights.The group, however, passed a res­

olution urging 'expansion o f . tbe federal wage-hour law to Include a TS-cent hourly minimum wage (It Is now 40 cents) and Inclusion of

,< I b .l fT l ia

For Season Most,’B p ; ^ f i c f e j O id (M es

By HAL B O n S > 'NEW. YOBK. Dec. 11

year 1B47-probably will go.dbwn In blsto^ as tbe one In.w blw trncle Sam becam e'the. , pawnbroker, of western elvUitatlon. . •

A backwaM glance discloses Jt also. bad- Its odd aeo In* ,maay. otber fields'Of endeavor.Our nombiatlons':

m a n -w l^J d most for pos­terity: The-Slam- ese. Prince aingba, I w bo-.died wom, out In the service of numklnd' lea'v-' big 180 wives, 34 i reeognked. fami­lies a n d more than ,800 children. . ,No m a n - tried- Hal Boyle harder to be tbe father,of bU coun< t*y. - .

The most' Interesting bomldilei Tbe case of tbe'SS-yearold BalU* more husband w ho. strangled bis SS-year-bld Uttooed -bride because

NACA Engineer WiU Get Trophy

WASHINOTON, Dee. 11 Lewis A.' Rodert, .an ^ m e e r with the National AdvJsoi' "for Aeronautics <NAl .. . . ______celve the ' 1945 Robert J. • Collier trophy for bis work In developing a heat method, o f protecting air­craft from Ice, the national aero- nautlo' anounced' today.

Ttie trophy, generally recognized as the ousUndlng .aviation award in,this oduntry. ls conferred for an

"tbe value o f which

Rodert is cblef o f flight research at.the.NACA fUght propulsion re­search laboratory ' a t , Cleveland, Ohio.. H ie NAOA Is' tbe govern- menfs aeronautical research agency.

Presldent'Ttvman wUl present tbe trophy' to Rodert- at the 'White House on -Dee.' 17.

PORT ■BHArrBR,' Hawaii. Dec. 11 (AV-Dro- Whitehead, chief o f tbe Associated Press, bureau In Hono­lulu; was presented the m edal'of ^ .today for ."meritorious

int" fcs.a wsx-oorrespon-

PERFECT........... ..for. flw «U ar-«t)r d.lkleu kluhn

^werud cb«eeUU erwa*. (rr**

. FBEDERICkSON’S rwa* “ y j v £5£!SeJtS

showing, bersailors.- . j' , .

Runner-up: -nie man who klUed his wUe bccause she made Him aay,

" * T ? S m S t % m ia g ^ e stotis-tlc: Tbe- Amerlcan Telephone and Telegraph eompanys stateaient that tbe t7nUed:8tetes-heId 43,000,000/)00 telephone ravm ationA the previous y e a r -M l lor each bihaUtant. No figure was.given m ' wrong numbers.,.. Tba man who did most to worry school children: Tbe R t Rev.-Msgr. Prands M,'Kenny; Malone. N. Y., who announced be had found 'a way to trlseot:an'aK, a feat held impca- alble'by mathematicians for oentur- les. .•

Tbe most reasonable , husband of the year: Tbe 89-year-old CaUfor- nlan wbo sou ^ t an annulment for divorce .from the .wife be never had seen slnce . he kissed her goodbye Id 1900 on his induction Into the army two hours after bik marriage. _ T h e hottest issue- at. tbe .polls— The Ques^on rf whether to allow Sunday movies ta Pan^hrlUe. Pa. Cltlcens decided yes, S6 to 47, ml- though the vUtoge h u no theater.

Mort dismaying development In the field of outdoor sport: Breeding 9f a new type ferocious nbblt tbat bites anything that comes hear and also can punch with dther paw.

Most uncompromising'figure In latemaUonal labor strife: Lulgl Bellini who conducted a strike that left the village of Selva. Italy, bi darkness. H e-bad .been refused a 10<ent-a-year wage In­crease for tbrowlQg the switch that supplies elsctrieal.power. • ,

British war bride who -has cbanee o f success ta America: M n . Jean Tilton,: who, took oije look at Brooklyn from the porthole of her ship—and fatated with Jor.

' ADMITTED TO HOSPITALPAUU Dec. l l -^ d n . 'J a y Smith,

daughter .of Mr> and. Mrs. Henry Payne, has been .admltt^ to the Cottage hospital-ta-Burley for med­ical treatment.



w V l M i i l ^ t T O U I l ' l i i W l j M - ^ 0 .1

■ o « l ituUIW;«B »a .e w 'r f* fs i^ \ •' p i s ^ o m , ; o r . : a A i i M a r — n a 'D• s i ^ ’ t e t a U ^ V A e O C lleen te .

Y<n oa ht$Kibaat

b jT S A M I L E R 'S



' . S j ^ . r K . o ' e e , -0

S e i i ib i :A g e t l ,

^ p e t ^ O x f o r c U i P i q u e $ t E m l 4 ^ n d B r o a U i o U a

3.49H/s been years since you’ve had a gold mine of gift shirts like this to choose fromt All J------------- — ..... —1 favor­ites are back plus a variety, of new styles. Sanforized'. .lAll fast colors. Sizes: 14 to 17.Sl«!ve lengrths: 32 to 35.•Reg. 0 . 8. Pat Off.'

Men’s Towncraft TiestsbxlBkago win not exceed 1%


T h e s e S a y " M e r r y C h t is tm a s ' ’

MEN’ S SPORT SHIRTSJust ,wimt he wants for Informal wearl S i^ t h , rayon-cottbn white shirts with CsU- fonila; type, collar and long sleeves. OUt-

. thrift priced!

Now!,Towfficlad* l^orstedsf

M e n ’s S u i t s

45.00Make his heavy-duty •winte^8uIt an all-wool worsted! (Harder finish— harderwearina-I) Penney's has ’em in rich-pattomed .ahark- skins,. tiekweaves, glen plaids, 'stripes, twists! BMos, grays, browns in double and single brcasteds. Longa, ehorta, regulars.

Men’s Felt Hats

5.90Rich ail-fur felt Marathons* I Pre-blocked, rayon lined 1. Favored shades of blue, brown,----- *. A hat he would buy for himself I

U .S . Pat Off.

T o lp ed a ts

A Red HolidaylChblce


39 cMen's popular rayon sladc socks. Elastic tc^s. Dark or piastel colors. Comfortable, long wearing, snug fitting. He'll want plenty of thesfc Sizes: lO'to 12. \ -

CHRISTMAS iCXsinr.ifc T l . 6-Ib. B w b'Hom'it j

C H O C O I ^ T I K - ^

2 . 9 8 ; , ; ^ ;Always a treat fir , . and you know how''fii«;.:- a big boxtul'.'dli when Chrlatnuui i ^ v e l O v t t 1 « style chocolates,' tempti&iV:

.and goodl •. .

Page 8: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

_________________________ D IMrt-htmliphgle anorttr. wtd cec-

m 'o n o f to f lotel pMce, by a u iy - d ta i'v Uia. iatO‘ Aa>erie>n dtfenw

.A- t « ^ , j r t i l c h wfts fnuned lu t *«n - » « r . » t A lo d i Jtsslro.

f i O b d e r thU hlstorte p u t ttia------•V-V.lrti* of-thfl BBW world would lUnd

tOKtUier (o tVM ott fttUek s o i iu t Uijr oae of. them. S«n. Tom 0<m>

'3v-:iiBlljr, one ot th a .fn m en o f tbe • '■ ■ fw eaen t. dcKrtbM It u “» loa»:■ ■i' «t«p la the dlrecUoD ef gu«nat«e-

iho urelj' u id aecurttr of xb»American rapubUca from ----------

> - o r attack, by an^ powar o'

* . , TUa a*re«m«nflaat aimed at any V Pvtleular natlea. It li aimed at

•tgreailon. from wbaterer aouica.■ ; 'Eowever.' It u alvnlflcant.that tbe

American ratirieatlon comes at » tense momeol In the fight a«a li:t

- communist agiroaslon. It eomea . . after numerous countries of tba two

■'■f- Amerleu hare been forced to taka ' aeUoQ acaliut red fifth eolumnlaU.' ' amoDK these satlens belns tha ’ United 8Utea, Oanula. OhUe. BraaU,

Paraguaiy, Cuba and the DomlBlean Republic.

■nit tre«ty must be ratified by . two*thlrda o f tba 1» natlona wtilch

alfned It at Rio. Ttiree already bare--------red cod the rart, mort o f

I hav* been waiting. to aeoacUoB r ---- -------------- ---------

•re expected Of course the ebO f .

this treaty lies la t b a _______whloh It creates, rather tbaa In the reaouroaa which]M contributed by the imaUer na>

(Jfeis . A Uttle s u ts m lfht pnrldo ^yT anreasor wltb a Utai baaa for

operatloaa acalast tba bemlsphera as a Whole. Wltb aoUdarlty, the United SUtea la capable o f pro* TldlQt tha wherewithal tor defense.


AN oaD?NANCB’*w**™” *crrr orTWIN rXLLS. IDAHO. At;TBOBlZtNO

■ UNZ8. BTRCETS- ----- ------------AKD TO HERVE

T r a ^ g Period H^d by Reserves \

- Llant'vJoto'iJX'Lewtt. ejieuttw i officer-of battery A. 47<tb rocketfield aitfflan' bkttaUon. coodocted , tba Daecabcr tratnlag paitod for jtba eust flcgaataad raaem o o a - |podta. group Wadneaday aTBDfaif to «{^ J d iS i) Power auditorium. , J

Subjaet for the trataUng period f

^ ta r t l^ o f tha |artUlvT battalion. A film. *abe i t < Multiple Rocket Launcher," wasemployed In the expUnatlon o f the j

Don Duran, reterans admlnlstra* ' tloa. spoka op the relosUtement | and conrm lon of natlooal aerrlea ; lUe liuttraaee. Nineteen officera and membeta were prewnt. -

Find Rites Held For Jerome Man j

jB toU B . Dec. It-F ln al ritea fcr CuitU Wilson FuUer , were held at 3:30 p. m. Uonday at the Ftasler mortuary. The Her, Rarrey Har“ of the Fresbytarlan cburcb off!

led.Flower ladlea were Mra. W.

Weigle and M n. Ohatlaa Welterolb. Pallbearers were William Spaeth, sr.. Hany Forbes, U H. Van Riper, A1 Woodbead, Joe Shirley and W . W. , Welgle. . I

Total selections were by W. 8. i archer, accompanied at the piano , by Charlotte B ^ . I

A Masonic t*.cdleatlon e f the grare < was made by 8 . B . Albertson. Burial j w u la the Jerome cemetery. I

Unity Boy Bnused In FaU From Car i

U N n r . Deo. n -H en ry Baker. ;small son of Ur: and Mrs. Wallace ,Baker, sustained cuts abd brulsee |about tbe bead and face wtien he ,fen from hU parento* spe«<llng auio- ,mobile recently. I

The boy opened the door to throw .out a p lm of paper when the re> ,hide was traTcUlng at a high rate of Ispeed. He lost bis balance and feU iou to ftb eB .......

the ideal gift




• • •

Rtgular $S3iO whlle.tbey last $19.95


LampsJust 4 left to go at

this price. White china base wltb gold designs and lon ly rayoo shades.

Regular $9.60




o r SUCH raoposB o uipjtovs.iS f f J r K T i T ia S W S M S S S S :iSK 'S 'ft,r,SS5''a,®ESlKffiPltOVn>rNO A HAI4NKII o r TAXmd

a & s is s ^ js .^ s ffiv w o '

. . . BIT

. S i t e ' S■ M •.ai (»e»i «r «a* ’Hiid«t o * m :r pnvMtr. •uWm(_«o i

_________ . ? s s i " - u a r ! ^ l " . aeafan V nMlnUoa 4alx uid n«al>Tljrs r i ' . l s s ' t i . t t s t . r . u s s :

•ad .•lliTB »IUU cffUlB Urrltetr wlikln “ tiaiu ot laM citf htrlnafur

ta4 (b«d Uoa4«r. th* itk dur _k<r. 1*4T. u Uw tlm on or Mora pniMU wtlut m M prsMtd tm< MVOTWst* or Ut trwUoa at uU tmpror*.

iMt'dlitrWt auit b* ftM In Um oKIm. Me^.*U» Vtb

ptaic* tt uM rMolBllea ef iaua*

wla ii wfckh .pwn»>

- aaUea dMcrlM lb« tncml chtracUr ef25 S f a s a

' IU« of ul4 nmpiptr. >r ot mM mUm to ««th

, s s " ,» t A '" r a. adirtMtd (n ul< ptnon ai kk jMtUffk*Ia" te"cur ^

' chrli aad iKe uM ClV ......... ............., ^ *'7 **21}^ an^»d«Tlt^«htwl.B«

w IlMi, atrMli ’aad alkn ««t*i i A " ----------------------

- >*{a« r»«ad thM uM pMltiM WM v a i^ ^ matlM «{ mU aatrkt »

LEGAL ADYERTISEMENT9(sr UM.bMt latomt «t tk« «tw aad ikt {! s s y ‘! G ' s c ? , a : . 's s t t . ' a 'latd diaukt and fca*<ac lOBBd tb»l tb«r« li ia tWMMbl* pittbabDRr that Um •bllta. Itlsai ef fMh dhtxkt akall W Mid. aU , •t vlikh tladlasa « « • ,»«ponrf b» tta

M ; ______s " « .......... ..

a»Mi'f«rmUb aad provldo aa i eaUtt for ■««an far ««lt bt. U p a ^ ef'ltad u <■«]» dMrkt Uta w ,K , ,s i i /^ . s - s r s A J f « :^ «t M wmjni^tte waA^jjiw tjw>| ( aald^lr. and lo b* prorMtd vltli praW ! asd tife«M«nr flub laaka, muHlMka aa4 j

iW> a MBpltta Mw«r I

Bwtloa I. That th* «— .

Fireplace SetsHere are irifta with a real homey atmosphere. We have just received a new shipment o f the new slid- inff curtain type fire sereeiu, andirons and fireplace seta. Beautiful workmanship in solid brass.

25% OFF

I ptw ftr la n<h >— ,

_____ ss..?s?r.,.;aI Mid ImpnviBMt dittrfet aid tn pt»> MtUa V> tha.buMflti 4nlt«4 to «Mk


s.‘ sn:,___________________A5?5 a^c.’US ssa 31

•rdlnann «hkh than aoelalv. aaaof ether ' thlBti, th. arab« et th* iiii— th* • nuat of itM e«»«r. U fcMwa. er I? aM Jknewn. that Um aaaa to ■*'-------* ‘u s ' s s i . ' f s i t . ' z ^ s s««Ttlfy th« aaa* ta tk* 019 O m CItf, and th« atr Om«B ahaSfU a U»« »h«B ahdwtlaw «» « .---------- ,mfni rail hr iht prepartjr c w m la «aM duulet ihalt ha h < ^ a>d . eaiM i

MIRRORSA n it«n tin t nM t m t j homa e u wm. W« i n n a compl»l». HlKtlos o f mlrroni at m iT . t j i n pound, ■gum and oblon*. In (n in td »nd pl«ln t j jw . L u »

tip to W ieo”, t in Wx«S’*. tSiM ” ind fM>”ctUar*

25% OFF*. wi

- Hi« Clly of T » la _________ ____-

lh« iMUMH of bnpr«TMB«Bt hesdt et »aeh Imprartmnil dUtrltt la aeoerdaaM olUi th* pioTliUu et a* italalaa af th* atau

BkUob 1. Tliat th* M&rer and Coaacfl of uid City (hiU da. er easM to br ' -th* BkUtn pra*ld*d for br th* • ,el lh« 8UU er Idaho ter (ha canrlas laio '" I ef thb ordlaanc*. bahla* th* uM ‘

^Tmmt and pmW a« for th* PM> •

ISHSI thtrtfor.

DEOtMDER l7lMT.S 'S f .& ’ . f e " ’'” *- ,

g . g lAPCTKBi^. ;as.v.CONSTAlfH i . liXIBS)a . 'S r ' i . mt.

PICTURESGifts to'brighten someone’s homo—and to be remem­bered for years to come. A srand selection of western scenes,-gorgeoos florals, religious subjects )ad novel­ties. .

I 2 5 ^ to 50% offSi^ECIAL

fi« r « Js a special value. Just-a few left, bsautiful oOette p le to m in good heav; frames, without glass.

8 2 .9 5BoguUr ilO M '

. apoctalJW M ,


We were realJjSJOverstocked, even more than we Imagined— ^Q^aespiteifli^wondrful response to our sale, we still have $25,000 worOijrf;inercliandiBe that we do riot want on our in-

: ventory -th©.iimj’'of the year. Rather than carry this over we we readyjta aicrifice all thoughts of cost and profits to clear it from our 'fliMrs-T>and pass these unusual savings on to our

. friends and customers in Magic Valley in the' form of a ChristmM. pislent. With these reduc^ prices, you can now buy really fiiie'quality furniture that you thought you could not afford. ;•:/

Seeing is Bfe|j>ving — Shop O ur Store

. su rp rise y ou .

Give Furnihire'.— The Practical Gift

YOU c a n SAVE 259 1 to 5O9& on


Here Are Just A Few of the Bargains.S A V E $195.25


J7s jost have one left in this fine two piece suite. Well constructed for comfort and long wear. Cover- •d in good quality rose, colored mohair frieze. Ask to sssit.

Regular Price $395.00 Our Gift to Yon • fl95J25 »1 9 9 ”

. . ONE O N L Y !Just one to sell, two piece studio davenport suite.':- A really beautiful piece in rich dark maroon ribbed,];, • velvet with carved walnut wood trim. You'll like if^ we know. '

Regular Price »2BO.OO < . Our Gift toiYou,

¥62.60 . '

AND LESS ! ■' 5 0 :

A B A R G A IN !Two only, 2-pIwe suites in the popular'Charles of London style ,with Lawson back. Covered in a fine quall^- mohair frieze. One Is in- rose and one in blue. A real value.Regular Price I4C0.00Our Gift to You 1166.00 » 2 9 5 ~

M ODEflN SUITES! "Something just a little bit different—a studio dov- enport'with platform rocker to match. Covered in ’ attractive fine quality tapestry with wood trim. Just ■; two left to seU.' -

Regular Price $250.00 Onr Gift to You •90.60


M A N Y U N U S U A L V A L U E S I N '


I f it ia bedroom fumltur* you are looking for, don’t - fail to stop in—we have an excellent selection of values that you just cant’ afford to pws up. It w(n • be a long time before you see prices like this again, ■ so buy now and save.

HERE IS JU S T O N E EX AM PLEOne only, four-piece modem Blyle btdroom suite In walnut veneer.

chrat, v ^ tjra n d bench. L a r » 88x 88 Inch pUte itlaei mirror. Beautifully ftoljhed wel|.nmle furniture that you will be proud .

to own. Save $180.00 on this one. -

r: A WHOiil^WINDpW FULL OF BARGAINS!. . . Fri- ' day morrii%j%ui»ni find dur entire window filled with '

our stock of tables . . . all to be sold at ONE-HALP E" PRICE OR LESS! . . ! and specially timed for your

Christmas Gift Shopping.

End Tables Cocktail TablesDrum To p Tables Coffee Tables

^i'Lam p Tables Phone TabFesf Sewing Cabinets and many others






Regular Price 1826.00 Onr Gift to Ton $130.00 « f 9 5 o o


‘ W eW ^ N o^ a iftM on eiiW U IioiitB ltG ood W iW ’' m SHOSHONE g X B ^ .... PH0NB161

. 1


W« b a n Juit nla« roekos U tt tHat v e wU eletr s t iptdaX radneed prleu. OomTorla)^ attnoUre ’ and BturdUy buUk,* gm uln* «klue*.-

For example, ben U «o « ttne qualltjr rocker tn aU It k Uvo blue Upeetiy cor»erlDf.

Regular $75.00


Regular Price $136.00 Now Reduced t o ---------

Made to Sell for $125 A Real Value a t -------

Clothes ChestsNo. 1 clear white pi natural finish. Made j i

Regular Price $44JS0 Save $20.00 ----- j-------

Regular Price $82.60 Sale P rice ---------------

BOOK CASESMade or ttna bird*

. wood wlUt aauh.30" vide and 40" h>«h. 8beWe« ere »d]urt«Ue to

'haU 'lacb lot«Tal> to ftt ■njr need. A value a l tba ' J oclgtoal ptle*.

Regular $4 6.00


Lounge ChairA well made lounge chair that Is both comfortable and attractive. Sturdy frame covered in light blue tapestry. Only one o f these left, so don’ t wait too long.


Cedar Chests 25% off

I tn tbaanoed week et t h e ____r m m tretnlDf cearN-bemiveett^; dneted here M .a c e e p e ^ : ^ I « r t» -.b r n r io a :* U te -a ca e ie i ’-to

Ue aorwe to qualUr for UeeoM under ztev. leeMaUon.:

ext UoDdajr a elnlUr oonrw « S a at Burtajr. where it wm be‘eo&«

— ted la the Oottete heepltd hr Mrt. Uirtha. Meiieaemy. boIm, p c a c ^ anrse tralntne lutnieter

' for. tbe lU te. Mr*. McMenemy «m , be reclitered at the MtUetua-hotel

tn Barter aad will Interview «b* -•‘“ hU there from U to 4 p. m.

\ MM. M04V iU 0 MMli. AUA

, rtQe; Kri.LUUtn Draper, BnhJ,tnd \ Mr*. Amia'IUsberv, 'Jerane;'I n u oourwi ir « a cooperatlre pUn [ Greeted t ? .a committee oompoeed i ot a repreeeoUUTs of the 8Ute

tX ueocUtlon, t h . ____a eodetjr. the atate boerd of

k nurte exanunen, th e . Ideho State I Nurwi' anoctetton axut a prseUcal , nunenotaffUlatedwltbaay o f thwe k groups. Actual cperatlon u b7 the r ,itate board for vocaUonal education.

$500 Eannarked for Christmas Activity

BUBL. Dec. 11—Coet of Buhl'* ' ccQununlljr OhrUtnas h— been set { at ISOO br the Buhl Chamber ot

Oommerce.' At a recent meeting of the group.

I that amount of money wai voted to defray expenaes. Of this amount,

’ o o e wm be used for treate for I children.

te ,--------- - -vntter. wbn:attlB t'o s la ,

ot the aia;.l)>»

•eeret truth..';Bo an UM ,<___

whea aecqrlty

Reeeotly the rtrnilif W e mimim. haa bee»<oned' to.a ~~ lay nothing. ahoot:rn

.. It U about to laem Eoi natural thortum-teeteed^g imn ass ot U a .«"............. *

vould at least .ttlplew supply of nuclear . e^Sfldi thorium Is three.' ' as plentiful u u

tim u more powertqi thaff t u . used against Japaa .SiMaeMKwere equal In ener— .............than aojjoo ton* CL____ ___ __eand times 30,000 ts ao,OOOMO.'

■ Atemle BagiMr '«••• ........Developmant of a fhst mlum reactor at


W IN G B AC K CHAIRFine quality wingbaclc chair made by Levine Brothers 40 inches high. With Chinese Chippendale carved feoU Slightly used, but you would never know it.

..... S59.50

N.M.. means It U poatfUe to a “vestpocket*’ atomic rniftne a a ri '.

s?’ uss'isasss*f“ '4. Vast new unmUmistilkaa have-:

been made la .Canada,' UtalV'Axlo^ eona. Oolarado, e le .: ...

B. This eoootrr hae a n d ^ l radiation delw titt eeatets here' add ther»-ln Japij^ sajr. the AleaUoBS,- and weetern Oermaay^-irtildi i m w report aa atdale expleatea.aay*’ where la the world, Xt so, tbe high ccmmand ksowa wlwrtW Rae*>" da or any .other eooatiT 'bas.aier v'; teeted an A»beeib.

m dvrU eklaa blend­ed w ith th e finest ' grain sp ir its . W ill i b e w e lc o m e d a s a /» I f » .

X'Have you seen the new style OaveUer.

Stow'Away and Wnte-Away chests, far more convenient

than the regular models. Everything

more easUy acccs* ilble. Here is one gift you can be sure any woman vlU be ideas* ed to receive.

ne clothes chests in beautifal ist like a cedar chcst. ■

GOLDEN WEDDIMO. gets its reond, golden flavor from "Ooldaa Qi^-TUaaetebU whiskey with its 80>

year beckgroaad nulueatbottght* ful. welcoBH gift.


DROP FRONT DESKSLight pine drop.front'deaka with letter compartmenta and four drawers. Theae will make ideal student deakSr or for aomeone who takes th d r office work home.

____ *24.35

JAMES B .PE PPB r T — b o t t le d in bond

su perv ision . Full* bodied p iew w .K en. tocky StnJght Bour*^ bon .SyaaraoU .100 proof

OLD C H A R T E R - K en tu cky ’ e finest Straight Bourboo. 6 yearaold.E w ydrop prewar whiskey. An id e a l g i f t t o r th e

V most disertmiBatiny. seprob i;


New Policy fot , Guard Promotion

WASBXNOTOIV, l>ee. U ( l ) - A new promoUeo poUqr for t ’ guard officers up to and t tbe rank of If —

I fay UaJ. Oea; 1r . Cramer, chief e i ttm i guard btireau.

Onder tbe new p lea s a uaam q servtee. in grade ta tba poitm r^

s 5 ^ “ . s . r 5 « ? g : ,motion. Service tn a stadlar TeUtf'*- during t^ w »r ,^ 'B B r1 rt .eM B tea ^ towart the .miaanam «eqaawMat.v,. - ’

T e a c h d r l t e s i j s n BRUPERT. Dee. tl->A t-a a»etlBtV.,r.^

of the Rupert s6beel board UoBday. '' the red^attea e raitf.-B eai7ttiiM seal, tblid grade teecbet. at school," was •aooegted,'Bo6Ms*k*le-*i»

her duties after tb e Chxtetaui i n - ' - r ^

llM board also ToUd to per c ff * ; 5 •S^oo bond. , /i


^ ja ^ E x o u N i T i r < b t ^ t ] xw siCOWfKl JtoA ' 3

UU fanu 6( Own te Mk.a(.«i'|eU, ' sS •euU* M bwta at Ualeor k '*

Tb* Ct«rk e(Mtd Ceert. Ia .«

PsblMi Ow. 4. 11. IMT.Nonca o r ratvA Ti a iu i IN Tjre raoBA^^traT ^ -

----- «4 m l pTvpntr kitastt t*Cooatr. Stet« U tdclM - “Aa udIriM « o » ; _

erfiM «r u « oeaptT a w H »





Page 9: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

..'IVe 'au bii «om ttu jcm! ctnce . , .K n . U oO tea^ destb. And a e <sw r .toU kclr to w n r It r « ■ iMCt.aa* , o O « » > • «■ w h en ---------------------

-goM «4 ftt BomonTtuoagbout ber We—In good

. bttf—U n.lileL eaaK o(M K tn im ora ' tbM the ttfloe brougbt ber ml»> ' tmUau. But ibe bad a piiw t blen ..tbt'KOD to dUpW «a y c o ih . ftad f a m r one* did ib t Ut o u o ( ber

tour obOdren teaeb it.O aot aba pawned ta t W M O tba

KTF I (FM)•NSU Ululz to remata intact amoOK

- bar beiont^np loo t after otber a i.; aata b a n been liquidated.

Idahoan’s ‘Idea’ May Aid Curbs

For DelinquencyWASHINOTON, Dec.. . ~

I b a auiseatlda ot an Uabo. mar- vab a l may r a n ilt 'in ........................

, ■ ■S r a u teougbt.'a

•uS^Uabo N*t m usaoA T

S '^ ChrhUBM Cuoli

• iW UuUU Metsiu

« I


VMt tlw Btziiitt r*m Jftsnitlj;s?rjs»fiis!s.

Indpmed treat*

M a n ^ :BT0reU

B e i» ,to talk v ltb Attomay Oencral Olarfc 1 aad Seaator Taylor, d ; Ida., about <

West Governors Study Problems,

Politics for 1948PORTLAND, p r o , Dec. 11 (UJD—

« a te m gonm ort mot bere for a lerlu ot Bon>partlMn

axpenaea o f n e b cart.. -. Svaaa told Olaik tbe authority «ould- ba made effeeUTe in Idabo

V 'WlUi an expenditure oX between : $l/M and *3.000 a. year.

'H e aald tb4M youtha mlsbt be . paroled to reaponstble dtlaaiu

pSDdlnc trial ratber than go to jail.midar present t » told

— ^ge t a “flnrt, c la o educa-

An Taytor said 01ai1c-ap« ^.proved tbe Idea and added'that.■ -*■•'* no, money to carry oat tba

. } is presently avaUab^,. tbe • department would ask an al>

— ^ f o r t b l s p grt * o r ______

;;MiMi88ippi Will ‘Biiespect MandateJAOSSON. I C a , Deo..UX (A>-i

a tit. n a o B g -L: wMgbt sa u m is.■ tiMttppl wfll respect a Uaited States

V attprama oourt mandate tbatNegroea MBuat be tnelnded on iu n ' Uita, but ;; ^ m t t o o e to act “as a aorerclcn

i Uondayn— » court decUlon rerenlnc tbe

' . oeeTlotloaotEddla (Buster) Patton. .. n e iro bargad with tba murder o f a . au n . '-BaaU o f tbe reYersal was that'.raelal discrimination ex* oluda^MegroM from jury duty In

focused attention on OalUOmla'a Bari Warren ai tbe sUte d ile f azeeuUm aswtqbled for thelr aecond annual regional meeting.

Oovemors expected for tbe meet* tag are ;robn B.: Hall, Ore.; Herijert itaM, m a b: Mon Wsllgren. Wasb.; VaU Pittman. Ner.; 0 . A. Robins. Ida.; earn P u d , U ont: E r n e s t Oruehing. 'Alaska, and Warren.

Tba gorn n on were scheduled to consider * wide range of regional economlo problems u tbey meet ooncurrently w ith,a conference of tba Padflo coMt, bosrd of tater- govatBmental telatlensJ ' T lie beaid plans toi study among other things'the poulble ImpUea* tloos o f the European recorery plan n weatera economy.'Ttie' gonm ors and federal, state

and local agency repretentattvea at* tending the board meeting aUo have mutual iiroblems dealing with popu* la tlonasd mlgra^oo, unemployment and'pnbtie h o w t^ on t h ^ sgenda.


C. of C. at Hailey Selects Directors

. HAlZirar. Dec. 21—Seren new di­rectors of the Hailey Chamber of Oommerce were elected TUetdoy erenlng at the annual, dinner meet> tng of the organisation in the Bla watba boteL

The new directors are Paul Jonw. Harry Putaler, Arthur o l e n n . Charles Harris, ployd WUson, W. W. Bean and Slwin Shipp. A meeUng of the new directors will be held at 8 p a . Prlday to elect new officers.

At the annual meeting Paul Jones, president, reported on the acUrlUes of the chamber during the last year and Putzler, president of the TeN Iowstone*8un Valley Highway s u o ' elation, outlined the purpose of the

Jsgis: Valley, he said, will benefit through Increased tourist travel and tbe l^hway will provide a direct farm to market route.

Mrs. Leah Walker sang two solos, ecompanled by her daughter. Dar*

lene Walker, at the piano.

S2;98 u, $9.90

n e ;8QVBtndr' la' a' prepare state-

J. S. Keel Heads Jerome Ski Club

JORCUE, Sec. I t -J . 8. Keel was - chosen pr^den^ of tba North Side

. BU d a b at a recent meeting.. : Otber offleera, are Pred Burk*

baKer. vice president, and Donna •Wahl, aeeretary-treasurer. Directon :a »-P au l Wbaley and Oordoa-BaQl*

, 11]^ t o one-year terms, and Charles L ’Henlson and Bob Otto for two*

' . ..vyaar terms.(■ ' , ' A Sun Valley film InstmUon will r ' be shown at the next meeting. Ttie i : aewly elected officers selected four < . ■ arm patches at tbelr first meeting. ■•V, p m will be made up and presented

te the e n ^ group for baUottag.

Miracal Program• DJBOLO. Dec. 11—A musical pro- . cram, sponsored by the Declo Book

C ;-.X«ra club,, was held Tuesday eve* ..a lng la tbe LDS church bere.'Mrs.

Albert.Olsen and Mrs. & B. Rich* ■t v d soa were In charge of the pro*

, ' ' ■'..■>: Tboaa who toOt part ta tbe pro-

\ ;V M n m .«e r » Mrs. Clarissa OUett, n w D B atla . Ray Sanford. Barttara

V '; ; Boberta. Maria Waugh, Mabel Pet* arson; Saibara Preston, Mrs. O '^ y s P l d ^ PbylUs NoxMl, Carol Love* zldca, ' B ow tfd Corleas, -Spencer S t a ^ A l f r e d Tbozton and Seth

^ B E A l l B R U M M E l l ^ ^a fk*esh e H fj^ re n t t ta ^ r a n c e . . .

in th e u ltra sm a r t //oac^ co n ta tn e r

New Coats & SuitsHandsome styles that reflect the Q O / f ^ 0 new look, yet are modeled to a c cent your own best lines. Blacka, colors, all handsomely tailored of ^^ETO the finest wool fabHcs.

BLOUSES—SWEATERSColon, lots of whites In the seasons sayest styles. 7Qu must see them today.Slaes 10 to 30-38 to 4

She’ll love beautiful

LingerieHere Is all tbe grand lin­gerie that wUl complete that OhrUtmas lis t Stop ta now for best s e le c t !^

Soft CheniUe ^ b e sBeautiful brushed chenille ta light or dark, a tone color oomWnallon. r*— t o « > - 88 t o 4 4 .

NYLON GOWNS , ■Choice of while or tearose, lavishly lace trimmed. All Nylon Jer ironing, wi ta a jif fy ..

. BSMBSBQ C ^ B .GOWN-ROBBDataty p u U ^ tn t on _ ^ e sheer rayon.Slsei 13-19

LAOE TRIM BAXONGOWNS - White, tearose and blue with Uvish lace detailing.Sljes 13 to 30->38 to 48.

S3;98 S5.90


Plrst choice o f women' who want long lived styUng In beautifully finished leathers. Ramblen are the queen of popular price handbags, the basic items of an

S 5 :90


There’s a tpedol oppeal tn (he subHy vtrde olr o f rtMte fly* euenttol olds to better

Bfoomlog.. •'UnbreoVobljr y o w l" in itreomlined ohimbwm Aoilo. Ughtwatfltrt,

compoct, ipoce cemenrins, . . perfect trovetlng componiom. Large ’ ’EMCutiv*’ '

size In A m erim Beovty Beounvbda boxM, cenveniertt Traveler" tlz* b King Bbw.

Avoltable ibglyv o r In sals o f two/ - (ire* ond fhw. . . or la lse f fhre in'the luxurious D* lux* Ktt. Cologne •

Aftershave . Hatr Dreuing • Takum .D«>dorant;From$1.25to$15.00.

fhirley-ilfendioldM EN 'i ^HOR


Oreaa op tb e chndren

* fo r sleep la


tailored o f so ft, absorbent

cotton y a m la (*y

U o M U c o l o n . . , iritb-

cn ltB h e “ B o o tw * F o o t

Oaa o o d tw o p iece mi>de]a

la wOf-belp styles.

$ 1 .9 8 a n d $ 2 ^ 9

■ Vt^en you switch on die therm'ostst control o f die luxurious new Bcacon Electromstic blanket, you’re

asnued o f gentle lighcwei^t wanrnh while you sleep. You choose die temperscure you wish, die

Bcacon Elecuomstlc maiotains it evenly all o i^ &

The Bttcon Electromsdc. eliminates the need for extra covers, saves laundry,-storsge space. In

sddiUon to its practical virtues, it gives you die gratifying beauty, and measured, quality dist have msda

warn friends, nude Bescon an American .• domestic tradia’oo for ajsny yea^

EXCLUSIVE AT VAN ENGEIENS...... * 3 9 - 5 ®Price tacludes Ted. ,Tsx

Com eintedqu

BEAUnFUU^T embroidered ‘PIIJLOW GASESColorful:floiM’em bK dd^^ 42x86 in'uBl&' caBM witirh em stitch ed ends. a a . G i f t b ox ed _______:W B O T M O B U N ’P I L L O W C A S E S .ttsM S tea ltt -T y i.

. : 6 9 c E A .

Page 10: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

BUXB BTOK Aim • (Btattjw

Miss Busmdhh's Wedding Set for

Sunday, Dec; 14SUBI>. 'Deo. 11 -M r. ksd U n .

O; L. Biumum. BtiU, tuiTa «a- notmeed the ens»gement and

nuknla(B ot their dfti t«r. Ruth, to EmenoQ PaUacb. ion o f Bir. and » n . R. j . PalUch, Twin Tam.

Tltih Bunnann graduated trtun Buhl bl<h Khool in 1939 and'at-

' tended the College of Idaho, CaldveU. when Bhe was -a member ot the. Ring ^ororltar. she also, attended (or one year at Woodbury coUess, Loe Angfllei, OalU. She has been oh>- *oyed at the Sego plant for the last

{ht 7ean.b attend school In Buhl and

worked In airplane factories In Mew Orleans, La.; and Los Angeles, Oallf, during the war.

The wedding will be held Sunday. Dee. 14. and the; will make their home In Baa Diego, GaUf.

**!»« Bucmann was entcrtalnei Uondajr at a pre«brldal shcrwer a the home of Mis. Stanlej' Webber.

■ M n. Parker Runjron was co-hoiteas. A dessert luncheon was served to

------ T*r«ft«niooo.'O olor«<i

iJ> jOTig th*

l - l ln ." V in Hiper -■-■•--f-.M 16, was

_______wtr* Inter*Ito fo tttn lands sung

and Btara." Bha was .-aoeompanlsd kg’ Obarlotta B s u y at the piano. ;XMttor* ABy&.saBC. aa Atrleaa

clOM Of theMOrrtt, lira. ____ , _____RtttseU a ^ . L e l t a r _______urs. It. o . p r i m t t M n 'iu iM m

— next mett&if OS J U . feature a '^ io b b r - lobby^ prosam wttta l U . X . C. XiaTttnm g M cg ' a talk CO cctatBks tad' - dltpl*7tni a mifflber of artkdaa

Members are rttquest^ t o eaU M n.

Snodgrau, at aa ear lr____ ______ _

Honors GuestMURTAUQH, Deo. 11—Urs. E.

MoonnBa entertained at dinner Fri­day honoring Mrs. Sdltto Angel who is visiting from Colorado. M n. Jessie Starr, Kttnber^, was a gtiest.

Marian Martin ; Pattern


One main pattern piece, to' tlia Jum- p e l One forth e b l o w l Jacket Is simple, too. Make thls«dorabIe. wee outfit. patUm 8349,*' in no tlm«t - This pattern gives perfect fit, Is easy to use. Conu>leto. iUustrated sew chart shows y^w evor-step.

Pattern 9349 comes In slses 3. i e, S. 19. size s lS n p t f . IH yards. M Inch: blouse St .yard 3* Inch. . Send twenty-five «entt in colas

for this pattern to —Twin PWls. Ida., pattern department.

J M the wonderful new-se—« . style^O et our .Marian Martin fall, and winter fashion book aowl Only f U ^ cents brings you this U- lustrated book, o f «uy-to-sew pat> an»~ all ths'hest o t wbaVs nawl

Big Atteridance Marks Elks Fete

The largest atteodanc* for the ifnifwT the bl-wMkly p i­nochle party and dinner —Wednesday night at tbe-BPOB------

Arrangement for t&e ertalng were made by Mr.* «nd M n . Aody Meeks. Mr. and .Mrs. J. 'O . Pum- phrey, Mr. gnd Mrs. O. O. Mag— and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bortsch.

The first prlui at cards for the women was won by Mrs. Bessie Welnrloh. second by Mrs. Paul Bain- line and third by Mrs. Ouy Rymaa. Bd Tolbert was high for the men; P. A. Oelsler. second and Boy Wel­ler. third. ¥ • •Legion Auxiliary Studies Progrann O f RehabilitationJEROME. Dec. 11— '

Stones to Happtness," t h e -----------tatlon program o f the American L «-

--------r. was presented by a meeting o f the

ducted . ports o f held in

the business meeting, con'

committee were given.*nie fourth dutrict convenUon,

held in Jerome today, was discussed. AuxUlozy members met at 4 p jn . at the Ctvtc club rooms for their bust- sees session. The banijnet wiD be served at the American Legion hall at 7:30 pjn. A contarlbuUon of «3S was made to the Infifund. tlO to the Oilldrea’s Home Pindlng and Aid Society of Boise and a yearly contrUmtlon o f $30 will be aent to the "cheen basket" at the Tetsraw hMpttal at Bolsa.

A certlflcato o f award for dis­tinguished service in the American Cancer society was presented to the auxiliary by Mr. S. E. Connor.

Mrs. Prod C a r l t o n and Mrs. Oeorge Ssstoa gave, reports o f the presldent-secretarys c o n f e r e n c e held at Boise recently. A talk on the poUo drive being launched in January was given by Lois More­land.

Following the business meeting and program refretfiments were served to the American Legion and auxlUaxy members by Mta. ou s Cal- len. Mrs. Charles p ^ e , Mrs. Robert Connor, Mrs. R. R . A lbas and Mrs. Bari Oreenwalt, Jr.« « » Mentor Club Has Gathering at FilerMrs. T . J. Ooeckner had arranged

the program at the meeting o f the Mentor club recently at the home of Mrs. Roy Jostin. Filer. Mrs. Ethel Warberg, speech-lnstruetor- in-'the Filer high school, presented a group, of her students in readings and carols, and herself gave a reading by Robert BenchUy.,

The president. Mr*. Sd Ttilbert, conducted thf business meeting as plans were mada for the annual Christmas party to be held Deo. 30 at the Curry school.

A gift exehsnge was conducted by a SaaU 01ans.-Mra. Oerry Moore w u a guest

« « «Theta Rho

An elooUon of officers and Initia­tion of candidates was held Tuea- < ' ■» the TheU Rho girls.

ris Ann Weaver was electe<t presidant: Decn Ford, vice pr«t-

Calendar. FILER, Dee. u —Jite 'W uhiiutoa

bridge club, wffl mett Fridsy iiter- poon with Mta. Cbarlea 8hsU.

. Women o f the M ocA w U me«t at 8 p .m . Friday at tht M oose hall for an initiation. '

I ¥ « '•FILER, Dee. 11— BlUalde Halpen

w iu . have a Christmas party oa

M ^ A ^ m d w

_ LER. Dee. XI—The North Strert dinner club wiU mett Tuesday with Mrs. Gilbert Pinkston. Tbert will be a holiday gift exchange. *

» ♦ *Fldells class o£ Uu P ta t BapUit

Church will hold k cooked food sals and bazaar at 10 a m . Friday at Detweiler^ store.

The U5a Relief society *UI hold its annual' Chrlstinsi exchange at the church Tuesdsy allcmoon. Dec. 18.

« w «Townsend club No. 1 auxiliary will

meet Fridsy altemocD n t the booit of Mrs. Elsie Aohcraft. J9« Elm street north. A rU cl« wiU b« made for the bazaar.

War veterans will mKt at 3 p . m. Sunday at the liogloa ball for as important session..

• ♦Syrlnga Home Improvement club

wUl meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday with Mrs. Loren Drake. A g if t ezchanse for pre-school -age children wUl be held. Members are aaked to brlnj gifts for the orphat^ home.'

« « V Royal Neighbors ol America will

hold a special meeting a t 8 p.'.thehom e oJEffieWatk__ _

--- Buren street, Tor baliotinj on candidates and to llolih the year’s business.

¥ » *PHiER, Dec._ II—Chapter AH «.

the PEO sisterhood vUl meet Mon­day afternoon with Urs. R. K. DU< Ungham. Mrs. Jock Rasiteji wUl be asslitant hooteai. Motbera ol members and older women in the community wlU-be guests at a holi­day party.

Gooding's Bethel Job's Daughters

Has InstallationOOODINO. Dec. ll- ln sta lla t ioa

ot new .officer* of the Ooodlng bethel Ko. IS, Order o f Job's Daugh­ters. waa held at the Masoalo haD Wednesday. The officers were elect­ed snd appointive officers named at the Kor. 30 mMtlag.

Patsy Oady la the honored Queen o f the bethel; Phyllis Stone, senior princess; Alice H e n - ‘cees; Jean Danner, ____ _________Knight, marshal; Anna Lee Burress, musldan: Bonnie Cady, reoorder; Shirley Bdholm, chaplain; Irus ers, librarian; Pat Van Diini. treas­urer; Lila. Stone, fifth messenger: Dorothy Berry, fourth measengerl Helm Sackman, third

Tuesday with Mrs. Loren Dcoka. Ihere will be a slit exchaage for children of pre-school aie and '‘country cousliui'* wlil b e revealed. Members are asked t o . bring gUta for the orphan’s heme.

Murtough WSCSMnRTATJOH, DCC..11— T tt home

meeting of the W o a a ‘s Society o( Christian Service v u held with Mrs.*01iver W . Johnsoa Itiursday afternoon. Mrs. Johnioo. president, waa in charge. Mts. Royal Meyen had the devotlonals, and Un. F . V. Morrison presented the olulonary leason.

During the .btisineis meeUngJt wu-announced'~U)il ttie'annual Chrlstma» party and g if t exchange wlU be held at the church Dec. II and that the meetlnis next moatli wUl btf changed to the 8U i and 23nd of the month.

Hoatesses were Urs. H a r o ld Menser, Mrs. John Bland.- Un. Wil­liam Undau and Mrs. Ralph Wright.

Kretary. and Doris Wskott, trea- tnt.Tbti new memberi include Norma

JesB Blakeley, Alice. Howard, Lu- aana Bampton. Oerry Wonacott,

Surprise PartyCA8TLEF0RD, Dec. 11 - Soren

Besselholt was the honored guest at a surprise dinner port? when Mr. and Mrs. Chris Uesselholt and family, Mr. and M n. R usul Her­rick. Mr. and M rs. John Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Rsokln Kuthtrford. Mr. and Mrs..H. C. Jtppeson, Black- foot, and Mrs. Carl Patrick. ’Three Creek, helped him celebnie birthday anlversary.

' « #

Filer BridgeFILBR, Dec. 11— Mrs. E . D. Vin­

cent entertained h er contract bridge elub ■« a denert lancheoa isst week.

Sharon Hutchinson, second aiessen- ger; Mary Jean Robertson, - first mcAsenger: M a r g a r e t DlvUblss, senior custodian: Mary Jane Ed- holm. Junior custodian; AnneTeater, Inner guard; Rosa Lee Myers, outer giuu^; Donna Van Dorn and Patty Farmer, pages, and Carol Harness, choir leader.

Members of the guardian council Include the guardian, Mrs. Wayne Kudelscm: Leland O. Burress, as­sociate guardian; Mrs. R. M. Ro­bertson. guardian secretary; Mrs. Irene Kendirck, guardian treasurer: Mrs. Kenneth Rice, director ‘ music, and Mrs. Qdred Irish, < todlan o f robes. <¥ ¥Girl Scouts Hold

Week-End EventHANSEN. Dec. 11-Approximately

90 people attended the senior Girl Scout's banquet at 7:30 p. m. Satur­day. *

FhylOs Erickson otIlcUted toastmlstreas. The welcome to the mothers was given by Nell Smith and Mrs. A. J. Prior presented the mothers’ response.

Two whUtUng solos, “Beautiful Dreamer", and •'Danny Boy" were given by Harold Warren, and Mrs. Bemlce Simpson played two ac' cordlan numbers, •‘ Tsylond" ant. ’ ’Whispering Hope.” Mrs. Dorthea Steelsmith. pianist, played “Bells of St. Mary- and “Starduat.-

A poem about the Girl Be___ ____givert by Mrs. Mabel Arment. and M n . LolS' Ray gave a modem ver- alon of “ The Night Before Christ­mas." A sUt, "Ten Years A. C." was presented by Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Morybell Howard. Group slnglrtg closed the event.

Methodists Hold U n it Installation

CA8TLEPORD, Dee. l l -T h e Rev, Olin Parett Installed the new of­ficers o f the WSCS when the group met at the home of Mrs. s . K. Lockhart with' Mrs. Fred Senften assisting hostess i ~M r«,-Qeerge-BLllckrTeUnng-pr^ dent, welcomed M n. A1 Kramer, new president. Mrs. Howard Dtrron, pro­gram cholm aa ; presented M n. Al­bert Heller who give an account of her recent trip to,Washington, D. 0., and described the architecture in that city.

A group o f girls sang sn eral songs _ . .. jjy Dorothy Brown.

meeting will be a Christmas party D e c -17 at the home of Mrs. Chet M caoln. * ¥Week-End GuestsPAUL, Dec. 11—Mr. and Mrs.

Dclmer M ajors and sons, WalUce. Lyle, Warren and Wesley, Fruitland. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. w. Plttlnger last week-end. Lyle and Warren remained In Paul over Saturday aa guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Plttlnger whUe the others vUlted friends. Tbey all returned to their home on Sunday.

A R e o e M iB i^■ i DSOLO. Dm: u -^ -U rii.:0 U afi^ aM .Kra., T.-W ..;U attb«irt'«DM f.

before her nairlac*,/, . , ,. M rs.Mattbsws..daugbt«.'c< aCr;

o f Mr. and Mrs.D*clo.

Mra. David Smith waa in oh am Of tha program, .whlgh coatistwl of readings by Mrs. Roy Bcanar aBd Mrs. France Penrod, two masieal ^ t l o n s by Barbara aw) MtfUaa Fties and Betty Ostvhoat. and tilo numb«ti by JuUa.and Luella D v> rlngton airf Ada Birowa.

0«n;es were played, and la a guessing contest Rachel Lewis re­ceived high priae and M n. Venleo Turner, low.

A three-Uer weddlng.cake, bakad by the brtdel mother, eeatead the refreshment table. The maay glfia

slsten o f the bxMe and Betty Oitar- hout and Tlrglals Uoirls hadranged the g ifts ...............

A corsage of pink and whlta ear- ttauons had been preaented to the bride. ■

M n. Mary Matthew. Oakley, grandmother of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Ida Cahooo. A l^ , grand*, mother o f the bride, ware among thr00 guests.

Beti-othed CoujDle.1 Leave for Coast

For Wedding RitePAUL. Dec.' 11-Vlrgll Olsen,------ -

end VeeU Ward,Twin Falls, left the first of the week with his sister and brother-ln-Uw. Mr. and M n. Tom RuUedge, MurUugh, for Los An­geles. Calif. On Monday. Dec. 15. Olsen and Miss Ward wiU be marw ried at the Wee Klric o ' the Heather church, Los Angeles.> Following the wedding the newly­weds will honeymoon inJ southem Califomis. They plan to make their home In Paul, where he has pur- chssed the house now occupied by the Oreens.

Olsen Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Olsen and is a veteran, having served 33 months overseas with the army medical corps. Miss Ward Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward, Twin Falls. '

Gifts Distributed By Santa'Claus

Sandra and Kent K le i n k o p f layed. the roles of Mr. and Mrs.

,anta Claus at the gift exchange held at the Wednesday meeting of the M S and 8 club. Mrs. Seth Bean was in charge of the program which featured duet numbers by two guests, Mrs. W. 0 . Boren and her daughter, Maurine, and a Christmas story, *The Wells o f the Stars.”

The club met at the home of Mrs. .7. B. Parish with Mrs. Berkeley

Origgs, Mrs. W. W. Parish and M n. R. O. McCuUen as co-hostesses. The good thought for the day was given by Mrs. C. A. Heinrich, Mrs. Clif­ford Davis, the president, conduct^ the busineas'meetlng.

The next meeting will be Jan. 8 at the home of Mrs. Clemenee Eld- red and will be an all-day Red Cross work meeting with a poUuck dinner served at noon.

¥ ¥ ¥

Themanus GroupFetes Husbarids

theh- husbands at the borne of Mrs. Chet McClain with Mrs. Rankin Rutherford and Mrs. Bd Harding as co-hostesses. • .

Seven tables of bridge were ta play with high score going to Mr. and Mrs. Pred Rlngert and low to M n. John 'Thomas and Floyd Bow­ers. A tn y lunch.wWLserred-bT-the hoBttuesr - ^

¥ .¥ ¥

Quilting MeetDECLO, Dec. 11—The Decio Re­

lief society had an all-day 4ullUng meeting last week at the LDS meet­ing house. *rhe day was spent In doing needlework for the which will be held Friday.


B y th e F idelia iClass F IR S T


FRIDAYD k . 12 S l a r i . 10 A .M . • a t D E T W E IL E R *S

Oakley Girl Is ' To 'B e Married

In Wirtter RiteOASLKV, Dec. 11-Mr. and Mrs.

aames Lowry, Oakley, have an­nounced the engagunent of their daughter. LoretU, to. Waldo Harris, BOD o f Mr. and Mrs. James Harris; Oakley.

■tfhe bride-to-be attended Oeddsy high-school, where she-served for two years as a member of the B oa staff. During the put summer , she attended the music ellnio at Brig­ham Young unlvenlty, Provo, -Otah. She is now employed at Kings va­riety atore. Barley. '

Harris attended OaUey hi Mhool and has served ons year _ the arm y.' At present he is a pa- Uent at the veterans hospital in Portland, Ore.. recovering from gun­shot wounds he received tn an ac­cident during harvest vacation on his father's farm.

'The oeui>le will be married In thi. Salt Lake City LDS temple In mid­winter. They will make their home 1a Oakley.

¥ ¥ ¥

Card Parties Are Hagermon Fetes

HAOERMAN, Dee. ll-R eca at so­cial activities in Qagerman include a meeting of ^ e Friday bridge dub at the home o f Mrs. Waldo Nichols and a card party held by members of the Rebekah lodge and their hus­bands.

Mrs. J. R. Russell beld the lilgh soore, and Mrs. Cora sweetlasd low for the Friday club.

Twelve tablu w m in play at theRebekah affair. Orli

high in contract, and Mr«, Woodhead, high in auction, r The Rebekahs are planning • pot- lock dinner for 7 pm'Tuesday; I8.-Tbere wUl be c glftr^exdtonge after the meeting. ' " !

C lu b PotluckOASTLEFORD, Dec. ll-F eatur-

ing a poUuck dinner, the Saturday night pinochle club met at the heme of Mr. aad M n. Bob Becker with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hudson aaalsting.

Seven tables of pinochle were in play during the evening with high prise going to Mrs. John Bllck and Mrs. Earl Conrad, low to M n. Earl Conrad and Fred Rlngert and travel­ing to John Slick.

n vrcn

You Can Always Depend on Low Everyday Prices at Your.IGA Store on

FRUITS and VEGETABLESI t Z A S r o n t . 8KEDLE8SG R A P E F R U I T ........................................J b . l O cPANOr OALIP. NAVEL

ORAJVGES ......... ........... .......... ,1b. 6%cCA tirO B N IA SOLID HEADSLETTUCE ............ ~2 heads 25c

... ....2 lbs. 23cr W C T CAMT. m t mSWECT POTATOES ..frAWOTcmjir.'JUDISHES - 0NI0NS._.„i5 Bunches 15c■IKESK P B IC ^ WEEK INCQRRECILY QUfflBD


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Zipper Style Men’s Low Cut Zipper Style


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S2.88■ .'to '


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doe ddn, taocdtrinB In colors o f linl^

Finest Selection of


fO R ' I J lbKme iber’fi a iD c q f ib i l l t c g i^ ^

hone; Ani ta hmdnmt. n>l '< 7 la !a d i m i p . I iu < l< a i» l j ^ i


Page 11: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

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■‘J r - .f


sunser alw ootbd’ w l4 T aitrooib. In ■ jrtug with « H ttitf..irho h u ^httWf q u o ^ ,

‘ T i r t m i l b W th a t * b o m « t » w B l£ b a • W »*- chtm pto w u la h lil i u Jutt turned IT huUUto'buitncM ---------"Pcrbapt, Buddf^ n u^tcer knem

'.^ r '; : ,^ JOBf.-.JBnO NaB ,. ;.Twla . r»O t alddlswelfht

« k » Ida fWk lin ii s l n l ^ l kBMik* :• «< OB.; M . m rd . SstarOtr alfhl. ( S t o f f •teto-ow nvtpO X ' -

>;K^;:S<»tter8- Pins for 627 In Minor LoopodM rtluZ

.. .JBM'i^.irttti.&u Moood " w r toUl w tm b » muekad tb»

^ • ^ n i ^ 'fdr 'a n , gunM. c f> T .a q £ a r .u d iM in u u u m or iMgtw.

^ • 'C l^ ^ -.O o M 'O o U tetm just mlued f^itA O O .K nteb gim e v b a t T. Prlea

909. U. U a m y 308. B. O n lt ' aqs'•Dd s m CcnfbMm. 294. but' H.

. 'o S v te u eould get only u a tnd ttu ;,Wian b id ittf b> oonteat v ltb —

[ s: s. ! 8 •■

On the

S port F rontwith

mssi - X t f b . m d g , om>

Olde Bport 8erlreD«r notea wltb much delight tb&k m VaUey boy w u oae ot ttas Jeedlng pitchers In the Amerlesn uaoelaUon U>t •««on . tx^ you know the ssiodaUoo If Juit a it«p from tbt maJort.

That plkber was Ear] Tm Isoo of Burley, who got b li start tn high s c ^ and ^ e r le a a Legion baseball under Rulon Budge, the popular Bobcat coach.

According to tha averages carried la the aportlng Nows, the basebaU blble, B u i w u eighth among more than 100 hurlers in the circuit in •ffeeUveness. itnlshlag with an earned m a peroeatages o f SJ9. And that's something eonslderlng that he was the LoulsvUle Colooels- No.1 relief hurler, going In to sare

'deteata- I t TktarlM and raly ter a M l percentage.ate

W b» Bald Na .Doeks? 'What's become of the guys who

predletAd there wouldn’t be any ducks this year?

Ptom what Y 0 6 5 hears there more ■uMton in t ^ last six and. too, there are an abundance o f geeee—tf .ycu can get to them.

Dadts have beecoBe ao eoamon- plaee to G «cn « Bays, the Bspert «oach,.that ha . oeaeeotnitea cn* tltdy as geese'aow. And Is boat* lag thia mneh eoreted fowl, be^ far ahead e< last aeaaea wbea be ehet wen op te tha Ma.

Waat DtMaggle ^)te Pocatello fans aro campaign*

lag to bring Vince DlMagglo, brother o f the American league's most valu. able playerwoft—to that city aa

' the OardlnaU. i t a t.. _____ ent Mauiy Doerr wlU

hsT* to press hU campaign (or Johnny Bturm. who pUyed fln t

c oe of tbT-ranks' cham. g n n ihtp teams, as the O owb^ pilot, i f i e Magle Valley would like to hare an ei'm ajor leaguer as' manager.

"B fi! !SHI M sn sn

WOMBtn OTHgB LBAQtmlU tu \u . . .

- " ■ i i i p . -

Net So BadThe Bruins might hate a basket­

ball t«am after aU. They didn’t look so bad to the ancient word puddler as he expected in their game against Oakley.

The L ea g .B ea d r fc c -C oop er- Kleinkopf e o m b l a a t l o a shew flashee ef basketbaU brllUaaoy at tinua.aad U theyOl Jsst ftad «at that they a a really pUy Iba eage gama the aeaaea n a y net wind vp so bad after an. ‘

• AND THAT’S THAT TOR NOW. esOTt: I f youH Ulephoaa 'Wniard latt&ner at Edea 3907 or John Seech at the' Edea i high school yoQll probably wind up with a bas- ketbaU game If you are looking for on*. ITjeyTe organised a team of H anltoa aad Edrn stars.

drippled Kids Find ‘Santa’ Is Great Babe Ruth

NEW TO RK . De& II ( « — A man in a red suit and long white whiskers played Bsnto OUus for SO crippled chlldren<at a Ohrlit-


*T want to take thitunlty to wish all young............. .not only In America but all over the world, a m eny ohrlstmu." he said.

T h e autographed baseballs were distributed as prlSM In games played by the chUdrea— an polio victims — during the psrty, which was given by the S lsto Kenny foundaUon.

When the wlnnera examined' their baseball prises they found the autographs read: ‘■Babe Ruth.”

Wenddl-Gooding Five Loses td CollegiansBOW TO HORNET FIVE

Rally by Locafe inWENDELL, Doc; Jl — After victories over the

Northwest Nstarena oollete (SS«43 oigbt), — .1. — . ..................o f Xdabo aad

----------------------- Elmar Edding-to tha tMUsstormlng B uaboldt

eoUege (julatet o f Arcadia,. Oallf, fl«-61. here tonight.The game was hard fought throughout with the colleglaas a

1.10 tx the conoluatoa^^ ^ “33>10of the half.

DarreU Brown, the _________ward who waa the third leadlag scorer In the nation lost seasoo, was held to seven field goals and a ftM throw for U points, but E. Oil* vlere, bis running m ate,' <*»>"■_____ _ with (our field goals aadfour free throws for 13 points, while Moses, a guard, had 10 points.

Floyd Morse, a - member o f theIdaho SlmploU la st_____ _________all-stars leading scorer-wtth seven field goals and four free throws for lapoinu.

The Ubulated score:B01IBOt.t>T COLUIOE I*. WSNSBU

COOOING II ■SoBbeMt JW«o4<l|.

More Candidates For Golden Glove Event Work Out

More than a dosea Ooldea Olovera worked out at the Twin Farm 'labor camp auditorium Ttiesday. Ttalners & S . Mattson aad Loyal smith expeet the num­ber to be even larger when the third seesion U held Tliursday n ight A bus wiU take the boxers to the camp at 7:10 pjiL. leaving from the Perrins hoteL

Mrs. Vazquez Tops Women Bowlers

M n. LoU VksQues oonUnited ^ lead the W om n ’s Maglo Olty Isague tn high average with IBS but M n. S ay Hoover is only one point be­hind. Mrc. Rebe Henry two and M n. Ruth Regers three. H iey are the oDly bowJera with an average of bet­ter than lOO.

Mrs. Vaaquea also has the high game. 3S , and high three, 8W. while the Twin PUls Motors' a jM Is the beet tesm total and tha Gem State OHS' SS7 the top stngle game.

'XlM team sUnrtlngs:

s s i s r .


Red Sox Lure Spence From Senator Gliib

T O kK "% ec. 11 au6-^liie PlU sbvih Plmtee aaaomued the-------ace of n teh er Elmer Kiddle

the ClaclsBaU Reds for the walvtr pcie* ef »0.0M.

NEW YORK. Dec. 11 WP)—I h e Joe Oroiln-Joe McCarthy oomblnatloa exploded another Boston Red. Sox bombihell on the alarmed American league by luring outfielder. Stan Spence from Washington for second baseman A1 RU>sar and outfielder Leon Culberson.

Although this two-for-one deal Involving a minor league inflelder and a run • of - the - mlU outfielder for an esUbtUhed regular would seem to caU for a cash outlay by Boston, General Manager Cronla of the Red 6ox insisted no money changed hands.

Addition of Bpeoce foUowlng the purchase of shortstop Vera Ste­phens and pltohen Jack BIramer

•llnnly—wtahllah-Manager McCarthy’s Sox as “ the club to beat" la IMS.

McCarthy said he probably would aUeraaU Spence, a J79 hitter wltti Wsahlngtoa tn l«7 games, with Sam to le , Boston^ rookie sensation o f

S ^ e e hlU left and Mele bats x ^ t . an Ideal switch combination, n u r e also remains the possibility tJ»t epmtot m ight be used at first.

Inflelder to Washington In S S w Who hit 3i0 f o r l ^ M Sox' s ^ em assocUtloo farm at l*ew Or­leans after a spring trial with the parent club. T h t as-year-old la - fleWer p fob^ ly win Ot toto a regu­lar Job at Washington which ffoM Gerry Prlddy to St. Louis earlier la the week. Culbenon. a old fanoy flakier who batted .338 la 47 games for the •Sox. Is a cap. able center fielder.

Ihat was the only deal announced

t i*> /1 Zim ll F«Rlu u d B. 0.


nUw* II. Cm41w V w4«Q StaTATS^CB SCflOOL

- .‘‘T ‘

Two Cage Teams Will Invade This Region Tonight

'Itie Msglo.Valley be In­vaded (or a second ttane since the start of the new basketball sea­son tonight—by'M alad. which will pUy the Bobcau at Burley aad by Arknoscheduled to tangle with Dedo.

One other game is on the bill— Bden playing at WendelL

Arlmo will be in the area for one game while Malad wUl tangle with the nrates at Rupert Fri­day night

Last week, Itemonton, titah, Invaded the Magle Valley, scoring victories at Oakley and Burley.

Final Quarter ShortCoach J. & -Monk” ---------------------- - jUs Bmintidiseevsred that th ir all the o th s boya la tba final few minutes oftheir cage opeaer against tha always strong' Oakley Hornets and turned what had been a route tntd aa interesting contest However, the dis­covery came too late for the Bruhu to wla and C0ach:'B0ward Stoael

<rH atetraagiip»4S .n '

TabulationsK 'iu S

Wants to FightLONDON, Dec. 11 (;P) — Peter

Kane, E u r o p e a n bantamweight champion, Is prepared to (Igbt world Utleholder Manuel Ortls of El Cen­tro, Callt, la the United States for expenses alone, his manager, Nel Tarleton, said, today.

n x z NAMED BRAVES' COACH NEW 'TORK, Dec. 11 W W teddle

Itaslmmons. (earner big league pitching star .who managed the Philadelphia Phllliea from 1»4S to •l*4S.-has-THumed-..................

although Billy Southworth. tnsaager o f the Boeton Braves, and Eddie Dyer, pilot o f the S t Louis Cards were In a long huddle. Itie Braves want a pitcher and the Cords interested tn an outfielder.

While the Spence deal was de­bated in corridors and the thickly- carpeted lobby of the Waldorf

__ , _ mr%ANatloaal league arrived at ded - aions oa the Padflc Coast's big league ambltloas. Ihere was no an­nouncement from either, drcu lt pending the Joint conclave, but it was reported that the answer would be “no.".

The date o f the I M all-starsOready awarded to Ute S t _____Browns, was set fo rT u te^ .J u ly U .

Turkey Shoot at Sun Valley

SUNDAYDecember 14 — Startsll:00 A. M.


Special squads for beglnQers, also you boys who have never shot traps before.

Money Merduuidise Events for Novice and Expert fiefreshments ih Qubhouse ■

AmmunltloB Availid)le at Trap Ground^^

b r Uitktteii'iim C tu n W ot C b m i ^

Hailey Opens With Victory Over Bellevue

BELLEVUE. Dec. ll-C o a c h Jack Boden's Hailey Wolverines opened their bssketboU season here last night and dowsed BeUevue, 28-33.

JenUss. forward, paced the scoren with four neld goals and two free throws for 10 polnU before going out on five personals. Bubler. who made five Held goals la the junior varsity, eame back to lead the:Bellerae varsity with three Held goals and a free throw.

An 8-3 advantage In the ______ _(juarter helped BaUey as they were outscored by Bellevue In the last period after the game being fairly even during the intervening frames.

With Buhler proving the spark­plug, the Bellevue Junior varsity won the preliminary, 33-33.

The tabulated score:BAlUnr II. OILLKVUS u

i s a . . ' f i ' K ' r r ' f ' ! I s a . '

Miwrni . — , 1 « 4 IS—Zlrrt* b UmJ i Jmkln. I. Hlmb.


LOS. ANOELES. Dec. 11 M >-A marathon race for runners from throughmit tha western hemisphere. " - warmup for the Olympic

that used for the ins Olympks. it will be held .next May 31. la coo - Juactten with the eighth anaual Lns Angeles Collieum relays.


•«Uj .

. t h .Coepff s l o t OandlM*

□IklulUrUa . . .

ToUb it ~i u|Scot* by sBWUni


l) MaMulkl**, R.'nU« 1,M tnm t Bam W«llj «nd IUnlsdtl«

PWCLIMtJ ltr OAMB Twin FilU ■ ■Cab* It ft ..itowsnt t « 1 I CnftoB tT. r*lub { 1 0 I WUltJ* tPanoiw « ......................Plyiii) ■

g rr .u .bTouptn Bhuawkr

TM>U Been hx qw u ni

IUrd» - _ .Oorrliure e t Sa s - ' ! jlUrrta 0 0r CrIUbrUM 9 tn CrltetatUU 0 eD CHtehtUM 0 1Ceo»«r eTbUls I *t i

r m Uircw wlw»d» 0«kl^ i l . Csht It

WdcottWill Begin Cashing

CAMDEN. N. J., Dec. 11 0U9-Jer- sey Joe Waloott begaa cashing la oa his near-vlctory over Joe Louis with personal appearance offers pouring tn from all over the Amerteaa con­tinents.

At the same time. Promoter Pellx Boochicchlo who hokU exclusive rlgbta to aU Walcott ring acUvlUes ■aid the 33>year-old father ot six wUl not fight again untU his re- mateh with Louts probably best June because “be could hurt a hand or have some accident that would coat him a fortune.”

Walcott's fln t public appearance ffl-b ff-»t-Tefonta jn t Monday as

guest referee. He h u a similar engagement at Bprtgn next Thun- day and another la Reading, Pa., after Chrlstmis.


Pacific coait conference representa­tives concluded their three-day winter meeting by re-electing Dess staaley B. preebom of the Univer­sity. of California president e( the (acuity group and Barvey CasiUl. Washington, as head of tha dlrecton and managen' association.

------------------- ------- ------------• Mfln t <piarter lead and thea weat to Ute frost 34-14 at ttie half. However, the Bruins: came back to outscore Uuir rivals, U -10. la the UUrd aad had a 13-0 advantage la the «n «i quarter. ^

rewlee Oela Ig PetaiU The B iu la s '. laablUty' to stop

POwIee and Stnther. the Hornets' forwards, cost them the vtctory. Ihe former scored eight field goals and two tree throws for 18 p ^ t s , while Uw latter got si: field goals snd a free throw for u points.

Bobby Long, forward. waS: the Bruins’ leading scorer. B e made nve field goals aad three free throws for IS points, while Jerry Kleinkopf, St guard, cams through with 10

olnts, one aiors. than center Bu- irt Hendrix.Tha consensus o f the

crlUcs was that the Bruins showed to better advantage than tha HaUl-

igo and wlUi_ __ _ — ...... ...... could staitothemselves to a fair season. *

ReUi Debst Winning One Morrle Roth made his debut ss

the Cubs coach a wlimlng one. ” *” “ ' “ g far nine points while hold-

ilr rlvaU to two la Uie final the Cubs won from the

. . javee team. 81-35. RoUi used about 30 playen la the game.

Merlin Howard, forward, counted (our field, goals and a free throw to pace Uie cubs, whUe WhltUe came through with four field goals and two frea throws to top ths Oakley

BSPOBT DENIEDc m cA O o , Dte. 21 m -

Coach George Halaa o f Uie (-------Bean denied a rumor that quarter­back Johnsy Lujack of Notre Dame momeatarlly was expected to alga aBeareoatr»ct


_ _

antt>.’n n in

Suilsls - scored fttar tletd golds and a ties throw aad . o t m .fivs fieldaad-afteethiowtorM tntangh. ' w m eHnM rang ttp'ftoor field goals —all.trom Uia ceater:-of (ha lle e r -

M trnsi nmM oal

SMagicTaUey |k Boxers Champs in Vandal TounieyUNXVERSrrv OP IDAHO. Mos­

cow. D ec 11—More than 60 students at Uie tmivertlty.of Idaho took part In the f ln t all-eoUege novice tournament, ever held here. '

Champions Included: IIB pounds, James Parmer, Gooding; 14S pounds, Robert Day, Burle^; 109 pouads, Jerry Diehl Jerome.

Contenden Included: Dean Blair, Bum.

Other competlton included: Av- erlll Thayer, Hagermaa; Scott M c- Master. Hanien; Alan Bolyoak. Bur­ley, and LaveU McInUre, Paul. LEADS BOWLED

OmOAGO. Dec. IX (ff)—Ohartls Johnson. Jr., a 38-year-old mechanic from Bayonne, N. J., led a fleM o(

Delivered mixed ^ ready to

I pHONE 415er 3491-M after I p. a .

COLONIAL CONC^TElUi Street ^ U i — Twin P a b

B . W. Kite, M(r.


Yod may be told that ABSTRACTS OF TITLE a t « old fashioned. *

Well, so Is Home . . . so is Christmas! '■ "Old-Fashioned" does not mean “obsolete.”

We are always glad to explain the advantages o f an abstract to the individual buyer.

BOONE ABSTRACT CO.________ Downstaira, Banlc and Trust Building _______

Demand the birand that

commands vast reserves

and enjoy pre-war quality

M .> PX O O I • < » CHAIH N IU IS A I SPU ITi ; C O M T lM B S m DUTttUM O

Page 12: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

’E sirt:^

«n m 4 b t M a m la

I w 41 ««Ba.loiHr); k9

____________________ _ -tawnd 11m. tub <Wm naatac M ■ »eCa«

rell«M»M BMd. 0«Mrt>h.


M lo:AlUed 6tnA im Otulmen ______________3SH^ e r i c a s A lrU n o ............. - „ . . 7K

?rrrcu > tablb

^ “ " > 6 ^ - i u r - L «

........ ........ - ........ .. Wf«T. ITJ*.Ml cssBtr *ad eatur «ewi 1IA«>I<4()| 7 ft» B*4lBa and coed ariiUbUi eea» a to Mdlan *4on«* boUa »t«i4r. tl<W-

wltk *UB« r«a«

Americaa RoUlDff MU1«_________American SoiBlt & Rcflalng _ uAmerican Tele & Tela —•-------i kiAmericaa Itobaceo B ________ U K

------------------------ 23%------------------------ MU


Um b«M MWBd 1IJ0-U.MI MBBsa j «MUbU doira to ]*40i «e»d aad «M«* f ------------ UO.1.00.


CatU* IJMi a im M0| tUuhl

— --------------------

“ Sit

l iU

. 93S4 ~ HU- lOH- 88 « . asH - i i M

. Oonmerclal Credit .

Gone OU of Delawi C om ProdueU . Crane

S'. it<rB Airlines .

OC Nor RR ptA - O t West 8uz ^B ud M e t_______Zdatte F o i r _ _

~3tK -35 H -BOH -58 H - 43ft

iQt Sarv>.idtijnafeLInt Paper

. 31H -1 9 % - 31H -20 % . 14»

OGDEN, Dte. n br>—(UBOA)<-Kan ■alabh l>| Utal !4Ut epttwd M lew«r

ss.ooi KO-iji n*. iiM i o m u i It*.

CattJ* uUbt. |U( taul I.OHS tie*, bat mtTkrti rn j ftw cood aUosbWr

4.oo>UJa: coauMB liJO-tl.Mi tDod '

tMD lo n«4lam «Uu«bUr sUtn IT.OO* to U.oe^.ooi

ShMp uMt* in I l«ul l.l'0i i in .11 •teiubur Umte aboQt *Uw!7: ttmBcdlBSi as4 tool m Ut* Umba tlJO,__ _BO tUkllr Kood acid choU« mU Mrtriqoouu* tt4040, rut.


uUbIt 1I4M] U>UI K.700I rttl mUt*.s3S",sri.«ffS£s.".WK:OB S(.M la boU) eackm as4 atUppmi HO- IM Ibt. XiJUUtt rood aod clwkw MVi XI.U49I toed lUf*

Caul* *«UbU MBd teui 4J00| tsfdlao and (ood («d (Utn asd aUadjr tow**kl t«» food and chole* iacklnc; !>**(co<n lUadr to *M[«rt ctastfa aod cstun«taad)'< b«lk «9*Md tUadri UUr •*!«• atouad IM lowot rtalcta and klUlM nlTtt itatdj to •tn&s: tteektn aad r**d«n *t«ad7f median and cood M •tarn and jrttilinti ttM.2l.TS i good 30.001 tcrlcUr cbolca U40{ m*dlum aad Bood htlftr* lO.OMUOl (ood b*«r <0««

s ' ^ l r - . v . s ;(ood Uaf and UBUC* balli n .M | rood sad cbolc* r*alm ll.OMl.09i sood tc cbetc*

PORTLAND rOItTLAND. On.. Om. lt -UV-Wb«al

futam sst ouetcd.Catb tn ls i 0(ta No. I M-tb. wblu

-J40; b*rl«r Ko. I IWb. B. W. ISJO: rnxiMd 1.00.Ca*h wbaai (bid) I Sett «klC« L tli »att *hlU (•ulodlaa m ) M il »b lu ctnb 'utl] w«it«ra rM

Hard r<4 wInUri Onllt>arr LSI: 10 tT e«Bt t.Ms 11 ptr c«st I.Oti II par

e«nt I.IB.Today'* 'ear r*eal»((i WbMt 91] batUr

4t flowTi oit* 1| n lllM T.

, «B bank ertdIU, octtnslen e f exii : pert c o n b ^ aatbartbr'oiW tn oa it p e r u u o n , - l i T « i t o » - B a i k a l ' velgbto, anocatSou o (

tn d in c o o th* ftmla

' C aaaearbr'C h itotnai He said (be Woldatt bOl nprescnU:

the BepubUean leadatsblp'a Jud«> ment on “ the.ttaln«a.tbit.can ba cleared t j oongren by CbrUtaaa." The nnal deeuloo oa t2u nmalader

> of the I>redd«nt‘B proftmn. be said, will have to wait untU regular'

I Kttlon in Jaouatr., TOU of Mr. Ttunun'a itatcmcDt.

that anjthlni len thaa his 10«polat procran for curtolni Uvtng eoaU wlU be t&adequat*. W olcott expected him to sajr th at"

Mr. Truman told bla sews eon- ferenee that he win submit to ooo<

couple o f dajri ipedflc .. coTerlng the wage and

price coDtrols which be h u re­quested.'

Other Fotnto SetThe President addod that be also

ezpeeta to submit otber proposals to cover all the 10 points outlined In his first measace to the special

' Reminded that ba had fald at a prevlou*'news conference that the OPA was In the torm of a police* state method, the President said the police state method arises. un­der dlctatdnhlpe.'

ir congress directs price and wage' controls In a free BOTcmment br frte legUltUre action, ha s&ld. that Is the free goremment approach.

Deaoa *T»nlT«” .The Republican plan appeared

headed for quick congressional ap- proral with Democratic membera ot congress Indicating willingness to allow Republicans to paas their pro­gram and take the blame U It falls. : Th»7 contend that the OOP plan , to ourb inflatloa bjr *^oluntar]r**


b xoou ik -ta -h ii_____ ___•toQs ot ft IMT autnta Is to ba baaid gberttr bar. M g t Punpbngr. rr- .

Q&der tba statttt*. 'i M u k a . smith. Twin TtOi, U r1i«< B . H. A I M aad hia i s - r w o l d m i. S o- bert, jotntir tor na»»nno> ia an auteoK*Ue accWentT^’ damages and eo«tL

Aceordlfig to ttta . Attorney J. B . Banwt tba owner of an aatsoiebUa Is aquaOjr llabls with the operator IT tbs- c tt U being used with the oonMnt, tx< pressed or Implied, ot ths owner. '

The aecldent occurrad Cot. II. 1M7. two miles south ot Twin M U oG the airport road. Smltb elatma ba waa struck by "drlnn autcinoblle pperated hr -ttia younger Allred.

A dsnttrrer baa been fiHtd by At­torney T . M. Robertaoa.wbojepre- aenU the Allreds.

Minor Auto Mishap . Reported br Police

An auto Skidded about six pacea before It dented the left-front ten­der of another car about 19:07 p. m. Wednesday, city police reported Tliursday.

According to ths report, a car driven by Bdwln tohmsnn. 3SS Jackson street, skidded Into a car driven by Vernon 0 . Morgan, Ut6 Sixth avenue east, kt thf Intersec­tion of Second avenua and Third street sast.

.Making a single prestdentlal flag requires the services of an expert seamstress for an entire month.

.■XSaw SMa im;btti4-to BppNT

7S miles an beur down tba-oaater ot U. j l highway 30, Ba U to ap- p w before Justle* c t. tba Paaea Banl.Laanlng, n iar. to aaiwor tha

leedlnc dtatlon.Ptank Kodeth andlBarald. R.

Q la tte , both rouu U Buhl, ware dtad to appeu befbn Justloe ot tto Peaca a X. Rudy. M ar. Ibay

Qub Omera Get License Warning

B O X i^ .S ca U OJJO>-Law & i- torcement Commissioner R. o . LewU said today be was having a bard t ^ getting It across to retaU Uquor clubs that they must renew their licenses sood or tacd closure atter Jan. 1 to wait for their new licenses.

B e said only eight renewals ot 4M dubs have been Issuec ^ date; And he pointed out the clubs flrat must secure tbelr beer licenses before the liquor licenses can be re- aewed;

Lewis sakl the clubs should follow this procedure: First get their city and county beer Uceoses. then the state beer finally thesUto liquor Ucenses. After that the clubs' muft get their city liquor


An teaebars musttar eertmeataa o o r _ _____or meet tha requtrimaals o t _____ _oartUlcatloa program,'atfsetlTa Jaa. t.. County Supt Dorts X. B t r a ^

BaouBoed Thorsday,Shevanwd tbatateoewalsiBuM

be received la the staU ettlea by s e a ai. IMT, tor thoae .teacben wboee regular- oertlflcates b a n •tapud.

Zn the event this regulation Is oot oompUed with. It wfll be necenaiy for suolt iMcber to meet the-----------------1 in erder to obtain *SUM tea c h ^ certificate, she said.

Club Owner Faces--------- JAIK BOMB. Dee.

ralgnment o t Oscar Ford, owner of Highway 30 club, located about a mile outside tba dcy limits, on a charge ot Illegal possession of li^ or, win be held time nez' ' Slmore county ottklals n ld day.

At tha same time Rex Oregg, aaemployee ot the club, wUl be ar­raigned on a charge ot gvnbling, officials, said. O ren . they added. Is ■peclflcally charged vlUi .operatinc------- la of ai. ,

- - Tuesday John I der at the club, was k district cotnt on si chissle of Uqttor; C ounty____________the dub. being located outside the corporate limits. oouM not obtain a license to sell lie

club.oouldjl ▼atloQ AtsL TburadayV

Xa:addltlm to a Xtwaals di OhrlstmM pturn with tl.. .....Legtoa hall. .- .aiie’4 group wlU.slai acta and ths B Scqut troop i program. Wsst

Be.urged a L _______their cash denatioo*.-ta,^ meeting Dee. !«.• .’ ‘-'•,<4^

A musleal prograift-i^-fl meeting w u . prcasnladShiWarn and RobStO____ _a guitar and aoeetdUir< B

5S .S '«S J '.onest* for' tit* L

V , 0 ..lam b, C h w te^ . aibson ..w . B. Feay.aILT aa d-Jam saaB 10.r--------

::L Q »H e. FIRE M i AUTO .:

in su r a n c e■ , . O n I ^ B d U l V . ;


UUe malxa U J l^ K . Kanr t3.9I-4.02N.

NaUoaal Biscuit .

Kdrtb American Aviation -Northern P a d tlo _________Ohio O U ......

— 81%----- 17H— 31H___SOU-----37 4___30«i

.1 3%

- lOH .. 39%- 34% . 4K- 30M ~ 18H- 63T4

I OU CalUomU_____ 60%Qdard OU New Jersey___ 78H

Studebaker___ _ 20Sunshine OKTexas Company — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 87Trans American ■ 13H

. 31%

Sh«ts> MUbI* 4.000) laUI S,tHi oarktt ■t wublUbM: u klu hlih*r en •Uuabtn sp to lot food .and «bale«


Mlabl* It.OOO; islal Sl.OOOl fanicbtr* cm. «»alljr »^0 lawn: ioim around » " bulk lead «Dd ekcU 1M.IOO lb. bti

tilU -»JM t.U : U0.1M Ibt. tu t . tood and cbok* 400409 lb. *d* i ZUO.||J!0] cbelc* Itfbur w*L*bu }<4l

CatU* aalaU* 4M s total 4400: calm aalabit TOO l lota] 7001 M «t««ra and b*lf. eta ataadrt aeUv* ra klah-tood and <b«lc* narllnn and iUm •dllat at ll.M (a I«.7a tad b«u«r! hUb<holM I.XTI lb. «r*raxn top^d at l»M i e«miaoB aad tDidlum *t**n «Bd biKtr* aUo falrlr acU>. at ».09 dawa to Jt.00 asd btlowi cbolea It lb. lulftn lapW for cta«< at SUO; m«t and «beie* b*lfm U.IO.140?»............ ........ . .itood <e>« ta » .«0] irtaltn (l< down: ebale* b«»4 at m o .

SbMp aaUbI« 4J00I total . itroaicT prica (or sUujhUr____ _1 2S.9»>».


27.001 m*dlaa and low rood 21.00-tl.00i Swi^fa is'and twrtbtml7JO-lt!soi BHilam lloo-lT.oo:

Uni I Oarblduiy^Fox .

134KUnited Airlines •_______United Aircraft ________United Corporation ....U. 8 . Rubber __________U. a S teel_____________Warner.Pictures ..........'Wcatem Auto _ _ _ _ _ _Western Dnlon ________Westlnghouse Airbrakes . WesUnghouse Electric _ Woolwortb .

NEW T O B S CURB NEW TORK. Deo. 11 tff>-

Amerlcan Super PowerCities Service _______nectrlo Bond i t Share Beola Mintwf Mt. City “Niagara Technico]

ebolet Ttaltn Il.004l.00i TBodhmi H-OO- 1.001 ooamaa llX0-t7J4> eoed aad chol«« aushUr eal«« tl.OO>tt.OO: B*dl*m 1740. >.001 common 1«.l0-t7.00| cholco : i l tb. ixkor Mlrtt U.7I.lion lalabl* UOi itMd : irood and chclea .i t Ib .*a*t«ni mill m bauhtn tt.OOi

batk Kood aod cboko >10-240 lb. bamwr aad Bllti 2740-21.00! eheleo t l4 l: 22t-24< Ib*. 27.00) 2T7 Ibt. 2t.l0| bulk aowi 21.09' Ml ll«ht .mooUl klad.V to SI.OO.

Bh*«p taUbI* 711 ■laotkur UmU ttaadr:

_8AJf PBAHIJ r a s c a o l^ ^ U P ) —CatU* I load IM m«dlBni and

- 13H -.40% -2054

*taar( aad h*Utn ab*mt) ono load «ood 1.040 l^ raai* eowa 20.00) *ortM] *rrn head m*dlnm *t ll.OOi caonar* and etitt«n *eare*.'c«B»raItr aell«* with wMk'a 2140 uptnnij eoRimoB bulk 12.00.tl40} «»I»« oonaj qooUbI* top 27.00-21.00. •

1!<^ IH| iBcledM MO Uto 7«Urd*r:

rood aowi 21.00.

« a 1, S7.00. ______rto u s

MINMrAPOLlS. D*«. It UV-Tlotir I too lb. MttOD aackti (aBllr PtlMta ut ebanf*d at t.Hi *Uadard paUaU eU 1 I 7.40: tbIpB>«au 11,440.

Staadird bran 1.00 hlibtr at 7040.

Potatoes-OnionsluAuu rxiA^

IDAHO FALLS, ,0m. II (4>_BhlnltKK. {sr,&.;j. OKftlnn v*rr lllbt for Urc«. med«ral« fvr otbtr atoekf. Llfbt*wlr« inquirr, maod **nr lUbt asd Itmllad to otrtrlnta. '

Too (rw aala to aUblUh markat. Tnt- tkallr no ch*n«* In >blpp«n aiktu prleM netpt •om* snwub*d ilUbUr I^*r. Crowtra boldine (Irb. 8«m* *al«a n*d pmlooa rantra<l« now btlni S*hlps*ata ralM oateld. BM«Ur *aUI wwhtd lUxka.

” lulonal *eatt«r*d «al«* rrportad. too

CmCACO. Dk. 1 (Ur>—Arrival* Ut n track 2411 toul thlpa»nt III.Idtbo*! ArriraU 40l thlpnint 117.

^ Uarkfti Sappllta modmU. d«maBd *tow. Track *al« p*r 100 Ibi.i Idaho r

V. 8. t •!>» A wub«l 4.71: unwubxl ......MoBUna ru>MtrBls*d wubfd 4.ti. North DtkoU and Ulnn«*oU B«J rlvfr ralltr

■■ - I tU* A wub«dcobblaia M p*r «c

COICACO ONIONS CniCACO. 0*e. n (Uri—Track aalMi

Idtbo SpaaUh S.MI Cotondo SpanUh««t talMi Hlcklfan rallowi 140: Wl*-

oeulB 140.240) MlnntuU M i: Colorado aad Idaho SpaaUh 1404.11.

Butter and Ecrgs

4tu.I : 90 teor* 71

ttHi •malt A »t47H: lirt*CaiCACO POULTRT CHIOAOO. Dm. U UP>—(USDA)—LI>*

OBltry (ICBl raMlpU 27 InKfcd prlc««I144.................... .........

... j at 12 emu for hfivr and •BuU, rOO wboImU aark*t.CniCACO PRODUCE

CKICACO. Om. II bP)—UatUr «aal«r K*<pta 2SI414I pric** sncb>n(*d.^ aa*«tU*d) r«o>lpt> K.tlli prIeH


has agreed to ship BrltJiln a "aub- ttantial quanUty" of course grains from the 1047 harvest. Harold Wil­son. president o f the board of trade, announced today.

Inets make agreements to hdd down rising Uvl^ costa without Incurring prosecution under the anti-tmst laws, the OOP bUl was introduced In the house lata yesterday with tba blessing of senate and bouse Ra- . publican lesders.

Foreclosure Suit Hits Airpark for HagermanValley

Poredosuro of the. Thousand Springs Airport property a t Rager- mdi) to satlify a lien was sought Thundsy In district coiirt

The complaint was filed against Ddbert Clampltt. his wife. Delsle, and the corporation on behalf o? Dwight E. etscey who asks Judg­ment ot la,767.92 plus Interest and ooits.

According to the complaint, Stacey received a mortgage la return for a credit o( t4.S34.78 to Clampltt oa Dec. fl, 1040. When interest was not paid a year ister. ttte whola amount became coUecUble.' the complaint sUtes. •

Howevsr, the noto and m ort^gs were made subleet to a first mort- cage held by the Equitable U fe Assurance Sodety o f the United SUtas, dstod Aug. 8,'1046. according to the compldnt-

in order to protect his second mortgage Stacey made a psyroent ot 11.033.74 on the first mortgage on Dec. 4. U47, the complaint al­leges.

SUcey asks that the property be sold by the sheriff subject to the outttsndiog first mortgage, and that he receive payment o f the debt to him. The complaint was filed by Attomey Ariel L. Crowley. Bolie.

Engine Damaged By Anti-Freeze,

~Motonst ClaimsCharging that a solution of anti­

freeze bsdly < aTp«|p»/ the engine o f his pickup truck. Joseph P. KUmes has brought suit against the Oore Motor company, Twla Falls, for tll3M .

KUmes. a Jerome'tanner, alleges the company InstaUed two gallons of "Vegal Nyla’* Nov. 5. 1047, with the assurance It would not damage the truck’s circulatory system.

Within a week he began to have trouble and the engine "frote” Kllmes contends. He had the trucktowed to the Thorpo Motor com­pany, Jerome, where It was found the ontl-free*e had eaten through gaskets and affected «he engine, the complaint alleges.

SUmes- complaint was fUed by Attomey J. H. Barnes wlUi Judge J. O. Pumphrey.


The senate publle lands committee today gave t<v prtorlty to a house- — roved bUl authorizing MW>.- . for rdlet of Navajo and Hopl

Indians In Ariiona and New Mexico.

SetUers of New Zealand were Scotch. EngUsh, Irish. Dane. Nor­wegian, Swedish, and a few French. German, and American.

»CnONS.Watch this column dally tor newa o f Magle Valloy*B farm auctlona and for the d a u tb dr Ustlnga wl‘1 appear In tha Tlmes-Newa. Check their ads tor loeatloa and aS necessary Intonaation.

DECEMBER 12AUUnsu and Haynes

AdTsrtiseaetit Doe. 10-lt BoOenbeek A HellSBbeek. AiKta.

_______ i 15Kan Hyde

---------- 1 D te. U -UBopUas A Harmon. AaeUeoeen

IBBR 16 - 8. A. W a ltu

AdvertlKment Dec. 14 UOUsobM* « BoQ«ilMek. Aac(fc

this year

GIVE SOM ETHING P ^ C T IG A lr -U S E F in F O R AXXThU year more than ever before. It’s wise and necessary that we watch our biQdng and gUtlog • o • boy wid give Bomething worthwhile.

Who have fust received an wttuuatty large shipment of

Page 13: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

AB R A [^

i..lUUOUHn tw cuoinw soirt

«Mk dwi. tl m. ■.■oadW liM Brtgriw

S m th u <MM UMfTMt latatkm. .

Phone? v v . ; . 3 g ', : iv . , :

SITUATIONS WANTEDs * a i ± r t £ A r t aCMjpslS*^


• lis r s s ’bi- ' aSSl

mM4t ImOm nmto. lU Hits Morth.OrStoek?" ° Chrti Uh

f f i i K S S J i ' l ' i SOROEB NOW roft OHIUSTHAS m WalBlt Fbea* UllR







’ 0 -& G FLOORS• PHONE 2004-M


BEAUTY SHOPS•iim e*«r T«


<Mat 1 ^ 0 ^ MwUuIm ms4 taU

'sC H O O L sX T R A lN m ir

fnral kasHax. «

HAM «UM buBMkMplM M ea be«?

' «wy >»hiU» f WANlTOlFeSa

mi. tSMe. Oownlnt ' l*t. Phomt 1H4.W.

SAVa XOHBTr^ . 'S S a i- 'K . ’S K S ?-OtOAB O. OLaON, COKTRACTO*


s i r jnrmnea rmlmL Cu«ll«iit *t4ttlw

iT S L ?W ^ T E S ^M rL E !WAtrrKfil Two rooTlur u la a n . Hut

SiTf eir. T>lti r«ll« ftoeriw 6emp>Br.CUHi'LCTEC.Y Mpiltrpwl Mnrle* aUUn <or 1mm la j«rem<. Good c----- -—“ “ **“

Business OPPORTUNITIESnCMT^^IsM Iraiuinx. 14x40 fnO bu»

Cafo S<n or BiMtUst bnlst*DbIMIm •lul •aalcmralCECIL C. J0ME8 .

VptUin Sank * Tnul BUt. Hm.

' INCOME PROPERTYId rood r«iU*ntJkl iaetlon. t«e keoa ea ,elH>W IM elaM Is. rarlnc bttb. than tblnata par caat es lnv«ta«nt or lira la aa* la( Iha cttaar m>ki Iba



BILL COUBERLYIM Mala Atu Z. rkana 1»Ma X. HEPPLBB rbooa Ut


t CMTtaitBt b«Ba oa Blua Lakaa DIrd. I alacUk fUrraa. 1 eoal alsra, elbar tarallara. U440.00.



r s ^

Southwest Banks Protest Action to Cut Their Class

•WASHINaiON. Dec. U (IIB — A gronp at Mutbwestern bimken

• - • their

FOR SALE Combination


Jl.OOO Uaa tawllna atarua upa<ltj.



—• Independent Dealer —— Fully Equipped — PRICED TO SELL


l lw taoken were trom TopekA jo tf IC inm City. Kaas^ at. Joseph,

: **®:5jPueUo. OoJo, and O ilm tcm . utd W m o. Tex. They told the fed-

^ naerre bo*r«l yejterdty that .th a y itoaUy obJeet«d to a bou d

u or* wtUeta would drop them fratn tht 7« s e m city daiuiinfttlon o t the f t d ^ r e ^ e «y«t«n to the coun-

. try tenk rtimineaUon.They were told that it their ^aww

■ w en dropped to the country clas* •UleaU^ they would only havo to cany 14 per cent ot reserrs asatnst demand depoiiu. rmUier th.Ti 30

: per oent under their prtsent .atatus, , A board ipokeanan loid that “ the• j ^ l e thin* boUed down to the tact

that the baaken telt they would lote preatlie." TOe board <ald the

..m o w was planned ai a means ot . . promotlns unltonnlty In the matter

. « « elaasllytna banka. The federal- rew T * ay*tem is made up ot three : ,d««IXle»Ugn8. central reserve cities,

neerra cities, and countty h-nw . Tho other cities Invotve^ cooe ot

P « t « t ln g d d ^ o i i. the board apokcnnan said, were A V oM e, O.; Dubuque, la.: armnd

Utahn WiU Lead A lison for

XNCOMZ rBOPEBTXl U m ara >«ak. Inc far a apod laTaaUant wkteh vltl 9U fOQ a n . 1 bar* It la a bulnna bolUlM la Twin n ib .

coow m r OBOOIBTj M«al atitUu a««lpaiaat. »a!k.|a eaU nam. IH toed lotkna. • noB medan »p«rtatBt.

GS0C8BT1 Wan ia (ood m l.dasUtl aattiaa, *U1 aall laaaa, tUtim aad tlech. Prlaad to aaS,

MoblU 5<nka BUUos * Graeafr.

BEN ASPEY, Realtor 111 sea n. w. rnoNs tii


nbhad. HI Harth Waahlastm.Misc. .Mr rent "dAtUOlTto at^^ 4uTiWANTED TO RENT.-LEASE

ftWTtli w U r -liaS T . m a i S s r ■"


nraraaca. WtlU Baa IT.A. Tia<»-Nm. ffaTADLE'T?;ina;^w a.u% -crr;n:ir

•d or anrttnlabad beoaa or a»arta*tit trr r«km«>y I. WrIU Pot »A . Tlnn»»N«»«.


A LARGE HOME • In Magic Valley



' MONEY t 6 LOA iT


Bata aa lew aa u r —U<t«r tku uajr-RSUANOE o n s c r r o o b p .

1> tad SL Waat PboM UM



CORP.Radio Bids. Pbona eao

4% LAND BANK LOANStM« tarmv tab traatsast, prapw Mat PhfUana. m •eaotoaiaaa. tm-


m nird Ai«na iMth. Tvts ralk


K S i£ .S ^ u » K t e :

4% LoDff Term FARM LOANS

Ka faa. Ka tiAP^V&^O^AOB u!b<B


U6MES f 6r sA L e

almost »OUll bont al I4» tlb ATanaa Bm I.

2 BEDB0 0 M ‘H(UIb;^.

A L0VKL7 L T X ^ B o i a • ON H ;AOBS .

E. W. McROBEBTS ft CO.Etka Bids.- nwM'tw

4 ROOM MODERNlioiB* ea 1 Krt t e a t Blca Una titmilra HtIoc reaa, I

CECIL C. JONESUpiUln Baak 4 T m t Pb«M 1041

2 FIVE ACRESoo. n>laa4U,S.reeB ka>ia. All

r.a..o- u” ?25. ’.y.^s^s2n«•^^and dV aawar u>d •aUr. DeoUac*r«aa. /

ANDTbit prepntr ba* ao ■ddUlontI Stoea

beat eo It tbat ii a v«rr aeed laaeoM.B a L COUBERLY

{ : W ep*?l*b i iS I ’S?

SUBURBAN HOMES ' t acm »lib BwdaiB tbr«»Mrwn

bamc. Good sara««. Claaa Is 'eilr on paved road. Well («nca4 with alae yard. Tin prira la «nly


I a«r« located oa paead read tad cloee In. Nuilr iww 4-rooa beoea wllb bIm baatmaat. Lusa faraca. Wall liapRrrtd place.

C. E. ADAMS111 Mala Avfc £. Fboi


.rj.UMa|. lUid.

oa tnala noeratid t npautlra. bath roea on aaeb floor, rumaea aad itoker. t ear carate. lane Jot and (bade. 0<ra«r b Bot a pteflleer and yog w|U ba acreeabb anrprlMd mt tbe prke. We

C. A. ROBINSON' Realtor

Saek A Trut DIdc. Pheae MlOR OAU>JIM &IARTZN On-M


tl4W-0aa bedroom hotae >edtni ex eept beat, located on S«<enlb A*eOB Eut, eaat of Sloe Lakea Boalerud.

baid»oed fleera. eieelleat eleker. deoble B«w S bedteoB borne

II.IM »llk BoatUr paTBeata ef tMJl.

M. bard»o«l Seen, tall bate-


Ml Mala Are. N. Pb»e UU

m mew.joD . . . JtXAinr TO xovz z k t o .


Toil] Uw aaafortahir aad he vnad b^tartiia la tWi m-



■ ^ A T E S T A tE WAhfTjfiD



FARMS FOR RENTIWACREa, f o . U a ^ . wawr m

X«t M -kaow «b« m an. where m aaj^t will fee roa. Write Ba KA.

BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE jl «oiui .lit 4 u j -ai


s . r i t W ^ T ' , a CoQBtry baae

It ACRSS■''Sl'r'.’- K i S ' i

plenty of rood eaUmUdtols. Better

nod buy at I1I.0HM.

LOVELYt bedrwiB borne la Jerome win Wade (er (am land.

KELTY BEAL ESTATEIU4 Kimberly Rd. ' Pboae 144-M

A.CBOICS 80.AOBE8 .wlUi aiodera bone, ta beet of tecatles,

• few BlaatM' drira from Twla falU. O. A; ROBmsON

REALTOB Beak * Trut OMf. Pbeae tU

JIM M M n ^ tlTM




Oae 49 aerea at Flier injOO.M 40 acraa at Twla Palla ISO.000.00

S??ie.5orfaJ^ •“ “• ELMER PETERS

Pbeae lUlM or Mil M il4« itk Ava. &



taldee tbat It** priced to eeU taaedl. ktatr aad H.OOO taka paaeeealea II bM a S^edtooB beow aad de« waU. A lam eow b m . beadcau ea

w o AT MURTAUOHraet caaa ta. A aood tarn ea aeod tami,.


E. W. McROBERTS ft CO.Kka BIdc.. Pboae MO


THE rOLUIWDIG ABC SXCEP1I0H-A14.T ooon Btnrs o n thk oootvw o TBACTt

S« AOBSa, le abam <>( wuer «a eOed blQbwairi I mltea ( m

M A C m n abarte of waterl welli eleetrteitj'i coed reaik. ram He*

tb* beat « tbe Ooedlac Ttaet. Coed tWBi ea Blaee wba betdi tbrea rmt leiM. TbW m U Buka • flae (». vataeat. Price t»L M per aoa.

se ACBn. se »aar« ot North Bide

Aean reoneU of Mr haowled«« wd lew aapeHtea la the iw l Mtato b«iJ.' aea «■ tb* Ooedlaa Traet. Wa kaiw vahMi sad ea. pa« t h « M to yea.


40I aiDei 'boat BaU. S 'bedngB iMaie ■Mieta excfpt bMt.. BawO kwa,:anr f in «a aai.ahkkaa Wbm. W d aad

(r* laahi asd li Cn» « ( wwda.Price»ll,000 . •


M ACBXS rUer Sbtrid. 4 Toca heaa. beta, praanre triteai. (air «atbaU«..Ian. in^ee.

U A'CSXS Boeker nat Bbtrict wllbK ij !a !s r ? 5 ^ ;t x .5 s 'h s jtaU aad ea plaea. S17JM40.


200 ACRESLerel land. AU baa*7 black aeU. so rocka. ItLOOO takea Is crop laet jrear. « room beoee. Wall fcseed aad creea (eaced.

. PBICS ttl.004.09T . J. BACON

t il MaJa N. PbMt

.84 ACRESlU nilie* trom Bueea. 4 reea boaa*.

PRIQB «u,80a00F. J. BACON

til Ma(a Pboae IMI.W . iltS-B

W ACRES OP OOOD UiMO : roosi. well baUt botae la alab

which la SBqeaatlesed.. Ckae to mai« ket. pttod below Barhat, eoae tarB*.C. A.’ r OBINSON RealtorBaak' 4 Tmt BUs. Pbeaa ltl

Good two re-a'^^o^^w'S, aad pma'ar,S.‘K?.-V.?Oor“^ 1— Utep.^

40 ACBBS£Sfl:£.i’!d-ft;.‘ S S S ! r . »

JOHN B. WHrre ' «4U.*r.«S?“ * “ ‘ “ Pbiaelia

40 ACRZ M0DE31N BOMB Seep well aad prwaare anleta

Verr (ood Uad




OF SPLENDID LANDWe haW t aeea er bwud et a Uad d «l that hM tbk equals (er tfck eiw^I^^ti^” ba^m ta * ^ !b^th ^to ^ B d . all tba very but o( aoil aad

.u . . ,ad laya alaoct perlcct. all *' 'la. Very will laprarad.

-ipktely BMirB4 BEDROOM HOME

baecBeat. • taker beat. Anotber aeod •.reoB boBe. oa tbb aame property. Oood and Beat aad attracUio and there

Tbb eaUra ipread caa be had (or ooly $86,000.00 TO BEE IT 18 TO BUY m



We fc«>« a (ood SO aerea. tlse Uad. 40• - • • heBc. eleo.trblty. Bua Mboel aad Bilk i

Plenty at water, ebav.r w b . laatodj with ihtoi isaed tern.

L 5 s & ^ £ 3 S :* ^ .J r ia * ^rallw, rood Oahlac. sead baaUaa. Bee tUi at oaee aad more ta. /

We ha*a iL umt aned W acna for I tT ^ . part dowa, leaa term «a baW

SS iia^*5^la iiiM ^ »aw

tat I4ee *M

We hata aevml eatoi. M ak'sateh, toatM aaaru, ata. -1 4 v h ^ ^ b ^ w i n : ,

AssociateI FbMa* lO M


52?i't;.*2L5r‘a 5 t i c iS 2 :

AinoBm rooNB, ;isL:«ta

B « seed I bedraee heai* tilr «at>aI14. last. «•« wan wUh-piwaan psaw. Ptind (er ikan thaa 'm t Mr serai. We ha?a k «y M 'te lt«th kUa iaal.

aad WaadeU. Wa waall appraetat* year IMIass aaaik. ’

a E. ADAMSm ilM .A i^ B . naaalM


r a s BALKi Jeka

ffiV g -^ g y g l^ t k ptew.reke. *Priead risht to S S * t * «e l,^ aemb. naacltea. Wehle Taiacr.M0UW8 » laeh-tkiakU piew arJTS MUaeapolb Mallae ’ traeter. New-latt


Abeolately Safe OemlbaaUea Batterr aad ESectrie






U t Us Have Your Order

Nowaad ateld that flprias Bath









ATiUIble la 4 * S ft. widlha. Tt haa





it.t.t«,r-y*r.Mraa><.w ■ P to'rABHAI^

AJee hr ether (bactoa I306.M U d UP



M e d ^ S ^ Mollae aad eallirater

— PLOWS —nit~r Hoao. IMBch




F bm 1« 0(

H A Y .(^ R A tN 'A K lD l^ --------------------------HBGTSSS


S 3 ? ?


PHONII 0190J4 'Me aan Baaday Mera 1 p. to,

For Sals '1000 ’


Start CunUnt Pab. 1st- W ILL SELL IN LOTS





APPLES Aay boahal af mUeleaa t rOB IlMae aM crbp aad (ree trw wera




Comer o t Sid W «t*A Majn


BAMAHA8 AND WXNEaAPg M $ iM »ad up ^



WANTCOt Straw to kala er (taak. R e S



FOR SALE 6k fh A b B "TO TRADE tram o w > e r .« itn « o .d i^ trailer beae.rar t.nam taae or tocdjsai

XaaM(. (er a toed i TwIb ralla. Vrtu Bo Keataa. iS L i

SALEPBACnCAU.T new M«tne diUl. O di

o ------ - . . . . .. . .fiUR W d akir ~ wig~ Haj;;>‘~ T S 5 ;

-IW-Rl. Twia Falh.


w r iH i / s B O R s s u o r b aISiSS

4Xaeb JolBtar -m tb or Wlthoo*

...........Uotet . . .SEARS ROEBUCK ft CO.


. * « ” 3 door MdAB. Xtadjo. bMiter. spot, llsb t. BaBt c o fo ^ IB.009. aetasi alles.

sad oat;, this

G n a x is t^ 'GORE MOTOR CO. i

,a rd MUl SbeiheM 6 t &

Page 14: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

■ Phone ;;


' U L S n iwaidnk* tm k ' b r mtt.

I ro im iT iiy E . T ^ j-n A ticB s n n w ir u R E , s p e c ia l s e r ^ ce snh AraiM teUTwta Fklk.''

• !!Si3?al."?!i.->j!!L>S5SS-'‘ @ ‘« ? ! S s ’S r S

: e5 v $ ^

j r a g g j & p i ^ s ! '

_ . i r » s r - ‘a ‘S T i ’ s a 'ilT oncA iX ^^^m S' mu^ r»«

S S ^ t . « L W c r . Al> -W

snCEL B0LT8 B«r kr tb« »«es< «r hr ite tM

C«at Ueh Tkoi O w



B S A m T OON6TRUOTED|57i5Available Now



A p M flb . 04 . Meea4 » .

otnt rtnunrvM olsamimo ib NOT • ^


Wa 4r mtn tkm dlalstU torfac* 4tr1.s s p i a a r % " r a 2 ii£E

■ • bliklkM *f«r M fMM. *v o es

B BOLOatVZ 0UKANZR8 . rUONB Ttt ar m

C ttau OU H «t« . Urta %im tn.M




Easy Termfl-Anderson-Fairbanka

, . RadioTIT «A W A Vt W. PUON* ttW

001.0BfOT r«frtt«r>t>r, ,rn »«<nW Sjg .rp S '.-tn h ir ij

OMnaUM hMMntla* InvlM

P«IM» «r Batti , Caitb iMUUa* br aaaxpwUaaa ’ p®*

aea ar wa wtn iMtall (or reo.SEARS ROEBUCK & CO.


, .IHTO OASB Wa bat* avtrTllilMt « » » ehalia to maBBra •pr*ad«n. aixl oaDt iBDr*. hm about lUUn* Oiit trallar bow. -Ilh na7 Coma In andaaa oer ttoek. Wt call (or asd dtUxr..fHOHi: 41T



► REQOLAR *8.75NOW $3.75 BrcMt Drill

Regular U.40 Now >3.49




Dsmmr Rin« • BUakat*<kl Om U* * Ski MllUni

rilcbl Beeta . Alpaca nUhi Paata


Ite Mall Beulk rtina 111


—tl.Tt mth• I ke

rtui or Wat*r 'STORAQB TANKS

M. 140. 104. 4<|.«Uati alMWX PAT



S-U-R-P-L-U-S . S-A-L-E-S



.We’U Try to Hava It! m a n y it e m s IDEAL



oLovnainm Ks -HAjcr e ^ i n r x n u - .

Vlait Us FIrat ' '



G I F T G U I D Band



FREE THEATER TICKETS DAILYEvery 1U7 ‘im Obrlstmu 3 f m Ucketi to thB Orpbeum u d 9 U18 LUbo vUl b« Bwardm u prises ia tba OtauckU eonteil. All you need do to enter t« to clip » cemplete Unt Crom tha OUt OUlde eMtloh and the balance ot tbe complete Uaei (np to 8) from any other p m or the clAiaUled aecUoo of tha paper to make up • fuany sequence. Paste up the lines In the most humonnis combination poulbla and moll It to the' Contest Editor, Tlmes-News. Winners wlU be announced In thl* xlumn dally. Call (or your tickets at the Tlmes>News o!(lee.


Wins 3 Uckets to s m •Tied Stallion"

or the coming attraction at the Orpheum theater. All tickets subieet to federal tax.

B E U i s THE.,CUCCKU' Local bualntM man would Ilk* llthtknevMn ot n «( to nothlns A Blaiaiam of 10 werdt la tvmulrtd. rho«a


Wins 3 tickets to see "Bury Me Dead­

er the coming attraction at the I d a h o theater. All tickets subject to federal tax.

HEBE IB THE CHUCKLE Ym «iU ?rin4 alt ’hiroUh«l non. Wlpp*>l «lth and «nd l»ati nlil- vaUf that worka am) whtfa »our plans »hBwi partbrad poUnd‘china ^ r » . brtakfaat If dailnd.


TZXTAN■"■’555.4!!?^'’ “ ' “ .TANCY orrs A BrUAB

NEWiU SAW tp«U].-It Colt auptr. it UUh aiairfard. tt Ranlailea aalomaUe. Skllt, kl<]f«laa. Baaalr itaTCBB cltanar. lot akataa, relltr Oata. alaeirla PbUee ntrlearalsr.



HALE’S APPAREL TBS rcBrxoT a m r o a u eb i

aSfD”a ’S y^n?S & ^ onZMS DM DISPbATAt Harry M uB gravc ’s

Fumltura Stow




Bm Ika BMDtlfsl BalMtlon of GUI Jtaanr Noir m Olaplar

VAN ENGELENSw A xovt roB ru f* t^ ik c s



m o o .


n . w . , w J W S t ^ Watab


Ton and Oataaa far Iba KMdlta A Spaad Haablaa


WE MOKOOBAM EUUonarr. Chrliunat Canla. PotiB* UlB 'Paat, 1-larlBf CardObUbaa



2 FOR 1 SALE Closeout on



THE SPORTER INC.t i a n K i “ • w . ; „

■ NEW BENDIXAutomatic

WASHERS—Tb* Idaal Gift—

InM. Oaop-DiT* All rou do It aat aoap. Ttia D Mla I baaatimll7 a*as

tba dial and dM tha — ..«b«B Too'ra not Ibtro,



........ la Feattirlng' a• Lov«ly Selection







Twin PalU Pbosa.T*

RADIOS RADIOS RADIOSStiembanr Catlwi Uajnilc . Trav>Taw. ModaU • C---------- ----------8«tt . Poltabl. . D.tUor.Elaetrk


441 Main A.a E.. phon. U4




TADLB LAMPS __________ |].UFLOOR LAMPS _________




Sears Roebuck & Co.



TOYS — TOYS 'SEE OUR Q ir r ANNEX Ntw BblpBraU ArtHni Daltr









le c OATXS . aoucB UAncs

TWIN FALLS • , H A ^ W A ^ ■

MOKOGRAMMEOetsUwm^Mcllik Napkloj tJAY 'bill " ^*PK0?^4


Juil Arrlrad








DIFFERENTTHE UNIQUE s h o p ;U l aa do roar «Ut vrm lss.









Stranilr b'<ltl for • child to Hda. GOOD SELECn^ OF ANIMAL

xaba-wooTPdlankets a


■ ■(If. t>t timiu, Iloofln. PbI1JI»> I







TaiCYCLES .0 aiTLtt




IKB WALTOM hip bootsORSTAL arr. u a v i o s to« i


aOSBEO reak fe* drirawm aad paiklat Plaa^taa m rrm travS PMm »4S-H.

i n i ' : : -JMWAY'k Applu.«a kapain

-lor, Tuca. vaabar. ateaar npalnae- Giwnu.leel. JUH w«H Addlaaa. IIIB -


. M maiuP*pMhn^M»r*^MMfli•^lUaa. ttot Xlabatl]> Boad. PbonajlAMOS’t'' <•) Mim pU»>. ataxiloiL ‘ H! £519*.

AUTOS FOR ^ L BISTfoRo-t------, Pbaea im .

t?r Tkfr/?/n

‘ w| "ldl Ante

IMI FORO aadan. A-I «radlttoa. Raaaoi;. ablt. Baa Laonard RaM. Esraka HaUI.

iSrSttiM'Sai^lb. ****• 1»4S STUOEBAKBR aadaa, orardrl**.

dK.ba_T®2 »town and counlfr Chmlar,

(41 SUPER daJuxa Fotd club coupai n- db. MroiUr. undar-aaal baaur: BOlart aaat corara; Una and body atllnl. Pb«M IT. Jaroma, (or appoint*

mada aaat coran. ililrt*. baaulllul orl>>






IMt ChavnUt Vdoor HIT Cba>ralal tadini !K f :3 :a :IMI Oldamoblla a*l>n t«ll Charrolat aadan 11)1 CbrrnWt pickup IMI Modal A aotipa ]||« Ford IH.tan Irurk


m :nd ATM SouUi. Phana :01IW





m s OfdsmobUe ’10" sedanelta

IMS Obevrolet 3-door H_OTB.00

1M3 Chrysler New Ycrkar ------11.805.00------

IMI Studebokor Onntnander ------I1.S06.00—

IM I M weoqr iwloor'

Tlia (sT«Bte*r at M f etbn- tliioa Aat»> uoblla tola elToi Bi a dra«iat powar e< IM c m M «U llMat. U «a b m «‘t «lMt TOO wuu. w« oaa cat Hi

Sold Yfltb a Guarantss That Really

. ^Uttta. '. VERN C O ^ L E I

'■ " AUTOMOBttis aoSMoia AT^Sonttt . ;

X Mdaa. radio, baaUr

_______ t TMer. in jl i S f S S S i l i S l s rttu CBE^LCT m las tnah.


in Isd Ata. Sntk




im FOBS aadaa 111* DODGE pkk^p » l> PLYMOUTH aadaa m i BUIM ipadai aadaa m t OLOSMOBILS aasTantbla

tf4T Cm^ROLET 4.doof aadaa, ndlaH it CHRYSLER UUklaadar aadaa. radio and b«at«r.

IMS LINCOLN 4-doot aadaa. r a ^ aad11(1 CHEVROLET 4.door aadaa, radio

aad baatar, aaat aovata. low1141 CUEVBOLEt ladaa, radia asdIMI BUICK alllb covpa. radio u 4 haalar. nav BMtar.IMI CHRYSLER Roral aadaa. radk1141 MERCURY Mdta. radio, baatar,l»W s5!?w''ia<UD. radio aadIIS7 CHEV'uoLrr i«daa. radio and btalar.IttT V>« "U" tadaa. radio an« baalar.

‘’ ” ' “ ' roT m^ " s ‘‘‘SALES & SERVICE

A sQUASrSE’i r

.. IMB BUICKSilpar 4 door aadaa

IMS CHEVROLrr FlaaUlaa S door aadaaIMS CHEVROLSr

Stjrla«u*l«r S door aalas " 1040 FORD


ConnrtlbTa Clab Coapa IMl BUICK

Spaelal 4 daor aadaa IM l CHEVROLET

t door aadaaWritten Guarantee


M2 Bbeabaoc W. Pbooa lU


41 DODOEBusiness coupe, origl* nsl finish. Ooodnil^


41 OHBVROLirr*Club coupe, motor overhauled, reflnlsh*

40 STUDEBAKERChampion 3 door se­dan. Here's & reol economlcol car. Pric­ed to sell quiclc.

■ ' Terms If Desired


Ird aad Shoakoaa St. S. OaSOTO PLTMOtmi


4fi3 Main Ave. East Pbone 1980

U4T OTTOM DrSoto chb eav^ fslb

.M41 aiDttM C It, 4-door, tolly

1I4T BUtCE ipaclal, 44oor (altr anippad.

1»4T PONTUO •traaaUaar Badaoatta.

lil t PONTUC aadaacUa IHt CSEVaOLET Meat » ll HAM^^AYXTTK, taQrtiw oLDsaoaiLS ««o* ..1«*| VeBDaaoa ^^ /8 e v ^ :O Id « .i* & ,i ;i5 ^ ;

______ M a k ».X d u ey O w n ;*U .T o w

W KltB XA8T .10 OSAI» W x n .


in SH »' . A Goad' PlaM

THIS W____

i s c s ; . ; ? .TWILL PAYTO


Ul AAdlami Waal PhaM I H « :






litt PL^OUTH t-4aor apaaial Miab, i m 6TOl)J iniB CbMoglaa'KIT PLYMOUTH* t ^ a a ^

l l i i OaEVBOLET 4.4eer aa<tfc b « t » IMI BUICX aapar aadaa . »4« CHEVBOLCT |.4aer i « ^ hrnim-' m l PLTHOtlTR 4 ^ aadM kMtir' Itll'CnEVBOLrr Aaraaadaa. haUW!:.- 114* FORD 4.deer aadaa. baalar. t*4tom i PL- o o r a 4.4ao(

......... ........ ■■

SS'ifii.m t CUEVBOLET V.m t CHEVROLET S-4aer Mka T'-'--" Ills PLYMOOTB atab'earn ^-INI FORO S-doar aadu ' l» o MERCUar 4-doar aadaa m t PLTMOUTB 84aar aadaa ; - m t CnSVROLET ».*Br aate . . list FORO «>daer aadaa •IMT rORO 4 ^ aadsa ' *IttT CUZVROLET Mae* aadaa v - ttu FORD »4a«f a«4ia r.,




m i FORD.H-taB Plalrep, m e FORD tmkll|t FORD t'toa PkkB»Itu CMETBOUer u-lep >Uka»




................" ’ - . i " ' : -


m M k

Page 15: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^
Page 16: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

T i e r t w .

.A B d M h d B w V iS e ^ - ^ ^In

i n m wm-U . t t a ^ . a o ip itt ::: ' iftln ':

And tbt wiDev'tlpt.auum u d ’r

, o T E * TotaiM^i un i»em l•ppMl U the poea. "gatdnntmtnt.*

“ The moan <loM sUde from eu tv j o v e t t ........................

But whjr tad w b e ^ o n no ooe

But iomeUmei In tbe n l«bt ilie ■toopt

T o Ur enehutnent In « u b • roae." ■ . .

U n . on h u n now. !• oompleUng uwttwr book o( p o a u to b« pub- Uib«d in the new futun. sha alao

I h u M renl Mblovemeato to ber ' cndlt lo other tleld*. n e b m wln-

ntag tint prtn tor s sbort etory la Idtbo Wittan' Jeftgue eompeUtton. abe reeetrad anotber Xlnt tffUe lu t fan in the poetnr dlvlaton o t tba league. For sotno time. M n. Graham was aaaocltta editor ot the AmMcan

T to new book U avaUabla ia Twls rails ttaroagb tba Clot Book Ston

Sronson ElectedBtm unr, Dec. l l —James Broo-

•oo. jr.. TUetda]' was elected direc­tor o t tbs Bnrler irrlgauoo district. Be wUI repreaeat tbe. Bprlnt * •

________ ottbesbotrrtW t^l-----------to and to t taima ta d -to flsh

Obeerful and good aatund,'K eck hires approximately 10. » «n .: ' jM t mooth -be sold ttarea earloada ol wrap IroQ be bad ooQeottd ^

Northwest Given Rind for Cancer

PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. 10 $10OfiCO aUocatloB to tbo aortbw»st tram tbe Damon Bunjraa aem orlal caocer research tuad will gtre Or«> gon and Washington each 140.000 and Td«>u> CMAOO tor research, a

oramllteo decided berrtoday.RepresenUUra. trom the three

sUtes met today with P. U Jackson. pubtUber ot tbe Oregon Journal, a Tleo president ot the national tund and director (or the northwest.

Mrs. Grant Hex, Boise, stata com* mander o f tbe Amertean Cancer so- dety, said disposition ot that s t ^ ^ share has not beea d

W E G ^ N

C U f ^ ^ R

FUEL BiLl^1 . A N D

Y O U i l i N J O Y

A in m u m HEAT

tbe University ot Idaho wUl be con- sulted.betorft specUlo alloeatlons are decided, she said. 11i» state has no medical acbeol.

Bronson, wbote term Is tor three years, b u been serrlag' the unei>: plred tcm ot R. J. Barte, who died. I

A UlUa knows bat.lhthlng ISagle VaOey bosiaeas Is that operated by Casper .Keck. Jerene far bayer. BesldM bdag a Iseratlra operation tar Keok and the bmilersand tnppera who provide b in with bides. It •lie serves to stlmolate thinning oat ot t^ d ettrw U ve Jackmbblt popnUtfoe. Photo at top sbom % see* Uea of bis plant where skinning takes »ia<^whne e to re at bottom shorn a pUe eootslniag between I.SOO and iOOO bides skinned est in one day. Tbe JaekrabblU are beoght tor 10 eeaU a p lm and their hldca dried and baled for shipment to tmrJers. An example et bow well bBotcrs can do Is tbs recent cate of two farmers who went ont In a plck-np track for a dsy. shot 330 rabbits and eoUected *33. (Pbotoa by A. D. U r - son. Jennu.start engiailags)..


Howard Schwab and son were re­leased trom the Cottage hospital Bosday an d . are' at - the - home ot their mother grasdmotber. M n. Josephine Manning..

Oil HEATAir ConcliHoMrs and Convenion Burners


Domestic and Industrial Gravity Furnaces



c m L m '

as worn by the U. S. Women’s Olympic ; Ski

As smooth as an O l^ p le -sklw,-a _____booUe to coddle your foot aftdr.tbe sk l'bodts-^ o ff for fireside fu o ; . . or the.driyehome;-Ti^e'era rubber platform • sole puts a. bounce, ot: *every atop and is water-and-.skIdT>roof *,.. ___Made over a spcdally built last, to wool socks. In smooth yearling. . ; in.cbloM'.' etono, prairie tao. red clover with color tz^'- 4 to 8, medium widths 0 . ' -




Howl Purex. -^newrpostW-suds sensationl

—safer than the mUdest soap for fine fabrics! . ■

—cuts dishwashing time in half!

And to PROVE i t Purex o f f e r s this amasnng

B &vulg m ix w u \ .w i i j .

Get this poekag* at reoswr price Get IH» package lor one centGive one package a reol trid! Wadi greas­iest dishes. Wash your precious nylons, tmdies, woolens.

W atd» how TREND b i l l o w s u p i n t o four tta ra a s m a n y b a i y s a d B M C o m ^ t i n g p r o d u c t s l ; '■

Watdiiibwitctttsgreaaeeveninhardaiticoldestwater.Then,ifiiot8ati5fied that TREND U ^ a ^ y o u

have ever tried, return the unused parage imd yoiw grocer will gladly refund the enbre pvrniase pnce. Fairchough? Try TREND. Y oor grocer haa i t ■

' H urry...L im itsd H m « On!

. . « . £ « « * .a t o n a l . .X m a

Page 17: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

n * ; .n n 7 'A w a o v w MW. ■. ■ » « » m

pf5iass?ffi:&!iifci2s•|-- "‘ tti«f-.iih ■rf.nit.n1 inaUiMti

•adU M ' ' m d i i i t *______c w 'm p ooa lb la for tSepeer

:.t1)»eMTChllditn ytbo eom» to third . '• '^ S 'v l t b o u t «'*onnd (oondatloa .> ^ rMdlnf •bmtr, am » matt«r of > '^ S e i^ a a d d ed . soy'ftudeBt in el*>

mcptuy'fleboti or coQega « b o to b*> J ev itu id u d la tili m d lo c sbeuld

Buuon, lUM e lem im l^ -"'sapeilsor.dnaoiutrat«d b ov

ia t Jheuld U t«ucbt ta d itm ia d '1UW UN of

r '*SUt tht talki, Robert Palmer, 'MoQBtata HcsBa blih ta»

.> «tnutar, reported on tba leadcnhlp '\«ralntn( aobool o f tbe idkho Bdu*

aatlOB aooeUUoD In BoUe laat -laioath .

M n..E va CbaUln, Olenna rtzrr. -:j»raaidcnt o f Uw EImore cow t7 as> .. '■ecUUao. .«ppolot«d tba fOUovtng ; .eoaatllteat: M lu U on a Balkiup,

Olauna rarry, taacher weU&ra: W W . Btoot, Monatala Roma, aeboel noaaea: A. B. Boua, Kins

. BXU. nambarahlp and iaachar rela-

.'/ttoaa: Robert Plitaar, taacber reure* .rnenli iCr* Baatrlea Kelun. Ram* matt, improraaaat of Iniintc*

ii’ C r y fo rY ie iir ;

_ jam com rr.nsi,^ Dae.. n aui> w jCaarijr •

patai* eoacraci from i m to irrr but Botb*

ba aarerad froa.ttia aoftb. In UTI ^-Buttbli-eorraqMadeathaa'found “ SiJj®'

<f MT fT T ’ntth'Ml f f — Totcd orarwlulmlBCijr la .fETor waa ataJIabla, tba art bat« Jolnlns up wllta Waahlnyton. 2waa availabU, tba chaacaa art bat* tar tbaa araa tbat sorth idaiw would vela to lola ooto aattam Waablagtee ............

tta Touodi yr? n tba _ war, Berth Idaho atUl bolda a g r u ^ acalaat raoutbara ^dabe. Datplta *--------- ' -------------------la tranw ta >

Sajbbath &hool Conducts Service

.V J k o ra rr , d k . i t ~ The l d s raaeoad ward Sunday achool pri> - — tba aranlng Mrrlcea'at the , . ..ja cla at 7;J0 p. m. Sunday - .M b M Supt. Berbert May waa in

4v> evTvnu Hnga w en niUK SO ehUdraa of the junior Sunday

S 7}(C M dalL Rouad ub le family dU> waa p r a t e d by Mr. and

* & 1 « . Hobart W t t n f and ehUdrta.Oorla, aad jay .

p^iT^Pbama wara r ^ . by- Bavaraly /■^.jOttawar. r-Allee , im i n o . Obarlea ^; /;o * rB a n Murrtl JobnaonrBatb Oarl-

* t o r o Bair. Jimmy Bell. S 'l f t tM o a toiadall. Donna’ Laa Bawk,

■, »na jimOT ounoir aooooi.

l i r a . --------- ---------------------:^An»U y from .Boise wbera Mra.'

t aa 4peraticn two

tloQ. tba ' aff^tl aad bCBida batwaaa tbe two a r m are dMdad by.tba Salmon rlrer bar* riar. T bt dJraralUea c f Intenata probably alwaya wUl itaad betwets oompiata unity of tba two artaa.

Oaly ta tbe lait ledaUtura a reao* lutloa waa Introduced weklnc to

' aortb Idaho to eaitem Waih* _ n) fif ratber to Waihlnttoa.

^ e reaolutlon, of course, died a natural. death In committee. But that waa only a vetUge of tba bitter atrunie of the north to tear Itaelf away from .the south In the terrl* torlal da7s. In fact only the pocket veto of President aeveland pra* vented the Joining o f north Idaho to the territory of Waahlngtoa back la 18S7.

I Tbe fight between tba north aad the south makea IntaraiUng reading.

■me *lMttle'’ itartad la le u when tbs territorial capital waa nov«d from Len^ton to>^Ua. The north*

era really'got madr*-’Tba Idabo territortal leglalstura

In IUS>ea addreeaad a memorial to congrcM asking that a portion of Dtab be annexed to idabo temionr.

baadle, eastern Watfilngton and waatera Montana. It would be known as "Columbia terrttoiy." But Montana territory wouldn't give up tba rich Bitter Root valley and what turned out to be a rich mining belt.

Tba aecesalcn movement gained fore* la 1873. The Washington teg> islatura passed a memorial asking ooagraaa to annex north Idaho to the Washington territory. North Idaho thought it waa a good Idea

greasloaal Then, la March. 1B87, the aenata

paaaM « bouse bill wtUob: would iiave adaUttad '.Wasblagtoa tarrl* tory to aUUhood wltb north Idaho atuched. All that waa needed waa tba Prealdeot'a algaatura..Bat ’OoT« eraor B tm asoa o f Idabo t o r l t ^ was cloae to Prealdeat. Cleveland and he held up the m untU con­gress. adjourned. iT u t auaat the measure loat by a podkat veto.

The next year la i m , a.bUl waa Introduced la ooagraaa to admit Idaho territory to the Valoa. Ibe south becaa moUUyiac .tbe aertb.

creed to locate ‘tbe'atate unl> .. Ity at M os»w . r t m was otbar

concesalona. Thea la I W . eongre« admitted tbe union without north Idaho.. There n a nothing for that aeeUea to do but to jo la with the aoutb aad Idaho w u made » atata la I M .

^ e t y oonuBlUee; _____________salt Lake Oliar. Hoa. p ta a i^ ^ the Natlooal. A u tan oW D f a U .assodatloa and M, O. Aadataob Sesttle, KADA preatdenL

A t t x m s o p•BOOBING ?

M OS'-'W OOb'

Just Unpacked!THE GRANDEST

Page 18: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

• '« y«itvte ..m d B n i* ;« i*& vA-------------------------------- ir;S*$b*

B u a s U& onrtooked tb » turn «ear>ue mg]* untU ons.-ot. hli

- l u O t e ^ V t e ^ JOtfBC ‘.UMt'dCdl^.u k > :- il9 iM -tSUTSii

e h M i ^ baM n /tti* - w —mrt .htm to tranr .W u K l'tat bar

j^ -c s r a s R S s r a s• A v toBslBir o n r 'to : O n .' Omar tu BtMOv-tiMaaUMi^of M i^ :eh M a :ihtf ~ ‘


a«Mkt. tbtifflbod' his in d n etrdi o f spidleaiitt m d r to w m IM c u b

f«w ^ '. fWtlK

________The oid. ioUd funnies eUU <to tbelr

B « d i - A p ^ U m ”He read aloud:•banted. wUe-One wltb 800JOO

— ’ '110,000) aueta. Appearance dts*................ It . . . « yean

. . . ant tnring hard. ______ bla builnfM.

studcflt^Has exhausted an reeourcM lor edoeation. On brink o f tame. Waota awUUante. Ace a t v m tolerate wife upto aa."

one voman wanted a buibaad vHh a tbree«room houie-ln l>3kyo, •Sopelea," aald BasakL "Sbe'a 37, v ltb paitnta and four tirotben.'*

t ie , abuddered. "Tbe vhole familr vanta-to filter Into the brtdegroom'e bouae."

eaaaU said be vets mates for about 30 per cent o f appUcanta*

Bayonet Slayer’s CeU Yields Knife

SPOKANE, DM. 11 (A>)—Sheriff ' Balpb M. Smltb said that a crude-

I f fasblooed. but raior-Bbarp knife bad been removed from tbe count- jaS ceU occupied by Delbert' ; OPmuh;) Tlsier.vho has been set tenced to life Imprisonment in the bayonet l n « of Or. R. A. Habn of

____________aboat'iayuSsehbovtt acaroaly ean.>be an<

Bounced-lor-tbs. Prealdentlal aeo< Inatiop. wblla be zematha ia the anar.:Sx Alay X l i viU be too lateto bedft -aiv su lor -etfort to vtai' ceBTtnUaA '-flUpport. in tba ' statea where there are pnai*dentlal pelmartea. ■ - . - . -

But,Ike la belnv counted more than;eTer now as vuunt to make the-presidential raee -ir 'tbe OOP waoU to dtmft Mm Oongresslonal KepubUeass are muning over .a Ta-


tb a sheriff made the dlscloeure after the fonner bearlof aid salea-

- man. was removed from tbe county Jail to be taken to tbs state penl* tenliary. . “ ' Smith said the knUe bad been made from a ateeX spoon and lenth' er ;uken from Visger's belt It « t i found under Visser'a mattress, the sheriff said. In a- routine *'Bhoke- dovn" Ssuirdsy.

‘Trenchy admitted he owned the knl|e,“ said the sheriff. ‘ He said he was going to use It to peel onions,"

amltb.-ssld btf'^bad ordered..98 dosen pUsUe spoons for the JaU. to forastau toy -fut«r»< buldenU- of tba^sort. . , „

'(baa and

......r«ttrd M i'«D


Crippled Man Is Pound Murdered

______, v. e. aiemf to a*.imiUd IfaUOBs; Ohalnnan LesUa C . A m id a ,:I t .-3 n . ItootaiBi g l p ^ i U e t ^ U .

:-r:otataer'|tmts , cama awRjp from m s P street under , tbe Impresslaa that Blaaabowqr. was reeepttn tQ the RepubUcaa preatdcntlat noatna-' tion. T U t was reported aomewhat nettled by General Ocet teoaralind discusata c< acoDomle pceUems and what to do about ;tb«mi V m io u o f What waa «aid .vary la detaU...

But acTeral '.guatti .iijp«ed.v1b»t after tbe wocqisn bad gone t o 't b e dtmwlnc room for coffee and tb s m en 'to t b e 'U b w for their dgars, Bsenbower .opened upon dooestlo problems ................any ^aoitlo measurea to deal w ltb tbe aituatlon.

7110 general talked, tbe V nltsd


T v ^ o h m y - ‘and ttntattvs'pUni t o r * mutUpl«>Purpoaa;tMlamaU-

Si m. l5 b S ?rB ia 5 «^filnr enttheBr'-tor-tba-^-trenaQ^ nwUiweu b«*d4iurten s«..Bolae,

Ittrbert said, tbs iurtau^of /re- cUmatloa, o n b ^ o f ^ g ^

Ibat tbe tmited SUtes remained tbe one atrooc element in a troubled world and that all aegmenU of tbs.

and c on -

w u found dead .00' a tsridgp* north* west of nearby Worthington last night, and .BberUf’a Investigator

Eeely said it apparatly was murder.

Seely said tba b o ^ appeared to have been tbrown fram a speeding automobile, with the Intent of bid* Ing it ln :tlb muddy oietangy river. Ib e Tlctcm's throat was slatiied, presumably by a p e a 'l^ e /S e e ly

The victim was identified tcoU- tivcly from papers found In. hla pockets as sUno O. Rlcct o f Cohm-

sumer^—must asicrlflcM tobold tbe prlM Une and keep tb s country strong. He. felt should meet Inflation bead-oa.

I b e somewhat envious poUtical. . action, to tbe BIsentaower boom in general and last M day^ dinner in particular seems to be that Ike ia eomforUbly aittlng in .a bombproof shelter. Aspirants for- tbe R e^bU * can presidential nomination «yvl- denUy .fee l that they are exposed and on the firing line. Tbat wouldn’t be so bad but for tbe fact that eren Ike's . poUtlcal enemies. admit-, b o is a glamorous flginre and would maka a powerfully , strong candld- ate^if be could ^ a .....................

Chinese Dollars Shoot Skyward

SHANGHAI. Dec. 11 CP)—Prices shot skyward today as new bank* notes equivalent in value to 30A00. 40,000 and 100,000 ohlnesa doUaa

clpoulating. I-,,.,. . . . black market raU o h 't f .^ .

doUsre, which had Just fUUttled another of It spurts and bad paused at ISOMO Chinese dollars to one n . S.. spiralled again, to a new high

Hungarian Envoy Against U. & Aid

P m S B U R G H ; Dee. 11 (AV-Him- gaxy'a minister to tbe United States. Rustem Vambery, last night went on reoord as opposing U. & aid t o s u * rope. B p e a l^ of his own country, he said, " if we were left alone, econ- ooilc condition^ could bo Improved much faster.”

My Offlca W U B«CLOSED

Vnta Abe«t Dee. U tb



s T p K w e iC R A T I N C

: And'iSMUl SOTiM :________ • TABLB8



U w rebcs':.«am U .!'tM «, :«MoaUv»« addrossed tbafioQp.--'',' ' '

O tben present at Iht ^ e U . .Wri|lay« Tloe

nation and extanston; Lelaod P m c^

and K d tb OriteUUId,-galda.' -


S£S?K£SS?^S^Sg-Eiiisgj;^?s?s'r5ps'wil«i.iww -------.>_T

tram l<e«utoo Oft tb s boundary bMween idabo and Ortgoo.

m e dso. power bouse and Instal- Utlon at preseat day piloes would

It tb a oeat. eoataln more 'than (,000.000-cable yards of'concrete. itorw> alaust acre-feet o fwttsr.-ln a -lOO-mile reeerroir and leoexmte ib ou t SCO,000 kllowaUa.'

Torbert said the bureau proposed to se ll power-and use tbs revenue to bs lp develop IrrigaUoQ pc^ects vhiob oUirrwUe oould not be con* itnicted because o f InabUlty of pro- ipecUve water usen to repay tbe ratlre eonstrucUon costf. '


mabUshrneat of national cema* lerles at sban donod axmy. tn Uassachuietts. Colorado awlagton Tu propoaod In t b s ----------Benaton trom those sUtM Joined Id tiio lotroductlon of a bill to use Und at r o r t Devsns, Msss, ytirt U «a a . Oolo., and Fort Lewis, Wash, (or burtalffrousds..


and S Idew ^, 3 1ke8


G L O Y S T E I N ’ SB w SM Ird Avc. North

son, who was called .bet* b y ___Illness of bU daughter, Jaddle. le ft Wednesday for Mew York wber* he U, stationed li tba c guard.


HoUd^^pecialP E R M A N E N T S

$3.50. Oompiste>lth Haiivut.■ .Bbampoo and Wave

IDAHO Barber & Beauty

SHOP PHONE 424Vor Appolntmente

. u w L v j i i i u D in ik u a r eoM rAN r.Lbuiw iLU ^ icftiiTiicKT

Ralph Z.DU fandorfV_____________XXfleuUTeseoretai7 7 or 'tb (i; toardV; dMsioa o f forelga-siiialeBs ya^ for SS y*an baad-o(~t& r' deneaitna^ ticn'* oveneaa' serrk*.'-.'-D r. Dtffeadorfer liilted-rfoir-m

new misslaaariM asd u annual'in*


' Bim "B p a m ob A L x , d m , untea'O

'nf'~»TTTrt far -lT n ;:;7rnV'-t'ti'm tb d 'Iti0hit0B^aad'*aany 'T*'( * es^bc t t g J Z S ^ . 'f f S S i i i S .Ototty itturnedirom nvialt ln,Bdls^|te,E -four>year grand total to |10,‘l _____

Tba money u .s e « M . 'h a aaid. for ----------------«nd other

mi HIM w r t t IN A'HUwy n f l days lEIT TO DO OUfi tHRlST J U SHOPPING


o f t h o s e F a m o u s


POTt^OESGive your friends a true gift from IDAHO

; p c h poiaio^tand:■«- 1 0 lb . ca rto n s ....$ 2 .2 5 {lected — individually te

' wrapped and packod 15 lb . cartonS ....$2 .75 ; | I m__^attr.cav. conWn- 30 f t . ca rto n S ....?4 .7 6 i

D e U v ^ ^ a ^ b e r e In tbe United Stetes

e O L B ^ O X E S ____— „.$ 4 ,2 5Tlua Bzprcas Obaigta




CLOSET O Y S S c T O 5 0 c , T A B I ® >

^ _ if

l«lBUY \ ,

t o y s !eArlt^

Page 19: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

UW kod « m ^ vm -U ffbr

olumbert npocf w u lMa»d oa tb* a m t m n t mo ' *

i n ttfir « t U » fe d m l n M m e r s w vnxw uoe wbioh tiwnnd'ttiAt

' tsW IBOQBU B u m in u to iodirtila* •UJiiTUabQ to 1940 uaotfflUd to

' t m m f i o o u d TOW to .u n f i c o m : !B IMS. n w 1»47 crop la KUbo, <ne

«< tb i liiivwt on m ord . l i «zpoetod . to.teotfe Mrteultunl pajm nU

' tadlTkbaI»^tT8nbl«b«r.In w o . p«r etplts tooomi la Ids-,

b e v u thfl.lcmBt oT a m a tU M la ' UM &th tedenl - m i n t -'dutrlef ^ ’ vh leb Ineludes A rlcou.'o«U foraU

N m dK . ‘ Omoe«-;wutaiag<.' toB toa:oWL • . • .

' .iB .iM a . Idaho, m tb 11,341. p«r e«^^ta laeom e,'«M tbatd of Art- M as wUb-tffS. O ntoa v itb UO«s. ■ad U U b with Kondft hM

i«oulitaatt7 led tha Mrea lUtM v lth t«3 8 .1 a 1»40 and II.7D3 'in IMS. Idaho!! per cent of .chaa«e. 1134 ’ p e r '« «a t laerMaa. w u the highaat tor ta y of'tba.aarea,ct^t«a. ^ r O a U fe m la . Idaho .1 K«va>

«■ . per oaplta-laeoma pomenta raw la 1M« orer IMS.* tha federal naarra report aUtad, nmt thtgr da< «Ua*d la the other aUtea ot the Uth dliM et. la aU «U U « per'.eaplU la -

. eooia paTmeata'wara mneh hliber ^ 1MB than'tBU40.".

irtaK ;2 !3 r 4 a £ » . _lOrliyQ dvk . Hprano; un.' lonf

Two Burley Men Get 15 Years on

Burglary CountsBUllUnr. Dee. l:

ohwgad wuh lint . . hM beaa aaatanced to 1ft ycara la .. ....................17. Mania reeeatlr

l l^ n o y d Itortia. It d e tm burtlarri d to 1ft ycara la tha

m a spwehaDded la OalUorala faturaad hara.

B e waa <hartad with Jia BpadiBan .Bardware'O a^ey iw t July 4.

Miaea wnuaat Hlns.'Wtio «at«ad o^n flty 'to IM t disxet bur*

Btaz7 la eSnaectUa with the Prlee'i DrlTe>XB robbtiT, alatf v|a aeateaced

-v ra Ift.jreara In Uie pealt«tttUnr<

I^ier Masons Elect ■J. A. MUIer Master

R L S t . Bee. llW am ea A. MiUer haa been eleotad worahiaful o l'theniecU aaoaa.■ Other otfletn are Clarence Ue> Klbbea, aealor wardea: Robert Reichert, Jualcr warden: r . M.- Hud* aoa. tnaaureTi'aad B .-S. anuaar* qalMt, tficritMTr. '

The date ot matalUUoa. haa' net begn aet. •___________ •

____» at Mala ctta la . .art w;.fi«Bubr< aorthalda etiUTe, haa

at . auBuaar o a n iS 'U * ( _________Aufuit, art mamben a t tha.lcdfa. New awabera will oooplat* tbair M*bour talUaUeo at tha aMalon aad objaoUraa ter IMS wlD b« M b


Couplea Only Admittedll A t iC .C A N D E R S Q N ^ jC X

tha lodfa la to heoor b_____________Who havt .a k n t raeord « ( . eot I aunillnr caaiplat -aad . m ti aehleramaat aad ie praaot*' i camplnf wlUUa tha ooobcU.

Tni K. Locke. OoQdlnf.'«m'etav> I [ duct tham eetlaiaaala^bTB arM iii W. Weat aad CaBuBr. Jamaa SefaQtt. I order leader la. Idaho M ia . a lM iiU

D O Y O U K K O Wthat--chimpractle aad Pfajrtlo-li tharakv brlM. wpaderful a id to I thiiae autteriac trow h lih -M ood l presfureT^ O oed -hM ]tt » a a '

' ' " “ t H O i J E 2 8 8 5DR. H. H. HACP0NAU>|

MACDONALDiM *w ta*5r53^

_____ IfO Wyoyr lipveF^

away^ 7 " ' f * *

'JwHen ydurinstall dnHrtMBREmN

• !*>, roa don't OMd • co d d » n l wsea «a Iroo Rrcmaa Coal*now' •cokar takes errte roar firlojr fohi

tba coal direct from bin to fim le girea joa mo(« beat from leu coaL wid aobstaadalljrcDts jo o t fiiel blUu Tberaoatatlc coatrolf, daalsned ttd boflt fay Itoa R toiua. fee ax-

jen aad mar fuailr oa. og awifort, . alght and day,

wittout adluatnient or atteatlon. Regardlaaa o f y o u present liicl or

&*l-How,now«™il.bbforimme.di*t« JnittII.tioiu Tdepiono for ■

l i « ^ nuToy. nude ,Mu>ui CW or oUlsulon to roiu




Install NowD e tw e ile r ’i h a ve the m en and m aterials to InataB a

. i m i t ;^ w in y o n r .p n n n t hea tin s lystem o r deliver a coinpleta n ew fo m a c e .


- H i

js 'oins TO KnMi Mo;;: ’ij' I rjU TH ABH & BO ira STOBE.f

I F y i f e y ^ g h t . l s * % w e e t h e ^ N i g h t ” a t C . C A n d e r s o n C o . ’ s t h r e e b i s s t o r e s . C o n p l e s o n l y 'w l U ; h e f r e ie i t o ; I l e i s u r e l y p . n r c h a K t h e i r C h r i s t i n a s G i f t s a t a s p e c i a l S p i e r ' c e n t ' d i ^ u n t ' o f f o i i r i u n a l l ' o w p r i c e s d n r i i i K f l i i B ; I t w o h o n r p e r i o d h i e t w e e n 7 l i . m . a i t d 9 p . m . ; V /

5% Discount W iii Be A llow ed Q n A ll Purck^^( E x r a p t C e r ^ i n F a i r - T r a d e d I t e m s )




*20.00 QUALITY.Here Is ah ontsUndinir biiT . Heav7»

• massive, beantlfol s » way floor ' bm)iB. Complete with shades and re« Hector bowf. Compare these lamps

.wiUi-ones 'selDhs up (0 $25.00.



AUTOM ATICt o a s t e r s

Limited -quantities'of coarse, but ^ertheless w« hsve a few folly sato> matie toasters. Bright chrome finish. Two slics capacity, ' . . -



COOKERSSpMdy efficient Presto cookers back In limited (loantUles. Buy the ecoit- omical 4 quart size or the- Itfge six quart size. Cuts cooking time from hours to minutes.

4 QUART$1345ALSO 2Vt QT. i

6 (XT. SI2BS



Take the work out of ironing .with this efficient portable rO- taiy ironerV Sit while you iron— ' faster, neater, safer.




SETSThe value of the year. Pyrex clean transparent cooking ntendls. Cook, serve, store, reheat all In the samo dish*



Clothes DryerREGULAR $12.95

100 ft. capacity r a d ia l clothes dryer. Complete, ready to Install la yottr yard. Occupies a s m a ll space, yet gives the equlTa- lent o f a 100 ft. clothes line.


10 ONLY A llied

Refrigeratora7 tU'Box

D elon Model .

*259”$30.00 DOWN

114.00 MONTH


Cedar ChestsAs Advertised in UFE

The “ Hope” Chest she’s dreamed of. All ^

cedar constmctlon. a Two trays, walnut, ^

mahogany or blonde . finish. Waterfall,

designs.4 4



?5.qO Down $5.00 Month


ELECTRICr a n g e

• Two Burner• Fully Automatic• Nesco Oven• Storage Space

95$10. D om »10. HodUi


PortableM A L L S A W

hobbr hem lore tills lift . A portable 6* aaw adJnUble for any e a t Tw« ealr. Eai>7 tefsia.$59«

5 TieKITCHEN BROOMSA stnrdy well made broom for general

honsehold; cltaninff. Yon*ll want several for yoinself and for useful gifts.' REG. 11.19

6 Only CombinationRADIOS• BnMidcast

• Aatomatlc Record ChiBf*r

• Mahogany Cabinet

4 0


53 PieceDinner-

ware SetBeautiful 68 pc. dinner- ware sets at k price bw- er than most '82 pc. sets. Choose from two beautle ful patterns.

REGULAR 119.95

* 1 5 9 0

Page 20: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

--------- it lM a m- - e.lxsieleetteit.—-----—-l ^ e a in - f a r 'c< .wum.*.

',iM. i-riUt • w > v « ;in n n d E itt p oe iU sio 'd tttr .t fcm M r dan^toi iaitniottaB.,to

' im d d l lk » t e * « t « 9 « t b a c lw » ” ' K BiekiBBni M id. tBitntettoa,i«ocad eentar. txaanA Utitat. .......

fMt. bnMUag pnbltau^'4)lMiMCflB>

Bunu.'wrt-tamao, iiwl .John I ,— ----------m in Icr ttw Srew a siiertbecn rw eb ■t a*B4potnt, w m M rtit W /J .lto r -

spokaat. lomwriy yAOi Uu A a n U can Banford aaaoctaUen. « m dla* cun proeadur* la ketptoc tawd no*

Service PlannedRUPBRT, Deo. U—Tbo UettiodUt

ToQtb Mlomhlp la apoaaorlDf a ------ ---------at the M e tb o ^

H u Ui«me U tha Obrlitmu tlotr depicted la tAbleau wlUs caioli by tha cbotr In tha background. The U b lfu - iM u2Kler tha direcUon ot Mr*. Robert Beaqulat, Mr*. Howard U o»att asd U w f v e t Cottar.

1 5 »S "-T

FnltEnforcm^ht TM ‘Butcher Bill'

,aoISR:Xito ■to\«w•-bw jU t » ’toBatf bow ilM ld.todty. itwlU t t ^ ;« U e r e w ntoreamaat 1

la«-s«Q ultla( iBMonaoa-------- -fop b o t o ( att.bacf killed for

AT for

M the ‘Dotebv MU.” hu not bar*, tofore ban prepoljr aalorced. *n» b t ^ b o ^ was eraatad br the IMT

q id m all alaughterer* to pay • nominal faa for all beef carcaues »fut I All matt hldaa Buitt be atainped by the brand tnipaetton d*partm*Dt. lUataaraata and ealea

fure that each quarter e t beaf la propolr atampad.

Brand boerd members artt ikJ. inj tr- 3U1 S.

,._'ArtL, ■■-A /jrear ' a * o "_____

Craa'oeRBuqr totteu T d S o i ^

bad ja k e o lb t fr .th a t d iO dria .;:.In Aum it. ceUtos iriB.aeatcDeed

to 38 y t t it a t luud Ubor u » dH aertar > f S ha W t AWOI4 to find h le e h l ld ^

Then the diaeomed that

5 ? 3 S * i? S r i5 .n 3 ‘«him from the; 9Ray and;tbat bla eourtmartba vaa *Q « mbtaka.,

But the a m y duf up. a lUO' p«r veueher. vh leh OeUna a i g ^ aa a eaptaln Instead at a UeatanaA and kept htan la the Pncldlo mardheuM on a fergerr eharga. natll U it month K hea ha got out 00 bafl.

______________________fight for hlatraedom, and landed a Job. aa a atara maaager.

Today. Aaalftant SUtzkt At Joeeph Kareaeh vent before Commlsslooer FraneU 6t. J. Tat and uked; dlamUnl e f tha forgery

w^C^ure.Oelllaa aald ha haa

ed buitnea»-ba etlU . . find hla three ehOdrta.

oat ef the rotuh*


vUl iponwr a play at the WUmq thMter. Friday and Saturday.


The Perfect Man’s Gift SHIRTS and TIES

lik e snow aad Obrittmas, bread and butter. Romeo and Jallet—ehlrU and t iu go together to make a wonderful COnlstmaa gift tor the men on. your lli t Beo our flnect quiilty shirts In all styles, our superbly* designed ties In prints, eoUds stripes to please the meet dlserlmlnatlng tastes.' Practical Christmas gifts erery gentleman wsnte. Here they are along with a few o ^ r auggestlons to. make him happy at Ohrlitmas.

Fine Quality

TIESNew - oolors, fabrics, patterns.

$ 1 .0 0 t o ? 2 .9 5

nitfaUoQ aad' duUa»:ito' be per- tMSM by the oonmlttM,-B^ £ b .

. ehaliman. «B<-^ ■

---------- - ------------

tag. aad stage Unsafer the purpoae o r meWng a eeapaMNa irtth tax aad.lkedia rataa betveaa the>auta o f Xdaho and mmoadnsg atate*.

mittea with reonmmendatleni win U fobmltted to tha:fov*roor aad ^ /aen a to^ a ad b ou eeV raprw«n- tatlvea at the next la folar aassloa.

Memben o f the.-ecnmlttee are K orm aa_V . Btedtfeld, Pboatello: D. B . Bradshaw, WeadeU: W . B. JW . Seises^ sen. Leoaaid F lo «i. Oroflaok and Jordan.

Jm taa aald a seeoed BWettng wtn h M by the committee la Boise.

,Jaa. 9 .

U n m N B O M BSP im voO A lA De& 11—Mr.

» * . Percy Worthlngtoa have toimed h m e tn m Montana where Mey w m called by. the lU am and death o f Hanrey Royal*aoe,.a form - CT resident of.tha Minidoka pcpject.

_______________ ]_______________o e t^ t t ln c t h « n s ^ t a ,a a p p o r t it; thay want to J o o w - n o n '^ t . t h a four-point ^ tfr la fla tion >pregian agteed on yeatarday by (he piuti;;*

Bsaator B a J 4 % .;']tH speaking oa bebalT.eC terms,'told a BtWi.ooBl . . ... group wm expreaa. this opinloa' W th* Senate BepubUcaa polloy.'eom* mlttee beaded by Senator ‘f t fL a

Baldwin met with' reporter* after: a four-hour aeealan eaQed;to dliotM t t e OOP p n g ra o annoaneed eaiuar

; Ail Ty im of.ROOFING



201 Foorth ATMue Wert PHONE2667

Prices Pa i dD E A D a n d U S E L E S S


I D A H O H IDE & T A L L O W C O .

W e H a v e B u y m f o r S " ' ' . B R I N G T O T J K I C , T O U S F O R T O R i B

' ;ooinrACT| in :r6ft vrnvteSRO']

Mt0CKQK^ C O M H lt t S IO f l

Oy«ea»Mea.. , IW.J. BefitabMk ' V. w.

W « have a itore fun o f merdiandlM which w« want to move.. . now! Therefore, prices have been slashed, a sreat many items will Bcll for below cost.


Ton will find many famons branda In tb lf ’ •elect group of merchandise. Thera are.

• many items which would be suitable for Chrisimaft gifts.

Stock iip! now. Cone .{Mrlf n U diide <1|W bargains.. .and banana t h ^ aM rU’f>ov:'.>-: ehaaea ,to'btiy n«ded lUm* ai g r ia t ly ^ " duc«4pri»l ■■■

A bMBtr la b e M tmI aad wbU« «saB«L Itut (b* ilgU »1m T«ledp«l« lo* a to e TMIIol 09*. Fnm whMl a f» 13 inOim. x*at t IscHm. ItuUw OtM end p*dali: od-


16” Size, was $19.95...........-....Now $15.0020” Size, was $12.95.............. Now $ 9.89

The FamousSIMONE!

WAX and CLEANER Was 60e CanNOW 39c

Sleeping Bags


^ NOW 14.40 J


r^ K ow .soc

M i teekaad IM oeleeeinaa*b

79c Steering Wheel EaoVi) 10c Ra^ator Cajfi,


Were I5.Q0 and t7.<5NOW S3 and S5

A S tream liner with p

Vacuum Defroster Fans, were $4.69 Now |3

Hand Cleaner, was 75c..........50cGeneral Use Oil, was 10c can....5c Penetrating Oil, was 10c can....ScVacaumite Car Vacuum,

was $349.........................$1.00Furniture Polish, was 75c___ 50cElectric Toasters,

were $3.95............. ..........$3.00Mac’s-It Kits, were $1.85.... $1.23Hand Axe with Sheath,

wag $2.50................ ..$2.00Fender Guides, were $3.50....$2.00

All-Waani.r Radiotor Stop Uak

S- NOW. 40cStops amalt leaks instant.Ir. Can be osed with antU

.ireese. HarmlHs to licsa and motor.


For Your AutomobileWaa Now

Gas C aps.................. ..................... ...$ M 9 .2 0

Larco«Matle* Wrenches .......... . 4 .65 1.76T,!t#r T,H*a ........... 2 .25 1 .26 .

Atito Compass ............... ................ ........... 4.46 2.60

,Gftn Guards ........ .. 1.98 1.25

Sealed Beam K iU ...... - ................... 6.76 4.00T a b f R ep a ir K lls ........................... ------- -- .1 6 ^ 5

Steering Wheel Covers J9 UOSide C a rrie rs f o r Skin ......................-------- 4.60 ' 3.16RMm MirrnrK. pHm«n|frr ™ ..._ Z19 1.68Batterv Service KHm ------ - 16.00 10.00Ldcldn? Gas Tank Caps — U - 1.79 1.26

. S ,


■ S .

**’19 a ' '

Tool Kits, wcri 12.89 to $4.50 .Jacks, Hydro m i Mtth. ,w m » 6M to »11__ I5J3 and $7.95Side Mirrors, truck, ware $1.89 to |249.„...........»i.42 fo *1.72

RolUr SkotMA pa>r o t skates t» mafa anjr yoonfster proed and happy. R ich speed wbeela, r a b b e r en sh U n ed foi «BMOth akatlnr. A djost abla la a « t b - iH - to H ", .atroBff etoel fraaMa.

NOW 82.25

Hand Hatchets, were 92.89 ----------------------------91.91' fiort

Badminton Sets, w«rt 96.79 f a nnFishing Jackets, war* 912.9S .............ffnnTbw rablM. war* t2.9R _________ ............ a^finSat Covers, were 914.45 to 918.96........................ NOW 910.00Car Cushions, were 91.61 to 92.62 ._K O W 91.00 and 9 1.76W ple Unit Flare Sets, were $7.00 NOW 95.21Flnnr Mnfitr wrtr« Sd.fiS

Tota Lijrhts, were 916.00 ......... ....... ---------NOW 99.00

HwarsMei_______________ ___tab « H eLphr.-IIas'li .':.{- n i poUsff elCBiL nahW.'hiv:.;.*.? ' .ni -wUW oad'.UM;;Mii«> ,aHMl8.tia«fka|'l

Sp.Fan .^B0% Off

Coleman Laniers, were 17.95 to $ 9 .4 5 _ J fO W 16.48 to 97.42

Radiator Flush, Radiator Cleaner, Rtist Inhibitor, Toys and many othar lienta an at cost or lessl

• ' ■, - 1 j,, WEEB iBDKPBJyS

Luie .WhMP»Unw;:3!wJ t;r

NOW $60 ''GMX^WN-AOWoli

NOW 8125' lAmJSiitliiiaCT ■' PanFg— a..

M A d E L A U T O M O i l i l1 2 9 T t o l t ) A V E N U E N . “YODK GOODYEAR DEALER”

Page 21: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^
Page 22: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

membere c( t b t ^ lerea b« tbenmgbl7 aD . * » « b iDdztteu* pxoMdure ice Uuir putlcu- U r wlUx tmptxuli on UuImperUBM of r»4io w d tlr <Uiet>


im t . o f Othtt b e ------------------------fulUbU a iu m »t« (o Othu bsMc; eoniiiterfttiefi b « Urea to nqulzlnc ft 0Be-m«B llte rmlt for e*eh puiea« cor tn d CTBW a«nber <n n> tended im r«ir»ttt ni«toti; tU abv e n ft b « iqtupptd wlUi raiubla f lm i fo r orer-m tcr x^ht fUgtaU.

Ttio a ir (w ee Mid n o cheek v u BUd« o f luoU aa cowusptlon b7 tbe pUot of tt>* A tebom pUne eo l u fUcht to Swmjilein (n a Guaa. vbere a atw «n«!ae w u InitaUcd.

wers there, u r fuel cotuump* kept.oa t^e ni|ht logs

V lS lfE O U O X ^ XntCLO. D ee. l l ^ u n . o : V.

Voebers h u retuni«d homa ftoa MUwurl v&ere the vlilte<l her

• motJier.


KLSYimi it T K t FILTON. PUl«Ulf, -


__________‘. f f l i r ' r t ' s SwllhlB lOTvnlr 00 > ’ <4n ot Um Mfirki ’

"thb nanoM i u>4'n« ftr* firthcr so_

th .pU lr-'" ------ ------- -------■Mint roo k ----

TOU AREpUiaUft trill UU

hr 9l«intun Mmpuist. ;1<lBUt( i«kiU>« •teolau 4b*ola^ o f U>« bon^ «T

' C. A. fiULrSI. CWrfc M th« Ohlriel C«rU

^.^iJDOK « . 8M1TS.AU0ra<r for rialotirt lUiMInc M T«ln .“ ■ -»« . II. l i . SH H T;Ji«. I.

M as^ . Danabcr <I,.lKr, tl TilO e'tlack.

wbM loeh ireuato lUSI U kMrd *a4

BnntT'* Btmd FaJnray e«MlrltiS8. til TO THE STOCKHOLCtM Of THB SAL­MON RIVER CAWAL COUrA>IY. LTD. NetiM to bmb]’ ll<«n tktt U>a anaoal

a««tlMr eC Ika itaekliaMm ef lb« Balmu Klofr Cana) C«a«aar. LtnlM. will b« h«M at U>a orric* at Uw coaMny at lleltl*. tor. In T«la ralb Oa«Btr. »uu e{ I8al>». on Um ltt)i ^ay af Jinaair. i>U. at 1>M o'alaek T. « , ter Ut p v tm or alaaUn*!arna-;vnKFsi:.’!is

O. A. BULLEJ.AU IbaSliUlat C«ai .1. It. U U. It. Iti

A t t e n t io npARMERS

your plow shares <duurpened now. Ai^ re«

' pair to your equIpmMt' can b« done promptlj; at this time and we hav« i h » m e n and ^ulpment > avaiUble.

WELDINGI f yonr oquipment h u '

' broken parta tlut re- fliaw w eW lnjr don’ t

until lb « lu«y - ^ « » « o i -a x ) r j : NOW. a.;.^ rtte u«'

Page 23: · N fiS&2t SBBi H tSQSS ETk '-,": ',15 i /s I:'TwiK P A ii^ 'iD M b ;;ii^

^ Mdlen dt )b*.cr. a coiKnM.a[S im U iic: v n o d M «eeoan3r to

. X t b v . 'O o S i l^ ttu 'o M o f intalm , I 'M - .S a t*ttlB( t i » llm b iU -p U a , V«t»t*drirtU be g m U y 'lD c a M e f

ttb U '.A d a x w e liif ttia. prefnm 'f >' tnrrfuM ■ , • .■

■/i,-' W. C.. U j#, ItannMi TccwUy dqtUatd ' f b r t t w irreaeb lofnmmeiit on tbe

m a t , tbsn. b« oontlnued :- 'lW #L tD 'U MODCnSO OttCDllT* to

' 7te « fn ,.in f la e a o « U an knporUnt s,.'<i0cn n m ia a \ t6 ''tlils eunptlgo. n w

- bbM tb t( B tu d ia o c o tn f ' § i 5 dam len:)U j«q>osed the man

. oftB be depended'' >tI9 « from tbe eeo>::?;5mti.,bUo<UilimenU o f the jotoU-

WA8BXNaTON.'Oeo. 11 M9—H*t b T a m ^ ot w ad.« « ! « « • •ubmlttetS iiu u u iiu

S 3 K W ..s r » :s ? ^ ^“SJSSJS?rM S«irt

U oalr • te M lou-ii net e a tor. prendsf coua*

, -r j.w m w H u m . H i* ROM Itllks 0«U ^V;v: ;-:ih(iw»^otoiJly.U»t,tJie •llaeUon In

X t o l r f i u i ^ T et-m ob ed lU p etk . jrtoa»-W »d- lUlton eJtuiOcni

Nelson Will Heiad________ .'•tnu Dec. U (ff).U.Kelaoa. former chief of - inetlm board and until

t o f t t » socletr o f ftdnendrnt K o ' '

S_________________r!’ -'- X--: proeew lo r pxvearratkm. o f food, ft i- - r • -{NelMD Mid. n n r pro«rei» is ^v :' V' s £ i f ' t » mObiUaDlM\tbe.Ieod ln>

w ffl'do fo r,food wU t • - t tm b u f now doee-w ily It wlU do

' vUU H oaiga n n y. N e lm n U be' would. beooBW chalnnan .o f . ttw boant af -B eetilca ! Obemlcal Re>

Vtm Tock. .aanun-

■KE ‘TOS5eTO_WAirp 'Aoe.

man. sUtod t o ^ :XOabo ttedmutt antavoribly ■»-

oated in tba meant jttBergoier. BlDcbart aaid, baeim.* •- ' - com. and’ two 'aad ’ttt. sUen are gotaic dlrtet to — teea foreet xingM and.'bB tura. ,Hamr ZdahoMOOd cattle bar* Derer been fed graln.

I n .additioo to a ' sood^nipp^y of har. Zdabo haa a a . j b w ' -ply of. br-prodoei' feada'_____ueed to advantaia la fattenlnt cat­tle. Btnebart la ld baet*tope, paa- tored or « o n d aa tfla«e, wet cr dry pQlp, and m olaint nay .be s ted to

room, wbfla t b a « . tba

A ma^'O BteBM riaaau^,—_____ordered a betOe Gf .ahan7.,3S#^aiV! dit vra0oed .'.tba :ibeny ;i.M k-bar

ly, fa v a .b ir

Manufaeiunng wmpany In New. York Voted Not. 17 for tte jukUooal AuodaUon of.M ublnU U u tbelr barsalnloK. repreecnt^ve.

Thft nwctUnlsta' union, an tnde« pesdeat. wa« tbe fUit major tabor oisanintlon to meet Taft*BaitIey Uw requirement* and QoaUfy to m e

CTO^TOoleaale and Ware-houie Worken prerUnuly b a d ------

“**a montb ago. refused to pennlt that union to appear on the ballot

Tbe Coh " oompeny manufacturea metal pi^ueta.

OACGBTEB B O ^PAtru Beo. l l - « l r . end Mrs.

Ployd MerrlU are the parenu o f a daughter born la I t u ^ Not. 38. UenUl Is a atodent at the Utah state Agricultural college In Logm. VUb.

'n e d l flhdlngs sh w that turtlea bare existed on eartb for one bun* dred inllUoo years.

rednea grain and bay.reqolreaeni ouQ peas, b e s n i ''w ' potatoes < o also be used . aa paii ,.cC tba a

RUPBBT, Dee. ll«-Oaxl 1Buating« n.- high Hbool prtutpa}, -iaft ior

.pokana, Wailh.,' WadnaedaT'tQ at* tm d tb e meettag of the Northwest-


BO'SH O M E O P T H A r iT i 't B .



'Tumble,Tuirib!e,Turribler'.K K t

h Q t u a e f t . ^ t a n . I . t w X r 'n n R r i M h t t . U fa . U . )< > t~

j M ih i r t lU M ' ■M ll.> ii) « . . i > n . l . irn «m t.lii liit h n r O gr T s n I iu U I a n . ' i

. ' t U r i n b to d ik . n ; t o 'j n r >diit ti> H u e -H d t o b l ' b . PW<1 fnr .m n ilit .t . ^ l i n S .M i l . i i lir ■

. f d i ^ ; t a . l h a . t . i n a t n n l No fa n u W ->. BMuUll. • T m a r .» ta ip a l.,ih d s .lfk .'

lU h t faawbl ( i l o W b o r i r m d l i r i U d i ^ ' .mttb&r.taiiva 'llutffaii t a a U n U 4 l v t n m > : .

‘ T n ilM ta ilb h < > i r iU ..* B a

. Read. 1%netf-NewB (Sassttied Adsl'.

Upset Stomachs 'JHeld Inches of

Gas and Bloat* 1 -was ao full Of gas Z was afraid

r d , b e n t Sour, hitter subetanea rose tip tn a y throat from my upaet stomaoh after meals. I got Brothw Tem'k Uedloine, and It worked Inohea of.gaa-and bloat from m«. WalctUne la way dowr now. Meals ai« a pteasore. X praise BROTHER TOW S JODIOZNB to the sky."— This la an actual testtmonUl from • man llTlng right here ■Tldnlty. .

B R O ISB R TOM-B MSDlOINS.lS ' mula containing medl-

from S Oreat Eerba; cleanse bowels, clear

inta from stomach, act on eluggtsh M a dluretle on kld>

ni9«.'MlMrabU people soon fetl d lf . ferent all crer. Bo don*t go oa sttffeitng-set BROTBBt TOtTS im n o iN K . S o l d by ItoUttger Pharma(T here tn Twin FUls.>-Adv.

FOR THE yEARS TO COME . . • E v e ry m etrtb e r^ th e fa n U iy vpftt en|oy the B ea u ty of MODERN Perm a^Stone.


Christmas Ttm

L lg h ta , Halos, W reaths

Closing O ot--3 OaljBABT WALKERS

StroUers—Reg. f l i s s Now Only-. $ 8 . 9 5


STOOLSRed Enamel Finish

GIVE DAD a 'STEP LADDERAll Sizes for Him J^re


Adaptable to aQ staadard alnka. Quick easy way to remora.far> bage.


; • i VBeihtt lire la * e > iv • C faw aloodaordm eyott

: . G eocalSecidcU eaw Fr

f. Iowa or IBGoSr. yba cao eoWf

<boo«ew buyoa«_____________food

____________ pies end odtet dtU>. BOOCIM in adnace. Meu, fo s m vbtn fm h. n -

betb aod flm rful fw mtsjr nuatfa*. Ib e dilecnbU (m b.

$ ^ . 1 0V' r V - . toegioefaev!4 ddldowtUMr<>*nIcs {aJeaot^■

aay/iioe.o^ " '

'"''ir '.v.TO :c»ooir!i«oM ■

0 y o u lodnr pltut is a B food is so eaij to



!Twe*aeme. tb

B U Y O N T E R M S : S E B .U S F O E

F B A O n C A L G IF T S

___ _ ___ llv s pnetl*cal, oMfol gifts to CTsry one possible. *nii8 selee* tion o f time^ home and family gifts offer. something that every member o f the family erery age can use . . . and would appreciate drop in look them orer.

s s a s i's s a . r a d i o s• -EMERSON” * OTEWART-WARNER”

well known brands o f quality radios In both eonsole and table modeU . . . many with P 2 1 .. . .'Phonognph combinations and 3 to 4 wave bands. A ll o f ptoren quality la tone and perform-, aace. •If you are wantlag a chrlstm u present that an the family or friends will enjoy, come la see this offering. W ete reducing the prlote o f maay o f th M t6t CArlitmaa. selUac.- Note a sample o f tht aavtoga. -

................ il28.50 Now I9W 0'$142 Now ::$129.00 1274 Now^$227J0 tl49.60

Now_____I129.9S;an dW eH avo. Table Models m stock fto m


D e s i g n t o S a t is fy .' D is t ln e tiT e -H od em T u te s * '

F o r n ew eonB tn iction o r f o r rem odelin g , m od en U z in g you r- p resen t f irep la ce . P E R * M A -S T O N E P R O V ID E S -^ t lie ,to a c h o f bea u ty n eed ed t o c rea te th a t a tm osp h ere o f d is tin c tiv e in dividuaU ty In the h o m e . ' M A N Y D E S IG N S T O C H O O SE F R O M - o f f e r I n g c o lo r , tex tu re and p e n n a n a n ce o f s t o n e . . . c a n b e inataUed over o ld o r n ew fra m e , con ­c re te o r brick.



y GLEANERSBrush type, upright vacuum that la an ldeal preeent for any heme

$59.95a-HEAT EtECmUC


lostaat fingertip controls. Better« ” • " » » $ 6 . 5 0

* ® U F F E T Q U E E N ^


For an eoffea lore* here Is an Ideal chrtftmM gift A beauty in any . . .

American FlyerELECTRIC

TRAINSaiT« one t o .b ^ and watch dad

with tt. toa, H um wen k IValns ari priced at only

*48.95 .^5».40TOT MOP SETS.

nsekeeper'eeta . mop, fweeper

- $ « . a s

See Tliess for Hiat Real


J^For a practical Christm as...'' y i r — Q i u e ' i o w B i i w u ^



WASHERSMothers, wItcs, every member o£ tbe family benenu with a new electric washer. These are well known for dependability and aerrlee.

: ^ f i n ; t e a n d e l g i n


Maka your own home % presc of one of these Softeners and aQ irin ' benefit for years. Slaes in stock for Immedlata Instanatloa

e l e c t r i c POPCORN

POPPERFyrcr.bow l corer allows ful view ot com as It popa. Chrcml<-

$ 1 4 ^ 5 0



IROMERSFortunately, we hate a few of these famous Washen aad Iron* ers In stock, for immediate- de< Urery—iust right for Obrlstmas. Select, now for ‘ mom” o r the wife. . ■


Deluxe modeU in aU gleaming white porcelain - enamsL Auto- maUe eoatroU and erery modem gsdget . . Come in and ae« ns

‘ about one o f these for *^er"


H E A l ^ S


SINKSNew an white ccmblnatloo cabU' net and sink. Make that liome* aiakera heart thrill with a prts> ent of one o f these.


lA n a variety of modem, safe designs. Ueal.for tbe bath, bed­room. study Dook or otfloe. Uske


CMeC ScooteisU N IO N R O U E R

SKATESSturdy wen made, baU bearing skates. Adlustable. ^ ^ ^ 2 0


AH metal' tracka'Xor the amaS*


WAGONHeavy duty wagons, an steel frame and bed. heavy steel dllo wheels with largo balloon tires. Metal bearings,.


$19.50Chicken F ryers.. JoiM King . -.$6.95Food & Beverage Jog $4.50Kent Ttay Sets------------$9.76Fioorescent Desk Lampi Light Fixtures, aO Typ«i


' thoea that prefer a ams . G o m i^ dasher bMttTt aa

f f 4 ^ - $ 6 4 . 9 5

k t e b h o t RAMOETTE

O oob • nm m o L U a a l o r Ilia

M S 2 _ * 9 .9 5

on. ]We have a stock ot^ M I known 0 0 Spaoa heaters tn any type o r slae you need. Also W nX U M S OIL-O-MATIO m tN A O IS.aad

. COmrSBSlON BCBICBBB . . . convert your old planl ta « fl ; . v aoonnmlcsl. clean, mod- e ra ' V

, STOKERSntbkera !n a stse and ty ^ fcir e i ^ "

aeed. Also .Fsmaoea and Oosl oireolatlon

m t m t m m r t n .' 'JBUXDCQ'SQllUMKItT SIS 0 1

p l u m b in g s and BUY ijBEFUt'^; ■G n x s r o B

; • T H E ^ H O H E . .